V ' o neg {oi youxaelvee. Sign of the Wgtch and SpecIacler,oppoilell1[a Sfgtion. RENTi ----, BUGGlES_._` A GENUINE SALE OF r\-r.nuu . A n.---A.-. Tm sum` Ul'l[lBl' pll'HUlllBl'S Gllq nosnnr. cox, or J USEPH MANUFACTURERS L I` `H yurj OF ALL l'KBl- '1'l'!11I easy. A! MI . 0. CLARKSON, Ulnh T-Tnna - -v - -~ V, -T _; -w.n.Lx.1LJ .11 l'Aa.I.'\g4 LIL` 4111-4LL1_g' .*\!`:`l:}.-In`, H-=.| Hr;v :-.;:-11; ~_|v.`;.~-..-'.. '1 1: -i _ ,1, v ., , Jury I"-Stu; Ux':;.:.}1 "i(1ot:;n item: `g Rmcmm mmP" ~' `=` Wm-`~`"ddJ by the Iniernatxoua nu n. _ I_; . VAN TASS:EL,& MORGAN, ` AISIFKIFPB 1:-An Ill|'XY.\ an (VInlr\r.vu .g..a..4.|.l V NATIONS! (`nil n-...~,..1.. ..t .n 1.2.. :- ,. uiununn, Exchange Oice. , McOonkey?s Brick Block. 'WAGG9.?!. Is positively SELLING wk of 3()01'S and snnmg . QCIIIICII o._mvms, UUA, or JOSEPH ROGERS, Barrie Ei. IBEX;-En, . Bu: Club Ho'use. Barrie Kiistelsus iii} 1', , Oril no. xxu UU1'4.llU:lJ1J 1' uzuu 1'U.li.l3..* TABLES, CHAIRS, HEDSTEADS, OUPBOARDS, BUREAUS, LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, . SOFAS, I.00KlNG GLASSES MATRASSES, PILLOWS, BOLS1`ERS,&c., &c., ' Made on the premises ofthe best materials by expbrienced workman. Special attention paid to ' ordered work. Cane Chair! `Be-Sented. " ' I'll! . .' H100 V V _ _ _ W _ _ __ 4-- ..,..,.. , 5 uuun ll 13." V I fnfned over the question in my Mu`. mind gun! the pile of `letters on the V desk until I came to one A which, most. "p`ro_!;ably. contained the evidence: of non. guilt. It was -regis.'red?. Oanioualy ` ones, in I opqnedjt. . V ` ; u muh'disappointed.A It wasn : c"f:? from ._Ioh,n;' but. non: `u)';g:tt.',`ez en- V 2 closing. 0.-payment `of. thirty dollau on }`:"4P[_b; hin=lot.v: Alas. hurd.:in~hiu}lot! ' 2 ` !_o1t_lo under lial nish: h9z3 .l9t;;}h}*pii,,%:Ai In ll? Bame. I A" HQND. me. 9 If A Cricket Bane, the best, jmit te hand. J`, EDWARDS 55 Son, Stationers, Bagfrie. 4 | i A S1cx 4Dnvu..-There is 9. saying to the e`ect that when the deil toek sick : the deil 2'1 saint would be, but when the ' deil got well the deil a saint was he. Its : so with the Grits. They bought right _ and left.d11ring the recent elections, and they didn't ride into_ oioe, ;`,they.. turn saints,` preach against corrption, ' and `steal letters. . We don't` believe in ' this sort of work, but we do believe in purchasing our Hume and Baeon, Gro- | caries, Pmviaions and Liquors, at King a : West End Tea store, he sells good and cheap. - ` ' 1'- G__._.._-_ _ AN , , A In! A J- ausluulul-I3 IIEIDHUUQ " Now, thought I, Scott used to be a Tory. He is only about half con- -_verted to Reform principles anyway, Sir. John isnlwayl trying to bribe Irmaborly. I suppose he should be ounningly endeavoring to `buy Scbtt over, Nothing mo;-e 1;g9ly,_ ' u'n.;. s..:.... .. :- :. ..-.'_- - 7-: - ~ `V ---------a --vev ere?-xv . This being so, is it not my duty as a memter of the great Reform Party to defeat this njefarions plot for? the overthrowgi the best Government the world hnyet seen? I think it is. `I o...". {.-.I ...._.. -L- --- . yucnl uu suu~uIuu.'. ' ' V The sight aroused reection. I he just beeereading the Montreal Herald's ingenious defence. `M3,... 9) H...-.....L;. 1' 1: en .. - nun-u-III IIIIUII IIWIJ TEIIIUI. IIUUIDU OTTOMAN, SLIPPER, AND CRDTCEET PATTERNS; BRAIDS. FILLOSELS, LACES AND ' TRIMMINGS, FLOWER L-rm-\V]-IS, PETALS AND WIRE, GLASS AND CHINA VASES, WORK BOXES AND DE8?{S,`BEA US AND NECKLACES, ' A I URwES AND TOYS, _ BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, &c..&c. V fall and `examine the varied Stock at tlze Q-silgj-I 1-: -41 muuuucu uUUl8lUl_lo But though I didn't c mmit myself to a false position in thematler, I was unfortunately led by lhe Globe`: silence into an action similar to that ofthe Grit leaders of Montreal-a.nd equally justifiable. It-Tarn : Run. :5 L-_..--- - 1' 7 nu ecu nuw uuugi WGIO glllg OD. ' 4 Scott wasn t in, so 'I~sat down and waited. In the meantime a boy brought in}: batch of letten and laid t_hem,on thelnble. VFI..- .....LA --....-_J - 1" " ` ` ` Juuuunulo - [Here's how it hgppenad; I went to Scott's oico the other day. I wanted to see how lhmga were going wasn t in. an -1,. A........ .....a M letter of 9. political opponent, and even _ the saintly Witness wi'1 declare the theft """'l' ' . . Is STEALING AA` Cantu-`l--'.l_.'hat _de-~. pends on how much is stolen,` and -who; ' is the thief. _If a. red herring isstolen.` by a. poor man, or a small money letter-,_ purloined, then away with the villain to} the penitentiary ; but let a m_er'cha.pt? prince in Montreal make it comerg; (steal) in grain, or publish the stolenf in be no crime. But all this has nothing to do, with the fact that Mr. C. A, Perkins sells, at low rates, and delivers free of clmrge, the best of Family Flour, Groceries aml Provisions; 71` _ ,,__, rt 11 n A nuu an-cya xu u umerenl 01730.30: Mowat `himself couldn t well have given a more highly judicial or nicely balunced decision. `R... oL...._L I'v-- -- cu uuovu LIIU UUlllJU.[y LICXI Guy- I was strictly non-committal in all my C0|lVI"a3.ti0llS on the subject; `I told` people that It was a great morn! question involving {many obtuse con- sidernticns--and depmding greatiy upon attendant circumstances and to be calmly viewed with a `full appreci- ation of the metaphysical suhlleties in- volved in either `hypothesis--beating in mind the innittssimal and in no respect analytical divergence necessary to I: correct differentiation of motives which might seem a'- first sight; ' I didn t rrennmllv hnvn tn hlivlin I... wunuu uugul. 566111 H.` ursl. Slglllic " didn t generally have to pursue the argument further. The inqtiirer usu- aliy turned either the conversation or his steps in a different direction." Nlnnrnf 'h;m...H' ......n.y-9. -_.n - vu FBI IV: How on earth were we to know . whether it was the correct thing to do or hot when the Globe` was silent on tho subject? b It placed us in a very awkward x People would come up add ask us F` how about the Montreal postoioe robbery 1" ' We didn t know what to say. We dareu t give any opinion, not kuowi ug_but what the Globe might say directly the contrary next day. I was ntrintlv nnn_nnmm:nnl en n`l no-cvcn ulv ululny uluuuu U1 UUUUM Had it not been for the misdeeds of McKe1lnr, Scott, Horrocks, Wood, Mc- _Mulleu, Young, 850., 850., what on earth would the press have done ! Let_ this thought silence the murmurings of u_nbe|ief in every heart, and induce acquiescence in the great truth that whatever is. is right. The nnuf n-`nu: rnlnl-m-u no l\}I.....o.....1 IE (I EGO II-I Um`! There is e. dierenee of opinion pre- vailing -among the Party as to the morality involved in stealingletters and publishing their contents. I was myself dubious on the subject for a long time. ` - n Innrh .......I.. -1! -1 .I__ n,_.__ :_ cavsma. PALJAEE"5z?ToERs):| --..~.-_v~ v-.- - _' .-..-y....' -Hes me Comnssxox .FAu.ED?---Oux_' opinion is that the Commission has most decidedly failed to convict Sir John `A. Macdonald and the Ministry of the das- graceful charges brought against them. The oath has also so frightened the letter stealing party that they dare not appear before it to substantiate the slanders which they have scattered broad- cast through the land. But,Mr. Hunter,` of the Canton T. Store, has ifttllled, to `the letter his pi'omise to supply the pub- lic with the best of Teas, Groceries, Pro- visions, and Liquors`, at n. rcnmrkuhly low rate. Hence the continuous rush thither. "2{'3ce in 9, while, when things get awful dull and unfortunate editors are at their wits and, some Grit goes and perpetrntes a big steal or a swindle or some other outrage which furnishes food for discussion for weeks, and causes the relieved ]Ol.ll`l19.liSl to invoke all imaginable blessings on his heir]. V I-Inm unnnlv and `tn.-in In nunru-n'nov uaunuunuaa U1 urn puuuoxuns. If such disbelief tn the eternal tness of things had ever permeated my in tellect, the experience of the` last year or two would have suiced cu -GP? r..~.cr me murky `clouds of doubt. "ad I. nnf I\uhn `rut Olen -u-u...I.....L. ml IUI-J6 UI|ul So wer_'e near Ontaxio. `IY_.__ vly all of the. Party in Tm:-Use or Gm? Pou'r1cums-Txm MONTREAL Posr OFFICE. Ronnamr-- Au Oman QUESTION--THE_ Erxmcws or THE G1.oma s SILENCE--BRIGGS 'IMl1fATES YOUNG-_THE SALE or run` Mmnco FARM--JIMURL ASA LAND]-ED Pnopnwron . Edna; Ooboconlc lrmdiatbr; .Pol1t'rcs are rather quietjust at pres- ent. ' There is nothing newexoept the Pacic Scandal ! - 11.`; _.;__._n. t__ A`... _,,,-,_,,, ,,- , I If it wasn't for the crimes ever and anon perpetrated by leading Gritsl don t actually know how the papers would live. ~ T 'I'.'|_-_...__ ::.___ ,',, , 1 1 Q .1 - IJDUII uluuv Ill V II]: I have heard thoughtless people das- pute the proposition in reference to musquitoes and other obnoxious in- sects. < ` ' f\-_-2I_I_. __,. , ,1 -n u DUULEO ' Possibly some shallow mid unreason- inigi mortals may at times have held similar doubts with relation to the usefulness of Grit politicians. Tf lllh dillhiin` in Iha fnrnn` fnann Bqrri, March, `9 13 73. ' wunuovul 15. la nglu. - .The post oioe robbery at Montreal is a case in point. ' Thf ii 9 inrnnnn l nr\:n:nr\ -syn an IIIJIISIURUIU lulfllllls UH lll l|Ul`l. How wxsly and well Is everything Varranged in this world! Nothing has been made in vain. `I 1.....- L-___I .1, ,,.._Ln 1, 1 _ JIMUEL BRIGGS, TD.B. noun :0 your room now that want I cheering `and home-like sppeqranomsfor out spring utpckkof Wall Paper, comprising lhevmol butifnl W3 III!` I , ind. . 11-tr" 7' #5. _J3o'nnastsqx. Bnnnrur.-Er-1-s a OocoA.---Grunnn. no Oongron-me - By _n thorough knowldgo of the natunl laws which govern the oper-tionl oi digestion and nutrition, andby a cs_refulnpp1i- cationof tho ne pxop_arties,qf well Iolecud cocoa, Hr. Eppl has provided our breakfast tables with 5 delicsmy -avoured beverage, w eh may save as nuny heavy docum billy." tuill nufcd Gazette. .119-do simply with an `amount ofthe `praeeu adopted by ` can -Jamel "Dppu 6: `C6,, punufaotnnri of vdijetetfc` hrtiolea. -at than-` worh lnvthe Boston Bud, Ioondon.--.'au'll"c Hquteltold Quick. 34 .._ . V/.`A ,: , cm but tlilxtfwoulclv have been certain: detection. ' '1 L....ILo I....... -....|-:.._.n -.|'_- ;-\._|_` |.luUI.I_ DUI vunr IAVIDIQI-_IIvJI.Io , _ ` _ . 7'1, imglit have `explained; the whole cage; to Scott, but notbeing an original lietormer he`m1ght`have regatded the anir from a Tory standpoint, and mis- construed the purity of my motives. j I heard footsteps approaching, so I slipped theletter and money into my rinnIfAL . j _ Pov.:n"nr Is BAD. hui the worst kind ofpoverly VII averly of lhbluod; this makesa mnn pour in sea, for 1'! taken awav Ins strength, courage and energy, but enrich the blood Wllh its vi|a|e'e-' ment,*lron, bv taking the Peruvian Syrup [u proxide of Iron] andw-on will _ feel rich and as good as anybody. Try it. IRON A PIPE coU1>LINGs, ELBOVVS, ; - 1t:..was.wropg. `I know 1: now amen th?(_"Glabe` has declared tht the steal- fag otthe Macdonald-Pope latter was not juqtiod by its contents. ' - mm` it i. . ..o:.(.....:.... .. ...... o.. THE CAT?--S0u1e` few years ago gar-rotting was -the favorite mode of rob- bing umong English thieves, but the G0- vemmont,by the liberal use of the cat " on the barvbacks of the offenders, and making them howl with pain, in` addi- tion to the punishment they received for the robbery,has pretty nearly put an and to this `species of violence. Wouldn t it be well if Canada followed suit ?-_ On, this" matter, however, there are two opinions ; but there is but one opinion of the Groceries, Provisions and V Liquors ' kept by Powell Sc Co}, and that is, they are No. 1 in quaIity,_a.nd ve1'y_cheap in price. _ ` . not Juguguul uy ruguuntanvl. ` f Still` it in :1 satisfaction to me to! know that this. is not-the opinion of ` hundreds of men for whose judgment ` we have the greatest respect. 1 .311 in` the rs! time lever knew Jhe Globe to have . any respect for the opinion: of those who diered from it. L In it bemming [respectable in its old < mail `I -5 ' . . g'l`ha question is which creed is hendaforward to obtain`! Ia honesty to he the best policy Txn Onmrio and stealing permissnble by '. ne'mo2':~.i male of :Monl.real'! 13-..- _ ,_, , .- ,,n - ,,L 1 Azwrmm M.URDEl{`!---It is all but im- possibleto take up :1 newspaper without reading of the commission of some deed of blood. This is 11. . deplorable state of things. ' 1 e1-Imps a more liberal use of hempen `cord might tend to lessen the evil. Be this as it may, we know that one of the rm of the Martin Bros. are off to purchase a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Goods, and that Kvhen he comes _ back high prices will be slain outright. So don t be in a hlmry to buy, but wait. till the Bigshowjs opened at the Mam- moth House. V ' V vs `duvullllll 1 _ Here is a new sectional issue. ` Tlm enity of the party is endangered. 11 the new ethics of Young and Hoiton nfe to be generally adopted the time- honored proverbs and songs we learned in ?our childhood will need revision and; explanation. ` hr, `I7uHu_kn'n.nnn\n nvrra n {nuns-.31.. ARE ALL MEN i.a.\i:: " ru,.;.- minister C.)f1'/il(:V0iiC"1 time i.\.sL,-L 1`, . text the passage. mm the Ps5v.}zns :- - ` said in my hixsto that; all nu,-n are lizn-gs. Faith, and had he lived in these du_ys," said the divine, David might lrave said it at his leisure. This was a sweeping assertion 5 but we are within the bounds of truth when we assert that friend Mc- N ab` has recently pin-"chased one the largest and best stockoof Cloth goods, Tweeds, Dry goods and Dress goods,over brought" into town. Now is the time, and McNab s is the place, to get your suits made. - ' x 1. _| `I Lucy man: I. DO IH$UBu JUBI yclo V But it is a highly advantageous sale and offers aeomplete refutation to the sianders of the Tory press as to the judgment, capacity, &c., of McKellnr. Besides, it has been benecial to me. `Being a landed proprietor; I oan obtain credit almost anywhere, which is an object. . L JIMUEL BRIGGS, D.B.,i ' Graduate Coboconk University. Toronto, Sept. 11. ' ung` vnyluublvllu Dr. Watts-his-name wrote ajuvenile poem commening-'--_ T It is a. sin` . To steal a pin, 9 ` Much more to steal a. greater thing. ..'1`o which the following, embracing the more hberal screed of Young, Hol- ton, &o.~, might be addecl- ` It ls, much better - _ To steal a. letter, _ i Let no false acruples your eotion fetter. ', Upon the whole," however, I m just as well satised that the Globe left us in moral darkness as to the crimineluy of letter stealing as long as it did. 'l`lmt. lhirtv Hnllnvtc name: in uni-11 Ala won. .s will uu yUlll' Wod- ding. ' " B), by, said he. Yes, I ll buy ; see ifI don t. . I was duly on hand, and you never new real estate make such rapid advan- ces as on that occasion. . I bid with looseness. 7'I'\I_, A. "I`EAM 'FITTWIN%G%S-; ..uu uuuuuuoux wuluu stun 8.10! at 1-u-..uo_y, and II. WDUH1 be up in slaw eighties before you could pronounce the name of the G'lobe s English cor-{ respondent. T `xnnnua-an If... .......-L----/-1' ` IUBPUIJUCIIID I became the purchaserof several lots in that neighbourhood. Ihaven z go! my deeds yet, though. Owma tn nnmn 'o.m.'.... o....1....:,...1.-.-. 5-Ih In ucuu yum, guuugn. Owmg to some mmg technicality they can't be issued just yet. ' But in is n Inio-hlu ..a............,.... --.; (SIC! _ Briggs, said he,_ we're going to aucuon of! the Mnmico farm m lots. You must be there and help us to run up the prices. - ' 06 I'm nn 'n....A v....:'.a `I :. .. .1: 1,.-....J You "will be[ duly furnished with shekels, he pontmued, on calling at my o`ioe-so that if any of the lots are knocked down to you, you can pay for them. Remember, I want the bidding to be lively. u"`l`ia nrnll 1 ....:n .1- ..-..- 1.-.: ux -uuvx atuauug as lung 1181!. um. _ That thirty dollars came in very useful. [have been enabled thereby to replenish my wardrobe.- Tfflnnvn I. nvllv -mania! .....A--- In D`-A IV nvynvumu Ill, wuluruuca . If there is any moral wronglin the transaction, the responsibihty rests with th Globe. ' They should have made the announcement before. If I am called to account for the oence, I can call at leestone witness of the innocent nature of the precedmg pro ceeding-the Montreal Witness. - I love to steal awhile e_wey . From open letter beg, And spend the hours of setting day V In counting up my swag. McKellar sold offs. portion or the Mimico farm last week. TA ..._..L .E' _...II -4 _._ __I____._ ._ U131 IUIQI He sent for 111.9 the day before the Sale.` ' (1 1|5'.!'._,,, I9 - I I u I sly I-n,0 lulUD'U. .` I I m on nand,sa1d I, m an o hand manner. - u 17... -_- -n u I 1 p o u u JJLIIILIUU IGIIAA I555 VVUIJHO It went off well--at an advance on thevoost price. Ihave ' purchased sev- eral lots. `II - ,,_,. 1,.,, ,9 .1 1 u p .1 gmmwlusrocx IVJU VJ U50 I The auctioneefwould start a lot at L\'vA1(vVc 1:. Vvuum um 2.. ..,, J U IIVI "I`is .._ 141,0 vwell. I_ will do yourvznd- v-ua uvvv Lust 1:!!! gnoerin > appearance 1- our 1 on1'px-Ilia: the ma. I now that chong ppeA`raneo,,-for ning u'cAn1uv's Bmcx s:.ocK,? ighoy grade: of Machine: equal}; .-sasonubla ii: I , Two limo Stwlng llfachlncs, Straw Cuh ' u`r;,i'.Rool Gutter; to order, at G. J Benttie B _ . . . one Hcmmenone of Hell : combined Tucker, Binder, Baxter, Friller, and edjuslabc Hummer, one extra Throat Pscee, om.-Guide and Screw, one Wr.:nch, one Screwdriver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Bnider and one copy 0! Direction. 3 . V - - T` - I 'l`a:'v.Exdu..- Doctor Jouphnvshouhonooa ' . V ~ VagoI|ble'Pi1la now super--. iorly sugar-coated cannolba excelled as 0 Family Medicine for general purposes. ' " Th6 contain: the anlnrn nrnnnrlinn nf H. N T runny muurolna ror general ' ,f: Pill contain: the acme properties of Muudrale and Dandelion, as `well to com- pound Extract of Colooyplh and Extract of Hyosoynmus. Test them for your own narir 1 faction. One box contains about 28 Pulls, and and each Pill is u anioienldoco for on adult in ordinary oases. Try them; , 1 if THmo_who want good groceries at a low igum ` ought to pay the Onion T Store I visit. Highly ornarhenled Machines, on Iron Stand, Black Walnut Table and Drawer, [P9l1shed.] Chemist: , _ S18: For several months past I have used your Compound Syrup in the treatment of Incipient Phthisiu, Chronic Bronchitis, and other aiiections ot the.ChesI, and` I have no `hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excetleut nervous tonic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous system, and through it it invigorates the body. It nfrnnln Inn nhanarlra In rnnnmmnnul n Mn.Jus.s I. FILLOWB, Menufnotnringl [IIl'U|Igll ll ll HlVlgUII|U5 IHU UOKIY. It affords me pleasure 10 recommend 3 rgmedy which is really good in cases for which it is intended, when so many ad. verlised are worse than useless. lam, Sir, Vnnru lrnl L` L. 0. I141`! St John, N.B., January, 1868. Sevng Machines -Be sure you make- in Ohristmau present to your wife of. "Howe or `Lockman, you canget it st G. J. BE A'l`TIE S Theefficncyiof Br_van s Pulmnnio Wafers ` Ill curing coughs, colds, rnd all Bronchial af- fections,and cheering the nlicted, has passed into a proverb. lit the United States where these mam-llous Wafers are known, they beardown alloppositton and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them has steadily increased for the last twenty years, until now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes 11 year. ' Eminent members of the medical pro- fession admit that they know of no prepara- tion prodncingsuch beneoinl results as these waters. Whentaken in season they effecta permanent cure. Sold by all druggiste and countrydealers at 25015 per box. , It IFAMELYMAGHINEI _ g'cALL AND SEE IT, :5 PURVISBROS. Provision Stor e; % _iv1u.nnsoLn Q ,-..AND` .U NVD-E75 CO.STg PR IVO-_E`S`f. ke room for f2enl|'imno'x-ntions. 'l`!ia Mock comaI.u Al`; I. nu. um ..;..`n.... .. I. aunpnctty of tensions; not hard to manage them.. ' S. Simplicity of- stitch regulator; easy to be understood. 9._ `Capacity to do all kinds of work, light or heavy. d ' 10. It makes the lock-stitch rm and good. V 11. Pressure-foot can be regulated for light or heavy stitching. 12. Can be regulated the tal{e-up spring accord- ing to stitching. 13. Can regulate throw-oil` loopin shuttlo-race an unis .......'.... - Ia. vuu rcglllle 10 suit sawing. 14. Has square plans. &c.. &c. Look to your moms now that wgnt a cheering and boma-like appearance, for our spring stock of Wall Paper, comprising the most b.sntifulpatle_rua, has just arrived. l'I-M T IYDWA DDQ b Qnhf Honsls Sun) -The lives of thousandsot horses have been saved during the past year, and the credit is due to Darley e Condition Powders and Arabian [leave Remedy. This preparation is being extensively used, and exacts from all the highest praise. Nothing of theltpind has ever before been half as suc- cessful or given such universal satislaction ; it cannot be equalled. We can condently recotnmendit, and would advise all who own horses to keep a. supply of it on hand-it may be the means ofsaving your horses life. Re- member tho name, and see that the signs- tnreof Hard & C0,, is on each package. Nor- throp & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario. pro- drietors for Canada. Sold by all Medicine dealers. 1':-"(rm Loox to your room: now that want a cheering V and home-like snnenrauce. `for our suriun m.w:LLm:s MANUFACTURING co. ` SINGER sawrm Macuaeas, PRICE, $40.00. Is excellent for the following points W. H-!FREMAN. ::=cAnm:r muuan Ann upuonsrenznrm Mnnlxfnnhxrmn and linen: nn Ia.-"I . l.....--.. 4, new square plat as, -Sac., Gzc. menu; ll ls well made- 3. Non-liability to get uutolorder, cilllel` by -ofslanding. : . I. Perieclioiior adaptability ofall iis pants. I. Easy ofwurkin , light running, rind not H )- Easy ofmanagemeul ; no great skill reg ed to operate it. 5. Reliability; it won ! skip slches or break the _thread. I. Simplicity of hard: I. Simplicity of,con2-truction, parts and m "menu; it is well made- 3. Non-linlxiliiu on out ..... ,..A_.I.... .-?-l---- |--- 400K to your room: that. want cooering appearance, our spring stock or WALL PAPER, comprising the most beautiful pn.tLerns_ has j ust. arrived. I I'II\llPAY`|I\tV A, nnuv long an Sewing 1\`|a- . chines have burn at all Widely known lo_ the people, the V Singer has been in pro- ,miuenl.exIstence, and during all these years bus bean undergoing im- provements compnliblu with the demand: ' ' ofthc age ._ ..._....._._. .. -- _.-. -_._, ,"`j *'.__ ___.._._..___ -_*"`_. h'.1._l{E J USTIXW CELEBRATED uulcumg. : sewing. nu uuzen needles. B Diteclionl. SING-ER S We furnish with, each Family Machine Hcmmenone Hall : comhinnd 'l'....1.... Manttfactilred by PLAIN. needle-bar; has two llm-ml ' L;:1'urs truly, Z. S. EARLE, Jr. M.D. mrv I868 -u`, may I-Anlvvuu J. EDWARDS & SON. `:5 Juan zuuvvu. J. EDWARDS as son ;w %~%o1eaouNE" _w|enTE LEADS, _ - GENUINE" r . . _ uuuuuus". . No- I." " No 2,". and -I No 3," of this brand, _ _ m-_s unsurpassed for body and brilliancy of Ihatieo < _P&okngeI cont:-in full nctt weight The pl Mac are warned that c rtain other brands are 1! I short in every called 25 pound package. : Examine the bmnd and an nnt ho. rm} n pacxngu_. i `Examm_o thebrnnd and do not be put o` withjuferxor paints. The 3231- is always can- In.- Rah` hi! nnv I-nnnnnc-LIA .I....I-__ 2- 2_A.. n Is-A-; - Sold, by any respectable dealers in int: P ` throughout Ontario, and to dealers only by l , ELLIOT & 00., 'l'nnm1-rn large and exeozllental-V '1'onon-ro ` For sale in Bax-rie'by John Woods, J. P. lKidd. Watson & 0o. 'n.ndvWell n Bron. The people in town and county are pushing their way in thronged multitudes for those new and choice kinds of ' 9-uqu;-u--u-u-co---u-u-nru . .l.".l.lJ'J..' L; 45.21: to be found only at STEPHENS New Pho- Lozraph Gmlery. ]:`athor s,mother e,and children - all want to go to STEPHENS. OLD PICTURES CUPPIED & 'ENLARGED. spzcuu Arrsuriiiln T0 cmmnan Remember ho is e: \|. oodn Drug Store Ask for- " STEPHENS. Ban-in. June 11th. 1517.1. ' ')..1-If V I V I TINWA RE, 1 . _....- -l uur vvvvvu In uiylrwlo ` Pamphlets Free. SETH VI. FOWLE & SQNS, Proprietors, lo. I. Hilton Plug...` an--- lS'r0VE;{; . VIAN svnup blown ::$.';'i:.`. .. Pnlnnhlgn-. 13."..- ins` gizmovno ms : V % CLOTHING Es'mnLI sHnn:M A|l.\.JJs\.l\4Il.|l'IJ.l.l.K1 Of every descriution, arm] all sizes, taken at all hours 0 the day. -va.a-v --n...AI.I .36-*iIV'3llJIf |CAR-PEA\N`)`I:T@tl'n1`ABrp;.-ILDEBR us .lJL' VI ;1.L|1JI Barrie Dec. 13, 187`-`. PHO'1`0GRAPI1IC GALIl.ERY. HUMME & VAN DEN STEEN /\`l'\1"r 1' 7 A They also keep in connection with the gallery 3 large stock of l\.aq,, n!`l____..._ HII , 1|-,. , -__ -`-"- I A FINE STOCK OF FRAMES. WPICTURES TO ORDER. IIUMME VAR` l`T").'i "55`EEN OriHi9.,Jan.21, 1872. 4-H ,__-.,_..,.....,...u;vuus11.IIOclil0nS, Chills, and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bnla;lgar`,usFemale Cimgilalngs, a a abculstateeo "J", ..o -o #a..-'3 `oompa ted ydebril oralow otateo the stem. eingfrea from Aka in any form, its M ' acts not I- d M of argna [0 13. _q_2_"e` _ Jutla- u-_ Aunsu rlnuvlx {1C=Aibums, Albunf Pictures, L. N`.k'rc'l`H nnrmmm I_r'nr.1na12 A bus _'REAT CLEARI`NG SALE V - ATTHE` V GL.&S(-}OjV_ HOUSE. _. .. --. . vn -- us wig), TIUPTIEIOWQ llllton Plao, _I_on`-.-n. pour It Plv`ou_`:a"iinnuu_, \ `V. rquuw-mg aamages and wast}; `searching out morbid secre- ::'.:.:::s:::' :::'; ::;:,,:t'*`"" W This is t secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diur- rhoea, Bolls, Nervous Aifoctions, Chills_ Fevem- Hum-.. AND amen. PAiNT|NG,.E Framd nr withnnt I7rmnan_ cures --a thousand ills, si72n'17il'z`/' b Toning Jnvigorating` and ualizing t e S stem. The en- riched and v` ized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages waste, Aaewrchtmt out mmmm nu- 0.. uucubwn 0] me rrotoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested amlassimilated with the blood as the simplest food. `It increases the uantity of Nature s Own alizina Agent. Iron in the blood, and cures a thousand simply lg1__1 qpt_ngAup,Invaoratina and `I-\3 -aAnJI-nn;AD.r/ aaauuau 5 Lvvuzvwx LOCKETS, cuaosms, LITHOGRAPHS, ' AND Barrie,_June 11th, 1873. The Peruvian S /mtg, a Protet ed Solution of t e 'otoar,-ide 4 Iron, cmnI)in.ed an M 1... '?m::sn:N1`s A71` J. EDWARDS & SON s, Banie. lnrrin Dun IR. 1517. 51-1! ----- -------.--__--':T'.'-T':.T_`j;'_":'_ "`;'l._,_ ___.. iron igixe Blood . . uuru-.2: umvmua an-u oruunn, And a aervicnble lot of Toys and all Fxeah Good: (00 numei-ous is mention. .a;ss\L .uu1.LJ.l(, IJU1.-_lJ.J1.l.L AND UNDERTAEU-.I, &c. , &c._. sc., CORNER OF (HVEZV I5: MJCDONJILD STREETS, B.:1R!{lI1`.' f\7j:RY ONE sAYs 2 % STYLISH GOODS FOR fl, M __ K `N/`Ex/`r{` IIELIGHTFUL, F0 iELEC l`ABLE AND {ii TA 1:. 1) Biz in I , ;`:Wl{ere he will keepAon hand as usuai, gomplete assortmnt 'OND~ERFUL, _ (;LORI('JU*S ' sU_c'cESs. J. PU'LLA.]N"S,V Near the Wellington Hotel. :r:_._j 1<=F2U_~.-5:; ..--- v un;u at-1;! van: EBILLIA. PHOTOGRAPHS _.. ..l....,...:..n:-_ ..__.I -11 _.__ iii II-III`III\`\4I Framed or without Frames. .'iIA`RDw,s.RE nu-.11 QC nxuua vn .PICTURES ul l\r1`I? nl Sl"l`I.DI 1li`.N\" [ The largest BS5-$)VUn(`_.'1t of GUfw'.5 ever shown in Barrie. _ _ - __ JA./HE s at 11 0.m'Ps o1v S '7"-G-ENUINE" 99' and \7..-) n lof all the new fvuttorns En Ygrent variety. .-..__.' WAIXEA and SEWING MACHINES AT ' I um, Tonono In `I D unnvo 514! ECU : llle UOCIOI DIG KIVUII DUI` lip. HO Ill he: may vote tubucled, and medicine could not help her. As I Int moon. I urchued I bottle of tha Grant Sholhoneal edy. At nth: ex lntioh of m dnyI,ho: symptoms were "decide y better. She continued toimprovo u npldly tint b the time she had taken one bot- , tie I116 In lb a sit up. By the continuance of tha tuned; nho wu perfoctlroltored to health. ` Yon` nnv nnhlinh tha fun: for thn lnnat of mo mneay Inc was pexxacuyp-onoreu to nunn. I You nsy nbliah the run for the bane!!! of ' tloulilallu y dilated - . I - - v '1'. 0.39.:-Wu. ' _V lpuoopu mthodmquaapuy. Sxu-us1ur.n- 3- 0- Onvunmm, Esq. mm. is [to can thatnhout three years ago I became aiiiicie with Bronchitis which lasted about eigmrcn mouths. Iwr so afiiicted`for the want of breath that it was very diicuit for me to spunk and in the night. time frequentiyithrowing the. clothes. of and raising in the bed `to keep fu-m strau_gi|ng._ I tried three of the most emine- i'h.Ysicians in the County of Northnmberiar. for about a year without receiving any houv.t- Jn fact i continued getting worse iii the time. ofApri|, A.D., mo. At iast I was advised to try the Great Shosha- _nees Remedy. I houghtn bottle ofit, and when it was about nished I began to feel liitti: better. I continued to use it until I had taii tn three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, I (on. that I was as well as ever! had been previou to my illness, and have been so ever since. JOHN SXLV R. Sworn before me at Smitheld, this 6th day J. I(.WRLLING'i 0N, J.P. WONDERFUL OURE Oil` LUNG DISEASE. Baooxnss, Apriirbth, 1870. . J. 0. Osnnsauxl. EIQ.--S13,-Thilis to certify that my wife was very low with lung dis- ease. - The Doctor had given her up. He said her lnnn .IIl'Q tnhaseled. and medicine eonid This Pro y lieu our the shore 9! the Geot- gign Bay,` has: composed of Lots 114 and 116 in the TOWNSHIP OF TA 200 Acres. Ilia situated wltnio li miles from PeneVunguiuhene,l mile from Midland "Cu, and 1 mile from Mundfs Bay. The:-e'lu'.' rat-class landing for vessels at the beach For particulars apply to _ JAMES ROBINS mama City. A July 1721:, N572. :m.u Y. containing - The only Syrup frepured frun Dr. Church hill : Formula, uua cerliegd to be Chemically pure. For the p't`.vem.ion and cm: of IJIYI` III)`: KIDV l`l'\`\'v:llnnI\y-s-..-- (UBO Iuywuu cure OX Dyspcpaia, B: o-nchiliz .29-thmu, Laws uf _/1} Wm, " Gemru Drbilily, 5;c. ' cn1'moAu: A3 '70 pumnr um IIPICACY. Lnbgratarg, Imiversity U0l!eg._ Toronto, Dec. 4.1872. To the Victoria Chemical Co. . `mronto, uec. 4,1872, To the Co. , Gentlemen.-I have examined the ar- ticles empioycd in the Victoria Chemical Works in the preparation of the Victoria Syrup o1'Hy. ' popboaphiles. The several Hypo;-hospt izc used are chemically pure, and the Syrup is vials: -quitefree from any imyulity. Your Syrup of Hypophosphiles-will undoubted) prose :- valuable Medicine. I V a L ,1 _,,,, H`, r `.......w.. -tun V:-x. us VIFEVLMONARY QIONSUMPTION, AXso fopthe cure of nypopnoapnues- W: valuable 11 I? ND C AJUllllIIlUll"`]IUUo Price of Remedy in large Pint Bolt/:1 $1. .Pzlls per Box 25 an. I3`Fox' Sale by all Druggists and Dealer in Medicine. Asxms run BAn.?us.-John Wccll.-, A. V. Palmer & Co., Watson 3: Co , Wells I'..- ;. 0IuI.x.u.-J. W. Maven.` CoLusawooD.-.'u'r. Carpmter. ` _ Wrtom-.sAr.n Aasms.-Norlluop & Lymn.-z, Newcastle; Lyman Bros. & Co , Toronto; E.- liotxlz 00.. Toronto. ' - 39.7. J ./ISpci/ic Re/nerly for all Disease; 9/ pm Blau'.1e1-and Kitlmys; Dropcicul SwcIlings' (`am- pluinls imridentul to Females; aml all Dasu:u.- f the Urinary Orgrm. uz either Sex. ' Trv it (`man {or nnv nf Hm .).mm T\::,...x.... .._...... ,uu are rcuxoreu to perfect. health and :1 vapor. 'l'biaM ed)1-.lncis pleasant and nut: lu l-`llit'_. n: d is warrant:-d,and may positively be rclwcl muw. to make a permanent cure of all diseases 0! A: Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidnuya,.Digesti\'c Onyx: 3 kc. &c.,ns well as Serulula, the lvariuus : "an Diseases, Hvnnoi-.s,a;xd all diseases arising 7`; .1 lm urixy ofthe Blood, exeplinglhe Third Sm o 0! unsumption. Fixnttxurzntormnzon, with r ) dzxections tor using the Gran! Shoslzoneeelicnm as an Pills. and containing Teaximoczmis and Cur 1 came of Cures. can be obtained by securing 1:: Treaties,the Hnml-book, or the Almanac r . circulars from any respectable Druggxsl m_i?-: Dominion-lreo. ` '50 an - - - me urmury urgrm. an euner oez. Try It on.cc {or any of h_e above Dieor-is-:5, and you ml] be fully coavmced oms pro mg. hen: virtues. ` Price $1 per Bote. Sold by all Druggi -1. ..rs. j--1-IIl-j'l` 5| - The Km: of ml Lininnonls For I-`/mu;/Larixnx, Gout, Neuralgiu, 1.1m.`-nu 7 Sciatica, Wundrring Pains, .Sl{[}'ness in tin Iu..b or Jomls, Spruins, Bruises, lvunnbvms, .`u-riiu 1. Hcwlnclm, Euiac/u', Tool/zuclw, q'rc' nnu I1` I 1-nu l`l'l l.l'1l\(\Ill' n-x- . .. . G200! & GHOIGE GROGEREES mu rnunrs) V .\'v' 11!`! . SIMPLY n.'.`-A`?-F 13:; Vziliii-.l~.Ic}:z:!;;.'u medim vcgcmble igl:(l'elIl;s,PE5OlllC of \F..',f/'..- _`1h'(c`l . mention, she as me `xxrac-is of ' lid " Bark; Podophvllum, Juin'per,Qunssi:: .b`mnr1w: Dandelion. 1-Iyoscyamus. Compouml l`..\lL".r". Cclottyulh, Jnlap, sooolrme Aloes, (7ap~x._ x4 44:. kc) Wl`ll('h enter inlo the composuizun 9` combined Inediciuc, are such and so h!l7'llI.')l);\>| classied and compounded, thm ll. is mmlc lhc in. searching curative in me Known world, and 1: not help but an-ton the system in a wry umis: and desirable manner. No mnucr what your 2 men! may 'o`.`,nr how long uIdndnig,nw1ii`_iml.' spot and a.-amniah y: u by the ra id maune-x which you are reatored to perfect ealth "vigor. , nacuu--..a-u. 1...: nun 4 Ilvnllutlll L}L' BUY IT! TEYITHPBQVE ET!!! Prion E0 of: nnrRnH1n, HAIR lm o1lh....m.:... vvl II c Iul II II IIIUII-ll :5`. Price 50 eta. per-Bottle. Sold bv all Druayiru. 6.A.,B. 1Li3.=;,".f.`I..A.3;.Y *- ! I`4l4I'AUlll|U LINIMENT. ""I`II(|. Iihur nfnal I I-nhmn..n.. as l---jwju TIDE! I Worll| Its eight In Gold.` .4 Specifwjor Cuts, Wounds. Bruins, 1):: vs, Sculals, Boiles, Piles, Pilnples, &c., and (In./ur; Diseases of tin: Skin ofeucry Dcsa:ript.'ou, Price 25 C13. per box. Sold by all Druggisla. lT.9.'!:.ET 30653- . n rI\IVIL :14-nn GI,YOE1%'i}Q{:,I_gg_;'. Elnlncnl I1 I lie I.: u .11 .1. \J.lJ.l.l..I.JI .u U.lJlJ.lJlo Emlnenur Ilu-. I.-udlcs l4`m'oriu-. For Bemu'i/yiug I/ur C.01n[I1r1im1.(v.'ul _/'.ur Ifq moving Tun, Sunburn, FIecI\'lc,f, ] .'m,.u.x. 3,, aLsofor'(`/mp]ml Hands, C'I;.-lbluuus, l'ro.~I 111'.) and Sore Lips. ' Price 25 Gts. per nale. Sold by an Drugg:?. a. I A That lhe G:-.2,-.x 3Rn|sH01\ EI-is 1 oflhc Emmcm! I. Yam I`?c&.1 LoWie..7r;r;=h:}~, 0; .322 4-hen . T Brilian (}u x.In'....~7 U-..'1:an: and cstnnislalng f2u;e.. the W0 Never in :'ne :m:na'~_ ;-J 'v.)anIui:. has such success attended the 1 medicine heretoiura. rn-vrav-. (HVE-IN STREET. BARRIE. 1872. _ lklil l1.'U1`uUI"'I', Professor of Chemistry. 11.0 Price 5 par Bottle. So}d by all lhuggists. --r------ `vw : II kg; CELEB KATE!) POI; Tl] L. Ft. UNIFORNI Plw: H`-Y A`!-`n Ir. 3 . - CELLENCE 03-` QUA l .l'l`Y." VIC TORI./I (J./I me '2 I [C .5 0.11 , VIC :I'o1m1 SULPHUR sum . VICTORM GLY('ERI..'1, b'ON1<.` 1', 1.4.-I 5 ./IND W1ND:;u1t. Uni;-I l.. ..I1 I'`.......:_.. I PROCLAIRI THE G:LAD Tm1.\r: :- "l`h..-.L, n . v, "1URE OF BRONCHITIS4 J HL3X SALE. I7 JI.-I.|.\I.I~|aJ:.L COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF __._ VICTORIA I". A RRI.A"l`I.`l'\ I `V A IIAULIL COMPOUND snap on- IQ.'ulL'Hl5- HENRY H.'0R0i`1`, of 0` GROCERY VICTORIA ELI-JUTRIC AHB Ill IIIJNBKHVI fogytho Lawn:-In'Ir'o ,/Idffnnu 7...- .vIc'1jonm III I`ll`AI'f I`7f'\f`1\ "I 11V1JI')l/[L Sold by 23111 Druggisu. VICTORIA VICTORIA L-n.g \/.A.\/_...l.lJ CARBOLATED Ii-I\1x*rTu - HY? :- Vaiuah}. , (nan... 'nr:n ever no-nrd ;i1;:n I`v h-mull H.- u uxtroducuon'o;` AT '1'ru<; URYSTAL PALACE STORES! BEBLINWOHL ANII FANCY. G003, LIPPER. CR01'ama1- pm`-1-mun: . mum: wn.r.num.c 7 , __ - vu --tit a 11-1!!! Mandfactuxrea and kee As on h.and 3 largoand cheap stock of tin 17.9 PH 1: n vrrb nrrmrrn 1.1 WATER GAUGES, mnfacturea 1:93: hand stock 110031311 Ln FURNITURE. . ll1nQ'l'`.An.<: HYTPRDADHQ nY1`Dl.`Anu rnnnn AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE STORES! IlI- Illnl Inn Iunnunu an MND SE W {1Ig_ __k1}q_1x_g;11NE S; STEAM GUAGES AND TAPS, A GRE22-.`1'.;IIN 05: i ` `Watches. C=Ez3?.~:'s, Weddingings &` Fancy Jewelry )!_DlEs* (`.nM'DAN'InI\m unmm-r nnlnm.-:< wnmt nnvne mm. nutn.-m \&,c.-'.`:. &cA-`; . l- M, L M A` fmuimfn.- .1:o.f.sEaU1zE Go 1gA1zG.4I_Ns % 0.0` "'9 "*:A`f""'-"-$3"!-%%"% .____j_} _..__ __. _ _>- AcATiEftII?IIJs 5| 'To his building, in the 81.0., &co, & c'7 'l`h_e` iWheeler & Wilon bJUST WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID.}| L s. & c. Ls? kc; ; l. AT J, HENDERSON S. j-LIQUOBS. ` T;V.:'l0t/tsgb Izgady` Macle; c*2oA:c/ling, W23 - % G-entlemen s Furnishing Goods. `.Barrie. Julv 17th. 1871. *. f NEA'1;'-I`;iE?STEAMGI{,iST MILL, BARRIE- GOLD WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, SILVERWATCHES, FANCY CLOCKS, GOLD JEWELERY, _ ` SILVER JEWELERY. ` ELECTRO-`PLATED WARE, SANTA CL/1 US IIEAD QUA_R l'L'RS. TOYS FOR THE MILLION, PARLOR CROQUET TABLES, BOHEMIAN WARE, ` comcmmmas, V _V[OLlNS j &c], &c., I &c., &c- 'ruE,BEs1*_1N_'rE1E_. WORLD. Ian vuuv A/vvlvtw HIV UIIV CRYSTAL PALAGE, EARTHE .Q'I`I'1`.AM (lT!i.Q'l" Ml`l .I. I2 ' ouock_EnY,g II&u IJll"Il ` _AG_EN'i`S FOR THE 00. slalom. All work warfalxtecl . EANDERS. -- u --w urn;-w -v w v--- 1- V -.i-V,.- --._ ....-_, --....,-- LADIES` COMPANIONS, BOQUET t1oL:;:x2'::s, womc BOXES, ovm. caulrp . CRUET STANDS, cum BASKEPS, T0.-\S|` RACKS, PICKLE FORKS, nu1*'n~:x &NlVES AND SPOONS, Am] a nnriinnhln In! nf1`..u-a and all Fmnh Gmdn Inn nnmpi-mm 2. m...o:.... 'l` he roprietou are prepared to supply . sion was, onto: rough; Banding Stoneu, Ionleonnn, unq_Igi1ne-8tono. b The into Vaults nlcnguidt I Quit?! `I90 _AddtuI n. nnnln W ` .span_' of well mtced Dapplo Gra'y|>,`.Vl:o_qv,y built, smhble` for fa.immg`or' lhmbericg. n 1 untmmrn ` For sale that Brick Store and Dwelling on :11 Market Square, Bun-ie, known as tho McCor- mick Building. Apply .l.o/ Wu. Bqfs. Rm-rig. B'\l[\OJQLJl`J TVIO numtn Acnssvor umn; in the 4th Con. of Tny, being `Lot; No. 8, is cleared woll,timbe_t'od `with Pine and Hard- wood, within : milo of the Midlnnd Railrond, two mileiv-om Hog} Bail F9: pnrticnlnfs ap- ply to, . MARTIN MOORE, _ Barrie . .s~ La.\.ILI "This house is noted for producing _ B that class article at a. very low , gure. `The proprietor has pur- chased his Stock in the beat markets in the Dominion for cash, and he can cifer greet induce- ments to those doing: business through the country. Country Tradesmen can be supplied to od- nntage without going so for from home an Toronto. ' Remember the smnd,'no. 3;Star Block, Dun- 1opSlroet,Ba;rie. - , _ ` H . . T P HIOKEY. _j Bgrrie, Oct. 30:15 l_8'(2_. .-_. - I I I l_ I $ I I 3 Has recived a full supply of All kinds of GROOERIES, PROVISIONS, wnms AN Lldnnmq, -_6'ITTCfiT 0 'r1dn'rb BUILDERS AND mu: saunas. _ --,-- to~crB:.g.*::u9.%.e;*:: W- ' ' uvuum ;Bame. July 17u1,1s'n. our unna ur 1' mumu IN DA nuns The Stock must, without fail, be sold to make room. for` FALL and WINTER IBIPORTATIONS. A rare chance is now otfered for getting stocked with BOOTS and SHOES (`(1111 I `n A u. .. .I........ In... .Of the letestfand beet styles _ and of the most npproved '1; "construction," Collier Street . - `: East, second door from the Market, BARBIE. As the advertisers are thor- oughly and practically conversant viith their business in all its details, employs none but the mcstoskillful workmen, and use only the best "material, --they can guarantee all work turned out at their establishment to give perfect satisfaction to the -purchaser. Farmers and others look to youriuterests, and give us a call. we promise to give you better value for your money then you can get at any other Carriage Factory in Barrie. l3"Also, GENERAL BLACKSMI THING in on us lannuvllvd ulIa\.u\l\-Q iv- 1%, OI? LI). .1.` .I.';.I..u1J is positively SELLING OFF his present stock 3()UTS and SHOES M LOWER RATES THAN WERE EVER- BEFOREOFFERED IN BARRIE The Stock must. fail. be sold tn mnlrn mm... 4-...` any vuauuu a nun ULLCLCU nu, 5I:|.I.ll.|K 850' [Mb oo(1'}"sAdI_I flnons Xi; 4.. v.;.v vas.n.vv.a.4.v Doxm. forget the place, 2 Doors East of the Qneen s H0191 Dunlcp Street, B:-mie. I- 3`BOO'i`S and SHOES PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER IN THE I._-.-`.'I`L`S'[` STYLES. 19 L. . To let Town Lot situate on Mill Road, and comprising about 4 acres of good `lend suitable or garden, well fencedand watered, and good new Dwelling House and Stable attached, within i mile of the Railway Station, Post Oice, and Market.` Terms Apply to Mr. OLARKSON. |svn:mav & Q07: cAnaIAss ` 131=1:so:K. Bfl;..'OOK.;, L . A Hnndaome Phmongniuble for one or two horses, built. by Dixon `Bi-oo., of Toronto; I Buggy with leather top; 1 English; Saddle; 1 English Side-Saddle; 2 Bridles; 2 Sets of tin: ness ; 2 Halters. For further paniculu-9 Annlv tn V . v Being the West Lot 11, in 1211: Con. Town- ship of lnnisl, distant from Barrie 3) miles, and from Allandale 2 miles, and within the circuit of a mile there are several Grist, Saw, and other Mills. the Village `of Painawick with its Churches, Post Oice, School, Stores, &c. Finil nmnd niav lnnm. 50 nnrea clam-ad. well unurcnes, roe: umce, acnoox, mores, ac. Soil good clay loam, 50 acres cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Granary, Stable , Cow Houses, and other buildings. Ten acres of Fall Wheat in ground. POSSESSION I MMEDIA TEL Y. 9..-; .1` .........l..... Idlnmnir n-.. ......-.. 1... |ln..o )0 ti I , ' Within the limits or the Town of Barrie. eight- teen acres of Land, being composed of Park Lo No. 8, South side of Steele Street. - Lot No. 3, North side ofNapier Stree t." The above Lots are well fenced and in 1 good. stoic ct cultivation. There is A large Frame Barn on the premises. ' For price and terms of payment, annlv to I L/AJ5J(.'lL,k)J\IL' J 171171139111 ` JJJJ In Part of purchase money can remain on Mort- gate. For further particulars enquire of ROBERT. COX. or [NO H'gvauc..| not price But! terms OI payment, apply . MESSRS. STEWART & LALLY. Barrie, zen: Feb, 1372 V - 9-tf Fun SALE. Within Qn limifo nf Hun 'l`nI Barrie, "65. 25th '73. -%p.-\ pu.--up J. W. HASTINGS. _Wat(_;hma.ker &Jewel1er. W0"k ` Ill Barrie, _Juno. 18, 1873. .4 _..__..,_..._._. Barrie Much 3rd, l8l3. `3t9IUI.I.u_ ' I! ` Drink,` {USINESS STAND FOR SALE; . . o-- - .. .o\,\/~.s*,v|.\.1J~\.-sI\\s`Js\'\\4,\\\.\.\A.o\ _ "o as}; sf!" ` E1 on"'::E7XYE3 FALUABLE FARM FOR. SALE. I` 01' IUIIDGF parucunlu A 1 to ' . w. GEORGEN, Exchange I ann CHEAP B00?!` 3: SHOE STORE. [easgf Baocrs "iidiss The Wheels 5: Wilson Mgnufaclixring Company hays irecived A dsatch lfomfiVopnaA Dated V .Au;;ust19lh, 1873,.unnouncing that tijp Company have been awarded I A'G[ .A.N:') 7`-'1 EDAL QN_PROj3rRESS, -V} A (4: AND MEDAL OF `MERIT- _;\p_.3 ,.;,,_.-_. H,m' :v.-..-:- jun, m.u- .<`...~-..A:.-.... \: ...x.=.~,. ri. ...-., __ .-__,