Northern Advance, 18 Sep 1873, p. 4

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.j`.-` This house is noted for producing A n first _clnas tie]: at a very low gure. The` roprietor has pur- chased his took in the but markets in I Dominion for cash, and he can otfer great induce- ments to those doing: business ntirouglr the country :-Country ,'1`ndaunen cm boammliul 9.. ..r_ 1` 01' l|.lIl|.`I' PHFLICUI1 ' R-OBERTI` G9 ' ' ' J1. I f 2 KIWI-BIT. ' ' .' . For-further particulars - knnlv to RENT. .9. " ~'*=.:=.s.a mus! I100 or 'l`I.v.~ne 2.. Fl `0 . W. GEORGEN I`....I.... : I>\lhU, t2ut:t;IEs_._%_`_`.;,_f i`-`,`5Za'3'rT LICHTO eaw - u . ans. ;15 MAuurAo'ri1:_hi3a .01 TC` ' ..,,..-. ovv-C. nun}, -uuvuuluus sun um vunupnuy uuvc '-IE=ll IWIIIIIIQ J I A GRAN}; MEDAL ON PROGRESS, 55 A GRAND .MED_AL OF MERIT And nlnn ol...o'4I..... .....-.. (L. ..._I_ o..-,:_ ,, u tn. 4-: - - V -` -3 - `~- `- -- ` `- " run. 1'eru1aeuy., A] Mr. 0. OLARKSON, nlnh nu: : IIIIIJ UI_-LIIlI>IU_ ' Of the, lAie":t."_3nd' besstyloa __and -of`tho molt approved ' construction, Collier Street illastj aqoon `door from the E. A tha id rtinarsm-e Hmr. 1' - 1-U V IGLUNC LIQUORS. nununxgy . ` Exchange Oce, McO&1k.e)`iB1-uick Block. II 4. ` u; t._m; ,9: (f5 {;` 'W46`69r.I;s. a, IIIOWII u Apply to ` IIlI_I IVIIV an jpr ossiliiifaisji ov7'5oz5s,: WINES '3 muons. WATER GAuGEs, IRON PIPE COUPLINGS, ELBOWSQ Is posnivexy SELLING ck of 3()()'l`S and smnma ICU!!!-l'S llqllll'8 OI G9X,_or, . . ., . ~ _. J USEPH ROGERS,` ' ' ` Barrio. '1'! ' ` in ;'no. 3, Stir Block, Duh`-/A 3 P nrcxuiri nnnaun, Club House, Barrio -5"_'!!&'!![ 5-`Ii I the ;ND .1.LUUL!l.'J.lLl.lJ.lJ .1` Un1V11 U.l'E.En ` 9 TABLES, GHAIRS. BE STEADS. OUPBOARDS, BUREAU8, LOUNGES, SlDEBOARD$, SOFAS, LOOKIN GLASSES MATRASSES, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, &o.,.&c., . Made on the premises of the ban materials hv exneriannnd wnrlrmnn 's.....;.: ..u....:.... ..-:.a .,. | In! urirer rather A lhnn take nnuaooa medicine: And All who Iuer from coughn,oold I. irritation 3f`the~hroIIchlil tubei_.p'tandenoy_t_I A I consnmptioIg.yill_nd ix; yr; 'W:aar': Balsam ` of Wildjcheriys timed} nu` ugteeublu h-the . nnldo an eectunl in removing disease. The `I: 5 vleasgltl remeuy; an age. am; {:31- ' y g I pow: rt-mg '_5_it___d_a gpeo y @135 ; It is n remody,thig:rgi`.:`A;:`Z_.; -3:] .5513? Sowlug lIIa;hI'i'eng-Bo "bun you mph 1;: Ohrlltqm present to your wife of 3 Howe or `LockI_mn, you conga: it at G? . BEATTIE 8 Wn.,:VAn`0oxrnno1:~.It lq, urged by some that , Engliab trade has gained largely byibe Franco- Germup 1'nr. nnd thnube has been serving both belligerent: to the great ndnntage of her com- mercial interests; but "omen! statements prove that such has not been the case. , But it is true that His sales of the Onnadian Pain De- ltroyef are rnpidlv incrensing, and gtinlng tlm an dencn of the nnhlic. for nation emnrhs. Iu'0,B ' ITG XIIINIIY IIIUTEIIIIIK EDI] gilllllilg the no denco of the public, for curing coughs, colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, summer com- plaintq, kc. For sale b1 all Druggiats and countxy dealers. Price 25,'cents per bottle. _ A MILIAIIS I. Fsnnows, Manufacturing Chemist: " Sxnj-' For several months past I haveused, . your Compound Syrup in the treatment of Incipient Phthisis, ChroniovBronchitis, and other aectious of the Chest, and' I h`.-1`ve n`o` M hesituition in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases Being an-excellent nervous `tunic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous systomfand through it it invigoritae ?the'bod,v. , _ t ` b _ i It hfrnrtln ma nlnnnnrn In rnnnmmnn - lnrougn u u Invlganull H16 'noa,v. It hfforda me pleasure to recommend a rerqedy which is really good in losses for which it, is inlpnded, when no 'n:'m'ny ad: varlised are worse` lhatg useless. " - - _I am, Sir, ; Vnrin: It-nlu ' D. D. Ih St John, N.B., Junuary, 1868 auraa, huu1uNuuLAa:5b`$ MATRASSES, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS; premises bqht by experienced workmen. 8pecia.l, attention paid to , 7 orderedwork. Osne.CIxait1I-Re-Seated . . 4 -A - The efficacy of Bryan : Pulrnonio` Wafers tn curing coughs, colds, rnd all Bronchial af- fections,and cheering the uliote'l, has passed into A proverb. In the United States where these` marvellous Wafers are (known, they beardown alloppoaiuon and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them haa_ steadtly increased for the last twenty years, until now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxesa year. Eminent members of the rnedical`pra- Vfeasion admit that they know 0! no prepara- . tion produaingauch benecial results as these wafers. When taken in season they effects permanent cure. Sold V by all druggists and country dealersat 25915 per box. ~ tf - Look to your room: now that want a cheering and home-like appearance, for - our spring stock of Wall Paper, comprising the moat bmuliful patterns, has just arrived- ` 17-tf . J.` EDWARDS & .soN. Hons:-s S_u:n.-Th_e lives of thousands at horses have been `saved during 'the past year, and:the credit is due to " Darla)": Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. Thisl preparation is being extensively used. and exacts from all the highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever before been half as suc- cessful or given such universal satisfaction ;. it cannot be equalled. We can condently recotnmendit, and would advise all who own horses to keep atsnpply of it on hand-4-ittmay `be the means cleaving your horses.lif.8. _Re,-, member the name, and see that the sigma tureef Hard & Co., is on each package. Nora throp 81. Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, pro drietora for Canada. Sold by all Medicine dealers. ' -- V----------'--------'-rA 1.` Simplicity of construction, parts and m `manta; it is woil__madu-, , _ 2. Non-Iiabilitytrget dutbiorder, either by -` or standing` _ ' . 3. Perfection or adaplalrility ofallits parts.~ ' ' I ` - 4. Easy ofwurkin , light running, and not .11 . . . 6. Ensypfmnnagement ; no great_skill_n_:q cult`, to operate it. ' " 6. Reliability ;~ it won't skip stitches or break the thread. A ' 7. hsimpliciiy of tensions; not hard to {napagg t em. . ` " 8. Simplicity of stitch regulatort easy. to.l3e. understood. V ,_ - 9. Capacity to do all kinds of wofk, `light 0|` . heavy. ' ' one wt.-ncn,one acrowdnver, one Oilei, nix jsawma Mncnmahl V .Mdnufact11red by I A V F.O.\VILLlAllS MANUFACTURING 00. `Is oxce1len{;fo`r the; fo1low_ing ptgints uapacuy to do all kinds of wofk, `light heavy. I0. Itmnkeatlnelok-stitch rm nd good. - ll. Preuure-fool can be reghlaled for light orr heavy stitching. ' ' ' ` ` u. rreuure-too: be reg_ula_ledb rm light or stitching. 12. -Can be~regulntedtl1'p take-up spring accord- ipg to stitching. ` - - . - u. 'vIu1 oeweguu stitching. 13. Can regulate m nnio n.....:.... wunraunl wimvrl.-J l"I_l'II.l TFIIIIIS SIIJUIIQ o'r'r0.\m:, SLIPPER, arm c1wrca.n:'r PA'I"`ERNS ; BRAIDS, m1.L.osn:Ls, mums AND TRIMMINGS, m.ow,I~:rc LEAVES, PETA LS AND wmm, GLASS AND CHINA VASES, wonx BOXES AND m.-sr:s, nuns ANDINEOKLAOES, - PUR~aES AND TOYS, .v . BASKETS, woomm WARE, &o.,&e.~g 2 ' Call and examine the varied. `Stan/c` "zt-Lthe`:-I -A :5 L QRIIQZ-I 1-: -Q1` la. vu_u rugulale ln|`0W-OH Ioopnn Flllllll-[R08 to am! sewing. - _ 14. Has square needle-bar`;`has fwo `throat pl1t>s,6zc.,6zc.~ 1 . - A , Highly- 'orna"menIed llachinei on.7 :'Iron Stand, Blpok W491i; _',['sb]s and Drgyer, [PoIuhed.]` we .'. :2 ' ~`fuifh" " ' with` each - `x , 131 2 2". F3"|Y7.ME.'!5"9 ~` :`~ M ` io'n'o Hbmmiauone of Hall : combined Tucker, Binder, Buster, Friller, and "$iIb.3-nHemmer.-a-nnnonu.-. ltock 0! WALL PAPER, comprising the moat >.bI.l.Iltifnl patterns, hujust suited. Ind IJDIIID-(Illa appearuucr, 10! 0111' apnngw 1 nnmnnnn n. nnu '- 5's.1'N I{ ` - - -H. FAMILVIVIAGHINE :6 ` 1` i,.s!i::z?iiriu..._c1a:sinz.. and homa-. ike appennmnr, for spring" stock WALL PAPER nnmnrininc the man 7 wuagwurrryn wmauyn `ll ugwunlu w.uIa nluenp eectuslin removing disease. 1! pieassnt remedy; it is a. safe; rem- uitian nowarful rt-medyzit in 3 speedy T` 'l'uroa!f'l'|eee,oneGuk!i1Iid Wrench, one Screwdriver, Oiler, 1 Bobbin. one doxen:Neod1ea. one -.R..:.x-. I `M . ~ ' : ,' ~.. V. . . 5,, . ,1 .. :,. V _ _. `L. .: _ ,7 ,4 ` > ` 7' V `_J` ..- . `-V` . H... -_ 1 '. 171.1` .eZ,H~. . cnvsTAL e..P A%LAtiE@: smERs{:l ..___.___._._ ,_-._; THE JUSTLY CELEBRAT~E]) ' -V|on_g as Sewing Mn- , chineshnvebeen athll widely known. . to-, the `people, the Singer has been in` no- 'mii1ent existence, and dimng all ` 'lhene..years huabeen nndergoing im- provements compatible with the dqnnandg, ' ,0f'lhe_ age Binder, Ba_sler, Frillen-V, rind . {K ,' ,Ag_n_g.n:e; lpfoxl _;g~.- =7.;'$.Ze.,.,'.&`,:.V..-.a me Wt.-nchmne Scrowdrivar. one On... .:.. auwnmg. - `throw-o`` loo i-n` `slililil-rae' sewinz. -- SINGER PLAIN. y . . z. s. EAIELE, Jr. M.D. 4 mm-v. 1868 N nu-J-nun unuuuuuc J. nnwmbs as son, Iv Juan nnllvcu. ' cnmce unocis Am) rriiil uurqu V 3t: % In ler dm` H4 \ rs . she natural inn which govern the operations or --~ ->'/.';n`:`:r :.3.`i21o1% oi A h `g. e ;;%ADl which any an us many heavy doctors hills. 1- A -Civil Service Gazelle. llade aimnlv with I 1: A - 0oO"|.75;.f`G!_lM`2ll1'.' x. noun mu: 1 unucuwnyvnnvonreu Ioovenqefau save -Ci9u'l.Service.,Gazelte. llade simpl with] wa1e:'8'r'-niIk;i' lhch="p`wkoI*1I shellac .-:-" -lungs E! {S 00.-. ;9!`*:*?:'e1i.u.3.` uonuuno - ~ . * ' ~ 1: Iuwnornn or OoaoA.-`.'Wo will now give an _account of the process adopted by rm E -Mt,-o.,manufacturors of ' .'e1btic' les.` M1: works in the Euston Rogd, London..-Cassell': Household Guidc. 34 Two none snwlng Machines, Straw Cut.-J tets, Boot Cutters to order, it G. J~"BIh'8 I Barrio. . ' . .. __ . I-. ~. . I Look to your room now that want a1 cheering. - gml home-like sppearlnoo, foriour'g- ~ stock of Wall Paper, comprising the mos... beautiful patterns`, ohu juswu-rived. l'I-If . ` - J. EDWARDS & SON. ` in 9' :1`, . " .`;.nv,;:- : sl r :5 `:.`. , .'l31: .;;;;~dv_qs. as vAup=Aas*auuw1'n'nu;as' rm`: - 7 9 V A `W: 3" . .`;3l`Mi'%`fWrEk S-itnhu. at mama. as~.t5el,Ef`,:t` Tin E'1tb`u.'.*-' Doctor 'Josephu` Shnhoneh , -' ~ `Vegetable Pil1auo\v'snp'er* iorl_y sugarcoated cannot be excelled as a FamilyMedicfn`e'fbI` generalpurpuses. V ' 'l"hn Fill nnntai.-zu the anlmn nrnnerties nf 7 `I112 \J.I`Jl`l.l.Ivl`A L3I..\I,[\[`43 J, W; H"KT1N~Js;`i Watchmaker" &Jeweller.` V ` '{11`l"'V'v`<$ ?1'tA'var_r%#n;tegl.7" i ra..."` ":" """" ,,:,,,,', <"?$# X"` `then : u,` * :nm;.% ngqugzy s_;g_u.5,NnA1.2stuPso'r%:s s.e.Ji.'Z ~ Eln. . f3(tion. ' na'l1ox'conlains about 98Pnl1a, and V ~inrord'u1uy oases. Try lhem.x..:. ` if 5 lramuy KVIGUICHIB [or general PUYPUSCH. . Tug Prll gqntajqg `the acl_Ivo propenies` of Mandrake and dc-lir3I,'as' w,e1l::-5 com; pound Extract of'Co1ocymh a'n'gl_ Exlracl`.'ixT _ Hyqs;ya_ us. Test them fur `your own sati` - lid each P111 is n auicienldose: for an aduli ` --my. -r_=a\/&.vI~o.a_.uuv ymlxd general _disorders of iilixia Stc-ninjch and Bovv_cljs_-'-i).i'dx{s imho"had hepn _`:_s,fict`ed (qr years hild ttiddrthe vaxigtt ,`Rem<:die_s_ mid `I h:ysicinn' that qame within t}_1e_ir 'r'eh:h, withput regeiying ` .".".";t! We C: . L ., .4 . . , 1,`. _ `V-v} have been u\;pa>Ip\lle1ed. xx; the .JctIz':{`.oI ca... j V ' '- unuunnl nu, - PROVISIONS, '_ ` [FRESH MEAT, V SALT MEAT, .,_,...... ,_... .. .. -. -......_............_... .}_ - - `,<;~"> , ..,..".. -r V ..I H . gag - --A- 9-" *DYsm::Ps+IAA| [ I I t have beenweceived fkom F. Kdtm, Ex-I `Reeve ot"OrilIm`,-e.'lso' twin the editor of the Newmmket-Era`, and many otheis corroborating the above statements. I . , , _ . . '7,. g _.____.n4;_ M Corrects the Acidity `of Aha Sthxnalx, _'di! ion. _.-'__--_-.-.---.- nnn-nQ_n 9, van rzni is .ptmicu1urly adapted for the our: qfdiseases in Infants and Children. It isofsuoh zrnatyre `I-hutdt may be freely given either for `Diarrhaaa. or Costive_1_1essA;_ _re_1<;\(qs pain, and leaves the Bowglg n._n_e1_!_tlr! {1i_1ii hahli_V bikini soothing.`$i9v. As it contains nenhei 'O')'ii1i ` nor Morphine, 1t `IS supenor` t_o either pr .C'ordi:jlsL No mc- um should he wi'tho'ut` it; 'Pr`epn.rd ` by C. H.-Kermou, Ohemist, Barrie.- - :(;_n}.l and Ian for youxselvoi. Sign of Ilg WnIch_ pppguilqt ' :J'xL'- ._.:U Enquxre for them at the nearest drun- gisz,-xt not 'p`rbbardble there ma :3; them by post to Barrie. A 8! 'Wl:bl-Procuro 5' Pickagos.5` _Prepared and Wholesale by :` ..~. --.--u.-.....__. ;s.;L:.: f15l'1I'=\75 9?fs133I"`cT- `Pf Kiaa: - .3arri9.;. 11.-. .Wdv; `C!I. emi~`! zhni o o n.- J. . me.a.v.e,s.. Ghemw; Cvlinswbs .- ,W...B.-.SaP.d'8 Chemist. SW P": ' ' k A o n u . - . n - . nie, Januum i_..' 118731` at: , !-a-o-vs-rv-I-P _PR%Ic71%J7:E'>%A0ITse\ .-.._._-._.._- INEUTBL1ZfNG%{JM[IX"UR.E| U1.` oxzuuxuvruu _, ' HI-a:7`:n`.= I. , -"ed. - It .not .ou'ly cleanses` lhe.:blpod,' from the.syat.e.m...I. fi<=G $1-00-- ;Pr6-. . o u a It parent by.C. .H. .KEM113.1T I`. Cmmjstg 'Bla;ie. For sale eve;jy_:srh_<;rc3,_`__' I T'11e;.'b'efsi.'fB'lc'Qd purler ye! ducoveri j .but removes . the. '.e.! .9f, ,'1 ` lM"W%K7j'%[i5%i}1;I ' `mid h'r`ntife}j lvegetag` - V. In obstinate mes 9! P.YPD$i% I329 Pisll ' should. t e gtnken wi9hA.t:h,PoWdr9 ;' ?!zfl_l . .dixectipns.9.0.QI9P!i"_!Y!"8 each b.ox._- _ In`id`oBas'of`one or tiVo _7Ih6y arb o.=lte'a.. ' ` ` ' ` {ve in-larger dbses.`*'*- `` "' """" " "T ""*' .'.7"`7'7. always'rV-mating thwhealthytfzictiians` thebbody. (l _; A I ,I.'}iq.s'.e. .4 /r we: cnce u ;ihem, will _ 139! idxient g have q;_1_y_._ ozh'e-,-' ;. :[u;}_ 1 ` RI!?%:%%? 0 P33L3_.03<"*f. . ____,,__G_____ `V n 9 ~ - - - II lvgr .___a I .... ""95? ; _ . ' E.nqu,1r9,' .T thgni at t;{3 jianrbm sto_re` _\{vIn_:e Medygnes ar kgpt, ` or so_1;c_}.t.o`I_3_a_1"1e. for."t.hem. _ _e D,]*]m W1 procure two bjzgks 31' the Plsgmd thgee of the powtfez. " ' " -no. , >7 . 9'-~ ouo..sInn.oaoo..., .-..--. "0 j1=j:je1;ar:1':nid 1:: sale-wwozmre; by 171-.11-nnrnmm-~ . [BLtiii77i5BiF'l:E%R?| Va;-w V } r . _ Ittnngr pm ON - " ; Watches. Clocks, Wedding'Ring`8 .& `Fancy: Jews `fy 'L}:DlES'.COMPANIONS. 1>.oauET' HOLDERS. v'om( noxm` nvm. nnIu'"r.. 5I'o5V" ` `Hm STEAM 'FITTIN GS,? Hav given` entire sa`t1Asfactioi xwiiere f f 1_.'hey`have `been trs-ed-,-they ssess` ~ ` 1-11` '.".L-`.'.. ;.!.'.' K '-- I I.A-~_'L-_ A kt `athattic~-am}:-faxfti-Biliotisg ' nlnrhhb'rn`fnrhn fhb;41nnH>knr?.L....;:L..-. n;!=.4.-x'w9~-Pf* T` um , I10 cl s, - ., 212. . 31? g-4 E, . V -~. a'1a%$ir%:?59en't%3`m?oi E V %3g%3:?ae.t!?:. ;~ M 32. ms. `A by taking`-one hour of t`he-Powdefs; __._`_>._-..1. |.a_.:`-_ . .. . . . . . - o . x on -.-5..-...a... ' 'L'uey nave ueIaI! 'usea-,-meyposseas . u a - . - - . n - . . . . Q. .MINER_AIg .,:1 ;0`1sfo`fN s, :<.':':-:"sU, 9} 2? j.,nI91=3M?=m.. `.`c:~%-?"3":ax%n=- v ` 3:7} fgepareu and I0! B[.Il`( .' W nolpkafe`, by` ': -4 ` _'fxERmom;%::i: vi; IVIIEVIMTCHI --Idtx -"*3,-- For 'I"esf`i'r1 1ox1m.!`_s,_ see 1 race:-.-.. *7 - -~ A-And: aorvioablmlot of Toys and all Fte5h,,io9 `ngngygggfqs _lo rgoniion. : 7 ' watcnes. UIOGKS, w`ejau}ng,I;;ngs*a raneyi Jewelry LADIESPCOMPANIONS, noqum HOLD)-2_R'S,"V'0RK BOXES, ov1:x. cam`-: -~ camsr STANDS,CAkE 3.\sKE'rs,'roAs'rn-A'c1c,s;p|cm,;2pog;g gr ~ - . ~~ BU'l`Tle1R&NlV.ES AND spoons, ` * , ----._-. _ v4:.:~.-.~'-1;xru.7.~..u-rrs_ '"oR UoMPorUND*"}3xTRA`0T? ` *7 ; PF 'ST1I*`13,1.`.T,<,%*A.:-' ;- c a .. _ , FHA AVG. n`nnr1 nnu.R...- uni J;-gs.-.--. onhnnd at all tiln s 53190: of e j '\ E.N' ` .4.` _ aqua. cup... Dyspepggia _ _ _ _ _ __I J,'-,, I Eimns, `D1 i)`i2.I.'K'ERM . .. am igma ALmiu;.% -DFL; KEaM`5i'rTls-: 33:4 oAxsn:;s1s`:sou``1rsms iii ' 2&5 nu-.1 5: .....:..h;,. 'EE:`$?131 z\'4"ci1ii}i is Q W- H-FREEMAN`. % L A I3>o_Anm'r MAKER AND llPll0|.STEBElI,f` " Minnfantlnrnn Am] lumnn nn Ham! . I.-am... C; 1}; I.(ERMOTT, __' ~ 'l"l1l`Ml.Q } .K5P.M,o;r.'.r2s. iPBT lIljllBl'y~`\l'l' urea. J. EDWARDS 8 SON. 1VlU'1"1', __` 'C'HEMIST . `Barrie, Ontario. ? i 'T:z3h?e*=-E; .,-- .4 nuvvvv .vKING-. W In 31*! MA R1 IN MOORE`, = HAS now on hand an extensive and genuine _` stock of Single an 1 Double Harness (0ar- ` Triage and Tum). English and Common Riding . Saddles, Double and Si `ale Bridles, Oollere. &e., whi- 3.119" ca_u_ alley an very reasonable prices. ' `Alecia stock, aomeioftlxe best En'g'llsh j and other Rldng and Driving Whips, Bits, I , Linea, Brushes, Curry and Mane 0ombs,,Cerde, ` #0., to be found ln this min-ket. Ant nrtinlain tho tr.-uln mqnnfentnra Pnr. -GU-9 H) De Iuunu 1!! H5 I!1ll'KBF.' '- M ., Any artxcle in the trade manufactured, fur- to give satisfxitibnl I !:l'Repairs wall and neatly cxecuted. 4`nrtie;1&pri18.1B'10 J` 1! ' .- :3 . ..... _` niahed to order on short p_29tic_e,and warranted .B.: `)7 Hamel, _bpga pjnfqrm the farming cognf, V : munity -and the public generally, . . Jluthe has l!0\Y.0n hand and ` _., manufactures to order SADDLES,.`..,...... xvi; TEAM & CARRIAGE`. HARNESS. --Imnntna ` ':- . . . . . . I( I-L'IVI'IIIIJ LII.-nl_VlII3I-,"' :Havfu'g taken -the premised`!1i.ely*'-`occupied by` Mr.~ Wm..Boot, nearly opposite the Bzurie _ nu, , . , &c.,&o. _ A n ngsqrtment ofwell made Conan in stock and wnrmnIcd' {o'g_lve satisfaction. ' ' ' Ridfnif 'ahR"1'h-ivina `Whinn. Rita nm-dsl EHO Wl'I'8Dl(.`G [0 give SBUSIHCUOD. Rid: n'g' 'ahd :Dr'rving ` Whips. Bits, Om-ds,_ Curry Obmbs, irusbeu, &c.. together withcom- plete outtt.iuga.fo1_' entire homes; all of-which ' he q`e;'s_ _a verynxpoqergtp pri-xea. _ _ R'nrv-in Jn1v`l5~`. H17? ' 90-111 \ 1'3 the mivertiaer is practically conversant with -his business in all its details, employs the mouakillful yv_or1_(mcn, and uses none but the best yqaterinl, he c'a.n warrant nil workmude in his estabIih1i1nt`tb`give thorough satisfaction: `to the purchaser.- - single and double Harness v ofnli -kinds, Snddleahuollars. Trunks, Valises, and .everyth_in_`g connected with the business . cqnstantly on ha.'nH a't'tho lowest pric es'. Part- iculn.r_`at u':nt`16n'given to Light Single and Dotblearriago-Harness. Sole manufacturer in -Barrieaof. she .`.,',E2;celsi_or Back, -and '-Hip Straps," t.o_v]hi.c_l1tlm attention of the public n ' issgeciully directed.` ' Barrie. Juno l8."'l8.' 24 Iv A.--WUU"I 'ca;;_ g`;_yA _-agree with you,Lecause, in {he rs: p ce,although I don t believe in going to extremes, still I believe in dressing respectably ; modarncsooiety is to a great -extent founded on cloth. Just imagine a nak- ed.~iioiuae.9f;1?8I1i8!B!|WYi8i`9d by the Govemor _ bow won I we know one I; _ er in such a state? `tin-nlnb ah 9!... cl... t.L...-L-I _ ? A *.::";;;.;;:..;'1% ll-'jgo`= t '-bti6b'b:ad`.~.\iu'da`f~ a- mi: in: II E-"I""Q rm 1: up llbg ass Mmml I D41l')DIf.` :7n5S?a?i . .md `.99! _-953.39. ;,we`1l_,_f_ef9ge,_I let; yytpq-u9.s,9r<!, As I, hunk; 1: Is !W!J=e<:1'.1.s . _ V A . Ll_(.lQl_)'l_l_)Qn0t the commdnnty`wh,gu-e , Que l1ves'b's:;ie3:_ially wh'en money_ca.n b9:8313'3*3`: .,dA"3.lf1:`3'-,-g9,$9'_+;1 bide8 `it is A-ylaht. 9.0!`. J .'.P 191-dresszfvspectsbly sI.v9s-.?I.i1H9 56 rxievtd. ` ... --,-H-.-.A9..`.`` ' "5530 Youfare ug_h,t` _qnoug_`n_,_ but ITha v_ an idea; of g hf! do. I *don t believe much in 43' J) \'1`m~3su _` '<~.5.Ir .5. n--,l....-L ,' \ .- ofs, mizhey wh`ere ` .go:ng.i'.in'f'or-1zav"IiI_I_I.and.mgkingmypld` _ Provision atom e, ' uvvv vuu Ll` v 1! lI;.;1mv:A n n "n it man" Ir: [Inn "T`.'..___._"" _. `_"' "` "' 7 Co_r_n_e1: 9}: `Bgyeld 5' Dunlap Streets, BJYRRIE A 1116 busy sewn is 43! `Hand, pu'rlics would do 3 II to call and examine the tremendous stock ~ nl lulu: C5 uuuu (._} my _ 4' .4.-0! I think 1 `at- I hgfpj- p.en.e.d to .d.r.P. !`!`.~131`3L$'%| .S. latew,,9n9ni.1:s._ il `'V"S'p}'i11g }.)cd, gqq t!}1ey__,:z,1;ppe2i`fed "t`o' `rook `so .neat.,aiI.d, .s!}i3`*- "ans! p:.i9..` "madame, I00 `and hsiuincr Hmf 'n'\n' `ck '.i.`. ~ l1.`..t`.... ..- 1 SADlLAl&\ iE- 'I`AB| .l8H|lEN'l`, T , ,B1L2,.E`1.EL33,*S'rE.EE,'2`,\ _ "`A*=raw" cremrsr .Nurw.ot `-tho`-`~{\ ' ~1\"nl|i08un..~Hd.t I3!.': u,a; '5 . an (hr ', mu nu. uuvvuct nnynuag cu ` .E.:& `W..R.0RKE S Xlblnel mud "n1]m-lnI:i:;cv. F}qmMi:|nnpnI_ nin- _P! and Moidlug congsmalnlly on'l:im:l.' ` Franlcs made to olcr ' ` at Illevlqwoqt-rgatoitbr cgsslu -6-... . !-:07<._iE B E! JIQJIT/5|'* `V ll( ).,UU yuu_ EIIIUE. EU 5 Ho-B90=!l18., you turn(c'2t in sucliln `slydish, neat-mng suit s`Q`.)early inilhe season. I fea,r,3,you are gel_ting lg bga bimra dandy) ' . IL-0! I aim : hint: `on ... 1 :..`. .`-.~ uu--~uu_b.. -_.qn-y v V :A1u:1oAN. . V 1 d"1:;&W.RoRK1:.` `cu: town. r-; _ IIILI-l\lL\Ll.'! :1; IS 2 '. 9;, -J.u.u. J..|g..L.L LIJLILI L; EOKEN 0_I;`_. _ ,,.' __ 3: ` .12., Hemv/'-`Upon, my word, 3 uggiug 5rm.9pnears:1.<=9i/.911`: A560" 5-, vwr-`ase you ate. bPlr`P.d. `:0. end thq` fashxbris jn 1! 6' . . \,`:{g,_)~-1. , . _ . ,".' Alf7ed-`-Wh,);, 0,`e $01`: 1 Ilo--BBC9.lI8&.V0ll turn on! in smr-.}.| n .. V_.,.,.q ,.? ....,K._...:...,. I3.arr.i..JJI.1y_1_5.. 18,73- `ED\}vA7i=i?i3* Bt~:MRosE,. [avhrxr tnknn he rvrnmiqnd tntnlv-.'nnnnniod P 1.1!: new 1.1. .I. .:..'_\/ 1.Il,.L_L.1.J K. Cabinet and Undertaking Establishment, ohc door West of the W_<.-Hingmn Hotel, Pul~ !an s Blovk, Ba;-lie. \ ~ :1. -4X - . . .'Also.:LXar_ge qr_apgit_y ofthc'nma; a!_v]is_h Asmr I.` 11111 A 11 nrinnixrn _ gzl-1 . ca, . V nu nu `- "LI3 Li`; ';'_ :3. A.--WUn3 -I g p,l( ;_,_gree 'on,Lecause, {he r_sI c,al_though A.....9o I.'.l:-__ 1.. A!-H; H-.:1'tNEs3-s~.n:sEa-nI.'1'H11':'1v-T. }RE A '1` (3 141;; RHI N - AT .'l`V/HE 4_ ,. G -vj-----_-_--y---------` .._. - .- ` ` . 9 I 1' 9 I; V `l1|:VlB" 1 .\ "-3 xDlmM\ EE- fngnc)` No 3. 0' 1'h.`-'. =`,>x-and. 'l`ABh1SH|{EN l`, zghnde Packggeg %":Ji ::d_:ll1dnl`:1;|"l{|;:i(g (tat ` ~ . I ' . _ n . -;` .Tl)E P! h,1|f_=3r0 wgrned tlgatle rtaiu other brands A "`w',d` ."N"m `T"m"~.` ` are H ! `shm~zn`overy '!od25 `pound 5` '~ 5\ uHingmn,:H6.tbl.-x zxt.-[.3 "packg_9_-_; ; .1 - 1` ---< .3; Examine `tixebiand uh}? drr not b but on`- M ' I" 1 Z :y8i1t.l.:_.inffrior paints. The mm` is always can?- KS nnw nn hand an numnnivn an ` aimninn .. .. . . . _ RfE'A D ' BE Lo - ` '1 . 1: , ` L; w_:c5a_uy an-eaten. LXTIO, l8,"'l8.' I, uu. 1 , in \'1"xi\'1S'0'. I'l.I1r.s ., -FURNTTURE __.-v ..-._. ._._.,. 1:-.;N.E lL1S)N!-s;,`;r;.. ` ithohntifm ~51 .-mi.-',u5;a l':I.Q. ()l_Ihe newest styles, at . " ` Y` -"T\ f\ `I`\ T` [V DOD 'BRlDLES, TR t ruf:I. ugaueve much in `us! in 'r."s`.:~.`:`m-;.s:V- L .I.nnu..T 'nnran `-`-NL Lma, TR Uks. Am.-. :1 A J}! E S 1 H 0../ll P S 01\ .:?";`" __;,<-.` "29-ly nekai 1) I`. c 9. ` H ) `IE ` " Q `""' _ gtgiigo `tf|1e`b'rui`d int! den not b I wi'th,infe1-iorpainla. Thenlu ', I81`. " V I : Sold by any respectsble dealers in inta P throughout Ontario, and to dealers on! by `I ELLIOT at `o., l'onm|-m nuuuu G uu-, . . `P030370 ,,... For sale in Barrie _by John Woods, J. P. \ ;Kidd. Watson 4: Co. and Well : Bros . vvux u\ny._ Lu. ,Ill--DUIIKSUII lb 501" N duh` ` ` ` ' ~ om f:ii1s`to TfEct a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, WVl1ooping Cough, Inuenza, Asthma, Colds, _ Sope._,'I`ln:Q21t, Pains or Sore- ness in ()1 Qhest and Side,; Liver Ob{p'l:ii`nt, Bleeding" --.ntAzheeLnngs, &.c. Wista1"s .- Cough, ?t"(l""lc. _ the cause . V nmoat;-Q pmpamtions,-.. but 5 it . ' .` ;. hi" '_ ; - ' ., I , fi ` , - 5- -'J ..;Bnlsngm_does _ dxjy up a_ ` vbhhixidgeiliizi with . an-xrw I GEdEf55 .SUCC Ess.' The people in V ton and re pushing their way in thron'g'ed mul_Lj_tndcs for lhosoncw any! choice kinds of 13>!-r-u-ri-I-P-13 155 uuuy vuvnuv nluua ul PICTURES to be found ~on| STEPHENS New Pho- tograph Gallery. F;atlxer a,motha:;`a,1_nd childrqu -. all wunt to no to STEPHENS. '- tozraph all want `to go_to STEPHENS. . I . 0:14) PICTURES cuppmo & ENLARGED. SPEIHM. ATTENTION I'M!) T0 CHILDREN --. Remember he in overW0ods' Drug Store . tr Ask for B;m-ie. June 11th. 187:1. STEPHENS, `Ada lf U I 1.2!-J.lI Il..LNJI| Barrie Dec.A18,_1's _I?, fiUMM;E& VA_1\.;-DEN STEENI -r -r A Ll-L\.'.I.\I\JJ.|I[LJ.LI.|J Of every descrimion, and all sizes, takn ntnll hours-of the day. `71`hcy tilso keep in connection with the gallery a large stock of c'\ -;,,nIL_}__,_ nI1,__, I-u,~-., _,-._ A FINE STOCK. OF FRAMES.` ,PIC'!`URES'FRAMED T0 onmm. I1UM.m: .v.- vase r-.~~,;:v -'=r.a`m~:N 1 Otillin.Jpu.2l, 1372. 4-zr ` 1:-.\1.kII.$\v\l.l Dy , ,l,b 1-3 _llU1llO_VvLf edged by many prominent physici:ms to be the most V,.,_1fe_li_':1'I_)le 1`)re1'):u'atio11 ever in`- '~ t1'o.J1..1iI 'i7<?.1'fjt`|i<,5. mlief and cure of all Lung complaints, and~is o'ercd to -the public, s;'t1j(_3t_i})_1i(l` by theexpcriencc - of~ove1--iou&y'ye'a1's-. - ~VVhen .`_ `\;'<;s\q1't<\>. .tQ= i11..Vsea\son it scl-: aam na;w+,. scum ..' m4M>1-- a nu gt auubn ul {lG='A1bums,, Album Picmres, . LOCKETS, CHROMOS, LITHUGRAPIIS, AND ICARPE}EEI,f,ZBE1? ER| AND 1% OIL PAINTING, .@ Ffiiinnl n} withrmt. Wu-nmnu. `Bgxrrie, Jude 1] lb, 1873. _ .__,.._.._._.__j.__ _'T>REsEN'rs{ r _ . J. EDWARDS 85- SON 8, Barrie. in-rin Don IR, 1fa 1`7, 51.161 Ii `WI_1};"u 3ir'i{1 xii A ` ' - ' CORNER qr)`; OWEN 5; nmcnozvnn STREETS. B.z9R.RlE. `.1 `J-uvwyual EHTII % \v1'1.`1_'li_ ,` c.'iij'[ bA"c11x'cdf by it ` time1y..rcso1:t to..this stand-, iu'd- -1>re15>a1'-atio11[;` as has- been V p1'ovcd"by the ht1ndrc1(1s- of tSti!'1.'1f<'>J.`*.3f=F.1.S.1`0iYd`bY the p1:o.p1:iet0.l's.., ' ` It is ;iickx1o}'\il_- nlln-n11 1\-- --'A'-*-- ~ fvmw (mu -SAYS ; [H, ME 21 WHAT agzounziiic, 1 ,. .. .'Z 1; _ w1IL'BE 8_0Ll)' '>\;.,,- ,' STY-LI_Sll .GO0DS FOR EICH, iEI.IGHT_FUI,, ONDERFITI,, EELECTABLE )HQ'1'oGRAPI1IE GALLERY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T-i .,.._,,_, _rr11m. .(;1:EAT--1u:`.m :`1)Y F011, l\.QA:'I.1 :. In m\ an .._.'.__ -A __ .33. "P'U '_LL-A.:N s, "" -'.._Nesrv'tlze Wellington Hotpl. a1zi`:;'Li;:' PHOTOGRAPHS nn z'ln~';._f...L:-.._ .....I nil ..!....- rug; ~II|- l_l`\Il`IIl`\J: Fr'z'n'n'ed or without Frames. HARDWARE null 011 OWEN S'l`lti3_E'l`. nmnuz. LUILJLI IJKJII `XND UNuE'nrA: kc}, &c., L &c., D 11!.` l'\Il"f.`l' 9 ll n.Vl'\ f'I`he lnrgernssovlmnnt of GUNS` ' ~ '~ -waver shown in Barrie.` _ .__......_ Lofall the new patterns in 9 greal variety. ' - j_-.._ A IV A I81`: . and SEWING MAOIIIN:ES_ A ' 4-ll blllbl _ 51-if tbi remedy she was pertectlylrutored to Health- `-.`You may ublisbzhe mate for the UII5`` J thololillllllr 1 sietcd ~ ' _ I.:......| u....u. llnlntu ' "`J' """1 ?" `U3'U UEGII BOCVEI DIDCC`. I ' - - Sworn before me ts 'u;':I30HN 8! Ri of Apr", Am. 1870 nn old, thus can If ' ` Ign I. WIIa!JNG'l'ON,J.I . ---Q-- worinnnrun kn or Iiuiza vxsmsrc." _ .- _ _. Bloonn, April Mb, "1870- J._ O. cnoninntr,-Euq._,-Bn.-This is to ""!J that my wife In"! voty low-with lung din- 9l_l0- fl'beDoclo1-bod Von her up. He M341 her: Alnngo wore guhuo ed, nod medic! econ"! notholp her. Aulut resort, 1 para d 3 bottle of the Grant Bholhonoen Remedy. 1 .$7.a?a.`?, .! .`:9.`:?.;`:::zi`:a7".5??;;.9 ;::.Z`:2 5.- ra` I that b "time Ihohnd taken one hot` I V - --. 7 yr d M .2-mm ;:-xoa- um. mmmmu nu. ma v.IIg.-tonot at ' The only Synip prepared f m D , c bill's Formulas, and certied `lg be B!1ent1]?l:':v.'y pure. For the prevention and cum 0;` IDIYI `llllm A In`! r1t\\1n-v4-u-.- _ __ GROCERY Toronto, Dec. 4.1873. To the Victoria Chemical Co. ,_ _Gentlemen.-I have examined the ar- ticles employed in the Victoria Chemical Works itnhe preparation of the Victoria Syrup of Hy- pophosphitea. The several Hyp0|rl)0splxiu~ used are chemically pare, and the Syrup is she quite free from any impurity. Your Syrup of Hypophosphites will undoubtedly provoa very valuable Medicine. -HENRY H onom`, Profesaor of Uhnmintrv r n `J T . . . . . Srnrnmno J . 0. Oavunnum, Esq. This is|to ct-N tbatnbout three years ago I became niirfc with Bronchitis which hated about oighirv-1 months. `I wr so n.llcted`for the want of breath Ihnt it was verydiicult for me to um-k end in the night time , frequently throwing ' I110 clothes-oi!` end raising in the bed to keep fwlll ltrungling. I tried 't.hre'e'of the. most eminc physiciansin the Oounty of `No:-thumborln,-. for about 1 fear without receiving any hem M- I; factl continued getting woree all the num- `At um I `wee n`dviaed'.to the Great. Shosho- noes Remedy. I bought a bottle ofit, end when it was about nished I be an to feel elims i .peue;.., I continued to.nae.j._nnti,l I had uh I It `aims bottles, when, t`o'in'y Iltifhclion, Ifou. that I was on well as ever] had been previun tomy. i_l1neu,aend have been so ever since. ` _ ` Jnnu or r in D rununvnnnl UUNSUIHPTION, - ~ ' ` Alo for the cure of Dy5pq;s1'a,B:onchil1'.:` uhnaa, 14);; of ..'1,,pe1;(' Genera 'DebZlizy, &c. 0II'l'Il'l0A1l A8 to punrrv um nnomv. Lnborat.or__-`,1 niversily College. Toronto, Dec. the Co. . ,....... xv: my Ilvvvvuvvvn uuu uun: m PULMONARY CONSUIUPTION V for cure of ' .4 Specic Remedy for all .')1's-aw 0/ 1/,` Blixdiler and Kidruys; Dropnical Swcllings; r `um plaints-incidental Io I"1na1cs, and ull DIu'ua(`- Me l/rihary Orgms m either Sex. "."rv it nnna fnr nnv nf thus uh.-sun l'\:.,...I-.- I-ICE .(lllyl|l7y lII5I7A': `I'll C"l`"l'I D21`. _ Try it once lor any of the above Diaorulm, and you will be fully convinced 0! its pre-~.mi- none virtues Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggi -_g. j.-H--CU--3 II ~ "The King of ml Llnlmouls 2 For Iilaeumarim, Gou!, Nruralgm, LmnI:tu;'7 Sciatica, Wmuiering Pains, Stznesx in the I.m..`2 or Jomls, Sprains, Bruises, Nunzblwss, Sn-rllia :5. Humluclle, Earachc, Too}/.uchr, d;c- llll III` I 'l'I'\\l I1` I I nnnlnn no . .. - ;u nu mu gt. iiii""if'z "'ir'i \ r H71": rnova IT! 2 ! n.:.'m an .4: m... n'.m1. chm r.. .n n....,...: vn III IIII IIII IlIUIInII|$'. :Pri<':c 50 cu. per Bbttle. Sold bv allruggisu. as--mg 0..A:.,E..E :|3..|...I!L!s3!F- AT `rub; URYSTAL PALACE STORES! - BERLIN W991. AME ) FANBY `S0005, JPPEIL AND (JRu'I`()H!=!'1` pA'M\mn~.q - mums wlI.I.n ! DUPAVIIIIU LINIMENT. - `I -I`I|n Illna nfnsl I Illlntnxuulu 91 fur--jhvji TIIIEIS-I "WortII its Weight In GoId.f- .4`Sperz'j2c_/or Cuts, Wounds. Bruisn, liu 7:, Scuhls, Boiles, Piles, Pimplcs &c., and 4(Im,mc Diseases 0/ the Skin of every cscriplion. Price 25 (Its. per Box. Sold by all Drug;;is:s uu.rp:nwx;.' Wuomcstnn` Acz2ns.-Nonhrop & Lymnu, Newcastle; Lyman Bros. 6: Co , I`oronto; Iai- liot I: 00.. Toronto. . 39,7113 July 17th, 1872. - -unnnl u uxwx F _ , _, Profesaor or ohomisuy,I:.c 1?:-i`c_e_ 5 per Bottle. Bpld by :11 Druggim. .u .u .1. \J...IJ.l..I..lJI .11 u.uu_u_1. I-lnuncntly the Ladies !-`uvoriu-., For Bcuuli/ying the C0mpl0J:ion.um1 fm u- moving Tan, Sunburn, 1"2crI.-lcs, Pi/n,.u~.s~, a... uVlso_/hr Chupped Hands, Chllblains, 1"ru.<( l}[!.s and Sara Lips. ' Price 25 Cts. per Bottle. Sold by all Drng[:is'5. `TOILET soAPs,, u. nix: I'.`I)n.- l'fI`l'.`I\ lung. mun.- '1`nI'0&Ia -"1183, billet, Kndneys, Digestive Ur; V:-~ Gcc, &:c., as well as Scrolula, the various >".n Lbiseueu, Hunnormand all diseases arising I :1 lm _urity oflhc Blood; `excptingthc 'jL`hird ."w- e or onaumption. Fuvthermfom-at'on, whiz : . 1 directions xor using the_Grucu Shot-konecs Bumm- 65 l jlls, nnd containing Tulixnraaals and Cur` .1- cates 0! Cures, can; be obtained by scum-inc we Treaties,tho Hand-lnuok, or the Almumu: u: a. circular; from any respectable Dmggm ;u_l`uc Dominion-1reo. ' .P1`iceofRe97'ml_7/ in large Pm! Boztlrs A . $1. Pills.-per Boz.`25 cu. I3`For Sale by all Druggists and" Dealer rn Medicine. Aunra yon B.uuux.--John Vv'oo.E.a, A. V. Palmer & Co. ,.Watson at Co., Well.-5 lm :. .Oxum.n --J. W. ulnyen. Cou.1sawoon.--.\!r. Carp: inter,` ' Wnnv.nnArn` A:-mun-n _\Tn-oh.-- L 1.... .. nnllv I-`. nu n "TM! Medicine is pleasant and safe to talc. 1` =" is warranted, and may posiuvelv be rehud .3-. to make a permanent cnr' bl all diseases N Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, gm, 1}; Scrolula. the various r-V. `":9*::'*;;?s;:` ;$'."r`?';{""';}`.3=;:`;:.'::,':2*i' mvuuon, eucn name Extracls of Wild (TL;-v 38rk, Podophvllum,Juniper,Qummm.Smnnv. Dandelion, Hyoscynmus, Cdmpmzml Exllm-I Culocynth, Jalnp, socolrine Aloes, (Iaprn-u re. &c ) which enter into the covnpmizion vi- comlninc-.l medicine, are such run] so l1m'lnnn;<-I classied and vomponnded, lhal ft is mmle xl.-.- rm gearchmg curative in the Known world, and -- _nol help but aclon the system in an very snlxsfm-'- and desirable-manner. No manor what vom :: men: may be, or how long slnmdiltg. :1 will ilncll spot and womb ycu..hy the ra id lnanm-r . _which you are restored to pcrfect_ eallh an.l Viyar. *' -This M'd`r-inn in nl`-.-..o .....l -..r.. .,_ .-I. . 7-:-- - T2: II fl CELEBISATED F015 'I`ll liill UNII-`ltl PURITY AND I .\. CELLENCE 0F QUA LITY." I'IC l'()RI./1 C./lI~.'.B() I.I(.` S0./J1 . VICTORI./I SULPHUR SOJIP. I-`l(JTORI./Y GL YCERINE, HONEY, Ru: 1:.` JND WINDSOR. Qnlzl `xiv -11 !'|........:-A.. I PROCLAIDQ THE GLAD TIDINCLS '91.... .|_. .1, , n - I. That the Gnan Snosuomzns Rmnmr um Y i oflbe Eldznen! lndmn Medicine Man, [)1-. . LcwisJoyephus,oflhe Grout Tribe 0! Shusbmu r ~ Brilish Go|umbia,is workinzlhe most mam-'--as `anduslnniahinglnnresxhe World cw.-1' bmmi Nam.-_rrm the` nnnals ofCanadian Modionl H:-h 45 has $u_ch aucce.-1.1 nltondcd the Inlroduclioni on -o `I medncmo hcretoloro. llrtlva W.II SIMPLY Bncnm-: the Villuafble ctive Inedmn vegeisiblc ingredients, (some of wh:'ch'wr: J muntion, ouch nsxbe Extracls 2 P0d0DhV"UIn.J1lnihPr.()IInumn .qvn.'\l-IL`. - _T.__. .__.,, ALUABLE PROPERTY -~ ~ *SALE. "1URE OF ?BRON(`}HIT1'S. .1 . v . A-4`/`U553 `CQMPOUNB FLUID EXTRACT ov VICTORIA I`. A DR{\f.A'l"Ii`h VICTORIA Anunrirntn nvnnn mumculres anu Keep! on and `a. Iargennd-chano Itnck HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. . REDRTIEAHR nnmznannu bnDnAnc: I-nrnvn }; V J_UL\InaIlI. Ooupouxo smup or vIc'ro13,E+~ ELECTRIC WJLVJJOUIE. Sold by all Druzgists, ' VIC1:0RIA xvn nn 1 7f\ nvnun VICT(?I;IZ VICTORIA \/..L.-\J.l.I) CARBOLATED 11':-\'I' -1-r-aw d.wmn _.L 17 Eon `II . 29- [AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE STORES! IQl Illl nun I-nun`: an STEAM GUAGES AND TAPS, 2 AND Acnmvnctunlousizi =3 . -uLU'I'_1-JING, C0l1SlStlllg ofovercoats, &.c.\,s8z-,c:, . i T BROADQLOTH, 'rwEEDs,*n`1;A_s; ToBA:qG. CIGARS, wINEs& LIQUQRS, 4 < % GLASSWARE & cBocKEBY$&c. I , TGQME EARLY BEFORE THE STOCK IS Exuavsmn. According to the terms of the Lease the Goods must `I.-.n.-v....I:..4..I..` ' ` L(i'iz:e-.Iu'm en 0411! and sea for Yaurseli2``es} be rgmryd &c., &.c., 860- JUST wan ma HAVE ALWAYS sub. The; VV.h eolc'r II-Iv I-l\JIl.bJ\I gnu Immediately; IE9 um l__!.00_K_D0||i Jortment of .e;*r J. I-lAENDE`Rs'ON' S.. lI3'NEA'B THE STEAM GRIST, MILL, BARRIE- wt '14 . `Ill-IU uvlv DUO - cn"vTA|. PALACE, EAR THE STEAM GRIN!` Il1'[.I'. , I2 SCI?-1-", ' "AGENTS FOR THE 09. swoon, : ANDERS. *T2-;':..a 7.. ` ; ' INESS STAND II... ..I. n..s n.:..I. 9...... ...A-n-.m........ 9|." -ply to in thogcith Con. 'l`|y.neing.,L_n_t_. V . 8, plunged _well,timbor'zd with Pinqqnd Hud- wood, wuhin I mile g)t'?th'o.`Mldlnud Railroad, two meafrom Hog; ny.- `Fo!particr 1l|rs up- ; 33:;-,:-;...; MAn'gpl.MO0RE, ` ' Barrie. am-ia,_reb. 25:1: '73. 9 tf ---`:\--u n..----- 4- Ill! llllllllilll I|IiIlI8_g_LRIi|: ` 1 ; :~5vi:hn die is; r,;5{e:j1'owp'or slirrio, igmg teen acres otLan`d.1>oi`g compo`ad' of Pork Lot No. 8`, South side ofSIe_e1o Street.` Lot No. 3, North side ofapjcr Street, The nbove Lots are well fenoed and in 3 good . state of cultivation. The:h.gioj" large Frame . _arn;onlhe premises ' For price and terms of oayroznt, ' npplg to , ' M ESSRS. TEWAR'B nt LALLY`. 'Barr|o,A28bh.l;`>",vl8','l2; . _ L 94: r_ " ' '1'? " $5. I Span $3! well matched Du 5? Gays. heavy bum,sltable for farming or >__ -g. . 1 w T _.Tl'2rr*r1n, 3 33.31 "V 3 v `Rm-pie. nu-uwaquln. 04 I mick Bjailding. ' -4 Jun 1.7- J-u1:4.l.'AJ.x.lLV 1.14--5 N mspramiges to ueaku or Oheupoidb ind min` 1 mi Yo ' 1\oaseIsl3i': n `3thIJ'rsl`of_0 alobar, has de:tcr'nined h tnsh Olii 30,063 at 09It:d`Ill:ldQ[', "l'l|_`e|g;ook n"nn'nA-inn 'nr\1\rlu_-1 _.-!4,,l,! 1-,, .1 , muss; aqoon ~ uoor xrom me Msrket. BA ERIE. Afahe id_ rtisers are thor- T008111! Ind P1'I0ti08-Hy? conversant with their business in all its dets`i1s,' oinploys none but the most skillful, workmen, and use only the best material. [they can guarantee all work turned out ititheir establishment t.oEgive perfect satisfaction to the purchaser; Farmers end others look to yourintarests, and give use. call, we promise to give you better value for .your -money thnnyon can get ngnny other Carriage Factory in Barrie. . _:`;- _ I3'A1so, GENERAL 8 OKSMI THING in ull it: hiunnhna ntfnnnd _ {KICK Dglllllllx." : V 3: \j_.._ Barrio. I Barrio, :OcI. 30th, .1872. *1 . 84-tf.` ..___.___.+4?_ $1. 90 ; Buxxvnaa 5'1'A1VUl,;`.({1.S_.'P}_ ( 2 . -7'. ` I - I V, 1 1 i For aple that Brick Store nndgnullhaqn 5 u-ketgsqunre. Barrio, knowifui the " 000!- : mink Bhildinn. Annlv lo "W. Y W) Eng` Ms; S Harness :1: A J71: -an-an Dim: h6x_'_ nan `Being the'West Lot 11, in t,`2th Con. Town-. ship of Innisl, distant from Burrie 3} miles, and from Allandale 2 miles, and_'yj(hin the circuit of a.s_'mile there Ill`! adveml Grist, Saw, and other Mil-ls. the -vVillma of Painawick with its: agmue were urn .B8V6l'I urlsl, unw, and onner Mil-ls, the -vVi_llaga of Painawick with .ita Churches, ~Po`st0!ca, School," Stores, : to. `V - Sdil good clay loam, 60 "acres cleared, well faucd, with frame -Barn, Granary, Stable, Cow Homes. and other buildin 'v`si1 Tan Ar-.1-an of IBIICGU, Wllll YIIIIID `DIN Homes, and other b: Eall Wheat in ground. "PD.\"RI.'.`.QRInN I 306.6 iiiii 136i}?i}'.;a'.i,i;"o}J1;' T CLOTHING, consisting of Overcdats, &,c.,T~&`/c.-, !'|I\1\ A l\t~9 t\rI1rr 9--u--o-.____._ g_ . _ ..__A . V` IJILJLJLLIKJLJ-I`/AI .l lJ+LV.l.LJlqlL 1- 1.2.11 4'.- 1 "Put of purchase moueycsn rennin on Mint- gate. For further particulars enquire of V -A-A -. noamrn cox. Ar, .L - . To let Town Lot (situate on Mill Road. and comprising about 4 acres of good land suitable or garden, wall fenced agdawp ered, and good new Dwelling House aiid table attached` Uuugpua|u5 uuuul. 9 acres OI goon IBIJII BIHIBDIO mgdgwpered, Dwelling and __ table attached, within 1 mile of 1he.R_lHwa_sy Station, Pose Oice, and Market. Tex`h:a.ouy., Apply to OLARKSON. | *:v: c%`n[a`v$ ab ``````r a Fn ,sA&|-.E- ~ wmm. it}. 1:..;:o.}.'c ai.`."rm IVALUABLE FA RM FOR SALE. -; _ ___ I ,7} . ma... ol..'W..o 1 I... 11 :..fgh.:. ru-.. n--..-_ 1.0 tf BAllRlAGES",M 13'Al30, IXDAHDIIAU D]. :11 its branches attended 1: Barrie, June 18, 1873. _ ."4"`."'-. 1"'T' - v-- v-. - _-----.._v~a, sv -.. uavnnnvnt `LIIJJIIITIIJ \.II.' .LI.l.l'Jl.I.l.J. And also that" they were the only Bowing Maohlne Gcmpnny roeommend'id`by7tlIe` Ii:t'oina`tionol7 ` Jury for the Grand Diploma of Honor. ' ` - VAN-TASSEL & MORGAN, 33 AGENTS FOR mm nn- snmnne -.1.u. .LI .1';.l..u.u IS positively SELLING DEF his present stock of 3()UTS and SHOES st LOWER- RA'l`ES THAN W-ERE.-.EVER .BEFORE.,UlFER.ED _1N,BARB.11s",.;; Thdstock `W153. Wm|01|'vflihbe._801d tomske room for V 7F`AT.`I . and WINTER . 1\.{D'n`n1`.'Avmnxrn . -unu: \lLIlI`._VII' 1'. nuup `u1_ `,l.)t,ll-3'13-I-5!'I 3 1 n9.3t0CK W3`h0'11'v flihb.8._80l.d to make `FALL and WINTER- IMP'01'1`_A'l`l0NS. A '1-are chance is now off:-red f`m- lfnlnn .o....1.,..: Enii za obmun ' f-'\"3"}"'I 'h ~ 4'. 1"` 0,.- Tlvln Iununn IQ -uu-.I 0.... ....- 1.` Ann Ilnu W111 nun. 1Mrl)l'l'A'l'1UNS, `rare chance is now offered for getting stocked w?th BOOTS .nna/E SHOES rrrrn I -n rare cnance 18 otrered for getting CHEAP nnn rm-an nu. n!2...(..7n n........ __/1 _ quucu u now: uumop otreet, name. - V `tip .-soo'rs and sauna PROMP.-T{J "MADE TO 01mm 11; gags; L,;L _1`ES"l`jS"l`VYLES.* 19 No TH'A_E_:_[y|suc. ;.' \JJ..I.\J'._!~I._q.. ..`f Dom: forgot t}ne_ pIace',--'2 'Doors East of" . Queen's Hotel Dunlop Street, Barrie. `h-`G-nnnmq ....: mum: DDnunmr=.up.- .. .. Barrie; March, `g 1873, .ll :%LI.`. ATII full Vun!'r.l onf ' . vuuuge'mInont.go home on Toronto. Remember th tog; m loo Street, Borr fancdfwilh Granary, build`in g'._ Ten acres of % -_ - ' ; POSSESSION IMMEDIA l`ELY. -Dane Al` m.....1...-.. .v.......b-.... ............ .... |n.-a. ' country . 1 Tgsqeqlpgn cu: be - -` : nhuge=vithont.goi n honye u_ 'lf9gont_o. .pIi.e load: :' gPsot%ari roIi1'- `~ .AAHn.nd:`pmuP aato,n',-Initqble. rope or two mjnE,biI tby`~' hon Brant,` ' Toronto; 1 M. y with !e ul.bor_:'le'p; l_En lippfpddle; 1 lngiubgsi ,saad1e;,2 Brid es;_`2 Sets of [amesa;2 Len . I; ` 2- Bgnie March 3rd, 1873." '1';o9;unI-lIz[-t_ l.'0l"II.|l'l` Jpiplyvtvo ` nc-.--.- A GErj Ui i-8_A_\LE or BOOTS e SHOES cHEAP_ BOOT & SHOE STORE. V V` ' _ ' ` THE BEST IN THE wonnb. _ The Wheele Wilson Manufacturing Oompsny have received a dospntch from Viennn, Dated 9 August 19th. 'l8'l3,n_ announcing that the Oompnny have been nwntded ' A t1DA`M!`\ :\nl.`nAr nxr nnnnnnna . . an L...` .......- A _ . . _ _ __

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