`T $U$Du*Jvvr '- Always: on hand during the eeneon, Stewed, ` Fried or Raw. - -._..--.-._ 1-/urIrIl!!!1!'lbI` I ___._._ `FASHION RESTAURANT, In Hm inn lilnnb ,...........- .1... n....|. -1-In _____ .- ..I.. In the Star` Block. oppnsne the Bank of Toronto, Dunlop street. Ba:-ric,0nl. |f_%@9X:!`E8_$?| ------ TBI BIB ! OI` WINES AID LIQUOBS II Till BAD. nur. ' - - - Fiahing and Shooting` Parties supplied with `Re- frcahmcnls fur lheir `Excursions. Bar mmsked ,wiIh In--1' m'mlm.. in un... n-canmcnls mr lueu:'1::xcurs_ions. Bar stocked iwnh bcn qualities in Wines. Liquors, and Cigars. . 21-ly __.______.,..___.________._____ Breakfast from 8 M10; Dinner o.n 12 to 3. Chop: and Steaks at all hours. Cold Lunch at the Bar. . '~`.'..y|.inn nu.` QI-an;-.13.".-D..-.:........__x:..J _..-.1 n RYAL1NfJ'1{2dE'c0MPANY| I ALFRED Ani\?Xf.L. Proprietor-_l IIVa!:i'0%0L.1.\5 ffjox no GLOBE I; Sia'?A: \"BE COMPANY. T Amiinbl-.3 Aasscas, 327,000,000. . s---...- up > The Accident Insurance Company, (N THE POST OFFICE BUILDINCLBARRIE, Barrie. Icy 611, 1868. 18- , .___.._ _-.-._u-...urv & [Recently known as I-`Masher : Hotel] Dnnlop street,.opposite the N.R.R. Station, Bnrrig. -\a.\.I.I.r saw us: June, 1888; LI. . AGENT FOR THEN PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, THE QUEEN FIRE AN D LIFE, . TEE PHOENIX. THE ISOLATED, AND ' THE LANCASBIRE I INSURANCE C0 XS:. Onxol--Now Brick Block, over Burnout ! Store. . -; . . `Q55 V, uunv -1 nuuorquu -_nr.v..n `Banie, Dec. 180.11, 1872. Tums : Barrie, Feb. 19th, 1873. Oysters Served In Every Style. G E oRjG E B A-L L,' `CARPENTER, BUILDER, &c. I3 A 137$ $1 -UeIuJ.l.I. ..l'.-\.J vv cl. sud Ilschinorv for the tnanuftntnro of booms, swans; BLXNDS, uounnme. cc `ml in prhpaud to I_t'Ipply_ than Article; at the ` vlowegt price, V - ` , . .-_.._ <".uirn=, by UHIOAGO FIRE, estimated it ' Ilay $3 000,()()i}_ am. being liquidated as 1:133:15 mljuuled \m'rxoU'r xumncrxou. .HH(`,I.7:`m`\' vrm\n>1` p.\\'\mN1` and oomplouu nu _t ea:m. Pofverl and Ischinot! vummu%%or% vnnv%qEsemfn1oN.| V lI.lLJ`1&\JJ IAKIILILI, (Late Roynl,) V _ ' (,`orner.of Front amt Goldwater Streets, ._._._.-_-. ,\`,'- I-I-UGLI Illl Illlullvnsp aavrsavvv -("Late ofHam_.vaad-Rmlrotul Hnux:,_Rzc: Lake.) V .v\~.`~ F\/ \.\\.~.~-vx - `.-\\,...\ -vunlv [AMES EDWARDS, - 7 PBOPRIETOR. A. 0. BROWN, i:: INSURANCE * NOTICES- ~~\ --.,-.V\\,\ s . \ Ax`. ~.~-vxxnnhmx-\-.~\x\,\._,V,;.~ afv-v`A,.,.,~n. MIR A.RNALL" I 1i)i.;?.l%E :f.," I Ln tn 'Rnvn1.\ ` 3.93319?` --v' V H 11108 to announce tothe public that he has . . completed his . V -'. T ml: w'Un.l'.lUl1l I(`.3ll:I`~3S or zms weauny co_mpBY- FINE and LIFIsi POLICIES issued Wllh very 1-Zvuml conditions. < mu omen. CANADA Bmn . 1IIn1\l'i`lll2AI.. K LEXANDIQIR MORROW, MJRKE T SQUARE; BJRRIE. "HB}\LS AT ALL HOUR.S..u HOTELS .AND. BALOIDNS. -vv...,.A,..\,vv .\.\......... _ - _ , Bar well stocked w:t-h the bent of L A 161.: In. nun I SARDINES. L92sTE12s,I4a. (Late Deputy Registruf) CONVEYANGER, ETO'., AIIIII` `(In `H- `Vol. XXII. HUN T S `my - JJ bm'ris'ter, Auoxzxoys-qt-Law.. Solicitors in Ch.*.Iu'f.-1') , s'?C-, 313-` ' m,-.-:'x:--Uu_u`..;p Street, Be.1-rm. (1 I17 I -_.._ 5: $1 per year` in advance; `J 5?}! Jul 4!. .Ind.`.l'm ,1 l. an a-.--.- v.---, mar :93 ran `lI'I YI'\ I I73?` f rgsiif A. 0. BROWN. Proprietor. 43 ly-W. IAAA-u-. "325- H . u\,'\ -.. - I 7 \lo -u . navvufu Ham 3.: to the late rm -`of Boultou, Lount, Buy; It Skewam. ~ I _' . - R.1.'ri~,'I`~{::_v hith,` 131 I. - 975-ly ___ ,_ .,..-- .__ . ._ .. _, ,..,V...,.__..__._... -1061} ' ..-.. - . .-- `an. .uu\/4x;;yn.n.|J. has removed his o}i:c to` hiahew paidence on the West side of J_ohn.Streo`., immediately op- _p0:'it.e'Mr. .G80rge Bull's planing and sash factory. ` ' . D`:-. Mnn,, hm: 1: rcnnnrur (`am a aim-Inn} V5153.w;5_Y,,AHM5F?._9" I a I an II I II II I V v II `I 3 V II Luv nu-uwuuu. M90 u.m..u,u u -ymuuun nu In Graduote of Ontario Vetaringrg C)lle'ge. . E Deapatches by ' mail, telegram, or otherwise, from the that dniuiu in the Province, which for A promptty agtendgd to_ onno` b9 bentcn. Otce and Stablaa one door east of the Oom- mercial Hotel, Barrie, (Vanavorfo old Livery . ' M99 3 3' "*k fv Stables.) ' . 1 v @I$Q>,@1$$l18 T-If nnnniallnn nf Exzrix c`1a7'gs `made for ;)rofessfonal visits. 543 _ G H. BOSANKO. -v-----.-- -~, - v., -,... OFFICE--New Brick Block, over Rtwlotfl Hardware Store, Dunlop Street. Barrie. ' llmmcn G.uru.x.2m, A. Gnmronn Tuousox, nu `lira nr: nvn .__ _....-._._ ,- --- C H B0sANKu,su1iGnoN DENTIST, . ' .. (successor to J. O. Mc0nualaud), Will bein Collingwood on the lat d 2nd; Oriliia. mm, mm and 18th, Hillldnlo 25th, and Stnyner, on the last day of each month. All other days he can be fonnd in his office, on Collier Street, opposite the Poet Utce, Barrie. Special attention given to lling teeth with gold. Sets ofbeautifnl Teeth at $16. , - - A good opening for a. student.- N. B -.I will hold all partiee responsible for the amount of money paid to J. C. McCa.neland for work, he being bound by no obligation for a large amonntof money, not to do any work in l":-`?j j3'?j`-'-1->-->`-;A-s~---l- . North Simcoe, Esau, or Innislfor the next five, yeers. , Krlru m`mnrI_s mmln fnr iirnfessinnnl nisils. ` :?n "`1T_:_ _._.____..:: SCRVEYORS' CARDS- . v\.\\ ya`-,\\-\-~...v.V \\\.\~- v ~\.. ...-\\,.~>~.\-\.~~.. GAVI LLER x TIIOMSON, V clvIL"mm1_Nm2ns, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVE yous, ARCIIITEGTS, .gc., cg-c. f\!.`l .`ll'VD U --- D-..J- D1-..|. ........ I)...-n......Y.. ___.___-----~--- -_.~:..;'_`:.:;:. ....'.-.4 -:;:_* T`:'_`.."".`2'_':=__`_` THOMAS Low, 5' I BUTGIIER AND P0 UL TERER BEGS to inform the ublic thathe has taken Stall A No. 4,. in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above business. an-ie. Daoembexpllth. 186 ! J _ 50 `r '1` E 1, COUNTY 1 . `L. "GROWN AT'l`0RNEY,. n.u:R!_{T`RR &r-...'hARI{lI. 41. AV-L j" ` _ Pxinrxsson L. Guess. Pianist - ' and Oggnnisl. begs to intimate thnt.he'is prepared to give instructions at the re- :aidence ctlpupils, `and also at hie own resi- dence. . . . n:....... r|'........ .....a u..I..A.-... 'I'.m..A and ltepalrea. For terms and further particulars apply at his Residence, two doors west of the Barrie Foundry, Colliur Strgei, Barrie. Barrie, November 7th, 1872. _.,x........ .- 45-If xuuwry. Dr. Mo0., has a vacancy for ntndent. Ban-ie,~Oct. 30,1871. , ` ..._..-A. ..._...... . , ....__ ___.___,___` . Pianos, Organs, `and Helodeons Tuned and Repaired. `l?'nr in-ma and fnrthnr nnriinnlnra smnlv at GEORGE NEv_nf_@'gN.on1LL1A. \JJ\. I~r4LJ\.JLI.I.J.A..xJI. .A..\.l.I.LJlJAJ4LJ. A A 2|.\T2D P I LL S, . Wu-ranted to be benecial in gll cues. 0:11 atthe G. G. G. otlice in McOonkey a New Building over the Bank of Commerce where ongthousand certicate: could oe shown,_prov- ing their elcucy. - '- A . Snraaprilla. in large bottles, $1.00. PiE1a,25o. Sold in all the Drug Stores. I V The Iubecriber is prepared to execute ell or- ders 2| "aiming, Deeonting and Paper Heng- lnn. ( . ' lag, in. _ . Painting of all descriptions done with nest- noas n_nd dispute}: and at reuunnble rates. All work wnrrsntod to gin aatiafsction. Inalluuu I`l'BlIl' omm. . ' GEOEGE NEWTON, - . Painter A Decorator. (Mills. 25th May. 1871 H ` 21-ly Bnraaprilluin 1 , Sold the Drug Stores. Barrie, Apmlv, 1372. The Subscriber bags respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and vicinity, that ham and after the: middle: of April, next, he will be prepued to attend to all kinds of nu A 1\1\111n-n1111\'orV 1:1--rrr U and \/ unvvv: BAH YSTRR, &o.,'BARIlII!.. 7/ up-~-' opposite the Barrie Foundry." JLV -T Q -I-J.J.LJ-L-LV \Z', on the most reasonable terms, Having over 20 years expanence, he doubts not of being abln to give perfect satisfaction. Work Shop nearly L R. `L. MAOEY. Will be prepared [0 attend 10 ll kinds of `CARPENTERS WORK, A 1\'| T'\ `n`r1'T1".'r\1"1\'rr:. -`a-- -5; V 0713' ABsI1PIiifiEA J A `l\TT\ "'r1'.1- Q U T . _ ` `For purifying the Bldod. cleansing and giving vigor to the whole Human. System, nothing . can spproach (1`I:Il'\'l)r1 1-.I\1vs;-c` rurs --vvrn J" M. R. 0. s., England, _ `Z Oice over Messrs. Sanders Jewellery Store; Dunlop Stxeet, Bgxirrio. - October, 187 . _ 44 Eizzorzz vamzv 4' `G -ALVx'1N1S.T, T uuwwrmz s'r., BA_R_RIB_, _ ; NEX1 IHE R. ,0. PRESBYTERY. PIa.A'1`ING-_.;lDQ1\1'IEl An-In Ian R IE7`) ' I-05, `WXPEDITIOUSLY AND PI10PERl SE- om-ed in Uganda, the United btntea A d En- ropo. `Patent guaranteed or no_cbn_:go. Send for printed instructions. ' Qency in o _)ox-mien lenyeuu; . ; , . . ' . IIENBY GRIST, , ~ Ottawa, Oatudn. llechonicsl Engineer, Solicitor `Pqtentu and Drqnghumap. ' . - . . ' 4 .\_ Pijfnjs 1 mg Isavaunon `Eva cnlln runs: 9 `A v\ 1\I`IA\l\Il1uI.Q9 nu Van-3 l'.lA.I3. Barrie, Feb. 17th. 1873. -1 MM ;!||'1 nI);x,uuu wxsuouymx unc_uon. 1 Q8120! pill)-_ liciy. caution All convened that 1 will not ho`. accountable {or gay dab}: conlzrntod, in my , nun: _wi__tlIont,.Iny wpmqn order. . ' 7 . . lnlnnu n rnaw i 5 AU non T6 MERCHANTS AND . oramzsa . - _ V ovrIl pu-tiuLhnv_ing. {Lined from, diploma; 1 qrchnuu; ad tn.doIpeop1o_ in my .1u_m.e,,nn "- wjthnq1.,Iny_ miqtibn. I hereby pub-j liciygulnion all.aonounod.thnt- 1 will an In ..---- _v------->-,--J "9---aru -nu-an - JOSEPH 3. :om3so1:t._ 3ert*!.1-=*'`?r'?- - 4 unu up run u GEoRGEN'ysj5o.JExT. f'\'i'II'\J'T\l'H -\l'\nau;-us;-up-no - Barri, March 26,1873. _._.. -PROVINCIAL LAND sunviavon, ` v.u.vmz, &c., T .117 ' BARR! ._.. L. .. . .. .,_____-__._....._.. MINTING A1411) DEQORA-.:1~iG [ENRY CRESWICKE, JUN., '.I.l-5-'Jn'J-JV` _3_r__1fie.Jan 3 I572. Hun :uI zntqnascu \\'l'1`?l0L"1` DEDUGTIOI. > SECURITY. PR'u.\IP1` .PAY)iEN'l`, and I.[1'.I-:RA.l,{'l`Y in ztdjustmemofila Losses are me wun.iuuut fr-.au:r~.=.s of this wealthy company. zmd I.H<`Ii P()LI("TRS isunad with verv "JUSTICE IS THE_ GREAT, BUT stupm: PB.INCIPIaI,T wuonvsncnnr or succnss IN 41.1. covrzmmnn-r." Inna. AETD BUILDI G-, tha mnnt rnslnnnhlo tm-ma. Hnvina nvau .a4.:.- Jana.-.v --r II v.n.u.n 1rREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY; .... LEXANDEB LAWE,. L . . EDICAL PROFESSIIIN. .s-s~ vsss~~-\.~-s.~s\.\-.a..u.~~s..-........,_ _. .~r~a\-\ vsssos-.-\.--vsws-an 1. McCONKEY,- DR. J. `L. G, McCAR'Fi~lY ' AND COUNTY ]oF: GENERAL AbvERT_1sER [USQO 'LEss'oNs. nrrul l'\` -1115- am .0mco, its-`rle. J'4:si! FI nmazts. _--VEDIVT mnm~` G0Nb"1".A.BLE, Gouhty or ,Simco. (mm ()pp.:ai'.o the Market, Barrie. ~ u"17'ruERLAND;_ R. `L. MAOEY. 13-ly C-E-, P.L'.s. BARRIE . .._._._____.. _. I6-ly iv. `!'-n f --___.:: 44-tf 3 hl V} i I-1| Inc 1 12 T 6 eonaiatin of V TEAS, SUGJR8, 001' ! E8, TOBAOCOS, . gm, PICKLES. CJNNLD SJLJION, LOBS 1E!iS, SARDINES, ANDVFRUIT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. N.B.-A `choice lot of Cullen and Biscuits. manufactured of the beg! materials. always on hand, with 3 choice selection of Italian good: from .the hen packets of Europe. ' D 'FI ITl1 `I- ncusujsuu House 1746 cases: 12301. i ,.. ~.._.a..._.\....\_\ _ --- MR. H NRY SIIWRRY, is now props:-ed to mannfnctugo all article! in his line; of the but description, and at cheap rnol. ` Barrie. D I. 3111 1867. W. J. '1`. hnving 3335: out the Stock And Good-will of 1. Vs. Williams. is prepsredto supply the public with Beer, Beef. Parka IN Potash Barrels, Kega, Ohm-ns, Wuh Tuba, M Barrel churns. and the Celebrated Cylinder Churn ; also. Cinema of all sizes, and all Work in a 0oouer's Line of Business comer - - - - - street, NEARLY opposm: -THE MARKET, ` BARBIE. .19-ly-r __j....- _____.7'.. PIPES, T013 Acco, and CIGABI, unequaled for style and quality, at the NEW DRUG STORE- PAINTS.` onus.` unuunms, GLASS and PIJTIT, Q! the. . NEW IIIIIJIB STORE. Every article Guaranteed to (Iva Pl-:RFl:`.C'l' SATISFACTION ' at me- NEW DRUG s-roxna, Donn Dela Iocall and Purchase 7 Your Art cles at the COOPERAGE! w. .1. TAY_l_.__OR, `PROP. IVIACIIINI-2 OIL! from 4oc_ gm - galion upward-a atulq > new nun sjn: ' PUBSEF`, Bllllslll-2!. l`0Ila!'l` ABTICELES FANCY comps, and l>RlJGGS s slmlbllll-:8, In endtoan variety, at the new nnun stone. -n-pg-an .-..__- ....A _ .._..._ ___ , BARBIE | rlennwoau ("II'\I\`ll'.1'I\ A 1&1-an AMERHEAN sou. o__u. . jluiib ` LAMPS, cnlmmms. uBl Lac- 'l`0ll,- and SIIADBS, of ovei-y val-lely at the ' % ' new nnun sjrane. [1-nE,,*.i=jitfU$IIl Inga: sauglinlslwnn mu dnrbnafigp OI` II 3 0 , . 1.`, -` I V mew nnun arm. L LI. - Uu approved freehold` security, and at mode- rate Interest. V - ' Anni. 4.. M_,_I_-SJ%I0!l iTnii`iinsn=_n| '1`he'Subac:-iber has 1-eceived` a splendid lot of `IN 'I""I.T`?%-r'\T" ONLY. run and - lnwlis AND!!! It lhg NEW um * STORE,` xunml. ` ---- --~------------j---.._--------------- ---r-$---- |mm I2 wmmnzy am, July 3. 1913.. ~....-._.._..,... A Address, J. L 'I>m'u,-see" Brooawnmuw Yuri |T|!.E. SQNG. EGHDI __ .-- - :._-_._._--V --yu Price, 51-60 per donim Single 0oiel'uni, ` non-mid.!or `lawn.-. ` - . Krnw, UIWIV par uulIn- ulnglo U01)!!! ION, polo-puid,!or 'l5`ou.. A`ddnu,_-J. 1.. puma, s_oo:smaw.y,_ my foxy} . ' iw -, . I I G_3:;onGEN*s PlLLS,_- Wm-anT `ad _t6 fonn-Eo__tI-; -`..3!'||" R. -1-. fat _ __: ytuu-tu The Popnnir Singing-School Book. . 3? I-I. s. _;PnB:KIN.s. A_ _- 2 MW, muss, AND s1umn.n_m 1 33':`"'9PF Barrie, Ontario, nhrsaay; July 31, 1373. "Axum: .1; ;: `.- r. nflmtifmn 9 ` .us..'r Ea: um nlxnwlx I Iogd Q . s wnsnmr mnrxx, J. M. STILLIAN,` V - jinn B; Q N . (In nnn Prove it by (zalling at the iiiii: STO ms, _ A ,1; P, KIDD. CONVENTIONS. SINGING GLASSES, BIIIIRGII GIIOIRS, AND '1'!!! Home BIRGLE. Y IUBIO IOOI FOB TH! UII 0, NEW nnue sifoni-.. -.r_[\HE BAR RIE IFDITIYDDV A III)! g'l'III3 lJ(lL|I\l-`H rounonv, AGRI- cuxmnm. nu PL 1:. unwr AND srovn gwonxs; "i`i'x1NG. Jr 28.-1! ! y;-o_y |U ARDAGH & STBATHY, flame gm. Mb 1866' . 39licxtor3, Our Imionery department in new full. hav- ing completed it by 3 large stock of Foolucaps, Post and Note Pnpers-fAncy and plnin. Orickot,Bat| from 50. to $7.00; and BA! from 01.0010 $3.00. 500 PAlm.Innf` Iran: -6 Kn ; D:..o...... -...I rlcwrc I` |'IlIIUI"' Ill DHOVI. Memorandum Books for pocket and desk. Ledge:-3, Journal: sud Dny, Books, :11 size: ahnpes and pricu, viz., from 20.10 $12.00. Order: for Iunzlnna. nunmmmn m- lumln snipe: Ina prlcsl, v|z., lrovn 2c.to $12.00. Orders for lngszines. newspepexs or books of any description solicited. Books on the horse, bulldiugmool-dyezng or any practical or solantine subject, got to order. One of those beautiful Gennsn upright pianos, the Wester- wsn hes just been received, the tone is soft, clear and exquisite `in . point of sweetness, they tske up very little room and are an ornament to any drawing room. - . ` Sand for rum. ` [EDWARDS & son mun vn .w.w ;a.uu. 500 Palm-loaf Fans at Sc. Pictures and Picture Frunu- all pricen. . Memorandum Banks: fnr nm-In-at mu! An} |MASON &HAMLINORGAN cu] e_hAeeVi,In,Iion in sming that it nah 'fo mnaet ileetinllencegn the nervous. eyiteIn,'end Mmhxu I. Fnnowu, Manufacturing ; , Chemibl: 1 , Sm: Fot eeverel monlhs past [have need ` out Compound Symp in the. ueueuenr of noipienl Phthiein, Chronic Bronchitii, end pll_Ier eectiona _ol Que Chest, and I hue no gdongdt the remedied need 'in those` dining. ;8iii;g"en excellent netvonm tonie._iI exeile e; glbroitglfit it inyigenles Ihe body. Irnhnle Inn nlnnnn'rn,ln~':-umn"nnnn':l` I THE IIISDIM. HIMLII OBGII C0. uduhh Io hnhh Llu ":lIlIlll`II ll II. lIlVl`I_lIDIUl IIIU U001. . X It Alford: mo plounrqlft noommond 1 irorxgedyylgicig in really good in cues for T L,...'",....*v ':.:-;:.::3.':.::.:.::.' '5'" *- V` 7V1.7'w' ` 13518": . .- " ` ` -' " 'vnnIlQlIIIl , '. _ LV.w.u_>.a.pE1xMA17ENT Buiidmg & Savings society, Hun Orvw--HASOX-i.I`6 HALL, TORONTO. (3APITAL,'7a1,5oo,'0oo. To Farmers and Landowners: Do You Want (Borrow Money` ' Tn 'Imn.......,_ 1-.. : p _ --_--3 W -Y-;un truly, ' ' A; ~ 5 . .Z.LS. EARLE,Jr. M,D. J.3}'J9h!o;.l`~B-. J.-P9-gt. V . . F . M v..:.=z::*: ;oof`whyon,r not lull gull all .n _ ,:no- 0 wpqrapoo_ ,mu-b,| I500} '6f`Wdll POP!- |...Ch =`|Iy3g!I`-._ 285$- .I III DUI Vlll Ill! IBVEI, And down so low I hula up my mind ' I had mg; ' Inn: `on can-dl. M I hadn't no show; ":I8 wu--Pun. in your chips, And good-by, Joel . Day after day, And night after night, He sat by my bedside, Always in night,- He sumuivto know , Thu: my hondwvu light,- Ho wouldn't no down, ARI` 03:: Ann --- -huko I wouldn"t And the dog was right! V I felt if he did- And I lhinkso nill-- I would Iou my rip- He was my In I: He put out the fever, Broke up the chill. Wal somothing to me Duth could not kill! I lend a tough life, ` I get and I spend,` Pay what I borrow, Lose whnzl land; I loved I woman-- It came to In end ; Go: I good dog, air, You have a friend! `thug : just when I wu- rlayed out, you any any, Pb; the doctor loft, ., _ hen my chum run nway; Doctors in than days Went for their pay ; I lay than alone- Not a man would atay! Only my dog, . Who Int by my bed, Jun where [could see him, And put his head ; ' He felt `what! suffered, Kuevwhntl quid, And wouldn t believe . I um. .I-...... An... . H} I. .u...1..., ........, . ?.H.--Mum-.y to Land. Farm, Inn. I3~|,Vl.':73. ' ` A GOOD DOG. Pm fond of that dog I .W'eIl,I ought to his, - - For he an my life. And is fond of me I He knows whu Pm laying; Then-o-do you see- _Be,eom_u and puts HI: ban on my knee- _ne,com_u nu puts 7 ' Bin paw on my knee. A `I In took with the fever, And down no In: AGENTS FOR THE Ihll VVUlllul.I'l DCHBVC I was almost dead!_ --Fryom '1` In laliue for August. room. Sand for one. J. EDWARDS 8 SON, Bonkanllon. km. , ulr, Yours Italy 7: DA nusua a nun, Bookacllon, he-, ' Rm-"yin "'.'. VI; IIBII IQ!-I KITWWIU Ill .uun.1u , uuu, yhat is e$Ia.Li1npotta.gme, they can fill q ypry mahxygi gro~ . 3 -``a `- ;.' > Ah illiterate but witty irishnmu was once asked if he could read. . The char- acteristic answer was I don t know, for I never tried. VVe, however, know the answer \ve-should m:1k_e,' were we any- wu.y.~'. nigh atvluuid to tho \Vosb El1(l`T0n; Store, kept by M1`. D. King, to tin: query, were we` dry 2 M1`. King not only keeps Simpson's ale and porter, but also the coolest. and most 1'ei'1'eshing of summer 1`enipe1'ance drinks, as well as i a prime stock of N o. 1't.eas,groceries:md provisions. uuw yr \llIU nu JJUIIUKU lVLUlI| ry T *1! more land for yodraelt or for you Ions? Tobuda. house or barn? To fsnce, cle_nr,. uada.'drain,o7 ollxerx-.-me improve your land? T" My 911` n Mortgage or other debts? , Or for ; "Y ether purpose 1 T011 do lhn rain!-mi armn A? `OH. nAlAl \A A MORTGAGED L1oN.-- Have you seen the. Lion ? is the question of ques- tions in the old land ; although to be so lionized the Shah of Persia has been com pelled to mortgage his kingdom. _In Barrie and vicinity, however, the impor- tant question with those who like the very bestof eating and tlrinking--und [who does not l-is, Do you get your old country teas, groce'ries, pi-ovisiotxs, wines and liquors at the Canton` '1` Store I If so, it's all right. As nowhere in town or country are better goods to ho had. G0 and get them. W. Wallace, Uookstown ; A. G. GaI' bmith, Orillia. ; H. Glover, Mono Cen- tre; W. Hand, Alliston; J. M. Patte- son, Co. York ; _R. b'tewm't, Bradford ; Sflckard, C0. York; S. Vvttshhllhl, Tecumseth; 'J. Wilson, Mono; E. S. Meeking, Barrie; J03. Rogers, Barrie; J B. Johnston, Barrie; G.R. Ford, Ban-tie; `M W J Fqfwlrnlvoill 'r1'nv The World s Fair at Vienna isnot, it` should seem, as great. -.1 success as was anticipated, for which` various reasons lmve been Perhaps it is be- cause Barrie is not I-epresezited therein. Certain itis that it seriuus bllllldel'~\ViS committed in` not seeing to it that the store of the Messrs; Powell it Co. was levied on for a. supply of _ their match- less Canadian ham and bacon. This rm keeps also on hand a prime stock at groceries, pifovisions, wines, liquors, and FIWQYQ _ , 7 FARMERS "B1-:wAm-:.---As seveml un` principled persons in the Implement and Sewing Machine Business in B-.11 -ric, to- gether with their agents, have hecn in- dustriously circulating throughout the M county that I have ceasmlito do business in the above line, I beg to inform those . who might be misled, that this is utterly untrue. I never gave it 1119, neither have .'I any intention of so doing. Farmers! You can get your Reapers, Mowers, kc , &c., as usual ; and I can ' furnish your wives with The Howe, he best Sewing Machine in the world. 21~l2in. G. BEATTIE, Barrie. A horse! :9. horsel my kingdom for a horse! was the frantic cry of King Richard, on the fatal eld of Bosworth ; but, as the readers of history are aware, the cry was vain. However, this is but a. dead issue, with which we, now-9 days, are in no wise concerned. ` But we are all deeply interested in kno\ving,th-at at the .McNabl_) goods, Dry goods, &. ClothingEmpoi-ium, 1-.11-0 bargains are to be had, which is worthknowing in" thesejtimes, when the circulating medi- um may benot, inaptly described as,Hm-d Cash. For a neat t, or "the most fash- ionable make, Mr} vMcNubb is also justly renowned._ ~ M . ` h ' We see here and`there. and every` wheife, announcements of auction sales to be conducted by persons having no li- cense. For the information of the pub- lic we give below the list of persons who have taken out an Auctioneer-s V or Ped- - law license for the `current year, up to I date. 1 Calvin Hodgins, I ho'1-so ; Go. P. I Lahey, 1 home; F. Lumphrey, 2 horses ; M. Schumuckler, on foot. 1 U. 1.1- Uillllll-'ULl., lJlSl'l.'1V \I W. J. Fitzgerald, Tiny. lhrtgetn gum] A lady, in 9. game of forfeits, was con- demned . to` kneel to the` wittiest, bow fn tl|A'In~nf.Hnal, and 17:13:: '+'l.n nnnnnn ulu. uuulllvu UU IIJICUI DU IIIU Wlblzlh UUW to tlxeprettiest. and kiss "the person she loved beat in the rooui. She at once stepped to the pier-gh_a,ss, and paid her penalty to the individual raectcd there- _in; which, though doubtless honest, was very indiscreet. We, however, excuse the lady : kissing the reection of ' Iununlf 31-: `ha z-`om: 7 fnis Mr ,T. PJHTY r~a:1u_:ij_: er nomms. vnwuwv Iluv lu D nlnulu ' uuv Auuvuunvu Ul I M erself in the glass, for Mr. J -. Stephens, Btu-rie s celobmted,photograph- Aist and artist, did not happen to live in ,her.neighborhood,o1- she would have full- .en in lovve- -not perhaps with the photo- grapher-but with the life-like likeness iby him taken ; for. he takes pictures " ran well as likemesss. . ` Alas, maslier, the well is deep, and I water," was tlhe despairing wail of one of "the Hebrew maidens of the old time records'..Now this was a deplorable fix to this town, however, no one need be in such a. pickle; for, at the Mammoth Hotiso, key by the Bvos., can he obtnined,i any quantity;tyles,end sizes, ` 1-sets, Preeervejarb, ` stockof` T: cilivrob lvhps-aucl In- ; tlIiIp;:'ru1i-\r.p:1~of_eaes;t.o h;1ve the * f L `V " " 181m P`.Ari-i"n7-mane]. have no pitcher wherewith to draw the j be -i2f,eapecit_Llly under such a'sun. In . gnnavuv, _In_I3u Gaul} lulu vnvalruuu nvvvn glassware in Barne; and, -5.; 6. an ...+.`....I.':..L........+.-......'-.T thnv min an LICENSED AUCTIONEERS. muasmv. JULY` 31. 1973. *I.0GAWL I1` ms. Aucrroxxwns`. PEDDLARS. No. 31. Whole my-f_1Ao93.i "[11 1:113:21. ox W'onAN.-Somai history of our race, when hot tongue - tured bachelor has smd, that fhthe earfy was scarce, an angel came downnlrom heaven having ten measures of talk to distribute, and that wo mu_n secured `nine nieasures out of ten, and has prat-ed so `much ever since, that the best way not to have :1 secret kept is-to tell it to one of Eden's brightest owers We un- liesimtingly pronounce this to be an atrocious, libel on woumn s fair fame. Is proof needed that ladies fair ean keep a secret, we triumphantly ask, whoevm- discovered from v. `woman her true isge "I Still, we must admit, when womnndoes speak, it is generally very apprqvo. `For, ' coming fromthe Races or the Circus, they didn't speak of the disappointment they felt at not seeing Eur] Du-brin, nor express any astonishment at Nap 1, being, according to our confrerc, born the year before the Flood,` nor how ' his bones clone to be fertilizing` the soil of St. llelenn. No, their speech was all nhout our frimid VV ls, and tho wondc-is of Medical Hull. one, I v > went there pain as death, and in a few minutes I came out with clloeks as red as roses. Says another, I visited the '.M.edicnl H21-ll looking red and vulgar- 1'ike, nncl, in 2; short time, came out look- in'.ig pnleand int'(-.resting., Says a m;,'.tron, Since I hzwe hzul my (loctor's pm Scriptionr; C0lllllUU`ll(iH(i at Mr. Woods tlleyp` has been but little sickness in my fa1nil_y,; his prescriptions nre so carefully compox mded." It is such facts as those that an use the continual rush of cus- t,ome1-st 0 the Medical I*i:1ll. _,__ _ .v..\J.....-/rvv-..-vs-.rv ,i'{,m..-.1_,:s T. A. BOYS, U (Lula (lcdc in Courty Rgutry O0!:.:) Cozxvoyancer, Commissioner in A Q'u:en'l Bench, Anclionecr, . xppmi98I' and Commission Agcnt u the Min of HOUSES, LANDS, FAN -`5`l'()UK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (lauds. Wn.mn_ kc. Alan (nr the cnllm-Jinn of l-lug lfuclu nu uuu L Iuuvl-3 u.uuIu_y. Minutes of last meeting read and conrmed. :n_.:.:__` _,t 11'; Tn}-nu.-.n In. MI- UUUHIIXJBU. . `Petition of V}. 'm_. Johnson, by Mr. Tmemau, [or ex} `onses of board, attend- ance, and funeral expenses of Ann Al- len, an indigent pe.'I0n; do MichuelO - -Suliivan,by do,for re 'h'efgive'n I0 Annie Caxrns, anindxgent p arson. _ 'l`|p.g .-.;.-o of Rnk't_ Hnmnnneinll ELEVEIVTH MEETING OF THE INLHSFIL COUNCIL. _.___ ` P[gg3ENT,- -T. R. Ferguson, Reeve ; Hugh Tmem tn and Francis Buclay. M;P|lI,QO II` Iii?` fntin 1'54!!!` nnd \fd.l|'H3, an lnulglll P '"'V"` The. acct. of Rob 't- Hempenstnll, for posting bills, was pl vssnled by Mr- 'I`rueman.- ' mt--._.I I..- f$l__ n._-l__- -.......-.4...) 1.... | J. Kluilliullo Moved by Mr. Bnclaya seconded b`! Mr. Tmsman. That the a eveml docu- ments , now before the Co uncii be re- ferred to their respective (mmmitteca. ' --Carried. n.4r-_--.I 1-- ll ~n,__-.'._ _.,....._.l...'| L.. "" \./KIKIUH o Moved by Mr. Francis, seconded by Mr. Trueman, That the tenders for the construction ofa bridge between 10`: 5 and 6 across the 3rd con. line he now opened and conside1'8d---Ua| Yi6d- "l`v\1npnu__.Y-Tnnru Sumlm 99.15 Gan UIIDUUU KIN-I UUUSIUUI `'`'-'_` '5' ``'`' TsNnms-Henry .Swalm 3315, Geo- Chrislie $ I70 . T\.`InunA Lu MI. 12...} an unilnnrlnr` Hv \J|lIID|lU w I `U Moved-by Mr. BucL1Ys 393`Indd by 1 Mr. Trueman, That thv tenders for the constructim of a bridge 01` '-he 3rd G0!!- line he not accepted but la) 0V| s '0 be considered at the next meetiz--03% tied. i It," 1 a n: n 2 ._l-_1 |,__ IIUUO I Moved by Mr. Barclay, seconded by Mr. Ttueman, That Joseph Gora'0 be ! appointed Pathmaster on the 9th 6011- line, -m thevplnoe of Adam Gordon, who has left the township, and that the B)`- Law be amended accotAdingly.--Cab m3.d. o,.. .. .4. f any at-her > PWOH do the reduced terms of the 04:15: . uumm~ Bumnmo um SAvx'ua,Soo1In, which has made more loans to-Fnnnoru during 1=_|nH7 years than any. other, afford granu- fncniues and advantages than nthone . of any `' Comnany in the Dominion. ` FT!!! menus-r Pm AID ma noon lonrauns. - . ffurtber Inforrgon apply to A v -~ ' ' J." HERBERT HASOH; Moved by Mr, Barclay, seconded by `I Mr. Truernan, That $5 be paid to Mi- ch-.1el0 Sullivan for care and attention on Annie Cairns, an Indigent. person. --Carued. ` an,,__- 1 u... 5:, ll ! , I I` uulucu. I Moved by Mr. Trueman, seconded by Mr; Barclay, 'I`h2.t the Council do now adjourn lull Monday July 14-, then to meet at J. Greggs Tavern, 0hurch- I hill, at 11 a.m.-Carried 1)... Dana '17-. f`I....l- TWELFTH MEETING OF INNI.S- FIL COUNCIL. Illll, KAI LL (liIlIIj'\J(IIllC'|J Bmu. Rosa, Tp. Clerk. C.RooM,MumHuD '1`Avs1uv,INmsm., ) June 30th; 1873. I PnnsEN'r.---'I`. R. Fer"guson,, oeve; I Wm. 0. Little, Wm. Hunter," bepuly- Reeves; Hugh Trueman and Francis Barclay, Councilmen. ' M:hIIfQ'c Incl cnnnh'nn- root` can.` JJGIUIIIJ \JUl| IIUILLLJVII 0 Minutes'of [get Wmeeting read and conrmed. _ .- _,___,...-n L-.. r.n_ QVIIIII IIIWKI I Communication presented by Mr. Barclay, from Alex. Shirlow for a grant of money for sideline between lots 10 and 11 ao:oss llth con; do by Wm. C. Little, from Wm. Ross, and others lor the opening of a road in Cookslevvn; do by Wm. llunter, acct. from Exam- iner office. I`-.--_I L-.. IN- 7 _ . _ _ . _ _ . . . . ._4'1_.I Lu `,I`7 UlIlUUt Moved by Mr. Trueman, secono`ed by Mr. Little, That the several documents now before the Council be refen ad to their respective Comanttees.-~-Car- tied. nn_-,-.I l.__ nl._ `n_._-l . . . . . . -._.'l_." I... `1?I`oved by Mr Barclay. seconded by Mr. Little, That the acct of 1{ob .`. Hempenstall for $3 50, for posting no-" tices bepaid.--Carried. Mnumd In: Mr Tdllln, unnnndnrl luv (:63 U3 ptuu. `- URI] I IUU. Moved by Mr. Little, seconded by Mr. `Hunter, That the Clerk be in- struetod to obtain at his earliest conve- nience 12 _oopies of the Consolidated Acts of 1868369 and 7_3, relative to Taverns and Shop licensee, and other matter relative to Hawkers, Peddlers and transient traders done up in pamph- let form", awarding to a sample laid be- fore your Council, for the guidance and information of your Council, Officers, and the public generally -Camed. REPORTe To the Reeve and Council-of the ~ Corporation of Innial: Ranmrt nf smindimz Committee on. L . BARRISTER; A'I`1`ORNE.Y_, SOLICITOB IN CHAE1'CEP.Y, COMMISSIONER, 80. J.` IDIDJB ana nuauuuuuv. . Your Committee having considered Mrs. J ohnson s application, recommend that the sum of T $22 be appropriated -from the Indigent`-Fund for the ex- -pense attendant on the keep of one Ann Allenend her two children, also nforithe funeml ot.th_e above mentioned Uorporuuon Ul |u_uIuu . [Report of Standing Committee on; Finuue and -`Asaoment: "-4-- I"-....~u:Olgn In-nu:ndr nnnu:t`V-A ' The aec t. from the Examine] oiee xhey advise should be further consider-A ed, sethet your Treasurer can exam- in_; former e_cct s of a similar nature .iro'aL ; the. other printing establish-. _ ..r I ;` L.) A". ....`.mnId lhn-nllnlriip pf menu. . V _ And as regards the opening qt` the yatreot inzjha -incorporated ; village of Q9KI30Vh}_i}hi9WnhIy, known on o mid 32 oo if '1.1o't:?paid in advance. IIQVUIIJ duly 1,lUlJ. Dun Sm,--The quarterly examination of Waverly public school took place on Friday, the llth inltnnt, and was in even respect is Iucceas. Them were about one hundred and. leventeon ptfpil: present, and each one gnu evidence of careful and judic"ou3 trainlng,`_ thereby re-rcting great credit on their teacher,` lir. A Stuart C`-litrlre, who must have labored. with uutirintz zeal to produce such a favorable. chanzo as that which hag taken pleco in his school during the pest year. There wu ll larga number of parents Ind visitors present, and all seemed highly delighted with the manner in which the school is conducted Dialogues; rt-citations. and vocal music, by the pupils followed the txeminntioc, after which prize]. and gifts were distributed amongst the child- ren, when I joined in singing the Natlonttl . Anthem, and dispirsed fully eatised with the. day : proceedings. nun DRRSXENT Pa1'zn s MUSICAL MONLHLY, N . 2, is to bend, and contains the following selections of New Music: Lost. and Cast Anny Song and Ohorus... . Buy! My Love sleep: under the Uaises. .. . .Persl|y Will he come Home tonight? Song . .. Dank; My Dear Old Mother. Song and Cho..,Sle1mrt Hear the postilion Duet. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Am Bertie : Schonische . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kiukla An Instrumental Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechl The Reapofs Dnnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , Kinkel Golden Hours. . Morceau d-a Salon.., ..Wilsun `T ` _.._-_-- Every reader of the Aldme for Au gusfis sure to be charmed with it beautiful and seasonalile illustrations: as we ll as pleased with its trash and piquantlitemry contents. A magni- oeut fiill-page marine view opens the. number, from the pencil of M. F. H- \de Haas,N.A.,oiie of our great painters` of water scenes. It is a trutlilul sketch. of what may be seen almost any day on. Long Island Sound. Mr. F.'I`. Vance, who has made the region a study, oon. tributes aaeries of original pictures of the grand Adirondak_ mountains and lakes, which are very timely, as that region is now full ot_ pleasure aoekers..' There is a page~picture of , Luke. Golden, remarkable for its lighte and gnadows, depth and feeling ; one of: Lake Avalanche ; another of " Ca,- n,__-.o.. Damp. Hi-nnlui an.) .. ..L......M:..._ IllV_h3lUllUO \.'IIlIIC|ll Moved by Mr. Truemnn, seconded by Mr. Barclay, That the Council do now adjonru,and stand adjourneiio Thursday the 2194: day of August,1873, then to meetat Alex. Stewart : tavern, village of Thornton, at 11 o'clock in. the torenoon.--Carried . T3,. .7. I) /,__ 'lV_ I"I__._I_ oFFIoI--Ovor Harrison's store, South side. rL~.~.1~;; _21r'.et,_BurrZc. ` um.-, July 9, 1973, as V _ _-_ _--_.__ . -..---- ...- -4uuvun-- .u vvuauu You 'co.n secure the abuve pieces of New Music by sending 30.3. for No. 71 Peter's Musical Mnnlhly; or the last: eight numbers WI be sent you, post- paid. for $2. Address, J. L. Peters, 599, Broadway, New Ymk. " LIHIC ILVGIIIHUOIU , uuuulcl UL " un- lgnuty Pond Brook`, and a charming one at Flume Falls of tho Opales. cencc ;-_-four as fine views from the proposed great National Park, as ever: appeared in an Art Journal. A tender: and eloquent full-page picture illus- trates a poem called A Good Dog." The remaining illustrations, all fine works of nit, are " Group of Deer," by` Speahtg The Explanation, after Herpfer; Vot Doesh You Peddles '1". . a humorous sketch by W. M. Cary; 7*` Shoo Fly ; and " Picking Flowers. The literary contents of the Aldme keep pace with its gems of art, and are this month unusually interestirig; There are two delightful stories; "The Crow`: Requiem, by Erckmaun-Chat rim, and A Graven Image, by, Clara F. Guernsey. The miscellane- ous articles are Across the Atlantic" in an Old Liner, from the pen of that graeelulsketoh writer, Charles Duo- son Shnnley; Old New Englaul Traits ; N_ature s Forest Volume, , pleasantly written by Elizabeth Stod- dard; and aivery amusing article calls ed Press Oddities, by Galh Brittle._ Music, Art, and literature receive,euch, careful attention. The poems in this number are Found Wanting," by, Mary E. Bradey ; An uncullected Sonnet of Edgar A. Poe; On the: River, by Robert K`elly Weeks; unit -" A Good Dog, by S. Lang, Sul- scription price` 85.` including ohrornel, Villa, e, Belle , and Crossing the 7 Moon? "Jet. Sutton 6; Co.,` publishers, 68 Mnidenjlane. " ' ' ` Bnnuur.-Em-3'3 CocoA.-Grm'r:rur. unv Oolaonnxa -``By a thorough knowledge of the natunl laws which govern the operation: of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful appli- cation of the ne properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with I. delicately avoured beverage, ! whch lmssey seveaus miauy heavg dootc-rla billet - rim rvwe um` (. . at e sxmp y wn. ` Boiling Water or Elilk. Each packea labelled. -3` Juan El )3 & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists ._ uonoou. ' IUBU UU BUUIIEUM -'-`\JHlI IOU- .Moved by Mr. Little,-seconded by Mr. Berclay, That the Reeve be an- thorized to let the contract of building the bridge on the sideline between lots 5 and 6 on- the 3rd concession in this township, at a cost not exceeding $125, and in the event of his not being able to nd a tender utthat amount,that he appoints some suitable person to super- intend the work and engage hands to erect the same, but notb to exceed the sum above mehtionedxwithout an equi- valent amount to be appropriated ta each of the other Councillors of such an. additional sum as may be absolutely required for the erection of said bridge, such money to be expended before the 1st day of December next now ensu- ing.--Cerried. ` V NI:-nin luv Mr T.iH!n nnnnnrin hu- lIl!.'.l"*\.luIlIU|lo Moved by Mr. Little, sncondcd by` Mr. Truemun, That a further sum of $10 be phccdat the disposal of each. Councilman {or their tespecuvo I{oad_ Divisions. Carried. I_..`_.I L-- El, fI1,_____._._ -,____,I_,? 'To.the Editor of the Jfclvamre. on _u-.--_ . MHIUFACICRI or CocoA.- We will now give nn account of the process adopted by Messrs James Eppa Q Co.,manufncturera of dietetic articles. at their worka in the Euston. fgoaa,London."..cm1rs Ilousehald Guulc. 34.. UIBBIDIU wuuul I IUIIBDIIIDIB pllll. In the matter of Robert Cox : claim.- for compensation for land bought st p. Wild Iand Snle situated; in this town- , chip, they advise that the Reeve but .im interviewi with the Qrown Land , `Department in Toronto, witho. view of , obtaining such terms as will be reason- 'a.ble and just to all the parties con- cerned. All which is respectfully submitted. - W. C. Lrrne, Chairman. COUNCIL Room, CHuacuu.I., July 14th, 1873. Moved by Mr. Trueman, seconded by Mr. Hunter, That the Report now teed be ndopted.-Cnrried. Mnvnd In: Mr littln cmnnnrh-rl huv ,the registered map ae Elizabeth istreet, vnlil r`,nIn\\:IIAn -so;-null -.-..___A AL, . DJIIUUI - Your Committee would on goat tlnt: l the Clerk be instructed to in om Sto- i phon Clement, of that place, that the Council requests him to remove the I obstacle within a reasonable period. In the mnttnr nf Rnhnrl (`nv n nlnim A 'rmT.TiT2 .3: '1"`JtA'1`.i1! .-nu: and A Hrn-nnx-u The Great Eastern Slearusbip.-_- Unlike any olhet exhibition, we believe the sight of thin noble nuol hu given good saliafpclion lo. Ibo Ihousugds of person: who travelled to Quebec to View hqr._an_:d_ well rapid them `to: their outlay ; and `II in jail so with the Cu. mdim Pain Duuoyer," ghqlqnovn qu gny-._ `thing that guys Inch uamfu_cuoo, it nliovol. pain almqsx Indnmly, And In tho Snip: thing u`; M iotld tor thayuwium ` . i--M.-c my-cu-no - . ;:P?$L!:z!!:%*i"""`- ~ Thou win int sgood cup}:/ff ._puwsa1-ya-pgzsnwr; 1:: . JJILIV JO LBVDU L In KJI COUNCIL Room, CllUR(."HlL|L, V July 14-th, 1873. ,5 eorrandagtte. -I u"`\JCI I IUII B:N J. Rosa, Tp. Clerk. ) Rnnru nlllvnxlulll Waverly, July 12, 1373, nu.-0...! .-. _ . _ _ . . _._ _n ONE PRESENT._ L . 1; pumished Weekly, In the Town of.Betr!e, em-y 'l'uxmnnAr morning, containing the urea! news of theday, and all matter; pr=,:t.;iuing in the nlihirs ofthe County. P;-ice . 51 in ;1.'.v.~.r~.cc :.r_ $3.00 if not paid "at the mg .)g sl|`l:8L'l'.i}).ll0D. , ` A-.u.~.r.w.x.w -Szx'xinesox_' u_nde1`.firtinsertiou- 5-); ; sac`. snhsequent. one .12c, 0.3,, I;,_..,, 3 ,.vrlxno,hrst In.=I_m-hon; each sub- 5c.1ur-.uI one 2.- Professional or Business. Cards $4 PM i N'_, $3 fox-six months, if not more th:-.u ten lines. Special comucgg can be mhd W I? YCE5 '02 parts -0! wgfr. 1).-iez s to _dxecent|n.xe Advertise- m.; as to he made in writing, 1: per dzsconlinued until all arrentagea ;e plid, except at the option of the publish- N . ,-,1.-ma,Bocm:an">1za and Runwo done on the gze".:iBL':3. The facilities of the Eatebi sh- ,,._.nL are more complete than any 0 be,- .\'o:~`.h of Tor-Jnto, having been carefully timed out in every psutioular. " (jammxznicntious shonld be addressed to the v..1.lish-gr. noevpzud. ` 'I\}s'xsx-:1 nuuzms, ..'j-:..`:"" lEI':`.T::.'_`.T. DIGDSEY T0 LEND. E ON E Y "1'C VVI:ifN n. mm T0 us. EDWARDS, Royal mm Im ~0ico. }`.\"rle. . IVIHI1. l 1 N |V'VV""I -' ` HAS now on haul in" 313955170 105 ush` `. Btoax1':PofS)lu;ga au 3DaI3bg1:;:;!'Bd,;`; Inesn cam. gl`-um _ . ii-gates. Double cu: 1 .`.' -4}: . Bantu; %_`5:-8 . e- whz. he can alas 5 s,I;}!oi! , vrlczu. Alsoins:n'x, 5" ~ nd Otharkldlnd -....r:=.n.`m.. hint-1` if-= ' "``' I-V V-.1 "J06 at I vzlgou. ;a%no,of.tI:9` I; nu-v,---... host En liab- l'.`Hi IUHJUH, UUUUHHUIJU l'UlLVlL`Ul$l!'_, Gouda, Wnrua, &c. Also for the collection of R!IN'I`.~l .'cn'vsr_-: .-vn Al`.l`.HIYNYl`.\Ll Z;.1:L1*`;Ts'i.1';.?:`.".i:iun!oinsel:: tut- Fmum " n-yrmc-:r.3, {$3. . . V ' 1,'mc.-Uwen Street, Barns, Ont. .. r\ ....._ Y F U IT...-..-I" g;2%,~;;F%g;.v1-.`e LALLY, AT1 H2- ... ..o,|.;u- SIHH.-ir.u~u_3nJ`.lnanag.-.y n-._ SADm.::u.v AND HARNESS ES- 'I`A`.mSI!5lEN'1`. . ` . EA`? 1-? LEILD STREET. ' A few duors `North of- the. _ ` \\ uHingt_('inVHo!9}.g~_* -. ` Llammxznicallous auounq Publisher, p0..t-paid. _ 1'] GP. G. 31I [H. Ubxcf Agent for Dominion. IOQRPH R01 XLIIVV lzblrkb JLIFILJLJI, ILLL ILL` "(.3-5-at-Iraw, Sulicitora-in-Chancery, Coa- nnnl `._ ii/`S. ?6ET A EFH xx T:T1?._ ,2... . .. K n.'.......u,. 1.0 Y ..... J ..n ..:a A..- *3 ` \/AJAA1LJLIlV \/LLLIJLJLJI K`). Q Solicitv. in Chum ry, 21('y.l-a`. Lmv, Couvoyuucoa, Commissiuner IL, (1:21 Heir nzirl Dcviaoa Claims roac- i. Agemfor the Canada. Landed [edit mr-:1 {mu lnnninn vnnnnn l\I\ Dan! I'u6-t.. xuhun, .VUL`n.i.o :..`U AUUUUNTD. |l (';uIuwdmu.'as male on Goods left for Sale. 5.110 Rumn. unrnc-.r nf(`.n1lIur md Hnrlmt Sim: LMLUKCEK. Apply to ., (.'.L'.. IlUll' 2::-'1 ucvxeuu umxms P056- my to; Lmnizxg monoy_ on Real liutute. ."1!{l'.'-v.'\'c1I Fmulc Kean`: S1015. .1, 15433. T 84$-ly T ' us Non'1'1_1E1i:7. Anvmcl-3 |;;`1lL.lV I A I \V nV1\4\.lflL5~l. Al I ; " 1LIu'_ xirn.-:.``. .'.zt(>rn::ya-at-Law, Snlxciloz-3' puyc-r3;`_)', [)"1:_."L'|f`. Ont. , - .,-:4 .\l_C. .':.za':'-H. D`.-\Lrox' .\rIc(}.uz*rzn',_Jr. 1 u.--In their-New Bxick Building oppo- . II: Ho:-13' Storm. ~ ` ' .-... .,... ...- - VH__... . ll()G!'}N ADV El 'iISE.IiENTS. M ART-I.N~_hiOOR_.4 KS now on ha 1 ...- nutnnnin nn Or_ to Jan, 1 135.2. .: -,J:1'.)C 555, 1871. _.--...--_ .1..-.-uu-. .. _ .. -,._.._._ ...._...._. INZEY` -T0. LEND. Lil-in course or Thirtyve years exceed 1 -:.:..n-.A a.- 9.... .A- .__?_.__....._.._..- 1._g;u,\L .c.uu)s'C' , _... -- ---.. ,_--/-./..n.-.-- OHDQOIJ GP my to 1.1. HERBERT MASON,` Secretary 5; Treasurer; Tbronto, A. MORROW, - ' \ ..4nnrn'2'.nr_ 1:.` Barn ; 'I`I-IE] uh I nuvnn B()UI`N:5UN,- ORILLIA,` 3: :`.lix-.iL`\ in nhnn. rv x 1 VA: A] L J. , .~5_?'mruo5'9, fiulibxra in Public, Cduveyaucers, , Out. = ` X0!" UDIIJIIIIOH. . JOSEPH ROG YERS, . Agent, Barrie. :`..'.;`;T:.." `_T.:2....."` V` ' T Appraiser, a.`Barrie RANCH 1v1oN'i*ns.u.. ,. `p-~~* 13.1 1: A :1 . '8'. s A N D E 1-" s ,, 1.1 ,u'n`wNzcY-AT.1.Aw, SOLIOITOR IN .U::au1x:c1y, lYouveg.'u..cu:, Commissioner in C. P. .lsr., 3:`-.. .`*'I`,\`..`'RR, (`n Suacoa. ` 900-ly _ u--nu , vac. I-`nmwxa W. L.u.x.'Y. D. CREW `Dunn G. W; Loam. \lI VV Punmazn. 843- This commodious eatablishmeut has just been- opeued, and having been built eepeciellyfor e purposes of e first-clues hotel, is tted` up as such, and will compare luvorubly with any house of the kind north of Town to. Commer- cial travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally, will find that the pro- prietor kuowe how to provide for their especial requirements. The belt. of stebling attached, attended to by obligiug and experienced host- lers. Stages leave this house dnily ou the ar- rival of the up trains. Bur well_supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. _ Barrie, Aug. 16th, 1871. 33- V-lC'FORIA HOTEL, AIAIDIFI-`. l' .QDU.RE;` RARRIE. --_'---' -7,` ' '7 B A 13 `R I_':_E:`. . Joshua Clarkson, 1- Propriotop Oorner of Muloasier and Dunlop Streets. and opposite the Advance Oice, Barrio. R" A : lnrn v1.m Lmv, (7 GOOD & COM MODIOUS STABLING. .-_... -noon ` R25. THE. "WELLINGTON HOTEL. Thomas Suminersett - - - Prop. ._-__ fciiiil Joan H. Johns, ` .--3. The Best Billiard Park}: North of Torontb. The table is aupplie i with everything in season: Pm-o Winesaud Liquors. Goodstubling. .u,.-.:.. n..- mu. mrm Inmi oiei'i;Li;{.' {om Duncan M. Church. Proprietor. .4" Tnunf" Hmuumd Rmlmml House. Race Lake.) convenience or uuests. V - The Bar is well aupnlied with Foreign and Domestic Wines uni Liquors. Good atabling and attntive Oauers. 1: n AG.-.lm..Iirl Glnanilnrl 'l`r-nut an-enma- in V Bar stockoq with the choicit Liquors, Wines and Cigars.` I invite I call. - ' ` K A. n RROWN. . Excellent accommodation for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the 'I`rave1ling`~P-ublic. Boats, Fishing Tackle. andVehiclcs of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. IN... 12... :u wall unnnliml with Fnmian mad and attentive uauers. N. AB.-Splendid Speckled Trout streams in the vicinity. - - ' ly-w. uouua, Huron, ac. A190 for me cone ILIIN'l`:`|, IV'()'J.`E:.3 .-LXI) AUUOUNTS. l'Q l'.uI. ..u.l.m.-;.- ......I.. nix I3.-n.l.~ 1. LARGE JICCUMOD./l l'IO1VA.S' FOR TRA- . VELLERS. , 1 l_.&______ r HE WOODBINE SALOON, -BARRIE. T ..I.....l-LJ.A..VL. KJ roncurms sALonu,| [is (LATE BAIL'S,) uty ox 1`u'onIo. r V A FREE LUSCH will ba given to patrons 01' The Fashion." on Tuc:.ulayVot'ench week. Please rerm.-mbcr 1'-i<,fncl, and act upon H. ' Shanks. Chrns. Fowl. Saun. Ted. Cmr.-.-,. Sm-_. remember 1 nsmcl, and '-Shanks, Chrps, Fawl,:3oup, Tcu,Chtfcc,&(:., served on short notice. V rhn Rnr nnri Lnnhuv urn Inn nlnnlzml lnnhk ml... SBl'Vt`d SXION IIQUCB. The Bar und harder are well vslooked with the best the market iuppliea. , 21-ly ____j |ua"ii6ii":1jiS'cfi1`ms.| ` The Fashion has been filled up in I manner suiclly in_keep_ing- with ma name, and wall com- pare favorably with nuv_a'aloon North of, arm the Gay of'I`o'on1o. r ` LIINCH will hi: nlezn in nnH'nnc nt` I CIICCI llI- wu--uww--' ' _ Opposite McCarthy 4- McCarthy : . Law Oice, ' , DUNLOP ST., BA-RRIE. EL. EIUN:"l_I:,,A IPIr ]p. '3. nrqmow. superintenaant;[ P? I illl llI Lll!. lL't'5 ["4-`HI 0/6 UGUUS 59]` [Ur Dill-Cu B b'a_lo Room, corner ofGo1liur md Market Stag amo. '