Northern Advance, 17 Jul 1873, p. 3

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Lea Corrects the Acidity of the Stomach, and is particularly adapted for the cure of diseases in Infants and Children. It is of such anature that it may be freely given either {or Dinrrhaaa or Costiveness; relieves pain, and leaves the Bowels in a natural and healthy con- dition. As it contains neither Opium not Morphine, it is superior` to either i Soothing Syrup or Cordials. No mo- ther should be without it. Prepared byC. H. Kermott, qhemist, Barrie. Thepest Blood puner ye: discover- ed. It not only cleanses the blood, but removes the effects q{`Ca1omel from the system. Price $1.00. Pre- pared by C. H.-KERMOTT, Chemist, Rnirha war halo canon-an-..I.__.. Imnnnnnulspul In doses of one or two, they are altera- tive in vlaxger doses. `Those who 'ha'v$;_7n6e used ![hem, will not `consent to have tiny other kinds: _ . . V - ' ` - pared by U. H.-KERMOTT, Cl Bafrie. For sale everywhere. Hmie given `entire sahsfuctiod. where they have bean used, they posses: . p,,Pnd ind for'Sal Wholealo,']:y DR. KERMOT`1"S NEUTRALIZING MIXTURE Enquire for them at the neafegt store when Medicines are kept, ox send to.Barrie for them. One Dollar will proeuretwo boxes of the Pillezend three of the powders. ` gu|\|~ Ila Jo '4 ; Barrie; B. Wade,- Chemist, Angus; J. _Gtoav_9s. VOhlugty.-C|1in_8V90d'T5 `W-39?`?33'l`1'3Ich!i5?i;9`57"r' ~ ~ ; nqaxa - - , ..,_- [moon PURIFIERI Pmpnred nd` for sgle Whdiesule by Enquire furlhem at the nearest drug- gist, 1! not procamble (here send _'_for ' them by post to Barrio. cathariic A A Anti-Biliousw always 1 IDRAIOE 25 ACTS. have been received from F. Kean, Ex Reeve o{Orill1a, also Item the editor of the {Nowmnrket Em, and many. others corroborating the above statements. NO `MINERAL PoIso1~'1s 1>'1ucE...:25`qENTs 215:1: BOX. D RV Ben Entirely` Cure d_l $1 wm Procuro 5 Packages. ` and general disorders of the Stomach and Bowols-persons who had been afioted tor years and tried the various Remedies and Physicians that came` within their reach, without receiving any benet, have ' havobeon unparalleled in the-cure of For Tstimpnials, bee psmplets. IDYSPEPSIAI _by taking bne box of ihe*Powders. on COMPOUND EXTRAVOTT` or STILLINGA, Tc H.'.1K_ERl! ()'l'T, Hovv N,E,LsoN s `TMLUR[Nf:MVD_JFAB_TIv1ENT `DR. _KERMOT I"S I)_ys:peps1.' a- C. H. TKERMOTT, KERMOTT %iim'n`ott s ;c1Ial1m1n.' Powmsasz KERMOTTG TEsT1M_oN1ALs mm -4---Well, Ilcan t'say I agreewith P". because, in the rs! place,_ulIhough 10n tbe1ieve in going to extremes, MI I baiiun in .Aonn:in1r I-nnnnntnhlv 2 Barrie, Ontario. CHEM] S 1 u:>ura: n -an I:p_v`cv'u~.! [IIIIAIIY-MAIIH cnnrnmu corrons, PRINTS, V . ` smcs, Lll'\Q `Highest cash 'Prifce paid go: ' ._ .d'm-d9'j" W _I-"armers ~ `Pfodue `taken in `Ex.'ha`ng,e.v.`.`V"A ' orrusqr 'rrmr.m.w:.v Dmwr, T _ .nw::<:,.:z SVi`R'rJE'1`B.A\RRIE. 1 Mmmotn muss] Best GROCERIES, - Begt PROVISIONS, `We'beg to sunounc to our numercus'.fiienda and the public of Barrie and iiclnity, that let others ~"blow" as they may, there ` is not I store in Tgwn that can beat ' t e - [BO0TS'& SHOES] A msusu 800PEABE.l OPPOSITE MJRRINBROS. COLLIER ST. -1. A to V Auk A U V L` respeclfuily announces to the public that he has commenced businea: in the above lino; and is prepared to repair 11-..... 1'.._1_- o-_.._'__ _ an-_ ,1 _-,, ,, n . p ~-.~ 7;; -- ~ - ` ' - - ' ' `*7 v)`; on reasonable t_erm-.-, and oh the shortest notice ---- J. BEARD, hnsalwn s on hand or rlnnk-9 a order, Wash!-lbs, Meaty Barrels, rghurna, S[:iri`x. Pnlasb,nnd Beer Cnnks, Barrel Chums, Chees Vals, and Butter Tubs, En .|ish Barrel (Jlmrm made to order. All kinds of \ 'aler Cm-M mm], to order ` " - (in.-_nnrinau'n all ma ,\ll'hI.hnxI.\-avg 1- - ..___I, to order _ j V I _Cpuper|ng m all its branchesdone in a work. manlike xnnuner, nnd at reasonable ralos. ` Country (M10 3 promptly attended lo. Barrie. Mnv2lal. 1873. . . 91-1. , Ant. wonK`WXnnAN'rn|i. Barrie, June 25. 1873. ' 26-l |LMES`1? 32 P,qT1=ggNg; jnowmcen Q NEW ` I GUN AND L0(}KSMl l`ll S Bu:;r?e, March. `g 1873. cmL1)1mN s CARRIAGES CIIEAP. -II:uIII IICCQ TIIIX rl'II`y'- IIIIIIIIO . . I o'm~o.\nm, snnwrm, AND cno_1'c am pnrsnxs; muuns, m.r.osm.s, LAm:S AND A Tmmumus, 1r1.omcn LEAVES, PETALS AN.D wzm-1, amxss Arm omzm VASES, wunx noxns AND. nrcsxs, suns AND maoxnaorcs, ` ` PUR -ES AND roars, nvrrnnn nxvn 11-.uaux.~....--.. ...___-___-, JAUVIIIUU IV I wllau G'uns,TLocIc:, Sewing Machines, 4-c , on I-nnao\nnh`- Onumn 1|-`J L. ul..` .1 ....a....A .._4:-- nuuounuuu 1' U1t1\/1 1'U1tE. 'I`AliLES. CHAIRS, ISEDSTEADS. OUPBOARPS, BUREAUS, LOUNGES, SII .'S01-"AS, LOOKING GLASSES.-MATRASbE8, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, &o , `M (1 th remises of the _bcst'materlala by xprienced workmen. Special atlel 3' C on B P ' - ordered work. Cane Chain Re-Seated. uounuy mue prompu Barrie, Mny2|at. 1873. "1? Y8 -"A L % P;/1LTi (IE S T0 1: [as .1 - mun wooL AND rnucv nouns, 01"I'0_\>rm AND (`.Rn'l'n'.tr.~.m n . ilimnnua . nu . vnn ..... . ,.....- _ _ . _-_ MTERATERE But,rie,T'l\"`I ay.,i_7;.-_ ,_.... _...._.....-__. ..-,_._- -T'Dl_I1VL0P STREET, BARRIE, AT THE _ T C'%hod4;)e%st Ra tbs .'Beg to inform ther town and country fnends and the public generally, that they have opened out in the above store a STOCK of NEW GOODS in the above lines. whinh thaw Inn ..9...:.... ..o as... In---.-.- I:--=- -- I . 'l72ese Goods are mu c+oo%1")"',' wry oft` c, (__; - W-H-FREEMAN.` W @cAnm'r mam Ann upnoLs1'amsn,-m - Manufactures and keeps onhand 1; large mm .-1...... ......u. % . s 3 A Best l`)R1'}SSVGOODS,. Best nd most Styiish Best Dry Gqods, (31-'OO1e'1"y and G1assv;rve 38 inform town and nmmln: f.-"ma. ....,a .1... ....:.1:.. ...-.._.._n__ .. for it is wevwho can give the @'PRODU6E. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE..;! n. Maw. 1873. ' ' ' . V . -..- I-I GP, Toutlaml uuvc uyunuu Ulll In limbs, 1 .-nu LIJL U, CHEAP. AND '}fA~1DS01\rIE- JEWELERY, I ) A CDTIIIIIIEI Flinn-`qua -.. . _ _ , S{}3}R`a0L B00195`, 2".4.;'VC1 GOO D15 , . ILLLJ, HOSIERY. f MUSLINS, HATS 65 CAPS `Call and e:_L'amine the varied Stock at t/zen: A LXIIQZEI 13- n 7.i:7-JET ofnuy 5`n`i`%r ?fq;sf?`i;s`r?`;%'"~;%53*;::qs'r::,=::ck of CALL A 15 SEE FORYOURSELVES. ..._ but sN EATHn,_ :_WATTEE, xnumcmres auu Keeps on nana large and cbenn sloc`, H0 USEHOLD FURNITURE. . BEDHTKADS. UUPRDARDR RTTDWAIYC Ynvfur . T on1d:i:ii`or Jomv A1vn`iinom.-1'.-s1'n`nm's _(MoNabb's o2d atind, near the Barrie Grist Mill.) IBOOKSTOR E 1] .1Zfvcd--W`ny do vyou think so? ' 11.--Because you turn out in such a sly`:is`..-, ne`atT-ttmg exit so early in the ' season.` I fear you are getting to be a bi:ofa rlandy. ` ' [ BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, &c., &c. `all< 31;); and .%w:z1lbZ%*f3;}Iz qf zhem quality ;,GRO'CE-RIES, nu ulu IUUVU BID!!! 8 Dl"sJUl& OK N]L\V , which they are offering at the lowest living rates for cash. A ` 21-1) 26-15 I IATTHE III` 1. PROVISIONS, ' ` ' LDe`a'lers in 't3-NEA'_1z- hm STEAM Gms1"uu.1., BARRIE. yr READ %sELo.w 4:0 1:031:56 . `V. 5=:4_ .... li9!?m_.*.`_ un Illi IUIII Illlrgxllf at one o'clock in the afternoon, being nppohtfofndjudiosfion on clsiml. . ; `D:l$GlIO:'3l_It day oflano, 1813. .3 : ~ EL_: 5, ,1 < `nu to and by post, prepaid, to ileum. CRAW- FORD& OBUKBIE, of the City of Tomato, thosolioitm-I of the Adminiltntut of the de- oouod, their christian and anrnomeu, addruua and description, the tall particular: of their claim. 3 Itatement of their Accounts, and the nature of the entities: [ifnny] held by them, or in default t nofthay will be pereuptorily, Ejclndglffom zlgdihnet of tbenlblit: grant. vjoq to: V` ago moon! 1 ro- rlloto mu. qndmignnd lute: rdinuq. > o -. `fl.-1;, A. `.1!iI1l.`iII"?`?7..of:1?0r90`fsI.. _ . knit . ' II" "`nl A'nnn`nu ..-`- Iowan uno vs .nUlTU'.I.', 1878) Ooutk-tn. Ohthlaru V velill Illnhlllllv ` Of the latest and best styles A and of the most approved fJv[j-`1` construction, Collier Street -..-_ __ ` East, second door from the lhrket, BARBIE . ' As the advertiser: are thor- oughly end prectlcelly conversant with th r business in Ill its details, employs none but the most skillful workmen, and use only the best zneteriel, they `can guarantee ell work turned out at theiresteblishment to give perfect setisfeotion to the purchaser. Farmers and - others look to yonrinlorssts, end give as a cell. 19 promlseto give you better value for your money then you can get at any other Osrriege Factory in Berrie. . ` ' l3'Also,~GENERAL auoxsurrnxno in lull in branches attended to. Run-fa -Jenn In Iona - 1_HANCERY NOTICE TO.(';`-I:I:3B- ITORSVOF ROBE R1` LAIN G, Deceased. ----- Luing, an 3 oa.use.of Hamilton nu Lulu , the Creditors of Robert lining, lag of .15. ownshln of Non. -an. =-' H-- eAnnIAss]f' nuasuzsh ownahip Nomwusagn, inlth ........,, ...... Iu .. oauseox Hamilton against e Oonnty of Simeon. farmer, who died n orsbont month of November, 1871, are on or beforqth a.;a Inns! nu --"-`---` ` -...., uuv Inn U: u 2nd mu #6} AUGUST, End In IIIIIL nnnn-IA n- n-____ i STAR BLOCK. Dunlap Sfreet Barrie. V ` Renmember the Stand, I .., ,.....`uu nun, nu ma uny or'l'oront OI TIIE 281! DIKOF AUGUST, '0I|O 01B`Mk` in the nnmnnn I-I-- ` In nu vxuuvuul IIIEIICIEII Bu'rio,`Juno 18, I873. GROCERIES, % PROVISIONS, J WINES & LIQUO[_s,, UV! vvsv Alovl-Iv I/[.0 ylfc `CRYSTAL PALAE,v EAR THE GRlS I"1nl.I. R nu reoivod . mu guppy of an kinds of This house is noted for producing 3 (int class art'clc at a. very low gure. The proprietor has put- chued his Stock in the beat mnrketain the Dominion {or cash, and he can cite: great induce- ments to those doing a business through the oonnlty. Country Tradesmen can be supplied to ad- nntage without going so far from home as Toronto. v ` A FACT I ; IQIUFAOTUBIBI ( I THE micusul "WwI=:9.~.s. , __.-.., .-u u-vs, `(Special attention paid to`_ iv, an IUD Jr. wauxno. . f_E??bfLIsHs gvuvor, IIIG m, buingtho 1,110 Ialliml. ~ SIDEBOARDS, kn , In-, 39,1521! nan: sun RAIDW/Ax 5'l'L" A pm~mp1>'sa~., mama. M'x1ix1'T1"iu:`aA1Lw~' ` "I i I, ` mmmp-s.__ :;Yn?:nN'.} YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, ` ' ` V :t`o-..l:c'-.lzc- ' _, __ ._.... --u- dvn AGR[6I_J_I.'l'U`l1AL_ fMPI._3MENTs, I Sou Loin.-rs Ion Bum: um v1c1m'rY.; MAN UFACTURERS, I-TAMI BUY NO OTHER TILL YOU SEE - THE GARDNER. Machines delivered, and a full course '_ of Instruotnon given by a com- petent Opetatcx. Took F :39. Frizc at Fame Fair` last Full, and at 30 other differoznt Fairs throughout the |Provinoe. THE I.A'I`ES'[ AND MOSTCON VENIENT on r. FIELDS BROS., A CHILD CAN OPERATE [Tl `GARDNER "SEWING MACHINE commmv, No cLANK11~{g In all odds the best and mosi pfacg _ tical Machine in the Market. waa;:s.u::.\.=;n .asmL, AT |SE`E OUR! NEW EXTENSION . B143-J V swovzs, wmcm_so.u.ns, THE GARDNER THE GARDNER THE GARDNER SEB`OUR NEW EXTENSION TABLE. SEE mm NEW EXTENSION 'l`Al%LE. _ N0 GRINDING CAMS, Auo axxuuin. AGIN1` ran V.clb_ A flfolttmu. .44-`- Loom sTi1*cH LOCK STITCH _ LOCK STITCH To Sui! any kind ofoom, &c,.*.H1ie smvmakmacmnn SEWING MACHINE SEWING MACHINE .1: Laura, HAMILTON, ONT. " :21 s, ]`\\ . \ {RN JIVI, OOIFEII . - Mocha, Jul. ooc" 'rnAs.-'- Black, Green. 1:`INE? TEAS. cgo16r;"66F1~E E, Bgmia, my 17m,13-71. magma ? ATTR A501: on Cloths, Read;/' ./Pimlc Clo t I: g, 1 Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods. IHEMGVAL: --uuwIlI\ r.=|....IV!\.; Vl...Lo The more central an! crmmodigus preunisc-I , latuly octlvpiwl by .`.!:('luf;- 55 :30` McUar.t/13,".-5 Brjlur/9 .B-".`.,z.', Dunlap 45'., Bu7'7'z.e. an . :zuw o'cr to: suit, Eh: fulzu-axing Machinery, IIn.3p1e:z3;1.='n_ts. d Vl{`J3\l '1`lH.'I 13155 ? .\'h 1Kl-iRR. A .`.'n STUMPXNG MACHINES, cullura!Irup'cmo.-nla. M50, (1 I 'I'\ u .--..- ... ... uuu'|uu1.IlUl1UlI 5 (}'r 0 U1: M0 T7"0 1.3 F CALI. AMI) QYJI.` HQ l.`l.'I.`\Y nr-- --- -v--\uvv,(r7svlUl\l:.FLL'-v'_ _I"l'\.!`~JC, GRXST AND SA\V-MILL M.-\CHlNl:.|Y. SUINHLIC A z\?*-`LA11l.iA(lll.\`r;:~' \.l).C(1.'$ Celebraledlmprrved Snmp.-un 'I'urb;uc \'v'A l'l-I]: \' u'.'.`ELL~; {;'_..:;::nx;'u.' 2. d0|1mu`,\l\'t-Ik. \\':)1l.l||m same Wu et. than any other \Vhm-l iu lhu Damn :'.-n. ` FM`)! Privy THIN-`,RllI'\'l1 Il.\1-nun I-.. "Shows, lau Fall, and is Ten Do1lr('llC(lpt.`l` lhan nxln.-r ma; ........u.. u|n\ uxn tab, wn ll lloxu-.} ..\-.u, syuiullv anar- tlnlaed by him`. This Macmur lmvim: m. n in II_.`'.` in 1h;'sl?:'-unly [or the lust lwrnly yomu, m eds nu reconmzondniinn from M. l{l:`A Pl.-Ills AND :`~lU\\'l'}l{S, Sin -Ia.-and Cmnlnmd. - Out JOHNSTON SELF RAKE REAPHIK lml; the I-'lr.~: brnzc at the B:.rn.c and C'mlcnu.wn _ ken.` an- 4-rllmp m, and :1 llrllcr Mutlnnc. We def compelilion. or nu ilrllllll lriaxl, zmlc by ;.l-Jr, with nny ulhvr Rcay-cl. . T E SPRAGUE .\10'Wl'Zl' !-us uovr been tn up-0 in Uanmla fur the my 1 iI.lrodut:cd`b_v Mr.Abe|l.'aI gu-al expen c-, and has an mnounl uf ll;-.. rv any other mower. It combines sillzpliuly, ;1;;'.'u'nllit_v anal 1'in:n[7ne:~`:4_. an Barrie and Cuoksluwn Fa-ll Slnqxg.-2. OUR PLOUGHS an: unm wo years, iz.'nit.g been rd pnpnlnzily m-xv.-r 4-qn:l.'u! by d R1.-ulu.'l.' lht` Fm-I l"n.:e ux lhc: 1..ll.\m..\.. ....n I... ._.,. - uA~.`.'G r1.UUGHS. I-`A1\'i`.i.\'G MILLFJ Wheel Rnke. IRON HARIROXVS, ml at! kin!-`. STUMPING b'TR:\\V (:U'l"I'BI cullurai IIun'cm.-nls. Al.-4n. n In... ....I --._n --. > v ....-.. ..\u.uuc; ., JOHN ABELUS Fm! Prize 'l'Hl(l'JSlHl\'G .'\lA('Hh\l'.':'. h Hm: M. ihix l?;.um3'- 13,; l l:l|5 Sznglc.-and Cm REAP!-In m.I.~ n... 1:... _._ . .- i 1 arlour, B02: and (looking STO `/ES, oz f07`(mt0 Pm).-r:;. `I ARE SOLE AGENTS FUR TUE FULLUWING MANUl"x".U'I`UHl`ll.`~`, John Abel], of Wuodbridge; G. 'Nilk`.n=.on, of Aurora; A. \: W. Wiison, of Richmond Hill, andMcKinnon s celebrated Coal Oil Stove. nnn Mnmmn `tn--1-"-*`* -T name and liuoksluwll F:-I! S||q\_h_`e. ' ' an: now nix; mllowmg w.-L!-known hm` `oVKL"~x:.-oz, Arm an : L. Bmwzljvlrl. Hrndhu-l. Juim Mn 1!. \\ LC ` GAL`-`G PLOUGHS. I-':\i\".`-`h\'G MIL-|.FJiA\' l{\KEH. ` HARIROXVS. an:n..x`,r-1'1.-2wyv.-2 r%*a?a.Esyss::.aa-aiis, ac; ` 4311 -M . E136 . .:;..,~._ `- n'.I.\l 11:1`; L-L.` 1 AIR]; ILKS, _.\ [{1} AT MANUFACTURERS , PR!CE,S GIUST M.~\()HI!\'I-.lH' ..~u:x'm n.- .. \ , ouoe&7.To, Santa. - . V ~ 5 y '3 . ' gas from 30_ cents upwards. English Black Teas in," ` _ T ' from 60 to 75 cents perlb.. _ . _ 1:3 .`-. :.3E`??`=.1: 1` .T1RM~?`:.Al-LOWE. To v- : , ` t`/...`, L I In L - ' - ureen, Japan, Jivn. APRIL`, 1373 A.-O! raom think that; 1 hep-. ' `pened to drop, into NELSON S lately, when he was `opening hrs New Spring. G-W5, and may appeared to look so neat and stylish, and prices moderate, -and having tted me so well before, I left hurt an order. As I think it is `nd. pghcy to spend on_e s money where it dont benet the community where` W" 1W9S;.08peciaHy when-money can be Saved ht! Hntvl an n!!!` `anew :-Inn :0 ha 7 e`ed%,%-*-` M H. BENN}+]T 1` ,,,, _-...:1IA'v| LIJIAJ unuu m.|u1111V'r.:*. -5'|'l{:\\V.(1U'l'TB!1S, PL.-\'| i'()l!M .'S( .~\l.l'LL'-, and (:2: iii: 1! Imp'cnu:nls. large and we-ll astulled stock at ."a1'lom`, B02: S TU Pr All!-`. gnu: Al!l.`)\Y'l`Q run. um... ..... Where he will keep on hand as usual, :1.` ` AND `GENERAL Gnocmuss, `VIN!-ZS AND Fruits, . WINES - Marmalade. Champagnes. Pickles, - Qandomnn, Sauces, ` Old Port, Currie Powder, ` Alacnnt Port, uBI'd'- . Fnrngonu Port, Potted M Ito Sherry eiser, - _ _ , Lobsurs,nu xina, Diamond Sherry . , f` Salmon, " ` Psfo - " . ._ ' Oysterg, " Brown " ' - :-Clpue. . ' GI 1' Wine. Bscnn" .- . BRAND E8.4 A - Inn-tal| n, - . 114.1. .`..._I. _.`..- un- uu Au -..vuUvl$ ll U. Pm*;ms" BR@:=3%., . .ULVUAR.TI1V'S I. I?I()k' Din/ix `mvoxrrsn, w_uom:su.: AND NNFNG M|[..l.SJiA\' i LOWS, all kin.-I-s. f'l'L'l IVA b`TR:\\V, UUTTE! K and as: n.,.. m-iudil. 'l`(m.s'. 551' 3.5. Pl.:\'l`i`()H:\1S'(f.I.- oiled 1 . " I.-Odll|`ll|'.`tE. (`rt- ;.v 1\1r..~.~r._\~':~ cdrluruml Ithaca. [.'F{"Ll`.`R'.*', SE15!) IHULL , \Ll'2L?, 1:31:41.-. oi Agu- .\\ \\\ N \\ \ \ {N \\ \ `x \ \ \ \ `\ \ \ .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ '-- Q7 5 Io.-lb-I-.n._I.I.\7.l.JV___,I,, '.-`{ J.\l I.`-1574'!` .\h'1K HRS. .r`.Is'h asq-Ln-an--_. ____ HAS RE_i'v'XO.VED HIS `Owen = trczt,opposzI,e ;, . the .New Bank of H'I"oron`to: T.` To his building, in the" _-j---g-- fr -Z3 =-- 7 .11LOARTHY'S IJRICK 131.00 . ; hmlzc-rs :- Amm Ah:-H. 2odbrxJ'.'u. {rm `JiA\' RAKES. im-hx.l;..q rm unnrnpagnes. Old Fnrngonu Port, "A -01.1; Sherry, GI N . --' Barns Boott Dc-Ki: RUM .- June. . mu IYBIS IE . OMB 1.1.1 1 b Ju. cs Robin's. `1E_`spo1EE1~3%' ull U] 53:` Mal-tell'l, Kennels) : Bayw- RI -ITAAIL DEA LER ll ? L], n Jompicte assortment of `A 1 R - I)%%I'}i L `ii A"-G ` YOU Dc ) NUT In-xv ,I_..u.wons. AND `reams. l.\.I:H lll\`L`c \ n umnsra. (ES.-- 1:?-P1-\'.u', :5 cinlly at l\*.'l |||\' VPIHI. mull. nu nnrnm-u's. Booths, Dc-Kinghd M.- EANNFS Jamaica, Demnmm_ 1.-'- Bunardm. Rn.-uh-n .`_l..-mhy, I{cwn'aIl:L-I ; ` r. zmmezrz. 0! the day. A11 kinds oi the Town, is to be sken at _ Aisu the` choicc st ~..v,,u-.~pecxauy wnenmoney can be saved by doing so, and besides it is_ Fght and proper to dress respeotably '1` You wish to be respected. ' T7 . - - '30 Off 5 TOJZE, DI the very '=757e`-*"5 3TOP ! THE ~. . .-- mun,~.-c-r.-oqaaaxa~;~zm;wz::eszs- =`i:.-"i:?:`>f Highly ornamented Mac-hinesv on iron Stnnd, _ Black Walnut Table and Drawer, ['Pol1shed.] ' .H:*m-1/-Upon my Word /1lfsjd3ig from uppe-arm1ces, one would 8l1PP you are bouudlo land the Fasinous 3!` our town. ` Bobbins, one dozen i`Ieodloa. one-'Bmider a-nd one copy 01 Directions. IFAMLYMAGHINE) Iiighel grades of Machine: equally ronsonbl _ in price. ` *"-"I-A u'eAnt W"K mK% 12. Can be regulated the take-up spring I ing to alilchiag. )3. Can rogulnlo lhruw-off ! 19 suit sewing. 10. It makes lhclock-stitch rm nnd good. Binder; Bauer, Friner, and adjustab e Hemrner, one extra Throat Piece, one Guide and Screw, one Wrench, one Screwdriver, one Oiler, six ,_ _-_r-----._- II.-As to that, I suppose you are right enough, but I have an idea of `going in for sa_ving,and making my-old lzloihss do. I don : believe much in A PRICE; $40.00. .PURVl8BROs. K4. Hna. sqmm-. plat )3, Su.-., cc. 11. I reesurc-fool can be regullcv.I`foI~lig|1t or heavy stitching. L Capacity to do all kinds of work, light 0" heavy. ' L Simplicity or tensions; them. V I. Simplicity of: understood. T @"0ALL AND SEE 1T,-_m_. ~ long as Sewing Mu- chiuns have but.-in at all widely known to _ the people, the Siiigei has been in film- miuent existence, and (luring all tlmsc years hue been undergoing im-A provements compatible with the demands or the age I r.o.\mLmrs mummalma 00.] :"-- - U-DHEVD ll-l UH! LU can-unuuu, null I believe in drgssinsg respeetably; `M50111 sooiezy is to :1 great extent iounded on cloth. J us: imagine a nuk- d 30086 of Parliament visited by the k'*`-"10: General! how would we 1?" One from another in such` a state? 3 Only by the dr&s tlnz the General fl` Own frolnthe Lnwyet. ll 1 1 1- -71. '1 3. Rel.iabil1ly;' 1' III read. 2. Easy of maxing:-men! ; no great 1 la operate it. ' Isewuua MAoum,[ Isexcellent for the "follbwing points" Z. Non-liability to gl out oforder, or standing, ~ I. Simplicity bf 'constru t-lion, parts and 2 mgnls; it is well made. 3 . ' Eusy of yvurkin , I1 Perlcyt-u'on'or a v THE J_TLY CAELEBIRA-TED - man I. UBHBVO 1' iii believe ` lnnrlnrh --'~``: * ` Fuinily Machine ' one'H<.-mmer, one of Hall : combined Tubk_cr, V % SI N G E`R S PLAIN. R Manufatred by ; it won t skip still-hes or break the withfeach n`eeHo~bar; has two throat r avdalnlgilily ofnll its parts. furnish ` stiu.:h` regulator; easy Where the entire Shel: will. be fduna 00m;`1etei_n an `it; branches; of _ ;-_ , ` SINGER light running, and not I) ; not hard to manage` ' loop in.` slnmle-race ar, either by l skil| req' ed .' accord and ate entirely vegetable. In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia the Pills ,shonld te taken withthe Powders; full directions accompanying each box. - auvuu Iuv quyv,wIo -_HA---I believeyou are right. so 1 W3 80 Qt once and -ordex. I suit 93

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