UUULIL -\.I.I.' `J.IIl'dIJ|JJ.\lLV, &\IVV L` SHIP OF TAY, 1873. . The above Ootirt will hold its iratsittingi i the Town 3-!a1|,Penetnngnishe'ue, on v ' '-i-iii-nnnv, -um urn: nnv an-Vniun nevi I.I.I,EI Luwu nuI, rcuctnugunuusuc, uq "TllESDAY,Tfll1_llTIl am! or. JUN! usxt,-A at the honrol` 10 6'clq_k u.n_:-. _ I , IUEUIIIII, _IIIE I_IlIII_ Ill'_|l II ifclook tan. \ ' A [By order] ` - - CHAS I I ..W, g.,,.1,'1_`_s7s. oz`:-. READ -JB'E:LO,W-4:0 imn rI{s1*E1z`ana sum _ always on hgnd`. A . -----pg TrEL%%N%'s- I, . t_'._ Bingham`Br . bnve`for solo n_ choice lot o U "'--- I 1 95 V . SFANISH EGGS f. hutch` . 1 G t HOW NE'L.SON S iousvr ,OF mzvisgon, TOWN.-' I RFHD DWTAV 1R'I_'!, ' 3212 our. NEW_ EXTENSION TABLE. ` :;AME Ania Vsmmlisvu` (. -2E`_%.EA.T_ CAPS, E.`--The highest price faaid for -`A glrhia In endlss variety, sEAs_0N l THE FIRST JLI LLLIIJ suitable f )1` V OF THE . Such 3: .~.-. mE"uso.wAuLucx, Is to be sgseh at toy OTUBTJ _ V M `CHAS: 13038,. . Township 0 BOOTS and % An: uuar, . Township Ole:-k. 19-{in luv, POPLINS, '"sHoEs,. "z;A`?a'?n'fn. 17 "I`easvfron1 30 cent upxvards English Black Teas in Caddies, - ' from (30 to 75 cents per lb. ' L.I BERA-L .'I`ER__MS_ ALLOWED '1`0_T THE TRADE. 22 I ` T ' ' _ 2 . New Brick Block, Dunlopsrteet, Barrie. {DRY G-cons, GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPAN-Y, . T F`iiEI3EhFLE s STORE, Beg to inform their town` and country friends and the public generally, that they have oppned out in the above store a STOCK of NEW GOODS T ' _ in the above lines, which they are offering at the lowest living mates for cash. J GHIBICI o _COCOA`S.-- _ Epps` x Taylerfs. -- Burri, May, 1873 . Java. ~ COFFEE.- `Inning TEAS"- Black, (lren, Japan, Java. IVDDUDD _ These Goods are Would rospeotfully. announce to the public that l1_e has just opened I. ' -DUNLOP STREET, BARIHE, ' Opposite J. Edwards & Son a Book Sto're',whe1-o he will keep a constant supply of FIIIFIII I\l'lII lNE\zUNLePe;aT. ME! ALBU unuunnnu ---_.-._ _ .. GGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, [;xl3`}3it. CI'0cker: FINE T~EAS.%_CHO*ICE COFFEE, IEANTQN 1' STORE. PU Fir?" DRUG. S . E O E D P,ERF.UME s' - AND GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. n./-.1: A Iirftwrr nrr B ; anmn! A 7 rrnv 5.. A variety or_ 1o3AcE_-F[|:5s, and smokers Iundriea. Omws, cumrauna rsrlunats tor noraea and uame. ALLEN S LUNG BALSAM, HALL S' HAIR BESTORER, KERMOTT S FAMILY 'MEl)I- . CINES, and all the standard proprietary Medu- cines. A good stock of LAMPS and Druggiats Sundries. . V ' ` . I _ WALL ARTICLES WARRANTED GEN- NINE $`Call`and examine before purchasing el sewlme. 7 J. P. KIIID, Chemist and Dmggist. ' Dnnlnnuh-'aAt Ru-ria. Feb. 24th H-`V13. WJIODIIIBIDD llll lily Dunlogxustfcet, Barrie. Feb. 24th 1873. FIELDS BROS, |AU0I|Q_N__ALEl \cLoTH};A'Tonv:| Crockery a.nd. Glassware, J`. Pfiman TOWNSHIP or IumsrIL.| I ITU l` I`I&XIII`j TfMAOHINf1 OILS A SPICIALITY.. E; S. llleeklng Auction Booms, `smpsoim BPIGESfo1-Horses and Cattle. lY.`I .'|'`.'MY TJTMIX DALQAII `L`l AY_I.7Q~ `DATD IN AP.an=.'. WW: unoicnr. ' I _ Abodf 8,0 sores of Lt 11, in`1h'_ 14th `Con- `aeaaioni of the Township oflnnisl; mom ar- t.icuIu'i1y'deIcribed'iI. said Mortgage, on U: `ch _..:.'_.:1.rg`o thruatorn , othlgctory with Dry- ing Shed nmlbuellinh onsa; 1'10 A -ubleudid (|QulBIll]_'EICIlD3'll. Bllll IDYIEIKG, OD WHICH are 3 lsrge throo. ato_ry,G, with ing Shed nngtbwelliny _ onso, a`so 8 jpleudid Overshot I111 Prltilen. And lhrea_oth'u DIG- s1s1oim`NI:\v EXTENSION TAISLE. mg uneu Aug uweuwi 0 t 311,-? ,ll A;.L"a 3a.'. .a..`.`.':...' J1!!! Pby'siciuna' Preaeiiptiona carefully prepred, gu` uqcu any I-IIIFIIII-I vuyv, n all n .uy|wuuua Oversize; ill;Prv,lle , nd l_lyea,olh'or Dye!!- `ing Houses, situate about z=mi!ep'fromBu-rig. ----n- I\ .- , ,.-'_ K.` II ;0II1o'-tent]; of'tl;e V V` .15 p!l on the duynfnle, `!g1`~ba1_n'nc' 19:13 wilbgnndo known uttlgqnle. .' . . .7 : For fun-they pnrti_onlg,rq.s)ply to "`3InAl~AII.l n'uI1nV ` `O1-to 9-7- Gbocohter Sugars, . 1' 1' mm -1 Mocha, Java, Jamaica. mm A S! __ MILL PRIVILEGE 2 NDER a. Morlfgaga from.W.S. Shspcotz, ` which will-be produced gt the_sale `op @PRODUC.E TAK`E.N IN-EXCHANGEE mam NEW EXTENSION ? TA BLE. . .FR'1';_DA'Y, `M4"1`'};_i,i Also a complete stock of :-I- A n -run: I: a :.v At Twh:1ve`c.a .< :lock, noon, A 7|` -GENERAL` Gnoicx-znuzs, Wums Aim Lnwons. in A 'v.{x.iuaxE T SNEATH & WATTEE, CALL AND SEE FOR `Y[OU_RSELVES. oI`IIIn|-an . -1.11 II! ` 4JII}!A9`'9P:JQNBS.-.. ' - Q.I.'..'h.u CORNER or jonm Ami) FRONT srnnars. (McNabb s oldstahd, near the Barrie Grist Mill.) T mpon-ran, wuonnsum AND RE'_l'AlI. nnnnn in t Tag;-A1buxT"Afi$ 3ii' Pictures.-H ~ ~ T LOOKETS, cunonos. LI1`HoGl%.A_PHS. . `YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, G` OIL PA|N"|'|NG,.m am. aw aw Framed-orvwithoutn-;mon.. _. 1- `I . ' T . any-19's: aninno Lnz 't'D7AIl1."O' %WM. HUNTER,_ in THE; %_GROCERI1}1S, all new and will be found oftlzerst quality. F1-niu,V ` - Mnrmslnde, - Pickles, Sauces, ` _Ourrie- Powder, _ Muslax,-d, , Potted Meats, I;>`bI'.ers, inxins, A man, Oysters, Ghsese,L Bacon , Flour-,&c, PROVISIONS, _ Dealers in w1N1s.-% ` ` Ju'e Champagnes. GIN.- Saneman, ' Barns Old Port, , Boot! = Alacant Port, Dem: . Farragona. Port, RUM.- Asberry Meizer, V ~ Jams ' Diamond Sherry, ._ Dema Pa.`.e ' - WHISK [E Brown 4 " ' Old 11 Ginger Wine. Malt, RR A NDT I\`.S_- Scotc] Ulllr Iv um BRANDIES.- Max-telI s, Henne|soy | Sayea No GRINDING `CAMS,- \N%*wSTO.P I }cn|:ATs'r ATTRAGTIONI MA N N S ,BOOK%STORE%| `LATEST STYLES& PATTERNS] Wm I.llWlIST mans} SCHOOL B 00KS,| wuotzsm up limit; In 1:M:A1\TN*s . ' `I . * OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY DEPOT, ' . _ l)U'LQB S`l`E}lT BAIIRIE. - Seven! plrtiu nnvlng oouxucu goons n-om diluent merclinuts and tmleapooplo in my nnu1e,In`d without my sanction. I hereby pub- Pcly caution Ill concerned thnt 1 n will -not be" V inconntshlg for any debt: in my ._ng:4nojy_itl.:ontnmy;_1r_rittan.or!Vor. \ -. ` - .- ~..: -- -. -.-. A. jnnmpu n 1nnimnIr. Q ' d . A ::IInay'nf vi 6190*`: -ESIIIIII N!hXT."rHi~.' RA DIINLGP` ,; . S.` A (IIIILD CAN OPERATE_IT ln]_.W_l'l!KQll OHIUB ' > l = A. 'Jos_9n 1;._,IQHNsox. I Ii_:{rlo`,;~Ja:|uu'ry2 i_1`_8"i8._ ' = _ _ 4-tr _: LITERATURE % " Atria}: T6 MERCHANTS VAND ` ' 0'l'vBBR3a V "V 3- sjovgril pu-tin hvihg Voiatsinod goqds ifrqm LI:n.n.m Inarnlinntn nnd tndeanoonle my Consisting of very choice; and superb `To shit any kind of Room, &c , `at the STATIONERY Of the Town, is to be seen at FANCY Goons, of the day. All kinds of - srovns, wmea SCALES, Also the choicest- - Of the very. &c., to,` kc. ' ITHE "zzaozr STORE, Ullllffln fwH1sKms.- R e DUO)! Irish . nm ` ' v Old row, Ale and Porter. Jll' R0bi}l 5: ugso GENERAL AGENT ran -4-v\O -I-1:111 N .B:;na1-d 5.. Bootlrs, DeKiughe1-'9. ' M . _. J amnion, - Demarara. :ncnrmQ _ T20 lw-ly and general disorders of the Stomach- nnd Bowola"-persons who had been `olicted for years and tried the various Remudigs and Physicians thntpcame within their reach, without_ receiving ' _ any benet, have Been Entirely Cured I have been received from F. Kean, Ex- Reeve of OrilIia, also [mm the editor of the Newmaxket Em , and many others corroborating the above statements. Enqulrdfor them at the nezirest drug- gisl,11 not prqcarable there send for ' them by post to Barrie. have beenuupaxalleled ii the cure ilzf PRICE 25 01's.] Preparednnd for sle Wholesale by SEWING MACHINE SF.WING MACHINE SEWENG MACHINE Corrects the Acidity of the Stomach, and is - particularly adapted for.the cure of diseases in Infants and4Children. It is-of such a nature that .1t may be freely given either for Diarrhcea or Costiv_eness;relieves pain,` and leaves the Bowels in a natural and healthy con- dition. Asait contains neither Opium nor Morphine, it is superior to either Soothing Syrup or Cordials. No mo- ther should be without it. Prepared by C. H. Kermott, Chemist,.Barrie. DYSPEPSIA % PO_WD ERS ! - % DR. KEP.MOTTT S NEUTRALIZING MIXTURE The best Blood puner yet discover- ed. It not only cleanses the blood, but removes` the effects of Calomel from the system. Price $1.00. Pre- pared by C. H. KERMOTT, Chemist, Barrie". For sale everywhere. Fl0IjI'&FI moon PURIFIERI KEriMo'r`I"s ` mL~2I1e.I.LE P'_l}. Have given entire set faction where they have been used? they possess In obstinate ceses of Dyspepsia the Pills` should to taken with the Powders; full directions aocompunyirig each box. `In doses of o1;e orV ve, they are altera- tive inlarger doses. Lncx gsrrrcnj LOCK swrcu LOCK S'l'IT(`.H nlways`reatorihg the halthy functions _of the body. Those who have onoe used them, will not consent to have any other kind`.. T . ` byjtaking one boxof the Powders. $1 Will Procure 5 Packages. Enquire for them at the nearest store where Medicines are he t, or send to Banie for them. One ollar will procure two boxes of the Pills and thtee'of_the powders. ` - ` "cathartic and Anti-Bilious j Sold by `J. `woda anu. I?.1_idd; Ban-in; R. Wade, `Chgmist, -Angus; 7 J.` Grgavs, Ohmllt,"`vC0llingw00d; ;.W; B."8anda11, _C_heniist, Staynot. 1873, ~ "My No MINERAL POISONS P;-epg.red an;iV.f9r Sal Wholesple, by PRICE--25VCENTS PER BOX, udba-WHEELS, Dyspepsia on COMPOUND EXTRACT or STILLINGA. If-`or Testimouis, see pamphlets. .cr1j1tott s Qlolnmu, KERMOTT S and are ehlixely vegetble. TESTIMONIALS DR. KERMOTT S . c , n. KERMoT1',. C. II. KERMOTT, X-I14l:\.D, _ HAMILTON, ONT. - PATENT Barrie, Ontario. . oamus 1', CHEM! S 1 Bahia, :0_nt.` mc`a::ruaA;amptgmms, as. .11" `MR? ":tI(.~`.-1?'i2aI-.`<$i'ali':~*,\3}:`.?i 1319. ` .%e`6d`9.` " Machinery; xmpxements, agc, A , H FROM ' E REST I\1AKFLl{.S. ANI) nish AA U SAW-LVULJJ :\1:u,1m\ nu )'.._1~;1.\uL.n3 :\|.\`U L..\1H MAUIHNI-1.x`, Celebrated Improved Sampson '1 ur_b;nc \\ A1Ll{ WHLLLS. guaranteed lo do llzulc ~. same wax-:r.1han any other W11.-cl In the Donnmon. - InH.\I ARl4`.Ll. .\` l`.r. 'l`[I[(E>'lH.\`L`: .\1A(.'HlNF..\`_ u'rvh 11.....- Wa`_er. than any other W ho.-cl Inc UUIIIIIJOH. `JOHN ABEVLUS F|r.~'lPri2:c 'l`[Il(ESlHNL`r .\lA(.'HlNES, wnh Hm anleed by hing. This Machine '|aV1|:.;zln:`Lll in use in 1111: County 1;. 111,. `,3 rcconunendntiou` from usi ' Ii l'2Al ERS,A1\']) M()`.`.'ll{S,'Sm::lc and 1'. Our JOHNSTON SELF RAKE REAPICR lw`; 11.0 Fxrsl Pnzc 'II I Qhnuun Inn Full. and is To-n DnHnr:.' r-ho-an-.r than nlhur muL-n.~.. 0::-.. . Uur JUL-u\a1u.LV enur nnxu: nan run nv ; we l`lr.~l rnzc [he v_.1-.19 mu] (;0.,'KM(,wn Sho_wa.|a_3l Fall, and is Ten Dollars clu-up-.-r than ulher makers arr .~n-lung M, and :1 better Mru-h1m:. We def coin eliliun. or an avlunl Iriul, side by uh-, with any 015,-, {`,...pe,. m T E S R'AGUE I\'l()Wl11 |nasnow1n:un :u1ne.mCa1mda fur 1111- .`:~.sl lwb vears, having been introduced -DYVMI-Abe5L:Il 2 cm cxpuu e, and has an :unoun1.oI`de. popnlarify never equalled by _any other mower. .ll combines simplicn_v, durnbililyund vhcapness, and also took the F1rslPri'u: In the: Barrie and Cnokstnwn Fall Shows. V . nmz m.nnr'.n": 5..-.. om... Ihu ...n.-.....m. .....m:.......... ....u.,.._. A n.... .. u,... .\'-...___.l.. n _ :1: -v-ruuvv--\o.w...----- .---vu-qr titan I GRIST AND SA\V-MILL E\Ir\CHlN`Y.SHl.\'G E AND LATH XWACIHNF ' Pnlnhrntml lmnrnvprl Snmnnnn 'I'nrh;m: \VA'l'HR \\/H EELS. L-nnrann.-mi In .1 w1!Innaon,A=2rcra: 1.. nulvemclxl, maulum . .|u|IIl Am-H. woodbrndue, Jc. ` GANG PLUUGHS. F.-\.\'NlNl} M|LL>',llA\' l{:`\KE.S, in(`ludin_x.: .`\Xnssn\"s Wheel Rake. IRON 1-(ARR() \ S, ofnll kim1.~, CUL'l'lVAT()RS,'SCI ?!-`LIJRS, STUMPING MACHINES, S'1`I{AW (, l"'l"1'EI{>`, PLA'l`F(_)l{i\I >_'CALE$,` and u nnllnral [mn'fno Alan. :1 l:1.'m~ nml w.-ll lnnrl. 1| um-I: 1.1" r51uMru\u- .\1Aun1,.\r.3, nuxnw m I 1r.1(.*, 11..-\'1`r`UJ cultural Imp'em<:nls. Also, a lmgc and wcl! 21-sorhd slot-k_u1' 1-` v -r\ ~ 1 ry 1 - r4DwC4\-iv-C1 Parlour, -Box and Cooking S T 0 VE S, at T oranto 1PH'cc.s-._ ' WE ARE SOLE AGENTS I~`OR.'1`1H-: F01.1.0wl.\'G MA'.\'l'1-'AC'l L,'1:I:R.s, John Abel], of Woodbridge; G._ `Wilkinson, of Aurora; _A. 6: .W. Wilscn, ' Richmond Hill,` and:McKinnou s celebrated Coal Oil Stove; name anu unousmwn ran anows. . N OUR PLOUGHS um trunphe: mllmvmg well-known maker.-4: ~ A!lnn N Hcndrv, Newmavkrl ; ` Wi!|nnson,DA:1rrra: L. Bul!ertjeld._HradIord John Am-II. Woodbndcn.-, Arc. . GANG PLUUGHS. F.-\.\ NlNG !\'lIl.[..\'.l-lA\ l{A.I\'I`S am-1...I;.... '\.7ncun\-V: ,-..I..!.m....: mm... OUR. MOTTO IS .AIR-DJ;ALM11v(;. ` (ALI A\'l\ QIPI.` HQ E`1:'l.`\' IL` VIII. ht: ' Y!` I iii`19150 VA L ! Barurie, July 1731,1371. TIN \vA.1w., HARDVVARE iRYs1AL %. PALAGE 3 STORES! '1`ABLESJ(A}.`B'AIRS BEDS'l`,EADS`0UPBOARl`)S BUREAUS LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS so'1us,Lo(5K1NGGLAss1a:'s.uA'rRAsbE,VP1LLo\vs[z:oLs1*1-:ns,.n,, &c., ' nude on the premises or the ::g:t:x:t;;i:lia. yc:::l;;e;)i;:icr:dR~:?Sr::.xs::(;:. Special attention paid to C loths,T ._ Ready -[H0110 _ Clothing, and Gentlemen? Furnishing Goods. jilliii `I 771 l'II_I$ I `III? In ZYTW OTTOMAN, smprma, um cnorcanr PATTERNS ; BRAIDS. tr1L1.osm.s. LAOES AND A rmuutxas, FLOWER LEAVES. PETALS Arm wmnz. GLA AND` perm; vAsns,woRK BOXES AND DESKS, mmos AND NEOKLAOLS, - .M ,.. PUR=E:3 AND TOYS, ' '}.'.'...'-L` ` '3. -y` ' . Q.- .-_---- 11:`. 111-11 I 18111? AT MAN U-F Ac iriizas? rimcejs A N D TE rams. nu1Q'Y` awn Q.\ur,MlI.I. r.1.\r-IlI1\'u'| . ANH I \'1'nu.u-nuvv~.- . .01LDR'EN S;9fEF`GES CHE! lam, uuohg ma. ` CR1/`S TAL P./i% I.}1()1: STORES .r ' BEBLIII W091. AND FANCY GOODS, .'\.....m..u annbmn um nun-rnmam o Arr-Iimnun . mnmu u-n.r.n_=m. 'r.A4`.r`.Q AND ----..-:- ---_:---e --- The more cc-ntra>| and commodious p.-cnxises. lately ocullpietl by Tl/I,.f`1,...:l... n Dw.'..L IIIAQL n..nlnn1 K`. 1 APRIL; 1873 : ?STVEl 2|!\`l'2E'.:\7V'?bBE11Z'<`.J'AI11 :_BI_.o::;., MB. H. BEN N }+1::1`T L H-FREEMAN, gggcnanuar MAKER AND up-uoLs1:nn,@% -an an!` Irnnni: nn hand A In!-an nhnnn no I.|.y. J.v.a.\J.l..a.\I .Lk' .L Jl..l..Ll .l./.l4JL.lJ.l.1V CALL AND SEE US EVEN IF YOU DO NOT BUY. o"Stoves furnished Churches and Sunday Schools at, C()ST..,j T nuns:-1:. .n,\- -: 1:; L .._ Where he will keep on hand as usual, 2: complete assortment of 3 C9l.r3l 311" COIIIHIOUNEUS p:"\.'nll(f5g Ilfly UCUHPIEH by :\]`(']UfL` _McCart/zy s Brut/c B/0c/17, Dunlap SL, Barne. V\'e now offer for sale. the folimvlnrz ` `A v h _,,,. PUR:E:3ANn'1*oYs, _ .'C_HLEA_1_" "AND HANDSOME 'JEWELER ,. PIIRVES Bans; 71/:-(TA R I'lIV .Q I37? TIT]? RTFIIVI v-u:-u---- ---- --v 7 --~--- .Ma'n.ufacturea and keep on hand 3 large ind cheap! stockof _---pom.--u-r14\`r'I\ 'r1`rr`l'|-n11-rr1 .~Cdll examine the.varied on}: at the and Sewing Machi_ne s ' - . AT , " .J'. J.=>ULLAN*s, Noni the Wellirggton Hotel. o SOL: Aazms ton BAR1un_LNn vxcumw. Iuugnuu-..-.u w..- ._--l. ______ _ ______ __ HOUSEHOHD FU1zNIT'"I):1'2"1%i BASiETs, 'wfo6nnN,`vv*4Tnn, &..~ao. .._ 1 Owen` A-`Street, _ _0ppniie ' j `the; Jycw Bank of Torozod I--.' , jaP;;u7-ssI.Q. VFROM THE BEST .\1AKEl \.S. AND LI: vulv .llI\lIrlIr .5/urunv I r\./L` ndw sale, Ibliowvmg vI;IAS' REMOVED. HIS To his building, in -the ` ' ' 7 J1[cC'ARTHY S BRICK BLOCK, BARRIIJ. AT 'i HB V cnvsnu. PAI:Al:E, T l3'NEAR REE STEAM GRIS_'I'_lllLl..`_B.AA-R_BIR., '2 .1. \- 4 . Mr?` J. ED?:u ARnS 8: son, HART to! copy av Ilr um ([16 cnvs iu. names, EAR 'l`FH1`. STEAM blili III! `I u [NSC-Puwzer, Sp(`ilI)' gum- i.'n_l 1Wc'n(_\' yenrs, nu-eds no l'un:b;m'd. ` I|l|IlJ}l1l'(l. l the Bumc ing :1 Maclnm.-. nu. 3 colebrnled Ilhm-:7. RI-`.x.`n mn,r.. , onuu unu..1n, all kind: or Agra, ('0|CUl'lU I"lu'N'IK. sax-:1) DKlLL~, nll '_'im|u hf /luv?-. , .- ll. Lyuno `xmk, with lhe... 1). co1.E's ' :..I.-, win. ll. 3 5'3 Bnrrie V` of Ispmmm \l}ENTI.liMN S l`.l.THiNl}\ For the 1 McCartby s Brick Bioc, Dunlap Stxfeat. 0 l.U`U- [1- ' on For the best 50:: TEA I GO to U - A. For the-1_:est 600 TEA` Go In P. A . `For the best 400 TEA Go to C. A. 13.`. II...` Ln:-6 HR 1"?` BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIOES .r GEN'l`LEMEN S FURNISIIINGS, %&G., The above goods. have been carefully chosen and are now being otfered at the slightest pog. Iivble advance on GUST. In be All odtfs {be best and` most prac- tioal Machine in the Market. INTENDING PURCHASERS ' are invited to CALL and EXAM ZNE. Ofall tho ew patterns in great ' vanety. I beg to intimate to thfe Public that} o . , Bax-rie.`6th May. 1873. UMM1: & vA"N'TmN sTEEN| T ORILLIA. I l\l g ,\I\4I1I H, u I Iv Of every desorumon, and all sues, taken at all hours of ihe day. E'rYLIsH~u.00Ds FOR PHOTO RAPHS nr eve:-v descriotion. sizes. UHAIIL, C N.4B.- -Hidea and They also kep in connection with {he prlleryf I large stoclrof Pm-1... A `Lacuna A `Ruin Din human 'NONDERFUL, `H, ME zj WHAT Took First Prize at Barrie Fair last Full, and at 30 other different Fairs throughout the Province. - {VERY ONE SAYS: A FINE {STOCK op FRAMES.` QIC1-1, iELEC I`ABI.E_.A1\{D IIUNINIIEE 8 Orillla. Jnn .`r21. 1872.- '|ELIGH'IFI`IL,. VPRESENTS 5 per day. Agents Wanted! A! $ . ' - clnuegof working people, 0 elmerjcx, young qt-_ pldkmgge mogafgnongy at wqrk_ with, 3u~i_nlheirgpu{e`l!!0In the i ` .Li!I .. um}; r Luv I)t:>L put; '3 ` G0 to G. A. Perkina Bros . rgR0RH|EAPEST AND BE$T TEA VIN Gn in CLANKING (`u TERMS LIBERAL. The largest assortnlcfat of )HOTOGR'APHIC GALLERY. ever shown in Barrie. -:uu-; Plcrrmims FRAMED -'ro- ORDER. Hymns 85 VAN F313;)! 8'5`!-JEN 1|. I... o1 mm, v . ' V Lu`. JEPFRKINSERUS- = Go to THE L_A'r'Es/r AND M0sT_CON- VENIENT 011-1`. 1 Is now complete. AND :35_S_EPH LOGKE. . Perkins Bros . . Perkins Bros . B A Ii`;-*'J tock Dll _4-tf-' Hevm/V-Upon my Word, 112/, judging. from appearances, one would suppose you are bound to lend the Fashions in our town. . AZf7ed--Why do you; thnk so ! H.--V-Because you tum Aou`t_in such a stylish,-neat-ttmg suit _so early in the (season. I fear you are getting'to be a bit':_ofa dandy. Machines delivered, -and 9.. full ours_e of Instruotnon given by a com- ' patent Operator. ` _A.--0}! I don t think that. I hap- pened to drop into NELSON S lately, when he was opening hrs New; Spring Goods, and they appeared to `look so neat and sty1ish,and prices moderate, and having tted me so well before, I ` Ieit hum mrorder. As I. think it is bad `policy to spend one s money where it don t`bonet the community where one lrves; especiay -when money an. be; saved by. doing so-, and besides it `is right and proper to dress rspectably if you wish tooba respeged. - ` H.--As to that,AI suppose you are right enough, but I have `an idea of going in for savinggand "making my old clothes do. I don't beljeve much in dress. T " ' / A.--We.1l,I'can t say I agree with .you,`Lecause, in the first place,n1thongh Idon t4believe in `going to extremes, still I believe in dressing respectably ; modern society is to a. great. extent founded oneloth. . Just imagine unalt- ed. House of Parliament,visited by the. Governor General ! how would we knowrone from anotherin such a state ! It is only by the dress that the General is known from the Lawyer. -. _.... .u. 1 where the entire Stock will be.-'f:)`und compiete in all its branches of 1i.A---I be1ievVe vou3areA tight, so I will go at once and order a suit atj .9 R;.Y,,.Q;9; P 39 McCarthy's Bric1 Duplop Sp`, Barrie. ` *GlZ{AO.{3-E'RI-ES, " BOOTS AND.SHOE~S,&.c.% _ _ *IN`S1_ E`C';"ION INVITED. ? J 0':-TI": OI-T1 Wnat % Eext? `I-OVOK .HiiE%RE 1| any NO OTHER TILL YOU .s1E THE.GARDNER'. mama DEPARTMENT _ IS SPOKEN OF. The LARGES'1`,BEST, and cmm3Es'r srocx of DRYu00nigq1g=1g)rcLnTH1NG I'\A}3"fR:N BROS. SPRING and SUMMER WEAR, | PRINTS, V _ BBILLIANTS, . T _ _ MUSLINS, SILKS, 'Dl'\D Gn_'0c.el-ie |9BHIESC|3l!VISI|!P{3.| CLOVER, 'r1Mo`.t'uY,1EL1_) ANI5 . GARDEN -SEEDS, of -the best _qvaIity. 14!. K1 I2 ,#-`Plan h3nhn`a nnn ;1n; lnr L`AHo:L IIU Lflblluul rgluu rug `V. 1 and Skins. . I . _ A , ~ Collier. Street, East of Markotsqmu-e ` ' . v RARRTE MANUF.I{CfrURERs, l_'lA1\llI