Northern Advance, 6 Mar 1873, p. 2

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' f;No1'thg1`n `nd Nbrthelzl Extensi_oI.1`RaiL ; .Vv_ays.; Thq H613. Frank Smith . H "'7 . ._ , . ,_ ,:' _. _.;'"=_:"{ Ou V .% `.7 : _!:.11':yfc.h9 1 residents,.a1{l thy A` good 1umny,M.; Pa. and M. P. P"a.: were 131-esent,.'a.s` well as other leading :_ncn. .".1`he ben c11, .'_the`bm-, the.inercai1 tile interests, the carrying, #3105 A graphy, &c., ivre well represpnwdo `There `were also a. good, many Municipal. Magnatcs p1'eSe11t. A city cotemporary says of the Banquet :~`-_- V A ... .. .LANrnnNs._-Long before and ever the old[Cyn'ic Diogenes went about in broad daylight with his lantern search- ing -for` a man, the lantern` has been foundan` indispensible article. In this country especially, it is of use to any one who needs to be out doors in the exceed- ingly dark nights of spfing and fall. Mr. Woods, `of the Medical Hall, has on hand. K a..stock_`pf lanterns which `are safe for the stable, and will stand any "amount of wind without the light being blown out. The .11otai>ilities are avm;-iving in the city very fast. A_ A great; number of both- `.Houses_. are there; also the Depu_ta- tion'app`ointed to present the Address of t-wntario Legis_1ubureVto the Gove1'np1- ,. urn-vx] 'P|un nnnv|Gof;nnx 1...:-uu:un nlv` ; Mr. McKenzie is reported to hafe 1;e- signed the ieader.-ship of the Opposition -in favor of_ Mr.CB1ake. V 4:: cu. :4--nun v, nu. vuuvwnuv. Sm,-I pnrpasely refraincd lut week notice- in g jpg ygr; s,e`v_e1-9, nngalld for, pug I ghipk milx"cianI note. van lhnunht (it to nublinh imam. Snocxlx. MURDER.- VVe have again to record`the`cor'nri1itta.l of a. brutal mur- der in South Sitncoe. It seems that a bailiff of Mono, named John .1\Iarsha1l, went to Loretto, a" village in Adjalu, on business, which he transacted, and start ed for home, about-midnight on Friday last, `but had not gone very far, when he was struck a fearful blow on the back `of the skull by an axe, it is supposed,` by which `he was rendered senseless. `and when found was all but dead. He lingered in great agony until the follow- ing evening, ASa.tu1-day, when he died. `The perpetrator of the deed of blood is not known, and therefore is still at large, although strenuous ` efforts are being put forth to ferret him out. The Wesleyan Methodist Tea Meet- ing, was held in the Town Hall, last (Wednesday) evening, and was a. most suceessful affair in every respect. Our rhI' `in {La (Info:-in T.nn:u]n- representative [in the c)n`mz'-Io gisla.-. ture, W. D. Ardagh, ,Esq., presided. The. edibles, supplied by Mr. `Edmanson, were good in quality, and abundant in'.ty{; tl_1e_, music, by the choir, and the speeches from _the Chair, a_nd by the V pastor, the Rev.._M1'. McDowell, and the Rev. M. Fraser, were 1ike`wiseAof a. kind_ suitableto the bccasion. " MATCHED Tnow . --The Matched Trot, to come o` on the" 14th (Friday week), between Clurkson .-1 black more, 1` Molly Morris, and D. O?Nei1l s bay-mare, for $100 a?side,~is exciting a` good deal of interest,band.betting is i going on pxetty freely. The trot will take place on the | ice at 2.o clock. Pools will be sold at I the Clarksonl House, on the eyening of M the 13th. - The track is now in splendid condition, under the management of Mr. Ostram, who has'als_0 charge of the Bar- rie Driving P-,a.i'k, and of Mr. Croxon, of Al'Inn/lnln , ` . ' I 4,` _ Bqrrng, To the Editor 6}` the Jdvance. D... `I _..__..--|_ _-t_-:__.I I. `PExETAx(uvxsIn:NE.--~Steps'ni-e at pro` sent being- taken for the erection of :1 Town Hall in this v'illage,_and thcTown- ship Council of Tiny have appointed" a. commit-tee for the purpose of pu'1-chasing a lot, and making an estimate of a suit- able building. It will be- a. great im- provement to the village, :and :1 source of benet to the inlmbitants of both the village and` the vicinity in having a. suit: 7 M able place for holding public meetings, zL_nd "for vai-ions kinds of amilsements, as the one at present. in the Township of Tay is not always accessible to the. people in Tiny, besidve-s_being much too small for the place. _ . ' C L111! AuE Xilandale. \nvuuLAIb' LUIIB U1 Luu uuauus U110 JUuIIA||uA Vpprtmn of the. audience. The refresh- gments, nulfplfed )1? Mr. Edmanson, were 1n1Av-n] and m-ma niu-I Hun tn-nrn-nu-nrnn, QTTAWA ITEMS, : vggrogm Qfraugj. 1811;, `B73, 4 9:19:/rnrp Brrne, Mamh 5th, 1873, yours, &c., ~ - R. SIMPSIFINL n;u., - R. SIMPSON L ` U! [M 'rna_\c)1 V 3119 A951 . r ----------,------- :Na.ilu ma of :11` had: very cheap -mmgxrsg V A; T ~ . Nalhlnd Huglware of all kiudt, 1 at RAWSONS. _ `. ' V request to Aliindalu qunun IIIIOE 1,110 Blue. I wuuldjjgbnngtion. that on {He 3rd inst" {sent a.:q_legmm _-ypu T containing the sub- stance of this`deniql, alto one to Mr. D AIton lfcou-thy to_ the name deal," addressed by his V MI'_'MnKi:-Iv wan mhnlc m{...... ...I.... gunk. uuulpww aauamcuon as this." ' 7 "- It is composed of Sn or was Bear 01;: nun - ABE KNOWN. It is as goodgo take as for exte-r~ 09., wa1_ts;m91q.. and _J. 1>.,1_1a` . naluseggnq 13 `qll_eva'd; to be immeasurably superior to tiny hing ever made. "Will save yournuch inating and menydollsre of ex- pense. It is sold by one or more dealers in every place. _.Price 25 cents. 1 _ . A ; VP:-2 red'by S. N THOMAS, Panes, N. Y. ' An_ -NOR'l`ROP& bY.\lAN;.Newcnetle, On urio, 8ole.A'genta for the Dominion. " ' ' Ila-r:_:`.-Eleclric-8elected and Electrised. Soldin Ban-ie by John Woods, Watson` 8 4-401 ... . >-am " .4) .':~.";;"*2;1*.xza., `- ~v *"A - n5ve1f mieht one . our` niihe taim or he to me, and.-that (have ad no coliversation with Mr. : uni-ton lines the sale. ` I umnld alas. -nun..- IL-0 .. AL- -n_.1 2.... Y. ,, .._... um-.u nus cureu an Om STAlDlNG`COU9K.' One or two bottles has cued bad case: of PILES and KIDNEY Tncuqnns. Six to eight applications cure _z NY cnsn _or Exconu-n_:n NIPPLES or Ixnwnii Banner. One bottle has cured Lam: BACK ot ciglityenrs standing, Daniel Plank, of Brook- eid, Tiogn. County, Paqsays: I want thirtymils fora bottle of your Oil, which `effected a Woxnnnrun Can of a Onooxrsn [min by six applications." Another, who has had As:-iixu tor years. says: V I have hnlfof n 60 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if I could get no more." - _ Rufuslloblnaon, `of Nunda, N. Y. mites: One Inlajl bottle of your Eanncwniq on. rec-' ' torad the voice} when the'perso:. had not spoken above a whisper in Fivn Yuan. Rev. J. Mal`lo'r_y,.ot' Wyoming, N. Y., writes ; Your Ecnnormo On. cured mo of Bronchitis in ON: Wux. _" Dealers all overthe country say: ` Wc never sold I med.cine that has given such complete satisfaction us this. 7 It iscomnnned nrn ...' ..;.... o--- n ICCIVIUI.` W. Allnnduu " .-"Mo5`,i':}y. was ihqionlyr ;;e-:3a:f:iLa` 5 v;haiSnixo. V .:to`i_no :_0.l' j1g'ociAIelftha purclmgo. of the said 10 f0! $11.93} -`BL-~R4T.Gompany, ind I have no .know}ed?g' =bf?nny`/gghird person Vinilhe _t.rans-_ action, ,~ 3 Yon'a"txply, . L , . (Signed) HENRY LANGLEY6. [We give Mr. RO'Iert_ Simpson an other chzince of ventilating himqelf, but we do not t11ink,fr6m private information we" cbmmand, he has cleared the case.--ED.] ` THE BA NK_ OFVENGLAND. THE RECENT IMMENSE FRAUDS Thomas Eclectric 0:1. Wort} Tzmes-`its, Weight m Gold. . yaw know anything of it ? mm ; 23 time you did. Pain cannot stay where it is used. cheapest Medicine ever made. One d< common Sam: Tamar. Que home In Bnoncmrxs. Fifty "cents worth has < has and TRCUBLEB. Sir tn nfdvho on..I:....-'.'-.- - C'orr1 errslon, or an Aeoempllce. V I..onnorr, March 4:.--,Tbe reported frauds on the Bunk ofEngland amount _to`$2,000,000, and of this amount $350, 000 were drawn `on Jay, Cooke, vMe. Culloch & Co.,$:200,000 upon Roths- childmand` a large atnount`, _ the exact gures unknown, upon the Barings, Some of the Houses are making stzenu-l nus efforts to suppress the details or the traqsection._ It rs stated on What ap- pears to be good authority, that one member of the House of Rothschild went to Newgete to-day and ` had an r interview with Noyes, an alleged 'ae~ compltce of the swrndlers, and that startling revelations concerning their operations were made, the nature of which is kept secret for the present. T.nru?\nr\1 .1n|-:1}-I A. {nUnhinn\ _'r'hn IJIJST RECEIVED} I-ln:.u.'rH rs S'ramanr.--To prevent or con- quer disease is one of the grandest attainments ever aimed at by men; and Bry'-m s Put.` manic Wafers will as surely cure cnugiis, colds, tickling in thethroal and pulmonary cqmpl time. as war and pestilence will destroy, Seve.e culls if not ettentled to suoneror later, mud to incurable consumption, and the s`re/ngth of the strongest soon fail; if neglect- ed. The readicst and best means known for the cure of these complaints in `Bryan : Pul 'nonic Wafers, which have been thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, and have never been known to fail; Singers and public speakers will also derive great benet from the useioftbem. SJIJ by all medicine dealers, at 25 cents per box. - * g-'-"*-- ~-7;---T, , -~v- ---~~ ----- ...-ac; 0 BRIEN.-V-3-At Shanty Bay, on I-he 3rd inst,.`,.o1' I diptherin, Lo:-ing_ Fitzwillirrn, yoimgest and last surviving chlld of William O'Brien, Es}, ' qfsbanty Bay. RONALD-At ;\Xlnnesl:g,En the Township of Vespra, on the 5th inst., Andrew Ronald, .Esq,Sen.,ln.1a of Glasgow, Scotland, in the 57th year of his age. . V :3-9----" WIIIUII I5 BVVI I7\7IU5 IUI BIIU PIUUlI|l . Loubon, March 4 (eveniug).-The circumstances of the vfraudr on the Bank of England rernsinsa mystery. Noyes, the clerk or. confederate of ' the forgers now under arrest is a native of the United States. He protests his'rnuo- cence, but doubtless knows more than he iswilling to tell at present. As- touishment is expressed that the ex- tent of the transactions did not arouse suspicious bank ofcials, but it seems the operators represented they,were in- terested in the introduotionof the Arn- erican Palace Cars on British Railways, land were arranging tor their manufac- lture on a scale which required the -employment of a large" amount of funds. e of;-Never be ashamed of gonfrssing your ignorance, for the wisest. man upon earth is ignorant of many things, insomucb that what he knows is a mere rmrbmg in comparison to what he does not know. But we appre- lrend very few are ignorant of the wonderful [effects of the Canadian Pain De1rove'r," its ' ta most. sure a'nd'rapid cure for colds, rhea - matiam, pleuriey, ohulic, cholera morbu.-, and all summer complaints. "Sold by all medicine dealers. ~ L i , t` l'(I';_:' :;1-:rie7fqz"`_A to;iu' in`; '1`, l;_IsDv::on,BriackeBli?>(?kn: "MANY SU_i'FER' rather Ihan lake nauseous medicine; and [his is not-to be wondaredar, as me remedy is often worsethan the diseasn. Sufferers from coughs, cc-Us, inuenza. sore thrqav, or tendency to Consummion. xvi l_nd i-n Dr. s Balsam of A Wild C /terry. a remedy as agreeable to thepalale as effectual in disease. M-R. .l.A!llIiZ8 l.'I-`r~:1.r.o\vsv, S1`. Jorrn, N. 13.- Sir: 'r1Vlng.\`Vllll'9 at your estztl.2isl)rm>Lnt,- carefully examined. your preetcription, .1nd't`ne method of preparing your Cornpouml Syrup, I felt anxious to give` ita fair trial in my practice. For the last 12 mojmhs [have done so`, and I nd that in incrpienti consumption, and other diseases of the throat and lung.-, it has done wonders. In _ restoring persons suffering from the effects of diptltcria, and the coughs following typhoid lever , prevalent in this region, it is the beat remedial agent I have ever used. But for persons sutlering from exhaustion ofthe powers olthe brain and nervous system, from whicheo many young men eutfer, I know of no better metlioine for restoration to V health than vour Compound Syrup. All you think this letter of any service you are at liberty to use it as you see fit. I ramuin, yours, &c., , EDWIN CLAY, M. D. Puawash. N-_S.. Jan. [11, I87] ` Full Wheu.t-$l'.20 to $1126. l`readwell-$l 17 to 1.20. ap:ing--$1.13 to $1.15. _Barley-5!5c 60. 7 Peas-55c to 60. 00.13--.-430 ' - ` Hay`--$1,2.oo to $15.00. Eggs-20 to 25. - . Butter, l`ub- 12c to 150. ,, Fr_es1_:- 13 to Sec. LU V7 ll` L1 Pugwash, N-.S., Jan. 1'4, 1871. rqitlwnitdn Retrhlpoot for 1 "hm, "I3--. ml!CitiillillllIIJVDIIIIOUOVQO` Spencer's lacy:--Cloth. . . . . . . . . . ._. .,. T` Oulyl Ltllordny Pnmphleth-C1oIhV.' . Authntic Rcnort of Dilonuimi in mm: .' frmnr AMOUNT T0 $2;0O0,0'00. i-BQLRRIE MARKETS," N0 RISK. e it It is the nude. dose cures has cured cured an One nr lmn lnnloln- Wart/L Ten fI.J.J p Very chedp 5 uooanolulv li11E l.1}.1!_l'l'ELY. ' Pgrt of purchase" mdney oinb rem ti!) on Mort- gcte` For further pnrticmars enquire of ~ ` ROBER'I`.nnY .... ' ;""H.'. rgi13}:ng `E3355 :-Afl'i- cans, 11; Dutch, 4; 1,557; French, 16; Germans, 20; Indians, 4; -`I -I Anr 1. -...--_._. v The West halfof Lot No. 27. in th of the Township of Esm, There 3: ` cleared and fenced. Two good Fr: 4'.ng'Houses- on the place, uni u I The land is 5 rich light loam. It is w having 2 creeks and swell thie;-em. in hardwood` with EOWRR pin ! and 'i`l;,ero,is_a yloqrxg ihrlvinz orchard" a minus ,6.~`...... _.:.L ,. V ` ----__ . Be` 111 w` '2 ' - ` I ship ';1f8mn0iB`:!:ii:{::`oLt _1l, l;$1`_'1C0n. gown from Allandnleihm gv;u.;i - gm;-`} , a mile thew sT`".ae er:nl Grist `Se{w~ nd otllv 0 Mills. the; v.1ea`u'e. of 'm'.ins'wicx;L Wm, 7, Oh'-h3i 'iP0A'5l 0.9309", Sol. Stores, &c-' ` I 3 8 3055! 1qu\m,'50"acre3 clvorin w n g:u:$. `|"i23fr:)!3:ee'!I.3agn ggraheryrs 1:221 1-2; 0:77 PM! wl:"in_gronnd. I1: u1>gl._ en acres Q! P,0-`73E53IONv IM,1l:EDIATELY. - I -?|rt`ol'vnnr'chasa"m:sn a`v` n n ..m.':.. .. u--. -and a Vrst_.rajto' Market- v8_3iq " 2 .3xo0ARTI1Y&iIcCARTHY _,,, _ ...,.,.... mu. uVv1t::l u.m_2;ca!I. `rue Du.l1 pim and hemlock. young orchard on the ore- mise11,(;no;;d with 9. pir`kc.t fence V Tue favm liosnne mile from Angus amiou. Easy acceu to Church and School. ,'l`ho rond.a are good, _ _ _ Immeliatya possession can be given` Title goo Applv lo OTICE is hereby given that the Co-Partnership carrivd on for some time past at the Township ofbledonte in the County of, Simcoe; by Samuel Alv=xander'Con1lter-and Thos, I;a`wre`nce,under the arm of Oouftvr .S:L1w- rence, was this day dlsaolvmlby mutual con- sent. Mr. O.-ulfor is empowered to the charge and settle all debts dgxe to, and by the said Go- Phrtuergbip concern. - Dated this 13th day of Febru-u_v, A. D;, 1873, ~ . , SA`ilUIL'A. COULTER. I0 2311- , THOMAS LAWRENCff`. .,._._...._..____......__.. -_.x ____ . Au_m_1_"au_uiy;pgEu;wq9, H. 15 Wen Mm uncur- _`.uil1!h`3l1DWl5,'Relieving `thousands from pain Ln: , T . l .L Sale, Back ` Head, Coughx, Colds, Sore Ilmzat, _aSpfaim,' Hj'un;ea,_C'ranIpn in the Stomach, _ C'Iu1Ira -Moi-bus,` Dysentery, Bowel Com- ` 5 _ pIamtt,Bmm,Scalds,E'ost Bile:,&c.' : Tax CANADIAN Pam Dnswnouu has now been before the` public for a length of time,'und `wherever, used is well liked, never falling in a - ' single instance to` give permanent relief when 1 timely used, and we have never known R. single '. ` case ofldissatisfaction, where the . directions` ' brie been properly followed, but on the can- tuuy all are dehgmed with its operaticns,.1nd speak in the bighestterms of its virtues and `magical eifects. .Wn umanlr Frnin nrnm-innnn in-Hm mnltnr lmvi . 10 If -8- . . "'*"' ` To`let. Tcwnhot situate on Mill Rm-},.nnd comprising about, 4 acres of good land suitable for garden; weil fenced and watered, and good new Dwfcfing Hausa sud Smll'3 attaclned, within 1r mile of the.Ruilwny Shtion, P05: Office, and Markahg . Terms easy. Apply to Mr. (3. (`;I.Am:.qnu lmluucu enacts: ` . I ` ~ We npeekfreorn experience inthe matter. but ng tested it-thoroughly ; and thexfefore those who ering from any of the complaints (or which itii rocoinrnended, may depend upon it being is Sovereign Remedy. 'l`hn sulnninhina r-imuw nftha Canadian Pnin H Dlllg 8 DOV8|'elgD nemeuy. . Theutonishing eicacy of the Canadian Pain Desfroyer in curing the diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful elfects in sub- dulng the torturous pains of Rheumatismgwd in relieving Nervous A`ecv.ions,_en:it1e it `to high rank'in the list of Remedies.` Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts? of the country,` forfurther supphes, and each testifying asvto the universal satisfaction it gives. - ' The Canadian Pain Destroer never fails to ._..... ........- nu nunvnlu EIKUM W 531' in 10.10 a m.,11.oo' a.m..', 1.15 _p.m., 5,30 p.m , and'9.30 p.m.. . ` . ` , ti`-*`*""" `=- ' I ,___._ Irish,V1',4s5',- Italians: 8 -, - Scotch, 339 ; Span1sh,l ; not ascertained, 8. this population, the greater part were born in Ontario-2,066; the balance being` composed of persons. having their nativity in the United Kingdom. ' . The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to giveimmediate relief. All Medicinb D};-alera keep it,` Physicians order and use it; and no famiIy.wil1 be without it after tryng it. Prim. nnlv l`wentv-ve Cantu nor battle. Iflllllly-Wlll U3 WIBIIUUB IL Elbe! tryng lie , Price, only Twenty-ve Gents per bottle. Sold in Barrie by John Woods, J. P; Kidd; Watson (8100. and Wells B1-03., Bradford, by J. Deacon. Cmlghurat, Green Brotherrs, and by all Medicine Dealera. his invaluable medicine is unfuilizxg in the clue of allthose painful and dangerous dnseasee mwhich.thefemale.conati1u1iun is subject. 11 moderates aliexcess and removes all obstruction! and n ape edv cure mav be.relied_ou. T0 MARRIED LADIES uUL:;u N553` -at 7.00 mm. 11.50 , 450 1. . and53op.m;' gm U"pm 3"`p' P333:-nnara Fr r.,TTan}:ln-m'4..1,:.... u... .;_'.,,u: ,,.___.._.;_._v __. . 115415 GREAT sgggus%L%n:m2uv : 103% MOSES PEill0DlGAL PILLS. T/use`! PL!/s should not be ca.{-571,.` /jymalgs dur- mg the gFIRST THREE J JNTHS 0/ Pregnancy, as may are sure _to/n-ing an IP11}:- cafna_g'e,Im at any_at7zer time they are safe. 1.: ; il uther cas'cs ofNcrVnusmrJ Spinal AfI'cc- `ms. Pains in the Back and Lilllil, Fatigue on slnrht excriun, Poi ilation of_llxe1*Icnrl,l-Ivslerics :. .1 ! Whi!es,'1hse ills will effect a cure _'.h;hcn sn, rnnnrnn-nnuhnve Fnilml E nml nllhnnnrh n '.....;:n.-"..) 'unn~.; on memomuly perxoa wnn regnlzu-Hy`. I , ...__.. . { Until further noiice Trains will Zea? as under, _ ~ - unvrrv in.` ~..' uuu u ou p.K:l.' 7' . __ ' ,P_as3e_ngers fc r- vamilton taking the morning- traln on .the N7Jrt_hcrz; rea':1nh:ucty 2111.40 pm . TRAXNS Amun: A1` ~1'onom'o 1-`non; was? -7 f nO1. \1.\.... 11nri-._- I -- `gag;-3,-March age,` ma, V V nu mnnnxmu uAU.!.In`5_ il is pe::uliarI)'suitcd. llwill, in :1 short limt `urn.-,4 on zixemonlhly period with regularity. Ptlls ml-an I1: /lcmalga A few statements made in the census, in V reference to the statistics of the County of Simeoe, in a condensed form, may not be uninteresting to the people _ of this County. `To begin with Barrie: -Its area is set down at 2,100 square acres ; its inhaliited houses at that time, 596, and its uninhabited ones, 19 (3 few people we know of would like ` just now to nd out where these 19 are) ;fsmilies, 632 ; population, 3,398. , Religioualy the population is classed as in the lead- ing bodies-Baptists, .51 ;' Catholics, 591; Church of England, 1.313.; Me- thodists, 827 ; Primitives, 114 ; United Presbyterianl, 432. - '.;_.. nationalities, ..-.. 2.) LL. `..'lI-_!_._ l!._, , A E._|'l W H|!65,lHC5C T1118 WHI CHBCY. CllI'e.'uNH(.'n `_Hv wtnernnenns have fgnlcd ; and although :1 'puwe.rxu1 rvrnedy, do nnl conlam Iron, calomel, antimony, o1_ _ugthing hurtful to the C0nSli!ll!|Gn . nll nliiw-'min1n in the nrnnml am}: _L|llllngHUr1ll1ll0 U18 COHSIHIIIIGH ull directions in the pamphlet around each, package, which should be carefully preserved. V JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. nnnnninllnrandlwplvn nnJ-a-ha'H 1.4.-mg `:\l M... JUD mum-.5, nnvv xunn, auhzu rnUk"Klh:`L'UK. C "One dollnrandwelve am]-a-halt cents for post ag-:,enclf.\eed to Northrop 66 Lyman, Newcastle- 0nt., general agents for the Dominwn, wnll insure.- aboule, containing over 50 pxH~`, by return mail. Soldin John Vlomlu: /2.. V. pnlmpr Ax a Dome, conuunmg so pIIl~`, by mail. Soldin John Woods; 112. V. Palmer 61, Co. Watson 65 Co., Wells Bros,, J Denuon, and,'I`. W.-Cccorgen, Bradford ; Green &. Bro._. Crui - hl_lI'aI. imd 5 medicine dea.Ier'~. - 4-? - V - ' ` i . .- As_aFau_my,3`Ie It :5 well and favour- .b1v known. teliaviua thousands fmm min LIZIITISUHI3 can o - - - -I Allaudaie [uxrivc] ' . Barrie. . . . . . . ; . . . . Allnndalo [-`1ep2uL].. Bmmley. . . . . .._.. Lefrdy..~ . . . . . ..... Gilfcrd. . . . . . ._. Scan}qn s. . . . . . . . ;\1L'SKOKA Orilliq.-. . . . . . Hawk3tone.. Gowau . . . . . Barrie; - - - - A.`a1n_nda1e.. . Toronto. - Angus . Utopia . v . Lnrrxann oxnzuo. ' ' The grand total of population in On- tario is 1,620,851; in which the sexes are nearly equally divided. "Fl... ........ .. ....A.3..._A_J _; oz A`t\Iv nzn. \XU\\'tll..| .- o o o ' llnwkstone. Orillia . . , .. -\'rr\'r-V7 a yr; Mea.t'ord . . . _Thorubnry.. Cmigleith .. ..a "' Battealxi . .Stsyx1er .. . . . New Lowell. _uvv\/urv. ,___` Vt-2,1$.1;t:4i1A_B1:f};?AA1N , DE`S'Pl'.OYER. Toronto . rzidford . -""_ca.ulons. {EH 6`n.l \Jl|-[UFU --as.-.5 .- Lefroyg . . . . . . . .. Br:1r2e_y.. .. .. Allzxmizde (arrive). . Barrie. .. - ' ~AIl:1nd:iie`('l`,:):'x;t')' lIzm'is;u s . . . . . . " Utopia. .. Angus . . . . Naw Lo_;v'cl1' . . .. . Staynef . -. Bntteaux . Gollipgwod MUSHUKA . n1>.na.ue [a Barrie. .. 4. . (V.-....~.. H.CI'6S. "V1, Collingvcgcl ~n.. |'.L'Ball.lU .l-1 Gilford . T....'~`..,... _ ' t _ ( Ucpa Craxglezth `. . . . . . .. Thomiury . . . . . . ..; Me.-fo1`d [.1rrive]'. . . - -MUSKOKA BRANCH, AI!`>.nd.:le [:16-part] ,.. Tmrrie. 4' . . _ . . . _ ._ FALUABLE FARMFOR SALE. Nbmnnliw`ICi'9;7A'Y'-.` MOVING` NOP./T H-" " vn . - 5-..`) 1-&'c'_5r':7' ls7d%}i4z'z. hEXl'.S_x` Nm 3Di2trti:m11c:1t5. 1ORENT._ m ' ALUABLE. Maw: FOIL SALE. GreaE~W*_5sT1;e;'n R'ai1way_; :..; g;:a:;a:`Nemg.` _..--urn I Irish. 5595442. |' Englilll,-Iuoouonooooanu, S`_C0t.Ch-oooooouoo.--. _ I ge1'm%n,-to-o'oouoc._ooo PCDD ,oonooooooooooco- I. , ; Dutch, ooooayooooocovqcl ' | 333113, ooalobooooqon ~. I Inthana: Ioooucoyuoooio Wellhnoonooooo no-0000: ._ Other nationalities--RusHsia., Bweden,'_I o- |' land: spna 9&0`: , sented In small gures. _ V . The originssof tlgis'million_nndvo- I upon qaltiono 911119` On, pr.-: ~. .~ 5.11 ma2gor..born. W2. muanuxa, no 15 1n?uI:1sawo. With `a petition to Parliament.` 'P1'*1Yi1.18 that Mr. A 1 - Oockburnbe not `returned as the repre- uentative of, that constituency. ` -'1`he of England has latbly been victimised to an .enormouI,._ex\`cnt by an` enmrpx-isi_ngYnnkee of the, name of War- : Pm.` by forgerien oi`- Rothschiltfs and other cheques. -Th 9 amount-is 3.@$9!1. it; ~=.m1.ni11i9'9f Vdelhm -Bow e.=scit<.+' inV.,!+9:-1499 bszthe .2;.0. .. 1290i! .<'>'fer.- ahbnttheii whet 1iropo,r,uon.9f'th9p9pn1aaon ` j momhari-`:tb`.-Gammon A, f fi Q; ; .... _--..__ `~ 175 MR. cUL1i.AHD__ )6; euv cure uecrelxeqoxx. HARRIED LAD.'.ES_ n'lieu-Inuuhml lum:H :. n ..L ulvncf pnrllcusars onq % nommr, cox, or . 4- JOSEPH -1.. (Ci'L_v Hall. . . . 1 Brock him-et. ;'1'3}{;`L:'s'{r'el{{ 1 City Hall-..-.; [A Batman. 1 I "-V. -sauna U-13]. g\p M27, c. cmrmsox, 1 Chill Hnna Dept-.r: . g .;`;rrive.. -A Gonzo V1-;s';' y Arsxvt: .. 2 Depart,` ova, A . JOSEPH ROGER?, * . ,B4l.-! i327. in tbe_3rd Con. are 20 acres Frame Dwell- nnr! n Lnnu ' Qo..4..\- 00 IOIIIU WON IKOUKQQO Jun `reeolvgd lluon & Hnmlhr Ornnn, 8131 Ind 8156; 1 WlllkmI..Or n, nely noliuhod case $140; Emma : P no Forth Uhafcn lot. of nnurnn. Vinlin ntrinnl. And muxauu, - V . Ghgb House, Bgrne; ._..___._ LUUU. L`K'3III(_3 UWEIP ad 1; Log Stable. . his well waist:-`d Jenna 'l`}m In. 3. n :1-iv. 52101` K AH) yu Wlett The bu .h Smmlnu. are Toronto` :..`.. _ 4,20 `.4,'.{\ Thejministexf orb Kgdmntum "has my sued the xtst of ve volumes of the cen- sus report of 1871, _which, "so far, is very exhaustive, ind formsaibasis oni which t'u*.ure . statisticians may work. In the com-pilntion of the rst tvolumo, Asix; tables are used, which re1ate,i'x -st, to areas, population, sexes, 5.-;:.; second, to religions ,- third, to nationalities; fourtli, to places of birthyfth, to comparisons between 1861 and 1871, asto popiwla-5 Lion ; vand_.sixth, to cities and towns. fl , ,_ 1 , ., -1, ,, _,, on J! . urn) 5,45 .191 - SJ: 0. buiiug taken Lacey's old stand. NW doors East oftbcvblnrket Square, beg to itfun the nublix) that they intend carrying on bnsiu:r'-`I as aho\fe,nnjl twat. by their great oxperievh and the Attention given to an union. to maxi: 1 `share of gagliodupport. - ' _H,ono. eing aynajobbiugiono on thepw aHKe.u - - ` . . ;'_ Oljtoxvo _ _s`yit.iri:'tI_:~-.- } '_ I`od stand, NW` .,1ooxfxI_IIlt _o O. 7' WAGGON. canxifni {AN13 nr `I~9.l`ou -3 . _.__... l19@Ei9FB??@7@ER nd Oigars. I invite a call. ' Bu` s ocked with {be choicest Lic,-nors,Wine5_ 4- n-lnI'r\v --_-._ L/ZR GE V .4 CCU JIODJI 'I'I0.`.'S FOR TR-1' VELLERS . . n1'--z11:.u.s AT ALL -nouns.-_a 0yst`rsVScn'cd in Every Style} ..v.. I ..._.. ..__-._, .. v.._v~ --v. `.1 ..-..a V The sudoeeding volumes will relate to Agriculture, Trade, Indusinsrialu establish- lishmants, Public` Institutions, Estate, Agriculture, Lumber, Shipping and Fish- eries, and Minerals. - >' A n 1 - NORTHERN EXTENSION RAIL. . V was GOAIPANY. Notice is horohy given that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the `Northern Ex"onsion Rzilwaya Company mm the held at olIi:es,corner ofl}rnc'.- ,,,,| f Front streetly, 'l'or Lnto, on wDs|`)Ay"`THE HE WOODBINE S.-\LOON.', , BARRXE. IUIII IJ_l Ur lmilllli, Kalb, I873, at 12 dclock noon, pr-.-cuely. for ma election (1 2 Directors far the current your, and othsr pm. 3 poses. [By order] 3 T - mo. 1:. FOREMAN, Secretary. Toronto, 3rd March 1873. W - Tendnrs for 11.10` vpnr'chise.0f Stock in Trade, as var Stock Bbck, of `Dry Goods,f.Grocerie9, `H5 -`_dWiir-E. Boots and Sinus, etc , in the stow Izuely, occupied by the Insolvent, in Angus,` amounting mnbouc 52,300.00, will be rec`;-iv-_ ed by the undc-zaigried, at the oice of Wm. Iiamsay 6.: Go.. 84 aacls ;'1'orovto Streel, To- ronto, up to noon of 'l`ue:day. '1 1th March inst. Stock bank can be` seen by afvplying _at 3110 cice of Joseph Rogers, Esq , Omcial Asaigneey Barrie. . Barrie Feb. 25, 1973. uuu.-u uz upsepu uogers, Esq U|iici9.!As3i1 _ - ' _ . No tender wit! be necessarily accepted. .1` w.nF.A'r'rv " iiSiai:"1iXiii'e, " COLLIER S_TREET, BARRIE. an l72SOH'72[. I the'm;drsigned, J. W. Beatt_v,'of the city o"I`,c-rc_>n,tu, County of York, have been appoint- qd= .-xssigncee in this matter. , Creditors are reqtiested td le thir cmiix. before me within one month. . I` R` nnnmmv `SALE cm GENERAL swoon BYVTENDEB. .1. - V` . In the mattcrof c houses inhabited 1_vere;. 84,966` h-01-13330 n o o n a 0'0 Ilouses being built. . . . . . . . 4,094 Shantliesfo -`octane: I-ooooo...oI1,024 In creed, thc.popul_ation of Ontario," (we take only, with an exception ortwo, the lending seats) is_ classied as fol- lows :-. ' n the frfatter _ . cnnm: ! G;&x'11.IA1-2R .4. TEOKIPSUN, m;rr'io'Feb. 17, 1873; IL .._..--. - Allp:.r:Eesincl2l)1ed to the subscriber either. hj Note nf hand or Book account, mill pleas; take notE_::c'v.ha.tit the same are not paid below the 2-`~11: Starch, said notes and accounts will be` 'g.lac;_>d i:1,cou.r`2 . for collection, without further uoiicej ' ` - 2-5:, 3, `J-V! Would rcspectfuliy announce to the pub` ic t nnt .be has just opened 3. ` mm mm mm, DUNLOP STREE I`. BARmr:T. Opposite J. Edwards 3: Son's Book Szoxc, whm he will keep a constant suyply of nirn r1'~r\nIIr\(\ ` 7 eise u-/m c. I E'0a. and ezammc Z,-cVfr,-re pure-ha:in_;; M.mrz=: MOORE iurarms an tho`-cindehzed t0VlriL1l 1.; Eouk,nccoI::'.t.or_No!e of hand, 11,:-: the same m]vst~be paid on ` or before aha fxrsx 0.` April 1" it, neccs- ed. :-y_lLmL.a11 accounts shoufd be CONCOR- , A ' - r. .1 :_ .19 his In.-tses in the. late res rr min 2'. _______ ._.,, ........ --v o-w-anvuo - In nationalities Ontario is mainly cbm, posed of English,Irish and Sootch,with_ a good sprinkling of the French and Ger-1 man elements. It:may,perl1ape,beintereet-' ing to our re:-.l_de1_-s;`t`o know of wha.t'ma.te- - rial Ontmio is `composed, we therefore gin: a table of the main elements: 1':-idu,--, ` --- C CWIL nmlxr:i ans,' PROVINCIAL LAND SUR rm"- 'oz:::,'ARcII1ATEcTs, .5-c.,. (51-. n.-_..... H {lZ I `RI 1?: E! 2 PURE "DRUGS. CHE . PAINTS AND OILS. A DYESTUFFS. PERFUMES - _ ' D GI-I"H I`"' PATENT MEDAICI N ssl" 2:3-3.1..cHINE on.s A SPECfAI.ITY._,5y, SI3I`l; FON S SPICES fcr-Hm-_sea M-:1] Cattle. AvLLE.\1"S LUNG BALSAM, HALLS HAXR FBSTOEEER, KERMO'IT7S F'A.`1ILY MEI`!- C1.\'-ES, and all the standard hroprivtory Mr.-dx- (Sines. A good stock of|_AMPS and Druggiats` Sundries`. V - _ 3 ALL _AR'l`ICLES `.`.';5.RRA.\"IED "GEN- UINE. ' ` ' A variety orromcos, mas, ma smokers nnn:!ria.a [ `omiro E?~`\} 7_::.__.._.___...__._....___._._.,--- sLEvmnEv%& can ` .s;%+'.JLE%s, S Y O on lllllllu Olulfl 101' III!!! WOIII '0 Illo . Our Book nnd Sutionbry dopsrsugnu will be found "well uoekod. Inn! inhalant` 0 Hanna L uncnl|- uannn Barrie, Feb. J. ?. KIBDA [KSO LVENT ACT (1) 1" 'NSO_LVENT. ACT or-. nun. :I hysic_Zans` Prescriptions catefuily prepared. --A u H uuuutnn cauuu.` A. ILBROWN, - .- PROPRIETUR. r, .BARRlI.`,- :3-.-::ew suck Block,` 's Store. Dunlop Street, ,Feb. Inn, 1873'. . unolco lot or uoncomnu, I Spegublu to Inlull nigh; j `U1 ! `ms UPS! PAY UP. ,uuw.-cl u; r. :1. ports, as ANGUS. 1154 T... Also a. com Iete stock of P 1). '19ib,- 1873. -Lj_____. "E. :2.` novss. ll`)! |UUIl|l I II sundries. C/mnist and Drzzggisl. I`.k nk IL.""T "..`ll'lly ucwpzcu - J. W. BEATTY, II. V: llta J. W. BEATTY, _ .7.c.'v. I A. 0. BROWN. |;3E(nrt%!;eru ghlmutt.` 5: an Irzsolreizt. auto-. -Ar .L- -:._ IIIUIUU` an Irzsolurm . . 136`); , uvcr ha Burnt. I [4`I1>.r`,,., 1:1, .9 uimxcl. O J) : Ii L 1 I , Jssignct. !'r-'7in_ '1.Vo U-lf._ IGIIDOI W UV: V ` ~ ' . . Dhafco lot of Oonccuin , Violin string, and loechillu to um. :11 nights. ' ' ` , .... --J ...l.....---J -.- auvvu The area is estimated at 65i,0`97',643:' ntlnu . , _ ..r,. ;t,..- v..--..; 4)xi\`u:\5`lA uu V .;:..;:u.ri.:l miv;-.:..c.;nietit-ior if that as ..;n; l:E:=.;_,c ineuiit :lIl_\ i.i]|llg, it meant .1l;ut their was high reward and ap-A }sru\.`:\l for "[1036 whose labours are .d1rcc\-;,-.u towards the practical and material development of the country. (CilL`.t21'3.) With respect to his trip to ]~I.:gl_ai1id he observed that Canadian credit stunt high in the English market. ((}her.r.<,)_ There was plenty or money in Englazid calling for investment, and tlierewas plentyot credit here which would justiiy_itsinvestu1ent. He and his friend Mr. Edgar had been snccessa , ful in their mission; and he believed that if we were always as careful in the future as in-the past to show that we asked for no money that we were not able honestly to repay, we would always be able to have plenty of it. The citizens of Toronto A had given _ largely in aid oi railways, but he be. lieved the last investment was the bag: they had made; he referred to the grant. to the._Credit. Valley Railway, _ which would be a very great benet . to the commerce or this city. (Ap; " plause) ' Toronto was capitally .-jsituated with respect to `railway com. .:.municmion,and- by means of her tail; A _ ways there was such a future in Item for without them would brim. `possible.- He concluded by thanking" `the company for the high honour they. hadconlerred upon him, one whiohhe . ' "had not expected, but.whichAhe'would 5 (look back tovwith pride every year of -the remainder of his life, and which he hoped one who bore his name andwao :~_~}isteningV;to.. hirg ag he[.opoke,.jwo`uId. .-1.110%; akt . ' . had;paaad away i*t*`t!I-5`-1'.'.;9`u.l'?'t.~'-9 . THURSDAY. MARCH 6, 1873. cnminnn son MAncII.% 3"! E9011 Ill` UOI 0l9Ih....u'.-9....-.... ma nf u Pant-'._In. THE omfsus, i lpvnnccs am. he made In the matter of` .-_ .7, V .-. w-v _-----v- V- "the mange, ~ deaths,&c;.but it'stands 9. to_ our emigration that in ""1871 we -?`s us: it! Int: 6-` `i +...:m.... .4-.x.._'`. .';_=*._..V E':___;... 1:-_"_u-_; '5` To-nu-an ~_\_ll Euuy yvgy uua_ th muinsheam ' rom Gertgmny and Ix'elm1d.especig.lly, lhu been dnected to `the: United States; The sp1'ehd_\\'as a'ti'i11y_ sumptuous one and was served` in first-c1_ass,8ty}e. T The. tables were laden with the choicest viunds, `fruits, and WiI}es proeumblp. and were 1:1vihly garhished with -hot-' house owers. V The band of he {oyuls was st_a tioned in the coi!ri(_lor_ just -outside the dining room and" performed suitable music during the evening. -.--" - - ' `a .1, . . 4' VA.g |IVV Inns neen iobrf - or s%pe;.:.::;.'?::`;;.':.:..*:;.vretr~ xNott-Wa-as- C0 o a 30-00 0 mI.'I'i_nf-oacvouuord-010 s Cuooooooo-0 v$pl'I`ooonoono...`-I F'loa.......u..... ~. Tyoooooooogmoo-OI. Tinyoooouf-on-co-I Md0nhoooa....uoo'o CUIIEHO 2,100 99,552 1. A 4,500 56,300 . 67,720 65,680 50,400 I 82,620. 03,130 ' Orillia if Matchednih 124,600 011111. Village M ........C.. Mukokoaootnoooo nnck........I.. 403 43,519 45,500 * 45,500 WI & us 0 0 `.5330 6,704 2,829 1,991 ` 2,077 1,750 1,629 3,214 2,541 1,894 1,322 601 482 585 711 -1___.- Totloo no 0 0 a V 1; 111.11, ":7. -n _. na u____ -4- oAoz -r_-- ___..... Chzistian oorerenoe; 393 c;.,;g,;g;I. ,,--- ___-__- tionalists; 557 Baptists; `308,Tunkers ; 7,201 offtho various branches of'the Me: thodint Chufch; the Presbyteziana nunr bar, in the six divisions of their Church, 8,976.` A nuuiber of other denomim V ,t-i`ons claim 9. small shgre of the popula- L.'__ ';TJat Voigg-'z;.lLE3L.3{e{eL. nI.'_' 'g'Ji}'{ beyond the decimalg, making up the Balance. V ` V .313; Germans, 454; with__lg1f; ` this population,` 17,153 were `born in On- .""'O J K_'-'----' TH; gures are:-if-:i;ah, 14,593 ;' Egg- lish, 5,243; Soo\`._ch, 2,733 ; `_F_x-anch; additions of other nationalitis.-,-"3Of tario; 3,3o(_)ia1`re1a-nd; .1,394m Eng- land ; 705 in Scotland; and the rest-`in vmious countries. " In comparingthe pppulation of 1861 and 1871, in South Simcoe,we shall take t1ie`Riding as before, as it stands for Mu- nicipal purposes, and not `as a.n:Electoral District, an arranged in the Census` Re- port, -1n 1861, the populvation of the- South Riding was set down at 195474 ; we nd i1ow,inc1uding the whole Riding`, it is 30,528, as before stated. . Indians, 934; Dutch, 264; Africans, m'I`a-`zble givs the nationalities; Irish,g11,24-'1"; English, 9,161 3` Scqtch, 8,468 ; F1-onch,'2,711 ; Germans, 1,254 ; nnn 9.1 `.1, 5 , In Table 4, the.placea"of birth show, 22,65,9'in Ontario , 3,117` in Ireland; 2,888 in England ; 2,527 in.` Scotland ; 1,4s3 in Quebec ; and 645 inthe United States; with other smaller gures; '1-an n South Simooe numbers, in creeds, Episcopalians, 7,139; Catholics; 1,869 ; Methodist, of the 8 iarious branches of that Church, 7 ,447_ ; Preabyterians, about 6,246 ; with 2 xiprinkling of other 'deno- , ihinations. ` T ` . ---u -vvu uw -..- o.----1 -.v .....v |Ep7uLpamna; 3,385 Catholics; ' 202 nu.-.-_A:-_ n- _':._....-... one n-_...._....... `(\ll'~L, .LJ"}`10 ' _ Mr. Cumberland, ` who on rising to respond was loudly cheered, said that he felt that the "ordinary language of gratitude was utterly insilicient to express to them h1s sens; of the high honour done him in giving him that magnicent banquet. He was sur- prised to find himself on that.ocoa_sion in the presence of such a gathering of :'epre.=.enta?ive men -of all shades of politics--members of the Bench, mem- bers uf all the branches of the Legh- ir.>'::r~;-; :::pr.:;;-:-ntu_1\ c<; o'f.7.'r:s banking 3-- e3..x-.-4 `...t:rlInn' on.-nn`~.rArr~inl man," _ Tablle 5, comperes the population `of 1861 and 1871, in the North -Riding. In 1867, by the British North American Act, Morrison, Muakoke, Monck, and Watt, were taken from the Riding, and do not count in population or area, in the present census, as parts of North I ' L Simcoe ; but,_ being so in fact, weihave thought it necessary to , retain these townships as `integral parts of North Simcoe`, inotder to institute a fair com- parison as to our progress in regarcl to population during the lasticlecalcle. Our progress, then, taking, as the gures shown in 1861, retaining all the Town- ." ships exhbraced in the Report of 186], will show as follows 2-` 1 Populstion in 1861. .A`.i .'. . . . . . . .18,581- do is-71.`...........36,o4s An inerease of 17,467, or nearly, 100 per cent. "r`e`L1II;'.'.;'t12IIZIIIII W.` Gwillimbuiy... `RI-4:J"nI-J`. , , , , , vv 0. \xvvuAu.uu|uJo.oo B1`df0l'd.uocouunu.oo Mu1u1uX'uooouoooo.;- Tossorontio........` ISL.-- --2-1 _ _ Total....'. .. 483,346 30,528 For electoral purpos s, it will be" re; memberd, Mono and Adjaln, belong to Cardwoll, but for AMn'nicipa.l purposes, to Simcoe. . T * The population mainly consists of English, Irish, `and Scotch, with _some Fre1'1ch_a.nd Grman,Vtfl1e Irish element` largely predominating. rm..-. c....'---_ -_- . 1;-,1 an ---m ' H . The Muskeka. District contains7l,208- 307 acres, , Takingaway /those portions which are . attached to the County of Simoo, 973,223 acres of surveyed lands 1 remain." . The population of the entire 7 Electoitel District is` 5,400. 7 Mr. u'Arcy. Boulton, _Q.G., is appar-' ently endeavouring v to carry out the wishes of the majority of the electors in Muskoka, he is _in.,Ottawa with 1; petition Parliament, Praying 11- `Areturned repre- Ientative oi Qhnt constituency, . SOUTH swoon- V The total Area and. Population is_ placed thus :- A A_ - - M0110.--ooofooooo '1 .11-]- _ jIIIll.n.`a~.|Llu'-_..1\L3 vi. Luv LIIII-ISAIAH. ;:v:"`.3`-.`v.3r.-1:-:~i,leading comm`.-r:rcial men," and t:` oi prominence among hit it` ll-.-.7 eitizeiis. T He went through the list. lrtcuusc he was indeed proud of it. i to `~-`f`l.Xid venture to say, without special allusion to himself,-that it was a good thing to encourage a man to do his (way. (Hear, hear.), And it was ' most gratifying to those who fancied -that they were doing their duty,or at least were trying to do it, to_ nd that their eorts were generously appreciat- ed. This demonstration. showed what" high rewards there .were in store for those who achieved the highest am- bition of mostworkiug men, the good opinion, the favour, and the condence oi their fellow citizens. a What a vista of his past career was opened to him as he looked around those tables! How gratifying it was to him to _nd not - only the representatives of many years ago, when he was at the outset of his`- p?ofessional life, but those also who had , filled up the busy intervening period, all bearing too generous testimony to his poor ellorts. (Cheers) It was pleasing to him to believe that, in his public and professional-capacities, he had won the esteem. of those he had served; but how muchf'more pleasing to find that he had,their personal filelldsllip. The speaker went. on to remark that `in, 1858 and 1859 the Northern Railitfay was undoubtedly in great difliculties. Since then, how- ever, the road had been very prosper-i _ ous, and he hoped that in the future it vqniilil do still better. (Applause.) . It it cause of great. rejoicing to him to he . ble to state, what he doubted many more~men in the same position could say, that during the whole time lie` had been connected with the .Nul'll.C!l l ? Railway the greatest unani- mity of opinion had prevailed among those having its management. Refer- ring to the Northern Extension Rail- ways, he said that it was livgely due to the intelligent appreciation of the- merohants of Toronto that that work had been successfully undertakemvand that it had been so liberally _supported by municipal and public grants. His work in coniigction with the lines 0! developer-nent in the `new district was a labour of love, in which he had re- 'ceivod_-from his c;:-lleagues of both Bozirds and from the . commercial com- munity of Toronto the most generous` 21~5IiSlvt1llC8 and support, without which, indeed, his personal efforts would have been of little value. He looked for- ward at an early day to these extension lines fullling their ultimate object, 'viz., filtlilfiiling such a connection with i the great ti.'ins-continental road about to be constructed as to '-give Toronto and the Province of Ositario at large such a connection with our" new Province of Mimitoba and with the Pacic slope as was essential to the intcrests of our great Province. (Loud cheers ) And heregardedn the present assernhlnge, composed as it was of the _ real working spirits of` the day of all political parties, and-combining all the" claimants of commercial and national progress, as a rriost timely and gratify- ing evidence that when there -is" real vro:-lr to be doiiein the interest of the v.-laclc country, there are real working sv:n`i`=' rcrwlv to do it,nnd, irrespective of .` ':'.' L .-:':<'iic}~s or ot :ienl jei'.`ioiis- .- -_ : ._- ::`.::`Z2L.e iii:-iz, stn-riglli on t... at. -. \,IklAI74LIlf"n1lA|\!___`I\F if Want nn `W: ".7 i5l'|9I or notnacni1d's -The gmonnt .33 `gm 1 some Inillionsof dqlla . ,so;;;_g exam. '!'` in Lindon by th 'I7-. 3 2a5*1'V7Ii'd.1ias'beeix(.ao'e;-Q ed for the ninnmhnnumn no 41.. _._.. _;___ -w.----.-v-- v-v,_vv vv In Table "No; 2, we nd there hte n_____-u_.__ _ n ad: n_n_..I:__ . nnn % nous. Mr. D A'1-cy',BoLultoi1, 9.0., is. IIHV Ar-|Hnn'vnnr:nn .6n Anon-no .... MUSKOKA. ACRES. :;7..'9's1, 1,991 2,077 ` r,uu.s-nu; u.u.z..u uu. u.5 vnlv vvvnnuno "hf,-n qlmirman proposd the toastof `ihebvcning, The Managing of the Northern` Rulilivuy, F. WV. Cumber- 1-anAd, Esq. _..-_|.__L ..A `...I.... nu. ...:..~ in .:7x,'9o 2,878 4,728. 3,036 1,130 -2,505 1,570 4,221 5,480 > POP. , vuppvu mun we move, or .3: Banquet to. . Mr.VCumbgrln.nd.'_ .~ That Mr.;VGnm,b_ex-g _~la_rgd f wt-rkedg up'_-. this>.;itg; pxgg9nt:gsted;g;qf;VAeigisncy, no c1;9.Qg_' "ht.a_tc " ~ha.5:,nhr%;aevery-.p9r;= the `V ` J Quebc. but wit1;9ht;??3`tnr `_r ` as we i 4?-*7P1`9!3*`531!5`71'at81 con's`e'qtnes~ T1 . miarggyvem ballad 0113); find order was eventualiy `*_ ;,'.Q1`1"bec distin- guishesitgelfin elebop ` I i ` aaug at a wedding I L~>.....__-__A."sl.-41:, of the Sehate ,-'. Gentle- men qf the Houseqt 0a_mmons:- -'- `Many of the subjects, Ihav_e enu- Ineratedmre ofthe greatest itppartance. It is with" {nl'l_.~_gqndoncg. in yout ` pntriotiqm : and \iisd_O!!1; thnl. I aqua-'. mend. them. itbv yonr c9nsid_ort;tiot1';' and I 'tr_uqt zthag; n gragiqgxs I Aroy;id)a_`n q'a ` my gn,ide,`.y9nr_.Q2q9i1=~-in; whatvqi e any any rldimote 51-oi anni.r.w"sa.f `he P.'.> 9;:9f gsnadssen .-.~4.h9 .w9!f9r;` %h9- llpite-`}1araTe" - 7 `L -; . \ :=::3;+:-. OPENING or PAI.I'AMEN 1`.V - :- . -. T:1v7~"'**'-*.- ,_-_;,= - E156?#here..ive _ve gr ahbrf; f M 132;; % from thqTGIl,:{a`>e,_o:as.Ban<:$:m; l{r.:Cumberlnml: i .'l`l..4-;...M'.. r:.. ....1....L; -5`!-|u.lUl.lII. LHUII HI: UHIVU UUIUUL-JG? . . ,_ _ _ _ ._ . e*9r *?aI~f..(W<%**55= ??h }*5f9r 3&9 h o'clock we 7h'ad a deepatch sta.ti1'1g._that. the Hon. Mr.~.Cockburn was eleeted. Speaker by ecclamation. The -Leader `states that His_ `ljiggnency.- ag'riv_ed;`.-ine due state, `and tbo"1'ms _'p1ae" irf `th'e="se: i note, -when the Commons were summon- ed, and after the ueuel formalities, dis- _miesed to select their Speaken. Sir John A. Maodonald proposed the Hon.` Mr.` Cockburn. No opposition being `offered, the motion wee carried "by aeclamution. The Speaker was then` conducted to the Chair by Sir John A. Macdonald and the'Hon. Mr. Lungevin. The House adjourned `then ti1l2.30 p. m., to-day. Irnx , 1 -_' \ uunuxu you wuuvun ucuuy, yuu 'wuI U6 gratied to learn that that the Finances of the Dominion are in aprospetous couditiomvand that there is. no reason- to doubtthat the tevenne will `be sufcient to meet all contemplated ehargeeirpon it. The estimate: for the ensuing yeanwbieh will be'sub'mi_tted to you have been prepared with eemuch re- gard to. economy as; possible, ' with ei-p oienoy of the publiciseizvice; endl- venture, to hope that you -willebwof opinion that the `supplies which my Government-will aek.yot_1 to vote,- can be granted `without inconvepieune to the people. V T ~ V , T A11vzg:s?IxsrrxrU1':_.~-`-Nex't_; ` y evening wi_H_bedev9ted to, ngs, -A Ornwa, March 6.. Insert mom was frriaorrir.` Thefollowing is the Governor Gene- ral s Speech from, the` Throne, deliver-u ed at Ottawa at half past twoglthi (Thursday) afternoon. I ~ ' ' _I1_mi.'.Ger`i_tlamen of the Smat'a,'Gemle-` "men of the ._House of Commons, In addressing for the first time` * the Parliamentof Canada, I desireto ex. press thesatislaction I feel in resorting to your advice and assistance, as well as my deep sense of my own good for.- tune in being permittitd to `associate myself with you in your_labou,rs and aspirations for the wellfare of this Do- _minion. - I rejoice to think that my as- sumption of oice should have taken `place at a_ period when the prosperity of the country appears so full of promise, when peace and amityprevail amongst neighbouring nations, and ,when so` many indications are afforded" of the success with which Canada` herselfiis consolidating her political unity and developing her material resources. In accordance with the decision of Parlia- ment, and to carry into effect the Legis- lation of last Session, I have caused_ a Charter to be gre.nted- to 92 body of Canadian Capitalists for the construc- tion of the Pacic Railway. ..The Company now formed has given assur- ance that this great work will be vigorously prosecuted, and a favorable state of the money market in_England aords every hope that satisfactory ar- rangements may be made for the re- quired capital. The papers and cor- respondence relating to this subject will be" laid before you. During the past year the surveys for the improvement and extension of our system of Canals; for wliic_h'appi'opria- tions weregmade last Session, have been in active operation. and I am glad to inform you that the plans and specications for the enlargement of the Welland and the construction of the Basie-Verte Canals.have been completed and that the works can now he put under contract. -The surveys for the St. Lawrence Canals, will, I am assnr-- ed be nished in time to commence the work at the beginning of next. "year. This will insure the completion, of all those great undertakings at the same period. It is gratifying to know that the efforts made to encourage emi- gration have met with a great measure of success, and that the numbers, seek- ring a home_in Canada have been great- ly augmented "during the last year. I don't doubt your readiness to make `ample provision for the steadily in- creaing stream of settlers that may hereafter be annually expected to add torthe population, wealth and strength the Census of the Dominion approaches seema tting time to provide for the establishment 01 a proper system for the accurate and - scientic collection of statistical information. I commend this subject to your attention. It is im- portant that provision should be made for the consolidation and amendment of the lawsynow in force in the several provinces relating to the representation- ofjthe people in. parliament, a measure for this purpose and one for the trial .01 ' Ccntroverted ~Ele,ctions will be sub- mitted for your-"consideration.--~ Your - attention will lie invited to measures `ifoizthe amendment of the laws relat- ?in`g.~- to 1':`ilots,:,t9f:'Sa~l_v age, and to the -rinity -`Montreal and. Quebec, as well_-asT.i"or'-the improvement of the Laws generally. aizcting our Merchants Shipping, -Experience has shown` that the duties now performed `in the oIi_`icesof the Secretary of State, and the Secretary for the Provinces may be readjusted witliarlvantage to the -public-service. A bill on. the subject measures bills will be presented to you Weights and Measuresyabd _to_ the a`rnendme`n't` and: consolidation of the Inspection Laws. . - of the Dominion. . The compilation of - completion, an_d this would, therefore, ' will he laid before you. .Among.other , "relating to me Criminal.;Law, 10'; ,Cr'e.ntlentan of tIzeHo:_ue' of Commons :--: l ('Cl.`}1urs I_ havcgivetnv dit'ectio`ns that `thgi accounts of the rt six months of the present nancial year sho_u3d'be laid "before you wxthout delay-, you `will be_ an-nn !n `earn Ihnf `ha . II-us Finn--- Parliameht. met at three o'clock yes- . ' V -` .1` ;~`_'. ~;.~ 1-vo' A , WIIIKEVBT . _Ihave, also;-end 3 handbill enclosed W W'...`:;Pe $3-;*.=:.. .::r'm.- gum beo"f'I39:?' d J h ":3 h i = `anon; , j9i.,.3 . #154; 9,. 0 W "'9 I! Mr. `Ghrlbxirl '31 told. in 1 had Iofd dudloti wgg LmH2 .`R- 00.` x ~ In rep! .I;1.m'9 :m`-9.W_.,t.htt:1 hm new Ifen. spa en *`o`r` Van! `Latinos! 01.9!!!` V ind-mi 0*. ignror mother) .' ' A ` `J. I : .. . And f`IjI.9V.."-s-ts-`-V . mguu?Ag;mt:?hfo A" uayqf,` qufm. "I):4li'v."8tx:," L '11 hueg-eceived ygnr note of the 'lth.Jsnnary, requemng. a cartuucate from me n'to-yVhether-;oq gpplied for 0': attempted to x'1e'gocia`ta` in" gr. "g V; for thg purchase of my lot: onL'l.`oro,nto__ trio); Barrie`, on behalf of the `N-_l3`,',_R_.__ compnny or person whltebr = t's..-..-t.A ....a .. I......u..:1'1' -_-I..-...a |__ ._ , i ;- ;Rn~UmQx.-At the_Town Hall, next Wednday vening, willbe held the se-. cond- of a seiies of Re-unions,in connection with the place. . '1 h:` . _ Vocal and i;trdin`:r1t- 1- `IT I a1,__ ~ was spent; ;1nenu,.=su1Ipu.ea p1y'Mr. Jsdmanson, were liberal and good, and the programme well sustained. A mostenjoyable time 'l:.`8xs;;soJIi 359;; `ll ' Bn'rr a'n`,;f`Rem-Z. will be a. g 1 (I . nnn`l'o' LIIUUBIIL Ill IU U0 U9: _ ` I thorefoxje take the lihai-ty of binding you a. Vcopy of 'the'Ietter_ I receized frou_:_ Mr. Hpn_ry La.qg1_ey,ofTo;qptg, `qgich I will ghahk you to Tpubluah` wlf this note, uridlt yo J!` ;ead'ers' be the judge whether Mr. Ganon has or has not bgon convicted of.p:blis_hing,a falsehood against me. lrgmnin air, -' vnnm .lrn._ lug Vty}-: vvpq |s:vt;n_-3, untgaueu got, nag 1 yplpk mgliciann nhye, you thought (it to publish dnent my letter in "reference to the aland.-r Mr. D..B. Garton gawcun-ency to againgt me,hoping that "that gentleman would have 111 some May an- tempted to vindicnte himielf in-om the crushing `conviction under which he'now _lies. He has not thought t to do 50:. . _ I thnrsfnrn Qnlrn thn Iihm-tv nf hnnrmp wan . `N1:cx'rnr.` Soc1.u.I--Tha Necktie So-` Vcizil in connection with the Northern Di-- vii4ioniS'o1'is`o- ',I,$l1ip;ra1ibe, .Ba.rrie,'~ nm -in H1 "I"!-'uu`r11`J:rn Inn TI`:-inu nvnnhma ygtauuc, ualxnv, vnun_r va.ou_;u-) ylavf. on`. in t;z'Town' Hul1,'on Friday evening last, {and was 9. highly pmiseworthy en- . tertamment. -v4'1`ho-necktie arrangement oausing lots of ftin among the youthful M portion the .;..a'm.+a .'..`...&`.1$..: 1:. M`- v.1.....;....-.. ....,..- -FmE_ IN" _CoLL1NowooD.--A fire broke ;out in the,sl_:o1;e,1'oo;11 of C. _& II." Wig- gins,` on ~I-Iurontario street, at 7.30 { o'clock, 1nstnigl1,t,' (Wednesday). The steamlengine was quickly got in opera`- tion, but the storerooin. and its contents, audjglaat of W. J". Frame, adjoining, were entirely destroyed. Both stores were saved, but the goods- were "damaged by removal. "C. ck H. Wiggins lost about $6,000, and were insured in the London, Liverpool St Globe, and `the Royal 6: P1-ovineigxl, for goods. Fmmds loss is about $5,030, Insured for 354,000. Said Napgiign III in A1858To1- '59 L Empire c est la Paix. ~ ~ President G1-aixtin his second Inaugal does not make any emphatic" decl-._u'ation, but gives `em-nest` utterance in favor of "a peace policy -amongst the natioims of the ' world. 'H_odg-ins. I.` I7 \{l40Q1Lu .I_K;51s3_u.tvL|l.u bu hub` \XU\Ul' - C xoml. The Dcputation consists of Guinl.;Lx`;'Tan Monck, Gibrd and A ; TI;e' Board of Trade, on. the 4th ingtl - adopted a resoluti ; to mamoriztlize Pm-3 '._-.1ia.ment in.favo1- o the continuation .0 - the Insolvent Act of 1859. . o "The ngm; John_ 'O'Connbr has been sworn in as Minister of Inland Revenue.

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