A report of a terrible marine disaster 1 ., last night in the English Channel has V just been received in London. The emigrant ahip Northeet which sailed from hre several days ago for.Anst_r;|- , HI, with 412 pgssengers, _exclusive of , her cirevir,-was run mvto, at midnight, two mikes o,;Dungoness, by an un- ,. _. known f0r.e_ign_ steamship, and was cut " ' ' the. water : edge.- Only 86 persons up-know_n.t9 have-been saved`, and it : belibvbdf.`evory other . poison wh dhis-fqund` , . .w _ examine we G:eat'Union 00. make, a 5 yea rs written guarantee accompanies each instrument. We_1-ecommend our readers in the `surrounding country and town to give them an early call.` _______._________ In tin csiegtinl empire John Ohin'man,`kIepI holiday with lantegns after fuhion 'of hi: xnonfo civilized European` conganon in the ihapelof smnllboyn. The lantern here is,` howefer, put generaliy to: more usefI`1l.\pnrpose, and for those being out late at night and. passing through dark piaces, Mr. Woods, of the Madi- cal Hail, has 3 am rate lantern safe to go with througha. hay atnck,- and `not amenable to wind 0: weather. -...u `villa. auvuuua 0! H10 U'AfCy ISOUIIOII I-Lodge ofBarrie, are intending to have a Ball and Supper in the Tovrn Hall, on Tburldnhtho 6th of1_?'ebrnary. For particular: leg poi tun. Messrs. J. Edwards Q Son. reqneat us to intimate to those of the community. who nremnsically inclined, not to purchase nntll they have oxnmlnecfthcir stock of Mason it Hamlin Cabinet Organs, and William : Organs and Melodeons. The Mason & Hamlin instru- ment stands confeasedly the finest and most complete article of the kind msinnfnctnred in America, (and possibly in the World. The- WiIliam s instrument,though not so ne,can yet be made very interesting" to pnrcharers in the extraordinary liberal term: of payment which they offer, being prepared to sell on the month} - ly payment system, or on time to suitcnsto- mers. They are agents for the celebrated Decker,'Benni`ng Q Klix,' Bnrmore, Great Union (`A and Annual 11--..-- 'IY__:__L. nu - Missionary sermons will be preechod` [D.V.] in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Bertie, on Sabbath next, 28thinst.,at 11 o'clock, is. m., hy tbe Rev. James Brock, Chairman ot the Peterborough District, and at half put 8o elock, ` p. m.,b_v the Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D., Gen- eral Secretary ct Missionary Society, Toronto. The annual meeting in the lb0VO church will be held the hiondny evening lfollowing, when addresses willbe delivered by the above named gentlemen ; Revds.- J. W. MeOullum,=Robert . Fowler, M. D.,.and the resident ministers of the town. Collections will be tekeh at each of the above services for the support of Ghristisn . Missions. The choir belonging to the church will enliven the services of the meeting by some choice selections of music. Chair to be taken at half-past seven o'clock, p. m. ` - - . T59 Y0!!! Britons of the D'Arcy Boulton 30626 0fBn1`ria. In-n infniuitu... 4.. L--- - n_n ._.__._...__._.__ 7(t`oT*-L7E:{1fbnUcncc%. r\/ `Va/~r\/\/-.r\/xrvx. x/vv-V \/\/\ Esau Council Meeting. CO0K5Tn\I'n Iannnru on.:. 1 iizartem ztenm. Ypura truly; . _ H UGH MGKENZIE. ovmis I1UN LIVES LOST. /-J`/xrvx. x/\/\/-\rxJ B.unm:, January 13,1873. vi. .' :.:..,...-_ :k, ,,.,,.....,v, wnwu would be c "' " > arefully pfeserved. 10) 15309.8, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRtiTRn ; `:::;'e`::::::::1:r::`.3`:=:rz:;r.:::;.s?: atucenenl agent; for Doupimon, val! more _:;hml&;a$q:ai9x_,JI;ver - no V yzznw `pnlluby return mail. , %. `tr " o P V & _}JAuV_ pin 9...... '5 `-v 491'~d`*-' ..15mmc , as may an aura #06113; on Mi:~ carna 4,5122: at any other time they are safe. 1.: :1] other case: ofNervoua and Spinal A'e.-- inns.` Psi in the Back and Limbs; Fatigue on ahyht exertron, Pal itntiop of the Heal-1,Hys`terien and Whites, these _ ill: w1ll_e'ec! a cure when an` olnernnegnl have fanlgd ; and althoufh a puwegrul gen`: ,do no1conuun!ron.<:_q!qngo , antimony`, or u h an hnrgrqy mg the oonsututgon. . `Ell .11r99 In tho` pqunphlct around each mg :39; w .10, would bccuerqlly; preserved. "DHI`\`InI|s`nu-an --.. unvtll am: a speeav cure mav bacrelid on. T0 HARRIS!) LADIEI it in peculihrlysuiged. It will,_ in a short tn bnu _on thomonlblypeylod wxlh regularity. T2539 Pzllulwuldnot be talwn 1- /lsmaleadz mg the FIRST THREE 01v'.rHs Pragn , Va: they pro to bring M gag`:-saga, In am: otlzar um. 95... --- A 4" . . l`.ii9 invaluable medicine is unfailing in me cut.) of all those painful `and dangerous diseases to which tltetemalo constitution is subject. It moderates allexcesg am} removgs allobstructions and a speodv cur_e bed-elid HABKIED Lnnrnn ---- As it Family .\le(`.icino, it is well mid favour- ably known, relieving thousands from pain S1 /e,Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, isprains, Brzusaw, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dyscntcry, Bowel Cnm.. - griainls, Bums, Scolds, Frost Bites, c. in ltimely used, ' oa.se of dissatisfaction, ;- have been properly followed, but on the con- trniy all are delighted with its operations, and speakin the highest terms of-its virtues and zmagicel effects. y ' We speskfrom experience in the matter. hevt .ng_ tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which itis recommended. mnyd it being a. Sovereign Renxed '. The astonishing eicacy of the Canadian Pain Deetroycr in curing the diseases for which it is re: ommended, and its wonderful elfects in sub- dnlng the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and -in relieving Nervous A'ectionB, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers,'in all parts qfthe country. for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. - . The Oanadian,Psin Destro er never fails to give -Immediate relief. , `All iedicine Dealers keep it; Physicians order and use it,'. and no family will be without itetter tryng it- Price, only Twenty-ve Gents per bottle. . Sold in Barrie by John Woods A. V. Palmer & C0,, and Watson 6' Oo.;'Wells Bros., Brad- ford, J. Deacon. Creigbnrst, Green Brothers and by all jledlclne Dealers _ - . ' where` the directions l In: `sum _N_q_usH nemsnvz J03 IIIISIIS PERIODICAL PILLS. nal use, and is believed to be immeasum superior to anything ever made. Will 8 you much sutfering and many dollars of pense. It is sold by one or more dealer: every place. Price 25 cents. Prepared by S. N TEIOMAS, P1mLPs,_ N. And NORTHROP & LY HAN, Ncwcastlc,( tario, Sole Agent: for the Dominion. 1' Non;.-EIcctv'ic-Selocted and Electrized. Sold in Barrie by John Woods.., Watson C9,, and Wells 13:03., V I ' - 4 4 Your 1L-titi--n(=1':s I:n\`(.- 170:1.-R011. to he- ]icTe Hurt no \'.':L1'e1' fut.-s at the .hezu1 of }\'(-1n])g-'1'11"eI `Buy, we-'.'e laid out or even 'c0nt(.-1111:]:-xt('d,j by tlw uri_gix1:ul survey, and that tllc-o\vn(\1"s of land in "that 10- <`'11iTr)', i.10\`Cl` - 111tVici;~.uio-(7. that xvlnezttlxey -_pnx"(-11m-ted UlL`SC`_. 1-.a{:.', 1h:1t`\v:1Lg1' 'lot :i'mh .'s 11::-1-0011 -\\j<.x1`-1 I r`.'<='2- Ind hid out `w J. Mallory, of Wyoming, N. Y., wmog; H WP- Dealers all over the country` is ,. , . . We Dave. 391.} a_med.cxne that has given complete s3tIsfactxon_ as this," It`i3 comnnxed nf Rn !\l\ ....... n___ 1` :1 1 ooum gas no more. Rufuskobinsuu, of Nundn, N. Y. writes: One small bottle of your Ecmccrmcz On. res- torad the voice where the person had not `sp0 0n above rwhiaper in Fxvs Yams." Rev. Yum- Eonncrmc On. cured me of Bronchitis in 05:: Dealers the c.-mm.-., 4-"-1. ----_- Paio cannot stay where it is'uaed. Ibis the cheapest Medicine ever made. ' One dose cures common Sons: Tnnou. One bottle has cured BRONCEITKS. Fifty cents. worth has cured an (01.1) `STANDING Cocoa. `One or two bottles has cuged bad cases of_Pxmrs and lm.\'2':v Tnouanzs. Six to eight9.pp1ica.tio;.s cure my cum CF Excoaunfsn -N1r1=u:s or I.`- FL,5.\n-:1) > Bm-:`Asr_. One bottle has cu:-ed` LAME BACK" of uightyearu standing, D.|l'lil Plank, of Brook~ field, Tioga County, Pa..,s:ays: `*1 wen: thirty miles fora bottle of your Oil, w`h'.ch etfected n \Voxox-:nrL=L` Cum: of at 02100120 Lurn by pix applications. Another, wh has had Asmm for years. says: " I have [ml of a. -50`ceo: bottle 1eit,and $100 would not`buy is if! aould get no more." Ilufu Rhinunn AC` \Y..JA 1' " 3ee{-:3Ee2I:.'&.'E6, bind qt. $6.50.` TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. 'l`ha~ma.rke2to-day was quiet and mm , at unchanged prices. Liverpool was unchanged, as also Montreal. The Wes} was somewhat less firm, at about Ic decline on wheat. - Fnobn --Quiet. and nn:-,h.......A : -~I'--- -- _..-..-.-- AuAaLI.A\AuL. . In some item: there is adecided improvement in prides, especially in wheat," which has tench- edtbis week the highest gure or the season. As reported by Mr. J ._ J {Brown the prices to dnte:_-- ~ I-`all Wheat (wbit.e)-$1,25 to $1.30. '1`readwell-$1. 18 to $1.2`). Spring Wheaz-$1.15-to $1.17. Bailey-55 to 60 cu. Peas--55 to 60 cu. ' 0313-43 to 45 cm. Potatoes-40 to -15 cts. per bag. Hay (lower)--$13 to $16. S:raw-$3 to $5 per load. Bran--$16 to $18 per ton. - Pork--3510 $5.50. Beef_.forent 5&4 an 1.:..,a .. On -A _. -. nu. u an uuuuuugdu, FLQUR --Quiet,and unchanged in value nn sales reported. Receipts per mil, loovbarrela. WHEAT -Slendy; no sales repartcd. Re- ceipts per rail 400 bushels ; from farmers, moder- ate supply. which sold at :1 '41 in Q: m r.- -prices," 42a to 4 names reporwn. Receipts fail, ' supply. at $1 '41 to $1 42 for` Fall ,- $1 35 to 1 38 for Treadwell, and $1 26 tol 27 for S; ring. 0A'na.-'-Steady and V strong. One car lot Canadian sold at 43c-onthe track. ntreet 4c. Receipts per mil 19 bushels. BAnLr.Y.-Quick and rm .- nn Q9139: nm.....,,,a wsu 2': I0!` :5; ring. atro 43c- on prices," 44. 1 BARLEY.- Quick ,- Receipts per mil-`:30 bush: fair supply, at 70c to 72. . P:As.-Um-lmm...a D--~ .....-- run Aux: nla uualtls. no sales reportcd. bushels ; from farmers, _ - P:r.As.-Uncha.uged. Receipts from Farmers moderate, at 66c to 67c. . Duassxn HoGs.-Moderate supply ; prices rm, at $5 15 to $5 30 for railway. and $5 50 to S5 75 for light. hogs for butchers use. HAY.-Large supply and good demand, at 818 to $26 per ton. * V aTRAW--r.I:v'na an-...I_ AA -*'- ' ma H: can per ton. blmAw.--Large ton for bundled, 114 "JILL-Lu\\'11. Thomas TEclectrAz'c 02!. Wort `. Tzmes its Weight m Gold. A 3 /ow /cIzowa7z1/tkz71zg0f it .7 not 2'; 2'3` time you did. A._'.Cl1e._f<')VIlofvi1:1_g":o:cers bf: -Noxjhem 2: Light Lodge, No. 266, A. `F. and A. M., were dulyeinstalled for the ensuing year, viz.-Bro. R, B._Ha.nnah, W. M. ; Bro. Thos. Geerge, S.'W. ;V`Bro: C. Groyer, I J_. W. ;V.Bi'o. B. Sanders, Secretm`y 3V Bro. J. G. Algeo, 'I.`rea'su1-er ; Bro. E. B. Sanders, S. D.; Bro. A. H. Summer-.f feldt, JQD. ; Bro._W._H. Wilson, J. D, ; I Bro. J". H. Slocombe, Tyler; A Bro. A. H. Beaten, D. 0.; Bros. J. J. Ci1l`l'llt}leI`Si and G. Cam-uthers, Stewards. V 1 IJIICI II! BRIDGES-'-On the l9l.h.inat.. : House, Toronto, thetwife of I Esq, of Shanty Bay, of A son, nnnv 7 AA `D-.___9_ -- W. 1., -_ ........., nu V: In vRORKE.--At Bnrrie, on wife of Mr. E. Rorko, of _ ._...., nu!` , vn_uauu- WABDROPE-DUNBAR.-At Guelph, on the 18th iust., by the Rev Thds. Wardrope, Tbos. Wnrg1rope,junr.,toagueritc Dunbar, both of Toronto. v ` Lunllltllali. I. BRIDGELAND-A-FRASER.-On Wednesday, the l5l.h,inst., at '1`rini;y'OhIrch, Barrie, by `the Rev. E. Morgan,'auisted by the Rev. Canon Ramsay, Samuel Bridgeland. M.D., AI t1-...._I._:.I_, ,u:nu -McBRlDl's`-ln3 Barrie, on Sunday, the 419th ;inet., Patrick McBride, Esq , in the 50th year of his age. - ` HOFFA'l`T-Al. Orillla, on Tuesday, 2l3t.in5x., Andrew Mofztt, Eaq., J.P. Deceased was the oldest magistrate in that locality, and was universally respected` by all classes in Orillia and vicinity. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. His and wasi peace. / ----- ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER. I _.... my. 1. Morgan, assisted by of Bx-acgbridge, to Emma, daughter of Henry Fraser, Egq of_Barrio. V lrnbnnnnn n-nun... ., - peace. --_.._..__. Loxnou, Jan. 23 --A collision b- xween an emigrant ship, from-London to Australia, and a foreign steamship, `took place in the English chgznnellast - night. _Out of 412 passengers only 85 were saved. Spttial 3T0iI; BARRIEWMARKEIS. No RISK. -. ouvnnv u: n aux. MARRIED . 'n__u-D Aann l'\ tvuu ge supply. at $11 to $13 per , the oply kind offering. n:--. .. uuuuuuuo, UDHHO It t0 t iicine ne BIRTH. DIED .. wguvnully pI e!el'V`d. K, 801-] and-a-hall cent; for pm! 1:. _V N , tl :.o$'.{s`.`.2.:`.;,~.';`;?`?:`...I ; nu um 21: :9, ofuson. inilih I hat the \'.'.(-H`-.'\x'V:',:`:1Ald n.1]>(:{11'L11C:(; of the "town of I$u1'rio h:-.:'. been much in'ju1'e'd by 1milclings-crectrtcl on \\'af(5r -lots, in front uf the town, zmd your putitioners`having Lozml that am uttt,-Iullt; has been n,mr]e< to induce the -(iommmcnt to` 'Iz1_v out :_mz`1 dispose of :uvldi1:im1:-.1` w:1t<;.1' Jot.s',.-1t the head of K1 111p(31u"v.`-ML B.-Ly, (-imnot but feel c011sid,cmb-I`e :11i:i;:t_`,' on the sub_]ec'L_; for should this :LtLmn]`gt prove snlcceslsftll, yjory serious i11cm1\'cnie11c<: to tlu`:.busi- `mess of the town wouhl nri.so', from the ]x11x1bm`in('2:. :11:-`I `saw-nlill owners bsging .. '};1'c\'e:1tp(l fi'on1 -3:.'~.=in_; the lmul of the .LBuy,,f01- ;s_t0l`iiIg,' ihci1'1'.1`.nbcx' :u1dszuv-' logs; and 50` 500:1 us this mLl`c`1` frontagd is ImiIc'n]m1, d._ f:n'or1t.c promt-.m1de of the i1.11n:11.iv.:u:4,,~_; of J):u'r1o will be des- 11'o_'. (~d. ' 1, I... 1 . /-- v-nu And I ad to take, as for exter- immeasurably wer save lmnny ex- I mom dnloru :.. .~. u. n:.uwu. LL15 we made. 8. One of Pxmrs and KIDSEX ,abn1inufn,-.a' on-9 . .-.. I13: ' ` ms B531 011.5 "(mm take an fnr D7013.- i IVIUIVTHS 0/- : s that safa- unllll , a- time in: reznlaiw. 1591212: inn, the )fnson. , S, Y N. Newcasuln n.. _, uuuam OI dealers in I gularuy .?. { $ .` `:16 `me mu.-12. 1). Scott, M. 1>.`-1-`., C'ommz'tsz'07ze7 of (/"/man Lands fm'.Ihe. Prowince rgf 0'22/,.'Z.'zrz'ab :--- The V lnctitirm, of`. the M:'._v0r :.u1d'Co1'- '1:.omf,i0n of the '1`owu of '11 -;u'ri`e,. in the County of Simcot-,'1'cs1ccLfulIy shew- _ct,h :-' Worth ' Ten fJ..7J _ 83.1110 Roaain 0. C_..Bridge;1, ua nu UZVK airy `Su: given such -A zlill I Yatsrm & 41110 LU] Do Wilson Mia: B. _ ` a'vI4ce Sarah W311 um 32 [21 wumxe 4; Duiri . ghxlloa calling for the abovd will plan: ask .1pr,_hd_vjortisqd letters. A . . V - Toten Mrs. J. . Tarbnrn John Thompson Hy. Taylor Hy. Staker` Magg?e _St2t-key Pat ` Simpson Jamzs Scadding N. Ross J. R. Ross-J. J. Peters Mrs. M. Pearaall Sarah Pearson 1). Patterson Wm. Pilkey Peter [2] .sxvu14u.: urs L116-.`}U- .'xJH(.l. ..`\ l1(.ll'COI`. On" motion of Mr. l`.:uv,smi, sccomled. `by Mr. Scels, it was 1'c.'~::;lv(5d tlnit; this Council st.-ml a pet,iti to `V. .1). A1`-. laglx, I`).-1:1,, M. 1 . P., iO1J1`CSCl'1t to the Hun. }I1'.`Suott, (.'nin'.x1iss5i()11(:1'of L`.-`own L2v.nds, against the sale of \mte1- lofs'r(tZ 1h(:`l1c:-.d of the Bay, to (guy ]r.u'i_v 01' pm`- ft-i(-s holxlix.-_:; lots on the w-.1t<"x" :fz'on't;, in ilmtr the tn'.:.'n may at all times L-.1'.'e an ::cL-e'~~.=; to the: B::_<.'. ' The following is the lrclitioll 1-ell-l1'x'c- to _---. A ' ' V Nss J . M; Nimmo R. V Mullock Miss Mi!I;1rd Mrs. M . Murphy" Patrick M<$DonuId Joim A. do f Murdock do , Hugh " do. . A. Lloyd H. R. Lawrence Sam H9nds G. M. Hambley .'~Ioae9 Hartrass Win. ['2]- ! arm Nvil '- Larrxck Thomas Jones AJID. Kelley Charlen Gray A. Gsrson James Green Jno (V3) Grew Jemmah [2] relay mmn_ Dcfori G. - Ds.u;:er:'Ieh`: W. H- Duncanlrs 9;`-uuu, u_uuLHUl, -J\.2).\'v'SOI1 {URI Jiilll. On motion of _`v[r.,' .'S'penc-r=r, SOCbl1(]Q_d V by Mr. ]31n.'h-n,`ic w;1,~s1'_r-::ol'.*_c th-ntM1'. Jno. P. 1*`l11ll'j:mxr:5 |;:::ippoi11tLl Audi_tor for the p1'e<;(tut _Vr:ar, and that the Mzzyor (10, .z1ppoin_t :mo*.l:_r-r Auditor, as provided by the statute, anal that the salzyof Such Atztlitprs be $11) each. Wig XV. _ _-..,1 1....` /'1 1 1.1 Cook 8. W. Cougmm A. Cobbiusjkey H. R. Carr Thomas By the Jns. Brnzi.-a J02. Bell Seiiua `"` Burrows Stephen A Brewster Ixiisu E, Bishop W.'J. Rnzsining in `{ o3tVO"::-:3`. . 13734 Alllan -`George NJ ~ .._....._- ` The Ratepayers of Eur:-ie are hereby notied that \ho ` ~ V >'I'g.:$2;;e_.~.-4;; for 1872 m-r now due, nrgri m: I will beat my ofce I dza.ys, \vhcn: 'I`axcs'm ;I>'1g cm. I.` N 0 '1: 1-011. nerve mu nxcu by we .\1ust':1'. V .. For furthq pszrticufnra xipply at the L . ces-of Messrs Jarvis Sc ..\il1'::1o._ Vendo .ii'ci'i.ors 14 Yo:k_ Olzamboza. Toronto ; A J, Lindsay, Esq :` and Messrs. Ho: Spragge, Torout);.r:.nd to the Auction Uri}lEu.. ' - , . Tlx p_mpex-iy will be.0!I'2n nerve bid xed by the .\1nst':: . Fm` fnlrthrr no--oinmn-~ -'-- uuvlx _1uuu._-uni DC .1111} C;LCl1. His \Vo2-slnip narncd Lipnt. Kenzie as the.:;c::m1Ll Auditor. 1)..` ...,:-.. .1` Ir -- ....v-_. -.v.u.a, -uvu: nu. 1555- -` _ ' The purchaser shall at_ the time lcfaule pay. a deposit. of Ten per cent. of the purchase money _to the Vendor"s-Solicgitoxs,m1d.tbe balance at purcbases option, either in one manili theie- Mter without interest, or as follows : Sni;ie_nt in 9. month tb malnewvitli the deposit "Four Hundred siml Fifty Dellar, with intcrest,,nr:d , the residue in two, equal nununl .iuat3.lments. with interrsic yearly at Seven per cent . to be retired by a Biozlggage al p'.:z'chn.'ser s cxpe-Vnze Upon payment of pziiclinsa m'. )"."_V in one 'mun:_li, or on pa_vraei1t of Four _L7'JI)'.".I'_v`_-G and Filty Dollars ti:ereo,t',an giving the mg:-(gage as the case may b_z7,` the purchascr will be an-. titled-to his couvc_vance and to be let int.) pos- session. ' ' ` FRANCIS KHAN, Aztctwncer, at the Royal Hotel, in the Village of O:i1_}in, on Saturday. the Eighth day of~ ` February, 1873, ` ' 4-1-tin` . , I In pursu:-.n'ce_cf the Decrce made by the Oourt of Chancery in 3. cause of GI-J'l"l"I.`lGS` 1".` ~ .5 GE'_I`TINGS, tliera will b; said by and promises, situate on Lot 29, 2 Conceaaion V-aspragwitlxin 7 miles of Barrie, cu'mnE:1i::g l00'acres. mom or has, 50 acre: of \';?:i: 11 me clenredand well fenced. the rmn'vir-let well wooded, px-incipally with xnapla, but cnx1tcia- ing also a. quantity of ced:-.r. Txc soil is good. About 6 ac:es-are sown with full w|1c:=t.acd 20 acres pm: ploughed for 971-izxg xvllsrt. The p:emia`e:'i-.:cludc a small dwe`_l:?r)g house and a. good burn. Tlx-.:ro isa good sup;-.ly of spring water. A su(l?len`deatln in the fmnily is_the' ao'o cause of the_ proprietor reliuguishing pre- mises. For terms, 01.0., apply to - ' - V D nvr.-r YIf a.t.'1`w!ve o'clock, noon, in one pa ~ The ;West h~.1!fofLot number Fifty Tenth Concession of the TOW3hi{) 0: the Uuumy pf Gnzarin, contiining ( dred Acres, more no: less. rm... .....'..L__; ,- A Buggy, Cuttr; 2 Sets Single nilvcr mounted ;' also a Mare in` Ice` ' For pnrhculars apply to man: u o---- Several` parties having obtained goods from dilferen: merchants and tradespeoplo in my name, and Wltbollt my sanction. I. hereby pub- licly caution all concerned that 1'Will not be accountable for any debts contracted _in my namewithout my written order. Ynamnn II fr\I'1\vrV(\\V' U0 do .1, nuvuu, sJc':lS, Il1cKJ1n_z;`anul uluv-.111. POLICE `AXD Firm.- -I\I-s~s1:s. Sew1`c_V, Miscaxixpbcll, .m'vs3n,. Hickling and ]3a`.l. - . 1-1 -- @191. ~'B.o'ys "in _ M88l S .7 'Mia;gn_mpbbll, `Spencer. 1 Seals, Dyinent, Semey, Sulli- ,%`Fs REWSOI1, Hickling, Burtoh, and- Bal}, M. Ball having` led his geola-T ' A -a!ion,took: rm. -` ' V 1 Jgue fCl:!.;x7. !{::_`1.fV".'_`-_:,-`)r31r_n5,3`-E}-G pn,gan;- 9' -l.1 c.1aljou of Cl;z1s.Vit- man, for the oice 0fCvc.'.\L({r-of High- f"'%.`n,`K I_-Y33 con1:n::uEc-mini: {mm Mrs. RY(`A ncl.-inn on I.__.. 1, . __,_ n-_...-. ` Wantediat this oice, a amtt and intelli nt K - bi?! about 14 years of age,` to Ienmtho printing -` business. ' - Mg. Campbell's dog . Scamp" ing for abet; ten dayjaud that _ asi1itn':lc reward for his: rr:1nrn. Any person dettsining him she be prosccuzed: - . Barrie, Ianury 22, 1873. _...__Z...___.______. -, I 0. BE sow" ON. EASY TERMS, 4 That V ` '- , --_... _J .-.. v.u-. 7 "3'<-asses 13. JOHNSON`. Barrie, January 22, 1873. - , _ 4-If |VALUABE.E gm Co'.`1icr Street West, Dec. 1872 c in. 22, 1` 1 WHANCERY SALE 0? A FARM IN THEITOWNSHIP OF MARA. `I)dtc.'.V1 the Ith of J;1 [:u y'. rn nv _LusT OF LETTERS dun.`- cer, Seals, Mi`~:c-}unp]'m1l and Horas. - ' , MAnK1:'rs.--M1-ssrs. Misr,-illng-bell, D_V- " Vment, S_ulliv:m, .]{;n'.'s0n and 132111. '(\n .~.,.L:-._ ,0 '\r re ' '1 1 EnUcATr0.\'.'---.\[essi-s. "Bx11'tb11, Spen- January 22, 1873. ....., nu-1.11 ue uunecteu `at 02100.. illbk=:`at ofce on 'I`u.,=dnys and Satur 's,"\vhcm 7I`o.xcs'ma_y be psi-:1. ' Dr1'.'\l :Vnrn nay.-.-. `1AU 1`ION To M1m<,'u'Az~.:'rs AND 1 ' prams. V ` . -~ - 1'- _.,T___.. .`0R- -`3AL,E--CHEAPAFOR CASH. __. ._,.... _. ...- ._.. ._... Ntm 2\&nc`;ti5c::1e11t5. ;OY WANTE 1), jzd z n:m't be Cbllleclted `ht once.` $08 0:) Tn.~:a`.n\-u. on ! Q....._ }homp3on :9 19: Turner J. B. Turner Alcx. I V unnrsuulb `ycupr as IO1`0Vs:_?. FIXA-VCF--'f';vI(?SSl'S. . Spencer, Sew1'cy, ' Burton, Anrl1'ton:md Ross, . PUBLIC \Vom:s.--}Icssz-s. Andcrton, Dyment, Seals, lficklingnnul Sulliv-.111. POl'.1'CI-`.`A\.`n 'I.`n...- >fLot Fiften. in the 01' Mars. in Marin, One Hun- ` Strut W. C.` G. Simpson G. Sturgron James ` Strong Pobt._ - Mc iobertson James _Rei_d John C, `Priest B,y.v[3] Parkhdule Hy. Peel Geo.` Petery Emily Pnilmer Wm. LI. ' " Neelly MM! Mcnne Rm-ey -A McKee J ohu McCnne Thomu ` Mcae D. B. MCK-nzie Hugh Mccuaig-`Duncan N '3-innroe `R. J. _ Mdrrison Duncan I1 Loftus P uleu `V. FL - Gowmfock James G.1')e':t BITS. Zl- TERRIBLE CAiARIITY. --.-. ____ Hoot i')?xVu _Uall John.El Ilnbbick John Hopper Mm `Ins . um rumru. _ xing ancr (`his date will n:u;_1-_v i`-i. Biggs Wm. , Brown (}~:0r!:5. . Bra-d~3trc_et, !;_`So1 Boll F_r9."cs mu..I'.'U1. wronto H`O`f:` *2` Hoskxn nd to. -Auctioneer, I . pui'&:el,-- .n4> .-......l..... 1.*I:n_:, - -- J .1- {pun . ROB,ER'I.` K! ;\'G, ' l`.. `A M.-.u.. :- zra at Law.Of-. _M|];1x~,\ \'nnJ'rn-`n C'\ T: W. -'r.Iu'L0n.- `JlilU1}J ' ["15 03911 HHS!` I 1,':=.nd the own: wit! give HS! rl`:1I1rn. `.u3tSn 'C.. W, \J\I1A\,n4 A\`l nun/A. otio of Mr- Poss, secolxded by .-:nn}.`.u, H(,`S()]\'(:x1 that 1nro_tci:- :t11'n'dc in WI`. Silxlpsoll,` by :u mezn.-.n mi Hm w--.f.-v Inca n1u.n'- my uknlul Lu mos. H. Porirgs, Allnndaln -1-2 . has been miss- nd Hm nwnnr til! n:EA I red subject 6 a're- 1'. flu-:i2_. lat . J.`1'nnn'z`-y "'z'L".', an 1110 :.mw.m-. iu':'.1vo.. Vendor's S0. `D1. 'i`m-nnon Q9-.... . ., 9. RIELLY, T.nfQ -2 I I Harness, one to foal. ' K\1L1IJlAX,' Lot 8, 3 Cor. - Veapra. .x Wm 08 J um u, Co;-lecto.-A. 3-,: 1}; ruxuao, Allaadalo. 4-If `U! 8 C1 Stvre'=.1 An`: .. ggi I AVQLE_1GE.`V7fbV ` ;.,fi% nfl'_!_'! !iII:o'_1~1o:;r. ".'nll7i~n`t" Hull.) `mun. _ _ _._. JOHN ABELL13 T. R. PUP.VIS"0LD snap. PuRv~a$ 5B*ROE3-. Rcpzzirs for an Machines ICC}?! comlumly on hand. S,-i"0VF.,A 1=.u~:Lmm, Box uua` ` cu-`:15. Pu-nu, ac, ac. swan aim 'rvu ren- nmmxe. PLA -`olizii smpm, . . ' ' '_ -, ) f,-.~:h`11.ci..-n_>n,s; 111 the .\\':'.y at -01- 1n_v- '. nto1_'-\mym' on thri- 1'im1'<`1ir.jur_yv in m:ttoL`i;\1 E`.Lf`.f!NG 1mLLia, n's.x.:.iz:n5, Ta .-Aux cncvsnz CUTTING BOXES. OEAIIII kinds. II,\BROW63, s,::'5r2;*1:ia_nIAcz:1NBs,- CEIL `I`$'.1TORs, GANG and Si.`6 .l.5i PLOUI.-`HS: ISAVVE 5:; :19.`-!.~iL'l?1 )':`;S of. any i_ qnmuulio:-so Power, ` `CPI.('.'i"'s' BITEHERG MA-CIIINI-IS, ` _ \\ M. 1303'.-;=, L. 14.33.,` ' _ Mayor. A fl `pl ! Y.` L` REAPSZSS, s13.'GLg- : and com- sznau. BIii2`;:'5EE.L .* 014151151. 2 111111.: i}IilST-AND SN. HILL }IAIiE.`iE{iY `rmrsumis, siisn I 5; ll-Jilsi: Pu rum, , Lawm COMBI7iI];'l) LAT]! mm snszwu; 1vLu::.`1NE5, maazms s'm'm-u -may and rs-::mi3L1s, BAYFIELD STREET, % BA1;R1E, % A. 1). Cole : 55.12130! Tvaxixm. A \VA'S`l!E. V7l3.BBl.,. Wu; EL J0INTBB,1. ` J lE% 3.; EMEN'"8 . . --_V alA\A vuu. 1n'{(n'c 1m`{_V tlzzit 1'1'(-uxting` p1j()p_<>,?-ty n-2, xxg:;y he g'1{u11t:. L to :l1Ijf.]I(~!1`SO7),1)i1t LI.".'.l`d TIE _l'xh.; L51. CALL EARLY % 121 Door fo Craig`: Eating House, and &(?;RI%C-'ULTURAL iiurniafi Qtolumu. LEFROY. IE3 :-3, ail liindd, 13l:lm!i_r::~ smaxzzzfsg.-'r&:n :1 `Rant ii , A of every description, and ' 13% - `I DIIIIU IYIICKL LJXKJJ , that `\v:ttLj1' '.'<=1' Unt l'1'rmLing pmp<>.I't_v -: . 5....-..1.. V Anti gee o{::Stock. of alvl Hndd. FOB -mp, cunlznunzcaumn (tom MIS- ard, askingzo luwe l1er`tax':es re- duced; application {rum Baht. Brad` ford, asking for the office of Chxm_ney- _,,~/sweep and Poundkeepcr; and an ne- 73 countfrom Messrs '7' Son, for lamber. ) A motion of Mr. Ross, His VV01'.shipvthe Mayor named the Ccnnmittees for the ensuing year, as follows :-- -PI\.'A\'r\r: T~ " n Thompson Sinith 50 W The 1m}\e1's l1:u'i'ng'1)em1' 1-of-31`1'ed ,. on cm. Me} ,_ _,_s _.-.. .r e......,.m..a. Not the least inteiesting feature in the Chief Supe1`intc11<,lont's Return, is the Repel-t of `t-lxe_High Schcol Inspec~ : tors, the llev. J. G. D. McKenzie, M. lA,, wad J. A. -M4-Lellm1, vEs:q., M. A. The evils l1n(le1' which the High Schools. have laborc for many yeri1's, are Well known. l'hcw1nny be attributed in it great hirzisure `to the . injuclicious methods of distributing the Govern- excrtion iu the direction of securing numbers rather than eiciency. Since 1805 the Government grant has been appo1'ti011ecl on the basis of ' average at- tendance alone, and, as :1 natural `consc- quencc,'the grant has been `absorbed, to it lzxrge extent, by `schools which, from- their union with public. schoo,ls,`lha. \'e had facilities for drawing in large num- bers of pupils. Now, howetier, it is , proposed to remedy this evil by putting . in force the principle of payments by} results; ' and to this end the Inspectors A submit a_classicationof the schools on the basis `of work-donie. V From. this it ` appears that what manyjsclIoolsA'l.1a_ve -gained in numbers they have lost in el- ' ciency. _ London; for,1example,>with an V` average :tttendanee'of~162, being.renl;e_d ' as a. third-rate schooAl,`inl tl_1esa.1e ` / as Windsolz-.\v;ithVa1_1 svorage of 1A9._; The are In iment grmits, these tenclin_g to 'stimulate ' School authorities and masters to- I , _-..._..D v\r\l -u..>\,usnJ ;u contact wiilnxe soxnowlmt deep-seated .p11-'j1ul`iccs of the people, by insisting upon i11:st:111t compliginw with the ln_w s 1'(,' but,_mtl1cr, qtlibtly point- ing out (lofcc-ts and s_11g'gosti11'g remedies. Iml-so-.,l it is quite evident that ivitl1ouL- u considc-1'u.lle amount of. _to1_ :1 1.-u-go nlnubmj of - the` Public `Schools would have l)oe.11 closed for want of t.:u:l1(-1'3 to (';Hf1`y lllcnl 011. I By tl1ojudi- ciou}; gunning, l:o\\'e$'e1', of A p0rn1it:s for .~;lm:;l' 1|:-1-iods, this result .1135: been `m'oidcd,":uul an c-.\'_tcnsion of timelgi'.'on' to camliclzmtcs to j'1'opa1~e `thcnwelves 'f`s.r lo.-zunnixmtiou. Tlio Inspectors i11v:1_1'iubly V1.-.,-port an z1wuke11i11g of 1)11l)lic.S1)i1'it, and on the whole, a fuvomblc reception A Aoflho new law mud regulzltions. ' '\V,. 11 1 _ .\Ve have-bef'o1'e us Dr, Rye_1's n s An- nual lioport Of the No;-mal Model, High 1nd'Pul>]ic Schools` of Ontario,` for the yam` 1871-. Theieport `is vpeculia_1'ly interesting, as `einbodyirig the statexnents. `of. the` Public -Schoo1` I1ispeeto1`s,'.ap- l)()i]1tC`~(.i undexi theiAct of that year, re- garding {he condition. in which they found the Schools tmder their super- vision, and the reception of the. new (law. by the people. _ The ini'ei'ence to be dmwn from {11ese'sta1ten1e11ts is, that the priucip-.1] hiiulriance to_.cdl1czitiona1 `pro- ig1'es,=s:1n1o11gsAt us is to be found in the _ pm-silnony .'u1dupathy of the parties im~ medizttely concemed. V The parsilnony of Trustees 1C(|dS't1l0l]1 to` prefer those tsnci-hers who offer theiri services `for the sniullcst }:ecuniu'i'yVreturn, the "matter of quuliiic-_ut:'o11 for the impoirt-ant fuiietioiis they hrwe `to disclmrgc" being too often _ the last point co1_1side1`(d. The sunie selsh feeling opemtes against any_ im- provenient in sic-hool buildings, the, con- dition of `rvhieh, cw.-11 in some wealthy `1u~i5.;".xho:'lneeds,` is fclm1'acte1'i5zLd as ylt ?%`_vin;r 10 L'nm_v that: under the new 7':";;'7/Le of the Ceum'._y Ins}ect01's--th01u- seI'.'(_'s,,i11 the iuujoi-it_\_' of cu.ses,_ e.\'pei:i- r-ucud touelicrryr:mHI.e1'o11g111y couipetcut n_ien--;L new 01`de1' of thii1g.~;_i$j likely to 1-epnrtus showthutr in the discharge of` \`.'l`(`i!.'ilC(i and eveii cIopIom1.>le"' It is-9` their duties they h:i'v e.\'e1'c_ised -:1 wise ` discretion, not,eomiug too \'oi1entlyin_ ' 1 . `V1 .1 I I I he (~stzdw1ishod. The majority of their i \_JUVIJl o . Tweiveolher ` passengers have been . saved {mm the _emi_:zmnt ship Nowh- eez, which makes ninety-seven "lives known to have been` saved. The. Lioyds have telegraphed to their agents at all somhem stations to" stop, if pos- sible, the teamer which ran the North- eet down. 'l`ln'.. ('1......`........_._; |.,, ,. 1_,,,'1 V V vn u-cu: wuulu nave ueen saved; The steamer v.=hi'ch ran down Vandg sunk the emigrant ship North"/leet off` Dung_e,ness, is believed to be a_ Pertu- guese craft, {er uamelcannotbe as- certained until she arrives in port. ` [1ddi'3lil f)Rf{!'aI]!ni' Vnf H19 fnrl-nwln r11t1i{s:5Az; :_mu;;i;; " 25. fiil h,.;..;.;.a.;.,,.e eaoeecware t..1ee,,,eee*..;;:..;at : tromj there berths to everypmtton of T the ship, where they thought they might be safe, and uttetly refused to obey the orders of the Captain. That voicer as 3. last resort, to enforce obedi- ence to hzscommanda -was compelled to re upon the terror stricken people, and one of them was wounded. It 18 believed that if the passengers [had 5 obeyed the oxders of the Captain more of them would have been saved. '1"!-m 1-o..............1.:-L __.- 2. -.. A-1- vuunuquu uuul arm 8fl'lV6 10 port. Additional particulars of the terrible l~ marine disaster which occurred 03." Dnngenesa lighthouse last night have been received. TheVNartb_/lest wasly-_ ing at anchor at the time the collision occurred. Her cargo consisted of Rail- way Iron. Three hundred and twenty- one persons were drowned, including [the captain ofthe ill-fated vessel. The name ofthe steamer which ran into! the ship has not yet been ascertained,- but she is_ believed to have been a! Spanish vessel bound from Antwerp; for Madrid; The Board of Trade of. this city has offered 100 for her- dis covery. A Tlxyafvvn AIL--. ____ -'.._....- l.-_-- L-;__ L\J l'Il\/ \'\JlIll\/ll l\`l IVIXL\V/lo On motion Poss, M1`, ]`;lf>v.-a1:n]:`.u;'l1, that 1n1`0_tCi: - "iion Lu 1.;pC1)in:r ;g_ 5:153:-,'{) OH. H11.` \\':i[\`l` 101$, _OI)1)Q'.' sit IliSI1l'i3lL`iw`(`S. {ten of ti111bc1':n1d s.'n"# logs; _ _ 7 _ , Xl'.- hm.` n.m.,.1..-. n..,47 ..- A... -.A Iuuau uu_vv us > _ The Government Jxas ordered a pre- Eiminiary inquiry into lheidisaster to the Nor!/zecz. The investigation {he- gins tomorrow at Dover. M ' ' :;%f;EurtIgerLn `I-iii?-c!Ar1`10N 1:; 1.371. SECOND TEDITIO1_`I. ' -the business of the _Nbrthern Railwa ' .a1-emerely sought after by thut_RaIiway` I - at the .present:time, to "unpodethe_con= ` L etruction` of the Said. Hamilton Railway; 2` . Yonr,=Petitionersethe1eefnm nsa.m +.1.-..'+ .` , L-__,.. That your petitionere learn with a good ___I .._v -. `an. 0 " deal of anxiety, that the Northern Rail- way-of Cxmada; ere endeavouring to ob- tain pennission to take against the will L of the owners, certain lands at the head _ of the Kempenfeldt.~Bay, the property of one _Mrs. Ross, and one John Ross." ' These lands, your petitioners believe, will V be required in `part, or in whole, for the : right of way and Station Grounds ofthe , proposed Hamilton and North- Weste1ne " _ Railway; iandgyour petitioners further" ` learn that they arenot at all necessary for 4 ,but om. uvm_.uu U]. uuv Butt} IIHJIIIIFQII nauway; Your Peticioners therefore pray that - _ the said lands may not be taken from the owners `against tI1ei;' Will, or at least may not be so taken until after the said Hamilton Railway has had an oppor- tunity of j purchasing `a. ,1'igl_1t of way [through Barrie; and station grounds jherea, * ` ` 7 `_J __V `.10.! u - \'?"`.,`l . - - ' Wu. Boys, IL'.`B.-, Mayoxxggf B_a141-ie, and three hundred others. ` L puuzuscw. , And your petitioners, as in duy bound, yvillever pray. . V - A . The following p1'otct.Was entered by the prixicipal bsixless, p1'ofessibna_l, and moneyevd men of Barrie,Tfo1" a reason which will cxplin itself : ' ` To the Ilanaarabl Hectm'_/Langevm, [ M._ ' PL, ~Mmz': ter of Public W707/cs, Canada. _ * I 4 . T he Petition of the undersigned Rate-M 15aye1js _-of_ the Town of B2_u'ri_e; in _the Cbunty of Simcbe, and Province .of On- tario, respectfully sheyveth: { Y! 7- u: it) U1. A. B.1\[(,'PIII'Zl_:, _ A Town (flcrk. On motion If M 1'. Spm1cm`,' st-bonded -'|n' Mr.`Misemxqalyt-ll. it was or that I\.los.a.-srs. .\.nd(-1-tun, L .:x11A zuulf-]'{;1\v.%:o11bc np1u}ix1t::1 fa` ('o1n1uit-1Cc- to iuqxdrc into Um cI:1imssof' Ituligexxt_p<.-1'so11:s undying to the (`o1I11g-1'} !'m'1`uli(-,f'. .n .- 1- \r "I\ - - '1 ISAS. RAYS`. .ThoA1`nton..., ............ 60 1 }Iind1es_ ...... .... 75. 0 Cl1t11'cl1ill ....... . .-.' . . .. Majority 20 'AA1lzmdale.....-. ......... `75 3 . The \`ote".'Lgainst Mr. Cumbe1'l:Lnd's scIi'emoi11'l'1is petoplace, Allm1da.1e, shows tlio esAtinmt-i.on in .which he is held thre as W011 as h`ere;"wl1e1fe all men` united to stay his atfempt to override the town of Bz\1`1'i8 in the Inatter of -the water front- age- ` V... .__, .-.-.-\..... ........- \.-4A\us\uI)LIIA`lIllo From Iaiter i11formati'on, for which we have held ou1'pape'1' back,.\ve`a1`e pleased to add to the above, that Inuisl has, from the, toleg1'apl1ic V1-c'ports from the , l\[ontx'cal Oico, (lone V well in the junt- tO1','{11ltl has (inst 3. large majo_1'ity in favor of the bonus. _,_--. -_- -...~ T...-...wu.5 mwpm. Tiiig and Szuu1de1ts frem Hanlilton, de- livered able addresses, proving, beyo1i1- all doubt, that Innislv will stand in its ow11:1ight if it does not doeall in its power to f_urthe1f the interest of the new 1- ai1w'ay. The other spe9.ke1's at the meeting were \V. C; Little,_Esq., M, P., Deputy-Reeve, \Vm. Hunter, Esq.,- De-T puty- .eeve,,\V1n. Hewson, Esq.,eF. Bzwclay, Esq.,---' Lennox,E:4q., of In- .nisl ; and \Vm. Boys, Esq".,7Ma.yo1', and- A .- Nelson, Esqf, Me1'eha.11t of Btmie, delivered good :u1d1'esseS, and all declar~ cd t}1en1se1ves in favor'of:the road except Mr. Bzwclay. A At the close of the meet- ing, the Ch-ai1`n1.an, -David Coemiskey, vEsq., called for u shoy `of_ hands, and out of the Izxyge number of 1':1tepny- ers 1:11-~.;e11l, only tI__u'ee he-id up their humls ng.-1i11:.*t the bonus. The meeting te1'1'ni11:1ted [with 21 vote of tIuu1ks to the - _Ch:1i1'.m:1n, _:nu.l V three` .c_hee1's. for ` the Queen, mnidst mmh enthusiasm. 1-` u .. 4-- HAMILTON AND NORTHWEST- RAILVVAY. The `])1'O11i0te1`3 of this` Railway have been spemling the past few days in the Township of Innish holding ptiblic jneetings and advocating -the" Tp1'o_ject. We understand they have met with great success, and that there `is no doubt but the B_y-law granting a _ bonus of $320,000 from the Township of Innisl, _wiIl'be cm-rihcd at the Polls to-mo1'row. XVGVIIEIVG enly been able to lmve our re- po;-tcr_ at one of these` meetings, that at All-.m`d:1le>, and, judging from the feeling there, the majority in fawer of the bonus will be large. At this meeting Messrs. rn:__ ,_ ___ J (1 1 n -- w 7which'f tand' Ztheseoo1icl class omixst be regarded `.5, high ' rank, though not the lghest. I_t is un-- ` necessary to` `point 30311,: `that as: tqthe` - amounf apportioned from the Legis1a.tiu_'. grant, their position win he" a very good one indeed, as there are so few schools ' above4the1`n. It is to..be hoped that (henceforth those schools wl1ich`ha.ve been doing f11'?!`0R1 work of `High Sc1:,oo!s,`wi1l 1 : be p3ace_d.in the position they are Ten-g titled to occupy; and tlmt. they will X10. `longer have to complain Sf biugrobbcd of their ixlheritnonceg VVe are proud of the position our own- .-s'choo1 occupies, * audit will always be found in the front I ......1. '4 I Mi`. Spencer a1},d WM:-. -Rutledge tire spoken Tof, `We have `not heard of any one yet named in the South in connec- tion withthe \Varde11 _s chair likely to take it. ' " ' _.-...---.J 5-.. we .4): nu; wwnnurlvn Of late years it has been the custoni tq allow `North imd ,So uth to take it alter- nately. \Ve suppose this good custom lwillestill p1'e\'ail,' and. that this year 3 Northern VV:u'den will be elected. . ` THE VVAI{DENSHlP. -Mucl1 speculation has been" current as t-ojwho will be Warden next year. Some I good 1 names l_w.v`e been mentioned, {amongst whom we might mention `Steele, of Oro, who has for many years `occupied the positionof Reeve o_f_the Tovnsl1ip,and in electing Mr. Steele as their chairman the Council would elect as honourable, able, and upright "a man as could be found in the pale of that - body.` Butwe have been privately. in- formed that Mr. Steele does not desire the honor, although being so long a. member of the Council we think he is ifu-irly entitleclto it, and we Should-_be heartily glad to see hixntake it. e f\1"l..;- ____.__ :L I__, 1,, .1 JIAILWAY TI E.'I`i['I`ION. ; BI-?aUNioN. % .l\:n.' `_\l'r. '3u1'Lon _i1x()ixg'}z'ut1::L_t R0 n` ' 1:az:11ae " wus; c-:~1m-1-1w.n1,i.L w:x,`;.'nf flu` mo iIu]wm't:x1u.-`<,- in Hie: (`_'.,'!H1U'_\"12.Xl M .-` .:nul t (f,-.~:h`11.ci.-i_>n,s' in .\v:9..y ])`m'1d}ix2;.;"1um1o(-1- mtoxf-\my(Vn1' U ic=,\\'m1]d do 1`i101`<*-V injury v1n:tfL.`i i11tm'e.~,t.s than <!:u~x;=` /\ V. .-1r .. ring"; :1 .\\`:\tm'-1:ipx- -YEAS. NAYS`. 1 Fr! ' A - -,--- ,5- a M96?wi,ll.fprobably_;gcjd5-.`$Q7h1d;theif V ?$l1D'1l11:1i1B915iliz herea:er5=.'in`n-... :.:.n;2_-'~ gmmaces; 1` ihfn]-Hhln` ham _,_, _-, v.-- v..._-..auuun uu ugv M1915, `and. the importance of pushing~"forward to extend the_ truth of God, knowing thaf all opposition must wane `before it.) The audience, though respectable, was not so -large as itheeobject of the meeting merit. ed; whichmight leadione to reect upon -the <;ons_titui.i9n of "man, since the full of Adam. multitudes will ' Esq. ......... -. .n.uv L\\4V . V V7 V Vr`7""-.-a . v Mr. Morgan, President, presided, and dischzirgecl well and ably the duties of I the Chair. His VVorship, `Wm. Boys, Esq., Mayor of the town, the energetic ' and pains-tzgking Secretary, had the busi- nessiof theevening carefully arranged, so that every part of the varied services came into place `like the well-adjusted wheels of :1 vehicle when `put in motion. After singing a. suitable hymn, the Rev." M1: McDowell engaged prayer. - The President opened the business of the meeting by an `appropriate address ;. he then called (for the Rev-. ~Mr. McDoWeH', who, in av`-brief speech; moved. a reso1u- - tiomcontaining the names of t11eA`O`icers and Committee fer, the` (gurreiit yegi-, which was seconded by `David Morrow, ronto, who delivered a. lucid and elo- quent. =\dA .in a masterly. the Bible, _9.nd, style, our obligations to 41..-. :..`.......;_..`_- -1` ,, 1 _ TlJ1eChairmanp then` introduced . fthe Rev. John Gemley, Secretary, '1`9- I -011 Tniesday evening, the 21st inst.,` the :m11ivc1's:u'y` meeting of the Barlie B1zu1ch{Bib1e Society, was held in the Towgl Hall, and the services; were of 21 most interesting ch:u'aTcte1-._, 'TheTRcv. .11" -\r -n .. - GU11 BUUSILU IIU i.LUUUl|l1 IlDll Other members spoke` to the same `ef- fect,- and it; was u1tinm.te1yAreso1\'ed that while the Council "would persist in their protest against such occupation of the water fronts, they would at the same time protect Mr. Simpson to the. utmost of their poweu uu_u:a uu v.uuu.r:Da LUU Uullllll M1`. Spencer protested :1g:1i11st any out- side inuence being brought to bear on the Council, and occupying time in mi mmcsessa1'y way. He would be no party to allowing obstructions tobe thrown in thway of any'nmn, and thought Mr. Sin1pson_A:~;ho111d have ever_y_ protection the town could afford him ; but he was .oppos_ed to the purchase of those lots in- front got` the water, which Mr. Simp- son sought to accomplish. r)H\rn- xnnn-\1\n1vr.v annlvn "/1 +1.:-t nnhxn .1-.4` uuu _lILlvI._n3 uh: 111110.) Lll.lIU Ll.t7U1JUL' \VH.Lt5_l`-_. _ M1; llsmwsort thought tlmti if people must drink beer it;,.sl1ouIdbe 1nad_e- as clzm as it could be, 11.. CI: ' '5 n - - - _,_,_ ,- _._ -_ _. ~...V. .. ....... --4-1.u-_. Sonic one asked hc-aw it was" that M15 Andex-ton, with al1`Mr. D\11'l1a.m'sini:, mcnse quaritity of logs lying to the right and left of him, did not experience the i same diiculty? A voice"--l\I1`; Ander_- ton _pu.t_s his pipes into deeper xiratein. , - V` n\v<-xnrl {.]1f\l'l.I1]I". '1vr.l- 1'? unnn1n uu.x-xcmn Lllilll =.:wx;-5111;-_', 11 .\\:Lu_`l'-`1.`11)l'. ' ()11:1n.)ii=uoi'M1'. >'p.:1c(21', .s'-Azoxnletl ' _by Mr. Jlurton,` it was 1'cSo1Vod,.i.]1: :t thir. `Council huxiing 1103111-witlx_ deep fu- gfrct Of the dc:nt_]x, :1{'t<-1' :1. short i}I11os.=i, of I Mr. P. .\l"cB1'iA.1c, Mu) for some yeru-`s pzist 1::1s-1iHcd :1 ililfipytli; :uu.1 laborious. ]n1b]icpo.s_'ition to the (:11ti1'0_sntisfz1ctio11 - of -the (,`o11m5iI, and t1m m:_1t(:ri:L1- .'1dv:u_1- {ago of the `u)v._'11,-tI_Ie (,`o'.:ucIl, while 1'0,- cu1` tlwir :.'en:-;(.-'ui' I ew loss thus ,=_m.=;-' -- tninvgl bythc t-av.-'n,:_dosi1'0 to e.\'p1'es.~: _ tlxoil-'sy111p:1(-I:_\" with iho l>r>1'o:'u'e'.1 family of the late Mr. EVIL-I`:rix1e in_ their sunsoll of s(,vr1-Kovking; and ihat't]1c M:1'yo1.:1ml ' Co1'pnrai ion, in th-cir Corlmmte caxpacity, }_n_v 1'c:~:]~cct to the Wm-_{1x um1'men10ry of ' the dccezxsocl, .1f::L('ez).xl_i1\_g' `his fiillcrul in z.'e:1sek1 f01tLI1\\'i'U'1. a body, on \\"(-I1\.br: 1_;cx. ; and tll-at the? Clerk t`o1-w:u`d _:1 `copjj of .thc forego-1 mg -;1'c-su1n'Liu11, to the widow of -the. de- ,-\ 1- V r `ix K/1's/(NIL u-0 LU \.U|.lM.l U_U-. V Mr. Simpson apparently forgetting that he was not at home rose sexfeml times to address the Council. 112. C4... -...,,,._,. 1 - 1` 1 His -.W'orshipA Mayor Boys inaugurated his oicial career by a wise act in advo-A eating thelprevention of the 'furt`her ab- soptionby private parties of the water lots still-in the hiinds of the G'o.ve1-'nment., A petition was presented to be forward- ed` to the`Commissioner of Crown Lands through Mr. Ardagh, requesting that these. lots be_.' reserved fo_r the benet of J the town. The Council were pretty u`nanimous'on this poiiit, and wereabout .t0`p:1SS the _resolution as recorded in an- other column. Mr. Simpson, who was present, asked and obtained leiweito ad- dress tho Council, which he didin a speech 'oi"some lerigtli, complaining of the inj111'y done to his water works by the placing of logs on the ice in front of his brewery. He expanded on the im- portance of his establishment, arid the loss occasioned by not gettingwatcr, and when it was got he said it was impure. Q._..;- i--- __I_.i.1 1 ___, ,-. 41,; 1'r,' W3 21 v{rH;it'}1ER ARE I . Is the Cou.zf.y' bf Sim- ` E the mapbf Canzida/ I If the gchemers 1d carry_out:their.shems, 9. square Patch bf about a mild would be all that would be left to us. _The peo ple-ofBar- 1-in nu-A .. .... _ 1-, 1 ..td be`b1ottd' VVelI, we arelsought to be cut `to pieces at the East and - North-East. ' Collingwood and its representatwe, are endeavoring to carve theCounty thin [slices in the `North-West ; onlthe `South-`Vest there is an e`ort ' being made to take off several townships ; and in view_ of the action taken by other sec- tions,` it `is said Peneta'nguishene,V the extreme.`north of the County, is on the qui-Vvive to supplement her Refo1'mato1'y by a Court-House and Jail, andlahsorh the \Vest halves of 01-0 and Morrison, and the ivhole of Ti_ny,Vwl1ich- has other- wise mercifully been left alone. ' 'T`l.2..' ...1--.._.L3..-_._, .y l'\ . VVW -_..._ ........J -.\.u.. Lunv SUAIIILLI Thiv advertisement in the Ontario Gaze'tte;a ppem's to be_ the cropping out of some Orillian Illsalxify. Vvhat a. pity it is the; Asylm. was e\_'e1'_1-nloved f;'o1i1f,l1at\*ilI_age.' ' H9 are .a go-o.-he`ad 7 7VVeo.reoi11y 3.1`P1`i.S9.d they don't want to annex I themselves to Kempenfeldt Bay,and erect itho Bay and their Corporation into a. 3 separate County`; 3 1" ,. .. .. ._ '. _. 4 V0 nd in the Ontario G'izzotle,'a. #9- tice `that at the next session of the gislature of Ontario, application Will be made for an Act to e1'ect.the Townships yof 'Orillia and Matchedaslx, Medbnte, Toy; ` the East half of the Town- ships of Orb and Morrison, in th Conn: ty of Simcoe; Mom. and Rama in tho County of Ontario, and Cardon, Darton and-' Ryde in h the County of VVic1A;oria, . into E new County, to beoalled Dnfferin, the Village; of Orillizi to be the County Town. ` h ' " T 5_l1%1m9et1.l.1'g 1 .~ n,.n...;.-.V._' -1. BIBLE` % .u\I n ` \'.'iUIi 1 1 THE NEW cpUi `SOCIETY MEETING. ,, , ,...---. -, ---y_---uvua I0 111! D9- yreaved. widow and -family.` .And that the ,1 clqrk be directed to ktr_9.pa.bmi: a copy ol this uecandaq by M r. bkrk hqditaolad ityilfiook 9fl_bio ` ' { V `by 2 ,..,,,.e. auuzlpaul, nun who was never known ` in one instance "during that period loehirk the duties or responsibilities of oice,and one `whose genial good_vnamre `and integrity of character won lor turn the a!_facnon`s of all ' with whom he had i'mercou`rae.-'-Andhthal 1 while deeply depleting the you this, Conhr_i' ` iaudlha Ootpogation of Essa have gnplained V jnhie deuh, |hOyfWODM~I_l10ll reupeellnlly 1 *it`ndrIheirhea11felt- aympglhues to hig bg. : vedo`. 3dDWf_In'Il,'fB_lIIJy'_ .,AI_u1 'um_ ' = ,Cl6;;k 3'diraoVled~:;tQ`.4l;gnImi$1. L uopyqotgnhio E E 'ruciu.t9Mm;Dv' ' 1; ` " Scythes, Ordered; That this Council cannot commence its inborn for the yeagwithout first placing on record the deep sorrow it feels for the logs or the lale_larnented Reeve,_George Davis, Esq, who died at his residence _in this Township, (in the 9th day of January inst. A man-who for upward; of twenty years was the faithful and zealotrs guardian of -the peoples interests, and `who was * one dnrinn nariml r..-.r.:--. .-auucl vvuuuu. nuaeung. Cooxsrown, January 20th, 1873. _i The Councilof Essa held their first meet-' mlito-day,por suan_ttoIhe provisions of the Municipal Institutions Act, andfseemed to deeply feel the loss of their late lamented Reeve, George Davis, Esq., as the chief busi- ' ness of the meeting, after their making the necessary declaration of qualication, and office, was devoted to do honor to his mem. ory. - . 'M_r. Tegart. senior Deputy Reeve, {was called to the Chair, and ea ed the Council `to order, . ' ` ` V ` By giving this letter an insertion,_ you will .........u. unnull LO; LOU : Ta the EtI_ilor of the Advance. Sm,-A letter was . sent to the Globe for pnblicntiqv, thinking it was important tlnt the athajian of the public should be called to the action of the NorthernVRaiI_road with reference to the tariffnn cordwootl, but it has not yet appeared in that paper, at which I must say` I was somewhat surprised, as I have hithertov-been under the impression that , the Globe was always ready to do, its best in. 1 helping to redress any pnblicgrievance, par.- 5 ticolarly when the ratlroads were concernett; and in speaking of the matter to several par ties since, [End the generalimpreasicn is,_ '1 that there must be some kind of ondorstanda. 5` ing between the Globe and t-he Company, as - we never hear a wont against the Northern ` Railway Company in that paper. obtige, v T \\.II)\/\l l\lLLAJ1V|1\Jl. ` V ' ;On motioxx of Sh`. Btmton, the Couli- ' ci-1 ad_jourm-d. ' ` wuu ussumetl iiie responsibility at getting up the Tea Meeting, and who sided with heart v 7l.'lld'W 11 by the elders, achieved a_ very sixc~ cessful meeting. The Trust Funds received a very handsome replenishment, and the people separated at a late hour, all more than satised with the Christian enjoyment `of the evening. . . ` ' A _ Much praise, isdue lo the young people who assumed the responsibility of Meeting, and with ham :uauut:l. ` ` Tue rendering of sacred music by the choir, was admirabl-, never exceeded, said Mr. Gemley, in his remembrance, and he wished it were pqasible to obtain Vlheir ser- vices Iorlhe Metropolitan Church in To- ronto. -` `n___L _ . - 1 -nu uuuy 0] me cuurcn. R. J.Oliver, Esq, our respected lownsman, occupied the _Cl1air,and by hislibarnlremaaks gave (one to the meeting, The Ravds. Mc~ Dowel! and J. Gsmlay a(lJresed lhs con- gregation in an entertaining, and instructive A manner. "r|___ _-._ I,,,!,. I` ` ` ` l.-noannluu 1:: arm \v:-1uurI;u in {ms place. On Momlgay evening the; bail sumanoned me peopla to the Tea Meeuiiumwhn respond - `ed lo the number of nearly 300 nersons. A-f- ler1)arlal:ngnflhe exce.laul thing ; provuled in the basement, lh9_ audience adjourned .10 the body of the church. R nl;vnv- pan nnr u-as-u.;.I'...l 4-...__-i-' The` :Wes1-zynn Methodist Church in Orillin heid the anmversary slorvicas on Sun- day and Monday, the l_.9th and 20th inst.` In Ilia Iunavniziahla nhcannn ..r .z.. n__ uay uuu munuay, me J_.Um and 20m inst.` the unavoidable absence of the Rev. John Gemley, whose occupance of the pulpit on the Sabbath day had been previously an- nounced.. the" Rev. Dr. Fowler, 'ths regular _ `pastor, preacheu` `morning and evening. On M-mdav Mr. Gemlev arnvmi nn nnlk yawn, pruuclwu morning and evening. Monday Gemley arrived, and with mm the Rev. D. McDowell of Barrie, whose prusence is ever xv:-L.-.>rr.e m this place. ()a' 1`. Iom!;a.v eveningrlhu bail um.-mm...I . - n---g-, -vuuu-5 -9 an--A, unnuurc, urea! Union 00. and Dassel [German Upright Pianofortes and others, which will be made known to pur- chasers when they call. 'l`ha Dasael German Upright isa beautiful litalevlnstrumont being the thing just suited to grace a small parlor, yet not looking out of place inn; large on.-. Two of these instruments have been sold in this town within aferv weeks and are giving the greatest satisfaction. This piano unlike Eng; lieh made piano: will notfall to pieces through the extreme dryness of the atmosphere of this country, but on the contrary have been manna lfactured expressly for this climate. The sale the German Upright commands, is immense, the were rooms in Toronto being cleared of them as fast as the y come in, yet they were in- troduced to the public only tlireeor four months ago. Price 7 $275.00.. Parties intend- ing to purchase 9. Decker, Checkcring, Stein- way, Dunham or"any other responsible maker, can save freight` and travelling expenses, by leaving their orders with J. "Edwards 8: Son. as n. 5 years wri ten guarantee goea with each instrument, and the instrument can be return- ed if not found satisfactory. ` For a cheap piano and liberal terms, cnstomsrswould do well to examine the Great'Union accompanies ench instrumant ` Tni gbluu R?o1.r`._.`-'-Lord Lytgdn, the ugh`. eminerit novelist of he`dny, has gone to his , rest. Baptist Noel, ugdiuingniahed Ieccdgr Aft-omtho Church of England is also dond. `Dr. Pusey. is rcpomd to be st the point ofdeatlra "Collision hcvwcen mo; Iing.-rant ship Nortiztiecz and an {In T [knot-.n Vessel. 5