-.D..u. 441:: I .. Also Valuer foxth Canada. Pe1mnn_eht Build- ing and Savings Society Toronto. - ` 1-U America. None genuine Without a fac-simile signature .0! H. E. McKan;ic,.M.D., Glag0_w. On each `X7:-n unnu- `HE. SubSc1'ib'v1"1`:e:.r_: to inform Mo i1:11;i!n:;t.s . . of Barrie, and t}1(*T1`n\'(*Ilir1;1Public, that he has an hand IIORSILS and ISUGGIICS f0r'HlR1C, at moderate cba1~ge;. __ ' _ Conveyance; to Ofillin. and 1 cxxet:mg11ishne. , W { g5ezAL [ lmsunmasa mm? H u an In Luuou 3: ...r Give t'lv1_e=Worm Qand y -_J 1..- ..:..:.....n {n mn " 11. .5. 1r1.cn.an.zw,v.:u...,., ......,-,.., _\Vrapper. , Q` Wholesale Agents for Canada East" and West, and onlyimporters,(to whom all orders should be addressed.) V" 3. l A. N. MCDONALD 65 Co., V Mcno1\?ALD ZEi5:Ed'3' l ~:BR';xv11.Lr-: , C.W. GENERAL .WI->IOLESAL,E~?."1G%NTSl:--Nor- ` throp G: Lyman. Newcastle, C.W.; Lyman,Elliol_ 65 Co., Toronto, C.W.; J. M. Henry 65 Sons-Ly- mans`, Clare _& Co-Kerry Bros. 65 Crathem-Lam- W & Campbell, Montreal, C.E. ' E. Healheld, on,o.w.; J. Wlnor as oq._.-_dam A - -. , ` . . ,,. CLAIMSPROMPTLY S1T'l`_Li3I). NEW {ETVERY STABLES. Barrie, August, 1866. LLVLI I U1\11`4L\.. Barrie, Sept. 24111. 1836. , _____ _. Barrie, Sept. 1866. BAR1"_1iE WERY. DUNLOP VSTREET, i3ARR_IE. WM. H. DOW 8.: Co_., A Corner of Kmg andAYonge Street. A.`l9Z` Dn.Mc. KENZI E's M. BURNS, GUNSMITH, &c., (I F|I=b{E.'_A'_ND LIFE. J.ANDERToN, tn 3...l`n...... A r:RE,4 l__ll:'li,W &' MAR|NE._ .:__._._ HENRY SEWREY. _ ' . .- _ 41-tfT 51-`. -11'. m~`.w.~\m>,` Jifanugrrr "I_'oron!o Bu . J.-\.`\II`IS El)`\YbARDS,V INFORMS"his for` ` mervfriends, and the public generally, that he has resumed business in the shop gum-.ly occupied by Mr. M_L-Kenzic, W'atchma- ker, opposite Messrs`. Ross , & Gilchristis Store, _ .&Co', TNFORMS" his Dunn 5`.:.....J- W. 1_x.'c12_osI3v'. JXLLIJDDI . Ig.nt,V Burrzc. r'Gl\4IrIvu J 41`-3ins i ' pack-v `dd by 36 and time '.i"H I.?.\'f'f0;\I PERMANENT ] BUILMNG & SAVINGS socnm. J AGrVnhzV\m"sv Temple of Fallion will be found rc- plete, at prices which cannot fail to suit pur- chasers. . V _ _ 16- RAKETS, LI'N'*s,a RETELS. FIRST PR -IZE PI{0VI;\'C`IAL EXHIBITION. UILDERS and Cabinetardware, Carpenters and other Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, House Furnishing Goods, Shooting and Fishing"l`ackle, Sporting Ammunition, Garden and Farm Tools, &c,, at Lowest Rates. - ' rn___._a.. A.....:1 1:313: ' in l_ uuv`-, -- ._- -. v..- -.__.--. Toronto, April; 1865. A FASFIIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, T ' STRAW GOODS.- GENTLEMEN S cnLLAns & VT|E8, A 1 &c.,T&c. V I V 1 1 His stock of Staple Goods h:\s:\1sojust~b(-mu ` largely increased. . - ` I'.. -11 I.2__.I- P Fancy` `AG-oods ; BRITISH AND FOREIGN ARD\VABE, , 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. -_ ; G M A I.`-`HI N ES '1` all prices, 1' from $12 tp $60. For .._I_ .._.I ..I._.__- 1.; L.....1 SE A [ROOT CUTTER 1 J)! I/'. e HE undersigned, in `returning thanks to his : numerous customers for their liberal patron- age during the past three years, has great pleas- ure in announcing that, in addition to the Bread and Biscuit Bakery, he has on hand a very large, varied and choice assortment of ` atpricea to suit the times. ` _ Special care taken in the -selection of 1-: -__- gn jjj 4111: ._. 5. \- Wincey from 7d per yard-Fu.ctory Cotton from 6d per yard-Stripe Shirting from 7d per yard-Bright Sugar, bad per lb-Tbbacco 15 3d per Ab--Tea. from 23 6d per _lb- best Coal - Oil 23 3 . V To convinc the public that this is the cheapest estublishmeut in Burrie,.s;u inspection `of goods and prices is respectfully solicited. KING S CASHSTORE BARBIE. . Q01-.0 01:! 1 9114'`. NATHANIEL K|qll|G.% Spring & % Sunfner Goods, H-ATS AND CAPS, . BOOTS"& SHOES, LADIES A-DRESS GOODS, ` GARDENM} +ov SPADEST. . s1>ABfNc._? FORKS, i..I-;1E`IE.;1'1\I_l3VREEN TEAS,_ |_3_r_riva {II}; I, la... A NEW no 'FASlll0NABLE_ srooaj J: rt`: -CLOTHING: ENGLISH _B_gN Housl-:. BARRIE BAKERY W .B. O. begsvrespectfnll to announce to the I . inhabitants of Barrie dthe surrounding country, that he has purchased premises inte- ly _occupied- by Mr. H. Doug Dunlopstreet, Barrie; and intends carrying on by iness in the above line, _and.Imving learned his `I ado in the . City of London, Eng1an.1, and having` can-ied_on an extensive business in the above line in this County for eleven years, feels condent * giving every satisfaction to all who may favor hi `lwith their patronage. - . j _ Subscriber has on hand a large and" well assorted stock of G`enem1Meu-hanudize, con- sisting of `mam? @@@E89 @mTmw@9 f`. A DDINIEQ v-----:---u&v1 A 1'.` f6A'R"PETS, , A * lGH0BEH|ES, BBOBKERY, HARDWARE; 1 V COAL UIL, &c., &c.. I All of which will be soidat prices which canhot fail to aslonish the general public. A few start- itig prices are given :- \`U:....... (L... I-ma , u 1: . n -V `TnmrI1:s1am 2 TRAYED into the subs;-ibex- s preuiises, aboui Id 1st September, a GRIZLED COW, 4 years 0 _ V _ . The owner can have her by proving propert and paying expenses. If not claimed in :1 mon she will be sold to pay expenses. . ' . . nnnnr Lnwm House, Carr Age," & Sign Painter, 'G'-raz'ner, Paper\\'anger, and Geneml .Ho;zse Decorator,"-Dubzlop St. Barrie. fAGOUIIMINTEBINBARRIEATLAST; -%io At Reduced Prices. ;AxssU;%:.wQE[ COMPANY! For sale; at lowest Prices. Cuts different. sizes for sl1eepVorA Cattle. Price $15 . `Orders by mail promptly lled. .Se[,t_ gm, 1360. Shanty Bay, Oct. 1st, 1866. i` priceshhggg L sale and always I Ic THoMASTGaAHAM Aoflhe _ncwes-t and choicest styles. JAME`? PZ;"`.`. . -H-.", l)IP)!`.'FE!`. 01" ESTRAY cow; ' 1"AR.\II~II1.\f Aundufroqncmly tlxrrc is now on usc~]|cup':1si11 n PATENT.` TURTNIPV OR .JJVhI, J-ILL` LU-In Garden T00ls,`ill `Se7fss,_}!-zc. 2*`; ` K ` 3>\ \`` ':[)l:j)1\I T00LS.i G'1%Af1:1t:x .VI S [Eli ! mrmmm consisting of "1 `has just received "n. all kindsof. J. B. RY?" _ 114 Yonge Street, Ta hm. .I ]uu::las `-.'\.`lIl1 Steel Mould Board ; Cast .lVlou_ld Boards Cultivantorsu; Horse` Hoes ; l load :~`c1`n..por.'.x; Hay. Rakes ; Plough Polnts ; Mould Boards ; Sugar Kettles gaud 3 e\'vr'_V'dCScl'i})ti01l of this kind of Work.` T _ i _ _ . ` ; .V`0R'I`H ERA` .\ mas. 1aARR1E 0- U. lu.I..:L.\, " 114 Yonge Street, Toronto . ng from to `a.p&gd. ` T R1. CAPON, _ Agent, Dunlop _ `feet Barrie. \ ROB"l` _LOWE. |eo,99o BusiEi:.go;_y1;eat| .. nnA1-nan f11 Il1\` M HENRY CRESWICKE, Ju._, 1 Provincial Land Surveyor TTATJTRD Ins 36-3m.p.e. I LAEANDER` s. SANDERS, | WATCH T AND CLOCK-MAKER, N l\ }\ 1 0m 1w ()_[]Eu', 3 door.' ms: _()fFz11')'(I:2'/u")"'s Hotel, I: Dunlap Slfeclv, Ila rrin, AS just received a. new stock of fnslnionable jewellery ~onsiating ofstec-land Jet Brooches a.ndAEaring-'4, Finger Rings, solid Gold and Silver Chains, Toys of all descrimions, Violins, Strings, &c. ` ` ' - 11.1,: .....a un...... 'u*,.,.1..... ,.r .1... Ln-:6 ....-.1.,....'. 1 Ta. W. HASTINGS, % IWATTC/H& CLOGKMAKE 3A NEW s'mcT"Jus1" Anmvm. F you ..`mnL good and cheap \\':a'l(-.1103,` Clocks, .Je\vellcry, ElectrovPlmed Ware; Spectacles to suit all sights; Violins and Strings; Concer- tinas, Fnnc_v Goods,- &'c., go nnd see J. W. Hus` .lin'gs. , , - 1 Watches from $5.01) up -svurds. ! Clocks fro_m$2.50 upwards. - ' -Spectacles from 25c., upwards. A W'u[c/ms, Clocks, and Jewellery neatly R(`p(m`(r1 and t ' 4 lVu_rrm_1Ied. - ' Jail and examine bewc going olswliore. ` |,Bai'i`ie, Nov._, 18G5._ _ ' 45- - Evvswlaw, SURGEON & ACGOUGHEUR, | 4 V THORNTON, co. smoo1:. Sufgery af Mr. Caruthers dwelling hduse. N.B.-Particu1a.r attention paid to diseases of women and children. ` 25-ly for which `the full value in Cash will be paid. E._S. CU.u.\1ER, * At Fmser s Exchange. N .B.-Farmers who would rather deliver to me at Lefroy may do so. 39- E R (3. V JOHN `F. DAVIES,- ACCOUNTANT. COLLECTOR, CONVEYANCER; 1NSUR.dNC'E,L.dND 5; GENER.4_I{,GENT, - COMMISSIONER IN 12.12., 'c., ' ` , BRADFORD. ANGUS BELL,-T Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Conunssloxicn m B. R.;_ Convnmcsn, &c. ....-.._.-_ . q--sun .-- - AN buhonsxllted at his office, in rear "of Kel- rnan & 0039 Store, and cm: supply the vari- ousomoepatlxic Medicine:-3 f,o1:h1miIy use. Barrie, Jun., 1865-. -` 1-I S2./Ln`;-/'7;z*(Z (7aj5z'taZ, One 1z'lZ7b7z Sig; ! Watches am} [Clocks ('1(`f1ed and repaired.` All [work warmuted.`. 1 ` V _ i Barrie, 1\Iay, 1806. _ I _50- f251!'!,,..,B.UHEl=n,WHET,i ! Oats. i=;ei ':%7eii31'3;%29z"I>ork.% `I1 l\A\flT\Q!'\'\'Y' WIJSTEBN ASSURANGE COMPANY. CAPITAL - 7 c0n.o.\n:n 1-`onnwmc C0U;\'"1"Y OF SIMCOE, WHEAT 1 WTEEA1` 2] - I Em?! COARSE ?}R'.?.t;-INS wantgt-1 at "Barrie, Haw/cstorze, and Orillia, A`..- ...L:-L .n__ L_n 4,1,, 9,, ti-_L _:n L. _-:_1 Kelr'm_1n s immediai smpervision. vunr .. . `v A 4-. 313" Prescriptibnys cam;-f'11'l`I_v put up. nnder'Mi`. , fm England Iuu L3uU:ClIUL'H". to their now com me ENGLISH DRUGS, and DRUG : FURNISHINGS. Havingimported diu g the . have woulu araw z_uten- ; plate stock, in 2' present season, they % AVHOTEL, W} D.\ m: I r;t<`;11\'TY 01-`. SIMCOE C.W. | BOOTSZAND SHOES, &r:., &c., am of which he'is SHERI.DAvN S (A3`HEAP$'I`ORE,. V VMARKET SQUARE, L ` A COLLIER STREET, RARRTE. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the inha- bitants of Barriennd surrounding country,- tbat he has on hand a large, sensonable, and well _ selected stwk of DRY GOODS: GROGERIES, { HARDWARE; RE.-\.DY-MADE CLOTHING. i pt-_epa1-ed to sell _at _ V (If? Th: Lowest Przces f0 ! Cash only! Pnrna rnn`(:nn nnz-nknnnn ..l_.,.I.1 2_..._--L L!-- Paints, Ozls, Va7'7z2lslLes,Sp'ces, Dye+Stufs, Pei;/um_ery, Fancy A'rtz'c/es, Patent Zlledicines, J-c. _`_ _V___>__,V..,....- `....v..u [Ur uuoou uluy I Pnrtvieis making purchases should inspect 11 stock and priceshefore spending their money. 10- . BERNARD SHERIDAN. % `MEDICAL HALL, % DUNLOP .S'I`REE'I`, B_AR.T{I_E. |CHEAP goons Aaocizwe Coroner for the C:>u_n-t{es of Simcoe - and Grey. T April 13; 1865. EU. _ Gold. and Silver Watches of the best nmkcrs. Alson good 'a.ssortment of Croquet sets. Barrie, Jnn., 1965. MA`. L`; J] ARK S, P7'oprietfess. A M i J 0 _l1 N Mo W A 7 `T, `.Superi*7zte72dent. iiEN1{Y isdizs 11%c:'c5L,` ~I\x}15., j Lamps, 'himr1eys, &c. "VV'.A.Z|!\'|"I'2E]D,, CLOCKS'FRO.\I $2.25 L'PWAI .DS. OF MERCHANT.;BZEW QU;\'LI"T\?.- Front Slrocl, .'z( .`_cl In Frusn"s Holt]. onnuinnn BY ACT or PARLIAMENT. DR. 1.. .OL|VER, \vIVI\ vunn mvvn 1'1:-\v'\vrv1>v nn .-urn: always up lxand. l;cin;.r, supplied fegularly | _ from the Oil Mztrket dirt-ct. -"Cash paid for any qlinntity bf T1`.ITI.<,l1';z.;.H_.D Hmyr and favorably known to the ..~mx1a:~.:; coraaxuuity, is` now condltcted b) , the pl-o1xim~~[ and is ululcr the superintendence of 311'. John f\;\V:LtI.' ' Imyirnlfgzd fmxh New York, `and o`ere'd :1! the lmvegt. (`ash pri:-es. Rock Q11 * . HE Snbscrib-31`? wouid draw i_itten- to complete 2 .. l'.`\T!`1l 1 Ol 1 'I'\r\r u sun I SINGHAMPTON CANADA Besides a1vlm`ge' sscrrtrxxzlnt of JEWELLER, &c., .AI\`I) J1-:\'`ELLm:, AI}U3R, &c., "_..\m 1865.-' ...j:... The hv: (]'l:ll;.lia "13." '13'Av1.Ds6:. Y_.__, :\ N & C0. _- $400,000 BARRIE; his ir mnm-Iv, u\I-1o Lmrnor. K] LIIIKIJ iug, Jzc. Cu1m'm,-x'c'm1 travellers will'nd' ample ac- Cf;ni110J:\i\J11 fur showing samples.` .'3":`n~u . . _ . . . .. u . -,____...i `.7: 4- Barrie, May 16; T1860. . La.dies"EnameIled Kid and Prunella. Gaiters, i Buskins, Boots ; Gcnt s Calf, Kip and Course ; 1 Misses and Children s, of every variety and style, which will be kept constantlypn hand, AT PRICES NOT` TO BE UNDERSOLD! A ANDREW GRAHAM. D......!.. H'....1n -uann 1 or Barrie, May 16, 1860. A `VERY LARGE nd compiete Assortment of. Ladies"Ename1led Kid and Prunella. Gaiters,` D.mb:.... n....a... n....n.. (`-15 17:- .....a l'I...._..... % BOOTS '8; SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Enginerfs Oice, N.R.C., Sept. 28th,18G6. 1 I I A WBIITIIERM nmwnvf . . OF CANADA. T 1 [ '1-:E=1\5r:::>_Eg:=1s ...u uuv cu.-}n_v U1 : Cross%-Ties and Cordwood, n:-{no an nnnnina u.-hug. Innu t... ......o .,. .1..- E | --vv-v-- i~--vi '----v- TTZXJU during the ensuing winter, may be sent to the Voice of the undersigned. For Ties, on or before the 20th Oct. next. For Cordwood 10th Nov. next. Specicationsnnd forms of Tender can be seen on application to the Station Agents. rt '19 ..n--..-.. Leather! Leatyerl! Leather ! Ea !.i1E E3;70r1s, Eron "furnings, and every description of V cfzastings`. T AGRICUL URAL IMPLEMENTS. VPANISH so1e,s1.ng1.:er, Upper, Kip, Cal 5 Harness, Binding. Lining, Sboemakers Find- mn kn, //7 for" tube :uppl_v of .. . til __g..__. 0. Vi . .\i0BERLY, (`Inf Rnai ANDREW GRAHAM. l-tf upunu 1, Chief Engineer. 40-4t Will nd in our. present immense stock 9. large variety of articles suxtable for thelr respective trades. During an absence of ve months m Europe, I took aglvantage of the depressed conditio of the several markets, and purchased goods at Immense reductions, especially in rmanyjust before the'-war. I therefore oer to hr- "` 1. ref - t 8 mam ["43 n $z3$:DPAoKAGEs. .g;u -,\.t-..-I'._.. a .:-.. Vol..- .'ula'.{l.. rnl1I'I'IoIE`>"I(Illll` nnrrlnnf. nallino `sit either Of 0111` ".`VVCIDVO'uUO8o 'U8.l8l0gll8S Ol'l_ appuimuuu. j september.1866- , aoasa-rA .WlLKE8. Toaotrro, 48 6: 50 Yonge Street. | MONTREAL, 441 St. Paul Street. N.B.-Sole Agency "for The Canada Watch Oompany, London, the only reli. able` guaranteed watches in thgwcountry, at all prices, from 40 dollar: up, to ,be~had ofgll whtohnuhn. p ` . 391319 |n o 3 E: I L 1: 1:: s, 111:`.-<;. 0;-`Lz`z;-Co1'uhiI1,London; England. (`.,\'.-v .z\x 111:.-xxcn OFFICE - Merchzmts Ex- .m1x'0ul. ` ' 1b.. - A l.-.. f`....'n..n| \1nnnnvnu-:3 And 9, Well hssorted stock ofTwo and Three Ply, all \Vool,Kidr:1inster Carpeting, Dr-tggeling Hearth Rugs, &c. Tux Usmu. ASSORTMENT or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, &c., ALWAYS 0:: mm WQW {*.@_@e@@$ @3a``- 3?.3}` ; SHAWL;`MANTLE CLOTHS, >Cana.dia.n, Scotch, and Wegt of England Tweeds, General Merchants, Drug ists, Hardware Merchants, Dra ers, as Ann, nun E`;-an-A. (zap-5.1:: lllllm Tlfllpfg, AH0siery, Ilabcrdashery, -Gloves, Flowers, `HATS, BONNETS, PAP.Aso|Qs, &.c. SPRING_8;;_SU1VIM]a_3I{ DRESS GOODS. .._- _.-. -1 _ -:-n -1 nut psounacnn v , HOTOGRAPHS coloured to suit customers, old Pic-turcs copied and p1l(>TU- l T graphed and enlarged to any size you wish. 7 ` 1 have been constantly` engaged in the Art in all its lzrnnclxes 19 years and fee`. 1 myself capable to produce . Pictures equal to any other-mam, at the same price am! Umade in the same way.. ` M No copies given unless under :1 verbal or xx xitton order ufllu: subject. Nlf SPRING GOODS r BULLO C K G LE R Y H1-i1;I-(I-` K : F1` mg m. g -WES. `Barrie, 30th April, 1866. Has-much le ' - . -. 7 I P, asure m announcmg to the L:ul1e.*:u l' ]`mrrne.:1nd the surrounding country, !hut Latest-Designs in Paris and 10:1 and Mantle-s. The above Gallery is now open from 8 a.m., to 12, noon, and from 1 to 5 pm. MILLINERY sa<>%w ROOM You can depend on lmvinga good Picture if you sit still. Barrie, June 24th, 1866. Hepledges himself to offer his entire stock at prices which are certain to com. mand a quick sule. ' Barrie, Sept. 26, 1866. ` - T . _ 37. <:m.rm1: MAUNDRELL, _ TI Auc `um & Commission Merchant, `l\7~}~.. ` ' ' ' ` 7 ' V ' " U " ' ' ' ` C CUTLERY, GOMBS, ELECTRO-PLATE, FOREIGN AND GENERAL - FANCY GOODS, &c. . 36- PRESERVING SUGARS, Agr CHOICE TEAS & FRESH GRUCERIES 48$ & 50 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. TIIOMAS Mc@EE?MEUK, V - his Extensive Millinerv Show Boom will be .,~pcncd for tho sczison by Mrs. McCormick, who will have much yllvzxsurc m slzuwylg the Sugar, 11 pmnuds for $1 ; Y-mmg Hyson Ten, 4-0, - 50, 60, 70 and 90 ms. per ;m:m.i ;. Blur-k [`ez1,;';0, G0 and 80 cts. `porupmmzl. CHOICE I !`.:\;~.l .- (W Wl-llSK1'IY:;~, WINE, A ' _ Bl- .AI\'-'I.)Yl:`._.S`, .:c. 01'? Just received a quantity of Lyma11 s1 :x1c:xt PM-snrvv Jars. $67700 JUCTCILHTIB5, urug 1855, -l-l-UITUI/W' 4'-`-_"' '""'") -""%""" well as Fancy aods gealers, Jewellers, and Watchma ers, 7 , ,,-_A,_ .1 _.,.:_I-_ _.-.'o._`LI.. I`... H The SL1bscrib$;'.have received a Large and Well Assorted stock of ' . t V . t, he 11 Jug BI-IGS toiufurm the Public mu` Op` ` ce` . the convent ._` nod the above} M?g to1ousehold Fun" of those desirous oF,d15P5` 3` ture,Sto descriptions re Goods. or Cb`t1e1,:;?tt:.!':c.. 430-`: by Horses, Cattle, Farm Imp 9 pnk1?- ` ' ggvovar-raga . erohant in :.`w"h"1e Province sho hues. "C t 10 1 1' at` n.. _h_ a1a.aa`\mgteson.app 1c no On T/zm'sday,> tlw git]: Q7` Ciictiobcr, CIE"IE].\'l I]SI'G- 31?` `FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. -AK.so- 441 s1`. PAUL smnm, MONTREAL. All kinds of Pictures mndr in 1lAu- Art PHOTOGR 1>I-:r_>~>, Colxie a11d4' See 2 PHOTOGRAPHS $2.00 `PER DOZEN. MIL D UNLQ1 ~ S'I`REE'V. BAR R115 . `U oeococaosearco VWHOLESALE DEALER IN !J.VlJ'B>'_l.`ul.l'.(1\/l.\.t1\:t.I.'4n.7. ,_ V ovinoo should neglect calling at either of our Nun 51-min - RUSSELL BR0IHE1;. October 17 ,l866. RICHARD POWELL. S. BULLOCK, ` Artist. . ndon Millinery BARR1ET%A"Ul"3T-I-0-N MART I-UK} 19- `Hi-` Stihscribef having completed his estab1isl1ment, and secured spine of the ; 7' . .!,-mt \'.'orkmen- m the country, IS now prepared to do all kmds of. salt Gonm `I3? 'l`hc,`{ Irmm-,-' _ E.\'('("l\ ....\x In, B:u"rie, {gm FALL lMPOR'l`A'l`lONS. V1866; 7 I:2( ;`H.\ \.'(`IS RICHARDSON, Presidnt. .\iI'H|I'I`. LEPAPER, Vice-President. . Lbs Torn ,0/'cm`(Z ]:zu-szzant to the Acts of the '.P/z.z.'i;zcz'aZ `Pa7'Z2'ament; T ;g{;:.%.m`Aa`%or 1864. mcmav To LENDQ r.om: [AND o Volume H. 1 :.'-:. ~ -7 v_ .l.`U`17.x'.5`. Smuv and Felt Hats Cleaned and 110 the present Fashicu. ' 7' :1=.~'m".ment of Millinery of-th latest ~` on hand. . - - -H DnnIc_p.Slreet--Opposite King s M TBOURICY, ,:rr, 6-c., from London, Englaml ), .:x1`.,mx,`t1:e Lixdis of Barrie and vicin-T she is now prepared to exer-.ute all Hi..cry in the Latest Fashions and . 4 \ Bouacj, ' 0/7 Dr17vl_<>;r and Market Streets, Barric- I.UUN 1` S: `BOYS have removed :~ In. (lhmnbeys to Mr. McConkey s new I_:.Ei;.::. one door Wes-t ofthe Barrie Hotel. :1L(`lm 3 .. . mm, ls! Uctober, 1366. :me now repeiying our usuql full supply of seasonalile DRY GOODS; `to which we 111_v}tetl1e'attept1on of our customers andfriends in thefsNorthern =hipS, when vlsmng the c1ty.. . 7 _:..,. nI1`IY -in h`o':n Gnu-an :c:11`riCd on as usual, only a belter_ description of Pump will "be. made, if '_..d'-E:- ; lmving Iugtter faclhtles m the shape of steam po\\'m' and other V I ' improvements to make them. V " S - , 4 I WILLIAM DOW & co. `nt stihling nd a nreful hostler. am April, 1806, vxuzui I":-rwslmlrl security, and at n'1od.c-.x`41te ; `.81-p`:o1x1be1`, -'1SG>6.- Ar of IEIOHARD HIN.DLE,| an J)zs0Zz`e2it. - ! iv rqcc.-u>;T111', Solicitors. .E;;ncd has been appointed Assignee :xl1CI`, and requixjes c1aims_to be filed rmlhs from this date. ' nu-chill, in the County of Sih1coe,' _\' (If UCIODCI`, A7-D7. 1866., HENRY SLOAN, Knnznnnn j. \\ Hull vlaumus \-AI\d V1: 0- fprice only in plain gures. c1ub_Cl' 3rd, 1866} 1` .1t., few doors West of"C1mrTc.h A - 1- I 1. > `r4, Ca-nTe1-al .\Ia_1mgers. ` _- .V . wILL1A;\I HOLT, '-A gent for` Barrie. nu. ` V . 23-ly p rm: CLARK, Solicitor. Socmtary and Treasurer. T A _ . ' ~.' AND OTHERS who have long wanted such an es:ablisl1ment,i y asked why there was not one in Barrie, will be glad to learn that 1 me in full operation, where they can get their work (lone as good and I any other place in Canada. T , V -A " A --n-nun`: n\I-IAlR-l\1 (L1M'1TED.) LJLALIIIAAIS ...-...r---. V sszlocked with the best wines an .u:D.-mu 3; ARDAGH, $-l!..!....._ Y3-.. THE P UM17:'_1')f13AR TMENT ' """"""Y Solicitors, Barrie. 2-tf a~v.--., A Assignee. 41-`BL 37-tf` 1841) \VH.ll LHC L\U_`;'('_H lIISllI'ilXH.'U l_:UL'I[HlIl_)'1l.ll CXLHI. H1- surance -of_ FIFTY_ THOUSAND POUNDS on 01... IA... ..-....` At` (`.\H.H...1l :v\n1|Ir1:v\ri' '41. '...~... \ BUl'cl.UUL'g'VUl_ `l`1I'.lJ.` .lfl\JU)3'A`\L\JJ LULZLVIJQ UH ` the building of Guildlmll, inclu(ling' tl1e_'new ` erectiontlings, nnd'con1ents. ..---.-. wuu, EGS to inform the Public that he Ims.com- } `menced his FALL 1$RI;`\\ I.\ G, and has now \ on hand a FI11lSt0(=1i'of \'c1_y SUPERIOR ALES AND PORTER. ' ' I) ......:.. 0-..: nAn. inns - r-A In making thislannc uncoment, he begs to .113- sure the public that all orders with whiclr he may belavored will be attended to with tl]C-S8I11(` care and attention as formerly. L FISHYNG TACKLE, Arms and Ax11i11unition, with every requisite in the sporting line constants 3 1y on hind. " \ 1 n..._..:.. 6-..; 1:3/Vo ' ' no 1 _ -.._ ..-...-. ` `,` The Committee for tl:_e city entortainnzent to the Prince and Princess of \\':1-los 1mVejn:~:t Aetfc-cted with the Royal Insurance VComp:1n_y an extra. in- :11mn'm-;.nf' FIFTY I`H('H'TR-A NT) PUTTNDQ nn A. DAWDSON, 1}:.;;c'~}}}:: QRESUMED S BUSINESS. The countenance pale and leaden-colored with occasional ushes,ora circumsc-ribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilute; an` azure semi-cir,cle_ runs along the lower eyelid; the nose is irritated; a swelling of the u{:-. e per lip; occasional headache, with humming oft ears; an unusual secretion of` saliva ; furred tongue; breathvery foul; appetite sometimes. vo- racious,-with agnawing sensation at the stom- ach, at others entirely gone; eeting `pains in" the stomach; occasional nausea and vom- iting; stools slim ;not unfrequently tinged with blood ; bellyvswol en and hard ; urineturbid; respi- ratiou occasionally ditiicalt and accompanied with hiccough ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grind- ing of the teeth ; temper generally irritable, etc. . When any of those symptoms occur, ~-~ - -_- pm I 1' I J!_J_-`4_ Vanna um-- .- -_,-, I It cannot harm your child, and by iving it in 1 you will save your offspring mnch suffering. I T V .... -s nr,1r-_._:_ ..............I a uiigh ,1]-mg essed a wish [that this yuu Wu: navy Jvun ......r....u Old Dr. .Mc-Kenzie expr Remedy should be put at sue able all, the poor especially, to use it. In dc-fexence to that wish, we have put it atthe following price. . -1o_.-,,I3__. [gr . _ huh`!- h a price as would eng IV IIIIOD IVIUAI Ivw--cw r.-~ V 113" Prxe only 7}d steriing, (I.' ~ age, or 23 (60 cents for tour r. everv Druggis! and edicine Den .- Amenca. fac-sit: H. E. MGKUn`i`t-`MuDI, lcapitaig-aTwo.Mfi.il1iio:is Sterling. Fzmds z.'n> Iza7zd;;Eig]zt Hzmdrccl 1'/mu- I sa7_zclTPou22(Zs Slc2jZi7zg; M a