tiou. I ' - `A"VH[;'r[L\'G-SlX lines or under, rstinsertion 50; c.-tch snhset1nent.9nc 1250.. Over sixlines, - 1.; per line, tlrst m_sertton; ench snbseqnen one 40. Prntl-ssi or Business -Cards $4 per yen; 5:: t'or six months, if not more than ten lines. Special contmcts c.'tn he ntmle by the ye:tx',<)1`pat1'ts of st year. V0:-ders to discontinue Advertismnents to he made in writin{_r. No paper discontiulxetl until all atrrearnges are `paid, except at the option of the publisher. I`m_v'n,\'(`., B()l_'H{BIN[)l.\'G !.nd.IlL l.lN(: done on the prexnise.-1. The facilities of the Estnhlislnnent , are more complete than any other Nortlt of Toronto, having. been carefully` tted out in e\'cx`yp:1rticular.V , ` ~ . - Communi'crttions should "be addressed to the Bub- lislmr, post-paid. ' ' ' D. CREW. ' ply BARBIE, C.W.,WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1866. ,,9."7 . __..___~_.____,_ . _ .-..._. _._._____.____._._.___.._....___._____._ nus mes T0 suv Youn Goons? Co.rner of Goidwater and Peter Stlfesa known stand of.tl_1e late Mr. Adam Paw nn1t~1 1 A ' cocK:BUBNi=s- M0NTREALsT9B 1 L. [7 GILMAN WILLSON, * momma STBRE, I` MUSKOKA ROAD. 4 iGENER3if 7Bif@?R:IANT, EDRYQGOODS, - U ' GROCER.IES,'HAR])WARE, A CROC-KERY, &c._. &c., _ DR. A11`1A1UR A11ij AE1-Ii, MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. adapted for country tra.de._ APrnduce'takc_n in exchange for Goods. Z13 Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County, of Victoria. A V . BRACEBRIDGE, Noam FALLS,; T 10th July, 1866. 29-lyv r 3EVW -B1B5E;&%5TR, __.,,_ .__...._ _...._.__.___- W I and e adapted for the Courit.yAtrad;3T,Tnnd which will be sold at uuusua.lly.low prices for cash, or marketable produce._ . _ . T\T.I".,_.\In:m-2. [`nrnor Rn Cnckernll `nre nlsm :BAR well stocked with the choicest brands of ' Liquors and Cigars. Good 7Stab]ing` and attentive Ostlers. Boats and Fishing Tackle kept constantly on hnnd for the convenience of tourists intending to ,visiL Spnrrow_Lake, and the adjacent shing grounds. JV _ . N\..-....-\1x.'n`1;npfr\t`l`;l'\T\ .Tniv16.'18G6. 29-lv r WV? I9.I'KCI8.DlR pI'OUU('.(`.._ N.-I'3.--Messrs. Turner 8: Cockerell `are also agents for the purchiase of all kinds of FUR, for which we highest price in'cn3l1 will be given. (1 ,,,, n tJ,_ Il.,__I_1IAL'1nI\II 11 ma ' - _ and intermediate points, CONN_ECTIr\fG' TRI WEEKLY WITH SAlL~BOA1` on LAKE R.CSSIE!A.TJ';- GW?N.H]UJB$T ,TQ_F]ALP0RT:\ Shenlso connects with Daily Line of`Stages from \vAQnAr1n Mn.r. M QRVRDN Y.A'K`DIT\"('1 tn TERMS $1 per year In advance; `Toronto, N.,Mi1,loy. Orilliaz J. P: Agent at. A 1) ' nnntznnnxr 28-1-7i DUE IHSU UUHIICUIS Wllll lJ2$I,I_Y IJHIU Ul Dlllgf |l'UlH WASHAGO MILLS, or SEVERN LANDING, to I the BIG BAY of MUSKOKA. _V - ` umm Baawaav, ORILLIA_. .._....?-.. ,JAcKsoN s L15}: or P1_}.I>CES. } BYMESSRS. TURNER & CO(',Kl3REVLL,' EER, 20: per gallon. , the cha.ra.ctexis'ic3 tains great body, and is SOIIX`. 'DAT '|'4DT'l"l`T4`D AT 13` 1'1lJl'J D11 Lulu nun, AUU UUL gain. Lwuu, `Ill avoured-.-excellent for bottling, or present use. nun MDA mm: ALF`. am. nnr mm Riz-,h wit na.voureu-.-excenem lUl' U0l.u1ug,ur prczsunu use. ' CHAMPAGNE ALE,30c per gall. Ric11,with great body and transparency--highly recom- mendgd. -_ _ - - LONDON POR 1`ER-XX. 25c. ; XXX, 30c. I Y.-1rnnn a Qnnrlzlinn n|mnnnn5n'nn Ala nn Hr-nf'f.' J LULVJULV I.'UlVl.'I!4L\a`-'4I\A; auu. ; AAA, ouu. - Jackson s Sparkling Clmmpnigne Ale on draft and in`bo1-tlesgt most of the leading hotels in the County; ' Mn. 'm0nxA}s `GRAHAM is authorized to tak orders, and grants receipts for accounts- > V ARDAGI-I & A.11DAGH, 7 > Barristers & I Attorneys, I vunncv -r\r nu \ 1\`riu.`T)\' O1`ce-C hurclj Siroet, next door to he old Court House; Toronto. M. c. cm_xmoN.- D. u uc1;'.un.. o." M nucn.imI.. February, 1862, - b ' ' T1 CAMERON, MCMICHAEL 85 Ma; % L `MICHAEL; ; % BAR_RIS;TERS_.* % Ann \ 11' f Ori1lia,._1 ltb' i}ay,_1_866. I _ 4. . ' gun . _- - _ V . 0Imon`-,'-Western_ `Assurance ?Bui1di_ngs,. Church - -V ` - St_reet,Toronto,`0~.'W.=' . 3 Angus Morriso,nH - - - .- - _D:,A-.'S_ampizonV' I V'1`o_1-qntp, Nofember, 1859. ' ` ~ 1 ' 1,\10iRP.i,soN 3; sAVM1=s_o1sI,V 3.2131213 TERS, ;./2 TTgRNE rs", SOLICITORS, HENRY.ROBERT:Sb'1`T:,~ L.L.B{, Barriater and` Att9rn9y+atrLaw. anrrrumhn ..im ni1.in\1nPn'V_ . irounus. . V I 'l`ownship 0f Morrison. July 16, 1866. 29-13? Jauqoagvva Uinnvy _-.---..__ .-`, ...--._.,_ -. , I . . . . A .s'oLIc_1T_o12.:-_}c1;fgNcER1;: `_ Notary` Public,% conveyamper; nnn i nnnn cII'I\\T`l'.V` TKY V `D . ...v ..-a..\_.... F..- Sesfern Bridge, March 1 1th, 1366. -..:_ `OFFICE - Hunour;:Ln1o.TS1'nin19'," '( }onxQ1iGwoop, _1N ove'1::.!j5er,:~vl`6`2g.V`V.v* .,; , `.'._. 5-:0. `BALL , T % Camenter and Builder, -....-..- Ia-o\.l nu`. -- ens: Brace Bridge, Indian River, Ullf. -PALE BI'1"1`ER. ALE, 1 n rvnn rnr`__nvnn'Hnn I fnr H. J. nivnmnr nonmson. S l`EAMER "j_\7ENQNAH,. CHARLES MCKENZIE, T Q . APROPRIETOR. 5 IIXEDE thy keep constantly oxi hand a. well ` ' selected and general stock of ' ` -r\T\19- /~r\r\v-\r~q -u----- giz .Dgei;ee_ Claz'ms praecuted, _ G0i.`;1ISIONER_INj 13; 12., DRY GOODS, GROCEIUES," . - HARDWARE, 'PA,TENT._MEDIC]NES, &c., BARBIE AGENCY. WAsu1.\'G I\'I.aA1n"NE IVTANUFACTURER, V BARRIE; .U.|TWork in the above-line done with punctu- ilhiy and on the" lowest terms. 1 Eb TET . BB.RISA 1`E_RS,_&c., cin_u c11 smite-et, '1*or'o`n"u'; ~ _ and dealer in an kintis of '.Txs':EcT1:T':?oAnT 7RZtIi.\*s DA1I.V51Z 1ir{O.{1_ TdRoNTo. LLAVNID A'GEmA'],` &.,V ' &c.V A. P," QOCKBURN, prnnrip. This Beer possesses all of _the ner sorts, c_on- wnrranted not to turn ,25c e: gm Rich, .m1j; hnlinnr nr nrnannt nap ter Streets, tl.1e7\;ve.. Patterson, ORILLIA, G.W. 20-Iy p r V ILL attend at his Oicea "'_B,;Tie;neY$l?: ` SATURDAY. from 1| a.m., nll . 11- -1 C0r~1in_c,r to order of Couricil and every 0? day at his Utce at Cookstown. . 1 Barrie, Feb. 17, 1862. _ Jbxm x'1 mmn. KDU l\l`, Proprietor. `BOOT7S_' an SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .L.I. IJHUHSS EJIIMIUUIIUU IXIU uuu YFLIIICIIU4 \JU.lLl1l.3, Buskins, Boots; Gent's Calf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children s, of every variety and style,_ which will bekept. constantly on hand, A 7 Y1'\TI1T$ \`I'l'\VI\ '\f\ 1113 YT\`l I\1'.V1'3DI'\T I'\ I VERY LARGE a;1:<)mpIete Assortment of Ladies Enamelled Kid and Prunella, Gaiters, Rlluhinu Ilnnfcn (1r'nf u nn1f 1(:n and r`.nnrup- Barri, May 16, 1860. . ..... .--.r- -v_---....J V n . _ ...... ":3-7'1`.-1"'lA{.ICES NOT TO BE U-NDE`RSOLDI . ` ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie, A T 1-tf A maxv AND FASIIIONABLE max} FRASER begs to inform -his friends that he L .` has taken the premises lately occupied by . If-5`"1f01'd,\vl1ex'e he willbe able to accommodate` 15 former patrons. , '39 s-.__ Spring & S1J,;IlI}leI'_G00dS,! G'ENTLEMEN S BULLARS & TIES, His stock of Staple Goods has also just been largely increus'cd. v 1;. -11 I.:...1.. ,4` CLOTHING: 71-non W rs AND CAPS, ` . BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES DRESS GOODS, ` Fancy Gopds draHam s 'l`emple'of Fashion will found re- plete, at prices which cannot fa_iI to suit. put-` ; Chasers. 16- K; uauu ` ing, &c. RAKES, LINES &AR'EELS. Barri, Ma.y.16, 1860. G A{RraEN% TOOLS. 3p[,V;,~;-{$119.1Weak1V,in the 'I`o\_.\.'n,of l3arrie,ever_\j \V;;vw:<.r)u' morning, coutzumng the current newS,,fLl1e :m:l,:1ll m:1tLcx`s pertruning .t0 , the n.fI':+.irs of the County. Price $1 in advance, or} 53. .;.\.,~_Ri~z lint-3 or under. rstinsrrtion 00 if not paid ut,-the time of s1`1bscrip-' GARDEN &?oysPADI-:s. SPADING FORKS, `FIRST PRIZE PROVI~.\'CIAL EXHIBITION. ROOT CUTTER 1] BBITISII AND FOREIGN lI.:\l1DWARE, ` ' 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. UILDERS and Cabinet Hardware, Carpenters` and other ;\Iech1mics Tools, Cutlery, House Furnishing Goods, Shooting and Faishing 'l`ackle, Sporting; `Ammunition, Garden and Farm Tools, RH at Lowest. Rates-. ` ' Toronto, bApl'iI, 1865. Dp0l'l.llll_{ nluluuuuluu &c., at Lowest Rates-. m-_..._... A _..:I 1 ac: APAINTIEI} ! PIl!I`I'_Ii[ H1 "W B. C. begs respectfully to announce to the : , inhabitants of Barrie and the surrounding country, that he has purchased the premises late- iy occupied by Mr. H. Douga_l,Di1nlop Street, Barrie; and-intends carrying on business in the above line, and having learned his trade in the City of London, Englnu-.1, and having carried on an extensive business in the above .line .in this County for eleven years, feels condent of giving every satisfaction to all who may favor him with i their nntrnnmrm ~ . 19- UVIZIJ DIINISHLUIJUL their patronage. A DUxr.-.3r~-s'r11E1a_T, BARRIE. (`or onc9' /or the County bf AS2'mc0e, (3ct0be1`2rxd; 1860. _ ' '1 sswma MAGH!N ESI A GOOD PAINTER IN BAHRTE AT LAST. 'VV'- B. C.A.P;'3j -3 House,` Carriage, & Sig; Painter, Grainer, Paper Hanger, (mcl Gencml House Decorator,.DzmZQp St. Barrie. LBARRIETEAKERY `J-`HD lll'|(IBl'SlgIlEu, Ill l`8_l.llI'IllUg Luann: IV una numerous customers for their liberal patron- age during the past three years, has great pleas- V hre in announcing that, in `addition to the Bread. and `Biscuit Bakery, he has on hand '3 very "large, vb varied_ and choice asm~tm_ent_of |F!B* ii5L:EE: -1 In-.. l'V..l9.... - THE undersigned,` in retnming thanks to his customers fol-`their ..}... .:....:....'. M... -mat hung um...-g Juan at-not nlnnn- i BLACK AND GREEN TEAS} at [An-ices suit the times. ' _ b .. _ Spebislcare taken in the selection of 4.. g.-- -nnjjg """ ' '."`.`vT.".5' 3'; :` W *6`. V ` Asusnal, Tea,0o`ee,4and Light Regzeghments always ready. ~ . . Q 1 , r.2-v 13 UX`.rU:|Auu1 un BARBIE BRANCH BIBLE SCUIETY Leather ! ` from th Funtgin,'with_choi syghgps. I\ c , Tpllrxce-T47-7-.-1:).1V1rv:V1V<.)p fregt, neaxiy op-- Dosile {me Railway Dept..E . RQEEME KING. W 1n___:.7v r..1.x'.`r.c `1m'_vn ' ' 1-1:? Barrie;'Jia1;1h_t, 1866, ` For sale at lowest Prices}. Cuts dilfererit. sizs for sheep or Game. Price $15. Orders by mail promptly lled. ` J. B. RYAN, A _l14 Yonge Street, Toronto, 1I AN[SII Sole, Slaughter, Upper, Kip, Cnll 5 Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Find- urr Xrn . -ENGLlH. BEN HOUSE. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY }0ODS, STRAW GOODS.` MA,.R'l',IN % -`MOORE, Saddle & Harness Maker,- T\TY\rr nn n..-u-.-nu... r\ . nu." '1' all pfices, ranging from $12 to $60. Fo_r L sale and always on hand. cos n I1:-I-ut\uu THOM`A.S GRAHAM _ioE1) SODA W4 TE12, of the newest and L-oicczst styles. JAMES B. RYAN, PATENT TURNIP OR Garden: Tools, in Sets`. &c. consisting of "1 has just received 'Ih o.`;1kin.ds of - &c., which gov? 855: . f ` Stock of Ham k EG5 to call aLtenU .td1s Collars, Tm 5 Riding Saddles, "B" ' -'ces. be is now offering at low P _I{e has 13959 . ' Lines: BN5 . idmg and Driving Whips! 3 Curry Combs, &c. A1! `V . f A . tment lce ssor also on hand ' cho Leather ! Leather ! JMPORTER. OF` -" ""'l 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. 13. CAPON, Aannl ANDREW GRATTAM. I06` `I LII \JlL \-Vi`, Agent, ' "Dunlap Stgeet Barrie. J. B. RYAN, ._. L1._,--L VH4- 1-15' 1: . 4- --I-~ . a chair Man? AVID DOUGAL S Bedsteafi ` Barne- *'8`1'Y. 0PDOsite the Registry Office "- Wousehold F u ,. - ' escl'1P`'` nrmture of vanous (1 v . .Wood cgnsmntly on hand, or 111859 `` der ` _ M . .. L ,1 uh" _ A _ U , _i all its bxjsnchn - . {`.9?F`4 `adorn New York. ` ve cents a pound. . said to ',V31Centte Stephens isbleedingithe faithful ipnati. _ . e`t"r`-`~rnhab-aisnz of oiling St. can Kelly, pwhowas born in 17`78~ ' - The famous =I`ipton Slasher has been. arrested for poaching in England. Atlanta, Ga., is to have a seventy thousand dollar opera house. - Queen Emma left New York on Saturday last for-Honolulu. A . l A A little new_sboy drevv a prize of $25,000 in the Mobile lottery. : ' I `The Londoners, C.W.. are to have an ex-; cursion to Cleveland, Ohio. ; The nett prots of the Pittsburgh Gas Com- ; pant` last year were $55,571.03. in Paraguay-every l Two thousand gambling hell: are said to Everybody smokes female over 13 chews. A There are insurance companies of all kinds in New York city. T ' - A Last week a young German` grl of L0t.liS`i ville shot her sister, who had insulted her. i Thirteen new cases of cholera and twenty- eight deaths in Memphis on the 1st instant. 1 . Nine deaths from cholera and twn from! yellow'fever ingNevt Orleans on the 30th ult. i Butler in Philadelphia is selliugvat seventy-i Chili has bought $600,000 worn of cannon 1 in Massachusetts. ; ' loft unoccupied. On the arrival of the Presidential party at Johnstown, Pa., sags the New York H_eraZd,'a very large `concourse of` people uuifaited`th'a U1-{Tn be g the President, and, on its apprfoac , began the most: vociferous and genuine cheering possible. FEAR!-`UL ACCIDENT. But theirjoy at welcoming the party was suddenly cut short, and the whole place converted into a house of mourn- ing by one of the most calamitous acct- deuts that ever befell a community. The railroad at this place runs on the north bank of the old canal, (now dry,) about thirty feet from its channel. The canal was bridged over for several rods in front of where the train stopped, and was used as a platform for business. bridge for crossing one of the streets, ztndtwo raised sidewalks, were impro- vised. In consequence of being slightly elevated above the ground between the bank ofthe canal and the cars, the audi- cnce could obtain a tolerably fair view : of the rear platform of the train on which the President and others were standing, and therefore crowded on it 111 a mass so douse that there was no standing room THE linings GIVES \VAY. ' Just as the train was about to move away, and those on the bridge and around the depot were rending the air with cheers for Johnson, Grant, and Farragut, an awful crash rose above the . roar of the huzzas that startled all within- A . `%m`inhabi|nt bma `is cm. _whb Was in 1778 famous been little nevtzsboy prtze $25,000 g The ex-% to ,; Gets 77 pany Two to? adorn i on Saturday, last of Latxadian cholera. A - I Mr . William |Shaw, an old and _h?ghly res-`I peclive resident of Drummoml xownsinp, died -- -.. ...-u u u ___,.I ._,, v . The Philadelphia burglars have conslrucu-(I I and patented a. levu warfanted to open any safe m three hours. ! I mm mm" I One hundred and fty women are regularly employed as masons and mod earners on the new opem house in Vienna. 1 .... . pu , . . .A p y_V__ `,v___`_` ' . . I The lossby fire In the city of New York} durmglhe paslspx months has amounted lo? nearly four mi.lions odollsrs. ` - - . .` .,. 1|: -.: The pioneer leamergof the Pacific Mails Steamship Cumpany s line 10 China leaves! New York on the 1stofOcIober'nexl. : Many Virginia farmers are toiiing water- melon juice-imo molasses. . . 7 1 Hog cholera is greivailixig to a tearful extent in West Virginia. Whole droves are dying. CI 1`OTPI?IER HARRISON, I The business men of Hbuston, Texas, have , resumed specie payments. All transactions ' are based on specie estimates. " ' " - - I 3_ _ L---` I..nnn - I A crazy man in Tyler, Texas, lately got up; in me Ihe middle of the night, and chopped ` his wife and three children to pieces. .- . , I Three young ladies engazeci in a horse [race in Richmond on Wednesday. when one of them. was (brown and badly injured. ".3... H..- ....r- V" ..V, J ` Mr. Brytlges has promised to consider the proposals made by the people of Wyoming, for a branch 02 railway from Camlachio to that place.` Vicksburg is fasi regainingwilws old prosperity, and bids fair to outgrow :15 former propor~ lions, .X\Tore than'fo|)rll19uand dollars have already ` been paid in Canada for despalchos through I the Atlantic Cable. u Thirty-eight res occured in Cairo, HL, dunnglhe`pasl year, involving a loss of $455,- 000. ' bean Richmond has le_ft an estate valued at $1,500,000; To his ve sons and daughters he gives $50,000 each. ~ 1-. - uvr Peaches eleven x[nches in circumference! have been raised by Mr. Yates, of Caswellx County, N.C. The St. George s Sncietyof Hamilton had a monsler pic-nic to Toronto on Wednesday Ina! u lII\4v- Jenny LindT s logtune is said to have aSV'eru hole knocked in it by somebody s sad dissipa- tion. 3wa`iuc:a':3 %mEtto%y. `W;13A'11i .\I I'3',w V \ HANDEL R MESSIAH.`-Ey circular we learn that the enterprising managers of the Toronto Mechanics Institute purpose per- forming He.ndel s masterpiece during the time "or the Provincial'E.\:hibition, in that city on `the precise lime and place, further notice wtil be given.-A To this society the public have been" heretofore indebted for the engagement oi the best known talent, and we trust that their eorts on this occasion will be amply re- warded. " u.-I last. It is rumored that three squadmnsofthe 13:h Ilnssars will be stationed in . Turunto. -The Crystal Palace is spoken of for qua_rters. 4 Thcrdog pound in New Y;ark., in eleven weeks, received 4,819 dogs, of which 4,700 } wexe killed. T The pickpockets in New York have bought ' up mp police, and are at work agum--`;.ngh1 limes. - ` | Suocxmc MURDER5 IN FRANCI-:.-A murder was commiled a few nighs ago close to the gates of Rouen, on a road much freq-ientedby kitchen-gardeners. The ofiicals oi the octroi at the Barriere d Eauplet perceived acart com- ing towards the town without any driver, and the legs of a woman hanging out from one of the sides. On examining the interior they re~ cognized the occupant as a, Mme. Lenfant, tbe | owner of alarm, who was in the habitof bring ing vegetables and hay to the Roman market. Her body had received several frightful wounds witha poniard or.knit'e. and her pocket had been rifle.l, the load in the cart remaining un- touched. She was immediately conveyed to an hospitalvwhere she` expired without ttztving been able to pronounce a word. No clue had -yet been. found to the perpetrators of the crime. Alcarrier. named Choelot, was {mine few nights back -murdered on` a road near Voiron (lsere). `His horse.-kept-on its way with the cait,,und ar- rived`ne_fhr aplace called Voreppe. Frnm an ex- ; atn`in3_i,ti0ti of the body`, the head which had been beaten in with some heavy instrument; the 'rhti'n is supposed to have been killed in the .` `vablble, the inside of which was stained with 5 , bloodmnd tovhavebeen then thrown out of the r: .4*%!lzlb.:.'!l159l:9fWhi`h '9 "` ` Pm "over him.` Another carrier had been `arrested , onrsu_sipi_cion. The murdered man had set up inbusineasl'or;himse.lfonl.}';a month 830: and . his-J-ta 3135919. .("!t:'P'aIU!W:!" 5'") *"`9 (been not_i'ced to manifest some, jealousy of) his - il'('>`r'r"I'i'etr73 er`v'iut1jt.4, `That such wasthetmotiveoi `:`-' '*th *cr'i.uieis-`the-.more'? probable. I! ~ 09770553`! i l\ tltigenwvsiairtmittudsap-14011450" .11a_I'lr-:=T19-t -; le strength of the R, i__a.sBd 1,500. 7 :a_:']lCenu_e Stepl14e_nsia'l11eedin,r:,'the - cjqnali. `.'i`;`R'~"f.L;*. - THE DJIs"A"s'i`-13.1{'.X.}7o:-iI.1'~I>s_,`1_`c )"v{7;1'~I. L i train` 6 laround 1 and 1 Farragut, awful l_ hearing, and silenced many voices \vith- l in lieariug forever. The timbers in the centre of the brid_:,'e, fully a foot square, * suddenly snapped in twain,precipitating inal, a distance of at least fteen feet. `The balance of the sidewalks and plat-. forms over the canal came down with 3 the bridge, and lled thehottom of the i canal with timber, planks and the strug- ` gling mass of man, women and children. all hurled together in` inextricable con- . fusion. Those on the bank between the now yawning gull and the railroad track were frightened into a" stampede, and | added to the confusion by screaming, yell- ! ing and trampling each other into the ; mud in their frantic . efforts to escape. A more ti-iglitful scene was scarcely ever witnessul. A few moments sufliced to 3 reveal what had actually transpired. l Men, women, children. fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters, were now rushing in every direction seeking rela_tiv_es and friends, and crying aloud with grief and terror. ` I~`l`nIt l`S TO SAVE AND RELIEVE. As soon as the sinking, falling debris had settled to the bottom, those in the neighbourhood sprang to the bed of the canal by scores, and commenced assisting those least hurt to extricate themselves, and to pull away the rubbish and timber that had covered and conned the others. As the bridge broke in the centre, its two halves termed an inclined 'lane,along which all were slid with iightning speed and pitched on top of those who stood in the mildle and went down first. Probably not less than four hundred persons were on the main bridge and one thousand on the whole structure. Several members of t_he pre-. sidential party assisted actively in re~ moving the dead and wounded. Eight l persons were killed and twenty or thirty ,wounded. T 'r1'\I. II `I ,,, ,,_ every soul on it to the bottom of the ca. .\\'_Uurruuu. The killed were mainly crushed to` t death by those who fell upon them ;but i few were hurt by the timber or planks. % Splinters darkened the air in every y direction, and caused a large proportion of the esh cuts and contnsions. PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES 01-` Tm: - ' ACClDI~`.;\`T From the mannerin which the mass of people was precipitated, struggling, clutching and grasping, to the ground he- neath, a great many arms and legs were broken. The women generally tell head foremost, owing to their inflated style of clotliiug; and their contusions were chiey coriricrl to the head, and face and shoulders; Due remztrkable fact was that no infants or small children were known to-he hurt in the slightest, although many infants in arms were . among tliosewho fell to the bottom,and a still larger number ofboth sexes, rang- .ing from six to ten "years of age. 1-:1 run:-`:11! n-.u-low nnnlr` `'10 T9. A _ ...-... VOL.XV. Jg HUIH 512$ lU Luu ycruo un u.-,_;,u. As soon as partial order could be re- ; stored , lines were formed to protect the , sufferers from the outside pressure oftho i crowd,and to extricate them from tho } wreck oi the bridge and platform. One ; man was found dead, with :1 huge beam 3 resting across his neck and his eyes pro- truding from their sockets. MEDK`/AL ASSISTANCE TELEGRAPHED FOR. I . 1.._._-...L..,! Mr. Fox, the Assistant Secretary of the U._S. Navy, has presented at St, Petersburg (where the American squadg 1,-on has been enthusiastically received) _an.address', to the Emperor, congratul- '1at.iug.him on his escape. The address, _ 'I" _...`l.... Inn.-nnl I17-:!fnh ;n n l\1l:5UlU'Al.a Abalatnnun ;n;..nuuu......_ -,- The agent ufthe' railroad telegraphed ; each way along the line, urging forward all assistance,and in less than two hours about twenty physicians arrived by regu- lar and special trains. 1*`e.w calamities of this kind have been so wule~prez d, on r many dibrcut families. Half the `householder. in Johnstown were in V......:..... .r....e main; '|`he Pro:-sirlminl In . JUlI.llb,ll`)\V ll VV.\;lU `Ill. mourning that mght; 1 he Presndenual party was deeply alicted by the deplor_a.- Ll. nr-an rrence . mung uuu uu ura vuvulrvo .. .... uuunvuv, 3 saysa London _]0lll'IJill, 18 wntten In a M needlessly laudatory tone; but the coquetry between Republican America. .gnd Absolutist Russia is now of some years standing. .VN_i'cho_l as` used to say Jthalthere were b 'wo comprehensible s.g.st'ems_ ofgoyrpmggin the world,-- hl., 6}vnAtgx(};j,hat of `Qnited States, . -. .`- ind $2%00 if not paid in adyance. ). 39. s, &c.V 93" All Work Warranted7 xvmg \`VIllpS, 3? --~-----v-,- W _ V _ -7 U FUI.1(.'lTORS IN (jI'IANUER\', V l\7ztu2'z's Public, .C0nvcya7'z'ce2's, I%.\RRIE, Co; SIMCOE, C.W. mA:E17s7$m_, DUNLOP STREET BAVRRIE3. `T. E. RAWSON, m-JOIIN P. FULLJAMES, Gonveyanceir & Division Court AGENT- R.-%r. BANTTNG, "`i.otii~3?i` mun THE vosx` owxdn. (LATE G. VIIc.\'VT1-.'rzT,) DEPOSITORY .01" THE COUNTY CLERK, - DUNIQOI` _STREE'1`- Du.\'Lo'P-.,Tmn-:'r, Bumuc. ) v": Bmmm, C. W; OFFICE :---DunIop Stree-t, `Barrie, (nearly op- posite the Advnncetlice.) 30-If .1nn.\ A.-AnD,\m'1. ILA. D._ CREW, Ilunu .l'A Iv, I um.A1s'm:n .' '49-,tf . PYl\'SlU1z\.\.`,` SURGEON 5 Accouounun; N llllu iL(.'CUH]YUUU- UUH OI VI5llUI'So V t R1-:I~`.=:n1::\'(:x-:s:-'Dr.` Ardazh. Snpcrii1ten_de_nt_ . Lunatic A'sylnm,:1nd James Su.nson,`Es'q., Onllm. Orillia, 15th March, 1866. `_ ' 12-ly H (L33 UH llitllu. .I lcasnre Boats '_and Vc-mules : during the summer senson_-for. and accommodn tion of visitors. T1 ....... .,..... . 'l'\.. A ...`l....L COLbWATER STREET, ORILLIA, `At the late residence of Dr`. Ramsay. 45- HUS wellknnxvn Hotel is situated On the mm g gin'of' I.';:I\'u C0uchio:hin,r,r, and within at short distnricc of the .=[o:un1:oz1t wlmrf. V ' - E? Good axccommodmiou for Tmvellers `and B0.'H`d('l3. : - 1.`..--.|-..; ..;..I.1:....;-.'..J -.. ..u......... .....1.... .-.1 -Is?! l)Ull'U('l:5. V _ I Excellent stnblingnnd an attentive ostler al- ways on hand. Pl:-nun:-n Rnnf: `and Vnhh-In: Inhvqv: nn hind TOTE. ` " . _ . His Rnr will be fdundstocked with choicest Liquors, Cigars, &c. - ' Ina-rrn Dnnm: Rhoda nn h1hH|1rr, tvith nt.t.on- vaaaaaas Ema, ' A1.'nn'\-1" . mm.I.IA. . Ill-`. proprietor" of this old estalnli.-`lied Hotel _l)egs to inform his numerous friends and the travelling public that he lms rented the above premises where he will attend pe_1'soxmlly to the ~waul.s of his guests. Private apartments can be lmd if required. Travellers and BO.'ll'd(`l`S`\\;i nd nmple accom- iuodzltion and every attention paid 10 their come ` fort. ` .| 11:- 1).... ...:n 1. c;.....,: ..4,...1,,.A ...:n. nim:mm+l l.Jl(l|l()l'5, \)l|5 1lI:5g (EU. _Lm'ge Rooms, Sheds, and Stabliug, with attra- tive ostlers constantly on hand.` " Orillia,15th March, 1866. - . A12- V ' ' V I MIIIHSTER AND ;\TTO\RE\'-AT-L2\\V,E ' ` SOLICITOR IN CII.-\NCERY,- (70m'eycmcer_, C072znzz'ssio7zcr in B.R., (S-c., 30-tf `OR-IL-LIA, sumo}; 00., 0.w.A 1\ns|I1r.xn', uu I lzujn .`\A<._x{L up]-ua-nu luv ,5 .\..~-vJ terinn Church, Q:`iHi:1. V A N.I}.-.-\n_v urders left at Mr. J. C. .\h`.1Iu11`en`s Lnn`l A ge11"_\`-Oliice \\*iIi'1e pron1pl'l_\' ntlemlod to. I n.... ..-,_ _1__[_ luau`; kmds of ` N.B.-Vn1uations tc-:11'efu[1y_attor.det'l to. ` . % R, H.` D6rNELLY-, ARBH|TEB_T CIVIL ENGINEEB, f % , RA-WA FUMB T. G. begs to call the attention of the public 9-;e.nom1ly, to the fact that he has comm'enced~` business in the premises lately o'ccu[3ied by Mr. J. Hind, where he is prpmcd to offer goods at the `lowest possible` prices for cash. ._,_ nu , _ _ . _..n .....:| .........,.:..... 4'..- ..n....m.1nn:s '4OEJE5E,FEp9 CONSEQUENOE 01? SMALL ' ' PROFITS. `A .1 I\'.B.--,Trnppe`1's, Hunters, etc_., will find suitable I supplies for. their business at low p1'i_ces for c:ish. vs a ,, nu. wnnn n 1,, __ _ POST oFFnc;, ORILLIAT. {Eli%Eu;SENE$$ .l 9 HE subcriber would intimate .to his. friends,V and the public generally, that he has opened store in` his new premises at. the ' ' GAROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, __ READY-M;xDET CLOTHING, . T . BOOTS Sc SHOES, &c., \_vhi<-.11 be'wi1`l sell atlpt-ices to ensure` a._ continu V an_ce of patronage. The subscriber is also ,__ -...-- . cant ; 11111 1' 'I'f`I`I`.1`kTG`I .`Q uuu: UL yum \t .ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. . T. S. MOFFATT. . P.S.--Als,o Agent for 1he'puxcb'a.se of all kinds of shippingand Manufacturing Furs, for which the highest prices willjbe paid-. ; 4-If - . '_`.S.M. "{="'c3s1- .&5l-:-"_i=--|C>`E,`_OP.'lLL|'A. Barrie, Jan. 1, 1862. .NU_'l'A1&1 runuxy, Ixvvv .... Land and General h-:nt,V `Q:'R.;rLLIA.- OF1'_"`IC'E 'Peter_5t`rcet,,one doofVNo1-"(h of 4 V _ Slapejfs 1)rug'Slore, * WILD `AND IMPROVED LANDS,} &Vc.<,7'&c;, Q1...-unna fo! S`a{e, in1th;' Olclfun-ties 91" Ontario gnd. V I Simcoe. Dlllluuc. - N. B.--Speial, attention _ paid _t6' f`C`o1_1'ections,T and prompt remittances made. ' REFERENCES :-Hon. D. L. Mdcpbiz/`sod. Hon. John'Simpson, M.L.O.. ;?H`oh. George Craw- :_ford, ~M.I_2.G. ,'.M._ G.` .Cameroa, _-Q.C.., M .P.1_ . ; J. W. D`u`nsfo'rd,-`Eq;; "M._P.P.' ;f'An`g-us Morrison, Esq.,_.1;1.P,.P. ;,.-T.` D.` - Mc.GVonkey,A _Esq., M,-.PJ-R ;_. m..." 11....-`ms.-.-"v_ mm. Rrzistrar of Ontario ; .')_7V. uuu pl vuu! : o n V - - . . . - _ . _ _ _ ., L.Mn.cpbrson`. M?.L.G.-; George :ford, -M.L.G.; M. 0. M.P.P.; Dunsfo':`d,7Esq.; `M._P.P; Mon-is'on_,, Esq, M.PA..}?. ;..:_T. D.-Mc,Qonkey, J obn Ham Perry, 1353., Registrar Ont_ano; W. H. Higgins, Esq., ditor of W /n'tby C'hrqnicl ; S.AO.' Wood, Esq.,` Oler1`andV Trdaaurr.-.Victoria,.V u~ -. ..-...=.-..=_--_ :. ~-....~.=:..... 3' mamigements. P.I_1oV1NCiAL`LAND7SURVEYOR ' 6il{17r; LA1AA i A1'5xr17:`i1?1`iiii1a`1:i$7sf J ALBERT FOWLIE, Provincial Land Surveyor, LAND .s- GJENERJL `.4 GENCI, ORILLIA. ` H. Esq., Editor 91 w:r:uuy.uu5-gun:-, S. C. G161-k and Treasurer. Vxctorxa. . E Mr. McMull`en` receives Advet-tis_ements, Subscribers na'mes,,.and `ordexfsbfot lftintjnz, for the -.2d.v ` _ ti..`1l:.i u..`.-ii. .'1'K% V8-lyA Ox~7a1!.i.a:,m1-3 AND DRAVUGHTSMAN; Special attention paid 1o.\':~.l{x:1tions.. Rxssxmtxcn-, on Peter Sfrqct opposite t11e,Presby-_i n.-1.". f-7n~n`| I\.~!H.a Tinsmi%th\&%Ir4on-Plat Worker; 1i>1-:.\1.1~:n IN S'I`()VES AND GENERAL IIARD\\`ARE, .. _'- C`........... D . unn- UIVIZJL yuuanuu. lrnlvwu Avg wunullu Please call and examine for yourselves. _,.,._-- .--. Orillin, Febnrary 20th, 1866. - GENT for the Honom-ab1eTIIud'son Bay Com I puny, will pay the highest cash price for al na nf Nl3nr=Hln:M5:+`_.v"iE-L:7I; iiC_>T,T 1~'R0`.\T .\.`1`l1k~.`};"1`. UIULLIA, ' s; P. POWLEY, Proprietor. AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTESER. be ./idvance omce. 7_3ri11'ia Marja : ;'1`z$th; 1866, THOMAS GOFFATT, ROBERT I{6SvS:JR., AGENT. _____._______,__________ JOHN -C. MCMULLE-_N,_ V NOLFARY PUBLIC, AOC_0UNTx:.N'l`, W. `LOl'\"l`. OF 'r1uc'Q1.'Ex~:.\`s L': ml-:LA.\`D; FRANKEVANS; Enqire at_his store, dppositellxe V (LATE 01-` 1`onox"r_o,) ThVe`StockAcof1`sists` of a3LlI`De"Il'8 urug uauluo IMPRQVED LANDS,_ ~`&c.-,7 &c;, in the` Cgun-ties gt ax. atlehtioh_ }.<..) C:o1;1E:ctions,A niftanns mnld. V _ \ tlwziys on. mind . the convenience _IUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT SIMELE PRINCIPLE, AND THE `WHOLE SECRET OF SWCESS IN ALL G0vEf& MENT.v> 4'5-_1yr (8-1yP*" . Barristers and Attorneys, SOLICITORS IN CIIANCIv.`RY, C()NYEY- T VANCERTS, __,___. I`! II? -