like Md .;,Ai:' Fit:-7*5`4 _ [II `V LII Farm. I` I. in miles Irom me` V uusgeu: uxuuu. It contains. 160 acres," of which sixty acres are cleared and fenced; the remainder being well tim- bered. A never fnillng melm runs through the Lbf. 1:9... ..I. 1... P.-A`-I-ml- 6.-ma . 'I`hI'n nnnrllnlh. I lionable. L01. g -- ' A For sale on, favourable terms; [Title unexcep- For further` pairzicglm gppny (if by mu: pou- paidm L THOMAS In-LI."A" so-4t ' 9 g g ormia. [GREAT SUMMER S.ALE ll MILLINERY an A-D_RY Ggons Vevjer offered for salt ingthe County of Sincoe. . F-uhionably_Trimmed Bdnueta from 3150 to $2.00 ; Fashionably T1-imtned Eats from 81.00 to 1.50; Summer Mantles from `$1.60 to 2.50; Summer Shawls at $2.Q0_and `upwards; ` A choice assortment of -si UMME1'i:DRlESS"G_0ODSI {at half. price... Bleached Cotton: 121 cts;`oGrey. Cotton: at 8 cts, and upimfds. ` ` f b . . All his Dress Goods are pfoportloncbly low. BLACK -SILKS at lidollar; worth 91.40] A choice asuortmentof `Gents -Fanrov Flannel Shirts; White and Colored Shirts; Neckties; Linen and_Pa`per`Collars in`gre;ut Variety. A A_.-..I--.. ..aA-_ `Y.-- -o-`laconic:-I MIUCII Isuu_: llycs v\_uuuu Iu snug walnut : . - _ Fix-at prize AmerIc_a.n Cotton Yarn, wimnted 5 lbs. to the bundle, {at 2.00. " 7 < 3 V 13' Please call gm: seefoy yonfelies; .....-A-. -- lur\I\ gp-I-`~95 Barx5in':y,Jan. fith, 1:866. lsewlusjunwuisl ::tIs`1?;n.-ou_'r1'z_1'a 1I7o6;rrAm_. ' Barrie. 23:.-d my, 1866' ' : {Barrie} :..:,;2s. wee. mun IN unnom F03 saw. _ HENRY cREsW1ci;E, _Jm., . % Provincial Landsurveyor A-wv-an In .?T'iiiii Im}, an 1 ntr-mm a-Iinun-n n A on n aagaawgua. --r\IQ\r .vas.a\a.- .- . . PHYSICIAN, sunam 8 Aocbumun, T _ ; frnonwros, co..s1_Mc'o`E. ~ Surgery st Mr. Csruthers dwelling house. N.B.-Particula.r attention: paid to diseases of women and children. A ' 25-_ly' V % ~ % JOHN `F. DAVIES, ACCOUNTANT. COLLECTOR, CON VEYANCER; msUR.NcE,jI.2Np "GE1_vE12.aL JGENT, _ COMMISSIONER IN _B.R.. `c.,. BRAD'FORD.. nA'x~ns,~LI1u';s] qt nnnns. |GARr;ENJ TOOLS.` 1r1ns'r: _P'RIvz'fI{j ?RQVIIQI}'L' `n:xH1Ir1oN;. ` - * Guuidierehiidigg OQjtb.. . ?pm :15. '_Ord9rI`by`@:1lpr9pigt1y_Iled. , A ' - g .. ._J,B..nYAN. j ; T V-.. .- 114 Yqnge StneL,Torou1o. I nmustl AND %Eiii[v nmnwmm; - . ...;....'.`.. mnlitlli mnnnllmn A. `G'A.RDEN.&?5v sPAoas,. . USPADINGFVORKS`, . 2.. Inbint E|r;lw:|rb,* - VF9*ni'hinz4Go9d9.h99tis an ;Fi8hihx,.., 1 snd.o.t.|.-ex ;-ilselranicnf T9919 ~0I='-Mr. Svorin `Aminuuim .}Gird6n;9hd.'Fm:. . 1%; V .31 2' Z -,~~ am. In <'&,l_lIsto!a.::z , L A T0t`:0lI_N).`'-.{)_l`i|~a`~`_180I.i .|_a3u--:,i:`.3v `l< . M .a'.`;]n1y...v- il i 2 l'- <' = SL1 nease can lnq Bea [qt yuuruunvnga. . , THOS. MccoRM1i':I{. Barrie. July 23rd, 1866. , 30-4.t._ Tqnantity 9! lond White. Oak Pl`a.AnAk for ;..- 531`. . _ v ' D,` H- THEE. ~lI`'L WWI` U Cum-ya ---can-_,- .--.-.. V g,'. -4 oo_u'n"'6t , `'?:.' :~.: 'r'r.___...-*~<- ffuonr H . 'rl_rthoh;'__lBaq. T ---. -re-out 1 lvrl um v s . ,-tsexng:i`ii-1d,nsq.V THOS." M'C ORMlCK, ' of Toronto, is now showing. "--- - '- -4----- Ti:-ngjxn N upppqved f1-evehold security, and at modente ` Tnthmnt. - ' H U_V UM IL! -: In?t!T rest. A - Apply to JOEN;1 -:=FjU1LJ2iM`r5S{% .cB.<.>.B.Y S % j 8 ` . I~'\ v >L`uAL})o-'_ Ln ;...:.a..v.'n.a:.L.`...,.-n-1. no:u ns. .`5-F'l'I3Bv `l*0e|9~Nv`|\ ' ' A'April-16; 'l8 Q6.` [T a.11'pricesa-angingfrox n7 $:i27"toV .860. FM Ig16:_and always on hand. ' . ' -on u. 1uACt\\O . Garden Tools, In e. ` For sale,-at lowest Prim`. T 1'I"II"L1 MONEY__'g`Q., mun. HENRY. BOYS" NICOL, 'M.D., __---_- ..-.-._-..-- A . .-anon.---u-u lawn: `anti-0 - - __~__ 1 514'57yoN_`}E7v;mis'j1*, fronoxq-To.` `MARKET Srnmmr, B_ARRIE, ' 7 1119 cheapest IIIQIILIN. Hdnnrunawu--.:.-x . --..__-_ . - n - ~.v . `:- , nnnlt l(.1lYlIlIll-L I E;t'1`ENTTURN,lP, on % l\ 1-I-14 > r\lkT"`! "I :VALI*ER, ca, _Am)A`GH & ARDAGE, _ L Solicitors, Barrie. AA- 7 O .5 T _'r1_zY Z Ixrom-In or A I Q uavunu M L >J..1;}1;YA1v, 3114 Yonge (Street, Toronto. fvfss; CAPON, - Aanni . no` Uta: uu, . Agent, ' _ _ Dnnlop Street Barns. BARBIE. u\rl\a-1- '- so-in +4SSURANP7_;f MPA NY! =7""""`<:;m:)' i "5"" * ruu-:. LIfE,g,@s5;r%AaINE.% ] ,_. . ... - nu- __u_9n ".:I"..- ._ 'i.`__u`.-_`s '-Bug-iTe',,..I"nne, 1856. , " CLlJJ\)\JL` I E 3703!, r vs nusxox-noAD; ` unuunvun --v-- , GENERAL an.` 1IA';|nn in A ` kinal hf M % LGROCERIES, HA.RDW_ARE, A ` .CROCKERY,.. 3% kg, -.I-_5'..I 8..- ....._4... 4...}. lsmlm 1Bj_lI_[I_l}IiIIIITlI.7.I _ T A 7' .|d|pted;;;o:1;i;:r;(;" W Prodnicg taken in excpnngc for Goods. T - . KG Issuer of Marriage Licenies for tbe`0ouny of Victmfia. ' 4 no vs ,\ Now is the season of the year when "parents cannot be too careful of the health of their little ones. and drive from their system all impurities which feed and harbor worms. ` I\ WUII IIUIILCU "Ill-I UHF JEIIUIVCII UKHIIIII Ul - y B Liquorsnnd Cigars, _ _ _ Good Stsbling and ettentive'0et1ets. Boats and Fishing Tackle kept constantly on hand for the convenience "of tourists intending-to visit Span-row.Lake, and the .l.dI0Bt shing T grdunds. m.._...-L:_ ..o u..-..:...... "l..1- vi 1mm 'on,h. -- llitqorparated pursant to the Am, of the 3 .Pravincial_Parlz'ament. ' - . ~ -`THE UNION ISERMANENT BUILDING &%S[NGS SOCIETY.` ! 0FFIC.E---King Sh, asigvrvftlroors West of Church St , Toronto, 1- GRAVENHUBST T0 ALPORT, Brace Bridge, Indian River, V .._.-vv _.___V ,, I _ _ `and intermediate points, A _coNN:c,'rnw `rat wmtxnv WI'l"H~3A.'-IIOVAT on - "A nag --on iv-ma-sgus-J A `P? She also ooonects with Daily Line of 'Stsizea.f1-om the BIG BAY of MUSKOKA. '- . T ,0A_RGl8 Monlsgmn. T I V . Ox-Illia: J. P. Cockburn, Mex-cha'nt._ Agent at Toronto, N. Milloy. . ~ ;V - `A. P; cocxsmm, WASHAGO .\lILLS,.or SEVERN LANDING, to _ no 1 in Prnqn-btnr,` ROYAL . m$unANc___t_:oMrAuv| 28-mi- yuwlllch U1` UEUCF TIIITLETUL JILUSUUICCC CUTUUUICG In '55. Too much cannot. be said in its` praise, and we." ; would earnestly advise all who need a. safe, pure" ` Ind reliable worm-destroyer, Ato use it in their families, well knowing that once given a fair trial, ` it will soon become A permanent "institution, in every household. (3.1) n n 1 n 45 . AI` Dliuuwauru vsgv--,-)5 .-I'._.'<' : H `o ' li`II.`;IAonI a`I:"~iI,'I'I:g`:l`:IAii .\A:-* o.=:;...':*f-:,.:;? am-- -z......:.- 4 slnnnnn Ilmn:-an .'-' " - ' . ` I` ' ` , ` A GI,LM.AN% %WII4IIsoN. Capital---_'1`wo` Millinnsv Sterling. Funds in hand-Eigh2 H'undm_z am . sand Pounds Sterling. -` A -nan-av: nuv- nun. ..v..-v.. --.,__v The Cornmittee for thevvcity entertainrnent to` ' the Prince and Princesh of Wales have just effected with the Royal. Insm-ancs VCoupan;y an. extra in- surance of FIFTY THOUSAND . POUNDS. on the builditig of Guildhall, including the new erections, ttings, and contents." 3 V F. -H`. ,HEWA'RD, , . Manager Toronto.Br`anch- A nninunir t_..__'-z.... u v uuuvn --u BI_AOIBRIDGl,' Norm Fu.Ls,_ mm July, 1866. A. DAVIDSON`, Inspei-7;." YA\IL`G `I V1661, cow: - -v `Also Valuer for the Canada Permanent Bulid-' ing and SavingsSociety.'l`qroxiI._o. . . 1-tfb ` R. G. MAUNDRELL hubegnsfavouqd yith - inotrnclionsfrom the underligged. to aellhy `Auction, at~Bar__ig,., _ " ' ` . n_- 'rnrrrr"cf\ n 12 mm. .4-3 f,.7.. `1oc`c ' Towzghip o_f Morrison. Julym; 1866, 294;` :- EmE`i`W,A9EI,!.PM.,ETI _cKENZIE-On the mornig of the 15th instr the'wife. of Mr. Chas. McKenzie. proprietor of the Seierr. Bridge Horel. Township of Morrison, nl` . ann Mr. FRANCIS ntcimnnson, Preuident-. >. ARTHUR LEPPER, `Vic!-Prelident. V GEORGE nuunnnnnn, 7 Auctioneer & Commission Merchant, County. N EGS-toinfonn the Peblic'that he has just i "opened the above Man, for the convenience of those desirous of disposing Household Furni- tui-e,Store Goods, or Chattels`-of any description, Horses, Cattle, Farm-Iznplements, .&c., &c., by Public Auction. ' " 13- Cash -.ddvances_1n_ade on_C'ov;Isig1`tmen`tc'. `A Horses and Cattle bought or" sold on Commis- sion. ' ` - Sales pnnctually attended to in my of the 4 4 .. _-- . .' ll` 1` lVJlll"`I\|llg St., Toronto. A Regiati-y_ hep. rkn-mesa VwiAshing ta I{ni.or ll Horses or Osttle, _&c., by private sgle. ' ` '_` - . T g Hormwcauu taken cm qf,o`u imoazzbzz. - tn :-nu. until mid. V - " ,. .' ~* `CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLEI). w-y -__-_..._____ -V jfrowngnipg or; g Lgndn ih t_lio- -'-_.j'__._ I % C.HARLES- Mc_KENZIE, .PRQ_PR1ETOI(, {AR well stocked withithe.cho'fc':est brand: `of ' I ,:.-nu.-3 and n:tInnn Jubsozws 1;1g3I-ir}h'i1}"1_a`1Ra worm TEA. ; Willprove an e`ectuaV1`remedy, and can be safely administered to the most feeble infant, having no talomel or other mineral substances contained in `it. Tnn vulva`: nan-(AI Inn -..3A 2.. :o..- .._-..... .._'.l in...` Eu 7} IIn.-> 7 -nu:---yw-v-u. -nv-- u... -----._-.3.- -v ---- _, ir"`z3;:'tion,at~Bagig,., _ . b On T1_IU_ "SDAY, 262}; gr` JuIy,.`_1866, FB6S?-6onIthg of S bf '48; .136 .0on., Fibs, on the Ihueungniahuneikood,-.l00M until; 30' ,sc:u- cldircd -, t_v:loabl6lIiI1..' Lassa," in and _Oon., Flog, 160 acres; 60 acres cloned and updu otillliatlolb3|Ii1f:'?I0}inllt Gone--.l'l_oI,' Point ` _ tinguisheno K7ull,~)00_'c1u;. 8 Wyn` .01. I15, 191 `,0on.,,Floo,_V2_euo I.nngVup1gh_o,nc Bysd, 50 um. i In-IILl\I'iII rI__;.!-A:_.. _l B L` AK I-5 n- Beneun manenevzsolu. 1W.II:IvI; :_cI_I:u c_Icnr-, P50,` 3"` build'ns; this`';lol'iIw`1lndap'te<!-'!or"s` ; nu`:-n .nun}d. -I .llfj.6.. In-gthT.O.on- , vllo,doIn,v.fe,,lQ9t `mm; 30'ncru clan-ed; good Surllill on Itlm, .1... T ..w M` n. huh Con Iledonte. loosens: 1 nun-:5, av nuns: u.-nu.-.u , .. ....... .-... -_ . Llog. hf_6, invggh Qonwilodonu, l(NQlcll?: M 39 :t_ri_:;. -lo *gi:h,3oaete_o c1enqg {E;ga3; V 1-in ll_f`Ooni, M onte_;'!99`Ic_}'es; 4 good - '.=W- V , _. the..9bpvo,%l9h.nI!-wellW-Iontposliitutwi 3 . .lImI~mIiIIH9;;0hnrcbu and So|I.09|.9,;;"-ill; V man -;-45 mun :_1_ioun..&, `-31 .?m- V . ,9-'1 " 9|-mu p..r.'.t_"L" L -unuU1!`kjm--:U0nII!l!ul.;9!,-mm ;.'I .1! `-" 'I Ieheiun uiahenevllond. l00.M:reI; 40,s_ct_eu eject-, F150,` build'ns; .....a.. mug] tr hb In.Alh'nn-_.Ihdnnti_ mn~ E calm?-991: twth rwlwl _si"i:EME{R{VAWENONAH. __..-.-.. '_ . -- no on-can-n EWILMORTIIIIH Cunt, Solicitor.` M ~Wu. Pvrnn, `Secretary and Tr"-easlnrer. (IV! C60 III vulqlri Olhlltulu lull! U VJ , VIII I Uisvvwuvvl e'n's',uz;:amu.. v_ ~- _ - . atone: mwnnnnnb-5 B1`:O,_H],;l9GG- '; - . .; ;' .,`y. `L `-5 fiib-1%ilJ4uhk;;oin;ir rm 0...... I.'...i.nauhihann Rand." I00 hens: 40_nc1e'n clear- The June number of`lLi;kwwd has been a- ived. Contents :-_9_inef5ra da Sienna. ;- Sir ook Fosabrookef Pmzit ;XkIlI- ;- Life of Steele ; ! cc," (conclusion) ;--"A' Mania Man for 3. at ;v- The Permissive gm ;"---} The Political _:..:.. n 1*. ` _moirs of the Confederate-War for Indgpepd-V lIv\J,lll`Il ll\I_ wuuunu. "- Lgigzzs `Ros ':a~I XE' hr Bmthon, General lhnaserl. M ` , .-. WIl'JLIA B0l.T,` ` . `A " - V Agentfor 0Q_`n n o.. ) Inn. 1011! - lxruow not ml Lpxpon `m1ss: j run! AND` LIFE. - '7"_ `laqd ddgler in all kind;-pf H .--_L . RUNS *DAIL Bibi- If Aii%=rI5T%5 ='l'IllZ .VIIpU2vyu .}:s 1'1}.'s' `EDWARDS, J40:-nf I III we Iuluuulus III Iuuswuszn uu un7uIun- m, paint in the `back and sides. coughs`, id.-, cramps, spurns. bruises, &c.. befnre ing the Canadian Pain~ Destroyer. Sold all Mediina dealegrs at 25 ms perboule. Bmum s Wu`:-ms `(The-ngreatnpublicb.rem.edv) ve now been in use over twenty years. hence cannot be s':iid.lhat they are on mal. They we been thoroughly mad, and 'pto'nounced ah. gmhm-Em nflhncn mhmm lino: "and. ll qua, ./lgent, Dame. !1....... ......o Dn ~-2 ' 6.- IUI` lJCl'I'I' 23-1: 1 . LDU l\vL" Proprietor. 29-1} 1-" -3943* "'1 ' |MELEMEm WES. IBULLOCK S GALLERY, V6 UUBU tuuruugmy Illuu, uyuu plulluuuucu the authority of those whose lives "and aim they have preserved) lojbu a pure, unless. and eminently salutary preparation, dif taken in season will invariably cure Ids, coughs, sore lhroatvand Bronchial afters- n- .n... fair lrinlxlrill hnnuim-_n the 'mnat HOTOGRAPHS coloured to suit customersnold Pictures copied and photo- ` graphed and enlarged to any size you wish. A 1 have beenconstantly engaged in the Art in all its branches 19 years and feel `myself capable to produce, Pictures equal to any other man, at the same price and made in the `same way. V _ ' No copies given unless under a verbal or written order of the subject. {NEW Asrmuc: GOO ..- - SPRING 8; SUMMER DRES S%G`1ODS, _' ASHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, Canadian, Scotch, and West of England Tweeds. FOR SPRING ANQWSUMMER WEAR. %Hosiery, Haberdashery, Gloves, Flowers, % _H.-ATS, BONNETTSJ,-PARASOLS, &.c. L And 9. Well assorted stock of Two and Three Ply, all Woo1,Kidmiuster Carpeting, T TDruggeti_ng Hearth Rugs, &c. - Tm Uslnz. gasonnxur or GROCERIES; HARDWARE, CROCKERY, &c., ALWAYS on In THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS] - coci:J3U1.=V:N=s_ M0N?_R%EA.P S_,T_0..RE;. Corner 5!` Goldwater and`Peter Streets, the wel'l known stand of the late Mr. Adam Patterson, OBILLIA, o.w.V .- ..;. -... u ...... .,,. ._ >._ `STEAM Fllllili EHETHBY` Iua, Uuusua, DUIU uuvuvauu uluuuulul uncut` us. -One fair Irinl-yv_il.L convince the "most eplical; Sold by ll-{medicine dealers, at 0!: per box-. '* ~ " A .1 ii 1; r HE Subscriber is now readyito Card Wool for " farmers and others requiring his services, having the most. improved Machinery and best workmen. D,...o:... nan Hanan.-I nn lunrina their wnrk dnno workmen. Parties can depend on havmg their work done to their entire satisfaction. rm... 1...... ammmo nf m-riimr ronninrl lnnt vam- to melr enure suusmcuuu. ` The large argount of Carding required last year has induced _t 9` subscrjber toaad another ma- chine to his `establishment, in order to meet. the demands mam`: uponrim in this branch` of his buginess. With ~`v~ A . _-3 Two Ggrding Machines in constant oberiilion. he hopes to be able to exe- - as v - -----g _.___ 1.7,, 7:- ,, in constant operation. hopes exe- -cnu` prompplyrall work entrusted to him. ,' .--`J;.L_"ig____ __ .____ __ _ ' Parties having Cloth to be fnlled can" have it `done also, as 1 shall have 3 Falling M11 in oper- ation this season. , 13- ' JAMES. N; GRAHAM. You cah dependfdn having a good Picture if you sit. still. T . PHOTOGRAPHS $2.00 PER DOZEN. . The above Gallery is now open from 8 a.m., to 12', noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. _The cottntenance'pa|e and leaden-colored with occasional _ushes,ora circumsvrlbed spot on one or both cheeks; H e eyes become dull ; the pupils dilatg an attire semi-circle runs along the lower eyelid; the nose is irritated ; a swelling of the ups per lip; occasional headache. with humuiing.o( the ears; . an unusual secretion of saliva; fnrred tongue; breath very foul; appetite sometimes vo- racious, with a gnawing sensation at the stom- ach, at. others entirely gone; eeting pains `in `the stomach; occasional nausea and vom- iting; stools slim ';not unirequently tinged with blood ; belly swol en and hard 5 urinoturbid; respi- . ration occasionally dimcult and accompanied with hiccdutr; 'uneasy.and disturbed sleep, with grind- ; in; of __t.he`tpotI`I;_ tetnpergencrally irritable, etc. _ Whgn any oi those` symptomaoccur, `inc .a II? 'n`,,'J-, `l_,_,__:I:_`_`I__ Barrie, Juue 24-th, 1866. \llIV IIIV II Vllll van) alnllluvinu-sow-J u 3ltLcannntq;'11IlrtI'iV 960$ Vchilfl, and by giviipgilin lime . yqu .grf:H`ny_.9;yur oipnng much ug'er;ng. /- `Old '-`Dr. ~M'1e:rzt`e `expressed ~u,_ with-`that this Remedy ohqulqbopmat such a price _as`wquld en-` able ul|,Ihe";io(_91v,-specially; lg ugq it. In defeuenco to that wis!i,'1 reh'Ive pnt it at lhe following price, ` P I | Hift I" (15`c t) ' k- `age, or .(53-"c..u $133? p.c:'.'.'gT,..""'sou'1':.y * avetvt,-Dmggiu and Quinn Denier in Europe Qnd mer|ca`.., ` , * . THE RBEAT gygusni mm. W IIQII III] In Inuit! lyluiltvuul-~v\-\-UI, give lye Qanbdy Immediately . 'Bm-tie, 30th April, 1866. M-[D0, ` 3Ch 151!` W_ho1Ia_|e Agamuor Canada Em and West; `.* only "l|1>0nn_sro,(toiwvhom_A:g|l-. orders shqgI_I_d_.bu ldvlxenud.) ,_ ,, ` .. .. .... 1:."-A. N ALD&`C. . 5 , A V - i:`ocxvu.t.I:, C.W. F .. G_lNE1i,ALL waohssans AGENTS :-Nor- ."P'.5LY.|I3|II,hVq|II{o. C.W'.; Lylnan,Elliol , .` > c ' . _ '_ __ . i`..`.`:23;`:. n` ..._' x.`.3.`_.;.5`.:- ..`f.`2_'Z... ...~ orinia, mh May, 1866. V1 2 -VT i- ijjuv I- wt: 2 :1: - In Eonneczion with Graham's A Tannery. V uunu -v--.- v N ; V ih:Ht'fI-si'l.Vl 1 r 1!!`-"'15- .3 ;'v:.71'?-}s`-'io..1'?I.3.. 9015-"-Z:ow*'*""-i`7'vu='3r Dn.Mc.Kt:NzIE s ThTe'Subscri1-Jets have xeceived a Large and Well Assorted stock of - _.__........a a. an n. ;.zsva5a`a.aa.4 1- I44-IJNJO Prepafedfroma preacrz'pt_z7on `of Sir J. Clarke. M .Di , V Phyucimz Eztraord17un_r_1/Ito the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those pmniul and dangerous disease; to which the female constitution is aubjecl. It moderates uil excess and removes hll`ubalruclions,- and `I_ SPWQY cure may be relied on. ' i ` momawqxmuu &&w+p '0 1 `V ? -W"? `.".."!i :`-._rm. .7 ,\':'-`W: " til . _& . -h-v 0nup9`:go'u:yml:tl",'a.."'i. " nun. All [kinds of Pictufes made in the Art at PHOTOGRAPHS, C'o1n.e and See! DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. _ _ "ll oeoovo coon-yo .`1I1!nmouo-an : 20-ly p'l'V . _ Monday Juiy 23. The following is the report of_ thejransactionl n the Corn Exchange to.-day z--.. ` Flour-Receipts, 163 bbls; salestloo bbls choice pri ng wheat. Flour on cars at Weston at `$6; 00 bags No. l at $5 50. - Market. nnsgttlcd and uotations are.di'icuIt to obtain. A . ` ' Wheat-Receipts, 1,850 bushels ; gale; 1,000 ushels at $1 45 at Brockville ; 3,000 bushels all'wbeat offering, f. o. b., at O1 50. ` Pcns-No receipts-'-no transactions. - Oats-_-Receipts, 55_6 bushels; nosales. ' Wool selling at 26c`in bills and 37c in silver. Provisions unchahged. ' ' ' |l'MNTIll'l} I PMNTINH! W. B. CAPON, House, Carriage, & Sign Painter, `RUSSELL BR0THE11{gS. A GOOD PAINTER IN BARBIE AT LAST. B. C. begs respectfully `to announce to the .. inhabitants of Barrie and the surrounding ' country, that be has pnrchased the premises late ly occupied by Mr. H. Dougal,Dunlop Street, Barrie; and intends carrying on business in the above line, and having learned A his trade in the City of London, Englanl, and having carried on an extensive business in the above line in this County for eleven years, feels condent of giving every satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. ' U- Gminer, .Paper-Hanger, -and General House Decorator, Dunlqv St. Barrio. LEANDER s. SANDERS, WATCH AND` CLOCK-MAKER, 'lI3Il7I'BI I DD la.` Iv -szwca ccovnr `an-vv-- A JEWELLER, &c., . Old Post Oice, 3 door: West of Farraghcfo Halal, ' - Dunlap Street, Barrie, HAS just received a new stock of fuhionbio . jewellery consisting ofsteeland Jot Brooches and Earings, Finger Rings, solid Gold and Silver Chains, Toys of all descriptions, Violins, Strings, &c. (VAL! ....,I Q21-.- $-05}.-4 A II. I.`-I n-ugly;-9 7 01.6035 mom 32.25 UP-WARDS. 1 Wstcbsaud Clocks cleaned and repsirod. All work warranted. V GRAHAM S 1" 'l'lIMPI.R [IF {FASIIIIIN ! BARIIE = . Jntcircumstancei-, tsrigtami win an, .. da, we can no longer protect you; WW9` it your own ' hook. . .Secoml--In anticipation of the above, 1: nt party -opposition, both in and out of Par- ent, is to be agitated. which, by-the-by, already commenced. Mr. Galt and his late ncial nltanues, which will teiid to postpone Confederation scheme. and ultimately frus- iia nal accomplishment. ` ureil. Canada is to declare for annexation, ehy taking _the _vrind out of the Fenian sails, `through which mean; they (the Feiiiana) I be at once deprived of that grand opportu- of making Canada their base of operations inst England in the namoof the Irish Re- lie. leading spirit of this aair.7 ' wo Fo_Li.iI:s.-First, to `cats. hearty supper the pleasure experienced during the brief e it IS pat-isintt (lawn the throat, at the ex- eaiy waking in the morning. Second to all the remedies in existence for rheuma- - - - n . .-u kn `haul! anal Qltloh nnnnkir `for'tl'ie fiiriire. you must do the beat you ` Lastly-When all things are properly- ` The Hon. George Brown in aupposed to be . ae ofa whole night of dsturbed nleep. arid" NEW AND 'vAsn10mua srocx. Spring & suiigmer Goods. CLOTHING: .\u-my-agony, H;',I`S AND GAPS, ` V . BOOTS ch saozs, LADIESv A passe GOODS, _ of the newestunnd choicest Ioo. % nsmozunns MILLINERY Goons, ';b$TRA'W GOODS. eEn1%LEr1En's2%cuLLAns &. TIES, Ln `A, wuu - -`---->-.,-, v w-v__---,- __ - .- - . . . `_; .1 ` `on. cool .HiI"stokVofta he 1`aI;olylnctonud.`:-.- ~ . ~` ( . `.4!-I .?' "_I,`-.31 ~ '3 uni 3.. I, ,. . um-nqu_n'u Acuays lplitog 3% price; ehhlltl. ` ' II In uuug III - EH" . ' ' N V 7 Goods .Gl'ihup | 'r.up1o`orram,ou vii} ho Mud pg, mm; :9. Ilriaol which cane! `ml to wdold and Silver Watches of the but makers: Also 8 good assortment of Croquet nuts. I . V... ..-..._..-v_. Barrie, May, 1866. - v LIIIIIIIII lull It in Peculiarly suited. 1: win, in n shun-t`l.iu1`e, bgiu = On IQ rod `lh ' : ; 'g;;. ' E-*cu""13ue-;" 13%;; 0n`:lDom8I*".'.b 9rn the VGqy,en_a,-.._,? gent Sta pot` Great `Britain to 'prev_ent couqIer- . 31,2-o ...:. Tl_-I.OMAS-.-GRAHAM has just recelnd s. BULLOCK, Artist. ' 26- Juiy 25:13- consisting bf `V '10 or ' l'IIl|l_ou Inn %"".`?.'~I E33.` E`! F? -~.?__ IaUU[UlUo uv Illiv, vvunv "m`- ,.sir, was the*rep|y, -placing 9, owers on. the grave of our former dlord, who was nervous, and to ten ` truth, so irritable, t-hat----- I-uu- tand madam, I ttnderstand said the ged owner-- your children killed Iucul. fans. rt 4 .v r - v v - u v vvuu,-an _ -r --_A-...-.. -nu-un -` 3` ' :UV;:, CA UTIO,N.+- Thus pm. chmdd not be tcuan a 79"W14-9 dltrtng the FIRST TITREE MONTH of Preiazarzcg/,aa they are aura In bring.-`nu Minut- 'W 8: M at any other tame thy are aafa. 1_ Qllcaaes of Nervoul `and `S in! A_'eclionaA Pamggn the Back and Limhs,:Fgli no on` sligh e'F'||, Palpimion of the 1-Ieart; Vll0l'ic.,.IIIl: Wh't35o1h98'PI||s will `effect a cure" when all ogher_ means have (ruled : and almough n powetful tjm`e_d)`o`,'- ` do not conlam Jyon. bgiolnel, an1iiuony,.or;"gIiy_tt1ih|I' hl|"1rl||l-`l{]uh9_constnlmipm. ` ' 7 ; ; "'...` - ll . 1 F u -xiousiin the` bamyilbflroud ' 8`I .I|I'V should been-efuly preached.` iymsi: - 310} L V II Ru-_~1h Unild $1a!:"'CgnId_lI~ : _ - . ..iJ<>1`sll`udsia%;:`s;:fm_r .5 .d`.'.l-.- .. ' .|`~ ..|i"~3 (,"" luv -ughoam M; P'"" "-El,P.;.`Q.1le:' sszzzao '. ' g`-g-;"ir3~',;.vi'5 .<`=`- 5-""-'3"-"" %"""%'*[" -` J! __ n V tn. _ Fall Wheat; 1.10. It) A1.2`0. Spring 95 01.15, Farmers` Flour, 5.00 to_5.50, bud 6.00.` In-II_,,_1I'.`I,..._ \(.. D......l.. _ _ . _ ....c I`... me pums-=---- _r-vr'-~w- -"- 1"-V :` 5.; before leumg 9. la tments. V They `are _m "`the` emy, was the .gloomy reply. Av was attempted on the part of the lord,` the agreement was signed, and gdaytholady arrived with a `con- of youngsters. I thought. your` dren were in-the cemetery, said! landlord. So they were yester-` -1- cIIn- clan V rnnlly. C` -I'|'nn:n1I uh A'1uunnA.: A Ivun v-vv -v_v.vv, swan-Q vuvvn illera Flbour.-.\Ir. Bingbam, agent for Cox : H.qn0les x-.51. quality Spring` retail at 6.50; H, 8.25. >_ ' V Plolalos-20," Bay-5.00 to 7.00 per ton, \Vool~-30c. Calves-3.00 to 4.00. V Oats -28 to 25. Bu'.ter-ll to 12}. Lard-4100. V L Eggs-8c per doz. j 4 . Fi.rsl in the eveni of England becoming 3"` ad in this European war. then` under |h0 Vmcircumslancea, Englnml will 99) ' `-.|.. ..... ...... .. |.....,.. m-mam van: Ncw Asucxn-mu ScH:Ml.-Tho 'enIer- A 'ng p_rnpneIur_ol the New York Herald!e- pes the lolluwing new scheme. Imlnalmg hi: (mnhican corresoondem `in. T0" M sin nuns cLAnKl'.:'s` CELEBLATED FEMALE PILLS. ping and to an nun: Igua uuqgryi. n illegal ]etrs pae'nt_ an3,wl'1`g1t n$t, ected with our Cplomal ` You have no childgen, m.diim1 the particular propnetor_of-a quie`: _- knfnrn leltina n lndvtha hnnti i of Pembf0k. _H i3`. `'Y;.`1..9;thg- bone, and a thofough High Chqmhfl as well. In Ills hands the ..img,._T; ofthe Church _m the Coloniesnrei to prosper. and we predk-;ata,g. end [0 8". he i||e_g'a|_1fters pale'nt anil.w;*.m,,3t, A .... (".1 _'..1_I I)g_'_ ._HL1._- 'eS [H5 IOIIUWIHR HEW ICHUKIIC. '"l.uC|Ill6 his (mylhncal) correspondent in, To`- delers. Get our Jilmanac . Eqacttul " Notittsi; Z_0t.I1`ItttttiaI. T0 MARRIED ;_I._Ai1IEs_. woIM':' fVVORMS 3 TOR:()1*}'iIf`; MARKETS. .wv~v ~~ BARRIE m;A.R1 BIRTH. U3` . of July 24:11, 1866. .z.~.21`\5"c2'er3 ~ Every young Jqdyand gentleman. in ma umwu .-SllI_eu:an heauomlhin Va ? gvnugqb [return m_|il( ' '9 A _ siinglhe un 'e|`-aignedz-Thine `having `fen: of hem H: b - '11 bl` ,1, or""r"`- lhiocu . : A'::m::l.i';'2yimd;iL`dd!es:| thd|i`: ;I`::'r|l`ent Ior`nnl,; much tq lhgiflfdhi ' cbarmaov ad-Ire?-J ll IIIU Iluuaruuguum .l llunw uuvlug nsuuu v. ..... i!..liumbuggod' will oblige ,by, not Liatfc`-TIT; _lIIil `uni: LAII others - Iddrgu llnfir obedient l'or.vlnI,; ~` ....'...i... No} =-.-u-~'A'isi'n'A iv ` 0533" * ' 2 $1.. 3'13-F!i9.-'-1?` -"";'1.*.'1,.*.1. .1,52. 5`.-VA... 7"!-W.o!.c.'eo . I zS.3tI,Brnnd!v-ys.N.=! fife best arucle Lo_ have about _the house" ever presemeu, saving _ which` would otherwise have to be paid` for the alien- at an expense or 60 cents manya 've`dolId"n,A dance of a capable physician. .The Read Relief is}. whale apmheoaryshopiniuself. his gpod ea'uh put up an a bnllle for everybody : me, who u 'wu_e enough to avail themselyen ofiu services. Sold by Druggiu. / - - - ` zweeh. ` PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS.` t ' V A Goon Tnmo !-Tttv rr.-The Canadian Pain Destroyer is a medicine for the immediate and r- manent removal of all painlrom the system. a Canadian Pain Destroyer cures rheumatism. pleurisy and pain in the back andsidot The Canadian Pain Destroyer cures billious cholic and cramps tn the stomach. The. Canadian Pain Destroyer cure!- cholera, cholera morbus.d aentervgand bowel com- plaints. The Canadtau Pa n Destroyer cures sudden colds and sore throats. The Canadian Pain Des- troyer cures burns. scalds,lrust-bites, and chilhlaim-. The Canadian Paip Destroyer is also an 'exce||el_Il thing for sprains,strains, wounds, and bruises}. it takes away all painthe moment `it is applied. No- famt'y should be without a bottle of the Canadian Pain Destroyen . - t ` .. .. ._ I .._L_.. M'..;_-..-nI.- rv r .........:..o.;.. "then peculiar never-failing u1,;.,5,a gin," and one tmnce tiblo of me In nearly mt ditculttu ut dot-apgemen_ts. -For chil- dren it it `even just as admtrnblo n tntxtureytdding them of aches and pains. and healmg up the munttold- Iorenesues with a miraculous ease and celeriw. For men it ll a stance: aman3tl_tet1mly tile, winch ea}; II _heir to," \}f_g would earnestly tmpreu ll ttpor._the pttlyltq mtttd that a hot- tle or Rldwnym Ready Reltef II the cheapest unwell u the about the house" presented, resort ofomfon and r_e-he! in n tbotuttnd in_- ' cnvinl at un expense 'vo`dolId"n,` ram lJC5lI'UyI:u ` _ ` _ Northrop 65 Lythah,vNewcaI!le,C.W., proprietors for the Canadas. ' . _. Sold in Barrie IN T. `W. Geo:-gen, and Kelrnnn 5: Co.; J. Deacon, Eradfurd: Green & Bro., Craig-. hunt. and all medicine dealers; V - 41-` Uo.; J. ueacon, Druuluru ; um burst. and all Inedic-.ine.dealers~._ AvGenllemt'i Who suffered l'or years from Nervolu V Debilnv,.Premalure Decay. and all -the effects of onlhfdl indiscjrelion. will fovrthe sake of surlng umanil_v_, sendvffee to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he" was cured. `Sufferers wlslninglo prot by ' the advertiser's experience, can do so by aqdressing C1\II 11- vs I\l'I tits: `I! 7-1) RELIEF 11~; _'_r:v:_N%% mnurns. The most certain and speedy reriiedy everdicovered for all diseases bl the _ C/Lest and Lungs, Cotzg/ts, C'blds,.AaIhma. Con- ` .m mpI.iou., Brm.clz_ i7tis_`,, I n Hmrscrleu, Diwl('BreatlLi2tg3 i`S'a`re- TT/Lroat, Q-c., 4-01" `V THESE wAi:*`i::`i'1's gm the moat mgianeaiis dad" perfect relief; when - pens:-ved.. with. at -cording `to directions nevrfail to eleolvawipid and lasting cure: ~ Thuusaiids have heenxestored 19 perfect health. who have tried other meaiisin v'ain.`_ To all `classes and all constitutions they at`e.a blrsstnghnd cure--none need despair, no matter how long the disease may" have existed, or how severe it may 'be,'provide_d the organic St'ructure`tif the tiitalorgans ts`not hopeless-- ly decayed.` Every one alicted `should give thetn an impartial trial. -;'. , ' _ ' \ Evry 3-oujng Judy `nil edilmani in the UiIi!J' lma can hear mmlhinn va'rv1m`uch to their `ml-: These Waf:-,rs are pecrllierly, valuable,"lhe'y will in. one day remove the "most severe occasional hoarse- - n_ess and lh_ri|` regnlaruse for a few davs will, at all limes, increase the power and exibility of the voice, greatly unprovjng Its lone, compass, and clear- ness, lm which purfrose they are regularly used by - many Professional ocalislu. s. ..n .103 MOSES, s|e_`f'rqprie:or' i~I.Y. " - v ` TO vocAL'1sT's AND PUBt.1'csPI-:BKERs. Pnco 25 -.,entAs' per box. ' Nonhropu Lyman, Nevfciustle, C{W.~,: genral agents for the Canada. ' Suld In Barrie bv Kelman 6z'Co., Gedrgen J. Deacon, Bradford; Green 65 Bro., CI_'aigh|_1rsl,and, all nnedicing dealeis. , 5 - 4x. -l.I\lLI J. anaav II II 1.1.`: ; ;.v yu- _ We sometimes hear jiersons say, " my horse is sadly out 0f'c0m`lIliq_n.and I cannot tell either what is the matter with him", or how to get himeinto better case; they appear to be ignorant of the fact that there is within their `rent-ha remedy safe. sure. and effectual in all -cases. Man'y"persons who deal in horses use largeqttantities of. i't.A_nd testify that its ei-cts are most -satisfactory. One horse dealer in- forms as that his horses condition and appearance _' are so much improved by its use that they sell more? readily and for higher prices. The articles is Dar- ley s Arabian Heave`Retnet|y and Condition Medi- cine. Nothing else is-equal to ittor the same purpose. , r ' t Rt-mpmhnr the name. and see that the signature A The adviser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very qimple remedy. .aer' having suffered fur several years with a severe lung :a'ec- lion, and xhal dread disease. Consumption--is anxi- olrzs to make known to his fellow-auiarers the means 0 cure. -' on .. 1 1 - ,9. L- --....i - -......'. .u .1... _ofHurd6z 00.13 on each package. .V - Norlhop 55 Lyma_n-,,Ne~wcaslle, C.W., proprietors forlhe Candas' ` . ' Sold in Barrie bv T. W. Georzen,_a_nd Kelman oz 00.; J. Deacon, Bradford ; Green 65 Bro.', Craig- burst, and all medicine dalers. _ _4l-V ul curc. , , V . , To all who desire it, he will end a copy oi the pr:-scr_iption'u`sed (free of charge), with `the dlrec-__ tions (or preparing and using the same. which they` will nd a sum: cunt: "for Coivsumeriqu. As:mMA,- BRUNCHITIS. CaUous,-CdI.m'y, and all Throat `and Lung Am-ctions'. The-only pbjecrqf the advertiser i n'sending the Presoription is to benet the alicte-.d, and spread information :which_ he cnnoeiycs to be in-: valuable, and he hopeagevery su_'erer will try `his remedy. as it will post` them .nothing,. and mayprove a blessing. - I _ -- - ` 3 ' fl- ,. ,_ ___:-L:__ J... __;-...1-:|1nn nun `nu h.I'llI 1 ALVUUD 1'II.l.1`Ill1, Ul rlcucuupauu-5, > , County of Leno and .Ad_dingt.on,_O.W., can, for one. truly bless `rod tor the dt'sr.-ove'ry'otTtthe _Grent Shoshonees _R_e'med 5 which, has indged snatched me as a brand mm the ja-wa.of.dga`th. S_u'ering for 4 length of time from Gonsuinptt'on._ A last August Lbecsme conned to my honsu; I coughed dreadfully day and night, I expcctornted quarts ofgreenish-looking matter and large quanti- lies 0! blood ; I could scarcely sleo ,at all, and when 1 did doze right sweats burst fort. fearfully, which ' tltevdttclor trteJ~but in va_t'n ltd-arrst. `My bowel: wer costive, Ialost my appettte, and what little I_ ' eat I mostly vnmited.. My head ached almost can-; l stantlv, I was so suffocated that l cottldfhardly`; breathe, and racked with pain. Ibecame soredttced ' that I` cou_|d ha_| dlK,,llllIt| alone, and, i_ljLdeed,`_'ln 'ol1`ject_`_of ity att .ve_rge `of the /grave." J toolrt" Quinitte. _od;Ltv r.Qil, `Citrate o.l`_It-on.` ttjnd Qtiin.-jf ine, Cutjgh_',Mi;'_tur_es, 6220.. &(.,`ltut still grew ,v{o_r_.'e . . sand was `attended by 'phy'g2ig;isnsj1yhg`t_olt_ to prop: `_t:or,ic;-:th,,\_trl_ti.-.h` wufmy pnytyxhpo ;_j tun I thhnk_G'oq._that shout :wo;g,n 6uthdQa o`,1hiw < G1-eat fndia`n`fl'.h`.medv f'v'viI"`tntri>duob mtv ~.`u.a.*.`; ; . gran " iIlc r s='tlic"`lnI'f 'ttdpo::`='~l-`ltnvn tlllbntttyntth. 9 I uni .evr.9.i,n9.o..qnd'PP",?g.-Ish i-`W "W9-. `the ei;i`e`t`orVmtcsn:_or' 4 `ttis_' H Vn:-*una_2btooa;j_hays -tontied.`1i-l? tVtv-F. '--!!l!I!.V!ili:5'!"*'ds !.W boawoilllegz rfniluwmy Ip|iEitid'iI`i_I'olI`,' `V0tlIiII|1" < n- age` vast. _%1lg,_,t'ItAt|;`_9`o;s_.,a,_ _" `uer no pdln`.'lte Du;li.eafI"!.'exImi_i,od?f`Iay Itn' I20 .'<;,t,1aer-.ov-s'ni s"l!id'l=!V..I..|_=1'..|| {`..'-*5) pQ|tev_t9.,Iti tto.-t|I|!.JI'!l.I!t.|)i3e0:.IQQ.l!-,3 i.,I,n.n.-;ngnw. fueling hearty. have been out vm_ttj:tt._..Qt_t4,lp . , .;v"-.1 T V Remember the name. and the signature _of'Hurr1& Co. is on each package. N...n..... Ax N.~w.-mule. C.W.. uronrielors u uuw.-crust . V 7,. _. ` ___ . Parties wishing theprescriplion, run by retuqn mail will please address - vs -nuv ; n'I\ A 1!!!! GA`? ' The Great %_Sho shonee Ren1 e`dy,. T `A ' VINCANADA1. _ . V ' `T ANGiIs PRINYEA, of vreaeriekbnfg, t"..\..-nu nfY.nnnnv and Addina'l.nn_ C.W.. -Iellllg lllflyg IIIVU IJUUII ulu vg-_-_.u'p.-`.7_..\., .93}.-. . -|Ito'lv_. 10.0 quasi-g.;1enl,rqsuuIed mv former ..ITIv,` . .viIin--II!d!|`=P'.ii!bZ!5'9 ""'a... PE t6uheGrom,Sbos';o * e );..1.~..I'--.. - A; A .9 1 gr aaa;'d-Lf9l!mt.._ 'r+'::;.-%1t;:.;.:.;1 ?a'B" `v _ V _ `}'qU.'?3\INYBl i`* -1- sm. :..m.... ..-r`a*aaaewsaF`;%-W-. uni: In I 3- $'i:) '?~: '1.->~-r;-':.<': - '7 5:1 : .'?:.". - V _ `Rev. EDWARD A. w1Lso1~i,'. '7-ly -_ Williamsburg, Kings Co. New_Yotk', _ Wo1rDERFUL4% "_CU'RE 9 7 'BRYANT_ S 15U;.MoN1c wakziisz :D0_N T KN O_W WHAT TO 150. jsrnauan .BUfl`_ TRUE; --. - -..r-. .v_.. y" No. 13 Chambdrs St.,__N9`w York. JOHN B. oem-:1`vA, T i ` CONSUMPTION. I-inons T015 YOUTH. - TO `CONSUMPTIVEVS. mu. 2 weeks. 'ou the` smoothest for $2.00. gm? _ , 'i;`n_1~ceipi 0! piiu; > f - Address, WARERR 1: 0 on` _ '0'!` loultaglhejtj Dar roclln iuid will force than-to-3|-ow or chin, or, hit on Edd buds, in Si :we.s:`.. ` agg.` 4 Ngw York. WS I.00-3-e3.pgcknn b "i.5`;`'." x .4IIl'l Ne_w York. m T IT: -1 _j ls0DEWAI_ER| % LANK.A Wm?;F-:`.v#v-!**'#-' Gonveyanoer. Division court T AGENT. A _ - - :- I S V. . Buff ' ,.. Ih`i`1.g.2::J%5`.`:3" { "'. "";'., ..`:`* "THE Eaithilf and North West mlxurtr ` of Lot` nnmbersix. in the twelhb.Uo_ncession of t.ho_ mnmuquro fill` MF!DN|"I`I`. Irnnwn mrm Rnihav l numnerslxg in nu! Iwelll-II \JU_ll|I_EBlUll ul um `TOWNSHIP. or MEDQNTE, kgiown um Bailey"! ll`---an 11`arm..~ ` This vnlnsble property us situate wntlnn a mule * and a half or the Goldwater Road`, and about 8 miles from the-Village-of Drillia. To ..-.-a..:-m um am-or nf uh}:-.h ulvtv mu-an urn