Northern Advance, 16 Aug 1855, p. 2

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um uuulln. commenced its retreat. The tiring lasted upwards of an hour, and -was kept up with great spirits on both sides, Tlie_1u_by`not being provided with rie-plate bulworlrs, was much exposed, but most providentially-`no one on board vra:s hit. In the boats five men were wounded--one only severely. A sad accident ' occurred in` one of the Arrorrant s boatsibv the (J . av ignition of a rocket that had been prepared and glaced in the boat ready for ring; the` rocket exploded in the boat, and ignited the small rriagaziiio of ammunition, containing some Iiuiitlredro-.m' ot ball cartridge as well as-the Burstingicharges of the rockets ;-two men were severely burnt; one has since died, and the mjdsliipman (Mr. Story) was Blown into the A leg that would make a chairman stare, Forced into acoquettish yellow legging, with many buttons, and terminating in a. white,gai- ter,,the whole urm_onnte_d by the ugly, unbe- coming scarlet fez, ofthe Turks in undress,- and a beautiful turban, when en grands tenue; The perfect freedom ofhis movements in this costume may be conceived,_bnt not the look of. combined d'arin.g-- in repressible effrontery and condence with which, as I have alreadyisaid, witliout a particle of impndence and swagger, the Zonave meets your regard. The pay ofthe French Cuirzlssiers and Catabiniers is said_t0 be insufficient for the board of those gigantic then, (who are rather pale, certainly, but this A is attributed a good dealto the cuirass.) The dietary otthe Zouave must be on a gzenerous scale, for he is a liigli lured fellow, a pic- ture of plnntpness and of I`oun(lness,_ implying robust health and sound c0nstituti(m. ' Add to the.~:o appearances the knowletlg that the Znzunte (la la, (hmrde is a man of tried mettle, in wliose \'ot-alntlary the words fear and are not to be found,iand yet he is \rateht'ul,_ patient, cunning, cautious us the ti- "Hr Pitt, - ' .- Tm: Zomtvr-:s.-The Paris correspondent ol the New York Courier` w_rites :-- Much as you have read about the Zouave, it would be difficult for you to conceive, as I nd it for me to convey, an adequate idea of this very extraordinary being. Fancy to yourself a fcl- low of 25 or 28--from ve feet six to ve feet nine inches in height ; ` His brawny shoulders four feet square, His checks likn thumping red potatoes. His forehead-, neck and chest, bronzed with ex-i i posure to the sun ofAlyrica-his beard and mou- stache thick and bushy; ` His eyes are restless, sparkling with intelligence, and the organ of rmness marvelously developed. `His look be- speaking unmistakable audacity, yet without rudeness. In condition, too eshy, you would "say, did you not recollect the life of activity and of uninterrupted training that he leads. His muscle obvious. `His dress consists of a. blue close waistcoat, over which he wears a, loose short sleeve blue jacket ofthe sailor build, but scai'cely touching the hip. Asky blue shash connes the waistband of a pair of scar- let trowsers, made so full as to out-Herod the additional pe-tticoat- nether ,r_,ra'rment of the] Greek, and seemingly tucked up at the knee, in order to display (I A I.__.L_a ,,, II I I - _ '.1`I-IU71T{S])A..\:", XL7(;Us'l7`16, 135; Tnynpslus DEPARTMENT _ ARE `WE TO HAVE A MARKET 3 THE BINDERYW On In \f..a....:..l- I, ,, A wx.;.+`..:`i3" [HI \' .. \\'-Il _ \h:ul :lv01x1pI0t<' rt-tit, nf_,\'I`j\\' a. I)! -`..\`H:\ .< xv" .....: ..~ r:r:o.\9'/.1: and COLORS `u\I\ nun, III _.V1`; H b`I.G.\'.\', &c., and We sire : Orders of every dcscrip-V __ I , . . . . . V \l .._. ....,`.. uurll, \\`l-IIUH u.uVil.IlCCU 23. 6d. Prowsmns gemarally unchanged. _.won'Iot~:.u. ms rm: n.u.'nc. On her omwanli passage, when about Holy- hend. at 1111-p:lS1lCIl,.()11 -the night of'Sutun|uy the 31st nlti no, during; :1 thick fog, she ran down `lheyschooner Suxrulz Ann, from Bangor for Bristo. All on board.,were picked up by the Ilultic, and the sclmrmcr was aftcrxvanls pickecl up and taken into port. There wzm :1 mm! ah.-........ ..r nmqv i`\F\~-I` xx . :1 \\'if'c-- Xurllacrn d- II... 'l'eus, Bmndics, &c.- Apj]y this Office. Ftfsitnkr. ( AI}DS, CHECK nnoxs, 1..nvH:n`s m..\.\'xs, 1 I)HAI-"l`S, ac. L:-n:uu.A|J o - For. the Advance. June 16, 18:'35.--Left Port Colberne, the head `of the Welland Canal, on Lake Erie, with light `wind and heavy min, with o. tleet of sixty vessels in sight (a fact from which the uninitiated can: form some idea. of the business of the Canal, and might serve also as a. hint to our Statesmen who oppose its enlargement); continued showery till ve p.m., when thick fog set in-a.nd here com- menced the beauties of a. marine life; cook sce.- v sick.--whieh rendered the chances for grub some- what on deck firing a. gun, as a. gentle hint to a. steam-going craft to keep at a. distance, or suffer the consequences of a. collision "with the Iroquob. V Three a..m., J unc l7--Not wind enough to make the vessel answer the heIm-the watch on deck steadily/pritctising instrumciital music on the tin pan, anchor, empty barrels, M-; i Below we give 8. few jottings from the journal ofn. young` :td\'entui`cr, who, for the sake or Hl.".i{- ing himself acquainted with the ('il1l`_:!(`lL'l` of our 'Northern and Western Sliores; or most, prohnl)l_\' _ac_tu.'i.ted'by the still higher motive of bi-iietittiiig 51 eon.-ititution that pure air and lake l-m.-ze.< alone enn confer, :H'.`1ilCd himself ot'm1 0pp0rtnnil_\` that I presented itself in forming one of the stall` of the stnunch llI.UI.!_)`fI.thl. Iroquois, which sailed ft-uni Toronto to Lake Huron and the t`:eorgi:ui ll:i_\'-- hearing a Government Commissioit for the o. sible purpose of exaniiining the coast, mid tleter. mining the most eligible sites whereon to est:1hli. lighthouses, &e.; it matter of the deepest impor- tance in connection _with the great .\'orth-west commerce, the incipient stages of which fully jus- tify the wisdom of our (iovernment in taking steps thus early to render the navigation ofour .\'mtlwrn Lakes as easy and desirable as those with which- our interests are not so closely identilied. The responsibility ofthe expedition devolves on Mr. Arthur G. Robinson, 0. E., :t gentlennm whose professional standing is too well establislietl to admit of any remarks here; but at the some time, it gives the assurance to all concerned, that the highest qualities of experience and ability, are be- ing contributed to the mission in view. The ex- tracts sent us were intended only for private pur- > poses, so that the reader must make due u.llow:mce; but, on the principle-what interests one might. interest many, we , beenpnllowed to give)` publicity. Wnp ulna U A.'l.........\ 9) It is pleasing to note that this nmuly and un- cicnngamc is so rcspcctah1_\' stlstainctl by the in- lxabitaxnts ofurric and Orillin, and th:1t':u1 inter- clumgc of visits are iuudo, which c-nnuz't t':1ilc1' producing a mutual benet as well as goudt'cl1)w- ship between the two Clubs. The play of Thos. Mcldrum, Ed. .\_vcx'st, J03". Rogers and T1105. Axnbler, Esqrs., were 1`arti;-u- Inrly good, as was also the b(m'Iih_; of W. II:1ikp.= and Ed. .~\'ycrst, isqrs. Tho; 01-i11i:i (`Iuh nlsu lm'c some first fate players, but not being in 1m.<- session of their names" we are unable to xmticc them. . T_he sec0nd~nr return match between the Barrie `and Orilliu Cricliet Clubs came oil` on the llurrie Cricket Ground yestertlay (\\'mlx1escl:1y) null was ably contested, as the result given below will Sl1('\\' : BArmu=:,-1stInnings 41 Om1.L1A,--1st l1I11iu'gs'2l {rind do. '20 find do. :20 lafric Club winning 1 uu: L'Jl`;a\ U1 VV'ill'. - It was repm,rel that (1uner.xl Simpson hm! gircn in his resigmziiun, and only rt-tztincd com- nem of hifs .sn<-ccssor. mand nptil the :1;-wpuinll _ (The `French steadily pns}1eml_l'rn'\v:1nl their "approaches lowanls the 1\'l.'1|:1l{oIf, which the !Russi:Lns arc further forlifyizizz. The forces in the eld remain as at 1:152 advice" 3. prnnm-r:Hnn.~ ,.n...:...... r._ .1 Nothing militates against the progress of our town so much as a want of seasonable produce : it more than counteracts our natural advantages as a desirable watering place. When it becomes . generally known that there is a lack of these lux- uries, preference will be given to places of less , pretensions. This is fully shown in the Herald of 1\st week; and our intercourse abroad enables us to corroborate the fact. When in Toronto a few days since, a friend says: -Mr. ----, 1 am about to take my family to spend a few weecks at some place north, and would prefer Barrie to Urillia, but your Ilotels, I believe, are full. We assured him that comfortable lodgings might be obtained without diiliculty. }Ie then said : I would pre- fer taking a cottage for a wliile, but I am inform- peas with a contradictory reply, for we have been .sary to produce facts in order to bring about im- ed vegetables are not to be obtained, not even Sai- ads or grecnpeas ! We felt ourselves getting in- to a tight place, but luckily we were enabled to slide over the salad: by coniingat once to the blessed with an opportunity of 1Illl'Cll{l.~1lllg peas twice already this season! But the subject is of too much importance to be treated lightly; and however much the policy of t`Xl|(_)':'llIg our own nakedness may be condemned, we deem it I1t-(:es- portant results. The people want a market, and must have it, and it is the duty ofthe press to urge it. Each paper has been agitating it for some time; and now it falls upon other shoulders-we ' have done our duty as best we can, and we _~'hull be happy to announce that steps are being taken either by, the Council or the iuhabitzmts to have , our town from be-c0rn'\ng what our em-mics have predicted it to become- A I'LM.`E} `run w.\:~.' 3 `errors into which he has fallen. Co'I.L1N(: wool).--We give elsewhere :1 letter W hieh appeared in the Colonist on Monday .la.~:t in l'('[:i_\' _tu one previously inserted under the signature or" ; ``A.-A. 1{., 7 in which the town of Collingwoml is .falsely represented. We are sorry that .-\.A.ll. should not have taken more time to iuamire his survey, and thereby have saved himself frmu the W1,-'doxmL zu- tribule any motive or intentinn to the writer n` V-publishing whzlt. `dues notprove to be reailly cu;-- -rect, but are satisfied-.tli:1t his de(luctinns were drmvn from lirst i'mpre.-asious zxrisiiig out. of ll limited and supercial 0l).'~ZL`I'\'i1liull.V MAN Dnow.\`:n.-\\'(- are illfu|'XHt'xl h_\' the IILTHII that it man was fuund(lro\\'n(-11nt`l'(nI1ing\\'m'14-1 .'l`uo,.~:.1:1v lust and has not as vet been iah-rxxitiml .. 1 . It is suppowd he must have fallen 1'x`.m1 the whurt `or from 0'1hc- Larly IL`[f:,'l.IlS1C(1I1l("T7 and the ill-1110:` "is adjourned until the return of that bout. By telogrnl-h froni .\'e\v Orleans, the Moxie new is up to August .3111, \\'1l(.'l'(` itis re}-urt [lint the l`t.'\'()1l11iUXli.=1i are witliin f.o1ii;'1e;1giu.-s Vera Cruz. Th('.])1'/[ll llms 1ri\ ~.1te 11-In-i'.< fn .\IL-;\'ic0. Arrests were being dzxily manic at 1 capital. On one day 159 persons were :u're. .:1mong them two .\uie1ieans. A great CuK1. had been discovered while searching: :1 V-Cun\'L which had been subjected to in-luisitiun, :1 several priests were arrested. altered in favor of the fa.rmer-thanks to a. bounti- ful Providence for such 3. bbon-they are no longer driven to the necessity of Wasting their time in ' peddling from door to door; nor does it become their position to do so. We are dependent on "them ; and it is foolish in us to expect that a false philanthropy will induce them to help us if we will not help ourselves. We must provide a place in - which all marketable produce may be sold ; and it I is not necessary that that place should be of stone or brick. We nd mere sheds in many large towns on this Continent : Philadelphia has little else, and the Vegetable Market at Toronto is nothing more than an open shed. A small toll-if deemed necessar_y-Would go far to meet the outlay, and no farmer would object to it. We have converse-d with many on the subject, and their invariable re- ply is, that at present they have no time to canvass the town; but if they had a market to go to they could deposit their produce in charge of their wives or daughters, and attend to their other business, and their horses would be at rest. The ndmntnges j to tlimnsumer would be still greater : a regula- ted prictz,/and it full supply; for want of which we have now to pay for what little we get a price even above that in large cities. -. . . .1 1-,,, Cricket Match-`-B211-rlc vs. Orillia. LAKE HURON, GEORGIAN BAY, &C. . (50 I ' 1, _\\'il1l{111 wickets down. I Th0'(`ommillcc on the Northwest I iL``-" have rk:s upon their report, and lune mvzmiod the sum of 10,000 to Capt. I\Ic('Jl and his crew, 5,000 of which will-fall 19 WP" McClure himself, the remainder will be dxvldtid be1wecn'lhe oicers and crew. Medals have been pruposedfor all who ha\'e-`se`n'enl in that, . . . I Arcuc l'(.`gl()ll.-3 --- a proposition \\'hlCh WW doubtless give general satisfaction.---L""-'V* - .., ... with the srlumnt-rNmzuru, {rum Hm In-.x.I .-1` ll~-'- giuu B:1'_V, with a dock lmnl of Imlinn 'l r;noi-'.'-' mnong whom \\'a- rccugni/.ml lhrrw .~`1uasu`.1I'f>` frbln Tomntu, whu hm! ln('L'll , trading suuw wc('i\.< with the [nr1i:m.<,`amI had sllrcevdcd Ill .|'('i; fl moderht stuck of mocnssins, nmplc su_;:1r, 111` 'di_:u1'wbacco, &c._; :_1_lt-lidlngln soxncwlmt roulnuwil iii ZLpp0a.T. lHlC", their spirits were good, si:1-criIIu1Ir'<'\1- `probably by the anticipated profits on lln-ir In-liun Stores. I nmy mi-ntiun -In-(fore cli-5ing_Xl1:iI \\1` "cruised as fair as the (flnx'isti:iIi ls1aml.<. \.\hm` :21!- other location was sch-cited for 9. lighth'ou.<-. .1114 on Notta\vas:ig:\ Island :1 site w:L's Ii.-I vu for u d\velling-house for lighlliousc-keeper; 11 tn" 1 .. v~1'.,..' nuul |L7l;l'l\U|l U. l'lH'l'l\._ . July It). (mm-.hulmfFannounces havingtwo Sonics on the M111 and 1511:, which were satis- factory. . { ' lulu ~)n!T.. {`.{.n.-n1 CZ . A . ` . an 1.`! ._..-.-17 - -' - Ifmy 10;; can serve any purposc., .\Ir. Iiulimr. I am su,tist'xcd; but rcgn-t much that Um ' 'I make my ub.~'e1'\':1tiohs more with u. \`i" W ~""" You. N) cruise is not yet over, I1(nvL-W1`: `"I sihould anything strike me as worthy of :1 memo- randum Qu the `Nortyh shnrc, which _wc slmll l`'1'` _ _ _ ` _...'., bly vxsxt, I wxll try to nmkc mueuda. ` ~\ _ _-.-. V ....... \rII|I :3 cannot but think it is n.ttrihutnl gressive or indolent eh:u'.'xctg_-2 Wiuulsor consists of about fuup 5 one drug store, three or four `L and about six liyery smbles. 1 and one of the tuvex-n.<, 1u;_rzm'-r -depot, com`pris_e the (ml_v_ huih. rank as such. Imllm.-.<. I-',l.'(`IH:. absolute, and but for {he oce;r; train `Of ('.:u`.~) the 'cl1:Lnco'-A hf its 1 slight imlced. Ilaving had me fty miles into me illllfrirvnf: I_ ne scenery zuul splendid furrus part of ()u.nad.'x; bf}: I lmul sin The farmers amyeur tuba: (In: 1 '\vr(:tclne(1 of men, being :1 ulivi known iughmver f.':Ln:u1&i :1. /u}//[4 heix1gi11jri.<.~:essi<;u u '_*t-In-1-:-.:iJx _s'ctox1l_}5:1l;t)11t from I'tt:e1x-I 1} dc: CllI[i\'1lIi()I],1J.I_I(1lh4lI111:1!!! as can be com:eive-L '1'h-,- Iunvl but by a proper pme:-.~.~: E4 .-s...-;. 1.',. 1 -. from elf."-'<-n t ton f-act six thriving plnc its ism_.-. W. Clark, wlmrs: Cauxzuln. the wars the ('0iufnx'-t 1 other In:1t1ur.- was st_ylL-:1 II (.., to prevent us under cover of the ni coming too intimate with our I1Cigi)br)l.s___th0y in. return blowing on the fog-horn, enlivened by ti"; addition of vocal penis of most unearthly pm,.,,; sions. [There is nothing worthy of note on {he way up Lake Erie, so that we shall not fol the log in order.] The fiilage reached July 19: it: is. situated on the Cnnmngu side of the Detroit River, in the Coungy Ur Essex _. itlmrdly deserves the name ' ` objects visible being aciiilrch and aft-w wezxthr. beaten` houses, destitute of [mi . Ht! 01' -'1_-Ilyliling cal. culated to impart neatness; the 0,11): thing it on- joys is its being the most westerly point of |_',m..,; Canada. Windsor was the nut station rc-uc],,_.,}. situated immediately opposite the my of Detroit tind about two miles North of San_tiwich, known as the Terminus of the Gre ght from be; low up and L: M Wt.':'tt:rx.- Of Sandwjgh I. 5 Railway. This village does not itppc-or to hm-_ K received that impetus that -was expected from it: being so favored; for in fact, the :i;.[u:ar i Vif_'n_v' that western towns commonly do far mum-.. i `from rzzilroads, or water cuunnuni.~;.[j.,_ '1-1|" c:1useImu.=t leave with ()iilI'I4 to (it-;,,,.__|;,n[ attrilmtaldc ,.,..,,,,.:.-,-. :...i..i,.... ..u, ilf|CI'_' `,0 the place does not, exhihit that ht-_;tlth um lUth::nnn.;.1..- Win. the ll1:ftcxI4 O . I 1111:` I ,..--.... nzavl nu: U x r:|.1u1u UH`. .`\VllSl.H(U`l proposition, mgjether with three additional pru- positions mzrle by Rus _ - A Preparations "for a I):mubizm campaign are continued. ` Cotton dc-pressed. Brcadstuffs dull, and ` slightly declined, except com, which advanced August 16, _ .... I1)!` my S Cnnzuliun E95;-x: :1 place, the on .\ndwih we - 1: V nil n r "' the i uu: uclu rurnzun at last ;1d\'1ccs. Pre):1mtmns continue for the cam mltrn on \J he Danube and for n rnurinu c.\'pcdilion_--dcs- -`tinatiun secret. "`l.,~ 11,. V ` ~1|lHt|lU|| BIJUIUK. The Russians in "Asia are cncnmped near K:us,`bnt have not irivc-sled the city. l rn is (iiftftltiitlg 1191` l1t'Ztll`1iv_D()SiIi0{l. The .\u: were mnkirig Inoic open ad- vances tmvnnl Itn. itisqtiictitdi `The Briti.~".i rr)i.v1i.~'ti'y.:1FteI' tin-ir n:1rroW`0s- Cape on the Turkish :'u:1r;1ntuu, will now pro,- bably benblo 1.; iugtnin 11l(?tI`ipi{1f`.U.S. _ Parliamqnt will be pr0t'0gitC d on the 16th instant. ' I . Sir VV. i\Iu}cswo1`t11 is dcnitely appointed Colonial Sui.-i`ut.'1i'_V. 7 Jul) Hail. t.`-.n'tsc'n:il-:uH' tizlngrnphcnl that the cmamy hzial runcwc._l :1 vigorous cunnonadc -ycsteril-1y at 8 _1%.: .{. Nachinntl" 1`t:cei\'0J :1 severe` wound, and has since died. - T T T Until further onto-rs, .-\1n1iraI Pzm{ilotT 1s ap- pointed to . the (i(.`(`.t`,.Cti as commander ofthe naval f_r.'u(i'i. of .\'el>astopoi. 1 July 13. - Tho '1'i//zvs CUl`I't.'Sp0tl(ic`l1IWI`iif:S! --I;ast night tlzo Rnssizxns impt up ~a te_rrib]e re. 'I7lm b:tttcr_\f xvliich the From.-.11 construct- ed between the i\I:un(.-ivm and the M.'1l.'Lkn[T has been I{lll)(`.l(t.`ti to pier:--s by the` powerful fire from the fort. Om: colonel and 30 0Iiice1'.~' were put /m)`.'.~ (1,: (,'I).'/IDLII, and the siege w0x'l_{s had rucvivcd :1 (-in-cl{._ l..l.. 11` 1- ,. u I, rr v 7- --v --uuudll lllkil HHS 7U propu's1tmn, I Dnitinnc m..,I.. 1... n .- ' v L'lUlfl\ HHS momxng. \Var news uziimpor asmult at Sebastopol. Operations in the Baltic unimportant. The Gcnnan Di-et h v.-.... :, - ywm.-u up nu Larsen mlo part. w:x< :1 total absence of any news from the Sum of War. To .-...- ----- ` ` "` ' "` . . I\'s:w Yoluc, August 8. The steamer Baltic an-ivml a-L half-past s o clock this moming.. Your uni-'~ - 4. ' ` uunpuu uL`.\[M.tUtt(_'.\' 2"` July Jt3.--ln the early part of last week we crossed the.,r_rnll and visitt.-tl the south shore, calling at l\\`() places, Kouinlzt lluynnd l{ at both of wlm-.h we fountl ('u.~::<:i<~l and (lo- vernmcnt .'~`ttJtt.`.'~`.l \_\"e burnt the hulldings, in- cluding a (Tn._<..~'zu:l; burraclc, at Koskola`, from which the owners had _but just cleared out, leaving much of their. _;ezxr-laxt(:e.<, pistols, saddles, hridles, coats, Sltttlms, 8:0. 011 Friday the squzulrou returned to the north shore, and anchored off the Strait of F.'1'2iuv__r.-'tiiitl.mte of the . entrances ol` the ]tatssn'jt`.< le:uliw_: to \V_V'l)()l`_'_}. on the uttet'nonn of that day :1 recminoisszmce was rnrule in force of the tlelences olithe strait by the jIl{I_l/ 1_'UtI-ltttl. and the boats of the ttigat-es, _\vith the view to zrscerlain the nature of the obstructions placed to prevent our insgrcss. `We started zihout 6 p.m. with eight boats and the gnu-boat, and proceeded unmolestcd up the narrow p:tss:tgi-: leading into l*`mn9,sund, until within 1.100 yards cl` the entrmice, which we knew from pretty good authority to he staked. A Russian ;-ttemnertmringg some large row gun- bouts appeai'ing_r l|1t:ltlL ,{llU .ll'u[).7/0[)t:I'le(l tire on Lher at very long ru:2(_re as well as the rocket- boats, and almost at the same time :1 heavy tire .of musketry was opened from the left bank by men concealed behind a long` low breastwork recently thrown up, amt from among the trees. Th is was returned with great spirit by the boats, and 5hc],'_< fell with beautiful pi-ecision. The boats, ciontinuing to advunce,`so0t1 reached the obs-ucgjon`, w1,."_:lt was found to consist of large caissons of timber tilled with stones, :1 small passage being lei topen' for boats to pass through; some of the boats pulled ever It, and passed in- side. thus fairly offering i.`-lllle 10 U18 W0 steamers and the row grin-bou'. Ss W110 were < pitching shot and shell at the Ruth}! {Wm be- hind the point; they, however, were n-`it I- ;_`_ to come out, and, as the object of the recontla}5- sauce had nowtbeen completed, and all U15 - soundings tz'il-:en,- the recall was hoisted, and the tlntilln commenced its The ring _ ,. ,,__ '.l, lanlnrl nnuv-;n.l.. ..4`..-. L._.._ __ I `x I`_hc i l3i1n;; .~1qu;_ulr0n in me Baltic. The Penis ('m.<(i/A111inrml, rnnmrlcing u-pun proulu-_-is at .\`ul>n: ;~'u_\`?~':-- _ `.\'v!~:l. x'L-surnlvlcs in nuIl1in'__f:1n m`Iin- ' fur'\il'i:-I ]`]. 1('.(`5 and lh'(,`1'c is no Cryu1p:L|`isol| be made lvelwucn the assault to In: mdc on n\1.~>x.1 Hzzu I-_v2:xc:`:Lx1 Bn:1r.y :;0.<,uvm1`t}w most d'iHic11H n-ur~nI ! in hi.s'-. \' . l`I... 1..._-9 l`...|llZ.\.'l ..l..'...... .. ||~ Vdlume IV. \\'A R .(... --uJ:'\)l|l.LHlu }crman has nocepted the Austrizm ll()1].lt)0 elh:1r win. Hm... ...n.a:.:,..,_u _..,. . . . . . . .-5.. mimporlanl. Neither sorlies nor nxlnnnl V L\5ir 1-: Tr,r17:"j-:i\'_c'I3. .`.3'cbu. Sea of Azoff and in the ML ' The fnIlu\vim_f-.\'lr.'1cl from :1 letter from I of the FIying_.\`}n:nlnnI of Ihe`} :1|tic Flmrt, plains Ihu nfH1ud(`aH1 of .\.'tury, and other.p;1r1iL-uiurs, not given in official d :-- ~ lnlr H`. __Yn aim; n.-...l........a -.l' I....;a .-.-..I_ On Thursdziy last, Mons. dje Belvcze paid {his City` of Toronto :1 visit, in anticipation of which great preparaliorrs were mad_e in orderlo give` clat to the occasion. . After visiting the prin- cipal buiklings, in compairy with-`the Mayor, . Capt. Gauthier, and the Hon. Mr. Drummond, ;`-Attorney General of Canada East, they repaired fa the Ante-Room of the St. Lawrence Hall, were like distinguished visitor was presented wilhian adifress from the citizgns of Toronto, a. . large number of whicsh*- were present. It was as follows :- V . To 1|1onsieur re C'ommandant`Dr: BELV-EZ_E: 41 u._ t\ I I 11- r.` , .. .~~-.- uu \Il/\l~uIlt Ul uu UILIUI llll Ja1U\l \VUl'lll ,0. more. We may allow him .'.!_0 per cent. on __the price asked for his, and still beat him in price with Seott :. Mr. S. will "receive, I -believe, by this mail, an order (l_l|`L'('l from here. 'l`lio.~._e exliibited go to England. lliggiiis (Motttri,-al) a.\'os, which were qonsitleretl cheap and good, go there also. The planes sent by Danjson and Wallace were sold to the jnror who bought Scott s. l`hc llzirness and saddles are all held to be too dear by the jurors, and I-`fear we shall be left nowln-rein this class. Leduc s buggy is held to be cheap, light, and good; that ol Gingras (Q:zs;l;et-.) ;__-"nod als0,rbntv too dear by hall . 'l'hi.s will naturally operate against its stt(:cL'.~`s in the exhibition. Both Deat1 s;atnl Morris ll`lilll{$ pztssetl muster, as to quality, both are also, I li~:n', too dear, when compared with otliers. lliglt prices will, I fancy. lose its :1 good many medals. The Fire Enzgines have l)t't,`ll e.\::unined.` That of George l e,-rry, the builder of the London Prize Engine, was spoken well of by the j_nrnrs. I did not gather their opinion respec-tin;, the Quebec engine.-- They are all to be tested by steam power in a few days, whiel.,l rather think, ivill take the putty out of more than one of tlgose e.\'hibited. l am afraid the Q,Ut_!l_)t`C sleigh will be too late for e.\'arninalion by the jtnms. _'.I regretthati no prices have been `sent over of the biscztnts or pickles e.\'hib_itetl, as well as other articles sent lrom Canada. `I should strongly recommend each e.\'l'1ibitorAto supply this omission as" speedily as possible, as 1 am confident it would be for their interest`to do so. The Cotn-'. missioners are at last holding meetings, and the work having been all done, almost entirely l3_y_ Mr. Logan and Mr. Perry, `there are plenty ready to take to themselve, a share of the honor which our department does our country. I be- lieve there was a general dissatisfaction ex-V , Wednesday s meeting, that. no priiitetl information was ready for distribution. VISIT 01 THE FRENCH COMZMANDANT DE BELVEZE TO TORONTO. - n us 5u.uu;n.'u llU|ll (LU uumucu il(:l`U IUI. unw- dcu s hours hams, and Idlu-r s tongues and lmms go out to-(lay fur cooking, and In-mm'row we shall have :1 foul of (".n1:u|i._1n Imam wih ll:ujury--such nswould m.-Lcmne z1rnissun.y other day. Tllt;_|l1l'L)l'S on edged tools `have vi.~ilm| us. Thcy object to the collection from Gull, C.W., as too high pricml. Scons, of Mon: Irc:_1l, un :hc_conlr:1l'_v, are c_onsiulcrcd good and cln,-:1p,--s0 much so. Haul zun c.\'hibi1u1'duposilc(l 25 on accuunt of am nrdoi fur JJIOU worth ,0: mm... \\7.. m.... ..H..... 1.2.... .mA.._ .. .. . .- mat emu U) u. auucn l a_)lllVdll, l.'(luill- tU me tn >.'[;m, and has iili.\"CI1VStJlflO away with him to bring it under the ti_(`-_tiv.u.ol' some scicnlitic itistiluiinti for its opinion. UiilS:'iOr(1 S(Oi-Bl'0L'i{-. \.,`!le) grain crzidlcs zttc pmn0un_ct;d g0()(i by_tho' Jiul-Q;-5_ `17jqL. ,1)(,`lll!i,i`lli ('.()iit.`L'iiUl'l of InQt1IL=ill plants sent out by Prof. (.'mn, 7fTU1'01`F0s. `SW1 mitts.- on all`1o. he very fine, 1`e-ticctinc much credit on that gL-iitIcn1:ut s X`CSt!(tl'CitCS.- Some of the specimuns are by far the ncst c.\'- hihitctl. The usscntiul oils sent by W; Lyman 8; Co., are cxccliciat,:tnd'llic}f have :1 t';1vumL`iIc place in the rt.-port 01' the jury, as has :1 similar cuileclion {mm Giruux, Qltcbecf. The xvoods have been e.\."_n11ii1cd, hut I havens-yet hccn unable to gzlezui any hints of the tlucision of the jury. ])icksuu s collcctiuii hmn Kingston is rcm:u'l;ubIu--n0l for its own merits, but zmnll was gathered {ruin nil linntlred acre lot. Haw- , I .t....9;. t........9 i...".,. .....l 1.n....9_ . .. ._ L`.\.\`,m1A.\' D)~2I`AI{ |'.'\lT-`..\"]`, H Rm` dn (.`irqnL-, P.\l{lN,_]Ih July, 1:55. E Tm: I:xH1I;I'n0`N--momnu: 1*mz+;-s"r() CAN.-\I)A -(.'oox)s 501.1), &c., &c. '1`lncju1'ies.arc cnming fa. to inspvcl our portion of l on Agzriculuu" 1...-.. I _. uu, noun uuuiu nu. , " 7 VIENNA, July '20.---`A gland procession is to take place in this city on Sumluy ne.\t,Ain cele- bration of the (lovlrine of the linm;u-.t1l:1leCon'- ception, which has lately caused such zi'stir';1t Rome. The Emperor and Ernpifess will walk on foot from the Church of St. Stefan to the Ilopreceded by_ detachments of priests lrumi most of the nci-_v;hhouring moims`teri`es. and ful- lowcd by all the principal grmitlees and oili- cers of the State. It -is expected to be a most imposing spectacle. ' ` uni , mu 1 uL'.\\tu3 U\'L'tllll`__f, says 3-- ' It is" not the state nlour army before Sebas- topol which exelu.~:i\'vly oceupiesthe atte_nti0n olthe allietl ;;overnin:_:nts. There is reason to believe that the attitude of Austria .at this mo- ment VQCL`. lSl()tl.~'_S()!ltU ziitxtety, .it"not positive tlisquietmle. . liver since the rupture of the Vienna eonl`eren the l{u:ssin.n agents at Vi- enna, who are more numerous-tlian ;;`ene|'ally stimtosetl, and who, perhaps, are to be found in regions where they `are least stispectetl, la- bour xrithretlonblctl _ energy to tletuch Austria completel_V'troin liet1eiigage.meiit_s with Eng- land antl France. For the last fortnight rnueh progress'li.1s been matle, hut particularly willi- in the last si.\'v or eight days the results, to a` certain e.\'tent,.:1re more'z1nd more observuhle. At St. I etei'sbnr1_vli, where the Austrian am- lizlssutlot`, antl lll(l( L`(l all Austrian Sltl\_l<'t`lS, hail been A treated with more , than /uiulcur ever since the ll`CZt.l:V of the 73ml of l)eeeL_inl_IeI', :1 f1lill'l{(!tl eliatige has taken place. At the court, and in the general society ol the Russian cap- ital, the Austrians are treated with the utmost nrhanity, and are olijectxs olithe most delicate attentions. \\'heie\'er. they show themselves they are received with open arms, antlthc very name of Austria, that not. lottg ago \\'as fmtitl in the nostrils of the Russiaiisol all classes, seems now reveietl asmuchus la b'uintc Rus- sia itself couldihe. A ' \'..-..... l.,|,, an `A - - . V _ . . . . . V - . . V V u - - . . .y\..n-n...-w uu an-u.u v'nnl`4 u t-1:1,;-011: behalf of the` gill Zeus `of Tcronto The (V: Hie H \"..!.-......,.I . ,- --.,, \/I,` -my nu-u un ., Inn. A.) Iu-l- 7`o1c/mzzr/r cutter, the property of Messrs. Uah, of Porlsca, wine rmarchums, run up to our an- chorage, 18. days from England, laden with u very acceptable c:u';_ro. The new morlzrr-boats have been prac,li.s-ing for the first lime against some islamls here, and hayedevelnped the ex- traordinary range of-rpwards of 4000 yards. Ixevfr ala1n seen} being noable `to main :1) bfslll .7054`, ho szmlg at once.` I`he re- fro `he CICW jumped overboard, and f`. "'*3 Picked up by: the other boats. Tho Rus- axans are oonstrucung some very strong works On some 1s!ands in Frangsund Bay, covering `he aPPl'0lChes to \Vybo'r:;, the works of which are notcon.aidm-9.1 u1nH...l...u..'.l 4-,._ --._ .r_r_._. _ The } ru'1s cnrrcs;'mn_dent oflhe -'I'imcs,',\vrit'- mg on 'l'ucsd:1_v cw-xliliq, says:-- ' If Ill)? HM` 12190 n{nIn- '1I'n1I"\nrnrn CAI`-.- ((')1'rcsp Qf`l/zc ~Mon(/`cal Ga:c(lx,'.)' 1c_,, 1` .... _ _ The Paris !xpositiou._ Auitria andjkussia. - gas` I e I 27!`: 4,! Illstlbo . On leaving . the Eighlix ward-, the infuriated .mob marched to-the-Time's ofce, which was only saved from de'molilion by the efforts of Mr. Prentice and others of the American party, Know Nothings. TIIR l`_l'nI`ln! I :-nm Ilsa manna .-.6` ..2..A ...... .......'..a .u.ueuuI uuuungo`. . ' The accounts from the scene pf riot are most horrible. There wins in all about Lweuly`per- I V ' _ -unuxusry auu auutxtru 3t:VL`l`1l IIUQSES. The most serious rioting occurred .in the Eiwhth ward. About 6 .m., as three Ameri- _ o P . cans were quietlyilpassing along Main street, e -they were set on by tten3l`risltmen, and fifteen shots were fired by the latter. `One American named Rhodes, was killed, and both the others were wounded. The Irish then took refuge in a. house on the corner of Chappoll and Market streets, whence they tire_d,`auiJ wounded several Americans, end killed two, Graham and` Hob- son. The ring from the houses was continued - for halfan hour, unt_il the'Americans procured arms and reinforcements, broke open the houses capturing the murderer of Graham ; and`imme- diately hung him. A policeman cut him down whileslill living, but he died [this morning. In the meantime there was a perfect fusilade from ries and guns from a row of Irish houses on the corner of Eleventh and Main streets, on all passing Americans, several of whom were badly wounded. The whole row, known as Qninn s Row,` was lled with Irish, all armed. A crowd of Americans-;L~:sembletl, and failing to dislodge them, fired one of th'e_"houses,. and sent for reinforcements, which "soon arrived v with muskets and a cannoni Several I rrshmen in the burning building were shot and others _capture(l. Reports were heardin the burning `buildings, but no attemptewas made to ut out `the tire, and two or three blocks were urned. down. Several other res also occurred last night. i ' '.l `mu . V. - - - '- uuLIK;.V :ulI.3Id.l'lUl_\ . . _ General I eIis. :--Aflur abrisk c:mn0'n:uIe, the Russirms rnndev z1's_nr1ic, about mi:1ni~_;ht, on the lc nH`l1e'Lill|c R` -m. The Russian-:s were-_'prmnpll?i%ceived unwrepulsed, leayiulgsorne wounded and eight dead. The darkness enabled them to carry off the others. (Sen. Canmbcrt is on duty in the trenches. It \\':I: rnmnrml in Pm-in vh-.9 oh}. .-...m-\......o....... It is lantentztble to record such facts as are given below, in which 20 lives, and consider- able property liave been sacrilieed to pztrtly feel- ing," urrising out of secret combinations, or rather a growing enmity bt-tween l rotest._'1nts and Catholics. The riot.sori_-_in:t:ed at an l:}lec~ tion,t-.@seeins tobe mziinly between the native Arnei'icnt1s and the Irish. A .i ' ' Lou1svn.1.r:, (Ky.,) Au". 7,1855. In the First ward,.:tbont nine a.m. yesterday, Awhile the election \\'as goirt_; quietly on`, some disturbance arose at the polls. l\ lr. Bulge, an Arnerican, was einsnlted, stabbed, and beaten until it was supposed he was dead, by a party of lrishtnen. The ztssatttltem were itnmediately ;1i`l'este&lmttl lodged in jail. In the uliternoon three Americans were livredqupon while quietly passing :1 G`erm:m brewery. ()ne', who was riding quietly along with his wile, was fired on at the same time, several squares below. A shower of shot and bullets was ruined from the \\'in`dows` of Germztn -houses, inn! many people were wonndett. ']'l1e'foreign- ers seen in thcwhole vicinity were armed, and alternpted the ind_iscriminale slaughter `of A_mericuu!.; An immense crowd of infurhtted All')(:`l'lL`2llI_S gissernbled, and were fired at from the windows, when they burned the German .brc\\'ery and sucked several houses. 'l`l|n rnne! cnrinnc rifuinn nn..u.......l 3.. 41.- \J\I'(;I|_|un:lI|u ` 150 so kind, Mr. `Mayor, as 16 ccmri1nnic:1le imv {Lclin:_rs of gruliludu [0 {W3 Citizens 0f_ToV-' mfuo, and mj-..,.i,'_'ll1e; 0.\'pIessi)u of my high considcrutionfur yuursuII'_ pc1'sox1a.I|_v.; . The reading of the reply xvu }'eceive with `mm-,h xmrmlh, and was loudly cheered. In the evening a very large and respectable party enFer1:1incd Coxnmlldant dc Bclyeze at me St. Nicholas Illuil, wcle the most "friendly senti- ments weyc L-'xc.h:1nged,;1x1 the party separated lniglllygrztticd with the compliment paid them by the F,rc'nch Commumhir. ' ' v V unupa a llull. UI _)\.Iu| uuttu HHU HS- naturul chznmel. ' ' I lmpc that the taritl will he motlifictl on lmth SltlL`:' so as tn l':u'unr this rc.~snlt,:1ml wlwrt the wutcrsol the St.` l_.u\-r`rcnc'e aml ofthe lakfs will be plonghctl by the ships_0l'2tll llftll0l_lS, Canatlu will assume that proud position \\'hich isftlue to the iiltclligcncejtml activity of her inli';1bitants, and which` has. been prepzlretl for l1<:r'long lvelorcltantl by the skill of the lixitish GOVt:rr_1tnent.` ,.,n, 1 II n. IUI |.lI\/ UCILLUIIDKIIIICIII Ul IIKUQU IUIII-|IUll3c -l have carefully foii()\\ ( ti the _;{I`t:R{ lines. of navi;_;ntion, \`\'hich unite the must distant pat'ts_0i`yot1r country with the sea-'; {ind tlurin_r. my trip.I have convinced myself that in this fair `region, iuiiubitti by the suns of th most intelligent and the `most industrious nations of the earth, ixnmcnsar pru:_rrcss itu._s` been zn:ule~5- progress such as Europ has no L'0n('.`plinll of. F\'-itnixrrnc nrn nnuy mi.-uin ixntu-amn (`nu-._ [II\':_;|CJJ Dllbll (L3 1all|\FllU IIILO IIU L\IHl1l"1lHHl Ul- Vxchangcs are now made bctm.-`cu (`unu- du and France; but solely lhr0u_-,_:h Intermedi- ate ha_u], who remlier lI'uu;~.'uc.lions,burlhen-<= ~`IIk'J\L|1 UI LlUl|.|.\/|U\VII3o - ' A It was this belief that sugested: t(_) the I-Impezrurthu mission Wllh \\'hu'.h lzunt(:h:u'ged. ANutwith. the tpreoccnpations of`_the war, he \\'tS'he(.| to establish between those two coun- n`i'es,Vformerly united by other bonds, commer- cial relations of :1 direct and sp0nt:1ne0us char- acter, and I have been sent to prepare the way for the establishment oflhese relations. (1 I |.....,\ A-.. r..n_. 1',ll.:_._-, I .l ,'- I` .I.l|l_`.;ll|II\l llllkl. 1' ICIIIUCD ff One of the most impn`rI:mt ccmsequences of this "onerous policy will be mslrengthenzxml re_n'du1'I1nm'e useful the mlatious between the subjects uf bolh.crowns.`" . uh u--.._- old`. I.'..l:..4 Hm; ........,...r...l. 4,. .1... Mr. MAYol:,- I e\'perience. :1 feeling 0f.w;11- isf:1c1iun-wlnich I cumlot conceal, in rcce.-iving, rit Torrmlo, :1 welcome so {ullV0fki1_uln_ess auzi c'.mln:1l|ly.. ` " (t'l`l\n vrnnnnv rvsnr-;rnc-Gnu` In ol.I,.-.....-.2...l LJIXIIIIIIIJ 0. . _ H lhc `)`mpnt}:}' m:mifeste_d in this"cnpil:1I of Upper Lzlnada, Is :mac.l ()fh0n'1{1ne 1,, Qm.(.,, Vu-Zlorna and the"-'EmpeVr_or Nnp()lU(m, for 11.9 POUCY of union, of-"concord, and ofggnod intelli- 29:}C94_\"1|iCh 1l_my l1:.1've sL1bslildlc for` the p`u.1cy nfnntngcinlsrxx formerly cxisiixng between l:.n_ and I` rance. 1; I\.... -r.L, _,,_, ___ . _ , P un un:_ piuuubtb UL nu: l\\'0 COUI|Il'lt:`S. . The pnsition which Canada has been en- ziblcd to take iii the Paris. Exhibition, ahd the specimens there exliihitett of our `agricultural and inunui'zic1ui'ing capabilities, have c0uti'ihu,- -ted to make the French nation be-ttcr acquaint- ed with the resuurccsaud the iutlustriztl charac- ter ofthis1 rovirice. And, if by mezlns of you: visit, it direct commercial il|l( rL'Oll|'Sb` shall be efstublishcd butwevii Catltltiil and l"i"a'n:e, such :1 result could not fail to be pruductivr: of mutual advantage to the peupie of both C0litlIl'iCS. _ .'REI`l.\'. _ . _ M. De Bclvezc replied in:Frcn('_h, which \v:1s thus li":u1sI:itc_d at i'tiS`l`8q:ll'L`n'[ by the Hun. Mir.` Drummoud : -.u.u uu;_v nan: (July ( `.1mH}ml in from new r bl)staclvs of all kinds :1 .1 breach in Hm W:-zilcs to push >r\\`:ml u. by this xm).1n.=ix1t)1I1:: Hun h 3.. ..,...-. IUIIE \,uuuuul:. . . : _ ` In thejmrticular object of` your mission, the inhabitants of UpperVCanmla. feellhe greatest possible interest; nndwe trust that its results will contribute [to devt-lope lheiresources of thzs Provinc ef-; thus ope;-nin_r_r out new channels for our commerce, and Ierzulingr to an interchange of the products of the two coumrfes. u l`I... n...~:o:n.. ...l.:..l. r~..m..1- I... Lu . W \/ClIl(l\IIb\lK BuL'.iC`J|v`. .. The alliance now so h:t.pp`tl_v existing. be- tween Olll`_'.0\\'fl fatherland and theepowerful V empire to which you belong, renders the` visit to this l rovinee of an officer of that brave ee? now, in con_]unctionwith our.o\ vn, combatting for the liberties and peace of the world, an ob- ject of the deepest interest to us,j and renders appropriate the expression of our hearty desire that it triumphant success may attend the [arms of the allied forces, and that when, through their united velour, .3. just and an honourable peace shall have been established, the bonds of friendship} etwcen France and England may Ion! contin`ue..~ - " = 71_.r_,.`_., -..L 1' '- -5 VVCBICIKI \/illlukldo ' The union of interest, and the growth of intimate socialand commercial relations be-. tween the British residents of this Province and the"or igiual settlers of French origin, have led to consequences equally benecial to the hap- piness and prosperity of both races, and have induced feelings ofmtttunl goodwill and respect between the descemtalnts of `both countries. The arrival, therefore, among us of a represen- tative of that empire, from whose shores so many of 0I1rfell0,\5'-Subjects emig_rutedfto this- country, is ltmledwith much gratication, not-' only, sir, by your.` fellow-countrymen in this Province, but we assure you the same senti- ment actuatesall classes of Her Majesty s Canadian subjects. ~' 6` Thu nlliunhn hnuv an I\Iuv\r\`:l\v n`-2..o:......'. L- we beg to assure you than it affords us incere pleasure, to welcome you to -the [capital of Western C1x_1ada. ' ' 1("I`L- ,_,, ,, _l` 3". . I _I ` ` Riot;;;_i6l;is'ill, Kentucky; BARBIE NOR=THE\RN ADVANCE. nuru nu. uu: 1I.aIl\'Li1_y Ul" ill illly OUICT (lill'\.'.. As to the bribe of 25 acres of land from Mr. Mchlaster, I can assure you, Mr. Editor, if_you knew all the particulars as to tho how this land was obtained, your risible faculties would be excitctl. As to the population and houses including the employees of the R_ailroatl and the other workmen, who, of course, cannot be considjered as residents - according to A; A. R. instead of 1,000 and 60 houses, there are [lp\_\'tIt`(lS of 1,250, and over 110 houses; and `before winter sets in, ifall those cmrtmenccd are nished, there will be upwards of 200 houses. As to the number offemales I cannot give an opinion, although I have been here two years, and probably A. A. R.. was at Collingwood two hours. There are four good, comfortable Hotels, several excellent Snloons andprivate Boarding houses, where all but per- sons of bilious temperament can get satisfac- tion. Three of the hotels are exceedingly well kept, equal to any_ houses north of Toronto. Montgomery is furnishing a large hotel upon Hurontario street, and Mr. Harris is furnishing another to the east of the terminus upon -the McMa.ster property. The` Company have nezrrlycompleted a large building joining the terminus, and in_ a short time Toronto willinot , be fara-head of Collingwood in hotel accom- modation, (in proportion -to the travel.) .The Reeve of Nottawasaga is J. D. Stephens, not Peter Fergusson. The only partof A.A.R. s- . letter containing anything like facts with re- gard to the backcouutry, which, for forty miles_ (in every direction except towards Barrie) is well settledgand unsurpassed in Canada for ` soil, climate or water, and can already supply a leetle more than t-henecessaries of life to the ` 1,000 unfortunate beings who` have located at the-destined great City of the North. LU ('1 .u .x. 11. n. - uie terminus was iteeitted upon, becaitsc.l\1clVlaster hzul a mill, Smith & t`o. a lot antlstore, and the (,`omp:in_\' biibetl with an offer of 25 acres of Swamp holes. ` The ('-l`t.`(ill of selecting Collingwootl is due to Mr. Cum- berland. After a personal examination he de- cided up on it, in spite of the opinions and :er- . tilicates of Illr. E'i;`cr]/bod_I/. and the (lisap'pro- batimi of all the papers in Canada VVest, ex- cept atsolitary organ-grinder. Mr. Cumber- lzuid .~' excellent judgment as an Engineer, has been fully and finally eonlirmetl and approved of bythe most competent [').'lI'|l(-38, namely : the captains, mates, and owneis ofthe numerous steainers and sailing vessels. wlio have run in: and onto!" Collingwoml 3.llJ0lll'_i1l all hours, witliout a single ,aceiLlent ;for the last four months. `Antlbit must also be bornein mind, that Mr. Cnmbrlantl s' plans are but partially carried out.` Fortunately for the public, the party supposed to have liadgiutlicient influence to locate the terininns at Collingwood, li_a.~:. neither pdsition, standing or inlluence of any kind attthe Railway or at any other Board. 1`SN)ih itrihn nf `)5 nnruu inf I-null I`.-..-u 7|/'- , ...... ..u---1115:` Ill IIIIIJ on side of the Railroad, so liistitliat about three-quarters of a mile of the road bed has already been `twice washed away and partly carried into the Lake. `For it distance of tour miles on the litre of Railroad the ground rises gradually at the rate of ahout 40 feet to the mile. To the east upon- the l\'Ir,-Mztster property, 50 feet to the mile. To the westupon the properties of MeGlashan, Sanford and Pat- ton, Bank of Upper Canada, and T.A. Sta_\`ner,' 70 feet to the mile. The lowest ground is im- ,ncdi;1i.,,'Jv in front of the harbour; even here" upon llurontario Street, at the distance of 210 feet from the lake, Momr`-'07'_3'_V' has 399!` lar of six feet, with ample drainage 32011 his own lot; and the surface of t_he ground nearly opposite M_r. Smith s .store,ris six feet eight incliesabovehigli-watermark. >'l'oo much has already been said by interested parties, and even by Gavcrnmczzt 1'.'7zgi:_1ce2's, about the wantof drainage, and such (L rt d)S'z0a:'nip hole, and `I have therefore conned myself to facts, u`/ziclt I cnn-rcczdy to substantiate, as to t/zc d--.-d Swamp hole. The soil is com- posed either ofisand of gravel upon rock, -and with the exception of the immediate bed of the water courses, there-is not three inches of muck or black soil williin the proposed limits of the town. - 1 Now for the history of the town. According to A. A. R. the terminus decided in on - , P 2 because.l\1cMaster :1 mill. .\`mirt. R; 1-,. .. MR. I-l1)xT`icm,-ln 3'i)11f ycstcrtlay s Daily 1 noticqtl :1 letter Siglltzti A. A. R. containing s0me:.erroneons remarks injurious to the pros- perity of'C'oll1'ngu'on(l. _ i _ I trust you will allow me space to -contradict thug. `Most of lhc'p:1|ti(:ul:t ` about [)lt`,I'S, hrcalcwaters. \\'iliiil oliclm ' 5th of w:tt<'I'. tpmlec-lion, &c.,_u ' d culled tlfe fg-"i ' . ,3 ggt the terminus. The ncxt smtcmunt e being no clmncc 0l' dr:tin;1-__-c is totally devoid oltruth. l.fA.A.l{.llatl \VZ|ii\'t,`(i up the track 300 feet from the_entl ufithc pier, he woulul have seen the water ruunin;_: rapidly L . l('-ll Railroad, lust that four Auknllll y . July 20th. (7efnnrnIASixnps0n telegraphs,lh:1l , the cholera had not incrcused.. his last 113- ` port, and the gonmli hchilh of the army C611- lmues sal:sf:xc1 r`....--.,1n,.y:-,:.__.,u-,, _-,_u, , .'..r. - IILIIIIUKJI _\lIlu \\`L'l`U \\`UIlIlll(f(l. The inmute.~: ofa row 0| [xish h0uscs,owmxl by :1 man named Quinn, lircd on :1 party who were passing by, when lhuy turned upon their :1.~`sui|au1ls, hurnal lheir _huuses, and killed _sevm_`al,z1llofwlnm were Irishman. Same of!/Le Aln'.s-Iuncn. in (Item: /muses were -'bu'r7wd Io rleuft/_z. A `wunwn and Qumn are among those whn were ki llo(l. Eight to tan houses were (la-"strayed, and the number burn- rul to dual/1. and killed is .-Said /0 be from {town In (wcnI_I/. 'l'o-(luy lhe_e.\ci1ement` was very great, and \v.1rlike_ movements, were nl)scI`v;;-blu, hut the crowd linally dispersed.--_-N. Y. Ilcrald. In ' ' ' uuzu UUIIIIHULUI] sactceu. `The crowd then proceeded to the houses on the corner of Shelby and 1\'I:1d.ison streets, from whence Germanshad been seen firing,:riddletl two groceries, a beer house and two houses, all occupied by Germans, and injured severely tsevers.l of the 5inmates. They then went to Jeiersonstreet, where aparty of gentlemen coming into the city had been fired upon from a large brewery, sacked the houses around it; burned the brewery and beat a number of Ger- mans, whont they captured terribly, and also shot an Irishman, who (lied this morning. In the street below at) American was slightly in"- jured by a shot, when the Irishman who tired it was captured, beaten and shot. _ Rlrnnie hail irons` R.-n.l 42...... ..II I... I _ . . _ ,_ V1 lllbll VVCIU illIilUKU(lu I The crowd now talked of .~;a<;kin;r the Calho- licNchurch,.where 1: was rumored rearms had been sccreied; but the" keys oflhe Romnn,_ Calholic Cathedral have bet-n placed in the lmndsz ufthe Mayor by Bislmp Spauiding. Mayor Barbee and others prevai-led upon nern to leave it al_m':e. . ` Q..........l ..A_.__.. I 1 I 1-` v rllllilll Iu Iuavc ll i1l_UliU. ` Several persons had been fired`on in the lower part ot Mam street, and at five o c!ock in the afternoon two Arnericans hm! been shot at from an` Irish house on the corner t)t`t\1:1in amlChz_1pi3l streets, without the slighte-. provo- cation being given on their` part, this Sii!l'lP(i` the (|istu_rb`nm-.e aheslt. 'l'h::` lri.-hman \irho shot Rhodos was then taken, mitt irnrnediuloly hun;:-,, but \\'ZlS_ULlIliU\\'lt hctore lite became ex- tinct. ` 'n|`., - V *- |Illl.|n ` Thirtyor more shots were i-red" from the Irish house on the corner of Main and Chapel streets, aml it is impossible to ascertain the lllllflbcrlill were womuled. 'I`l... 2..W`...A_ ,1`- M- - -I` I ' ` ' n nun uaplulcu, ucumu am! 5110!. Shots had been red from all the houses which were attacked. ` rpph,` ________,| ______ .,IL 1 r '1 - - -~ ~ lyG\JlCUa ' ` "In the First ward, two jgentlemen were "riding in a carriage, they were red` at from a house containing. Germans or Irish. One gen- tleman was wounded, and Edward Williams, watchman, Joseph Selyage_'and`John Latta, Americans, wentto the scene, and they also were red at. Latta had his leg badly shatter- ed by a musket ball, and Selvage and Wil- liams-' were wounded. Exaggerated reports then spread in regard to the a"air,'causing :1 large crowd to assemble, thirsting for revenge. They gathered around the house from where thering had commenced, took two Germans from it and beat them so badly that their recov- ery is considered doubtful. The house was then completely sacked. `TlIn nrnunl than hrnnnr)1'o1' In 01-tn ln.~....-.)-..-. .-... VI uuuucu. Twelve buildings were burned; and Several charred human bodies_were taken from the ruins. rnL,,,, -- - ` ` ` ` `- I U |lI3o There is a large crdwd at the Court House this morning,_iwhere there dead bodies are col-- tecled, ' '1...1__ n-W. - - - Collingxvood, Aug. 911;, I855; ucu. puulluvuzt Ls nu uu1)'1rl ule nencncs. It was rnrnorod in1 zu*is that the preparations 1 of the Black Sun Squadron are not for am attack an Odessa. sons killed-;` wounded. ' m__,v_., L -- -- ' besides 5. grat many? badly (T0-"Me Eclilor of llm'Colom'.sI.) `V_V _.` , ' ` . . - Ilollingwbod. This pertinent question so often tingles in our ear that it has become both irksome and puzzling to find a reply, other than the indenite, long deferred--c.onsequently heart sickening" sen- tence : We hope so. We do hope so : and we atter ourselves that our hopes will be realized; _ not because of our knowledge of any move being _made by those who should first movein the mat- ter; for we know of nothing of the kindglbut be- cause the pressure from without is becoming so strong that the demand for it is no longer doublful, hut imperative, forced upon us by the absolute wants and necessities ofan increasing population. In by-gone days, when almost every inhabitant of our town posscsseditheir Rood of Land and grew their own vegetnbles, this necessity ofa mar- ket was not felt; hut in the present day when a large majority of its inhabitants are depending up- on the `purchase of suchnecessaries, the limited and exclusive supply renders it very doubtful `even at any price. If this privation was caused by a scarcity of provisions it would be more toler- iable, but it is not so: the country is full, and the farmer only wants a. place to suit his convenience in order to give us a. full supply. ;That convenience is no other than a place set aside for the sale of them. Times are materially whether a dinner may be scraped. together or not-, Park Lots in the tpwu of 1a1'1'ic-I3o11lton .5: McCm`t}ny. _: V _ Sale of` Crown L.'mds--Lar'Jdv;\gcncy, \\'m. Boys, ' ]:1rrio_ : ' .CrcdVitF Salt: nf':L }}v1II-(`wH. '1`ndhopv, ( h'il1i:L.. Smut ..\Iacl:ines--J. \\':Lltuu & C0., Holland Land- :nrv - _., ...,......u .|4IIll\L' ing. Wild Land in Es's:1---John Long. Farm to Let in Uro-John Dun`. `New boot and Slum Estathlishxnent at Bau'ric- J. S: W. M()l1lg`()ll1Cl`_\ . C1,." (1: I m ,,,_. _,,.-.. ... ......\-. I. _u vvuv..--- `lUI(I((,'II _ L`Il)lL'L` " I3o<>k_H1()1'e, Barrie. Auction Sale of Su;,r:1r:<, 4 D. .\I:u:dm1L-ll, 'J7m'(mto. I .}Tri11(iI1:;' mice for Su1e--\\'. W. W., Barrio. .A. u... null`!-JI-|1 I is complete in M:iteri:1ls for work ofcvcry descrip- tion, wlictlicr I.ctler-Press or Account Books, and WIll`l`{ll1I(`d equal to any in the Province. A RUL- 1_\'(} _\[,\u1_\'E is attached, by which Books, Bill-llcads, &c., can be done to any" pattern. NEW ;\DV'EI{;I'ISI3MENTS THIS WEEK. Sam Slick `in St-:1r'(-h ut' : v v r1 I` I I; LI .\I.\IEDL-\'l' '}.I~;Y, :1 '01!-grown, Intelligent BOY, as an .~\1 l l1EN'l'lUl'I to the I R I N T I N G uL's1.\.'1sss; j j . um um. . unou uu mun uuu um} WUIHU ll(;'Vt l' see each other agziiri. Recently, however, Kennedy le:1rned`th:1t his wife had been writing letters to Poiken, rind succeeded in intercepting nne of them, which made an ztppoititment with Puken that she would meet with him at Cold- wnteron Tu sduy evening. On that evening Kennedymrimgcd to be at home. Poken hav- in1_r:irri\'ed :1tCnldw;tter, \\'21St)i).(.'|'VL'ti hy Ken- nedy \\':u'king up and down bethre his house, h:1vin_-_v an ebony ruler in his hand, attached to :1 piece of string. Kennedy went out and shed what he want:-d. '.l oken replied that he had Vvmne to see Mr. Snnson (who has :1 store in '(.`oldw:1ter,) and that he had at right to be there. .-tn zdtercntiun ensued between them, and Pulcen hit Kennedy in the face with the ruler `rtheady referred to. Kennedy drew 11 double hnrrelted pistol, and, retreating :1 few steps, tired, but did not hit. Polzen, who then ad- "ill,Vund then _ , onmntg wen fatally in te ire: . `he unhappy mam died ne=.\'t momin_'_r. The (,'umne_r s' lnqnest terminated in :1 verdict nt` JL ~`[`lF1.UH.t-I I]umciDi:.---(Ila/iv. I vzuieed. I tmn him. Kennedy" ()f"1`his (>i(-6 lx:1.~'_ rr\'n|.* In \hnI_Vn-< .1. Hum` mm-o n:1.~:n:u1 :1 voxxxplotv r 'l`Yl l'2, J{1)RI)l-Illh`, l)ESI.G.\'h', now enabloxl to execute C Lion, comprisiug-- POSTI.\'(:` xm.Ls, FI'.\'F.n)u. I nom: wm_K,' no CARDS, CHK(.`L`LAI!S, ` . I".~\.\'GY I RI;\'TI.\'G in ` u nu I`I\l ll )UEll'llA'l.|J, by I}l_(3l`t!_`,VL`iV[V)l of inlm,-!li;_runcu that Mr. Pokeu, Clerk in lhu l'InLgIi.~h (`:u'!u-dru7., nml"I'9ncher of the P:u'o(-hiul Sclmol, had but-n shot on Tues-' lay last :11 (,`n! un (icnrgmn Bay, by 3 In?! HflYn(.`(l l{(?HllP(l\'. Hill` QIl}1~'ur|||'nnHn Inn `..._, ..... ... \.-m_.n.u::i, un nutngzntl nay, Dy mun lwnneily, mnl . (lied. ,\Vel(.':1l`ne(l lzv..~'t night, on the arrival of the: Northern ours, that the following were the facts 'pr()vml before the` C0l`0llCl"S'.llll')',V\)\`l`|0 held an inquest on the belly`. Mr. Kenneily, :1 ship- builder, \\'.'1sl'urme'rly :1 resident in Turontu, and llll reason 'to believe that :1 too familiar in- tnn:i(`.y_ then existegl. between his \\'ile-am! Puken. Sometime after his removal to Cold- water, Kennedy (ll>'C()VCl'L'tl that the crirningil intimacy between the [)f1I'll(`Sll(.l(l been renewed, but \V\'SA reconciled to his wife on obtaining from her and Peken an oath that the_v'wonld neve akin nnnh nllunr nrvnlru T)... ...I.. l.,____,__... u uILv|IIux,] gcr cat. I\.:.. , , siL`ge.~'{:'<>I1't}1_- Iory. -'H1c v!n-s_l \'ir0l1g`:l by 111-}: geuiw-5 In m.'1I; .1.` I , I

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