Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1912, p. 5

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T-Ordlry 21 T16 _ on trial. If not atisfactory it won t cost you a cent r .1 J-I-Ian-mg: ACLDV.ER.un GR r.,.,_....:_....._._ BANDS THAT ARE BUSINESS BUlLDERs STAND ALL Tsar: - . ; Flog" Council met at Phelpston, on. I , Fdbruary 5, pursuant to adjournment ~ all the members present. : Jlsli. , obt. Strathearn, bonus wire . fence, 87.40: . Wm. Berry, caretaking gravel pit 1911, S3; `Jag. Hughes, cepairing roadway and putting-in. H. flcemenc pipe, can. lineA3V. : - Hall. miditor, :10; John McAu1ey," auditor, $10; Francis Dyer, for sheep ' -, killed -by dogs, $33.33: ` ` 'Knr'In\1---Ril".hnJ` nn-'I'hat George Ma.r1ey~-Richardson-That George f;eeperg_ in v Duwnev be appointed truant officer, _ ner. ' ` "Graham---Ai'che1'---That t-he , and-A-1 Come}; ,, 9?? 5t.&*95"."' *.P*.`L':'3` 3?E."'1e- Apr. tors statement he adopted and that` . "200 copies be printed (or distribution Rjclim-dson-Archer-That 6 copis the`usa of the Counuil and the Cleltkl Farmers have _good chums to. 3.,`- ,>Graha.m-Archer-That `the applica- cure horses for spring work, at sale. L tion of.'1`hoa. Knupp tor the changing lot 21, con. ;0, Essa, Feb. 21 st.- of s 4 lot 20, con. 1, (tom 3. s. No.1 M1NARn{s_ LINIMENT cunxa V BA'RI'-\!lE the most modern'requirem_c_ants. - This old established and well known hotel has just undergone n thorough renovation, and is now in u. better position than ever .be-` fore to cater to the comfort of its patrons, An extensive addition has been recently `opened. The , entire house is stexun hezitad ~o.nd eleotricflight has been installed throughoutin `in. mnynner to meet With the tnblo- mnintnined nt its old high standard, the` proprie- tor condently looks for the pon- tinuod pntronnge of old friends and th ncquxisitiop of now patrons. - ' 7-12. 1 LLV `.L.I.-.V..: .L'\.I.L\ :..u.\1;u.a.4 \JLJ.l_l- BARRELS FOR STORE, CHURCH AND SCHOOLHQUSE DUSTBANE IN T`1Ns FOR HOME USE-.-` Iunnnvrvo r.-no nr|'\r\uI.~ nunomi: A\'|"\ enunnv nnzuz new TIME vou swttr You Fill Your Throat and Lungs wnn germ-laden dust _ `\ "Kill-s Germs T _ Brightens-Carpets % and Floors V T|1ese.two bx-ands embody thb best values p_I-oduc ed in seeds. Ask your mercharit for these 'bl'aI1S; `he'll have` the'm or = send for them. Grahan:--MaIley--Thad: Oouncillal tea regarding timber for bri<`.g_es ail I By-laws were passed increasing hy- _ $100 per a.n'num and-xing the salary ,oiC1erk and Treasurer, appoinpg bathmas-hers. fence-viewers and ponnl Archer be appointed_to make uxquir-' - culv:erts and re_port atfnext meeting. _ H. A. SAIIMS," MANAGER Richardsan-Mar1ey-That the Reev. ' Deputy-Reeva and Clerk be a. Gomm. tee go investigate the q_uestion;pl Municiphl telephones 19:; the T1). 3: port. at nexg. meeting . G#rmba.m-A.rchex~- I`hat,a gx-a.nt~ 325 be made for gravelliug on I. Whetham's road division, townliu . _ ` x1 adjohrnegl to meet at Elm-' ' uril 8, ,_a3;_L0_ a._, m,_ ' ' ixuja BAR-R|E nA'|m_! 0. unnxnnwci: m-Ioiu-: 239 HEMZMAM 8. couelnuo 1; the life work of this old e`tab1ished rm, IIIII-ll rIII|a vu-nun DELIVERED DAILY: ` t: `j 7 -,-._ fis' the life who cherish this splendid heri1age=-from their father, the late Theodore A. Heintz- man, the founder of the business. ' 7 l Its magnicent tone and beautifu_1,sweet, / ` , mellow singing quality have placed it on a pinnacle i_tse1f in the_ judgment of the cultured-muslcian who best knows. -- I` . -\-u-niwruwrn _ The making of the Heintzman & Co." -Piano is a matter of family pride hence its artistic excellence, ' - A11` oriiers re'ceive prompt nttent-ion. ` YEOALDI AFIRM4E_ The M'aking of the LL10 L. I \7-:____} ? _, ` Sole Agent_for arrie and District . 178 r _ Phoxic PUREV v . .,,, r`..._.._: _ . - . .: n:&.-:.~4- -THE` , M1-9.. Marvin }3rown is visiting bcrl ' daughter in Toronto for a few `days. 1 Mrs. W. J. Foster is vising at her . home in I-Igwkestone for n-few days. ; l- Alonzo`!-Iaines oi Edson, Alberta,` is spending a few weeks here viditing ,his uncle, Thomas Blair. ma uu-.u;, Auunuan ..un... ~ A I `' Mr.` and Mrs. Fred Sharpe wem ii: 1 Toronto on Wednesday attending the Parkdale Old Boys reunion. . bers bi Collingwood and `Orili lod-gee will pay 3 fraternal visit. E. A. Little and Miss Little inv [` Archdeacbi: Warren 0 preached `two very able 3 l ing sermons on Sum , I cesan missions. "l`he\ Y. M. C. A. hockey team play- ed a friendly game at Bradford on Frid-a/y evening and defeated the Brad` .fm~d mam during the list` ve position of Eravelling secretary Superlngndent P. J. Lynch, of G. T. R". has been promoted go | to _the `position of scretmjy to Mr. Crumble who is assistant to vice-`izyident Kelly of the G. l`.R..,a.t, Montreal. - His friends will be pleased to hear of -his promotion. Allan Ingx-aim, son l_'iE, is now secretary to Mr. uynun. Although the wvznther ns too cold for many hockey sports to view the Church League game at the `rink on League on 2 Friday night, the `teams played fast hockey with the'Y.M.O.A. tegrn 1; 11;- . team ~a. lit- tle in the lead throughout the whole contest. At `half time the" scan: was 5 to}! in favor of the Y.M.C.A. Dur-. tumgd to _her home on Mqnday. '1 The Sons of England will have E . social `evening on Friday when _mem- - ume, mukgng `the iug the last fawn score being 7-6 in it; succeeded in scoring three more ` goals while the Y_.M.C.A. am _the- } sumo, making winning 1:631 dur- team. The hbckey teum'ffiir'n Ward Six enjoyed a delightful oytcr sup- per at the Y. M. O. A. on Friday at- `) tor the match. * capi_tai.,v - $4,608,050 Reserve fund 5,6 Assets, `- 57,0e7,-6` 1:01` TDD mu. wu . Hmxghton Lnnnox is looking `after : the interests of some oi his friends ' mnwpv W x . wmn Phone 259 bttv receive the position of foreman during the construction of f.ho- new wharfes which an to be built in and around {Barrie during the coming summer. The work will be done by | id made with the Mn to and North Bay. Brakeman to the store being closed no `air 2 into the building to fab the 1 which evidently oxlginlated from 1 I stove, as :1 hole was burned into! for about two ham-5 the temperature 1-use abou_t_the frez`ing,'pcrinh'.. the mean being 29 degrees, minimum 17 and maximum 36. On four days the L mercury dipped below the 20 mark as follows: Jan. 6, 24 degxteeg below; tollowiz Jim. 12th, 23 degrees below; lath, 21 de- : grees below; 261.12. ,21 degrees below. away 7 `stfddnly on Sunday night, after retiring. The ypung man attended to his chorcs_- amomgd $119 sAv1Nds_BANK DEPARTMEN1 1..o....m,o ndrha lm1f.vmu-Iv nf. bent to Be in-hisyusuai health. His death ` consequently came as 9.. great blow to his family. The funeral _will bga C. wharf will in all probability get : least gnaw `top which }s badly I ii RANDALf. S- Wines, YOUR Grocery need: sup; $ V _ plied, ' Txie 3 Est 3 End Groe;fy E STOCK. The pricesnre low, L ' . A L. A: s cmie;`1fm1{ FEE Quality Guaranteed. EAiLY DELIVERIES, ` NEW F15{U1Ts, U I: R`!-\ K I Au-|.;.n h Interest added half-yearly at best cuxrent rate. A deposit 6f- One 'nn1hu- or more will startan Account DELICIOUS PASTB.Y, GEORG-IAN Bay-Fish, READING_Biscuig DGILVIFJS Flour, EXTRA `Choice Bagoix, _- `PHONE. 339 3 .x.+-1-2-1-V:-:-1-x~:-x~z'~z~z-z~z~x-x c 1 The Secretary's Sick Ohlldleurs Hos- pital. and Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumpves, acknowledging receipt, 0! donation. A. M. Hunter, asking tax. $1.00: B31} Planing M111, ing (or ball. $7.74; A. B. 001.11 E gistratlon lees, $18.60; .1 . M. _ auppuca -7101' 1nd1g'en_t, $9.29; ' 1912 be accepted. [ I-lick1lng~-Knupp-'l'hnt the Clerk b, ' ` instructed to supply the assessors ` ` with blank forms to be algued by the owners at dogs shltimz the number "0! report bondopted and ` paid .1or their services. Knupp-Goutta-Tha{ [T:"_E 0 Rki nuru 11 "fr unrn-mn . ` Deputy-Rev look after Wm. Bush I ` and wife, and d_o as they deem best. Knupx>-Coutts-That 3. By-Law be I i framed by the Clerk re Wire Fence Bonus. ' ' " Wu. ., '......, ..-. --_._- _._- .- hxldren'a AJdT.S9c1e7. ( - ` I-I1ckllng-KnIipp-'TbaA'. um Ba:-r1e| Examiner : tender for printing lor|` after spending a month in ` wit_:h pier sispr, Mrs. J .` D. Victor and Douglas Ki tlfeir parenfs here. axne Martin spent srcouple -0! days last weak in - Penetanguishene. the guest or-his sou , W. J. Martin. as Flea pay their share {or work done on torwnltne Flo: and Vespra.' ' H1ckling--Knupp- 1`hat the o3un,c11 grant an axtention oi six years to_ l ` KNEESI-IAW-KING ~, A vry `pretty wedding took place at Boselawn, Bradtord, the home or Mr. and Mrs. John. King, whenheir eldest daughter, Evaleen Amelia, was 9. K I-Iick1ng~-I-Km-r|s-'I`hnt the ,Beeve be instructed to sell timber on 4th \ by her sister, Miss` Susie King, wbp, ' Mr. Roy Kneeehaw, 'supported the 1 `groom, Mendelsaolnfs Wgddng 1 March, was played by"Miss" Myrtie 4 ing t-heyaignlng of the register,- Mrs. Norman Earton sang"Lo_ve Thoughts" .The gift to thehride was a. penrl ;x;'n -ciE_71V'.ho; Sdciety compe4:ed"ln an oratorical rcoutest. The speakers a'nlcI ` their subjects w,ere<: Mm-shall Fteek `give an inscrumnta! number. A. J. Enxjeant in his customary able man- ` ner occupied the chair. . : .FA;RMERS" BUSINESS T.nsu1)n mnd to 1-euonnible peonle. ' H7c;'thVe (and. in HBusinesa", `Fred Sat- jeant, "The Wofld Crisis of 'lV.'_>d3Y."v ` Tom Armstrong, "The British Em- ` Dire.` . 1 \ ' 13`r7e7ston',7anki Ivforriaon, utter care- fully consider!-ngvthem 1111 decided in `favor 01 Tom Annatrcrng, to whom " was presented a, fountain pen donat- ed_' by Mr. Cursdq. ` am-d I IIIl`lb\lIE, whl Miss Mormn ` `gave ' __4__?.. Constipation is the cause of many` - ailments and diaoxfdere Jqhnt make .- Tnke ' Ghamborl1;in's life miserable. Eibxnh and `Liver Tablets,` regular and you will your bowels keep avoid these diseases: For sale by all dealers . ant adaxtention e agreement between ratpayers on in 'con. line, re Statute Lgbog. `? ORATGRIGAL, CONTEST V Collier BL, Epworth League had 3 very 1uteresting`me eting `on Mon- Douglas Kitchen 01 1 spent over Sunday with rents 7} Communications were roeived from Saglvation Army, asking. for grant, h-om Women's Institute, re grant to library` iron: A. D. McArtb:ur making r`A3(M1;Ks' Jsuamwaa Loans made to reponnible people. Sale notes disc`.-ou'm.ed pr colloed. Blank notgxpplied free of charge. ifom McArtb:ur'mak'ing complaint as to the corndmom or W. ` Oliver Award Ditch; frm Stayner Sun, tender 1or_ prlgxting ;1912.{ ` * ST:>icher-Lockharb-'1'~hut th" Clerk , write A. D. McA1-thur drawing his 35- ' Cullmm-.-Lockha.r1'/-,That Bruce .Kit ` ching be appointed P. M., on T. L. F103 and Sunn`1da1e-.andV M.v_W[:._tBOl. P.7M.on S R. 3, con. 9 and 10. _ [The following orders were passed. nu{ $441.20; Thing You Want It! > Greenest Seed not-50. , ~- ' , Sm-:LE,BRInns` an nman ..... mange snubs "MAIN STREET `WINNIPEG ` \_ . Close 176 C. P. R. Depq Rats' $1 to `$1.50 Pr Day

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