Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1930, p. 12

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One cent a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), five insertions (or the price of four. 10c extra when Ihtrged; also 10:; extra when replies In directed to The Examiner Omce. C01`lV_VHllCl: IVluI1'IJ(,'| nmu JUL uuumu. This is a valuable property on which is situated a comfortable brick clad house. splendid garden and well of water. The propei`t_v is close in the liighway. railway, school and churclies. The property will be oll'm'ed subject to a reserved bid. 'rm2MR._'1`nn nor rout of mn-chase :0 reserved ma. TERMS--Ten per cent. of purchase money at time of sale, and the balanco within thirty -days thereafter. ` TI`nv-flunv ~nuI\Hr\IIIarr< anti nnndHinn< Wlunu l:llH|._V -.u1_yb tlIL'lL'(I.ALU| Fllrtlmr partictllars and < )f salt` will be made known 2 salt`. and in the mca.nt.imo an 'inn in 18-201) mssen by me Ui)lll1C1l 01 mo mwnsmp if Essa in tho County of Simeon. un- less in the mczmtimo any valid ~`.l)_1`or`- `ion to the passing of the bylaw shall no received by the sad Cnuncil. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that, anyone ol)je<`tlm.: to the passing of this bylaw may give wrlilon notice of the same in mm` said Council on or befnrc the second day of Jlll`l(`. 1930. or mav anpoar porsomilly or by his counsel lnoforo the said Council at n.n\ nieotlng Llic-roof held l)r~fm'o ilw srwmd da.v of June. 1930. hI\ T``.h at RARRll'c`. il1i\' sixth rl:\\' n)l' ` TAKE NOTICE that from and aftnr the publication hereof in {our l zivc lSSllCS of The Barrio Examinm`. :l1o Bylaw h(`1'eunder Wl`lH.(`l1 will he iassed by the Cmmcil of the 1`0wnsl1ip xi Rsua in tho (:mmt\' Simmo. (1a._v 01 June. um". DATED at. BARRIE this sixth day of May. 1930. W. M. DINWOODY. Thn following is :1 copy of H14 nnsvd hylaw:--- Bylaw No. A `Bylaw of the Municipal (".nl`h tinn of the '1`mvnshin of Essa In 4 that. portitm of the sick` 1`n:1('l bvlw lnts: m'r-nu -vo and I`wnm` mat. 1)m'u 01 mo S1(l(` mun ovum-vn lots tM'm1l..\'-vo 125). and l`\vcnt_v-six 126). described as follows: Comnumcing; at :1 point 1860 fem cast of the oastorly l)oundm'_v of the allowance for road. commonly l-mowx` as the fourth concession lino of the Tnwnslp of Essa. Thr\n('r~ 0nslm'l_v :1- long" the said siclo mad l)olwom1 lnls wr\ntv-\'<` and t\vox)l_\'-six In :1 nnitx ` 1765 foot west -"pf the \vc`stm'ly bm1ndm1\ of the allowance for road "nmmnnly mown as the fth c011r`(`:e.~lnn lino nl `hn 'T`n\lrncl\in nf wqm LHI} 10\VHS|]1D ()1 11.5511. WHEREAS the Council (looms it ox- vcdient and in the best` i11toro.=t.<; of thr Township to close that portion nf the :aid side road h9reinb{`fn1'r\ r1r`. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED bx` ho (".nnnI~il nf thn 1\/fllninin-:-I "`.ru'nnv-*1. I WAN'I`ED----R.nrm1 and l)nm'd for nldmw IV lady. Apply PO. Box 481. 20;) mowuncv mr ma- 15 the fourth (`.01 Pmvnship -wf Essa -rwvmvurnn .. Valuable Residential Property in the Village of Stroud in the Town- ship of Innlsl, Simcoe County. 15:. u 1nr.z1,n.r'uru:.` n.Nm,u-Ju my he Council of tho Municipr-.1 Cm'pnrn- {ion of the Township of Essa as fol- `.mvs'-- `.O\VSI-- 1. That from and after the vass af this Bylaw all that 1)m`t,ion of `i_dm'(\ad br~t\vo(`n 10:5 tw(*.m_v-ve 9 wcnty-six dc. as fnllm-vs:-- r~r\n:nn'mvur~1'Mr~, no .. ...\...o vnnn I `0l1C(`.\'Sl0Il IHH` ()1 I111` 10\\'HSHl`,) Ul 12.5- ;'1. be. and tho saint` is. hereby (`lnscd 2. This bylaw shall come into fnrcr md have coct after tho nal passing `lCl`(?Of and after it. has boon coxuirnmd by a bylaw of the Council of 1110 Coun- ty of Slmcoo and after it has romi\'c( he approval of the Llmltonant-Go\'ox~ 10:` in Council as required by Section `.83. suh. 3. of the Municipal Act Rand :1 rm nnri qrmnnd timn an. ;. ALIFII uuun 1lvlI\l nut: cur punnnlu.` `thr lots t\\'(*.nt_v-tlve and as COMMENCING at a pmnt 1860 foot `ast. of tho on.stm'lv 1)()llll(ltll`}` nf lht |Il()Wtll1(`.(` for road. commonly knowr Is concession lino of tht Essa. THENCE oasto~1'l_v along" tho said ddcmad between lnts twc-m,v-\`o and \vont._\'-six tn :1, point 1765 foot xvcst. of he westerly boundatw of tho nllmwmrr `or mad. commonly known as tho lth 'nm:o. lino of the Tmvnship of E5- 1m-nnf and aftm` it. has hnr-n rnnrnwd Luuumup -u -_mau. 2 1 uInn1\'_ci\' on 4) nnin: I E9210 3 IIYSI Fmally passod mm`. 1930. I \JH!l'I\. By BOYS 8:. BOYS. Bm'1'ic*. Ontario Township Snlic-ilnrs 11I_ -SIX I0 11, DON]! [H13 I("(`l W nlln tht -nr\:~nI linn nf 1hn 'T`nu>nd\iv.\ . WANTEDV -Cn.tIlr~ to pn. Apply to Ifrpcl Hodm-5. Erlyznr. Phone 906r5. 20b EXECUEGRS SALE 3 ALEXANDER COWAN. Executors' Solicitor. ) Bawic. Onlm'i<). w. M. DINWOODY. CnoksLo\vn. Onlnrin, (`.14 NOTICE NOTICE I J. ()1 ll :1 and this - We are offering the following cars at. reasonable prlccs and will accept your present. car as part payment and arrange terms on balance if desired. 19129 Dm'ant Six 1 wilh six wire \` /\d\'()` `so in The Examiner. I928 I)ur:ml Cmuw. I928 I)urnm Sodnn. 1928 Durant, 4~cy1indm' `,/.3-mt: Truck. closed cab and open box. 1927 Buick Standard Six Conch. 1925 I)m'n,nI, 4 Sedan. 1923 Dnmnl, 4 f()u1'~pa. Emma. 1923 Star Rnudzatm`. 1.0123 slur Sedan. WAN'I'F}I)--'I`nxi driver. Gnnd. cm'0- rm (lrtw\1'. Apply to Black and White Tjnxi. 20b 1922 Buirk Tmlrmg. 15121 Sf1ld(`h:1.k`I` Cmuw. HAROLD HILL DURANT DEALER 55 Eiizaheth Street BARRIE USED CARS MADE WITH NO SUGAR \\'c will start producing this Special Dia- betic l.>;1t` on M M213 1`). Ask um` s:1lcs1n;1n m` PHONE 250 and a loaf will be sent to your door Something New! Something Different! Hm'cist11c1o;1f tlmsc trnuhlcd with di:1hc- tcs have been 1(mking for- DIABETIC n1.\ Lll` lJll.\\' \ viro \\'11N`l:a. M Four Svdun 1` Cr)llDZ`S. ` Lnxu Jnnuu-. lI`l \; WOMAN REQUIRES (lnily work. ljlousr`. stnrv or office clvnnimz. Apply lyirs. B. Prim: nhnnv 766w. 201) THE mmm: "EXAMINER, FOR DIABETICS BASEBALL CLUB .PlCKS ;QE_FlCERS `H. Mclnnis Is President; A. Moffatt Chosen Manager. AL :1 meeting held last, week the following officers were appointed to direct the local baseball team for the \ lVL.l".. 111. u. u. .m..y.w... ....._,v. ... .. Mccunig. Prcsidentm. Mclnnis. Vice-President/-J. D. -Ml1ne. M:magor~-A. Moffatt. SecrcLm~y-Trcasurer---~Jack Dobson. CnmmHLce--Dr. N. W. Rogers. J00 Moore. Ed. Koarns, S. Stransmtm and Charles Lowe. Vnnnlln Dnnu-n:nnI*nHvnc __ D W_ 1 .3 Uh8.l'l(`.S LOWC. Leagno Rop1'esentnt,1ves D. W. Emms and Ted Lewis. A 1nocLing Was cal 1'ed for l`ucsda.y evening`. May 13, mr the purpose of reorganizing the Georgian Bay Lea- gue but Midland and Orillia request- nd that. another mcobing be called next. work to gzivv Lhvm more time R organize. The local lvzun are plmmimz an 4-xhibititm grnlno with Camp Borrlou Fliers on Wndtwsdzyv. May 21. at 5.30 )).m. and it. should give the locals : Chan(`.l` to try out. suvoml new player: who arr` nnw rvsidim: in Bznrrie and arc tryinp,` for places on the tmnx. BARRIIC (`ll()KlN()l.E Tl-JAM Bl .1\'l`S 'l`()ll`0N'l`() BY 17 'l`() 1 Four 1)1:1_vm's rr*pr(`.s`(\nting: the East Fm] Cmkinnlo Club 01' 'l`ox'0nl0 (tmnr In town on F`1'1 May 2. and plnyec tho rsl. of homo-zmd-lmmv gunner with 11- likv number of Barrio players. 1-`ollnwinu :m- the play:-1'5 and mr 1~n1\|~nL` ~ P1. In Lhur M Barrio. v cm .ts:n'ru~, n. J. Swift. and Mr. Hill. S12, 0; Arthur IVI<`Km,-, J1`.. and .1. ~ an. Barrio, 4. E. Hill and C. I-1111, I`m'0n W. Pmumm` and .1. R. Reid. rvI_A..I vv...._..c.. WAN'I`ED~-All kinds of garden work. lawns attended tr), Rmuzh cm'1)onlm'. I:'lo\1.=w.s'. r.zu1'a_r:os naintcwl. Apply 29 Henry 81.. or phnno 7G(iW. 20p eason: Hon. Prosidents-~W. A. Boys. K.C., vI.P.. Dr. L. J. Simpson. Mayor D. F. .;r..r`unn- U I IUD I \J \aI\I.nlll A vn-.1 N()'l`ICF. is lwr<`l)_v ::l\'on mxrsuzmf. 'tI tho 'l`ru::tn(- AM, that all pvrsnns lm_v- ing clzmns :|;::xin. the Estate of John Molmlfv. late of tho Townslllp of In nislll. in tlw Cmxnty of Simeon. 1`ot.irc( f:u`n1or_ who divd on or abou Lhv 18th day nf April 1980. are re quc~sL0d to send narticulars of their claims tn the undorsip,ncd on or be {mm lhv 17th (lay of May, 1930. afto which dill!` tho oxoculnrs shall distri bum` lhr~ assets of the cstzm` zmmm thnso (\nllill(~d tlwrmo. having regar< only In llw (`lnims nf which Llwy shal lhon lmvv nnH(`r`. ALEXANDER COWAN. Exccul<)1's' Snllcitm`. lR-20b Barrio. Ont-.u`i<~ cores: J. Swift and Mr. Hill. S12. 'I`0rnnl,o ` C. W. Pmu-hvr and J. R. Rrid. B211`- c RED1Tom Iur\ l'If`Y.` c. \n vivnn nIll` f LOAF D. . Hill and C. Hill. Torontn. 0; A1` 1` I\/[pKm`. .h'.. and J. G. Komum r; 3. I`m'0nt,0. 2; C :1 Barrio, 3 In 3; Barrio 1'7. .. 'I`m`0nLn . G. Keen- DAVEY-At, the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, on Friday. May 9, 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dzwey, 138 Mary street. :1 son. F`OYSTON-At, V'u'ginm Marston Hos- pital. Seattle. Wash., Friday. May 9. 1930. to Mr. and Frank C. 'F`0ys- ton. a. da.\1nhte1'. LeCLARE-In B:u'rir*. on Sunday. May 11. 1930. to M1`. and Mrs. Jmnos L0- Claro. Mary street. a son. McCULLOUGH--In Bm'x'i(>. on Friday. May 9, 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McCullough. a son. MCMACKON---AL tho W(`storn Hos- pital. Toronto. on Sunday. May 11. 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. Ric-h:u'd S. McMackon Mme Thelma Wilson). :1 1: Ann a son. WYNES--At, Edgar. on I'hursd:1.V. M'\_v 8. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynos, :1 son. tJamos Ellwood Ermv-st). CA'IT'T.1'I W 10!. 5, (`(111, 4 Writv Wm 3_0-40 Cnok: GRAVES-At Minoslmx. 'l"rid:1_v. May 9. 1930. Stella. Eileen. beloved daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isnm: Gmvos, . in her 201.11 _v0zu'. GILLET'I`-Suddnnly at his summer residence. Manitou 17nl-ct`. on Satur- day. May 10. 1930. Richard C. Gil- lctt. 242 Wostmmmt.- B1vd.. Mun!- rnal. son of Irancis (`riIlr.`tl. C12`... Dorbyshire. E11p;1n11d. and husband uf Helen, yollngvsr d:uu:hlm' of the late Shemmmx Gndfrvv Bird. Royal Emzhwors. Bnrrit`. Ontario. HAWKER.~-Hzu'I'_v 1I:I,\vkvr, l`('Hl`(`(l Cnnndizm Nntimml R:lil\\'()._\'S vm.rin- cm`. at. his 1'vsidm1('<\. Quovn .-noel`, Pvnotnmzuishom-, un SuI111'(l:ny. M-.Lv In In'1n in his Slnlh x-ntur M1`. and Mrs. Irvin Jnlmstnn wish to XDl`(`SS to lh(`h` mum friends drop an- procintion for kindnvsr; and . shown them in Hwir rz~(-rut sud br- ro:1\'m11v11(. and for flnrul t1`i|)ut<-re. Znl) Mlv and 1\/[re Iuzxnr (`.I'n\'n\ nnrl |".ln\- ronvvxnvnl. and mr xmrm mmm-.~a. am Mr. and Mrs. Ismw (`v1'm'v.\ and l".nn- ily of Mintxsinzz` wish to thank lhvir nmny f1'1(`nds for llwir kin(l1w:-.5 shown during` Hwir illn(`:s:a and their rvcont. sad l)m'vzn't-nnvnt. nlm for the beautiful oral lribuh-s. 2m; The X`(`]:lHV(`S of Mrs. C. '1'. "Irwin rich In 1-vnm-2': Hu-ir uinm-x`v~ Hlzlnl-TR WISH In vxprr L0 tho nmny 1 tors and nurse Hospital for 1 pathy shown boron vcmcnl. LHU UYUK high. Wh<~1'r> (u Now bids hnnn Saturd:1.\/. M:L\' Owen St.. 132 'h:\n fm :11. ms 1'(`:'1(1m\('<`. wlw Sulln 10. 1930. in his 801.!) _V(`(ll'. CARVDS OF THANKS OOOOOO6000OOOOOOOOQOOO- A 6 WA NTED reamnzlbly 1 ufnrinn full ORIAM BORN 'l'hrifl_\' H0lI.~_*,\\`i\'t.-.~ will nal il vuuu-nic-nl In shop all [In-ir Im-ul .\rnn|(| Murlwl \s|lm'c Ihu In-w(:.~I uml In-sl quulily fnmls Ill ]n'i<-4-s'l|lal In -1111 :1 'un.~`i.~al(-nl .~`u\'ing may lw obtain- :-l---uml :||w:1_\'.~' will: our mom-_v buck _:II:n':|nIN-. V(`S (H lVlI`.`L 1'v:~:; tht-ir xi f!`i(`nd!~` um '50:; uxf lhv I Hw kinrim L (luring: thr (' kll'1|Vl'.\ Zlll lkllll-I sh M1` l1h~r's (`2`l\`('l11(`l`H. for Mrs. vir Si1l{`1`X`(` thanks s and In llw (lur- Royal Vi:'lm`In i11d11<~s:a zmrl :`._vIn ;: thvir l`f`(`l.1l mt! ')hh W Flzuvnrs IlH\N ( \I (`III IHUILII. (l|\ U! V I con. .--|b- 14 SALMON ...."T. 27 vs|8in:EaAuaIn- lb 5 2 c ." .. ...` . 1 C mun .u.v.u; ` ` u`x'as'o;;:'.~'f.'.'.'u,. 15., SEA WING H 1-.1: A1-nold s All Canadian Markets 1&1 Iilll llIVV.`l IVI lI.\ l'lLILI [IV |l WU lcncc GUARANTEED BY lNSU}l21d(]2'i:Zl.` 'l"hL[\' du kills` ur Hut mu: I` reasonn my stutim: fn ~`v'c rcprcscnt cnn1p:mic>' mt" umiuulwtcd t'in;m.`i;:l xtnlwi \.'. !'.<)Il1:lkC/\ Sl [~I(2I/\L'I`\' (H3 /\H'l`() l.\JS1`l.\r\l(2lE A. F. A. MALCOMSON` MEALED nqasg~i;nm:;{__ INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Boiled Ham -= lb-55` i..ibby s Corned Beef Ii-26 An-nold`s Pure Lard I H 2 M 290 E.LIzAlxrTn1 Aunr.N's Venetian Toilet Prcparatiuno arc on Mile at I-`u-.~.mihx1. Gun` DOUGLAS DRUG STORE F.I.l7,ABETH ARIDFN, 6,73 F1/I/9 /1rz'.. SOME FOLKS SAY Page Twelva Standard I3-ea;,_A'Ms . . . . Diced Carrots. 2's . Icing Sugar . . . . . . . .. ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Ticket Agency Canadian National Ry. Crisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 H. tin: Premier Salad Dressing. small Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 bone: Choice Hallowi Dates . . . . . . . 2 lbs Pink Salmon, halves . . . . . . .. 2 tin: Puffed Wheat . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 pkg: Chocolate Empire Biscuits . . . . .. lb Clark's. assorted Soups J'a";f5.".2. 3 tin Jamaica Snaps . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 `uh: Jersey Cream Sod;1:.:-;8 oz. pkg.. 2 fc IHHC \Kl~'.-\h"l 'AbdJN%_`;42t Ru;-t-1p Roast lieef - - Porte:-house Roast - Round Shoulder Roast I'll l lH.L\I 1`\| I` l.V.7\ |\.'\.\ m:lim> thc_\' can sell Ihcir ml ml u.\ Prefer In havc mu` r:lIAI2ANTm=`n nv INQIIFI rm ! nccd /\l!'l`() |NSU|(.-\N(`.l5 l`cc;m .. _II A`. .2 "Agents for L-LL WHJIL ll!-I1Y];.' 0! WM! Luke` Sim< n.rIn. EXPERIENCED MAID Wanted. Ap- ply 50 Mary SL.. Mrs. (Dr.) Rogc-rs. 2Ub 17c 11 man FISH .-v W ,) 2 < L O ..'1`( ('HH /(ll! '\l|`,\|.|L|) H \|.}\ 0 11.: humc In ; p1'upL'I'l_\' PANPIT Thursday. May 15, 1930 C OIOOIOOO~IOllOOOOOIOOJlOl*) boxes ..2lbs 2 tins pkgm . 2 tins . 2 tins .. 3 lbs. tins -3.:0UN('i from In-I nnv nllu 5 Clappcrton St. '. , N(1`(' Ynr,(v_ D. Hr. II. Cl Dlnlop 56. Phone CHI tins % fps. ' lhcir an \i:nI11:1g'c:. i imlcpcn- WE HAVE) Ian! 1 nrrnq 4: In "TR 27c 400 27.0 19-- 230 25c 25c 25c 25:: 25c 25c 25c 25!: 5 25C .25c r 250 W 1'. 1'! H V c()Hn;:r-s 1 want. Hm-H DUCK EGGS for Phmw Stmlnd 22111`: PURE BR!-.17 MAMMOTH Perkin duck eggs for .-ml:-_ 'I.'w pm` sML1x1p;. Apply Mrs. `H. L. Wright. Thm'nl.on. 17-21)) lURNISHI`ZT) or dnuhlv. <-on Flnnv-rl If rlnch-n C3001) H!\_Y {(1 Hh'Inl\' Ilnr (Wu! DO()l.l"IY I 0'I`A'I'OI*I(~ Am`:-ll l.. Wc-hi). [ML ._..__-.._. .____ SEED OATS. O..`\.C. nuts hu- uh-' nkn u ADLET COLUMN ..__:._.__::_________ GIRL WAN'1`ED--Am)1y at, Clarkson Hotel. 20b EGGS FOR HATCHING- ?63wEjTxF;To'E2F nuzw 1 - I m'ofm'r PRoPi:R7rY Ebfi AT.E`- :HE ; .'5'l\X-F--~-()llL.\'. ().A.C. N0, ` l1n.,v` Jack Cnupluntl. pm: L_os"r AND F313? 313121) ANDT FEED S'I'R()NG MAN lnml 1-1-nnh-m. mm-L WAN'I`ED~-- I`o 1 . 4. Vvspm. Rates I. Sharpe. Tlmmlo wksl mvn EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED. AP- ply 47 Maple Ave. Mrs. W. C. Little. 1) BABY CHICKE- 4 WANTED xu. rvquu'v.s work nmmml labor. inc-1' Oicn. Bun` ENQUIRIES for HIE \\ l'.`~:I ,~.hIn-n nf 1 m'ni.~:h(-d room, :zcnL1o- Apply 1.`: Worslcy S1. rt nn in good mndili Aymly PO. Box .` 'n1:n'.< nrir-n nfv RIBS lots :~hm-0 of Inkr`. I(Vl'\` fnr u-nut \. nvn H) 1'(.`nl,. S1nL:l(` . all cm1vm1i<-11005 i Mult` " 01` St. 20) White Pukin. Cook. 17-21p 1 on 1211'! AUDI) Tin. WAN'I`TJD-A girl for serving after- no_on tons. and assisting in club house. Phone 506. 2011 .<(m:mu~. or Dhnnr` 20- 21b l(l. KIHI - '30-24p an cow Apply Rm`1'i: `H111 sinL:h~ \il'l1('l`< 124. . Zopl DOX 20p ASPARAGUS 'I'IPS-2 big bunches 15c. cut fresh every hour, or will out while you wait. "George's Place." Lit- tle Lake Road. 20-24;) FOR SALE--All kinds of ower and vegetable plants. Get your cauliflower .1n(l cabbage plants now. `to Abbott, 53 Dundonald SL. Barrio. Telephone 337.]. 19-20:) FOR SALE-Onc roll top office desk md chair. also largo ling cupboard both in splendid condition. Apply Jory & Richardson. King Block. Phone 18".: nr R97 _.j._.j_ WOOD AND LUMBER for sale. 1 inc}: and '2 int-h mw length. 12-inch hard- WANTED---An experienced r:o0k-gon- oral. Juno lat. reference necessary. Mrs. Hargravc.-4. 55 Peel St. 19t.1b LUMBER 101- sale. 1 mcr. md 2 inch. any length, 12-inch .'.'O0(l. also hardwood and hemlock Hubs. Phone 257W. .1. D. Hutton. Eliz- mem St. 13-27p _________._____..____ FOR SALE--Dahlia bulbs. gladioli bulbs. geranium plzmts and canna plants. Prices `low. Apply Mrs. Jas `3ro\-m. Allandalc. Spring Bank Farm mono 383. ltfb JVOOD AND LUMBER,-l2-lnch hard vood $10.00 nor large truck load: hard and soft` wood slabs. 1 and 2-inch hem- lock Iumbt-1`. any lcngtll. Phone 919. Barrie. and orders will be promptly ll- \d. W. S. Hutton. Ivy. 20t.fl) =.TRAWBERRY PLANTS -- Senate} )1mIop. largo thrifty plants that will n`oducc lots of fruit. Price 75c per 100 1r $6.50 per 1000. F. Madigan. RR ` >10. 2. Allandalc. 18-22}? OR. SALE OR RENT--B1'i(`k house \p;11_v J. 'I`m'ci;:ni. 129 Cumberland St. \11anda1r*. 19-23}:- ELECTRICAL FIXTURES and `brack- `ts. 5 to 25 pm` com. off for short tlm( mly. All kinds of elr~ct.1'ical work done Cvm'yLl1imz eloclricnl. J. W. Bishop. ol- Mrical dnnlr-r and contmcmr, 43 Dal 711 SL. Barrio. telephone 285. I6-20b AS'l`URE Vrnut half. I innin R \ REAL BARGAIN---Ono Chandlcx ma Six Ivlvtmpnlitan sedan Do Luxc '.1)Dl_V In 1301'! Fralick. B:n'rin. Phom `SW or 540. P1'npv1*t.y 01' L110 lair` Judgr loss` ltfl. JOW FOR |'S.'\LE-~A_\'rshir(-. milking xpply J. \'`zm\..<. phone 1182.]. 20:1 \YRSHIRE COW FOR SALE-6 _V(`m`5 Id thin in Juno Annlv Jzxnanq (`.n1d. CAPABLE WOMAN WANTED as hOllSCkN`|)01' on a 1 zu'In. at once. full charge. Apply box 26. Thornton. 19-20b OR. SALI7.----F0rd one-Inn truck. good n'dr`r. Br-st ofTm'. Babcock. Cornet "nnL- nut! f`,nrh-innr(r\n Rim 9.01) n'c1m'. mast, mlcr. Bonk and Codrimzton .` ."L)K. Dx`\LAE4-~uH'?1' _V COW . D _\'(`ilI'S (HG mod milkm`. Bnbmck. corner Cook and 3ndrim:;ton 51,5. 20;) I 1.1` M `um .mmn.--cs-\vooxs-oxu nu. wmu ;r*::hm'n pullers. pure Tnm B8.I`X`0I`, -.Lmin, all pu1l(.-Ls well developed and ix \1 condition. 'F`x'lcr-1'(\nsonab1<*. Phonc :1n~23. ~ 19-20p \\'r uuw run 5A1Jr;-h years Id. (luv in June. Apply James Cald- vvll, 149 Blnkn St, Phmw 714.1. 20b _F-6R SAL}: on TO LET OR SALE--0nv dark red Shnrthorx` null. czrm1dsnn of Quarterback. Brod- )-lay Barred Rock cars from wm`1d':` hmnpion mc-,k(-rol m'ngvn_v. 75c for 15 was David (`.1nrkv. 'I`hm'nmn. 18-22:` OR SALE-~Ono cmload of nmrcs and ;e1dinzs. snmz` from the bush. somr natchvd teams nmzmg them. somc nnri fm'm r-luufks, S50 1mwm'd: 1mm`. mwxrrs ALL BLUE TAXI SERVIOB `ocnl and long distance. night And (in. 35-cent sc-rvm-. A. Irwin. Telephone 1 195:. mrbl WAN'I`ED-Re1iz1b1c. middle-aged man for general porter work around com- mercial hotol. Apply Mntchott. House. C_r'(~(~morr-. Phone 43. 20p `DR S/\I..E--Shm'thnrn cow. 4 years Id. also alfalfa and iimmhy hay. I. . C:u`1`uxhm'. Duckwomh . whom" 95.1. 20b LIVE STOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY TO LET AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1(.|:. nu . Apply 51 , Burr MISCELLANEOUS ~-.!-NH tophons LOT FOR, SALE 01' . Int 18. Can. 2. Om. Taylor. Shanty Bay. 11 1 mom-ron m'ngvn_v. me 101- 1; rid Clarke. 'I`hm'nmn. 18-22;` WANTEDAGix`1 or woman as general maid in small fzunily. c0mf0rtal)lr: h?_)'mc. Camp Bnrdr-n. Apply by lvttm Q Pnstnmstvr. Camp Bordon. 19~20b uuu wumn nurcbma nu .::hvd pair black Porchr`mns 8 and 9 _\'onrs old; 1 mac!` 11 6 yva.x's old. 1450 lbs .05 am` in good condition am mm work. J. N. Bnlfv. Bav~ 20b - --Gnnd dzmjv cow. Holstein . Apply to R. M. Orchard 1' phone 92. Mlncsing. 20p umvd npart.n1m s. D LE'I`-Sa1t`. good hhdf 17. mm. 12. Om. App!) imv 19-201 K 1\'H'.\. Ont ~ 17-21}: .1: loan`. Collie!` 20p Am)1_\ mrr )rnm 2011 Under instructions from the execu- tors of the estate of the late John Met- calfe there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Wellington Ho- tel. Barrie. by W. A. Mcconkey. Auc- tioneer. on Saturday. May 17th. 1930. at 12 o'clock noon. the following pro- perty: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises situate, lying and being in the Township of Innisl in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, con- tainlng by admeasurement one half acre more or less. and being composed of part of the north half of lot num- ber sixteen in the ninth concession of `I10 cam 'T`nwn. of Tnnisl. more sixteen in the nmm concessmn 01 the said Township of Innisl. nm`L1cu1m`ly dc.=m`ibcd in 1`oxzist.cred conveyance `Numlbc-r 7046 for Innisl. Thin in 0 uah1o'h1n nrnnnrfv nn xvhirvh HELP WANTED. MAT..E--DcxnnnsLx`a< tor to earn hip; mnntxv, Iirst-(`lass pm- duct. sells ltszt-ll`. Applitrams must. hnvr rr. Apply C. Rnwlmh. 73 Mary SL.. Sat.urd:w. 4! tn 6 p.m. 20

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