I:zf1:%:%%VA@ffW I". Pf0OP OOOOOO l`>.`\NK fur SAVINGS `h 125 million food cells exploded IUI ILHU highly nxhv fur ."-&% `*` `C.//o""f'",~ ;- *.\ T A I r\ .2` .6 ("Cf / , C Shot from Guns l'.R.\.\'(`lll'I.\`: PS .... TOSDPII the-ir T.u.Hh Mills. Out of town guests included `Mrs. G. A. `Welch of Picton. Mrs. H. t G. Coleman. Miss L. Coleman, Mrs. H. Blnr-k. Miss Gwen. Black. Miss Lillian 1M:)noghan. all of Toronto; Dr. Guy Coleman and Mrs. S. J. Kertzenboum `of Chicago, Mrs. William Black and Mr. l`.(l Mrs. Charles Linklater of Al- ir-0 rxn I The imm'iag'e of Miss Edna. Fraser. .sistr-i- of Mr. W. Fraser, Essa. Road, to .\/h-. H. Wilson of Thorold. tool: place \'m'y quietly in Toronto, on Wednesday. at Lhe home of Rev. J. B. Thomson. forinerly of Essa Street Presbyterian Church. who officiated. An informal I'nvI'pliun xvas held at the home of me hiide's sister. Mrs. F. O'Connm`, after tho coroniony. Miss Fraser had been u::u;hing for mine time at Morriton, . i'!(! thrv will take up their residence iii Ni1l`.{I1I'Zl Falls. Ontario. \'(.l')~' pretty wedding was so1emniz- )!l Saturday. April l9, 1930. at the Mm Ave. United Church. Allandule. `n I-Ivolyn Ma1'guerite, only daugh- uf M1`. and Mrs. J. E. Clemmms, mclnlv. lxrcmno the bride of Gordon 'iU.. '~:"(:()lld son of the late Mr. and 3 W, J. Earley. Rev. George Coul- nl Richmond Hill officiated. assist- VVILSON--FRASER. li \l'U.I-EY-(`Ll7..VIMl1\'."a lllhhlhllt chnrzu-L to givr: mg an: both bv pathy nnd hm . hcn the guns .11 : tired. 115 million explosions ocrur in c.ul1 gum. live-ry tiny food (:11 is com- plcxcly broken up. (Just .15 it would be from long hours of cooking.) Hence every pmrticlc of food is completely dig:-stiblc. This is why Pued \V"l1:`.1( md Pulfed Rice arc r.uc.l 3.5 virtually .15 nourishing as hot cooked cereals. \\2'hr:n (lxcsc gunqs come forth in showers from the guns. they've been pulled (0 8 nmes normal >12:-. They're crisp, fragile. crunchy . . . delxcnously good to en. They uste like sweet new nut.me;us. Like fresh buttered popcorn. You'll say you never before dreamed rhu wheat .md rice could be so meltingly good to can. g` . I . p .. vcu Don`: neglect to give your family this more deli- cious . . . more richly nourishing ccrcnl. Order Putfcd . \V hc.u and Putfcd Rice from your grocer today. 575 Herc 3 the sccn.-(. They are nude dnticrcnr pruccss from .1ll orhcr ready Gran of when .Lnd rm: .ll'L' sulcd i The guns arc revolvcd in fiery ovens. but the cell exp; Ol-' may have wondered why Putfed \`{'he.u .md Pucd Rucc are so light md crunchy. . . xnc-ltingly good (0 c.-at. That s what makes Puffed Grains crisp . . . delicious . virtually as nourish- ing as hot cooked cereals us .115. as-unvsu nu nc n.uur.1l guin n p.mds into steam. The members of Slmcoe County Wo- men's` Institute executive were iully represented at a meeting held at 133 Dunlop street on Wednesday, April l6. The President, Mrs. R. A. Sutherland. had several important matters for dis- cussion. The convention for the coun- ty is to be held in the Library Hall. Barrie, on June 25. Particulars of pro- gramme will be published later. It was decided to have the official opening of the museum also on that day. S T. Pncrn ntrrinulhlrnl 1`m\I't-`- SIMCOE COUNTY W.I. MEETS HERE, JUNE 25 III Ill!` usr-ful left my ..... mt; HIE 1ll.`5t`LlIIl `(U50 U11 Ull UH) . S. L. Page. agricultural rep1'esema- tive. accompanied by Mr. Lnshley. rop- resentative for South Simcoe. intro- duced Miss Wallace. from the Depart- ment. of Agriculture, who explained her methods of coaching the girls in judging. Suitable centres for the um- day courses were then zlrrangecl. Mr: Rutherlnnd kindlv : lt `. IUEL) CUUI'5L`>, \`Vl'L` Llltfll llllklllgull. Mrs. Sutherland k'mdl_v .' lci`. during the afternoon ed by Rev. Alfred Wall. Tlw hridr- was given il ed by Rev. Alirea wan. The bride was given in niar1'i:1gt- by her father. and looked cimrniiny>, in at gotvn of white crepe-back'vsutin fash- ioned on long lines with a skirt which touched the ground. The sleeves of the gown were long` and fell in Gothic points over the \v1-istrs. She \\'()I`t' an emb1`0idet`ed veil of tulle trimmed with lace and caught with ti. wreath M or- ange blossoms. Her bouquet \\':l.'~'. :1 sheaf of Cnln lilies and fern. \n:.. v:n.-.... nt- ,.r rv.......... VIn::.u un u-uu Ilnrn llllll AC5-I. Miss Lillian Clemmens of Grru'en- hurst. cousin of the bride. who w:i< maid oi honor. looked lovely in -.1 Dll` pink taiTettu.1)eric(l gown. with tim- hnir hot and shoes to match and car- ried a bouquet of pink tulips. The tux bridesmaids. Miss Bessie VVU\\ lll oi" Allandule and Miss Fmiices Cowiv in Toronto, who wore period gowns 0. pale green tnifetta with l11()lli1ll' hat and shoes to inntcli, c-.u'i'ied bouquets of mixed spring flowers. The 9,ro0in:- main was Mr. Ivan Clemmens. l)l'Ulll(`l oi" the bride. and the ushers were Mr. Jack Cleinmens, brother of the bride and Mr. Lloyd Morrison. The ;. ,'l`(lOl]l'." rift. to the bride was -.1 white gold ring set with three diztmonds. to the inaid of honor. bi'ide. and ormmist strixigs of crystal beads and to the sol- oist H mesh imp,` and to the best man and usliers. le-.1tlier bill folds. Miss Helen Luck of B1ll`l'l(` presided at the organ and during the sigjiiiiig of the register Miss Bessie Spcurn Silllf), "Oh Promise Me." Afnzr H\i\ mirmnnnv rx wmr-nlizxn u':\'< Pl`()lnlSL` Me. After the ceremony :1 rvcc~plion w-.13 :1rran9.ud for the tiny gxwuts pr sent Mr. and Mrs. J. Clemmens and Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison 1'eceived with the bridal party. The mother 0f the `arid: wore :1 black lace` dress with cormgt` 01 Anlericam Boauty rnso>`. 'l.::Inr lhu hnnnr mulnlp Inf! fnv -1 Amerlcn 1.1 uvauty roses. Lulcr the happy couple left for a trip to New York and Atlantic City and other points, the bride lrnvolllhg ln ll dress of monet, blue g<`0rgell,L'. black broadcloth (-out with p,re_\' squir- rel collar. black hat. grey lmse. slmus gloves and I)lll`.s0. 'I'lwy will resido in IVlnnckt0n_ N.B. .*\ll`lOlli." the out-of-town guesis pro- svnt wm-or Mr, and Mr: Rnw (",lmn- muons: me out-ox-(own gueszs sont \\'0rv: Mr. and Mrs` Ross Clem- xmms and .~on of Lonp,fm'rl. Mr. um Mrs. Jack Walton. Palxnorsmn: M1`. and Mrs. Ber! Needhzmi and son Jack Algonquin Park; Mrs. Ed. Clomnmns. Gz'nvonhu1'. Mr. and Mr.~`. Wm. Drake and sun. North Bay; Mi.~:se.~` Edna. Mildred and Myrtle Clommens. Gm- vcnmu:- Mrs. Hugh Boyd. Detroit: Mr. Allen Enrlev. Detroit: Mrs J \'(~.nnl1r:~`I: Mrs. Hllgn l$<)\'(1. uetrmt: Enrley. Detroit: Mrs. J. Come and daughter Frances. Toronto.` BARR: Thr- ma \\'\' Me by an utterly 1d_v-to-c.u cored. ' I I \J|\J|lL\ slalll. s. In this terrnm each uny tood THE BARRIE EXAMINER A MASZFERPIECE OF A PICTURE. `l)isr:u-Ii" An .-\rlisli(' .-\(-hievomc-nt lnttnse-, Pmvvrful. with George Arliss in Sup:-rb l t-rfurmzmoe U 3;` \ _ W'i.w dill! nu-I S(I_]s-- .qnnp I/Vifhnnf .Q'nr-r1z"`1'c41"rm* Us ,4 L Tomato Week Tomatoes, Standard `-"~3 I-~ 29 jrnoked Haddlea, lb 12`-zc Silver Bright Salman lb. 18c l'._\ ill" l i1~:-r FRESH PERCH lb. 10c CODFlSH, by the piece lb. 14c Bijou Fillets, "-M lb 15 National Kippcrs. pair 16 COTTAGE BRAND CREAMERY 1 BUTTER l 1" ?-e7 Aylmer Soups \~ l`\l(|Il (Imkmi I Aylmer Pork 81 Beans. 1.!!! II) I.\\I \\: Aylmer Corn ..,.-:.-.I 3 In.` 27 lilr- 19 ;."~ 2 l|H~ Snc ,Aylmer Choice Corn 1`~2 I`-n~29 lFranco Brand Peas I`~ 2 `Inn 190 TAylmer Diced Carrots 2 M 25 lAy!mer Apple Sauce 14 Millionaire Sardines - liu15 lin 16 NEW CARROT5 2 bunche,17c Arnold's Dinner Blend Collee * 44 FRESH SPINACH. . lb. 10c COOKING ONlONS. - . lb. 5c HEAD LETTUCE .....a 1013: California Grapefruit, .2 for 23c NICE BANANAS . . . . doz. 30c NEW CABBAGES ASPARAGUS -- MUSHROOMS Libby's Saurkraut Sunera Cereal Arnold's Red Label Tea |'~ H. 55 Fancy Lobster `/4% Chatcau Cheese :M_,`. I'...]_4c - - l'l\-_:.23c 23c 39c .. '1." M`: `9c :5 jg Arnold's All Canadian Markets 1 j Page Four! Mn m.33 | 1. 17 | n..19c Fresh Pork Shoulders u.. 19 COTTAGE ROLLS - - H-26 CHOICE, TENDER and FLAYORYV legs ofLamb Loins of Lamb ` Fronts of Lamb ` V 1`hrifly lmu.s'c\-\'i\.'c.~`. have discovered that it pays in nmny dullmx qawd every month to lake ad\'z1nt'.1;2;c of our c\'cr_\` day quuli'._x: \'.lhIc~s. (Inm- parc these spccmls and see why bu_\`in;i hero is buying xvisw.-|yY CARROTS bunches 17c . V . 5c . . . . . . as an W'i.s+0 "mu-I Su_l].s-- `Save Without Saicrificirtg Qu'c.1.lityl YOUNG ONTARIG LAMB `BREAD . ROLLS Fray Bentos .`'N|. H). DOAUGHNUTS - COOKIES - PIES - PASTRY Thousancls or people "QUA:;;* Horn wheatelds and dairy farms to you . . . every ingredient which goes into delicious ONTARIO- MAID bread is scrupulously clean. ..every step of the hal<.ing process from mixing the dough to removing the golden crusted loaves from the ovens is scrupu- lously clean...every precaution is taken to have your ONTARIO- MAID salesman deliver this rich, Wholesome bread to you scrupulously clean. B AN AN A SANDWICEI Crush a ripe banana. Mix with sugar and spread on buttered l\ \1 r` A l)|f\ ()ll l)ll\.|.C.l\.ll O NT/\ RIO- M A] D bread. Phone 250 Immaculate Clezmiiness 29c O N TA RIO BAKERIES 1 lb. Cartons 15 3 lb. Pails 49 mg: Account is an hubir. It strengthens c7o.nnce and eliminates ~:= money worries. Save v-* :-`!.i~;};x11k. 7KFT0R0NT0 LARD 'Thlll`.'\'d`.l_\'. April ` LIMITED \rnu||'.~ * 3431 ET-{IFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICF "F7 37:; Sake