Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1864, p. 2

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wmcu mu euluw of marking matter. - 1. , & . . . . ilimhnth M. Ruth Hing!` Illa-2&4) - ..- I .1. I . . . BRAD!-'\>Rl) .9-'[`Il|-1l~l'I`. Her!-c FM. I `K A! Enlndh & ha!` .,. , . , . lkmlnp N North. -,. . ` ` , .. Nut! HlHrI`ay'g [Hunk ` ... -1 We; `N CNN` 3'\`g~`;`) u r , . . . . . . a gut (llnghuni Nwh if 1 co 16:1. .0 Mon yarn, spools. or cuuuw WICK. ` . St. John is It nu bustling city, cnnf.ninin;. n ` opulntiun of hehvcen thirty uud fnrty tlwusmnd inhabitant-9. All appears-liluuml uctivityl A very large number of vow-ln"x\|'o Iwing built t.l1om't.l1is'seiuuiu, and any qnnntitynf nnw-mills on the banks of the St. John river, mum driven luv ulmim nm! Hnmn hv \\'nm.l`. `um 100 100 100 100 RR (N) 100 9R .).) 100 I00 4n 100 100 an IN ` 5 {q ll) 1).: 66 56 65 89 :27` ml 0% no 35 H6 22 25 28 0?. .95 66 A9 '7'! Au` `kl 48 03 53 -10 Cl (\Q the banks or the M. aonn r by steam and HOYIIO by wnmx. In the evening: we vveru untt M-ununum, .....` . _ , mutt-l rzmnu l}`l1\(`l{' mllvs up (hr St. . Thu colnllrvj 1 t u: 1"m`1'. fur l'nrt.y or isuot at :\ 1 xviling. nlmxuuling it scruggy thnht-r. As my I\(-nu- Hm 1 whole than of 1110 Country ixuprnn- lnml, nnd hmuqlnlly Cll_lti\`lLl('11 1 suulcd Lhvn1.~olu<-3 on uilhpt-r 3M0." " Wu wum met. at U(.`Ul`L{<`1II\\'I|, :-Vonu ~, 1`:|])lIx\l. mu- _1', line. lovvl f'.||'1|". L pre- %"1`u1.: 'lAS1m.E1::T dance, it` lIl'Cl?8SSll`y. ` And. in cmuclutliug, I cannot |untt-xpmss`l1ii.- feigned regret that tho surimu-L cluurgcs Iuudu ngziixmt Mr. McMui'rich. uud uviduutly Imam! up- on Hollie idlu rum4u', rcmlcr it in-r:m~u-my for any one to appear in irint as `tho (l(lf(3llti(`l` of n chu- mcler \vlii_ch,(lurmg hls lengthy resilience in Ga-i nrulu.nur1 In ull l1i.~]mhli('.und privum rulzttimis, hus nlwnyn atuml ll(`.`l(!l`V0(ll_Y high for vi-rucity and n.t1'uigl1t>r\vuriliwm4. The iulou. 01'-his lmving :1 fueling mnhpggmiiutic to Mr. W. ll. lmxs ini-in at. vnriuuco with truth, that it .umu'culy 411-servos R0l"nrIu(_-rs ol'tl|im:uuul,y r,;vuemlly.pwfc-rrt,-11 Mr. R0245 Iui"t|m nppoiutuumt. to any nth:-r Calm-,r. vutive nspi1'iIig In it, as iH very well l{ll()Wll.-- 'l`lmHo slntmiituits nro uuule without any (l('Hll`0 to givu olli-u<:u to nuy mm, or to h.\'u|`(:iHh uuy po- jtmtiuu to u xvortliy Hl(I)l1)t'l' of Hociuty. wlm.~u,- ruputlun '31?! Hllgiiito ho 0.S[)(`l'H(`(l hy ll! wri- tur for thin Hpi1'il,uillic1` unwittingly or maili- ciously. _ Yuum \'(,*l`y truly, ` ' , rouution; the truth in, Mr. M(,'Mlll`l'i(`.i\, like the lliiuul inlluaxim-., mid only tm pun-finwn an act of l3(\1'ri ;, St-))tm111m1'1st, 1864. To NH` I'.'rliI:n' 45/"l/H` lfmrcrzliltcw`. ' Mu. I'I|vI'm1L,-- l'ho .uy:4k\II1 of HO]f'vgnV'1`l`l1In(`I1l :mf11ll_v4-xIjoyo by tho inhuhihlnts n1 (`:x2;_;x i'spv1'lmp.~; (he nmsat. (-,mnp|~l<-, (`\`(`l' calm-1'1'(-I . upoi; uny pl-nplv. 'l`h(~, local z1:l\'uIxhv,:4:.u and ])1`iVnl';{1'.*ill:$lll'l`(lU)Hl('l1| tllrmlggh tlwirn1unit:i- ..o:....`. ...-.. nn lmumv M" n. clnnhlfnl to otfer` mimlf as a candidate fortF6'H1r1cw7:iTl'"," revious to my being announced; nor (1 d I 9 at any time, (Won by a int. n stiggeglion, or in any other way, induce or` ndvxao mu to` seek var was ut- `tho olce---in x-xlmrr, not a. sent3sIw(~ u toned between us regarding my cnnclitlumrc _ Thirdly, Mr. Mr.:\fllI`1`ich's dcnihl, M. Uriin, " * - ` v |,.mm I look upon '!ore wgunllng my vuu-u of all k1I0\vI(~, ufmy` cuuclinlxmuju, I mfg truthful, nnd it 1-o1'rn|m'r.:t~s the ma have mmlo and gun \furil'y by (1(:cIu1|( Am]. in but (- Pgirllamerntaryvllwicuislon to the Lower ' '___1f1p\'lI|ces. V . Municipal Il'avir's in Atljula. Y.(nn`.~4 very truly, A. l Tun CuuS'1 Y u1'fW _14Mp`um .4` vuvm my a dcllml, M uruuu, inlutmyu, upon log nssortiolu-1 y (1(:(3lll]|(`llCI|fy evi- uly, llUS.\`l')Ll..` SHEI~F1 S"SwALE Land;i9:Iaxes-A COUNTY me slnxcdiif" _Y vnv1'gn~1(>1` _ W 7'_l'A()7 WIT: A WAI R;\N'l` luuntu` In, Hm 'VI'm'. .\IHmR nf~th(-, (lountv nf COUNTY, 014' SlMCUl, ` _)' vim in nu 1'0 A lssili-I lrj/t'h(* "lTIlI`I.\.'\'[IlH`}R ofvthc County Simrzou, h(-Ming (late the 1"lll\"]` lay of SIC! - '|`I'IMBEl{, Om-, 'l`|1 Eight llumlrctl nml Sixty Four, and to me tlirt-ch-.d and (14-livmw-d,~ 1'01` the (jolluction of Ar1'(.-urs.nt' A.~49eHar1u-,11tu clue upon the uIul I.x\NI)h` in `the said County, lnhnll, gnu:-um ----In--'l|'I','L"If o N; A Y , f1e`N1neteee1h`eae of December next, . .e......-no"I`\vI.1leV[~1 ("(`,I.()(fK. NOON. J.uu Luuuwuuux um, u. Jauuvunuvn ..v..., 1.-`\t, the hour of l`WI31l.Vl'} 0'(}I.()CK, AT 'l`}[l'3 (.`()UR'l`-IIOU.H`l`}, IN 'l`ll"I'} . I`()WN 014` IMRRIE, procuml to the Salt 01' rauid LANDS BY PUISLIO AI.'(}'l`l0N, !)l"Hll()h ~pt)1'ti(u1.~3)tlIL-roof ma slmll he 1|t'(5(`H.`4:ll`y to pay .~uu-,1: 1\I`I'(Hll`H of Taxes, togutlu-r with 1111 clxnrgus th0ruru1, unlt-Ha the Hume he HOOHUL` pn'n1:-- Q,$A_l1 `tho, Iuulcrnu-ntiunc(l I.:1nd:4 11m-1-. been (Jmwrmr IN Fm-1 by the (jmxvn. L ADJ ALA. V l ...,..u -2 V: -vw -v mu. , :`>'{1_,D`(30,IVIlL'l`Yb"OF shucon A`nV*0c`A'rE. T S H pt H [-1 nt h In M N W qr W hf N pt .\'-L'm\V M .4 pt w M ~ Nrpt W"M" "*7 H hf I . I`) hf m'|m\ I'| `._ (Hllll r Mum} `. Ehnn ha 10!! [U0 `zmi An m.r<` ` Pt E hf S pt W M I4` M` . `FROM otm W pl 1'. m Ir} pt 1-; hf l`Lpt\V:1:lu I`) pt W 6.0 u N W pt H 1`) W I`) [ll ` J N pt S pt E hf S pt 1'} hf- pt W hf ' ,,,._,' M. W hf ` N r. 1 IC hf . ['1 hf ` \A `US 1 pl `_ pt N in W hf M N M. W hf ]:L n pl n ur Kt pt. l v.` nt, W 111' --iMoN0._-cun1ned, . E. II. S'rn'1-`.27. 1 ..n In... x _.__._ M A llAr.rr.\x. Ang.1l, 1861. 'Sm,--Whon, l lmat Vllllllrtflfitlll you, I motor! that I should not do so n;:uln until the next meellng of Parlianmnt; ylnlt, having lwnn honored with a. tlokm. to visit tlm Mnrltiruo Pr0vl_uo0s with tho monlln-rs of tl1el.ogislnl.ur(-, sndhtsjlng accepted tho invitation. it ho..< 'n`c- `curred to E0 thutmnny of your remlurs in thnt northern region of yours`, who may not lmvc l5i:'?c'I)Vl'i*Fl"f`II'VVlth n pt'1'us-ml 0f the rnolropolitnn pspbrs giving an ncount of the trip, and all the pleasures, Jzc., conncclwl with it, might be Iesimus of hzwing a short hlsmrlcul nkvtclr of the journey. however necessarily lmputfuct. I uhnll therefore not nmko any furlluer pr-face-, or Ipology, huf, with your permission, .unt-yr upon my journal. \\rmInn.sulrlv. Anxznst 3r1l.~L(fl. Toronto at 7 .\J()'l"1'.\\\'.\.\'.\(l.\. Lot. .,]~3 - '1 .\'Hl{'l`ll Hl{|l.I.l.\. 17 n M U I..\iI.J`I.L. W. H. S'rm-;wr.\ I0 I . II`) 11 SL. 1 `TH H|il|.l.I`\ l NN!l!Al.l. A*a.;,`, . u _ Acyes` 100 ` R7 rppv. 1 1 art Part, 3~',wM `V H? `W F. h! I E If sux UNVl`ATI"I)AI`.E-;-.Co}itin11ed 1'. n....v- 1...- In 107 108 ' I09 . 110 ` 115 104 In -TECUMSE,'I`II. ,- W 2 10 oi . - uo1zIeEsI'b.L\`1,'.v'z'. ` TAY. 'l`I.\'Y. `.;lHI{HNT)U -zu 180 All :53 54 IU 100 61 55 200 118 65 nu . 100 160 160 100 an 121` ... II : 1+*-*-9 l `)1 Iu JD 02 61." 58 ,,,5lL,'IlL , H4 10 m rm -' Awhioii, coadinod wm in roa't1ines.a,.to show us -~round`the cit audits environs. We were for- iunatq qnoug iofhnvo i orom{g1iido J. VuTroop,- -` ~Ea(h-I`}inoSL reapocto.b1omer_eiuu;t-of St. John, .- iurgoly; interested in the shippimg business and aygar io1iuinH\in that city- We visited was gunpenlionvbr dgoovor il1o_bt...]ohn River, tho Aaviuin.7Cemotex?y, and other `places of note, ~`a'udlnst,,ti3ough not least, the cotton mills of Mr. 1- arko,`_in fuli operation. Hero you can . witness thoraw cotton going into the ctmier, waloifovoiy process, until it comoa out factory spools. cuudlo wick. St. iinu bustling city, containing: 61 UN 19 my 33 59 `)5 -)H .2`) 52 52; 16 7:; 79 58 I30 '21 43. r. m N W qr. S W , (1 1' 5 w W M` \ n! T.` ql` Part. wntmg. evgning (mtnrtnim-(1 nt xypulr lie dinner in Stuhb't4 II0tul--Hun tmtertuimnont, and tulnrgq number sat down; but, owing t.n.,n `ruminant mcmlu-r 0f`m1r`px\rt.y being slightly 'll(H8])0S0d, and ohligied to h,-uvu the room, it i did not puns ulf wi 1 ns lnurh `could have bmm dvnircd, ur us e-111I:`s<-.:`1uwr1t vnt5-,r- mlnmonls did. A Rnmlrlv 7thu--Du1l.- rainy duy. _W(-ul: to u ` tN M \f' ' TOWNS AND VILI:A(iES ` .-\LI.E.\'DALE. B.\x.1nvx.\' S'rIu-:1~:'r W1-:.~;'r. Lot. Acres. A qr 2 3 111` . . . . . . .. -L qr . . . . . . . . 5' qr . . . . . . .. 6 nr . _ . . . , , , ,` w1~1sT G\v1L1.1M11U'n1 . 21 11 ...... .. .1 I`) . ,_ ` w . . . . . . . . . Hmrlon in W065 (inghalal lllmrh _) 1 DJ . V ESPRAContipued: V v,.. 1-,`- Q g, Imam sax. s:..;u naeQi4:{ km 3 ti ..p "I I III ,, . . u (`rhulm 5%! Wm! (qnnmh Blunt ) ~ C \ \ . . 11'` ~ Im-Ianlt lwIAl{W.l,`; laflnnl.) ` . 4 Q ( `barb! Kl `nmstur Gonemi of (junmln; uud in tho o.H.m1mv)n .. Sunday 7tha---Duli,~ rainy tiny. h\V(-ut Prosbyturimi church, and heurd un exoollt-m, diS(`.l)lIl'H(.\ from .l r0fu:-uanr Mmvni. of Qum-n'H College, Kingston, i)l1)tilt'l`1)f Ilm present l 0st- uccomptmiud Mr. l`1'0op and MM faunily in the We.-11-yum church; spent the 1'o.~ oi` Lilo u V011- ing with Mr. Troop. \\'iw1`:\vu \-clry much on- joyed the society 01 his ununhlo wxfu. mul |J<.-a.11- tiiul nml (l(`1`Ull\piiRill`(i1ixlll;.;'ilil!l'H. v Mmuluy Slh.~-~li1'vukfu:\t,ml in H dtrlucli; pm~. cuuniutl tn ruilwaxy xlatiml, \vi|'v|'u u. :~'}w<~,i1\l irnin was iw r-1uiix\-. conwy us in |{ni,ins:1y,' :1 (l'1stnu<'1- uf 9 Inilvs fmln SI, .lo|m.'\vi1ur<.- liu-. .iu1\1m`1' .`iIUIvl. ./lug/u.s'l:L \\'1\H lying In lulu: us in i"-iliickiun, Llm mnlnitui ui Nmv iil`lll1H\Vi(7i\'. ail,- Juhn river. u:l'i\'01'. m'iii'lyn1il~.~x. in ruck mu] li(:lli'(`(i vaquitul. tiw - . ..r n... mmuirv unnrn\'0 lilw.

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