W33? ` Mai muluw Hm on-mblinhunvut ` b_ lfid ` Mmmfirrlwultmw, $otvc%-tern! mm c . . %.% T` % [ mm HOTEL. ,. B.R`i1?,,fExx'r. rm: mans. ` V ' V B! _. -arm INN;-uvnrq mu ` `i b wmhammd mum. . L. w-.en . , . pmwusmr of mu mm ind mamuullmuh llulxvl. tutu . codglngtbo we mummy ._t ~ . huh I-msived ma npnuhlg inll , .mlic ` Vlmnumuis an vemahi`-1-inttsm q Jwaanrranet. ii I alum ihdknn ` '`z`H5 _" $'l'IvIK}`T M5 Mia" Maqrmggyaggy L Qkw In Sumac, `gauging ix. `.4; - nu..m.-. . - 11: mu:-`1' .mu~::'r," 1'l!R!EC Ium;.u 4.43 up P4131 1tg*p*[(f3 M muu rm um. .... ;,.,..a wxrru 1 `L(`K8. aw. ml mm: Momgml . . um): tr! , 1*! kn Iii lulu-awnvr-us anus.- u'wv.'I'$ an Q-vac-us n*quh';7n-aauaunr_.g Wwhm fhnhhinas inn-.m..... I !!! In isms mun vm mm I 1:` 7' "NJ: H` TH`? WI" Si hue WAY 76 on \4.u-_...-- ` I mos: s MMERSETT -m.~-- ..-..I uI..&...l. !I.. "fHd*'f .,.~w---a vann).-- Ialnnps, Chimm-ys, Glass, Putty. .c... Jzm M. -' MEDICA L HALL, um .-mu nr.\'u:\ D CLASH Bcm oaLs. .:Inm.~a. {`,lIimm-vu. llluuu [luff _ I M, '_ . , A `Am: COUN'l'Y or smcon Anvommz, ~-A-Jomnul--devotedr!4) tho intureauyof tho Ra- fuxjm l :u-ty, the BlliI1(.`H.`S "Community, and the Fz#1i1y Circle, ` ` . I8 PlJBI.I: `|.\C `NI- '. 1364. T37/K U't'\iEiE`r}' f 7117? E .1 ..a 1.:.. .. B . n:.... vs.-run, (-d M. his oiuv, In T0111` 01 vs S.U>1`L','AIlIl(1 um]. supply. the . ll` .\lr:mc1.\`}:x for fzuuilyusos M. il)l5l`\'IRllln. K ELMAN & Co. \ BRITISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. an-1 .\lhI` t `With? mm I (`NHL ` **Wfrrk 9:! IN" itvralml Hm uh] lwldxm, an aim mum Tn-In lwr Iuimmbls scan} and ; rnarhml lhu mt whvru Hm buy .qM.~~ 3%, an, I can 24]! yuu n sguia*ks.t way. Phv-hm bah-4 w in! $9 vmumhr bad. but he napalm nut. Ha swomad in cmntprvhmu! mm fnmnl With as he tram` Inward: `KW Tl:/I what.` A mvmsank um Qua hm\tw** ah ' . A rams}! hmhnt Mv;g..3u uhir Aha hxsi 1 Ind ggnin npprsmhiau. they buy, aha H1 rUII|.lmlm|I E_/Eny FRIDAY` MORNING, . m` nirrri nnnvnvn .uuuu5 nuullu 1 E mvu s-uuI_v l')mvn the lung, dnikligne oftime; In the (liamnco. dimly Iiglxlnted, I-IL-.*xi`rI'I hiIt1huouI _s 11|ie13x'_y3`2ii>i)g; Sim` their tiny l1unds unit<-.d H mucking: lluwt-rs the way along; " Biil. :i1r1i.~()7 v?2ITl'(7(-l0`(*T tviiex, ` And uwhir:[u-1` Huff and low B1'U1\ l,' thv uhurm I11" : before U A~l`hil.lh.....I'u ..1 'Sinipg by my window gladly "1`hcn n[utI1mu,;l:l. I heard :1 chime; 'I'u1ning round I gpzotl uudly hm.-n um Inn... `m.;.1.1z...., nm:...... / ittixlg by the window l(:'wly, `Watching duyligllt Huil; mvuy. 'I`ill,l1er shining stratum-rs slmvly Sun_k lbclliml tho coming day; Till: the s1mdo\\'s ssoflly _erm>,ping Up thellxilla ofmiaty brown Seclm-cl :1 wrought, _ri`cl1.>_"`\'ra,l\'et xpqntlu ____ _()far the mtnmtaxln tnpslx l:et'tlulvIl ;. Till the nrtiaL-t\vilight nngc-l-- l)l])1)(!lllllSl)I'lL`l1 in s11nligl_1 glow, Tipped their tom witlygoltl auild purple, Budcktlu-ir hriglnlneus come and go. Now :1 group ofyom 'l`,nu'lu .l.. l\n, .. Vnu vv mrllis .um, ll|V' muunn I | "(,'hill1l1uun1's plb: giterztrt :3-.i-eIecMtiou5. / mu .nn_q:n. . ma, CW2}:/R113AY, VA%m`LA15,%1%86+4. mtbful nmidcx mg Um lune; and them- Ltuxuu and golf [AL 11112 Uuruxu, i Next door to tlfe agfcncy of the Toronto Bunk, nmurno Q1'm:r:T mu: RIF Lan nulh nu mun-, nun L ':u1uu)l. (14) U115`. ' "l$n_\'." llisswl the lai-lcluni, at, the tilih: suizilig the youth by tlm silmi1l(ler.- _\'m1 will tlaftliis and tilxirs \'ur_v night, tun. Yvul2:x:}~lmter rlie nu t.l1-imtantltlizixi dis- obu,-_v mu. Hurt-, tzlku (his pistol and gu." Tlm _vm1tl1 .`~l.T4'l(`ll`f(l lbrlh his hzunl zuul 11w<`l1:1nicnll_i' gx':1sp:-cl the woupmi, lint. it lroppwl In liis .~'i:l2; :ml sinking_5 into his `seat. he bunt his liu,-ml in ::_;_;.i1i', um-ring r.~.-. L . If I r`. - mm nmu Ulilb your cuuu snouiu. ct)lI}0 M) the ;:nIl0\vs."., ' ' V "T110 0141 bx.-l<.l:m1 turned her fuck: .'nv:1_v to hide the sparkling li{__rVl:t`:t;-haxt. burned in 11331` eyes, am! wl1ilu,ye the .~st.runp;<: passion g1u\w:Ll.1Ip'o1x her 'f~;hri\'cIlcd iL-atun.s, she Huh]. nl\ muu l Dor*.~'_y()ur(:r:1\'mi h t fear the, gal: low? Ha, ha, otlu,-1's have furl the gallows on`: this, and soinc liuvu r:.~c:ip<:(l it. But \Lll(`l`u is in time` to l0.~;e---ill" zuiy utraligr p:1.~:scs lxure tgrnigllit it. will be soon o,\'er.~- Take your station by tl1e"nlxl pine tr0e"nt the and of the l()}_Vf_{lXlg pulli, nnd,if you we :1stx':1iig31'truvollvr, Strip him :1n:l_`_le- ntmmyl lll.` If he i'et'iis(-u, the pisml will st-ttlv him. l.'\7I n ` r I Y have guessed the truth_wit1jbut ` mytc Ing vou. ' ` ' " ` Motluu-, I `cannot go." Boy, y0\11I1ustg(>)" , "`}`f>, no, youmnnnot m=m1it. You can- not w1.~:h that.` your child sllolild come to the m|Ih)\vs.'. ' l"D'lN'lF IINVVII 151` H YTIVlJ '5; N3 acxkimg that than 91:! um hiuhIuy- Mama Show kwpgy mug M` the mating villa: Quack upem ti}: am nmmmmy ramquixingthe miwa, uf Enbin Wand, than pour `nil!-boy. ha amp: bank In him hidingaphw. "Ah!" nun-main! I99! ha himnnlf. an an amp: mm: In mu mumgkpuuma "Ah E" mammary} in 3%)!!!-lIf. All 91`: E;?:`_.`.; `* 1`?i `;!LAit._". .u-s-nu-wuwzu at -v nvuuquu '-' ]:E*E:;;;*m~;*:`:.* M ..L....a.".un.......n Khxn inn} Aw LA` Hll` IHHI`: ,'im> t]u,-r, Io:1111zotdn in indoml I I will work for you till my hands rrk no more-, but I -:u1nu!. do tl1i.~"." \' jug uill d>'tliis:u1:.l vurv it}-*btefrt*.r'rli(: ... Hum. ..l... 41.: -1 x , -7 L HIU IIUW CUIUUIK _ V -- Hallo! exclaimed the trm`eller, as his vyesmnught the form of tlie highwaymim, what. sort. of a craft is this? Say, strzxu-N ger,`<,l(> you `mean to rob me ? - Rnl\ vnn.l lluruhnl Han .7"-m.H. 4`.-...;.A4 VOLUMER; ;__I I:1,uU yuu llllilll L0 ['01) H18 5" Rub you!" it/erawcl the youth, forget- ting for the moment the woman s injunc- tions, and showing?--his fa;-e- in~the-~brond- ~ mumligl1L Rob _vou,_sir? Indeed, I-3 He spuk no further, fdi` the reality of his .-sil.Imt.ioi1 begun to breulLlikc_a.t.!wuder cloud over his head, and he found that he xvasnnt eqiial to the task he had under- taken. ' i _H.`__. , u';.u ... . r `)'l.'l1is iiVt_r_x(.{_l1VisVheu:j.,gq1;;k,_within,him, as he ` atI Engtl1 `discovered that tholgprseinun who now a proached wasa stranger. In- j stxmtively, 1'0 grasped `his pistol, but tho ': he noticed not the circumstance, yet the : hang that held_ the weapon trembled fear ' fully. A gentle hill sloped away from ` svhpre phc b3y_f<')od, and unaus mctingly, . tlmhorseinan walked his beast ulflm riso. ` Just as_ the traveller was upon the pqinl of ` starting on into :1 trot, `Harry _sp_r2_1_ngIrt_.l1` into the road. The bright pistol gleameali \. in the rnoonlight, and the horse suddenly stopped as he"'saw the intruding form of flu: new comer. ' l uII..1l`,. I77 .....I-:-._ .. .1 ;L- l_,,l,n 1 - bdl\\ V ` Not going to rob me? said the travel- 143:`, gazing in z1stuniahment'.upou,...tho fzwv that had In,-4,-,n thoughtle;mly uptu'rned 14 his gznzc. "Then what is that shootin - 31-nn Pnr T` A ` tsxaisfiswiy (Hg 9. at bay ah: did an thugs ` ulsnnamma with vhomhe but layman *4 I {rainy mm as K nxnnumsnpgnsnf `Hm imp `mu mu: mm mm. nu ~ bum tnvnld um. {mm 934' rm H50, 9: ` rm wind on Mr mm ixngngtam `"3 Lmui vnmpfenasiinakia Vi `Q N was arm A man M-rm a-2: awqumnlod. Iva- -14.. RIVER! BK] I I ,Winu:. . V max. M nmm mum pathpmxzl (1 mode rsuuiy bag` `In. if h!!`!l3'Il $`1? :9 th 1!! ha #33 % 5.. [r Pub||ohed every Friday Mfnjugl [lb uunuu L'uIlVuIL1Ull III. Olive [0 meu-, waving uuuxy HUNG null m LlI(.*lII>J\Nl'. AH lmclm-ml hhullmnn. `Fall into` line---forwqrtl." Fog. `7JT5f*`7*=I'5":** WI 'r0ng1__`_h_isJ 3*'!:L,:1.H mmtm-tmhklmllnzw-&Qpna& `- ...;|.. ...,......., us. a inn onrimm (mu, \'1)ll!)_|{V%lA'r, ' I ranks etting faufully thin. We l-turn anal stripes. I lwllm-u it, ` brth 01 3| 190111011`. `N1 I helm` I V0903 nfil. Ynu xlmll nut go l)m'klt9*' mi` Wl1l5P0"o _'F3""'9u+ "0 Ni: Farewell my dear ht,tle.- anon.`-- e woqdn llql ml [mg ,-Air run away, ` tmlulxcxl file (38136 [1111 I rind." ' ll.vr:n'e comrade from the naighbarhood of my lxuy, l'll varrv vuu wlmrul llmmkilalu, who regularly received a 131%! nvnr lnmk fur ynui. `What 2+:L\'l-WI`)? }>0lr0m00 day. Nd 3'1" 5 793"` Mun uf g..i1;,; m mm with huff latly himself wrote loving vlordnaohin dun a wny frum Mnrrixwwn tu Now i ones! at huma. I pressed his hunt! and `.1: ulmrxu of my ship, and if yxlyul Wl|l5p`*|`*!*l, ' G04 ""07 409? W VH0` :-\ il .=I_uuin." 1 nw. Von almll have n goml 3 Mid l(!f1Lt,l1uI*lI!sL----"l`h3vki"o' Mia`; ,_ umu, -dun}, gm`), ,m__ unmm g anal llmnltecl again. `BOW Vin M 4 `_.lum9n3 lg; lmnr thst this iuvqmodmt . 1:. ..-.. ...`..,|. E law in Mill .ullVt`..l As 5! K03 dc lo By nuun nun . Ak`-`;\A `FL-.. Ind 3 um! clung! I`, II IUKI III`! `Hi who nm from I I will my 1* . hidden, and 3 man Mimi y and urn {nag > sctnlius "f M; 2 Evvry wi.-h u.u-rut fnnr 51111. . n. wuuux t:r_y will uuun. Ma 00110. 1 its work. After a quarter of_an hour had.- ! passed, we were formed into 3 square, and Now" vmna thg cavalry, shouting and cheering, with their sabres nixed, some of" :. awn u.*'..m1-.'~` -. ,`.a.`3." ....` T 1f.`,."E`_$` r_n.l a }i.,...,..."...`i% ullvvn I115, -v nu uuull nuuum Inancu, nouns in them discharging their iutoln. `Skid _' V. v aim well, lads! The " ` Ill butt`? Km!-. lonvimr mmw hm-sea um! mm: mm ` u.::Lu.. .u.u:._J1u.n.uu1un.u1.1-u . on sped the horses, 'a db here undlhery, one fell. `Out. with it tabs side, and out _ l face! March south . and we turned on our [. own steps. We met now sevemLlmtt.alialm and at last. the 9th and 11th regiments. ' The latter greeted us with `Hurrah for the - voice growled, holding up his hrjuon/t, * ` See that you give them a good allowance [_ of this, and away they `went northward. , We were alone. Colonel Beck now canio pforward, and said to the com anion, `The ,General trusts to you to 1101 out: if we l hold here for two hours we save 3 whole division. Do not re tillthe enemy ia,on.. you, and thenin withthe bayonet. `De- ` pend on us; we ll do our duty. `Ikhoy _ _\'ull will children. Welhen moved Odin) lllcltl to the left, and then in aline overs slightly rising ground, and axrsoon as we ' had passed"th1Hu`:`cli\'ity there we had the ' llcrnmne. From the cuatcamea ne ' gilt '.vf cavalry, and right. along the hig roid E unotlmr, while a company of horse nrllary myll; and ` lmoni! they went. A shell` atruck between me and the man at my side, mid roan ngain,.ricocl1eling 20 pace: from imc. A fcarful cry told that it had dime. a its wnrk. Aflnr n nnm-1*m~ AF rm hm`Ir Bad. | in !' cried the sub-oicers; whips cracked ; i `A I it luose,_if it cannot. rise, , nndgn we ' [' The thunder of thelcunnon 'cume nur`iar:' , and nearer. `Com ny,-.at1enh'on! ' . Kuluviers ? and a soldier with a hoarse ban j I rude at. Llxe" gallop/lnta the eld ali&tle~way~ -- aux; wen, mun. Am: uraguuun Inll nd, leaving many horses and mvenbii. v tlmm. ` Fall infn nn._.-fhrwnnV_" F16... IL`: :1`. -.-u nu . -\ - '`'?APEIlS um fur\vurtlml until an writh,-n urdc r(9cL'i\'e(l for their Mid ti uwnt of all tu-rournges is mm]:-. , w 3`(`,RIBERS musfl. in all inmmm who mun--y, stale (liutinctly the numu -u at which they rt-ct-.=i\'e their pupa] Ml ll AIDDIJIH Qll L` Uur aqujoru lwlfl mu, umoqgu to run. _ ;.~Im,;.-.1 m. lmwt 20 times. A: tau Ind; , 3 ant n x.`1IItr1d;{u ln. Ind bud tubal? luyul 1 Lu Llmm uf tin: full:-.I1. Atluuho -` mo rmuw lush] utffnr alittle; and V! (IN! E .-slum-l_y hark through A. I00d'Illd'$hl0v' k : wvurnl vmugm, ntupging avurylwhlb ,, s min duwn the moat tnmbloaouu If n! Dragoons in um` Wu. 300.50!!! 5 Id K E siulcxak my wachwl Flemlbg ll ~ hours` mat an-fiber: got um D .. ..\.;..:. )..mm-he In `to Bzmwhomwi mtinctivefy he turned A, and walked an; but u"ha=-tlilli with a peculiar peculiar dread to the `outh`o` . behind him, h foutid`thagthq"? \` taken his nfnnw .3 tI..........,2.'.1."I.- u:..a.' thing in the"mun s liwoh that row we uuumu Lum, ne round IDMNWQ ' more closelythan bcfoma ; ` taken his stationnt the 5" just left, and that he yvit ,\. r nilllv-n1`nn' I l_mmuu nruuy Jvnma. \ reference to t.lxc1\ret.,:'ent.~on,I`?'lonal3,urg`. this letter, wlxiclfag 'minthe-- we extract the fol wing 7'3f';ia`:`.7' .1 \.\l{ ~ J, *3 _r _y /`We had just nylndexou aI_'oomfxt' able, `and were talking about! -ihflz f j , .l3ustrup,. whm..L ' lug into position immediately... 6; I . 1 -. ' on `our legs in a moment untlwudy to.\\ [ march; our company numbering tlblcen, \ 10 sergeuts, 16 corpals and 181 privst.eA.; How the night. passed` I donlpknow all lmlf sleptas staggered,alb,ng;`butnt. 12 . ' o'clock we. got :1 rest, and- tihlliwd cdnld T ' W` IJm.,Anat.rnnain.tha4IiIhhce._$Clnn3.. L. .`.. I` ....;...l .1... ...L ..m......... ..1.:..`.. -....1.-.v. 1A\\:-pI\'iV-'f in the` 130` " ' " Danish army ,;wn'ms. reference tharet.mnL.on F'lqnAis:.r&_ Ii'm'm."' ` v uuu Iuuvu uatlwmuuru my. low in nll alive.) ml! ' um-uxy rhnrged ` ` '1 ` `_IIUn".3{l U) HUIII Milli i , nnmigmn. . 5 ulw mmpuuy gut mkun; :2. was 3 (mg ; mutusruh`, we hoard tho: ssbtm Ind buyout! I mnling, and wild abouts ow wither Q Our bald ru1,'I.ltho\gh it 011 = ..s......,...I ..: I......t an mnn. A: hdl had; us Muimasanlm ' _ 3 pwplca $11331; in dghnu. _ _ `uuwm light are was ~ " Law Respecting N.ewsppers' 1'. Q.-L...-II..u-n "Jun Jn nub u-inn nvnmuuu nnn >llow the ' UINIllALPI!lL\I4E!N l\' Evy Goodu, Groceries. Hardv exommz r, .:V. g`1?l)0;.`4't'() MNK m'u,m.\-':,~ ` and Rtiwnuxrr. .\'m IuI~:x-scmu ` ` M fV(lT`-`Q UM "nit-I Nu My ` 9. mnnngmnmu. Hm! mil Rum! up tn as unmlwr a lmwuurv an _ ' ` ' I ` " mm mm! up In an ` i ' ` -and ` : _ N1" N9 mm! In gin this alma ()rdum taken fur Wm oglwxphhng, liunkmimlinp will he uxucuteri nr-any, tiously. qulmanmem KQHHLW nwq I & mm Mabel. panama . Omulnlfan. canvwgyt uhamx;u~r (.UIm 5 IL-L Mlwlwl M H.~X'|`l/'|{l"\ Y. uccurdiu lu Ur-h-r nl dun n0. 5 A I'll:-n in I` y 1 um I \. nu Iweordm Urn may at 5%: Oh-I a llama Iu`uI`v K-` l*'!F{RXI_`|\\J, mgunn m ..,.... F B)t0lW.=r#, .\'m lumu,- 9 ,ta9`_V. . - Mania" HOTEL RARBIE. CYOUNTY CH" .`-SI \H'()|"., ('.\\'. A B.s1t{nlsr?m T .-an {`.nm:'n" mv nmm! Anvnrwrl A K A n,` I . un_n1nsur|mers4oruvr um u1.~ on Y1` ['1'-`ri<>(lieal:=s Hm I`u|)lisher or Pt1hli.~=h-r.~; y cuutinue to send them ulil all n.rn-urx-x um rl up; and 5l1b(:I`ihL'l'S are hold 11 -.- all mnnbcrs st-nt. `Q IfSunlmr:riTmrg;:wgl`ct or refuse to take the iu (`mm the ollice (4) which they zmv li- M-d, tlu-Av '.u'u hehl r<-Hp)n.+i|l- (ill I/my })(II`` '4-rl ilwir hiIl~:. St-mling nunn-rm bm~l;. un- mr Hmm in Hun (N`lim\ iu um. ~un-h nnliu-0 of .wIu-rt umr nu It-uvinv,: {hum i (Ii:-l(.'()llt,iYl(I:lI)(` 4 H` nlmmd llltng nmneir Puwmguv Oflllllbml, cunvvm plaatmsim In and mu um ` g (Q g jbmlg mun; Md lth Hm Hm gumm\+ %~mm+-.w-Q In] an Iuu vmu; H. ` Buwiu, Fairy 17. MM. . `ulllll H! but: ng\:IAuy In |/LIU nunuuvv . DUN|.'OP STREET, RIE. ......A. ...,. W .........:}>....... } ...,.,....L .._.,M..~.m,~ Mkgueswa Anus HOTEL. tmvm nu mfulauvr (`(1 Ill :1 style I, ull the 'I'ypt'. Ma new, and 01' the V01 RATES OF. AI)V1-IR'I`I>j1,\'G. nun mid nnd(-I-. first inlertioll . . . . . E ....._........ n. irnnnaann. Proprietor. "Till: Travtglup Uunwmuin win um! um i1Ifnh`mn iiilf i1"fI'*HI1!qII'mnvm< um! mam M.thah| `nunmua. Sl l~I(`l.~\l. N0'l`l(`I~]. `in U CHI am Tnf'orIn iculs are N held ruslm VHCI IHUI H IUUILI Tug H19 Pnhlis `ut in the form xsiblc. ?_ !"IY`:` '-`WV ' `W -I mrswv mtaxamw. ' INQHAM. Prop'r.1 \ 2' . \ hm i una-elk an-aims. mmtllmtnnml. Ihnr 1 .___u_ `be lieuv.T` mm. r:enun `I in the Oicx mu .1 lhu I-nu lli8ELI:MBl7I`O 1"HERS .A AT` 1:111; OFIFICE, I.m u wuuu nu-._y IKLLIIL muuul W. M. NICHOLSON. `vo. , Pub] DR. HAMILN mnmm, '4 "I' 11 1.1) 4' K, I L will mlu: uuuthx-r S T 4'; Boys. ' u,u:`1nA\ .n'rulm:\ .~L Book, Job and rnznnenml Printing-.~ ...;...: :.. _ ..:..I.. ....o 5.. I... HllV*ln|L'L'nAI :.. ., ,. . ..,, ., .... i ;\`lUd('lh,". - 1 T. aA~Te~o'f .. 1-:...:. u n n . . .. County Clerk. `l|1lMlz'v~4l)lHc1'. i ll \ \' IV-u..n I! An u at by . Hardware, .._JA--lLl`U\V 1;. U. quality as the nmrlmt ` smnxr at very TnDd('Ill'f(`" ru........1 u.,..r q....u... 3%` Puints mu _ House, Sign, Carriage &0rnamenta1 ` ` "PAINTER, ` (ZR..'l[_rV]2'Iz`. (1'L.-IZIEI1 , (,v'lLl)l*}[L , ' . } .\1 l5I{-II.\.\'Gi'lR. .s:.~. &<!. `S2!`l|"ll.' LIE V(`I'y Il'IUll('l'lU C()I'l1ed Bent`. Suns with 4! variety` of mm.- ' ux1mll_v be llad-alt N0. *".\ll unu~.h...mu.l . n I .\' I. 0 12 I '1.-nu... uunauu, x tirely m,`\ make. ()1-nlmu -. \.I\vI an -an", Ilnv nu 1.1 u. 1 In-n\x.uvu and t.m~b;`Hmt. u Hmrm;.r,|n kImwl:-ol;z- M x sIl'ix.'i nth-Iulinn to hi`: lmwim-ex-o will <~n|il|a- l fn at Hlmru` sdmru nf nnhlin nuIl'nl\u4nn I,10E1\fS1b%"}{[}5i"1d1\fEER :__a.. - N. B.--Cusl1 A11vm 1c,!s[ made on Gouda ruceiy- ad for Sale. , , ~. ~ FRIJAW STREET BAIR'I1. Mr T `I . u -. u u 5. n , IIANIIFACTUIH-Mil, IMPORTEIL A! DEALER IN FOREIGN` AND` DOMEH l'I()' cl;.u:s,1'0n.mccos,nlmnnmulu . ` .a.vn r.(.2vc`r 1-Irmv, /-"' (55 KING STREET WEST, .\';c.-ur. nx{.'~:'1'1L};r, `W ` "f0RONTO.9mW( ' ..:_-.._.. ._ __. _, _j_ _BlNGHM/ROTHERS., Burclxngs/n Gas;-mu. l mvm'0us, ` MA.RKE!.I` s'r.-\L1., xo. 1, ` V " ' 13.1 121r11c,, E ifiif AND Appriser for Barrie mid the CqII_11ty of inumn uxnmxy no nun-urn A ',";.'All pun:InL~w.~ Town f'I'('I, qr` <-'Iut7'_t/1 (um 1-.\n) `.:ItI..l`)0UGAL & son u mvmgtmluus unlined: EA V --.: I I noon AeioTuo:su% `wholoulejnd Retail? . lA\R1;N' 1 , * Jncznt mm lam warm. ms: at` my Mm mm ` mm n: L mun in law mind at an gem 13*`? 's.*r~z :5. , ._ `Six to Ten Lirisi_ first insm'tion,. / 0vel: l`euLlues,llrstiuuurlion,(,1'lin0) 7 ;m_:i'n':a' uxv Al)VL'.ltl1.l,Vl1r. Six Linesimd under. Iirxtinslertioii, .. 5U3lliS. . Each Hllin([ll0l1'tiSL'N.i0n. . . . . . . .. 13_ --- (7,/ 3` . . 25 Each Hllimcqllellt in.~1erLi0n, . ., > Tiflgich aI,1_l)agu;:11_t____(I,<)-._ ;( }J..`r;E'bI14.*;);:--3:&:. BIISIHCSH Curd, Six ` m`.~s:uu1under, with ~~Pap'e_r, pex_:[,. mun, ._ . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Do. do. for Sif Months. . . _ _ . . .. ./$3;()0' ~- Do. dg, Om: Year, without paper . -l.l)() Do.'d0. Six Months. without pupal. 3.00 "ADVERTISEMENTS" without. \v1`Il,lm1 in- charged u.:c All urders tm1i.=<:m1ti1mu instructions will lnaerted until t'ul~bi:l. nnd mlvevtiuelnmits or an mcriptions to thc E.::mnizwr must be in writing. um vuy, mm runnnlumxggnougg g N H\\' Irurr I.ss`|-uf.]',. .,;:....f[|'. ' i . i `N m_l\mw um aw mm mm row 1*`? ELI mm` mm M niaunmlvlv }v`Im_!m/mr ` ulqlrm Ihmlnp .\'Irm~l, /Ia. I Mi57\A:l: V"I(AV'l%`,OGiERS, E} s. `ME'EK~|NG, 1rru1.11x` `A Y`1'rarw\v- /\ - _|._|_ supply 01 11ua.5u M l*'()\VL. GA.\H`}. &.c.. of aw ` Hun nun-1.-uh: nllhwl uml ..n'. Mora: mun-I |`un..-u|.. !"n'm.-.y'1 Iunnnmnru ._ nu- `urn m pulnw pmrunugu-. TF..\ ANI) ('U|"l"l'} -L ,",l~:1`,[v`_y"`1'yl-`.fII,` `l 2'f I'3t)\1`.(.~,| V`.\V'I`7c<)r1sI:1x1t1yon Ilximl u gIm_II _ supply of 1*`RE.5'1l .\{IC;\'l`, rVL. .('.c.. 1-lnuicu 7' ""I'```"'U " l' `. Subucrilmrs who do not givn 1-xpr:-.- notice 10 the mntrifry an-. eom'ilm'(r as wishing to con- tinue tho l)>(`,I'i[)ti()llH. 2:"W'||| 1`ihl`f4 ordnr the d mlinumuro of um.-r uuenu (:()11;_u1m11uc>s_. can I0. 1 Stull. ' Hlc-li\=e|`m1 in any 1mI_'(uH}Ic H`! XIIIUFH. 'IHHl. UIIUIC [')'1`iv3'(*s'. ' mgon and Lxml, 'ln;z\*l er useful coxxmmxlilic->5, 1 Am! H1! 1 ` tho q wstum )5 nl :\rHLrv NIH-ll('l' Kl.\'(; I :\*t1w1' x nun /"BARIRIE, [COIJTNTY 01? `_SIMC~G)`I 1;` E.\'1-IlI.\L lH'2AL| IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, ' Hardware. &c. (.`r;<)\'L~;u HILL. '1`I:<,'L=.\1. I , Tr -__ `t.:.\[lKTO.\s` Pll0'l'0GlLll lIIL` (.`1Lu;1u',. 1)(,'.\'I.I)I .\,"1'REI:"l' lJ:lRl\'/E. _ . -;.:.::m.......:-_ , ` ;\Y 1 My _ pm! I 0:14-h mnl may cum. pun! up ; for nm -z n'<. law rum mu-|.m'lI, ll Nils ; $5.1 ,Wau'ltl lw`;: to imjluzllc thuhtr tl " stock` is now replete in all that po',|'t;1iiy's/t<(".rllrrst-cl:1si! c5tal)~ lishmmxt. Tl1(-yl1zs\'(-Alanitlcs ` , . ' Paints, Oilg./Va/rnish 3, Slglou. l),`FJ;S'l`lIl7l*S. PER < U MERY,` /.r/ ' PATENT MEDICINES. __I`.-\v:\:CY ARTICLES, &.o. M g I rr'sc1`iptiux1s cj.n'('|'uHy put up under x, Kt.-hu;m`:+ ilmm.-clinic l}])l3l \'iRilln. l{lZL\{AN .6. (Tn 1.1:; mm run.-an Kt`]lllkll1 ._\ f. C4. ., ,_. H y'xu'1mzs IIo.\nr:I'.\1' Barri Iuh'\'. ] .....-.....-_ -IrI|..u., DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. HE SUBSCRIBERS. thankful for the patro- nage _\y- on their 0.-1l,nh1iH]unL-nt, ,I1d the upprt.-c1uLinu,slmwn of their efforts J0 / km-p only _ 4...`. ...u ..,.,;.....u.muraun:wnn ur Lu ` gs mm: `ENGIJSII, '1) Wmrld In-`yr tn illtilnnln Hm": n...:. . ECarriage-Making & Blacksmithingi ' I -1 V.-.` vvvlrv wn! rug! 8! It 39 H TH `xI.L \`r |!H WK`! R \- Q w. nnsrnxl. F Rn'T *T$fvTF. T." mlnmtnwl u! an uncut m=u~'xmm nu- \;l mu vwn )<'o=:|hlu- ms lI:`Io'Mf'IIII` V HORSE~SH( f I ` Tim! lmnwh ul `Ii: 3 Imnlml '|.u|ulmzrst:~1 yn:\M h/ml Inuv DR. ~ ll;nIuu. :~ ONE D0LL.nL per. Annum. if paid in ndvzmce ! if not so paid, FIKTY CENTS will be added to this rate. ' ` , "