-.. .-._,-.... . . Mlra. 1. ==`>..i:ra.s1.`.--.;sx.....` iion- tr.e.~;mni` `- tgiaacaxrer of theeexceglent cfgar bgurirrg his. name. wurin town on Friday. uu:-uguna Asvuq .unu-av-u- vv gay-...... '_o,g`vin 'to tugs Iaten'esa_ oil the-.seaapi;, M`. E agnor Georgen has elecbeci to Qlcferkhat pro: mlsed elocutionary touI'f,t:a_i;,s;tun;,IVJ. , ` F xd"9@_f ?`9P9iqasy~mxp.unaay.; _ . , V` than,` fvIf}\1o-is su'ez-ixfig fx7_dia.n a:uta_ :er@uq,"q.'oction, ` ' trosunapt 1'11` .`o_r_o'nto, -I: g\;_bdi'.`-W`Vi'l`i3n1:g;" the-po15i`1lay./I.` y}'6un;'{`~Vj7;iolinisi= out Phhumonic S.o_cie1:y,Ihaa ' ed per-__ ujaneny frfom Batteagix 8`Barrig. . .;_f. y 31118) 0315. ` . Pisa. 5 n. eowa 1e:u,.V.;...;;;-.;1. _r:`animon ..` -f edi) ttuazne:n'} in'.loront:5o. \1, .4... .u.. -1 6=`I;ogd1x",V _oe.. jhiaf . ` hit; Inispetot 'fAylu1iu . n fpw`1`i,". on ocigl bum esi. V, ; V.::.r,::.%':%*:s :r.':v:.A unntvunuxvcwn i i- am". Dreu .Baef.'. Maw ' Butter, Goa. anvch,-...`....... Turkey: nuhr,..,,;z*..,.... 5 . ru1l...`.... Butter, tub. .3, . ....-. .. I,EggI; lro_;h,- xndoun. Applet.` pen? urns), h. . .-Rye,1..'........,-....;..... Dreu Ii A509," 100 Ml. . .Bai;.'i:ind`quarz:; PI` }90 It Drone-1 Ali-030`.-' 1- luv ma. . . .Bf.'.ihini`quarE:l, 10011:: Mu)at9n,p`r earns, prl lbs ;Chmkons,j py`9a.r.,, . .', . ' I?u_oko,:;p9r hg'Aah;.-.;-`. .". . ._ Gee. nch.- unvu nu-no-no UV:--o_of,Itv:vIo ~..... ......-, _ , " F :-ohm__a. co of flu Irving (Scotlnud) wo take 1: `following, as containcdin. 3b`,fB1 Il'.l",VieI' of .the late Hugh'Js;x_:y,v B:,;n:;x't+-At Tdrontii, onfwedundny the1lth Instant, Sarah. wife of _W. H. `Bladen, and daughter at E. GmvI;r,`Euq.. `~Bnr.:i9,;,-aged -84yaurn.. -. > daughter - 84 yaurn. 7 ,`u`I9 Inn: -s,-,v . you, am mggghd thy snnspiongacguranf 41:; tngwygg mun 05311: most A _ Lugn,4:m-trptuivaaeann xmmmnlv `,.:@110!!.! qunuun,-an M .1! 4. .11. I1: ,: ` ` `fl -.1i.I:`u. on msou-. 1:. _ = 5.9 at ilh thlr annoy 9 ; M6 ` only` by, Phnfslgpprdnr. .h oxtzgded. hour pf survey of t_he ; Vsoflizo fty. n2__ilu'zboyon,d'-Jifort u . . ; .` $01` 05 u{g1,1o ...1...Q.. 0070tO0IL55 on... '..-003019000 .... .... 00651590070 ...`......` 00751100030 100)l..v.. 0700to`0750.- OQ00 to,(Y70,0 P"`1`f1b5 V06001?9,0.3,50 ..... .'..' 30%) :40 tidal, , .. 1 >, on .WedneIdny the"llth 19 W. and DI uuupun any-ww-w It allgm-hymn hm: pruu In :33-9 , an ow sand: Ion.-whkh Ivil-..-`v!38Q,|! thou; _ 5'-"with, tbqlr M um. wily` McDUFF,.the creditors or Jenn Manna, late of nhej'1`ownahi of Om, in the Count of Simcoe, who die in or about the mom: ; of '1>Iqv'e'rnbe!', I858; are on-nr, bgfonvthe ' ' 20tl1"L'dtw' of Miy, 1881,10 send by ' pout,` repaid, to*'Meaaieurs Loan}: 47 Loan: of nrrie, the olicitorn for the Plaintiffs, _ in the n_aid;Oa me,,[their Chrigtian and 8:11-- uamas : add:-ecu; nnddeacriptioxr 5 the full particulatfn of-their claim: ; 5 statement :of their accannti, and the nature of the secu- . ritiel (if any) held by them, or in_ deult thereohthey will be'peremp_tori1y excluded .f_rnm thejaeuet of the said daegee. ...Every , oredilxr hqlding nnyjeourit is to produce the semebefore me at my 0 amber: in the Court House`. in the Town ,of Barrie. Jon BATURDKY, the 28th day of M`AY, 1881, 1 at 10 o'clq;k,iu the forenoomheing the time nppefntedifor a.djudioati9n' on the olaimn. Dated this 2nd day of May; A. D., 1881. (_8ign.ed)- J. R. COTTER, 18 Bins. Matter at Barrie. ew` Di66!e;,indglV6I ntis!_nction_ in av -unstanoe. 1 can nnhoaltstingl any first 5 the only turn guzrojor throats ' lung diseases and i-eo mmend it to 511.. 20:11 and got I tx-Isl V bottle tor 10 cent: or A result: 1126 01. For ibgla by _W. O. MOLEAN, Bkrrlo. :Nd`mVoE -Ito omabrrons 901` JOHN v A 'McDU_FF_,DEOEASED. ,.. PURSUANT eoTB3rge 0! time condo: Cha.naery made in -3 cause 'M.oDUFF vs. MoDUFF,.the creditor,-:'of John MoDu', 111113 of t.ha"1`ownahinrof Om. County `V ' I `Bltvy I-IIIDU vyupuu -,'I ' , sr`su1l.'er!ng frdmoughholdn {Jams Bron{:`I :Et 15.'.`Hav Ffever. Consumption. gm of ' Vojoe.,1`iddin in the -fhroat, or my I-Section of `the bran or Lungs, me Dr King : New D11 | vary for Ogusumpxoxx, '.l`hin_ in cm; uv;uv..q.,~.-nu-on-.. v... .......V, V- ._ --_.__ -- `the Dru Kink": Ttew, oauaingvuo much exowement 1 it: won- derful cures. curing thounnds of hopelou cues` `gm Thin the Ovet one,m xiogahss been cured Dr. .K`n'I New` Disco! , and give: ntlsfpc n_ unstanoe. ; 9.93:: nnhoaltsttuglz .. 4.1.- ....I . ..-.-- Ann. 0.: fhv-nnl-. -n` `Inna lunuuna T he Ban3diain.LPa1cicWHai|waj En} ' ...-.q..._. EM,GRATiD!{3;.MAN|TOBA * `~ V 7- % cANAmAN_"_`_tg9nT HWEST. . .-l_in`c>klln s Arnica salve. " {'he beat 33119 .in tbovlivdrld fur Outs, Bruises. hogan` Ulcejs. Sal]: Bhsun, Fevetl. SoreI,! 1'1ttera Pxwe 24 cents per bottle. 1?'or sale W. Mo-, on Haqds, ohnbmns, coma all kinds of _ Eruptions. This salve guaranteed to give satisfaction every tixnoorxnoney refunded ~~'A'1'be~oa1`-te de 1v{ctte,'or card hotoia 1 am- tus pizlure for Ir small Ighogo. Mr. Reeves `takes theinaiaev I : the prbmanbdes - `~ ' "Eambrui ,,_,sn_I;a!:romo_v'lsnetboI._ Sale" of Lands. To encourage the rntiid settlement of t_he`O(.un try, the Canadian ]_?mioBa.ilwa.y Company will be prepared nut further notice, to sell fend: tor` sgrieulfur purgwses M'.'t.he low price or g2_5o.pe; acts, pvnb by inltulmonts and will further make 3 owalysa `by/.wTs or re "ate lrom this pgoe, of 01.95 {or every sari of such land: `breug t. under cnltivetlonjlthin three to live ear followinz 318 dllve 0!; urchnle, according L) the astnrtehgntlazftent of. 3 other improve- 4m/113546 re : ., ` ~ e laud: than oiterad for sale, .will not com- rlnie Mintlrlu Oonlnr Wood land, or tracks `for own sites and Railway purposes; Contracts at spacial rated will be made !or'lsnde ~ .. reqnred for anti: raising and -other purposes gnvolving immediate mtmvntlon. -Intending Battier; qpd__thelr 'eet_:LI, on .1. " V 1" 7 V ` r " TaI:Excwz.r.mrcz of Mr. Boevefphohognphsi in the talkl-of the town: they are beautifully Sui had, and gm much admired for their .at lo ` `ivpry ning. je reoeiud all the` rst ` ` `ivory: gang. ; He_ repeigqd all thq` gs. ieggpn at ncooksbown and y had, and ELIE or - V_.HI_"V=EI'\- I I _ LOST` MAHHOOD RIBTORID: Aviatlmot authml .s,..'m..:" x:'.".:;`.'.?.q x`. :o?3`x.....a` 1 n..` ' oovcegdnnixnplnullotnm wmchxaawm uius 2% 1.0 MI fY!IlllHltI;'l`3hldd!0II J. ll, Easy? . n ip`o':-sect Puma ' curing 133; extomm andgxteinal unto us I 1unm~ ` . anon, un|n~nnd*nobz-annn,. Rhohmnwnn. Hm`! _ nu; Dalndsu, Golds; Kidney cr>mP_1&ln'-I, ; rn, Frost'Blten,a ncl Flick` Wnu-15 ofevefi - vtuiety. :rm- sale by al_l-dealers. V ` . ` _ ' ' ' - . i 1 "i_TD ISOOVERY! L118! 'HAIlI-IOOD REBTGRID. gnv'o1ving Battle;-3 and jhelr `effects, teaching the Company : Bauwhy. will be for warcged tflareonlo there plus of denunnuonv on very liberal Lerml . V l!'urtbex.pnrt!Q!int! will but furnllhad or! In:- UOU.N 1'Y,OB' rsmcon. I Un mun Lu-L: In! To Wu` .' f EIGHTH dayro! AU-: GUST, A. D. 1881, in the Bhariifl Oon, - in the Courtfoszse, Bjh Town 6! Barrio at thqhonr of Twelve o_'Olook, noop, qyi "bosold by f ' _ W " ` !?!;J_.5.*-'2 .4%'-'!!?a%zL 1 . Shoff- As S3}? qfLsli.n`1s` } `.._V.,.., . --v--r-- ` COU.N l'Y-,0!` Szxfcon. I an MYONDAY `Chi To W1-r ; ( dayro! 3 Beugggygyzf directed, iB'I;iIiiy" 7'33!-Ii! Q I?` undp`nnd'by virhp of o'Wdf?ifl!6'* Fault ! out of tbs Court 4)! Queen ; , ac. , ----A 'n1__:_.'13.a- ,Jqg:;.`. GnlAi1{Nnnw, . . . . . . . . . .Pz_amzs7iI Z _ jg ;,. vs. gxyfn Webb & HAB_.axu Waon, hiu wile, _.'.".`.V. ..',k...... .. .;;,....a...Dc_fnujatm. 2:1`! thajki ht, Title, Interest, Ind E uh of Redam tian,o_! the above named do an - nun, orb either of them "in, to or out of ths follpw 113 lands an promise! tum -sea, in the`. bwnuhip. of Npttuvuagn. in the County of|.xn_cno-th:h4_I to uy : 15:33`. 0! Lot number. '.I.`h.n-ty-Four an the Nlnlh Oqnqeuion, aontnning Four Acre: mono or lgplj better known as follow: : Gom- maoing at thovonth Easterly Inll of, . -M21 log, thence So_uthe.I'1y along the -wast -, .iagI_.ogsaumnta.r1o tvoat uixtoen rodn, ,t,_hai_:oa Wane;-ly in 5 imp parallel with thg Nonthern limit of mid lot forty rods. ` -thaijoa Wane;-ly ln n.1in_e parallel with the Nolzthern limit for: roan, thgnoo Northrly inn. lino para In! with .nort.hern.limlc 9! said lot,,thonae Eutorly Oglgng mid limit f_ol:ty rods, to the plug: of b.o 3'ix;nin. PR3 of nidlat number xgmllpp. `(Alta put! the South. hnif of ' t. num9bpry'I3hircy-ve in tilt Mid I.-iinib Qonsouiauggontniniug gfwnn Ael-an morn or let! 5: bbtkr knoymu lo! own 1 .Uqr.-. wing M -who Nm'|=h`Eutnr! y ngla .l H d Soath, `I! tbango Souths: y I191! _Wue -aide -pl Euronillio Shnatltio " 1-ads. thine`: iwutetly .in ulino ` . `om mad and Di rodl. them; Ham 1 'prly-iI1"T'l*vl`iir`lo pmlel nishiwoutavio t.ggqt,s__qIon, 1 f.wnn4_:f)'zndp:to tho Narthb "`.o rn1imi!z9.l ,. . 11:5-if tho..uo.- E`-t: quid -pthnm limit on: hundred mad` Township 0 Iiui'ont'a.rlo`troet sixteen roan," to` the ` ;_ :'. ,_; E";J32``sa$`7%';i`3;...5'?fn; f` 2 1y i_m_qdjn!:a_|y4la u: rnurnnd gdjoiu. ip; llg,;__!in;'gtnbelore_mentionod had and _,.m.: mg :3 m.-en: lsnit of ma Ion mi l %m.0f blglniug ~ . ,""lZl1x7"'l.4'! U-I-_-In cnms.` DRINKWATEN, . . _~ I V Boogetgry. , Montreal Aprxl 80th, 1881. 18 1 j Q z$lu '9! 9 Mg: 'L'owuphip of _ 'v '-Ea.mbruidu , `Ind chroma ethol- `9!_orfad@_' pjptureato ` equal I:3Il:C[{l['b` Salve. [V , n#;, -n- -jistop That -couiiln. Q *....ur..x..... opauhnnnahi nan hqqfs, and uptions. wtiqn eve:-`y maormoney j . . --.---- Coimr! J; siogz, on. uoxnnt tho To W11: . ELEVENTH dz: of JULY,`A. D. 1881, if the hour of Twnlva o Olock. .-noon. Lt tho Shori"n snamfrs $_A_|:_E_ or LAnns.| W11 : I. ELEVENTH Twalve o O!ockg moon, 5% tho Shorifu 0300, in t.he'O,onrtHouu, at the Town of Bin-tie, will be l0ldAby ` .' 1:---:1-mg A--Ljngnl ` rurual-I\I 111;`: u -em, Un\dor and by virtue o!"1'wo Writ: bl Fiari Faauu, the at iuuod out of the Court of Quaenl Bench," ` ' Inns Boom Bonn! Wxuuu Brib mum urn . Own. . . . . . ; . .Plas'n0'n. Onumu Emuu, . . . .-'. . . .*. . , ..l)qfmdau. All tho'Right, Titlo, Interest and? nit _' 0;` Redomption of th jibovpnamed on 8 nut-, in the North I: of the But ,-half` of ` Int number Fifteen`, it: tho" Thu?! Concu- ninnnl tha Townnhin of Eili. in tha Goun- -*~ r .$uiB;r" 1.ia'r eZ.i,'i. in? Concou- Iionfot the Townlhip of Eta , in the Goun- ty ofjimooo. ' . . Shawl : Oioo. '.l`. D- MOOONKEY, Ban-ie, April 28; '81 Shori, Co. Bimoog. '.`Pnoauu Gbvnnuta. . . . The iocond iuuod on]: of, tho Oonnty Court of the County of York V Axnnw Danna ,'.l`no)un Joan Dumnm V um'.Wxx.r.un 4:;.x:ta..3...PtaM(9:5: jrriouu Gommzxo. . . ./... . . . . . ..Dnfcudant. 1 All the !(.ight,f].`itlo, Internet "and oi V of Redemption of the above nnuud on - snt, invu portion of Lot number Trent - Six bnftho South tide of Main Street, 1:, ~ the.'V1llago of 8tuyner,'in the Ooonty uf Bimooe, oomtnenqxng atathe ; Wentaily ex- tsemit 0! acid 1 G ; thaubo Eat .nIong Main tzeonhirt -iixZ{eet_,th9noo South at right angles to Main Street; forty-four ' feet to the boundary line, between uid lot twenty.-nix and lot tirenty-Ivgn mhenoo `North ..W'e|terly slang th boundary lino between lot: twenty: and gwpnty-seven, to the place of beziuing.` ' V aL.._:C'. nun- \Vl` 'l'\ \l'nl'\\TII"E'1T vu vuv guru: vs vv.nuua.o Shel-i"I Oloo. ET. D. MoOONKEY Barrio. April 1881 aim-mg oo.`z~umm`. . 9EN; i:"GiEi'"F"AucTIoN,' Un\dar nd bv ii:-tun of Tito Writ: iiizi-fr Hbnirat His '1'61`r`p=nl3uo mt the hour } at Twelva o'c1 ck ` who so I By - PO31-I KL 3'1'.ION. 1 Under And by vutne of I writ of :..gku._ a :=u:s:.:c*as;'ua':':o1r. % by otnm-it mm `Jr sagas. asnned out of an County Oourt or the County or suuooa. int mu , H. F_.Bwr1zIB............;...........1?kIlM(0' VI. Wumuu 'J . Ho:n!sox.....- . 4 . . . . .. . . . . Defends! All ths lllzhc. Title. Intern! and Email! of 'TOWl.I8hip of Lot numbers '1` ltty-Benn -`and'1`hirty-E on the North 3 e or tha"'1'own Line in Village or on but-Ic,u land out on piit ot lot number Fonz` no, in tho First 0on..~..ot the > edonta, hrtha County of Simeon, containing One Quarter of :1: Acre ouch. more or lens I Ian whereof was registered In the In 0 ca. tor the laid County of `Simeon, Bedhmptl5n,d! um above named defendant `:1: `2... on the 4th or Februny, 1868. She;-Hr`: Ohe '1'. D. IIMJONKEY, Bu.rria'.2817`eb. inst.` shun: co. sunoqo. COUNT! or Bnxooz, on MONDA Y, the To Wu: : FIRST d5 of LU~ `GUST. AJ). 1881', at the`. ShIri. I3H0l, intheOonrt!Hou|o. It the Town 6! Elirie.` U'U5'l', An: 1331`, I-V H13. HD0213 ! ' "'30., in the Oonrtouso, 6! ` lhirio; at Twelvo,o'Olock, nqon,` will be sold = Under snilib v"xrtue'oE a. writ ' of Mai Fania: iuu ` uh of the Oounty Court. o_tho Oouhty of Simooo. and to no dirootod. Jacias iuuodloue of the Uonnty Uour: on Oouhty Simooo; ln0,di!'O0GO_d, `ROSIE! W Anl,......~...;.......lZIamt:` ` I 1. _ w_ _ _ . - _ ` . vu ` ' J.Monnrsox..... . ........Dd ghs lllghc, Title. Interest E I Bedamptioqo! the nnmpd detox: numbeya `1`}1u-ty-B,e>vcn_-and 'I_.`l_zirty }PIiBiiE% Kiiml Unnr mini` `:1! vi"-hIn`nf I. Wrif of Egri .mrr's gggsor Lam; C Y `I `AI TC, XCCQICICX ' ' ocrruod-.y us.` min ila.y`ol Jul: at o?o1ock in the-torenoon, of which ux my CoroAne1-u.0oniub1u, Gamers. And. otheggi oon` oetnod are nqnestodto his nottca and qsfnds and to do and perform slldnhaurhloh nnpertsln tothonii ' sHR1F'F_Ag:uFLA`tins.] Oouxrv or Sumou, On MONDAY: the` To Wu: : ' TWENTY-THIRD day of MAY, 1B8f, at the hour of ,'I`walva o'clock, noon, at the Shot-i'I Olqe, in tin Court. House, at the Towp of /Barrio, ivl be sold By runuc Aucrzox, ~n....'-1-.. -...: L..'..:'..4..- -0 4.... .---...1 _}.-:o. m! Ji'1'zri_- Eaqiat, issued am; at we Uoumy Oourtf thopounty of Sitnoooyia tho saith` 4 2 . of an-rvguuu-.u-vv E-b&NTY:%A:50~URf1j r5:,h:?oqaguyo:s1mooe, s'ym"be E ~ c`"o'un'I; \"i~oue5,A 1-awn 61i`Bnnnm, A...-u..'...;I__ -3.3 11;; .3--n`-O r__- -a.'lI... l C_)'1_[`IOE." . ~- 1. A Wm ;.ae=w-*--:,..,g:-;.:-c.....=-~.:.g;`-5.2! mm seuininiotthb ' 4;. 4 ::T---2-. 1`: 1-; C-7:5 -`-- _ ,,_..__ ._...______., Undo;-and by"viVr1:uo it two nvoral 51-13! of ' F1`zri_- Faciaa, issued uni; of the County tlioounty Siusoooyin suit: > ' - . , or ` Ounuina STAPLIIOH urn Dmwuc 1; ....Tl:` . . . . . . .._.` . . . . . . . , _ , _.`, _ _ _ _ , , , , ,,_ .. , I V53 : ` ~ Jain! W ' 3&1-nnxouxaxn D and nt.'. All the giit`!-'.l.`itle, Interns a'.u;fEq'1l:ity of Ilmdoniptipn, or the Qbova named Do- _ fendgftf.` "_In.I1l`snd.Iingi:1n'hi.t certain 11,30 for." wts land: sud pnmiuu uituuta, vim: and beiim in tho Villuro of Wuhuzo. _- o'rf .i~ut73l'1:;Ei'_`:&';;ouf-:1 u'i'c'u3:'t:; yum 8114 11911.1: Villago Wuhnfo, n in the aid Oqunty of Bitncoo.-_ and be but niirnhnr thirtnnn on that Want lids n lying am; being In the VIIIDBI or wan , lot nmberlhirteen on the Weet. eide o Muekoke etteet -ehown and marked on: V. map or.'lenef'eeid Vill or Weehege, dawn ! Peter Burns, .~L.8. Number __One hundred and 5,8700, ,-tour. 'RG8`|91`d in the re ieyrywpiee, en 7o`an_teiniug', one` quarter 0 `an here. be the nine more of .~ hm. quart `km . 5-9'Il9?i'.I_ omen. ~ '1'; D. MMJONKEY, B&l_'l`i', F\i.=19,1881 -Shori, Oausimooa.) j3- :`:X'.'.':':`..'x`i. `3` `5`..`.`i-.`. .,`2{`.'.3':'.'i'c..s.`.`3`.` " - gaguuign-noon` `Pay. `ugh: ma Aima u:*.z..r:.:=:.; s':f-::-;$':.:-.. AW" * Mung, _ gggsxafafizazrameaz "a:.`3'-.`..`:'.`.`.'.| as a I i5ai{T3aa2:.2"i:a;'aru . %"s"i5ecuLA41iq,n ` Bind Stocks. Your- thr ,p udnnnad. ' Invnllm-I nodtl-nly mun `Band Foil:-thi to: ` . pron: ..a..,. lnour ` I ouuuum I00 ! 11: puruh onay glvgnoodu II_1vul.m-5, ` py gunnntead ,, u. 00 n , madgnto. 5100, And $300 rlut in p06 thin Inn hsvo yin 5? mac. 1 -In `much-aura I O - Pu.m;5:l.}z`,3:..troe. at. Wuginnrgx ._k 9 in :1: month's `:'il&rbntI at `#3 Go.` ken bid I. trauma. `P0 . Punilc, &.&toe. . -0991! WW` jlgdpro 0390-11: "2 . mu` .1: ;."'g,..': :'.:a.."'i'..x .000. ' m.. 1953 1;; 1%.; Vuahu. In 2 .'::'::*: ulK`9hs luabu. luua onltu. vnm mm Intuition: lullutan COM Q9194 dill. cu Inn ?El'.2."..'!2L2'.`:"`.`!.L"JL'l'l`.E 1'.'..."x'.'3'2." F9 Jv_B`"; ' ' {Bonus is Mauonu ,3 .4. -:gv . .. . Eibcwoux. ` Egcuu, Linht. Titlu %r:m1ms. E:`.7:`.`.';."""':I":"""'7I'.."`*";`..,..'*"" ' affix I a {II magnu- Mlsool lnneous. . n. ...I- 1 us '1'. D. mooxiiizr. E She:-ik,o. /Simeon 1'("'oo .._.__._.....___..__.___.._...... `or thy at homo. Bunnie: worth 6!Iu.Bt.ln|on C 00.. ottland. ' , Ptaamm. KBUTEIS- Z:/\ N Moir . Plain. - . ` .41: .,*,\ uuu u; auuunsuuu uuu` uuu:un.u=,< N Kw. oprsxu-on sum ova 5, (mac , the Chain! FARMING and TIMBERING, LLNDQ lathe Nohle * g ` _ , , of MICHIGAN. ` ;u ` g m Duunod to be en _ t win at. produotncreclon In an we . 3: no ` , - unhnoo unuol or hsppowu. Hauklnno, schools:-an, huh, ' thounudpnrn of the but agricultural lsndnp uaga ho! hum. ` -. am Lupus thou In the counts or .chsppown.zIud&unaou-otcunot ho ~-burnt. or " lunda. Than land: can-`annz .adunt.nau our the rotlh9;W9t.L& In tunbir land: acuotnuu sums as can 1:, 4;: max at tor: The nuohclny lpuu. of great. I. Thy mu rragglniuxnron tho` V -- gonix-AI1: luclgnt tor the-tau-1o"I!r"nIe V v udluz an~.Quoln:- - V ` V ` 'I'hue.purt.uIIychu-ad land: are new at _th_ol6w puuotnvlu in-Juan. _uo-murth cub. thnvnmundnr M-tho. sum`: pxltloll. at guy than V gun yogi with latest: vlilblo Annuulyggs ` ` ` Bond: r be! 3119,11 um ndI1n!lIi =;:o`-tor oupoi-tnnnyihinvvur V *- ~-W =~ 0:1-his and Intending pxlu-onus:-I wulbc w1Io.h.Y'snu!ns thouuoluu V ` prlool adnpoo. u.t!:o landmlwa kins upldlvt ton and uguod upon -- ~ . , '1`h.!Iu;;.aaefo_3aI1e9!e.` Y_42u-.!s!v-._"- 0' -0 D9 T , 09 amm- lspnnne 1 \_u-ohuerl wulbo wlIo.h.Y stalling thouuolvou or this cannon, hm`! npmtho !n.ndIwa.t-0. koIu.ndu_u.1odupou.-. at ` up w 1. u ttb H-oitluld auunumaanlpna, z.-.'..'a7z-'"a&'-'z'eA"."'"7';. '%"32:-!':o.c'a?.u:o 121:2: :. mu: un::(&'i,n:IIsI'fU, , W` good cn;_Iu_-at-.-,. . laavtuggplandltl wt-ca~ ~muto:_4n;: _ _ `V! vonuulloular In ot,t.ha.q, .pg:`_1.ull,I_ . ngmaoh mqfntmhuhmugl-mall . th:bfgI:hr:od`;`A :`:\l3l at 7 en t4m:;r:pl , nhaptho had: w 11 um; Zia-::=:r..?.?*:*:.`.:`:;~'.;;.; .;:*:.':.:'::`:::.::':*::v;;'::;::*s:::::::" W-W~+ i who CPIQG dozusnd and toad prion rqr labor both in wlutcz-' and mum. sign; V L p.mnu1-u-y 49; to as home: (or who poor mun. mwlancu adamant the mung an , st. :5 ma upward noooralngyo location. value onxmbar. etc. Land: at your very. door: as being `settled by Cnnadmnl. ,. ` ' ' F _ ' ; ~ 1'ho$Od9!l8'ud audtoodprlooum` lunar, both and my ` `. mm 1'! u-3 new beta: arcctodilous up use or my road. at rain! 8! Isaac. lo uhomu 1'ne'landI utnttht ` unwur noon-ding; > location, a`(5t.1mbr. L ,7 us yet, 1 , x . _. hem; hunted by Cunndltpi. 3 1 ,- ` 11-or pamphlets. amps and other lmfonlntlou add:-an . w. o. argon .LniidOomm1nl1oiiir. LOW |'I'he n%0r11na1:,,.B.@m. -73. 1 5 Who gulrantool alI._`wo3-.k in at? BRANCH OF THE TRADE int:-ugtod to Mm, to` 50 0:- eouto in a superior manger. mitatlonn 0! an wood: and usable: lnoutjouahdo} !'a|t_tQgnI , ' V --bou'dI on 9 b bition. --- \ _ ` ` d ,` . . "A "";"" ""'-T""""" -- V. `- mt: { :Chiid.r;1 s Car-L sign writing. 1a're?B`6" and 0rname11{d,iv.! 1!. Pnncr Humina. Knlnomininn.Gla`.:!nn. &o. -x Darrin: Paintllili. ` ` . I. g_HL ndo m e \-"-Prmgllnygiorta E3Q>`EI S3 mm 23L:1L3ss I` '--41` '1`El1.~`--A . M T nit}? t'\`Il| MG ? `R113 I2l'\f\'I" ` I have `l1l'J1Iyh'lO(lfl-`I1 Iiudrtkuanijz this union no large nd Act:-satin that? gun in pub nt-infnotion to than who are in want or goods. My vn-In iwvlnply ` wuormala and cg-y Boot and 8hooi1r'o. gem of artiu in merit. I have _`ut.ud\'o `gligguao, '; -4hnmul_voq,t4;q,!,in..t-ntl,qJ'!Il89|110.!li=n and fa lllllu Comfort and uouoxuy. and :h a'uu;Il;.1-. n- rpugztpg an `gob 1I5`;0?nY;,tIfl;J|i:a\"':l.|;)`; dodon,':bht`g9 .migue gun. arm mas : PLA 1x-numm, right; ` 3,. ..j-n- 1 1 ll , W- JI LL _ t%...I...-_`_"- -- (`rhampion Reapers, Single and combinedz ~ Chem ion Sin la Mower. _, , x . Thr ing Mac ines for steam nd horse powers. ' Steam Engines, the beat in use. ` . . V " _ V2 'Ho!'ie Powers, second to none.` _ . Grain, Drills and BM road-ast Seeders, . One Horse Scaeiers; the beef in use. V b I I Turnip Drills with Heav Roller. % ` ` Sulke Rakes; three kin s. `. . _ 7 * g; The elebrated W`kiuson Ploughe, which were ewsried 4 ` Mot. 4 5 } jimral Exh,ibitj.ion,Toroute, Se 1:. 1880, d 11 1-, ti-1ne'with*1-1iJoth3rs.. P` am ` m `G 3 _GP.!`1g`1?4l5u_g s;~ the best in use. 1 L FTmiI-nurn vn1n-.t.`H6bmb manufacturers . in Cumin. ` Goo. in for many years Franco Painter in tho lniin spared Jo furni-h disgramruud daligun for Frlun Work, 01% ex.-fin Oil or srwoljings bonus and ohurohu. ' ' ' - ` - :r_.4`[e_._J-:-"ac;-:53 _ ,`., ~v-.w- .vy:- Ploug `_ 3; best G - $56 ~beat, n1 anufacturers in `Canada. * The Ghniiiilil` 9 Road Be:-Va . gwithVso1id a#t`stee1bomn;s;` . ful lStou orR ivrhlwgya oizjhand * . ' I ahaadsjhe _r'_M 512_ 2`mn;<=;qias [Ill 1 5500K OI B `B auwpyu U1-I Hull The Q;mp5p1'on=sti V ahead; the i-ab ca :-lo_ud` ofLx;11g:g:z3i'.{1gg7 gut I000 *$A >5 geingmhnnf ` _ sh %t 18s . ; . Wuiehouse, o posite .can Hote1,:6oilar'St-re; In-anm+.inn'Ram1ted. Terms Libara]. fWhnlenn1a>nmi51 M` w /1. , ""'*e:X.a3aaa rtaeez.`iT:aii1fa;$:;r1aE."'fi xu$`p'f., f;sf3*i?ia. ..Te!'m8 Liberal. $1 -u--u_u---guy -,- IM P|IEMENTi'F0"R%%1 Jnkvuvvsuu libvltnvsyv-ac A g---._..- ..,.r,_._,.. . __ _ `O W` -D. wan Funpo ldading 81:09: of 1 rod ding:-o.mn~uud daugun 0 Pu :-tioulir attention in called to the opqning of the nbovn Old Bkn(!`b,y rrilgulr CWFQIIKIUII ll Ollllcl WU IIIU UPIKIIIIS U1 IIIIU IUUVU `Jill 33! U ? " Writing. FIGBOO 8.110. U1`!18m.O11'B.&I.' Pgpgr Hanging. Knllomining, Gluing, -3 Ogrrlaga Paintlup. _ ~_sco'roH.- ` %` AME3IcAN & cANAnANj'wgg9eg 14 , A _ A._ _ __j:._. uJ`*" ` nu-1". A-i4iIsP:E'c3-`i"'I'5lT BE 30 llctllgul I:J_lt&|D anus. 4.-A--ow .-- --up--.-.- up-up %c1;e%g {wg1-"3 " uni the W. MYERS. `:33 bthor ltxxfcsrltlt-11: addrau -11 `r LW. 0. STRONG. {and Oommmionu-.' 5.. -u- ,,. ,, n --,--.-n ,, 1 T SIG!` OF THE BIG BOOT. v-vc-vvwra-vw-u: c----on -a-us-----puuvqpvq-g ` 2 . E {I so Newbm-y and Momma nngazug, it: L `S-$1??? -*$j43 3?53;% _'l-N-VlTE_D;!i . ~- .11,-'I xi;-n- 109`?-vb 1:Ma1>~=.=5- ; " '"X`y.I 9rc1*:jr?/' I 33' `V933 19W F115 1-I-_0l"?F9 ._ . - ;'--Strength :1 your digestion, no/thagato nah 01 utxlizing and nsaimuhting .` a.It,0Xn,o;_fo0d';_y0I,1.tpke,,thgbody; 1 h;.p.;u_i' yigoz-.. Zopeza:g1e_gnse.s thy J ,; Itimglatea the liter,` kaeps yofu`, / 5 ,_;;n.bl_.9/-__tp :.~_n;1:~',te,1;-penny"nailb. ` 11 _ .<=omeJn_d.i13V'~,xt.l- . V `fr9.*T3.=@.=i1e. Pn,I'1ze.Pr0f.0i ~ . x x gives, -m,a41,0. Gint s,a.mpli;.. , %*n=w'-;.4%883= v L n tdtfhc lx5vth A-,u&spn.eqtRoIl tow _:'f, .Bs1'ri__n5l19u1.d,;have?beaz:'= re . l,k `ti!->.I"1?i:'>t.e th9v"1at:innt;,`, `9;.a.;'It.;x_v;ta niatin at that 1n _f.an!s.;`g.o.-far ash mapy of ..<:oz,wer:}ed.. aefolltusjnat _ In;v.t1IinzLhs:t sour \tha'n.ssossment sheets. In .'1:'l1'e \i"16l_.`m'{'~!o `ca. 111' 12 .i ti '- " 9'`9t:"f\.sgn%.t.`."`.. -. :,""*`L`T"` ` `- I . ei'nn,ce9 .,0pini0 1J!fl.=Vai1i;ig`amongAt people ' L` `11'EiIi- G1;4i>s42vI$'a' 'C1u>'1rs`.T-`-_Tl.1'n:`re' -in : iqliiifn. ' 'j'eaidigg`in_' _h9.uountl`y as condition of; growing :51-gin. Sums my i:he_ fall whaat hr 7 ju?_ih6 l.1oth ar.";z'ight_, In,O fo ma ` ~. ga :31 `:9 sa;d`thewheat1oQkavery7welI; ` - , -roui.EA_a4 and some n1:~her.sections come otherfrdwlar suat~ie1oakssp1en- L rte. - he recent rp,`iu9_Wil_l ` ' `it,-wuzfou ly in F .erod;and"can e'aledv-inn ` ' "10 Am} Arbor, .Mich.,` e)norw1rea1d1ng wxth herrpister-in-: . .'V mlll. -'., '. Dy!)-9.` 8 WQHISB W110. 1111110! fbii 5. &c.1j..-M:-;-S1:eevgns,~'tho mp;-i:i ggmo` theponaignment, exhibit; . _ baj p1Iblic:~th6 Hotd, `halal 1!5.3"$l.9.l35v?. .eve.nm_g_a.r,.ne wrm mom, - ` ya _. `of or n,zzu_: _p. r0Winiq!pb,, :f1:I:nAo.f 0 ran ama,m.Is i'ge1,y;= ` iolibwiut n-rs t the namesllo . Tzmrr .. ' ' boixb'$T5:`ne_siden of-Bar:ie,m.-dviciiniliy ` ' ' tningfor Michigan sad the `North- h yane -"bnsinesag_:en,` 'mehanics,' AT. t`$o;paLsset.h_;`_vv:ay.yhe glory of : range that waste Dwigg` r ll ', th. . _ is. 25 M iik "' ts wilvl;-pi-aobably ma. foe]-`-i`4:.`- The i naxt ~ lllyfvxavvytlwvsvu - , " ` iiggles. Soc; , j..-Mr: S1:eeve_ns,~'tho .o I the consignment. exhibits , . .:D son..\the celpbrafnd '1`or9nt0.atf- , mugs` hui ` .-.haacona1gne41,i9.J3~&rP1I0Vr_A1; Iint` zof thermdnt modem designsxni ~ -';;b`u` 'c;j."_>., .l3hey opmprisaj.t!in> "` _ bert,-'I hmtaon,` Pxa.no~Boxg, , =*A- M, an .vsz'1zn'I is?-,-.v`waait,faj at , v nyne`; 1 tie S Lvnb.`--'1`he vcouingw , . been y_m`u-qvelled. _- The V Bgqlelih` ` `been receivedlrom`-,thb ` :91; qt Poliaaf ,&b`-Detroipg. ' who, rumor 2 .- '0! 0.04 it. .arod- nnd"con e`aled -inn ,d.i.e A-=13. .t*4.=br-.-1;4i<=!=` : naming the znigidl at the cg)`nt1nuin.g`f_nqil 239, n.--:A"m;1` eci;$.e qr ` .th`eJ1i8.h*.` 0*.Junn4 l~},tli .,- roach .a totu,l- ob~ -' .ntV-']..jor`gnr Lia now: per.-xonvnveg. oy ~;nr.- yv m. Dgygnigg ,:~`l:`l_1o'A1l'nn1ia1q jn;x'tion." L}: E_to_1'ey,'{for`sibme yearu'1L. assengax-=_1:ons~ dnpto: .;tlze, V Nor_theux,_ by n pppomted "th'*position_-mai.de va.cazit by-`the 9.-airemen ., .o__.:_Mr."- Du:-in the absence ofdzhe latter gen leman in 1: a old comitry, Mr. Rem-an-haaltpmnornrv c'!;in`ze.- .13 ', 1 Ajzigni and ntticlu oninterenting jecta.-` Published by.Mnun & Co.,, 1.50: year; . . V . ' 1 i1.;17';: znigiazae of the L mused for years V " bginhnuing `until 239," pwxll-vrenppear. audit willxbe` _ at 3.41 .3-_Hl..V _ If. the night in- ' of`1;he *beuti!x':l. - ~ x --The"adjoi`1}n9d`meetin;t . zning a_t,th Bazrrk zzmz, ` o_or3amzix; g_ u 09Via:g_,9!_,11]3,, iuifad t.Iufe)oi:tion-of qigeers pfnme, was In e ntezxi-1H1"|l`I1 an-g__the _t :fWm;' Loan`. Q-`G-. Pre.sid9n:- P,0.. ;_Inap9ct-or. `lat .Vic9-Praais Ba-nienhurst. Iiiurxfster. `.1,`2nd` do. ; - =Mm4.-59! w-tern:- V ` . . . `Sec;`7Tr,a_naurar,'.I,TWo' .-0_f.i_Mr."--1I1:vie. Dunn ~1:ne: vgexi 1; B.tor;ey.?had.;temporary cliirge-L g A Hgdsgoxn 1 A.PlB.,-,--_'.l.`he '_1uu.strated `cienti N 3 forM_ay contains aygrgat many `ns ' [I3 and nrticlu oninterecting, ncientifn: `nu! iects.-' Published by.Mnun 18.to f'_i1{:e.`poaaeaa1 , ' of inn _ _ fortnna boqnnthedjtao l_:im.`n0n V hia..ratu rn'g decideii,t0i7et:irefrom,tf:e`aetvice. .-a.n_dhia 'gnstioh`was'placed'inj1`51he hands 4, ,_ , . . , t i. ms ' ' "` .]1i'!hd.;a_nd -prizeito uigjwnrdn wI1l'beo`ered_. xi bompoiots. In): aw Ybrk, `Boston. = V . ihb, _ and M139!"-Impnenn-.:9nd . inn mtfc 1 ham; entered the lists` us" nr:-anged 5 lnjrge" Odd- ' , \ `siiaitgqn clan day of eylgbxa-tia. `And :,n'g:1ndeg:1 `ix; tluyfun he:-_e;. on \ :t..w1i.1J2.o.oi lxttle or noM:count.j ff mu of muairx pracspsiona. ~ " `, ,'dr.i:on7 .r9m~ ,l`ou_-onizo -is nnnouuaod, T {-`gan:;'z9.,.o' [ were f*n'evcr loge night oi, and y_considern.tion`a`ud care ontheir behalf; In endeared himsi=.1_to every ,9lI%Flo'y'in`.the_`,7hac departx:e'nt.' w - ` _ :_~`de1):1-tment of tgvhmh. Mt. Ea:-vje was Head is no underthevinperintendence of Mr. - dnd`the,'dispa fchjng. fnrnxgrly-ggne {of the No h'eg1 B.ailv'syj'_:9mphny ,thil`,VG'_'6ek'.' ~ ' 9fjtha;_x1;'qn. qgder hgmdurmyhfn. ; Dean` Is new u.l1G.9l"`l3E,I)1P!'Il.|1~uuuuuv vi. Aug. g. Afnrmgrly-done .1t'Totbnh:ot}iia nowfperf V ved "by;Mr-`-YVn'I`. '8 `l:ho"A1lan1da1q ju;1'tion." ,'.M_1.7. ; n _ more ambngrailwafgmen with -tr; 31>? E; 911311. *,2hi`.*' *3 ~Thi ' ha12ook`o1!I=_the cm the o1-tyhern 1:aiJwa.y.; h1y,.'practi<;a.1 `in. .e_vcry depart raised himself to- ','l;`ions;>9 _[trnst" `res 'bi.lit'y"."'.I)uring . ., " . 6 has (1940 much to` ' bnngt e ' ,_ ,4 0_th'e_c11e'dita.bli: pogitionjc bah hW;a,t_ LA~.t.W zlionthnsv-.Mr-"H-rfi *xf"7i6Id. Ipdaaeaaion of hzndno gfortnna boqlmnthedjtao On 1G~rn.9iaxa Eovcrsign . qmbrnewgi a11u~.e'x: :nnd"`nm9q 3:91; Ii th&n"_M7'._ John" _Ha.z-vie, K _ la;-bf the K`r$hern`,ax;dr`1*{ptth: ,r.&I1 \`V&Y ",H.i8 :nIid,'.:IT`l`a'f1..~ `mg: gigs : em afghan-n rosilfnvf . r , .`.2a'ixion' Northern 1:ai]wa.y._ Hll'1W_;Pr3ctx' L ;a.2`in"._'a an -11:4; firgq : ' 1iickIy>ra iseed,cgmseff` to- .Db'sitio:n'.s`of\knst ' `responsibility. '.Du.1-Eng . mm W :w,]::;'::ve11. ....`2..7i-.h'.'+. .' Avthir n;a'bea n 1-aceivad` a~Hi11a`a1e.sm vite Dieenia .he `era Vifi Every .`:ion-, here, of our Most XL our Most ,, .0 me noutpflogi-Sport; ' vnriatyof other bendence of Mr. , i `bv M:-.1 Wn1; 1001' upon: not 1-Prizeito beolfered, F:-om__a.l'atp cog? of tho 11-vino (Sconud) ` _. ' funerulvservicen-o.(5h9 Hugh'J'sry,; . Z. ` er`-.ib-hw.oi the Rev. J'oh_n.Leiper, of this town, :.Whih he'vn.I~in the/midst of us, he; , \wn`a;I.n-ilighbto may of 4. Esewas one of . thosawho pillar:-'of fbhe Chg1rcl1,.tl:9 1 .,,r`,}g,9f .tl;e_ Ii ht cg ..3.'11!*! ,|.F' lg`*`_ ."#"v.;_.'.'-`."` .. 35, ' Dvid-Iikephir3_1l t- was 1; medluxyogmnl` a God : hw day and night. K112. waa,'_aweh:r.;t:> - his tagte than hor`ney._ It no better to, him V tvhx" ohousanda` of gold 1!. a`1lver ,`;s_nd the: W4). 4 he ofoembrought befarc. us in our meet-; . 1 ingr hegreud and rejoiced; Marin his dyin 7 h9g.u,'.' The Lotgi iuny portion, saith my son ` `~ '5l|1le0:_'_x,-5:! e, 111: foot on` t o x-amecoghrne the_;8av1u~.u' win in` his la:-nus as well as in ` ,. aye, Na.t|:.u.nie1like,' he` _wn.s true, gen/uixf .. 'J1y,;moE'ay,. marked by ,5 ajmglioity ' - vIhwh,gI.um_him,Vmsrva11o.u'power. .An `,"h'ke_. ' >0 9*'Wbo.m_;h9`oten, modttntegl, and reading moffwhoni-"_9v_a',:hu1l.[oun be` mmmd_a1 of `him. Corn`e1_i1_1_s:,-i1k'g,;4,ho' syn!` a` devout man and one" > j_ hnt;_fea rqd._Go1 vntlugll. _hia `house 'nlWay|.-. 1-. ;_Jn'Q`ygres"ia4tadjv ha` tamptation whxgh ` has` `ovaroognggzqnny . Oh! ibrethren, how , `muohJ;e,tl;gr;wo;11!;`it be for the Church, and` 'hqw.4nuoip botbi'.or the tsons themselves,-, `if H.1e.']gnhlern and etterso wealth wouid like , n-.'_ `affrey con ',!1IIil:| as `unobtrusive in` , Juana. _r. ns,frpe from '96 eusertfoa as simple ` Jnjhp. `Lug: evu, as tsmpgmto in ail thiixgi;--b not Iwkgng to Advnng: 8 f. _to_ indulge self; not abnlmg this _wo -d. 1296 u_s_1ug it to eho.v - the-pawn: of grace to overcome tyo world, to ' ,dmy sol : `jg; order, to bo.ab,le'-to promote more? _ ely :5 ton) ml and spiritual welfare of` gun. nnd;t1n,sg vyof God. . For him was it -m_no mega _n1oa.sug-e. to inzehst, an! to diam - V mn.,1?utn_gjlngm is` resnt,with-ths.~ d. .H_p1A`Baa!16i1'ed 1': in rest, Vsndhis .evatla.stin re .'e..d. "e desire to-c a.v. to aqlicted Widow. daughter, -and sister, `and _ fnends -;-9 {tho great-_.Heq.d o- the Church, Tgguq Chtut. jzbeanerexinl and` faithful High I ,ng_a1:,\u1;he;z sgrunrdinn n.:'1d`gnide, .counsel or ' .qn4jj9o1nnrtag`," how sorrow not as thou: that -,4_:we_ nohope; ,bn*. l.oa.k__forward to the'd_a ghnll..Oenae,' and they shal , _ est; than 1: Iuneag of joy.- and glee.- ?` pyrg for warmers; .. Dn,nf.1*`bre'thr_en, in conclu ' non. lat no ice]: ttrlollonihim in-all geapeatu W m usually Urvu. uyuuuo : . Mr.-Wm. 11un}ex-1ee.vg;;exu'vveek.vor his I ;n9w,hon1e in Winnip9g.\ estimate of our 6 ' friehd-J commercial nud social Miorth ere; wgggnxay-ymehtiop -imt. no otheg cizizbn-whit. has `remo'v'ecfU:l'roi\'s")i:r xnidst has - been made than-ecipiont of so mmyfbnerous and .exceHen'. tributes of respictu-the `gentle- -man in `In*M1`*. Hnntaa removal we _ lose 9. good 'ci(77;&xiiii.;!l1f.lgb chm! benxiveness of hnt iaha-nn. : n:;d,`,w_o: imunot. gt 1a.n>e.:'c his `noun: out fromihmongst new ' . K ' v . abbut itinfbixs fox-tho' future. - The Bev.. T. 8. Baei,brother-in'le$r of Dr. MoCn.rro]l, , him herb; u _ r_,A: ,,_ :a__u__;x of yum: `phi-'u_:.. u;d,,w_6 oann `gogng frgmlhmyxggst nu; - 59;; Iquv uwursuuv-_a5av Maw. K .V.Y_e.r.e3r.e.t to. . . 3 hi; Barrie and Allandale churclf` `char ;~. Therev,` gentleman has 'Vpmved.bimoe an able, earnest, and elfactive . worker in tho. cauia of -Chriatinnity, and a valualzlqoitizen generally. `His removal from par midst will aoujowfnllya prociated by not only those oi his own churc , huea great many qthqra .o_ 2 t_ha'_.vatiqua local .dnon1[ng,. bns, ;who.t'o,und in our clerical friend/liberal qualities of heart, and mind onlytooraroin persona oecu ` ghia department of life. We ghall gt-oI_Jb the Dr. '3 qhject VX3188! ` g is, _ tadrafa hen-a,,and know more about ` lntbn forgthp future. The Rev. 1`. S. Raeili.bx-other-inlaw Mccarroll. ' 'thaf it in Dr. McCarro1l'ab Lord. .11; his M96304 his rest, vsnd ms '.9ym-lastin`g,,re`.'e_..d. ' desire to-63. tug an on_:m,iz t_ha_ lOl`l`9_Wing and B01 ely bereav ahcted widow. daughter, -and sister, `and friends, who, 8ren$`;E_D4 499159 _QhI_I59h_. `.:`f`_"_i`.. ' 3. ._< : Mr. Donald Cumpbe`ll. e'i3Mai1a.ger of the Bank'of,Toronto here, leave: `in a. few days for Micbigu1,. where he will be euga-d"pei--_ nzanently in ;:onneeti' .With lr raz9!'_a lumbegring >op"e`rati_>ns. . . Qsmgvbevll ex- cellent bugiuesg uali V 3; whicn `it is to be honm-L he will nut ' ood.ua&'in his nrobective B:.;n:+-At Tot instant. Sarah ;. .are'.going,'on -{visit to , ';Ia-Prnirre`, MaLnib`o`b,_`_in `9 `web " `Mr. Robson, of_1`l:`:e`( Jo1ling`v`I-: >o!;T Bulletin, has dis 'ed'of his newspaper snd plsnt. and leaves or New Weqtmigseer, B.C,, `in_ Juiy. Miclmglfs, A"1`oron_tq; has `beeh , transferred ou`t_l,Adja1a.. . } Bev.',"Father. McBri1e, pariah prliestt A xumnepng 0 l`I ol(_)IIl. 5 L1`. >\;I\IuyuvVu. nun; us.- ggnenthbugieufaualgoa wil":i;;it ewi _ _ `nae ' ospe in home. G'rodIl;ed.g ewe ` pure ion-overiI1_I!`ra; ,1 Dnfir `l;`re'thr_en,`l an conclu _ nion , nape tmollopw J; in in- xpapegtu in `W, i.ohhe:.fo11`owd. Christ. throu. 1: faith mu! 3patience;til1*vge go to be with im,` for pyer with I uiacturer the" `excellent cigar bearing ma. name, waainjown Friday, _ I .`Mr. A. Ciiord Thomion, C.E., ieavas in a. fewvdays on an of t_he countrydying some miles':.bgyon,d -Ffort E Georgen mu elected mixed toun u.)t ` ,'1`._W. Geprgen, gnd _` ' -a visit `Ia-Prnirre`, Ma;nitA:b'ba,__;}:v__A_\