uuwn ulu .,... -...,._,y 57.... - , begnn ua_$n 5' opilsitteru, with suzh good effect that ` teelu '.you_n \ again. although over 10` gin old. Wg tin (there is no Ohllur mu-di- ei em: to use _1n`t3_za axny,~`-A lady, Pro vi- dence. 11.1. ' , - . / . Csimping out in the pine woods has been re- ' commended "to consumptive pa.t`Lant.a. and the Rev. Dr. Mon-Ly,iu .1xis "book on the Adirpn: ' dunks-mentions n. rgsmnrktble cure from twat.- meut of this nature. Every one -amcbedr with pulmonary disease cannot make it com enient to camp out. nur is itnecue-.uury, when an the be- 'nitu of the tueatment are 1.-_recurnb1 by using Gum's xnur or: B1-:9 S:-uc:-* Gun, n.`s'c1ant tiv propnrntwn. whieh presents In '3 cuncectrua u and agreeable !orm,- a.ll~sha virtues of this I u. t'we-,medici.m.1 gum. As a. cure {or cons H qmldn, sore teroat and hoarseneus it iv invnl u.-1 gblo. 5old by all chemists. Price 25 and 50e- netbottle-. ibis.` `Bold petbottlg . mdkeu its customary B[)pU-'u'u.Iu;t:. come visitor in mint family. IN! 1 1u_te with crisp , _ 22.1 a.t1vga,_;etru 113` much information xnntluantll 11 . Ihs astr_()nomicxs1uu}eIL1u[ mu uga.pon*!ur`accn1'nuy, and they 1 in the van-iou_ued1ti_ons of the aim parts of the rglcjbe. Wbiie a. large " pugggsu are devoted elabomte a A_,.. , . .......-..u.nmm n! this . V ` ....~ `With the new`.yea.r, Ayer`s Am Lficll Ajmnxmrj makes customary sppem-nnce. II; ia n. wel- [rages are re- nlute grigp agvic ,;etru_r,hmg humm .`h..~4. .n.~..I nu uur-1. Hm mothr w .Igiay1and )1 n" hole 97316111 ' I Qii an snng from error: and In. etions 0! youx;.h.nervous weakni:ss.eo,r1y d1.-cuy_ `g(1naLhood., &::...I will send 9. 1-ecu.-1 e that t,-ure you, FBEE of CE`A1(-GE. Thu grew Edy was discovered by}: missionary io fimztl. mien, yand n. sel{- nddressed smelvq c` c.. 1114- . Josnrn T. Ix!uAz.8tntion D. New York City . BUGKLIN?3',ARN}04 SA.LVE!~ . _. _....- u.. n... n-nrld for Cum. Br it wag-gn the'_1!l~61}ey. ` -n-nu u ....;;'o.. 1:114 is` I,Ky'ft_1e Navy`! bnnd of smoking tobac oodjhe tea}, go; o_verV 5e_n_ yegrs, alad dur- Ar-- _ .. .._ lro-:II I Gfv'n`_l, by the Doctors. - , u___ 1.11."! in nrn-A and Poverty and 8`u|`erlng.' , *1. ,-a..|.,L ..,..,n. ligaals Y.oun- MIN- , , _ar_;...a .. I-.." Lima w |: tra.grn.nce_ to` e for 6 cergts. - ._.____.V_._ rcpt -n.-run-. ..._..-.._. :3: was nibted a. long time w ith Neuv, ' ginll h_@tw,y.lne.ctive couditingof the n. ` 131.6, __nerv_roug ._pn-osgr ' '45',AA'.LV1vx:. u.a+4y a4l~ _ V 1 the world for Cum, Bruised urnheum ,Fever Box-es, 'I'._ettx: - `froni ofrrox-1| mind in. weaknl:sI.en,rly d4.-`cu [hr retru_ajxa:ag liyagpnd m gage]; ' . 4.~.\ ~ Slmpli`.lty._-A' ` _ In aNew Orleans court o!Jusnce,`be _ examined as a witness,.was a.s1(ed_1 `mxvere born ix; wedIocIc.--N_o', ' answered the man; ""1 was born m Texas. " "`Ma.mm_a s darling: didp t.`hu;-t his little cousm purposely; dxd' he, dear`: It was a.11:m accident, to be sx1re.- ; Yes, mamma; :1 d all 1 want is n cl_1a.nce to crack him again! ] f`}.Iammy. sizid a. precocious little boy, who, a.9:n.inst his will, was made.- to ruck the cradle of his b.'y}_)_\" brother, ii the Lord has any >rr; ore_2 -bzzfzies to " 'i`;')c"1:t'r'1ca"E:'x*ud1e baby brother, gt Lord more -babies gxvd; .z:,\'vu.y. rlon t.you take em._ _ > r. --...-...-,.+ xv!-nfp :1. Iettzrxr +5 1,13 , givg .z:,\_\vu.y. uon :. y_uu u.u..m ..,.... A2. cotrict wrote at Iettr-r lb >1l'iS>- brbdt13gr-_gts;$1eletbe;-gvitout an _ --`am; mp1: -a r ~ -'-W_1c -, owever--.. conc1 I;_dq_d;'tR1`ub:~--"`fI'mus;1eave-. o - ' now;--my?'e1. =arg-"go; cold-I cannot.- hold my pen. `~` . IE_'a ,a.,!-'vsa_.ld a. small urchin, with a -,miseh_ evou;s'eye,-I say, papa.-, ought ` the master tocssga. fellow for what he didn't do?.s-."3Ger\`.a.in1y not, In}; bcat" 0 Y X "T "Well 1:` `n, hflogged me ,y`nen_i d??n t do my sum. _ A New York merchant has been de- easuring thirty-four inches_to the yair . Twp mches is _nothing on a towel, but it tells heavily on 9. woolen . shirt \_vl~.en t_.he thermometer dxops dowz_x=.-Dg:trozt-Free Pregs. ~ The look a. man give; his `wife wlin` the suddenly awz_xkes` .111 the morning and finds her ;?ox1_1g through his vest _ ockets, is .no1:a. .studl_ed expression", . . ut _it; is excellent in Its way.-Dan-. bury News. , ~ .A ...,..- 'Dn.1-is:"fn]eSCO`D8 'brh1sz`the- ,. . I-.HFl idw2zy':-Pills arid Gi>ntme1_I.-Tl:e moat ; '<,u'\.::n.l- - cme for Rheumatism---3. tneqpent cuiso`-`of `these complaints in mg; iuxumd state (.1 the blood. tftteiided with bad di : _h1de and great dalhlxty . shown: 1 e want of-the propercix-cu1:ton at the .ui , and that im- _ unies of,lL3_ blood" rpntly aggrivates kheu `said-rs. Hn1lo'wa.y`s 1113 1u'e'ot so bnrifying n. m tire (ah:-1; a few doses taken in time are an sfher.-Iaual Iircvantive 'a.gn.im-xx. Gout and Rh: unm- -dam. but a:t[1f`one that has nu dtumk or either z-h0l1Id use oHowa.y'a Oim.mcut,nJso,_1;he owex'- fnl prop.-uzas of which, combipgd gvit xhe ettceus of ' 1: Pi ls, ensure ..`,<:_e1'tnin cure. The "the parts -uectel at to at ` twice 5 day, after tboydmve beep anmciuutly toxnented with warm .wM`A:~r,\o open `the po1os'to ciate the introduo. tiun or gag. Qlggcmerxt to the glnnd. Ointment should be, thoroughly rubbed into _ "burzi New . _ _ -A new` Paris "telescope 'brh;g`the- moon to withui ten miles or the `earth. and a Michigan woman thinks that--1 ~ she were given roqm 'to4-`yell she- could get up, a. conversat1_o_n vfh sgme other .- vwomun up"_ -'- ....=- A -nnv hov " ` iv--._._- a.. 4.1 ` 'Y6'0!nl111 up :bLl.l.`_L_V7-' ' I Scene in the cars-. A caixdy `Boy pdsfmg ttggough a. _cn.1j meetsa cross -old'__gen_t1nmah.-and-au`ys, '.`_'P0p corn! - `jpop,corn! 7 .Ha.in 9t. `got. any teeth." - xmgl-ily 1'e1'>1iesvthe;1nan. Gum drops? . I-`gu'm' ca.'1l`s the smart boy. , . 1-nu_.... 4-ha nn.'lah1-afar? '\-'n('a1I5t_ was 1 1-gumuu-_-Lm; \........ ..,.- ........-- ~-,... ` ..Wi)son, the celebrated vocalist, `upset one day in his ca.-.-i,a.ge. near Edj-n_bI1rg'h. `A Scotch pg er, after re- .co1'Jin;: me accident, s-.n.n : "`We are . `hu.15i7\' to state` thgxt he `.'.`as_ able} tg ap- coxsdnuron ,1:-on }rHE,su1=1rz;nma. ' 4:------ !rie~{a 11,0 little qonsolain in th thought tha.t.,"'~`l1`nwev5ar we imposter may onrib for the sauna, he cannot lnng continue; to deiude mn.n- king. .How many men_ contrive to acquire In brief. and ashy reputnnon and than link into dlarr-puns and obvion! We confess that years ago; when we t-at heard of the universal Celt-.-Lrity of Proseusor Honnowgv, we distrusted his Jetty claims. nrd nrruggted to ouxuelves a. unexiarlty of dirccrngnent which wmzld not. .4. 11.... 1....`-lo .co 1, E'the s-.n.il: '"We -hupy that was able to ' _ z-.1` 4 t;`u,e Icllmving '~evcn1ng In three 1 mans _' ` ` ` Ins Juicy ulnnun. -..-.. ....-.,:, . , uxpexiarxty dirccrnment noti 1Io.\ him to antxnp our judgement. Most heartily ` do w. beg his pnr,d>ou for the \mjI.s_L lmgmtuliou I 1 '.':u`ful study 0! his 8 stem condnue us th 4. we we-.e indeed miunzke ;, and thud. (he world, no do 1.1m justice, ou1.1 immediately. an it '11! here-utu.-r. uuk bun fu most amongst its bene- In:-l nI'blJ ._._. _ In person the Bedevg ishwl-buiilt, .- muscvktr, ` 11, 1'. ug t n w th ` I'egu'In.r fnies, a. slight beard; 'and 3 eomplexlon bronzed by heat and ex- posure. Bis raven locks, long and g1ossy,ere-otten e oven around the bemp1e,s,`i ne.cco1;dnnr:e with the Mo- hammedan reqirement. His eyeria black, piercing, and restless. His 'dress.s1mp1e, consisting. of a; cotton -.ahirt`, sometimes white, but ottener 3 blue. Whose loose folds descend to the 3 anklesgnnd which is con-ned with o. ; leathern girdle about the loins. The .shirt,"tunic, or robe is open in trout dewrit-to t.he.'wa.te't,.j`a.nd"serv's as a s acious and znostzoonvenieht pocket, here the: wxirer stews away all `man- ner o_ things. 'J.`his*a.rrangement or the rfarnne tisaommon to u_.1l Orientals. and is called the bosom ; and we have an exump1e.ojt in the case of Moses 1n'the' desert; -Besides the Tllia msconin `(nu Tnlumpni. couadnuron `won luct,u1'a The Ixumun b`,cod is not _n mere uid. roux-sing hrouxzhs the veins and _nrterJea, and partaking ' - - -u_-.. a..:.I.. To in. ~ha.ve an exumpleoi it the or Moses , in `the desert} rxirdle, however. both sexes~wea.r_ from infancy a. '1eu.tl1ern girdle around the nnlzfezl waist, adorned with a.mulots, and also with shells (cz/pram). Neither sex wear `drawers, either under 0;; over the shirt, which usually constitutes the entire wardrobe` 91 both : and they are . ` ridiculed by their neighbors for go- ing naked. This is also the custom among the poorer class in Egypt. It would seem to have been the__pta.ctlce I of the Hebrews during the Exodus, if ' we may judge from the urgent" repeti- tion-of the command that priests wear ", linen breaches to cover their naked- ness; reaching. -from their loins to their thighs, whonlthey come into the tab- ernacle, lest they die. A woolen cloak, genernlly of ca.me1 s halrwjn broed.stripes, brown A- and white, is thrown loosely over the `shoulders or the desert lmb; and is his only cov- ering at night. '` With it he also im- provises a. tent, while ~t1;ayeling under the _burning sun; he sto s, panting with the ht;-a.t,,and'spreads is cloak on the points ,o his spears stuckinto the ground, and ` waits ' for the evening. Hie head-dress consists of a. gay hind- kerchiet of-cotton, .or of silk mixed with cotton, striped redland yellow, . whose border, is ornamented with a long breigied hvinge and tassela, worn in auclfa. manner that one corner hnnas 1oose-on the back, and two ,`,`@,V,e6|5l-'3 17119, Gongmbuuuuoni or we engqn, _ were,1ou.d in at his el- "oquenc? -9'1-.10 but-pd round upon them y'i;.h,n.1most g.,nz_ni1,e of contegnpt, and said, .=o`$_;.yon_c` n.n*e1oq'uent sermon P. I .'jhgn1d1jua_t1ike youtao har guy threa-gain on "nlial _. " A Gnnuu Bzmro::.--We have from the ,u1d countzyy the story of n. L1issenbing._ knfnis- *2]: who vine piid to. p:_`c:,1.ch:A.a. Igrmuq on " cuil oc?ca.sian;ixi the chnpgl ofn. u was not vmrv rich. he was infarmodvbefoteo me , 3-'ne_{g1ihbriagg;' .As the` mx}grb`ga't.ien* 2uu;n`,e 1 than, n. gumeg. rot nu mwoun-u. ,,,WJwn the service was over `he. received. in `g,v,estz:g the congratulation: of the lgleys. . were loud bueh"a. that one corner _,h;mgs 19o,se~on_ back, others fall on the shoulders, while the Colds 01 the fourth shade the toreheagl was not very rich, he Intormauvnaxorev ,l).a.n41'thn.t4 they coid not` uord.-to` p_n.]`bhn_ 7591:9113 7, than,` gixiizeg. for his diioourso. whnn thn um-vista was -neihhoriagg; 119 me u1I)B|'8|*|-Wit ws very rich, infarmodvbeforev Vhn7\r1--C'.11n.4'.f.hR V mind not` nord-to an him -1: to --*1 itpte 33:59: ;. gll by 9'2 . '4 T L ' ' ' -an 3:g3W9nt'ni;1tlvo demand . u'*wnh ....; .. ... BEDAWIN yr B}ut_RIE MARKETS. .mu-x-in. J at men, her uids IQ - |l:_i.|LE41t_a. -Bu-r1a,Jm':. Shh. F81. -ml 0 109 .1 1: 1\'0TI(`E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the H_I,.mi1_- ton A-. I\'ux-IL-Western Bni1wn3'Coxnpnny will agply. to the .I.eg.u~ln.u:re of Ontario, st, the next es- sion, Ix-r AL'|. tn authorize the gaidjcomfnny to icnnn 1 nun certain conditions I.dditionAA_ bow: the.I.eg.u-ln.u:re the next. aes- 1 ;-r isliuu 1 pun Idditiom be at stocklfarthe sen:-pone of mixing capital :- tho' more compxe equipment of \ e Bsuwsy of said Compuny,pnnd for other _131u-ppnea. ` ` (signed) MAITLAND YOUNG.` . - Secretary; 1.>.t;ea at munmon 24th Deoemlger. xaso. ._.__._.___.____._____..______._ . Tuesday. Jainary Hltly l88l!_ o..-u1.;..n-.. no hm.-mm. and other important ` ' 'I`beA'NNUALMEE1[ING of the District of Barrie Loy `.1 Orange Lodge, win he held in to I __-.._- nId,;'l nnnnnr llll:aI.lu_ya ouuuxun; --y--__ uuv. . fox-E1n`a ction of Olcers, and other Important` business. A full ntcendonoo is required. 1"` `IERRLT? Tomimn Lek-oy.'Dofo.28th._1B'80L " Eli I-1'5-r . Made in the vnrioun styles and quality. {ha ' t)'u.-!io1me keeper: try it and cons: baking bread. Delivered In all parts of the town. V -:-B|SCUI.TS- ,,_; ....-.. .......... aw Auk vour Maunraccured {nah every day. Auk your grnner for them and you will use nonthor. PlC-NIC' PARTIES, HUCIALSJ: WEDDINGS supplied at short. native and .on reasonabl- terms. ` ' NOTICE.--Ev:ry old' subscriber H: CH who leads in the namo of I ncvr subscriber wit tho man: (52). will receive n copy of [his Almanac for him: f, nn_d one`for the new subscriber Nnmes may bl not to Bwlucucu. or v.o_Bc;uay3z. 3:91.. Toronw. Aunndala, Jugs 2} 1580. f KLMBNRQ Care: by -`AIISIDIB PTICIN hnturt >- ~~ Itlllllvlisi lN l0 lb-3 system cu'lIti\O B-80` and he smug medicines." It nllhws Tnon the diseased parts I nniaon thntjcausen death. LU'G;_EAgg5 0! Price. I'&.uu. U} E. HASWELL &. Co. ,Who1esn1e D1-uggict. 148 & 150 ME:Gu.x.-S'rr.v, Moggrnmn, P. Q. ........u .y Ann-urn 11-nu THE DDXINXON. "iii&'"3i5I`Ei}' "Bk)\iiiii:7," the maaaseu ynrw Luv poison 'l`lnouInnds'l`euuly to III Vlrlucu. Bald by Druggixts. or sent by mull on receipt A! n.:.-.. aqua` bv -Milton may In, may clue mnueu cnunpu, privately and radically. I - I ""1`lns1echu-e uhould he In the hands on ' ovary youth and every mun In the land. _ Adrfreas `The Culverwell Medical Co. '..,_. nan..- u-.. A-Kan Ann BL, New York. : 0! Price. $2.00. 1)) 4:.-a u__5_ - ?{`Yi1B,_f (ln'arin Directory can |nnI.nI`) L|UIIJ.UU' U1 Uuuunu ddhlwwvvu ' r-`on l88I-8'2. TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOV. 1881: >`1"rice 85.00 . l .n|l.4uuvlu|.4u. mm a .-....._. -. ,_,,,, an rvl null! and othuns or the Province of gut. In, 4;! the tho Gin or Montrcul, etc, bags in nnnnuuuns that his rm will puhlhnh :1 PRO- VINLE CII :"ON'1`ABIO IJIBECTOHY, In Nov. next, c nmlnsnz an Aliahabatical Dire ctorg AND A THORO U1 3 H Elkluuuqusvwg -...-'_-_`_, AND TBTOROUUI1 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DJRGGTORY at the huulm-as and prnfc-ulonn|,,xncn in` _tho 5|-H5||'III.| lI|J,llIl\)o yuuuuuuu Of the huulnru-1 in the muss, Towns and Villages at Outarln, with n -... .. _ ,u -u-....x.....-n Illnonni-anvv UIHDH, 'L"JWnu nun yum.-1 -. .. ...... ~., ...,_ , Clussli 0:! Business Director); OF T113 ` City oi Nlohtr-ea.I_ - The same cure n_nd nLt_em_.|on beruqwnd (ll - 1371, ?4\!l,|lb.l(h"erI X-0 |-hl_s -VFQ1'K- ~~ LJll`y 01 JYI uu L:-cm-_ nnd nttenuon the Damtnlon. and Provincial Du-enmrlon or . Bulnorlbuu .nqmQ_q uppeqollnliy Ioljoupd. * . ir`x_nn of Ad- xgrgnlgg mqq I`;{,`f,;1J!1%9n ppllclutloll.` , 1-nnx..m:ant.:l:zm ' kill. `L0-VELL. at lh\e reguut. or l_OVOl'Bl wn ofuluq Pr_ov|_nea Khan aver. W-Z---'B`READ---- _ u... ........m. nlvlnn and uunllt THE `QNLY n-Q-J "- FREDERIB` 0. BROWN: 5 2. 51- ` > > {LO VELL'S -0 n.;-....... 11: -__ _- LUNG D|SEASESo THROAT DISEASES nnI:A1"|Il|ll'! TRMIBI TIIIIUAI ulatnana I BREATINNG ~- '* .1. mom ngon iviotoriastovi K Be sure and` uatoux-.STUVE befvd-a you-i HURT E. OF TOBONTQ t.o.,c. h` 'v Gutlersn . Brhsv % I tun lung you for past putnronlx. ` e A patent Bo1lod.Gol the moat. a 0d Iepu-sl.>ToT' u1oo{voBuit6n,~mndo of _ d.'eqml in wear uni nppennnoo to xponnivo goods. 2 _ - n- a. ....o'im uh sad:-an on 20303111 . [me LA-TELLuu;v'EL1vT ,-_A__ __ moat. exponuve gwu-. ` A Sunple Pair Ientfnto my sddz-on roaolpt oi Ononollu. All goods we gnu-ontodvu ro- preqcnted, or m`oney-retundedf Agsnt.I`W|.nt`od._ . Add:-nu - - g_,-. `vIsvIr"l7l'\I)'I2 :1 ' dang: &rC<-., . 2 ~ PUEITY OF Bl .`.`0OD 1i:ss1n1~1TIALjro. lam ALTH, STRELGTH, us!) LONG .< --,A __-_a. g '13- I'll -I- sun-pan 3!! other Medicine fur Purifying they no nvuiluble for ull no I domer-tlo In household ro1_m-5'. for u`! diam-darn of an wrouacu. LLVEB. mun us and nowm.s. ' In Congestion and ubnuuctiunn of ovary kind quickly remeve the cause, and in Gousupuuou and diuox-dered`cun9uibuu of the 'Bowoh, they act in I oleqnujugr/uperltnt, V For mhumcea Constitution! ma an Ircimle Compluintlthue Pills no um puuod--they correct :11 Irreiruh-rltol und nkn fr whatever cnusp arising. `; _TI-Ift-: omTMEuT .,,,_u.; g... 1.1.- a....| u. u alahlnvn In I II_& uuw u y-uq-q- - stand-s unrlvunfied for the fuel My It dldplnyn in ralinving, healing, nnd thorongly cmnn Emjosut 9 inveteuxte Baron, and in cum of BAD BAD D1EA.s'1`S, OLD WUUNDB. Gout, Rheu- matism, In) all Skin Duet-L-'ea,1t not: as A chum ..,.m..:.........-.a ' mu... 1: P:-`manor H01.- ) uvv, 574-- v..i .. .. ,, `and sold at 1531546., 2:. 0.1., A: lmuI_aS's. emu Box anti G. am oenti. 80 canu. nu-i 31' 0 comm Dueueam. can as u. eunu- Manufactured" 0:11 we Pfoteuor 1:101.- L0`WAY'8 stabliahmnr. Manufactured onl was rrogeuor pm.- stabliahmn . 53s,`ox1eonDs1~REm', LON no N,` - .. _..- .../.2 n. M A: man 1%.. 213.. l\l(I_I'. Bill nun Dun oentn, U uizes in propo lion. r .3. n n n--rrnu __1 lnlpropo uon. - 9 CAUTION.--1,htu.vo no agent In ium ` Unnod5St.nt.e9. nnr us my medicine: uoid tliare. ,Pux~chn-zra shank`: t.1mn:tn- u look to the Label on the Pots and Dunn. It the address In not I 633, Oxfo:d -`Iraat, London. they no Jpurluuxs. __ .u_ u. -1. -1 ..... .nIl `odlmnml no re-. ' Oxford -`l!`B8l ., uuuuuu. mu, ...- $-,...-.__.. The '1rde`Msrk 91' my lull Medinmol gap gistercd in Ottawa, and nlso pt Washington. \ ---_.._s...-.--nnqntr Signed '1` U0 vm 682. Q: ford Btroct, Lzondon. `Ham. 1, 1830. Diseases at the lroat and L`11m`: | ` I m an crib AYE 8. ,,..,':m.': :23: and rdllablo remedy in invaluablg; _ ._\__\`_ 5 11;! or ;u.1. mm:-s AND 1-`on :A.LL~ Pvanosns . BIRD OAGES,,u'1d'n."geneoa.1 at/9a`|`g1: nuuu ;-u......,.., ......7.` ` 2: AT . chemically united. of ".23; such power IE to lmmro `tho gteacest.1\onll>lo /I e clone nm1unl!oun- ` 1 yo! lu. ltatrlkel 1-" at the foundation of all pulmonary rllsenses. nonllmz prom I. relief ' and rapid cures. and is adapted ta pg lent: 01 any age or emu.-1' sex. Being vary palatable, um youngest chndmn take in readily. In ~ordlnar Coughs, Colds, Sara Throat. Buonenlus, [Inuenza Olocgymnnh, Sore Throat, Asthma, map. and 0;. tarI'h,tl.|e eecu ol AYBB (Z%l`!!Ill!\' Pm- sronua an magical, and main den are un- nunlly preserved from-nu mu Illneua bv in tlruely and talthlul man. u should he Sun: `at hand, In __e\'e_ry _lnomehold tor the proa _..M... .......1.. 1. un upecin_lly good Farm:-yill hear of lc.zma-` hing to thuir n(yl\'1't-|lVu`Q 33! cgiug at 1/ ' - _._ -~:....;.eae.x': , 42}. TOBAL an - u . ....._- ,, preu:a`:::Iiu2:-:a.|Ia:-ua "331, _ at hand every household tecuon it aordl in ugddun Imaclu. In \Vhoo?|ug-cough and Gonuunptlon . un nrher ramudllo otlicucscpuo. 'i1Imha'nd houuuolu 1 r , become - cheap as `III! u- nmiclu. will \Vhoo lug-cough there 3 no other roumlyiuo Bombing. nnd helptul. Low prlszea-l are inducemlnrl to try some of tho many mixtures, or u.\ lD1h mmleof uheu and ine`eml\'u ingredients. axon` offend, which. an Ilwy 4-omaln no cm-mi can afford only/tum omry relief and are Into lodecclve and isnppoinl th wiant. Disease or the lhrnat umllunga eunnd actlvn and uectlve Ircannem; and It in dem- gerous ex Iarlmeming with unknown Ind cheap me lclnes, from the grain. liability Hm: these diseases way. while so u-mud with, deeply auatell or incunbln. Uae A\*zu'n Ouxaav l .I:(:'rou.\L, and you may c_q_udn:ntl_y expect. the best results. It is a standard Inodlcnl pre ration. of-lmown and ncknowlod`ge4l curul. \'e power./and in u L: carelul we Han and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition prescribe it. in their pi-actlc_e.. The can ol lull! a centurv has provegl its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach oi human aid. Prepdrod byor. .9. o. Ayor as 05., n.....n.u mad Annlytlcnl chomlou, ve qnaliun.` TIopsuoLnV worms} ` sold 1531546., 2:. 0q., As. my. 413., .a;::.. law. itct. and in Csnaulu at: 86 , an-181' cum. and the lqfger mono THE ass; n;mEu_v l<:ea`:our.STUVE8 you" g-chase We hx.vo,ths Iuuuga NORTH ronowro to..c uonu from V pll'Bu 9, Iii: ll: \lu r1 u- v. '. rncmu nndjlnnlytlcnl 7 ~- - Lowojl. Mus. --. -u-n vuull. ...nuo ... THE PIM.s .11 I \u'_|l yi'n| w v_m -nu--. IO!-D IT Able DIUOOIITI IVIIYWIIII. .,V . 'r:cnusfaoLLo WAY. t. London. we snliut I cnntinunnco ~ 91 -QUEENZS Ho'mL.__-7-_ f *2: ,. l'Ize_..G`o-cat Ania-locvm - co UGHS. coLDas,~_21=a`! V BR oN,aHI1':I V9103; HOA 7vH1m.4'2' Arrflf . ' V. ;`.,~','E>Lv ,. ' _,.`i Yhn fouowmu cum In pIhb!1vC!IQln QCI`~ marten bl, cv-r ooctod ti! ' Oanxlemen.-! hm-rhy as K ' A for mu _\`t~gr-1. l\hd_ffVf IMO 6 I01?` than 0! Bti 55 / 5-"/I`-"-'- t""'r'v"-7r'r4*v:'v'I7':) .. 1;; ,;;_. .. '-':"7v".'$.-ac 1;:/.3 " ' his and: uhohwdyyuniaj justly paid I : bnndychurou pacing. I 1: 1. sold hy uu,-up.ouu. a uus`i- in gun` V }3Iii;grii;9d_i1 I iriiagm 11 L0 be , ' .dr.ed.."ze _nund nah mud in! Inn-lb c Mulurur. I wnl -::=::..*-~-.m I lggt . 1.. A .. I. 1:.-.m ml lhu chest. 9 u I ldl ' In tn hu rag h m n. u an M. -K ranges! 7 lema 'rema:-Icabla` certain form: af - almost mdo-fad mullnuh wt 4: cerunn J urruu :7 almost specic - a atinazhaaking ` had; tin-It-apackqol. sou uu-u -..-..., ,..,._ .. dun `s-`ii: ..%*:.*:,-:*.;*..::.v..~.=*'-#-%'-1%: _"L."' ` 2'`1.f?.`r`t...m::3a'a'a'.a!n - 3`o"..`3 `\-`i.".s`?f%a%i'1'.?`%"3\. $33 1*" - lb I .a * no ' %,!!11lln1I; : )h!n("3\l :".AItl1e .wAn er Int 'z.'.n lo lnxztruru ru N17. Th! MI` my bond as 1 \;u nu. I"-mwn It uccnwu 'r:\dun urns! Inc :1 - m can - an Dr haltzu ll rmucu 43 o`\an;IM;`v:"c. u d. no In IE1! CI new .P_.lA..S1 __ _.._.A -ngg IA. N"ra'.'s'.'.7.."'>':":n'o _ ___ A..._ 1: -nu-num;WK"&x.-' uvuuunu nu our wavy, pun! W` cumin PI.mm" L 31-.. . `wuss: h Pa!-run: QliIl."c-Hath k ' ltuumwnn BUYIIIOBIJLI -a'n`a`P '4". fm tough him out haneky , . bat` jqshcg the H39 Rein} ` diiiikzed V . mun m.he .Yr';"'-' 1: ' ` V in `info `'1'.1%"I11I" an noun 1 I c-or . re .33 :33 ontIthI.t)L: I. ,_ mnqnuc |'II\lIC1' emu. . . ,. ......... . nun. A .n..na- ntlhn nned u.--nu . I $4}. !:'n;vo,t.h`s`i . Lmmcmguem ."C'E,~ HOA1wE1v.msa;::w. 80 4'1 A1i'F.iZ'01'-FQli a5.; I iuurua hon-turn!-(W339-g---ur_ ="w`.'.S: .m.. am. nihg, .i2el:ieAve _'t h,e Qouncil, ' ea,Qp1endid- _a pollncil, :Jiaa1np1endid- hamrin unto" yarn are taut-V .l.or ` cipalitis, \CorIsex-va'tivbe `94-gn~t:,& ir`. Close, the. Id:-'y candidpte, in : dfated by tbs latg majority of - 1.;5_(XI 1sy`Mr. .McMurrich, who contcated ' ` tho` rMz'y'o;s1l:y independent ticket; ` County we End the leaven of Aggzdeppdenca,-tin .n;_qnicipa.1 matters gnu `yym`qking its way'i'41 the `,neveta.l'muni-' tpwnahips electing B_efotmen an xgluniciphl; i-epncncntives, alnd _._.... .... `um.-. in nrnvinun cipalitis; xcouservatfve tg;.wnahips_ electing Reformer: xquniciphl; `repuncntlves, 3aena,=tI_uj|_cl_1_ more so _'t.ha.n in previous ....nu nnd`I:hat.:'-_?4ir th`e'r&,time in I_nany_ .1222 -m,=t:_uj:_cl_1_ in prevxoun _yean; and1l;hgt;'-.?r thfe' rshtime many `yists; ` ' mars` haiIp7:;;a`inijozity of from tank,-_,t six,"r{:reae;1 _tq.Tive`s, in the Cpunty`.C`odn il. `It ii to be" hdp.*ha.t y ' ch'ey_.wiil a11`vbv_r tbeniaelves 9 be13ct'o'rm`ers" - `in n9ml hi_x_1g`more'thafn_ nnn) e_. The fol- lgwingjaa list. of the B _e"and Dgputies ` turi:edf:-- ' . . ` ` V oi:1 x=;$tewai-t, `Rave. ` 4, V > ns;~_Bao`nex_-taon,' Reeve.- ` 'E,9aa.~'- ; .D,a i" `f Dysuny. `Reeve ; Thomas &rke!'._ ty-Bxeqvn. ~_ `r V Jon.-. ;VPhs`Ip9,-" `Reeve; Iqz_nix;ick_ V '7' BJ1!1lli_.!0-"`l$. 3503,` ZIIIUVE; '11. p;1v:v' zer','De9u 1-.Beo,ve`. ;_ 1 , _ _ Tiny,-a .King;-Deputy-2B.9ev.' `_'l a.y.`-+6.11`:-use:-`,' Reeve. ' , 7 ~ ` , -. * }:M;llxnur.-'-G. `rahatn, Reeve '; ` Gdlnbell, 'Dep)uty -Reeve. 5 V. ` ` ' i0 TI Galagher, - 3rB e.1"e. . 6, ` 1):,---Gorge N .7 `P61 ., .- ,;. ._;: V. .~ - IIu_mph'r,ey.-4:7. ,A11`down`, Reeve. 1 Madam and Wood.-'- 1`.j' Burgn,` Reave. Cqllin wo.od.-'J.` Hogg, B,e_eve,- H.4 !-I011; 9911.31:-RV.:',. .2: T " 0rillia.-+M. . Miller,` `Raegavea r&.d_f9't'.;--'1'. Grahim ` B.e_`_eVe.' . .".'.` "8 ype:L~7MI',Yo'uug," v_e. 1 x ztangnishene,-P.' f._ Spohn, M. 1)., meme. 5 ' . ._ _T _ 'e?*"1*m!<=-9.?-'vr-~:'V----~~ .- I . `Tgnabrgq 'io ojm Galagher, ev1'e. 1;` ` " V .--G-Eorge Nolan,>'Ro9`_ve; 0 - ' Beev; R. 93! , ip'rh1~Thos 1%.!-iir'zsqn,' 31: 0133;` ' Depn1y:Be_"a1{e_ n_ , , at 5` ,neeiiiLE: '0&1e;,Y `gm'-E . "u_;4fav9r `of NIl'.'Shuti:t`:Ve:d_{ ` .m ._ _ -;'_`B)!lE!l.g|)V13lII1lA`Uy-L .> ,u,_ .g,_.v.,.., ..... - `B`9` ,- _' ' ; _--.0_n the~Tue:d:9zy before ;_.MnIa),~ the usual `M ` !3fg;-the Ivy 1>um;.- M :1` ajye`ry'largely at-` , pifif-~`aud adults of the ` 11 lanes were exa.mi`ned ` ectih ,, "',P,?.". """B"`l "' up`: j -and - I w 3!. 9135506 were ataray, 'whotm;been zheir glzucheb but Mr`; Drinnon, A` former "EH5; `It "lasted several hours, ` _ from those reagent` and was `en- liwdnd yiith [vocal an in:trn'_ant.al'muuc. - As Mibs Mhley is about moving to Toronto (ahaox;I_y'ruori`why she is not to-engagcd) * to attend the..'Norma1` ,S`ehoc-1,. the pupils . thnk a.dva.ntam~: of the or.-canton to present ` /`tokiiliii-.,n!id Mri: Batesbha Anglican Priest. _ at erg` ncbetfdl, drew forth aevernl en-. ` 0 the..'Norma1` ,ehooI,. me pupns tbok a.dvantagp`of ~ ' her with 9. hamlbome-cake-basket aa a mark ' '11` their esteem and affection. - Thgprepent wiih hamlbome-cake-basket mark jof their esteem ` was accuxnpanipd with :1 suitable address, 9 which an appropriate 1-ply. was made by Mr. Drinuun am bhulf of the younglady. jShg, is_tu he succeeded" at Ivy by a<,:antle- mnn -,h`o'm Churchill, n. son of Mr. Henry succeeded" Ivy by a<,:enue- `mun_;~,fto'm Churchill, Sioube-H ' After short speechps by Messrs. James` and , John Lennux, Jo_h,n'.McLean, Thou. Parker and others, mining Iindtcandy 'in_a'l;mxdaznn'p were distri_;3ted' tdj ph'erainil= dun, nd tbs p1jogeeding"w"'ei-'9 broiiglto '9. clus,_' by singing tl1e-Nutiunx_sI.Anthem. ` lIlxe'pupi!a weng. lxomerfeelingg if- not Hing- mm. . . - ._ . ,iw_,elling.:" * The 3grm9D'~ Was `baied on the. words (fr_om' the" pintlfnrfbha day), God, . 'sp a.k.e it; t.im_. _:;,ml8~'unjQ the fathermby the ~ vptogiheta hauin thggg last. days gpukgsn .1m|..0 us y l;lis ,S.on ` `The two_ principal I, chqggh of_lhIdiac_.ciurse W911: i.h_g"D`vinity . p..>}1g,...B9,b9 yvhggg _Bi,rth o_f_ chm.` lausetl '&Yif$'" .,i_I.,l the; EI9,l'y-M`ng9`r- -was that day manned y `? the`; `_co V N ` ` _bly_ Church thrmxszbouc-all t}1ng.qvv91;l_3. T ' ' Ahqlg ` " Q nlgye _zmm'uu,'( MW. *127.a9._ ., . .J b19,s_pre.ad'! and , Uxurk, he k, :11? sent agngelgg song; ace .`,1;p`f , Q nc1y'y t1m,ea andgip diver: xnagagera ` he. un-- "4." Bring .1119-'1",-_ZM-'13n`1 91. nnuy, '-Rosexnnry,` u1y,La._ry;_l" bays, 1%] 1 Schooling `II nqxhiu _bu1; fulfy - : Till after the Christmas days. n ,Ohristmaa' Dpy b_0yQhr1st n Church _.Iqdu sju_ukd_th`eit prelfrisst, being ' _j:h evei-greens, an ftexts done : aid; a.nd.bne, . sch-r|et,. T e"Suill18 Jung at thgi yer`-_-` A1q;ii,iS :;;a`;sziigs.-aged by ,.g? zh es-. .1au1y_ on A vthfpngbouc -all the -~.W`01;ld"Z ;'u.z.1=~g1.e -ah-rngenhlenesavp,h9`h Ez`1,itj_1_ 5 I _ -1inn_cousciLLo'ns_. W- rd c.1.ml~an1.. . .`-M.. `T a Methodisti of Angus held 3 Ioirea gyuer suppep on Qhiutn1ag night in the inion` ail. ' .eonn9s:hi9n with the _ree,4fa;' `1i9;purpose'nf.r,bioi.8 1 H `thwbalunqe `bf t)" at n'whioh l.hey_.ha,t1 mam. \_\(hile pin) rplggiing `effect. , Q. thus to aecnfne 1` 1 towed cog.-- farms .iIie--ntzatlsziii bx lihlly, , ~Rosemn.ry,.iyy,;a.n4;_l bays, , -`9_vn.'~ v _ V_ . pa; Izqpzxxnck` 9. ~ e`t.ii=`8 to t.9.ran?g gfggace ' 1 0 . ` snasduhana yw suyg the ser`-' yards watched. kg, the Herald 51.11.) . bin pregd 'l" 5 fi4ithfi:1l,"_ 328 am: __:_:__ rendered in excellent style, and being of :- comical nature, brought forth bursts oi laughter and applause. J.+R. Brown, Esq. , . [now came forward, and in his usual gemu: and happy manner, deligchted-everyone h) reading 9. very laughable piece called Tim! Man Next Duor. We w(:_x'e next treated to the I`c'.xd_iI)gnf a must umusing piece. heating {he title of "Paddy and his three 'Piu-3. whih was delivcrcd in right". geld title "Paddy and I-13 gnree 'Pigs,? whih d'e]_ivrd Irish-_a_t.yle by A.` MGNri!4;.,Eq , wnu whqn : o canje to parts which rqf:':ircd the `Emer- ahlj_b_x:,ux_-,ue; caliel fxgg-:1: h'm,rs-nf lu..a-ner hy his succeasfnl iunmnon of th-ME giialggr. The Rev. Mr. Bluthexik was ` how culfed up fdr uaapeuch, which he -rave in his um,-'u. ] `1 happy and wiu.y.m=-nner, calling forth, ; 1 Hsiunes. heartl. gpplaunm. - l_&r._ _Th0`ln'-I up ..,. ..-,,_`-.., .. , 1 Falling t _1;_imen,, heart xgpp1aune..- Mr. 1`ho`m-.3. Rodd, `of Lie ,`.gave two Vinshrumentesl 1 pieces, whicli w`eI:_o "well receiveg. 5; The 7' presentlon thehriscmas 'Tree now ciistributetI',"i\n_a after singing the 15 n'Udjc- tion.`th_e` meeting was dismissd_.,ever'y `zine `feeling well pleased with the evening's en-'* tuertainment, The aair way a. decided V mcgu napciully, t.he:e`,_!3zi_ng,-.$45:.aitex . paying ail e_x;_>enzs7 .~ 7 . 1 ~ ' 5 < < "_.__ 4: =2 ' New Year l.Eiq,1_n coimection with L. , .. *1. A 11:3}-r1i"i|1`J""' v':Al?'C`/Dvrange`-.Naqiri:~)e wee ` held at t!wL?I3ominion `Hotel, Angugacixv No.73 of thM l'jlhge,t.o which the hrethrep and friends 'turi:e`db out in large numbers, about Bne hundred `sitting down to.a.-Ju`mp--. mom supper which had been; provided on the occasion `by 3'1 mine host, Mr. "Devin. D. Dunn, Esq`.-',' exiW_a.`rd n'a.nd Reeve 9)" Es:a,1led the chair in his accustomed abke and py manner; andgoqd fspeeches werr made y'.Bros. Wm._B\7ye;,'J..`L.'T. Bush, Wm. Bell, H.EdwerdI,rT.end- others. A pleasing feature of the evening was chapte- sentation by..the of, an gddregp and handzdme cold breast-tpin `to My. E'.gu\.rde.V gddregp um! , han`d'so`me gold breastpin Mr. Edwards. ' 2 `The pin was purchazed bf_the Messrs. ' Sa1'1ders,'jev{e1l'e;g,_.Ba_ n~i3", and on it_ was engt-and, shfq-iollieiingfinacrigtioii': Pr`6'-.` - aentod byf.Oran"g3` .Lodge No. 73; t_o H. Edwards, Esq.";p. T113 gift received a. quits`; `_ ble-response from the reipient, and` lhc ' very agreeable bvening s-'entertainment was ` Vb:-on ghAt to a. close at midinght bra. hearty. ' mterchange of thq ' clistomary New Yenr s ureetinzl. ' ' `V ` ` ` mnerqmmg grgenngu. _._._ . . . Eve:-'yb '"rxA3nin. '_ t'o` hehutajz the teeth. n.n.d,Ei v: the breath; at u -nxnvl. pac `etc:-5 cenu, _ ATO 6 snlfng `)_(1naLnoou. am. .. yvuu ......_ TV "Iw are Frizz bf This remsdy Amelicn, Bev. T . ___;_.__g_--_____ I 1 The bent. save In Brulseu Hotel, `Ulcers. Ss.lt.'~Bheum,Fever.Box-es, 'I'.ettrg Cpapped Hands, Cmlblams. Cm ms. and a. 11 kinds at Skin Eruption This salvo guarnm` Lead to glve perfect sauslncuon in everv money refunded. 1 :-i.:or',25 cents per p , For gala by W. Mc1aznr,.R;>urr|e. . . ...__.._...._`.__.__...___. I . -i3'a{'7 gco` iuv tmnt; and it on are` a. numn-arirom coma try it. ure.ss.fe :,:'n painxess. `1d`b7"4F88`5t8 `7!'wher{\ * IllVI,:u,.ulr Iv; u... 7 - _- Where dovtors has (Mind to cure, and have iven their, ntients up to _die,- Electric Bitters ave otter: een used.~'md/ `cure oected, great- _I to bathe utopishmgnt -at "all. _ Dlbemuza or t e Bpoxpaob, Livggknzgn qnd U:-mu:-y Orrgang n.re.poutively,;u: ,. bx , ctriomtters h8A `BV8tiDb1X cure 0onstlpa.tion.. Headache, and all . 4 ttaeks. Try them and be conyinoed that hey are the best megfcane ever uaed, Bold I8 18 `II 0lJl (neg nluyuya } `nth! 4:15; then u twenty-ve cont`. bctua ax/_ A 3 Com: Ex-mu:-ran will-31% V` Lplnlnp anavpennanont use andoomtort. Tnou-. "ands tq'a1;1ty.th4t it in on goal and .. . , .-._..;va.......c.o. mmrvwhrn-n, hm; the qheatxn. wm it pafzo sake`: day u~ uuuun nu... ebt, poverty and sick family apd l'0V6l'l! an I was dragged down with {Dr years. caused by x 5 arm In 39 bia for doctoting. ' I was completely `dw- couraged. un_t_l1une yar ago, by the ndwce of Bitters and commencr a were all well. my. since, and 1 keep your an nstor,` I-procured Hop adv ir_use. and in;one`mpnth and none 0! us-hnvebaen sick 3. want to_ as to all pdor man you crux family we la. yam: with Hop one do_'ctpr`n visit will cost-I' know it. V, . ~ . . A Wonxmcnumf` Bitters for lean; t.1um - u/ ' Arent chlcao Ente rlVI;e`.-"I !V:e"`1nbo2-a.'bo1'1y: or chwmnnutucture of E ecxrio Bltthrer` is one o Bhixmaala greatest enttrpghieg, u_`_.l_-gVipg__e`13zp oy _ Hy nmcxeu mug Luun: w M. nu..- rn-Igiaiand h@tw.y.tno.ctive couditin- or ~ whole system itbndagpe, nervous. pl.'08t}'n.liun, n.ns,1_sn._A utmost nelpleua. cine: dad her Any; gnod. Three months ago she u3_$I1`,"Hop:Bitteru, effect mm; y_ho -` \ Tyshrs W9__th1 ` there nAo ",4.._ .. 1...!" F`rn1.`i_ No physician or mgdi-