T` usage ' amasagsaoe an A ` aoqm Anuynouo w... __... --. , ., Over 1000 ya :-do of -Cun`bric and `Nninsook Romnnn7ts. 7 rthlthigh n"B0c. per yard. Th le gth Emu: ca 10 yuda. On nu?-...:`, .186. per yd. `, YouEn(_>s"vrb`nHhe1nsI_ were ljnne. These ue evon better- Come early as wo_axpaot n. big nah. ` 4Dress-Ma|cing_I1rl`ors Open `March n _ _-_u. .L=- ..-__ iu'.....L` -u` vn.....c...... :4` .Enater will be earl}. thin y`em----M'Iu-oh` 31; Tixerefore if ` you mint your quit for that day. place your urdbr at once. : M}... Hum mm In-Ii-n Chan-Ire. `Milligery `Department opemm: 4* A- .._... ....... u. ..; -.... 1u'nI:....m Sxnhm will `M: lllnuw.J -- -r-. ----v-. We `Ire glad to announce tlinb our Millinery SnIon.will ha v inita new-qunrters on Mm-ch{4th. For some time wa have . felt" the need of more apnea cmmenauntmwith the` growth of this department. The milliuery will occupy the space former- _ ly taken up by the Ready-to-Weir Department on- the second qor. We will gave you mm-e_ information later. Ill... DA.-wall -nlll kn in (`hon-tn: we vrul guru yuu mun:_u.uuuumwu mum. yliss Powell will be in Charge. . um: um: Lur uunu un . mun u-u mum n... V , I P I Miss Hunt will be ih Charge. xsmw I - I31 -AIIVIIIIYII-.} i1mn_auu naiunxr xii WMmhlsti ,li_o ` - onegnponn, - . wxxnngplasint .I!m;m.. ` u '. ,3 :_p}"t?-'i:sqIg~_u_px_a "5 -- MANN-`-In Bum. ma 9. wnagauahug .,_ in mind` on'ruu.';m_u 12.- .1o,Hn,_sri;11e . nor: . x m.4.;a;n 12. mm. will iota l nxtenaive spigot | oak and hngumanh. Sale at 1: o'clock: en, provin ` w A gdgnhy. on es._,_ 12:.-VJ gs Hsridl. gt lnt.4`,l;c9n night. ytuoxlig It salon! lmplunanh. :.'.f.. %;m ; Yau.nq- go ahevhu-a -unub-.`-' suuanunuxiuu-min.,..u-neon-n h _ mvuam..oa::nu.Io1a-amt dnu, cIIIIlK{lDgy,Iow I.'uq.t_.vuIug tau: Ul _ Jas.Vair& Sons * akasxeaessesKaoeasexxeaea4easssseaseaseasessesveseaes:essase:e u , prsnt arrafnnienfywigli the Toranto` lQb.e_i-[by which We ate enbhsd o_ `give the 'mz'r!q:bly::{ 6v_\rc1I;bl)_ing `fife pf` GOODS '|. [We lnvo plea-mic in` gnnnuncihg the :3:-rival of u'vo`n-:1 ` hipmentu uf Spring Goods. including direct importiciqnn frqm _ hp_0ld Coimtryu It in I well known fact. elm uv,er_al linen _ol `Dry-Hoods will hoxary ncuca fhjs uuun. Fcmmitly wo _,.{ werq infpouitioxx` to secure 3 large quxntity 6! Spring Goodqy . `us pl-ice : A good` deafleu than we` would bavo to pay were we 3 `buying them to-d_Iy. `Now it into your advantage to buy, ind buy wl'y- Remcmbcxgwc `have the Goods. Among tho_I;_aw an-ivnl: In . ' ~ . _. l _ Dress Goods` and `Silks. Beautiful Mqallhs ` .4 and ..l.uwnL A Embroideries nn_d Laces. "coho- .....u m....... "on.I.m..` mm Fh-._ Ell ,_I.VVII3n IJIIIIIIUIUUI ISO llll_Il l4nAv~.m "skms and album. "Ribbons. Etc, Etc . Remember you get Cruniz PI-inlts tjlere. > Fine CamIirics_aLnd Nainsool;s'Thurs- .' (fay A.M. 8c.. Per Yard ; % .. n___ Innn _- .._v. - ._u._~.. ....A u.:.....-..|. n........m.