a Sale at 33'/3~ Disgdpnt ew Luce Curtains, $1.25 value. ~ at White Sale,` - 98. wide Apron Lawn, regular 125a at White Sale; ~ -` 955:; at White Sale, - ' '45c. .wide at Whitesale, - V37c. ales ruucy uoum:s, new uesxgns 1 at White Sale, - isc. F` 3 `- at'White Sale, - 6c. i THIS WEEK S P R oea M E ` 150x-th"y Corset Gver, size 32 5 40,. Very. special price - on` II1':I:"A cal; " _ ...... TERMS, Tan mouni 1 tnxlniyningmn cent dincunn fdrcuh. ` 10 Dozen ne Dorothy Corset Covers. trumned with has or emhmidery 500_y3tds _]':}mbroide.ry, rvery s-ercial TERMS cAsHT .1 pnue at vyite Salae, - 25c. AT `THE at v'vhite_sale ~ ' - 19: ..... ................ , at White sale t, A . at white sal_e - 39 t white `sale goo lpairs` 1} Haueltt Blanefs, (ewnds) _ at white Sale, -` 82c. \ `The Store throughout is brimfui of Bargais. - Se~Next Week s PRO- GRAMME OF RARGATNQ bargams. beeuwext WeeK J G_rRAlV.[ME, OF BARGAINS. If \VhxLe Bedspreads, good pn.Tt.e-tn, 1.26 . vnlne ` atwhite sale, - \'9sc_. 25 pieces Vvnisting, 'in Mohair and Delnine, % to 401: Valmg 7 2) pices of Colored Dress Muslin at lens than halfptice during white sa Ladies Jackets. left after stock-taking, regular 5.50 n'.nI:l 6.00 garments. nlv -`J-36:; nln'A A_l... . '75 yards wxme Corded Japan Silk, 50: vaie 'at white sale, , -s , 33. _._r stitched Z) (101. Ladigsiure Linen _`Ha.ndk2rchiefs,f.1Dc value ` at white sale, - gum: u.ou amu u.uu garments. at_white sale only - $355 : vallie __ _ "bat white al9, - 20c. SHEETING 25_o yards of 8_-4' Twlllo-.d or Plain shect- ' lug during White Sale ,only 19. 00 yards 8-4 Bleached Sheeting ` at White Sale,~` . 240.? zimircg W """" at_ white*sale, - $165 . 15 value ` at white- sale, - xoc. `med Cashmere Hose, 8!; to 95, I u at white sale, - 29, [Inn n,1_1e lace anu mseruon vwhite sale prices ` 'l<:- n; 75c td [$2.75. white sale. :, To-night the new ofcemof the 120. , F. will be installed by W. Humph- : ray and A. E. Wice. Little's majority here was 119. Only a few of the([..i(bex,a1a_tho,ugbt,it, "ivbrth wha to Vote. and aim Vvisited -n" Port; Hope, where her mother is sex-iously_ilL --Men's' and boys ready-to-weaz suits. ants: ulnrta and ovaralls at J. li-$i'`li"i8g8}1.tlIg soiled Curtains-during ween. Wilton men: Sandi} in Hamil- n. . ` 1 orun to. Miss. Mt.-ggiaon 1:! Visiting friends In 1_3eaton. nexpry nognrme. Invitationsjare isneul by Companion Court Lm:ll'e._ I. 0. F.,fm' E dance next I`. UBXDDIES The Enlf-Wn\-s played a match here on I_`hursdn_y njgbt_ with the Ajlnndnle By geason of it:;. l_aI:g<\-.` Capital, I'ai1_'gef"'R`s;e Fund and ca?'eful n1an-ageri`1ent_i_af1*"o`r ds t'hevl`_gh_ possibfe'i:curity'fq depositors;:A ' ~ 7 Interest at 3 per cent. pa1'fl on` avings: coin_'its,V large and small. $l.00fwi 11 open?` `Ladies (fonts imbnrk Grey nr Black, niely tx-lmmd an lined throughout with gbod Imlizsniininga, qmrtli (or. . . Comfort: n: at . . . 4 .. .2 and :2 Men`: Ilenvy Frieze overeoavsg wi:h~l /-rm ool u'. Km? linv-I Lhr--uglmux Wilh "1~..-`r.lur.:y" (heideu be-nu lbs ` mast dur.Lhl--1'1-ingit; is 31-0 w'nu1 prnofrm-Id~nink'ea,'a good dri nv.:'rnn.t) worth $850 for . . . . .. ' January SaleafiWmta 250 Linen Towels, size 18 x 37. 25c value at White Sale, _ - .x.7c. l00'yag-ds wide Apron Lawn, 125a at Whife Sale nl/.0. cnsmg-en roars--u..1:m~ u-immm wltll r'\_I;. nu. Ladies` llenvy Black Frieze Sklrvn. Wr-rib $3.90; l.n4llou' II.-.-nwv l'vn-ml Sldrt--B`am`.{nn White` ixture S3.15 ;ma`.'x1:l"(x:r gy-s 12 t'o`lV5 ;;a;na Ming; Mt. Boys` Dre:-S 0Vu'l'.onls right up-m-dute,a:: 1 2 ` $4.50. and 12 to 15 for ., .. .- on b:v.:k,su_ib-xhle for hays T, 8 nnd D yyars or :Lge.'nbw:' 8:270 each, _ Black Overcoat: with stnrm coll-It Ind belt.` and side pocketarfnr hfys 1C End '11 'ye'nrif'6l i" " $3.15; and fur boys 12 to 15 years ohnge .. . !n\u' IIFIILU I'IVDFl',`lln[I riuht un-to-dute. to II . oys' Two-Place Suits, slzas 2 to m. In neat dnrk pamems. 31:32.00. 2.5` 250. 2 75, 3.5. 3.50 and. .. mm` 'I'ln-op.Plr,e. sluts. sizea R to 34. as $251 To be Cleared Out at One;-tniyil Ladiesana Chi[dren's'7.:oa Ladies. skirts-BIankets and ` ' forters- Men sASuits' "and _Boys Suits and 0vercog:ts_ g" ,A- AL.` `-4 - "Resev. -IF-urnd` 10 (101. ladies Fancy Collars, designs 4` m Ix/an-A can. .. 9 ` capital ` __Remember the_Dates_== T Jan y 20th to Feb y `4th - WHII E lllls doz. Mexfsgnre wool Cashmere Sock-9. - black an lffvy, regular 25 ' "at Whit Sale, - 16c.