"ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to atatendv A *w_ X. ""`~"` "consisting of LADIES COSTUMES. AND - SUITS, SEPARATE SKIRTS, New SPRING_ COATS, :-New.-=RAI N COATS, Short:RAI'N:PROOF"JACKETS.4 ' SILK WAISTS, NOVELTY COTTON and LINEN WAISTS, SHIRT-`WAIST SUITS, Etc. Fine Curtains urn alcn innlnrhsri in fhi`(cr\Io-V nn car-nnrl pll\I\- " wtuona, onnu-'w/uo1_ ouuo, mt. I-me L.urmins are also included in this display on second floor. ' , hi` additidn to these lines we will_show an irhgnense and h Hhnrnn nf F3-rnnahv Yd-nrlrurmrr rTvTi` Dal`- Wnrucyuunxun cuuccuuu Ul nuveny necxwear 'ana Ijelgs, personally selected in New York. . New Cotton Dress Fab- rlcs, New Wool DressjFabrics, New La_ces, New Trimmings Ill a_:uu|uuu IU IHCSU HIICS WI .ncHbeau1iruh.~o1tecnom+Novexr _..........`.u.. ....1.......,a :. kl..." v....|, DO.:N_OT MISS THIS ,Oi5PORTUNITY 1:-;r.2;.z'r .urra:m'm -`,mr4x1u.x:< -2u:.u.u_ run : ;2l&J:X.\NLK1K_..J3U8DA.-..MABG;_.L_I9n4_,, _ ' St. 'Ihomn.I.', Mu-ch !.-l1lnor I Bduun gaugboyrc. wu gin: on-` 1 tau` in or out ailing yuc- C-M run :I-_:-,. 1 Lniltowol, lurch 2 Thurs. bun y ! nun: 1 fuel in 15-pin: .t_.o lutI-weqk ` I lday afternoon in the bnildingoccn led `. , by Mrs. Pellatier and Mrs. Mar ow. - Both bcclipanta had been absent for a few m_inn_t_es. and qn _Mrs_._Mx_u-.!nw'si |\i[ aCorsct is admitted into the sfore that V has not been ghqroughly tcstcd_ andfound V -1 _. , ` . F /*`-r}iab!.%"*If'yo1rtryus :>nce1`or'Co'r:fy* 1ou thank on us for all your Corset needs. P'none_ - `~ -/ orders given prompt attention. `ax ` . . . ... r _months-old rnfant of Mrs. J. Marlorw , was burned. to death in 3 fire yesf.er- I ` I day afternoon in the bnildingoccn led , _1lyA]_Krs. _Pella_tie_r 5111! _Mnr o_w. !- Dent let your busineemdie for want r of nourishmenpg - Advertise L The 1 Exnmina;-`hos In-gent circulation. now open under the supervision of Miss Hutton -with an. in!:c_ascd_sta'_of comp:ten.t._.QP3_tL5_i_ timely. d:livery,._$atisla.ct ion -guarantecdrto, all. - To Cure a Cold in Ong Day 2"::..:,.- 1*aIn'Laxative'Bromo Quinineriuaugeif anew-1 8vu|IllonIcuu.o|lhpIItl3ncho.v Thlssicnnfnm. 503-2513- mu uunauvv urunuv ggluluuv 'n_IIuI. aw-nuns-bu-u,ouupaunaIu.- `rhlggignggu-9,` `rho For llrdn Goody V ,- ' ' 4' now-on. sale. . A very netassortmgnttoif New_ Dress Goods. spring Dress Szus in` Tweed, Brqadloths, Mohairs ' and marry other haw a1d\ desirable materials that will arouseyour, interest th' moment you H see them, ar:g_rl1g;j,pr_i_c;cs> ':_nre_ma_r}ged,yery ,l,o,9v_ when you consider qua-`yr-"'N0 extra charge. for _ s'fy'le'a"tthis store. We invite you to-scc..what we show before you bay your Spring outt.` - r ' ' 3; .(with'ra. `la e*sta' `f t i has relumeuwith all the Mlllinerv ltrs l}rownl . rg o rimmers) _. V __ 4. _ . st ideas for Spring Hz,-adwear. Ladies of Barrie and Distnet will be pleased to4know that Miss Vickers. of Detrbit. will have qhgrge of the workroom, and is fully prepared :9 vindicate our supremacy in the Millinery-Art. "Notice of Opening will be given later. In 'the meantime all mourning orders will be executed with promptness. vv "_sryrc`"w. ` c Duy only corsets that we Cari prove to you as supcxiof tcLalLothcrs. Not a'Corset is admitted ` X ` .' ~d h " fl` Dress,-making Parlors 33:52:; .un gsgqgtgfggggggg-pge ..n .1..- .. *Ymrmusr1r::vII V.T.-`A ra; -5 r". .3; ' ' I Fnwley Block, huvecu Bank of c , Blrde House. .__- , . EbEHONE Jo.hns.n- . KINDRED-'-. n _to an acts are all 1 wbrthy of ' `s in t and LFQUQQIIV T I39 '9` .\ _ I-., . ' .9j*,"% II'l'VoDqy[. <'<?/"` />vvI box.25c. ;lADM|IlSTB0Bj\EE . There _will be oered for sale by by public auctionqubjecc to nresaved , Ind. (to be nd by the Oicinl Gnar- dinn} on SATURDAY THE 121:! DAY OF H. 1904...: the hour of 12 ` o _clock noon at the VP: 1-A House in the 'J.`own_ of Bsrrieythe N'g`l'h'EAu pf .` Lot. 13 in the 3rd Concession of the ` Township of Flos, in the Countynf _ Simcoe,ontainlng 100 acres more or _ less, hein the farm property of the |.l&te Neil` ally. K . I Thexqaxfe nI)o_u_t 50_a_:`xj_es cleared a._x3d $I.oo` BAarr_ie Vs 'StzvIe Store _|5rv Gods and?S`h6es ` `I ' ` \ ` A . ,' nun. . . .` r~. : We\|ve scented for the Garment Display the Entix-e~Rang'e 6: Lending MannfMluT-aw, 'which make`: I display we do not ofban have I.he~prlvlla-ga of oermg. : : Orders wm be - taken` from lines of whgch wejhnve not the correct. size. I 1. To-DAY M .AND FOLLOWING, ,DA`\g X4 1 R 9` ; 5. 0 NS