- -5mts-*--_--+-~=--~~ A:`-:-4+ -.For\ Youths who stpdy t and fashion V 2 . For all who `want the best" goods, - _t, style and la.igest.savir}g. - ForBoys'whoneed stron`g`_wear- - ing Clothes." 2 ` I For Mexiwhb wanfgood business ;5!71itS"'."`_`"`"=`*` ` `-T`-"A V The` large stock of our' special 1x1 rib Stocking is fast fading away ;' gone to t.h e"" many prudent buyers who read our 'we9kIy _advertiAe- ` good._s.. 1'h`ey a_fe5e1Iingmar- ' - v,elXo'ns1y quick. ztrmize Cashmere lxlr full {uh v,e1Ioi1sly quick, -_Extm , ize `rib,-full {uh-':' Vionyed, made to sell at 50c. ` n n_,, -n-. 1 H uaucu, mam: nu am: no um. 40c giaji, 2 for 75; nvv 5 dbz. extra. ne pur linen > egg} 1:. (1 _n.ndk_e\'_chiefs. { andg inch 4v----->- ` I 20 doz. ne pure linen 'H,2`.nd- kerchiefs, i, g and} in. hems,'v regulzir; -159,, a. job line of mgnI_1fg.cturei a, clearing II\ _ > L A A _ I , us mm. nnu. uvo. I B `_`i.._..____. - ..... I_ 2oc,_ 2 gair for soc v-.- ---.. ..._ _-_,-__ _gether a col1ect'ion,_from the best makers, representixxg such valueand style tha} we _ Sepa,rate.Sl;irts, ln xi/aillrclihlg ahdldresgldezls,`positively the greatest shogvlng I ever made in Ba_rr_ie. This is a_new departmenpxvith us, and following our usual , motto, that if a thing's wprtlv doing, it's worth dding well," we've gathered to- _ e-proud_toin.vite.youx'-inspeccion. .. - ' ,_?SpecialAlalues_,at,$3.15, $_4.5o,_$5;oo,_,$e.po,,.$$.5o. ` We wlll n0t attempt any description, but willconsider if: a.favor to be` allowed ] to show you'Il1rough.the cplleetion. ' ' l'\ .n it,`-,_, .,__,. AA`; __ ,,_._; ;_L_ L.__ ___;_4_ A____.'_ , ,-\___,A__ % --va-cw uugw-nu: Tb` stock Ipecial Stocking _,_smooth, round thread < H; IE. extra V51 He u-wu-m n, moouus 'l0cJeach_ 1 `I Bahia : - -~CentraL: 2 Fol: Hosigry -rung ` . 'ds _$:..p__o_ ~ *fKING`S`*13` y`|i;c|:`-3313;:-1':,..' L. RONTO, <~ ni-at mm-I: lira-.lu anus .miii"l`or mu` Bi> i|r4l/nf"l`i'-': "3ddKsToRE \JUl uncaa Aucuuus ucynn u gioxv and` insur good" delivery. Sup4:pLlie:sf `Btu:-fa . ;l :1`:I El Wm ffie%5vb1isiL% \A few`. `s_1-.-ig1}s"1`er: ukhic'i;wn1,be sold at cqst. Marriage -Lic e'nses' Issued .... .. ,-.. _.... -..- t I , A , V 1 Our` Dress Making departments are now righi: _into. the spring rush. Order_ .. .....x .., .......1' A..1:......., ` . , " ,' hold fdviyrili Mtmtmnl. ` . i- '4 .;B9l{:x1iu,ved;ofA.:g;1l.~;lq\at.;:.v1e1( ,1 ; a-ans;y;1:a:Ea.m.wlI.h vnalghbors : ?ilk`b`*l(1,'._ Wnnd lufnm_|ly ho._wpz1 wu ' lull '_pl|gin ' ` ` ' so DUNLOP s1'.L 7 :l`o;Cure` 2 in" One Day -._ %'7.t`l'.: ... *ScribbIc:s', , PenciI>s,7Cray ons,,, Slates - an".'TE?f Rnnks, Tlie`best oi fgtfn in.:.th;_:ay of Blank Books, Holders, Pens, Ink, Mud- ` lage, Envelopes, Erasers, Pyramid,_I_ ens: Typexvrifing 'Pa1:ier_. osirr New kirt% Styles :'___-__1 .1 `unpA-c u.-,..v.........- ;**h'..,E.!.:=-w*;`*'**t.:.." * , 0 yer :1 gm . `i5:_'Bolmuvgx!;o_a5.nsMt~una ' ` 111. llh; ` lk:`m.W nd_ l:gn:1_|ly :! rMn it uuu-`e nr`-fsntnrgi II tan d 1 may vS'-':fry;'i'x'ro.r,W`-`-ha-5' ;-`.."f x's'i'.4w EY'E_PXhLE'l.".l"g .: t . yin 1-.` W nhr. Elnwbanles. um` cake. a . 7 r 111 Fine cake: to or_der_for wedding: and parties ','.95-`?.i,!5Y` IA` I1 I I`1l\` 1 A , I\I'\ 3* ___a:inic_1. _ _ __ 4 ._ { _' (`Cot'V1f_efction ~w._R. N: ||"l'GI_-lEI\.I. , _ \ 'Mn-|g`I-'i.`|1nImI.- ` . I-v-~-- ` ' A~4 `r` . _ I Hhhnu Cinninp k visiting in Tononto, - lln.`Knar1ua'Mgunod' trq her visit to Botlln; ` `" ` . van [6 notun; 0n"nl.CIlln5Ivood'lI {hi ' `K b; skin lin.`-.P|Iilp. - - ' `:' 7 ` Min 8. -Bi : of Wnminntir-it th DIM OIL! VII W Bl-I puynu. , .. I ` Jomimcx-y Er Strand minke: s -. `position on 8; Dynanti hrm. _` . I E. 5. ma). M11 . P. in in` `menu . 1 A. Lia). M. P. P. in Tofonw uttenditig to Ma pufnmonhry duties. Mrnhlon Brinlov `of Hizilmd in Mr. Muhlon Brigloy of Hidlmd i visiting hi: mother Mrs. Dr. Tuylor. S. O. E. moon Wdnudnv nizht in vuumg pu m_amer urn. Ur. Iuylor. _E. Wdnudny night in3_ dad of Mend: which will` be E} dun . ` v . - ` . waaorge, n U'l.'_0 amnion. _ - , ' .Mrs'. mlph of Thcii5nbury~ wha, Im ` been visiting ha! brother," G. D. PAL ` Larson, bu returned home. n monaoy. . - _ . Next Sunday evening Rv. `J_._ W. ; Ohurchill,II5'I| prgaclga zpciAl"aermoli ` I u. '1'.`xx.'nn mamen. > ` > > ~' . | `Mr.`Ind Mrs. Peter Lynll of Pain wick hum guns :0 live with their son, `George, I: U1-9 Station. .Mr2i mm Thdinburv. who nd Kingston. ._ V While people were going to church (arm at 0ro- Station and intends to quit niholding at tho and ohe yam. The scarlet feier mtieutn no all can ~ wood a year agn, ~hu returned to 5 I Allaudalo and 'is .w `in the -` G."I'317Eopu. ` ` 1' Committee 0! I nd Kingston. While neonh I qul IIIIIOIGIIIK II IEO OIIU UITIIB patients valescing and the discus}: iq up: spread- ing. The school will re-open on -Mon- duy. ' ' ` ` l ` '-dliioagb-5n KNiaw`YVa ND;L:?GRAm`*1 Crrkrondbnc 'i`n'viled. .\ with typhoid fever. _ He was the son .1 ,, .0f_J.0l,uL.(lulhbe:L_.Ine . 'funeral_t_ouk ` place on Suqday and was largely 312- tuddfthg aerviceii 1iiE'g' ?:BudII:ed' , By Revlr D. B. Harknass-.' . ` - Colonist one Way Excursions. Du:-irg March and April. one way excursion tickets will be on sale at very lo_w races, top'g' s_in Idonta.,ga:__Gu19x- 4 4-- r-r.-L Mrfnhlon Srigloy `or~ma1mu is ` manning to ma puinmonnry dunes. 1 visiting bin mother W bu retnmevl home. 1 . Wm. Hu-kn: bu bonzlit Geo, LyaIl 3 [arm Oro- Station , ` Ihghoxggc-g ulgglrluintwd lag-lgu. uni: So?-cl". 0(;;ah;nIa:nen- "'_E Albrrn * BOP!` 30' p-l-odto the hbnumnd will long xemouubrncha plenum. Nnelopelw rt 1 _i-Jain Rf: i{bmu."` " glnouubrnztcha Ihzhame 1-flboitlI'tAndbul.uI. A 3.1!-: W: 1- 31-310 Wisp-H- S0,!!! _ , Kilbonk, who week: vlsllmg here. kit for Peta-bare but aturdsy where he will Jnska s 1 short suy bofaro x-eturnlnr to his home `|n Murny taownuh p, Eut . N95lh9.b9r'.-n.- . .. ..`... L G1-ah_s`|_gn opposgdvthe cgll, but Mr,,,Ro!-_ 'linia"expressig 21. willingness to apcepb; the tmnsferepce was agreed to. Rev. James Skene was appointed madernoor of me EImva.1e.vn.ca.ncy. ` x The removal of Mr. nollins made the election of a. new clerk necessn.ry,~a.nd E-sun? of Muss!-s. g; aantgxi 11-11} F 1 I I i. get plan without his mqagml nbllit so mun apprecia.l_2d by` those w wgnh_Ig in ghaq ghux-ch. - feel that iifwould Ha ~ve\`Y.dIcuIr. 11> 6 in r.hq_Meth Y. c re are on ac- count. of Hnhart nnhivers .' The vehhpdjst 1-}: oil` atlsdsfe umiuhed vlze mnafc far thsr services .'while Rev. annpms 7nnuh"`nf *virfn?& -Hh.r-bor Savm 9 Company. w-th authonz-d on it! of $2,000,000 and paid up capi- . -of..$647.800..p.~Iys.4_pez_cenr._on depcait_s. hnd,loax,13_`on mgrcgaggs .y.t fronrlnans, avg a. Vfziscinubin des'- cripclon of musaion work In Ind . Thea In:-g _ on gsxon ave he , their clpstc ataztion; lhtsoughontr which I 12* edlgonclusively that the livewox-d ,,. _.u_.. u....... 5.-.... ..,.u.... . `egep hearing in Iv;-Ev` on` W at on a.ve_ -119 H727} toyed conclusively 1-on]: thote `Evin; --have #3313 ucti ` wo_r_ ers, `n as orei appears stmn 1y (.6 those whaggava Gze rivil- 't _ It is to he 0 .1 ..,, _.-.u ._,. Mr. Skene wag chosen for the pox ion. Rev. G. I. Q:-aw takes Mr. Skends place DB necesszry 11.63 E 91!. M Geek EH3: their n3:'nas bani. too brand for the Uhristinn Unurcn of today. ' ` R. A. Kent left for Toronto on Mon- giny to 1-g_suq1_a biqdgltieg gr. I:l_1g ' 7. NEW Bmnizoom _s Nbyvj the Tirii't9>_sf_lect yot'1y_p_|f`i3g`,F_urnitur 7 _Q,_ ABLOR. S 1,200 yards extra heavy, smooth, ,t1 7A1" CoT:to}3I'fII '3 `6 idEE&~ at`8c. yd.,` selling for one week only, I4. yards$ for ' 4 j ` ~ '._- ` - - I `-A, uperbcollection of fine lnine Finhe` CIol'.li's fdi: spying blouses, all direct im- portations and exclusive de-' _9i$.11_S_.i 9_l`_) _'3_T_`_1. ' E AK and K0 1- Is a siore complete in .\}ei'y`detail` of its trian- 2ige1jn;:nt;and.buying ability, a_nd THE PEQPLEfS'= bSTO`Rlb33is fast approaching` thatidegkee. of com; " prle_ten'ess`. _W"[`H pub_lic appreciate x;r.`e'ox-ts to seiv 1 and pli-.\ase even to the maest de_tail, and we thank " yo ; _ _ " _` " you give oxi the result`; ' _Ou:j aim is to improvs: da.y`by~z\iay until we stand afo ' .a.s.Barrie s;Rcp:'esentativ:L$torg. ,4 .LL_:--. -4- ._-; `5 Cofse} ._A ... ` -01,1: sin an-ixvslls from D the Old ire -fut going out. Our "choicest goodTire- heinzr eanverlv nnmrhf. Ahm- the Old Land ire being eagerly soughb afbe: ;and nd 1: .ready sale, -- The` ;nnd ndn ,1-eady sale, The weaves and shades are aupgrb, `and rices are i easy.' N .7- \ 5 [Blacks and colog have: an equal share in the demand. Th favorite ealors are, green and grey: g: nal; place, with blues and pretty sand shades Dnnss MAKDIC PA1I.0R3 1 ` Now On: a gobd second. .. _ 'Ba.1:i.'.fLtl_.' V0ur close watch on the markets aords another - opportunity for our customers to avail themselves -of -a=ra1'-e chance~to get%-grem r kihs, already hemmed, ready for use, %"size. ""`1-5~-.~2o/.dvoz'. fine liheri Tdwels, all white, her- --r _ ,!T1.d; gulalfpirice 2oc._,,S_e.11.iI1g_.at,,.,: :,:g :1 -' _;.`..'_C1oJ;in' an;1_a.1L1..'m_e:Qf_'M liL1L_ishi`;ig on view`ir_r t is -the most up-l:3-date Men's Fi1rn_is111ng ` Store injBa.rrie.V ~.'_ ' M" - Specialty} `l"l-an man vmmls . ': ` 1 . E ___.._ -._.___% ,____,._C_ _ DI-?O$.3Cfood.s ` Special.` ` n. ... .nr;..`.. ......:;,.. n. r...... In.;.1..-,... .o....1, -: .... 1:. ICKJHIU . : 7 Vand_5Oc CUII-|lvy."" "_'* __"' T'h.e _P9r3|Ts_. ';.stea_r_`9,.__ 1 A jarga.-Ln in Tau xvapiiins - r\._.. _ % la?-'.~s: W` anfet ` .It's_ (lie: Tulilifar Se`pr`ata , }"q}`x v}S:_arci mgch`abdL `I'.ar:l;s\,iii`e}eut*fmm:'gtf1'erEspra= t_'crs deem ; In fab}: if ldqksf _g'x-`e_a.t_4:1e`ay_l. bgitr, ynd us tn gy_ery""\vai'y.e'qual, t`q.i ts"_Ioi3ks'.' . -_stronV` .cony`egx_f.ent,-viiisily esiIyv5shed.1 ' V " J ` p .. .. II-vvrui-Yr An L l S T-:B"z_1rg'a`1`[Ifi% The`manu!ncturers'bf5Dress Goeds and Suiting: for the spring seaon,- 1.1903, `x7e succeeded in Eombining Beauty ind, effectiveness to a`. degree never before` httined, and they hae ddinpromised between elatgorateness and simplicity so nicely th%it our stcick bf spring weaves presents a power of becomingness almost incon-I ~~4ieiyab1e.-'Phoe4vho.make mge,oLcmim; `While the excliisive cqnceptions are here. Ou_r dispilay is marvellousfy _large, and A - .6.ur;pri_ces, asusual, -are-the-lowest, quality-considered...._.v.A.. .. . . .. .. .- ,...