Commission and Police Increase Recommended as "a very Hue cuupxu. \ The young husband had informed the padre of his marriage. which | + EXAMINER ll.\..l\.l'- D`Hll.lUl|. LAl."l(.lllI[` l\lI'l.`l'll-Al.` mun C. I . l'IupL.)n, 27. Curbrl. Sa:;|c.. :1 student pilot who win. to have re- uoivcd his \v|nu.:,~a" at u 2'-puclul cer- emony that evening. wns killed Thurstlny. 'l'h.- h...I., ..r H... .u.....u ,.;.-....... Hill` FROM BORDEN SOLO F L I E B. MEETS DEATH` L.A.C. c. P. Hopton, 27,' Misses Signal in Cloud Formation of Angus | FOUND EVERETT When the single-motored law- wlngcd nmnmplnnc. In which he was (lying solo. cru.~:hcd Into a swamp near Evcrcll. llve mile from the R.C./LI. S`lul.ion. l..c=1dlng Alrcrn.Il- nmn (3 I I-|'nnl.u\ Q7 ffnrhrl Rural: .l llll rbuuy. The body or the clam! uirmun und wrcclvnge uI' the plume, strewn for hunrlrc-(I45 of yards. were dlscuvurcd curly Suturduy morning by suurch- L-rs led to the spot by Cecil Gul- luuzzhcr. lot 10. Con. 2, 'I'(>.~i.w(.)l`()II1i(I. west nr Everett. nnd guided by nir- crurt. I\hn.......-.. ..f ll....l....'.. I....l.. ....-I Dlb(:UV(!I'_y nf Huptunx; body uncl the Wl`L'(:kuR(.' or his plum: cums: at- -`.(_-r Gulluughcr, u fnnm-r. hud re- ported F`I'idn_y nlghl Hun In: hud .~2ecn u plum: pow(.-I"-(live behind some trees and 3; hill. u|rpur(.-n1l_v out uf uontml. /\c(:u.~5l(nnod to acq- ing pl-HIHJS every day. he cllxirxiuscd the mutter from his mind until he lmarrl .-'.uvcml hours later Llm-L.:.n machine was missing. I`hn vmmu fI|m~ I-znnn rm... I'..I..-I IIHICIIIIIC VVHS YTUSSHIK. The young Hlcr czunn from Cubri. Sask.. near Swift Clll'l eIl l. und hud been u student pilot .ul ILC./Ll Stutlnn, Calm) lfiurdcu. for : months. 'Dwu months ugu. he was married .-eccretl_y to Miss` Nina Mary Cochrunc. who came from her hmnt: in Minmw .lu'w. Sm:/k.. fur thul wedding. and hud resided since that | lime in 'I`uronto. ` 'l"lan u-nnu.l.... ....... .. a..I..... 1.. vn. Percy Plaxton Is Named` To StF1_1g_remewCourt Bench LHHU Ill IUTUHLU. The rcmulns were lfukv.-I1 to '1'.- mntu on Sunday, and were ucc.nn- pnnicd back to the West by the young widow um night. Hnptuma friend. I.../\.C. Stewart T. Ogilvy, 21, I'l`u-rm tn amnu. .-nn..a ..n......\ DR.NjWT ROGERS} M. 0. H., PASSES IN 56TH YEAIL Native Son of Barrie,-He Had Served Overseas in Lasf War Fencxwing an illness of several weeks duration during which time he had spent Iour weeks in hospital, 01'. Norman Wilfred Imgcrs. M.B.. Medical Officer of Health for Bar- rie since the death of the late Dr. A. '1`. Little in 1937. mssed away in Royal Vietoriu,Ho.;pitul. Barrie, a- bout 9.45 a.m.. Tuesday, in hls 56th year. Immediate cause of death was malignant hypertension or high blood pressure. nnnnnecnd um: rnmnvnrl On 'l"nr-nn. UIUUCI pl'CSSLH`U. Deceased was removed to Toron- to General Hospital more than four weeks ago. and was brought back to Barrie on Thursday last. V A native unn nf Flarrin hr Rug- LU uarru: UH IHUYSOHY IHSL A native son of Barrie. Dr. Rog- crs was born on Mary street, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rog- ers, in 1885. He received his early education in the West Ward. now Prince of Wales, School. and Barrie Collegiate Institute. In 1905. he en- tered the Faculty of Medicine. Un- iversity of Toronto. from which he graduated in 1909. nr R'\t1nI'.\" u-cl nrnr-H:-n mu. in l"clllLlElLL'U IH IVUU. Dr. Rogers` first practice was in Nnrthcrn Ontariu at` Cobalt. and later at Cochranc. Huileybury. and (Turn to page two. nluue) % had been kept secrc-1. He was to, have received his wings" at a pre- somatiun at Camp Borden on Thuvsday evening. and then intend- ed to nutify the Commandant or his marriage. Mrs. Huplon slated. Wiihium :1 urnn-Ir 1hn hum 1-hnn-nu llliII|lHb'l.'. IVIIVS. FIUPLUII DLHLUU. Within at week. the two chums. L.A.C. Hopton and LAC. Stewart '1` Ogilvy. `.31. both stationed at Camp Bordon. were killed in plane cr.1.sl1es. the latter near Schombcrg on Dec 'l . 'I`l1L- latter had secretly married Mrs. I-{opton's friend. and the two girls. coming from the same cityl (Moose Jaw) although they had not known each other previously. nat- urally were thrown together and had become friends. They hzad lived in an rooming houae on Janna.-.sonl Avc-.. Toronto. f'kn Inn; 06... . Ll..nI .... curing: 2. 'I".. .`\VL'.. JUFUHLU. The last time Huplgn was in To- runlo. was to make arrangements for young Ogilvy's funeral. He took Mrs. Ogilvy Lu Tottcnham to ar- range to send the body home for burial. v . u.-.-... ..t... ..e. "F'c1lowing receipt of _\`out` let- ter of tho 8`h instunt l`(.`(]ltt`Siin1;| the cooperation and assistance of` the Provincial Police in dealing with conditions in Barrie which you described as abnormal. Inspec- tor W. H. Lougheed of the Crimin-` at Investigation Branch. Ontario Provincial Police. was appointed to} lnvcstiga'e and report upon the ad- ministration of the police force. the system of policing. and the police needs of the Town or Barrie. --1.-....~.o.... vn.....;..\...a 1...... ..... ..t EEVERYONE CONVINCED OF VICTORY I 1 LOCAL MAN'S BROTHER WRITES; Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Jones. Mincllv. Point, have recc.-ivcd a very interesting letter from the lormer's brother. W. 1-`. June& 152 Vicarage Road. wuwmhamptun. Stafford- shirc. England. in the Midlands. l.3 miles northwest of Birmingham, in cullies through which the British ` are passing. In part. the letter is as follows: We are all keeping well so Iar. althuugh life is very uncertain these days. As I write this. there is an air raid in progress. The sirens have gone and 'jerry' (damn him) has just gone over but he soon goes back again with shrapnel bursting round him. `3n1v\`n\ Onion Italic! ILH-In nnnn nl which he describes some of the dif-I l'ULIl'|(l lm. "People take very H-ltle notice of the air-raid sirens now: they just smile and say `they're on again`. Although a town near to us (1 am not allowed to name it) has had it VIl\l| -4.. Aa\J- s.;u\.IrvuI\ A. \15uv_y, 4 (Turn to page cram. please) .__..._. __..fp, _.....__.__. . pa... q'.q-u . "FUNERAL TODAY" `Planes, Fliers, : Are Believed In 1 Lake Muskoka NEW Rzcmn MADE} `AT copaco PLANT; Handled l000 Head of Llvcl Stock and 40,000 Lbs. ,0! Poultry and Eggs -- Paid : $39,000.00 to Farmers. 1 For week ending December I4. bu.~:im.~:;s' ut Bm'rIc`H farmer-owned and l m'mcr-cuxm`u|lud Packing Plmnt rcuchcd record proportions The plum during the week handled nineteen hundred hem! of livestock and forty thousand pounds` of poul~ try and eggs`. The value of this one week's purclmscs paid tn runner: |only in this and .-+urmundiug mun- rtlcs amounted to ihlrly-nine thous- land dollars. urm. AL... .~.....\...: pm...-..v:....u ....-_ HUG (]0lll'.'i. Willh {he record operations, ])`I;,'- rolls are also higher. Fur the Week commencing Dcccmlbn-r ll`, through lrcgulur payrolls, plus cmployc-cs-"` Christmas Savings Fund, which will be paid out this` week. Copaco employees will cash in Bar:-lo and vlcinity a 1.0181 payroll of slightly over !iv'e. thousand dollars. I n ------------- I Senior counsel m the dupartnlcntl ul` justice. Churlvs Percy Plaxton. } n nmivo nf Rm-rin has: hm-n unnnim- I Section I - Pages I to :5 -I `-- `v nuvuuauuruan oua-v-n-u-wuunr- Sixty members of the Royal Aus- -tralian and Royul Canadian Air Forces. now stationed at Camp Bor- den, wcre entertained at a dance at the Active Service Club lust Wed- nesday night. ____.__x. Elective officers for 1941 were named at the monthly meeting 0! Corinthian Lodge No. 96, A.F. and A.M.. in the Masonic Temple on Thursday. Dec. 5, and they, with appointed officers, will be installed on Friday, December 27. Worship- ful Master is Albert E. Whitby; Senior Warden, J. E. Thompson: Junior Warden, George G. Caldwell; treasurer. H. R. Ncttleton; secretary, A. H. Felt. 'a bit rough. we ourselves have been very lucky so far. By the way. the `all-clear` has just gone: so ha.- `je-rry with shrapnel bursting all round him I-I an... in 0|... A OD I-uni nu in `Cc1nada s E--ffort Praisea ! By I2__1_1#nkir:k Survivor L-Cpl. Richard Cummingsv of Camp Borden Tells ! Evacuation Story , Canadals present and potential; maaten`al'help to Great Britain wil!| be of ine.-s'.imable value in winning the war. Lance-(brporul Richard Cummings. formerly of the 7th Bab ' talion. Royal Tank Regiment. and now a wireless operator Lmm'uctux- auached to the (,`ana.di2m Armour- ed Corps. Camp Burden. for the past four months. declared in an , Lu Barrie Lions Club. Fri- day evening. Rn:-zolcinv with :a m-mzhtrul Scut- "Boxing l)ay."7l:;Iurmuy. De- cember 26. the day alter Christ- mas. will be a holldny In Bnrrle. The Mnvnr. at It`!-lthlv nvnn- nuou. Wlll III: II nolltlly In uarno. The Mayor, at Friday oven- lnrn special meeting of Town Council. was authorized to pro- claim the day a. holiday. It wan pointed out that many towns and cities in Ontario arc marking a holiday on that day duo to the fact that huainous is very quiet the day after Christ- Mayor ll. (5. Robertson ex- plained that local industries and business houses were avour- uhlo to holding il. holiday he- oause Christmas comes in the middle of the week. and the - lay-o might as well be for two days as for one. He said it was difficult for Christmas visitors going out of town to return in one day. especially if they had worked late on Christmas Eve. _ `Plaxlun is one of 10 childrm: uf lhv |'\.lI llllb \\U|R. \\ lII\|| l\|UI`\ .`UVK'Il 5' ,\'cars. he was made at RC by lhcju". .~ ., . .. nu pnnmu. oi Qutbu. I Burn xn Barrie. Charles l vx'c_\`:;x 0 late Churlcs \Vll.~'un Pluxtnn. K.C.m` and Mrs. Pluxtun. Highland A\`o..| Turumo. The family grew up m Un- rcsidoncv at the C\\l`ll\`l' of Bu,vl'1cl(l: SI. and Wurslx.-y 51.. now o\\'m`d b_v ,) Mm. (Um Hurt. 'l`hcir father }\l".|I.`-`kn. tiso.-d law here for at number otldf years. served foxja time in the mwuil council and participated in vairiuus' local activities. being especially zo:u~ E `B `luus in the cause of temporunu-. A Plnxton Honored in X582 ! ` Members of the Pluxton {~.unil_vl_ have been engaged in the pructicef ` of law for nearly 400 years. In the 5 1 lnncr Temple. London. in 1582. an DI` table! was placed to honor the mem- ,9!` cry of William Plu.\'tun. K.C., an di-ilk` reel ancestor of the newly appointe' iudlle. "9 Fnnr hrnlhors hx "I`nrnnln urn mn'- 1h 5 l day evemng. Speaking with a delightful lish accent the yvung Canadian- born Scotsman. who has lived in Scotland since he was eleven yrars of age. told a gripping story oi the` exncuation from Dunkirk in which he took part. and concluded with a [lne.t.ributc~lo the eorts of Canada _ n..... n-:__._.. nr........n PROCLAIM BOXING DAY HOLIDAY IN BARRIE TUUIIQ UIIIL I am in the A.R.P.. but up to now hsve had nothing to do. only patrul around when `Jerry is over Let`.-. hope that it will be an oven Y!!! "Everyone here is convinced 0.! our victory (God willing). and I think now that the tide has turned in our favour and soon we'll have `jerry' running again. It in hard tn out into words our '_]I. l'I') running xlllll. It is hard to put into gratitude to you for your otter to take our two boys in with you. but (please God). they will be all right. In all falrnes to them. l am nlmid you would have had your hands full with them. for they are two lime rogues. into all sorts 01 mis- cm;-1." .._.._._._..4p . . AUSSIES ENTBRTAINED , 11......` A AT LIONS MEETING Advertise in The Examiner. n. ;.--u...-\. V\r ullg .......... ... -....._ (Turn to Page Three, Please) :- 1941 OFFICERS -:,---._.__: an UI JllallL'L'. \.lIill'H.'D l L'l'U)' l`lil.\LUH. n native of Barrie. has been upp0in1- ed in judge of the Ontario supreme. court. He takes the place of thv` late Mr. Justice Nicol Jc{frc_\' in 11101 trial divisiun. 5 Qnn.\u.I n\l\l\* u.. l\.\n..o. `\I.... iFour Meh j Lost Searching " for Another Two Trigrs Saw Two Planes Crash in Mid-Air The :.t,-ulzch for two planes uud four flu-1-:4 Inir-..~.:hu. rrrrm R.C.I\'.l". Slzrlivm, O.-mp Hm-<.lo~n. since Friday In.-.1, wus cxmtlvming whvn the Out sccuun or The Flxmnlucr went to prc.-4.`. ' nu. . . . . . .:..| .........n. ._.....l...,a...: I .. Thp m-riul ::r-1m.-h conducted for uvu rlnys; by tho R.(.'./\.l". wnn hul,l.~ ed 'l`u.--srl:u_v whnn Camp Borde'iJ ufTini:li.~; h('(_`.'|lIll` cnlnvlntrcd that lhu burllec. of the men are In the wreck- age of lhr-if phm.-: in Lake Muh- kokn. /\ mjlv-lmu: nil slick near Browning 1:.-lzmrl is. believed to have hm-n (`IlIIr;('(| by llu: wn-clu.-d'crnfl. nu. _. ...n An l..4._. 1.. 4..... x.... 'I'h.- qn.'nl.:;U,-, :-n:u`t'hing In two plum-;: fur lhv lnlv l..A.C. C. P. Hop- !.on. v./lr::::- lmdy mud plum: were found m-m` l~:v:-rz.-1.1. Saturday mum- lng. im.rIurlr::I two Hvitlsh ying In- :.'h'm.~lrn'.v. mu] hwu Cmmdlnn olJ~.'e1'v- ers. thn. lutlur two being members of H0.plun's clam; nnd aim of 1.11` mmrp which 1`m:uivcd*it:9 "wlng`r1,' 1'I'hur.'=dny vvcnlng. VFL. .... ...... l.`H.uI.I I |....O Ind...- ............_, . Th(:_V aw Fliulnl-!.|uut. [ utt.-r 'CampbcH. R./'\.l".. S11.-Ax. England. who cmnn 10 (jump Burden from England lnrt. I-`.:hrz.uu'_y am an In- .~; and wtm pilnting one of tho plum.-:5: hi.-= ulml.'|'Vcl', L.A.C. 'l`. .< Rah-5` nI''1l' Hr-rzzt. I. F'rnn- Ln!` plillluu; HI. Ulml.'IvL.'|, I:.I\.\4. I. S. Banter`. Bl':nnl.[m'd: Sergt. I.` !"r1m- um. (`.lmnn'u,un. W:nl(-:4. whu was pl- mtlny: the nun.-r plum, his obsrver. L./\.C, W. I . Gosling. Ednvunton, Altu. - v uiin` Carla-y, B:n`!`ie, ix/Jk hm lucklu up In Lnkv Muwkukn rm Sunday. and su1:cor:(lv(l in bringing up a lag. Depth Chuxvzcn > Depth vh.'nr'u4:.*i uf dyndnlilc were cxplndcd in 110 {get 01 water In .)ulhcrn Luke Muskuka at dusk. 1`u(::;dny night. ih :a futile r.-Hort to bring U; the :'uI'f:u;s- furV.hcr'cvi- jdcncc that Lwq Royal Canadian. Air I I)! lncul isnthu fm`.'L that V. Eorce plL$I)L'Is'. with tour slum-u. board, wre at the botloin'oT {Mi lnbn Bad luck hm: dogged me R.C.A.!*'. Lslncc the nmr. story of a missing `pilot was pub1L'~;hcd lam Friday murnlng. Munday and Tuesday 111 fortune marked every step the sal- Vuuo crew took in Its efforts to Hit the planes from the lake. Pm: and ult-01 and rain. Mbndnv. Int` planes xrom UH: mac. Fug and sleet and rain. Monday, halted all atlcmpts to find the mis::- lng mun. Early Tuesday morning. ln clunr weather and brilliant. sun- shine. two small boats set out to dynamite the scene of the crash. The cyllndcr head on the outboard mo- tor of one boat cracked In the {reen- lrvg cold and held lhe searchers {or slx hours. A motor car despatched (Turn to Page Three, Pleaie) lfll UIVISIUII. Second only lu Dcpul_v Munster W. S. Edwards in me dupuruncnt. Mr. Plnxlon IS considered the do purtnwnfs ranking au1hur'n_v on cxmstituliouul law. 'l`|u\ li\1\m' .uuI_~I..n.Ji..u ..-...-L- Rh- OIL SL193 SEEN ! Ai:n.-x.,;h eleven automobiles were `Isiah-n xn November. all but three ism-re recovered. Chief of Pvlice Ah! {Sic-'.v..r`. rcvo.-`axed m ms repo for H45! month whnch was presentpd in !'.km Town Councxl at. Friday even- n~.g's spa-cm! rnev;-`.5125, Fiat-s and costs totalled $2 far the month. ollonces were as follows: Burglary. une. warrant is; then of auto, eleven. all new but three; melts. 16. Ieven E ! i `one dismissed. eight no duo: rancy. two. one convichd. awaiting trial: breach Liquor trol Act. 23. eithteen eonvkhd. dismissed. four awaiting` breach Highway Tnle Act. 31. convicted. one withdrawn, can missed; wile desortlou. 000. . missed: dtunk in churn or ;,m mobile. one. nvnwnt `tjl: 1 complaints. 46. all attcndd tal 113; lines and 60538. N ' ,-. `Eleven Autoenobilee 3 Stolen in November ' Eight are Recovered DR. N. W. ROGERS _ a_____. The Paper. with till Classifieds ` iNo. SI l'Ull.`UlUUUlliIl Iii The most nuts`. Plaxlon has yet necliun with the brief uf lhc l.ub1m For this work. \ k. . -7Sth Year Barrie Native Has Been} Prominent in Dept. of Justice JUGKQ. 1 Pour brothers in 'l`orunlo are car-I tying on the family tradition of the! Plaxlolfs, who have been described as the largest legal family in the Dominion. They are Gordon Plux- = ton. K.C.. James 0.. Herbert A. W.. and Hugh John Plaxtoh. Charla: Port-v Dl:n:nn :nlm1rh'-rl HG nugn JUHH I'll)-VIUH. Charles Percy Plaxton attended Barrie schools and Osgoode Hall. Toronto. graduating in law in 1915. For a while he worked as a news- paperman. serving on The Barrie Examiner. under the present editor. FAMILY '6`r".JLAwYRs (VIII \\'Iln I. [INS |IllIl'lI(IlII(`llll. (II) The Police l"orr~ of un- Town of Barrie should be ln~ reused at once. Illll !\lIIIl4.n-- nnllnu n`uanII`tI kn UTFISCII ll HIICC. (III) Military pollcr should he better organized and better dis- clplincu. II\'\ If than nhnvn Huron rt-r- I`-I !IlIll`II (I\') II` the above three roc- olnmedutlons are not carried out. I recommend that the Town 0! Barrio be put out of bounds (or all military forces. nu u. .,-. `KIUUI U"l which mu.-In .. I l.undiug work rlnnn \l'!)\` in 1' \\i|5 [U CUM`: Irutiou of tlw\ uundary case. | hunk cnbnn `E "READ AND RE-READ Thu lung-u\\'uilL`d report of in- spector W. H. Loughcud. or the Criminal lnvosligulion Brunch, On- tnrlo Provincial Police, rc~gurdlng police conditions in B:n'riv, was passed around the Town Council mclnbcrs at ll special mooilm: Fri- day evening. was not rend out. and no .'icl.ion was taken in connection unlh 1| BUS AND TRUCK i ; IN COLLISION 5 { NO om: HURT} V - .-..-.._-. , 1N0 l'assengcrs in Bus on Way ' to Czunp Borden which Col- [ides with Truck on Narrow Bridg'c on Highway 90. __.. __ . I V ..u-...-\- up: near. uvun nnuuu - , l Owing tn the prevalence of Culdh flu tlmugh mostly of mild furml. whooping cuug`l`| and German nun.- _ ll;-s. it has been decided in the in-` ,glon`.~ls .)f the patients to 1'v>`1rict f !\'i.~'i1ing' at the Royal Victoria Hos- `'!pital lo the extent that no Child \ - under 15 yvurs u(_agc will be ad- " `mined as an visitor. except undexl uxco-plinnal cir\'unmtance:. This or- _ dcr will remain in cllocl umil fur- " lhcr noliur. "l D 1-: \!r\u\a \ M I Fnrlun:nloL\'. u 'I`rn\',`rs CORGI)! I I bus wzrs (`mpl_v when in fig- furvd in :1 vullisiun on Hi1,:h\vny 90.` ;;:l lhv \\'\~<{ mud of thv nun"-\\' {bridgv n\'vl` lho\\u'I.~'a1.: u Rivvl`. gnboul 3 jun. Sa1tuf(l:1,\'. N1-l result lwas thul no om` was injured in <-'LH1(`r w-11i(~lv, nllhuugh Lhu bus suferrd sovurv dmnugc to the sides ignd front. and the truck involved jwus damu.'cd slhglntly. , |__. _ -I~-..A4:_ 1`:-12..-- -nu... 1-\.| , l.A Highway Traffic omccr Tom L. Huffman. Barrio. who inwstigalcd. stated that the 1argo passenger bus. idrivon by Nnrman Brown. Barrie. was travelling west at the west end of the bridge when it collided with nn nzuqhhunnri {mu-1: rlvh-nn hv Ul Llll' Dl'|Ug(` \\ lll.'H H CUlIlllL'(I \\'l|ll an o:m11bound truck driven by Lloyd Leigh. Huwkestunv. and own- nri h\- A R T\/[v(`nrrI RnI'r`ir~ "l'I\r\ Lal\|_VU LAVISH. fl(l\\ l\L'.`lUHl'. Ullu U\\'ll' ed by A. E. McC0rd. Barrie. The `bus struck the concrete railings on nth!) north side. policv said. and the lmvo \'vi`.f'.0. came together at the left from corners, 'T`knv-n nu.-n nu v\'|Lunv\nnv0:- In wk.` What you get for your money not what you pay determines the value. Both in news and advertising, The Barrie Examiner gives by far the biggest value. I ,..-....,, ..-.,...,, vs ........... In 1919 he m:1:*r:ed. Miss Gabrielle Furibaull. daughter of Dr. E. R. *Furibault. Ottawa geologist. and niece of Dr. Edouaxd Montpetit, dis- tinguished Montreal orator. `i Else Might. Put Town] Out of Bounds I to Military E INQUIRY COMPLETE} BARRIE HELPS ITS CORVETTE WITH GRANT .V\\'l'|||lYl'l|. l!I.l7. The Cmnlnittcc consists of I). 1". l\`lv(.?u:||g. M.l`.. Mayor ll. G. Robertson. J. W. Hamilton. clmiI`m:In of l!xu'ri(-, Wur Servic- rs Cmnmittcc. and Mrs. George C. Brown. vice-prcsld(-nt of. Barrie Bram-.h of the Unlmdiml llod Cross Stwit-Ly. 'I"hn nurnnuu In In fnrniuli lI(` l-['05:-5 .`lM`ll'|._V. 'l`lu-, ])ur|ms(' ls to furnish Rum:-d gomls to 55 men on the I`I)l'\'l`ll(`. mnnnl nflt-I` this town. now under oomalruvtlon at a (lmrglun Buy purl. and wlnlclu will he rmuly for um-.x|n service m-.\'l. spring. lean-.l| of the 55 will rm-.-.i\'u four s\voa1lt-rs. four s(\'rs. four lullauclavn llollnols. tour pulrs long stockings. all almvc in Inwy lvlur wool and um` pair nl` short g'rn_v socks. Anv wnwmn u-hn nnnllox 1.0 Subject. to the approval of the (nganizntlon ol` ltesnurces Com- mittee. Toronto, Barrie Town Council. at Friday evening's spe- cial meeting. made a grant of S-100 to the Committee on the Corvette Barri:-" for the pur- eluwo of wool for supplylmz the 55 men of the crew with sucks. swt-am-rs. 1-.t('. 'I`In.. l`.\..-unlllnn nnnuiuln nl` ll Dill!` Ill lI0l'l |{I'll_\' \ll'll.'9'. Any woman who applies to Mrs. Brown or tho Red Cross may secure the no('-ssary yarn for knitting the :|l'li(`ll`. .._.._. .__.___.o._ .. .__ A North Bay subscriber writes: ` nl .._,__.u.| u:n,, ; . n u--uxa. I would like to take this opportunity of ex- pressing our pleasure in reading your fine paper since coming here eigh- teen months ago. Its col- umns are read and re- road." \'l.\'l'l'lI\'(i ;\'l' I{.\'. I|0b'l'I'l':\.|. \l. ;V\Jl\-L\l;`\lV. L`h;urxmm uf the Bu .5- 1 and later julnmgl ?\1:nI .-nu! Pvnnirn I Inspector Lougheed Reports on Findings 3 NORMAN. III]! ..I` I`.\. .l) . u`(l. Eflnlalllll lVll4l'aI.'I|Vll A special meeting of Town Coun- cil was held Friday evening to con- sider tenders for Bat-rle's $48,000 is~ sue of debentures to complete the financing of the new sewage dispos- ul plum. All members were present except Ald. F. C. Lower. Ald. M. J. Brennan. Ald. Walter I-Iulbert and Ma. W. J. Buchnnnn. 1`: I": 1! Town 'l`rensurer A. W. Smith wus authorized to pay accounts proper- ly vouched (or by the chairman which are presented before the close of the your. \ I3 1* iv FOUR SEEK POLICE JOBS 1-`our applications for posltlons on Barrie Police Force were referred to the Police Committee. '1`he up- plicunts were Alfred Penrose, R.R. l. Meaford; I. Scott Mitchell. Seugrum. 0111.: Gordon Kenst. Kirkland Lake; Woseplx Bowman. Stroud. an en un- I 1'0 PAY ACCOUNTS WOULD BUY L01` N. C. Luck. 215 Bradford S1,. wrolc thul sumo time ago he made :1 re- qucst rogurding :1 lot ut the rear of Ihis properly. offering $30 for H. He pointed nu`. that the land was swampy and than n grout donl of work wus needed to put It in shape. -2: Ill -.1 AVIAVIE IIUDFIIIIII UIIDDD ' County Clerk J. '1`. Simpson noti- fied Council of the ndmission of eight. indigent patients to Royal Vicloriu Hospital and one to Toronto General Hospital. lvollisi-mm ul Lhv bridge. but no one [was injurvd. police rcponlcd. The hunt. so1'imx.< nc('idcn'1 at this "death t.l-up" on Hieghnmy 90 occurred in July. Puiimx I\nil\h \rI nnl lhn! Hm` Ql\l*I`([ l5{lict\ pointed out that the speed `limit, on the bridge was twenty i miles per hour. The bridge is long. and very narrow. but. the Depart- lnu.-nt or Highxvxnys has erected `warning signs at both appnoaches. _.____.a Barrie Kiwanis Club had an open meeting this week. without a speaker, `the lime being devoted to prescmution of l`Op0l'15 from ihc several committees. Altqgether. the picture given was that of a busy, helpful season of varied ac- `tivitios of much benefit to the cmnmunivty. \V`.'n~ Rru-ui.r-n (`nu-uni1lnr~ uu |IL'|.IU Wllh n. 1\!r..un.- in MONDAY MEETING {Fine Reports Are Given By the Committee Chairmen |.'UlllHllllll'l_y. War Service Committee One or the must impurtxint coin- mittees this year has been that on Wm` Services. This report w'u.< presented by the chairman. Jack H. Rodgers. as follows: 'l`hn `\';l`"!]nI.Q \Unv~ En:-ninn Fans- I1. J\UU5CI.\, HS IUIIUIVVDZ The Kiwanis War Service Con`- mittee is a new committee formed this year for the first time. 'I'he work of this committee when first organized was to represent Kiwanis in various community activities in connection with war work. Chief of these was the War Service Com- mittee orf Barrie. which operates the Active Service Club. 'T'hn A:-4h,-n Qnwninn rl..I\ in nu- 1940 KIWANIS ` ACTIVITIES REVIEWED l`\CLl\'e DCFVICL` LIUD. The Active Service Club is ac- compli:-`hing one of the finest piC(`C'5 of war work from the community standpoint that has ever been donv in Barrie. The Town of Barrie pay. the rent of the building. while the Service Clubs practical- ly finance this organization. with the exception of some individual donations received from the citi- zens at large. We have contri- (Turn to Page Two. Please) .__:___a.__._. | I \Julu'y bingo. Friday. December 120. 8 pm. slmrp. Legion Hall. 51b [ Dznicc every night at Ye Oldc iTuwnc Hall." including Christmas love and Christmas night. Special idancc New Year's Eve. 51b 1 St. Jmnv.-s` United Sunday School ihristnms cuncort. Slroud Com- lmunity Hall. Monday. December I23. Admission 15c and &. Sip I Dancing overv Mom-lsw 'T`hnr,<.. goo. nurnxssmn lac and 350C. up Dancing every Monday. Thurs- lduy and Saturday evening at Odd- lrmuws Hall. Collier 51.. Barrie. Bob 1PuweIl's I0-piece orchestra. Gentle- Hnon 35. ladies 10. Ladies free up 1 5 to 9.30. 4811b ` H,-um" nnnd Lln-LA r\.....\.... 1.1.." 5 M1 EY.n)U. 461.1!) 3 D:mct'. Bund Head Orange Hall. ,1-`rida,\'. Dec. 27. 19-10. under aus- ipicos Bond Head Jr. Farmers and .Jr. Institute. Old time and modern jdancing. Admission 35c. lunch in- r1udcd. Proceeds for Red Cross `Society. 51b , Let's make up .1 party and go to [the new Angus Movie and Dance ;I-{all (in the former Orange Hall) ,on Christmas Eve. and dance a ;merry Christmas in. to the rhythm ;nf 'Dinkv': Or-hath-:a nnnninw nn.'n'_v L.un:uu:Is Ill. L0 U18 rnymm I .of Dicky's Orchestra. Dancing !starts at 11 pm. Gentlemen 35c. {ladies 15c. 51b at the new Angus Movie and Dance Hall (in the former Orange Hall). We present the greatest of motion day of this week. The Storm." ` starring Tom Brown: Monday and Tuesday of next week. The Jungle Princess." starring Dorothy La- mour. Don't miss these two great hits. Dancing to the rhythm of` i 1 I Thcre`s always something duing 1 i 1 I I 1 n * 1)Icky's Orchestra on Saturday. Dec. ~ 21, at 9 p.m. Gentlemen e, ladies `picture hiLs. On Thursday and Fri- free up to 10 o'clock. 51b l0 ucm wnn. inspector Luughcod mndc the fol- luwing chief recmmm-mlzulinns: (I) There should he eonstitut- mi tt Board oi` Commissiom-rs or Police for the Town of Barrie. In 1938. an Act to amend the Municipal Act was passed. lC|llI|!. 23). which now eamses Section 364 oi` the Munici- pal Act to read us i`ol- lows: Notwithstanding the pro- visions of any special Act, every city sluiil. nnd any township having a population in excess oi 10.000 according to the last re- vised assessment roll. and every county and town may. by bylaw. constitute a board of commis- sioners oi` police." (The consti- tution of such board is likewise dealt with in. this tum-mimentl. |II\ TI`- Ilnllnn l.`n.-.-.. nl` Ilnn ?>`5@`N&9}v1!Is mm-2 niosrmu. msrzs In (`Inn-1: Y '1` Qinununn n - A PECIAL MEETING cnnninl rnnnnn A! 'F:u-yn F` QTVV BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY`, DECEMBER 19, I940 Barrie Borrbws Fund: On 3.07 Per Cent Basis It was only a few weeks ago that Leading Aircraftman L. C. Hopton. 27. pilot-in-training at R.C.A.F. Station. Camp Burden. and his young bride. 26. had their photo- graph taken together. They planned to give their friends the photugrapn fur Christmas. 'T1n:-lav Ohn Iunnlu unirlnuv iu ninn. mr umsunas. Today. the young widuw is pleas- cd -that ihc photograph was taken. because the young husband was killed in a plane crznslx near EV(.'r(.`t! on Thursday during n formation flight over Camp Burden. H urn. nnlv hun n\nnH1: nun Hull It waa only two months ago that Nina Mary Cuehrzme. Muusc Jaw. Sask.. came to Ontario to marry the man she loved. They were married secretly and were very happy, ul- though able to see each other only occasionally. The young man's home was at Cabri. near Swift Current. Sask.. and they had known each other fur some time. Gnu;-l.... usinls` 1|... .......... -n1.l..`..: Illglll. UVL'l' \/dlll'|) .DUlUL'l|. t ULIICIV |\ll hU|llL' I.lIIlL'. | Sunday night. the young widow commenced her sad trip back home from 'I`orunto with the body of her husband. h('l` plans for the future indefinite. It was suggested by her friends that she would return like- VVHII H- Muyor Robertson said it. was a matter for the 1941 Town Council to dead with. ln..nnnIn.- I nnuknnrl nxurln l|\n fnl. Here's your opportunity to be a Boy Scout and do a good turn by helping brighten the Christmas season for oneor more of the gallant enlisted lads, serving the Em- pire. now at Camp Borden, Among these are men from all parts or Canada. Britishers from other parts or the world as well as men from the United States. There are thousands oi these who will_not be able to get home for Christmas. It will mean a great deal to all of these who can be enabled to enjoy something of the Christmassy at- mosphere as guests in the homes of Barrie and District.- Many from distant points will have six days` leave with no place to go unless manyihomes are opened to them. Rev. Capt. McLean oi` the -Chaplains service at Camp Borden is lending his hearty cooperation in the plan to brighten what would otherwise be a lonely Christmas for rnnnv many. There should be a large niimber of enquiries for these boys from people who want,t9 take these lads into their homes and give them a happy time to make up for their enforced absence from their own homes; So it you want to do your blt--your good turn,.teiephone Rev. Capt. McLean (No. 331 Camp Borden), A. E`Z1*`iynn, secretary, the Barrie Active Service Club (Olfice 437. Res., 435), or The Barrie Examiner (No. 223). that yougxviii take one or two of these boys for Christmas or New`Year s. Just put yourself in their position. and if you then feel you would like to be a guest on Christmas it you wereaway from home, pick up your telephone and make your application. Dlnnun nnf no nnl:-Lvlu on nnculhln alvlnrr nni-H4-Illnnc nk uu uuuA pleted. _YUlll UUICPIIUIIU uuu IIIGBC JVUL ii!-'IIU|II\IIIn Please act as quickly as possible, giving particulars as to address, hours, etc., so that arrangements can be com- meted. ' - A Chance To Do Your Bit Barrios borrowing of funds at the rate of interest of 3.07 per cent sets a new low record for thocorporation in this particular. The latest, rate is considerably lower than the 3.47 per cent rate paid in the sale of an issue of debentures a year ago to Royal Securities Corporation. --~-JAA - -I-- -.__-._-._I An AI..- r\.....\..o.......4- ..r mu... un savhlunnvsnnvu w Junta-A Iaav uv -iuvguwn -vyv..-..---.. -__..__..---__. Subject to the approval of the D partment of Mun- icipal Affairs, Town Council, at a special meeting Friday evening, sold $48,000 debentures bearing an interest rate of 3`/2 per cent, at 103.13 on a 3.07 per cent basls to Royal Securities Corporation Limited, Toronto. The de- bent.urcs are of the instalment type, payable annually in fifteen equal annual instalments of principal and interest. ,, ___:n 1.. ......n 4.- _........I..L.. LL... vlununinn nl-` would You Like to Entertain a Visitor from Camp Borden at Christmas or New Year's? Here's Your Opportunity All\J\r\/ll wt-`last: u. nnnnn out . . - - u vvu ...... .-u y- `._..-.....,..- ..-... -__v--- The iuncls will be used to complete the financing of the new sewage disposal plant. First financing of this project was accomplished through the sale of $80,000 de- bentures bearing an interest rate of four per cent., which was sold at 103.76 on an interest basis of 3.47 per cent. xt........ 1: r1 n.-.|.....+z..-n-. .m.vupl Dnnun hnnnld Ti" Mun- .u- -u -u---nu; .-...,..... , Tm Late for Mmsiimz The report of Inspcclnr Luugrhuvd . was enclosed with the following: letter from A-t_1.<>g`nc'_s;-GcI1_ura_)G. D.` Conhntt. dcifbd 'I`6'1'o'11l`h'. Nov. 28:" " [ nu .,. was SUIU uh 1Uo.l0 Uu uu uuaclcau uaom um. orxu pun. uunnv. Mayor H. G. Robertson ~mnd~.Rceve..D9na1d F.; Mae-_ Laren, chairman oi the,Finance Committee, expressed gratification at the price received for the latest issue of the Town of Barrie. They stated that the high price obtained indicated the town s financial standing. v.w:...|.s...... L.....I...... can. mnenntn mm-no umrn rnnniunrl DDLEIHCU lllulcuhcu un: uuwua uuuuwax auauuung. Eighteen tenders from Toronto firms were received as follows. Royal Securities Corporation bid being the highest by .56 per cent; ~ Dnuol Qnnnrlnc (`.nrnnrnt.inn nH.t! 103,13? Harri- nlgnesn uy .00 pct uuuu.. ~ Royal Securities Corporation Limited, 103.13; Harri- son & Co. Ltd.. 102.57: Fairciough & Co., 102.28; Dyment Anderson & Co., 102.25; Wood, Gundy & Company, Limit- ed. 102.08; R. A. Daly Co. Ltd., 101.87; Cochran Murray & Co. Ltd.. 101.62; A. E. Ames & Co. Ltd., 101.53; Dominion Securities Corporation Limited, 101.378; Bell, Gouinlock 8; Co. Ltd., 101.32; Frank L. Craig, 101.30; Burns Bros. & Denton Ltd.. 101.26; Harris, MacKeen, Goss & Co., 101.11; C. H. Burgess 8; Co., 101.11; Harris Ramsay 8; Co., 101.06; Mills, Spence 8: Co. Ltd., 100.77; Bank of Toronto, 100.76; McLeod, Young, Weir &. Co. Ltd., 100.11. A ..a..,.o-.-.nn1 .~.n:~Im- of 1m 0!: mac rm-niva fnn late MCLCOG, xuung. Wen.` Ob uu. uuu., xuu.u. A nineteenth tender. at 101.26, was received too late to be considered. Young Flier and His Bride Separated By Death s Hand ly to the work she had been doing before she came cast to marry. I"f'hn `nu n-m I u'1.uI nnu lnuduzntl Dcxorc she cast to marry. The last time I saw my husband was just Sunday night ta week pre- viously). Hc had come down to Tor- omo to make arrange1nenLs fur Stewart Ogilvy's funeral." she slal- ed in subdued tunes. 4-\lnu.n I .--.311 u:u.rl.|nu- In hiun nu ea in suouucu lunch VVhen I nd good-bye hvlnhn as hctook Mrx Ogvy m Tuucnham V) arrange to send the body lnnne for burial. I pleaded with him to be carcful. He said. `Don't. worry. I knuw how to look after my.sel1'.' He hnmd ymg muil know he was very careful. "I had Inf1r-r\' :LH(-r Hual us` we vcly umcnun. "I had letters after that. as we wrote tn each other every night. In his last letter he said we might be. able to go home for Christmas. I never dreamed I would soon be go- ing home with hix body." My-q Hunlnn s-aid Hm! rm Fririuv mg HUFIIC Wll-[1 IILS UUU_)'. Mrs. Huplun said that on Friday morning. the padre (Flt.-Licut. E. H. Harston) phoned her L. tell her that her husband was Im.s`. The chaplain paid tribute to the Huplunu as "a very ne couple." 'Fhn uvuuna hudhnnd hurl infnrmmli ~--_ r"' -**-~- 1L'.ll [nun CUl'llL'I'.\', The, ,(,,.(. W, pmS(.gm._.\. In me bm._ B05,-dS the d,.i\.m._ w_ -13 MC- "I"-`Pd L"g'hC_`d has ` Curd. Barrio. was a p:1sser1gcr in the mad`? his eP*` 'h`h I ""1~`:Icab of the truck. and there were hV`u`--Y0!` `Wu 919359 "N9 m3 i five suldicrs in the truck body. l'0C0mmnd aU0-">*` `\'h1Ch- I hP(`-5` An hour pm-\'imx. two uutm (Turn to Page Eight. Please) tmubilos were involved in a siight