Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1940, p. 2

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AN F.l.l*`.("l`l0N SHOULD BE HELD After Jzmu-.u'_\' 1st. 1941. xnulxivipal elections` in Ontzlriu will bv hold at. two-year intervals! only. for 11w duration of the war; except. iu' cases \vl1m'v 1111u1'u`ipalit.ies. by vote of the olect.ors. provide for annual elections. 'I"\\in n\nnnc nun nvncnnf nnnnnak will r~nn- l'lt'\?l,Ulh. piU\'uu' Lui. uuuucu c-ncuuiunna. This l11t".1llS t.h-at pl`t`S(`l1t councils will con- tinue in office unlvss Lliey volimmrily pass a bylaw providing for ii vote or are compelled` to do so by ll petition signed by at least. five per cent of the electors whose names appear on thu certii`ivd volors list. an... 6....` um. fun-I\\ uvnu Hun cnhhxnf nf nl Ull Lin` l`.L'll.llH.'|.l vuu'i.\ l|BL. ' The t.wo-yo-.11` I-t`l'iii was the subject of a brief discussion in the Town Council on Mon- day night. while some members said they did not want to take advantage of this 1egis~ lation and thus help themselves to another term. there was no definite expression of opinion as to what. action should be taken. However. they went so for as to order n bylaw` to be prepared. N unnnltl hcvn hnnn numh nxnra en tiefnntnrv hu ut: yxupuuvu. It would have been much more satisfactory if they had declared their position. Failure to do so. does not give the citizens much.- '3-cnance to get. me xxeceusury petmpu should p-ya-up---an-u---- THE BARRIE EXAMlNE `\'I|1h|l..*lhl'll INM - __...._ EDITORIAL )f\l\l\l L. hI\I u I*`..~'.tnbl'..-aln-cl 1864 _ .n.`....a...I In oh. ,,,, l0_. 1940 ._.._._....._...-u , ` I*2sumI'..-nu-u mm `A weekly nuwspnpvr (lmmtml to the Imorosts of mu ; Town or Barrie and tho .nu'I'o1uncIlng country, lssuml ,. at the Post ()n'h~o $(|l|Ell`(`, Barrie, every 'I`mu-army ~`m0rnIng by THI. HARRII-`; I-l.\ AMINI-IR 1.lMl l`l~`.D. ..Wlth it is hu-urpm-nu`-(I 'l`hn Hurrle Advnnt-n_ estab- `-lished in 18417. 'l`lu.- Hm'rIe- l~`.xmninvr Ls n mnmlmr " of The Cmmrlinn Wm-kl_v N:-w.~:pnpm':< A.-;.~mc-Inliun I and 4)! Clause: `A Wm-kli.~.~a ..r (`:uuuln_ ,,. SUH!'~l(`R|P'l`l()N HA'l'I-lb` Anywhm-9 In Pnnmlu. $'.'..()l) n yo-m; _ '|n Unitvd Stale-9, $).:'>(I u _v(-nr, my- -- nblv In mlwlm-v. ..in1:l:- ('n|vi~.~:, 5 cents. I A Mm-l.Al l`2N. I`rt-.~:irl(-ul uml i the Council at its next. nmnl.lng deciclo against`! n-.1~.Al6O-loan: n kutuuln bill.` \uu|u.u uh |l-n Allin submlttlmz :1 bylaw. I"\\n II`v\r\\InnIv In suomuunn ll uymw. _ The Exumlmsr in .~:t.l`0m1'ly m` the opinion that the x'nLm)uyc-um should be given nn op- p0rLnnlt._v to say who is to p,`()VPl'n our mum- clpnl uI"fnlr.~: xwxl. yvur. (mum-,ll shnulu not. bu den-1-rm! by the ('~ly .5-mull 1-x- pnnsn mvolvt-ct In tuklmz; 21 Vol.0. for lmltntmn. They have llttln or no crmmve LL1('nl.. 'I`hvh' lHI.l.i(')l1l. military and lm'lus~ trlul tlovvlopnwnl. durinp; thvlr rlso tn the pu.<`.H.l0n 01` u mu-at wurld pnww in the past. l'H'ty yours has In-on dun tn thnlr udnptlun of w(~stvrn kluzu. 'l`hl.~: I`n(*.nlty for hnttatlun is ba-mg dlspluyud by thv 'l"okyu Govm-nnwnl. in its udoptmn of (`irerumul mt-thods or (Hpl0m~ nay. By ont(-rim; Into at mllltury nlllumtv. with um-nmny and Italy. Ju.p:m hopod to pm-vonl. :1 .shnllm' z1lll:m(-.u b('LW(`('l1 Brll.uin und thr- Unitat-(J Stutc.~:. Tho idea was to :`-;( tho Unltr-(I Sla'll.(!:~'. lntn z1(lu]) at policy 0!` ap- pt-usm1wnl., .<:imllm' to that triml by Grout Britain toward Tlmwmtny |)nl 01'v the war. But the Iclvu (Hrln`t work it was nut 4)! (Into. Jupanusv munul'zurturlm{ l`irm.~'. hnvn In the past mum .~:lmHur mls1'nl(:ulut.l0ns in (-.opylm.r, pattr-r11.'~: and xtyl4~.~; ul g.-;nn(l.~: madv in (`.amulu In urdc-r tn (-nmp-t<- in l.h(- ( lnnuclix1n market. The .1zu)nn.~sr- have :1 l'(`n]1ll`k{ll)l0 fm:nll.y\ i uhly to flntl that by thv Limo they had pru- um-ml and .~:hlm)~(| their lm1tutlm\.~: to this (~.ount1'y th<- pul,l,vrn.s' um`! stylus had r-.hung'r-(l ; and thvlr p,-nmls W('l'l` nl(l-l`z1shim1(-d. Thv s'.1|n(~ thmp; hats lmmmwrl in thvir mlm1(-.k'1m.: uf tho Ilitlvr tv<-.lmiqu-. I`hrouts zu'r~ no long,"- vr (~l`l'v(-l.'1vu~ um] thv pnnpl(- of Brltnin and tho Unltr-(l Sl.ul.-s urv sit-k nl` uppt-a1.`onw11ts. vn\_.,.., . .I..rl..H.. ..x..-...- hut Ihn _TuI\'.lhII\'l"' Ul1ll.(`(l u3i.ill.l`S NH` >1Il'I\ Ul upprum nu all:-1. 'I`lu-rv urn dvI'lnil.(- .~:ip,'ns Llml. t.h- Jztpum-.~:0 g.-guvvrnxmml. lms zllroxuiy l)r-gun in r(~:1ll-/.0 Llml. tho working up ml` :1 (llplm'n:1l.l(-. ('.l`lsls" by lnlilmiclntlnn wus :1 misl.uko. A (l(`H])lll.($h from 'l`nk_vn lust, W(`!`l((`l](l Sll|!.. _`(`S1.(!(l Llml. l.hv Uniu-(l Sl.ul,(~.: sl`ll(l :1 survey <-mmnlmziun Ln Lho Fur EH81. to study ('(il](lH.l()li. ~`. l.l1m'v with :1 View Lu lmpmvlnp: 1'r~lnl.inns with Juprm. Tho Jup-~ zmcsv p;0vm'mm~nl, will unly usv the t.1'ipli- axis ulllmu-.0 for its own (!l1(l.\' and not Lu servo Llm.a~ ml` Hll,l<-1' zlnd Mussolini. l~`lRl'2S (2/\N lllvl l'ltl'2Vl".N l`I)l) Tho Dominion Fin Commissionr-r reports that nearly 14.000 fires were (:uuso(l by tho (-.u1`(rlossm~ss or sniokvrs in Crmuclo (lu1'ln;.',' 1939, involving; :1 loss of over two million dollars. Most fires from this cause are said to orig.-,'innl.v in dW(`lHi1R'S, but 1' they happen in i':L<:torivs. stor(-s, wurolionscs and other in(2r( promises. In such (tastes the loss is ofton very high. For instmi<-.0, 11 pier fire in one of our moat. ocean ports, which was i1i.t1`ibutod to the ou1'0lcss disposal oi 21 cip,'m'et.i.v, cmlsvcl 21 loss of $7()(),()()(). In order to mnplmsivm tho m.-ml for con- stant care on the part of smokt-.1`s, tho Domin- ion Firo Commissimic-1' culled i'or the obser- vation of u i"irr- Prevention W(`(!k. from Ou- tobor 6 to 12. The following oxmnplos un- givon from many th()us11n(ls of known causes to show how easy iiries can start and tho filtill results that may follow: A Inzm (lrnmn-(l n 1-ig',:u1'-lip in :: l`llWl) hill! in in rooming`. huusv and |)1n'nv(i to (it-nth c-lo-vi-n ]n'(l})l('. . - x A In: mum-..H.. ii 1Il`nliIH'A| mi :1 1-mwh in llw I I l 1 V I 4 . I It'll UH (I l||('l|l'll l.||lll'. Ill`? liurxwd fuiully, '1`l1t!st` are tau-ts cmmmm to everyone who reads the m-wspaptws, but they are too often pussecl over us if they were quite inevitable. But even :1 (-.u..uul study of the ol'1`i(:iul fire 1`ec01'ds ralmwx that the great majority of 1'h'es are })I'(`V(`` tho Firv Con1n1is:~:im10r states that 80 per cont. 01' the fires could have been provontecl by curt-1'uinoss. p-.u'ticulurly on the part of smokers. The careles.s S!'H0kCl' has been described as the fifth columnist in the fight against fire. The observation of Fire Prev"ntion Wm-k siiouid serve to cull , public attention to the nvocl for constant _ vigilance against. this I11(`IlEl(`,(` every week and il ovvry (lay of the your`. _...., .433. _ nu. Inn -u lllllll w.-.1 The Examiner is very upprecizttive of the many kind 1`:-1`:-x'~x1(-.95` inade concerning this newspaper and utlivr weeklivs during Nation- al Newspaipm week. In tho your that lies! almad it will be` our ambition to give still better sorvicv to our 1`v-.1(lm`s and the (`um- munity. n llE;nlI\'I|(' mu. luUb_V of n hnl.(`I <':ms::-( (lmnth of full!` gwoplu. A nmkhu-1' wn.-1 lighiil ml. for ywrhnps l.h(- fi` thv rv.-:ul1 thn! shv .'u|(l lmrm-d in death. A mam utlvxnplc-d in :::mm limv lw wns; .~:m |... .\... o:.\....Iu nu l`I-le should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. When the liistory of the present war comes to be written. the name and notions of Nevillel Chamberlain will provide conclusive evidence 01' Bl'ltl.ill'S desire for peace and decisively convict Hitler and his political gangsters oi wax`-guilt. Mr. ChzLnibei'lain`s retirement K from the War Cabinet closes the last 1oop-` ' hole for any flll`Ll1(`l` attempt at appeasement of aggressors. but the love and gratitude of the British people will go with him. "Peacel hath her heroes no less renowned than war." , J. A. Mu(:I.ARl~2N, Mnnugim; Edit.-:1`; W. K. WAl..l.>;. Vice-Prv::idvnL nml Uu:.'im-.-;.~: Mun- ngvr. o _, ..._..._. .`:ZlHll' llllll Ill Wu? I\/l \.l ll ulivv by tho timt-ly :n`rnvnl 'l`wu small m-lnldrvn vvvrv p` lufl un :n kilvhvn Iuhlvn R4-$1: ...1 l~..u..II.. Council acted wisely on Monday night inl; deciding; to appeal some assessments consid- 1 ered much too low. Figures quoted at the!` meeting seem to indicate the need of such a` step. It may be that the assessor can show reasons why the assessments should be as they appear on the roll. However. seeing i that members of Council feel that the rating 4` is below what it should be they are fully jus- ' titled in asking" the Court of Revision to de- l ! I I ` I I `clue upon the estimates of value. A further step should be taken by the Council and that is to seek legislation making it compulsory to have rentals one of the chief considera- tions iii fixing values. Conditions such as we have in Barrie today impose a good deal of extra expenses on the municipality and if these conditions improve rental values it is only fair that those who benefit should con- tribute something by way of increased assess- ` ment. Should a time come when rental val- . ues drop. the landlords should be entitled to L corresponding reductions, ('ig_:n'<-llv I :.I` ': hut ll})ll'U Lu :.n'('|a sznvc-d M ..I.. , EDITCJRIAL .UlIUW. :1 I'uM)is'.h w uppe-(I ...a -.. 4`; ..II`(`|) ma rm. :1 gtnvv firv with (ma! hundrc-dth mm-, with wr lhn-v ('h|l(lr('n vw-rr` nun: us-Aug.-, uxuu-nu I nl` firmnon. pluyiiw, with rnnlvlu-:'. nvuh. nlw ml" Hwm was 44...`.-. ` uusnry (`ngiLg'H1 ill u_v Iuun vvnuiu .... u. to give up his nomucl lilo mid sc-l.l.lo clown. * When mun Look l.o farming he began not only to cultivate the soil, but. also l.o ClilLiV{lL(`. his soul. The inimclv oi` the harvest was u re- voiation to him; h(- saw in it. the working 01` the cmzxtivo laws of u divine Providence in response to his own skill untl labor. Thus it , may have boon that. [.110 first. uwakeninp; of `U. higher 1'oiip;ious sense in mun and his first. act, of worship wuss one oi` l.hzmksgiving. The story of Com mid Abel is the story 01` a primeval 'i`iiunksp;iving Day, but, its trug'edy ` has been many Lixnos rupeutocl since in the lives of both individuals and nal;ions. It. is being i*e-eimctecl in the pi'(`S(!nL wur. Envy and jealousy were Lhv prinio motives Lhul, pl`0111])L('.(l Cuin l.o sluy his brol.iiei'. and those were the` mol.ivv.~; Lhut. |)(m.~:<'ss(\(l Nazi Ger- many in tho mu1`cio1~ou.~: ul,Lack upon her neighbors. Gormuny huci much 1.0 be thank- ful for. but, hm` Nazi ivzicivrs turned the good gifts of (loci inl.o W(`1L|JUH.. oi` wur in order to satisfy their mm-(l for world power. Hitler ' n.-mi nr 1-..iI.-`mir nl` tho haves and .u nnunr nml Hn It>k(' at Hu- um br-mg ('l"lI): n(N| .1` l'iu-nlnnn .'u vmwll rt-.v.|ul1im.; |wuuu u .1\ mm- I`l:i5; u-~; without mvv lhr-ir I in m:xk.- nl mu in nu. ..v(-r in do- isth ilh mm] M"Vm_14 " H._ cam tumly I, `Hm (iormn ullu. App u...;l 'l`h|.~: 1-nnmwnt.'u'y has sumzr-.5-tm1 lur .~unnu- 1Lmr- mm If (iormnny wow lmlkud in llm invuaicm ul` HI'H:Iill slw wnul-I turn to Hw MI'(|ilt'l'l'i|lI' mm hr hn-r rwxl. his; move. 11, SH Inn U coming <~lmn'm' nnd rlunrm` lhnl. slw |.`i ulmul In dn lhhx. '| Iw qmmtmn I.`~., will .-a|n- In-gin nl lhv W(*.~'.tm'n vnd. with zm xrlm-k nn (:ihI'nllur; at Ilw mmun-, by rn-irnl'm',-im; lhr- llullnn mummi;-.n in 1.Ib_vn; nu` nt lhv l`.;|.~a!- 4-.n 1-ml. by .-:1-m|'Im; am vxpmlllnm ul` In-r own tluwn lhrnugh Ihn Hnl~ lumzs anal '|`nrkt-_y inn`: Hymn, In lulu- Hm- /. l'rum thv nlhor side`! .. 2 .....g ,-;.| `.|Il'I. lI'Ull| lI|l' IHIIII n . 3~'.p'nin mul (iihrullnr 'l`hH't- has vvrlumly lwrn l-.-:=. In (lic'nli.m lulc-ly [hill 3~'o|mIn wxra H lmnl In ('uIlI(' mm llw wan` um Hut` /\.\(I.". rlah-, um! pI'l'l||H n .`LIt`].'_|* ul (lI|n':1l'lnr, II. 1; .... ullnl-nl ah .I lI|)Wl'\ |'I. III! mu lunvv .- lII'Vl'l` za .-.ip,n of lhv llu Iluu Hm-I smvv lI.Il_v d(.~vlm'-xi Wm , while lh:-_v huvv fvll lhv prr::.~;Im- nl I;I'l|.lHh ?``|-]IlIWI`l' nll nlmul III:-II (`u:L`:l.\', lhv Hnliulm hnvv Hlllv nu- Ilm-m~4~ uv--r Mmlri(l'.~.- (It-(` Mu.~:.~`-Illlli has in In-;.[ lliilu-I` In mzukv Symm mnw Ill. and 11 lb: nu: 1-n-rlnin Ilml Hill:-r IH 1-ngvr In hzavw Spnin c-ntnr thr wnr nnw. 'l'!m1 wnulrl lI|l'1Ill zmulln-r wunk ully an :.nppm'I` lv:ai(l(.~., Hm Sp:mi:n'(I:- I . 1.. I... ..I"n I u.u~.'u- n|tI||1'|-- Spun: t-Ilwr UH` Wu` nnw. nu... lmvw in l)n- n|l'1~I`:-(1 .~:Inn<- m(hIL'I-- rm-nl [11 bring lhvm inlu Hw .~ah'|u,- p_l4-_ um! wlnlv llnly mighl. Iw wxll my, I. ulfr-1' Iiu-m 121.1`! of |"rc.-m~|n Mum;-<'n, (:u~rmnn_y hm: In 1-unmll-1' whrlln-r mm mig.-,|\ln'l ln- just Hu- n...... 1.. .I II... lo`l'lI|I-In M||I`u|l`~ lVllll'l;`(`U, \II'lllI|lII_y lhllu; in rzvnd lhr l"l'tH('h MIn`uv~ (`nus nV(`I' Illln do (inuIlz~':4 mum: So for lh:- pl'l`2~'(.'l|l Spmn .~-1-xns an l'IilIt'(L with (h~r|n:'II1y'.~: 1-un.~'c~m_ la ~:1,u_v ml, Whul shv mip.hI my 1:. ul- lnw Nu /.i .~'.u|)mm*im- supply :~:hnp.~; la, lurk Ill In-r Iumb:mr.~: 1-ilhvr .~'iLh- nl lhv Slruilr; uf (iibmllalr, In um-n:u'. l5riIi.~:n l.r.'l'fiv going Hn'nm4h. l"rzm(-a- and l`r(~m'h Norm Afrivn zhllc-r hm by nu mezm.-: gut :- firm huld ull l*`r<-nrh N_0_1`Ih Afrnm yt-I. Whilv he .-whtlm-.~; tn ).{(`1 lhI'*:v |)(.WI'l`anny~.ll'IlH'(I mlunn-.~: das- nrnwrl nlnl lIll(h'l' his (`:II:I'Ul. Willson Woodsid;-sZZ\;0We7|7T(|y War Commentary |)(.W'l'n|llAy.n`lllv'u ru .'xrnu| mu! llll(|I`l' 1hl`u|u;h H10 Vwhy (Em Wurks tmuI|li-H|'il.I.~h 5 lh- nu-m:u'_v nf Ornn 1, out of mu (Iv (;(lll'.' wt-rt-n`L fur the !'H\`('t 1 .- I... mnnlzl nnvIm\ l.l'2'l` us GIVE TIIANKS Autumn is tho smnm-1. .-u-u.~:nn nr [.110 year. ~ All the g hum nr Lhv . sun urn dlspluyvcl In Lhv dyim-; I`nl\:u.-;- n1` Lhv Lrm-.~; und Llw luu'v(*.~:l:-cl 1'u-Ids. 'l`lu- suuum-r (Hos glor- iously in ()nt.ur1n. 'l`lu- wuucls mm the .~.-cut.- t01'od t.l'(`(`.\` in Lhv nu-uduws uud ulung.-; tho highways .\`-mu In unuv In :1 flumlnp; mruwoll. Bul. It. is "Au rvvmr ( I'll sou yuu upquin) um! um. u;nod-byv." Sp1'1n|:Lhm~ ls .\`u|)])n.~u`(| In 1):` the pu(`l.'.~: st-usuu. buL Autumn vun nut,-nu1l.(-h Lhv Sprung` fm'1):-uul._v. uml l.huu.\`:ln(l.\' 01' city folk ...m hn Inl.-Inn In Ilw mu-n mud (luring; Lhv LIN llll'lll|H_Y Ill \IIuu LII nil : ....... (`.:mllr.- mum). If It wt-rt-n L the on [In-no (`ul- unix-.s' he wuuld pr<:l_)z:hly huvv ul- rtz.-dy u('('upi<-d tho rest. of l"rmn-1-, whivh it sot-nus hv must (In suxru mm-_ wnuld l'uv(- thv (.'nl(m- a hmno gnven1.r:u-11-'*t4\ loyalty to, lmwovr-r, mm much vn:~'.ir-r fur morn In ;-,4. (}4n1ll~. Mulm Moving lilll-.~ furllwr :1.Innl{. mm- imnp_\m- nu attempt by 1lu- (;(-rmmm and ltuliuns tn talu- Mullu. Appnre-ntl_y Hm l"5rit1.s'h haw- ' illI'fl;.`,ilI(`d lhu, Inn, for 11131 WI`! N Hwy st-nt I`:-in1'u:'(-a-mm:ls Un-rv Mnltu ism`! by any nxn~:am. ms. nu- purlmnl In us as It use-(I In Lw whvn it. wue. lhv in-:ulqIInI'tm`:t of mu M! (17 . um... ....a `In l.nI:n~;. gr:-:n1 nu-w |)m:- w.'n:~'. ('I'I~:m-(I :.1 /\|<'x'mr|I'iu. Sllll il is :1 vn-ry u.~:r~- l'u| huh-wu_y `nnuw fur Jur nuv;:' prnruls and cunvuys through H11 Mt-(lilH`r:am-an and um` .\ul)murIn--5 zml 1ip,h1. (-rnfl sllll upwulv Inm- iht-rv ::;,::n|1.~'l l'm- Hulizm (-mnmIm- ...i1|. I hlu:-. ....o. SOUTH }`T0R..T WNTER AHVII` ilnllllfl LII!` ILAIIHIII IVIIIIIIAHIII 1-.':tmn.~: with l.itl;y;n. Tm. R:-ul Kc-y It is Ah-xunurxu. |mw(-vex`. which is tho re-al lu-y tn I3nlz.<:l1 L-umrul H! Um M'(iil(`I`l'1ln!-(Ill, S) that-the mun quvrliun facing the Axis strate-g1-a1: is: how to take Amxundria, or at In-art make it unusublv as u naval l);I.'~:-`f 'I`ho-tix'stI!mugl1tisthut 1h`-_\ will .~=im]':|y 1'vixn'm`('u~ (ira7.iunI'~. :1!` u: fnnn l.ihv.'a with l".4-rvntn. Wlll .`HH]Il,y Il`Hll`|H('l` \lIUI.lilHl `- (haw [rum l.i-byn with Go.-rmun sllnff dirt-(-iiun, ()1-rmun plum-5 tzmks and luugh slnnn _divis'i(m.<. II mgxrns vermin that some of this wxl bu` d.nn- pmnculurly the plum; but Ih(`l'c is n with in that wurd "smu)ly." Italy muw-d her army mm 11,, Sll])[)llL`S tn Lxbyu bevforv sm w-nt in war with Britain; it would run ho an sunplo rmmor In lransh,-r ;` lurgv Gvrmun furcv, nl` tn supply :1 thmugh the British nuvul block- nrh: `\Vl`ll| ll) VVUI VVII 1 `lurgv fu` BI` adv, A -.....\.l 1!`. Ito make :'ul`t' that she woiildirt wait I S ` f to secure her supplies for the long- f S lICI\'. I Aruuiid the Enstt-i'ii End W LI our S\'2l-DOWET makes the Liliy tiii ippi'(7;l('h to Al(`xl|dl'l{l too ditYi- U t'lllL thi-n iiiw tinoiit lhtl G(`l`ll l8ll` " Iuuiiiing down through the Biilkaii: h Lllld aimtind the Eastern end of the 5` Medutorraneun? For weeks sign `ll h; Vt bt`t`ll multiplying that SllL`h ii move is being planned. in the Ow it ,iii:iii pt`l1{[l'1lllUn of Ruiiinanlu, Ir I! `Italian In(`l`l:lt`o.' of Ul`9`Ct`, the H1 lt`ll$` Axis pmp;ig'.iiidu in Tul'kt_) `'1 mid etfor:_\ ta: disariii Syria. the tall: - in the German press about the Me. ' li I-.p.tainiuii oil fields. and tlnully gt the tilliuiice with Japan Up to last week every time 1 t`oiisidei'ed this 3 plan it stuck at the same place; iti\ was bound to antagmiize Russia. 1 and how were the Germans going , l ncr time and then strike at their {exposed flank in the Balkans`? '['lit- German-Japaiiese Pact may be aim- ed. on the face of it. at the United States. but it does solve that diffi-I culty. as ii also gives Japan a lever I` with which to press Russia to stop sending supplies to China. From the meagre reports which reach 1.: from Russia these days. the Soviets have been quite impressed by Bri- tain's resistance and the growing interveiition of the United States. Gerinnny is bound to take steps to prevent Russia from .`-hiftlng over to our side. and must besides want er war now in prospect. The Diiculties Great schemes for conquering tin- Mediierraiiean and vsmashin-.2 through the centre of the British imperial position at Suez may have been discussed by the two dictators on the Brenner last week. But the conference can hardlx have been \J\Jn-n -\'-us -._._? A Illnmprlnt of the Mediterranean 'l`Iw:1lr~ M Wau- lllu Isnl my any mramx an un- rtzml us IN-Ll In whvn w:n;1h- in-ndq1nn'tvr:',nfour rum-nu I-`IN-1, and In,-lurv 1):` ml :. wx'n1':(lI'i:n. i1-:l u.~:"- I huh-wu_y mm.~v nzIv.: .|.- .. .-..-.n..uu lln-nnul. H. '1' HF. i3Al`t'f(.'|F. F;'."k'1'\MnN'I';i"u, Iitiiilliii, ` highways Lu umw Ill 2: lluIIun].', .....r.... ('I'll for 1):-unl._v. will bv l.ukmp. Lu Lhv up:-n Tlmnksglvlm; Imnduy Lu l'(-usl. their eyes upon the p;luriuu.~: pzuxvunl. nl` vulur "yellow, and black. and pulv. nml In-(`tic rvd" mu` :1 (IP- pnlmlmr army with b:u1m-rs. nu. ..a.... 2.. cl... u\\1\LI' unnu-nI\I'hII.|| lfllfl` [IN choc.-rful as the c-:n'll~r -mu wh plnnm-(I Ihv 1,-nlnqmvul n|' E~'u'um| uvin uml W4':~.'|l'l`l1 l".urn|n- `I m,'hHng wu.-< lo huvv In-mu nll -- by Imw, nml Ihn dlvvymy, up mm. In-zlc-ml H in nmmrc-nl Hml wur him only |)l'1)|)I`l'l_V hm; Thuuuh be-twm-n lhvm lln-y In; lrmlmlul Inn c--mnlrw-: un:h'I'|a they hm! tn hmhllv In urmurml :- nn H'II' n~nm!1- mmlnlum I) Ull Ll|l'll' |I"lllIuI' I l'rum lho |.{I'uWllI).`,. ra ur ol` thv mu mu-nu ('I)ll(]I|l`I'. Hull:-r hu:. :4 Innu- r.... .. Y\ln.m I-'-J. Hllllllllf; swine ul I 1-I'<-(I ul Lfll`1,{|- ll" nu-u: Hut` UH l'L'l.l, .`SI'VI'l ill Inn lmlllu-.xh:p . m-Inlly in Hn l'.nlL:n', ut Mus m nI..|. I\n...l.- -.... l'.l||,il|', (ll |||(T Ilsa-h hnmis, : :1 day I)!` n Lnunl lIIRllI\.' Exutll llln hnvv In .~'1ill in I umuml I y mm L tlwnr `.. Ihn . 'lUU1l 1 dt C;I)` uaw> Ud\l\ 800<, to the Rhodo found in South Afrxcu 1`: 1: I OIL of cilrm to keep awn n I 9 rant: cnn\.x lll mug utulg wan: uu-nu .... The ('U1ll\l.l`}' is the nm.-.L npproprh1l.v plzuze In which to -~1n~Ln':m- 'l`lnmksp;lv`mp;, Mr N. Is Lh(`l`(` Lhm, Lhv`ul mfls nl` 1`-'mvi(l(:n(:(~ are best. rvnh~/mcl. 1)uspil.(- tho c-rrutic wm1~ Lhcr of tho pnst .~:unnm-1', Onturiu has had Ll bo\mt.H`ul hxll-`Y(`l\` nl` grain and l'ruiLs and vegetables. t.hnug"h :~:mm` z11'0ns suft`orocl Lh1'0ug`h the clvluy:-cl Canada can truly say ut this Lhnv. "'I`hvu prtspztmst. :1 Lu- ble before nw in tho pmso11(:~ of mine env- mies; my (`Hp rumu-Lh over." 1.0!. us p;1v(- thanks. '45 H0 in` BY digging hundreds of tiny h` m trees. the Sapsuvker causes juries whxch in maple produces peculiarly grained wnod kxm'.\'r, birdseye" maple. In a u -. .. - A road worker who never earned more than $6.50 a week. recemly died at. Herefnrdshire. England leaving $4,000 tn lucnl hospxmls. (5 8 K5 I 1: 5. AT least 10.000 earthquakes place in me world :mnual1y. ___\.~ __ _Has your subscnption label Lhn mce "paid-in-advance" look : . 01 T.. l}nN/|`|"u`. mhllv urnmrm "nip nunllllllltll vmn, I`l'lI`l|)IIlI\/I` um-my lln-_y 1' `J f&IV&l1 m-1| mt`! m l'Zlmv::la- ..n. .1... r..I|.........` ...` -. .. .. unella. used by Jay mosquitoes. 1.: rnnr-inc ml in: D L. H5000 N ALD mw whim: Hl`uIIt|HI~ npr 'l'h.- v.ll lAI'A :- THANKSGIVING I-`OR I)l~Il.lVEI{AN(ll~I AND ("0UI{AGl". 'l`0 CARRY ON Thanksgiving Duy probably miginuted on the Ame1"u-,m\ vnnummt. with the harvest fes- tival. In tho vurly days up;ri(:ult.u1'e was the chief industry. us indoocl it. was the first in- dustry ongzugocl in by mun when he decided .,. ...a.... .m mu nnnnlll lifn nnd .sr-1.1.10 1- p aw m| I) III" :11 Hu- )l`){IIl| Imvv F if ty Yczlrs Mm I*`rom I 'l`|w Nur 5 ll Dliveris, Jin: = 7/" "> -' V .//I/.'-`:3;-2%/;A3:/>17;/.".',;//11/{-," I .41./If 1 l0l\lG DISIANCE E (N "I`HI!I'ZII I|IH'I`IC II "I` `om the I"Hl`H M Nurl,lu~rn /\tIvumu~. . .. for immediate reports on all con- tracts! Yes, TIME is the essence of all cotitr-acts these days! Efficient, fast and private in War or Peace, Long Distance Teleplione Service is doing its bit on the Home From. Day and night, Long Distance -stands ready and waitinv. CFor economy, special low rates apply after seven p.m. and all day Sunday. sunisiy H1011 {';1'(-vu iur wuiiu puwm. ALAUAKA is never tired of Luiliiiip; of the haves have-nuts," and his eyes :u'v green with envy 1 when he looks :11. Gi'u~.ii. Britain and at Russia. Mein Kumpi"' is the ociossy or a man ob- sessed by iiismw _1m1luu.k:V and g1'ee(l. There cam bu nu 'l`mLi1ksgivitig Day in Germany While Lhul. nutimi is doxnlmited by . the spirit. of Cain. Sin(`,(`.l`t` Lhnnkiiilness im- plies humility und clopviiclence upon 21 higher power and I l`0Vidt`1)(`.t`. The people of Ger- man.y-uro l111l(iP to believe t,hut. there is no higher power Lhun military` force and that Providence is pm'suiiii`icd in Adolf Hitler. To whom can i.he~ CI(`,1'll11ll\ people offer thanks for their criwl uonqiwsis oi` unui`i`miding and peu.ce-l0ving` iiutiuiis? n Hun nihnr hunt! Lhn iwnnle Hf Bl`iL&liH 9, INN) IH'Il*I|)H Iutrkzid the (.'lc.i%'jM'1nd . . . l80 lMo 51.1.; 'I'nurmIn_\, In-lulwr Ill, 1910 . A. A. SM] |"H A I:.r\x.rIl..1' 5. go--.. . .. Manager, }JUU.U("`lUVlllf.'. llllblullhi On the other hand, the people of Britain and the Empire can sincerely thank almighty God for the miraculous cloliverzmce oi` Dun- kirk and for thv 11iwoii(u1e1'2ible spirit that survived the full of I`i`mic.v. We can thank God for tho heroism of our airmen who have kept. the nggrvssor 111. buy and struck at the very heart oi` his war ni-.u'.hino. We can thank God for the inch of the` Navy who have swept every l`I1t`ni_V s1iri`:u`c` (`mi't from the seas. and for the nwn of tho nuwuimnt service who. in spite of rvpvmvcl (iisustvrs to their fellow sea- men. urn` uoi1i':ip;vo11siy ('zu'r_ving on. Above all wv mm thunk God for an unshaken faith in the ultiimitv triumph of righteousness and for an ubitiiiw.` hope` which looks beyond these tribulations to :1 bvttoi' i`ut.ui'e for mankind. Now God he thauikvd Who niutciwd us with this hour." \ 5

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