...-`__._, ` L The Examhwr suns at $2.00 and is; wufth inure. ` I -_- i IIOHIDTBG ' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Walton. wh:)' are leaving shortly to reside in To-I 1-onto. were presented with n be:-.'_.1-I Liful table and lamp on Good Fri-| (lay evening by the members of the Baptist congregutlon. Mr. Walton was supply preacher. cletuton. treas- urer and Sunday School LL-ache)` while Mrs. Walton served ln the m'gnnlzn.tlons of the church and` Sunday school. Mr. Walton gave a. farewell message at the evening service on Sunday lust. They wllli be greatly mlssed both in Lhcl church and comnnmlty. I I iAl|eged Sofe;B|o\;er i i At Elmvale Station ' I Convicted In Toronto! ..\.... , a pmr shells. I '1VL .. >ll!'Il.`. Thv ufficers said they xvcru lud Ihcrv thr..ugh ilwvrtigalivm of an uttempted safe-blowing in nu C.N.R. Station at Elmvale on Dsc. 23 Newman and his former room- mate. Gilbert Brasseur. 20. Pene- tangui=hene. were acquittcd un nu- charge at Barrie on Feb. 12. __ -.- ., :4` v nLVNl\'l.'.lCa.`\l(! smcvutms i MIDLAND `Large congregations attended zinniu-r:':11`,\' servicz-s .4`. Knox Presbyterian Church M1` `Sunday. St. Paul's United Cl\\ll"L`l1` congregation cnnculled evening sun I vice to worship at Knox. \Vht`I`\`I guest pastor was Rev. W. A. Cam-i erun. D.D__ of Toronto. superin- tendent of Missions for the Prus- hytvrian Church. gum, ansx. I Mrs. Kenneth Burrows, New- mnrket. who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. '1`. F`, Burrows, has 1'ct.1n'ned home. w.. (|l`n Lrluri In v-nnnl-O Okra! T'\u- ! |Jl|UIl~`.` Ullltf. Rev. W. Cecil Brown, Elmwood. om... gospel px'eu(:he1'. and Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Purdy. F`01'cst. On.. speciztllsts in young people's w'.}1'k land in gospel singing. are conduct- ing evzmgellstic services in the Mennonite Church for the `next two weeks. Jnhnm. Drnchuomdnn v n a .... (3UlI]lIllllllLY smgmg. Mrs. Cl1:1s.. Pllkey was lmstess on Tlwsduy uI't(.'1'n::m1, Mun-h 26, 111 la: delightful afternoon tea in honor of Mrs, J. Kirk\\'ood, New Liskcard. nnrl MI`: .1 F`iuhm- "l`m-nnrn '1hm-nu um mm, .1. xxlnswuuu, 1VL'\\ 1.1sKc2u'u.| and Mrs. J. Fisher. '1`oronLo. There! were twelve guests present. Then (:11 Thurschly 1l.f|Zl.`!'l10~{)ll Mrs. Pilkey cnte1'Lnincd at, :1` birth- day ])Zl.l`L_V in honor of her son Edward. Rvv. J. H. Stringer \\`;1sl .1 guest of honor. 3 l)c:u.h of Miss Nun Gartlnn The sy1m)z1t.11_v of the community is vxtmcieci to J. D. Garthm. J. R. Gm`L1m1 and` Mrs. Jus. McGauluy In the loss or their sister Nan. who died in I`orontu General Hospital, I'uL-sdny. March 26. The funeral was from the home of J. R` Gart- 1-.1n Ln St. Pu.L1'i(-,k's Church. whur.-` :;<,-1'vi(~e wns cunductod at 10 :1.m. 'l`hursd:1y. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wullun ! Honored Mr mm My-n A n vuunnn nahnl !l:.Vl`.ll\lV\l " J. 1. r'l|)'L'll(` UL)` .'l0L`tS 10 the prominence given 1.: Un- "pedugogic purker" owned by :1 gwyevale farmer. "That sow only llitlered 17. while I have a row 0!) my Phelpston farm which farruw- ed a litter uf 18 some full!` \\'m.`k.~ 3&0." said the genial J. '1`. "Azi a. matter of fact we got 51 pig- lets from me four sows about that tune". Payettws farm at Pheipstun is run by Horace cnarlebois. ._.___---.----------------- J.-EIHVIN WILSON. B..\`.A.. l).(). I -0S'I'E0l`2\'I'HlL` l H\ Sl(.`.l:`.l`u' Kinv Block. Harri;-1 ".`u'mpImm- 345! (Sfficv Uums---9-113. 1.30 to 5 I nnd hv :n)|u)inhm`I\( I 15 nnvmg IL relnoveu snomy. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. C. N. Johnston nml Harold. 'I`0ront,o. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk Watson. Mir nnll 1\lh-u milk 1`\nnn.- .....I .). '1'. uoner. wno is 111. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Coutts zmcl family visited with Miss Maw Counts. John St., Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bennett, It-ft 'I`lmsduy to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson. Klngstan. M1`, nnd Mrs. Ed, WhPl*l(!l'_ Jr Inous.:_- on zsomn Unurcn UL. 'l`!d Finn. Wall St. has ncceptrd at position In Fergus. Mrs. Finn hopes to join him shortly R1.-ubyn Basso has bought. Hm fl()p(?S LO _]O|l1 mm snorny Besse bought. the house on the Burkholder lot. and is having it removed shortly. Johnston] (Last W-eck's Co'r1'cspon.d:ncx:) Wm. Rnwn_ Sunnldale St.. is in Colllngwood hospital. Mrs. Innes. Mono Rond. is visit- ing her dmlghtor. Mrs. L. swluton. Mr. and Mrs. Cnln nnd fnmllv. mg ner (mugnwr. MP5. 14. SWIHLOD. Mr. and Mrs. Cnln nnd rnmlly. Brsmtfurd. have moved in to M rs. Casey's house. Mr. nnd Mm, .1, F`L and fum- Uusey S HD1190. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and fam- ily. Toronto. are visiting friends in town and vicinity. Mrs. H. Cublt.L_ Conkst.()\vn, Lu Lawn and v1cum.y. H. Cubltt. Coukstown. 1s staying with hm" sl.ster-in-lxuv. Mrs. J. T. Donal`. who Is ill. WIIU nnrl Mfrc \Nn\ f`.nIIHc nnrl nruce mmersun. mngswn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wheeler, Jr., 8!`-L` moving into Mrs. J. Klrkw03d`s housrg South Church St. I '1`:-H Wlnn w.-I. m. mm nrlnl-nl.-~:l FRUIT!-`l`,L PORKERS PENETANG J. '1`. Puyoltc ub- m-fe tn ck-.\ n.~.~..n:nnnnn dilrnn 1 \ M. to .____ , nu... ..... ..V..-... ..-.... J-.. .. ~Q.-Whut is meant by the terrn "flowering on new wuud'."` .'A.---It means that, on certain plants. this _vcnr'.< fluwvrs come out only rm slums and twigs pru- Jiuced this same yvnr. Exmnples are rose shrubs, hyd:':Ingen.<. buddie- las, grapes, L-1c. Prune these only; in late winter Ur curly .~:pring`, be--, lore gruwth bx-gins In ;gi'.'u thvm hi chance to mnko their flow:-ring: Wood for this _\jc:|1'. I IN I|n_..4 :.. ... \,.; --5-I. ANNIVERSAR" SERVICIIS MIDI AMTW J -at-an nnuun-nnwnin STAYNER Donor and mdtor Vin fur D;-. 583-89 ELIZABETH ST. 's;;:,;:.:[1{e cor s K ,3 -.'_ ;.J , ___-__ .\\ \ ._._.._-._ HARRIS MUTIIRS LIMITED Mr, wm and Mrs. Walla-1 Spit-hm-`s, Irmniv x`.luz'nin9, hum: :1fL(-1' :1 l`m'L1)i3.-,hl.`.4 virdt with hi< p,rm1dpn.1'(~nts. Many (iifL~; to Bride-l~2lm-,t A \. plvnsam. evening was .sp in (.110 t,own.s11ip hall on Fri-- day. Mm-:'h 29, when in host, of! All 1'x'!.'.-ntls gutlu-1`;-(1 to honm' Mtss Ida! 1.1".` S])i('hCl'. :1 l)1'i(ls--elect of Lllls \\'(-L-k..}1" '5` Thv vvvning was 51)-mt in (Ian:-,ix1g.?"` H M 1111- lunrh h;mr. .1215. Martin. ns-V 1! :h:1i1'nmn. invited Miss Spin-her L'.)iITIl).\'1i} Lh;- pIn11`m'm, \\'1w11 Jczm Buiv r<-.L(l!L-mm:-1 zm .'x(I(h`:*Hs and Mabel M:-Quu_\',1-_[;m{ I-I-Jon Pa.-1'1'_\v' mul Ruby B1'L9Lnw p:'r-- jnf|m_., .-2n::~:l hvr \'."11h xnnm-1'<;us and iI::<-- H H :'u1 gifls. I(l.. \'~r_\' ttingly thnnk- hf W rd h<'1- 1`1'i:*ml.-s fur L}1{'i1' kindnv. _ H-1h 1 cuuntgy nnd at \Vi<;9.ins. Spirl1m' rs zmrl :~.I I:'.* :I .~:<;'-ml timv ml, uvur v~~~!'|':-chnu-nlu nl-inu' rlmlnn- w j 'y1:1'1;11r<.-. 1 Wil.m11 I.n119.l1v~:*d, of 'I'o1"011 Lo ENz1'111n1 S1-11:11)]. is ts-:1cl1i11g` :1`. P:1i11 1l1i.=. \\'{`.(.`k. 1` I`l1:~ W.A. will meet. ln tlm l):1:'c- gnu-11t of tlw church on W0d111'.-:d:1_v. iAp1'il 10. :11, 2 o'clock. Mrs. Rig . 1 I I sri_gE~L-y will he hostess. ? 4 M:11'ju1'i- and Ecl_vl.l1:~ Wlluv visit,- I1-1l l:1.s'L \\'vek with l1`iI:11ds in 13:11-- , `.;,. H}`.'HI III III!` I)II5l`II1L`lH, OI {IT'S r'hul".'h. I'm` the x'<:t tinw .<:in"-:- H1`- v-l-:`Lri;- 1is1,htH hnv." U'.`(.`l1 ilmtznllu-Ll. ( iurdnn Johns Lnok llw dc-vnl.i`n1`' .'l`h- Christian 1-`vllnwvhip (-rnn'<~nu:`. Mrs. B}uuu,h, was: in (-lm1`g,`4- 01` I11. `m:-Mina". 1l116`!`{'~`HI]{.;` 1):1]m's \u-r<- .`g,.1v,'-n by 15!-~:2 Kins`; nnrl Wilwm \v......1w...l A mum lrnv ..n....- I... vvvuu nu uu. _;..-.-. Q.-What is mm-znnl by rln\vv1`ln::! hn old wood?" 5 A.--lt means: that lhis yr-nr`s flow-I ers appear only cm wuud fUl`m(`d' during last or previous yours. Ex- amples urc curly flmvn.-ring plants such as splrzu.-n, clupzwuml, lilac. climbing rose, f(ll'h_Vlhlil_ (to. Pl`unoa these Immediately after the.-_v blmml so they cam farm new Ul`1IlICl1l`Sb Holly Guild '1`h- Guild mt-t, on uivvhl in HI-- h'nunn1r-nl W-;I(`k's Cl )l`I'('S1)t;1l(l(!1I('I`) Bruxw-. spent last, week in I HE. GN"i`.. CANADA I W<~(Iu1v`sr1.1v l of th--:| - lhv-i L I-r\I1l'nn:n' IlllI|ll.'ll\`(' l.\ IJl'|ll}_', Ulh the :u1hn1i1iv: It: i 111- uirpm-1 ll)4)\'L`f] In .s':,nn- other cuunty. E . I I is :1 Tll/\'l` AlRl ()l{'l` /\l.l,IS'l`()N v - 'I`hvl'(- l'lllY`lUl' that is ;::>.inin;,r sin-nglh mu-ry (lzny /\irp may ly- {hm Ihv /\lIi.~1nn vmlv 1) nmst impu.~': In .bt:1in frum ww- 1-rum!-ht 11:11: (i inI'|u(`m-(- is lJl'ill;_{ br<.||;:'nt In bum` Hun In um. flHH'('l`H, in tho :v:1htni1inv. Inn (liSlx'i('I In. In(`m'm::1i(m U that `unnu- I5 is :11- ht-inu stlwlm Hm cilrn BARRIE hlllllltz the silt: s 'l`m.'1Im- Hf H1" ONE KILLEI), ONI-I lN.llIlU*ll) 'I'()T'I`FINlI/\M 'I`wu lmurs aflc-I` lhv truck in wnivh hr! was riding was struck hl`uurI,~'ih- by :1 {mi (.'.N.R. p;|s'swnLg-r train :11 XV:-mm .'{ll!~ .`('H Full:-2'. S('hUlnl)(l'l.{. dim! "I 'l`n1'tm1r> VVI->11-m Hospital. H:; cunmpaminn, Dmmltl Adair. 26. Tu!- trnhnm. was in critic-:11 mnrliliun with n fru<-(urn,-.1 skull and intr'rn- ul injuries, .,., , . _..._._. ` Q.--When is the best time to firurie a climbing rose? A,--`Prnm- when H hm: finished I\l()'l'l()N l.()H'|' [A I dun`! urn. PHONE 372 'l`lnm:d:n_v. April 11, 1949 .._.._.:__._.j:.-_. rm |_\'I:1\-/ |icl.-ns- m'l>'e-em-III. The u.. C-QM prune a cummng ruse: A.--Prune when It has finished bearing blooms in mid-winter. If you pruned it now, you wouid have no owers this summer because they come out only on canes that; were formed during the past year `or two. When pruning, cut out only old hard wood. leuving the canes, dz this and lust your which will` Hear the flowers next yum`. j i r\ 1111...: :.. .__....... 1... u... A._..... tuullllllu 1] The intcn.-av burning, itching; and elmurting, mspeui:-.|iy at night, or when the :t`<-q-.t.(-I part is ('.`(]HIS('li to strong In.-M, or hot wntn-r, um ulumat unbearable, und relief is glxully Welcomexl. ,' To get rid of m-zmnn. it is H0003 glory to have the blow] ('|(`ZlllRl`li by `the use of :1 llmrumglnly H-iiuhlv blood Iluuiivilm sun-I1 :1.-4 Tiurtlm-k Blood Hit.turs wiuivh luring Hm pus! 60 years Inna met with gr:-:ut Hll(`.1'l`,sH in relieving` Sm-ll 1iiSl`:lHl`H hy its hlnmi cleansing and puril'_ving properties. I;4un,'u. .5__..___.__ |` MAYIIIQIC M(`AllLl'lY. A. l`.C.M. ' 'l`encl\(-r of Pixmu and Thumy Or mnist St. (:uoruc`s Church 15 lhnyfiuld SL. Bnrrin enae, evznnln, or .~ commonly called. rm... :..o........ I... EYESI(`.H'l' l*'ol'l`2('l.`\l.lh'1` . 53 Dunlap S1. -Phuno 80 Hours 9-6 daily. Szltunlzxys till 10 gdmund Hardy. Mus. l!:u2., l`.'l`.().M.' encher nf Pizmu, ()rg:m, Vncul and Musical 'I`hum'y. Organist and Choir- mastu` M St. An(lruw`:~: I rv.s'byturiun Cihurch. Gnld N11.-dulist 'l`m-mtn Cun- aervntnry uf Music and Univcrz-tity ` of 'I`or0ntn, I13 Wurslvy SL. Barrie. 3 No rest, day or night, for those | nficted with that awful skin liar ease, evvmnn, or salt rlu-um us it is I 1 nninrnlivllur nu I lml nd C()1)l)SlllI)l1. Ur. uvaley wu- fbn, F.R.,.O.; Sin;zing:_ Dr, Albert Hum, F.R.C.().. fuundt-r and rli:`::ct(n`; 01 the National Chorus, '1`nrnntn;' mane, Viggo Klhl, Danish pianisul lrnest Seitz, C;um pianist. Also} eclal cuursos in 'J`umntu, New] ork, Vlrginin. otc. Pupils prepared fbr Turnnln C()llS(`l \'.'|ll)l`_V nf Musiul xaminnliuns. All 1.-r:zdr.~s. Fm` terms pply at studio, 27 Bradford St. --------:--- I 'l:l.Cll. 1\Nl)EllS()N & COMPANY I hartered Accountants, 1`rusl.ecs. etc rown Life Building. 59 Yunge St.. Tomnto L_...___ g Agonizin g ;EGZGIIIa (Salt Rheum) Pgg 61: 5 LLOYD I I\lI)I.`l"I`l\ In \Jo J-.Ia.I\aa-go l*`UNl'2Rt\l. l)lR.l'Z(`-'l`0ll AND EMB:`\Ll\ll*`.R AMI\l|I.t\N(`E Sl'2l{\I(`.I-`. I7 Ellzalu-III SI. : l'hom- 218 ,G.G! SMITH 5. co. I.`nI-nhl lulu-(I I69 >'o\Xo Ll1`aAAAn van cw- l-Established I869 FUNICRAI. DIRECTORS AND F..\IIi:\lu\lI".B.S Motor aunhulam-0 in connection 1\I'D|.`\! IIAV ANII NI(`.}I'l' uomr :uIIuumuu- nu um.-c\....... OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARBIE. ONT. |'ll0NE 82 vl(':'1`0IuAN mum on NURSE u:......:.. n.--nmhx \V.ll Hnhv (`.linic` W. D. MINNIKIN IFUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE as Mary st. : Phone 431 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Il0lIl'Il{'l` II. SMITH EYICSIC`-H'l` .1`l".(`h\l.lS'I` RR Dnnmm SI. -Phnm- H0 GARDEN vqgs Fl) NEIIAI. l)lRl`2("l`0l.l.V9 : Cllll{0;lE:(:'l`0l{S MUSIC LESSONS ice l hn:rs- 1:. Lou and by up1,~0inlnu'nt . _.:._.__._.__...__?..:._ yr1I`:-I1 IV&lDI (By John Croskland) VllJ`l'UIut\n unu-nu u. (Barrio Brulwhi Wvll I from 2.30 In 4.30 n`t'lm`k 1 npgdnv 1\ul)lit`:lliul\ for I ACCOUNTANTS OS'l`F.0l :\'I`IlY__ 0 PTO M ETR Y- u`(`lu(`K mm Inudv up . nr nurse 5 ser- . Liv dun-ct or! 'l`v1uphunu 36. Ill` L`l'l\Dl'uV llnlxy Clinic a c-\-vry Wvd- ` m1rsv's ser- 11.-:: i A.-Fr(;m late July until early September for best l'L"'l!HS. Decid- uous hedges such as Chinese elm. 'l1iI")t!n nhv rnnv hn nrnnprl ni nnv LlHlL' llllfy SUCH] LU Ill:L'(l ll. [ | Garden Notes will try to pr0vir:lc' vyuu with timely. useful informa- xtiun and cnlightenmont on your `garden problems from week In nweek as the s`ens:n1 runs its course. |Clip them for future rufurenczni lnn I I BOYS &: BOYS Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries Pub- lie, Cnnveyzmcers, etc. Money to loan nt lowest rates of "-terest. Of- ce: 13 Owen St., Milaunic Tcrnple ll-luilding. Barrie. Brunch office |Elmvnle. J. R. Boys--J. F. Woods. I FRANK HAMMOND, 13.11.. K.(`-. 0 I ] B:u'rist.or. Solicitor, etc. 1\/Iasnnic ) I`umplo B1dg.. Barrie. Money to lnzm. from '. ..11U In -LMI 0 vu n_esduy. 2\ppliculiun ` wees may bu mu 5 DR. w. A. LEWIS :lSm`gorv and Diseases of Women) 'Chicf Cm-mmr. Cnumv nf Simcuo 5 mm nu. R, N Mmmw.ngnu I ` UK. N. `V. ll()(il'2RS ' Ph_v mvl Surgwm ,.>\s Curnner. Cnumv of Simone Office and ro.~`idencv` 50 Mary S! | Phone 10] I ' L'l'b. E Q.-- -Whut znbnut. pruning vinc:='. i A. - Rvmuvv :*tI'u;:;.{ling growth rand woody stems that are `(.`VL'l`- [all yours uld. Prune any t"lnwL-ring: vine imnwcliutoly utter it blooms. l'runc :-ny fruit-bean-ing vine ru- th(.I' st,-vvrely this month lApI'il?. because it bears fruit only on this year`.-' wuud. us do grzlpvs. ().-J-Inur f:n- hunk uhnnlrl I nI'IInl| Unysncmn and S\ll`L (.`()D 39 Ox-w-n St. Ph-mv 1015 fOt'ficu Ilourst 12.30-2.00; 6.30 9 pm. 'L;nlCI coroner. unnmv nr Snmcut - and nu. R. `N. MacPllERSON | ! Physician and Surgeon I 5 Phunn 61 : Office--~58 (.`nllivr` Si , i1}.30-9.30 n.m,. I-3.00 and 630-8 p.rr. I ` DR. VV. C. Ll'l'l`l.E r`\ss`.0cinte Cnnmm`. (`.uu'~tv of Simcoo . and DR. A. I). GRAY Phvsir-ixms nnd Surueuns TOffiuv. 47 NIm)Iu Ava. 'h-luphmw 213 Office hours: 1 to 4 n.nL. 7 to 4 9 p.m., or by uppnintmvnt. ylfill 5 VVUUU, {I5 UU Kl iIpl'.`.. Q.~-Hnw fur buck should I prune illydrungsm .~:h1'ubs'. A,.,.("n0 :.H` nut-rv 4-nun In.-nrinxrl u_yuxuup:t.-u ulluua: A.-~~Cul off every cane. leaving: nnly two or three L-yes on the bimo of ex`-ch. This nmkvs for more -.rigm'nus growth and lnrgvr flow- ers. Rule applies to both h. pun- icululu gr. and h. uburescuns. C)- hnn H11 hum! Hvnn in iv ICIIIHLU Kl . UH ll. ilUUl't.':L'L'll.\. ` Q.-Whun is the bust time in lprunu Ur shape up evergreen hedg- |(u-`I .`nir'vea_ ete.. muy be pruned at any ltime they seem to need it. : .:1r1lpn Nnh-c will Irv In nrnvirin: LIULIS IIULISCD Sllllll i:.\ L,llIllt,'bL. L'IlIl.l lI()ltA()I WILSON. A.R.C.(). Furnu-rly m`p,:Ini:;l nl Cullu-r St. Unitvd Clmrvlx and Mmlnm Em-` miu Wilson. will mun u ::lu(liu fur] the lvuuhin-,_: ul` pizllh>_ vloculinn. singing and drmnnlir url. I-`nr pur- ticulurs Plum. 598. CAMERON as CAMERON I BARRISTF.RS_ SOLICITORS, ETC. '5 Owen SL. Barrie : Telephone 406 MONEY 'I`O LOAN UAHKlS'l`hJl{. soI.1CI'1`0R, E 1`C `Masonic 'I`mnpl-, Building. Barrie ! MONEY 1`O LOAN J. A. C0ltBE'I"l` Notary Public. Csmvc-yuncer. in- cluding drawing of wills. deeds, tn`- ;r:mgim.{ 01' loans, Mu. Insurmncu of `:11! kinds. Eecutnr. Adxninistmtnr and Trustee. Thnrntnn. Om `* DR. N. M. LAURII-2. L.M.(:.(r. ' ` Phullv 200. ;Ph_vsiciun. Disun:<- of Childrvn. in- 3 turnul medicinv and nm}m` surg<~ry.. 'Officv: 30 Owen St; Other and Ros I . ; Inc. .I. II. N. SMITH I C Physician and Slll'I1t'l)I1 , ; Offlcw Owvn St, at (`nllivr ' |Officu Hnurs: l.3()-3.30 7-n.:m p,m| [ Phone 700. Rosidunco: 4'7 Cullier St | ` I ; DR. GEORGE`. (`. SI-`.YM0UR ; Ph_vsici.'m and Surgeon ;Office and Ros`dunce-. Cornor Eliza- fhath nnd Turnntn Sts.. Phmw 140.` znursr 9-H) u.m.; 1-4 pm; 7-9 p.m COWAN & COWAN Barristers, Solicitors. Cmwoynnceru l Notnrivq Public. etc. ` VIONRV vrn rnnm l.i!\Htlb"1'l`Jt(, ;Mnno_v to loan 1 I DONALD F. Mac1.AnEN.. BA. BARRISTER. SOIJCITOR, ETC .NIl1S()nIL' 'I`nn'mh- Huildinrv Rm-I-in DR. E. G. TIIRVBIILI. (Graduate McGill University) Office and residence: mrnvr Dunlap nnd Puyntz Sh. Phunv 105 H 3 1 ours: 9-10 .'\.m._ 1-3 pm. 7-8 p.m I J 030. R. & I<`.I.SIl'I A. BURNS. l)'s.C.* -Liccmu-d l)r1u:l1-as I`hv1':|pisL< Fleelric. Rzuliu. Hydru nnd ', I\ I(-ch;n\n 'l`|u,-rupy : B2_A Dunlnp St. Phunv 40| MONEY TO LOAN . Officr-. Masonic Temple Building. ` 17 Owen Street. Barrie i Ale-xandur Cnwnn, G` A. Ross Cowan R N0l:'l1'll`< l lll)ll(.`_ GIL`. l llli. \Vl\|-'l"'lK II. Wl)()l)RO\V ` I Orillin. Ontario Eve`. Ear. Nose and Throat. Spocialis! ` 3 Will be at Queen`s Hntvl. Barrie , Saturdays. 8 am. to 12 noon. emunuuy evening. Details at offences were as fol- lows: 1 Fraud. one, two years: petty thefts, three. um: wnrrnnt issued. twu no clue: thvft nf auto. une. nn Iclue, uulu recovered: breach L.C.A._ '20. all cunvlctcd; breach H.T.A. five. convicted: breuch Bylnw 270. one. dismlssvd: breach curly clos- ing bylnw, three. nwailing lrini: breach butcher bylnw. one. can- lvlclbd; pt-Hy ('urnp'}\inlS. 16. all |:1lteud0d to. Total, 53. I this your to NPR Fines and costs totalling $100 were collected by Barrie Police De- partment during March. according to the monthly report or Chief of Police Alcx Stewart. which was presented to the Town Council an {Monday evening. I Tlnfnilc nf nffnnnn: mm-tn :1: (ul- Fines and Costs $100 I I I I Collected By Police DUNCAN F. McCU./HG. K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ET` Mnnvv In lmm ' Rncc Rlnnle Raw VVALTER C. SLACK. B.A.. BARRISTER, SOLICI1 OR, ETC. M()lI!`P Rlnl-k Flmrin ICAJJA AA \a\IAtnI\rLV Q The Vvrsatilv. High Class. Hum urous .'_`nlev~Iuim-r. fur ynur nex Lodge or Church or other E21- tertainment. Illustrated Circu- lar FREE. Address 628 Crawford St.. '1`nroni.o. 10th c &% VVON DR. H\`.'l`F.R H. Wl)0I)R()\V Ol`illi:l, Onlnrin vices Inuy no ihltluh dnclnl`. l`.LIUKl'.' n eusy wuy to find articles lost > advertise in The Barrie Exam- Classifieds. One cent :1 wurd 1 (minimum. 25c). I). L. H. BlGEL()\V 1 hy. and Suxmn.-on NIH Rf. Ph-nun Hlb"1'l`.'H, SULl(Il'l UR. Monro Blnck. Bmriv DR. N. `V. ROGERS PhV nnri Slllvmnm DR. J. H. N. SMITH phV_~`.iI`i:|n zuntl .'\`nrLn-an DR. `V. (T_ LITTLE in (`,nrnmn- (`munhx 11' ` MEDICAL b('ill` nvxt yv1us l'lm-/- LEGAL "T::_ 1 JESS ."'. R. BRYSON r Organist and choir (lirc-elm`, Central United Church. 'l`vm:hux' of piano, singing and mzssicnl thecry. Miss Brysun has had extensive training Ollth each nf ihv fulluwing well- Ifnnwn n1L1sici;nz1s: OI`L:;m '1`h(-nry nd Cnmmsiliun. Dr. Ilvaley Wil- fim ER. ._().: Simzimt. aumL.'1'1'ux(. ` Ross Block, 1;. ETC. , Barrie lunna on Mommy mtemoon last. Congratulations to Duncan F`. |McCua,lg_ BL|`1'lC, who begins his 'second term as Liberal . representa- 'tive for Simcoc North in the Fed- `srul House. 'Phn l.nu'n nmunnn (`Ink ..u,......u l`L`i'lIl HOIISG. The Lawn Bowling Club closed their winter season with a social `evening on Tuesday last in the Orange Hull. Euchre, "500" um] (luncing provided (vzitwtainnicnt. Mrs. Wm. Coutts, Mrs. W. G. Ross and Mrs. T. F. Burrows at- tended n quilting of Zion W.M. Society in Sunnidaie Corners Com- munity Haii on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. N. McAliistex' are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler. After an extended holi- day. Mrs. McAiiiste1' has resumed her work as operator in the tele- phone ofiice. Rvv W (Tar-il Rrnum Filmu,-nnrl llfbll I'lR.`(l HOHIL`. We are glad on report that Dr. Hurry Murphy was able to return home on 'I`hursdny last, and is im- proving, though slowly. Rev. Robb. Graham was snnnkc-r pl`UVLHg, Lnougn SIOWIY. Graham was speaker at the Easter thxmkofYering meet- ing of the United Church Mission Band on Monday afternoon last. Conszrntulzmons tn nun:-nn 17- two weeks. I Jubilee Presbyterian Y.P.S. en- I tertained the Y.P.S. of Elmvale and their minister. Rev. C. G. Jones, on Monday evening last. After the (lcvotimmi part of the mvvting. Russel Milt]lt'I`S provided :1 ve1'_v tine prugnmi of games anti 4:mnn1unlLv singing. Mrs. Ch:u<, Pllkvv wnq hlwlt-cc nn l Aubrey Newman. 20-yeziruuld Tu-` runlo slipper nmkcr. was fuxmdi guilty Tllcbdily by Judge Jana-.-9`! Pzirki.-r ii. county criminal cuu.'l.` in '1'ur:ml0. uf knowingly "1kl\'lH;' nxpl(i.~:i\'o:.' and was rem-in(l('L`. in (-usludy until April 8 for ~`.(`llIl*Ht'-'.`.' I ):-int-Hvn Jnhn Nivnrnn nnrl Dru. Cllflklll) lllllll f`\}J| ll 0 [U1 `.K'llLl'|.'L'.' Detective Juhn Nimmo and Pm- .vincial C William N. Pu.- gs-x'.~t_ Elmvnlv. told cf finding an hm- tlc cm-tuining mun` than an (.u:wv |,f nitru-glycarinu in 1; fruit biw- kvl nuih-d to the shingles uutsidu the window of Newman's attit- mum. un Jun 2. In an attache Clst`. they said. they found :1 591 M li- 'crI1.~'v p|uh'.~'. a drill. a Hashlighl. a pair of gloves and some shutgxm she-ll.< I i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I Lorna left, F'x'lduy by 1 Snrnln und Milwaukee. I gina, Snsk. Mrs. Kvnmtth Rm-rm: I VVHLSUII. _..`_.__.._._____.___._._.___. W. G. ANI) E'I`IIl'II. Mt!KiNNI'IY I ` I).C.. Sn.(`.. |).I).'I'. : `.`h_iropr:wtm's& !`)rn;'.lv<.< 'I`hvI`:lpists 70 Essa Rnild. 1\ll:mdn|- . Offiuv and lh-:4. Phumv 891 Office hr.-4., 1-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. ` Consultation in-v. Fun! aulitustmmlsf ---?--T- V