Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1940, p. 14

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I Mrs. C. Noble is improving IIICMV at the R.V. Hnspiiill after her r-u~nl. serious nccidtmi. | ` Mr. and` Mrsz A. H-vynlun ll:l\" been in Midland. Mich, fur Hm ;.;\.~':5 week due to lhv nllmaws and lv:uI.h uf ! the l'01'mvr's :~'i>'.l.(`l`-ilI-l;1\\', I\lrs, l. ` I Boynlnn, there. E W(N!K5' xunougn. Wunbhcr fair (Apr. I I: U'lll])['.l`:l- ture {IL 8 41,111., 16 u bnvv; I`01l!lS hozwy. I7! nnrhv Hnrrnw is vir his snsucr. Mrs. u. U. uu.<.:,m1. Mm. T4-xmy. Wll1])i])(,`). .'_ spa-ni. Hu- wcckvnd with Mrs. J. R4-u(lmun. IVIlll`l'n._V and Jl`:Lll Amos. Edm- valv. spent the E2u~:L(,-r holiduy with Mrs. Douglas Rendxnzm. R. Craig. Barrio. is spomlinu u few (lays on his farm lncn-.. Mrs. Pitt. 'I`01'r)nto. 1'eL1I1'n4-,d tn the r(.-ctory on Monday. Misc H:-hm Phin1ish~r, N4-wnm.I'- LIN,` l'(.'CLUl'_V O11 lVlUll(lH-_V. Miss Helen Phimlstvr. N4.-wnm.r- kot. is bark in ('l1m'u,c of Mu: s<~l1nni nftor the,vr_ hu11dn._v. 1\Ilim_- Mlillin Tinnn Ruru-in unit 11!. new. Newly-Weds llmmurod There was a. very jolly party in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening` last. when the friends` from the seventh to the eleventh lhn-:4 gathercd to pay honour to Irank Jones and his `bride. Irving Imb- ert.s0n read an zuldress and Edz.-.2u' Thompson, on behalf of those pres- ent. presented :1. chest of Cummun- ity at silver. Mr. Jnnes thanked the friends for their kind expres- sions of 1,:o0d\.vill nnd the |)eautl~ fnl gift.;:` was en_ioye(l till the early hours. Don`,-.. R,ohlnsnn and his orchestra supplying the music. Mr 1| lull NI ru I' A K-.|urv1I1' mu-, um n.n.swr_ n<)uuu._v. Miss Milli:-. Dunn. B:n`ri4~, hmno dnrim: tho w<'<-kund. Owing to tho bad mm A mu-uh-n nl -nun-nrl fur Q! T1 1101110 (lllflllll Lll(`, . m'r;n1g<-d pnst.pm1o(l mo w muninn at St. I : Jmnos. 5.4-,r\'1('c at `at, , 3.30 pm. nun. u. .u. nunmn m vmnmnu. fl'i4:|1(ls in 'I'm'<)ntn this wvok. The Misses Rix spe-nt. Lhv Ea.~;to1' wm'k<~nd with thvir p,rumlnu)'. Mrs. McKay. Elmvulo. Thu \A/nmo-n'u Tn will nu-M. AVIFS. Nl('l\El_V. l1;ll11V&ll(`. Thu Women's Institute will nurot. :11. Mrs. W. S\vllw\r's on April 9. This is n. l)I1sin0s:~: 1m`ot,ing and ovm'_v mmnbor is lll`L'.l`d tn fnttonci. R011 (`zI11-Hint.< on How -LI. Im- prove Institllto Mo(.`t'1nL:s." Paying of rm-s and ('l(>(-Lion of omcnm. Mrs. A. E. Pnrt,x'Id;.u- 'T`hn Riucanu Yliv mu-no Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart. :t.rnl.hrnv. worn wppknnd vlcllnrc at srznntrgcfmusrs ` MCRAIGHURST CROWN HILL fI3fi Lno W(`(`Kl!l1(l. g roads, the rod for S1,, Pnul`s 1:; - vcw:k. Holy Unm- ,. Pr-t.vr's ll a.m.. St. 2 p.m.; St. John's I'. A. Suwyt-1' nra-d visitim: uk vv Inn A: anuun. Chris. Bmvcimi has sold his farm in the Hollows and expects to mow- into this village very shortly, with his wife and children. Q Our road to the highway is still: closed. even though water in ponds} is lying over the land. 1 `Miss Parkin. of Torontn Normal 1'1 iss Mi ld rs-t` plcasznl t. En stv I` with friends. 15 xymg over the 18.110. 1 `Miss Parkin. School, is spending a werk with` Mrs, J. Baker while nbscrvimz. and teavhim: in our school. , The VPII, mm. at. Ros`; N(`iHV"\`I teacmncr m school. ; The Y.P.U. mot M Ross N(`il1y'S' with just. nine members pre-sent, Tho meeting was In charge of mm devotional convoner. Scott. Neillyg read one of Beverly Baxter's Inn- duu letters on Intornatimml ah `fairs. The pro-sidont, looked garter. the` business of the meeting. Hop-5, wow o:\'nress4-d'tl1at. mad condi- tions would be Va.-st.1_\' improvr-d be- fore the next meeting. x 1 i I ITEIUNO TOWER TORONYO Miss L._vn-a Boll spent a few days last. week with her g1'andn1m.hex`.! I Mrs. J`L~'., H111. Elmvale. Mr: t'\nlnh l(nn.- visit;-4-I 12:03 weekend. Miss Grace K911 visited with aunt in Tomnto during Easter cation. Arfhnr WI-mzmnn and Kan Hun ______. 1 Early copy in news or advertising] is appw*r:imor* I vmn ms cousm. nenneux Adney Howard. Orillla. friends in this community - weekend. Mk: !`.I'nnA Y(n1`l vlclfnd 1 Mrs. ans. mu. mlnvatc. 1 Mrs. Dolph Knecshaw visited lasti week with her sister. Mrs. Frank, lDuwhc-r, Barrie. ' Dn)-H Rail cryxnf Wu cfnr \l'tIl-bl! | uuwnor, nax'ne. Robb. Bell spent, Easter weekl with his cousin. Kenneth Bell. . Arinnv H n\1'n rrl Plrlllln vidfnrl I canon. I Arthur Freeman and Ken Hughes' were in Toronto one day Iast week. __._. a ZAE LL.E}_" S BIG BUYS For the Fashion Right and Thrift Wise! ZELLER S LIMITED Unconlltlonally Guaranteed Cream Squares, lb. Licorice Allsorfs, .. `.1 JUNIOR TSpeTcZia| Salted Peanuts, lb. `Peanut Butter Krunch, lb, Chocolate Coo ted Coco Cream Balls, lb. Fresh Cakes, lb. 'I'inu- was when :1 Hum!- F|'n('k wins` just zn }mu.~=(- with two st-mus: down thtr side and :1 hull, nruunrl 1hv mirldlt-! Bu! tmlny. llu-rt-`S as much (lash In Hmnv Frncks (Is to nwru formal nul.fil.:4, Hnrl uflon much mnrv (-f- ft-(rtivu |)5IH(`l'llillL{ and (enl- m` blcndim1_ Suv um :15- I(,'(3llv(.` p:n,u-rnlng mm cm- blending. St.-0 um` 3:5- : nr lubfznsl. bt-:m- Hfnlly sl.ylvrl Frucks for HI. hmm-" hunr.-4| Vmrll HlllI|_V SI.yl(`|'l I`l"ICKS l('|' hmm.-" huurs! Ymrll want In own st-vt-rul b(`(.'JllSv) thr-y are sn up- ponlimz. Many trimmed with while pique or 01'- ;.:`:nn(li(-. 'I`hrift-prit:('d! In Hw p:mur:unu of Spring l"H.<,hiIms, Lwn typos Hf (-nuts urv pI`runinmIl.: slim-fittin[.{ mm!- uls with n tum.-h nf military dash; graceful sw:u4- gm` mu with novvl detailing and casual snmn-Int-ss. Sizes and 'L-uluurs in such vast var- ivly that _ynu`rc practically certain to finrl what you are Iunking for, in this 'I`hrifl-priced (`,1-mp, [,:mIr . . . Hm ]H`i(.`I? is only $.')..')5. 1939 (ihov. l)ol.uxv (`touch 1939 (`hvxn Muster (`mu-h 1939 Ford IN-l.u.\o (Toupv. lwutvr and radio I939 l`l_\'m0uth Sedan I938 l)ml;: 0 (`mlcll I938 (In-v. (`nuclx 1938 l`I_\'nmu|h ('u;u'|1 I937 (`lu~\'. (`mu-II I937 l`|_\'nmuHI ('o:u'I| 191:6 l"m'd (`mlrh l9.`Ni (`In-\'. (`nzwll I936 ('lw\'. .\'l;m(l. Hmlun l9IH Oldxnmhilr Smlsm I937! (`lw\'. IN-l.u.\v (`mwll I931 l"m'(l ('u;u'|l I931 l)ur;Int. .\'v(l.'u| I930 (`lw\'. .\'a-(l.In I929 I'unli.'I(' .\'t-(lull 1926 ('IH'\. (`uncll Peanuts, lb. FROQKS SPECIALS ON OUR CANDY COUNTER % 7FIT-INNELLS Bright, Tubfast "At Home" GrLFdRbf Fashion Right MISSES MATRONS -at "2 Si'I.(,'s M to 52 .4 -9 Hill? 1311:? .'3'i2v.s' I4 In 20 (,'()I4OItS: BI,A(.'K. NAVY. RU.S'E, TE/11.. Si.:w.s' I3 (1) I9. ('(.)I.()Ul\'S: NAVY. I1`US!'.'. HLUIG, (v"\'E";N` TE/`H. (.'()I,()llR.S': NAVY HLUIC. IJL/|(.'K Evert/.n1 spent. .1 W('`k in Toron In COATS 19c lb. L", Inn .\l.|plq- l.(".I|. l0II_`.`, \\'lu-vllmsr l93| (`ht-\'. (lump truvk ---::zu:-u 5 Harry C. Mann visited in To-' ronto. Brantford and St. Marys `during Easter holidays. | a Mrs H, Flt-rtram and Miss I. uurmg R`1EL'5lL`T HOIIUBYS. | Mrs. H. Bertram and Miss L.. Wiiliams are visiting in Windsor. ' Mrs. I. Lavender is home again after six weeks in Hulsdale. Ewart Bertram spent Easter Sunday in Windsor and was in Toronto for the holiday week. Mist Flnra Vmimz and Mrs` .1, ` IUFUTII/O U)!` L Miss Flora | Handy spent. I 25c 25c I5: I5c _ I5: l7c At Zeller s Thrift Priced! CLASSIC F ELTS 1.49 A legal Investment for Trust Funcis What vvvry wnmun knnws is that I":-ll llnis mv ('l./\SSl(.'S! They are lilxw-It-.s`1.:d favmu`it(:s! TIM: l`('3l.`lHl i.~ n przu-1i<';nI mu! St.-usom: draw nu boundary line for F`el!.s'.' Sc.-lm-I u l><-mini!!!-{ slyylv in your most useful colour and wmn` it, ::prinL:, summc.". full and winter! Sue Zcllc-r's assnrtmrent! I`hrift~pI'ir`v- Huvn your chnice,` madamt-,, Bf C';nnz-lsur-do . . Sll(.'(]i!l(' . . . . Pigtex-grainCd,keI'z:t()l . . . . t'|n|m:~::x('(l Cnlrcttc! Now.-I effects! Colours: black, navy, rt-ti. turquoise. (lusty pink_ rlusty blut-. 7.L-llcr-pricvrl. un tlxvlx L IJIJKJKJ VLJAJIIAVLJAJ KILVAJ A um; All - BY CHAMPION TESTER SERVIUP2 OIL CHANGED-4 quart. capacity. E-ATTERY CHECKED AND TESTED CRANK CASE FLUSHED '1'II< IS INSPECTED TRANSMISSION AND DIF`F`EREN'I`1AL CHANGED RADIATOR CHECKED PINRKI` I'M f\D (" If T 1 '7.R"L13? ii: I71 j CHEUK CHART LUBRICATION SPARK PLUGS CLEANED ANI) 'I'ES'I'Ell I-117 r1I`fAllI'IYI\\` H-\r.1nrrvr:-rm {`I ."I"|1I1l'l.` '3: COME IN--OR CALL 1563-R WE CALL FOR and DELIVER tr-an nan---vn nUnTo1:J"z;vE'1~:-n; - - ' - ' "SERVICE OUR MOT'1`0 - COURTESY OUR PRIDE" PREPARE YOUR CAR NOW FOR SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING V gun spncuu. I ran) rv IA I` IVFSI ) rvnvhtrxy nAL%smu% SHORTS 44c `Ship:-d pntu-runs. 'I uh{;r-:l mu by no brnmlcluth. run` cut; and made with seam- less crotch. Elastic band -aL.;waisL ,`Sizes-.32 .-'to~42.- Zcller-priced! Ecru halbriggan (:umbinu- tions in sizes 36 to `H. Rnund neck. Short sleaz- nrl nnlllr`-J:-nIJ`H-1 hnilnn, On Juurunlood Truul Coiliealu nnunu nec-K. bnort sleaz- vd. ankle-length. button- frnnt type. Zcllcr priced. MEN'S COMBINATIONS Men's and Boy s Wear HAND BAGS {IM McBRID_E 2-7 LOOK 4-` Cnf` HOIICIRY WCCK. I-N u'HHr2 un-I.V- Young and Mrs. J. ' the holiday in 'I`o- Subscribe fnr'] "Warrendale" Mak-; Broadcloth '3"-8 5YI.,$T`N 7897: -C-0IPORATlON us`-an . i.*.x Vrmu. ()slw1'x1:- is 5|. patient in tho R..V. flmi1;u.I fnllnwlng an opt-ration lust. S:mn'dn_v, We hope ashe Inay slwn rm-mu-r. I ..; .,... ,,,. "A>:l>A` .-_. -v-ru I\lV`|. Misses I_nm:~ and Daisy boverimz, `.L,()v4-ring. arr .s|x-nrlim: 11 few days. "with Mrs. R/`X Wat..wn. Texas W;-harm. who had one arm brokvn in two plum-s when he got, caught, in a shaft. M an engine. is doing nic:-l_v. a uni rnnt0_ Iu_v und skied tn Mulhurst l days. n1:. .. n......._ rx. |_.... ` SHIRTS SHORTS 29c Mt-nix` Alhlr-Hr: white rnbhml < mesh, in aim-2 French Slmrls ribbed _(-nttcm with-' "`I.:n. '- in civr-u R0 0:. ShirL\" uf mnnn or Im in -12. of whim `('r:Hm ur rcsh, I.:n.=I(-x --waistband in si /.(.-s 30 in 40. Shorts of pznttrgrnu-d brnmlc1rzt|1 with balloon swrls; clas- tic inst-ris; xi"/.4-u 32 In 40, Shun`! ~:<|v-c-vv Balbruzunn in ' ll|K` `)4 BOYS COMBINATIONS Thursday,_ April 4, 19!; 334% ~ l_UWI] [HIS WL'(.`K. | Robins and song spnrrnwzs h:.vo- b`een numerous all week 1,-Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Bnnlh v,-,.-rc in Hamilton over the weekend. _ Mrs, W. M('l'-`ndrlnn nnri I`-Amilu um I 39c H) J&, '-|n`u-1-rl, nml Nnrv-no Handy lnlrsd for their holi- r The Examiner. km'v-|-n),'HI Hrnhlnnl inns Z92` Rumm- -rl wr-rv-nn handy holl- .49 .\u~lm l'.\m-I ABOUT ALLANDALE `PHI 'I`IH'(`KS Inn haw- !` p;I. I (lv:Il.h I\`lrs, _.1. S n It I I $ Im- mu uf |`r('~hylvI'i.'IIl l u'l.\`l(`I` l|l?ll1K()H(` Ihv W.M.S. of I Churvh t Vlll ihp .\'('|\tm| mum on Mrs. (`_ (S. .InIw.< of El: :1 \'vrv im4piI'im.{ F.n. {II.~ Mrs`. W. kmnwdy and I Kvnn:-rly I~`.'1llL :1 duet, p|vn. manna-r. vlnsimz prnyvr by thv Ml`<, N. It I ). Sinvlnin hour wzxs spout in aftmw |I|\ .1\v\.|L |_y -x...-...;. A "Jitnoy" Ton. ! 'I`hu~ |:v(li(\:< of Essa Road T 1`esi)y- 1r~ri.'m Church hold a rather nnvul ijnlm~,v tvn" an '1'u(`sdu_v afternoon `:11 thv (-hur('h s(:hu<)lrnmn. 'I`.I. <-;:!;:l)lv.< \vvrv .~'(.-rvud in grout van"- livly and tho price sci at five cents` gm` :1 "jiLnuy in Americanesv. Ex- 1r~llvnl vv`.'|lhm' nlso helped to mtlkv |Ihv vvvnl :1 succcssz. i L .L.r..| v....:..... Successful Emanu- /\ wry su(:cnssful euchre was hvlrl in St. George's M(`mm'i;Il Hall on 'l`hur:~'d;Iy with 11 tables. Mus. J I .r.'udlvy s1mn:mro(l the (`vent for tin . W.A. nf St. George's Church am` i:~'lIp])ln'(l rvl'rosl1Inont:~' also. 1 r3;'.c {wnm~r.~: \vun~ 1\ lr.x'. H. Tomlin, Mm `PL Ynrk. l\/11`s. C. Thnringmn, W ?lV|innikin. .l. Kivvl and W, Hngazm. Il`r(-slnytoriun W.M.S. Tlmnkoffcrilux 'I`h<- [In. llmnknffvrim: nwa:t- mm: Fissn Road :|`rv~hylvri.'m tank place in March 25!. ;Mr.~'. Elmvnlo gave F.a. |nvssz1};o. Kmmvdy Miss Bessie il{vnn:-(ly min: in their u.~ After the thv- prvsidonl. `Mn. :1 happy ` hnur wnc sznnnl in :ul`1r\rnnnn inn Enrlsmn Doe has returned tn lKirkfield after spending the Easter ivacutiun at his home here. Allnn Ynnuuwn -nu-I cnnu Dnknu-I Frank Johnson left yesterday for l|n1'n(`pzIyn(?42IflC!` 21 weeks` visit at his hnmn h(`l`(`. lI'UL CHL VISHUFS wun FCIHLIVCS l'\(3l'L'. I 1\l[.- and T\IIrn `Dnhuo \Iinlre n\nunrI illlllll 0VL`l' LHC W(`.CK(`H(l. ' . Mrs. E. Mel -`addon and family we I i_`ted with relatives in 'l`m'uu1u lust Week _ Geo. Lnw. Orillin. snout (hm \II.\llvII ` .d<-nvv an Brndfnrd SL. .11-uninrl In Alhnrl [)I|'d.`llI]{ IlI?IlIlIl'I. [1Ill,'l' IIIU thv- D. aI`tm'nunn ten. Real lustato Moving Rvnl n`.\`t:Ih` has started to n'mvr- wlth lhv spring. Neil G:1ll)r:II!h will move from Orillin to his `.esi- how occu- plml by Mrs. W. A. Jenkins. whu \\ l lnkv thv house at, present 0'.`- Hnnrinrtnn liq.-::1 -vacauun 211. ms nume nere. Allan Ingram and sons. Robert and Kenny. of Turunln. have been lrocent visitors with relatives here. E`:--nulr Inlnmnn Info unclnu-Iluu fnr jinx nnmn h(`l`L`. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vicks moved em Monday tn I-Iornepnyne whurr: iivlr. Vicks was transferred recently i with thv C.N.R. mud department. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright who irnturnccl recently from Field. .l3.C.. [have been Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. McQundc. Mr. Wright loft this weak for Nnrandn. l\'1rs. J. Blevins. Brudfnrd. return- Vvd homo un W(`dll(`5dly :il'lvl' n |\vm~k'.< visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. |.I:tnu\.~'. (tmvnn St. I-{nmld Jatmvs of VVimism- was nlsu thvir gtlost nvvr . Oh. uvnnluuul ` nu-vuuu,m_,.u nu uunu. uu-nu-_, S1-v`_\'. l,ln_vd Merrill of the Y.M. (`..I\. rvlurnod homo on Monday from :| munllI's stay in 'l`m'unlu (lmloml llnspilnl and is still rm.- fmvd In lwrl rhul. um [pg injury. I`(` sull,im.: from :1 rn;:l)_v accident smnv *_w:n'.~; ago, is doing nicely. 'l`lw lurllos of Group 2 of tho l'luI'- .lnn An-. Unilvd Church W./\. as an zvxpn-runvnl. pm. on n rummngs snlo nu S.~mmln_v in tho vncznnl slurs` of !C. W. l`nu('l1-r and were agreeably Isurprisvd nl. the S&IllSflI(?l0I')' rc. lvlnsl nf lh(- greatly :L\'snrlo.'l slack .w:Is scald nnd .1 nice sum l`f,`illi7.L`d lnr `lhv sncioly funds. a nu. `\\ l|l `x-Imiml v 1 l l I l.`ll{l' by HM` ll(HlS(,` ll L /\lbv1`l Henderson. ])l'L`.`\'Clll. 11', Essa lln;1(l. The lutlvl` has purchased the lmuw nu (`.rv`1\'illu~ SI. :nd\verli. for .~`:1l(` last week by Mrs. Nixon l, Hurst. and she has purchased from ` P. H. PlnClg'.x`m1 lhe collage on Gow- nn SI. next In his own residence. lIn,iny(-d New Lowell Play /\n1:m-1n` plays presented by ynum: people M the smaller rural IHIS HUHH! llL'l'L'. Mrs. t r -nu-I l\/I :-c Iull|llll`5. KIUVVHH Cl. 1 Iwindsnr | the \\'m`lu`nd. .u. .. - .- -an u. . I\\ ..u. i Allwrt l.inus is off duty Ilurmuzh 1 lmunpulllid fr;wlur- of the loft nrm |I1\vvi\'v(l h_\' .'| full un tho in`. M `llurlwpzaylw on l*)ns|e`r Sund.'I_y ill ..I' '|I;\ VH1 I Luv! I\:I.\.. '.I`l1(`I'("s nmsic to Lho cars in the smooth pun` of RV good car . . . the kind you will find in our used car linv-up. Stop in soon and svv tho lzwgo number of dvponclnblo used cars. All p1'i(`L`(l 1`ig`ht.. 7T "u-- NOBODY LOVES YOU MEBBE N/OUR OWN HEARTSTRINGS NEED I A LITTLE TUNING HO! ween .Gco. Lnw. Orillin. spout (ho weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watson. :Misscs Marizm. Helen and Luis Allsopp spent the Easter week 111' Midland. | 1 Ilium YL-uhnl \X7valcnn {\|~iIIi2: in cmnnumilios nrv lhv mt-ans ul bringing nul much prmni. lul- (`nt (and this was fully shown at Wtrdnvsduy night in S1. Clcn|';zv`. Momm'i:|| Hull wlu-n :1 group from New l.nw<-ll unvv :1 finv pvrfm'm- zmcr` of cmmwly-(lI`;1n1:I Tin: I_.itll C.ln(llmppcr", n play with scolu laid in Missouri and plot. centred `nruund the life of Judy, the lilllc mrphzm "('lr)dhupp(`1"', :1 r:1tl1(rr dil'- ficult rule well taken by Miss -`\nm Mather; other clm.r:Ictm's xvor-;,~ Misx Jult-{tn Bean, taken by Miss l)m`nvlhy Duff; "Olley Gump" |),\' l)()uLqn_\. M/)rri. Mrs, Clli;.{g`m'- mu liuggs" by Miss Ruso Halifax Gmrgo Chim:c1'son". her son. hp William Duff: Sop Green" h_\ l~[m'ry Slninlun and Ch:u'mizu~ Calor" by Miss Dm`nlh_v Wand. Interesting Recital 'l'lwro :n'v but few 1(`El(Yh(`l':~'. 0! piano and lhvnry who wuuld un-- dvrfnlu* to |)1'(`.<(`lll : iv rnvitz.-l_ 56 nut nf 70 pupils, hut in laking` lwu ul`t(`rmmn.<, 'l.`luu`sdn_\ nnd l<`rirla_V. March 28 um! 29_ Miss Maydm` McAul(!y. A.'1`.C.M., :u`ruu;:- Cd a fine rocilal at her homo, ll Bayfiold SL. and evvry pupil gaw- n crodi1abl(~ purlnnnuncg of thy number . 'T`n-\ nun.` ...u VIIA ..:'ln.. ;\I\;\|u .~.-.. IIUHIUUI .`l'll'lTl\.'l,l. Ten xvns scrvod nl'10I' vnclw pm- grrznnmv and as: xvorv Mr:< A. E. Pngv. Misses Jvnn and Ann Pigutt, Miss Evvlyn Crvorl am Miss Hazel William.s'. A" an nulpl...-....\ ..A` In n/1.. A ..|.\..' lVII-`.\ KIIILUI VV|lll(lllI.V. As an evidence of Mi.'~'s Mt-/\ul(*y' popularity with her pupils she rv coivod a mnnbop of fine gifls; : copy of Schzmfflers` Life of Heath oven and a large basket. nf bvnuli ful flmvors. a cupy in similar bind ing of Erm`sl Nc'\vman'.< Slnrivs '1 1110 Grvnl Op:-rns and n guld am` wznxnhirn I\I`m~a-In! nrncnniml nn I\(\ Ill!` \!l{'ill \l[|l'IiI.\ EIHU H RUN] EIIH.` .~'am)hir(`. ln`m'vlct_ plwsmmtml nn ho half M the pupils by Mi.~:.<<`s Burl) :`-Va Pills. .Iuy(`o Cl'U.\'S and llnzv W illiams. '!'h,\.~.\ ...... :.. 4|... ._.... Thur. <.` Rmnsny. B:n*bm'-: Pills. Dmuzlas Bnldt. Bm'h.'n'u Gnn- `nun. Billy Day. Burl liudgvs, Effi I)rapm'. Mi!l`1,`,`:ll't`l, IVIvn:dilh_ Bil!) .Cn1d\vvl1. .In_\'co I`(`nC0(`k. Hill; iGrahan1. I`h,\'His Shank. Austiz u I Slnnohznn. Mnr;:arvl Hndgvs. I`og;:\ Shank. Holqn Smith_ Ruth Drum mnnd. Bvatrivo M<'Quadv. Lui. Nvs.<. Ed\\';n'd Br.'1_v. Both Nm-ri.~ Mario Cnults. Hazel VViHi:m1~ Nm`m.'1 (`.uddvn. Fxvlyn (`rm-d Mm'jn1`_\' Wilvy. RvI`ni('0 Baldwin. F`rirl:.\- _ tum-. r`.~.._~... I1...-n |v|m_|Ul_\' wm-_v, m-rnwv uamwln. I Fx`idiv_\` Ju_\ (`v C'.l`ns_ RL`1`_v- |Pzu'km`d. John Cook. Jzwk Dnwv Joan Tipping, Hm`b(`I'l Mm'1`o\\' Dorothy Privo. D-.rnll1_\' Ruyd` Am Rudg:or.<, John ML'Fnddon_ Juqm`11;n I\r12u'sh.'1ll. Frank Puckett. l)m'u1h_\` l"mpl1v1. Alan (`:ate~_<. FI`mu`vs Cmit: Holt.-n Rm'\'e_ M;\r_ior_\' Cook. 'I`cdu`_\ Ilul('him.'.~'. Eunice 1`r:u'_v. 'I`1u~1`o. Bvx`1'y. Bn~rni<-0 Rm`. l\1:u`ju1'y Cald- well. Jenn Pigmt, Anna Piuotl `F.\'ol_vn Slu`ls\wll. Annw Graham Kathleen Tipping, Dm'uth_v Walk- or. .\gn('s MvMahun. Rss I-lealoy visitc-d fr19nd.s Ul Orilli.-x last. wock. \NuIYo\v- Ard rmm1m.- 4.9 Mn 1: i ` Ln-nu.-x last. wocx. * Waltor Ard. teacher at N0, 15` school. spent. the Easter In-1i at his home in Hmnilton. I 1 1 `. (`lowes Institute Thu Women's Institute me-L ut. .\h's. V. Dxckor's on Mnrclx '27. wxth 15 nrr-sent Annr 11 rmr ilnn\: a\f` IVl`I|l(lIll.\. Thoso pal'ticipmin;_; in tlw pm nn\nu\< \\'l`l'l" rwVVT7VT?CT `Dave Griffith of 'J`mmtn is m` t_'Own this week. .I2n'kinc and crxnu` 9..-u-.-n..y~ Ix-.-n. Copaco Red Brand` _ Baby Beef " j--'*"` For those who want the best meat at very little extra cost SPARE RIBS .................................... ..l5c lb. BACON SQUARES ........................ ..l5c lb. BONELESS POT ROASTS ............ ..l5c lb. 's_Ar PORK .................................... ..l8c lb. gar. J. BRENNAN 5 Dolivc-rics Daily to lmrriq-. and Allandale Phones 32-33 Extra Special "I `````````` H Yours Very truly, S/\LAl)A '1` CA (TUMPANY (W (JAN/IDA, l.lMl'l`l:l), Inuu ll II...I.-I.-... As you undoubtedly realize from the space we buy in The Examiner, we regard newspapers us :1 fundmnentul medium for advertising Salaclu" Tea. and we are glad to acknowledge the contri- bution ol' your paper to our success of last year. Please accept. our thanks for your kind (:0- operation. xr........ ......._ 1 _._,u,, The Barrio Exzuninerg Bm'ri0. Ont,:u'i0. Gcnblmnont It gives us much pleasure to ln1'0rn1 you that our sales of "sztlzula" T011 in I3a1'1'ie for 1939 showed :1 substantial inc1`0:Lse over the previous year. JVIIUIHIIU. | Miss Isabel W:1tsnn_ Orillin, is` visiting with 1101` pnr(~nl:.- on 13urt- on Avonmx \ -.p,, :1 cm.` ~ - , ,. IV|I(`V. l)l'|l|I\K' [)(IHl\\|lI. Ju_\'(`v R013 . Cnnk. 'ippinu_ L Al-n. r`,..a.\.. 1.` rw...:.. cI;owEs TESTIFIES TO VALUE OF EXAMINER ADVERTISING `- run . I ..-I emu: I WITHOUT V SCOURING NO need for hard rubbing and.| scrubbing when you use a` solution of `G iI1t't "s`Pu're"F1ke' ' Lye. It cuts right through grease] clears clogged drains, keeps out-` ` houses sanitary and odorless, cours pots and pans, takes the hard work out of heavy cleaning. Keep a tin always handy. A baby girl arrived )rIp, the home of I .?.lI.S'S(`l /\nd1'ows. Miss Muriel M:-her his \\`(`(Ek with 110! gm Bmclford. `Ml |-u fill (`inn-1: Inf ` l5l`{l(llUl'(l. Mrs. Will Clark left, 01 for Tomnm. \vlm1'c she inlx .Linp, friends for :1, week. Mrs, Hugh Cuhim. is vis .ung menus 101' weex. Mrs. Hugh Cuhith is visiting` for 1. few ciays with Mrs. D()I1L`.l'. Stay- nvr, who is not very well. Miss Motcnlf-3 1'eun'ncd to her '.hILi(`s at, S( .h()()l on Mondny :Lfl.el \-nnnrlimr tho hnlixlnvs in 'I'm'm1t.(). mxns OFF J }lren s cough; Qyigk_|y _Ile|_ieygd i HUI`, WHO 15 HUL V(.`l'_V W(`ll. sclmol spcn(l`1m;' the _ho1i in 'I`omnt0. FREE BOOKLET --- The Gillcll'a Lye Booklet lclls how this powerful cleanser clears clnggcd drains . . . keeps nut- lmuncs rlc-an and ndnrlcns by destroying the contents nf the close! . . . how it Take notice that By-Law No. 870 of the Town- ship of Vespra, approved by the Department of Health on the 18th day of March, 1940, will come into force and have effect" from and after the 8th day of April A.D_ I940. ~h.'n Nu p0l`.\`0n shall depusil (If utlwrwi.~'- rli.~pn. nf garb- HLZI`. ashes or nther refuse bmught from U||L\`id(| the limits of mi- Tnwnship of Vospm upon any lrend. \Vht`thPl` privately owned m` not. in thv said Township of Vespra. "-lib) No person shall deposit any garbage. ashes or nlhuz` u-fuso upon any mad allowance, whether opened or not. within Ihc Tuwnship of Vespra." R\' rxnrnrn nu 111::-nna nvvxvvr Said Bly-Lawlamends Schedule B by adding the following clauses: `PINKERTON THE BAREIE EXARHNER, BARBIE. ONT., CANADA PUBLIC NOTICE 111111111, IIIIVII I I1, l t~.r: 0. llmlgkins MiLl`Cll 26. 1940 It is hard in In-vp Hm <-hildra-n from taking cold; llwy \\'i|l run nut of doors nut. p!'(>[H'I`]_\' vlml; hnvc-. on too much vh-411311;; :.n-} gt`! u`\':-rlu~:1t,1-J and cool 011` ton .~:u:h1u-n1_v; Hwy got ihoir fvvt \\'I`|; kivk MT Hm In-J .'h)l|Ir's Ht. r.i;:lIl.. Tim muihvr rnnnut 5}vnt.r-In I(`."l all Ilu` liun`, so \\'lI:l.L 15 Elm ;:nin;,: In .' _ Mnllwrs ~|muld 1wvvr 1uvg1m'L Hm '.llilIl's (`uu;:|| or vnltl, lml (Ill HS in- cnpliun shunlal pr:"Im` :1. lvnltlu of Dr. \Vo0d .~: 1\'ul'\\'.'|_\' l`inn Syrup. It. is St) plv:n. in taste the }'ulIng::1m's tnlw it \\'iH1nu1 may fuss, Hu- RE GARBAGE DUMPING IN TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA on `F`I`i(l:l_V intends vis- a: wnnlt her is spvnrlimz g1':1ntI|)urunt.s in .15c .l5c .I5c .18c .-_.__...J I last wvvk L0 Mr. and Mrs BY ORDER OF VESPR.-\ COUNCIL. A. B. COU'I'I`S, Clerk. IVLT. El-H(l JVLFS. UlH.I'CnCC [rC TL. st,mLln`0y. were weekend vislturs at. H. M. Swvva.rt's. Mrc Fmnrifnr dull nhn.-Ir.-m H. M. bWW'ltl`LS. Mrs. Sandford and children. Churchill. are the new 0(:Cll|)8.I1LS of the Baker property here} C(mgra.t.ulaLl0ns to Mr. and Mrs. .Roy Houghton on the arrival of :1 young son. March 30, in the R..V. Hospital, Barrie. Mr and Mrs. Fllwnnrl (Tm-hr-M. n nri H.O.`plWLl, narnc. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Cm'|)nt.t, and family spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Corbett. Mr and MI`: (Tm) Wil`l\ 'l`n! - Bu!` }*\v-u,-,; nu |.llII' :_ nu k l'l'2lll. 10'}- .T"l: EH4 IyH(`ll' (l(.`[)|l'Ll|I'f' was 1-x1)1'-sm-rl. also ;,lulv for the many ways in which Llwy had "lwlp1_~ to make the cunununlty ])l(}:|.S2ll1L and (I4-slrn.I)lo for all. giv- ing` U)-()|)(`l`1lti0ll at. all Linws and 11011) wlwn the need :u'u.w." The address was SiL ,`ll(:(| by R. Jacks, M. Mchmm, D. Jwcks. ll. }1u.sLln;:.s and R. R()p,(.~1'sm\. `Thu nvnninu wzm unmnl. in mauv- IV. I(,(Jy,(.`l'S1)l|. The owning xvus spmnl, in play- ing cards and mllsic, um-1' which n. bountiful lunch was .s4-,1'v(-(1. Knox Churvh :11, 7.30 p.nL Ciilf. Ball. I`vn(~Lum4. sm-nL Lh- wcckvnd at his .hon1c. Mrs. Newman mu! Mrs. M. Bull went, on. M to \\'l1vr0 the former is staying.` at few days. Cilnmnr Murrnv Hull rt-l,I1rnml in E. b.'u`l)y, I-lnrruw. is visiting his `Si.Sb(`l`. Mrs. G. C. Cu:<.t,m1. Y\/Tru '7`:-nnu \XIlnninnn' nun! Hu- Uorncu;. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wice. Tot.- Lenham, spent. Sunday with friends here. (`.I'n|ahfnn Winn hn: nln nnr! nn nerc. Crelghbon Wicc has signed up wlth the Engineers at, Camp 501'- den. RKIQQ AH:-0 Emil}: Rnntl I-Inntl den. Miss Alice Smith. Bond Head. spent a few days with Mrs. Will Reid. N9wIv-INlIaIu Ilnnnllrml Mr. sum Mrs. '1`. A. an llonurcd The neighb0In's lltl otlwr lrivmls of Mr. and Mrs. '1'. A. Snwyr-r g;LLlw1`otl at. their homo lust. work and prosml,<-(I them with an (-100- Lrlc lzunp and also un iron to slmw Lhvm Llm.L the mmmunll._v would n1l.s'.-s Llwm on l(-n,vinp,' the farm. on whlch Mr. Sawyer \\':1:~; burn. Mr. nml Mrs. S;1\\'yc1' lravc farnmtl ll, for 42` yl,-ars, and Mr. Snwyors latller [zu'n1vtl the slum: farm for l2 years. Now Mr. SlLWy(`.l"S nnly son. Kloyd A.. is taking it oven. The three gc11m'zLLi()ns are all Imm- ed Alfr(:(l. In 1-nlnlnnlhnu mnh lhn nu-nunnl-._ L U. l\l1l'(!(l. In cmnuection with Llu-, pr 54-nl,n- Hun, an am)re(;ln,Livc n(l(l1'c.s's was 1-4-ml. R0141`!-L at. their ck.-pm't,1Ir0 \V:l. (`.`(l)l`('.\.`;(`ri_ also for me xormcr ls smyuug; u u-w uuys. Gumurr Murruv B01] l'l`Llll`lll`(l tn Ijindsuy on Satunluy frmn Lvm weeks` fllrlougli. ` W:-nl.h4-r l' (Anr. ll: I4-mun `rue Fourteen

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