(Continued "from Page 1) During the past year the Library has identified itself wit.h several new projects and as a result, our auditorium is fast developing into the community centre that we all hope to see it become. A number of meetings of the Simcoe County Lib-` rary Association have been held. it will be a, p'leasant piece of news for members of the Board that the County Council in l`ebruar_v grant- ed us $200. This makes it. possible for us to really make :1 : nt last. Early in the fall the rlireetors of the Y.M.C.A, in /\ll:In(ln1e asked the Board for special privileges in ord- er to be able to provide the men staying there on call, with books. This request was granted and to the end of the year 65 books were talgen nut. Seventeen men rnnrle use of- them and the UUURS were eir<.-ulut.- etl Btl times. .u., f`n..A.`L.... u.. n.,_ ...x ..,_ ,. .... l(3l'2lH`1l{( LETTIICE (`risp `l'|-I.\'AS J\'L\l{.\`lI.\'l-`.l-Zl)l.l ERAPEI-BIIIT 5 [M23 hill-I\V FIN)!` rmw ' NI-I\`V nrigi.n.1l liunrh 35c 32 29? `rnv noun or SPHGHETTI now KEBNELS gplcz mm 3 rgncnns ` f0Wl.ER`S 2 'i5"r':1fI-':'Ii`1. ;=.;:r:: 25 Kll{K'S ('.\S'l'll,I`I SOAP 4c VVl)()l)lH`l{\"S I"`\('|:\l. SOAP 2 15c .H'Il((il'JN'S (`1\R()l.l(7 SOAP 3 14-: l.lBn\"S Mustard 2 ';::.';.'.~ 17c Fluted `ilass Bowl for BIG l3AY`P'(~)WIi1`3'_l`M BOT FLA K ES FOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . iiii};}'iiaij";k;f"ziZ . .. I~'l.AI(l<`\` BAN KWTORONIO "7;-Z/.?'&/zzz/axle; ma - L jg jj-23:11 jl j` n Gmrsl. has gone to l.illlu- I__.uL'. Wh(.`l L` he has .~:-cur!-cl` Hill mun. Frml. Slnrv_v umlt-rw<,-n1. mm mm in 'I`m'unlu Gmu:r:n| Hus- Hcr many f1'ivnd:~`. wish fur 1 spa-(rdv 1'(-cm/cry. and Mrs. R. Lynn, ):,-:nv,-r- ri.~`it<-rl frivnds ht,-1'0 rm .xIn1r!'v_v Friday evening` l'ri-n(Ls um! `hm? u:Il!\4'1`1'vl nl thv hum. hf lb. 25c l'l(Hl_Y CVCIHH rs uni!!!-1`:-I .' Mrs`. S. Wu PO R E IGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD REGULATIONS quire inlormation, or are in doubt as to The knowledge and experience of our able to help solve your problems. l0l\lG I)lfS`l-l\lE Importers, Exporters, owners of Foreign Securities, nncl those travelling who te- the proper procedure to follow, are invited to enquire at our nearest branch. Poreign Exchange Department are avail- I` Hllll |J'.`!` 151:1}! [hr- fully` 22 63: 25c 1-ju-- WI-WiT- FRAZAR. Tuna Fish Flakes 2 for 25 IHAMONII fNT 1'! K 1TPI"'I`\ [' _. . . . and put Ill!` in slmnn-." \ SWO. mile slalinn~lo-station cull uhvr 7 p.m. (and all (luv Sumlu_\'_) usu.:|l\' ('u. no nmrc` tlum :1 ruuplc nl' mm in- -tirkvls. With rules that low, :1 I}-lluw can va.~:ily keep in touch with his fauuily when l1e`s away from lmnu-. \\hy not Call them up . . . wuiglu? `wanna- ans 1 noun l.()GANBERRY YRII IIII IIIIIAVIIMV ll .C.?:F.HR lI1H(.\I`.hII( PI`. SALMEN fr-~.'; zoc 4."; 'l`I(iF.ll SALMON ~.'~.':. nl r.\ ll Inn |(lF1\l\l';IK OATS SUNl.l(:l|'l` soap 1o . l`I`I.-`\Nl? l` BUTTER AVI All-`l!__'I`nn\ nr llnn I4ll\l[\ NDPIICIS JAM, 323 z. I\ Y I.I\ ll'.l(--'l'0lI1. "F V011. soups 2 Incorporated 1855 I*`IlAN(`()-l\D`ll'IRl('AN MMIHRONI Tins "`R/\N()-A.\Il-)|ll('AN SPAGHETTI 2 TI n \ ; :--ntvd Mr. and Mrs. Allnn Wurnlcn. who were recently married, with an studio mm-h. A nIc.'I.V:m...uvel`!1g 1 was : by all um.-szenl. 1---:------- 6.250,000 dollars worth n1` 1-:unn-cl! soups are `produced in Curxndzl an-I nually. O I 60.000 Canadians lust llwir livvs in the Great War. (lurin;4' the :`.:n`nv period 400.000 died in C:m::rl.-x as [lu- result of diseases. 0` 800 to 900 men are cmplnyr- in Cape Town as street.cl0m1ers. 0 227 million pounds of nickvl werr: produced in Canada in 1939. 0 ' 95 per cent. of all people over the age of 60 have defective eyn-sigh`. 71 per cent. of all swimmers 1'cs;('u:d by the Los Angela-s lil'o-;:u:u'd.; im the past 10 your."---w(:r_n men` 0 42 per cent. of ull the silvx-1' pm-l duced in Canada lust your was Irwin: British Cnlum'bi:n. 0 ` We must limit purrh: ,3 to family W(`(`kI_V require- monls. N0 sulvs to whole- salvr or retail:-rs. ii'ii'ii$W.`: 25c .ll)IlNh'HN'.\' ,f`l=t'_J_a'nr Wux `.`.'-".'.'." 59c 6KsuP (`OX GEIJITINE !`llIl|S'l'I|`l'.s' I'Rl'ZM SDMS No Wonder You Are Constipated! Page Three 49 10 25-: 36c 25c 19c 49c 21 ' 15? ll: 17: Aannulnnu \./Ill\IlllAllll. v i 9 per cent. 01 the :uv Am(`r1-i can's income is spent cm clnIhmL;. I, 1 automobile is 1'0L{ist.m'od for 1.-\,'r-ryl 2.8 persons living in the Slim: ml" California. 0 I 24c 5c lc l7c v I cum... our library. 'I'horu w(~n- lwI`nl.y~ fnur libI'arinn:: frnm :4m::H Iilmri s. as sl.udon1s. Wu ft.-ll vc-ry pruur! in bo mn.s'ir,lm'1-rl :1 }{.'m(| (-m:u1.;h Iih- l`:u`y In bu r-hnst-n l'm- ul):~`('I \v'.'IlinII and to have tho [.ihmri;m uivt-n chmmtn of :~:nmt- 7lH!')'n(um .~.<-.<.~i4n1.. cach rlny. Tho l,il,n*.-u-inn unvndvrl :. joint convention of Quobv-(r l.ihmr_y Ast.<*0ci:1li0n. Mnritimv I.ihr:n`y As- sccinlinn. Spun-i:Il I.ihrnr_y A:<. :t.i0n .'-nd Onlvnn l.ihr:n`y A. `lion in Mnntrnnl in April. We had :1 v<-r_y lznvgu iI1(-x'~:m- in lmembo `nip sinm: /\lIL{ll.'~1, Snmv nl` Ilhis, 0|` (,'()lll'.\'(" may In. (luv 14) 1h.- influx of fznmilimt uf man :11 (`amp Bm'd(*n, N6'\'l`l`lh('|('S,H', um (-in-nlu- lion (zrmlinm-5 In rrhnw :1 rlvm'v:u.~':~. Fm`tnnz|.tCly wv hurl :1 mlmhvr rut` has savr-(I our (-ir('u|:nHm showing :1 l:n';,r~ rl<~-1-v;m~. larx.{(*. ih(`l'(`:I$(`I< in Ihv rprinu. whE<'h_ |'I'mn ` 1 [`h(.- wnr musl I siblo for our (Iv-r-rm [many [)t'()|')]{` HM` (I and findim: so mm- tr-r(-sl tn rt-ml that. He down 10 l`l`l([ :1 I 4./\.._. .... ..:_ "'igured Fax UI \'illl'|)!'l.' ltllHcl|_Y lI`il.il`h(` ztl I.ihI'm`y A.-'snei.'1-- 'in 11 .-r_y in ms: `(:5 (fzmup |h(?l('.\'.\'. mu" ln l']('(`l`( *II > hurl whim: ll` 1 rm-y. 'I'hn l.ih1`: r-ml rural yr-2n` and in ihn .:n`rir\ '1 new brmk>'~. wnrk that mm-iimg H11: llml urn :-`n 1':n'(- of thoi is an inxpir Hw wurk m I\ Ii.'~;< Myt in 1939` and Imuks` in hv ...u-1 |IvI|;~ ml` \ `8nn /Istn mks` 0* "/`me SERVM5 JUI LAD LII nruu_y nun ml Al 1 'r`hig l'(`{lll('Sl wns D` Lll ll . right. kind < V 7? f Snnu: think it belittling Lu apolo- gi`/.(-, but. it is :1 Int more so not to, at I I times. nr lIl|llI'L lI mu.-.. urn Huncn :,n1u::|v< .x. um. .1; nun- run. . .` , . |m;my sparrows" 01' dogs. or cats. (:.1mnr1c:<. But it w0uld.n L seem th smno thought. children were. I'I0nm` to whom honor is due." lllk ixvho I un-nnu l I i 1 I 1 I JlllIl()l'S. "Wv hzxvv with us: this yum` Miss M:n';,I:m-I Hinris, whn intends to cn- 11'!` M11 l.ihr:1r_y (frmrsv next fall. Now :1 : nnl. having :1 univer- ~i1_v (- must be a member of a library staff and be given leave )1` aim-n(-u In take the course. Miss Kn<,,\ intends to Inko. the c0L1rso 511 um! ...|.:..x. ......|. In In-inn H. aim-s- , U|iI[)' hlilll illlll I)l' [1,]-/l'll Il.'clVl.' I1 :n|).a<-n(-1: i!H(`lld.` 1041. \VlIi('h mu.{h1. to bring the stan- irlnrd nl` 0111` slnfl` up to the position Iu/.x In-lrl in-fnrn I\/lick` Nh*I.(\nn 11*. iTl?ll'(`l l)l Hlll` .`\Ii|H L11) ll) LHL` ])UhlLl'JII `vs/1` In-Ir! h(`fnI`(' I`/li.x"~`. McLean left. 3 Miss Mary Bun-klvy, who is now at- |l<~mlim.5 l.il>r:n'_v School. spent tvm gwz-4-k.-. wilh u:~' at-qnirim: snnm ox- i|)(`I`i('l1('(` which is ruqI|iI'('d of :1 luni\'(-1`.-.il_v :.!l'.'Illll. ll(` taking: the I l I'ulll`.\'l`. M ] vlI(`klI`_V inlvnrls 1,101- lim: 1 pusltum in :1 university lib- u--n-u 'VUIll.\! ling` L I 1 Th l'Hl'_) . ' l.ihr::ri.'1n has spoken to sev- .r-rnl rurnl Institutes during the :yl':n' F4.-b1'u:1 v . :~`pnk0 to P.nrriz- 'l`r~:u-lwr.<` F0d0I'a\inn '11) This is one part of hm` wnrk that the I.il)rm'i:1n (~njny.<. 1_vpv of rum] wnmtn im~,1`osl0ri in the wt`!- 'I':m- ml` Hwir r.-mnm1mi1_V. It really `is in.~.pirn1i0n nnrl wvll r0p.'1y.s 'Hu< and vfI'm*l, roqllirud. , "I\ M_v-rs rennin-rl 670 bm)k!~'. `in as H r(.*. \V(` sonl nu rohnund this _V('il`. 'I";u I'().\`I. was uhuui 170 pm` book. "In l.`)3!)_ wv purchn.~`0d 885 books. h'5 nrlull and 220 jllV(`l`1i](`. Wu V\ (.`('(* givvn I2 hunks and had seven vol- -unwx of |)L'l`if)(`(.`'l1S bound. making: .|n1:)| nnvnhu\I' nrlrinrl Q04, \:nI|n`m-Q Illl A 1124, znrtx .098. n|'.'n'\lV\' llll_'l x'u.\l' duh . 35()_ hi.~ 1 '4'; In 348. {mp 36 I . .p,.)1.: A w:a:s mzarlu np.'1.< follows: | hi|w>.~'nphy arts 236, R '7RR Wit-Hnn I\\`I Ivan. I llll I86. .~`n-ionro 24!), religion useful 1itor.'1lurv_~ travel 1.102. bin-| '27 rm`) 1 RCULATION OF LIBRARY ; SHOWS JUMP; Thu U:u`ri(- I50 lilws of ( n I938. witll ; u'1s [wr issue. '.HH'h. ..(||~`l .Iuv1-nilv .vi..n Ii! 1 Some Thinkabouts l(.u1m'r1gnU H` ll`I*.\` "On hm-mnhm` 31, our mcmb(\r- hip ln1::|Ivd 3,313, which is :1 p;u0(l n\w~~ntn;{.~ nf Um population, We nl>::<-rih:-(I In 18 Tun.':rli:1n p(\ri0d- mls. SI Rri!i.~'|| and )0 /\mm'ican. `hm-u ])('l'i1)(|i(`'lL\` us wvll art` (Immu- H H|.`\|lH.Y UL, |l'il\'|.'I I.IUd. UHY-I h_\' 1.331; 5.786. 1i<'!inl1`/7.902. I I 431i! '., R('fl,`l'L`l`lC(`, and m;1;;.1-| 2.Rl9. I. l\l.... r:,.a:n.. 1/11:1! x 1!: I111.` [H [)('l`UHI|(.'('llS UUUHU. lIl'(lKl||_3L mxmhm` \/-alum:-s acldecl, 904. :;v:n'rl(-(I 725 |)n<)ks but h(1|)(`| Imtlu-1' ya-.'n' our (lisC.'u`d.< wllll u1'.~;<-. l'|mx'c are those, always Ln lhn-ir thinkimz. but that : thinking is often in crmr. xuhlic loses respect for those 'z:n ncvor see themselves `ruin! it 1 1.1` ')\ ' l`;.\ilHlH|['l' C'll'l'll'(] JG,- (`.l:u.x'.s'ifi(:-rl A`:l\/u1'tis'?ng 1 an n\'m`;1p',(` n[ 10.`) ad- Rcsults have dun: it. cu Uu u uu..w. In Octoht-r the Bnnrrl was uslu-cl to ho cu-spnn.-zm` with tho Cmnmtm- ity I.ifp [`I'z1inim.:' Institute for :1 SM`- i('.'~. of |ecl.uI'(':~' tn hv ;,'iv(,-n on 5 mm- S('(Ell1iV(! Salurrlny nigzhts. The .spr-nk- crs for those lectures were the best z.vnilnhl.- rm tho .H'llbj'C1S and th" s`ot'io.s' dealt. with diffmw-nt. asnvcls of rural life. Although pnorly nt- tcndt-rl tho mt-Nix1;_',.~: laid a fmmrln- tinn on which In build l'ul`th0r ac- tivity along this HIM`. U l`|-... IN`-u.....Ii.. I ... II|Ul'L' VillllL' Hull: 01' , that H H:-lvnn urnr-n n 1u1.'1ll(`d 7l.78li.| I nvvr 1938. This (inn I4(i';.I 15,112: 33,279, 1 I A. A. SMITH M anagcr. value no nr ru- `A. P. GILMORE ' | IS CANDIDATE! |ll. 1'1. IJIHHI, Shvlburnv, I ford: E. J. P oph /\1l.'m: I 1-illo, by ('7. j-thnll, Nlnnn I11 11* 1`-llilll. wnmn. n_\' \'\ |H. F7. Dunn. Allis!` W|1it(~. /\1|i.~'l l)l_\', r2Idl`uI'd: 1):`. i('|1;n`l:-.< \`VnH: W .'l`hm`h1.nn_ by .T. .1, I I n n .......-......x AI uy.._y n. P, u... [`h(- Dr:nm1lir- l1(-u1,:u4- hnvv hm-n putlim: an nnv play :1 mranih in thv nmlitmuvn zmrl :n'(- -:u`ryinx.: this p|`:I(.-lice un into 1940, Thrgv haw- lmnkt-cl the hall for scvtrml ni1.:h1..~a l|ll`('5|d_Y. "A Ql|l'it`< rnm-linlf.\' nl' rnliniculu AVII. lnl`:ll\!' Hill] iurningz Officer wmd ho unnbl` T IN I"rn.n..~.~s. !\I'.'L'1'M':I5 U|l'|l xuuy loquippod. The industr of tho cnun'.r_\' should ' behind the British CO C` , uxuu-u \A|\ (ll ....-.- Dealing witn cnn.-crimion_ H11- speaker said that Dr. 1`/[=miun's L\nr\k had come out flat-footed fur mn- scriptinn when war was docl:-arod. |Now Dr. 'Manion states that he an- nrcl, 0p1.~O:L`d -.on='_~r1-__at1c1.. `1`h-: I). l)' . Ruihv T) u-. . A r ((.`rmt.1',n1Iwl. from Mar: one) 1, n .v.un ml '1`. .1. (`-ilmnrv, wvll Wwn 1': mor f Ihnl rlistricl, nnrl - 1:11; Ml`S. (iilmnro. Hr? .'\Hm1(l(`rl :)li(' :<('h<`r~l :11 Rm-vmrml and Al- Pn Hi1.'.h S<.~.:ml. \vh'~I'(- ht` play- nn u 1'm;h)' It-znn. In 191%`. hi` mhml:-ul in H1. Hnnnnr (`nnr--I` Ul|\".`Xl. -. )..-.I-.\ I. THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BAREIE. 0NT., CANADA 1' l|"K'II (lll,HH|I|'.'Il I\'." Wfficvr for thv ridim: :m unable ln p'n`li'ip;1lr`. "\vm'mnn. in \viH1r1I'a\viI1:. I H1!` mum` Hf T`(`I`1`y Gil- \");rl fnH 2 hm vnnnn rnnn Illvlll. /\Hi` Cut! ll l`~|l|IL IxHn~rIL=1nrl "A sorivs of rt-ligiuus rnm-linli-*' which lnslori l,hr(ae wot-ks w::.=\ znnn1,h(-r'usv- In which the hall was} put. The BriH. lSI`:l(`| Society have hold 2: rnoo1im_: 1-uvh mnnlh and lh(:l' W.C.'l".U, have xrnlxtimwrl mt:(:liI1,u` hnvn nnnn I h I u l|ll`l'3|(l_Y. I H'(YI. I\|llhlIlH. V '/\ lIi. by w_ 11 4"A|I\ VV. -l. K- . Nirwl. Allislnn: Alli.-4...` I." `X7 1! :1 mvmhnr of llw d. and of Sovvw 5, /\.F. and /\.M.. nvncvrl wm'ki!I_:{ nrly in tho 19".!) ...II. ml` :\I\l\v l(`. lll'l sun: nmmints-rl ' Ihn rirlinri 1 . |).\ I'Jll};nII I"r:lnk Ham W. Ellis. by Y I` 13,.-`I-.\ 'kl|ll]\'| . [-3rl;.;.'n' : Winn`... CONCERT FIRST PUBLIC SCHOOL ` L OF KIND HERE (Continued from Page 1) Four years ago. the special course in vocal music was introduced into the Barrie schools under the sup- ervision of :1 group of regular ten- ehers who had secured the special qualifications necessary for this work by attending summer courses. The numbers given on the program- me indicated the general character of the work and the progress made since its inception. Nu-mfbers Rendered O Canada" was the first number on the pmgrnmxne. The Puoiir` Svhnnls Chnir (if 100 UH (HO programme. The Pwblic Schools Choir of voices soleclpd from grades I`. 7 and 8. szmg three numbers: Rule Bri- tnnni:1". La Marsollnise. and `Fin- lzmdia". Mr. Fcnwick conducted. A 11nI'cn_Cv\nu`rinrI` nl-uxiv nf hunnlv VV.L;. I .lJ, IIHVH lTlllllllllll'll IIIIIIJIIII]; h('l`(! monthly. In /\lU.[Il!-31` u. .-hm'l snmm(rx' (:nur.~'(_- in l.ihI'.'n'y I`r:Iinim.{ \/ms held in: I lilllull . JVH`. PUIIWICIC (.'()HUllClL'U. A verse-speaking choir of twenty voices from Grades 5. F. 7 and 8. Irc-ndercd The King's Breakfast". .7.in (`nnn" nnri N'nv 1\/Vnric" '1`h(` l I renueren "1 ne lungs m'emuusL. Zip Coon". and Nox Mortis". The number showed how the schools are tryin tn achieve clear vocnlizzltinn and distinct articulation. "Gesee Bnmbii1()" and Hymn were sung by Group A cut the Schools` Chair by pupils of Grades 6. 7 and 8. I Interesting Playlet An interesting feature was El play- ,1vt by pupils of Grade 3 entitled `l'he Rabbit's Whisker". to indicate hmv the schools are endezivmirimz to attain the objective of clear vo- <::n`i`/.:itinn and distinct ;`l.ti(:lllz`t`i()I1A I rnmilt. ..r r:.-...1,..- A r: .....1 1: AM 5) Easter ]|2ul I/AILIIHI RIHU UISLHICL i|l'l.lL'UliIl.`lUll` Pupils 01' Grades 4. 5 and (3. did :1 fulk dance. The Black Nag". and an English country dzmce. 9.1-Inr-iirnlw frnrn 'Ihn I\Ilil(:\rIn" hv an m1p,nsn cnumry uzmce. Svlectinns from The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sullivan were render(=(I by :1 choir uf [)lh|)i1S of Grades 4 and G U Mr. I-`Lemvick cunrlucted the Pub- lic Sclmol.~;' Choir in All 'Dhrnugh the Night" and St. Alphege". Pupils ni` Grades 3. 4 and 5 singed :1 full: dance On the village green". Group C til the choir. Gmtlcs 6. 7 nnrl 8. sung Crooked Spectacles". Humo Ecnnnmics Girls: of Grades 6. 7 and 8 gave :1 rtlrwvi` homo economics d(3monstr:i- lion. in 1938. the special cuurse in hnmo trwnininics. requiring in special ClilSSl`(H)lT1 and :1 special Lozichor. was in:nigu1`.'il for the girls of the .H'(`IllUl` grzules. A three-yczn` course if instruction is pmvidecl. and the dvinnnsl.r:itirm given indicated re- 511115 being nbtuinod. (`Ii-mm [3 HT ihn .qI`hlil\`Q` (`ht\ii`: hllllh Ul.`Hl].: UUl,iIlIlL'(1. [ Group D mt` the Schools` Choir.` cnnsisting of pupils of Grades ti, 7 zmrl 8, sung: On thc Lzxgunll" am! Hark, I-lurk. the Lark". Pupils of Grades 3_ 4. 5 nnd 6. : an attractive folk dance. If All the World Were Pl])(`I`". an Enu- lixh cnuntry dance. This folk (lill1(`(, and others nn the pm1,rmn1me it-` lustrut,cd the zmplicntinn of thel health tmininxz principle in thcl (r\wI`_\'rt;Iy work of the schnuls. us. |)ruvidcd for by the new curricu-I tum. I l`l... 4`:....l u...-.1I.n-. ...`.l ...... ..A' .|\rn llllll. I The final numlber and (me n! lhe must interesting. was a social stud- ies deinunslratinn: The roll call of the British Emipire" by pupils of Grade 8. representing the climax of a stildy of the British Empire as re- quired by the Prngramine of Stud- ies for Grade 8. This study has t`I|n.\'lll.UlC(l the regular work (if alll (}l'l(l(` 8 pupils for the last month. [he pictures shown being the resnltl Hf <'ui`i'ela1,e(l l(`s: in art. and t'n.-I easel is :1 manual trainin;.: |)lUl(. Cl. r'arri(-d out by Grade 8 boys. I Teachers in Charge The programme was carried in! under the direction of the following teachers: King Edward Sch0ol-W.. A. Bell. Victor Knox,` Flora 'Mc_l (`wt-;_{m'. Dnr<)l'hy Loth. Mrs. Mildred .'~2hear, Verna Wiee. Audrey Lewis: |'rinc- nf Wales Seh E. Mm`- lI'l\'1uI\ (En.-.lpJ f\ Qwnills D,.c.. 1\/I;-,. .`(llll. lI|(' [)l"` sic hora is wun- [T 10 cnmmvnd 1h- splcndid r-ffurl~' to tonight's fin- nnlrl nlun likn 1.`) (II r I lllrl) fillt-d UN` in nppl`0ci- F('n\vick.! Thv prn-i Fririn` uml ll. Thmsilay. Feb:-unnry 29. 194 P` ,__ ,,_T___,_,,_, W. _, , ,,,, _#_ , 1 n'.';_; H) pipv lwim; 11 H1!) spt-('il'i1-:1 I`:-. TI .\'I:u\n. ninn :1 lstull Ilhv 5 `WI .l'\'II The 1 slullal in 0.. l\l ml: [RON PIPE 2 TO BE USED FOR SEWER; unnrlrss unllnu. ruruull. wIl'.':. r.'I(`t' Iuunn nr I'nrH~rnnn.~'r Prime Beef 1b.I.6c SHORT BIB ROAST lb. 17:: SMOKED HHF5\vn...u.:.""'.5'r ` ` AL" murlb. 29 PORK SHOuLDEBs'`I?E lb. 256 Choice 2 lb. 29 BEE!" BOLOGNA "Ki.-'$'" 21b.25c 311531! 1-4: 1 nu 1 mu uuuuu. an "icons-rs I uh-I n......I... 1).... MOTHER P.MlKER S YI".I.l.()\`|' L.-\lIl`I . T55 `~:~*4*3z u------- --v c -ww in: mm BACON Sliced Breakfast FRESH LAMB LEGS lb. 25c l.0lNS lb. 23 FRIINTS lb. 15 i'----' if ' V \' . WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED J: fresh Fruits 8: Vegetables T-----I ....... .. "II I! VV-I.\ Ill .('(~nr(1ixu.:l_v. vumrm-1:; ' fun VIIIIIIKIIUS IV \'\'HV|'.\' Baku! L112" MILI) & Ml .l.l.(IW 8 o'clock '.;:.L:- lH(,`ll & l"l}l.l.-|N)l)H`Il) Egdjlircle '.-:..'.';- I IE:\\ l\l'.l) \\ |l|`..\'I' PAN BISCUITS Doz. 7c ANN I`/USE Doz. me ('(N. ()/\Nll'l' |('l".l) LAYER CAKE Ea. 19 [)|])l'. ; nlnh|- .0 . . . . .. '"%i'&ii"" F,..9.'EF;F ml. Slrlnin. win.-:. l<`:uw- Rnmn l'nrl~rhnu.~1- u Illa`-AIIII .. . .. . .. Il "I was 'ust am in how br et. ul husbands are . . . J 3' 8' 5 . _ m_..