Established 1804 ' A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the own of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square. Barrie, every Thursday. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Week- `cy Newspapers Association and of Cinss A Weeklies -t'Canad'a. J. A. MacI.nren, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES \r.y'where in Canada, $2.00 21 year; n United States, $2.50 a year, pay- ible in advance. Single copies._ 5 `ems. Subscribers wishing to dis- eontinue paper at expiration of per- iod paid for are expe-ctcd to notify this office Before date of c~xp`u'y. ` `Q V ~_\ CORPORATION TIIE I 'i6Ri fxI:'6~" "'I'ht-r(- is nu 4 !1h(- w`n'l(l that 1 vulv half of Its i the un1'n'|un.-n1.- uiun Hull! " [In .`lIllll'l , il|ll'(||IiIIl' II) III!` ('UllH|l,Y-`\` um-ds, is :n .<<-rvi<~:- In whivh all run '|L'l!nll`H)lll1I. In tinu-:4 uf |)l':I(`u_ fl. i.-'. In r'.orvi('v whiz-h mini.~4Ix-rs tn popu- |lm' mnjnyn\t~I)1 Hf (}u nulrl(mI`.s'. In. `nun nf u/ill` il In-I-nnunu `I fun-rn uI' |L|lHl' III \'VIlI_ II |ll'|'(l]|H'.`\ El p.'m'inli:~nn whirl: no nmiun 4 pin can .'1ffu'd tn nwglm-I. Hm}. William I._u<.u Mllrlca-1121' :31 1:: :`_| Wilh rt-spa-<-I In tho inflm-nova which .~*lmp1- public upinion. wn |iv- in n m-w w:n'l (`Imrh-.s' In`. illnglm-5'. I -`.`I if :1: l "If (fzmmln and nth: I` (.'mm1riI'9 of lo W4-S1:-rn H<`mi.~:plwrv want In avoid Lhv irnut-dim: which have hm-n l`('p(*.'I1(-(I Ilmuxglmnl tho cvnluri.-.1 in Rump:-, Ihvy must all line up ;u.::ninsL Nu /.i.~'m and Ihc` nofnrinus duvtrim-5 il xlzlntlv fur." (`hurl-'- `mu:,rm- (.'(lif'l , I\'.(,'. til 3?! I11 THE BARRIE EXAMINER I C:-nndu is nut nnly fightim: mzuinst ug;m~.-wirm. but to renew a wu1'|d-wldv z-nvn-mm! of p(.`(`.(! and 1-) p,i'.r(~ it puwt-I" llnlusx the pv.'mn '1-ova-nunl hue: puwc-r. Ihis vivili'/.:I ,!iun will -ml." Wurmivlc F. (`hip- .llllIll `K I` :1 now r:un1'irl-m-- in w<-.-:14.-rn civil- izutixm. It is tho nmst ;.{:1llunl Chris`.- (liun tukr-n that has |)m,-n given in '.~'mm3 lime lhnl Ilw nation}; should huvv zn'i.~u~n In ('l'H.'~'h lhn hlH`l'l)l` 4.!` |lmrlmri'~'m. no mun:-1' what. thv cmxt." I , , _. ` An, :1 rt-: nf llw wur, there is I I lI{4~prurhu-liun Pruh1l)itI-1|, 1940, I-Tdur-::li<;n:ul I5`:-mun`:-s' Syndit-:m-> {%w{1s:s;rL W( >Iii> or WEEK 1"hursd- y. February 29_ IMO ._g-1 & Q C: ' W QLIQ2 JAMES J. CARLYLE 'l|_|lJ.YlHl'l)l HI \lUlI .`~'. ()lll(I of war. ii 1):-(- :1 .':m-;:u:|r nl fHl'(`Sl rt`-, .-uh-quuh- In llw vuumry':=' In In Hunuc ..r ....-.n.. H i.-, %i.m 1-{wr on` THE -ummnic .-:yslvn1 In mm -u,ntin1u- tn do- ~' invmm` lu SlIbSidi' `, :.lI.. II` ' on mu-_ '-;24o,ooo,oo3_ EDITQRIAL and (.`:1nmln; wuuld st-ml millun mt-nj .. ......- unnoh H I5 ll) hlll rlhur Mun`: mmrs. III form (sf I or pm)- " -. L`! . Ill. zziv Kim/. H llll'n _ w(Iul<| I). I u(-'. will continue in the free stride of democracy in the prosecution of the war against the rgoose-st,r:~p of 11at;i0nul mechanism of speech, lthoug'ht and dr-ml." r.\,_, ; _ __ . DEBENTURI-I ISSUE UNNECESSARY Would any mmnber n1` the County Council think of placing a mortgage upon his p1'o~ party to rntiro 1. bank loan, when his banker reg;m'dcd him as fully cntitlecl to the line of I.`I'rf(liL given him`? IIm' Yet that is what County Council did last, week when it passed the bylaw :u\thm' the issue of debent.uros for $90,000 to pay off the bank loan. AI oh... rt:-.o.. nr ahn ennui-\I1`I\nr\f|l1lJ` Qhn hnnl: IUI -`MIUJJUII LU [J-l._Y U11 l-Ill.` |J(.l.lll\ n.Ia.u. At the dam of the special meeting, the bunk indc3bLednv.<-.:=. 01' the County was $90,000. The subsidy from Lhv I)op:1r1,ment. of Highways on `us! ynm":~: (!m1nl.y Roads expenditures. :1- mounting to $5),00(), will be paid within the `next ('.()n1)l- nl` mnnI.hs and the 'I`reasm`er .s`I.'.1t.rrs Lhul. lhv bunk luzm should be reduced L0 :1pp1'oxin1ut.vIy .*i;3t),0()() in May. .\,....u-na.m~ In qhn rnuIHnW:' rmmvl. thm-n was L-U i1.}J}Jl U)\1Hlitl:l`|`y .p.)u,\Iuu un lVlLlJ. A 1'di11g2; to tho uu<;litm's` report, there was 11 .~:urplu:~; 01' $22,030.90 at [)0o. 31, 1939. This was an improvt-nwnt of $27,698.91 as compar- ed with 1'.>m-.. 31, 1038. It was esthxmted that the su1`1)lus for this year would be about $25,000 H` nu u1n1l`)1'v.s`mr11 expenditures a1'ls0., Alt0g;et,11m', the fimlmzos 01' the County were\ in the best (ronclitinn in yvurs and promised to improve .t(:1(lily. YTv1rlnI' L`III"| r-in-|nnQl.z\n('l\,<< it is` dil'l`i(~.uH. to LU lll1})l`UV'r >|vL:zu1u_y. Under such (:irmnn.~:l.un<:os it. is dil'1`i(:ull. 1.0, nncle1'st,zu1(i why Lhv 1)upa1'LmenL 01' Muni-I cmal AfI':m':< should want, 1.0 impose this de- I)cnl.ure is:-2110, upon the Cmmty. As far as we ran learn, no 2L(:l.im1 ulunp; this line was pru- posed or own di.H`(',l1S.H`(;`d by the County C0un-| cil or offi.-zials. 1 n r`\u\vv I"1|xinl`Qunsnu-viurn` Inlzinu 51(1- C11 01` O1Ili'.ld.ih'. J. B. Gray, Chief Snperviso1', taking ud- vaiitage of :L .~`.pm.:iz1l sc:ssion called for the specific plirposv oi` ;;n:u'm1i`.ecing Collingwood clebe11t11n:~.`;, pimiucccl a bylaw n.l1'eaciy prepar- ed and n.`i'.ed the Council to pass it. It was .~;up,'g'estcci by some that action might be (ic- lcrreci till .iunc_ but this did not suit Ml`. Gray, tl1ou:;;i'i he did not give any valid reason against posi,poncim-ni,, and the Council at last assented. Some quite properly questioned the leg;alit_v of taking action, without notice having" been givcn in the call for the special Ines-ting. TH! (11-n\1 ninin-inri 1110:! n qnvinxr Of $1.000 meemng. Mr. Gl`&_`, claimrd that a savingpi` $1,000 would be c.i`l'0c1.o(J. This is based upon selling the debenI,ui'cs at par, which is most unlikely for a 1'ive-voar issue at . `,5 , callable, in whole .-.. . A. ...~.. o:..\ Dunnncno fnr r\vh`\HnD' WA'l`F.RWORKS 'l)F.I"l`. IIELPS ()'UT The action of the Public Utilities Commis- sion in voting from its animal profits of the Waterworks Dept. $2500 to be used by the Town Council is a piece 01' cooperation which is much appreclatecl by the citizens. This amount is 71, little more than a half-mill and so will more than offset the reduction in| revenue due to the hall`-mill cut in the gov- ernment subsidy. PHI-`n nvunnnl 1-nnrn-I nf fhn Wt.1 WnI`k DP.` I0)` H. llvc~_vI.'zu lhhllli an, a ,- \.u.IIu.uu,, ... .......\, or in part. at. any Liine. Expenses for printing. ar.lverLlsim: and Municipal Board fees of $90 for issui1.': ])(`I`lllll. and $70 for certifying de- bentures, would take up at, least. $300. It. should also be remembered that payments on the debentures. unless called, will be made till the wholi $90,()00 is retired. though a. large part 01` the debt. would have been overtaken in the 01'('iiiiziry (`()ll1`S(` before that. m... 'V_..4~I-c ..l` c-:.,..... 1~..~..- I:.r\n' nvirlnrl Hunlf 111 L110 ()1'(llll2ll'_V ('UlI1 h(` Lltfiuiu ouau. The County of Simcoe has long prided itself upon being; true 01' bonded indebtedness. Not 101` 38 years has there been an issue of Sim~ coe County clebent.ures, $100,000 being sold in 1902 l'or the inaug2;uru1.ion of the County Road) System. Four years prior to that. an issue of $50,000 was sold to build the House of Rei'11p;e. The Examiner feels it is a big mis- take to issue Lllese del)enLui`es. It. would havel been much (-lu-uper (il the Council decided it. was really ll(`('l,'.`1t<.lll`_\/ 1.0 Luke action) to have 'g.`1'udi1ally reduced Llie bunk indebtedliess by levying an extra. quarter-mill untll the a- mount. was l!`.:nd(' up. | Hal I-"r:ml~:. in Saturday Night, says that Prolnior I1:*-pburn'.~'. zlttitude in the Federal` election 1:; mm 01` malevolent neut.rality." Some 1.iL>-1'u,1:; would go so far as 1.0 call it b1'm.:1`uly." ~~--~-~- I\/1;u'cl1 1:: nmtm-iunsly a. windy month, and, __.u_ _. .1. ..n 41-.. ..I,...o:.\n nnnnr-hue urn ohnlll is`. and! what with all the election speeches we shall be sllbjt-r-l,vcl to (luring; the next few weeks. it will be windivr than ever. But. it. will soon be gum: with llw wiml. - _ .o-,,_..- Canzuii-a1 rzuliu s1)0-.1k::rs can act as their own cen.~;0r.~: by c-lixmnat/mg anything from tlwir :.~peux-,.|1o>.v which could be quoted in Ger- mzmy us: indi(':1t,it1g any luck of unity in Can- acl-.1`.. war v!f(>I't.. R(`n`1(,`mb(`1` that Hitler and G()(`b(`ll.`; nrv Iistnning in. _. /!';._ The iiiviii'uoi'sliip I've for the Chamber of Commoru(-- which it, is proposed to form in Bzi.ri-iv ill b( $5.00. It may interest Barrie buSi1|.(`.h`S mvn to know that :1 number of Mid- lanci l|i(.`l'(`l1`.1l`.1.S ouch contribute $100 a year or more Lo llH`il` Chamber of Commerce. This fact simulu be 1-zvpi. in mind when solicitation is inaciv ior 111:` $5.()() fvv in the Barrie organ- imtioii. The B1`i1,isl1 navy mntimles to rescue down-3 ed Gvrman xiyvrs from the sea and to pick up Germ-.m ; who have deliberately scut- tlod `mt ir .~hips. That, is the best. commentary upon the brutal German practice of bomb- ixw; and much1no-gunning defenceless British and zwutm`. .-zanurs and fishornxen. The world could not go on if sm-h savagery were allow- ed to triumph. Mr. Wri;m. publislier oi` the Mount Forest C`oni'edm`ute. has been receiving hearty con- gl`atul:1ti()ns from his fellow-publishers on reacliing his 85th year. Still in very fair health. Mr. Wright is able to attend to the eclitorial duties in which he has been so long! happily cnmged. 01` a pleasing personality and :i kind and sociable nature. Mr. Wright has in the newspaper fraternity a host of! fi`im\.cls. who have learned to respect and ad- mire the fine qualities exemplified in his life. .___@~_.: "Neither W11`. King nor any of his colleaguesl have been asked to join with the Conserva- tive party in at National Government." said Hon. Dr. Maiiion at Winnipeg. "I said I was going to mrm :1 government of the best` brains in the country and most of them don`t. qualify. though three or four of them would." To suggest that members of the king Adniinzstration have not enough brains to be in Dr. Manioirs class may please the partisans. but to many other people it sounds childish. Andy Clark in his weekly broadcast last Sunday `p-aid :1 wo1l~dc-sm-vod tribute to the Wlbulll. any 'd.Ul.llhlU|l bu um um. -.....u.., ...\...,... Citizens were probably surprised to see that a total of 170,205,000 gallons were pump~ ed last year from the municipal wells. This, of course. includes what was used for flush- ing sewers and fire purposes. It might be supposed that Clarke & Clarke, Barrie Tan- ning and the First Cooperative Packers, which use very considerable quantities of water, would consume a large part 01' the total. This. however, is not the case, as these plants have their own supply from ar- tesian wells. Barrie Tanning; having two. Part of the year, the packing` plant draws heavily upon the town waterworks. Comparison of the l'igu1`es shows a healthy growth in revenue without any increase in rates. In 1933, receipts were $17,443.34, while u... 1...: u)nn|~ p nnu-nino-u ulnrn 5190 978.42. Tllls ao:'f {Nzms "Johnny Turk is a gentleman. Unv- ing him on our side changes the whole picture in this part of the wnrld. L If Llillnp ullll his :1 line of stool mid cuncrete frmn the `Alps In the sen, backed by several \milHnlI hunvily-armed Llofumlers. Expi-1-it-mre of the last wan` shows that there is no quick victnry 10 be won hvrv` and it is nut certain that Hitler has (-ithc1"ihv dvsirv nr [ht ,g`.'Isu1inv supply tn begin :1 titanic cuntvst .'x`LlL']| as l.ud0n(|nrff (`l)[.{il;.{(`d in in 1918. Thu! lvnvvs tho liulkzms. A move h('l`(' menus for Gvrmzmy 4-xtvmling thv lmI.tlv]inu, taking on morv lur- rilury tn garrison and morv millions uf unruly subjects to police. It might mt-zm throwing Italy on 1:: I the Alliml side. And it might have In lm 1-:n-I-inzl 1|\l`1|II1lh \uiH\n||i nun-h ll|]) l.H(`l`(`. H1 UH] VV("Hl. IN.` IS lilL'L'(l L)_Y I '_'llIHl' Ill lllllll S('IH(lI'ZlVi.'l ii, is hard In some whnl. Hitior cnuld win up tlwro. In the Wvxl hv is l'ucvd by In linn nI' ulmnl nnrl -m1m'N- from lhv lllll? l\llll'U SHIV. l'\llU IL lllllll, llilVl,' la.) bu c:n`ri0d thmngh without. much hvlp rrnm Rtlssin. unlv.-4:: she g.-,(,=ts the Finnish War over in :1 hurry. Vol thv l3:nl|(z1ns still soonls the must likvly plnvo for :1 German Spring lnn\H`--iI Hun-n in: In hn nun Gil lil`Q` lll(l'l.V ])|iIl'l` H)!" il LlL'l'llliIII D[l|`ll|`4` mn\rv--il llwru is to be l)llL`_ Oil lies this way. in Roummiia. Mesnpnl:nn- in, Persia and the Caucasus, and it is oil above all which `ierintziny needs. Horn is the nvcrlzmd mule tn tlw l'I:i.~:l' which holds such :1 strum: :itl.i`n(,-Linn rm` tlm Gunn:im:. ll:-re lhuy might extend llwir grip nV(`l' Russia and hzirnss Britain all the way frmn Pzilesliiio tn lndi.'1., Here. in fact. are many fine pus- sltbililies for Gerniziiiymif Hitler woron`l just. :i hit 100 late. 13.... 1|." Allin I:..n.\ `\n\:` dlnxn Qnl vvxnnu n Jll-1|` u ulc. uu. |uI.\,. '1 Fur the Allies have h-ad limo in`; SSL`lll`,l)lL` :1 great fnrcv in the N(`:ll` I l!`.:isi--tl1<- Australian and Now Zou- 1 land cnntingcnts are the lznesl In ` juin i1.~':md to come to :1 hm`(l-1md- i fast agreement with Turkey. l~1u\'-' 1 ing Turkey on our side Chaligos the whnlo picture in this part. of the world. Instead of serving as :1 bridge fur Germany in the Nvzn` ` East she now Sl.11ll(lS as u bzirrivr in nny German advvnnce in this direc- tion. Instead of uccupying xx millinn. 0!` more at` our troops in cnnrnu-rin;z her. she now offers us a millinn of hers us allies. Instead of hnltlnu: tho Dnrdnnelles against 011!` musi dos- porntn efforts and prevonlmzz us] from reaching Russia or helping: Iluumnnicn. she now ensures nu:-' xvnrsliips free entry in the Black `Sea. She supplies the l(L`y.-:it)ll(` whirl) was missing in our \\'lllIl'.' Near and Middle F):istern [)1i.\'nil')li in the lust. war, but which make-; i`.| xi snlid. imbreuknble arch np,ninsL (lvrmnn or Russo-German pressure chic Hn-sn LIIIJ |.llIl\'. How did it came about that Tur- key joined our side`! 'I`1`a(lition:illy ,-:he takes: the opposite side to Rus- sia. who has intermittently for over a hundred years striven to g.iin eontrnl of Qonstnntinople and the Straits` During most of this time I'urkey has enjoyed Britain`: sup- port in thwarting the Russian am- bition. But tori-es with Russia in the last war. Turkey felt she had to go with Germany, After the last war there was it strung revulsion of feeling u),{ililISt Germany in Turkey and Mustzifzi Kcimil's New Turkey" t'o:`ine(t zi strong friendshin with i.tvnin`s New Russia." which hurl reiiouneed all imperialist ambiti:xn':. For 17 years Turkey consulted the U.S.S.l{. on all her main f0reis1_n policy moves. Then came the Hit- ler-S t.:ilin pact and the Russim in- vasiun of Poland and the Baltic St'ites. At the same time Soviet troops were massed on the Ruum:i- niaii border and Moscow renewed the old scheming with Bulgaria. The Turkish Foreign Minister was called to the Kremlin and told in effect that Turkey's new position was to act as Russia's grate-keepczr at the Dardanelles, to close them when she was told. against the war- ships of any power whom Russia should designate. The Turks were t`or<~r~d to conclude that Russia un- when Britain joined. \!L l'lllilll U this time. .1 .. ! *-----*-- progressiveness of the town of Huntsville. ,It is about the goingest" town of its size in `Ontario. Barrie had delightful evidence of the Huntsvillian enterprise in the skating carnival presented at the Arena last week. The programme was excellent and executed with fine effect. It was a surprise to learn that Huntsville. with less than a third of Barrie-`s population, has a membership of 9'7 in its skating club. Stimulated by such an 'exhibiti-in as was given on Thursday, Barri! skaters should plan the organization of sucl in club here next winter. It would be a fin l;1ttr:u:tiou tor skaters of all ages. l 1 ernmenu SIIDSIU) . The annual report. of the Waterworks De- partment ls 21 very s:Lt.is1`acto1'y one, the rev- enue steadily inc1'ea,s'1ng` and substantial im- provements nmde to the distribution system without any addition to the debenture debt. rVHh-ynnu urn:-n nrnhnhlv ,Q1H`H1`i.`~'.l3_d t`.() "rebe1` candidate in Trinity Riding. Toronto I where he was turned down for re-nominatior after being mixed up in the Bren Gun at fair. Hon. C. D. Howe. in making the an- ? nounccinent. said that no blame was attach- led to the former representative of the riding That may be Mr. Howe`s opinion. but Mr. .Plaxton`s Liberal constituents took a very ldifferent View of his Bren activities when lthey decided to drop him after the part he played in the matter was disclosed. Facts brought out in the inquiry left a very unfav- orable impression upon the public with res- pect to not only Mr. Plaxton but also to Hon. Ian Mackenzie. the then Defence Minister, and his Deputy. General LaF`leche, for whom a lucrative position has since been created in Paris. -@__ I-u_.1.__A:__. -1: ._-_.,..,,,, , . . ,.- _ u I ' Hugh Pia:-zton has decided not to run as *5 I l- Reduction of government support of edu- cation is regrettable, particularly when it af- fects the children of the rural districts and any feature that helps to maintain interest in farm life. In this class come the school Turke-y- And War in the Balkans Johnny Turk is a Gentleman. Having him on our side changes the whole picture in this part of the world. 1 Willson Woodside s Rkly War Commentary THE BARBIE EXANHNEB. BARBIE. ONT., CANADA T. ll` Hitler and his general:-i ducidc mi :i big nifileiisivv this Spring lhc-_v have their ciiui.-:c of three main tiie:ii.r0s: 1119 Western F'runt. Scandinnvizi and tho. Hullyunp Ac '3L'ilH(lllHlVli| illlll '.he Bzulknns. As long as his sup- plies cuntimm in r.-mm in from umuu-Hn|..ui.. M iv.- Ller any other name was still Rus- slu and returned home to sign up! with Britain and Franco. Even so. they insertt.-d u clause in the :1- greement which did not rermirc them to fight ztgztinst liussia nor tn open the Straits tu Allied warships unless they themselves had volun- tarily entered the war. "oi Thus the question of whether we could aid Rmumunizi, either directly or by 2ll.l.tIL`l(lllg Russia in the lllnek Sea. was still left in doubt. linu- munin. theret`orc, standing nlune and in n pusitinn of extreme dunger, continued to plncztte ('.lei-mzniy and meet, `her demands fur more oil. lurping to play llerlin ngninst Mus- enw, she was :rl)snlntt.-ly sure of our nid this was the only thingl she could (in, she said. For uwhilel little progress was made in uur ct`- {nrts to pinch nil` (lerni:Iny's uil| .~nn`Jply or build it linlkzm blue tn uppuse her. 'l`hen came the cmit'er-i ence ml the llnlknn l-Intente. zit thel Jegimiing nf l*`eln'uur_y. As the re-I suits become evident it, it|)l)L"Il`S tn. .tzive been at real Hticcess fur 'l`urk-I l.`-ll] ef'l`nrt;:. fur Balkan unity nV(`l` Gennnn el`I`urt.~4 tu\Vll`tl.~: (lisruptinn. 'l`url it seems, fut` time upenly prmnised Rullmtllllil `help in case of ll,l,tlCk from any ' qunrter. (lennmiiy. Russia nr tilin- gury. in return she guine(l an [)l'l)lIl- ise frmn lluumunizn in (ftllt:-`l(l('l' it settlement of l31|l;4:n`in'.-4 cluim tn the l)()l)i`Lldjn. it isn't that 'l`urkey~luvcs Ulll[{.'ll'l:t or wnnts to see her stren;.',- thened. llut. the l`url l"nreiy,n Minister. M. S:n':ienglu. is wise enough in see that it` l3ul;,'_:1riii lnt`(`lS with nnly (_'l|lIS`lillll rt-t' frmn the [lnlknn Entente nutitms to consider , her grievzniees she is 1,{Ulll).{ tn lt)t)k ` Lu s nntsicle the linlkuns. tn Germnny. ltuly nr Rtl.\`Si.'t, In chum- pint) her e;ni.~'.e. And she is guimg In turn mure und ltl()l`(` to Yttguslaiviti and the idea ut" farming one big Suuth Sluv nuititm, the `pruspc-ct M which makes Greece and Turkey in pzu`tieulur shiver. Such :1 powerful` isuuth Slnv group, emnprisim.I, 20, _ million of the best figl1'tei`s in these ' pm'ts_ would be n|mo.a't eertnin Ln ' press tuwnrds S:il>niku and the ` Aetgcati cunst.. Thi.-a` wuuld part Tur- '. key and Greece. and it is it strange` ` thing but true that these two pen-l pies. who fnLtgll1.t)Ii(' oi` the bitterestl V nnd cruelest. wnrs in recent times `E in 1922-23. cun`t bear in be sep.'n'nt- l ed tndny by its much as 20 miles. the modest, curridur which lrlul;,'nr- ' in claims to the Aegean. me "recommend us an illV.'tlll'.'l`l)l(.` refer-' ence on all these prul)lems llurrzi- bin`s excellent little Al.lzIs oi` (Zur- rent At`i`:iirs"). the first '- H C A t 1 I l l rates. in 193.5, 1'CClph:i wt:u: .]>1l,'1:1u.u-x, nu..- the last year's earnings were $20,878.42. was an improvement of $3435, or nearly 20 per cent in seven years. Revenue will grow with enlargement or mains ne_-essary to keep pace with building. On a nurnber of streets the old 1%-inch pipes are still in use. When these are re- placed by the standard six-inch mains, an ample supply will be available with the re- suit that more water will be used. Last year 32 new services were installed but this represents only a small portion of the addi- tional demand for water. much of it created by the doubling up of families in many hous- es nnd numerous apartments fitted up over stores. in places l'ormerly unoccupied. No town or city in Canada has a better water service than Barrie enjoys. Not only is the supply abundant--the artesian wells having a daily l'low of 2,000,000 g`allons-~ but the quality is unsurpassed. Both from a resldenti:.l standpoint" and for a manufac- turing town. an unlimited quantity of the purest water. with an efficient distribution system such as ours. is one oi` the most val- uable l`eac.:lres a town can have. And it is a feature that should receive marked prom- inence in any publicity issued by the town. So if it czin't be said that there is complete unity in the Balkans. which is impeded by jL`1ll()llSl(`S| reaching bnck generations if not|5 centuries. and more p:irtieiilm`ly by Buli.{nrin'.~: diszit`t`ectioii and Yugo- slnvi;i's tmeertnin and um'c-liable policy. nt. least we enn any that 'l`Ln'- I` key. Greece nnd Roumnni-in nowli stand fairly solidly together and!` fairly solidly on our side. The` 'l`urkisl1 Foreign Minister has re-ii eently rern:n`l that if their nlli-1` nnce with the Allies did not (:om`pclt them to nttnck Russia. neither (lid it, forbid them from doing so. Ger-!` lmnn and Russinn technicians have` been expelled from 'I`ui'key. The!` Turkish press now declares openly lthnt Turkey will fight, any invader of the Balkan .penin.sulzi. Roumnnin, Vwho has n pretty consistent record` |l'or piekinp.{ the winner. has been {emboldened to deny Germany gas- I 4 ` t 1 l oline for her planes and lubricating `grease for her r:iilwny.<:. Allied nav- nl forec-.~:, it is sziid, are prepnr.n;.{ to control Russinii illl ])Ul`l_S' which might be intended for Germany at the Dzirdzmelles, and bl(I('k.'l(l(` Rus-' 'sinn Black Sea ports to eut oft` the oil transport from them neross to the mouth of the Danube- and hence _ to Ch-rtnnny when river tr.'it'fie| ,lop`.n.s`. ' If H 11.1.` .. . .:|.I, , 1 If all this - p<:s.s`il)l0, and mu` pus:-l itirm in the Near East and the Bal-3 ikrms looks more l':ivnurzrblu thzml lune would have dared to hope half` in year ago, it is br'C;iusc of 'l`urkey. 1Jnhimy Turk," mzmy :1 British snldier who fought him in the last \-var has said in me. "is in gentle-l mzm." Others ziclniitlcd that At any` rate. he's :1 jolly good fighter" We will be mighty glad that we have him as nur ally and not will` rm-my lif Germany, or Gcrmmiy and Rus-l I l l L be lhorv in s not! . .~: Hm-m-inin nnrl um-nlinhln In Bowmanville there appears to be some iifference of opinion as to transferring the ivatcrworks Department from the jurisdic- :ion of the Town Council to the Public Utili- ties Commission. A member of the Town '3oun(ril cites this as another instance where 1 paying department of the municipality was handeri over while the sewers. which are de- finitely a part of the Waterworks System. were retained," and acids as has often been commented. the Commission got the milking or revenue end of the cow and left it to the Town to supply the feed." It is a long time since the Waterworks was taken out of the hands of the Barrie Council, but the claim that the sewers are definitely a part of the Waterworks system has seldom been advanc- ed here. In many cities and towns sewers and waterworks are run under the same manage-. `ment and part of the profits of the latter ap- plied on sewer operating costs. This seems a fair arrangement as adequate sewerage is absolutely essential to the successful opera- tion of a waterworks department. fairs, cancellation of which is included in this yearlx reduction programme of the On- Lzu-iu Government. Anyone who has attended these 1' knows the zest with which the c-liilcii-on enter into them and the broadening influence they have in the school life. The clep-.'u'tniental expense `of carrying on these little cxlnbitions is stated to be about $40 each. or approximately $20,000 for the whole province. It would seem that paring of estim- ites ill some other quarter to this amount night have been done with little disadvant- ige and this very valuable feature of rural ducation left undisturbed. !MANION SHOWS ` g BIG REVERSAL . IN ATTITUDE! 1 Opposed Notional Gov- ernment Only Last July, '| Says McCuoig zlgt). \ "Why did Dr. Mnniun change his mind`."', asked the speaker. "He is likv :1 mun (lruwning in n lnkc, will- ing to grasp at anything and now he udupts the litlu of National Govern- mum." 1\Il.. 1\Il,.r`....:.o ..I..a...I 11...: r\.. Hl|'IH. Mr. Mc-Cunig stated that Dr. Mnninn hadn't told us: who the Gav- ermnenl. would be and that the peuple nt` Cnmndn have n right to know the men he is going to ptnce in nffice. The people are not going to take :1 chance at the present time; they will re-elect the trusted nnd tried King Gnv(-rmnont,." |\/Ir NI:-(`nnia tln:-Innul that than I.l'l('lI l\lllL{ \JUV( I'llH1L`|H.. Mr. M(rCuuig declared that the King Cmvrrmmt.-nl would go buck inln power with :i larger majority than in 1935. nnHHl:un L... .\n....n- ..a- LL. r\.. 'l`lllI (i0OSl+`.-S'l`l`.l` I The g'ooso-sl;(-p in Germany and Italy is a revival 0'.` the 1ock-sLep of our old prison days. symbullmnp; national mechanism of speech. thought and (l('.(`d." That. is a passage from 21 chapLm' on 'I`ho Div.LuLo1' Business in Isaac F. Marcoss~.m`s book 'I`urbulonL Years." Mar- cossan. as special roving writ.e1' for the Sat- urday I-ivonlng Post, nmde :1 first-hancl study of E\1l`()))O1l\ politics since the Great. War. and he has haul pm-::oz'1u1 inuvrviews with the dic- tators. Ho .-nuns up d'u'.t/ut.orships in the words we have quotocl above. us :1 national mech- mi'2.nt.ton or speech. thought and deed." 'T`\\t\nn nvhn liutnnn In tho h1'nndv,;1st, lllllll U] IHJI). I Bolittling the efforts 0! Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion to form :1 National Ifjmvernmt.-nt, Mr. ML-Cuaig asked how the Conservative I..euder ex- pected to form such 2: Nntinnul Gov- ornmcnt when two separate groups, lhu C.C.F. and the Social Crodih. `were both 0|)p0s('d to him. I "Imnuinn Dr Mnninn hnuinu Mr Wl.'l'L` UULH U[)[)()S('U U) nlm. "Imagine Dr. Manion having Mr. |Wuudsworth. the C.C.F`. Le.'ndcr, who opposed C:mndn`s participation in the war as Cabinet Minister?" nskccl the H[)(.'iIk(!l`. w,1!l wn \Al1HH Intlruv in nnn nnr-Iv lillklfll UH.` .`l[)l.'i|K(!I'. What. we want tuday is one party siifficicntly strong to have a ma- Ijnrity over all other groups. not de- [)0n(l0nl, on the whims and wishes of tlmsu groups. The only party that. can attain this is the Liberal party." Capt. `Milton Stall Captain Milton Stntt declared ho was must impressed with the per- `:Sl)ll2|lll_Y of the candidate whom the `(ftmvvntinn had nominated. Mr. Gil- mm-v. Hv urged the (lulogates to get i l)l`lllll(l the candidate as a young man, a man who has had the cour- I `(age in offer himself tn the Royal ;Can:I Air Force. I -n- ...... ,.i..,. .. .... . . H . ... :,. ........ ;L,2llHI(lHlH [\ll' L`()l'(.'L'. `If you elect n man not in sym- 'puthy with the great Canadian Na- Hmml Railways; system you may }r(-pudiute the greatest undertaking lthut Canada has ever hud~the man Ityvumr,-:us" declzrred Captain sum. 1 "Mr Rnwn mnv hn n vr-rv ninn :IlVL'I.\',`iI.\ UL'Clill'L`U pupunn Dlilll. lmun. but he won't assist to the lsliuhtest degree, to help Canada -11 [this war." continued Captain Stait, "It is likely that he will obstruct the honest effort. of the Canadian Government. in supporting !his war. as u member of the oppn.<:iliun." In r-nnvlncinn (`nnlnin Rlnil rln- . "Mr. Rowe may be a very nice ilh il llll.'lH'U{.'l' Ul [H8 U[)pU5HIH. In conclusion, Captain Sluit de- clared that the Liberal Govorr-.mcnt would rt-turn with an incrc-:a.<:c mnjmty and that the I.iberal-Pm- arc-ssivo cnndidnte would be "ll'L'l(`d in Duffc-rin-Simone. ,/. week with his aunt. Mrs. 4Dr.) ! Francis Edgerton is snc-ndinzz a }Lc-nnox. New Toronto. Mice Kata NI:-Vnv Flvnumlau rn_ lmnnox. New Toronto. Miss Kate McKay. Elmvalc.-, rc- turnod home afier visiting her sis- ter. Mrs. Jas. Rix. Jr. Mrs. Jamnq Hr-witt and Jack Sutton of Toronto spent Sunday wiht Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Edszcrton. ._-_._:__./.`.:_____,,,, sin. start :1 drivv into tho I$zzIl<.'m:~; | this spring. AT c6'rK/ENTION Those who listened to the broadcast speeches of l-`rinie Minister Clmmberlain and Chancellor ilitier on Satiirciay last were pre- sented with no study in contrasts. On the one hand tlu-_v he-m'cl the 1`est.1`ained and reasoned words oi` 21 democratic statesman. and on the other the immticui ruvings of a political ego- ist. C-hmnberluin i.ook into his view the high- est interi-::ts. not only of Great Britain. but those oi` the whole of Europe and the entire world. l-litler spoke only or the selfish inter- ests oi' Gernmny and the attainment of his own })(`l`S()llt1l ambition to dominate neighbor nati(ms by brute i'or(`.e. Ai`ter taking to him- self the credit for all that had been done for and by Germany in the past thirteen years. he inside in blaspliemous concession to Provi- dence as having specially protected the Ger- man people from their eneniies" and given them "*.'ivim'_\"' in their merciless_onslnught on I 01i|.ll(1. rn\.. .........a,... nut no` 11:01.-`.u onnnnh `nun fuL'_ u11'z`.1I.l0li Ul spcucxi. tnuugut zuuu uccu. Advertise in The Examiner. ll` (ll MCC v\\o|rlx cEiiE5iiVi~i`i%iiLL" "Yes, tr-rpfetr-r." n"j`--"" 1 THE REASON nnmurrlod wnm.n5 are culled spinsu-rs is due `.0 H10` fuel that in the old days nnmnrri(~d' women spent. much of their tumo spinning to provide their wedding (lress and in fill lhv l)n1lnn1 (|I'nw- n u- l Y.` 7.1 7.- THE WORD spinstor bocnmn thc-E legal term for mnnurriv(l wm|x`n nu` King Alfred's time. l (,1 1:! :'.t ., r,. THE United Statvs is the world's largest, consumer of crude drug:-z. l 17! ft ='. IF ALL the peat fuel at good qual- ity in the State of Minn:-sum was burned at the rain of n tun p(`r min-. ute there would be enough in In.~.-1`| until the year 15,255. :3 11! :11 I u u u N SHARKS are nut thv nmsl rl:nn;:or- nus fish. l.nrg(.- bill`l'iICU(lZ1S nrv rnuro likely to utnck swimmers than are most sharks. fl 1?! :`.I 'I`HF1RE ARE shops in Paris which regularly sell horse mout over their counters. Butcher srhups retailing horse meal are required by law In carry an gold-colored hurs("s hondl over the doorway. I or a so U8 gUU('-.\Lt'ppuI5 LU \.n.-Luu.xu_y \.IVCA 41. Caimidimis believe in ii democratic form of goveriiment. and we must be careful that we are not bctrziyed by the exigencies of war in- to any ':\'ll1U oi` goose-stepping in speech. thought. and deed. Prime Minister Macken- zie King. in his broadcast speech last week. eiiipliaslzeti the necessity for party govern- ment in order t.o provide a watchful opposi- tioii. Dr. Mzmion is in full agreement with that principle. and it he succeeds in obtain- ing suilicient support for his proposed Na- tional Government. he is looking to Mr. King and the Liberal Party to provide the neces- sary opposition. so whichever party wins in this election, we may be sure that Canada !IN JAPAN the bulb of tho dnhlin Iis used as :1 vegetable. f.I :2! =1: TI-IE SLEEPING habits of :1 envoy of qunil are odd. The birds urr:mgL- themselves in :1 cum`pIr.\t(r circle` with heads out and tails toward the` centre. If alarmed each one flies straight nut without danger nf cul- lisinn. -" * *3` IN THE State of Pelmsylvmnin (hero is enough salt to supply the cmmu-y' for 150,000 years. 1 =1: I :1: :2: GILYCERINE is now bt:-ing made. from waste gas, :1 by-pmdutrl. Hf gasoline. 4,. -_-_~ I 1. The $1,000,000 I)mnininn Ap-I pcal has been rt-;,:i.~:tvr-'d with, and: approved by. thv Wm` ('.`h.'1rilit--c Act. ' I I) 10.. ......~ .......I; :\Ivan|Vot.t\u unill 1.1:) (act. 1 2. its war work oversea.-= will li--*3 synchronized with that or uiilnl` auxiliary agencies under llw sup-i erviaion of Brigadier-Gt-in-rnl W.i W. Foster, 21 military ni'fi(:n.-r, wh-ll is a member iii` The Snlv:il,iu:il Army National Advisory H'i:ml. , 3 He um!` unirk nl hlllhl` in m-:1i'- I Facts Conceljning The Salvation Army's | War And Service Plan! Illlly lVLll.IUlldl l\Ll'lI.\lll_) l)'hllH 3. Its war work at homo is ;.I,-:n'- ; ed into the programme of 1m_-ul; auxiliary Wu!` wurk (.'U-l)I`dillHHll1{L committees, an uf{i(:t_-r in (-1-ch lie-( lrict being :1 member or such mm-' mittces. ! A 'r'n,. nynr uni` .mu it urill mun. ITllllL'l?S. l 4. The war servicr-s it will run-i der. bcth ovx.-rst.-.1.~. and home. lil- cludc: Chaplain St-_rvic.-, Huspitalg Visitations, Estnblishmt-lit and uperution uf Rm.-rcuti Hills and` Centres` Oporaliun of "Dry" (`un- teens, Equipment and oporatiun U!` Hostels and Billt-ts fur mun uni leave or in transit, Libraries, Hund- ing and Writing nonm::; making sm-l'..~= and knitted wear by nu.-mbers ur the "Red" Shit-ld Auxiliary and Home l.eaL'm-') nnw miuug.--l in this work). Contacts with lam- ilies of enlisted men for 1,-must-1.`; advice and assistance with L'mL'l`.{- cncy problems re-suiting frnrn (la--~ privation (if the bread winm.-r_ 5. The social part of the pram: Orammo which duals with R(`.H'('|lI` - Homes. Children's Homes. Ag:-(lg People's Homes. Hospitals, cu,-.. s'_ included in the campaign, to (.-lim- l; in`.-to the Salvation Army's lhrt-.- regular annual appeals, viz., um Public Relations; lb Self D:-nial 1,, Appeal; It-l llarvvst F:-stival Ap- peal. I ;wP- 4: UH 1'UL'Lulu. The greater part of Hitler`s speech was tak- en up with an elaborate defence of the inter- nal form of governnient in Germany--ANazi- ism. He might well have saved his breath, for no one obiects to Nuziism as a form of gov- ernment for Germany. it` the Germans want that. Ii they prefer the goose-step of dicta- torship to the free stride of democracy, that is then` own business. Britain and France would not now be at war with Germany if Hitler had not forced the goose-step of Nazi- ism upon :\.ustria. Czecho-Slovakia and Po- land. Llaviny done that. it was only to be :1 inatter of time when Holland. Scandinavia and 1` imilly the British Commonwealth would be goose-stepping to Germany Over All!" n......m.m.- |\nHn1.'n in n r~lnn\nt\I'aHt\ fnrm nf _/ B! A. MIBDONAI A M( )|lE| .N Iillll I[rN Foreign Exchange (Iontrol has naturztlly imposed more work and study on im'estors. The regulations constitute the latest addition to the labor of nr.tnaging investments which has steadily intreasetl lor more than two decades. l In View ol this trend, more investors are availing themselves of this Corpora- tion's Agency service; they retain tontrol of their securities but delegate the day to day tares of management. (] Agency service intlutles reviewing your securities, submitting suggestions, buying and selling as you may direct. collecting and depositing the income to your account and liurnishing you with regular statements of securities heltl and interest col- lected. (ll Fees are moderate. We invite your inquiries. Assets 'I`0I{0NTO GENERAL |`llUS'|`S , I tnku .. under administration ? Y A. MMDONALD Lulu 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 1940 ._1