Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1940, p. 2

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lll !`l.l-IR (;RA I`l0NS The Germ-.m people must be getting rather ' tired 01 the spocclxes 01' Chancellor Hitler, and the fact. that he had been silent for several months might indicate that his Nazi leaders had weuried of his or-atorical fireworks. There ` Ls such a sameness about these fulminations (`2m:ndn is. as yuu all knuw vt-ry I./n-ll. 9 sparsc-ly-pupululvd vnuntry. vilh 1-n:.rm<.us natural n-snurce.~` md WIUI unpupulzm-(I .~:p:u-es. A/hut wnultl Do our fun: if Hitler Ind his gun}: nf ruffinns win this` v;u".' Wv wuuld br grmnxd dawn mrkr liw .~:zum- law hf lhv junglv hut nnw nmvx/nil-4 in r`..m.~: l I I`: I` H13 1 `UiII'U(.'U W as |:::lvnl.-d in 1867. ll. 1 pu-1.',.~: .~:h'um4 411mm,: :1 min wirv with :~;h:u'p1-In m- ]n'nlrmli|u.: frum on SIVI/\|.l. xqu:m- ])il`l'l` ( "mu II.-zz-(1 h_y Inn'1',l:u'.~:, In l,h:- nmsl, IiH'ir`uIl I_y[n ml .-: VI/*IsE':s'f "\Xr'c31i){3" 01* THE WEEK |;;u.nwmv In |ll - warp, l.lm.~:L- - 1-nllvd lhv wt I AlI l`HI`IN l`I(JI l'Y 4:!` can In- (I1.-1,4-nnlm-d ll: 3(.n:..- IIII. XV|1\V IH lhll pmtllulri. JAMES J. CAR.l.Yl.E l~`lRH'l` 1.. ... `Al{.MEllS' l"l'lI)l')llA'l`lUN I/DC JUL) 21. ul.1.n.' |Jl`l:l:(.'l, ncuu ivu. uuwunn. It is that little better which is going to win the war. 'i"hei-v zm-, however, many things that militzito :1g`:1iI`!Sl. quality production and marketing` in wartime. There is the increased cost of labor, material and equipment. and also war l.axe.'~'.. The i'm'niei- is subject to these conditions, yet he is expected to maintain the quality of his pmtlm-ts with an increase in quantity without :1 proportionate advance in prices. Fu.1'm pi'od11cl,s are raw inaterials and any decline in qu:i_lity is easily detected by the system or f_Zi`:l(iiI1f.`,'. !"n_nnnv--iiitnu in nctinrlnl in H10 Willllill` Of WIH Ink` WEI!` ~L+-on. Merrivr :3 .'n- nuu by man: I 1-uh nid that thume who lhil m a moral foundation :1 " hr A1; L. I .1 Du)-1 v.u'..~. Ill II.I|'|lI)` `zliun uf lhv SimL~m- ul' 1114- (7h.'nnln-r ul' /\_L-,- l*`:n'nn-|'s` l"c,-tlvmliml. 3 i1 wi|l,:|l] llwpm(lL1(-- w`.'uliv<~.~' :m(| rullurul I nml junior, fl':-rs {In `l`lll'il|). , ull Ihul is In-,l " whilv I`:-putIi.'nlvIu( Hu- .- 4-In-nu-nl:4 that in I`:-~ : have :ap.'|wm-ul 4-fl Hu- vuinilznli-.|n uu nun-. u I`I'_v (`nu r all linu- llulVl' HIIIIVVI ('EI|)HiI.Hlll. l.rn.k;l.-: Hm` ....I |... 4|...` ill'(' mic-I Ilhlll. : lhn! this ['1-(I- - Ilunu-,hl uf .-us luluv ur p:|rl_v, |':||` lrtnuct-1-I-.'|v< ll IIH by print \| an silulinll 1:: Id fc-cl .\'.'If(- )0 t':l(l(`(l." THUT.`..`I)AY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940 II|_y .Ynu.~ m-, where- and throu- L.l'Hll I Muniu 1 yuur - thuse Nuw be fair, 'l`mnpkins. my our Tm` if I (luu'1 ;;-l H \P1N MACHINES MUST PAY $100 LICENSE FEE; ((.`unHmwd [rum Pm/ct 1) und il l'im- nul mam-utlim-_ nfl'vm-1-, ur n .~'u-( ll l'.\'5s', 4,.- 111.1 1|.-ml |H'll'1` lhzm `ll .'`. .5 (I0 ls-v_v by day I'M!` (lis- IH I '1 l I I 1 ..EnrJy copy in I is .'u)prr-(-izm-J Yho cnnuaun Legion`: Wu Ionic an under- Inlun with Ihn THE BARI|E EXAMINER nlun nun Ina Ipprovll and acllva cooporlllon ol tho Canadian IIEIP PIAI u|s1nMnnnnw_-M \' 0 . f_ V-._\ ,-` I \T I ,5" ` -\ 7' V \` 91 uuuuus IUI UUI llllflln Through its ll()0 bramhr-s in Canada the Legion will assist in the solution of personal and business problems. Soldiers free of private worries are better soldiers. Legion services will also include facilities for leave, sports, reading, soldiers concert parties and other entertainment. I`?-~ --.~.--l-- A- ALE ~ _ _ , -4 - A - . u A . . . -A Clllcl ulullllcll I. Give generously to this great new cause. Send or take your contribution to your nearest Legion branch. uluuus uun cuunncu uu,u. While the rst job is to win the war, every man must be prepared for the inevitable return to Civil Life. The Canadian Association for Adult Education is collaborating with the Legion to provide educutimial and vocational training for our men. Thrnunh ion nnn hrnn:-hue in Cnnnlln lhn On Monday, February 12th, the Canadian Legion launches a nancial appeal for $500,000 to carry on a great, new and much needed program of educational and personal services among our enlisted men. un.:|- Mu: G-co 11.}. :1: on urin H-an war nunru Iwu I knnwn inr`lu.~>;"I l'hur.~:dn_\~. Feivruary 8, `I940 EDITORIAL that they might, for the most part, have been run off a gramophone record. nu`- ...._,_L__. _,, . ;~ LL. ra1-_____n....u- _..,.._-L. lnuu. . , I . | Burrwrs pnwvr maul mzuntumer has beeni doing 11 good jub in keeping the streets in` shape for mnmr Lra1'1'i(:. facilitating greatly t.ne_us__u1' pusse11ge1' uutomobi-les and trucks, for the l 01' food. fuel. etc.. to the` honles. Such 1.:m;:iblo results from the ex- pcndit,un- or taxes (tollvctecl help to keep the 1`aL(>p:Lyor in gum! humor when he comes 1,0 I pay his Luxvs. _-_ JV. N; ___ _. a_._--...,-----.. --.,--.. The greater part of the Chancellor's speech i of last week was taken up with a repetition of worn-out arguments about the iniquity of the Versailles Treaty, the "haves and have-nots" and the peaceful intentions of the Nazi pro- gramine 01' military agg1'essioi1! The Versail- les Treaty ci'0p:; up inevitably in all of Hitler's speeches, like "King Charles` head in the compositiom; oi` l\/h`. l')ir:l< in David Copper- field. ` r\__u.,._ ._._-4.1. .u_: ._u..,,. ,,i,.._ An Al.,. 1-._-|_.._..l JILL`-I the New York"I`imes says: Versailles is Hit,- le1"s stock in Lrucle. If it did not exist. he would have to invent; it. For Ve1'sz1illes is the only argument with which he can attenipt to just- ify the utter rel-.l~:le.ssnes's of :1 policy t.h'.1L has once innw-. led the Germain people into war. This ('onsl,:mLly reitemtecl dmiunclution of Iversailles us :1 s01u'('.v of all evil in posL~wur Europe serves HiLlCl"s purposes, but it is not good history. C0n1p:u'ml with the standards Germany herself had .~:el;, and part;icnl:1r1y with the (,1-(`my she dicl.:1t,ccl to :L defeatecl, [Russia at B1`e:; only :1 year before! Versailles, the Versziilles '1`re:LLy was a moduli of fziirnoss and ggenmosity." I I -1. vv:.u.._u, :____.,.,...s,_.l Dealing with this obsession of the fuehrer, ` A science item states that ways and means of producing limberger cheese with a subdued odor are being investigated. Well, they have ` succt-,oclo in doucIm' tame skunks, and they shnulci iizivo no (1iffiC11lLy in doing the same for :1 Ii1`i'1l)-i`g'-r cheese -in (:apt.ivit.y. .1`: The P`o1';;'m4 Nvws-Re(:o1`d is running a con- test to doc-,icJc+ by popular vote the most fam- ous people in or from Wellington County. A]- ready it has quite an imposing list, but one nanm is noticr-21bly missing. that of Hugh Templin of tho Ncws-Roc0rd whose efforts for Fergus and tlmt district 01' Wellington County <-ntitlv him to a place high up on the roll. --~- __u ._.,:._;_.:_.._ 1_._,, 1 . _ _ , _. Established 1804 A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the 'I`own of Barrie and the surrounding country. issued at the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Week- ly Newspapers Association and or Class A Weeklies of Canada. J. A. Mnchm-on, Editor. avrnonvwwnruvvnnr -n A an-an The ve1's:1t.ilo soyubt-2111. which has been 113-! ed to Iiuiko ovorytliing from printers ink to plastic st.eorin_s; wheels for motor cars, is now yielding an extrzwt that .'s`erves as a synthetic egg` white to be sold by grocers. It may be only at xxmtu-1' of time when the little bean will be found to cont,-.iii1 egg yoke and ruin the (`1'li('kH] fzmn busixiess. Promim' IIo1)burn is qlluted as saying`, Prime Mini.~;l,cr Chmnbc-rlain is like me." One difference, however, will he nn1.od; that while` M1`. C11:1mbo1'lum vznrrios an un1l)ro]l:1_ Mr. I-Inpb1n*n l`Imu'i:;1w:; :1 shilloluh. U , ,,, .2\, , I Midl:1n(1'.~; hydro shop, run by the Public ` Utilitit-s (`,u1mni.\'siun_showed :1 loss of $1012.90 L last year. If Lhv lmsiness of such a shop had been left. 1.0 l<-g.v,it.imut.e retail Lrzule where it pmperly I):)lum2;s_ the consumels of electric c.1m'vnl. wmmhrt, have haul 1.0 stand such a lzyss. ; Accoi'din1;` L0 repm'l..~;_ the people of Britain are l1z1i`i`zis.xv(1 by .s'l`l()W storms which have int.ei'l'v1`(>d with highway and railway traf- fic. To the (.7;i.n:i,cliun Lrtiops over there, how- ever, Llmsv r.-omlillons will make the old couri- Lry semi like home. I! when the 18~y<`;11'--old daughter of a weak thy merchunt, in British Guiana eloped the other day with :1 young man on board a schooner. h<-r mtlwr took aftcw her in an air- plane. '1`hi.< is just :muther example of how scivzwcv is kmntkiug ull Lhe romance out of life. 11 Imnl Unin mum have hired an air- plmw the pm-L (jaunpboll could never have writ.t>n thv m1n:uxt'u- hull-ad, "Lord U1Iin`s D-.1\xghLvr. , 1. . We <`:mn0t see why there should be such vehement. protests by certain politicians and newspapers over the censoring of political speeches broudcaist by radio. As we under- stand it. the censoring would only be with re- spect to matter which might be detrimental to the prosecution of the war. Public men should be glad for the deletion of any such references they might inadvertently intro- V duce into their addresses. Newspaper copy is subject to censoring. Then, why not radio copy`? The latter is immensely more far- reaching than the circulation of any newr- l paper. If any l`u1`Lhm' pmul` of IiIil.le1"s hypocrisy I were iiocossmy, one lius only to think of the LI`(?LLl 11t?l1L lll(`l.l`,(l out. to Llm Czechs and the pcz 1(:e" by i11:i::su(:i'v l,h:1l, is an present, being iniposed upon `Pulzmd. In 1.110 rtaniotc event, 01' Germzmy winning Lhv ])l`I`.\'(`,llI. war, Vemnillus would be :1 lilmrsiiiy; ('<-d with the kind of 1)(r2lC(`. i.nrms l.'n-.a,l. l-lil,lm' would inflict; upon Britain and Fl'illll",l`. l`l1vi'o would be no treaty at. all, for Lhv Nazi papers are ulmacly foru- castimg` Hil,lm.s' I.l`illl1lph`.1lll. entry into Lon- don as king" ul' l'~`.np,'l:m(l! , I Twin girls in I l1il:ulclpl1ia are so much alike Llml, they are said 1.0 develop si1m1ltan- com tooLh:u'ho.s' in 1.110 r:o1'1e.~:1.)oncIing tooth. If the sarnv law :1})})livs to the Quints . . . With a M{Ll`(fl] <'-lnctiun coming`, it. may be taken for g'r:mt,o(.l l.h:1t. the windy month will this yum` come in like :1 roaring lion" and tlmt. il, will go am, with :1 lot. of shorn lambs. ~- - 1 The :mmnz1l waterworks report of an On-I tario town. with 21 population somewhat less than Bm'1-io's, showed over $7000 of accounts in ;1rrv:1rs -.11 the vlmsc of 1939. and of this a- mount. 318415.24 was rvported as "uncollect- ible. B-.1rri<-`s record stamis out in contrast. For the your 1938 (the 1939 figures have not yet been publislwdi l0.\'s than $100 had to be writt.en off fur had dolals in the waterworks department. \-. \4uulu\4|I. u. 4:. nvn.u.uuu-sun, I`allII.l)l.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $22.50 a year. pay- able in adv:1ncu. single copies. rents. Sul)s:x'ibr-rs wishing to dis- continue pnpor at expiration of per- lod paid For are (-xp,.~L-ted to notify this office b<-l'm'(.- date of expiry. .s EDITORIAL NOTES l'hu Nu /`is are anlusing themselv- us 1lw::o clays b1'uzulczIslimJ,' 1,0 U11- `wurlrl that Czmadn, is having am (.~l(-clinn un whether to stay in the war. that South Africa is un the vurge of leaving tlw Empirt.-, that India is st-vlhimg with di.~'cm1lvl\l. and Englzmd il- svlf nvprrun with Irish rvvulut.i:m- F.mpiI'v, in fuel. is an tho Vt*l`},{(` cl h1'vukiI'u.{ up- just as it was :11. the WilI:.<.n Wm.(I.\'i(lt'Evmnnum M w u-I -nan. Iry b:Jn1hcrs. 'l`h:- ` HISL` H IUSI. piil`L|(IlS. The German population. as WU as the German nances, have fought a considerable -war already. WEIS ill. HIV -" . . %WilI.~,,n Wm.l:~ml-::$x::_"g "W '! Sli'])|)r).* iI1;.{ wv in our turn lulu- |u lnnk in.x'idv G:-rmzmy but H II):- xrnmliliun that if I find .vunn- :':-rimls dil'l`i(-ulli<-H tin-rv yuu wun'l innm-- dizllely jump (4) H10 (.-mu`lu.\:iun that 1511: is: :.n In-r Inn! lulu: Rh. i-.n'I Wl'|L' UUIU LU pay Ull l4IL'Ut.\ lll IlI\Ill' |.`:lll(lS wiU'i~:i fuw pennies and :1 grin. l<`:n` the litllv pi.-uplo who lind .('l`Ll])(`(l lU[.{L`llll`l' :1 3:1`/iixgs zu-count. lwlm had an lll$lll`1lllCL' policy. ii lil- lllv nwrtgage or a few govt-nmn-nl bands, it was ruin. They still gut [hr suinu nuinbvr of marks in in- u"x`c: but. now lliusv wcr wurih inarugli to buy a grain of l`l(`l`. Pm- pk still .shiidLlvl' in Gi.-rmziny wlu-n lhl`_V think uf ll1u:~:,- u-rriblc limi-5. I can tell you, and the Nazis huw :ilwn_v.-4 avoided the word "inllu1inn us ihey would tho pluguc. Hills-i-`s Gm-i'rnany_ l\()WI.`V(`l'. is :i lung, lung way on the l`(`.iI(l in in- .i'|;iliun. 'l'heI'<- lizis been nu 2lC(`(J|Illl- ling givi-n of H11` national l`inum-vs `sim-U thv Nu"/.i.< came to power sw- un yuan ago. Not until the opening _(l(+y of the wai',was_Llu,-1'Lt uny,:id_-_! lnii l4\n iii" lhn l`l)ll|\`\"|l QIIIHR Willi`:-(I (my U1 llll!`-lV21l',_Wi.|>'>,UIl_' _uu_y_iu4-_J km of the colossal sumx ptmrvd 1 mi mm znrmz-xmrnts uemplzmvs, (run- I nun. unimrrns, tanks, trucks. all lhv ;:x'L-at fuclurivs for the making of thew and the xvugus of the milliuns uf wnrkcrs L-ngagn-(I. Uw grout Was- Ivrn fumifh-utim1.< and the wand:-r-I ful nz-w Roman mud.s. Ninety bil-` liuu marks. Hitler buasiozi. hwvv gunv imo this greatest spn-v in |hich\I'\> 'T`hiu is nlnvmi .'l< nun-h tn: Winn` \\'m\iiAg to gel IIUIU U1 HIE] Czech fund. last winter they l'm' anced for a while on simple I.O.U'.~.. Finally. last summer they brought but a new kind of paper promise. which they dignity with the name cf tzsx certificate", and which they use to pay -10 per cent. of the Gov- t-.-rnment's bills. The private busi- m-.<. which receive these may in turn use them to pay 40 per cent` of their bills. Thus has begun an inflation which a German econo- mist. writing in the Toronto Sutur- day Night. predicts "will make the impoverishment of the 1923 influ- tiun seem to the German people like a lost paradise." The GPTYHRH nnnnlminn no ....;n in r (`I nun, nil illlll UlllLl' Vllill l'lW ll]lll('l'l:ll.. 1.!" war. 'l`h-rn i.-4 :lll|)Hl1'l |w:n' in:it<-rinl DI`. Selim.-lit, mu-v lfilld that it was thv must im|m1'l:ml r,l' all Wlll('ll wv lhhi`t llllllllllll. '|'hn1 is ninnvy, Ga-rin:1ny`s mum-t:ii'y `ituulion is badly (l(!l(.'!'l(ll`illl`(l. Sim-u lhv wzir ln~;::ui_ ull SllVl'l` zvml lIl('k(-I (-1 ins li:ivo hiI(l tn be mill:-(I in. up- ur notes have been p.',lVL`ll cut. for thv fUl`ll)(`l'_ the qu:u'1i-rs, half-(lul- lurs ziml lullur.~: and :iluniinum wins f::l' thv (liiiivs. Now llivro is nu I`:-1-I, nu \vuip,lit, no intrin.-sic vuliw In an aluminium cuin, and ("-ur|n:iii.~:. with tho (`X|)(,`l`lCll(.'(.` cf Ihv awful iii':i- tiun of ll23 bi-hind them, can`! feel any butter about thv pain-1', l \V()Il- (l(`l' if you can form any idvn nf thv l(`l`l'l.l' ul` un llllCL)llIl'tlll('(l in~ l`lutium, in which thv lmltom just (h`rp:~'. gut if vvmgyiliiniz that war. Hllltl l)t`l'uI`v'. Bi-1\;rv Ihv lust wur ll Gvrmzm mark was t-quail In an l~`.m:lish xliillimgg Ill` nlmusl. lwciity-l'ivv ct-nits. Eva-n up 1. thv last few munths uf lhu 0/111` its value hiuhi`t boon slizikvn. Ger- many still held half :1 billion (lul- lars. worth of gold in her ll`(`Slll'y and .still hnd credit with the Imu- hvnlu Afinv Han Au-nni;-Hun flu. I'\r\l|I'l) uuu nun lll|U Cl'l.'(llL WILH UIC HI,'lI' tmls. After the Armistice the mark b('L.{illl Lg; slip and in 1923 tho Gm"- mzm G:`.vm'I1nwnt, to defeat the ro- pui'nxi,n.~' :n.d the Froncli uvcnp:i- Iinrn 1.!` lhc Ruhr. pulled lhv pin: Lut onlin-l_y. By lhv full uf lhul yrur yuu ruuld buy 4 billion m:irk.~: -wilh nu Ainericzm (,lull:n'. Evury day the old bamknizu-,; WL'I`("pl'llll.('(i :;v-.-;~ with in liiggi-I` fucv vziluv. Eva-ry day the wm'kn'u-n wurv paid with this new paper mun:-_y and run h::nu- Iu buy what llu-y 1-uuld with it lwhilo it still haul .~;unw vuluv, fur lhc nvxl day it wus wm'll\lue.~`.s', ll vvusz u nighlmzirv for all, wxct -pt'l7n' 1h().s(' who :1 lot of mum.-y and W(`l'(.` able to pay uff dclits. of thou- tsnuk uriIh.n I`:-ur I\I'l\l`|il'\` znul :: |EUlIl' llllU Klllb El L'(l LL'.\L hlll l.`l' Ill hi.~t1m'y. This is almast as much as lhu cost of the last war to Germany. or uvcr half of the US. nutimml (hbt. big unuugh to cuusv that l`i('h <-(.untry U) worry. mm-`. Ml~`N.-\u-: m:m'~u-:1)-w1n' N0'l` \ VAI{`. nu. 1(\'!n uynrn lhn `,......_, ._,. Fina-ncxul'ry_ Gl'l`l1lilll) has fuughtl hm-1' war air:-udy` The Nazis have used up all her gold l`c.scl`vt~, us wcll us the gold which they wt-rv quick to get their hands on in Aus~ ma and Czechoslovakia. They have plunderm the Jews. They have c:-llcd in all the furoign Mocks and bank accounts of Gcrmzm citi'/.(n.s'.| They have cleaned out all avail-.:blc funds In banks. the savings biillkr. and lhv in.sux'1mcv coxnpmlic-5. l`lu-y. l\-.\:.- ....a..m, .-..m\m nu. nlrl :..,..l ll'UY`ll U1!` pay L`lIVl.`IUpL`b Ul Hit.` WUl`K' ers. although unemployment has long ago ceased to exist. They haw run up debts for deliw.-1'ivs of raw ma-tc.-rials with all the Balkan mud. Sllmr small cuuntnc.s' of Europe un- nl they haven't a shred of credit left with these. Tlwy lmve duublml tlw notv circulation of Gerxnany. While waiting to get hold of the f"')m'h fund- lax`? urinlrnr lhnv fin- .... n..-...x. ... ....._, c l Empire is 5:1- disc: Englm nvprrln rmrm bzmlhcr I vm bl (':lkill}, In Lu-ginning M/illu 1: Wm :1-ill '\IlillI.'I_V _]UHl|) bi) Lllt` CUHCI .~;h(.- is 1.11 hm` lust logs. Shn run still put up :1 1.0!`! jusl :15 .--:m- could by lhv 1916. in! s_v1m)I4nn:~` ml l`()i!|)."(` urv also just :1,-.. Hwy" wvrv by rurly 1911i l l_v mid-1917. Wu hnvv z-,\::uni1wd in 4 vlvs of this: soria-s, GI,-rm: pliv.~` M imn, nil and ulhu I ....\.. .....c.. I\.. 1-_.|. llll`y IIilVl' |.'lL'llHL'u Ulll LIIU UlIK`IIl' p!..yn1(-nl insurance fund and mn- linuu to Lake a heavy duductiml lfrum the pay envelopes. uf the work- m-< nllhmurh umpmnlnvmcml hns` RHIU llll` llL3UlUXlK'l' \,'UllI})d|llL'I`. IIIL ) 7 h;-vo quietly rubbed lhc old augu- pensiun fund of eight billiun n1Lu'k.<. They have cleaned out the unem- nlnunxr-nv incIn~:n*u-p fund and 1-vn. Willson Woodside's F\/;:k|y7 War Commentary ---:-.j_-u `.-___-._.r__._._... 1. Seven lean years have left the countr_V~ S t'l|llh0il|`d-'~' ill- musl as bare as Mother llubbard s. Alrmuly u long` way on mad tn inflation. INSIDE GERMANY 1-.\ :uni1wd in olhq-r urli-i GI,-rmxu1_v's sup- |_ ulhcr vilnl ruwl I" :m:Ihvr -:l I\-- Q.-I... FIIVI`. lV|l'.1V.'\\ I`. l\.|u|IuLruu-vv Ill nu; nun. Firo lussvx m ()nL:u`i0 for 1939 were the lowest. in nu: hi.~:lm~_v of the px'ovince. accord- ing 1.0 Llm rvpurl. of pmvincial Fire Marshal just. issued. While mo number of fires is said no he przu-l.ic.z1lly the 5111110 as for the p1'e3vlou.\- your. bving u (lecrease of only 69 fires to El mt,-.\1 of H.665 fires. the loss is down in both lhv ml.~.1l Ll("Sl4l'll(`.l.l0ll and the amount paid by the` lm~ iIl.\`llI".lI`l(`t` companies. The total flrv lnsx` (luring the your amounted to $7.720.0(l(l. `:1 (la-vlim` of $l,6'77.000. The amount. p:{'ul by the in.~sur-.-Ince companies showed an own ;:x'~z1I.m` (lt`(`1`(`0.SP. being down 19.4 per cum . :1 reduction 01` $l.502.000 to a total i11su1".m('v loss of $6.4'70.000. n- n......, ....o....n.. .....\...\..mno n ..,~....\..A I urn: vn-In |.|w| H14-rn :m:I|wr| r'. mu-1-I * - didn't 1mnlixm.| ..\..n..`.. .x.. . uu WUIII. IIllllH'- ihul. She i.~.n'l. 1.vrril`i(: svmp. )_y spring; :11` ns of hm` final ust vvidvnl. us or 1-1-rmill-I ._.._--. -.- . .-....... I COI.I.[NGWO()D~ ~ElL-Ctlnll of Uf- ficers uf the Mnsnnic Ludge l'(*.~2ull-'41 as fullnws: W. Muster. Dr. T. J. Simpsnn; S1-ninr W:n`don_ Rubt-I`! S. ` Cameron: Jr. Wurduan, DLmc:m Me-I Intyre; 'I`reusuror, Charles 'I`. St:-pn-I ens; Secretary. D. M. Hughes; Chum. lain. Albert S. Gibson; Auditors, Wm. H. Whipps zmd E. B. Fry; Trus- tee, Norman D. Bazadx-Jzxy; 'I`_vlo1', Geo. Morgan. They huvv L`Xpl'l`il'Il('|`(| all Ihv n-- ' .s'tI'iuliuns'., (.-vusr:r.~.l1ip, ut-rvrua. It-n- sitm. spy-huu!iug_ fund ;-ud z-lnth- ing .k:huI't;1g-S. and I'm-m-(I !~1lVilU` which wt` zI:~'sm.'i.'llv wilh \v.'u'lim-. ' Fur yv:u's fill`IllL`l'.`a' Imvv l,w.`vu un- nblo tn :4-ll tlu-ir own rug: nr h::;_-_v; Whl'I'(' they \v:u1t-1! nurl (-i1_v l'ulk have been on blllll'I`. fut :uul cnwun rutiuus. l'hn- (lay lhv w:u- In-pgzu. Ilw bu 0:-:zIrl. thv day In-I`:.r:-I I ml v:u-l.~: lp[)('l'l`(l. n-(hu-iug tlw l`,nm-rl_v in- sufficient. rnliun.=: ::ln.ul 210 In-r rs-nl. all vmlllltl. 'l'hI_y lmvv In-vu lwit-v s|igl1lly rt-dun-(I .s'imr~. 'l`|mt (Int-:'lI'| menu that llw (Z1-rm:u|.~: urn .~l:u'v- iug. lmwvvc-r. Manny millinu.-: uro- .<.li1l gt,-ttixu: mun In ml |h:un Iln-y did (hII'ilu!, lhv tlrplw-~:.iI:In tn! |!J.'H-- 32-33. and all urv I .'-rim; nunvh In-I- lvr lhzul in 1913!. But Hwy :m- lulu x.:-riu;,`,. And 1Iu- w:n:.l Hun ml` Hu- yvur i.-4 yo! In wrung |u-|'a.n- numln-n:' 1. ,l'(.W nxzznin zuul lhv h:u`v-:1 l'il|:` the ggrzumrirn. - 'l`u mukv il \vur:4u-, llu-_v :m- (':1| :l:~'. WP. Uu llw .u- luuui lhv I'U.'n|'- iug :u'm:unvu| imlu.s'hi<-;, Ilu~ hII:`-y ruilr:..'uI:` mu! Hlv :u'liI'i-ml prm-A `[1-5 fur runkiny, p_:n.~.n|iu- :m- Im;-,;_ Ill`, lhv l, mu! Iirml nun! ulnla-H":-(I lmimr. mm`! In- pu:|n-rl any |I'l!'(|l'I` (Ju lllv I,-llu r h:uul wzml Ir: (.II- ml H10 3(`ilI'(.`(`.`:I ul` zul umhri 1:; In l(}(`I'|n:lI1_v. 'l'|u- t`r:Im!I'_\":: <'IuIl)`.:I|'l.'~`. Iwhivh \.vu-r<- I'i||<-ll In hur.--.luu', in |l9l4. Imvv lwn-u 1-uuni:-I in llw .-`vvvu l('lIl _v-:u':, 1.!" HllII'I'i`1IIl Imlil llu-y .'I|`(' Iuu-v :n:: lvlnllu-r HlI!n|.'u-:l':; lIuil:Il.im1 rlulIuup_ m:uh- ml u mix I.ur(- ul` (-'.)llu,u, wnnl w:::=l- um! "wuml wnnl" hut: Inn-u nu llw xuur kn-I, fur :1 l'Hll[)|l' ml y:;u`:. lull in buy mo ml" l|u-.-u- yuu .n.w Imvv In turn in _\'4nn' tllll ruit, :.|:uI t.-.'-r-A vnnl, whivh |w<.p|t- Inlh In ll`! l|u.|u:lu \w.|-n ...:.u l.... ill`:- .'I.*' I III I;U,\lIIlI Jl('llII 5('L`(IIld by :1 II!` V('Iu])('(l. 8.000 [)<'.'n(`v" 11 1-ludvd in IL-8`. hi.s`1ury. L500 puund In 1 full ;:rm\'n 4-; 56 per (`N11 nl M|7'\. uvnu v-1-4-..>-. I 2.946. "1 (lull.'Il`<. :|(l4h'(- sot! mnny W(`I'(` .~s(.-1'/.-d In` H]:- (`..n1v-.h-...rl .-....a.-..I ,1 \,UHlI'UUi|llU ("NH n`mnlh.s" 1-xnmin: 6.000.000 big ;,;nn , :nL I;u`;;o. in L)wU 207.000 <-ubiv fr :nu.u- ' I. RY:-......4. II illl l'Vl ~`lip;hl >1` lhznl?" lh ll':; ju.~:1 I lu my m Minn. llu pumlvnl ' 13 In In` :o....I:.... ll`VUll. \('l'lH happy. '1 hI'l'v bning, But. it grmnblin;_,r In 10.-rim," suit] i fun-ign prv.~'s (H-rmamy un- .'Il'n I an! '1-... |lIl'_Y |l|l VVlIull [In 1937! 'I`m,- - pt-.'.pl-. 'l`h-Av 2 nluhn-ulenul II. UUULII AunuIuu\\ nunu U1 wu.1Iu.vuu. Ii` tliesv 1`i;.~,ure-s zu-tuully represent a record low fire loss for all time in Ontario. they strike one as being` very remarkable. in view oi` the g1'o\\'ll1 oi` the province in population and property vulu:~s. The losses. of course. are estiniulecl on :1 ratio basis. In the old days. when wood fornied the major part of buildings in both city and country. fires were more l'l`uquenl and destruction was usually total. with the gradual elimination of fire; traps" and the installation of preventive sys-. tems, the fire menace has been greatly re- duced. 'I`l\i.~: p1`0\'idt`.'~: -.1 good example of what rxxiglit lw (lone in other direct.lons-the ' elimination or, at least. the reduction of the war Inenuce among the nations. for instance. ....... .93.,-.-- I .'.| llll , ;-nu ill'l` illl |H'H|)l`l'l_y ll -.::Ili7.vd nnrl munln-rm-(I. I/\ll||Inu4h is lruv llml In! full lln- \v:;:'k~ 1'4-1'u.~`ud la.) (in 4.vtrlimx- wilhuul pm and lhv N2)`/is hnvv hurl ln rI':;(.'i1 this dc-cl`:-<-L 'l`lu-ir .~:piri1 may In ')t- us cznfidrnl and unilwi us i 1914, but it Whllltl h-"llIl.`;7J'l'11)l`l`l'l m that ii is \vur.~::~ Hum in lfll And lht'| v nmy hr :'.u|n:- whn u nu-xnbt-1` Ihul, (.}M'muny put 1:]: : <,-ffcrt ow.-n Ihn-n mm mm I'll L-(;ml'nrt;:hly (-ln:;u- In wmmnu II war. Until ,\,hl` has In--n (la-I`:-nlvd 31):; Hold Hhv will I`:-main :1 d:uu.{.- .u:: unvmy. 'lV('X' lVl.l).',i|l'EI nun mnH_y. l20.000 pi('Illl't`.S' ~21-Punt] hv :1 In- I llll l\ll|IVV llll' sh nnliuns :;u)mL handling men, u Ivfzmy at` the :1 handle both wu or divorce L-nun-1 A nun-.-1 .~..... XILHL Ul UIAIIKVHIKU But 1`:-w bxg, t desuiuy wedded 1 nnnnu vnxr-rm N.-.1 nmsquilm.-5. swarm and : I lJl'I.iJll' lll|"V illl umh-r.~:t:uul Hu- in rivilinn life frnnl. 'l`hvy (`:1 hm}: :25` lhtgv mu :.riliv.. :-ml :11` mm lhul Ins 1|:".:'.. . .. Lil ! llltllly xlll' an-. 1.01 `mm lh('_V (In what I `a. |(|`) 7I l`|.. I yuullg, lllnlll winning WI -rs. but the \\/iso wifv su keep her husband. Ynu know there are ch nnlhunc L()l)Gl-I (H-`Fl('lRS COI.I.lN(}\VO(I)l) Elm-In--n Z:-pr: ..f H... N1-..-....... I system ()1 f_. ,l'i|.U|ll}.`, Co-operation is essential to the winning 01' the war, and the farmers have already de- clared their willingness to co-operate with the government and with industry in economic planning. "Phi-re is no immediate shortage of foodstuffs. is said to have gone into the war with it stnl'(.- of food sufficient to last at least six months. But the pinch is begin- ning` to be felt and rationing; has been in force, for some tinw in Britain. It` the war continues indefinitely the l'urn'ii-r must prepare for more intr~n::iv<~ <-nltiv:Ll.ion and can sow his fields with an :i.ssiimiu~(- of ready inarket. If economiv plzuiiiim-;' is good in a general way in war! inn-. it is also good in a particular way by ('.L)~~upl*l".=lLiUil among the farmers themselves. As Mr. In-wzm sui-,1: Co-opemtion among oiirsi.-lvvs is lle('vss:11`y". In commend- ing the li`ir:;t (`.`n~np(-rutivo P-.iekcrs as an cl`- fort of fairni people to help themselves, M1`. Dewun (|i'L'lill'(`(lI "I1" :1, eo-opvrative org:1ni7.a~ tion can siu-(-,~vcl in this particular line of work in which it is eiigaged, then co-operu- tion can Sll('('(`L'(l zuiywhere"_ In addressing the C(.mL ereii(-.i-, Miss Agnes Macphail stress- ed its :1 pure form of democ- racy". Nu uni` cuii deny that statement, and if it be true then tllere is no more appropriate time for ; it into ei'1'ect than the p1'e~ sent. when we are miiking` szic1'i1'ices for the 1nx1inten:inm~ oi` ll prumessive democracy. rru... LI...-..\.....-' l`nnfn|-nnnn Inna n (`it-l{'i("f-if` -5 lhix [)('l)]l](' 1`; (`mm "igured Fax fuulish girl may km mam \vniting while sh: I vh. mm. mm. uvill .,. all!` tuinly Inuu ....u :m- :1: Un- :1ilI|_y llu-_y is ph-my is u lung v murll in llllh LIIUIL` JIl' I ;u`muny_ but pa-1.1 md imagined. M: 1; often ulluwc.-d ` all |:llll" un- lin- -n rh-I` lull in 1.: [.'_l|llll` way from ( 24-mnzxnu llI'kl n_y 4|! \ Vlmt'.-: nothing. an-inn in.. (In ll`; 1:1: uuwu In \Vl'I`l' il nut '[_v lluru-1:: 4,! ll ` `-HI HM` rlll" 'lIn~ fl.l'lll" luv:-1.`; Cuunly unil rit-ullnrv 1n` n; rIn|n';u-ing :15 . H... 4-1*: l"I-l)|)l'| lIlU.1lll.L`H:Ul('(` (H :1 ])1u;:,xt'.\.\1vt' LllTllIU\,1a.\._y. Tlw I"zu`1m-rs` Ccm1'v1'once was a decided Sl1(`.(`.('h'.*L 11` was well o1`g".u1i7.ed and conducted and :1t.L1'-. w:.r~(.l. from :1 wide area, men who have been :l.`;{.L`l't`S.\`iVL` and successful in agri- <:ult.urv. /\uz.1rc~s.~:<=s W011; p_rapuc_;;1 an4c,1_.ti_rn`e_1y and tho r-.n'm-r:-. who spoke showed a grasp of thu` s11l)jm~l,.~: LHH(`1|SSf`d t.11z1L did not suffer in c.01m`Juri::on with tho zxddressos by represer1t.a- Lives of H14 \':n'ious clepamnuems. Even if no inunecliuno <-xtvnsiox1 or the co-ops", as they are cullx-L1 in Ielxxglzxuxnl, results the Chamber of Agx`icull.m'e~ whiclx ii was clocided to orgzmizo should sorvv us a volxiulo for much c0-ope1'a- Live vffort to {ho II1zlI'kt`(l udvaxlmge of the farming nuh:::1,1'y in this county. .. G .,,._ [ID I I'l`('k~ ISHH ...u n :- Dunr 511': May I. l'nmu).:h t`XL'l`HL'lll medium. cungn-ntul:|lt~ 1 wlm rm|t1'il)lI1(-Ll luwzlrds llw nnu. ..l' `l`|.n fl; ..-niun IL... I.` wnu l'HllLIlUllll'Ll ulwiIl`Ll>i IIH` SUC- vu.~`.- of 'l`|w Gt-nrgizln Buy l:nI`Im.-|'.~" (?mnl'(-rulu-v". ht.-Id lust Wu:-k'.' II is :1 whult-.~:mn(` Sign uf lhv timus to we the bnsic wuullh pm- tllu-:-r.s' ml this (.-uunly zmrl (.-uunhgy .-rnnxinu Ihu-In- in H1:-in mu GIVES BIGGEST VALUE Readers of The Barrie Examiner gm ALI. the news for Barrie and District. $2.00 and worth more. C:mudiun.~: uf all rucinl origins md L-rm-d:. should stand united and /'uUpel'utc with the Dominion Gm/~ V.-rnnu-m and the armed forces of the nation to help Great Britain and IFx'zmcr.- win the war against Gur- 'lI1(ll]\.'," --1.:-'nn Murl-iur nlnniin Rf` Ill llll` l.`lIl.`I un\.v|mh-.~::.nn- 1' nl elm-mlt-.~'. I n IDOMINION DIGEST OF 'l`HE| _________ ________ I "Canada and the Allit-_s. are at war luday bvczuzsv it has become clear '10 all the world that falsehood and 'tru(-ha-r_v arv a vile! part (f Ihv` |Nu`1.i (`n,(h- unrl mm 1. ml Illll uni` lll lhv |' 7\l IlllUIll\']' I-|l'||'l_Y. ll-|Ij.',l lml .~e'um-lhinn llmt. fur IIn.- In-.--I, :1 ram-h. An .I';4:II Wu-3. ..w.po- um! (lvpth ini `.n..| m n \Inil'|u| In! unn- QUALITY AND (10-0PERATlON Quality and (;`u-op.-ration were the out-' standing kt-y-nul.<:s or the discussion at the Georgian Bay l~`:mn(.-r.-4' Conference held in Barrie last week. Quality is the touchstone in the choice of Il'l("l l and the production of equipment for modern warfare, and the finall result of tlw ])l'I!:~;f'llL struggle will dependl upon the quality rather than the quantity or these. This is l)l'il1{;' clemonstratccl in the am- azing l'CSiSL2Lll(Z(' of Finland with its little army of men ml` .\'])l(?ll(li(! 1)hy.s'ique and initia- tive which 1I;4lr:L: thrown back overwhelming; :lumbers ol` lx .Il:;.x`iu.ii sol-l's. 1'... 1.2..-- ..A ..n a:.~..\.. nu`! nunn /\l.'l'Hf)lI(Z|l Lhr t';n'.'n live in Snnlh /hm-rix-.'u, prmlm--.~; HIHHI ml lhv ply 01' r.'u.':m ((:n(`n:nl. :: 3:: /\l.l. 'l`HI*Z S/\l.'l` u('L-:1l)S \vunlxl_ it 1114- -n1m- Uniivd 1 o-r 1| milv and u h: , -.,-. S'l`O(.`I\'llOl.IVI, SW(`(l<'ll, In-I1,-phnm-5 in pmpm'linn lnl:.1i.n Hlun mm ..H....- .- ~. ,,; Idle .~11vings do not build plnnl.s -)1` cx'-utu jubs.--E(lgar T. Weir. I IRQ-production Prohibited. 1940, I Educational Features Syndicate) I ---- IN WI`)/\VlN(:, lhv lhl`(':l h~ll;, l_h\ViSl- of 1111- luum. :h<- lhnl. ru um. ..-.ll..:l II ..I' `W/\'l`l`ZI{ whivh hzn umlvrl will frz-uvm 1 wnivr Whl(`h hm: 'uul 1-n wn "urn .-|`l:|ll' 4 n rpirml Lpt-t-(lily (ml 'l`lH'l l"H(S'l' `bIl'b(.`(J In-.u u..h.u.I:.:l :n. IHIU7 `nu pr-xcr 1111 ii lllulul 1' imp1'u.L-I icul d rcurm`-rs " as Murray Butler. I # :2 IIULIIUUID lll l\.l|-)-\|gl.ll hlfl In. In Limo or Wm` mm at. all Lixnos when quan- tity p1'o(1n-Linn is clxenxundcd, there is always the (la1`l{.{t:1' of (luLr-x'im':1l,i0n in quality. In dis- cussing A W-.u'l,imr- Progrannne for Agricul- ture. I-Inn. T . M. Dvwzm, Ontario Minister of Ag1'icu1L1u'(r, p;u,vo uoucl advice when he said: F'a1'me1`s must. n1ul11|.al11 quality at all times. Let. us not be ul`r:1i(l of grading and living up to our gmclos." Ho 1n'q'(.-cl farmers to -continue to do the l.hinp;s they have been doing in the past, and not. In gt) r,-ll` at l.angonLs". "Do not. attempt .<:pv<:i:1li"/ml cr01):~_`.. Adhere-to the type of farming being: followed in the past, but do the job a limo b(-l.t.m`." said Mr. Dcwan. Tc in O1-uni lililn hnlinv uthinh it (rnina 1.0

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