Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1939, p. 14

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Gaol, Registry Office, An it IMPROVEMENT ' MADE COUNTY BUILDINGS, Court House Are All . Repaired * ---------- o COUNCIL INFORMED l Work done recently on the County' Buildinxzs wns indicztted in n spe- einl repzirt til the Cmxnly Prnpertv: Committee which wzis prt-sviilt-d ivy` Coun. D. 1-`. Mil('`l'll. Burrit.-.; ehui1mnn_ :il yt-sit-r(luy':< st-::.~imi nr~ Simcm` County Cuunt-il. (`mnl It wns. fcuntl llt`L`l`.`.\'tll'_\ In milki- certain l`\`pHil'S 1:1 lt>t`k~., .~lnIu' work, etc. and (in .:>int- t'Xll':I nnini-i ing for :'.'.nitm'_v l`L'Z|.`i()ll.\' nt thv; County CHO]. nil til` which \`.`(Ii'k was done by (ill't'L'lit)l1 til` the l).p:irt- mcnt. Rl`[,{lFll`_V ()l'i`ict~ { In :i('('nr(lnnct- with ihu in.~'ti'u('- Stubborn` Gages 9 . timnte :; `lt`llt from bzith points of view. A lions of Council, the lighting system - zuf the Registry Office was inspect- tid and a report made by the Hvrirn engineers stated that the of lighting was totally in- zirieqdate, Tenders were called and z: new system was installed at n s'.`ivnc\v|1f1' lcwer price than the os- . the engineers. The new .~vstcm is working satisfactorily. l)urin_:a the year. it became appar- i-.-t that the painting was disap- p.-;-rii~_-.; in particular at or near thu top at` the walls and on inves- t;.,.ttim- by It xtune mason it xvns found nee-.~:.<;ny to make r(p:~iir.~'. 1;; the roof. install new tlnshmg ;m(l repaint. a good deal it! the 51011` work. 'I`hi:; work should nzt have been necessary in ll bnilrling tin years old. but could not be lci'1 over the winter. In the .~=:in1e manner, the panels in th-.- t.utsi(lt,- doors: were of veneer ` unci hm! cnu-kt'(l_ necessitating their 1`t']lll1(`t`nl(`nl with solid panels. Court House An examination of the roof 0! the L`utu`t llc-use rli.-clnsed a num- ber of small holes. apparently made in clt-2n`in;: oft` ice. These w. 1'1` stopped up and with the ex- (`t])ilt,`n i-I` one ])i1l(`t`_ no furthu`: lr..ubli- has been occasioned. 'I`h( changes in the lawyers` um` crier`.v. rumns were mnde, the Ill w :ituntinns being more conven- n.i~litinn urnk inlfllld in "19 ford and L0ndnn_ - Mr. and Mrs. I`r~r'y Marlin nf Sudbury nro vlsiling friends in town and vicinity. Mra Thnmus: Hnop nf Vinlvl Hill town and vlcmlly. Mrs. Thomas Hogg or Viulvl Hill ~penl Saturday with her clzuxnghu-r. Mrs. Harold Huish, Mr nnrl Y\/In. Rd Smviht` Glen Mrs. Harold mush. Mr. and MP5. Ed. Smylho. Glen Huron. spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickey. 1 M'i! Dnrolhv Slorcv was in (Tr-I Mrs. Thomas Lncxey. 1 Miss Dorothy Slorcy Or- Enntion for rc-;;i.-stcrecl nurst`. Tho 5-ympnthy of tho (-nmmunily `s cxtcndod to Mrs. R. C. Shaw-1'. Toronto. whose mother died lam weok. `illia last week writing hm` exam-l i (`nnm-ntnlntinnu in Mr nnd IVIFS. WCPK. : Cnngratulmions to Mr. and Mrs. James Hesse on the birth or n sun in Collingwond G. and M. Hn:~`pi1z1'.. on Monday_ Nov. 27. l Rm-n-JI`n Mr. and Mrs. Gnrdtm Monday_ Nov. 2'/. Born-~'I`o M1`. I-`roelhy at Little Lung Lac (I}cm`r- ul Hospital on Nov. 15. W39. :1 daugh- ter Audrey Joan). wnnl is still to be had :11 Mrs. D. I/\udrCy Joan). Wool is still to had G. Be-H's for all thoso who are in- terested in the war work activities of Stnyner Women's Institute. Tho children of Jubilee Pr(-sb_v- Stnyner Women's Insnuuo. The terinn _Sunday School are hu.<._v pracusmg for thc-ir Christnms mu- concert 10 be hL"ld (-nrly in Dvc-(-m- kn!` bm`. We nre glad 10 report M1-M (`lur- cnce Martin progressing 5nlisfa('lm'- ily after an appendix operation on Friday last in Cnllingwnnd h;)spi- ml 3 rrm tnl. I. If cnnslipnlt- luku Mil|mrn s Lulu-Liv:-r |'il|:4 nml h::vu- :1 nnturul mow-umn. of Hm lmwz-|.~4. 'I`ho-y do not gript-, we-ulu-u and sis-In-n :1:-I Innny lnxulivu-:4 ulu. The popular newly appmnlvcl Scoulmaster. J. Clulv. in.'~tru(*|e-(l the troop at their mceling lust w(-Pk regarding the new mnrching u:"l-1' of the British Army. The decision of Slayner 10 remain out of O.l'l.A. lmckuy lhi.-: yl-url leaves Harry Mulhers. duh-nce ,~tar` available tar tho C0llim!,w:mrl O.H.A. junior C'" entry. | . Mr and Mrs. C. H. Caulhors \v:-rvl `Eran sum All the Time? |O.H.A. jumor entry. - Mr. and xv:-rv` in Toronto, Saturday. atu-ndingz thv wedding of Mrs. Caulht-1'.--' m phvw Ll. Wm. Knight McConnell of R<>_\':Il Canadian Enninccrs_ 1;; Mi Mu! Hnrvic of Toronto. lnhn Mm--ah MP, Hamilton. well Toronto. | Jchn Marsh. M.P.. I-Imniltun. '0 known lecturcr on uslrononmtzul and scientific subjects and musical director will address the local Cann- dian Club at a banquet to be lwld in the United church Sunday SL`h0:)| hall on Thursday evening. Nuv. 30.` Th Von Archdeacon C. A. Mun]-I hall '1`hursdu_v evening. LVUV. .iU. 3 The Von. Archdeacon Mnul- . ton of Barrie gave a very in:=tructiv.- address to tho incinbt-rs If th A.Y.P.A. at their NOVL`iT)bL`1' im-(-t- ` ing at, the rectory. Helen Glenn wn< ' formally installed as vice-pr:-std:-nt lot the branch by the rector and wzis presented with her badge cf ultim- by the Archdeacon. Stayner Defeats Crecmoro | Congratulations to S.C.S. juninr rugby team who scored it.s first \\'in over Creemor(.- last Thursday. Thi- final tally was 11-5 (or Stuyner. . Masonic Ladies` Night I It was `Ladies Night" for the! Northern Ligm Lodge. AF. 8; A M.,l I I on Thursday. Nov. 23. when thov spvnt :1 social timo in tho townl hall. There were over 80 prc. Big Crowd for Y.P.l . Comedy The Town Hall was filled to cup- acity on Tuesday evening la.~t, whvn the 3-110! comedy "Expros.< Y:mr- self" was presented by the Y.P.t,`.' of the United church. The cast waxl well chosen. lvnn Boare wa.< direct-I nr ITII III` I IIIICO Drive in - have our FUEL Analyzer locate the EXACT i trouble. No "guessing" with this machine. Tells in 10 minutes if your Carburetor is too rich. Helps save Gaso- line. see for yourself. Drive in! i W: l..._l_3RENNAN ,.,., .a.-_.;- I'llSl roullry nulrnrt - Staynvr Poultry Marketing .-'\s.~'.>-I Ciation held its first pc.u1tr_v nmrkvti of the season in the nmrl-wt build-` ing. Wednesday. Nov. 22. whvn up- prcxinmtely a ton of p;ult:'_v was marketed. Prices ranged from 17 1` 19': cents per pound. I Inquest Postponed I The inquest into xhe death Hf; Warren Boll. Mid1and_ and ms bridu,; the former Miss Gertrude Snm`.L scheduled to be held at Collin`;-. wood. Wednesday. Nov. 29. has bm-21: postponed for two weeks at lvust.` owing to the illness of `.\Ii.~.< Flor-` once Small, I I-`JM-(Inn (`nnh-st: { .... ....,.._... ...e . Warren bride. Coiling- wood. been two least. to Flor- Election Contests At. the nomination meeting an Friday evening last. quite a lot oil constx`uq.1tive criticism was gi\'en.l There will be an election for Ml` office; on December 4. except for hydro and cemetery commissions. H. G. Mccandlish and M. J. Cauth~ crs being elected by acclamation, Death of Wm. Higgins The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the fanifly of Wm. Higgins lV.'a`n Street. wh; died Saturday -norring. Nov. '25. \i`.;-.- ll; lingering illno:-:\<. R<~quu-m i\I.i_-::`_ wan celebrated at St. Patrick's, Church. Monday morning. a: 10`. o'clock, Burial was made in the} Roman Catholic Ccrnetcry. I (`onlerrcd Degree in Toronto V A. Blackburn. L. Walker. E. Douthwaite, J. Risebrough. G. Huth.l J Jnnoa I`. (`lnmnnnp (` Canthers L\lI`(lt'l`ll r1l.~uH_\' .'i> ;i m1d-. \`XIlllllll.'l (`llllll'.'Sl. .~\~ the .~(*h ezlcli lllll\'t`l`.\ll_\' i< \'i`i tlmu.<;incl.< inf $lll(lL`lll compete for oncli Hill`. :1 dislinrt h.inui' IKF tlt lXldll`t.`L`Il}' lu lllv sch D;:rotli\' i-nli-red LL. -.12-r School ziftm` ('0 junior wi~rk in $- \':~i' tinuativn Svhoul, Un is nut expevti-d that up her . : attending Tu:-mitt: X It ix h`p(`d that ll\l~` (Ill will ill some l8l.`l` uni\`ex'. \\pp.`l`llll`il' so \\ -.'ll di`sei'\'v.-' D public schiwl '.ll I\' we cmi2i'za'.ula'i~ hair -. dale group The St \\'Il.\ as follnu-.= Cent son; rxitsido \vin2<. l Kelly. half-backs. l Robb: qll-'|l".('l'b<'\Cl{ I- `lt".`ll:llt`~`. D;n Bl:Ick~` 8. Gould and D, Whi School Lit ( "Flu: fnllnu-irirr '1V`n Doutnwane. J. msebrouzn. L1. mum.` J. Jones. G. Clemence. C. Cauthers., C. Stone. E. Robinson. W. J. VVri_:,hI and Dr. R. E` Ives of Northern Light ' Tnrlm: A 1:` x. AM, hnd um hunu and Dr. K, L`. Ives ol Northern L.1r!n'. ' Lodge. AF. & .-\.M.. had the nunur of going to Toronto on Monday av-1 ening last to ccmfer the 9th degrce] Scottish Rite in the Valley of Tar-' onln. Sr. Rugby Boys Beat Fleshcrton I Run-no-r are vorv uroud of Bvne, .._.__.___..______._________ GEO. n. & l~`.l..\`|I-`. A. nvnus. n's.(` Liconsvd Dru;:l(`ss 'I`lwrupi.~:1s Eloctrit`, R;uhn_ lI_\`(lI`u zmrl Mochmm 'l`lu-1':u\' non nnnhm St. lhum' ~l()E'! I 5! . Inigo) uoys neat rxcsnv.-nun Stayner are very praud Byng? School senior 6-man rugby team which defeated Flesherton on Tues- day. Nov. 14. by a score of 36-5. Flesherton was the winning team` in the'k-. Auto Electric Service BARRIE. ONT. ;`_`m'=Rj First Poultry Market .n.u- Dnulvru Yhfurlnx inu |BEETON_I-{-5lVl'1l LIKELY TO HAVE (ANOTHER HOUSE lmcmer Di-s.cgL:sT-s_ed By Thai County Council On ' ` Thursday ` ` IrL-srmulinn of lln report of un- |Huusp cf Rufngx.- L`.nmmiltm- voca- aiuncd s.nm~ di.~cu.~'.~'iun :11 the ']`lmrsdu_v .-v.v.~i.,n uf Simcmr C_mm_\- CnunviL It w:1;`- prvsLx\lt`:| by the chuirnmn. (f:.un. Nun-2:1 W. Braw- lvy 'l'c(-1nn.~:<-1h. IN... ,.l.\...m unnn-inuv -. nnI\l| ll`_V l(`('llHI.`('lH. 'I`hv (-luu.~`:` w;::n'ding :1 new lmllsu am the farm \v:\s (]lH`>`1i'mL'd by Conn. D. I". Nlzu-l.m~vu_ Bzn-rir, who sin :-d Lh:1l hr h..1~.-.~(l the mm- millov \v:1.~` nu! ll'.\'i"14' 1) .~'li;) Ihmugh" lhis nn-w hnu.--v Whivh had hcvn rojc-elm! by Cr mu_-il pr:-\'i:m.sly. Cmm. C1'.1rga~ D. l.i\'in;.;s`.um-, Tul- ivnhum. nskml by Cmnx. I3:'u\Nlz-_y. In I trxpiuin lhc mnlh,-1', daclnrv-d hv \vn.~' I.s'uI`pri::L-(I mm C nm. I\ l:wL'u'vn, who, Ins ('h:1irm:m nf I`.`upm`l_v Cmnmim-1-_ has` ln,-on s;>1'I1( liI1g 5: lu\'nshl_y. should take -xc-x~p1iun. 'I`h~ mumm- lt'(- \\'n.~4 rvcumlm-nrlim,v llml nu- ` hnu:-u- bu hm`! an .~' l'u1m':- mm`. x is an nbsnIul.~ mwm-.-sil_\' Ll) lhnl 1"..nn Ii:-ilnu.-Inn. -':u| nv. L,|1\ll|. lVII|lI.4lIllI `nllll \V:))\l1'(| was ;n.~.~'ur::Iu-- l1uu>(- wuuld nu! hv lm llw .l:mum'y Su.~`.~i<-11. ~Cunn. B!'1I\\ l1`)' .-tam-rl tho um.-mum In lmnld n.; . kllllll. Lb um.-n` this _vv:n'. 'l`|h| !`o'I nu... . UGI\ l,I '.V , ,. \V. C. AND ICTIIICI. \l('Kl.\'.\'ICY : I).('.. S|).('.. li.l).'l`. ` Chirnprn(rlm's & 1)nu:l-~2<.< 'I`lu~rupi~'\.-`I '70 Essa ROM`. 2\H;m(l:I1v Office and R--s. l`hum~ H91 Offi(`uh1`:<., 1-5 pm. and 7-9 um. 5 Cnnslxlmlinn frov. Fun! .I(U\l .._-___._....____.____.__._-___._.__.__ llll.\ _\'r.u. 'l`h' l'-purl. u< zulrm fnlluw.~:: Tlw rt-pm`! uf llw C i .15 fnlluxvrr Numhvr nl' 1938, 105; numLu-1' of H I939. 103; num|n-1' ml mu hm` uf wumvn. 2|; mu nunzm~:~:_ `.58; munlu-r or Inn I Inll) II -I-Ill. , Iihlil` Thu win-:1 \'t'1'y guml; :1 1ln'(-.~'h('(l In i: Mi (mls. 70 buslu-l:=: .-sh:-2 '1\l\(IL" . i|.. I '\'l'l'y ;.',UlI(l; lilll \`.\|llll-Ill` |,| \'\'llL`.||] ingz IUIH) l)u.~'lwls: lIn'(-.~`h- l)1n.~'|u'l.~; l):n'lv_v, 600 :shr:xf "11.-4 Ilur cut fwd. li(I |():ltlSZ .~iln fill:-zl with cum: ubnul 1200 hu.~h<-ls of mzlngzx-l.< and H00 buslu-ls uf lurnip~`: 25() bugs or pu- 1.'m:v.~; \vL-ru pzrmvn lhix,yt-:11`: `.18 zlcn-s sxwn in full whvnl and 40 ncrvs sun-(lml In clavvr for 1!N(I_ "`|~ .n1 I"? null:-I1 CIJVVTV. H lll'l||l HI _V.IlllI}.', l.IllIL.`_ :1 `l\'1'.~. G luml nf \\'m'|< llmzsn-. I bl`u(>(I mzu'v and mll, also 1 _vv:n`- ling and l lw.-_w-ur-old cull. 10 llugs and 200 h-.n.~`. The li\'1- . nre all in :: lu-nllh_v crmdiliun and the tall pluwim: is ('um])l1`1L`(l. Wv \\xm| :;;::|in -mphu.~'i7.<- 1h:n (wing in llw (-r.:\v(lt-d L-rnuliliun nfl lh<- Hum:-. nr inmznlv hr rm-`i\'(~(ly from any xmnnit-ipnlity umlvr 1if1_\'` fin. v nf '|lIn IIHIDQK Hun :unnli- llH' TlUHl1'. H!` 1IHlllll' I)!` ll`lI'l\l`\l' titty- t`i\'t- yr-:n'.< nf nun-. l|t11(`SS tho uppit- `cnnt is. l(lllH_\ tI Il`1l])il('iU|l('d. Wv furtlu-r rccununn-ml that fan'- 't:1`nht(- unnsiztcratimt bv given to"thc t In-cvssit_v nf thv vrvctimn (:f H, suit- nhlv. mud: rutv prirt-ti I1m.t.w on the Ricldt-ll I":n`m_ so that :1 cmmn-11-nt T|'\ill"!`t(`(l man can he 1.-ngagod on u '_\`L'1I'I_\' bu.~is_ which would ('nns'ti-, tutu u rnntt-rial :1(tvnntzI;,'v to bsth` thv (`tzunty zmd thv Humc Mnmu.{(-1'.` Yuur Cmmnitt(`(- tn-g.{ tn :1(I\'i. that durim; the .~'umm('r it \Iv:t.< fmtnd new 1') to t'l'])1Il(.`L_' the boil- ...-.- tn tl\.. `Y*`rn|~ [Inn luwum-1'u'h:|\ - l\l|.lI \...,......... .,`,_._ .., ..\...- (hut w . !1(`(3t`.\'.\':lI`) ers in llw Hzzmu-. lhv ln. hu\'- fing c,n(l-mnml tlmst.` installed. Thvrv \\'v1'v nri;:in;n|1_v lwu b0il(`rs \\'hi('h rx-quimt! an lll1Ht,`(.`('.'~'5nl`_V| ammmt nf lm-I. l`h::.~':- Wl`l'(` rvplzu -; ....I I... ..... C.u..\.....- ...m-1.. n huh! U_\' QHI" nj]l\'ll| L`! I view] b:1iIvx' which is L'i\ isfzu-1i:)n with n \'<':') nt~r`II(n\\\V in fun! 103 INMATES NOW 1-m: nmmm nxammm. nmmm, omx. CANMIA -... ....,. ..... l':ai|` (`.\HlH~' bus`! `nu l....-|...\.- . J. I-TDVVIN \\'lL.\'0.V. li..\`..-\.. l).(\. 0S'1`l<`.Ol`:\'I`1ll(` l`H\'S1(`1.\N King Black. Bnrrn` '1`~l.~1~h:uu- 2%-L : ioo Hour; !)-l'_`_ 130 In A .,..,,......... uirvd m-I. Spvm-vr !H"`(1!'l'n t_vpc} u'hiI"|\ is xvivimr run] 5111- zuluplv llIlIIu|l.\_ f mrn, H2; mlmln-r u .11..` 1lH|l1iHI'c' was inmnh-.~:_ Nn\'. ms.-.1.u kl`.- to po.~'1.-` adds to IHI1 all ht` lhnl lh" Inn: pny (`H I(ll'xI` nnrl; H11 im@%m%wm&mm ` Mrs. Albert Shelswell held a 10- :-1-m ton in and M` the Baptist church. Nu`: 29 I . - GI\'I".S BIGG l".S'l` \'.-\l.l' l-I In an uudil nf cirrukmun by .'hnrt`1`vd '.u`mun\;xms Tho `.`\.uv'1..~ Exuminvr gi\'L`s v\`vr_\` ;ui\-ow.-.ur \\'h'.ll ht` ls onllllvd h\ :1 dci mu proof of qu'Imi\_\' and di.\'l.\'iL\\I`i<\|\ \ \ its \\'eekly issxm Nm.'_ 2:: y 1 Quite :1 number have been sknt-i 1 ing an Loacock-4 Pond. enjoying the-1 `mt;'JnIiH,h1 nights. I Glad In ronort that Miss Jean: 'm::'Jnllgh1 mums, I Glad to ronorl that Miss Jean Hutchinson has returned from thel Mc-mnrial Hospital quiin imprnvodi .-rincu hm` operation. ` The `Hunt Club hold :1 fowl sun- l.`?Hl('L` HP!` (JDCTEIIOD. ` x The `Hunt Club held :2 fowl sup- pm` at, R. J1,-rmc-_v`: Nov. 27. and` c~n1r~rtninod their wives. All seem- '|('(l to have a good time. . Thu Wnmr-n's Instimtv .-Ind Parm- `I4- lo have good umc. x The Women's Institute and Farm- i-r.~" Club will meet at the home of ,F. ML-Kay. Thursday. Dec. 7, :11 H] ;p.m. Roll call. Exchange of Christ- ! `mm: Gifts," Visitors welcome. 1 I _ FOR GOD AND COUNTRY [1 YOUR OPPORTUNITY! wm. YOU HELP? : _@5EFLP. s3U7=? ,.__. _--__.__....__1f .. I . O O` ` I O O O OZ0iOOi%OOiO0iO$01` '21:"-:Oo ` Warming Pads $3.95 BED LAMPS $1.98 COFFEE URN $19.95 Egg Cookers $3.95 Tell it well and II will sol Barrie the telling xs been through The Examiner. . ._`.-"_. are the dates on which a nation wide campaign will be sponsored and led by the Knights of Columbus in the name of all Canadian Catholics in an endeavour to raise the sum of $200,000 F`_0R CANADIAN ARMY HUTS .~..v..r...u uurnnlr.` ............,.l..... 1.. L"l.;I:r'Il| ilII'I oh. wnrk nl tlw Knights of (Tolumhus in the last war in ` TT - ----- V,,, CANADIAN PEOPLE will remember with satishu-tion the work oi the Knights establishing religious and recreational facilities and providing crt-.:1ture comforts for soldiers and creeds. where the widely accepted slogan was. EV F.l{YONl~) WF.l.(`,().\ll-2 AN!) l'ZVl'2l{Y'l`l` To-day. the same urgent need exists and His l~2x-lellem-_v. the head of the Cztnzuliun (`zxtholic approves and urges the campaign with the significant words: l make u very spm-inl :1p|)(':ll Knights of (`olumbus reach their objective." TIME IS BRIEF, YOUR HELP IS VITAL : AI_, ..__.:,A4_,|.:._. While the appeal is made primarily to Catholics. the hm cc-ive the financial support of people of all denominations. L-D\ra-| -on-ougr---cg- _- ___..____V 7 _ _ _, , This campaign is conducted under the provisions of the War Charities Act 1939. and the Secretary 0! State has issued :\ certificate of registration in the name of ALI. WILL SHARE ALIKE arthy: "To the many who can help in no other way. the giving of a substan- tial contribution towards the moral cure and the material comlort of our soldiers. should be counted :1 privilege and 9. duty." .~\ quotation (mm one of the letters from the (`anadlan The H Canadian Army Huts 15:: an-n-lm Gt Ottawa. Ont. IS AGAINST CHRISTIANITY AND YOUR HOME VE'I`F.RIN.-\m: O` Bnyfwld St. I TRUE PATRIOTISM A MATTER OF DEEDS RATHER THAN WORDS hiomjibuodjbdbz DECEMBER 3rd to 1 1th HERE'S voun ANTI-WORRY SOLUTION GRAND ll W53 For EVERYONE "Headquarters: Room 201. Booth Building. 165 Sparks St.. Ottawa, Ont. Annual W.l. Supp;-r I ' The Women's In.<'1ilut- hvld lhu-ir ` annual supper. Nov, 22. m Hm l'uwn Hull. when nearly :1 hundn-d 9:11 down to :1 salxszuzn suppe-1'. Includ- `cd in the game-ring: wt-ro the hn,-r-' `bands and families and rr-prr=-omu- `ves from various other brunch-'-<. [Om Station. Erlgzznr and Rugby. *When justice had ht -on rlzxnv at thu- iabltr In the l)u`c11u-In, my ad- ljourncd to the hall. where Mr. Wil- liamson acted as chairman fur 1hr- pmgrammt.-_ crmsi2~'tim.r_ or .'pv.-m:Iu-.<. rec-itations. duc1.~:. .`-.U|(L"- and mp ,dz1n('in1{. '1'h(- wh::l- ;;lf.'m' \-'::~- luromly enjoyed. ----------/----T~-- . EVERY HOME NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE CANADIAN MADE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ELECTRIC WASHERS ELECTRIC RADIOS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS A new gum rosin that duos not crysmlizu has boon pruducud by lgovornmcnl chcmisis. by making it` unly (`mm lhc liquid part at` tho:-I Iunrn [ I Home A.z2v|ians,..':2z2 -- - can-7117711 OPEN EvEN1N?.s' BARBIE ROBERT II. SMITII E\'F.SlGH'I' SI`F`.ClJ\l.lST 53 Dunlap SI l`hm~(` 30 Hours 9-6 duily. S:I1ur(l:u~,< hll Hi ____________________ 'u"a"~"*;%';'*';"'.; 8.'~!';;"1; 9*`!-1-'<"~5'.7 <.'.5. *!.'.'<%'. *'4` ."-'3. N E; Electric TOASTERS ...... .. $1.80 up E of}: % Electric Sandwich Grills $3.25 up Glass COFFEE MAKERS .. $2.65 2% Electric MIX-MASTERS $14.95 gs; Electric IRONS .................. .. $1.98 Electric Waffle Irons $4.95 up ;:"7'it'r'i5ii"3.3'i3ii35'i:`'B: $ i3'i:`I -.3i3'i333a3`5ii'li'i'i` " GIFTS OF DlS'l`lNC'l`ION % . -"4 a" -` a'% =I .>I::o=._-::3'2':::ou6J ox=:.._`.: -=:o=or::o=o=- ""l RE.\lE.\IBl-IR! 1. Contribute towards thr- Spiritual and Material well- being of all the soldiers. 2. Your dollars will earn the gratitude of every man in the firing line. 3. It's humanitarian. it's charitable. it's for God and Country. . 1 `awn- -____ _._ humanitarian nature of the nn(l(-rtuking will dmnhtlr-s.-4 re- ,,4:__.__ \'VllIIIll `VI IlI\ lll.`l\llll|| all--.|:n~-... on Friday night. . Mrs. Thus. Griffith. wnu in Con-[ (-m`(| IV4-1' llw wm-kt-nd, nth-mlingl Mrs. GrH'fi1h,~`. S12. who was quitol ill. ' 1r!.:1.._ 1-..- nu, ......I....I ......;-.-I Stubborn cases of constipation Ill. Visiiors for the wv(k~n.l \w-|r*:I at Valley Via-w Farm. Dr. .'n-(I M .t. Wnrnicn. MI. and Mrs I` `VI, \V:Iv'n- icn. B)l`l`il.`. and Mrs~'. I". l{Ubv'rl\'(;n and .~'>n Hnwld ul` S1r('ur! 4 . . :-I llxm No.-il|_v'.s'_ Mr. and Mr`-;, A. (2. [Foster and fnmily. (.`nHinuwum|. tMikc- In-tn I.I:ui:- and Cnrriv Nc-illy I I . . . at F`. Stet.-le'.~'. Irene Suwvvr .'n"ul I, Kny SI:-Ale . . . Mr. and Mrs, W!-1 son cf Bradford. :11 F.` f'I\'t-rl I Mrs. Jrghn Isak:-r was the lzu-icy vinncr cf lho Institute |'md.prvnr!g . ..I..|.I 'iding of all nationalities ZRYONE l'ZVl'2l{Y'l`lll.\'(i FKEI-1." (`huplaln Sc-rvice, ardsz to nll tn help the GILrf9m> FIVE Pomfs PHONE 424 U.-,-.~(,.. ...m_ ., p!on<.im: rim-I, 'I`hr- main pn" lhn Inc:-ling wur ulvz-n over In )gw"(,(|_ : M-rnlhly, ?."hir-h pruvt-(I int:-r~: Mm 'I`::!d and my '7v.vl:'H'~'('.< !vI`vm! tmn. .W:!-1 ~- _ un'.=I /\rlv-r1i.u- in I`h- Exrarnnu-r. .\'n nlurv cloqnrnt tnlnltr could be uffrro-d fur tlu- gt-no-rmm and Huntl- ahlr distribution M thr Knights 0! (nlumhus (`atlmlir llut Fund In the last Great War than the words at thr late (5t'l|('l'Jl Sir Arthur Currie. who said. '`I know that men at ev- ery denomination were accorded the .-ranne -ordi;tI wt-Irnmr. and that all l'(`(`fi\'(`(| the mmr xrnrrnus treat- vn:-nt " t GRl'lA'l' Ill'.\l;\.\'l'l'ARl.\.V' l'ZFF()I{'l' I-`lu ls l'ruv:n|a-nl Flu Is vr-ry nr~vnlL-m. In um I r~l;1hl:n'n'hnnrl. mrurly (-vt-I`_',' hum- L 4 V n v .1]: Wu or :nr;I':- pulimlt` ('1 fma-(I I . nvrl 1 W.M.S. Mm-thug E I`hu- Nuvvnnbv-r mu-4-llnu vf thv :_W.M.S. met :1! lhv humu of Mrs. Sin-rmun 'l'n(ld. wllh :1 g l'('f)l`t`- | .~<-ntnlmn f vnr-min-r. and .'~.-vz-ml `vi."ilrn'r'. Mira-' H lluthwvll gllvv un lr-xv:-llvn! rt-pul'l of 11): l"rv.~'bylt:rin| 'n! '[' Mm. (Iumvr rvnd n in-vi:-w uf Hw hunk of .Irmuh Mr-3. |Im-I4, Nlrt, l.xrn- N:-illy and ".lx`.'-'. I? Kt-'l rz-ml frmn !h- xlluly hrm'~., Mrs. Hake-r nml Mrs [`udd .s:u1;r n Thv muin p.'n"l 1,! wu." uiw-n MN- !.~'i1m:u`_\' Mr nlhl_v_ :`.'hivh V-`l',\' 1il'H4-rt-slIn;,' Mm 1.171` ',r.`1|-~:\:("= V'!".'l'. l hm .-_. DR. C. (2 ll.|..\|IN:`--- VETF.RIN.`\Rl:\N ;\!:d .\'1'H( N Rnvfwld SI 2 H.n`\`1v Phr Page Fourteen 'l`.lnu|-sxluy. November 20. 103: ) rwe';!-~:.:'e.:!I. :!!!!=!?/'13.` Pf I-:1 1|I:(:'l`] ` `. 4l'.\, 1 MIL "TEA KETTLE $5.95 Bottle Warmer $2.95 TABLE LAMPS $3.95 FLOOR LAMPS $9.95 1\`IAYDF.E MvAl'l.lC\', .-'\.'|`.(`.I Tnzmhu-1` Hf Piznm and 'l'lu'n-1 n.vmAM~w~w~AMM-A~vuwmM-MMM ACCOUNTANTS LEGAL MAYDEE MN\l'I.|~. I Teacher ;n' Organist St. Cmu`;:v' 115 B1I)'(`1ll $1.. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY \JD|r.\.u.\---u . in: B:n`l`I\ Tt Office Hn\n'.<~ nnd bv nmmlnn 10 \lo J.Ia.I\ra-any Fl'~`.\'ER.-\l. DlRlC("l`0I{ AND F..\lB.-\l..\l|".R .`\VIlll`l..~\N(`E SFR\'l('E Q7 l~`.liz:\bq-lh S1 2 |`lmm- `BIS Ea. SMITH & co. If!-nklich mi I .h:*\ n Lil's; A as \a tr . Est-ahlislu-d I865! Il'.\'l-TR.-\I. l)lRE("l'()RL~` AN D I-'.'.\lB.\L.\ll-IRS Motor ambu| in (`l\lll\t`(`li|".l t\III.`\' I\ .\ I A \'n V I l`.lI'l` IVIDIIII" Illluunuu \ nu \ \v ..\ \ ... .. OPEN I):\\' .-\.\'ll NIGHT BARR-I. ONT. l'll0Nl-2 S`! j wl-:LcII. ANDERSON & ('nM1-Am Chnrtr-rod Accnmllnnlx. 'l`ru.~:l,v<-5, L-[(- Mocmm Dunlup S1. .___.__.__.___ W. D. MINNIKIN cnAIanowu....... .. .~-... . -` _. 28 Mary St. : Phone -131 FUNERAL DIRI~:("l`OR AMBUL.-\N(`l~`. srraucrz .. --,, L4<>7 nu MUSIC I. ISSONS ________* (`.IlIROl R2\(`T()l{S .___ l"l'\'lCR:\l. l)lRI~`.("l`0R .\' minus. All x:rucI(~.<. rm 1 sludin. 27 Brzndfunl E ice Hnursw:--n.;, I and by uppuimn A.F. .:.S3.-.L.LYD \Il) I.`1"I`1\1 WI-ILCII. ANDERSON & ('UlVlI'I\N x Chartered Crown Life Buildim:, 5!) Ynmzo SI.,1 Tnr: m I n ` V'E'l`F.l{l`N:\l{l.-\1`\'- 0STF.0l A'l`ll\' ___..__ 0P'l`01\lF.'I`R\' Uuumm:_ :` Torunln L.'lml`ll>`. umuuu nl. 1)\n ah r.i:mis1 udizm pi:un'.~:l. Alsm . ill 'l'uI`ml1u. NOW` .. I n|'r`II\'\l'A`("! Th\`u|'_\' ';1("s (`hu_r(~h '11.. llurru` ___.______ .l<`.M|.\'(`. nd SIVRGICON 'r'u- : l`l\um~ R-`.11 Q." Ph-mo 405 ._._____._.. .....-... ,...~\:, ____ HM N`_`l. I-`RANK HAMMOND. n.A.. K.C. ` * u'1`m~.`-`.9 I-1urri. Solicitor. etc. I\ I'.\s0nic I."f `:/(1`l`;"1.'|(\Z!'I`-x1a;x1:- B1dg.. Barrio. Money to ionn. Iur ` ' . ___?________________._______.-_ ml Rt ` ..nun.u n ml..f`llAIf`. R (V L ____. .412 CAMERON .1-. CAMERON `M pAnms'rERs, SOLICITORS. ETC. M, .2 Own-n SL. Barrie : Tole hone 406 " I MONEY TO LOA up. , ;. _ .IF.SSIl~`. ll. BIKYSON , Organist and rhmr (lir~('lu1'. (`vn`u.':xl Umtd Church. 'l`v:u'lu-1' uf |1l:I`Il'.j singing amd mu.~:i<~nl lluu-ry. hissi` Brysnn has had 1-xlm-n. lruinin,'.'. with each of H1!` fulluwim: \\-c-ll-1 known musi(`i:u\s: Orp_;m 'I'hI'Iu'_\', and Cnmm.x`itinn. Dr. llmuh-`\' Wil- Inn, FR. .03. Sinuinpz, D1`, /\l|)(-rI.. Hum. F`.R.C.O.. fuundvr uml (lin-clul`; nf 1h:-. National Churus. Tnrnntnz `, iu(l;:vs' nl'H(~(-. As :1 m-w ct-iling had to be pu 'inlu Committee Room No. 1. the ,mrr.n\i1Iev. un investigation. found than it cuuld be luwerod and the :|1)`('S(!]Y n.-vning put in at n lower H-u.~l. This mum wns painted and y."p(`rl"(l and (`nu-o new lights in- ;-tnlh-d. 'I`!w lights taken from the `l`.L-;11.~11'_v ()i('(* huvv boon used in lhv halls and in lhv smaller nffices uf Hw Court I-101150. Hy :u'r:m;:('mt-nl with the Town mi Bznrrit-. :1 parking sin` was con- .~'lru(-lvd .';1 the cast side hr the I 1`. ...-I Llnnnn I \ 7 ` s ` J Q` ALEXANDER COWAN _lll:urris1-r. Snlicimr for obtaining , pl`t>l):I1(' nf wills. guardianship zmd l-"ndmini.~m-z11'mn. General Solicitor .` Nnl:lI`}'. Cnnveymicer. 010. 17 Owen SL. l\1usnnic Temple Bldg.. Barrie. l\/IONEY TO LOAN 5., re ' 'l`lu- Barrio F.x:nminor carried 28.- 450 lim-s uf Cl:1ssil'i0(l Advert's.m[: 1:. 1938. with an zlvorugv of 109 :2d- n-I.< pm issnu-. Results hnvu done it -`u-nl Irum Uuln points ux v'n..-vn ;p:u`lition was inslnllod In iu(l;:vs' nffict-. A.,- .. mun m-ilimv hm! tn hp BOYS & BOYS VBnrris10rs, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- Hie, Cnnveyuncers. etc. Money tn ;lmm at lowest rntvs of interest. of- `ficu: 13 Owen S1... Masonic Temple `lhzildingz. B:n'riv. Branch office `l*`.1m\':ulu. J. R. Buys--J. F`. Woods.` ; ______________._._ DR. W. (`. LITTLE .-\.<. C`nr County of Simcoc and I). A. D. GRAY 1" Ph\'si('iun.x` and Surgeons V (irfwv. -17 Maple Aux. Tolephont` 213 Officv hours: I In -I p.m., 7 In 9 p.m.. or by nmminlmom. _____.____.__.._.__._.__. : __.__'.._______...:_.____ i l)()NAl.l) I-`. MucLAm:N.. B.A. 1RARR1S'1`F.R. SOI..ICI'I`OR. ETC. ;!\1:n. Tom le Building. Barrie. a MON Y TO LOAN J. A. Uuluslu I `N..i'hr.\' Public. (`mwo_vuncor. in- irhxdint: druxvimz of wills. deeds, nr~ ;l`:lH[.`,`illL{ 01' loans. otc. Insurance 0! 3:111 kinds. Ecculor. Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont. II. V\ . A. LI:.wIn lSurs{0I`_\' and DiS(`:lS(`S of Women) '(`hi-f (Vmvnor. Cuunty of Simone I`huno G1 : OffiCe--:'a8 Collier St. 3.30.930 n.m., 1-230 and 6.30-a p.m. 1 I`h_v. and surxzoon I2!!! ()\n-n St. Phone lOl5 -Officu }Imn':~' 12.30-2.00; 030- 9 pm. ` F`.R.C.0.. fmmm-r an 01` the Piano. Viggn Kihl, 1)m'..~ Ernest S(.'i1'I.. Cunndinn pi: 5 ecinl [`0lll'.\`('.\` '1`:-In urk. Virginia. MC. 1`u1)il.~ DUNCAN F. McCUAlG. K.(7. R/\RRlS'1`ER_ SOLICITOR. ETC` M.....-\- n lmm : Russ Block. Barrie `rm: _ Offiov: n n. - x ; Office . |"h\\no I'l\. \II'4\FI\\III. l . LVl.J|Avl\r\ II l`h_\'. and Surgeon (`if CL` and Residence. Corner E1123- lw--lh and Tnrunm Sts.. Phone 140. Hnnr` .10 um: 1-4 n.m.'. 7-9 :>.m. ?.@.:- DR. I-`.. G. Tl`RNBl'LL IGr:1du;m` .\l<`C-ill Uni\'orsit_\-5 Offwv zmd n~sidvm'o: corner Dunlop and Pnyntz Sis. Phone 105 H.nn\' U-V0 :1rY\ 1-3 mm. 7-8 am.` \'l(`TORl.-\.\' ORDER OF NYRSES .1~,........ n...n..In \('nH nub. (`Huh- IlI\~ IV t\l.aII'.l\ ll. VI\l\IIJlI\rvv Orillia. Ontario _ F.\':'. E u`. Nuse and Throat. Speclalist Will be :11 Queen's Hotel. Barrie S;1turd:\,\'s. 8 a.m. to 12 noon. VIL l\lI\I.`\.\ llnllnn Ur AV\l\UI'-D `~Barrio Bmnchi. Well Baby Clinic from 2 3`) to -3.30 o'clock e\'or_\' Wed- nosd:1_\' .-\m.\l1(`:\tinn for nm-se`s ser- vxcvs may be made direct or through doctor. Telephone 36. _____:_?.__.________ . \\ .~`\l.'I`IR C. SLACK. B.A.. BARRISTER. SQLICITOR. ETC. Y\/hmrv Block. Barrie Qyeciznl 'l`nInn1u nrk. Virginia. 1`upil.< |.)I fur 'I`m`cm1n (`oust-x'\'ulnr_\' of exuminutiuns, All L`.l':lClf`.<. Pu nnnlv nl I V `IL QED GO TTQITOV Rrne vm-.=m`1o. High class, Hum- ll`\Vll.\ "mertainer. for your next `Lodge or Church or ulher En- tertainment. Illustrated Circu- lar l-`REE. Address 628 Crawford 9*... Toronto. l0!!! \ new tn 1 rroolyoovvrrovvoooooooovsi *m:. \\`.-\l.'l`F.R ll. wommow (\.-Qllin (\nvuv~in DR. ._rw%!'%f3i3!29,I1 IIl\. J. II. A`- un----n Ph_vsim:m and Surgeon Office: Owen St. at Collier we Hm.1rs. 1.30-3.30. 7-8.30 p.m. nun 700 Rt`Sid(`X\(`t`I 47 Collier SI. urn. .4. -.. ...-.... I`l1_v. and Surtznon ..~.... Qt Phone DR. L. H. BIGELOH . ~,,_...,.,.__ DR. N. W. ROGERS I`h_v. and Surgeon inlc (`nrum`r. County of Simcoe l` and re. 50 Mary St. I h0n(` 101 ri:m.>l)'x. nf Childrvn, in- modicino and minor sux`gCl;\'. ~: 30 Owen SL: Offnco and Res. Hm.11`s. 1.30-15.30. "i-8.3U . - T00, Rx-. S ....___:.__.:_.____...j___ Edmund Hz\rdy. Mus. Iizun. Teacher nl Piunu_ ()H1m\. \ Musical 'l`honr_v. Orgznnsw :1: muster of St. Amlrn-\\".< l`n~ Church. Gold M0(lnli. 'I`nr< Ser\'zl1m'y of IVI\I.<'1r nnd l hf Toronto. 113 VV'm`.~`h-_\' S` ,______.____________ nd Pnyntz 513. Phone luh 9-10 n.m.. 1-3 p.m._ 7-8 p.m. __:_j?._..:._T:.- GFORC-I-`. (`. SEY.\l0l'R .. .. ..-I C. u<.vn.x-\ ENTI-?lV{T.-IINERS J. A. COIIBETT vnhlip (`nnvovan DR. VV. A. LEVVIS AYN MEDICAL .1 13.. . SMITH L suuugrrun. - Block. l..-\l'RIF.. L..\l.(`.(`. SECURE -U 3 3'5` Those who kor-p u muss of impurity pent. up in thuir lmdh-.~4, ` day after day, in.-ah-ml uf Imving it rn-nmvm] us nm.urr- um-mlml, nl l-ust. um-4-, in c-wry lwn-nlx-t'unr Imnr.-4, in ... .|.I.. ....`.. .... .a'...n 5Ul.1L'l'1`UIt. 1*. 11.. Barricl `tho Mrs. James Johnstcn spout :1 I'm. days last xvoek in Toronto. Miss Kathleen Ross and Miss M. Kell spent Saturday in Barrie. Ll. E. M. Wilson and C3]. Mvfian of Toronto were in town, Monday. Mrs. S. Rogers. Ccckstown. In vis- iting Mrs. John Matthews this week. hmn Home and Mrs. B J. Patter- lung Mrs. John lvmunews Inls W0.'('K. Ivan Bonro and B. son spenl the weekend in 'I`.:r:m- 10. to. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown spent the weckond with friends in Mid- lnnd. Mic. Mm-inn Rm:-In isa visiitinu In-r. lnnd. . _ . _ { Misg Marion Basso IS vmnny.:.hz-r. aunt. Mrs. Fred Brock. C0llm;:,-i wood. Mr: Mull:-n, 'I`nr(ml0, nliontlvdl Monday. l Mrs. N. MCA11iSI(`l` spent the w-<-k- end with friends :1! McMur(-hy`s Settlement. ` Mru r-n ("ls-menr~n anon! tlw wood. Mrs. Mullen. 'I`or0nl0_ nnomlvd the funeral of Wm. lliggins on Monday. Mrs. N. suom , Mrs. Goo. Ck-mencv pom Settlement. ` weekend with friends in B0111-\'illv and Toronto. Mr nnrl Mru Rnnhnn Rt-. vnunt and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bcssu .~`}wnt the weekend with frivnds in Smut- ford and London, Mr zmrl Mrs l"m`('v Marlin nf` r4-nmvnn IL`! mu.urr- llHl'lnll'I|, HI n'u.-H. 1.wn-nl_vI'nnr Imnm, irr I variably mull`:-r frmn 1-un.~'Iip:utiun. 'l`lm use of rln-up, Inn:-oh purg:nliv:*.-a will new-r gr! you any wln-rv us 1ln-`v ` only IIg;.{ruvnlu~. llw lrnlllrlv mud in "ure l,lml1-lix-:nl(-mm-nus lining of llm 1 mwvln, and urn vn-ry liulslv In t~::u.~u- nilvs. .

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