lC.'Illl"ll I)! \'(!"".l`. Conn, Neff, N0t!a\v;l! :U.:u. '.`l1."ur-i` man of the County Road Commit-1 km`. 1`-`p1io(| that It \\'a:\` thn intnn-; hon of tho En;:incm' and Road; Committ to .<.prn_v nll County! road.-`._ but r~xpm'imr~nUn;: with :1! ccrt;1in mixturn. which xvns: not ant-I isfactory. had dolmvncl tho work un-` til it became too late to spray. Hr: .4-um: nun nw-|rn1'il`If7 cnr-mm] tn xzivc 111 It bocamn 100 NH!` [0 :-pI.I_V', u-' ctatcd that spraying seemed to F,i'.`c` more satisfactory results than cut-| ting of weeds. as the weeds which` were cut mrly are-xv up and seed-[ I ml r1 L,'v0k:?l0\\'lI Past Wor, P1-ec_ W F Doughey rm. n..........o..- K; M I-(mar rm wow 3; UATTL F. .Hln c_-I, :;l:~.'ndy. Fllll`. DUIIS ., and C11lle1"ls" wnuy. CIIICKENS Li I]]LI `[_l\`\ |l`||llL' * been sp1'a_\'`d fOl' of \\"36`(i<. Avnrd MnQ I :2 n 'I(-`'.\ `U num UlllL't' u wen` installed into _.~t:..... Lxuu Dan! D~rm~ 1_\_1goTER GRAN I-`(OWL Live 1 40-12 I1 I ) IJiV9 1 R-1! .. -T5/.U[l 1 9%~'i.5U Per Cwl. up to $7.00 ` up to $4.75 up to $4.5:- _l I up to $3.00 ` up to S?-li).(I(I . up tu $9.00 I "week zwu. :1 H-lll ll)-11 11.12 - Dl``(! , I4-16 t J5-l'l I 16-13 - Dl'l!EE( Ll HI l`.'.-lfil raur. $11.65 . $11.65 $11.40 $11.15. - ul SON ATTACHED = T0 TANK UNIT 1 \TWEEDSMUIR S Hon. A|C]Sl C1|rI` Buchan I Taking Course At Comp Borden (.Iaxmv.Iu's funk school -- properly known :13 Um Cunzudiml Armoured Fighng Vohic1o_-. Tmining Centre ---ls making good progress at Camp Bolden. .~..o..n.1a.-Imrl .m1-u in Mnv. 1938. u,` IE*=tubli:;iiod only in May, 1938. the school has: had hundreds of ufficcra mid inmi H.-ccive L`0\li`!CS of instruc- tion in tho fine points; of tank opeiuliun. H, is now in now qu:irt-- ` l`l`.t with new equipment and every- fhhig riiipsliape for doing a good inb, with lit.-Col. 1"` I". Worlhing-- , uh, M.C. with bin`, M M with bar, pun Iv1'II .' in n`un.m:n -.I. Member 01' II grolxp vf Ulcer-: now taking lnslrucUm1 In the 'I`rzuin- mg Contra-. Lie-11!. Alnsztalr Buchan. 5011 of UV.` Cc-'/orn01`-Gomrrnl, Lord 'I`weed2=muiI. in "lI_]0_Vlllg the life. H1) is am tvtfim-1' in Prix1v_~os.c. Loul:-tr: Dragoon Guzlrds, mu! 2': pnplllnl` with his brolher CvUif(?`l S nnd those in Charge. /\>nHv uulel. amt unassuming Appnrvmtly qulel. amt by nuturv. hr` wn.. rmivrennt when ln~ t(:rvicwed, but v`.xprv."v.':Pt{ Hm opin- ion llnnf lot: IIILN1 (Imnp Bordru vc-ry mm-I1. The (.':mm,I1nn zmtmnn :'.e.'vnux1 hm: ne'.'ur . to heH.r.~.r u(lvanl.m;- Hum this; _'mm A ......|., .`.r uni:-m: and men of against HllI'I' The officer is Linn! J Wich- cumbv-'l'nylu1`. who 1:; a f_1(`t|m writ- er in civilian life. Born 111 New York .4` Wnuliuh rmrr--M: hp enlisted at .aut,l1,o_;`e;s'.;. -__A_` in mvman me. now m mew mm cf Enghsh parents`. hv the age of 16 with the British Tzmlz Corps` in the last. war, and won hm commission` He has been livmg In Arizona iv!` a number of years. This will be hip. lust wiu'tr.-1- In Canada. His wife. an Anlerlczm girl, is an Fnnv \'Hlll`lL' ul'flEC'l`S. who El'l(rL`l- .aul,11o_i`es_1s. `N Four yuun}; o[fl7:is, gratifi- utvd last month from Royal Mili- tary Collrgv-, Kingston. are now on the strength of the tank unit. and liking it, They are taking an inten- sive course of instruction. One hails ` from Kontvillo, Nova, Scoliu, anoth- er from Otlawn, :1 third from Ham- ilton. anrl the lourth Iron). Sas- katciiexvaii. This wide geographical diversion is typical of the Arniourcd Fighting Vehicles School New Bear Masco Bu! Hm thing mat C"0}'_','(lI1C 15 1110.3! - in1ereste:l iu_ is Judy". just pre- -...~:...u 4,. um I` A f`V'T`(` as ;i ma.<~ Nev/' BEKX/\AscoT COMING TO THE ROXY SOON! "HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" "ELIZABETH AND ESSEX" interested 111_ IS uuuy . Juan. pun , sented to the C.A.F.V.T.C. as a ma;<~ I cot, Judy" is a ro1l'1cl>:ing, playful, 13-months-old black bear. She was formerly owned by the First. Hus- L`. 1I'k` T.m~dm1. Ontaxicv. but was fOI`lI1Ql`|.y OWIIEU by me rum. nua- sars. London. Ontario. brought ?u camp a few days ago and turned over to C01. Worthim;~ ton "Judy" is tethered by a stout chain to a stake. but the boys play with her as if she were a pet dog or kitten. One of her favorite zm~ tics is 99 drink a bottle of milk. preny much all in one gulp. hold- !mg the bottle up with her from "Jl\<|-l llmg HZIVK." . .5 p9W`: `I'M ..|.I.\ i`o:=-'..gao=o%oE: ` W -;-arr)" 5` complete` stock of. All Nrw and fact] Part`: In: D!'1kv.~sv_.vf (`art :v.nzl Truck: ..n n Dominion Auto Wreckers ` *1 \u-_|.. A... Phnnr 5'.'0 X`:-IIIIIIIIVIF `I ,\1-pm Aw 43'2-T 11- 4 s=1Iz9sHL-n wo wish 0'1 tn:-.kv.--.`~'o\\' that -sold wenth rr approaches. stoves and In! nnvm run run to mnacltw. And IJVLIRY npptoncrxcs. Sl0\'l`s unu nu - vmcos are run capacity. lxxcrovzcd fire hazards xesults -Cho':k up on your dwelling iusurrmcc. For years we have made :1 specialty of DWITLL l.\'G and CONTENTS lns4u.r- `Inl- l|Il'l.'. Low Ralcza. Reliuhlr ("om panics. Prompt Soltlmnenls _....... 4-..--yuan-nun: 41 Dunlop St. BARBIE (&:\lh\GL DlT!\LERS' A.\`S()CIA I`l0`.\ My mucn am In one gulp. . with IGKRAGLE { OPEN Suz;:J<:;y,. Nov. 25 F. tdmsons IO$ OO!| "1133 up AND LIS'l."EZN" THEATRE HOUSE or HITS I93 B-lnkv Show-1 F'l1r.m-X '.'P,5W Reaction I'e's-ten, IOQOE Experiment With Strip Of Snow On Highways For Benefit Farmers Simcoe County Council, at yes- terday's session, heard the report of a special committee named at the June Session to ask the Department of Highways to leave a certain amount of snow on the Provincial Highways. 1 Th n non: In i I 9.9!, (`Din bOS9d Of mgnways. The committee, composed Warden Downey and Councillors Splcher and Evans, lntervlewed R. M` Smith. Chief Engineer of the ` Department, last week. The com- mittee pointed out the Inconven- ience caused to farmers by having all the snow cleared from the highwnyat and asked that a few ' inches; of show he left on .sh0uld`rs nf |"|Iv|l\ 01 sanw. Au- In lhe report, Smith was: qullc agreeable to do all pos. to relieve the situa- tion insofm as it could be done. Mr. signal rm :1 board in front of him. while the instructor pushes a button to turn on whatever light he Each light represents one pedal on amn gem. The time from when the light gO(`5 (-11, M -mnpletiou of the 5.155- nallml nprgmtxon by the student, is. cznofully measured by stop-watch. (`ave Ar,-c1u'ale Idea "'I'|m Irima. is to get the reaction of cmh uzunrlidare for the job of driv- er." L101. Worthington explained ; "We can 101] right away whether or not a man will make :1 good drlvr-r by the length of his rezactlon:;. W." K have zupplind the French railway , pI`il1Clpl(` to automotive work. Now wr` don`! fool around any H1011` luoking Im good drivers. This 10:1!- r rIr' mill Onll nu: right. auunv nhrml l(.'l.H(lll)}, UH EUUH Ll|lVCIs`v. llllln IL"-`N cw will 9.011 Ur. right away aboull Hwir cIfi(`im1('y." `Hm rs-:u-(inn P1252101` was `the IC" soul! of dim-1u and nxpcrilnmat. '['lm.~.v- r--::pnm:ihlr- for this unique r`rml|iv.'1Iu1~ umrn ("nnl 'T` (3 Gil)- lHU.`" l'|`FDHll)-ilnl" UH HHS llIlll|llI.' conl.1iv.'mr'v wow (Jupl. 'I`. G. Gib- sun, 11: Chu.r;_zo of driving and main-3 tmmnce. Sgt. Major J. C. Cave. Sgl. E. D H, Reid. and Sgt. R. S. Eda wnrrl`: `Z19; N I!10$Of OOLO$Ol._...._....:J OO l {{Nancy Drew Reporter :. un\:l'rA (`.l(A.'\'\.'ll.l.l<'i-....l()IlN l.l'I`F.l._MI\RY LEI: :...___-' .__--- ,--,_ , with BONITA C-RANVll.LE~-JOllN LI'I'EL--MAR.Y LEE -..----...- `on.-no I~aIIv\nI&f\xY THURSDAY ---- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY V/}iL"T"56'i$5$fim"ii"vs7`Ehfbii" OO 0ZOO$ OO% MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY W Aum:b W M SELECT SHORTS COMING _ Walt Disney's F ecxture "PINOCCHIO" l.\ll l-1|{l.\I.---Barriv.'s I"im`:4t Equipped Theatre Be Good to Your Eyes `Barrie Chinese. Show Fine Example; ` >0f Own Volition Canvass Group; IEveryo`__Contril1}1ting; $108 Total IMPERIAL WI"! uurmnsv mm - nosmnv um: *3 DONALD CRISP` Dlmmd by Lloyd Iucon - A wamn nos. Plmno E A1... L. n... t.-x..-. . c...._ an... 1... w....... n..:: n..s.-.. n...:...-. ..-.4 L-.4_.-u f. .\_ -v.`-`._ V... cu..---u .7, u...,.. u-.-vu n --nu.--n any-an ml: by Max Steiner 0 Scvun Play by Wunon Duff, Iabm Iudunr and Fdwakl ` E. Puromou - horn on Ovlgtnal Slory by Edward L Panauuuc and Walk KMM I. YR! PINK:-I AKIIEJJ vr Ivan `,9 -~ - *3!:!sm`.ss:$9I*:' -.. `.`\- _,....... ... -3. ZND HIT FEATURE ..Gra.l;i.ina Fitxgonld Ronald Reagan (Ami-oi to Smooth Gun-nun , _ 1 Hl _!`IN!t ncxupz o!~=,I9'.pv-{_`~ .,`;`.;. :95 `; .2`.*;`:.(.`.>.` ~. Con Wlthenpoolx. 31.1" `-.6- Henry Tnverl Almuunhnhui ` -2 . 3/; WE M _ 3`CA'GNEV without. at the same time, leaving the road in a dangerous condition to: motor traffic. Theretoro, he ask- ed the County Council to indicate on a map of the County, that por- tion of highway it comudond be: suitable for a trial. u.. mnoann Hm nmox-1: my adon1~ ._._._._. \v The L`him,=:~'(.- cIli'/.vn:; uf llarrw have set. an [inc c.-x;m:pl- III Hm pm. - s ll N1-(I (.'ru.x:+ c.'n1npn'u,:n. Wlthmll aav rou1u: : rrmn Hod (Truss l".x-vulivr~ m` \vul'kvl':`-. Hu- (.'hiI|e.~ec l ntriulw /\.x;.m-inlmn nf U;u'ri(- ;n'1'mu.-,:-4! n I'.'n|v.|.': nnumua UN` luuul Cl\iI1~.:v. A Vl`l'_\' lungihlvl l'(`:~'ll. Hf lhoir ~fl'urI.-: \v:a:< 5.:-nu yes- lm`d:uy wlwn L-h::irm:m W. .l ("rzuxz in: HM :15; UI` .n-..- In-nuhul `A 4-In-nun suitable for trim. By motion, the report was ado'p1~ ed and the County Road Committee was instructed to mark on the mm: the portions of highway but sult- `ed for this experiment. Q.---_.a4n-r. GIVES BIGGEST VALUE what you get for your money not what you pay determines the value. Both in news and advortlatng. The Barrie Examiner given by far the biggest value. Examiner Classified! 0039. little biggest value. Examiner Classledl cost but do zx big job. ~ Bluebird Registered Perfect Diamonds `R8 CV JW"2I'S n...._ . __ ,,,.,,, 76 Dunlop-VS}. INSURED FREE A/,c;A1;\;sT LOSS Private Diamond Room $0505" lvrd:uy wlwn L'lHIlI ll)5Il| vv. .1 : ru wan.-`. luzmdod : 4-In-um 14:! :mm, lhoir1-unlralmlmn hive-11v (`Immu- Bnl'ri(~ hm ! n p.'n`|.. Hw 1'_IvIn;::; lu-H an: I'uHu\\'.-:l llny Inn .1. I l.L-In I lair` Fun I I I nln (Zin No. 47 Phone 27:! 74th Year \I.I\. \ i|Il' I,:m \V;Ih l.I'lll Kvw ('|mn;.: Sm- Williv Yvv .. Murk [lung l.. Jim I.m- Kn I IVIII Salt` of Immr lmking, I':un-y uurh. lIlb\'(`|Ii`\. .I[H'nlI\_ u~hi|:ln~n\ things. 1'14`. lI|ll lN(H|'\' 'I .-\ 'l'rinil)' ('|IlIl (`|I I'.n'iv~lI I.'IIIIIA\' II I `I I. y ..-u.-=u.;:vy\~av$-u-.:=u-=-V \\'n haw %1_\'lv`s In MIN Wlru gmd Vnuug Mr-n--~(`nme in and look Hwln ovrr. up will gladly slmw you Rangr of I`ri('c`\' KI : MI `um ".0 `R .I an 0:97 rm 9':/1 r'.n IlIl`lIl lnrr. \\I` \'\III gI.lrlI_\ .VlIlH\' _\n|l llgl` (ll l'l'l(`f"a` $l7..")ll. $|9.S0_ $21.50. $'r.`.7.."0. $34.50 S| l'I'H IN H'l'(N_`l\', *il_\lN| In pl:-a.~r. xinglr ur double-bv.ceLs1mI mod:-ls $Hi.50. $19.95. $531.50. $23.50. 55 lnmlup 5|. RED CROSS SOCIETY llIl|Il.\ I lllIl('II l'ollI`\l| ll.III, I~'RIl)/\\'. lDl'I('. I. 3 In H MISS M. .\llI.l,l-ZR. Tl`l`.lN. 77 .\l:\l{\' .\"|'. BARRIE FRUIT MARKET RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 19!` .' I '?O%OL`.'.l0iO$OJOOLEli| |"lnril:n_ .\|.u~xI| .\1`I`l||t~\\ 1-I\ - f\VV"IT\"Y"` I' mrmu. .u.I I \II .\r-`u GRAPEFRUIT.we\; large size 5 my 29; No. 1co6k1i\i. ONIONS 10 lb. bag 19; Choice White Cgelery Hearts 10c bunch Snow White Cauliflower Sc, 10c cmd 15c APPITEES -- Green-ings. Talmcm Sweets. Alexanders. .................. .. 6qt. bctsket 20c Fresh Cut Flowers at Reasonable Prices RI) l'HWl')I..|.'.\' .\lE|.0lH' VIICN llrvss IIpliumul----'l i'kN> now nu sale` 31.00 per couple ALI. l`h`l)('Fl`Zl).`-`s 'l'() 'l'HI'I RH!) (TRL)-`3':`: JOHNHSYAQQ & sons D /`\\ 1"` G .. Illlill ?%9Y%,!!%3?9.ATS f THE BARRIE 1: XA_l`_ j_NER i`I| WBEKEN D SPECIALS NU .`,.1U[``l'_'-H Hw lmlu-s` Au,\Ili;ur_\' of (hr Hzurlr l,lou.u Hub \V[l,.l,. IIHLID A Iucr. IN. ll` |.:mIn(iry u 1 |'x'|l|VI.`.~ illllllq 1-. furle: nirunnn In-(nun ml` us: 1 In !. 1:Iviu1::; hl'|llL`_ UNI)I'Ih 'HH'I /\US}"lCES 0!" THE l!.'\RRlI'l RHANCII 0|" Till". 'p'1-1o"N'E':I11' or '16:? DANCE $8`5"oo` _W|LF. H, TODD ` MI IN! IN) (NJ I run I . nu I no 1 run` I U 1 Inn | no I (III I nu`. BARRIE, CANADA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, I939 ,~_.j. lHIH| Il`HI| Him!` '-(Ill lulblll > Please Check Your ` Subscription Labell ._ . _ . .%_... .4_|/. .-......_ _.._._. 0~O~OO'0O~O~I~OO~l~O*O~l9\I!~IJ~I 04 *1 nu` ('l'l_v Iu'n~II-I I l|vr\p nu... 1 "Yv.~.. I|u- mnallesl things .-zvem In ll|):~(`l my wifv. l`lw other day 1-H!` w:-:: minim: n (-rnr..-.\vm'rl [)l|`l.I.l!` and :h- urzlu-d nu-. 'Wh:II .'c l m1mlt` ::lu`I-pi" I zxzud, l'2\vc.' ;md 5111: burs! inlu Iva} " I; 'l`ln- l~`..xamlm-r's mulling list was revised Insl. week and all paymrnls mmlo up to and In- :-Imllnu Iv`:-idny. Nov. 1'1, should lw (`l`('("Il` mu mldn-as lnln-Is. Qnhua-rllmru urn rnnllslll U :.lwc~p::lun mm! \v.'u:. on fur!` ll" '|lZ`v'. lrind fu tnku Hm mu! off, hut owmg tn 2: In-.wy mrlrldgo bell. lnadnd I \\'lHl :Ju~|l<. l`(`\ H|\'l`I`, h;utI')w?. hunt nu: knife`, Mr, this: w:u:: ill)[)1I1~'.'2ib|l`. ,'l`hvn hv In run and Jun! mlu Pikv Helm \\'lnvl1\vu:: Mm!!! 300 I _\':n' :n\':1_v. lml uwmg In his lwu\'}' rlulhim: and otlu-r vrxuipmvnl. lh'L,'4 |\v. a.~' also illlpul-.\il)l(`. A la.-J ro.-:;r.n'( \V.`a.\' to ho duwu and roll Ill Hm :;m,uw. When thc re-::|. of tho gang .v AI 0.. ' I.;.. .....`,..... .I 1Ivuc no fire! lw (`l`('(|||l`(l auun-as nun-n. Hulmc-rlbors nrt` rmulostml in -`Iwvk llwir lulwls. Hlmuld they nntivo any .-we-miug hmccnrucy. Hwy arr rt-cuncslt-d In notify our rm-o at um-1-. !hIH,|V\'. VVIIUII lI|l.' I!`-I . Ul lll" Ey""E", It-nuw hv his l'PS(.`lll`. il was at first lIhuu;.'.ht. hn had be->11 :IH:u`k(!d by in Lsrgn park of wolves but after loll- lmg uf HIS adventurv, he was-L'uu3 3`!d(`l'(`(l 2: vvry lucky man. * 'l'lw res! of 1,114: L-luh included H. W;uI.~:r,m. I" I-`olc1'scI1. I92, I :u'ker, R. :|._\'H:m,l l,u('k. W. (lnvin, (' Walht`. ,:ull Hf whuln rt.-hu'nL-I safely with gllwir full vutxl of door. E -I - uu:-:-v awn: O 0 .0 .0\9~P\O\C`0\D~O~!~l\%O~I\I~!~I\l OQ~I~AP$IO~IlJ IIYIIXVLIDI H.l;<-r -Wh:al'.x wrung WIHI Ina! ;'fvllu\\".' Ht-':: been (running in lwro ;v\ o`I'_\' day for :1 numth to slam in, f|lm. clnvorlmnf rolls I bznlw." 1 ('lI`l`k ~-Oh. he's just hoping s<-Inc Isl:u_\ In find :1 four-leaf umx" 'l'|u~ I'L\nmm(~r is tmxlous 4" |"`('MZlI|'l." Hmsr who have culls`- -VI from l3nr1'Io and district for .'s'!'I`\'h't` to their King and Cuuw fry. Relatives and friends Hr!` rc-qI.u-stml to write this office, or plmlw 223. Will: the puhIIc s vo- npmallon. :1 1-mnplq-tr record M mulls!-ed nu-n mm [or kept The-It n;-mes will he published as l'l`~ rolw-(I. vi: '7 '1 luv m n *'1;.'|:lunL; `zmua Hm V C E `%".% .`, . II/\.N('IN(; sum 1 H.111. -'Hr|~lu=n ,l~u|nn;:_ /\|l|::lm Iv .f H.n`Iiv~. (`mm,li:m / \I..I....l..,- 'l`: 'nnII|u ENLISTED FR SERVICE TO THEIR KING Extra! Fox News Gnu kopeye UCIIIOOH Ink; \'~-nu y l_m`xh-n l'h'K! TSK! ()l"i'lh H/I.-.|'. uw. /\ mm H.':.In'I : m-. .,..... -.|Ia..slrnr` hu :. l_ /\|||."~[Ul|, Imm- unmliznl /\rnuw*vl '|`I.'unII1p; L'4~IIhw-. J BARRIE- I " ' I (As quoted by First Co-operative l~'acke1's of Ontario Barrie) l | Iuressuu HUI. wcnsun. uu 1 u 'l'ud.'\_v ` ......................... ....... .... $1 Hm- week ugu $1 Two weeks ugu $1 'l`|n'w- wvuks ztgu $1 British bacon Inarkel pegged. SOWS M.. I .'!....... :1 Nu I 3-Ziuxvs N0 2 S0x.vs:. cum` Butcher cattle Butcher Cmvs Hnlugnu bulls . ("nnnm ': null (' MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY `. (lIlIl!,`].. illlll V:Il czxlvm: . l.amb;' 4-1. Hrs {I-U Hits` Ln/er (3 lbs; 4 |l)~ 45 lbs f`.ur\r' 5 pro 103 Over 5 I. I` WARDEN GIVEN GOLD WATCH IBY COLI.EAGUES Honored /\7t Closing Ban- quet of` I939 County COLIFICII 1 1 \ Warden Walter E. Downoy, who 1-. rwnplcliug a. successful year as: (`Inc-f Magzi:411':1lo of Hie C0unly_ was lmumrl-cl by hi.-: fI,`HUW-llIlI1b(. l':'. -I` ` SillII`0I` (Ynunly Council M a bun f]ll(`l in Hm /\ln!'1 ll.`Jll Ilwtrrl lnul Pvlfllillg, when hr-, was Dl'L'S(_ llll (l with -'lll rhgravod gold watch. Conn. J. H. Cooinbs. Bradford. (_'hZlil'l1lillI M the Colitiiigelicics ('oinmillL~v, introduced the mattr-r. following opening remarks by the chairmzm. Coun. George Patterson. . Port. N[(`Nic0||' and (Juun. Edward Dutlon. Victoria I-lurbor. made llw pro.-~ent.ation in behalf of the mem b0l`:.. Varioiis SpCiikI`.' paid trih. ulv lu Hm good qualities of Ward en Dowur.-y. who mpliod .~;uital_;ly. . ,,_ l, I-|._._|. 4-. ... .. ........n. nu! Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry x. ;;un-.~.`,. -...u ..,,...._... ......7 W, County Clerk {;'in1psuu pl Up0:1'3Il tho.` tuasl. Vu Hm visitorzz. being math: by Warden l )ynes of Duff(~*rin County and Mayor R1.)b- ertrzmn. who lleartily welcomed thv County (_`ounc"1llur;< In the Couutv Town. H. H. Nettlelull. nmhager of the Bank of. 1 v:-ronto, lhe count_v'.s banks-r.=_ spoke and introduced the mauagers of svveral other brancha. of the Bank uf I`0roulo throughout the L'uL1uly H 14'` 1\fl4-("lulu K I I, N} 3'__ ill 1 TL`pllI:~. ' BACON HOGS Per Owl. '1):-essed hut weight un rail). nlnu __ 5;11_65 Where the Best Shows Attract the Most People OtO$OtOOtO$O ! the L 0111113 D F. M.c(.'ua1g, KL'., E'.. in` proposing the foast to the Coumy C'.`l1llL. lemarked that councillon; worn taking their work more set- iously than in the olden days -. . I u.... A.\....A .... .-A I` . . . . .. Replylng lo Hut; toast WPIT? Cuuu J. M. lvlills, Burma; Cuun (7 J Gran-ix. l`.:ny; Co-uu. W J C\nnnng h-_.n. Alliulnn and r'I')lIIl W llll-FIX. |r,l_V. Lullll vv u pu ham. Alliston. and (`,'oun. V 'I"h0mp.won. Penvtanguishem` rru... , ... no ' I unn LlI\JlI]|\"ULl. A I.IA\ lLlll'.llL.`lA\.I|\ 'l'hv smgmg of "Auld Lang !:;y'm_-" com-luded a pleasant evenmg -b------~----- |OHicers lnsgelled For I Royal Black Preceptoryi PLl;ASAl:lT [EVENING V\l'li` Q*n`\u"_\ `U uuxu mu.--.g u......`, 1940 and their respective offices by Fast Preceptor J. W. Munro of Allandalo, assisted by Pas! Prevoptox Bowman Allen -xf r'...u..~o.m-n 1 full]?! "uur 41-uls lower than `x " lzugo . . ........ ,. mvdmm plllluls n apvuru. olnuuu Magloughhn, C. J Marlmg ilSproying R.or.;ds Best For Killing Weeds nwoxt-A-: Gmrizsaa