: FlR.S'l` 'l`EA1\/I 3 Bob Rulht-rI'nrrl. I P Jack l:`.LI('h.'m.'m_ ( & Dun Yul`:-x, ()rill ,' u Eddie Harris. Cnl ( O nan m-vis. Orilli . 6` m....m um.-an n lBarrie T:JwnvC|uE> Wins I `I At Owen Sound, 10-4` Barrie I}::m nin1m1 Club paid their annual visiv to ()wr'n Sound Club Inst I`hu1'.-`:L1_v vv<~nim.g and won by 10-4 sets. The lr1(':1ls split oven in |.m:n's doubles, but mok six out of ..| rl:..-lulu :.n.l turn lxn. .nuns (ll)llUlL'h, UUL IUUK .\1.\ nun \u :'(`\ t`l1 xnixnnl doublv.~: and two mu. Jf throw: lzdios` d(:lll)l(`F. Men's (lnublvs Mzu,n`i(:v Hmmrl. Victor Knox Ill) (It-l'v:n1:~(l /\l)|`r;Il.~; and Lawrcncv IOSL 1: )-(5, I5-12: Hilllfull and Wnugn I()SI tlt~fc.'1l(-(1 2. 13-15. 15-3; l.('l(.'lu~r and Thm'1- San 1OS> d(-fculr-(I Will PM ~r~:` and Ari M('[."."lll 18, 15-8. 15-12: l).m:.:. Smith and Ed. I-It-mlx-r.~.un Ifib (Iv- f(,*:1t(`(l 'l'hnm.<:m and M.'w(.'A1'll1u1` IOS), 17-16, 15-4. Lmiivs` (luI'hlvs- (,`l:n'k1- and llrn- derscm (OS) dvl`u;1|(-(l Mi.~.< l<'lm':n 1VIcGre;.1,0r and Mrs. W. ["ru.~`(-:1` I151. 15-8, 15-7: Mi:`.sc.~' B1-r1.h.'l (}HI`.\'i?".` and Nurino I"i1'mzIn IR) (ls-fr-zzlml Mar.-Arthur and l'hmn. t()SI. I. - 7. 15-6: .Vlls.<('.~: G. S|)('zll'I| and J. Campbell Ill rl(-full:-(I F011-l` zmrl Mz1(.-Arthur OS. 1: )-8. l; )-Sl_ ; mu: .1 1. 1.1.... .\l-.i\..n.- -:nrI| Knox and Alvin I\'nl)ir1.~ m BI. 15- Av|u.1u Luur \ \J.; v. Mixed (lnublvs Hun(1cr.v:)n I08 ( l(' 1V Ir:Gr(*g.'n' 48'. I5- and G:u`. 'B (` and Clnrku I OS I , wnrl Mu-u |'<`r:wv-1' rmd Mrs. Mus:-r um (I(`Hzw.'n \ VaLu{h and I:`..~'1or I081, 34: ). 18-1? 18-17: Hanna and Firmzm IB) (I0-` f(-rated Hzmson and Mzu-Arthur I055.` I-Lu \H-!4- Qmilh :mrl Firmnn ll- .) feated Ham:-`on and Lvlnc/\1`mu1' 'UbV. 15-8, )8-14: Smith and Firman `Br (lcfeutcrl 'I`hom.~'::n and Thumszn IOS, 15-10. 15-12; Rv>hin~"m and Campbell (BI rl-r-:m~d I\1u(-./\r1hm' and Clurkv 108:, 15-4, 12 .`.6: Hon- and Sps-urn Hr rlr-fcn1'~d :\hb011.< (Ind (`x`ui(*k-n:mk.~' I03), 15-9. 8-15, 18-15. I Wes! Km; ,\ 0 | \.aA]Ju\`.) Umh rhi Un Hm! I . .......... (T5. . l The Hiram \\ nlkur loam cf Ba."- ric accepted 21 challenge match 'with Hiram \Va1]u>r.< No. l ttnm C. "I`crr.n1n, piayvd Ln Ri\`(`1`dalc- .\`.- leys, Vvedncsday night. Nov. 22 of llhis \\'m:l<. We cxpwt :1 return |match in the near fnt\m~ from tlw I Tnrmnn team. x a-.- :3 . ., .,.. (`hurch League- The church lx:1g'uu. consisting mt eight teams, got away to :1 p:'x`f0Cl start on '1'huJ'-_d:Ay bf last \\'L'ck. All mnxnu nun Iwn 1-nvn. l':nilinp_ In p_:nn :: plum`. . ('\'(-I`. pIu(`.0(i two on lhv : Ono of tho 51:11` plnyvx's was Bill Bird. hnl I-in In-nu lux` ha: u-nu IN` Weekly Prize Winners High throo. wm` [mnin T37: ign inglv. Frod Thomps.-n 296: hidden 1C."!'C cf 5'25. Bus Ed\v:\rds 525 ow-1\.: ugh (L-mn for mumh. Hirzun Walk- .... oan: ('.r<:up' Town [.1-ng uo Slaamlinv,-,' H \\V.., - A _ 1 `isnn Bzxrlmimzm Club l (".`(l In SlI.'~?[){`I)(l pin;/E` M ihul tho /\1'mnuI'i<.\' ` lvilililblt` during lhv ' mlivo m:l(l(` . lx:(~utu-n1ht`r pl:1ynI;{ x nnnn uun-n fnlnnrl I) IHY llll` [l..\l l\VU Sn w(-r(- l'innli. inl Distrirl but have. :) due 10 l(mnp. lnthz`R.('./\.l.1r:Iin- I. |`hnm:I.<. ! .' " IJl.\ll Lvlllktl uuu. 334; high three. Dixie Strut B:1kug.\;.I`gc 808. as. Dixie Corbett 2-15. 35. Cliff Brnwn 223. n0rg- 225, Les. Hook on 2221. Orv. CuHr.`_v 21"). Q -- m3n:m.~: u (-t'(':m'd Knox u '1-5. 15-5: M('I.< ,I..h-1.1.-II I1-or-b STRIKES SPARES y, u.:-.:. Al3h:)11.~: M cur! K nnv En11n`.rjnuk Saqs Buckley's Egnturef [iramd Medicine for Severe ml)l(~s has of l. :n'rio . . . ` .. Inlrl. - - Ccrbozt 358. ch T\:u... u. :- In: Mr. (l(`1';11orl ,1-2 mm. and and nun There's nothing like being stub- bnrn, . . , Farmer Tissington still insists Orillia had 21 better senior `football team this year than B.C.I.. mmc Ii`-mmnr in H-m Pm-km :mrH lfnotbull this than 5.5.1 , . . . Sn '5 Farmer in the Packet. and) Times: Outside of Roach and Rey-i `nnlds. and possibly Richardsnn. int" the Barrie line, the Oritlizms .n`ett` superior tn B:-trrie in every dep:1.`t- I; ment. and it seems unlikely that twn .} 1 I 01' three men could defeat an en~ 11 tire team nf twelve men. but th:tt .~' , just what happened. While we sti?! ., think the Orillizms have it belt-~'-`1 team on paper. there is no g:tin.s`:n_v-`; inp; the fact that the Bztrrieites pl:t_v- 1 `ed their good l'rmth:-til when it \Vil.*`|:, I V *1 t n(-e(l<~=d must and rose to the heh.:i~t. at the proper time. whereas the ()r-_ illizms : buck intn their |:ICk:x- 3_. (Int '1 .~'l_\'l(- run the \v:` S:ttu1`- 1 [nT.`y ZlI'l.' ll'_'{. !l~Im`nz- Cm) 1 the Kimzstnr Dun CI`u\\'fr>1 SPORT- ANGLES DISTRICT OFFICE ` 22 l)['\'LOP STREET BARRIE. ONTARIO cnnppvjggucnsg . 'l`Iu- trusting, hum] of a little rhilnl synxnholizc-at the rm-tpmnsi- hilily which rvsls un 1-vrry dad's ahnu|dcrn-th-. proloclinu and we-ll'ure of his lnveal um-u. What dad wouldn't be glad to act nnidr `2.'n- 1: day In provide hin fau|il_\'., in (`new uf his death. wilh an im-unw of $50 a month for [0 _w~urs'.` North Anlericall I.i|"v has n DlIll- Ibo Life I'r~f-rr-d-whi(- pro- S`.lu1a.n."xr ('ununr`n1 -\-Jul up in full force. .:ms and Stanclinrzs \lInn I Andrew's . . Andrr-w'.< . xv-\fI`Inl JHU4 U1 (lL`IUIlU um: v ) they wun lust szeusnr on pm-. series (In-rl urhu nn [rill . ` . ` . . . . . . . . . .. will be pnsmd [)I'O ISUH SL`l'lL`S rd. whu s1:n`r(?(l on (in- WOH L-"I. -) `VI 1` ( fence for Kingsum juniors in the finals against Barrie Cults two years ago. is also with lhv currc-nt Tren- >1.vm lineup. [ Midland and Orillia sports writers lure still trying to promote an inter- ltown fivo-pin bnwling league with 'B:|rric . . . holler lnrnk into it. Mr. Hlnclsnn . . . but be sure and warn 1Midl:mrl uncl Orilliu that Barrio l-*un zn-1 ]n'r~:ty hm stufl and 'm'g:hl. finrl 1hr- opposition from said .Mi(i1:mrl and Orillin \\'P:Ik . . . at `any r:xlr.- the |<(`:ll hnwlors have h:`(.-n urg:1ni7.(`(l fur .-mne _vz';n`s and .1r1:-1vr- b:-en m:ll\'iIlL{ (li. shmv- `inns nl 1h'- (`.l.A, l'\ (`l`)' rprimi. ...h;..|-. urn .-.n'1 l'1("Ill h~|\rin1Y anon ALL STAR RUGBY SELECTIONS Georgian Bay District Cossa ` |"\H|}. Ul I||II L|II|HllHl' . . . Illl ll!`- -,n1nr:~ : bvc:xm Ihvy ,\'.`l'IT|O(l In '~ I h:nv(- tho ;z:nT1(- in thv l):I_L{, hud :1 big 1'm:n`;1in un 1111* play. and lht.-n`lnst Inn`. by :1 fluk:- tmI(`h in the` vlwsz Ihm-v minulmz . . . lhl'_V (lun't H come much tuughc.-r In lose than than `I _ . _ although l\ hn`lo_v Richard- -[sun will be lost in the team next -\`1`v(-ur by mo :11.',(: limit. some of the -lmhm` . pl:I_\'t'1*.< dn nut <`xp(`c1, 10 -ix`:-turn In .\`(`h:ml. nntululy Reynolds hm... n,.`.,-h ..n -..-.-....m nl mo . x- Vick-5 this (`uIllpll`l(` protection, with lhe ulltlml ud\'uulug4- of In im-mnr for life for \ou In-ginning ul age 05. Why nut lalk it over will: a North .-\nI-rivnn Lifr re-prc-an-I|luli\ 0 1 .n I . ,__ -.1 Additional Sports News on Page 12 ' Exnmplv nt nggn '~/\_ 'n'-age cvc-`~ U! 1 big Inst tl la-.0 1: takes a duwn. but Mxxturv tu . .l .. \\" I`, l\UK(HrI` ll` XVI NIH` u}\ gilllil KIWI what \\', (L x\Ic(Ilurv. Cowichnm Lake, IN? . .<.I\'.~: "I had such a severe `grip- py' culd that I had us go to bed. The c.nnp fun-nun lvruugln me a bottle of lh|a`kl\~)"s Mixlurv. and thanks to it, l am on my from again. You may use this lrm-r to lot the world know allmut this grand Im`dicine." Bucklc-y's ;\hxtun~ is made to do om` thing only givr rvlu-I` in slmrwst time: from nxughs. colds. grippo. bronchitis. etc. | ruvt` Mr yuursclf that it does next mm` you lmvo a cough or cold. Don`: mpcnrm-I\r- -~Buy Buckley" 25 Iagging,IIragging 1: Pain: In the Back 1' .\l:m_\' \\`m1u~u lime to lo their own lmu.-x~w0rk. and tlw constmit bend- ing over, lifting. making beds, x.-xwupiiuz. ironing. sowing, so noces .-.n~_\- tn poi-l'urm thvir househnld alulivs puts :\ lu-:\\`_\' strain on the` lI:|\`li null l\'l\ll\I`)'S. and it` tliore wen- nn kllll\(`_\' \\`c-.\luu-ss the buck would lu- glrong uml wt-ll. 1lu:m's l(iln\`_\' Pills help to give relief to weak. luu-kuclio, kidney suf- 1`.-rimr \\mnmL 1(`T\Hg \\'Ulll\'ll. I)o:\n'.< lihluvy in an oblong gr:-_v l nmrk :1 ` ' klnplo wruppvr. Dun `t um`:-nt :1 Dou`t um-opt :\ sub.~`timto. Bel cure and get `~l)o:m`s." -.. .v. -.u,,_. n. 1.: rn......... nun ` FIRST TEAM SENIORS SECOND TEAM Ken Swinson, Midland . Snap ...................... .. Jack Couch, Barrie Paul Kehoe. Orillia . . Inside .................. .. Mac Ryan, Midland Sid. Miller, Barrie .. . Inside .. Jack Barber. Cnllingwond Morley Richardson. Barrie .... .. Middle . Don Brownlee, Owen Sound .... .. Middle .. Ernie Boorex, Orillia .. . Outside Al. McDougal1, Owen Sound .......... .. Outside Bil` Jory, Midland . Quilrter .. J. Montgomt ry, Collingwood ...... .. Flying Wing . . Jim Brownell. Midland Jack Kehne. Orillia Tim Nvsl)itt. Midland Fred iViCL(.'iSh, Orillia Gordon Roach. Barrie . Bill Heath, Barrie lvierv. MCKL-n /.ie, Orillia .......... .. Half .......... .. Doug. Stokes. Owen Sound Victor Reynolds, Barrie Half .. Jake Gaudaur, Orillia Cliff, Cl`i(.'.`~2i)Il(.`h, Collingwnod .. Halt` . . . . . . . . .. Marlow Woods, Orillia F<>Ilnwim4 the inactive or two son cannot be kept from the middle years ago, and years before that. the Barrie l.xamin(-r takes upon it- self the selet-tion of all-star teams from the illtCl'-(.'()('L{l(lt(` play in the (i(:rn't.{ian Ray (ilSll`l(.'l. ' and both plunge with power and for the past three years. fat-toi',V for many reasons. two of'Nos|)itt of Midland is the whivh were outstanding. that several of the editors made wing slots. Both are hard tacklers both have been all-star selections 'l`he outside wing crop looks to l.ast.'seas the Sports Fiditors ofthnve had :1 poor yield this season. the rlist|`i(.-t. polled votes for all-st.nF1-ed Mg-Leigh repeats the trust H(3l(,'CtinnS but this was not sntis-|placed in him last. season and l`im otncr Namely choice. McDougall. Owen Sound a::<,t `Jury, Midland, merited selection for lthe second team but the l'C`lTl:llI1(l('t` ! I t their c-hnic:-s thruu;'.{h an Ouija Bozn-rt method and that. the Orilliainf the nerd were jugt ;.womge_ . .. . Ah ....,i . hm :-. rim-A Pnnt-h rim: :1 nnnnimousi Th: '1`. Z.1nlbr.x-n Ca., Ltd, Iunnrn . -rfnrrl. Owvn Snund . :m:m. Owen Sound .. - f\..iIli-. (II`Hll:| s. Cfnllinprwuod . Orilliu min t \ 10! to got a lumberjnck . .1 ....|.. n..,L.I....`. l. \)l'l|llil Fin, Micllund , C)rilli:v . 1\'Ii(ll:mcl ..... .. l \.-ill? KO gm :1 mmnerjacx |vu'uIml only Burklc')"s L.m .... -...4.;..1 Dan-I llL`l'S Alllllllil` brim; the uni rlnfnsn nu` : n um". Ruuwrfmcl of ' V s vhnsvn. for 2111- 1- ;. Hv b \ 'u.\' son-nnclg mvh (liffi<'u11_v \vu.\` H u.... ..n Ohn rum. v Pills me put up .- box with our trade I.` I mu 0"` nu th I )lll)'(`l`S. wun S|7\ : on OIIBHCE. ZIHCI EH50 2'1 RUIN! ]lilhSL'|'. Of the balace-1 orixmrs big three. Millig-rm. Mc~l'< -"'`l ml O"`|Gill and Scott. were vus_\' sol:-clinns 1 4'h- Wm` B"""i'~'-Iur tho buz-kficlcl, and ii \\'us ulsull `"`- B""'l- h""!impnssiblo to skip lVl(`AS1nClu`1` M 1 -'0C '-C=1m- l Colllngwund and Ncsbm of Midlzmd.- : }'1`l'-`M "19 F1"`"~`p`Midl:1nd had :1 nice bzxckficld. as l ` M "f the BM Gi:me1.Lo_ Armstrong and Jeffery |` S W -`" ` `hm placed on the second team. For so-1` ` l-" m"d.-` 5pt' (`and flying wing, Slcmin nf Owen. ll-"" """ rm` Sound was given the call by an nur- I W- '"d W` row margin Over Dave Newark. whul` ~""" rm` mo pl"-V'l:li(l W0 for Orillia. Lon Gnsnoy nlj "L" ""-""` ` m`"``lB:u'1`io gut H (`all for the S(.'(`(md tr,-mni [nu his strong tackling and .<.~(-cmcl:n~_\' ma work. He was mo\'od up to the Bur-. =l- rie sonio1's for the pl:u_vnt`f.<. ,'}`*' There lhev are. the Gonrgi:m Buy W" `,`'``~`` ! I939 all-.\`1a1s. :-wcnrdinp, ln tho ideas ` `l'```` "H `h hr-".u|' The Barrie Exuminor .~'pm'l< do- ;"""d by ":l.".-Vlpurmu-nl. Nu doubt Ihorv will by n.\u-nvfnl vnlrlrll ...... ,. . . Ken zjwmsnn, lvnulnnu .. . .................. I .. F1 Orillia ......... .. . m.\' wnu our Iruuu 1 l.v:\t"` on the lingwm yd u V...u-u. d Snap ...... .. :l Inside . ..... .. Inside . Middle _.. . Middl .... .. Outside Outside .... .. Qu:u`1,cr ...... .. , I-lyimz Wing ...... .. Half Half ml `Juli - mg machine. :1 Bill Heath's tackling and plum!- r. ing place him in the all-star flying 1 wing position without question al- though it is his first. season on thr- Il-job. Browne-ll of Midland showed plenty of plunging power but his secondary and downfield work did Y - not measure up with Heath's. _` Instead of selecting six men from "the long list of eligible halves we would have liked to pick at least ` inine. The choosing of the first string )l c d`wood, for the first team cannot be mdisputcd. but the seconds of SlUk(`:: A ; Gaudaur and Woods may be open to- [criticism t'rom supporters of CIut'o\v 3"|nl' Midland and Ken Mclntosh of {l`tOwen Sound. Both boys were g:.n(l. |-tand to pass them by was not to the (T iliking of the selectors. : I1. Whiln the ehamnionshin l3;n-riei was comparatively simple but. from . there on trouble stepped in. The t`En- 1 I in] choice of Reynolds, Barrie: iVIc- , "(Kc-n7.ie, Orillia: Griesbach. Cnliine{- l i )! me new \`V('fl'L' JLIHL i'IVl`I(l;;l.'. . l Gord. Roach gets 21 un:1nimnusi' ivnlo for the quzu'lerb.'ici slot in `his bail carrying ability zmd high ,scoring average. Coming dawn to .i:xclunl field tactics Montgomery nfl -|CnlIingwrmd was on 21 par with tho! L "galiuping Roach. It has been sup,-I 3 gested that the full ground guiningl talent of lhc Barrie gznnrmii was ins` ldue in his position and that if ho {had been used on the half line Bar-I irie would have been a higzhor sum`- . 1 ing machine. ` mu T-rmnhtc inc-kiina nlunzz-I | - y 1`[lin;.{w0ud. Buchzmzm. Owen Sound` D inside. besides being :1 slundy blnck- her on defence. was his lcnnfs kicker` X on offence. and also z-1 good pznssor. I . \1 r`...-`CD-_ \.:.. .L...-,. nn:n:,.. .. AA !|Jlll'LHlL'H|. IVU UHUUL |1|L'|(' smno clifl'orz-ncos uf opinion Jhv other spurts \\'l`ik`l`.\` ml" jlricl. but we believe 1hv_\' '.....~.v r:\|uv uurl uh-n Ihn cnlnn *Lsneu;s`TAnd Officials 5 1 Senior Rugby Playoffi [sumo cnuor:-nccs m upmmn mm-n-,; thv di.\`~. will bvl ;\ cr,\' few. and that tho solc-minns us] lprcsentod here nre fairly clnsv In. gbving right. As teams go, wv also be-', 1 Move this _vv:u"s soniurs are on u [mri with lust yu:1r`s but the juniors um` not quite so good. .l_.-l _.- .. . 1 1 :;Horo|d Spence Locafes With Orillia Jr. C Team`; but Lhxs nnL s:1L1s- 1 nflj . that of madeu. Ouijnl that Orillin'. teams gut. tho p1'(.~f:-rmme and u 111::-` j of [')nSi1iuI\S | )(`(.`(lll.`2(` me 1\'.'U. punt-rs H1('l'(` shnwvd luynlty In the hurno lawn lads while other le21m.s|, h:.rl tho .~'1u'mm'l of m(- vuur only.` I Al IL-ust Lwu of fnur sports r0pu)x'|.- one of Tho I".x:nmiru~r W(.`l'(`. present ` ... _.....\..... nurnll nlmmrl Iw thn F!:u`x'1c I Barrie Colts lost nne prnspot-Ii\'v -whvn Harold Spence of Midhu1`.~`tT d('p:n`te~d fay Orillia. got at job and wlla play for that tnwn`.~" Junior "C" tvumr this wtntvr, Spvmn-' :__ . in l;u'r:.-E `, church ltuguv mvi-' 5 x gut and Juvonil.` at pence ranks, thvn played `centre for the Bm'1'u\ "C" tcmns.-l Cubs in 1938. I.i0n.~' In 15139. .-\I- 'thuugh rather on thv hght sidvul -Sponco \\'a.< :1 smccth und . skater. and :1 nice st1ckh:mdh*r and playmake2'. He has at least two `years cf junior hockey yvt and` `should by a decided asset to the ('1.-IIH.-:n.~ pl:1_\'er 1':ttl .*l` quietly this . .`[lU\l|U U3 Ox`il1i:ms. ! Port Coiborno--Snap. Goodings: ' insides, Tans and Bear_ middhxz. Beswick and NIcA\vuy: 0\1tSidS.| !Baker and Boc-km`: flying wixxg.` u 1 \ Rogers; quarter. Furlcn;.:; h:x1vc<. Smith. Shore. F`unkhousor; sub`-.. Minor. Luke. Collette. Rom` 5 1 ,_. I'I:...!. |xnu|\.u, L4kIl\C. LVII\\\\r_ .u.-.-.. n ` Barx`i<~Snup. Bird; insides, Mill- lor and Spcarn: middles, Rich:n'ds..n [and Saunders: outsides. Mcllwain and Nixnu; flying wing. McGibbon: quarter. Roach: halves. Roynoldi. Heath. Kirkpatrick: subs.. `uosmxv. Smith. Doltery. Mcconkey, Walker ncl:n:.Ia_nnrm~.m P Rinsrnr um- smun, l.)0Ht`I'_V. lVlCLUl|l\C_\', \vuu\c- 0fIicials- Referee. P. Singer; um- pire. Phil. Isbister. -..._.'0g... - ._. :\dvertise in The Exanxincr. uu\,\:u u . A41 1 .... .. Doug. Brooks, Midland Pat Cr:-mnie. Owen Sound .. Mac Mills. Barrie Jack Wilson. Midland " Don Francis. Owen Sound Murray Boll. Cnl1ing\vm)d Don Clark. Owen Snund .. Ed. Armstrong. Midhmd Joe Slc-min. Owen Sound .......... .. Lon Gnsnr-y, Barrio John Gizmvttu, Mi(11:ll1(I .. Ed. JCff(,`l`_\'. Midland 3 l`1.\i1|lllllL`I .\pI n1\c nf` nnininn suI('c1inns'tn the I ad also fnI 1h(` Kirkput am vxlond. - Gibbnn : lhssticl K 50- for 12 ( L-min Owen \\'<~m lo \\'::s me e whnlwhito S of i lho Hm` I... .. .....I 4...... I inrt 1/: I , lB.C.I. LOSE TO PORT 11-31 The l"..\:nm:nvr prcsmn at ovary p,::m.- playod by the Burma (;`nll(.-p,i.'1t(- loam, 'J`h(-y saw overy I(':Im in tho lump in zmtinn in<-ludingl ihrms ))('!`f()l`lT1:IlI(:('S by Orilliu, mud! two by Cnlhnnwrmd. Added to that` reports of games in the district pars- ers: have been thoroughly checked (`Luring the .'s'(-nsnn in an c'ffprt tr- .'n:.-ko zn clear and complete selcr:t'.rm of boys (,~liyzibl<: for all-star rating. , .I mnmnu in ("nllincI\AIm)rl' A: AL... ! For 56 minutes Barrie Collegiate s senior football squad, [champions of Georgian Bay District, outplayed Port Colborne in the Cossa" semi-fina1 on Varsity back campus last Satur-y day morning. i Tn n..~.+ nmo Hnn m-amqnnmlad Isms gained an 8-5 lead! morning. 1 In that time the Crimson-clad lads gained an lead! coming from behind. They looked to have victory firmly tuck- I ed away but at the four-minute mark a desperate forward pass by the Ports turned certain defeat into sweet victory and Barrie passed from the picture on the short end of an 11-8` Score. A 1:1.....;.1 nnthvsnfn nf fhn fnI`l`if'(\V`i9Il Y\`QV Of 11eamS| , A liberal estimate of the territorial play of the teams. would give Barrie at least 50 minutes spent in the Port Col-; Zoorne end of the field yet the Niagara Dlstrict champions! `scored two touchdowns. Three times Barrie knocked at the|_ [Port goal line without scoring a major. The touch they man- i logged to tally came from a long run following a forward pass. l I *1--i-Pin wm`| Im the field ()ll'3 Local Seniors Drop Verdict When Port Colborne Score ' Converted Touch With Three Minutes to Play - "Cossa" Semi-final at Toronto - Barrie Hod Most Territorial Play; Not Up To Usual Form. Iugeu LU Lauy uuuu: uuu: a. Junta Bzxrrie wm`kcd up the l1)enutil'ul grnund gaining extensions that bewildered the Ports. They al- ternated with plunges that ripped mrmxgh for yards time uftnr time. | l`hr* B.C.l. linv smd sccunmury tuck- lnd hard and kept the opposition from going nlncvs yet with all that the Cmxmy town gridders did not Inlay tho inspir:-d fouibnll that trim- lmml (')riH:.-1 an the previous Sutur- l4.... . . lduy. I Whvn th.` 1,'>:un 1'nH(`d mm p dirt they did n01 c:1pit:n1i'/.0 to full o.\'t<'n(. In the lust qlulrtvr 1 .n`\'xL'L`f|C nn ..vunm-`um: and mm or 1 full 0.\'I<'n\. In me nus; l[Ll.l|Ll'l u.~.. }pn: on extensions and 1w. costly fumbles gave the u1ti-mu1.<: winners their chance to come l\VlIlIlL'l.\ through. P11: through. Pay-off Touch a Fluke At that the pay-oft touch of the Ports was a (liroct fluke. late in the linal quarter. The Sailors \vo1" (loop into B:tl`l`i(? territory for the first time in the game when Shore, raced to the Barrie ton on a 25-yrrd lateral that caught Barrie zzleepimz. P B:u`rir~ held there for three downs but Reynolds kick out of (la.n1o` [011 short and Port Colboruo wa:-2 sztill in s(',orin;,' position on B:u'1'iL":< 3.")-yard line. On the first. play Port` attomptt-cl a forward that was cov- ered all the way_ Booker. the re- vziivmu was dvfinitvly out of the iplay as M(.-Gibbon leaped into tlw air to int,oi'CDpt the ball. Instcail it was tippvrl off thv flying: \v1n2 s: fim.{(,-rs into Booke1*`s lap. B()(')KU|` l~race(l to tho five-yarcl line l)ot`or<\ 'Ibr-ing dro'mmcl by Roach. On tlw| =uext. play Smith went over for thv ` victory touchdown. `;' First Major l)_v lo1`ts While the last four minutes saw ` Port Colborno snatching victory " from certain defeat the result of the` game hiu:.{vd on the first major scor-' `led by tho Sailors. Barrio worked tni ' Port Colborm-'.< one-yarrl line in tho i first three minutes of play but could `not take the ball over for the big .(`ull!\l. Royuo1cl.< kicking for tho innint I I r i l 1 1 .L'uu1II. Ipnint. 1 Thu (H nnys (,`II].',Il)l(: nu uu-nun uu.n.,.,. I Al. the l`in::l games in Cnllingwoud`-'_` The Examiner coverage by two real pnrtc.-rs supplied the district with}- the nariiculars. They were the nnlyi strrilws: in tho pi(-mm during sor1-i inr clnsh although others sh~mv(.-cl up -1 Inward tho Inst. 'l`hr' st-IN-tinn nf Ken Swinsonfi Y ,........,. ,.r ohm l\:1i:U-.:nrl High School . n|uILuu'> lll ;nn_\. | 1 .;n`ric Dri\'0.< Down Field Stung by the rv\'orsnI Barrio slug- od :-1 terrific drive that carried them to Fur`. Cnlbu1`n(\ (me-yard line r...~ Ihn unmmd iivnu in tho nunrim`. `In 1110 l'Ul'l L,()ll)Ul'HL' um:-_v.uu IHlL' fur socnnd lime in the quzirlcr. I{ii'kpuirit'k wont 10 on an Barrie .oxtcnd. Hmlh ripped six and MN- followed with five to move ihz` sticks zignin. Reynolds cut $110.`! on the next play. Mcf`-ibbnn |\\'(`m the Purl Culburnc five and 1.`lCi(i(`(1 by 'I`ul'\,<. The blue uni`. [while S:iilni`s lip;h1vn('(l lhc-re 'n(l jlhc third dawn fuund Roynnlcls fzii`.~ `int: 10 go n\'Ol` for the cnunt. E Port Cr)lb01'I1L` kicked and Smith .-ml 1.. nu,-..vn.~ hic nun! Tin ni('L'nH |' \HuCn mu` `son had n 1|Th0 play , ;. imm I `W190- `usual hippor dipper manner except ;q Port End Run Attack On the one occasion. i` Port Cnlbnrne unleashed a pow-Q The line played great football giv-i` erfui end run attack in the Sf'(`0nd`-ih`L`, the backs fine support. Saund-3| half that thv Barrie ends failed t<\!ers. Richardson. Bird. Miller and!` cope with but a fumble by Tufts Spearn deserve a lot of credit. tori: with Rcyrmids recovering gave thegtheir plucky stand. Several times| crunscm Warn :1 break. Kirkpatrickgzhey tore the Port line in 9hreds ml was thrown into the clear on an e.\'- ;smnther possible forwards. Every ; tend from the Barrie forty for a 15-zman in the Barrie line-up played; yard gain. Reynolds threw a 20-yard ' sixty minutes with the exception of` forward in Roach from an end run ` Heath. who went out for repairs. formation and the ;zhost" out-ran' Tho loss was a hard one to take} the field in the remaining 30 yards but the game was clean. well play-3 to score a touchdown. The con\'m't`c~d and the Port Colborne team a; was blocked by Beswick. fine group of spurt. They nev-` Tip... hint-_nf fnnnzl oh. I-V11! nn H10 | or nnit h-vintv in Hus fat-n nf \Uhll'.i blnCK(`(1 nv 5:-sxvncx. The kick-off fnund the ball on tho Barrie 20-yard line and the local trridders mrin` tn no main. On tho s`cond play Roach fumbled and THE BARRIE E?ZAMTNlR, BARRIE, _ONT.V, CANADA .i_. BILL MA(,'l.EOD I `1~{ill:~:da1(,\ hay and farmer I3.C.I.! tudent, wh(, is playing centre for '[`r(-ntnn R.C.A.F. . B team in tho O.H.A. Bill started his hockey in Barrio town league. then played far the Calls in 1935 and 1936. He was with Ivtidlnmi iltt(`l'lnt`di`tt(_`.s in 19.'37, then p]:i_V(.*(l senior c.-nmmt,-rcial league hockoy in Tornnt-y the pas`. u'(\ \`(\n<\)1S, c6LT`ro %Mi:i:fcR1Msnv 3 ; S.P.A. GAME rmnmr NIGHT! Barrio Cults. (lofvmling cham- )l(`.l1E' if the S.I`.A. Junior B sor- ,ios, get their first action undvr "lire this s(=.:isnn tomm'1'mv night :11 Maple Loaf Gzn`clen.<. Toronto. whun `hey (.`ll).'~.h with G1`imsb_\' l3e:i-:hE liimxs .-it 7.45. ` With :1 nvw COZICIL Tommy Th0rnj.i- l l ~' of Tomnto, and only one play-l _r loft {rvm last yom".< O.I~I.!\.l :: l`0tIp and S.l.A. champs, Haroltl. `Rt`d" .]L.l.lll'U, Thornton boy, th" Jolt: are distinctly on the spot. Nol prodictiunx` can be made about them , until they have been in action. 1`t.night the Colts travel to Mul I |.ll`n(l fur ilhClhL`l` \\'m`kout. \\`hiL'3ll will bv only their fifth. Nothing i::l known zihunt Grimsby. but the Pe;n:h_ i{ing.~` mn.~1 be in good conditi-;~i.! anyway. because they have tli:-Ir} lgwn artificial ice rink to work C51,! _j i j I Shore l'CL`UVL"1`L'(l. Barrie held undi came into possession when an P funvurd was incmnplclc on thv ..hird down. The uppnrlunity 11), force the issue was lost uIthnugh' McGibbnn wont eighL through 1118' line and u 20-.v;u`d run by 1{'u'i:1.;.-I rick on a Port Culborno nnsidc kick` put Iho Suilmwe buck on iheir heels. for just \\'h:~n they :1ppo;u'0d 10 L39, -licking: again :1 bad lateral on an extmxsiuuu g:x\'<- xhv hull hack to tho Du:-tu I lHVVuII(I \|ll' IIIDI. I Swinsnn. cvnlro or the Midhmd High School 1!,-um. szhoulrl hr- :1 popular on:-I lhmupzhrml lhv district. Hr! provid-` r-(l his l(-um with p(`l`f(`C`. snzxps and! was :1 g.:x'c.':l. s<~condm`_y. Lust .-".m|.=:nn: Swinsnn was S(`('0I`\(l in tho vo1im.:} 1'm' 1h(- 1')nsi1,irm. ` L Paul K1.-Imr-. Orillin, mznclo :1 suc- _c(-ssful jump fmm junior .'11l-star` l`.'llillL' lust. _v(:;n` In tho senior this; > st-nsnn. Sid IVIiII(~r of B.'1rrio gets [Ci : (`all for lhv nlhm` insirlv position on kn. ..,.|.-In... uhililv Millm-`u nni'.i()n `l1(`.`H(H. \\'HU \\'t'Hl UUI lUI' l'Cpdll.V~ 5 -but 0d ng group nev-' or quit trying in the face of what looked like certain defeat and the knowledge of a loss to such a zaam while bitter. has its bright side too. - Now With Trenton l(`l'. : `'``_"l; I'm talking about food f0!` miH`I'| k'"k'!kind." rolurtccl the cuncIid:nI(*. "but `h,`"' ['11 got urnuncl to you!` case in :1 S"l`lrninnH-" l `BARRIE AND ORILLIA MOVING up LADDER Dr nuaav wmnsns (Orilliu Packet and Times i Collingwond rugby teams con-1' t(i;nue to have the best record in enrgizm Buy intc-1`-Collegiate com- `pemion bui they are fast being ov- er-huuled by Barrie and Orilliu loam: 'I`hrA F'.lm, and McKn,\' 'er-nz\Luec1 ny narrxe unu Urnun `teams. The Elmslie and McKay Cups, donated for Senior and Jun- ior rugby in the Georgian Bay area. have been competed for since 1929. Cullingwnud have won the Elmslie trophy fuur times and the Jtmiur, Mcliny tmphy. five times. Bnrriu has won the Elmslie L'U[) fnux` times` lawn! Iku NT:-1 (uu r-nu Ihvnn lin1(`S O1`- Inns the Llmsue mu!` 1111113: and lh:- !\`TcKuy cup three times. Or- iillin have captured Senior honors rm only two nccasiuns and have won tho Jrminr title tho sumo numb:-r of ltimcs. For the past three years, Or- iilliu and Barrie have (livided the honors. In 1937,Oril1i:1 won the Jun- iur and Barrie H1r_= Senior. 1..:Ist your. Orilliu wnn the S:.-niur and Bll`l`i(` the Juniur. This year. Orillin ugnin wnn tho Junior and Barrio the Svn Iinr. Follmving is :1 cnmplvle r(r(~m`d of tho winners since 1929: Cupi IM('K:1_v Cup! ,SI7.NIOI . JUNIOR `B:lrri(; Orillin ~()rilli:n H:l!`l'i(` lD......:.\ Orillih .. 193$} ..... .. .. 193:; .... .. HYIV |,UllHl_L:\N(II)(l >4 Bzlrric ............ .. lC `. !Cz>llin;z\v(md .. |Owcn Sound . I , ,, iHarry Lay Passes l 50-Hour Flying Test ` William VV'nnd. l`ornnl0. and H:n'.`vl Lay. 19, Baxriv. nvphow of Promia-r !M:wl King. :11 thv Br:mt~Nm'- l'.,!k A:-m Club. Branlfnrcl. Mtmday. :21: ed :'>(`-|mul' flvingz It-sis r-rm- rluvivd by Flight Liz-utonzmt F. R. West, I`m'ontn. R.C.A.F. Bath I.:\y and Wood nrv provi- sional pilm nfficvrs of the R y.u1 Cznnatlizm /\ir I~`m-- in trninimz lh('I'(`. They are now working an n Lgrmmcl school cnurso_ llll nu" 1nmu..-nu. Cl`lLIClSm [nun Sllpjllilltlh In -,n.-nuw suc-Ur C('.<: :11]-stinrlowcn thismnd mol` I(: the whne me championship ]3;n'ri( his t:1(.-klim: ability. Millt-x"s1)nsi`.i0n Ipgnj pinged ve men only on [hp 5 is znctnnlly uulsi(l:- but he was placed , ['11-gt [Cam and one an tho second me` :11. iHSi(l!' In hUl!~'l(`I` lh(` lino W(`.`ll\`-IC()un[y Town C0]](sgj;1ng \N(_x1~c- :1` (`fwd D) lht.` 1051`? T -Iii`-`k CNVCV1 1`-d I qrc-at. unit and were not. m'1i:-(-uhl_v V('I`H Walk:-2. hnih :u1l-. ::vl(rc1iuns4 weak in any p.,5jm,n, That 5'; kg ` fur the puuiliuxu in junior rzmks lus1.1?m~ 1,110 coaching of Alex. Cm-];}mrn ` _v(-nu`. who should gr`! tho all-s'l:u.v' (-um-Ex L J:u'k I\'(-hue um! Nlurlov Ri(`h:`I`.`l-tmting, : FlRS l` JUNIORS SECOND TEAM ` v\___.. n_..,.|.,. nn:.n.....I This is thc first limo Grimsby h:I:s '-nlu-1':-rl lhv S.}`.A.. but Burrir~ Cali have been in yearly since 1930. I l`rnr-H 'T|'xnn1n41\l\ hnv lhr('r- L')'I`.- ll1ZlV(` l)L"cl1 lll _yl'un_y mnL.c 1.-um. ` Cr.a('h 'I'| mmpsm1 hm: lhr('r- p,')'n!- ins. four (lvl'c=nccn1m1 unrl nim'- I` :2 lwurds on {hr mstcw for (hr; g;.Im( `Art C0n.~`:1u` i5 oxpt-ctccl in !~`l1)l`l in thv n(>Ls`. This boy played for '1'- | ronto I.in.1:< the 1:13! tw:; SL`1lSI)nS um` I is an L-xporiencotl n1~lmind<-r. His rnmilu rnnvrlri In Dunlrmm l:1;`. Art C()nFz1L1' I5 C`.`([)[`(_'lL`(l To- | lis .famil_V moved to l)unli'nmi spring, but Consaul is now locutvcl in Barrie. and he has his 1`:-leaso `from Collmgwoml. which \\/as `Mu ximrosi hockey (own to Duntrmm. Gurd. R\)ilCl`! and Bud Bziuldry, who lplayorl fur the Barrie junior C lwnn last y(::n`. are ails; in the ruxmi=i_L' Ifor the goal posilimi, Paul l"9.qm-in-. nee clcfcncn-mun | frum Nm".l-. Bay I'rapp0rs, will lik(-- |ly start ma (lofvnco with Victor iRo(l" Reynolds`. up from my C ileum. Hurry Lindsay. also from ii-:. {C team. and Elclcn lVlcl..':<:d fmn; |l.uL-know an` the mlier reurguzinl;:. I, Ken 'I`v1`ry still l1:1.~`n'i rc11n'm.-(l l'rt`rr- ' \vl1crvvor l l l ll) .\llI I III he i.~ in the Stan.-x. Fiist lirm has Al l\'Ior;,'z1xi l'1'um Si.~`(:m,- :11 cciitrc. Red JL`l'1ll(`l1 '..|1 lull wingz. znttl Ray llanyos on rE;;h'.. the latter up from lhv (1 1:-um Anctlirsi` lim hair`. Bill Bird fmm tin juveniles at L`l'l'l1l'(,'. with Km.-, Szuinck-r'=. :1n;tlu~r ox-ju\'miilc .\l:`.:'. [at loll wing. and D'Aicy 'l`rnrnl)l.\j g l'r.'.m Bvllv Ewart ('11 l'l_L:lll wim; |Cl:u`o G.n'ing_: zmrl l.l,y(l ('}\.rin,", I-(n\Il':u '\l'\I| viuhi fmnn lhli (' 1: H71). :L`lll'0 L-`.)rHu_; um: l.In)u \,r.-IHz,; ,'.'m1x'u am! right. frrnn lhu C Luann. innd Dan 1.: wisx`. left wing from tlu iuvcnilcs make up lhv third lin-~. i 1`ht*.<(* Iin<*~'. zn`(` .~lill in the oxpr-:i- `um-nun] Stage. 'I`hL- fir.~1 g,-mnv w:'l irv\'e:1l :1 101. x I JUST A MOMF I` I A c:mdi(i:x1o for Purlinmv {cluizm-dz "Tho ]`)('npI() 4:! this r imust _L{ruw more whoul!" "Hn\\' ubnut h:1_V'. " _\'(~ll(-d : ` I 1in;.:\Vw lingvvu: -vin ' the genuine peppermint avor bof DOUBLEMINT GUM! t:--lvuu-v- w-. Got some today! I4 . .. . 1937 .. I936 . I935 .. . I934 ,. , I933 .. , 1932 .. . I931 AI . 19310 I! .. 192!) . 4~.,,,,, |l\ l(`I\:ly pup: ........... .. ........... ., Orillin Mitll:m(l . Owen Sound . CullilH{w(m(! I2-n-1-Cu 'i`hurs&:1y. November 23, i935 .__._.*__u . k.UlllIH",\`\'I)IHI Burrit- . Cnl|iI1({\vrm(l .... .. Barrio . Culling\'J . Cxul|il1p,'\\':|()(1 `VIDAV I :n`li;1m0n1_ du- mumr)' n-.1V" 1 RAY KEI\/1PS'I'F.'R__ AN!) MISS 141111.]./{N KEARNS This team uf n1i.\:v(l (|m|bl(`S won the x-hmnpinnship .11: B:1c1mim1n1 Club I'm` the p::s1 st->n and also l'in;Ilis1.~ nun H394.-3,-I hut h G(`(>I _!{i.'In B:1_\' l bc-on brnkvn up v-nr-run! I-nnwnrnl In ll'L'l'lIl lL'llIlI ing (-mm'0 : Armouris blot Available Garrison Suspends Play Bm'1`i1~ (,`.z1rr hz1\-':- hm-n fu: (luv in tho fzu unill -14.6 I\,. uup I will l|l Hill U1` iIVlllI'LlIlIl` kllll lllf.`_ llll \\'aI . H1<- ('.\:t`('llli\ (` mmlv vffurls 1: l<:(~:m- u1hl`l` quart:-rs but mnw wm'(~ fmmrl which (-nulrl bv nduplvtl fur |):1(l;'nin- ton nl r(~.n: 0.5! at this time. In tho m:In1in1<- :1 number of thr- n'mm|)vr.~' haw` _j0i1w(l thv Town Club. WH;) h21\-'(- kindly npmmrl 1hwr m('mbm`.~'hip until Nuv. 25 10 ammu- nlticlutzz any of the (;nrris'.n pl:n_vr-v.4. .. -n. an I un llI\' n..\.uuu--.1 n Jun.-u uu .w....i lis1im;. Orillm. grmlp} ('l\:mmi wilhnul defeat. naturally pI:u-:-d the musk pluym`s. with six! un the first lmnn. balan'ce.i l\/lullaml. ('.`ullin;:\\'uu(l and Owvni Smmtl hurl t\\'n 1-:u'h. B:n'1'ic, I`-.:l:..u 1.. lI'IIlI -. nl.'|1H\ H: -rin hn\\'-