Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1939, p. 1

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n'Mth Year t`\'E`.'Hl_s. ! I hope to see 100." he told The 1 Examiner. "There is no reason why ,not. He had an uncle who `died -.1 (`L1 Eil Ui. 1 The last of nine children of Mr. ;and Mrs. Gabrielle Cornwell. them- ; .~'.o1\'es born in Canada. he was born {in South Dorchester, Elgin County. ,near Springfield. in October; 18-49- l\.l'oV. llI\.. VV. -I. 4 pm-;.ch(-I f:l'(:W4- Andrew's Prt.-shy! .4 Q. nrluq ....-.l:. I RI-IV. DR. W. J. MARK . .3 f..-..-I-4.11 1-lint` W. KUIII daughter] `"1 .-nillin , UL'!.WL`l'll mun: > Square. S. G. nnnld SI ho-Iw L` . Jllllul, g. 118 E5. 325. '7') T"1fun Lnv 1'|`um`,-:s:nv:-I J. A. (,':n`rul|, (hr-1 r:ullur:Al Smznrln-5, mrlnwnt Hf Am`:-` en mi the Agrmul-`. rr Rural Cnnnnm-` rum uf thn ljmmi 5 -:1 Hu: Unit:-I nu 'I'h-- (;'hur<:h III ...--.I f`nnr|n1|n|H\l' DI`. [TH H `er. $60. nn.-.y. K1,. wupr. ; Dr. Atklnsnn rim-lurvd that Hut; Canadian Rod (`muss Snl'i('|_\ haul n1 stupendous l.u.~'k nhvnd nf it, and needed lhv sum)m`| of t`\ l`l'_\`UH(`4 ll:-I thought lhis would Liv n wnrlhwhil<' n`guIIi'I.aUun in hvlp ll\u- Ru- (`rn:4.~'.l and hike sunw 1':`. fmmi its shoulders. 1 IUI LS \..U.ll L Elizabe` u.-alth no .L. "A--nu. iRichctrd-Vasey, 58 Seriously Hurt.` i In Hospital Harvey O. 1`;CIUiS, 39, Driver, Urges Wigwag VERY CLOSE CALL ;]Il|.Ill, VVll"l" III vvu Cu-urge (J. Suyrntm Six of Ihv `.51 pl Inn n U. inun-url Oh VH:w_y Wilh nu uf the lrnuk Hm tn grouml and -II x HM \AI:n.' Ini III` Wnlh |)l|,'|`. ;nn|)ul:mw- 1 pntnl, whc-rv I` .. I` '4; .-......u.. .,..~.~, . majority within five tually was_ so well (1 constituents. "It was he declared. Mr. Cornwell was 1 thodist in religious a member of the M: C...-inn-Hal;-I aprxngncnu. Mrs. Cornwell ago. and Miss Dox` only child. H tulllu He wa n !nv-1.-u.-Q 1. - nu lll_ myu.-d. \AI. I\` I E3AivIINER CORRESPONDENTSV *c*;A`THER`:, AT ANNUAL LUNCHEON, CONFERENCE Section to THE`. ~ BARRIE; + EXAMINER Presiding Judge ` Waszaga BectchTr-agedy InquesL1YIaLvBe Held; Newlywed_s Loe__Lives_ %C1arence Simpson Is E New Boy Scoujs Hes l~`n'.~'l |)I'i'/.(` WiIIll(`l` nl` the Farm Homv l1nprnv-ma-nl (,?mnpvl:|I:-n, :a]ml|.`a'lIl'('(l rn-ullurul Such-ly. The wheat field Sm,-11 in llw I'm`:-m-mxml 1:-A l):uv.~' mi-zn Svwl lnspt,-x-Lnr Gcurgc Gray of Burriv, il w.`1.~'. |I1I.\.\l-4| In quulnry for |'|'l-'. (I"uI` l rr:wn!u.!im.' of Prizvs Scr Pam-H) l'ImIn by |'1;IlI`ll'_';[/ Ul'll1.2H|llll \'Ul'n|| .\1|lU.\` l L`-Ion Morley, conductor of Barrie` Band. l'L`l\dl'l'l`d two finv cello solos] and Miss Gvnvviovo Jumiusun. of`. 'l`hurnt<-n. gave a clever reading` \\`hiL`h was greatly cnjnyud. ` .\ hnnmml \.v;L\ mun frnm thn mm-I \\'lI|\'lI \Vi|.\ gl'l'LIlI_\' l'Il_]ll_Vl.'U. A buuqucl was sum {mm the cnn- I fun-ncv In Mnz. W. J. McLc;m who was unable to amend. having suf-| fen-d :1 broken wriat lhmllgh it fall` lu 1'v\.\' uvok: au_.',- 1 -L_._...__...._______~______________ SERVICE E COUNCII. IS FORMED HERE1 ]lhIHll. K\l`\'. XVII . INK` R dulmhlful vucul solos. (`Jun !\hn~lnv nnnrhw ;tcl.;u`cn conducted an open? 11 nvws gathering and writ-1 \';u'mus special features oil IIVIIHHI` | HOME OF l)!u'I U'I'Y-Rl`.`l'.`Vl'.' l'.'I\'l(` .H`IMI`.` ulsu spuke l`4|('l'll'l| lvd for (hr 'l|l'l. \ll'l|. II| I' n1. .1. 1'`. Wild- J. '1`. Sllnpsnn; Simnxnn` Vu-n. LIUU. I` I l'l\l'. ~` Club. Chas. A AA nncnn Most Improvement in Tiny and Toy ` Au ilIlI'l'I'tillIIL1 .n-~_|:- 1:4 l\'1r.\`. H:-ll. I'uI'|m-rl_\' I\`ln:;.~; Hl`l'lI Small. unwv l'('>1ill('ll III H.u'rn- v 110!` sislx-1'. I\ h; |lun-m'a- .`w`rn.'ul|, |1'vsi<|im: Ill l'nr 'l'h:-_v .~l4n_\:- 9 Bl'iI(lfUl`(` HI. l'|u- ;:r-nun \\':::\ klmwn Ill HIl'l'i(`_ |1.':v1n;,- (1I>lx<- u triunl \\ nI'l\ ull l|u- Qum-x:'.x Holt` lusl limv il. (`h.'mp,u-ll |l.'unl:. l lunu,vd lnln Rn :-r The vuuplv vw-rv ln.<( .`~l'(`lI lvu l Are Planning To Mark Education Week Herc At The Usual Time '|':;o Co-ordi-r:;-t`e_Efforfs To` Aid The Red Cross " Society DR. ATKINSON, HEAD` iVcspra Township Youth 9 Cn--n..n AJ._.ZL- IA (By Our lg'ln-rt ('urn-.spm|do-nth In farming it has hm-n \u-ll ll0\\`l| than thv "in-:mduuln-rs" In any line almost '.||\\'.|_\'~ lust- and (lmso that stay s((`uIi_\` al- \v:|y.~; gain in the long run. Sm-h is the cast` nf pumlmm as Oscar Wllilosidv lmrvoslml this your fifteen lIlIll(ll`l`(l dollars worth of polatm-s ufl` Ivn i|1'l'(`s `Ull IHII. Inn I`ll.()Cll~`.l)S -Jylu I\IVVlI Admits I74""r$:}}cs 3 UI` In-` H d:EH: THEIR DEPAR' M AFTER 8`/2 YEARS:' * I`1)l'V.\ I`0I-is ' `new .u'u|-1s !'.S'()N. 'I'INY 'l'()WN.S'llll \':. \\/l`II1 um (-I(-('- |U|l`| H11` 1 l | BARTHE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1939 :-Wiih an lhrm--rulrl pm-po:;u in vn-\v.\ :1` Wm` Service Cuum-il fur nurriv; and district was nrganizvd :1! nl mccqjng of 1`(`pI`(?.\'('|11illiV1.`.\` or vur-I ious bndics in lhv Mn;:is1rn1u-'.< Cmn'l.i Chamber, Monday ('V('llill;.{. I mI.....- .... ., .:,, ,,. , 1., I nm_\'1n-1' :.I1m'l.I,v lJ|'l|>l|` u p.m.. 'l'|nn .-may In rulurn In IV|l(H.`uHl. II us. I):-liuw- Hm .':cvidt-nl ()('(`lll'l'l,'d (mi Hw re-turn juurm-_v \\'|1(-n Ha-ll |:.-' I|mu;:hl In Imvv 111155:-:1 thv lm'n`ln |'llInvulu uml tlrivt-n min lhv l'l\'l'l' nff ||n- Bvawh l'{u.':(l. H4-l|'.~' null W-Irv lfullnrl. and in It was :4 hillfnld (t(>Il~q \l.'mnm,: 2: tlriw-|".< pvrnnl mzulv ml Hm H:-II um! .'I ln.'n'rm;,'~ (`(`I`lll`:.Il1" 'm.-ul- ulll In the pull`. | 1 l.u-n .~:ummI'|. tn Ihv In-lu~l' thul` `Hm .'u'('i(l('lI|. nc('u1'I'-(I whilw tjhul 1m.-wly n1:n'rit.-d cuu|)lr- were up t_l1cL rr:~lu1'n _]uuI'Iu-_v In Mi(ll;mtl \v':u: Hurt` II" -I L. .. I .all.. ..f n.i||/ -u-.. hunul mui 7'1`-(T) .REV. Da;m{n:;mARi; ' Agave in Communit A; 1EHE DEPARTURE FROM ELMVALE} . A .. . -.._ - c-u-.wu-5 A: I '11-: - 1-st! /*1-vi-It-lira II 111* 'l'|1\`l"(1I""l`I"lI""l'\ I ..... `\llUl'l (lI.\|_nIlll'l' IIUIH SllUl'l' :'Il|(l Illll` mv nnlv t-us! Inf lhv I'iv:-r'x Inmx \\`Il(`l'(' lhu nuln was lnmlvd. (Turn to page eight, please) I :1 ;_,;u- : n`lt'.-:[/ n)" ` l(l nnvv |)I'l'l| mm-n the wn1n:m':. pursr puwnliclu-t.~: for jv \\' ' fnuntl on .':. l- ' ulhn HM` .,|I I|'|H'_V ll) l\v'll(Hu'IlI(l \'\'JIE : Imlllu nf milk was ft u- :op:u'lnu~nl rvnlwl ll Hll I"I1':4l SI... Mull \v.'n.~.` lm-In-(I. ll` lhu-y hm l\ li(ll:mrl um ! liI|('l' :'.'u'. H i:;ll1mu4|1l lin- uv |)l'l'l| lnkvn llIh'l(I('. \v.-n- `|li('|(l'l\' fur il'\\Il'|l`\' l'In_v uml 'l`.'Iy AL .- l'l'. ln:.pv(-In-d by l)mn_~ 1-1| xv:-(I emu |)llI'('), I`Iu' lv`uruu*r.~:` Mug/u:`im'. El INIIIHII Ill .`ulIIll `I 1slmn- mu! .'nl`u-nl |u- mnnlll. `.41: Jun: , uuuu ._, ........,,. , These [)lll`p()S(`>i or lulim: \v(-n- lu- Ilncd as follows: I 1. [.'I`n givt` 1.:uirlnm-:- In 1-v.-ry mug g1mize(l group wishing lo I'()0]"M'I'{lll." with the Red Cl`u.<>` S in sup- plying lhv n'|.'I|vri:Il Hlill',::~ . 21:` socks. p1wt1ln(n1i;| _im-lu~l.<, p_\'_]:III1z1.\`. sweaters, r~lc., Sn ul';.{vnlIy m-c-dud at the prcsonl limo. 9 'T`n Rn:-urn Hun r-n-nv-rlinniinn nI' Wilix lllllllllj |'l`lIll`(l by; I\ lI(l|:nul vy hnd ['4'-| Inv unlu- \Vl' vlry. ....`.,. Iii - hr mull old (mn- m(l:- ml, `I`lll.`;.Il(' ,I.lm:.~ In-In1.: I by fzuuutns ma-nI~'. <|:n'l,-I `(.:u'rl, mu-|uim_g hvfnw mo (-4 mn hml thv ( In-cl" by thv 2 [by :1 wall If .|,,.[' u,;,.`i11;,; mulls. 'l`lu- nv cur:-HI 4 l.\Il-Val-J A onsaava. a.n-.u--- GIFTS ARE PREsE1I'T'E5iTh:cC NFW` H(,._.5C5 VAnd' IMPRESSED ON TANK TACTICS 0 B S E R V E RS Demonstrtibn Ar Comp Borden For Party , of Officers | vr'IIu'w:-: \vilH (II-Ilmnsuml-u ll) an-v-l I-ml .~4(:0r- 4-x-('nd(*l.\' nl` UH` lhnyul Mililury (.'(1H(';,;('. Whn mnlnrt,-rl in` (inmp Hf)I'(lI'll, .`x`::!nr(luy. for lhvl th'1m=n.~lmlinn nu purl ul {hr I't'-| l`r~.~.lwr :-nur.-,u- Hwy pr:-, inking m 'I I'l|I|In l {New CORPS is URGED 'l'|n- puwvr M nrnmurt-(1 fighlim; V!`|Ii<'lv':~: \vn.~+ (|vImmstI`nlt-(I In .~u-v- .....I..u.. ..r cl... I)......l Illllllllll, 'l`hv lll'1'l| fur llw nr;.:.'mI/.ul1mI nl mum of El lmlk rm'p:: In lnku Hu- |)ln<'- ml` tho L`unn(li:nn /\rmmn`t-(I l"n:hlim.: V4-||i(,'l'.-; 'l`rnining C(.'lIll'(`, w:n.~. mnply inrlit-uh-ul. Wu- lmvc lnhrv and In-ll:-r Innk- nnm Inzm-rinl l`lL|ll ha-rv in (,'nnml:n Hum :m_vv.rlwn- Ill llw Empirue, ml" nu!" llw wnx'l l.i(-ul.-(.'n|. I". 1'`. Worth- imglnn M,(?, M.M.. <-uunnmntlunl inf! II... I'-. .l..... A.~...;..-..:l Kfnnhlinnl` an we prcsunn nmv. 2. To secure the cr)-nrdinutinn 01' war-li`mc .`s`('1'Vi(.`(`.\` 4:!` all urgnni7.ul tions._-In this district so as to pm--I vent ` nvm-|npping of z-rrm-t undl \v&Isl(- of l'(`S(!LlI`('L':. ` n rn . .. . u HIV` KJH |V(`hi(.'l(`1 "l IniAnA Hun` IN: I .1 [n 1 l*'.nmm-'.~ .~i`/ml. 'I`|... . 'l`hr- p.`n'.':I_y'/.inp,: :nll.'u'l'.In;; pnwm Mr m'mnr<-(I l'i;.:hh-rs wan: (l('uum.s'|I`ul.- ml whilv u l)li'/.7.:u`d Whi|I|)('lI by n hill;-1' gznlt: ('|lil'(l .`a|)l`L'l.1I[()l'S mu! lzmkmcn anlikv In the bout-. : Snul)-nosml lip,hl. lzmks, xunilur In !I.lm.~..~ In-in1.; 1m-rl in l*`rum.-u,- l<.lu_v HI'i|i.~'h uzIv;alr_y l`l`L. ,|-V up l|m>|IL:l1 lhv |)liI.-! .x'm'|uim.'_I_v l'ruIn lI()Whl'l`l`, untl `h(*fn|`I' mm muld any Jack Ruhm-` (It-I`:-mlmg post tm2m~ .`n'|)('('I.'Il.0l'.\'l 3~'lll'l'HLllld('({` L... -. fl/.l`ll. | .1: ..r .-I....| .....l \rinin||.'-|nnlI. lll'|U|l' HIM` vuulu buy uukn I\.\nnn-I `sun `In-cl" by .-alt-1-I and viviuu:<-|rmk- ling 'l'lu-ir cu-m`(lin:|l=(| ring as [they awn-pt. nvt-1' the .\'|1nw-fl:-ck:-(I Lpluin. would have Inmlo the dvfuud- ['*'i's. H` rc-`ally nttemnt'lnL: tn hrrld` :1 ....u| 1-vII'nn||hl\I |\n4|I' in '(*!'s, n |wsl., ` risks. IV('ilIl.V II LLUI x-xl1'vnu-Ly \II'I'IlnI`aIL-V A`IlA'Il':I' l Mllll./\Nl) 1vm11;.m.1 |)1':nn'h .r[ llw R1-(I Cl'U.`~ > ('ll'(,'l('({ Ralph IL Wil-| sun as prvsitll-nl. Other nfficu-rs 2n'(~: Vi('('-])l`l'.\'l(l(.'l)l, Wlrs. Jack Whlltng .s'ecr(-tm'_v. Mrs. (7. PI. N('Ul1'lUlI`, 1:5- si:~:l:ml-2-t-<-rr-l;n'y. Mr.~;. H, M. ll:-1'vw:` lm-u.~4urc-1', l\/lrs. R. W. lrwm: pun: ch;u.~'.1m.: :IL:('nl. lvlrs. N. 1.. l I.-nyfuir`, Wm. A. Robinson was mum-(I cmn-` pniun LI'(`iI.\'lll`(.'l`. .,\uu.. uuull x|'\v lr 'nn:ul|:m U H('hlmI, I('iIlI Hu- .. HI llmv." ruuld u>'t~ many of Iln-:w 1- Nurlh tn :']n-ml m'g;un- u lzmk l'(.l'|)H thul wuuld `l-:..~; (' in Hu- '5lll.\'l'_ lhv trulum-I l'lll|)hl-I I In am. An 3. Tu bv tho chnnnvl H1l'nll_L'.h which the Red Cmss Ilc-nzlqlmrlu-r.~: i_n .'I`orunln (sun k(`(`]) in lUll('lI wilh cvofy orgnnizulimu in this (In.- Gluing wur-linw wurk. 0i<'e1's El'cl.(*d ' Offitzcrs of (hr now m`L:an:i;*.:u!mn` were clocked us fullmvs: | rcsIl-nl, Dr, Enoch '1`. /\!kin.s`nn: lsu vm--E president. Frank W. I.)nh.~'m; Jud vice-president. Mrs. Hlinnl M.-nw dith; executive (_`()llllllHll`l' ~- Mrs. John Cook. Pninswi('k; Mrs. I.nrm.- Orscr, Mlclhur.~;l: Mrs M. J. mm. mm. Mrs. R. .1. (lulhriu, Mrs. I2lm~ or Feltis, Mrs. 'l'honms A. In-\vv.! Harrie. . hi` /Hlzinunn um: I-hzuirnmn rum!` ll` llH`H WHO llilV(` llIll.`;g|)(;||| 1' w rmmimg 1-nu-1'pill:uru|,.y m,|;,,,,1 lhv North, (lrivm;,'. ,,.,.n,` |[` kinda: M munlry :nul[.h.,.,|,1...~ 0 u! \vt-niht-1', hunlm1.'.'][i|| ,-.n.-.- ml l'r-In mining ('('lIll""\ hnvvlllc-|1l { in tho Ullhh", lw PX-'|';n1])n:~l:~' ` urzn. ||:|lH\ 'll|V-\AI'L I`. I`. VVlllIII`| K/I.M.. /\rnmr-rl I"|p,h1in;4; , (l(`('l1Il`I`(l. who hnvv run. nninar .-uI1.|vni|l'n-I . N/\Ml*2I) `ull ul In-<. MINOR CRASHES ARE CAUSED BY SLIPPERY ROADS `Traffic ()l`fieer Jack Lewis In- vestigates Several Accidents --(Jars Damngetl. Minor In- juries Suffered. llw vlclmly ovvr mo \VI`l'Klil|(l. Whvn n [NIIIUI truck nwnml by HI'_vsun'.~: Hrvml l.im1l-(I and driven by /\ll)(-rt Hall, H! l<`.li7.ub-1h S1,, Burrir-, .~'.l(id(l('rI on .~;|ippvr_y pnvo-- mm)! nn Highway 27_ at tho Inn of Dunn':: Hill, north of R.'n'riP, :1!` 5.15 |p.m. SalurdzI_y. marl .H'll`lll`k n l.-I-- 'phum- ])(I|(', llw drivm` .H`lI('l`I`(1 5| `(li.~elm-.'nl.<-(1 .~.lmul(l:-1' mu! Hw rip.:hl I.-H11-uf lhu lruvk Wm hmlly (Inm::],,- . .1 I'rnffi(- OI'fic-1` Jnuk 1.1-wire iliV('.`1'l- ignlt-(I .~`.('V(`l`l1l minor zu"(:i(h"nls in tho vicinity the wm-ktmd. \Hhi>-. n nzilull Ii-in-I: nwnml hv '(|I-WIUIWI `,-'i(i_- uf HI. I AI VVVlI_V II, "Ill' llllll TIIIIIII `II E: w.'::: hl.'nnt.'(l fur am m-vi: l 11.30 ::.m. Sumluy. when : in: by l)1|I1r:I1\ Mt-Allinlu "lo: min-rl mm u lznxi 0WHl' . .. 'I`..u. .....I .1-nu...` I. i Al nppmxnunl:-Iy ifIl'h-I-n minuta-:: Int '(Il'iVl`|) hy Mm: I .. n,._-.; In R tn- J.I_Hl`I'lL`. Dr. /\lkin.s'on was vhuirmun nml` Mrs. J. G. Andrvws acted as svcrn-- tury of the meeting. `, A 1-nnuid:-rnhln nunnnnl nl` 1l|,.. ,Ill' 1-Ixl. uuu ullvrll n_y Hh-id, Hmrn-. 'l'h- lvl'l. frm: Allixla-1": rm" and llw l`(`2l tux! wt-rn (l:llIHlL{1`d. Nu injurod _/.,...___-._ 4 I , I In-:11! and use E) ll`i,-(is. `Construction _Remains Got 27 Replies Ere Stove Taken; Many More After II.\ [II HUIHI IL -VI. . I'('.s`llll:` of usim: C 11:11.54.-.~!. we-ukly udlvl, ` Wh:1L<-w-r yum` needs. .-n- Uni: uI'n|I 0.. Inn: am l|'hllllI`> III Uhlllp; \4IlllI.lI,lll3 :i('(.`Ul)l1. wheth- -r you wzml. in buy 01` sell, an Exznnim-x` Adlct ((:u:~;ls only 25`) is lhv qlliCk('.`~'l way (.0 h.'uw- your wunt.:a supplic-(I. l 1w..vv I u-.J\.a.:\..I 1 u u Remodelling Service Station in October Im-r m HlL:IlWil_Y .2: un uIInn;u .'1H1'I :;ki(|rlin;,' on lht- szlippu-ry. me-nl and tnlcmg ml. nix pzuurrl` pn:l:~` l'h:- ri).',hl mm 0! 1111: run` lmdly rlmmu,-In-rl. Nu mu was IHIII lllllll rlmnngml. H|l]JlU.Kll!lIlIl'I_Y ll|l' :.-Inn` I. I lulu`, wlwn :: rm` 1 MI.~::; /\(lin- S:-:1- Hn.-4: f~'.l., Barri--. prm-u-ml1m.; :lU]J])I.'(| In ufll-1` ilhk`-il:il5Illl`l*_ il I.1.~:hu-(I from lhv re-nr by 1: t` 1 by ldlwuml Himnu, (juncllt-:=. '(.-nr or lhv St-n;,(rn|n (`hr and ugh! frnnl of lhv Hinmv war .I.`,. .l Kl. .. .....\. in, nuy Ul HIU llll'l'llll[.;. A considerable mnolml, of clus- cussion took place bl-I`nrv H11` t'x;u'l nature of `the pmpum-rl m'g.'m1'.I.n- 1_i(m hml [won .~'vllIv(l wlm-In .'Ip~ pnrently is In mid lln- lh-cl (`n-.~..-. whcncvar pussiblv. llmmgh jmnl l.`0I'l. of all bmlil-.<. It-was fell by 11 majority ul llu- .... uunnlinu oL...o n.. I.. ...o,~..... 4.. ..|' II) M llllll .... 'l'| nl:-|_y Hlu - -O. - I lulu IIVVI drlvt-I) `In. Iul'l 1 Train and Truck Are In Collision _1`_ E__3d1Y Hurt JUDGE IS GIVEN WHITE GLOVES |Wll.ll (Ill Ill)ll. I".du(:.' I4. -l. Ill -jllllllhllll [ha- Hill.` l mm'::4:siv- i nlll] lllmxl L.` (hr-14 `t-L_`l of H10 Agrir:ullur:Al l'ir;:m'|I uf llw l)-pm'lmm1L iilll|lll'1`. UH lhv I l:ucn turul sm-my in llw xt._y; Dr. R. B, Coclnmw l3mmi ml` Hume Mi:~;.~sinn:a (,.`hur(-h of ('I2mm,l:a |1,h<- [ 1`>u,rc:;:;iv<- Rural Community; `and concluding with an mldrcss by H. H. Hnnnnm nf thu United Furm- t-r:;' (`U-up:-r::livv Cnmp:m_v, ml l.`..-nu.-~..' (h-u-nu:-1:.iu.n In R: up lln-. Am-m1|im.{ to UllN`.-Il0lH|llI'`(l -,u.~il.onI Mr. .lu.-live. W. I). Rmuth was pm-.\u*Im-(I with 2!. pull` of whltr glovmi at llw npc-nlng of tlw Full A.-:.~ii'I.1-s of III!` h'u|)rc-um: (Tourl, of Unturln at the (iourl lluu.~u- Mnmlzly uftt-rnmm uflt-I` (`ruwn Altorm-y I". A. llam- mnml. |(.(3._ lmd anmmm-a-(I tlml. llu-rv W1`I't' no crimlnzll uzusra In lw trio-(I Iwl nn- Ilis l.or|x'hip. 3-ilu-riff IC. (7. Drury. l.m-,nl In-gislI'nI' of the SIInI'vI|ne (fuurl, in making Lhv |)l`l*..`1'I`llI`ilUllll. slnlml that it \v:|.-4 "In-u:u|1.~w M the .\i|)0lll`H.'4 I'wtnl`tI" zuul hupt-II lln- (,`mInly'.~s rm-urul \\ 1I.`-6 ms` sput- I4-un: -n.- lhiu urnnlal in 3| I3. lr. . l.urau pr:-.. -nmlhm. lc-sra as this wnuld imlinztlc-. "When :1 jlnigv um -In-uit finals no trrimhml wnrk In-Mn-, him. ii. is an mull;-r M` mungrntulzstinn." lli.-4 l.0l`II.'4I|li|| l'4'|lli1'd. l 1-m|- 1:" tululo this (,'uunl_v an luting n-..-mn:1.I)ly fr:-0 from .l`l`iI)ll?o` I'I'iIl]1`". ll :u|dc-I that it also slmw-`cl :1 high ch-urn-0 of vmII'ih-m-.u- in thv lmtul jutli i;tr_v in that lIlI)?1't' ZM',('.ll1'lI of crime pr:-I`:-rrml to In- lrited in lower rullrls TORY Tor THE OLD SCHOOL MARKS ms 90TH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY |1n:An nv uiu wnun a mum: 3'-.;uu5c; man. despite the fact that he re- lcvnlly celebrated his 90th birthday. : Mr. Cornwell has all his faculties unimpaired enjoys a game of cu- `Chre more than anything else. and reads quite considerably. keeping Ihimself well informed of world 1 events. ' . --I` Mn... 0.. an- inn" ha tnlnl 'T'$-at-I l.'IlUIL [II (III Ul||I|l'.\. mccling than the In-sl Intm'v.~l.s' nl" 1111` would be w1'\'m-(I in Hull mam ner. at It-asl for lhv |H`<'::m1I. `|`h(~r(~: accrued to be an (:m1. l<- lmdy of opinion that nthor matters. such as l`(`L`|'L'ElliLIn nr outorluimrn-nl for lhc men ill (Jump Hm'(l<'ll. .shml| In handled by sunw nllwr lIl`]..'illll.'(IlI\IlI:. or group of nrgzmiznlions, with wim- scope. Dr At.kin. rim-lnrml lhnl Hut`

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