M A x I M HF CONTRIBUTION 1'0 R[.jEF sun Hm}/lan( |frr31gh1 ; \Ir.. \ .1 Im N1 :1 vc-(.-kenri Raymvm il'L' \ - NEW LOWELL i. In 1'11: of the A59 'I`0rrm1o spent thef nrmm hr,-re. & I -. Tfilffit` irv-4 LADIES SUITS and TOPCOATS MADE TO MEASURE Guaranteed to fit, these suits and tupcuztls 1 A ,,,I, , 1'1` 1|` I I I 1.- zlrc mzulc mun lwczttltiml lng'lisl1 wmslcds and twccds tailored in singlc nr douhlc lwcnslcd styles with thc new plczttcd or plain lmck. um .12) Distrlbuiizm among rmmi(-i- pzllities of the Dominion Govern- ment's contribution plus an vqunl mount from the I`mvin(.'i:1l '1`re.'x~ sury. In ihn (`nan nf V(lll!' nwn mlmivi-c ` -'j""` "-T i' KILLYLEAGH I M I HAWKESTONE __.___.j....__..:.; II MESSAGE to Employers M"_T!!M. |.L".E. HEAD OFFICE V Many well-known rms throughout Canada have adopted The Mutual Life Salary Sav- ings Plan" and are nding that it improves the morale and creates a better spirit be- tween employer and employee. Most salaried employees nd it difficult to carry adequate amounts of insurance where premiums must be paid once, twice, or at most, four times a year. Under the Salary Savings Plan of The Mutual Life of Canada. employees are able to budget their insurance savings" throughout the year in small monthly amounts, which are deducted from the pay cheques and re- mitted to The Mutual Life by the Em- ployer. Any standard plan of life insurance may be chosen by the employee, who pays the entire sum. The advantage to employers where em- ployees are providing for the years when they will have passed their periods of use- fulness is obvious. The Plan helps your employees and their families to realize"thc glorious privilege of being independent." Details of the simple plan and the assist- ance given by The Mutual Life in putting` .. ... - ,..~,._..s.-.. ...ZH1... E..-.-.1..L.n.I ...2aL....n. ....-- ,,..-.. .,, -..- ..--..,_. ..--_ .-_ l....._._b it into operation will be furnished without obligation by any Mutual Life representa- tive or by our Head Office. sury. In the case of your own m1mi<-i- pality, the maximum Pmvincinl funtrlbutitm for the purind April in! December 31st. 19.16. is set, forth in the attached schedule. Afton` March 31st. you will be [)(!l Illlll.C(l to (ll'Zl`.\` ipon this amount up to sovent,_v-t`iv-:.- per cent. of your relief i:o. so long as Provincial contrihution.\' remain within the monthly mmcimu shown On the schedule. You are at llb('I'l_\' to suggest redistribution of the 1936 maximum as botwi-on mouth nut month so long as the total amount for the year is not iimmasorl. Pm- {:'inclnI contributions depend zilm upon observance of our rc;:ulatmn::_ all 01' which will remain in effect. . 1... 4|.-. n.... l T. C. PHILLIPS. an r\___.I__. C. I nunuuan ..v. |.ale|II\.|| .-nun--an: .24.Dunlop St.. Barrie. Ontario HAROLD J. PARK. Repr(~-sentative garry .l.Twiss Liie Assurance Company -. yaur Salary Savings 1 Establ1shedI869 MEN S WEAR ` -""'_\ 1 I NEWTON ROBINSON I j Branch Manager D<\r-:n (`hula-in VVJATERLOO. ONT. .ll \}l VVIIILII VVIII lL'lIl(IIll Ill \ II\`\.l. `` Payment on this basis by the Pm- vince is continuum. upon rorw\v:11 ml` the agremnent fur a mtmthly t: bulinn of $1.050,000 by thv Dnmin ion. This ngxmmu-nt n-xpiros as nf March 31st. 1936. If. after lhul dn'_.':.- the Dnmlninn Gnvm'nm<'n1 incruz1. its grzmt-in-aid. tho hem~fi1.s of such increase will be p:|. on to the mlnllclpalltios. Cmwersuly. if the Dominion Government should de- 'crcnsc its grant. then roduminn uf Ijmvincizll assist:1xm'v'-will hv (`mail- ed. We shall mzninluin lhv principle-, of u (lnllalr-fnr-(l mnlrihulmn from Duminiuu uml l rn\'im~:-. _ You will npprv(`i:m- that what required of yuur utllninistrntiun is an ilnnwdiato and thnmuuh <>\'m`- hnullng of your rulivf lisis. "1`hns<: \`}\n`()I1gly receiving: nssislzmco must be remuved. and relief reserved rm" is: Tlmrsdzw. March 5. 1 LT oi Canada, . 1936 I mu: '1 In. d 8.1.`: p.m n-d:|il) |`\\'vpl 5 h-.\`uu. .\` llul. nI__\`-.0 `III: I WEEK-END SERVICE Cray Coach Lines 1`. \RRll~`. n-.-u:s... (`larkson Hotel --- l`hmu~ 6`! .`|.|I 8.-tn :|.m. \ 3.00 p.m. In :l.~l0 p.m. L R H) n In Tickets and imomxatioxx : `WT BARRIE COLLINGWOOD STAYNER (Continua [ram Wye one; 1 c_ial investigations both before and` sitter the Conference. and you willl a'gree that it must be corrected without delay. Our recent surveys have placed us in a position to es- timate the proportion of such cases in all municipalities, and this is a. factor in establishing the rate of Provincial assistance. Th uinur nf fhncn hnn fn:-fnrc._.In_i 1`. A R R I IS l Sun. .\` Hal. 1 .\In|\ those destitute persons who are un- employed through no fault of their ,own. I need hardly add that ado- 'qua1.c living stzmdards for lcgiLin1a1, 1'ccipi(>nts must be maintained. Our` lpolicy may be stated as: Aclcqu:xtv.- `mid xvhorc wzu`rzmted". I (`luv inunciiunlinnu I'\l\k'il`'IC 1'4-\rn:1].. rum where wznrranneu . l 1 Our investigations, besides reveal--I .ing the extent of i1legitimate" re- lief. have indicated three main ente- gories among recipients towards` whom drastic action will be neees-n `wry. They comprise: ' (I) Thncrx whnm I mnv he nm'mi1.-i 'sary. Lncy compnsc: H) Those whom I may be permit.- Iccl to call chis(:llc1`s: families who have made relief their career rmd who are taking aclvuntagze 01' stau- iznss-istancc. They can be subdivirirgd into: 1 1-. 'T`I-uu-n u:`r\n nwnfnr nnllnf in 1a.. 1:1.) Those who prefer relief to la- bnur. and (leliberzm.-ly reject the op- p()l`lllni1_V to work at fair wages. 11 'r`|.,...,. ...1.... .............n ...-.-non l'(`(lllUl` HllU\VilYlC( children are earning good wages. but in whose ease inadequate cle- ductirms are made by municipal re- lief officers. There is evidence of a. wide-. rearl departure from the I `Prm-'ineial principle that the family must be regarclerl as a unit and the earninus of all members considerecl when relief allowances are <-om-~ [)lliO(i. These cases are less the fault of the recipients themselves than oi lax municipal administration. 13) The exploited: those full-time workers who receive a wage so low that supplementary relief must be given if the family is to have the nece. of life. You must be a- ware that many employers are pay- ing starvation wages and eanclirlly ` inl`orr.1in1,: their workers that "_vutt`] _t-an get partial relief. They will:] continue to (lo so just as long as pain` tial relief is granted to full-time worke'.<. As the situation now stands. governments and municipal-- ities are in effect. subsidizing pri- ` vate iu(lustr_v. and at the same timrlj clep1'e.<. the general tvage-rate. 'l`hese are the people wlm .'mIs;t he temovetl front your relief rolls` ".'ou` tare urL:e(l to art without (lel:1_\'. Nu that the task may be emnpl-.`tetl by` l\'lareh fllst ` \ , 12> Those headslof families whost-`T p...uu...J `-1 nu... u. nu. -yuh~...~. I (b) Those who conceal assets- pr).~:. bank accounts under false nmncs. etc. I ((5) 'I`hns-0 who conceal inc0me-~-i fail In mpurt (earnings which wouldl roduuo nllmvnncns. . :`)\ l"hr..~n kn-`pin ..|' fnvnillnn unInn;.l :.un- uI;:l'u II tax] I\'l:n'ch 3151. Earrie citizens must be very law abiding, judging by the fact that only $15 was collect- ed by the Police Department during February and that for a minor infraction of the High- way I`raffic Act. Chief Alex. Stewart presented his monthly report to the Town Council Monday evening. nfhmnna .-mrl nnmnlninlx. tn- flu Slx Barrie Appears Very Law Abiding Monuay evening. Offences and complaints. to- talling 26, were: petty thefts, four. one awaiting trial, three Investigating; breach Highway Traffic Act. two. one convict- ed. one awaiting trial: breach bylaw 270, one awaiting trial: petty emnplaints. 19, all at- tended to. lllll \\ HVH C ULH ll H._\ \\Ht` USVU one half of it for :1 c1`adl:`." We11." smiled the man from Chi- cago. "thaI`s nothing. A few days ago. right here. two full-5:x'u\\'n po-l licemen were found :1sle:`p on onei knnv L.lUl'LXUZ1 l\. I` U` .ldt`I\l. Edwin N L`-pm`si(ioI1t. Mi Ihlnnl I-....\ u SlMCOE BOYS I I AND GIRLS con. i 1 VENE A1 REGINA; 1 (Continued /rom page two) iitmzs` and were given to the 1m` lsrms of those towns. Guests P1`C:s'Cnt C}LIcsts whd rc;.{istert_-cl were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex. 1\/[ac-I{cn7.ie, Mr. land Mrs. George C. I-Ioldcn. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGu1'r;m. Mr. and Mrs. `Frank M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ll ) Finuhn lkn ll'L`(I(` A T\/T-nnrln T(nn_ l il`l'2UlK 1V1. DHHLH. `V11. EIIIU Wllh. L,Il(l.\. IP. Geukc. the Mnsses A. Maude Ken- ncdy and .Icssic M. Kenncd_v. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dl'Lll'_Y. Mr. and IV11'.<. J. E. R. Doxsec. Mr. and IVIr.=. F}. Gideon Robertson. Mr. and NIr.<. C. B. 1W1`- Kee. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. W<-H.<:. W. G. F. Scythc-.~;. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. ;1\/I(.-Master. -. -- .. Y . ,. -,_ un,_ ;lvA\.AvAu.)|\. - . Ella M. Davis. Mrs. R. E. Sma1r~, D1`. and Mrs. E. B. Alpm-L Miss; F`.Ii'/.a- bcth Alpnrt. GCr)r[,1(? A. S:1nm ~~n. W. R. Mc-Lend, Mnrxse Jaw: Mr. an I`. I\/Irs. IR. Addison. Lumsdon: Snmuv` Sum- `... :II.. 13%|/.0 r.1..nn- T\:T:~.~ Ll M` Mr. and 1\/Irs. H. 1.. l.m'orinu. Mrsu `Ii. nntusnn. XA|lIlI.\(I\'ll. n.unu\ |n1er\*i|le. Piint Butte; I\II1'~". |Bi(.-Ib_v. Bzllgmnic: .1. R. llumili "1\/Iiss Ellen Hamilton. Fox`? 4 pa-lln; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C`. I Moose Jaw: Mr. and M1'.\'. J. Donald. Moose Jaw. . 1 1:: :.u..._. 1 l'TUVHll.7ll HDSISIEIKICU. I In view of these two factors--1n- creased assistance from the Domin- ion, and the immediate need for u house-cleaning of relief rolls ~ we! have adopted the following policy: I In\ Ynnwnnnr. nu 1.4` Inn-uuyny 1 .1 luunuzu. uu:u. uuw. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. Arthur I-Tarvit-. ' Mrs. W. M. I-Iurvie, Mr. and Mrs. A J. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ar- ' ens. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gr:r\'. Al- clrrrmzm and 1\/Irs. J. H. 'I':r\`lr>r. J. T. Roper. Mr. nml 1\/Irs. W. 1-1. Wil- Iliulnu `Mr and Jr: T.` A, 1.(,'nnnx. Inupur. 1Vll. unu wnr lizums. Mr, and Mr.~`. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. E. H. Williams. Miss ` 11.... u n rermn. 1\/Irs. George Tinning. Ivtrs. W. G. ' Haultain. M1`. and Mrs. H(-rbert My- ` ers. I\/Irs. Erlolstcin. M1`s. David Cl2\_\'- ` tun. I\/Irs. A. M'<'Ki|lnp. M1`. and I\/Irs. ` .1. Oakland. Gail Oaklzmrl. I\/I-cs. O. R. ;\r\ T . \ 1N f`v. T\yTu- vxnrl |1VH.\'. k:UI (llHl D. 1V\."fl:lllH.\. W11. (lHll_ {Mrsa Gemgczc II. (.ucl LI Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gibson. Mr. and I I\/Irs. W, J. VVilli.<. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. _ Brett. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mt.-Lean. _ Mr. and I\/Irs. I-I. S. I-iarris. Mrs. Chas. CnnHk 1\/Tn \rl 1\.Yuvc- Y Y T\/InIW/\u-HH ` lV1l'. Elllll 1Vll'5. 1']. 0. F1 : , Smith, M1`. and Mrs. Mr. and l\/Irs. C. L. , Mm E .T. C`n. Mr. f`: \u (T;11`pL!10\`. `IIVIIZ. n. I ' i\rT|- nnrl .`:"'.' _. V ' : -- - S04 'r=A l\lI . rlllll \'l|.`. l':||\`u mud Mr<. (;(`r!1`_L".` H. A. Brm\'n. M1`. 21ml 1 Smith. IVIV. and I\I1'.<. Mr. and 1\Trs. E. G. I Mrs. W. S. Wallwin. J Smith. Mr. and Mr s `l\.` I\u\fl TU!-n F` Sleeping Car Privileges l';L\'.\`:\_;t` l'ic|n`1.~ aim on Sikh`. gnod in: ::|\ inurml \"rz`I|iI\-~ . are 1! -\nnrn\- A d.&i~i;3.'i5iL&N ` PAE:ii%i`c vx. uklvyunu un. L\IAI\1vvu|p.:, VIIIALJ (.3) Increase. as of January Lat, 1936. in the basis of Governmental tfnnirihunn frnw-u RR `)/'1 nnv nun: llllllk '_\ | ` `C IYCT |Ill'. [IIU5 r1`_'.'ul'.u lwrm f-.u'v. lII parlor and suu\d'.u`d .~l1*o.`pin_; cars :1! :\ppru\mr.n`ly 1`_-C prr milc. plus lrgulzlr scat or berth Cu v... INTI`. ROUTES- X\.n-v .\ DLF. .\.\l'EL`. .\L. .X.. cm`d:1m`e wixh '.3r::' States lines. Full particultvs from 4 v-\n`vAI\wn`vI\ Going: Dates: D:1iI_\' Feb. 28 to ;\`.;1 Return Limit: 45 \ _-\ppru\i|u:\n~! _\ l\|vI-n ruwwnwuu I\v om; egwsgxa MILE l\rH'. RIHH 1Vll`.\. W1. .`\. l':lllIl\'I. 1 Powell. Mr. zmcl . Mr. and Mrs. J. h. Mrs. Scott Robert- . and Mrs. C. H. Wcicker. Dr. 1 .Tu.cl. h'nn--.nrlv 1\.Tu- -un .u .1 (pt _4 \.u.~ uh '.IppIu\- m per mile. plus rr_:ul;u' 'Timei67Ea774 lI|"l'u rill`! Qu`A])- 5 . Ritchie. ` T 7\/In 1300, H1 [H8 DHSIS U1 k.I UVCI`IlHlL'lll&ll 'ontribution, from 66 2/3 per com. to 75 per cent. - (b) Immediate action by the mun-; icipalitles to reduce their rcllnf rolls to those with zr lepgitimutc claim for state assistance. This purge" shoulel ] be completed by March Iilsl, 1.`)Zl(i, - 1..\ 1rI-4..L.l:..I..~,.,...o .... ,.(` l\lh..-1-1. ~ iyt. 1.5. 1 1 Mr. Clark's wife. Annie McNabl'). `(lie-cl Fcl)rum`y 2!) . 1929. He is su1'viv- ( ed by six clau{.{ht01's. six sons. one `sister and three l)mtl1L-1':~'. His clnu;.J,l1- ll - ltr.-rs are Alice at Calgary. Anne all .l.'[`n-nnln. l\/Irs. O. M. Cleveland 0." :. lWinnire;.{. Mrs. Alchin of Brampton. v. `Mrs. Hook and Mrs. Gordon of De- llmit. The sons are Fred of Stayner. l. lJohn of Ayr. William. Samuel and - Dalton. all of Detroit. and James ofi - ; Western Canada | il Hilly, [JCI`lU(.l ()1 111 HUZIILH. Mr. Crowc was born at Kcmpcn- feldt_ near Barrie, 78 years ago. After passing his youth in this district, ho was (:mp|ny(.-cl by the railroad at Elmvalc for 21 time` Later, he furmc-:1 at Alla-nwootl and moved in Orillin 16 years (1:40. HO was a mumhcr of: .the Church of England and :1 ]ifc-' rlong Conservative. Qnrviviny: nrn fmw qnnz nnrl fmurl -~u...4.u. \JlI\_Ivv|4 I Robert Crowc died at his resid-i once in Orillia on February 26, aftcrl :1 long period of ill health. I Mr (Irnwn um: hm-n nt Knmrvm- 1 JOHN CLARK John Clark. prominent Stayner business man and resident for many ;years. died February 26. 1936, f0|- ilowing :1 brief heart attack. He harl ibeen a resident of Stayner for 675% years. He originally lived in Sunni-i dale When: he farmer]. but l;m.~ri `moved to Stayner where he hadi =lhe hrmm` of building and 0P`~`1'?1Un{4| ;Stayner'.< first skating arena. I-Ie 211$-1! iS(`1`\'C(l on the council for many ; years. 1 T\/Yr r`I:n*L"c u-ifn Annin 1\/frvY\Tnlv\l-\ 4 IUHE`, Lallhlfl VEILIVC. I Surviving are four sons and four daughters. William and Walter of Orillia: Arthur of Oshawa; Alva, ox Elmvale; Mrs. Gertruclc Antlers-m land Mrs. Annir: Marshall of Orilli.'r,l lMl`H. Edna W:n'(lm:m of Gravr.-nhm'. and Mixs; Clam at home. He is mi`- \'lVL`(l also by two sisters and :1 l)rn~| the)`. OBIIUARYJJ illll IHIUI ll UH] L.i(IlH.\\. Hllf. l'\L'HLUl'I\.\. ,' 74 }'ez1rs aux). cnntinur,-d her jnttrney 1 tn Barrie h_\' ox-cart, Mrs. Mary Hin- ` sun Wzittie died February 18. 1936. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. 4 Frank Armstrong, 20 Walter S1,. in ` her 95th year. I\/Iarried shnrtly after her arrival at Barrie. Mrs, Wattie and her hus- band farmed for se\'cr.'iI _\'e:irs in this clistrict and then ripened :1 struru in the tuwn. whc-re they resided un- til the death of Mr. Wattie 40 years tn, where she had since lived. She `enjoyed good heal_th. never needing a doctor until two years ago. i 1 nun. when his wicinw wont to Tcrrm- [I I Qhn ic mnwvixvnri hv fnur rlnnnhim-R, -u (10(.'[0l' umu two years ago. She is survived by four daughters. Mrs. 1-`. Armstrong. Mrs. R. Mc- I..r-;n')'. Mrs. R. Jcnnin;1s of Toronto` and 1V[1`.~'. J. Dulglish of Ottawa. 1 The funeral was held from 20? \\'ul\or SL. Tm'cm1o. Friday, when .1; >`l1'\'i(`(` \\'z1s conducted by Rev. Dr., 'I`hnmzx_< of C`nnko`s Church. Inter-I mom :11 Sczwbom Lawn Cemetery, i 1 !l(1lL'(l Hl'ElI' dllkl 1ilI' H)! HUI LIU\\L`l r.:m`dcns. She died after an illness of m~ar1y two months in Hamilton San- itariunu on Fobx'uz11`y 23. Mrs. Robins was an ardent member of Wesley Unitvci Church and of the Adult \Vmnon';< Bible Class. Since he`: r\\r\v~I`;'\(I`1\ :n 1on1 ekn hm: Hum-I in RIGE-S SEED CO. LIMITED uu \.unnyu,u,u u_7 Av|uA\.|: u..:., ..u.... I ;(c) Establishment. as of l\/larch 31st, of maxima toward which gnv ernmental contribution will be made.- on :1 75 per cent. basis, contingent `pon continuation 01' the present! ominion Government c nf Q1 nan nnr InnnH\ 'Fl|r":I\ h1:1\ - \\'lll DC .\Iiri1and`s naniva A pioru_-er who on her arrival in `rn-unto from Louisville. Kontuvly. /1 1-nnn. nun Iuf\nr\' "AA Ian inn...-.1 YTXPYTI D)` In? LJYXIETXO L)`DaI'Il'I'XEX"I OI Public Welfare for relief for the; min; nsnnekc r-an-u-nannincr Av-n-4| 1 nu-uu. L411 u :1nsu nuv--an.) Tho funeral of Mrs. Edward Rub- ns. aged 58. was held in Allismn on ' 6. One of Al1i. best n-lnno .- Y\'u~_- Dnk um, MRS. El')\ V:\RD ROBINS \-' '.~..n .l`h '.\rd tlu \\ Mzare tor tenet tor the . LIMITED mom. .< comme`-ncin;: .-Kpri`. 1., Canada's Grealost Seed House" be $4`. mm (W mm n-=r` ranim 'rnmum,muu`rnu IINIIPEERESIIL EDIDITDI ROBERT (JROVVE THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. 0N'l'.. CANADA -oND HERE- .Ul')mlm0n L1f)V(.'l`HITlL`HL L'UIlLl'|KJLlHlHl of $1,050,000 per month. 'I`heso mu`:- ima have been based upon the fol- l'_0wing factors: (1) Thn 4-vfnni nf Hm rt-linf n:`n- JD. KJHL` (ll . \l1l.\llIIl> `dents. M1 Robins n run;-3 far Mn 5" IDIC` glass. DIUCC UL`. 1901 she had lived ir i was well known for .'-`Nauru.-\ `f\ Ikx n .1 .\ McKernche1'. Alli n 4`. vv nu--:1 any-1-inn JLKJ UT 33.00 pf caplla. 5120.000 01' $17.30 per .`\`CJT1l 1,_ irdlldild 3 urealvau. arctic nvusv Eap` a,` Iosowru.muurumvnuunvsc.Rzsxu Eunonrou :".' `KN wouu) CLOSE 5 TOWN LOCKUP ; AFTEl_{_1_\!%lAR.15 (Continued [ram Palm Oncl 1; lure on the m-w tank. and $,2.00 )'l lmnk loan 10 the VV:mx'wm'k.~: l)<.--| partment. This pretty well :m.- up!` the $10,000 profits in 1935 of the Watexwvorks Dcpnrtmtant. Taxi Liccnsu.-5 I Aid. '1`. E. Shc-ph(:r(l asked, umlur, inquiries. if all 1:12-:i npl.-l`:11.uI`S hurl .pur(:hasc(I 1h:-in` full! numb!-r 01' licenses for all <-:n'5; (luring l!).".;7. ` J Town 'I`x`-m.Ixx'm' Smi1h, in rvpl`/, rc])rn*t(rd lhnt Ii:-I-n:~:-r, llll hm-n pun` I-hn frznn 1h- Inwn hv Hum 111- ' UCL'HS(.. .`} NH" Elll ('ill`.`$ (llU`H|}. , I chased fmin l.hi- tuwn by neys, 1.\v.-my l.l'll('l4:`?, ziml cars as follows: Ch:u'l-5 H; W. S. Valley 2, William H A. McDnu;,'zili 2, and Hr-u. He oxplziint-ri that Hw pl'it.w for the first rm upctmlr-vi my the second car. Am chr.ni.,..~.: Ald. Mills 15;}-:*-('1 huw mun]: Iun the guswtn'k:~: dl:b(.`lH.lll'lS hm] In 1 "The L{ElS\V()I']-is .<<:(~ms in he rmm less :1 white o.1(:phant". he I):-<-!az Mayor Rrber1_snn rt.-plir.-rl 1h:nt debentures had thrr.-(3 yr.-:n's 1.0 rm Grant to Canadian Lc1.I,'u)n When the ;.{rzm1 to me Cnnzuz 1 nninn I-nu-ant`. un hm /Hm-n uinn I.\V') yL`PJl"> H. HHU UL'l.`H DLUU })l' , Ald. Gill said he had hem: - Christmas Cheer Fund this yr- * he felt the I.(:gi >:hr;ulr_l ; - extra `I T\I|'ra\rr\\v 7:-r.;m.-u-..n m..~1.,.'.m tltmll` lief. . (2) VVHUH I,lH..' L',l(Hl| LU {H15 \,lIlldUl I.rp,i0n (:.'m1c- up for in-I `dicating an increase of S50 nvr.-r 1:1:-I |y.>:n'. from $100 to 3150. Aid. Mills. |a.' for the sake of infm'm:nirm.1 `the r(~:1s for ihe incrr.-a. Ald. Giill `asked what the Lgranls had been im |tho past. ' I Alri C F. Jnmnt tniri 1hn1 1hr- fir. gmc past. Ald. G. E. James said that the firstl two years it had been S200 pr-r yc.-ar Air! (`.ill cnir] hn hnri hr-rm rm H1; I |L'Xl.I'H -Dull). I | Mayor Rom.-rL c~3-zplaincd fhnil the Legion had prv.:r.-m<`d :n ::tzn.r.--j` ment of expenditures on rnliu.-1' lns1' year. and thr: Finance Cnninwittoe had felt that the Legion was entitled to $150. . `M : vy~n1\nr nn `Dal inf IU) euau. I Number on Rc-lint Aid. W. A. Gill inquired regnrdir the 11-111 numbc-1` of recipients in I` linv` in ,Tnn|I.'n'v nf Ind \'l'1|l` nr (`HP HCI In January U1 1d.\(. _)L.`ill. cl: CHIN`: pared with the number at the same, Ilimr: this year. The infrn'm:11i)n \-.'iHi be pmvidcd at the next meeting 01 Council. Aid. .1. M. Mills asked if three men` n.-...lA unlxlr kn npnrl r\v\ T2:--xrlfuv-I-I Q1 ` I`\|(,\. J. 1V1. AV1Hl.\ ll>l\l'lJ ll LlIll.'L' HMJH` could not be used on Bradford St.` to warn people with regard to being,` sprinkled by cars passing by whc-nf the thaw comes. He added that dur- ing the next thaw. >:ir.ic\\'alk.~: should be snowplmxght-d. Ald. W. R. Wilt-.<. chnirmim nu` `.h_I: 1)nn..,1 nu` \l7ru-'L. c-zirl Han V11 '11 4 LIV` Sold by leading rnerchants L })l.`l _yl:(u present. said he rm lhc Gcorge Ihc-or year. rand] 2 get the; Gcm". '.0l)c.-rL `.h;:`. :'n:m.'n14- and pH emcd ::tzH.r.--ju11"i 1311 zpenditures Mai. P at _ 3-2,.(,),\;`;;],:`,n ..w.__.. _..c,. .._ Cnnndizm! r.vv ,H..up-i:.n `V'IClf". -n In!!!" mu. .T0.<. C}n1`r!vm':<. A the mr.-mbt.-rs` of UN C. Wnrtin. I .\l:1n:\::rr` lpwlng JEICLOTSI , (1) The cxtcni of the I`(`liOf pm blem in the mlmicipznlity, lmsucl nc upon the number of um-xnployed an tiually entitled to unemployment Fl I" M`