1`lL`.;'l' .\H'.1n:.: ;nl;z_\'vr.< came to the while Scott and Livingston are just ex`:1ns. Quits Ilxi; _\'u:u~ dirm-tl_\' out of the 16 years of age. They have all fit- more 3 V juvemlo L-hm-clx-league. Long is 17 ted into the Barrie team like vet- .._ _. ,.,.. Jm-k l')_vto. (-uplnin of Barrio (Tolls. zznvn mi :\rlniiI'ul)|c shnw of l`()lll`lg(` in T\ Il)ll('i:L\".\` pgnnic uginsi St. Milu-'3. {mo in the first period he fell and mo ml" lhv Bil /.7.L`l'.'~`. skulbd into him. T)_\'(u xvus cut by :1 skull) nn [hr .ri;:hl sliniilrlm-. deeply. about fmn `|im-h:`.< lun_u. It r(`quir_-d nine sHt('h- log in (~lu. lhv wound and he hardly said :1 \vnrd. Then he wont l)il(`k rm lho icv mid played the rcmnininig Iwn periods. giving everything ht` hml dl`.\`])ilt` the surmu-.s's nf his shoul- rivr rind the hnmlivzip if it hcing . up tightly. 1 wk 3: 2 .51. u_v up n.-- F I 1 :1: Junior Goalie Nth Con.- 11...: r1 ,4 , , an-u CENTRAL TEAM FIRST Jack Walsh's Central United team r`mi. first in the churr-h juvenile hnvke_v league. with four straight wins. by bvntinn Trinity 5-1 last Fri- day ni:.{ht in Barrie Arena _a,,..,v.-_ . `Iv ' . .... . _.. . -_ . 1 \I `I As three teams are to play off. (`antral will get the bye. Trinity will play a sudden-death game against tho Pl`(`Sl)_\'10|`illS as the opening at- Il'll('litIIl on the llrst night of the tuwn lmckey league playoffs. :j_.....;._j A man with many nliasos will up- pmr in (`uurt hare W(-dxwsday next ! 'b0fm`0 Magistrate Compton Joffs (Hi I i `zm.<\ver a charge of breaking and H-murinu tho r-nnnmn nl N .. .... mun .. Burl. Cnrbozlu, Midland intermed- `inlv cnnclm. thinks so highly of John- ny Dvnis. 16-_v<::u'-old gzunliu of the junior lvnm. h(` is being carried as .-zpnrv for 1110 (`.m1snls. Mr... . v\.... , war as u , .\'l'iI.\'UI1 ()p('l]C(1. By the way. the Midland intermo- di:1l(~s play good clean hockey. Whu`. :1 pleasing cnntrzlst from the junim` team. For some ronsml. Midland jun- i()l'.< for nbnnt 1hr` Ind Ihrnn vnnrq SKI TRIP FROM TORONTO A ll.-\7..-\RDOUS /\l)VENTl7lH'l ` an e\'enl_\'-balanced team that played (-lean. fast ho1.,'ke_v all season. The Consuls last only two games, one group match in Gra\'enlnn'st and one or` the llnals at home against (`amp illorden. l\/lidland tlnisbed tlrst in the group and then took on (`amp Borden Fly- vrs. who had eliminated Graven- lnnst. in the finals. The first two ;.:tInL`s resulted in a deadlock but Midland raced to the front by lt) _u,oal.< on the round in the next two mat:-hes. lvleoting (`amp Borden six times: this season. Ii/lidlanrl won five ol' the _l.LlllllC!< whivh elearly showed them to be the better team. l`he 1'-`lyers of mnrse ran Into the mis- fortune of losing their star goal- kt`(*pt'r l'or the last two games. just \\`ht-n they were reaching top form. l\'lidland had two months` advance u_ I)l`Il L,ux`uL'zllI. wen n`nmL`(1 1 }\r:n`ti('e with their artit'icial ice rink. l\liilland Arena Gardens was 't`l"(`(`t(`(i five years ago. the articial ire heine installed four years ago. l`t-fore that the town was rinkless 7I'or five years after a fire wiped out the old fraine rink which had pro- (illl`(`ti many uoott players and teams. Sinre then Midland has tried hard to win the intermediate group, (!:l('ll roar presenting a smart team. but (`oldwater took them two years in a rim` and then (lravenlnnzst did the trick the last two seasons. But this Midland team is the best vet and is e\'(`r_v hit as good as the smart (}ra\'enl1nrst team that won tin ilietri:-1 I-mt run.- mvnt on the Flyors in training and . 1\..n,. I 75 Di.-1pl:1_v of ~ . I ., ,,..._, mircl yu-nr In .1 I :-n -nllc-(I on 1 .\ `-1. .1, . nu ...- \......uuo. Mvzmwhile Dunc. McConke_v_ x*o;:~- nlm` Inf! wing for the past two years. is nut with the Consuls again and shnwilig such form that he may re- main his position. He had to undc-r;.{n an .'1pp<'ndix removal just before the souson opened. RV ihn wnv Han Mirilnnrl Inlnrmn, u'un|. rm stunt.` rvnsml. 1vumzmu Jun- 'in;'.< nb0_ut the last three yczn's l1nv\ Y)'rbn' nntbd Ihchlly fm` cliy \\'m'k. Maybe they just dont Iike_ me` Cults. `Kin u-n xn.,.l..`.. .. ..._..._1,. -r .,,,,,,, k\ll|.\. We remember a couple of years lmek when the fans had it in for Rev. Seoit when he played with Midland. But he was the white-hnixu Jed boy when he led the Colts to the title last season. Somehow or other Seotly never seemed to be so rough as :1 Cell. ` Much-Aliased [Man i Faces Burglary Count; `Final Group 'l`ille for Midl:md-- . ,\ V -. II SPORTVlEWS~ K `......,. -...., nu: u--uu-uu-- .. ` Our vungrutulations tn the Mid- lnml team in winning their first in- tormorlinle hm-key group title In many years. They were well cunched by Bert Corbcau. well trained and ` :m (`\'0I\l\'.l\nlnnr-sari mm. mm ...1.......a IImInp.: up mwn H) me home Iluckwcll, where he is now : Alfred states C-mphatimlly :11] not ski back to Toronto. l\l`lHllll'S\ I I lust your. at or .. ... .t 7|` ('ourup:c by D,vtc-- :- n. _ n VI"L>\` qlllll? El ll.'$.\'UIl.] two ;:nn1(~.~'. Hut 111% Imndc-cl Hw sanw` l'uur ht-ctic gmnus mpinnship. Nnw an-1 >H1'(l nruunrl and ma] fzu-v with 1h(- minh-! of I-Iuzzvrs ngain.| \."' 'Ph:- Rn r-Ix h:n/ml Lust Tied P15. IK` `ll slnyimz. ` ' that he I m I 4 7- _ V n,_.x1| I.r~r.::nnr. in prvmlrnuz .<:1x1d\v|('}'.`~=.! -(xffs N, I'( [).'Ii`.`iH),' (`hIthl.'11.{. and qu1Hin`:# g and |\vu'<- yzlvvn In thv wmm`n uf H('(`(|)' of R tl'.'nn1ilivs by nwmbcrs uf Orxllm \Vn-` y B;,y_ I mt-n's We-lfarv /\SSU(`L'lH(In last \vw-kj r 1934. la! lhv first uf thv vducntinnnl mm`!-' \seh0](]'il1." boim: hold by the m'gnni'1..'mun in yes- The dccxsiun to provide instruc- nolher [ion to the wiw.-.~: and daughters 0!` of .1 families on rt-Ho! ln svwlm: and on ac-{cooking was reached when it w ll...-.....J (L.-.0 ...'. 4|... .lK..A..1l...l nun H) nu` wives unu uuugnu.-r.~; :1, lfiH`I)il`S ilflvi! (` was `learnt-d that since thc distribution: `[01 relief has bun.-n put on ;i cusii; i|i)(lSiS. many of the fIniU('.\` un rt-iivf` [have bt-vn {ad un rzumu-cl urmds. mid `it-hiidrun ulluwi-d in go nbnui in ill!-` itcrcd clothing, The imasnns wt-r.-i isliggt-stvti by H! prvsidviit. Mrs. D.` H. McGiI1 and approved by AM1-r-i lman Harry Pack. (`hziirmam mi` cnun- ' oil's relief committee. Miss Margaret Mccrcady of 'I`nr-I unto. chief dietitian of the Rod Cross Society. assisted the Welfare }\::.\'u-! ciation in preparing its cour.~w of in- ' structions in cuukimz. Got the -`Earning Evcnl" hnlxit - reading and using. John F`. Clark. Iecturer for the Hrwticulturzil Branch of tho I):-pt. of Atzricnlttiro. h.-is dolivvrvd :1 number of iecturus in Barrio and every mu` seems better than its pi'odt-tossuinc. Mziny who heard him in tho . Temple. Tticsctny night. under thv jnint nuspives of tho Bzirriv Hurti- rttiturnl Society and tho Barrio Jun- furs. worn .':ntisfil`('t that this \\'t`l.~' the host _vvt." J. A. Mzit-Lnrvn. whn prt-. ro- iferred tn thv ruck zznrdon prnjvr`t run Eliznboth St.. and hvspnko the h(>nrt_v v-n-nperntinn uf thv (-itlzons with H vivw tn rlnuhiinpt tho mt`Inh(`r. ` -`this year as flll!(`i.`~7 nrv tl!`L!(`l1_\' nt`(`d Dd for this [hm piece tit` civic im- movement. In hie WI`.-:.. 'N....\....I. n..o....:.. KKAO IHI \'Vl'l'l' (lUHElU'(l l)_V |4Hl`l')' WH|llI)'. Slrznmn tn .<:u_v. hnth \\'r~n1 In mm f:1mil,v. Inn and Russ I(m1n:-dy. Al~ l:mdn|e. dI'.'Iwim{ H10 Inc-ky livlu-1.4. Mnrh. enjnyvrl Hlll5'i(`:l] numbvrs wvro c<)nlI`ih1Ilt-(I by Harrie .Iuninr~': :1 sulu by I\/Iiss llvlvn lhuwllmrn nml lwn ::L'lv(~linn.< by :1 soplvtie r-nn.':i:.'l- inuul`MissusllelvnIl:I\vllm1'n.I`hy|- lis Mt'I.t':m. 1\I:1x`m-x'y Yulx-.<. Bv.~:..ir' I((:nvwd_v. llulen` Ii::hvr .'nnrl IVll`.`'$`|`.`<.` \Vnllur Evil and Rns.< Kvnm-uly. Mr::. I Slvwnrt Pzuzu \ I ' &l('(`KIlYl]HlI1i.\`l. An interc. acscripnn n! his recent trip. zu-cmmmnied by Nll'::. Viokcrs. tn }<`lm'irlu. was uivon by (`.r~nrg:o Vi(-km'.<:. rvui: nr Simmw C`uunl_\'. tn K`n1pm1l'(-Id! l>r.'m<'h H!" the Kinsnwn'.< (`hub :11 their rlinm-1 xnovtinu: at M:n'ln\\' Mnnnr. l`u<-::l.'u_\ 1-\r1~ninu u: Iulllpil. rmrmn. Southern lm. is b_v\vord." said Mr. Vi('k(`l`.s', or rcalizmt what it mvzmt encountered the people at thorn Slates. '[`hv_v ('.'m't .\`(`( clmugh fur \'i. nnrl wv I felt \'0r_v much nt hnmv :1 fm`I.':t)lc," Np \7i llll l(II}IL'. Mr. Vi('k0r:<. n Lzrmut hurtivl cmlmsiust hin1s-If. spnkc mm of the mnrvolluu.~; humc and pg` of W. D. Bvllinumlh in Mnh nbumn. lhmu;.:h which ho h: privil0;,'o nf being: takvn by M Iiluzrulh. well-knnwn (`rn(`:1C`nl lionnirtx Avnumz [he won thimzs Mr. Vickors; told of 1' Bvllim:rnth's 55-an-rc ;:;u`(Ion::. Gnpnmncns of 137 \'ax'iclit:s. an leans six feet high. "F`|l\rir\I.'| hum nrhinn l\r\ nu nus zuwr I) St. Miku` 5' . uh nu Hl1_l{(' Kl"l)Vl'S {II hrwc nothing 1 orchards. Flu country. Thu- in the dnylimz W0 in Ontnr: 1.! I . .....n....o d'ens." Mr. Clark 1-nvm-ml most of Ontario. from Knpusk:1_:4in_L: un the north in Windsor nn tho \\-'(`St nmt Ottnwn on thv oust. With m.-m_v vc't`_v bvnntitul slidvs ho pit-turt-(i ('h0icc- shuts in g:n'd1`n.< amt u<|w(-inl- ly on1ptmsi7.(-d thv works: or vix-iv beautifimttun rnrried nut' nndvr hnr- tir'uItural suviotios .'md parks (`um- Inisstnns. Ilis vivws \`\'(`l`l` :1 (t(`li!'_ht to tho very intorostvrl and npprm-i:n- tivc nudivnt-L-. Tho pivtu1'0s rvv(`nt- N1. pnrttmllnrty in the north. (tr-\-1-L npmont.-: rut h0nllH(':lti0H mu] nut- urnt sc('n0r_v that \\'(`r(- :1 . tn lnnny. Altugvthvr. V the `,)i('tltI'(`:i p1Uvl'lT1L' II. I In his 'l`I`in Through Ontario ("-:1r- 1 | I "1tl)l\' \\'l.\' sun-I1 us In u,i\'v (`ttlt:s'l` for l pride tn thv l)r`nu(y of this fair pm-I vim-0 and tho 1)ruurv. it has: Inzuir" m the mnlthvntinn ml` flnrnl ht`.'mt_v. ' 1. . n.. - --- ... nu. ....\u.u..u. --. nu-nu: nn.uu A vulo nf Hmnl<.< \\'n>: It-x1 Mr . (`.l:n`k. cm mnliun of R. I). (`nus um] St:-\v:|rl Bell. As nHPn(I:m('v pri7.(`.< fur (ho Hur- rio Juninrs. l\\`n lulx nf <-hnit-0 ;:l:uli- ulf were rlunutvd by Lnr v Whilhv. (`In-nun 6.. hull. 1.. . ..x m. L-vuxnulu. Mr. and Mrs. Vickvrs left I'l.'|rri- Into in J:u1u;1ry and were Lgnno for war :1 m motnrin;.: Vin Dvtrnil. Cim-ixm.-Hi. l.nIIiu\'iIln r\r...n..m.. ..n.. u uurnul. H)ulIH`llU,: VIII l)('l)`I Cincinnati. l.m1is\'illL', Nn. Binnixlmmln. Mobile and 'I`ullnh::s.~ In Tampa. Flnridn. nnlhm-n |u\cnI-nliln :.. ..,. ..\. Ill rum" inn` nix an " ()RlI,l.l.\ \\'().\Il'I.\' ON IN ~1'l'lKl'( `Hill I.\' During th(- first two mmth.< nl` th yuan`. tht.-ru was at nntin':il iii(*i`vzi: ul right in thu pnpulntixm nf l3;n`ri'-. births lmving nlIIHl)('l`('(t 30 nnil deaths 22. In thv cnrrcspuntling twni IIIUHHIS uf I935. lh(`l`(' was :1 of mo. births huvin;.{ mnnhurud it and (tL`lUlS 22, th(- sumo us this ymu`. Dun Cupid hns In-1-n vmisidt-i':|hl_'.' l>Lx. (hiring: 193ti thnn in 19353, inzn`rin;;`u li('(`ll(!(.'.\` is: by Town Clark A. W. Smith l)ltll1l)l`I'tl)L5 ninn as against three in tho t'ir.~:t twu months of 1935. ur thrvv tn mm. In Ihn munch ..r [.`..I. IIIUIIHIS U] l}Id.'). Ul` HH'(,`l` U) In the month nf I*`t.-brlmry. just closed. as cmnp:Ii'L-(1 with l(.~ln'u:nrg.' of last your. births l1lllll|)l`I`(`(l Hi us: against five, deaths H1iI'll.`(!ll nu ngziiiist ten. and lHill`l`iiU.{L'S six .'1 against two. The slurk nml Dun Cupid W(.'l`(.` much mnro m_-li\'<- {him year than Inst. `--'" M I South;n Hospitalityj No Mere Byword, Says| G. Vickers to Kinsmen: - Act Civic Beautification Throughout Ontario I1' CV. 0 `I _ I_, . Dan Cupid Bgsier } This Year Than Las'.E -I IJI-l5ll\J|.II. \Jl.ll(1l ll) ' I Making Big Strides VVl`l|i|l'l` l\55U('|c'Hl(IH li|.\`l \V(`l`K - unmi- ><-im: ' u `ms and us: \v.'u.'- .-d distribution lint Inn.- knnn nu! I\v\ -. `.< Bur If ('hui('(' Lnrr.\' Whilhy. I lll .I.lFl" ('(N)Kl\'i3 r.InI'.\ IIIISIIIYII ERIIWN anA"un CORN SYRUP THC FA manna 1-nun-n_.. _- f _-_--u -- a II--- C THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD 1 LILY WHITE CORN SYRUP BENSON'S CORN STARCH : CANADA CORN STARCH ` CHALLENGE CORN STARCH 1 SILVER GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCQQ I'rmIm`r.w ul Will .'1(`,('(`])f. quantity of wood as part 1):Lym'nL on new 01` us:-(I <::u'.<. Julia-I IlIIIlIlllIl'I |I Svdnn 192!) (`hovrnlot SI-dun 1929 Hudson S4-(lzm 1928 (`hryslvr (S (`mlpv 1028 l`nnti:1(-. H(`(l:|ll l.`).`37 (`hr_vs|<-r lmm-riul 80 "1-l':1s.wm;:-1' (`mum Cur l{:uliu, przu-tic:tll_y lIl\\l' mw tho 1 in meat} n the l"u/.-l n In.-on. 1 A. E. WHITBY gnu: - n_yuuuunu In uu.\1; St-(lam 1933 Willys 4-(~yl. S4-dun 1931 l'Is.~:(-.\' Smlzm 1931 lludsnn 8 I):-Luxt-. 0.. .1 .. -- Sodzm ` A 1930 Hudson 8 St-nixul 1930 l)ur:1nl. 6-H I):-Luxv Q...I.... ;:`]'~:|`lLI`' llnlll Q...I.._' `-Un-[';;i-_;(,*. IV I751.-(I l`ru(-k wiih tractor trzlilt-r. has m-w |i(-vnsu, eh -:m. 1929 llurlc-y-l)uvils;nn Mulmw-_\'('|I-, twin. lm'('.- l_v shunt`. 1934 Plymoutll l)-Luxn Q...l.. .. A-Inn`! lllllllllb 1l'l I lll'I1l Sedan 1925! (7lwvr0lvt (`mu-,l1 J92!) l unti:u-. Svdnn gnnn : n .2 H_AROLD_HlLL Tailored to your Measure 29 Elizabeth St. -.,.... ,.\...uu. vlvfarga Two-Man Advantage hnrng V Roferev Bruce Paul started :hcck- final 5 _= in]: the Buzzers up rather strongly time :1 `fin the third period and play was girls`; ihxirdiy starlc-cl bofnro Stukus and Ana `,{`:i'.lnhan `.\'(`l`6` banished nlnmsi. lC-`defent. li'l'lm`l`. Tho Colts attacked hard inIM(,d(.,; lthis time but couldn't score. sun: - it was zi hard fought battle all 1'_v; gp; {tho way in the final period with Kaghn invithor team having much advant- Thm jzigc-. Finally the Colts scored their `fifth goal on a nice play by Bill Mc- ,lI.(:nd and Harry Livingston. fence. Dunge ` _ . `winL s. I with only one minute to go `.li3:_.;W,,.9s Ct-its grcxv :1 bit careless and 10. that l\\'(>-_L{u:ll l('(l(l which would ;l11I\'(' lit.-lpt-il :1 lot in 'I`ur0ntn. ("illn- ihun was allowed In tukv :1 pass i':'>m l"l`u:.'lnr zmd walk rig'ht through thn.-i dc-t'<~m-o. He let slip :1 rather wuuk} shot that never it-it the ice bull l`l2l) l1(,`S didnt S(`(` it in time and it fslippvd past hinr i . l Si l\/lit-hit:-I` Rn-77nrc._V!".n-ii 1 n.` : C gar I [KING SE` Kin; L~up.< 1 i.\`t'l1m)l SUITS $2 1 -.._.9 I-IIn\'.\unsIu1nn nnlu nun - . 'opcoats $20-9. . rmnn I: U] '.\H|T|I (I(HH'A1 'l`(II(l I.'\"l`() L. Page Eleven ________ l lmn1-. 295`. Lmup "Ln'(.`ana- . H:-dry loam < uxlllhull. (irunm PANY Llmltvd n Midland British Consols tied Osh-I kiawa Chevvics 3-3 Tuesday night a'.| ; Midland in the first game of the V O.H.A. intormodinto "A" smni-fimils.` Osh:lwa_ coached by Bill Hnn(`ock.t K and with the same tvam that plays; Escnior commercial hockey in Toron-| ] to. took a 3-1 lead in the first period: I but. failed to hold it as 13-rt (`or- 'i b('ZllI'S team. winners of the Simon ; iCounty group. scored one goal in tho, second and third periods. 'l"kn 1-nhn-n f`V\V\v\l\ :. J.` L. ._I.....-.1! uuu u_y .:-u (u x\n\.nL'|ut1 ldhl Hlglll. The winner of the O.H`A. yintormcdiate A" series this yam` it-urns the right to enter the Allan Cup playdowns. starting first against _`tho Northern Ontario senior w1n- `inors. 1-ither Nnranda or Sudlmry. 4 . . lllill l\V()-f.;|){ll l('ll(l Ihzwv him I 'I`u_vl0r and rig rlunu-n Lin Ind .` { lhcavily towards the end of the se- ` cnnd period. 1 Pr` .. mt-.. A.1_...._A_`_ .g..._.__.._.._......_..._..._..__.._._.._ p-n_-.:u-.+ 5 Young Players Starring With Barrie Colts .,u.u--u uuu Illuu pun lllklh. I The return game is to be plnyezl] |in Oshawa tonight. In the other ;semi-finnl. Waterloo boat Point Ed-I {ward by two goals Monday night. and by 5~3 at Kitchener last night. ` 'T`hn uynn.~..~ 1.4` H... r\ u A I I iMidland Ties Oshawa I 3-3, First Semi-Final: J'('Hi{lIl(`S "' b1 Burkart. Tmm. `-3|. 1V.II('H I Moadvrl 1'.-nully ~ UPS. Na spr-(`inl train has boon arranged but the C.N.R. uffor vvry ntt1'::Ctivc cent-n-mile vx<-ursiun rzntc.-s. leaving on tho 4.00 train from Barrie. Both ganws should be over in time to catch the 11.00 buck homo. rru... .4 _ -.., . I I 1'. The Barrie-St Mike`s game is scheduled to start at 7.45 17.111. sharp. The second game will bring the speedy King- ston junior team against Toronto Dukes, considered a better junior team than the Buz'/.ers. in view of their do- cisive win in the S.I".A. series. Dukes won the first game at Kingston last night by 9-6. So the Barrie fans who take in the local game against St. Mike's will have the double attraction for one price. and both games should be thrill- rum u; punxu unc 1n.\ru uuLn |IU|I|\'. Tho tickvts are good until Saturday night late 1min ulsn, Barrie Colts play St. Mich- ael's College Buzzers tomor- row (Fritlay) night in Maple Leaf GaI'dchs. Toronto, as the first game of an 0.H.A. junior "13" third round d0ub1n`hoad- Fl` Colts and Buzzers `to Start Play at '7 AE- 'I"_.__ I`-___,_ I.\J \JI.IAl|. I III (II. 7.45; Two Games U] 1311;- u... . ..ar DICK l.IVl.\'GSTO.V I I I I nu nuunuunc Ill (nu Hrsl pCX'lO(1 and Margaret Simpson tallied for the team nn :1 nice rush in the stanza. The teams played over- and the fans really enjoyed the girls game. _ Allandale -~ goal, Edna Kinsellnz defence. I\"Ii<-key Kashn0l'. Dnmthy Modolnnd: omxlro. Nlnrjoric Thomp- \\'ing.~'. Mao Rcynnldt. Mmjv Fer- spares. Eu-lyn Wzwohmn. Wanda Knuhnnr |I _V. SpEll`(`f- Kashncr. KING I-?l)\\'.-\Rl) SCHOOL VVINS ] SENIOR .-\.\'l) Jl".\'l0R TITLES: n(`_vcd to 'l`hm'n1nn for an exhibition Igame Inst 'I'hursd:1_\' night. The game was :1 tie. 1-1. Mae RL`_\'nnlds scored for Allzmdnlc in the first period and llmme `l_qirls' AI\,,II . _. _-. .. Allnnrlnlc girls` lmckoy team jour- 1 I l i i Thm'ntm--gnnI. Beth Coulis: de- I\/T;n'_:z.'1ret Simpson. Dorothy Dungey: centre. Lillian Slovvilrl: :win_L!s. l\ [argu1'vl llnrlon. Ilene Mni(`l:. ?!:pm`e.<. Mary Reid. Jackie (`amt-ran. :Vi(-lnria Horton, Norma Halborl. I |.\\H\uH ll\Hl\k'_\ H1 I)ill'l'lL` U)` \"lI`lllC ()1 lie gnnuos: played in the arena Satur- d.'l\' vnnrninn EAI.I.AND:\I.I. TIIORNTON GIRLS ` PLAY EXHIBITION IIOCKEY TIE .lJU|)."UH. i Mim-. Jno Boll: defence. 5133130 Adams. Ell. C1'awfm`d: centre. Norval Luck: wings. Ambrose Tor- pey._ Bill Blngg: spares Wallace }I.uck. Tom MCKCD. Gonrgo Miles. L00 Cavanzlugh. Conch. Murray `Ronald. U1 nvcrume. Those clubs were tied for fourth place in the league. and the ixznno was arranged so that one might qualify for tho semi-final round. Minosing .~'cnr(~d in the first porind, when the \'etc.-ran Ell. Crawford took I`urpey's pass. Bnracns tied it up in the third on Dave Walker's goal. Then the team.~< settled down tn bat- tle it out fur 30 minutes with Min- (`sing fort-inn the play most nf the ztimo until early in th efinnl five minutes Earl Loigli tnok Don l`nw- *on'.< pass for the winning goal. Q1:--at 'l):.1.n.-o.-..-......\ 11-..--- J- 'I`hi.~:i::lh(-H1ir(l Calls lmw-` hm-n the Bu /.7.(-r:-2 'l`wu ; 7.(-rs gnvu tho Cu ('ighl1.5u:Ilsu|>iI1l` V('.'H` Hm (`nHv< I 'l l`. I B:1rac`n.<-- Ion]. George Firmnnz, defence, Bill Stmclmn. Strnl Baku-{ `;.:oo1`g(`: cmm'o. Don Bnwon; \\'in;,'s.j `Earl Leigh. Dave Wulkm`: Sp:11`Cs.| iL`.oci1 Rnb(~rl. Bud I n1mm'. `Tom Marshal]. Jno O'Brien. Coach, John Dnbsnn. I 1\II in:minn- r*.`..I 1.. 11-11. 3-1-_,___ ....u..~ nu I||\. \.ul_uLuA nu.-uuc cup. As a pro-game attraction, starting at 7 u'cl0ck. the semi-final of the juvenile church league between the P1'csbyt(`ri:1ns and Trinity. will be pliyed. This is also a sudden-dc-nth !gnmc-. All three gurncs are boiny; nfforod for only 100 ildmissinn and tickets are zwaflablc from any play- : er. \...~ ,m.<.- nu nu; wuuIn|p.; ;.;Uil!. Strat. B:1kogoo1'ge_ Bnracn do-l `lbnccnwnn. was forced to leave the; game early with an injured should- vr. The semi-final round in the town hockey league will be played next Monday night in Barrie Arena. starting at 8 13.111. when Baraeas. fourth place team. meet Camp Bor- rlen I-`lyers 11. second plaeers. In the second fixture. the first place St. Vincents lGo1clen Virginias) meet [Clarke & Clarke Tannery, lhir-Ll lteam. Both games will be su(lden- ldeath fixtures. played regulation 'time. The wiimers will meet in the finals for the Capitol Theatre cup. Au :1 nI'n_6nrnn nlh--snltnn .-4....o:..,. Mincsing. champions for the past two yo:u'.x of Barrio town hockey 1c-rxgue. wore cIL:tl1|':1npd last night in :1 sudden-death game at Barrie Ar- ona by Barncns 2-1 after 30 minutes of overtin1c. Thnun I-Int... .. r\ 4:: n.... r... ...: 1. [Town League Hockey i i Semi-Finals Mondayl !Minesing Dethroned as: g Baracas Win Overtime: lllllill. Rc-force -Hnp. Emms. New York. ngz Ed\\'.'u'd School retained the} for senior and junior public] 01 hm`k(`_\` in Barrie by virtue of 3 nrnnc nlnx-nrl in Ihn nrnnn -son.-, 7 V V (`vlltli n.umLn scorr ` Bl Watch them go in :1 (`ullp1C'}-{;)]]. "`ZJl'_\'. I Rial Barrie eam Leads: All the Way as Demarco Scores Three 1 s l } Barrio Junior Tankard rink. (lis- p `trict winners, went to Toronto for p `the Ontario play-offs ycs1vrd:l}'. and {iwvere eliminated in the first round. . ;Thomhil1 won tho Cup. Barrio ad~ ivzmced 10 the finals in the consula- _~ Qtion. but lost to Poll-rbnm 24-5. I`h-- _ i local rink was Elliott l .(-ym)l(l.:. p;Mux`t Knux. Jack Craig: and Teri . [T_vrc1`. skip. g 0 0 u 0 ox:.1y.;luln xrupny--nrImlll0n VI!`- xorias. Cecil Smith. 1 Canada Dry T1-oph_\'-Straihcnnn<. Bert Kennedy. ` Ontario Silver Tanknrd--5arnia. H, (`nu-nn }y\)IL` HLMMUU lnl: FIHK. Int` C1H`l{`I'.< t{1ppI'C('illI(` very much superimvm idem Wally Hank's efforts. H0 was .011 the job immediately from ihv `light department and had the lights goirwg uxlain in short order. _n. L nvuun. Governor-Gencra1`:= 1"rnph_v--'I'or-` Club. Stewart Graham. I ?Hnn_ - Burden 'I`rnph_\'--Ki1chener. Berii null. l\'_\'Z|ll. J Mail and Empire 'I`mph_v-II:\mi)- `>l~ .xn-.1. ton Thistles, W. H. Weller. )Creed. Hnrnld 'McC'ut.t.-henn. 14-your-nld member of the Collier United mid- get hockey team of tho church lon- guc. su{Tored a fractured shoulder bone during a practice of tho ionm in Barrie Arena last Saturday morn- ing. He is :1 son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. M(:Cul(-heon. Owen street. ` Twn rinks from Bmdfurd motored up Tiwsclay night fur :1 match with ` Barrio rinks skippvd by Albert Sim- inn and Dick Garrett. The local rinks lwun this match and also vntertainod the \`isitm`s to lunch in the club- `moms. Just as play was about to !start. out went, the lights. the result !nf an accident between :1 car and :1 'polc outside the rink. The C\H`l{*I'.< gun-ppigun vnrv rnnn). mn~.n.~:...\.. I Barrie curlc-rs played their roiurn match against Orillia inst F'rirla_\ might and were successful in hnIdin;.`. Hhe lead obtained in the first gznne. lihus retaining the cup. Three rinks! iwont to Orillia. while four played .in Barrie. \,u\.u |\I| n\_y. In the nthcr half of the last reg- ular dnublv header in Thornton rink. Stroud and 'l`hnrntm1 tivd 5-5, in overtime. Frank Stewart ni Thornton was reform`. The pl:1_vnff.- are due to start next week. with Angus and Ivy playing for the right to meet Barrie. i SUI-`l"F,RS BROKEN SIl0Ul.l)l<`.R I N l)lYRl.\'G IIOCKEY l`R:\(`Tl(`l Colts Beat Buzzers5 - 4 V F irL Game Hockey Series! l ._....-.--- ...........7,., Pro(hI(.-1 of North Bay city league whose clnnling stickhandling h:1:: fon11n'ed lhu pln_\'nffs in which Bur- rie Colts figured this season. I ])vfoaling Ivy 3-2 on '1`i1osrl:1_\" lnight. Frank Gill's Barrie Union !Jil(`kS finished first in ihv South 'Simc0c Hockey I,.vaguc with only one lnss in oigzht gznnos. It was :1 gnnd clmn. fast ]_.'.lll11C. Sl`Illl`|)(`. Tutu land Thompsrm tallied for the Bar- riv soxlct. while Banting and Arnold : for Ivy. 1.. 4|..- ..u..... I...I: -9 AI... 1-..: ...... `UNION J.-\(`KS VVINI) Ul` FIRS1` I IN S()l`TIl SIMUOIC ll()(,`Kl'ZY 'i`HE RoAfi1N' GAME Colts Tricky Centre (`l'Rl.l.\`(i Wl.\'.\'ERS -unhy \\':m:er.< at the O *nu.l \:-nu-x. ALBERT DEM.-\R(`TO THE BARR_.lE_ EXAMINER. BARRIE, 0N'I .. CANADA '( ()l.l.llZl{_ l`II-_' .\rm'u(x U1] Imu::Im' The .\`v(`nnd pm` F`l_v0I`s. I\]i(Ii:m r: without, rvply but il luck of lr_\'in;: by \V'l.(l .<`mHm' tho p0:llo(H_\' but with: slip the puvk p:I. TI:n~nIr! l'h-nu-r -n lH(` C0 -u HHI 1h(`m. mu; spare.-=. M(:Ke1'mH. MidI:md---~( Dohsrm and ` wings. V:m('I I`h:lyvr. Gnu Summ:n'_\`: T .~up uw ])ll(`K ,1I:n'u>Id '1'h:z` cmnhimwl fur (rm! nun .u. n ;.;I|l lllll` (H) i and Fiizgcru R:m1n1in;:'1 the final ywr of \'iCin!`_\'. '|` (`(1. Thvn H14 fun -.l\....v 4.` \'\ Hll tho I 13111 :1 time _ 'k':lll.\l' UH` l`|_Y(`l'.\' \\ the \\'l_\` but vuuldl puvk in tho nvl em The C:1mp'.< . ; son. \\'1l.\'.'1_:{&liI1 nut < hi-< iniunuxrl :\\'n -\I\: LEHHD xsmaen fvnsc. I :1rtrid;1o ' wings. urn-: TC?) `MIDLAND was 1 HOCKEY may I BEATING CAMP! . . _ ._ ` !Flyers Lose 10-3 in Fourth! Game of Group Finals, Round by 15-5 THRILLING GAME ST. M1IE*. SPEEDY l(`J|IH` FL\'or.<. and Inst 3 s |I.~l -`Ix... w Luau _t-i7i lv:l)-'l-'?.\-'-l.\`lIlZ.R rn:<'r IN mmn-hr Il()('Kl'\' _L:nInl;.: Hm.~ x.<(~I\'o.< likv smon lhvy :1 mp Bnrd0l1 - r. ." l`1`\" vmnnrq IKl(l`KI(lI Ho V2H1('H(`1 I}; lHVlIIl' l\\'7 (llll poriml. Mixlhmtl '. 'l`l1u_\'vr and (H Ilu` Ilyur.< hvl fun I\\ nO.n- -.- 'Ullll _2:n;Il on idlnntl mum` : l)_\' Fit`/.,:vI*z\ Io intm'. ~`. V:m('li-:1f ac! nu-ml HI` 1|. ng \.-lHl|) Il'.`I!n| wd (funsznl (`ml ru- nl \vi1|mu1 ht-ing nhlv 1(- vk Ihv zxgilv Hl`:lll_V. 'h.'1) (`l` and .'\ul)rv_\' (irnnt Hl`1\\'l);1ll:IlS.\\'hL`(;l'llH 1 :1 mln vrfnrt. Vnm'livuf I ruld gut (hv (v1h(`l`.\`. Ihmm`1\\'nquivk y,vn.'1l.~: in Lwiml. nmdv .\'lll'c` 'l`h:)\'m~ nnri (`.1--uni .-nun: ml, I'%r-.'1H_\': d(-fonsv. H: (`(`ll1l`(`. Fil7.;{cr.'ald: :1r.'m Wilcox: sp:n'o:4. . Bmdt-ur and 'I`:1yl0r. IIHI Ill l||l' lllxl), X)|" `rs wvrv in Ilu-re all nul quito got tho -1 ~nnu;,'h. ;,Fnnliu, Alfiv M:1- mi of lhv _4.'m1(' `.\'i .'|1 `. zmd l.v::. Hunk \v:1.< I - I |I`ll n \ c u'u'.'M um . mi 1110 Flynn`: ml and on Hu- gxnnls. Aflvr ` that fnilvd. all 1.< :1 thrillvr nll nrv h:n`dl_\' bu the play, ht`- rv in 1h:-rn nll Thursda._v. March 5. 1936 o-:-.:::---.--.- \\l|iHH ('(H"Yl' hvld I\`lidl:mrl < and ('<\\'lv_\' 1 :1 p.'1.<.< fmm - l):1('k for two Id and Hull, inn ..n.. r... II}; lllll' HM`! .<('m*r~d lhv - }_::1mv with arm me doctor w( ` . 16.20 proceed until Wed `) ` 1:`.-3 W.-d|w. nigh ' I-M Barrie and on Thu '_ tho trip. but had I( *' m"`" illnrd home in the T vnrning up town tn l. where h Ell!-LQ Hunk: C- mi: cw-ntre. and Hous- 'I`<:nffc and 14.1 ) 3.00 -1.11) Final standing } (`antral V Trinity I"rc-shyterians Burltm Ave. : St. Mary ; 1. .un.\wCI il k`nul'gL' ()1 Dre-mung zmu: 'c~nIa-rim.: the summer Cottage S. Wnldio. Tnrnntu, at Shanty Om Tmvnship. in February and stealing :1 quantity of household guods. Appearing in court again yes- itorday. he was remanded another week. due to the inability Cmwn witness to be present ac- mum of illness. Thr- man is Bvrlram Wylie. :1liu.; f-`J1t'i.- url aim-` Jnhn I)rmzl1ds nlisl `.I'|nn .- h..n~.1rl_~.m :.1;-..- x:`r...I um... -m x,vv'(v uni:-`.1Hlll) nvmmnsnn. nll.'l~i| Jam: I')nn:nl(ls :ul|.'1< Fr:-rl Mun-] "LL". nlins` Janv.-.9` ML-Donald. nlias; Thmnns` Luwtun. alias James O'Con- rmr Known h(-reabnuts as Jam.-si Dunnldscm. his cnunscl. Frank Ham-| 'rnund. K.C.. said that the man was. Ian old Barrie boy who had now no Int-rmtment abode. He is unmarried. Bail of two sureties of $2000 each was not forthcoming. and he has been in custody in the County Gaol for some time. n,., . .. . .... wruu. uuu.. 1 Pru\'in(>in1 police brought the num in Barrie after he hm! S0l'\'(`d n hwln in the reformatory at Burwash. I'0DTS NEW_E7