Allistnn H('I`7I|(|- I`hvn- will duuhl-V less be not.-d for an l(l(liHun.'Il mun- istmtc in number` .~ rlish'i(`l. when mI1mnu|)ih- Lr:uf!'i<' ru~:n-hm; the maximum in 1110 cuminu : The (liStl`i('| int-lurlus the munlit-:4 of Simcnc, Ontario and Muscknkn and FREE 15iLi M6i:i5Air""Ni'c:H1` See these 2 Brothers in 20 Minutes of Sport and Comedy David coppe{r{Jd"m "i:}id?e'c}E{ Kid Millions Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter in One More Spring" Coming Sh3rley Temnle and Lionel Barrymore in (l'1'llC I ITTI I.` f*r\l INKIITI " BARRiE S HOME or REAL ENTERTAINMENT- Musical In Those Good Old Sweet` Adeline Days MUSICAE R'i:vUE .`.;}}an' uN`iC'KVLUCAS in WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS Nightly shows 6.45 and 9 p.m.--Prices 25c and 15c MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P.M.--Prices 15c and 10c 2j:----: wv---u-:-< I -Rightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m.--Pricea 25c and 15c Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p..m.--Prices 15c and 10c Ixwnvnvrwruuuyntsrw In-urn-1`: -1'\nI'\n`1 `wits MICKEY MOUSE and FOX NEWS Macjoe Sturgeon - Jowsey Island BOUGHT -- SOLD -- QUOTED - BONDS - O MINE AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS -ADDED SCREEN TREATS- \r unis: 5.41`: \. =1'Tmi jL`.+`%'.:; `CO_L(')'N'ET:"' The magnicent outcast of "I Am A Fugitive from a Chain Gang" teamed with the beau- tiful onchantrau of "Of Human Bondage" to bring you the dramatic jolt of a lifetime! A MAN WITHOUT A HEART CAUGHT IN THE SILKEN SNARES O F A W O M A N WITHOUT A SOUL! nonbnn TOWN MUN! Barri Scnlc `or yourself the bcmlo raging among tho ulna! Who gives the groaluv ICIOII1 por- A_____._ -1 .L_ .,-.__ 13...: AA. _. 1. un__ Iotmonco 1 "mwls .\ \\ A J No. 9 n||\rn\~rnJAnn --1 ulna. -a--\a---.'.-- 2 Shows Nightly, 6.45 ant-1 9 p.m. Prices 25c and 15c Saturday Matinee at 2.30-Everybody 10c Admission sul oooomooosamo nonoomoa-on aooooaooooooaxo.-ooooooooooooooaoa -4! King Black ` -. ..-...-. --v_,...- -. ...-_, --_...._v. . .. _, . __ _ LADIES---Another large order of these beautiful dishes with the pure gold border has just been received. The dinner or tea plate will be given. Aagqmonmo .oo.p.o; "The Red Rider"---Chaplcr 14----"'IYhe Enemies Hideout" n I'II"l"I fV(\llII`\\} ul)I I` AEILII` r`nALll'\nAIv E. H. Braden 8 Company lMUF`Q l`NlI?N"|" RI-?(\l{l-DC '_I_'l"-'lUR..l)`.{%_.Yn- tfRl`lA)AY--_SATURDAY ovooovooo coon-o FREE TONI Du Barr I Alxlrn I GH Y oooo-ro~o~ooAo oaooooaoa T (Thursday) and FRIDAY NIGHT y Dinnerware , |__,._L:(._` JZ-L-- ooov.-oooooooo Royal Ivor fnl Skeofs Gallagher, Alan Dinohurt, William Collier, Sr., J. Farrell MacDonald, Warren Hymer, Edward Vun Sloan, John Wroy. THE + BARRIE`. + EXAMINER 7 1 at Year. ' '"2'.iiEE"EoME:5'L5~:LuAs:}iZ; 'c}.Xi~}bi>'}\7- SINGLE REE.L--"WAX WORKS" UNIVERSAL NE.WSRE.EL--The Talk of the World 2-FEATURE PROGRAMME ATTRACTIONS ___ I ,,,, \lI___,__ l_..__ CA- tvvww:-uc wt yo?-I INVESTMENT BRoT : BARRIE : Nights and .Holidays--225W A FEATURE NO. 2 `tho rrmgi.- :u`(.- C. B. Jcffs 01" fnlluws in(:r(rz1sc(l motor traffic. Hurrnr. C. F. Birk nf Czmnington and V. S. Ebbs of Oshawa. These men :n'(_- f(.-(.'Iin;.{ tho p1`o2 of work now and will he unable tr) cope with tho in<-rcznsc: nf rust-s: which always 1 a 55 Dunlop St. RADDII-` Phone 115 nnnup um. BARRIE :Ordination of Women 1 Faveured by Presbytery Ta_Diversion Opposed :Simcoe Prbytery of Unit-I ed Church Discusses Im- portant Questions ; COLLIER ST. CHURCH l'l`(,`!\'()_`y'K.L`I'.V (H ITIL UIlllL'(l K/H|lIL'll;z in Collier Street United I church. Barrie. on Tuesday. Rev. T `D. Jones, Elmvale. chairman of the j PH-shytory, presided. `?_..._____;___I Vote on Ordination 20-13; I | i Tax Resolution Carried '3 Unanimously ` I Rt,-. rospcciinxt Hie ordin- ation of women into the ministry and the divmnwinn of public fllnd.\' to Rnmnn Catholic or other sccziiarinn schools. were passed by Simme- Prv. of the United Church nnniinrr in (`nIlir~r Qirnnf TTniinr'l B('f()l`(` lung. ihis ix1(~1`(`ase in (`mid and Silver Hand highvr )n'i('<,`.< prodi(`1c(l for 19351 nmsl, influence the priro of our bc-Hm (`lass pruducim: mines and nonr-pmc1Lu:crs. Buy the GOLD and SILVER stm,-ks now and profit later nn F. Crawford & Co? ivh.-n`1|wr.~' 'I`nI`umn Stu-k and V\'nmipc-L: Grain Iixclxzuumx-s ll Jordam\"I`0 TODD S ONCE-A-YEAR SALE 144s.-1d. 0 per OZ. ($35.00 in Montreal) (Highest price on record) l'hnm-.~. l0!(l-l0l'Z-llm|s1- . 56% cts. J . per oz. (Highest since 1929) 8A_EI_I0__LTHA1n MQNI?_.AY-~`TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY . n on lT____,_L_J_. 1n- A_I_:___-_ lVI\IlVlJl'I I. " I \lL.4AJLI1 I ' VI I g Matinee Wednesday at 2.30--Everybody 10c Admission 4 lI\.lLJLJt.J \.JI\l..4A'1 I run I .L4r1n.a Surpassing all nf her previous efforts, Miss Hayes has achieved a new strength in emotional por'.rayals. Her ap- peal seems to reach out from the screen to actually stir the spectator in sympathy with the character she plays. In- tensity and a firm belief in the motives of the story are evident in her every action. &[(%(/I`(c77#Z> (:1t/a//Z7/oav7Z RNAKI AHFQMF . HAhf.F F\/AMC Gordon M. Stevenson CA|LQLT|:|AT_B l`L_I" &lP\.\lCII I\.\J\4\-I IT\BI3`l\Ju lv is our pleasure to offer you twelve minutes of human in- tcrvst that no human being: will want to miss-ono full reel showing the LATEST rxclusivo pictures of a day in the lives of the :1: II cw I\- r\ - . I _ 'V\II l\I I IJlII`JIJ9 l-'I\}IlII\r \ You will see them from dawn M bvdtime, feeding. sleep- ir g. bathing, laughing. their home. their parents, their doc- tor, nurses, special hospital, and their washline. This reel is entirely new and has just been made ru |- on 1~ I ..Anir\'1*lII`n Illll Ix II\l`All COMlNC---Thv Lives of a Bengal Lancer". Ruggles of Red Gap". Wings in the Dark". "The Gilded Lily", Zane Grey's Rocky Mountain Mystery". Rumba", Mississip- pi". All the above are Paramount Pictures, the company that are on-top. l\l:1muu-r Barri:-. Brzun-h "E1fE"{'JjiXE:'i":i'EEUKii'E` ch..}1}' EQLQL E'[.'.;{.3;},5L'3-i}iz'd'r`:'2"JJ:IB":B,v CARTOON---"HOT SPOT" C.` U| LIIC World Famous Dionne Quintuplets . . . . . .2l| -.._. nL..... Kn`... .l...... I:'\ L.-hi... `n4\t':l-srv .l.... '01` latest. inf0rmuli and xvihuliu ' .I\l.4La?" II \J LJrll\|\ 1 given Monday and Tu sday nights 0 ooao ooaoooaolo, an in 11.45` vv a nu` WILF. H.TODD lL()SS BLOCK NEW Sbeciamjaed lftraction ...o .-I..--..-.. a.\ AIL. .. . |.....|.... .-......o... J L... H9LrD`S APPEAL , --_.A_ Il!-_ Ll. It was decided to`ho1d the next meeting of the Presbytery in Mid- land on Tuesday. April 30. Would Ordain Women Rev. S. G. Mccormaek. Thornton. presented the remit which had been forwarded to all Presbyterles from the General Council of the United Church pertaining to the ordination of women to the Christian ministry. Without, speaking in favour or a-` guinst. he gave a resume of the dis- cussion up to the present time. Time for discussion was ruled out by the Presb_vter_v, because the delegates had been apprised that the motion would eome up and their minds had been made up one way or the other. , The remit reads as follows: Are you in favour of the minis- try of the United Church) being open to both men and women?" di- reetions being given to answer the question _ves" or no without qualg ifieation. | 'T`kn I-uv nuunvlinn 111111` nus-pin.-1 n I lll(,`HllUll. | The question was carried by n! vnto of 20-13. clerical and lay d('.i(`~ . mates voting for or against in about iho same proportion. I Against Tax Diversion | RC-V. M. C. Flatt. Victoria Hm'bnnr.1 brought up the matter of tax divor- sinn to sociarian schools. maintain- ing that public` funds should be us- ed for public purposes and not for rionnminntinnal or sectarian in1nr- (meg 'T`hn unnnlrcm wnnnnnnrl Han! (`l(`I1()Tl1II)HLl(7l`lEll 01' S(!(Yl?lTIElI1 1111"!`- '~. The speaker mentioned that Sir Wilfrid l.anrier. while Prime Mini. of Canada, had been on- posed to using public funds for pri- vate interests in the course of :1 re- ligious ('0nlY`0\ ("l`S_V in the Province of Manitoba. S1-pnratc` svliools oxist for :1 part- i<'nlar inierpre1ni,ion of religion nnd denominations should pay for the upkeep of denominational schools." Rm: Mr. Flnit declared. The opinion of the Presl)_v1.m'y was my . . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . .. ..1.......i BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1935 u .., .. ... ...- . .-... , /Turn to page nme, please) Q -4`--u-q-an; n.r--- 9--. .-- g w-`----s Don t miss this wonderful opportunity to buy your new Suit or Overcoat at a very great reduction. FOR SCHOOLS {ESTIMATES n0w1$1.004, illllf llll'lll|)(,'l`S (ll LHL` [3U'dl'U. As explained by Trustee Dr. E. R Tyrer. chairman of the Finance Com Irnittee. the reason for this decrease in the county grant was the fact -the 1934 grant was based on an ex- penrliture of $01,950.05 in 1932. where- as the grant for this year is based on 1 total expenditure of $76,580.03 in 1.033. Reduction in teachers` salar- ies and a surplus from 1932. were the reason for the smaller amount needed in 1933 as compared with 1082. resulting in a lower basis for the muntv sirant due. ~-stimated nnerntlm: expenses of the Board for 1935 was brought about `xv riairl pririniz of costs. both for the C`o'.le;:inte Institute and Public 9r'lm0Is. especially in the Property 'u:d Supplies Department. Teachers` The reduvtion of $3383.15 in the s.'1la1`lr: were not reduced or raised. f`..`l1 0.. l....o:o..a.. o,.o.tI ..n.4 i Board Receives Unexpected Setback in Lower } i County Grant I! ` COSTS cu"? $3,333 Barrie Board of Education will need $1004.24 less for all purposes in 1935 than in 1934. it was indicated at .1 special meeting last evening when the estimates for the year were con- sidered. 'l"hn lulu! nusnnnl un.-un'.~nA l'nI- Hn \ 3`|UL`|`L`u. The total amount required for this war is $84.880.35, which includes $33,098.95 for Collegiate Institute. and $51,781.40 for Public schools. Tho nmmmt x'ai: last. year was $85,884.59 'T`kn n A . ~ n ~ n - 1 nnln.-I On -vunlpn -\ Thnn1a.< Wnt. aged 25. was no quilted by 1\dn;1i. Compton Jeffs in camrt h(`1'0 tnda_\' an a chzinze of `1':r-akin}: and entorimz the stnro of L. A. Emms El0(`l1`i(` (`n. on the night In` F`(-hrumgv 5. Judmnt-nt had been reserved from Thursdgxy last. .. .Crown Attorney F. G. Evans. K.C.. declared that surely some offence tmnishnblo kw law must have been committed when the accused had en- tered the store by nighti He main- tained that breaking and entering: En HcnH r~nnu!i1n1nr*l an inr]ir`h1h1(' Of-. aD'.).($`I.."IH. The tru: expected tn make .1 total saving: from 1934 of $3383.15. but it was found that the county Erant for this year would be $2,- 378.91 loss than last year--~a fact. iwhivh came somewhat as a shock to t I the mmnbcrs of the Board. As nx-1~.l.xiu~.nA I-uy 'T`.~n. Y\u< II` D .'IlE*ll`H".`1 `J\'(`I`(` HUI TDHIICCH UT THIHUO 1 (`nHoL'.in1o Institutv 4- total cost. 3 $GI.342.93. loss $28.243.98 for g`I`an`.s 1 and cash on hand, leaving amount ` vvquirori from town nt $33,098.95. Puhlir Srhnnlrz -~ 101.11 cnst, $58,- 273.06. 1055 $.591.GG for fees, grants. and (`utzh on hand. lonvimz amnum 1`frqUil'(`d from town :11 $51,781.40. Rnvul \/rr~hn'in Hnspital `Sf-`.0 ! its Hm H'. of u hzzkimi. h1x and ti('] T\l(`.\xi;4_\' nf `his wvvk. i.'~_r_v fm-!.~ that the arc: Nw riffnvr \\'.a< m :1 In r`--nl:n~.:m>1 H11 tho splmur Nxtmd `~HW><>I' mvvn |_\' I ` Thu Wumvn's Auxil i I I 1 ."`.r`n and rltirmls of En `-\r`u'r\:< ..l' l|\n\ nnnnnvl Watson Is Acquitted Breaking and Entering 1 F... -!.LJI- l-K- `./-I\Il" The Dramatic Story of One Lone Woman, Many Strange Mcn--und an Almost Perfect Crime. `H1 ll.\l'II |.'l)llb|llUl.l.`u (Ill HAuIL\n\JI(; \I|* fmwv. Gordon Lnmzmnn. rounsel for WM- ';r,n. had submiund :1 written argu- ment In :~'hn\\' than the chargo of hroakim: and cntcrimz in itself dld not churrro :m_\' nffvncu known tn Inw. and had crmsoqncntl_\' reqlm-st.ed lthnt thv vhznrzzo be dismissed. 1 nIr....;.-o....o.. r..r4u- no-nnrl ohm Inn u'::L` mm ml: (-nznizzo ne msnnssv.-u. Magistrate Jc-ffs stated that he was inclined In think that the nmtlor had `horn mlhor badly handled from the lh'.'innin[.:. "I am iorlinod to agree with tho nrrznmom for the deft-n(-0. ho dm~l:\rorl. Tho m`gun1cnt. was` .uv.-ll 5:11;;-n " R.V.H:4:):iliary Holds` Successful Tea, Sale` Wninon's Auxiliary of the raised about '$30') n ma. sale of |bnkim:, hridao ticket draw on wook. The Auxil- fnvls great success of "he: wa< in H large measurv vuntiiiuc-m an splnndid awistanco and . given the business mrn and viiizviis Barrie and tho ihdirxw if the (`l1nH1\lU(`(` wish in .`\F\|\`: ch... I I I B31115 l!1\('l| 310 6 u\'loCk. . . Reading the advertisements be- forehand saves time In shopping. ----_..-_ ,______. %I COMING EVENTS l mm mm Dreznclng ann (`nlerm): itself conslitutrrd an indictable of-` HOG PRICES TODAY ICPS !`\`(`(`l\'(`U 1008)` NIH! overseas prices were {air- -_ ALSO suowmc -_.. IVHIH IUI lXVl' HU." lU|,l:l_V pt-rahw Purkcrs o! On- vd. Barrie. MKIS $7 85 . I. ..I..n. .1 nnini nu O I A. tea at Mrs. H A Street. next Tuesday. 3 nk \ ?l\LOU "Ill? \Vl mks agar. $|I`2 `ad $10.95 four BIGGER THAN THE BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH MORE AMAZING THAN THE RAZZLE-DAZZL ~ ._, WORLD HE CREATED...J___}%. __ '..'4w rnunsnggr _- `1_-`n_1pAg_ -A-_ s_g'runnAY ROXY THEATRE MoNnA1`r_;%-C[{';g;}spAY - -% gvggunsnar _ ___, n _, _ l)..Z__ mzzxr and DAFFY DEAN EXTRA ! EXTRA ! ON THE SCREEN AT LAST ! The V`/or|d s Sensational Pitchers of St. Louis Cardinals MEN S SUITS - OVERCOATS _ FI_NI_S_HES_S._A_TURDA_Y N;c.HT u\