Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1935, p. 6

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WM. SALT ER IS APPOINTED NEW SEQQETARY urday. Mrs. Whan of Barrie is spending came time with her (laughter. Mrs. G. F}. Prince. G. E. Prince. Mrs. W. Thurioxv and children have returned to Hillsdale after a visit with Mrs. McGir\nis. l)L-nth of `Mrs. L. R. Brown After an illness of a week with plcurisy and pneumonia which de- veloped fmm flu, Mrs. L. R. Brown died in the Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, on Thursday. Feb. 21, 1935 The funeral on Feb. 23 was larszelv Barne, '1'nursaay. rev. 21. 1:13;) The largely attended and there were floral trib- u1r.c ni` qvmnnihv from Sf `Pnnl'.< nttentled zmrl there Iloral mn- Iitos of sympntliy from St. Paul's W./\.. Brzmvh 149 Canadian Legion. L.O.L. N0. 3112, -children of school where nluugzhter Betty attended, em- plnyees of French Ivory Products. 'l`m'm\1n, and employees of Midhurst .l~`m'est Station. Services at the home of her mother. Mrs. R. Mun- tx ith. and at Mirlhursl cemetery were taken by Rev. Wm. Newman, assist- ed by Rev. Gen. Cruse. The pall- 1)(`I\l'(`l`S were: R. C. Peacock. H. And- rnss. A. A. Smith. W. F. McGinnis. C. Bmx-(ler_v and C. E. Day. Relatives and friends from n distance who at- tended included Misses Mabel and Winnifred Mnnteitli, Mrs. J. Camer- on, 'l`urm1tn; S, Brown. Gnlt: A. Mun- hith. Pnin. M. Cuutts. Maple Valley and C. Colitis. Thnrntnn. Mrs. Bruwn. whuse maiden name vac I'Hl\rQ lrnnn l\/Innh-ilh u::I< \- Vzllloy and LI. bonus. Tnnrnum. \\:as Glntlys lrvno Muntcilh. was hnrn at Midhurst. August 23. 1905. and 5130111 hm` life here. She was an Amzlimn nml for several years was .s:v('rvtz1r_\' of St. Paul's Woman's Aux- ilinr_V. The news of her death came as :1 shmrk to tho (*nmmunit_v where ,. was so well and favorably |I(nn\('l\ INS .\'nU(.'K [U Hll` l'lHIllIlllll|l_V \VllL'lL' known. She is . by her husband. I.:m'rvn<-0 Ri<'l1m`d Brnwn: one dau- xzhtvr. B<-113*: t\'.") smms`. Billy, who is nhnnxl lwu _\'Cfll`.\` nld, and I.:1wrCn('0 Mm1t<~i1h. mw wcuk old; her mother 1111!] twn l)rnthors. (Jcnmo and Eldon Mnnloilh. Midhur.~:1: three sisters. Mrs. J. (`umcrnn. Mabel and Winni- frorl Montvilh. Toronto. I_unn1iu.< I<`m\\'lo_v has mmc to Tur- mm, Mr::. IIL-rm:m Hurt` is Vi.\`ililU, Mrs. Allzm (`n\\-dun. T\ |'I'u Thu: I`r:nvIr\v nnrl Mi('h- |[\ll.'ln L'n\\-mm. Mx'.<. Thus. I"I':1wIr:_v and sun zu-I spent firxt n|' tho week wi d:uu,'htvr. Mrs. John Shicls Rncmnnunt. [I MOUNT ST. LOUIS ij 'Snrlvn: l\/l1.<.< 'Elll`l(`l2l Dunn. wlln lVlix's L)m'(':n.< lillrnfiolrl. Dvuth of MI ` N `y Miller Deznh has zn;nin visited this com- munity and l`(`mm.'O(l one nf its 05- 1imnl)l(- young ladies. Miss Mary Miller. rl.'n1x.',htm' of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller. She suffered :1 severe paralytic stroke about two \vool<:< lwfnrv. It is xwcdlcss to men- linn h(-1' storlin:.: qualities as they xvon` lmmvn by all with whom she l`.'llllL` in ('nn1:H'l: :1 Lzonorul fzlvnrite u~Hl\ rulrl 'lIIf] vmnur :Illl(n' :1 rnrv YTH.` . want (mil: I fir:-d." Ax-In ll('lll(]|`(l. I l l l I in ('nnI:u'1: L{0ll(`l`l]l mvorne \\`lll1 nlrl unrl yniing alike: :1 very (-lwi-rful and goud chris- liz-n (`llll'Z|('l1`l'. She resided with her l)l`()lll(`l` .l:nne.\' on the old homestead. She w.'i.< noted for acts of kindhess e\'er_v\vhere. In the nursing profes- Slnn she was ever doing her best tmrl p:i1ienl.< were always l1npr))' to have her at their bedside. At one time during.-; :1 flu epidemic. in whole lmnsehnlrl was dnwn (seven persons) and she in.'m2u_ved with the aid of the (lu(`lul' (`\`(`l'_\'ll1lI11.I alone. work in- :mrl L`\'(`l`_\' p:lli('nl. recovered. 'l`hi.< ix only one ml her brave deeds. ["IiIlhi`r p:iriii'ul;ir.< will be found in me ul)llll(|l`_V column. ' Miss Rom Baxter is rm the sick list. I-`rt-(1 Fm`x`ivr of Orillin visited his Il\l'l.I lulrn S`:HIn'd;)\.' l('\\' ul mo llShL`I'ln(`l) : l luck those rlu_vs. r. and 1\Irs. I,.Inyd Gm u~n..l.>.nuI in '1`:.rnn1n BELLE EWART MIDHURST THE BARE!!! EXAMINIIE. BAIRIE. 0N'l'.. CANADA `ru-1` :1 Ul`llll2l ` . Smurdzlv. tho fi. mvn : Hump rluvu 1':1\vIc_v Mich- week with her Jnhn .`\`hi:-I-< Jr nf rnham spout EANADA-U.S. ! COOPERATION | IS AIQYQCATED; Asked to wilhrlrnw this stzllmnont. Mr. Noshitt said he wuuldn`t with- draw it, but hr must lmvo sumo rm- snn from lho Cnmmissimn for its . l(`- linn. H0 rt-m:n'k(-rl that it would be (liffittult In s(rr.-uro ('ITlDl()_VlYl(`l11 else- where undo!` !.he.'~ (`ri(~11rnstm`x('os. A .- n < ,__ A _>_,-.,.;,_ John Buchanan, Extension Director of O.A.C., Guelph, Speaks to Lions A finer spirit of cooperation be- tween the people of Canada and the United States was advocated by John Buchanan. director of extension of Ontario Agricultural Coileuc-.Gun1ph. in an address at "Junior Farmers` Night" of Barrie Lions Club Thurs- day evening Inst. ur-nu... |__._: A`._,.`l!.._. ....-_..,i 1,, ,,__:,i JUNIOR F:ARMER NIGHT lVl}.',lll. Ul Dilllllf l4lUll.\ KJLIU 1l|Ul.\` The bad feeling somns In 1-xist more on this side of the line than on the other. and we do it in ignor- nnnn" T\Il.- flu:-kunnn (tun-n\\:\I-'Iv Illhll UH LHU Ull]U|'. unu VVU (IU IL Ill zmce." Mr. Bllchamln. I'urmerl_v fossor at Iowa State Crvllogc for ex-al years. rleclared. .--.,,,.v n ., ,_,~,,.. . ynlnn _, Stewart L. Page. ngricultuml rep- resentative for North Simeoe. under whose auspices the Short Courses in Agriculture and Home Eeonomir-s have been held here. ilIU`()(]ll(`C(] the members of the stuff and ofI'ic(-rs of the Short Courses. each of those speaking briefly. These were: Miss Grace Annis. Scarhorn: Miss Hussit- Rolston. Hamilton: E. A. limes. IL S.A., Woodstock: R. J, Bryden. B.S, A.. O.A.C.. Guelph; also Miss` Allo Ferris. president of the joint orx.znn- i'/atinn nf ihn Hun r~Incun-:- Mi l.m~. CJ.Ii., VVUl)U.\l.U\.'K. H. II. I3l`VUl.'XI. l).D. ()l`L ,'I'Il1- ization of the two clzisscsz Miss Lor- raine ML-Kcever. president of the Lzirl.-4' executive: Stanley Ri('hnrrl.x'nn. president of the buys` exet-iiiivo: and John Buchanan, who, he said. was :1 1.zrnrIii.'itc of O.A.C. in the same (`l;i.<.< as T. E. Ross. ex-M.P.. Guthrie. and G. 1!. Murdoch, ex-M.I..A., -W_vuv;ilo. and :1 near clnssinzitc of E. C. Drury. High Court Re;:islr:u', Barri A A---4.. , r n,,, _.,,n u.,.,.. \./`ILIIU ..-.,,..v....., ..u.. .x.. A feature of the gathering, was: pleasing vocal solos by David Weie- nnd and William A. Bell. Mr. Weig- zmd also sin;.zin;1 one number at`- companied by himself on the banjo. Conditions on Up Grndc John Buchanan. the Chief . of the evenimz, is vice-president of the Guelph Kiwanis Club, and as such brought ;.',l'L`0UH].!S from that body. as well as from the Ontario A1,:1*icullurzI| College. He (It.-(rlnrerl that conditions seemed to be on the umzrude this _ve:Ir as compzlred with 1934. and looked fr)l`\VlII'd to the fu- ture with confidence. The speaker stated that (`urn was :1 much more impnrtzmt crop in the world than many people in C`nnnrln thought. /\<'tu;ill,\'. the wnrlrl pm- ductinn was three and tliree-quzirtor million bushels as <-mmmrerl with three and Z1 half million buslwl.< of wheat. Eighty per cent. of the corn grown in the world was grown in ten states of the United States in the Middle West. I\/I'.~ Ilnnknnnn uni;-I (LAO `I .-nun lVll(l(1|L' VVUSL Mr. Buchanan said ihat Iowa. where half the crop is com. ix tho centre of the (?<)l'n-;:rnwin1. .'irvn of the United States. While :1 profes- sor at Iowa Stulo Collage he had lmvn socrc-tm'_v of the State (`orn- grnwc-rs' Association. and niznmgze-r oi the State Curn Show for two years, and in this way he had had considerable to (in with the raising nf 1-nu-n 1 VVIIKZIKT LIlI\llIL ivllll-`I \ I l\ |ll||n||'III\\.V. "Onv ml` tho main r('.'1sun.< is puhliv opinion". ChniI'm;m Dougull (luclzn'- ed. "1 aniurld 1--11` II`\'1I 1\rYu- Y\Ynu|\HI 1|>'I< U1 The speaker declarod that it seem- ed rather pecullnr in these times. that the cormgmwcrs should culti- vate their (`urn with mnchino.~:. but still hnrvnst their corn crop by hand. He described in detail thv muthnd used of (`urn huskimz. 1\r1v~ Run-lxzuuzun mu-n :1 \-nrv In-nnhiv UBULI UI Vlllll l|Ll.\|\l|l}.:. Mr. Buchzlnnn gave :1 \ (`l`)` ;,'raphi(' an-(`aunt M` the rim-olnpmont of and the interest taken in the stale com htaskimz contests, loadim: to the Na- tiomll Corn Husking C(mtc. The first natitmul ctmtvst \v.'1s hold in Iowa in 1925 when :1 man frum {hut state had huskod on-1` 35 husht-ls nf (`urn in oiL'h1_\' minutes. or :11 thv rate of 214 bLI. pm` (in_\'. This \\`a:~' 21 rccnrd up to that time. (Hum Huskim: RN-m`d Tho nntimml <-4ntv. had been held in Im\':1 three )'t'. ll`.\` nun with (i(),(ll)0 pvnplc present: in Illinnis twu \'n:zr< nun in :a \\`iH\ 45 000 Phone your news nems to 2 mu: \\`Ilh l\l. mm: ox wr: bud colds seem 1 Mr. and Mrs. I spent Sunday at 5 wick. Nlru W (`nl`n(' Wl(.'I(. Mrs. :1 few week. l\/Ticu Nuwu)n'.s'. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stu1'_L:o.<.<. lid. 2 Lctmnrd spent Sunrluy in 'I`nm v1sitin1.{ Gortlnn. Mr. Stllnzt-ss muinc-cl till Monday. Killvlmmh er,-hnnl throws widr` week. Nfiss 1\/Inriun Nuwinr :1 shurt \':u'.' Newton's. MTV and MI`: I SHIN mznincd till 1VInnrJu_V. Killylezugh school throws Ms doors to welcome each person of the section to a costume party on Friday. March 15. COStUlnL'S may hi` any form desired. will bu awarded to the best lady and bust gent in costume and best couple. Ladies are to pruviclc :1 lunch. Any friends welcome. . W. L()I'l1< days at (lV('l' IH Hl_V (llIl('(` lU(|2l_Y . lVlil_\(ll Nair (lr~<~|.'m-rl. "Hr km-w it w:1.< cnminpz. My (`.`C|)(`l'i('ll('(` is that if :- pcrsum is rli,~:clmI';.{orl. it is pr('H_v hard In uvl ('mpln_v1m-nl. P(-rsmmlly. 1 nm mrry rm` il. Sn fnr n.~_ mr (mi!- 1.1: |I:l\ll -n n..n..;.-un...-I I`II .-u.1 KILLYLEAGH We issue this invitation in plenty of time because we are anxious that our customers, who know the value of Berger " CLOTHES OF QUALITY Brand, have the benet of head ofce representative's advice as to styles, colors and woollens. Mr. M. R. Park rates high in the tailor- ing craft. His knowledge of what is correct is based on years of experience. 25 Dunlop St. WHEN THE HOUSE SEEMS EMPTY WITH MARY AWAY AT BOARDING SCHOOL . . . AND LETTERS SEEM A LONG TIME COMING . . . AND THE HOLIDAYS ARE WEEKS AWAY . . . Pick up the telephone. A Long Distance chat will cheer you up and Mary too. 110$ 0|` Tul`r)nlU spent her home h'.`l'L` |u.~;l ritinu hurl 1n lw r-um I() ma cnmmrm. L. Cnu1.t.~; and Juzm L Selby Cnrr`s. `unus- Distance is a comfort indeed. It givvs you so much at such low cost. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. Consult the front pages in your directory. nl Turrmln spent 1` L-w1>n of I\'_v is \':n'.'ninn ill W. unrl mrlzly 'l`nrm11n re- 1) . I its 2 costume r`...-sumac m h.- I Hnl .`\'(H'l'_\' H)!` II. DU H1 ity is cnnvc-rm-rl. l`|l VHI I!` Hi \' HARRY J. TWISS SUIT AND EXTRA PANTS TORONTO BUFFALO IJ I.\ III Srrznul. S41rI1iu . WEEK-END 4 TOR< 0?-:---------------------------w CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES FRIDAY, MARCH 8 F'9!*?%13RL`?'E? QANADIAN NATIONAL $2150 UP Men's and Boys Wear : Phone 731 And All St.nt,irms hntween'I`ROU'I` f'.REEK and AURORA including MIDLAND. l lNE'I'AN(`. and MEAFURI) ISRANUII LINES. litrllzrvillr, Cnrmcull, llurrix I rm, I.() \`I)().\'. u,. .,I :- yUlIl' \Ni|_\'. I km-xv t.hi.~ limt MI`. Nv: nu All hmtmns rwr,ween IKUU 1\ nnu /xum nux lH('lll(ll MIDLAND, l ENE'I'ANU MEAFORI) LINES. Hr, Butunumz-illc, lir-ml/Iml, lfrm`I.':'iIIv, (`lml/mm. (Vrlmnrg, nil, (ivzmnmqlw, (I/e'm'm', (imlrrirll. (furl/III, H.I.|III.'I'().V, `rm, Imzrrmll, I\'innm/im', /\'I.\'([.$"I'().\', I\'ilrltvm'r_ I.i.\'!u1u'I, ().\'. .|IurrisImr_q, A\'lIPl"f'4', x\'I.l(i.Il\'.l I".~|I./.5, ()\Im:vu, ()wm , Izlnzrrxlrm, I'uri\-_ ! nrl Ilnpr, I r:'u'uH, St. (`uIImrim'x, . Suulllamphm. Slralfnnl, Trmlam, W/Iillv_\', Wi-Irlrm, W00d.slnrl. ATTRACTIONS MARCH R Tornnlo Skating: Club Cnrnivnl RONTO MARCH!) Toronto "Muplv Lauf.~c" VS Bmalon "Bruins" ,..,,.. ., _.._.. _:_. A. A. SMITH M.znag:r WINDSOR DETROIT Thursday. February 28, 1935 __j___________ uuo _,-1.. Tho 1'1`.-:n with all I! in fu\-mu` Hofnrv Y\n..null .l. lll lil\'(lHI (II II. u(l_iuurnm(-nl. Chnirmzm Dnlumll (lu('lm'(-(I that thvrv Inns! hr ('nnpvrutinn h(`t\\'('P:1 lhv nfficv and the ('n1plu_\'-v.<, ht-lwt-'n llw smI'l'.'m(l nI'fi('(-` If lhvrv \\'u.~' .'m_\` frivlinn. that stale of 2Ilil'.\ \\'uul(l nut hr autis- tmimnn". plnim-tl. this you ( '1`I... .-n.. Pun Six (Continued from page one) The superintendent of_ the Water- works Department was instructed to have new doors placed on the wat- erworks building. the cost not to ex- ceed $70. 7: ...m. .1m.:.-Ind nn vnnlinn nf Mav- lilll. I`hm'(- is 1 ml` --..n|inrI I miuhi say that Mr. N(': was /or in my uH'i<-(` lnrluy". M.'1_vor lniv rlnpl.-nmrl Hn L-nu-ur it urne Lgu ,\ L C+\1\'.-\l)l.-\N GE.\ l~ZR:\l. l-Il.I~3(}'l`RlC (20,, Limited 7x3k`5ii-- r~ n .\1::nn "'I'h- In-1 xininn" \zo\. Phone 811 EDISON my1;\:1_rg; Li; E=5trminat9!!I `lv\ |`a;1.\;`l;acture-d by HYGIENE PRODUCTS LIMITED Special Price---60 cents per pound (~z1v;`~:I'.Li;`.1.`}\.|:c-) in _?V',~~z1I1.i lrvlx H1` n\ c1') C. C. FLEMING, V.S., B.V. Sc. "\nnn $111 All R....F2..l.l Q5 . QADDI lilll IIIHl;,':uI. I I take this om)m'tuni1.y of ` is this |)rrinL{ (lune without, ' Mr. N(.'Sbil.l asked the chair- |J|\|.og.x .L|AI\; In tux, un H\'?Fi2U(.5m`\7s/1\__I}_1_.__` mg i>E)\ 2v"1')"i~:R O. at 21 Cum. mu LU !:A\.\;l;u ups-tlu. On motion of Chairman Dougall and Commissioner Jackson. the sup- erintendent was insirurrtcrl to get rid of all obsolete equipment in th( power house to the l)(,-sl, :irlv:int:u.{e. under the supervision of the chair- vnnn . ll _\`1Hl\\' |)|'l'II lH\[ll`I |I .1 ought In know the 1`|_';.I.~:n| `(`.~*nlulinn was finzllly p:1.<.~<( I Ihl'l`l` (-mnn1is\innm`< \'n(i \ lhn REGIJLAR DRl;.glNG is 1 l\/I)l)f'\ IIIAIJDI E` If I.lII>~ \\.'-I.\ . N(`.~:hiH : HI 1-lm-lim (`hzlirmu `Ir ; (-nmzc". Chairman Dou- I \-I V ' K`l-`LJ:I-l-J I `J I lt~ui-trauiun No. I580 ml l`n\\'(1on-(1 I3m`r1.~: Rm! :1! ..- \\ .15. um .-n..|.M'..n~ I.-n-uni...-. 1 1 .\lmw(-rl pnhli: n Dmuzznll ox- ht-vn (-xpvrtillg nnur Hun rs-.'|:nu" :' for some hill lill i|.\.\Hlll Illll pul nu1.hin_u i LAMPS Ucuu qztu. It was decided on motion of May- or Blair and Chairman Dougall. thav the Waterworks Building be re-wir- ed at a cost not to exceed $200. n.. _.-4:m. ,.r r*I..n;.~.-.m~. hnnrmll nun; 1\.n' 1 ago, 46 Bayfield St. `('|. l\lli|.lIlIII NU. nnll ml with :1 Rnimmnc Cunt:-nt xm||.~Il'u-1' l\.'u'xnh~.<.< In humans and (':ItllL'. Fire of serious proportions de- stroyed J. F. Watson's large grist mill at Stayner and seriously dam- aged :1 garage and service station connected with the premises late Thursday night last. T`hr-nninninri er-warn] nnnrhv Ruin]. Grist Mill, Garage, Burned at Stayner; Town is Threatened 1llLlI'S(.li:ly Illgfll. IHSL. Threatening several nearby dwel- lings. the building was completely enveloped in flames when the Stay- ner fire brigade had succeeded in clearing the water lines which had been frozen in the recent cold spell, and had the wind been less favor- able :1 large portion of the town would have been threatened. Hydro lines were damaged by the flames and for several hours the town was in darkness. (`anon nf fl.-n la nub .... "n and Han l)l,,'IJl.'llHllL'S. [1 [NH LHH] (H [HIS l'L'(1UC' I erl outlay will have to be borne by tho public and high school teachers . of the town. A meeting of the {each- n)"\` u'nc nnllnd vnuinrr-Inv nl'9nu-nnnn Ill UZIFKIICSS. Cause of fire is unknown. and the MIDI./|Nl') EnUcA'i'i0N nomm `III! I. QDFMD eannn IITQQ In`?! (Midland Argus) Midland Board of Education at :1 special mectimz with A. J. Gray. thi- Lzovernmcnl . on Tuesday evening. decided to cut its net ex- penditures for school purposes by $0.000 in 1935 as compared with 1934. This amount will be exclusive of dehon1,ure.<. A portion of this reduc- r`-rl nllilnv uxiil hzum in his I-unvnn hlll lll lllL.' llI\\H. (\ lll\.'l.'llll).: IH UH.` LUNCH` ers was called _\'e:sterd:1y afternoon by the Board to acquaint them of this (net. The Inca] pedagzoxzues re- ceived the news. which was not on- tir'e1_v unexpected, with commend- able philr:.'~`n])h_v. They experienced r-nix in 1932 and 1933 and nwimz tn Y1(.`('(". <.\`lll'_\ r-urtnilment in all depart- ment.-: of the tnwn'x life as :1 result of the existent situation will nm-` he required to share in a third re- duvtion. ....u-. 9 The public will zuzuin welcome the :mnu:il_issue of 5,()O() Facts About Caiizirln? now in its 32nd year. cum- pilcd by the well known Canadian writer and lecturer. Frank Yeigh. and which has won :1 well doscrvcrd pr:pul;11'il.y for the C0l1ClSCll(.`SS and value if its inl'urmnIinn. It is truly zi l.'il)|ni(l (-,\'(:`.np(-rlin of the Dominion ..\, . .. -...\-u ; uxuuxnuxu ----C`;m.'irl.'i in :1 Nut. two," as Andy W()1ll([ 5113'. llere within i`Il`l(`f cmnpnss are all the salient l'c:2lui'c-.< of the (f()l|lll|`)' for the cur- rc-nt year. :1rr:im.:od under fifty (`hap- tor heads rznuzim: from Agriculture in Yukon. Copies at 35 cents em-l1. m lhreo for a dollar mav be had fr... Rm) H. co. m 4.. no man. It was (iC('i(i(}([ on motion of Mayor Blair and Cornmissionci` Jackson. that the Elt.-ct,ri(: Lipzht Department purcha: twt-nty-fivt: 50-ainporv three-wire meters from the Hamil- ton Hydro-E](-ct,ric System. Dismissal Motion Introduced It was at this point that Commis- sioner .Im:kxon brought in his mo- tion to (lispensc with the services of W. A. H. N(.~.~:i_)it,t as s<~r-i'<:taI'y-troa- survr. The motion was seconded by Chairman I)ou;,'nll. May ._..i.:..... :.- ll`|;g' Iminn rlunn without, (Tun Illi` for Last, Week) Mrs. J. R. Jones is .~ :1 \V(`(.`k with rulu1iv(`.s at Orillin. A. Nowmzm of Erin is spending: :1 ("ow (lays with friends in this enm- munily. Miss Nmu ML-I.0;m is l`(,'(`0V(`l`in).', nicc-|,\' uflvr hl`l` rovont rxpcI'.'1ti at /\Hi. I'M-.~:pitnI. 'v'h.. <...m=.\v <,-|\....r .1.-m-....o..,: 1;...` l(ll1l1. m l`m' UIDIC L`nl|(`,',:(` will: {I In\'('|) Bihlv. (3:-u. l)u. retulum n;,on1 here. has left fur l"1nrida. uccunnpuniurl by his \\`H'L- and Mrs. C`.'1x'lm'. A numbvr from h(`l`C are attondim.-, 1111- big rovivnl at Barrio. Mr. Hines. -\':1m:(`|i. frum U.S.A.. is la-ad:-r. fu(-tm'_\' to lhr Commission. Mr. Nvsbiu made an nppoal for <'m1. fm` Mi.<.< Parks` . ('h;nirm.'m Dnugnll sznid it would bv lsnlwn up at the next mcvting. Vlllll:IInVlI I`4lIl)l/l'Il.I\IAV l')I l\I\4Il WILI. SPEND $6000 LESS, l935| 5000 3-`A("rS .`.AnoUT CANADA mu `I lIL'(lll.\ 1cIru.',llu.; IIUHI n}.',I`lClllllll`L` ' may be mm 588 Humn Street. Tormltu, or In l(,~u(lim.: nc\\'. 9): MINESING STATION . the only way with I"I `I I\I\II1I\I`1 Warble ly Hlll. )' Schnnl p|'(*sm1t(-(1 Ji-an l`unmtn Bible C`nll(`;:(` v znskinu. i I-,'||lk`r\'7" 1 NBARRIE Lg! LIGHT mzrfi GROSS PROFIT wAsw$317gso5[ .`\SS(?l.\' I.:md.< and hui|din;.-`.< Suh-_ cquiplm-nt Dislrihutiun .~:ysten1. nv h..=.A nruu . Distribuiinn ` gmund ............... .. T.inn h`:n1 I.:lllL' l| ill|.\lUl'lHL`|'S Motors .............................. .. Street light oquip.. mgr. '. liuhl cquip.. urn. Min` nrnuiunnnnl znul 1-1\ me Lion Hearted. Names that have been applied to Lionel P. Conacher - the P stands for Pretoria, but don't tell anybody--ever since he began being a one- m a n, all- around sports c h a m pic 11 twelve years ago. He's the most famous, colorful and durable athletic fhn l'\nn1inir\11 Total play` Rank and /\(`('mnnts I~`.quit_\' in nvu.~L. L'l]Hl]IHl|'IH .1 .-'II'lu'Iinn vxp. Old plant ............. .. I.IBER'l`Y S CANADIAN HALL OF FAME No. 5 "'Jl1(`I'(' IS ('illl.\l.` , \_,nuunmn unu- gall X`(.'|)li('(l. Will you tell me now", Mr. Nos- bitt snirl. Mr, Dmu.z:1ll snirl there was nn near] :11 the mumrml. Y\Ih~ rm-lrunn x-r-nwtn-km! in MI`. NOS- l Big Train, Siege Gun, Lionel ` the Lion Hearted. Narnpu: Hun! hnvn hnnn nnnlin -T miuuie name from the fact that Britain won a victory in the South Afican War that year. They shot off fire- crackers on the day he was born. not. for him, but Queen Victoria who was born on the same day of the year-a different year, of r-nnrxn .. I)(~l)omuro ha]: :'\c`('nunt.< pzlyzn Bunk m'ux'r11`nf OHM-r |i'll\ili1i( (`nu ..' f`. i i course. He's played every known sport. down to and including ping pong. Ho's broken twenty-one bones without counting his nose which was broken four Limes. SlX`1`(`(l at hockey and rugby at the tender age of 10. Ha: ninvnrl gnninr rnryhv In- I UII.`vlHHl`iI I',)v<`_ pmw N \\\ `Xx `. \\\\\ tender age 01 w. Has played senior rugby. la- crosse and hockey in the same day, scoring :1 goal in each, Mar- ried Dorothy Kennedy and has ` two children, both girls. Started ninth professional hockey sea.<.m1 this year with Montreal Mnroons. Has been :1 bank clerk and (mm ran :1 hahe1'cl:1shery shop. Such things should perish. he thinks. 'Rmmrl Jnnk T)nn1nsr=\`., \vi'r`mlr`ri \ LDIIILIS Sll()lll(l [)L`l'lSl1, IIC Llllllh. Boxed Jack DCh`L})Sf}_V. \v1'r`s1!r`d Jim Browning, swam with Marvin NcIson---but is :1 sllckol` at golf Likes dogs. Indians. October, chocolate bars, soft-boiled eggs. Dislikes talkative wmnon, yes men, photographers, race track inuls. pion the Dominion 11 :1 s e v e r known. Born in 1900 he got that -middle name fv-run lhn fur-r thnl `Ru-i 1 in u~/n1 n I1vm'mlll'('.< Additional plus nt.-nrl at the mumonl. Mr. .I:u-kstm rt-m:n`kvr! Ln Mr. biu. that he had the | )l`i\`il(.'[.{C of re- signings. Mmmr nlnir said it was his un~ Total /Continued lrom Paar! Onc) ASSI'I'l`S AND I.lABII.I [`lI~`.S ./\< .\nzI.. ..n,l `\Iv:`rI 01.1 Inn 'I`ntal Total surplu n the ln.~ .x` nl his wllu . Mr. and Mrs. Leo McL;1ughhn and I 1 plant _ . : cash . . . . . . . . .. unts receivable (u :r\ Yinrl.-.. Cunt IL'l'L'l\ i|UlL' : Hydro System ;Ihili1io.< . . . RESFIRVES m'm1uiI_v in Hyrl HI Liabilities snarling. Mayor Blair said dcrsmndiru.{ they were going to ask him Ir") resign. Pnr' T wnnlrl m'(-for vnu .-. H1 ['.`I ...T'5.`(.. :ll'.(lt'p (:4 ll Q`) '70`! (ll I $398,202.57 . $14,199.11 . 1:'>,iZ8:'1.()`.Z . (iG.437.(i/ J . 43.7.83 ` . 41.74Sl.!)l 5 3-%G.!lr3 IA."') 7.291131 `K -.(i3.{.32 .'..1z...m 3.00 7.0.")0.(i0 weeks with her son in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McLean anti Mrs. R. Poole of Orillia attended the funeral of Mrs. L. R. Brown on Sat- urday. snendina Max Coutts of Maple Valley is visiting at Geo. FinIay's. "" " Mrs. R. Wattie is snendim: a few visiting at U00. r'1nJay's. ` ' spending Mr nnrl Nfrs. Stan McLnan nna mm 10 resign. Per: I would prefer ynu would rn.~:iL:n." Cmnmi. Jack- xnn said. We don't want to hazard your futurr.-." That would put. the onus back on me". Mr. N1-slsill retutecl. I dnn't. want. In quit: I lmw` no muso 10 h.':\'(e no 1'1 -.'1s`(m to quit: I'm n....,1 -~

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