is l*cing Imwcd mu Musunic Hui1din_4' 1 Russ muck. next dt uicc of l)cp;u'I1ncnI riculture. FREE_Vi51iEi sWERWARE GIVEN OUT THESEh'l_"W()_.1`fIIC;H'I`S :Ippc;1 nmnil HBLV Qu-L-L:"1.[~5(}]` '|'|lr\.\ lmn; <. Also the Greatest Screen Corm-d3an. SUM SUMMf:'.P~ (III I r` ' u'r`llr` I`Al'\\IAl nl I llI`Yl Alli`: llll` I.ll'\|It l\l-( )l'\* COMEDY--"FUR-FUR-AWAY" FOX NEWS SINGLES BEACH NUT". SCREEN SOUVENIERS No. If ALL SHOWS START 7 AND 9 P.M. REGULAR PRICES Coming-EDW. G. ROBINSON in FIVE STAR FINALT THEh'H\\'i~:hc-I11_`. 1.1:.-.I`.:c I`1:.7:! `;rm r rlrc'l`Im-9 mi }\`VH ;.`\ HI} l \I3U IIIC VlLLEi lHl2\l: ` \l'\\/. WEDQWQQDV &%Co.: CQINAWARE BARWEEORE ;;I<',|(:-J dnnnmli n'.v.(1'I in hm ;:ro-.I'4-~.l Ilx,vm;|l|r Inh- nemm mung: Division Court Oice ./.`:nn I'I'u1 t FREE. Dinnerware ;unmc r-n lwlh mghlx Sr. 1;1Jic>. jmu 21:u:c the l um:-1`l1nI1iI_\ ul ;\mc111`in._:1\\'u>cI\:l11.l-`ccixlg 'l`W() DIFFERENT l I( `,'I`l JR} FRIDAY E-E Norther % S O U N D J u N/7\||'l h;|H\ WEDNESDAY THURl*3DAY MONDAY AND Tuaspgxv T HLI` [;.;`.;;,; C \II CIII-Kial 511.] CCII \.zLlllIl'LI'|'llI, s}l4llVl nJ`.J . in THE ROYAL BLUFF", ANT) THE k]llL'W -vvw -.'iIh t '1 Hiya nmv .H\ |. HL" ntlm` ';1:;I1wii.1`. 111.-.i\`(`)\\' i~. Phones 341 and 909 4-5:. H" 7:`: {Ha 'Personal maid ' MONl?_.Y--TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY CHARLES BlJ'l"H:LRW()R`l H i on Thursday Night u.|\ L. n 1;ldic.~ rrumuunt </ /c`Iur(' SATURDAY Electric =~=" E SYSTE M $37; MARIAN MARSH `1llIL`l' II`! In: VI |{|< THEJ% 5 \\ MAN IN PCSSESNON 5:` '\K/`l:.Z, i\K' 171': SI-.`.C'l'l()N 2 PAGES 9 TO 14 H. I ll\l: nmlclc ...1mu.- Dynamic ms onunfmn ' " " N0. 48 lI|\ ya. :|"|'. A T 151 n K |.J|v5Avll_.l NEWS BM Enjoy yourself at The Capitol where the seats are large. roomy and well spaced, the Auditorium well heated and ` ventilated, and the Programmes are the best and latest procurable. FRFF ?'I:TiTtT.,=1 c lhc to make cvcx (Ihinu Minn . I I U 1` .i! AX!) l`l l|)r\Y .\ lf:rlrl'I'S MHCS THl,SWEEK. ._S`" CIRCULATION 5100 Copies `%'%E'1 5.aTv" " |"Il Tlll HIS ORDERS WERE TO BE PLEASANT AND USEFUL TO A PRETTY WIDOW! WHAT A JOB! and what I4 _m1 FREET Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. ONE OF THE BIG PICTURES OF THE YEAR .1 grand picture for the new star ! l)irccu-(I by Sam Wood Marie Prevosl Lew Cody and Tommy Boy C. Aubrey Smith CHARLOTTE (;Rl:l!-LNWOOD lrvnc Purcell FREE with ALL STAR CAST hm ` I1 l'\'ll\ %Two-Piano Numbers Great_ Attraction with W. i Campbell if-`INE CHORAL WORK; The Family Theatre THURSDAY----A--FRIDAY`- -SATURDAY luI2l|1`~'~illJ doring of `Ta 7Y1 l'VlrIl`lTII lJl`lll||lIL'llllL)Ul --lHl.' |HL1,'|'('-51 MHU EL`! Lcntion of the audience was secured irmd retained. I 5 Two '1'u,tlc megro choms(>.:, D1'0wsy' Eyes" and Mighty Lak` 21. R2080," were I`l\nrh\I'r\rI nvilh I-hay-vninnv inn hull}; l'llUIIl-3. l)lI.'i|Ill IH FIUIIIU. ill` rangccl from A1'dlli's well-known con- curl. song. Il Bacio," most alltlring` in melody and waltz rhytlnn. made con- siderable technical demands: upon the sopmno section; and the florid pass- ages wm`o \-'r;cali'/.od with great omzc. In the unaccompzmiccl part.-sm1g "Drink Ito Me Only." the melody was given [In lhn alto voices. and it se1~\'(`cl to |1'c\'(.-111 the rich quality of this szr.-ction. as well as the gonoral control of light nntl shade. attack and 1', of mo whole clmml lmdy. ! [`hr> last number. the Sc.\'l(:t1c `from ~-Yuunh. `V :46.-ml.-......l II. n.... .....v,. H-.. 1 INK` lillull HUIIIUI In.-on sclmztrxl with mnsidcral ions of vm zmd, from the sztirril f I`l1r> }~nm(ircd Pipcr rinnh. r|r\ nrlnvxfnli `lull, ADI, !\|llllL`\'\:h l |\'hU_yl.L.'l|'(Lll UHUII "L-ccivcd last week. The concert on Wcdxxcsday evening 1/\I .u~.1v- w...in4nin.uI oh;-. r;-\t\ .. 03.46: \:l| u|_yr, Ill 'rlLlV21|H. ms the very satisfyil >upulariLy of their hi! RI Anrlr:-u"< P1 "CH6iRKGAiN A"|5;;;J,. scoma succass 5,, } 1.1:c \.~:1;' ()!'Clcr ml` Dominion of Canada 5-YEAR 5}, BONDS $99.25 and interest 10-YEAR 5}, BONDS $99.00 and interest AB. Cows Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. 9 ioiwivn St.. Barrie: '1` }s"1"1'~'JA'T_1oNXV SERVICE LOAN [H l)lll|llL`l|l.'L' III R` C2Lnada.. `Finn Choir Wm ast Sexton displayed the fine ma Lh in tenor and bass, 5 no fc31ic'1L0u.s qualities hair: and conclxlsivvly r. Hardy possesses :1. Mon that, is tonally m ofully balanced in all 1 ; -npucity complctclg. in nrlvm1m~ nf llu IL` lllfgll) LIHUI ll.`:(.'.\, IJl'U\\ .\_y wiLh channing pi.'mis.'simo ` humming aCm1m)a.ni1nonL mu: um`!-snnu Aln\'qnrim- .4lL`y Llllll]lHILL'l_- .)|Jl\I Ulll I dvancz: or the (,'()n(:(.`I`l. ntisfying tribute to tin: (`l1L(.`l'l.ai11ll1C1)L`5 :w's Prusbylcrian choir` \nL' ' ". . . . . I gConsIderable DISCUSSIOD In; Committee of the Whole l)lVISlON `(#33 I7 TO 16% Majority Does Not See; Much Relief in I Proposals ` . : In CilIllllliLL'.'0 of the wliolc on Wed-i :m-.xd;iy n (.`l'll!)()ll. county council. on 1:11) um(,-nclmcni of Coun. Loin_zinai1.| `|SLI'Ul`.k out. Lhc first three clauses of H10` icconomv motion inLm(luced by Coun. {Cunningham on Monday. These clau.s'- cz called for :1 reduction in the Do- minion nntl Provincial Pill`liiln1CllLS and a reduction in s-.ilm'ies and the DCl`.K`I)llllCi of Lhe civil service. | The motion of Coun. Evans '\'1lS Lle- i !l'c:aic when Coun. McKnip,liL, inl llhr 1-hair I-rm! hi: vnln in Fnmnw nil Hi. Speaking on his motion, Coun. iEvans cieciareti that there was not a man in Canada today who was worth more than $5000 :1 year salary. Inviting, Coun. McKnight to open the di.'~.'CuSSiOn on the resolution before ,couneii, Coun. Cunningham said Even though it is only one-eighth of a mill that we can act struck off the taxes. II say strike it off. Thrce-quarters of the taxpayei`s in the county are not earning enough to make it living and pay their taxes. They can't get credit at the bank. they can't get credit any- vshere and the attitude we are taking means either pay or get out. Got into Wastefui Ways I "I believe that something can be done. We have got into a wasteful way of living and it is hard to break off. The agrieuiturist is hit harder than anyone. Today the farmers are ped- dling their stuff for about thirty per cent. of what it Costs to produce it. `Now why not bring" the other classes do n in line with this? The salaried man is still drawing the same salary and prices are still as high as they were a year ago. I feel that there L"1f\I!1Il kn v-nrlnntinn in g-min`-inn : ;Ll|l. \'ll(|H. `full. Illh VUKQ,` Ill l'(lVUlll U] the umendm:'nt. making the tally 1"! I BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931 v~;n Three Clauses of Es"".'_v__'ie.s. _'3i Jhnaton endorsed the previous speaker and n timn In r-n-nr\m'nN\ the Barrie Branch of the Canmlizm Legion will stage the sc11.salioxm.l com- edy-drzuna. of the Am()I`iC21ll rookir. Corporal Eagen." IL is :1 l'0lll(.`1{ill,`2 comedy of rookie life and is u S(.'l`0dlll [frmn start Lo finish. Special .\I(_'L`llCl`) land costumes are beiifg shipped hon `by the 1Ji'oducing coinpmiy. ! The story of "Corporal Eugen" con- Hrcs around R/ed Eugen. an Irisl: I rlmiuhhnv nlnx-rrl luv l`n' (`.nnv~m I On '1`ucs(lay and Wcdnc-.sduy H` I I UL`) dl'UlHl(.l H/.`U EJ115011. 111! L11 ndoughboy. ])121)'(.(l by Dr. Gem |Bu1'ns. and his scrcamingly fun .buddy. Izzy Goldstoin, played by I IHughcs. A full list, 01' the 0:-:t<\n.'i cast appears in an ad\'01'Lise1m:nI page 1:! of this issue. The big laugh feature of the sh: is the awk\'ux'd squad, con1puscd lL(`gi0n men, playing the part. of vi;-, i {run nrm`-n rnnkirw nnri 4-uwv mu nrv ur-_.;1uu mun, }JlZlj'lll', ll1L' [)'.I|L U1 1' icon g1';en l`0()ki(`H. and vvvry one x; rays 11 partictllzw typv of <-hm'ucI( The -minstrcl is also :1 big: hit Deacon Jones acting as I11tm'ln.-c with all the s01div1'.s'. .<;ni1o1'.-4 um! : (:1101'u'es on the stage singing all 01d- time anny .s011gs with lour pr incm business men acting as and 1 nhQnl`IVD cnniu u'iH (11\ 1\|\ x-uh. lld\l,' `(I [.',ll\.`\2lllUL'. VVQ` ll?l\L' l(llll who are making an lmnost (-Hurt meet. their pa_\'111om.s. Things an- a bad way. F`zu'n1e1's are pcddlimg, H: m'oduct.~. away below the cost, of 1: duction." run. h.\..n..< -`Y Annw Hunlr u glf You Like Comedy, 7 See Corporal Eagen 2-REEL COME.DY----Sl~l|rL SNOOPS T0 C()vil\|J6i`.3ER" MICKEY MOUSE AND NEWS lI1l:llL UllNllH.'\.$ [HUI] Hflllllg 21.`? I Reserve seats will go on Nov. 30 at, Malt-,0m.~:on's oicc New Domiaamn Lam% 5% 1936 arW9h41 GORDDN STEVENSQN COMING EVENTS Plume 1H1u,huusc Wm ROSS BLOCK 2 I it nut _\`()Lll`L1ll1_\' In sL1lw.x` :1v;1il;1h1c invcsuncnt LET US H.~\T\'Dl..E \'(,)L` INSURANCE OF EVERY KIND .\(}E\(I\' (I.-\X.-\l)l.-\\ P.-\(IH*-`l(I !'\rl`ly UHL` |lUl |' ,- ('h:l1`:1cl(`1`. ` J hit. with :1 : v\| HUI ll.`k'l|l\H girl: mg all Lhr Ill CL'||' n Gzzorgu run. Coming-Constance Bennett in THE COMMON LAW" Uncertainty as to W Will be in Field for Mayor ' NOMINATIONS, NOV. 27 v:_Pr comsws FOR F ZREEVESHIPS . SEEM LIKELY! EORILLIA OPERA HOUSE: THURSDAY, DEC. 3RD: %/7/wuumjsm $1.50, $1.00. 75c A %crilu`wi1l1 :11] I`umi>`? J1\ ()Rlj)l}\ I llLll\_ |.I|I|I.l IIlll|lLl\`-MIL .m_\_uu . u . \\/'cd;\-'\\'um| 8: (In., l11:;`1;I|1.l~.\M1`_'. Hmzlrl pzlticrll. The Tea Plate given Thurs. and Fri. nights this week ALL MEN B.-\ R R 1 ti who I Last Showing Tonight of 24 HOURS" FREE ~~ FREE FREE Tonight (Thursday) is the Starting Night of our China Dinnerware |..\l)ll-.5, I31: .\lIl"|Z -\\\I) sl:r;I'Iel-; Il|I:~ l1l`\i llll !. Directed by ALFRED snmsu. A MARVELOUS PICTURE ' T - ' - SlDE-SPLlTTING COMEDY---HOWDY, MATES" KRAZY KAT, YELP WANTED", AND THE`. NEWS MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 P.M. Wm. JAMES DUNN LINDA WAYKINS \!|\H|1I1L`pi\'H1xc;Illl1v\l= lx`||:l1I | *.`.'iiI1Ii1uu|c;11c-1 ~crvcx1pg-1 \<:11;:|iI_`. ml .1 Thrilling Romantic \\`l1c1I thv nulli- nmlc i- :Hllil1- 11L->171 V I II `{`lVl |)il1|1L`l klCCiLlC\1 I,... 1..