@3317-DE }A FV`-'1'.lZT l`1CKLl~'D I ll`; l\lI`| EHHOULDERS of PORK SHUL'l.I`L}{ AND CHVCK _I3oAsTs of BEEF u.10c (RTI:WNT Q1 .-\RTFR SPRING LAMB H 17c VVi ClM`lCl7 Hl:FF __. 4;;-un h6uIdcL}JA . I an Jun 3%;-9 I- ,_.__--_-:__.4::. jSP._E.ClALS on Su at rimw I ,.., IL. ...- 4.... road. '1.eshe `Innis and MISS Isobel Innis of Port Curling and A Hnrvoy 0- Collmgwond called on Saturday at the home of W. A. Hanna. Vhp nnnnnl r)il`l\|l` nnd Ollllnk H1 IVI1U `I - 2`.-w --._ FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OT:LY __ *ITsPEc1AL.-- DELMONTE SLICED __.. SATURDA Y NIGHT 7 o'clock . '.h:T`!1\ IA\]'\' mu) C'I_U-RF.D 3II'YI13lIl Ivunanru : v ------ [1 \\'HllE k)l'ANT'lT Y lA\1" D " IIREAKFAST BACON MILD CURH3 THl.\'l.Y SI ICH) 15,, wmsns "[viinI:inl; T ll). [EL95!'{W.X ? name 01 W. I\. nnnxm. The nnnunl p`1('nh- nnd outing connrctmn with the Essa St. Pr-sb_v- tglan church Sunday School was held 0 Ttwsday in S1,. V'm('u~nt's Park. 11.-. I 1\lnl.nI\II nf Hilhrv and Mrs M166 INTRODUCTORY SPECIA L---CATELLI `S SUNSHINE BRAND Pofkand Beans 3 $1.356 21.; SPECIAL---'Iv"I'VI'?L`IVliIN S Delicious SPECIAL---BROOKFIELI) SPECIAL--vPERRlN Delicinus FIG WAFERS 19c CHEESEW FLUSHO TL- \lnrl.rn Per Tin on 'l'll(`S)' in am. V1n('l'n1 .\ ruin. Mrs. J. M*I.md of Hilhro and Priestly of Be-lmnnt rt-t`m'nod hnmo nn Thursday after 11 two wt-c-ks` V151! at thg home of Art. Lowe. Bradford St. mm nN.n. has DXn('('rl a lnrne boll 1 L4 kl U I 1 \I The Mndcrn Toilet Nrccuitv - \ " HAW E In` I-U1. I71 Shirriffk Pin A Iv'i'."iiM)\'i_fA'I3t ATTENTION! sonmu Cannon and Campus! All order! c' S. :_O or 232: 43c have a package on ham! ah "- Y>'1E}Xi'.'Ii1@1-Amzrxrs Im-ms my home 0! Art. Lowe. vrnmnrtl on. The C.N.-R. has plum-rl large gt the crosslmr on Ftssn S1,, which is run; by the gntvnmn mwh Limo {hr gate is lnwvrvrl nnd .~.1muld pmve n prnctlcnl surety prm~nution. Mr: GI-n Wilson rt-t.urm-(1 on OLIVES QUEEN Pineapple 1- AI\P' WI -IW0l.LY Wxrlm SPI;`CI,\I.-- Campbews TOMRTQ SOUP 2 15 Limit--K6 Tins to a Customer S}n`( r1 prucncm SiII(`Ly pI`I'('uuuun. Mrs. Ge-0. Wilson Thursday nmrnlmz from Cnllngwmd where nho hnd hecn vxsltimz her sister who undm`\-.'vnL. n vrilyicul operation for nmstuld. on Wc`dm'sdn_v. -The`C.N.R. ran 11 spr.-clnl mun oi eighteen com-has on Sunday from Toronto to the shrine nonr Midlrmd golmz via Orlllm, Atmul. Hxrve thous- and at,N`n(l:' on this 0('('ns\(sn. 'I"h- emlnnnlnnv nun-nr and rlivinn .-H). Pm kugt [U1 Thurnday. July 2, 1931 p-: l'R|.\\ |~ Soap Flakes Hi-."" 23 like or 2 Phgs. 29. gilwlc lnu |vu.\ .1 Mr. and Mrs. `on of '1`urm1Lo ' _}0u<`her's on H Mrs. P(\uchor 1 Nlshvllle and Vk LI---nu \l7iHn Ana atu`n(1!'(I nu nus m`(`n:~uIu. The swlmmlmz L(n.vm' and diving: board malntalnvd by the Kiwanis Club and Y.M.C.A. jnmt.l,\'. ut, Lhv Allnn dllc whnrt ls nn 4-xo'edlmzl_v busy plane during lhis hot weather. `Mr and Mrs; '1` W I.it.t.1x w<~n~ in plane aurmg Inns HUI wcuuul. Mr. and Mrs. '1`. W. I.it.t.1e were Toronto for :1 few days lust, wvek. Miss Evelyn Tnyl(n' of San Diego. CM. and Graham Cnultor of Tnrnmn. returned with mom for a short visit. here. `Ar and }\Av~< F`rnn\x Th\hl`I`t< and Wltn Lm`m 101` R Minn nml. m-u-. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robvrts and Mtl grrandsun M Whit.b_v nnd Harry. Junes and MISS Duns R0b('x't.s of Tor- Qntu we-re wN'k(-nu \'lSHOT`S with Mr A-`A Mr: I In Duh:-rt-< Tifflvu R0 Qmu wwok Ind Mrs. J W \lv- and \.l v-L `RT: `L `-_Lnrge. fibre suit cases only $2.25 `at mm. 27b _--Shop at Hill's Shoe Store, the molest place in town. 27b Miss A. Garsld-e of Toronto spent Qunduy at her home here. "Mrs. W. Culross has been in poor heplth for the past. few weeks. _Mlss Ethel Ga:-side is spending a week camping at. Blur Wutor bonch. Mrs. T. McMm-rnn of 'I`oront.o is the fueat. of Mrs. E. Whitebroad this week. The re-union of the Slbbald family `us held on Wednesday at I.m'er`s Creek. km. mmm:-r trains. wln('h we-nt on lVI.`ll\lll! llllu vvux Herman Wilton on Tuesday night : latives here His s maining for a I 'nrn'r\r1nnrr-nt R Mr ( I`rlbum*. Pocntollo. Idaho. June 25` T. A. Mccabe, fanxlllarly knmvn as Tom to his frionds and acquR`1ntm\m`:~'. his reoeivr-d notice of his renrexm-nt as conductor from the Orogmx Short Line. having celebrated his .wvm1t`u\th blrLl)da_\' on June 1'.` and m Octubm would lxnw been m L'unt`mu0u.\ awr- vlce smco Octobvr 9. 1888. and will complete 1! at the end of me month -Rm-n m Allmxdnln Onmrm Canada. mnlnnlu nu u 1 rindpnrerxts, Mr I-nrk Rf .U \\l'Il' \Ib|\-RH.` Ill \.'una. the l\u1idn_\`. Mr. and and fmnlly were in Woudbrdge on Sunday Hon rmurnod to Toronto lgm after a visit with to son. Elbndgc. 15 n-- few days with his Mr. and Mrs. C. Goring. nvuu \|hlIUI.\ vxuu AVLI . R.nlwrt_<. Tiffm St. . A. W. Applegalh and \\'(`I'(` vnsitors at Chas, .1 r,....u.. ......... ronto was in town last. week. Mrs. W. 'W. Carson and Miss Eliza Wood of Toronto visited Mrs. John Matthews last. week. -u.- mm M D. Mrmridp and! {am- ! u-rn-mu... June 30---John Cllthbft-90 of To- in town last week. u.-. w w (`.nI~. and Miss Eliza Mntythefws Inst. WPCK. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mdliride and! fam- ily of Orlllia spent. the weekend at. M. Wooda.rd`s. Mr. and Mrs. John Woolsey nf An~ g-us spent. Monday with Mrs. C. Sealer. Much sympathy Is extended to Alezx. Pridihnm `m the loss of his wile and the Misses `R,a_\'mer in the 1055 0! their slstm: I'\__AI_ _. -1.... A n..a.I|...... nrvuuu un nu... ... -.._....._. Mrs. Alexander Hrldham dled on June 25. 1931. from peritonitis. The deceased. though able to atland to her hmm-hold duties. had not, been In good` health for some years, but the lllnvss which ended fatally was only of 36 hours` dlll`. -..0ll. The funeral was held on June 241 to (hr Me-Imonltr (`hurrh and Staynm` r'mnNm'_v. lloxz N. H. Sclnrnlm and RM". W. Ynlc-s took the .s1*r\'lros and the pall~bc-nrors Wfl`f`1 Renhe-n~ Lageer. John McArt.hnr. Jnn. Qmxxnlxoll. Thos. Armstrong. Wright Bell and Thos. Rnuv ru it n Bowman. Deeeased was born in Vvhltehureh township. and when she was four _\'ear.~. old her family moved to Sun- nldale. where she resided 45 years On October 1, 1912. she mn.rricd Mex. Prldimm. After Hvmg on the n\nl.h llne nf Slnmidnle for {Ive years they moved to Slnyner which has been their home rm` lrhn-teen years. She is sur\'1ved by her husband; three 515- lers. Mrs.W11merSider. Mm-aes Annie and` imnsa R.m'xner. all of Smyner. and one brother. F.h_mh, M Sunnidale. tionnl crews. '--Growlng girl's sport shoes. $2 95 Ind 83.45 at Hill's Shoe Shop. the family bonter,\"'. 27!) Roy Semmens nf Tm-onto spent. the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Steph- nson. Tirhn st. up and Mrs C W P0m`hr'r smut \\'Nh H91` lTl(\Ull"I' Ill-' Uulpnu, Mr and Mrs. Mmler, Toronto, are hnlidnyimz at. F R. Arnold`s.' mm M.-rnnnnm nu .~a'nf-ndhm a week MFA W` l nn.nung hpru with her mother at: Utopia, up nnrl Mru Mnxlnr Tm hnlldaynmz at r` rt. Arnmu :4. Wm. M("Donn1d 1:4 s'ps-ndlng wnm km duughla-r in Sudbury (`mum-ntlulntlnrls to M1`. and NITS. LN` duughlm` In mlnmlry (`nngmtu1at|or1s to Hunting mxitlw arrival ol :1 son Mr nnd Mrs ~Bukor and family (m.jlw m`r1\'aI (bl sun Mr. and Mrs. ~Bn.krr spent Stmdny with 'I`nmmo h'irnd;<. Mrs, J. T. Jvnnml. Barrio. spent a day mm work with Mrs R. H. Jenn;-tt rm.-1.... Punhrio has mie.-Ml his `lmrn mm \X'N`K wlm Mrs n. n. .u-mu-u Eldon Guthrir has raisocl md 15 putting in a cement. founda- Linn. u.. nmr Mr: .1 'M1Hm-..Bs\rrl`. 4})!` nt ww-k ml.- work Mr. and Mrs. T`hmnps(\n Jmmolt and frmnds spent Sunday up the Mus~ koka lakes. an mm Mr< 1? Harris attended the koka lakes. Mr and Mrs. R Harrls attended wnddmz of tho lnHc`r's ms-re, Miss Pridhnm. revmutly In Sunnidnle. 1\.I.- m-ml Mr: F`.lu'r\n(I MPOl|R\' and Pridhmn. r9vmm_v In unnmme-. Mr` and Mrs. Elwood Mr~Qua_v two children and Mrs. Kohl and son `vl Fjlmim are vi.<;iting friends here Km` 11 \\'(*('k. A .....hm- frnvu hnrn nHf`l1('h"d the onson. 'l`IInn 5!-. Mr and Mrs. C. I` few days with their dauglntor In Nashville (ms week. Mr. and Mrs Art. Lowe were in Toronto nn Snt.urdn_v attending me` wedding of a niece. mum-9.`: Pnim. beach was thronged (or \\'(`(`K. A number {rum hero 5 zarde-n pnrtlvs :11 Holly a last. Wvd`m'sd`n_v (Wvning , rmjv plru.\nnt tinw. TMnHhn\l' Lnwrin, who pl:-u.xnm tune. Mntth-.=w Lowrin. has been in South Arm'ri<*n working fur the Gand- _vc-nr Rubber IC(\.. has returned home looking halo and hem't_v. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Jennmt, and Hnlo dmuzhtor of Wtxaton spent the weekend with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs R. H. Jennott. A .......nna nr Hm W A n! tho An- Mr. and Mrs kc. 1-1. .H=mu-n. A meeting of the WA 0! the An- glican church was held at the home of Mrs, 5. Elliott on Thursday. with 15 xnvmbors tmd throw visitors pro- uu Tun vv\nn\`\nI`; H. xuyht crnnd; H` 1:1 xnnnmers lulu Inn-r xmuux: pur- aunt. Tm` nwml)<`rs brught goods tt` make a quilt for tlmlr misslnn bale Next n1P(`lll1( will be held` at the mum` of Mrs. I F`. Lennox when Mrs Harry Bantlng will take the `Bible vending. The hostess served a very clnlnty lunch and n soclal hour was apenl by all Miss Ida Mcm-anv is homebtrom Gorn1`m,v for the hohdays. an... `I-'I\ffv\\::v\ nv Nam nnfnrin K uarnm-y wr me uuuuuya. Mrs Hoffman of New Ontario is \'1situ\; hrr parsmts. Mr. and Mrs. Jno Pickering run In: ti vmian nf Dnrrv Rusk \ll"l'Jr r'l(`K(`rlIlg. Mrs. Jas. B. Povers of Party. Sa.sk.. who came east to attend her sister's huwral. is renexring acquaintance. Sh reports rather unfavorable crop pmspn:-ts 1n the Wvst. with :1 good l0(`k-up at Wnsnga Bmvlx. North Sunmdale now has practlrtally all the (`omforls and con- wxxlvxxces of c1\'il1zat.ion. Pla _vNl at Airli In? "N`InU{'l'5 Ul IHC kIU\\'6 \.vU|' ners Dramatic Club added fresh laur-:15 to (hmr already profusely derornted brows when on Thursday last they _I0urneyed to the pictur- c-squo hamlet of Ajrlie and there. un- der the auspices of the Umted church .1 .x.... .1... ......,....;....a n..n`..-i.\ Mrs F`. Emott is sun \'e>r_v 111. John Dans LS busy shlngliug mm. Mrs W. (` Banting `spent. Monday nan. hnr mnchar -L Umnin Creek. The summer trains. fhls week. glve work for eight saddl- ._amu-Ina um`: snort | Iunuu. Death of Mrs. A. Prldhnm .-. ` , .1... NORTHEUNNIDALE and` Mrs. J. Miller. Barrio. it day with friends hare Inst STAYNER -1... I` 1.1.... - nttvndod ' and Bradvn's I and spent a dllllf 4 haying cations crop. RM` rop. Rev. Dr. Marks of Elmvale and Rev: James K. Wrst of St. Andrew : exchanged pulptts on Sunruty. Mic: Lmm. nnnonn M Cnlnnawood exchanged DIIIDIIS on aunrmy. Miss Louise Ganton of Comngwood is visiting Mrs. M. Ganton. MI-.c hnrnihv Rnmhh khuderanrb \ |S|I|l\R Ml'S. M. \_tE|l`l(0l]. Miss Dorothy Rumble. kindergart- en teacher in Toronm. is holld-aylnpz at hor home here. llrt I` \l7nl|(nr Al TYnh\n\'|nP IS at nor nomc nerr. Mrs. C. Walker of Unlonvllle Ls sprndlng some tlmo with her moth- er. Mrs. Gen. Howe, who is on th sir-k list` unnn nn|\Hc Irrnfn nn H1! Wh- or Minetfs Point. beach with bathe-rs of all ages and sizes on Wednesday afternoon. B'erg-L 'I`m`kt-r of Camp Bordrn L~ re rted to ho thr ncw bandmastor fonxe Allandnio hand. r. and Mrs. A Honey and family 0! Toronto v\'m`e mwsts at the home of Prlnk Dnbson on the hulid'a_v. yuan. rlnnran `R Trngk .f (`,h|s~ Fm:-on pupils wrote on the En- Hanz- hvrn lnslv wvek. Eight were from Hlllsdalo s"hool. F. Clulv has svnt, in his resigna- llrm as tmclwn for the senior room here. having ncocptrd the senior mum at, his home m Wyemlc-. The villag- ers arr` sorry to 1050 Frank as he has made many friends here and al- xmyz has mkvn n dc-olrled interest. In the Sunday School nnd Trml Rangers or wh`u-h he was captain. Dun:-Inn 1-'1.-l:\I': nwnv worn Mr, and whu-h he (`apmln Sunday v;sat,nrs away were Mr. and Mrs. P`. F` Mc-Clung and Miss. lrrd- inn at. H McC1ung's, Vasoy; Mr. and Mrs. W Rmwnl and Miss Elsie. with Midland fl`l`l\dS. Mr. and Mrs. Roy lmmta1n and hub)". nt. Nowmarket; Mr nnd Mrs 090. Fagnn. Elwnozu-r. um... hnrn rnrpv Hm week!-nd` Mrs um. rmmn. l!aUI`ll("ll'I. VlSlt'.\!`.\ here over the Mr. and Mrs Gm. Rumble, Mr. and Mrs. lmnro Rumble and son Bobby. at J. C Rumb`.o's; C. Walker, Mrs Brawn of Unltmvnle and Edith liowr of Toronto at (hm. Hou'e'.~.. C}m`dm1 Rnwnt. of Mimsxlxg. at. his home here. n... .-m.... cvrnnts we-re num- Our village streets were quite (-rmvderl Thtlrsday evening of last week when two mm gnnn-s were played at the park. The juniors won from the boys of Waverley by 4-0 Moonstone temn [ht-n played a friend- l_v game \|'|th the regulars but were defeated 1945. Slrw-.1 Lights Turned On At 9.30 'I`hursdn3' night, Mrs. KH- bnnk. the oldest. resident M Hms~[ dnlo. who is nlnet_vs1x years M age. walked to the cnrner rmrl demanded mm the street lights be turned on t.. utm.u...1.. T`hn Imhts are {-1 dc lhnl mo .KIl`l`H 113,111.` ur nun... `Flu ln lllllsd-nlc-l The lights dc. cidt-d improve-nwnt mm the majority v! rM0pn_\"rs foe-l ll. ls. nmncy well ape-nt. I)nn(-lug was afterwards held In the hall ml 130. Proceeds in to buylmz sweaters for the ball (mm. School Report (or lllllsdalc School Senior` Room Jr IV to S1`. l'V-~-Lloycl Mum H. Dorms F1 1!. Harold Dunn I . Janu-s Frnwlvxv P. Harry Ne-llc-s FL. Sr PD in Jr. IV-~Eun'1('e Fnrngher H, Palnck F`rnwle_\' H. Joan }{m\'(- P. Vlnlot M4-Lt-od P, Margaret Morrlson Junior ruxun Jr. III to Sr. I1I-~JE1mn Gsmton H, Marlon Mmo H. Ruddy Stark H. Charles Bvnm-t.t. H. Irene McCorm- l('k H. Mnrle MCI end H. James Craig H. Donald Rumble P. Edna Corlett D Nclles P. Jr. 1'! to Sr. II-Jean Ganton H. Gordon Craig H. Grace Howe P. El- wood McLaughlin P. Fred Dunn, ab- sent through illness. R. Jr. I to Sr. Ir-=Clemcnt, Lesper- mice H. Roy Hill P. Billy Mino R. Sr Pr. to Jr. I---Donnh Howe H. Laurino McCliiiton H. Clarence Mc- Laughlin H. Douglas Dawes P. llillsdnlr Trims Elmvnle On Saturday evening Hillsdale ball team joiiriieycd over to Elmvale to play oil with Wyecliffe church league team. Imagine the surprise of the kid lieiders when they saw lhe` bi'at.ler_v. 2nd and 3rd basemen of -Mielhurst team who were up in the finals last year in readiness to assist the church team. Alter a lit- tle discussion Hillsdale bravely went, to bat. Elliott. McLeod, Holmes and Scott, all under fifteen years of age. =haking in their shoes. Howe\'er, they certainly played the game. trim- ming up the Midhurst four and Elm- vale five by 8-5. the best. game of the S`.`RS(`.ll. Dunn pitched good ball and had excellent support in the field and on the bases Elmvale claims l-lillsdale playcd two Barrie men but we caiiiint pick them out. Harold Rumble. after finishing his public scliool training here got his high scliooliiig ill Barrie The past two } `Ell`S he has attended Toronto Uni- r-.~i-sity but we feel sure Harold still "llllls Hillsda'e his home town. The next game will be played on Hills- dale riianiond. Tuesday eveiiirig when the United church team of Elmvale xu....uim- Hillsdale will FIR I1! ..i,..v. P. Sr. [1 to Jr` tlI~G9rtrude Wile)" H, Torrcnce Bennett. H. Lorne Mc- Laughlin H. Agnes Marlin P. Lloyd I. n fn szr n--.Ienn Gannon HILLSDALE ` 21% -'I'he farmers have started in the nclghbnrhood. Indi- ; appear to be for 9. bumper Prlnk Dnbson inc nmIuu_\. Judge Ckmrgn K 'I`rn.~`k hblm. Mxnm~.~aotu, Ls visiting his bro~ thezr. Joseph Tmsk, )f Allundnlv. .vu1|. H:-rim-r and Miss Doris Mm~1o_\' Junior Room 0.. up I'Y1'..JII'h1 recently. Mrs. L. Spence visited friends at. Big Bay Point. over the weekend. n-........ \1..r).\.mn\ nf r`.nn1n Rnrrlnn law-nwnuv - Jung 29-~-Mr.s. M. Cochnne of Tor- onto visited with Midhnrst friends recently. `Mr: I. Rlwnmh visited Dig lJll_V rvun Inrn \l|\_ ..\......... Harry McGowan of Camp Borden spent. the weekend at F`. W`allwm's. Miss Mary Mills. who has been 0n the sick list, is able tn be out again. x... 1... .. ....4 ...~.\.,a L1o_vdLown. Strawberry picking seexns to be- the ocvupation these days and a good crop 15 reported. um n nnurm has returned home llle 3l\`l\ IIDL, A: nulr Li: I)`. \I\Av ..,...... Mrs. Wesley Trnvy has rt`t.m'ned home after spending a week at Lloydlown. mmmha-rru nu-km: seexns reporu-n. Mrs. D. Calrm has I am-r spending some months frlc-nds tn Scot.laml. \:.-0 InIIn~\' in nanln hnmo lrlcnns In :scm.mnu. Mrs. Lowry is again home nftor spending smm` mom hs W1! 11 her d'nughlm' In London. Mr and Mrs. E. Snenrr M Ham- dmlghlvr In lmnnon. Mr. and Mrs. Spenro Hlnn xvm-9 visitors of ms mother, M1. '1`. Spvnre, over the wmrkond. Mrs Jns Lnwre-\' hm; rvturnnd hmuo T. Spence. lm` \|'(`(.`Kl`ll(1. Mrs. J05. Lnwre-_v nfter spending some time \vn.h hm` daughtrr at Hmdon and m.hr-r trlcrnds. \:.- Innna nf Hamnllnn whn U'l\\ t.h_er. Joseph 'I`msK, >1 mllumn-. 'Ls1le Hedger and 0! Toronto we're visltnrs M the home- of James Hodgt-r on Wvtlm-sday. Irh. umrlrnmr of Mr W. M<`Ln(`h- U'l.'HH.\. Mr Jones of Hmmllnn. whu nu Sunnis Motor Camp, has npmmd H munnwr trade. He has an addmm tour huts mm. own nnhlm nrhnu] Ienvlu-rs | I0!` me sumnu-r nmumya. Tm` lnying of mo vonwnl ml high- \my 26 was r-nxnplmvd Inst. Snllmlny at. noon. It, will be llwm` weeks he f(1l'(` it` mm lw nponml for lrnfllt`. 'I`m- United 'hun'h mm nwnl, :.upA per and plny held In the l0\l'n.\hlp hall 1.\l F`ndny (waning was 11 rlm'nI~ N1 .\:m-ass. A go-cvd nltmulunco In nu u\r.h<. A/-I tour huls The two public school N`m`lu'rs, Oh!- Mlsses M. Mtslrle and Eurig. Imvv rolurnrd Ln t,h<-tr r<\spe<-tlvc homes for the sumnu-r holidays. rm... `AI-Inrv nf lhn .-mn--nt cm hmh- pm`H`(l. Mr and Mrs .1. H Martin ln0Iul`(`(l lo 'l`m~0m.o mm. we-vkmd. l`hw hmuuht back with lhnm Mr. and Mrs. J. l<`rn.~ or of Birch Clm` In spt-nd mnno huh- days with them. Mlneaing Station (.1109 Club, undou- Lhr lmidership of WC Mlllvr, mm-r- lmnod the 7l.h llno to a lm.~u-lmll gnnw. Friday c-venmg. Aft:-1' Hw gmm, HID- pvr was served down an 1h park. Eh vrynnv hnd Ix gnarl mhw. On Wt-dm-::dn_\'_ Juno `.34. Bnrrw Pm! No. 147. t`ntortnInvd t.hr- Amorlvun flmzlun of Tnrnnm M Spr'1ngwutm' Park. The lmys lndulgml In husn-`hull nnd mlwr gnnws. Em-I1 buddy PlIjU_\'- ed hims:-lr hnmonsc-h'. T`hn an-h...\u urn 4-lm.-4-rl l`hr- H~m`h- ru Mu \` port (`(1. Klr n (`(1 lllnlst-Ix llnIlM'I)5t`l)'. The s(`lm0I.s are (`10>'('d. The In-m-h~ rs hm`? returned to their r(`;.p0(`1.1\'o hmncs. The children \\'lH he nblu to mam mnnng Ihr` trc-rs and flowers; nnd llw lhnt npvn life whlrh 1: mm nwnns of brlngln_L: up such IINIHII)` (`hildrvn in llw (`0unt.r_v Rev. A. R. Holdm condm-rod wr- \'l(-os In St. Pnu1`s last Sunday Ml:-r~ noon Thorn will be no service HPXI Sunday owing to the Orange sorvivn an Ohn Hnltnd. rhurrh 'ThN'P will I)!` suncmv owing I0 uw urmlgr 311'] vu :- In tho United church Thorn will sorvlct-. at 3 (Vclnck, July 12. Hnly Communion WIH bv n(l||nrn.4tm'(-(I ~ . -. - ..-.. n..n ux-uuuu...\... -.... .,. ..... On Sunday. July 5. L.O.L., 3112. are holding service Ill the Unilml church. Midhurst, nt. 3.30 pm. c by Rev F . G. Smtv.k')ur_\'. plutor It. is the lntr-ntlml of tho lndgn to lmvo their new bamwr df`dl(`ll'lI`(1 A hearty ln\'ltatl Ls c.-xteudod In nll lodges. Members W111 nssemblo in tlw` hall at 2.45 p.m.. thou parade to tlw churvh. All are Invited to attend and help thls young lodge to make lt a banner day. New |...0.L. Banner Unfurled The members 0! LOL. .'lll2 outer- tamed their families and friends. last Thursday evenm-g in the hall. About `4e\'(`nl_\' gathered togvtlwr to do jus- tiro tn the sumptuous ~upper that had been prrparod to satisfy their appe- filrlc m.vs. The e\'c-nlng was apt-nt in card:. games and crockinole. Br.-ton going down to supper. J. H. Martin, who is worshipful n1a.~'tvr. gave n very micr- instmg talk about Orm1go`Lsm. Hr ex- plainc-d to the audience how and when the lodge was formed. Only or- ganized a year last. May. he wont. 'm to tell them how they carried a prim- AH hnunusr Inc! soar in Rarria If '33 LO tell Lnem now Lney Cunt:-u u plllll` ed banner last. year in Barrie. It, was decided rlght, then that the next time the lodge marched they would carry Fl banner that would be second to none. Every` member entered lnto this scheme full of the spirlt that makes for success. Dances and SOClRl$ were given and a play was orgnnlzcd. with the result that the svhemv was 2! suc- r~+:ss. Mr. Martin asked hls audxmwe to luck at their new banner. as Brm. uy r\.-um. and I Qnanmn nnfnrlnrl it ` of James Hmgt-r W'(ln('.\uu_\'. The weddmg of Mr. llh and Miss Rosulc-m Snndford tobk place on -Monday in Toronto. 1-` J 11 Nnrmnn vc-N-run diSDRI~(`h(`I'. (0 IOOK at Inelr nvw Damn-r, '1.~ onus. W. Orser and L. Spence unfurled '11. At. this Lime there was a large ap-1 plaud from the audience A large a- ` mount` of pmisv was given to the! members 3! the play "L1zhthIm. Nan." especially to the ladies that had taken part. In it; also to Mr. and, Mr: D Rnnm-v and son who had I mlT!10 YS '3! Int` ]J|'d) L:IKl|ll|'u.\r' in and Mrs` D. Bonncy and son, who furnL<.hed the musxc betwwt-11 act; and ` R Coutts. who gave some of ms read- ings. Tho nnnnkar than HSkPd the follow- 1 mmxunsf rnunnnnxunnn _ .. i.. ` MAPLE LEAF SPECIAL f, az`onz'd' BAKING POWDER :;;Lwr-seac.:e; NEW Sr-..-\ FRO_'~.'T Ql`.-KRTFR gjznnng IAQSI jT1 tobk place -Mommy In mnmu-. 1-`. J. 1). Norman. d'1spnt`(`lw1'. of C.N.R.. ronrod on penskm. June 30 ter being over nay _\-oars on the road. ' `Lunhn `mum and Muss