One cent :1 word. cash. each insertion. (minimum charge. 25c). rive insertion: for the m`ir`.o of four. 10c extra whmx ` chmrznd: also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office.` . ,,T__;| | ALLANDNLE A1}"I`O WR.ECKERS- I Good used parts for sale. 3 Gowan S1,. Allandale. 26b _?________,_____:_.______._. GOOD COOK STOVE FOR SALE~- In fir.' condition. Apply 198 `Ru-nrlfnrd. r:h'r~r\l 25D LINOLEUM `RUG (FOR sALLb;-q yns. square. Pmcticallv new. Anplv to R. Hockridxzc. 39 McDonald St. 26p LINOLEUM `RUG {FOR SALF:-4 .Vd$. ennnrn Prnr~Hr~nl1v now. ADDIV FOR SA-LE-~-Ri::ht-hand high oven Mcclmiv new rmme. in good condi- tion. H. Armstrong. 15 Borczy S1,. 261) p_ __ I-{AYRAGKS FOR SALE--AdilI:a!:1hlt: racks and flat, ravks. Also wheelbar- rnwx A J MnArlh!1I`,Edn.1`. 25-261) , _____ ' ; Phone 232 p ; Prompt service ; and flat, racks. Also wnoemzu'- A. J. McArlhur. Edttar. MORTGAGE SALE FOR sim-: FARM LA1DOR:F.R. WANT-ED--Must, be familiar with fm`mlnL'. Applv Hen- ry Pn(:km'd. Shanty Bay. 26p ` K oak slclcuoam. $27.00. Telcphrmc 26]) TSY-l4l\'W NU. lll)D Notion is hereby given that :1 B.v- law was m.<.'scd= by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoc on the 16th day of June. 1931. provid- ing for the zzuzwmitocinyz of nzxvxnont. by the County of `Simcoc of the do- benturcs or the Town of Pcnct:uw_11i- shone to the zmmount. of $6.000.0()_ to pay for the cost of installation of mm" water-xnain.~: and watL-1'-works c:o1mec- tions. in the Town 01' Pen('ta11g11isl1(`iie. and such By-h1\\' was re::lst<`r(*(l in tho R.cL:istrs' Office for the ROLri.s't1'_\' Divi- .=.ion of tho Conntv of Simcoo on th(` rcmzxstry Umxco or me no;:1.s'tx'_\' uln- sion of the County of 32nd dnv of June. 1931. Any motion to qllaslx or set. :1.~tidv tho cmrm m- nnv nnrl Hwrr-of mu:~'.l A4110 (HIV ()1 JLIIIL`. U-J1. the smno or any part than-01'. be made within tlmre months the fivsl. pubIir'nt.im1 of this n and cmmot` be made l.h0rv:1ft Tmfr-d T .-1th rinv nf Juno 1931 and cannot DC Imlde x.norv:uu:1'. Dzmtod. 24th day of June. 1931. 'Z6<'l8b J. '1" SIWIPSON. Counlv C1erl~:. County of Simom-, NOTICE OF 'R:E`CrFS'1"RA'I`ION OF BY-LA~W NO. 1765 Man.-,. in hnrnhv uivnn mm at me- NOTICE OF` REGI-STR.A'I'ION O1" BY-LA W -NO. 1766 1\TnHr~:- iq l\r\r1~hv nivnw Hun :\ `Rm- Uh (HIV (`X -Jl1I`.(`. T '1' SIMPSA Clerk. Ccumy c ZLNIU nlusl after nntitw I NOTIC -E OF REGIvS'I`RA>'I`ION OF BY-I,AW `N0. 1774 Nntict` is lwr(3bV gzivcn that. :1 TB)`- law was xnawtd` bv the C0llY`|('il of (hr Corporminn of the Cuunty of Sin1r,or~ nn H10 lfh (luv 41!` .I|m- `I931 m'n\`ifl- YOUNG C`rI R.l. WANTED to help with hnuscv/m'k. Apnlv 266 Elizabeth St. b C01'1)orz\t.1(m 01 the Cuunty of 51111009 on 1111- 19:11 dnv of .I11nL-$1931. 1)1'nvk1- 111;: for the uu111`:111tcr~inn of p:1_vmox11. bv t.h1\ Cmmiv of Simcoc of the dc- be11L111'cs of the Town or Barrie to tho :u11m111t: of $21.0no.nn. to pzm_v for the cost or c111111;in~2- 1111 Barrie Hydro- Eloctric Svstcn1 from 11 two-phase sys- L1`n1 to :1 1111`:-4:-x1l1:1sv svslem :1nd to rl-1:fr:1\' the cost of nddi11on:11 Lr:1ns- fnrmo '. 1111-tor o1111immmt. and 111-1 nec- oss:11'_v .="1)o1-ial c0nSt1`l1cli011. material and 1211301` m~r`dr`d. for such plxrnoso. and also 1m1t4c1'i111 and` labor 11er:cssa1`_v for tho r)1`i1n:1rv cxlo11si1)n of the light- inyr .\'vstnn1 in th(- Town of B:11'1`1(`. and 511011 By-law was 1'(.`1:"1:;to1'(`d 111 Reg.-1st1'\' Of.1'i('1~ `M1 H10 R0:zi:;l1'_v Divi- sion M 1111` `CnL111ly of Si1nc01.- on the `)."nrI H-.n' nf Juno Hlfll tin (lav G1 Jullf`. 19.11. J T. SIMPSON Clerk. County cf Suncce-. THE BARRIE E T.:,_...-,._-.._:-________ C44::l\`/eniures of 5` II .p__ PETQ_2 GARAGEI -.... . ........ .5 FREE A II S/ER VICE TR LI l)a.)' phuur 80. : LICENSED CHIROPRACTORS Agents for IONA:-TONE Electro Magnetic Belt Free i)c111a~n>`I1`.mm.1< (mics nr H.-mo GEO. R. & E. A. - 1_c1;3_uro:.X}.. ALLAN DALE FEMALE HELP WA'N'I'ED--Women In do plain .s'<-wim: at. home. Good pay. Sewing machine 11o(:oss:lx`y. I..afayc-tte Corporation. 353 St. Nicholas SL. Montreal. 26-271) I BURNS 4x :5 (uh: Elizuha 1; LOCAL NEWS J C/\R>DS or 'rH7ANKs * IN M1-: MoR1AM BORN DIED`- Hw R/gwnl Vlrtnrin x'ri<~. nu W(`dll(":d1V. in T\/II` nnrl R/lru 7.110 Hy v: hllnww - holding their ho Public I.ih~ A c..u..\..I.\...d Thursday, Juno 25, 1931 _ |lll>lUl. Ill- pm`tir'ul.'4r. M nvxt wock.) Fresh Air - Fresh Foods This is picnic time kl1)\\ .\ that ihc Me: the \\'n,u1.\ HI'H|1 ll licinlls, plnrc l'umi\ picnic or \\'hcIhvr_\ can have thc Hm-.~ the |1C1lI'L`.\I S111\L'1'iw your .\CI'ViCC. III!-W rrwi I E'iiii 1`:`i%i1i 1 ?i)3 Pkgs. Z51: LUX 3 Pkgs. 25c ARcHiPIgs.19c (irnuilw .\`|inn(~ 'l':Ipiw;n '3 nl: -- Whiz Fly l"mn:- R-01.. xi /1` I. -r Red or \\'hi|:- I':l\')' .l;u' Rim;-\, .. plcus, '35`..- I'.\IH)\\'AX |u'r pkg. Hr ('l'ZlK,'l'(). "Fnr .l:IIns uml .lt'l|ia--~" |.4.llI.- "'|v CHOICE GOLDl:N WAX BEANS 223'} 296 ADLET COLUMN CROSSE & B|-.ACKWELL S BRANSTON PICKLES per bottle 23: WELL-Ml_\DE, W[:)l(,Ll|'l' nnooms each 396 Tw. cHEEMANT F. w. DOBSON DI .... .. 5-(K/1 -_E.'i2"1#IvTs"13TY SWEET MIXED . P`..CK.`-E5. I ING[iRSO.LL LIREAI`/I CHEESE ` .\'p|I*.ul~. Illar Imlu-I" EELL THE BEST FOR ugss %'s T--A-each 25c OXYDOL OR CHIPS() large pkg. 21c A I nLL.4n.4r./ famiry jar 45c KEEN S MUSTARD HELP W/\N'I:7) P. KEARNS I-'Rlil?. ma;I.-1v1-;RY TO ANY Phone 12 PART or Tm; TOWN c_ `c":"i1'{J}35 xi. E. `133i'E"mAM Plmnnn 164 1 . P:c;n-e Eg- n \.ao snug`... Phone 145 READY MIXED CAjKl5'. smiow EGG-0 FINEST PINK Smail 9c Tall 14:: ?;i'}Ii;gLL 23 .___ FOR SAILE--~A good` Mason 1, Rlsch upright, piano. Cheap. 36 High St, 2611 .Vl inn H \II. per pkg. n -.4;_4-.4-. - Phone 164 `V o A;\./,4. -.4 Phone 854 l-| |lIv\l `VI . \\'hclhcr I picknickcr xlnl muting` in |..1..| 1.. Page Thirteen -"i1mL-\~ I` \"u .':ll1in;; FOR. SAIJE---Black oak sideboard. Inrrm nlntru mlrrnr $27.00. Telcnhrmc r'(_m. tmur;--umcx lame Dlmc mirror. 987.