- nu-n.u... Avnxnnvi./In ..., 11"/\.M.~--"T`i-IE MAN 01-` so ROVVS 3 RM. -~- I?-FBI.-E -,.CIi`O .)L '7-Hl'.M.---"'I`H*OMA`S. rm Mun Wh' K)nn.nnn-I I`|\1'nn; f'\n " iilnui |:!l.I. Ill` \\:l.`& lIml'l`ll`(i I.) .\`l].`a'.S' bill-'\ imiilrr I3nri`. <-. on Aiiulisi 3, 1915,` jnnd tnvk up 1`vs'dL*m-(2 hr-1'0. For thir- }l,or~n _\'`2H`S hv \\'.|S (`i`l1])10_\'(`(i in tho Cli1'.l(Hi1 Naxtirnul ShCD:~`. ILL Alluntluic :1: :1 boilm'mnkm's' helper and was a !n1c`mi)m` of mhc Brotherhood of Boiler- inakors. He mm an Anglican in reli- jzion. and :1 nwmbm` of Trinit_v<.choir. j H:~ is surviv:-cl by his \\ if<.- and thnrz`. !<`hi1drcn. Iditli. 2I`.`.(`fi 13, Juan. II). and j Billie 8: l)(`Si(1(`~' his pmoxits. Lwo sisi.ms {and um l)1'ot.m'i`.< in Emzfzuui and it `sistt-1`. .\'i1`.~'..1\. Bull -1`. `M111r`:\.~;t<`L' St. "mm r....,....,1 |r,.l.l . .Fr`L. `A\'\\lAl:.; a sunny .`L'l\.('L all, UK` HUUSL` 21L 2 u`;-lock. \\'itl\ Rm . A. R. Br'\'crlc_v con. lductinpr. InLm'mvnt was in Barrie Union .Cmnote1;\`. I`h9 palll:cm'ox's \\'ex'c Earl ; Ll7l1;". I-Ivnry Smith. Thomas Jolmswton. `Angus K`.`lK. Bert Allen and Jack Wil- ` am. Floral trIl_r1lv< ln~lu(lvzl those ; lmm the Bmthcrlmocl of B0ilcrmuke1'.< `unrl l"v~ininv nh xi.- ;nu,'u.\ l\.Ll. J mm. gfrnm Bm and 'I`1`inity ( REV. \\'ll.l.l.\ M \\'ll.S`()N (ll.-\\\' W W Wl_L*K|E'MS w 9[m}e- /zzzf SHOES Come in and see the dainty new models . . available in widths lrom AAA to EE . . in sizes From I to r . . .v ...-. -u .:-Lu. nun: l Lv 12. We can Fit any Foot and gum- \f\L.'\/\ ..L-..|..L- [__L __,- (/27? as comfortable as your stockings C And as smart in style . . as fine in workmanship. .as grace-.ul' and Foobflattering is shoes _. H .. -... ..-. ...., I~4\I\ mu antee absolute Foot-ease. J.-\.\Il .v\. BL;\lN N H`.:no.< A. Bluin. who died at his rcsi- I we. 248 G1s`nh'1m(` A\'u.. Toronto. on` rch 3. 1931. after an illness of foul rs. was for nmny _\'c;u's the loading- OBITUARY nun `I . .vnIn'.l.\u.'L' DI. \\':\s h1`1(1 .lhis Thurs- : to 'I`x'init,_v vhurvh fol- ` Ft ` 3 at the house at Rnw A D Rm-nr-lnunnn 1`llE BARBIE EXAMINER r-itizon of thv (-nmmun'1t.V' of Gilfnnt. Burn 80 yaars 119,4; at C2l.SLll,"-.\`l`H:l2 County `Down. Irclzuul. Mr. Bluin cum M Canada when uhnut twmty-fivt }'t`lt`S of mgr` and m,-t. long :1fLm`wurd numc to C-ilford and took :1 position in the general store of the late Thmnar Mmcnchy. who also had a sawmill (`l1(:n:s3 factory and other i11t':ru.<:t: Sub::cqum1t;1y hr wvnt into pa1`t.ncrshi), with Mr. Macon!-h_\', wtmsu (lmxuhtt-. H111-n, he mztrritwf. On Lhv rl."21th of M; \;f.- |')l..in IAIIIl;I)" nu Oh: \.I .,.,..x l... uu:-u|;:n.s IIIILII Ill` BUALI nub MI Ll\lIu\IA Bzulgcr. eleven y(`a.rs ago. zmci retir-z-( Lu 'l`Lront0. At. one Lime the el1e(.-st [:l(`[.'}!'_V did a thriving business buL lil-: u . of others which O|)(`I'1LL`(I ii; this county its `business gradually It-I off and the mctory was closed` The 1:15.! choose facwry in Simcoe `County wen`. run nf hnulnn: Ll numht-r nf \`l`1II'R nun \`.`|lH N11 . lV1'dlUIll?ll_\. \.\l|U.`(.' M;1<'m1(:hy, Mr. Bluin (:uI`1'ic-(1 business umil he sold out to ( Badger. and , \ 9.. 'I`m-n.-an A0 1n\n lnnn Ihn HI LIL` |.U\'\'I1.'illl|).\ (ll LHIHEIH illlll VVl'.\ Chvillhnbury. He was :1 man of keen lmsinrcss acumen and of high int(~Lj;riL;.'. Am-1' going Lo Toronto. Mr. Blain bo- rmm`. :1 sidesman in the Church of the Messiah and an active worker in L116,- '~011g'1`er,zat'mn. H0 is sux'vi\'r.~d by his ix-rife and one da1uz.htcr_ Kathleen. 21: ihrnnn and fuen crnc \Vn1 (`I 'RVnin in L'HL'L'L` L2lCLz(JX`_Y IH DAIHUUU U`;llLy (I out of buslnc'~'s a number of yu'.11's aw .\Ir. Blain also baught largely in grni and was very well and fn\'01'al)ly know in th: townsllips of Innisfil and VVv km` - .-.,.-.....;..q nurl rd` hhrk { n O nn-.- I l!3lll'l gUlll}', M) LUIJHLU. J/U. Dlillll U! - `hnmc and two sens. Wm. G. 13121111 in U19 xvholesale Itzlthor business in Phil- adelphia and Thomas W, Blain. Elim- buth SL. Bax'ri(=. Tntn.-umnno Iuvnh v-\\nr"\ in Drum-Ls IYnir\n llA\| -' Series of Lenten Picture ` C ".T!1e.B-aard` of \ Vo1'k: did not de.m NOW ON! % SENSATIONAL SALE OF The Guaranteed FAST COLORS REMEMBER c) ' V r"`l>`` . Q5 A) lmer 9'22`: AMOTORISTS, ATTENTION! Qr \I(l`!{ Puffed V`/heat . 2 Pkgs. 25c \-uw-;u-\- nl x r\- I I. \.\.`-l{ Cleanser Hll` Your Ass t Jellies. Giives Shu m rm` k Rod Sorkv vc D15 C RMINA TI ON ! BARRIE S EXCLUSIVE STORE H): \\l' \\II P. Sauce. wwu Iva vl |4\aIll\2ll I. ILLIJIC Sermons ]II~-:CIl>RIS I` Rl7I0RIC I`II.. \TE h_\' `.\/I11nkn('.~"_\' nnln. pt O`\iu n:..o..... ....n 1.. .1... (>1'Zi;.7 r..i_{{dts"* S1)c('i:1l l}!ond `EEEIA _,_' " VVHERE C.)UALlW1"_Y C._OUNTS r;--'--;. 4.-- --.u "" " u 3 I"_.--. Phone 74~BARRIE A. M. Ramsay, Manager .L1\`2-oz. Jar 19c 3. W. MOORE .4 Pkts. 23c lbs. TRAFFIC RE(}Ul./\'l`l()l\JS will he more strictly cnturccd `this _\/cur; even that ulnmst l'm'gottcn \\'ll1LlSlllClLl wiper ` must he in gnml \\=m`king I)l'Lll'. ! N(')\\ IS 'l`l-lli TIME In have _\'nur car cltcckctl over so tl1z1l_\'uuc;tn .\2tl`cI_\'c|1jn_\` lhc l'ir>t' nice \\'cckcnd. The housewife of today is possexsed to no small degree of the virtue of discrimination. She has the ability to note the diffnrence--tn riixtimzuish, and this is no more in rvidens-.~. than in her food shopping activities From the huge man: of .1dvrrti=inz. irnrn thn vnrinu-. statmmrnts of superiority, service and 5:-.v|ng'., she mu`-t he ahle to di:scrin1inntc-tr> separate the wheat from the straw. Dominion Stores enjoy the pat-:rn'~gn and rnnfidvnrn of tho MAJORITY of Ontario housewives, and we invite you to join this rzre-at army of discriminating shoppers--~shoppcrs who appreciate the diiferrrnce. .HBot. 27c Tin 8c (' \.\ \l) \ UK UL Kll \.`l Corn Starch . Pkg. ' I\'I urn 1Il\lIIl`\' (llUl('l*I Pumpkin. CRISCO In. I14-In:-~ Hun \\ um 1] H:-` I`:-wl III II c (Iv-'1\I'!.: \\'l,.\ll*`K (i()l.l)l Wax Beans FUR .\'l)l'l S Oxo Cubes \\I \l L White Beans. .lb. 5c HRlN(} Y()UR (JAR IN Sl1ll'l.\'. Selected Side BACON IT'S Pl'RE '1 "1 W 'lhc wnmzm \vl1<;1n'cl1`I`w .;3.7"x}_ :1 slnuck will In` lllull` // tlmn .1c1i;4Im-A with thv ,/,,,,; Vzlluc ()HL`1'L`x1. BROADCLOTH SMOCKS 99C (izmncnts xxiccly made {mun g'r)ml qtlzxlily l ;m:u1c1<>1l1, will jqivc scrvicczllwlc wear, in :11] CH]- Hrs,c<)pc11,grccn,mauve. pczwlu, lv]21ck,s;111d.sizc-s1n`H. - ur 'uIn (II I.` \;u| uuu .- hope those who 2 MAYFEELD BR.`r.N.0 AN AMAZING VARIE- TY OF SMART STYLES V];.'l.\` :|r l`uH_\' Shup Skirts fczlturc strztifggln lines, p1L`2l`m' and 1 1;u`cd cHcC1.\`. WEARE FUl.l.Y l3()lJI| | lil) In pul_\'n1I1'c:I ll p:1sstl1c nmst rigid trzlic rcquircnmcnb. I11c`l1uli11g` Shnrt Slccw ;1m1S1ccvclc.x`s M()dL`l.\`, in 2111 xi/.c.\` lo`-'1- 1. THIS SALE NOW QN! PRINTS THAT ARE GAY AND SPLEN- DIDLY TUB-FAST In rgc Any Dress One Price 10c .15c .12c shipnncm ivcd, hut V BRYSON & MORLEY RAISINS Quality printing at '.'`In COC.?:x 1; -oz. Bottle 1 .lh. :1! (hi: lhc_\= Tltllrsdny. March 12. I931 lhcs Seeded Tony Carugg) TRTS an 2%,; lb. 2 FOR xl l`(,`\ ~1 ljml THE SERVICE SPECIALISTS 31-37 BRADFORD ST. : BAI Ht` .1! \\'h<` uixum Inns! EXTRA SPEClAL-EXTRA SPECIAL .\\l`ll\ lW\\ 1`\I\ -~ 1I'~l)H/.l\H1`\t`}Hf> H\|x`li_ _;:m\:`.. :1: `11: u A1: ;.1'.`.c:1._ 1110 iUiCL`*Ir .H1.! }{illll`1l`I'1: \\'c mu.~t Uh`.-\.\( ()r;m_;c \.\.\ H4. .\ce.1lc-> Our dclix One Door East Woolworth's FRUIT Is A Health Builder if-\'| .1. ' \\()l\ l SUNDAY. MARCH 15, I931 SUND}\\'. NIARP 13.00. J. JO/L7lS:'.(J7lC Hl(tC/f. I3.A., I 0 Mirtislm` f HORACE WILSON, A.R.C.O_ i -Organist and Choirmaslcr a IMGIII EVERYBODY WELCOME '. NIAR'(`.H 15. 1931 --`I I-IE MINTS1 ER - uu ||I|"|`| A-l nmpt deliver Just Phone 14 EUIILI D('i`K "I/IalH1r'1v: -. IE` D(`Hm'i =.\ ()\-\' lWcf arc the SUNDAY. MARCH 15. 1931 ` REV. MR. I~`U`[.LA-RD of Allan \\'i1`.` spvnk at bath so1`\'icos. -ya. ;,__, n ,. 1 . v\ .. no Ann`:/n\n4vV LJ Presbyterian Church Rmr. J. S. SIlOI.`7"I`, M.A.. Mi71iste1 I-Idnumrl Ilarrly. Mus. I3 /Wv'nnnu'x-I and f`Iv F T.C.M4 il1|ll_\ lb [U I \n the ad~ .=a`:. cached by 1 Thu `n rli I Quality pnntmz ` Ainthomt . Sn `avian: Is: \.a --n-.u..u- \/ll`-II I-rll Elizabeth St., Barrio REV. If. R. YOUNG. B.A.. Pasfor v lA>7'rA7 n .. .-.4.. ... ... . uv.-u. u.n., n unun .1. Andrew Wignizzs. Choir Director Audrey L. Clifton, Organist unnspherc H: N ! \' i: h ."~;Uw.\'D.-\\'. MARCH 1:3. 1931 AM.-Fm'\v:n'd-Looking Prophets- hr Last T-lxrcc of the Old I`c.=:mxno11t Central United Church l'.\H.--`l.,\l. n. n (`.:u'. .`.I:n'. 1:1 -P1'."1::n`:1lm',\' S(`l`V .\'Im1(Iny. .\'Ia'.`_ Ili---Y.P.S. Prnyvr Mm`lin{;'---\Vcd., 8 pm. 2.45 1".'.VI.-~-SUNDAY SCHOOL Luke XI P.M.---THREE CTROWN3 FOR EVERY MAN ILUIHL llul uy. D1115. l.)llL'.. I` .1 .b Organist mzrl Cl1oz'rmaslcr AM ~SACRA`/IENT 014` THE LORD'.`3 SUPPER 3 pm. ---SS. and Bible Class 7 IIM.---- 1"I~ZII MINISTER :1)`. 13-~Pr<`pnmtm'y So1'\'iuc \r1nnrl:n' R/luv 1ll_\ DQ Collier St. Regular Baptist Church v.\ (`nun-..I Y:nI\.w\]l d:~p1(:~. butvd ` 1 . _ ......-.v. \/I-I.-I sa- Nvxt to Cvnlml l3cl1vnl> ST. ANDREW S .`:ll'il1CHl1dili<)11 `A .|.x.. 1.|..'\L`. `W3 bunches 25: Luu |'I mlwlc F1 . . 2 dozen 35c ;`c.`.'.1 40c doz. . . . . 3 for 25c . . 4 for 25c ` . . 25c bunch In, IL ' l`u. IIL` l'\L'IH EHXU W11 1ig:h1_\' complimented .=-:a, of p1'nficicnc,\` ` Vnllnn nr\rfnrn\ 41': BARRIE --P1':L\'m* .\Im`Iimz I`wmIv`.~ M('Nin:: Page Tm The Exmniner BARRIE L UIJIIKII 10c lb. rush {HY This Wlhll IR!) IIIULKIUY H1 DLYRLLIUIU. Miss Doris McClellan of Toronto spent. the weekend with Miss Rem Jacobs. 7UI h~;~ illnlnnnn Yn':- nl` \!i:.O.\.-In !`nI, mg l() 9. severe cola. Miss Mabel Robertson ` onto on Mar. 4 to spend 5 \\`iH1 Mrs. Robert King. -`J:r yfinunin khxnln Mrs. J. F. McKcown spent last wee}-: with her mother in Stmtford. R/Haw DA:-In 1\Kn!"lnl1c-.n nr T`nI't\I\C1\ dli(,'Ul)S. Miss V1vienm`- Jes of Victoria Cul- legt-. Toronto, visited her pnr(`nLs ovxrl; the weekend. \/rice Qnoln Dnu-u~i!0 nf (Hutu:-in Tlf` First Baptist Church CLAPPERTON S']`P.I~`.F.'1` I`Zl.'V. W. K. R. I?/1'I"I`Y. Miui.s'[('r. Mrs` l-.`(I,ith. Rom`. Orga71i.xt Miss M. Sinclair, C/mirlr-arlcr llll.` i\'|,'L'Kt;'HU. Miss Susie Porritt, nf Vix.-mrin. B.C.. spent a. few days at Cam. Bird's dur- ing the past week. rtnnntv "I`rr~m:1n-or nah-mnn Ims.` lwml lll}; Llll! [)i|>I|. \Vl'L t\. County Tx'(`asur0r Colcmnn lms been absent, from his office for :1. week aw- ing to 9. severe cold. Miss IMabs~1 went. to Tur- wn-u mm. mm... Mixs 'C0nnir> spmzt, 'I`hursday :sistm'. Mrs. R210. I I)! -rVn...uno .. I 1\/llhh V r'(`p to(i 9 Hospital .1 '1- 1Vll5`i 1(H`|l 1lH'|'.)H` U1 \Jll|ll'-l. lllllM'- in-lrainmg, \\'.-14 Immo fur lho \vovk~ I-nd. Mr. and Mrs. '1'\n'mn t-vlrzhrdlul {heir 25th \w*ddlnp; anniwr.sur_v ml Sntu1'dn_\'. Yhfvc r`.:u-rlnn Qhu-nun.-nu rnhn-nnrl nu Some 01 the finest pit-turos of the _\'(`1\i' an` bookrd and dntvd in :1 contin- uous linonp for Lh(?11U'C p:\L1`a)i1S of Bar- ris and its municipalities to see. Fmin musical coinodics of g] vxt.i':im- gant, settings to the mzissivo produ<`Limi oi Lloyd Hughes` $ Hell's Angels". This took three _\'o:\rs in tin` making and undoubtodiy is the ll`(`{|i(` npectncle of its kind cvor . \(`hi{`V'(`d in` motion picmrt` lifstniw. Ch'.u'1io Chap- 1in`s City 1.ig'his". his now (`nIl1I`d_\` craze which at tho ni'<`soiii time is soi- Ling people all over thn globe :1;r:w,. wil` i bc presented on this iminvnso hiii. ` Hora` arc a few other pmdnctions M14.` , should be surv in see and ltozirz } "Lightnin". "Kiss Me Azrnin". ".J11s1` In1a.giiic". "Tho Bat Whispers. "'I'mn Snw5'o1'. Harold Lloyd's "Foot Firsi."i "East Lynne". Man Who Came Bnck".. "Morocco." DZi`i:1ibio". "Bip; I`1':\ii".j "One Hmvciiiy Night". "R(`Il(`hii1F. , far; mp. \ lnnn f`I'in1inn1 f`nrir\ um um. Dilllllklll). Mrs. Cmrdnn Sl(.~\'vu:~'()| I`u<=sday frrz-m B(`\=m`loy. `A lhn illnnuz nf hnr hlul` lllvhllily All.-HI l)l'\`lZlIl'_\. to tho i11no.,.~< of hm` husk boon mnfinccl in the I past, t.\\'u worsks, (`.5-nu-rm (2n\vh\ l`!`l|l|'l1il Hilhly l.\\',) \\`{"..'l\.\, Ge-urp,0 Cnwio, in Saul! SH`. M: trip to Ouuwa. \` R. B. .lo11n.~:lon r. _ .4 ....,\n ..~ I)lU`IAl\`ll,.-\.\'l) 5'1`.-\R'l.\I)-Rl\'l". E OF lMl'0R'l`;\N'l' l`R0l)l'("l`l()N.\`; 'jCollier St. United Church` l'lL'dV(.'H . l'l}LllLlll, K/nH'2l\'dl1.\ . (`ML n`\H3 of tlmso p1'od11ctlons will be p1'csc11tcdi at the D1~c:1mla11:l. ` The first on the list is Will Rogers in} "Ligl1t11i11". sta1'ti11g` M011cla_v. for M111! benefit of the B.1r1'ic Post Ca11adi:111;. I_.c-511011. The Sl01`_\' was taken {r0111 John ` Golden's stage Sll{`.(`k`SS. It 1:111 011 B1'0ad\\'ay for more than three y0:11's. \1'l1_v'.-` Bocniise it's l1u11m11. borsaiiso itsl :`ha1`:1<`to1`s are real. b(`CI`t1lSC` it, has 1111- n1e1'. pmllos. drama and love i11t1`1'ost: b.~c~a11so it dopi:'ts the joys and troiiblvs ` -no` hrn To m..:l.m~ Al oh.` `\\n| 1....) 1.1.-` KIN \'ilIl.' Ul ||I`| llul It. All. 1:4. Thv m11:'a9,1'l11o:\t is nnnt Mixs Mary Ethvl Black. vldr {er of Mrs. `Blzwk and Hu` 1: Black. Cr-.\.ig\'al(`. In M1`. 'l`1u man Flatt, only sun of Mr. I`hcmns Flatt. 'Crmk. x'in;2;(` to mkt` plnvv quiMl_\' N. dvfinitv :11`1':1112'm11(`nt~ boon mndz` as In whvn Mr. "_4~rJ.1\In`\ uriH hn \'\|`I\l'V\ in nu l)L`l?l1 IllHul' :l.\ In \\lll'l| .v|I.4 :`mdm`l<`h will be .~:\\`m'n in :1 as:1nn<\ his now dulivs hm" \vc-(`ks Mrs. Hulxnr`x has In and at thv brginning of th :'npo1'(vd to bv still in :1 .\'v1 Mon. mu ...m Mir: 1 :1 m..m |lL`\.`|.lUU \\ llL'H \.'.`| The proportior the same as for x A fv-nch funny i.- ullIHl`|. A good salad is made of czumod peaches. chopped nuts. chopped celery and mayonnaise. Serve on crisp lettuce { and have the ingredients very cold. .` I .. .. -` proprmte `way to dinner. A rrnnrl nt\`nA '>LL'\\ L`\l LHKNL Orange pool mak:s faction when Candler `Th n nvnnnv-0 inn In.- I-`RUIT Sl7GGEsTIO.\'$ .\(-any apples are better for 1` Ir-u':\n` fiI`\7 . O`! lCkllUX'.`(1 .> be one of the I f the season. LVIIE. lV\lUUl|: l\lll). ,. 'q 5 NN*1y of Cr:\lg\'n]4.3 in [`m-nnln with hm` I-`nirla\\'n Aw. 'Cl'l'l]0LZ1. Srigzloy. R.N.. has. :10- 1 n, pnsithm on the Fifllx A\'m1u(* tn} nursing staff. N~r\\\' Ynrk City. '1`. Simpson. M.P.. loft in Wod- y for Ottawa to :1tt`n(l Um sm- ut the Hmxso 01' Cnmmmxs \\`hi(`h Mday. s`; Id!` ..i...\. Turlzm of Orillin. nll)`>'(`- Inunn l'.u- Ila uvnnl:_ ' OUR INSPECTION SERVICE IS FREE PERSONAL . u.ug.|uIL' . 0.}; 11.1 wenly "Ronchi11_r: x". "Criminal Chdo", Std "F`i;'zhting Cm'm'ans. ole. nvnrhuvnnc u-H! `ha nvncnnl rllll l|lllI lU\`L' ll|LL`|l'-`L. ` `ts 25 at the heart and hits ! . T110 picture has a Cast ` I\`l\\vnu~e~ `nu ! nu,-..u. ` rtin:r tht Jz:m(-5 A.B1;1i21.\\'11 Post C8X1(1i1lX1`dm1('Q` 243 '_\' M;-11 `on days. nnro it's . `cal. it `A arm! /\ Om rhn Burn and on-nnhI...~ . .-unuvu. on for fruit butters ` mamlalade. inn in ,..\...\;..1.. .\.. .. 1 l several weeks HER.BER.'l` FRASER. Herbert. Fraser, aged 39, died on Tueiadny n10mim.r_ 1\/[arch 10. 1931, at his hmno on the 9th line of Innlsfil. He had hoexx Ill only :1 day or 5.0. H-9 \'.'n:~: the yuunp.L-1' sun uf Mrs. Jnu, Dunn. and |)rut.h<,-1' of Chas. F`1'usm', B2u`1'ie. He leaves :1 wife and um ynunp, (-lmdron. The body is l)Z`il].`, bmurzht. to Bm'rie Lmluy to tho Union Conn-LL-1'y and plan. ml in u vnulf lL`1l\'l.'.`i 1!. \'\'HL' illlll l\\'() _YUUll}.', ` I to Cenlvtvry :1 ml in :1 vault. Rm . William Wilson C1':u\'. M,l}., Ph. 1)., member of u \w!l-kno\\'n i rcsby.- Ls-rinn family und` minislvr 01' SL. An-' (l1`!\\"s PrcsbyLr~x'i:1n `Ch1n'(:h, I (.-Lm1l:1.' died .'.11d(Iv11Iy on |Sun(l:Ly. :11, L111` T.'n~-` mt.) (:onm':11 lluspitul. Dr. Crmv was :1 Lzrrulllulr` ml` the Univm'slt_v nf l`omutu, nun! (`nu unnnn `vnupp I\n(- L`n|-Iynll` Ohn MONDAY, 8 PM. The Young, P(`(`I]`I1("S Mootimz. ,".'<-U.nosd:1_v. 8 p.n1.---P1`:n_vv1` Sm'\"..