Parry Sound's tax rate is 57 mills Thursday. April 17. 1930 _ewComfort V and reater Safer)/% :, u v r . `* Serve with milk or cream. Extra delicious with fruits or honey THERE is plenty of room to stretch and be at ease in the commodious big car interior oi the Pontiac Big Six. ln this ner car, too, are numerous improved features which combine to increase your comfort and safety. For example-:, im roved Lovejoy hydraulic shock ah- sorbers, front anlfrear, increase l ontiac s riding com- fort. A new steering system, acting on roller bearings, makes the Pontiac Big Six easier than ever to drive. And its big, dependable brakes have been made still more eective . . . assuring you of greater safety. Furthermore, high speed, rapid acceleration and abun- dant power for climbing are developed with excep- tional smoothness in the Pontiac Big Six. The sturdy 60-horsepower engine is now cradled on a new type of rubber mounting and, as a result, is remarkably free from vibration at all speeds. We shall be glad to point out to you the. many other advantages of the Pontiac Big Six and let you dis- cover for yourself how fast, smooth, comfortable and safe it is. Always, you have at your service the G.M.A.C. deferred payment plan . . . designed by General Motors to make your purchase convenient and economical. P -10 3 O E CORN DISTRICT NEWS IT'S BETTER F. J. GRACEY vacuum hut: Jaw cnu-:1 J. J. wunams. The tall smoke stack of the Brad- ford Flour Mills, which was left stand- ing following a. fire, was dismantled last week. 1.... f|__I.. 1.-- _-u;~. 2-1, -, always look for the red-and-green package when you buy corn "akes. Then you are sure of Kellogg s. The akes with the `_`wonder avor, `packed in the waxtite inner seal wrapper -that keeps them A t Mrs. E. L. Groves of the Toronto Board of Education, as the principal speaker. 'T`]`\n horn n4` IJ'nv-nnn f".i'|nir\ run Fhn apcunux. The barn of Horace Gilpin, on the ninthfline of Sunnidale township was destroyed `by fire early Sunday morn- ing, March 30. While all cattle and horses were remaved. eleven hogs, ready for market, ten sheep and ninety hens perished. A r-nick-an +n hie `lnnfnvn rncnlfndr in IACIID `JUL IDILCLI. A mishap to his lantern resulted` in the complete destruction of the barn of Franklin Grose, two miles south of Glen Huron, late on the evening of April 3. He was able to release all the livcstcck except about fifty hens which perished. 'T'\v\ u'nu~1r r.~i" ralnnivdlifofinrr fhn WIUUU. [JCSI-SJLCU. The work of rehabilitating the` buildings of the Penetang stove foundry is progressing slowly, according to the Pcnetang Herald. Webb and Cum- mings. contractors, of -Midland are . repairing; the -build-ings following a re- cent serious fire. . -m.............. ..r 414.` 13.....1c.\..A A3.-.0-.-int llillllll BCIIULAD JIIC. ` Farmers of the Bradford district have been unable to meet the demand for pre-Easter eggs and the price was] as low as 24 cents on the market there last week.. Although one lot. sold as high as 28 cents the prevailing price was 25 cents a dozen. Lovers of art have been atmracted by a fine display of landscape pictures by G. Douglas. a farm boy living two miles north of Creemore. which has been arranged in the show-windows 74 Elizabeth Street Phone 919 - BARRIE IT'S JIIBU WEBB. Jos. Park has sold his jewelry store. in Bradford to Mr. Brothers of 'I`or- onto, and proposes taking a. trip `to California. bA-.I.. ....\.....:. u:.._n_...1 _.._ 2,, -. I ll\uJI (`Bill I\lV\I vvnnll-7`-I (From the Blue Bell) While installing a telephone at the residence `of Robert Pea- cock, Mldhurst, "Bill" Stephen- son, Combinationman, was at- tracted by loud cries like those of a child in distress. He im- mediately rushed to the source of the noise, and -iscovered that the young son of Mr. Peacock had been knocked over by a. horse, which had been sudden- ly startled and had taken fright. He immediately picked the" __ child up and carried him into the house. and procuring his First Aid kit from his truck, ap-' plied such treatment as was nec-, essary to theuseveral cuts about the child's face, which were bleeding pro- fusely, also soothing the feelings of the child as only a family man of "Bill's" capabilities can. I "T-kn no-so-and-n At` Lian ..LI1.l ...-.... 1.. !of a Creemore store. Although small, the pictures show clever interpreta- Ition. __...__I_.._ ,5 _-,._ |..... I . unuu. I | A number of men -have been engag- ! ed putting the International Fibre` I card factory at Midland which has been closed for two years, into shape again, with a view to resuming opera- tions there in the near futre. It is expected that about 75 men will be engaged during the surnmer. V-\!.L 1 I w'k1l'?1e -parents `of the child were in-l deed grateful to Mr. Stephenson. and` . _-_a ---- -..-.---.-- . District game warden` Stevenson says he has the names of several Orillie residents who are in the habit of shooting pheasants and advises any who have been following this prac- tise to desist, as the penalty. will be severe. One resident was recently fined $50 and costs, whichis not the max- imum penalty, he says. I At a Vimy Ridge dinner attended by more than 100 Orillia veterans, 9. resolution was passed reiterating the veterans loyalty, confidence and good wishes for theii` war-tir_ne commander. Sir_Arthuij Currie, M, McIntyre Hood. editor of they Oshawa -Daily Times, and a forceful veteran's woi-`ker, ad- dressed _`the "gathering on vetexjans pensions. - United Church, Ooi1ingwood.- has decided to purchase -a new -pipe` organ at a cost of $11,500. The church is fortunate in having a number ;of efficient and generous members in the congregation and practically the whole ccst has been provided for, the indi- vidual contributions running up to $5000. The fine new Sunday School that has been under construction for the past six months will be ready for occupation early in May.-The Mes- senger. ` `Du H-an `Inn A4` n ~bn1n0nn ban any-nn I DCJIECI . l By the use of a skeleton key some one entered the home of Dr. Culbert- lson, Meaford, recently but was fright- lened off. The occupants of the house were sitting in the kitchen `when -they heard certain suspicious noises and [the key in th_e north dining room door I dropped to'the floor. In an'instnt the 3 door opened and "at man` en'tered,`but `he took to his heels; and `fled `as soon as he-be'ca1*ne"aware tha Dr`. and Mrs.` Culbertson were at home. Tl`1e`.'llghts happened to be `off other` `than the one in the kitchen, and. the culprit..Ewa7s most surprised when his operations were foiled. : = = . . 2 . ' BIGSIX IJDlJI\ILlllo Roads around Meaford are in bad shape. The Express describes the state of the Owen Sound--Thornbury high- way as awfu1". WASH urns qnnnniu.-..l 1... r1.............._ 1__L PRODUCT or GENERAL MOTORS or CANADA. LIMHBD FIRST `AID -`KNOWLEDGE CAME IN VERY HANDY I..A... LI... "I11... n'II\ 1-connwntn MAY 3951 mm nvnno "as this was their rst *`coi1tact wlgh a _member of the Bell family. it must have created a wonderful impression as to the capabilities of the telephone employees.` 3 * lr Qfnrdnnnonn hue `hnnn Ah nntHllS- employees. ' _ Mr. Stephenson has been an enthus- iastic First Alder for _y_ee.re_. and deeply appreciates the vast service an effi- cient First Aider canvrnder. `Hawkestone May Also Havel Service by JuIy__l, Says _ Minister. (orillia Packet and Times) Another of the meetings proposed at the big Hydro-Electric meeting in Or- illia at the end.` of January was held at Warmihster last Friday evening April 4, when the Hon. William Fin- layson, Minister of Lands and For- ests and T. C. James: chief municipa engineer of the` Hydroj-Jiilectric Com- mission, addressed a. large-gathering r. the Orangeil-mil on the proposed e - tension of Hydro power into the neigh- borhood. 'I'his.line. along `the Qoldwa-, terjrosti, -would serv Price's `Corner; Bass Lake and Jarratt, as well as War- minster. The meeting was highly suc- cessful. At the conclusion a committee was. formed. to canvass for-contracts Those appointed were: Messrs. Mel- ` ville Kent "and `Jarvis Parker of War- minster; C. Jermey and J. J. Dunn 0! Bass Lake; D. McKinley a?.Jarratt and A. Bard of Price's Corner. If suicieni contracts can be signed and sent in tc the Hydro office by the end of the month, Mr. Finlayson and Mr. Jame: promised that the power line would b: up and giving service at the same time as the Hawkestone line, the rst oi July. ,The town of Penetanguishene is submitting a bylaw to provide for the borrowing of $50,000 upon debentures for-`. loan to the Dominion" Stove and` Fdundry Company, Limited, to pay the Ot`of erectirig and equipping of ex- . tensions to the buildings of the com- panywhich were destroyed by fire re- centiy: ` - - v i dun. +.-...~. ..m...-nu x`. u--.1. A: +1.. nu.-._ FOUNDRY co. PENETANG SEEKING $so,ooo LOAN way 165 "&WIU1". Word was received in Creemore last. week of the death of Duga1dVG. Cur- rie in Toronto. He `was a. former school teacher at that place and in stayner. 1:` 1:! Din; Inna. .m6n.......: s.-. I..:.. 1.......... UCLIDIJS ' ` `The town council is Back of the pro- posa1'tb'g'et' the fouhdry back on its fe`e't ahd with the su1'1pox`tjof the rate`- Vpayers` who kirxvdd the council chairi- br; at a _reeent meetijxg `it: is` exj`:ect4 ed. 'wQ5'k will be `started `at in early date. to repair the damage wrought by the fire. . ` DiSCUS DRO % AT `STAYNER MEETING . . . (Stayner.,Sun ) = . On Friday evening, April 4, a meet- ing, `was held in the Town Hall. to dis- cuss the costs, benefits, etc. of rural Hydro service in this district. Owing to the bad roads there were not very many farmers present. Mayor Lambert, acting as chairman, introduced J. E. Jamieson, M.L.A., who gave a short address telling what the Government was doing to introduce Hydro service in the rural districts. He explained that the Commission would erect all the lines on the roads and highways, providing there `was an average of three consumers per mile, and the consumers have to do the wir- ing and buy the equipment for their own property. He also explained that to introduce this wonderful service the Government was lending the farmers who had not the cash whatever sum of money they needed to instal the service, not the exceed_$1,000, taking the equipment for security, and charg- ing 51/g per cent. .per annum interest for a period not to exceed 20 years. 'T"Ir-in nkn{rr-ruon fl-nan '\+"(\AI|QAi Ile- LVL n yI.AAvu. uvu vv vnvuvu av Junta. The chairman then introduced Mr. Gurnett. of Toronto, who gave a detail- ed address on rural Hydro, explaining how'the Hydro- would be delivered through the country, that the lines would `be a. continuation of the town lines, and would be controlled at the local substation. II CD Ell I41 best results. |NURSE GAINS 7 ms. IN 2 WEEKS WITH YEAST AND IRON 'I'h_e Examiners big c1rou1at1on thor- yughly covers Battle's main trading area. and therefore gives advertisers hnn I-nmh: ` 1. am `a. AIIJIDC aw uu: uuayAuu._ writes -Miss Martha Burns, and {I want to let ypu know that I am glac to recommend your Ironized Yeast. urt nnvvn nan n crnntl nnnnfifn `I an` $0 Ftuullllllcuu yuuu auuuuacu Lcaav. It gave me 9. good appetite. I go` strong and gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks I could write all day about how mucr good Ironlzed Yeast did me. You woulf be surprised at the strength I gained in 3 or 4- days." Dnnnln nunrumhmin nv-A nma marl 4: In 0 Lu` -9 uuyn . People everywhere are amazed a the wonderful benets of Ironized Yeast. Many write they were doubtfu` when they started. But after taking 1* regularly for only 3 or 4 `weeks the} gained 5 to '15 pounds Ugly hollow: ll out. Skinny limbs become grace- fully rounded. Blemlshecl skln get: clear and beautiful. f\nIw uiwhnn Vane? 1.: Trnniru.-u-I in -H .._-_, ..--....... ya... at-uvv do us nun.) A. F. Merrett has been appointed chili of the Alliston fire brigade suc- ceeding the late chief J. J. Williams. 'T`I1n On no-nnlyn nbnnlu -4` LI... -11-..; C1931` uuu. ucuuuxux. Only when Yeast fs Ironized is i! more eect1`v e=-fr )':" mm is needed t<- brlng out the weight-building and strengthening values of Yeast. Plea- sant tablets in a. handy bottle. Never Aeduse sets or bleatmg. `Safe-no harm- ful drugs. ' ("..n in nnu rh-nonlcf hv-Ann and and . nu xuuga. Go to any drugglst Vtcday and get full size treatment or Ironized Yeast If after this genemus -trial you are no` deilghted. youi` money back instant!) trom :nanu(octurer. I. #1 am a nurse at the hospita1.f ..-u...- Aline mlnrfha Tllrrnc and /1 . . 4 ' .'-"\'\ v 9 V'V 0 v v"v`v`v.,., *`*`v*v`*:*-*s?'v`a*v*vvsv*a**a* w*o'w*v~4$aH rev? -vi-v`v'w=vv "o w c J 'iVh'e`re` you see aAs:'gh like V this yqix will find d _relidble merchant able to give. you immediate service on the __W_ o'rld s' Gfeatest `Tirds and Tubes. A toLsPEn`n$78j`o`*66 ON SMGQE ROADS County to Contribute $2000 to Roadwork on Border of Orillia. Dvnyncl. F. E. Rice has returned to his home in O011ing"wood after twenty-six years as 9. missionary in Nigeria. He will remain in the shipbuilding town until he has regained` his health. 7Tfuh-\a' cnnn:-I" in .1-kn nn:Mn1nHnn (Ori11ia Nev.'s-I_c Lte1') At 9. meeting of the Orillia Tawn- ;hip council on Monday, Hon. Wrr. Finlayson stated that he was in fave`. . 1-kn +numchin': m-ninr-f. nf surfacinc mnmysuii 5LblLt'u H1'd.L in: was All u... )f the township`s project of surfacing two miles of West Street beginning a` the corner of Brant and West Street.` and running two miles north of th< town limits. The cost of the nroposet aurfacl gr is estimated to be about $8.- 000. rillia Town, Orillia Township Simcoe County and the Province oi Ontario will each be asked to contri- bute $2,000. Hon. William Finlaysor zxpressed himself as being in favor 01 my permanent paving project. - Ac Hc 1-nnd fnrms the boundarv be- permanent. panung p1u_jcL;L. As this road forms the boundary tween the town andethe township it is only fair and reasonable that the towr should bear an equal `share of the cost.` said Reeve Wm. Jahnston. It run past the Collegiate Institute and be- sides this is one of the main highway: leading into the town." 'DnnUn Tn pnen nhd Aldermtm Mul- leacxmg lmo me umu. Reeve La, Rose and Alderman *ahy. who were present as representa- tives of the town, said ihat they would take the matter up with the counci' and ascertain whether .h:- town -70111:" be called upon to make Lhis expendi- J.....A nure. The township council, in response "I." 9. query from Stewart L. Page, agricul- Sural representative. as tc the feeling? on the daylight saving questian. passe" - ......:.m +n I-kn nntn` fhnf fhpv were me flayugut. huvuxg qucnwuu. puma . a motion to the -affect that they were against the adoption of fast time. __.._____ REV. DR. WHITTAKER .. LEAVING PENETANG` . (Penetang Herald) On Sunday last Rev. Dr. Whittaker announced to his congregations in All Saints` and St. James -that he would shortly be leaving this Parish to take charge of the parish of Blackstock in Durham `County. In his announce- ment he stated that he had been here for seven years and in that time had endeavoured to give his message to the people. He said he had found the work in so large :1 Parish very trying, es- pecially the going up and down hill. Some time -ago he was in Toronto and had asked the Bishop to give him an easier Parish. The (Parish of Black- . stock was offered and after visiting there and taking `charge of the ser- vice he was extended a most cordial Invitation to come and be their Rector. The Rectory there is much smaller than the one -here and is complete in every detail and will -be much easier md more suitable for his family. After giving the matter much serious thought he had decided to. accept the invitation. , JIC LING zcguulcu` lllb lltll./ll. Urglng speed" in the completion of the -highway, the Penetang Herald says: motoring from here to Barrie is a doubtful proposition with the un- finished highway a trap for the un- wary." 1:... ur 'r.....x.. 1...... 1...... ..1....,.,: ....,. .~`_..._.._.... znn cup:-nu nunnnrzz- Inn nltnv rum-/an: - IT PAYS TO % HIGH PRESSURE WORKER . She: Don t you know `that there are germs in kissing?" He: Say, girlie, when`I kiss_ I kiss hard enough to kill the germs. (Royal , xrrzanum Bulletin). ' MEANf 6900 WEAQ": GIVE HIM HIS DIPLOMA `WHAT TEX R.ICK.u{l) .`vIISSl;'l) What yould mu do in the case of] Mrs. Lrmgworth znzd ;\.i1:-=. -i:;;1...~. a person eating. poisonous mush-_ are still at it. Maybe we're a. little vior rooms?" lent minded, but wc-`cl Kmci of 1311s : 1 -Student: Recommend. :1 change of` see Lh0se- two girls get mgetlu-r mm- diet." (Watchman Examiner). time at 2.. ba1'szu:'n ("`lin[!'1 , I.i."v:u 1 Page Three wary. Mrs. W. Irwin has been elected pre- sident of the Midland) Women's Cana- dian Club. The Club has decided to hold- its annual banquet `May 6. with oven-fresh