Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1930, p. 2

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`Soak gelatlne in cold water to cover for 5 minutes. scald milk, pour slowly over beaten egg yolks, return to double boiler. add sugar and gelatine. Cook until thickened, stirring. Remove, :).:ld salt, vanilla and beaten egg whites. Pour into a mouldand chill. Vegetable Chowder Add to 9. can of vegetable soup an equal quantity of milk and 1 teaspoon cm; nuu mm: cuu-uver uu 11 pussmle. Gelatine and milk make a healthful combination, asmhe proteids in the gel- atlne supplement: those in the milk. Most children like gelatlne desserts. Spulsh Cream 1 tablespoon gelatlne, 2 egg. yolks, 3 cups milk, 3`egg. whites. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1-2 .c_up.':s_ugar, 1-8 teaspoon salt. ' " ' an Many people will say that they can- not drink milk, oi; that their children will not drink` milk andvso on. If your children actually dislike milk so that they cannot `drink it, say nothing a- . bout it, but give it -to them in their iood. Puddings and desserts of all kinds, soups, sauces. cakesand even cereals may be cooked in milk. You get better value for the money that is spent in milk, than on any other food. Butter The amount. of vitamins in milk and butter varies vyvith the food that the cow gets. The` "more sunshine, the more vitamins,` ppctors have been rid- vising that xpiyctant mothers take cod liver oil, `to give them vitamin D which acts ' .conjunction with the calcium and pliosphorous to make good bones and teeth. Many women nd it impossible toretain the -:od-liver oil. Experiments have -been carried out, in substituting -butter for cod~liver oil. with most excellent results. It was found that the babies had rm bones and the teeth.-of<.the mothers were in good condition. Details of the ex- periments are not at hand, but I hope to learn more'=about it. and will pass it on to you. Expectant mothers can- not be advised too strongly to `take their full quotaof milk, use butter freely and take cod-liver oil if possible. nP`Rfih and 'rn'HLr vnnlrn n `A-n.:nH'~\n Milk is not mluable for its calories alone. because almost anyiood can give you calories. It is Jaluable be- cause it contains all the vitamins and all the minerals. with the exception of iron. There is`no other food that will do this, and that is why there is no other food that is an effective substi- tute for milk. " ___-.. -.... ......... --.4`; ..- .......-....,....u. n. To give your family its full comple- ment of milk. is -one of the best ways of accomplishing this. Are vou using 1 quart for each child and 1 pint for :-ach adult? `If not. you should be. me milk bil1"shoul:l equal the meat bill. I Sometimes latepess is a ma.tter.of nclifference. They -lo .lCt care whether ztheij people a1`e_,_cielaycd:oi' not, :50 long :5 they suit" their own convenience. .VIoi`.e often, the _chronic;- late is an in- '.urab1eAoptimist.yfgihey tliinlg they, _c;a,;i :lo.t'his, that, and the other thing, be.-_ tqige it is time Ito go-an_dl they lnevei-_ fan, eonsequ'ent1'y.' they are'1_9,t'e, Late- ness is really a form of selfishness. There are times when it just seems im- possible to befi 't'ir'f1'34-,'out' Lhat should only haopen-`fbectfsfonaliyl Giye yours -l_1l,ld'rE':1 _thefl1alSit'}`o't' punctuality, both Jy precept and training. The I-`cod Without at Substitute Srihg and ea.3"ly'summe1' irequentlv nd ch_ildren and adults possessing ;`.1at well-known `tiied-'eeling `Exam- inations and eittra school work are in "store for many young folks, and it is up to the mother to put the child in :he best physical conclitian possible to stand the stzain. Most mothers are mxious to do this, `out do not always `mow the best way to accomplish it. '1"- -1..- ......_. r_.;_n,, ,~. 1|, 1 "5 'Pi:P] V BRANA FLALKESY Punctuality is a habit and a most desirable one. We all know the hab- itually late pefsdr It is the same ones who are alwaysllate for church, their children are late for school and you can depend on them to never be on .ime. If they are due at a committee meeting. .the meeting is certain meld up waiting fpr L-heir :m'i_val. We .vait. time after_ time. at :1 bridge party. for `the s:_,m.1e` woman to_ar.riv.e before the.p,arty can begin. , . j . cI........s..._.... I _ . _ _ . _ _ :_ , .--.;.,,. ,:.- nnnnn u-'1 .......u. v `.- PEP-Energ_v--Hcahh! You get them all i_n4!hese better bran akes. . S_o gdod; 73/ou`lI want a second bowlful. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Health - Building N9L1rish111nt! ALL that famqnmavor of PEP. All the nt1thili_9`p_of whole wheat. And just Ernoligh bran to he mildly laxative; nun t`_,_,,.4. I"l __I.I 9 17 W02? .i'15._s"sVi_ 3.LIE1~TiE5W} Written fur The Examiner by II-IIIAIIDI 1 I - tun: cu-any-unn- F7 -'7when you ask for ; HINTSVVFOR HOMEBODIES Punctuality -;g et '. n ..-.1 Ban `cakes and maple syrup! Sure} signs of spzdng Try making your pang cakes with about a quarter cup of cornmeal to each cup of our. Makes] ' them-nice and crisp---If you like them` thagway. : V.` 1. Maple syrup is :1 natural sweet, and contains minerals as well as carbohyd- rates. Maple syrup or sugar, honey, brown sugar or molasses are all bet- ter sweets `than white sugar. White sugar is so rened that there is no- thing left but the carbohydrate, where- as the other sweets contain minerals and are better foods. Maple syrup comes as. it welcome change in L113 spring diet. It you enjoy mixtures. I`.`_\ it over sliced" bananas, instead of sugar` andeream. . '. l Cut thick: slices of bread in cubzs. Put in 9. single layer in 21 pan and put in moderate oven, until dry and nicely browned. Croutons may be buttered before browning. II - _I- c~_._.._ _ OUT OF `THE FRYING PAN A physician announces that a child , that practices everyday on the piano won : dev`e'ldp the habit of nger-nail - biting. Yeah, but won t `he develop `in: habit of practicing on the- ')i1Y1f) every day? (Macon Telegraph). I CENTRE VESPRA WJ. The monthly meeting of Centre Ves- pra. W.I. was held on April 10 at Mrs. E. Rennick s with good attendance. During the afternoon considerable `ous- inessg was completed in connection with girls work for junior fair and also con- cert to be given on April 30. Al H1: nincb nF fhn mnntina hn `hng-O- butter. Heat . croutons. can ncbvcu LCALCDXILIICLILD. Next meeting will be held at Mrs. Allen s on May 8. This being the an-' nual meeting a good attendance is ;'e- ` quested. ` LCIILCU sun: It M:\'I weums agu. on Friday afternoon 21) and 1D en- . tertained the Junior Literary Society with 9. good programme. Part of the programme, Pictures and Memories of Days Gone By, consisted of a play and some dances. There was also a dance by two 2D girls. Four interest- ing speeches were given and the 2D paper was read. f\n Tllnvn-Inn n"nwv1nI\v| Any-H '1 11:- paycl. nun xcnu. On Monday afternoon, April 7, Mr. Lay gave an interesting lecture, ac- companied by lantern slides, of the gold rush to the Yukon. Th address was very good and the plct res well worth seeing as they gave first-hand knowledge of the Yukon. ULJAU LU I-IC EIVCIL Ull Illll OU- Ag the close of the meeting the host- ess served refreshments. `kvnut ........Ll..... ...ul 1.. 1...`; -L -Ur..- Al) - RULL On Wednesday afternoon. April 2, the Senior Literary Societyienjoyed a debate between 3A and 3C on the sub- ject. Resolved that it is Betterxto Travel in Canada and United States than in Europe. The affirmative was supported by Elliott Reynolds and Marion MacLean, ftom`3A, and the negative by Francis Firtband Isobel McQuay from 3C. Good points were brought out on both sides. The affirm- ative won by -a small majority of the votes. The next debate will be the X nal, between 3_A.and 5th, who do- feated 4th-_ a few weeks ago. E On Fridnu ofhn-nnnn `)1 ! and 11") Ah- Ma rquea . . repnoduces its Famed Stamhzrds of Performance in Both Marquette, in the moderate price eld, and the new'McLqughlin-Buick arc heirs to the same rich heritage of automobile achieve- ......... .._.1 1_--1_ u u - - - men: . . WHEN, with power to spare, Marquette accelerates from 10 to 60 miles an hour in seconds less than other cars in its price class . . it reflects the brilliance of McLaugl1~ lin-Bui_ck s own performance. And where, but in a car designed and built by McLaugh- lin-Buick, could perfect comfort and safety be enjoyed at such great speed as .\I;:rquctte attains? ' ' B._C.I. NEWS McLaughlin-BuiCk and Marquette i\"[apleA SyI'|lD HI ).- Pain `Ca,/kes .slowly; and Croutons Associate Dealer: w. HUNTER, ,Allis`ton, Ontario. .... ..-_.-uu-5 ua. AIBILUIIIUUIIC .u.1HL'V L'- and both are backed by the with , . I .b.`xan11ner advertising reaches the Phone your news items to The tax- right people. amincr. Nos. 222 and 223. Salada quality and price; make premiums unnecessary A Necessary Stcmdczm for Personal Caire 1,.) IALJXLI. UUD LKJJXISCZ DJKIII rf that. glean}; U1) .~.unH,';h't. and the back- 1.... Scrupulous Purity _ to guard Health Surgeons in many leading hospitals use the identical material in Kote:-:, for surgicaldressings, because they know it is safdy antise tic and marvellously absorbent. No i-eater tribune could e paid to the health gLI2lI`(llng.qll;lll[.V 0 Kati-x, I/1e Nina and Improved Smlitary Ndp/22'. v Kotex is the accepted st;1nd;ird in matters of feminine hy ienc for women who value immaculacy and delicacy. It is so t and comfortable and it deodorizes utterly. No bothersome laun- dering with Kotex. Directions in each package for discarding. Bu Kotex at an dru , clr oods or de artment store without Y Y 3 7. 3 _ embarrassment. just ask for-Kotex. Regular size 60c for box of a dozen. Supersize 75c. Kotex deodorizes, safely, thoroughly, by :1 patented proesa. Kotex is soft-I\'ol n dc(`epti\_'e sol'tx1os, that soon packs into chang hardness. But 21 (lchcatc, Iusung softness. Safe, secure . . . lcocps your mind at ease. Kotex filler--is far light:-r and cooler than cotton, yet absorbs 5 times as much. In Hospitals . . . Kotox is the identical material used by snrg'(-ons in 1-;ulim; }m.~:pitu1s. `Fresh E;-fom the gardens KOTX? Dominion-wide service facilities steadily built up by McI.aughlin-Buick. Remember, too, that far more .\"IcLaughlin- Buielts are sold than any other car in the same price class . . enabling McLaughlin- , Buick to pass on to Marquette, as well as to the three new series of McLaughlin-Buicks, unusual savings in the cost of manufacture. Hence it_ is that Marquette, with its ne per- formance and full complement of fine features, is able to offer extra value. Hence it is, too, that the new McLaughlin- Buiclt, with three new wheelbases in three new price ranges, is able to present such radical advancements as \X/eatherproof Mechanical Iiour-\`'heei Brakes . . Fric- tionless Steering Gear with Road Shock Eliminator . . and new Lovejoy Double- acting Shock Absorbers. See these cars. Drive them. A demonstrator awaits you at our Showroom. And the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan enables you to become an owner economically and conveniently. _TEiA% Smzifrzry N apkizzs |. JI\IAll\IL uI.|:) :1. After '.h( were sex'\'ecL DEODORIZES NXADE IN CANADA Thursday. April 17. 1930 Il.63OB 23;] .LJL; thl tm ch: Th blo 1y 4 wil I5.-\R. l'H SONG h'-:21' h I dxeam of many, 1.1.1:-. .u,.nLu;,_y .'..'.U;uLaJll. .\:(:L-pLic:;z)l1y=g()Od nusicai wnjuyc by those present. of s<~1oc'.ions by the fol- pizmn, Mrs. H. G. Rib- duu, M` icke zmci 4.-.-.. \\ .(,`.'l`.[.'. ILU. held .11 is good for them... good foi-_you too._ Phone and have the ONTARIO`-_ MAID salesman deliver this good bread to you. DOUGHNIJTS '. cooxws . PIES . P-A.s'rRi3-. R. Lu:-us und L-...L ;ua.L,.1.3\;.1 on \.f | :Th e ziiiany T" " jbpy 0N.:`TARI0riMAID.i bread t for its delicious avour and consistent quality get the full benet of its health-and-body- building richness. It s so good they eat a lot of it . . . give their kiddies all they want. And ONTARIO-MAID Bread ~ g bit: phrmge! E11:-h r1nnvv\~ - 1 in (-1'.-11. that brmgs th~ Life that men rs `:.\'s;'rI'rL'T'1: I/I1`: I n. .r.' 7l'O.;1 f.') :2 su:;cessfu1| United Sun-i Hm`-'. dull #0 @009 JIOAIJ OOOOIOOO-OOO O :u.,A'.. _\ John '.:I..3 ;v. Fvm: We ') Exhibi- 31`. by Miss a. Inceting ~'H `nu Qhn Nature's I -ing soft I nods and like the s - BUN . ICAKESV ONTARIO BAKERIES \.u_y v.,uau5x:u.' ' In certain respects. It has biggerf V and more beautiful buildings, but. pret- ty much the same line of talk." (Wa- shington Star). _ ,A-1 I ` I WHERE BUNK SPRINGS ETERNAL ' "You have b_een coming to Washing- ton for many years. -' n "Yes." answered Senator Sorghum. ` Have your impressions of this great I` city changed?" ` " Tn .r-nv-ruin rn:-nnnhs `H L... 1..x........F -1 `_ ChIn.awaI__-e,. . pattern. ; j _ ivory tint, Q,uAx1-:n A`l' CO0K8lN2}M.'INU'!'E V :ther's Day" at the Institute. the roll being answered by "What. Grandmo- ther Missed." Some reminiscences of . early days were given by Mrs. John Prutz. She had heard her mother tell how she had walked from Markham to the 13th concession of Innisl in :1 Jay. A chorus "When You and I Were Young, Maggie," was sung by the grandmothers present. Mrs. Johnstone {Black was unable to be present but iseut a clipping telling of early days. Thursday, April 10. was Grandma-. $There was also a. rhyming contest, "Things Grandmother Missed. "-A number or theymembelfs brought their and vocal solos by some of the younger- members enlivenednthe, meeting, At- ` 3 gr:mdm0thers' `pictures. Instrumental. tendzmce was _3"orty-eight. pub. . ' The birthday" feature of the azraxrl appeared in the shape of smahags in each of which a.1ady.had placect cents Ito the number '0! her as, -much more as `she -pIea_sed.` After ex- penses were paid the net ~p!`oceds of 1 these bags amounted to about $75. f. X 3 On 'I`uesday evemng.'"Aprn~ 8.`-the {m;m`oers of st. Andrew's Ladies Aid and other ladies of the congregation forcgathered `in the lecture room for ti birthday tea." The ladies, over 125. were received by the president of the organization. Mrs. Alex. Cowan. High- tee was served after six o'clock and the party had a. delightful hour in so- cia'1 converse `bver the` bounteous re-I ;)at. ' -nu... n1.:..LL.A-..n r....&...... -0. LL`. | }VGRANDM0THER'S DAY `i . AT smouo msrrruu,-2; s'r. f:NbREW S LADIES , AID I 2 now HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LIMITED Phone 250' Iuguu nu: .'I'EA ` `luau, ncnuc vuuncy, nuurey MC'U0n" ald, Marian Monkman, Louise Brown, yiuuacu Lu anus wccnn .:.'aAuHluiC1'. Below is a. list of the eligible pupils in each of the local schools: Prince of Wales School Barbara Girdwood, Grace Kendall, Jean Lennox, Mary Johnson, Marion Vair, Irene Belfry, Bllly Carlton, Bim- 'ba Simmons, Mollie Smith, Betty Bgrkhead, Audrey Tyrer,_ Agnes `Prav- ers, Jean Campbell. Douglas Cochrane, Earl Smith, Larry Whitby; Fred Webb, Audrey Arnott, "kathlierr -`Couch, Bor- den Mcqutcheon,`.Eldon" Goring, Lloyd Colpitts} eeorbft Uriderhill,; Betty White, ,Ndreen`?Gracey;.;1?;ol$ei*ta Hast- ings;.` Wilfred` V Greer'1,ha_lh, Douglas "aaiox:js';;,Aa'~1n Robinson} Ha2el_ Bdwles, ` _VWi__1_ Biak, G.leli_'Riliardsiin,. Phyl- " lis_",McNlveh;,E_mersoh_ Qsborne, 'I'1iel- ima'~ I-Irrell, : '_L_puise- `~ P1'-iii.i_l`e, A Charles ' `Pri6e'."Pati'ici'a_:` Elliott,` "Billie Smith, I Ross `Jackson, Leonard Glover, How- ard Longhurst, Cleatus Robinson, Catherine Mt .-Kenzle, JackgTurnbull. Earl `Ferguson, Kenneth Lo\'v'ev. Victoria Sohool Walter Eraser, 'Da,iy ..:{lc,ld', Verna ` Prlngle, -`Margaret Webb, Sylvia Straus- man, Donna Fraser, Helen Crew, Re- ins. Burns, Archie Foster, Victor La- Gear,` Norman Athex-ton, `Mary Gil- ,.m'ore, Gordon Myers, Gordon Atkin- son. Strait" Baltogeorie, `Marguerite Mays, Teddy Ineson, Phillp,Love, Jas. Stephens, Margaret Vair. Betty Shep- herd, Herbie Carley, Audrey McDon- nld. Mm-inn Mnnlzmnn T.nuInn -n........_ I.uI.uco LLUIJI ulc 5111.3 ;_:.u1'ucub. ' In addition to the cash prizes, each ccmpetltor will -be eligible to -compete fer the Championship Prize of 3. "two- weeks' course at the Macdonald Instl-- tute, donated by, tho D_epm*tme'nt' of Agricultural -` Two `cf _thSe"-Champion ship . Courses are ?:iva!1abl`e.v one for the girls of North Simone and one 101` . those of South Simcoe. The award will be made to the g1rl w1n nlng the great-' est number -of points in the Junior Fair as a. whole. Points won in the Garden and Canning Club work will.- of course, count toward the Champion- ship Prize. A fill] nu-in H31 . nf the Harris: Jnninr The following children in Barrie have their twelfth birthday this year and are eligible for 36 cameras as ex- plalned in".veek's Examiner. nah-nu I. (1 Hal A H... ...u..u..1.. ....._n.. Blitz) T1105. A full prize list of the Barrie Junior Fah' will be available in. the near fu- ture. CAMERAS co TO as or mass BARRIIV-SA CHILDREN vuu, &uL.jup&\l.UU. In connecton with the Barrie Jun- ior Fair, a class" will be made for an exhibit c-I prbduce and canned vege- tables from the girls` gardens. TY! Qfufinh fn fhn na'I:1n nrhznc monk L. ax u. The gardens will be `judged by the Agricultural Representatives in mid- summer and the following prize money o.wa2'ded: North Slmcoe (Vespra an-:1 Oro) $2.50. $2.00. $1.50. $1.00, 500. 50c. 59c,.5Qc, 50c. 50c. auutk Dl........... 1~r._._.I_na _,,,u vvvu, vuu, uvu. Canning Exhibit at Fai1'--$3.00, 75, $2.50, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.00. 50c, 26c-$16.00. Tn nnnnnfnu "Mn. 41... -n......:.. 1 Il'v'U'.\JL!U, UUU, UUC. South Simcoe (lnnisl and E5 $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 500, 50c, 50c, 50c, 50c. I1...-...l.... 17I..\-:LXL _L -v-1-1.. an an .....vY`.`- Avu vva.'-pfga_Lpj`u|\.g4}| ~ zln1_5l.B"$i :Q,': 5; `f1'1ca1$i;`:natigo1;isi xzrbinas, bbiifdlu, ga;11ei;gi;.,,.,:;rj:Vd core:>ps1s_whlch mg be q1g171tzc1 td gq thfbest` dhoxciuv;e2 Heat. 2 1;?` :2: = 2: '.:= -2 -syuu-3 -.Coz'npet1_t,o_xs wlskxins fqo;.;:nte1'.should apply to the $c1'eta1`y~~of the Women's nlnstitute (_19cal brahch). Ac mw -vhni-thy nf` wm;..; r`1'..L.A..'.. .... ..1. 004 J`OI~IJ I? N WOM R lv 000000099090 AN S REALM ',.l.llbULl.lLC l_1',)(:u1 Drancn). As our .':up'ply of Honh G'afd_e'n pack- ages is `limited to fifty (50). it will be necessary to limit the distribution as equally as possible "throughout the dis- trict. ` l y```__ _____u,,,_ n. now?! 5. .59 zipijlgi Vefbnas | =_\_:-_.u._._1_u1` up " .01.} I fe:1':'}n', _t:qmpem:{'Y1';1 tier; W131. rpqeive 10 'o\v'.5 [955 fbgll mmsus: shnue. :~ ;1:1'gm'{t-:d:'td cnfpest` d:ozu_;e~ eet v 3 _z;~: 2 t 5 z= . W , . } :ir;i's `nc`fij5' $31` . seeds tin?!" dwers and for ,c_'z1;;x1} `g"iv"iii be given with the distribution of the seeds. rN............A.lL___ ...1_x_:_, . , ' .V`lw.'L. The Department of Agriculture will supply segd for the whole garden" at a cost of 50c. The seed contained in these packages is as fo11ows`:-Beans, 3-4 1b., peas, 1-2 1b., onion sets. 1 pound, full _ package `lots of radish. spinach, lettuce. corn. on-, parsnips. carrots, tomatoes, cab- - bage, beets. citrons. cucumb'e1`s, squash, I pickling -onions and swlss._:c`hax;d-.. This ;seed will plant a gax'den1L'.by4(!f ;ft. for hand cultivation a:;ij*3' f.t.`.;by . 4_{1._.ft_._f_o1' hg)`CTq.oq tivationi add-$tiof_r;,` fen':`n._cqmp toi-* 1' Mae G;L=1s. jcompe61_`-3 Hm: inn! rannhrn in. n`nnln...4.i.;mc-:..........n ` _ . ,; ._... .. ........5 an.-u uuuuau uuc aauu; 'i1j;\ni:2ation. ~ ,The competition is limited to girls ,under the age of 21 years and not at- , endi:1,g Public School. ` ack competitor will be expected to `plant and care for the gax`4df1"W3th. the yexceptiorn of such heavy \vt1`i'_!"_as should glvbe d0:.e with the help bid man and f norms. . .- _`1_ AAHN, ... I Itch ~ Jlhibit 2 tember 1 garden ` -exhibit. 'f'|X-... ?` , ou:v_(u1`_L 1... rage, .u1st,r1ct_Represent- ntlve f__ the Department of Agriculture, mas" issued the following in-formation I reggrding a new girls feature for the! Jurlor Section of IBm'ie Fall Fair--the Garden and Canning Club'con'test. -~`.Th1' ontest is arranged with the '33 -o*._jer'at1on of the various` Bra'nch}.s in! Women's Institute in the'd-istrlct [mad the Ontario Depastment of`A gx'-la -culture, and the selection of the com- D'e{.1*.1:s is being held through the same ` . 'J'1't Jmfza tlcm, `Important Future of Girls Section . Amngcd in` Connection wuh the} Jugiox Fair Q! the Barrie Agricul- tuigursoclety this year. l'it( HILL VVU_\IKC.\"E i`cA1,iDEN IAND `CANNING . CLUB CONTEST AT FAIR; Stevgar; L. Page, Dlst,rict_Rebresent- .t1V_e_f._ th_e Depamnent 1 competitor will be ex acted to t at the Barrie Junior air, Sep- r 22, 23, and 24, prcduce of the l and also a canned Vegetable Essa). I (:1 nn :nn Finn Ann ,1vu,uU11 a'.aqf.1>o IL. -; Dy givationi aldd-$tiof_r;,` 1' G1L51Sffcom13e61_`-E a-ckag$g.9f'annueI_- )H:hvs:-l1L~.ti=r`si%t)}1`1rn :ti 'annuas- s?bh1q3:a` at-iorrhhvlui '.."."'.AN..T_ -uwav--'--`I -11 - Tint: or Dyes All Fabrics, lny8IMla Note: ALL RI'1`i| INSTANT RI? whether no marked on packauo at not. _ Jack Scanlon, Cecil Rank,'Eliz1beth , Wallace, Alice Stonebridge, Eileen -' Trendall, Winnifred Botton, Hildzi Richards. Dorothy Richards (twins). . William Graham, Gordon It`-Iavercroft. Fred Anscomb, Lloyd McKee. King Edward School V Earle Kendrick, Jean Sinclai'r.'Con~ S,tance Spearn. Edna Booth. Nelson Watson, Phyllis Ferry, Isabel Scru~' i ;on, l\/Iargaret Edge, Lillian Stunden :' Efloycieige Bannerman,_ Dayid dHl;ll.Ch-I ings. Wel_l:1c.e`l\/IcQuade`..`Marion Sykes l Rayin-3'nd ' Kettle : Betty `Piirk; `Dorothy : I_`ho.mpson, Gaizret .LeGemv. Edith Bow. Noi'mzm,Appleton, Haijry.I.aee, Bil- flle Little. Phyllisv,Matthews, `Freddi; fRaynler', Jack Rakestraw, `Beatrice Kin- Sella, Alfred Volli'ck'.Al1'aii Dixon. El- sie Looker. :King George School`: = Emily ~Moth."W1}1iam Stranaganq St. Mary`; School iJ%.. 3 Bu1s1s'~ Jl1C.k.C&meroi1. Perry Rya'n.. Da1tdn~1yIcDougal1,Robe1:t Fr_;!`si er, Char_1_esbG!orgianni. Albert Lillw. Gen_ev_1eye ;CVr<)ss1and".., Kathleen z 1`~1g"s.-1` kctt,;Kath1;qeu -Hook`, .lVacque!ip`'A-lvtixrg-_ ien. Bernadette Hipkin, Vina Clarker.` Agnes Barrett. Kathleen Murphy. HEALTH ,' Among the sections which will b: devoted to` the, girls are household sci- ence judging competition. . n which will be three classes devoted to nutri- tion, house furnishing and -'.-lothing: home garden and cannlngpompetition ' in which boys may compete; except in :tl1`e canning class;_ there will be two classes in baking, one for plain muffins, and one for date loaf cake; two in sdwing,.p1ain sewin , a smock, and -_`an.c'y`sewing, a .ha.nd-made quilted pillow. "A ?1_oaby s sxueatertthas been _qlipsjc_n =i'.0,r the knitting competition. A: -`saVfety~rst"~ poster, measuring. 11 157.14-lnchkas .is tho nnmnpflnb -:nI~'n'.-..+ _ni ` -v1VlCL_y`1lLBl yuaufr, ll-:B.'S11l`lng` . ll .13 . 1;4,-`inches as the competing isu_b'j-act $31` the .u?.'s'ectLon;- 8. 'buipess letter 'app1yi1ig2{or, ,a .p3sit;i'on, for 3, th writ`- ing class and_ me ower class calfs for an arrangexnent, of :1. ,1iv"1ng"rooxn "Dou- quet, and a._ hand bouqu'et-tied.w1th' rib- bon. ' "r L Inn... 11-5--.. _..,, V - - -- u Mrs. Bakervwas awarded th_e5"priz for utility in` the Easter hat judging `competition of the Barrie Women`: "In- stitute, which was held during the meeting". Mrs. Jacobs carried off the honors for originality while Mrs. Jack- son won the style prize. Mr. Page act- ed as judge. Mrs. Cleland wvon the -iarningcompetition. ('WH'iI:-or-9` AF +hn nu.-an.-.n..H-.. ...:n 1.- -.uAuuA5 uunupcuuuu. - Officers of the organization will b: elected at the next meeting, in May. ____._____._________...___ yum IIICIICIB 800! III. 31 lovely shades at your druggist or department store. 15: per package. uu.Ju<:_y ..\.'1 but: 5111.`) '.:Vt:IIL.`.'. An important class which is prov- ing most interesting, Mr. Page -:xp1:iin- ad, was the section devoted to exterior de'3oration or the beautifying of `nom< grounds. It is proposed to draw up two plans for this class. one to shou the home grounds as they are beforc ,Iunds.aping', and the other to show how they could be improved by the lplanting of trees, shrubs and garden plots. ' ` I .q._._.-_ L`_- -7477 unuucy Ill sunpxcst, easiest way. To tint or fast dye dresses, chil- dren s clothes, stockings, lingerie or household linens, INSTANT R11` is far superior to mere surface" tint- ing or dyeing. Try and see; then tell your friends about it. .11 Inunlu ulna;-Inn .9 nun`--u .l.......:..A. uuuugu xuiuly extra wasmngs. INSTANT RIT dissolves in 40 seconds. All fabrics absorb these penetrating colors immediately, with perfect safety guaranteed. No streaks, no spots, no guesswork. Real professional results which save you money in simplest, easiest way. tint or fast dun 1-Ira-gm-1: a-hil- Instituies Co-Operating for .This Feature at Barrie Fall air. AH ekcepfionally keen interest is be- fg taken in the proposed girls section 'of_ the Barrie Jun3or'F'a`lr, `Ste'wa2"t L PaLge,.`?'agricultura1 representative for North - imcoe, told ihe Women : Institute at their monthly meet- lng tieid in -the Library Hall, April 1 The W1. is co-operating with the de- partment of agriculture and the Ioca: fairi management in securing prizt money-for the girls events. An ivhnnrn\-90 nlnnn ...1.x..|.. x.. ....-, I S,'sr<~..d buttered O NTAR I O - MAI D \\ hole wheat bread with grated raw L.:Irut,SCu.~10nd with salt and mayonnaise. ... I\-vv -a.v.a:.a:1L .L\LL uuu your curtains come out with fashion s latest shadc-go1d, ccru or some other color you favor. Ynu (`An 1191- on-surf-or alga--p auuu: ULHCI culur you IEVOT. You can. get smarter, clearer, `fresher colors with INSTANT RIT because an exclusive German formula makes all colors penetrate to every fiber of any material so that even daintiest pastel tints last through many extra washings. !`;ucn`uno `fl An Curtains . . . for almost not/ring I\nvn "Just Like Nev? mu Harms? [ :4 ms EPT. V :7 ONE or two dips in watr colored by New INSTANT RIT and vnnr r-uv-0-gins nnvnn nuuO- ...:4L WHIEE RlT--Removs Color (Harmless u'Boiling Water) Any color, even block, in taken out of all material: complete! by WHITE RIT (color remover). IO remarkable in removing upon and Maine froxp white ;oode-even ink, fruit. acum- tutibn. nut. etc. Bring: ye! wed" or groyed" white good: back to original new whiteness. - "grayed" white [01 whiteness. WT? \A\InAl \ALlx.`, J`/ALDO sgLl.DWlbK\C Klllku .m:'u,arot Murchison. accompan- pizum Dy ldiss Clifton: `J5':s11 `Iis. D01-is; Turner: vocal duets: fmtlvw. zmd 1\/I:':s. Page: vocal solos. 5. I2`. B1l}Z( l'. Strange, j\/Iiss : vucai {lun':i. Mrs. Baker and ,`.1I'l(m: h<)m()1'~;)ll.`i 1'e:1ding. j:u1':'m. the p1'cg'ram re-I mnl: nun-n cnx-var}

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