Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1930, p. 14

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I55 '.'.lCL `LB-DZICI, IJUJJ11 X81115. Miss Evelyn Leadlay of Thornton \ vas home for ;the `week-end. ` Tun`: wnlgmnn -.4 `n .-......x.. .-.-.....4 +1.... MAC JGUC VVAIA. KILLIULIA n JIULIDC. Thos. Sparks and Frank Coleman baded a car of seed on Monday." Mr anti Kr: Art IIC4-lrl o-nrl Annals- Mrs. J. I3ugsley and daughter Dor- xthy and Cameron Loblaw spent Sat- lrday in Barrie. , `A/Ir mu-I lms u.~../.... ur......... .....: 'lPCl1Ir ;v1.uuuuy 11 LUWU. T` `George Kidd spent" "the week-end index` the parent__a1 roof. MI`: W Iliflann nf Tnvnnfn -in mini}, UHHCU ll: EH41 UL DCCU U11 lVLU1luu_y- Mr. and Mrs. Art Kidd and daugh- .er Molly spent Saturday of last wek nv Toronto. 1!... 7 n..--I-.. ._...: .1...._u.:.__. 1-`-.. `Vila 3101116 LUL` ;bHC WC_C1:\'Cllu. Jackfcolernan of Barrie spent. the `geek-end with friends ' here. Jun.-. 5...... 11:11.... v.........4 .'-L... .. ..;..a- mun uu-: puxcxupx .'.'uu1. Mrs. F. Mitchell of Toronto is visit,- ng -her father, John King. ` `l:!un1un.'I'.nurnnu hf` "Fhnvnfnn iuu VIBJIAIL `GD 1115 JIULIIC IIFL C. Mrs. Gilbert Carr has moved into zhe late Wm. Amo1d's'house. Than mnnulpo .-..'...I 1:1...-...I. r1..1.......... Jcfierb-ert. ienkins, J;'_.,` is sick with 'OhSi11tiS. Joan Kidd is _able to be out again af- 'er her operation. Thnc Qnnrln: and hie -nnnhnnr (Inn:-nu: yccn-cuu. Wlh .l..l.'JI:Vlb .'1CL'I`.'. _ Miss Agnes Wilson-`spent the week- rnd at her home in Beeton. AH:-nu unviflnu at t)nn.n nu... .. .....-.l.. ..-.....-, AIL .v;u nu. suuv `Services 11 z1.m., 7 pm. concluded by THE MINISTER 11 A.M.. Subject: _ THE RESURRECTION" ;lAu all ucx JLUIUC 111 DEULUH. Allan Hopper of Barrie was a. week- rnd visitor -at his home h_ere. 7 `Han .I`S{I1-`nub fig... 1...... ....-......l .'..L.. Fred Adsett : >`o\ coolgsrown MIDHURST ' Arnold-Nevils ; spent Saturday in I Trv The Examiner 10? ne p"mtmg' service. ` AUTO NOTES `Valve cores in tires should be re- newed about once each year. A rm. Ham n11 will relieve the newea anon; eacn year. A little light oil will relieve stubbtrn manipulation of the choke r\uf+nv\ 01 ms; weex_1n barns. _ . Mrs. R. W1-ght of Toronto xs with T her father, L. Carson. for 9. short time. nun.-:.....n r~r.....uL-... Inn nu quf.nrrIn.v bollier St. ~:L_Jnni i.'ha_l hC3!1un:cg ll-CL Aaovtlcl, 1.1. \.IuLovAAg Clifford Hamilton 1 for Goderlch where `Z fireman on one of. leaving .there. uuuuu .s4 button. unanv. St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. met on Monday night at Mrs. W. E. Grey's. It was de- cided to close the year's work with -a banquet about the first of June and invite one of the Dominion `A.Y.P.A. officers to be the special speaker at same. Lesscn was read by Miss Olive Morrison -and piano and vocal solos were given -by Misses Mary Marrow and Evelyn Leadlay respectively. Miss Muriel Jobbitt took the "Study Chapter and other readings were given by Misses Amy Lennox and Genevieve -Jamieson. Contests were -conducted by Mrs. Grey and Mrs. 'Arthur McQuay. Members of program committee were Miss Jobbitt and` Dick Marrow. Next week's meeting will be held at Mrs. Geo. McDonald's. l'h..l...:4-.. Irrsurn 1_-1_s. LI_,2 30.` D0 'J{OI'0I1U0 I0l' D118 \VI:I:n-cuu. Miss Mae Friel, R.N.. is wlth her parents for 9. short period. `run. .....A` mm... 13 `lufny-an nf Rm-rie. UEFERBS I01` 8. SIIOIT; perwu. Mr. and Mrs. P. Moran of Barrie, Mrs. Williams of St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. J. Torpey-of Mlnesing Station and Mr. and Mrs. A. Toner were Sunday vis- itors at J. Cummings. mum.-. 1m..........;+ emynanc unpnf. mart :wrs an .1. uummmg 5. _Miss Margart scythes spent Part of last week_ in Barrie. 11.... n 1u.1..I..L .: Vnunmfn in \ll"'.`h ALACALUD JLI ruuouuu uuu` axrcxuurne, The services in Trinity Church thi: week -are very! helpful and inspiring to all who attend; On Sunday Specia` Easter music will be rendered by th; choir and Easter messages be-given by the pastor. DnouiFn'l gvnsdnn uuyanbhnu ...\_:_.s, . :.\,uLaAL5A_y 5avn:u away uu ayuug ELL 13.513. Marrying Ann." put on. -by the young people of Burton Ave. church last Wednesday evening in aid' of the Mission Circle of Trinity Church, was very much enjoyed`. Although the roads were at their worst the hall `was ccmfortably full and everyone was well pleased with the evening's entertain- ment. ru. v...1_._ . can . - - ~ lvnuu. JV&.aLl\JA.|l1lLA 0. Trinity W.M.S. held' their regular jmonthly meeting and their Easter meeting combined at the home of Mrs. West on Wednesday afternoon. Owing to the unfavorable condition of the roads. it `was thought advisable to postpone W.M.S. -Sunday until the 27th of April. Mrs. H. M. Thompson read the Easter Thankoffering mes- ;age. This was followed by a littic poem, He is Counting On You." read by Mrs. Campbell. The Easter Respon- sive Service was led- by Mrs. Jamieson The Devotional Leaflet was taken by Mrs. Downey and `Mrs. Mccormack gave a very interesting review of the 3rd chapter of the study book. At the :lose cf the meeting afternoon tea was served by the hostess. Easter Report of S.S. No. 9, lnnisfil Sr. IV-Alice Beaumont 73%. Mar-~ jorie genre '72. -Hazel Hopkins 72. Clara aibert 70. Gertrude Coulter 60. JR." IV`--A1e x. `Couiter 52*. SR. III--Dorothy Lucas 82, Alice Hopkins 79. Laura Lucas 64*. mb -1'71 u-......1.: -rx..n_....a. on ~.~._.u, asnu .v. Luu \Juu.u1a.u. WCJC asaun 1UUz\Iu for it when Ralph saw it. After 5 winding the watch kept good time am e is in perfect running condition .11 ;hough it had been under the snow fox nearly four months. cw-.-Va nuns \.II.Ill-\.o\I \4lllLl.'l LII Rev. J. Johnstone Black, B.A., B.D. - Minister .1: VJOLL-ll 040 Fla I-1. JVLUIGAI D LCMLIII/1'7. The gravel` trucks are working gain and repairing Apto hill which has held up quite a number of cars chls spring. The road is also being graded so we hope for better roads in 1, few days. "I"-ha fr-An nknv-na `Inna knnn knnrl fhl`-I Ac w uaya. The frog chorus -has been heard the fast few nights and- it sounds more 'ike spring. But if the old saying is brue that they have to be frozen -up 3 `Ames? the farmers will not be through :eeding very early this year. No one has begun spring work around here 1t time of writing. Mn 1X7inn(Fvnd~Dinhnrd`cnn nf Rat'- v1A\: ynavun. , Beautiful spring weather, which has prevailed during the last week, has dried up the roads and the farmers are able Ito get on the land. The `wheat and clover, whl-sh werelooking so sick 1 few weeks ago, have taken on a gregn tint and the long, long winter has szemingly given away to spring at 135;. Mn.rrvina- Arm " rm L." u._ um; Lu. Lwn.u.uA\.Iu\.A 11111. `Mrs. John A. Corbett and Mervyn spent the week-end! in Toronto. Mr: Mnenn gnnnf. f.h: uvnnly ...:u_ -Ipuasu yum. vvus.n-\.A.\u' AA; J.\J1Ul.{LU. A Mrs. Mason spent the week with friends in Alliston and? She1burne_ 'T`hn en!-uinn: in 'T`v-inihy f`hn....1.. u_g, L;vyIxu.|a la. uausa uuvua U1 . JR. `III-Haro1d Halbert 69, Ruth Coulter 63. 5 ` .31-, A, ..... -- Watch Found After 4 Months in Good Running Order A watch was lost by Master Frcc` Joleman near the end of November 1929, in the local fair grounds xvhilz 1-3 was tobogganing. A number of boy: orming. the group made an cxtensiw rearch, but the watch could not `or- Tound. At each melting of the snov. zhe boys also looked. but in vain um 11 Saturday, April 5. Ralph Broleg and Fred Coleman were again looking "Ar if. whnn Dnlnh ccnn it Aar :- Jvvno AGLAIL LU}. hilt: DUUFHICA. The whooping cough, which was so Jrevalent here. has visitedg` most of he patients `with a. relapse, causing a great deal of ear trouble lately. Rlhv nn.-I `luh-a 117 1`\ Gaul-has uicil-nrl ,Awu.u uvnt UL can ULULIIJLC Jn.u:L_y. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scythes visited in Toronto and Midland last week. '(.\....-.I.. \(..:1......_.. ..n.- ~r\.......L........ nu... nu LVAVLIUV uuu xunuauuu lI:D|4 wuun. Joseph McMurray of Penetang was 1 visitor at A. L. Moran's recently. Thu n-vvnvvr-:1` bun}-.1-n nv-n \nnsvbnn' MID-WE`EK MEETINGS Tuesday and Friday `nights; at 8 -3 c10ck Are you interested in the Book -sf REVELATION? The pastor is giving .21 se1`1e.'; cf lectures on the Book every 1`u':sday night. 16 WKS LIUHIC 1UI' U116 WCC'L' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. R`lche.rdson and the children and! R. M. Carson motor- zd; to Toronto for the week-end. an-__ vu_x-I nu? :. .nH-In hnr J.u.I1uuuu. IJAV-IDAVLI VJ. uuua UL ']_`e']n- perance will meet on Wednesday even ing, April 23. - (Wu flnnrlu `I7`v-{than nlnilnls `-1. -1,` . mg, Apru za. On Good Friday night. `at eight o'clock tzhere will be a. special service in St. J-ude's Church to which every- one is cordially invited. , T A' Tnrvnnv nv-up-I Trnwnvsln ......._L -. UAIC `LB VULJJGLJJ LllVl|IG\.In J. A . Lennox and Joseph spent Sun. day in Richmond Hill. .`l\K1-a Tnhn A (`|1\s~`k-:14-O .-.-..l. 13., -.u.v .V[OOI`8 ` `Joul-t'er 66. .1. -- nuuua. Lualurlb OU, rwy` SR. I----Leonard Burtch. JR. PR.-Orma Burtch. `Indicates a failure on one or more mbjects. Honours, 75%. 'N`ESSIE C. SPEERS, teachex KID I \' Apri-1_14-Joseph Cumming had a sale of cattle and sheep last Friday. W. G. Richardson has rented Robert 3ook's farm for the summer. TH- ...L.......: _ . . A . .._I.. ...Lx,.L. ....... ...-. U uuuv: UL Wlllrlllso Miss Winnifred` Richardson of Bar- 'ie was home for the week-end. `Inn. .......1 In ..- -In A I')`ln\annr11-r\r\ ant-I Thornton Division of Sons of '1`e;n. mranr-,9 will mppt nn Wpdnncouy mu... ..---..-... ..--........- u... .4`, .~..n...-yu. 3 P.M.- I`HE BIBLE SCHOOL. You will enjoy the Bible School.-, Help us establish a new attendance record. 7 P;M.-EVENING SERVICE. A MESSAGE FOR EASTER, for Every Day and .<';Jr'Eve1'ybody." A UV. ' III-- --Aileen Gray 7'7, Newman 2 68. Winnifred Icoulter 66. II -- Norma I-Ialbert 80, Roy tr RR THORNTON ____ L aw..- 1. 101' 8: 5l1U1l; uuuc. left. on Saturday `he has a job as Hthg large boats I\\I nInI1nl\IAI April 15-Mac Elson went to Ham- ilton to run the steam shovel for the summer. 1.7.... Dnn'In hoe Ivnhlrnynrl fn kn!` tu'uuu1. _ ' Mrs; Mccuaig of Eldon is visiting] her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Perry. 1 `lzhvnu-n.H> `Lhlfr-hinc'\h cnnhf Qnhrl-21: S11ITlIIl!':L'. Mrs. Poole has returned to her home here. sir..- 'T`1\nv-Inonrrl n? I'\ri1Hn anon? Qnn,, ' ' l 8 a'.m. and 11 a.m.-Ho1y Communion 7 p.m.--Evensong Special Music: `Let Us Keep the `Feast Rector: Alfred R. Hslden IIUHIC LLCL C- Mrs. Thomson of Orillia spent Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Arthur. -....... ~u,.r<....a.~.- nr 1:-1.a`rm zc .,:.:-:.-ml Wlhu. Dcxu \JLa.vvL\.-Lu. Elmer Uncles and family spent `Sun- day with friends in Bolsover. The Farmers Club met at the home of A. Bell. There were about sixty present and all had a nice time. It was a good meeting. Quite a number from Toronto spent Sunday at their cottages. Farmers Cooperative Club The Oro Farmers Co-operative Club held their regular monthly meeting on the 9th inst., at the home of Arth- ur Bell. While the roads were not the best the night was ideal and a crowd of about '60 gathered. Mr. Parker. manager of the Bank of Commerce, I-Iawkestone, was present and his talk on banking was instructive and ap- preciated by all. When the business for the evening had been disposed of Mr. Page of Barrie entertained for an hour with motion pictures which brought storms of applause particu- larly from the youngsters. After a season of music the hostess served a lunch and the meeting closed about 12.30. rnI__ __..a. ._......L:..,... ,.t n.'.,. rn..1. ...:11 SAW BIG TEXAS OIL WVELL J. J. Moore, who returned from :1 trip to Texas last Saturday, has some interesting photographs of the big oil gusher which came in at. Graham on April 8 with a ow of 12,000 barrels :1 day. It was capped the next day. The photos show pools of oil on the land zround the well. Mr. Moore took the photos himself. He flew from Wichita Falls, Texas, to St. Louis, Mo., :1 :1'i;:- '.ance of about 600 mile3. in 4 "-4 `iours, a trip that `took 20 hours by -unhn [IE1 unu5uI.-uz, uuAa. uuu. :.n.AA_y Everett Hutchinson spent Sunday with Bert Crawford. 'm1...n.~ TTnn1no ov1H- Fnvnihr anon!-.611, l4.0U. The next meeting of the `Club will `Je held on May 7, at the home of McArthur Bros. - "---`T---=7-:-r --\.. \ ` `AND `cuegv Vou Dns T115` Drs*..~:=.mqc.v_=," IS 'THE`HEI1}D 60> " 0:: `TM: ~`1)w,4p~ ORO STATION 1:: 11.... 1:11 n n n . . . nwnf & Us ' `me HEAD GUY SPEAK 70 MF7' is fastened tiog the Mgg gews Since the self-starts ? 1 1 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE. NIL... ...........I,.,..... .r A`-.. -n:\.I- :- THE. RE 0 .sILENT;1sEjD TRANSMISSION greatest au'tomotive improvement since the se1f-starter. If you want the drivin thrill of `our life, come in 8 and try out this transmission today. sion through its paces. `Watch the car do 40 in second V -as smoothly, as silently, as in the ordinary high. Pick I I I . ` out the street where traic is thickest. Put: the car 111 second. ing sti1l--swiftly, silently, without having to shift gears once! See how easily, how surely, you can shift. From high back to second `at 40-from second to high at any speed--as`easily as you `switch on your lights. Three minutes behind the wheel of a Reo Flying Cloud will convince you that the new i Reo Silent-SiecondTransmission is the improveiment I - - .1 0n -1`--.___.; IILL ,.,_---,, :__ GOOD FOR 1oo,ooo MlVLS You ll cut around VET behind the wheel of a Reo Flying Cloud rand put the new Rec Silent-Second Transmis- ` EM.BARRAss1Nc MOMENTS ran. Uuu vi u.u; A\;L.uL./AA.1A Axuaylbal. The F3.l'Y11CI'S' Club and Women's Institute met at 1:113 hcnie of W.I. pre- sident, Mrs. Russell Jsrmey, April 10, with a very good attendance consider- ing the condition of road-3. The roll was very `well replied t ). After the business was over there was a social hour, lunch served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Pearsall of Tor- onto visited L112 farmer's parents, Mr. -and Mrs. H. Pearsall. recently. 11,, ,, ,3 -. w-... an 4- .u 10 a.m.--C1ass Meeting .. 11 am. Subject: "CONQUEST Anthem: "As It Began to Dawn" Reed Male Quartette: "Christ Arose"- `Messrs. L. Beaver, R. L. Richardson. Douglas Smith. Mercer Irwin. 3 P.M. SABBATH SCHOOL Picture Story from The Triumphal Entry to the Ascension. illustrated by thirty-two beautiful colored slides. Everybody invited `.9 be present. . and past other cars, .as if they were stand- April 15 -- `Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fletcher, J. Wocdrcw and Jack Wood- row.vi5ited Russell Vvcodrow. in Tor- onto Hospital, who is in very poor health. up... w, ,-, -.-. . . ` .. . , wuu LILAC. LA :4.-.;uuJ.Lu.4. Miss Gun. SB. No. 8, teacher, and Miss Melita Braclley :-zre b;th able to` 2 out of the `1\Iem3ria1 Hcspital. The Tim-nmmu bin. ....,1 n1m~.,...n. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw cf New Toronto and c11i! spent the week- end visiting the form3r's mother, Mrs. Margaret Shaw. b3fc:'e they remove to Montreal. .u.yuu.A. 1 Mrs. Jack Kissock and children of Midhurst are visiting her parents. Mr. `and Mrs. H. B;-.rnh1rd-`:. 1,r:.... r~....._ an -.v- n L.,,..,.. ,_,4 The contract I31` the paving of eight miles of `p':o'.'i;1cir.l highway north from Barrie has bccn E91 by the Department of Highway; to the King Paving com- pany, Hon. Gm:-go S. .:Ie:1r_v. minister of `v}Iighv.*ays. has ;1,!!10uI1C(3d. Ac uvnll 9'-an ~:~n~r.wnr- -%un nailnn .-`F ux -..u5.;v'.1_v.s. stun .Lx:1.)uux.\:u. As well. the _.`cn:z;i*:i:1g jve miles of the Orillia-Bzmic-'1'o:'onto '.'1ighway into O1-illia will be -completed by `.he McNamara Constnlction company. thus completing the pavement be- tween Barrie and Orillia, the road in between `na'.'i:\g been 1"mished last year. I rnm `xnvvo--`...-~.. '-'\vV"!Y\4:|3\I7 mm n1<~r\ 'uL.LnL.L.u LAu\Au_ The .Mc1\ aj pave the 1':m'. x laying mi: while 1119 "z c;'1 will . _. ,1`;`.Cit.` the TBTAZRRIE-ORILLIA ROAD PAVING CONTRACTS LET Corner Bayeld and Ross Sts. Phone 291 - BARRIE ,,_,_,. .,.-_`. . . . , . . . -. OFFERING Please bring special Easter or Spring Appeal -offerings. Give joyfully---give liberally. Your offering an act of wox-~ gihip. - STRANGERS AND VISITORS home for the Easter-tide arc; ::ordia11y invit- ed to spend Sunday at Cemml Church. l\Uv-Ivvxnvp ...-.-- A. .. .--- Ldcal or district news on every page Ray and S1`;-vuley Malkin have 1'e~ l11`1`;Cu: hem ; f:o.n Guauph college for `H : --nvnrvunr MITCHELL SQUARE Livingston Bros. Ltd. (.\\A;':', u\.\. JIAILDLADLI 1&2-3|; JCGL. ;Z\ aj.=. 1:`:-5. -33:1`-.pany will also ':):1'J I:-.j)n: Orillia ".3 .Athe_11ey, b 1ni:~;;_d V >.n:gca.da.m4 surface, I c;'k C3215?-.'u::i3:1 company Be:=.'.'e::o;1 ::oa:i. CUNDLES RHISLEVER BARRE; 1929 Ford Tudor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $475.C 1928 (2nd series) Tudor . . . . . . . . . . . . $400.C 1928 (3rd series) Tudor . . . . . . . . . . .. $375.C 1928 (2nd __series) Roadster . . . . . . . . .. $375.C 1926 Ford Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $l60.C 1925'.Essex Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $150.0 1922 Overland Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 75.0 1924 McLaughlin Touring . . . . . . . . . . . $l25.C 1925 Ford Truck . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . $125.0 9.4 8 Morons What is a Bargain? .... vw .44-.-nu -.auuuu_y u.'.. \/n.x;\.1uL uuuu nu. SUNDAY, APRIL 27, '7 P.M. Hear the second chapter in Sermon Serial Series by our mmisterz A Christian in Khaki." I RE-CONDITIONED F ORDS Shop Where You Are Hnvited to Shop Stimulate business by the offer of some slow- moving lines at special prices. Brighten up busi- ness by advertising some desirable goods at re- duced jarices. Make advertising banish dull busi- ness. Often you can tempt the buyer who is bid- ing his or her time, to buy from you-at a time of your naming. ` In this community are hundreds of individuals and families on the watch for an advertisement which will offer them what they want at an ad- vantageous price. Cnllthem hzlrgztin-liuntcrs it" you will, but thrif- ty shoppers would he the hetler desig`nation. l`hril`t is :1 cnmmendnhlc trait and merchants should cater to it. One family wants :1 new czu'pet--ll1e need is not urgent. Another t':1mil_v is lt)()1Zlll{' fmwvzlrd to huying dining-mum furniture- it may not he for :1 twelve month. One man is thinking; of hu_ying' himself :1 watch. One womztn 21 slmpping` h:t;{; unnther an um- hrella. All can be made to huy e:1r1ier-h_v ztdvertisinq. Advertising can make the desire St) keen that the hrtrgaitl is forgotten in the fever for imme- dime possession. A `J ., "``` ``-'-.~ 5; " fl A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Thursday. April 17. 1930. Phone 491 $475.00 $400.00 $375.00 ` $375.00 $160.00 $1 50.00 75.00 $125.00 $125.00 vxrw 1` In 'A` '1 *1` vvv-' --v-----v - ---'-- A` w w was w w I `The Sacrament of The Lord's TSup- Samarita Club Lenten Self-Denial per will be observed. All christians in- offcrings may be presented at this ser- Vlted. vice. SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1930 ., . _. . _.______ - __ __Z._..__ 4......` L, gang? == mm tun "sch. 11- h A 7. :u _.,. Illp ('2 u..- -- 'I`hnr.~.d.1 Caretak: Snow Teach nu- .4 tion held up... LUWV us... He ;13;;Z.}- Applx Inn`-. x >x >x< EAsfiiii"13;&i?"s"f:"1ii/ICES %x< x< x Aux- ' Nev. | A 1 2'8? Slblt `awn . o 3%: ' 1 Ilka [.,. fdrz d1h 7arm M0? FOE-1 . -us:u;abetn gt;e t)' Vfcivv. .:1._E.'_B_AKER, Iiliiztstr Miss Jessie R. Bryson, Choir Director Mrs. E. Richardson, Ofyantst |]1`)X( pxq * >14 Q F5 GCODFRIDAY, 4_- P.M. 514 * * [1 It ' `Rn... c~................4 P`: rr-1... 1...:-..-o..n . 03-...-- .-H. fuk 'r..n+.n. cn10,,'l'\a'.-dn Rev. J. S. SHORTT, M./1., Minister Edmund Hardy, Mus. Baa-.. F.T.C.M. Organist and C.`Loz'rmustcr .3 %%E*1'<:r;;`g`c;ggj1:n >x a nu .opv-n . 1 FIn|VL.'jlV1\Jl\:1V JLV KJ LUEAIV V LK/`LI. The members -.>f the Bible School will supply Easter music. At the close of the morning service the or-1 dlnance of the Lord's Supper for 1m-! mersed believer. will be abserved. I jwr--..- `runes: was (Next to Central Schosl) Pastor: A. C. WHITCOMBE, B./1. me. Fourteen . HORACE WILSON, A.R.C.O. firnn nit-I non KVL 4-m -.n n....|.... ngcuu. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 3 P.M. SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE I .!".1\`L. $CRED CANTATA St. George s Church ALLANDALE Pr;sb3;terian Church SUNDAY, APRIL 20. I930 A vn.nx,u vv 1 uuuxv, n.n,.k...U Organist and Choirmaster Collier St. Regular Baptist `Church {KTnvf vn (`Inn-`On-nl Cnhnnlx RALLY AT GUTHRIE s1. ANDm;yv s _ Easter Services ..;.;a._a `um vv Au41A1 Special Easter Music AT BOTH SERVICES iconslstlng of anthems. solos, duets, mos and quartettcs and Easter -.n-gan voluntaries. S.S.'AND BIBLE CLASS at 3 RM. Young People's Society. Mbnday, at 8 Mid-Week Prayer Meeting, Wed., at 8 I J. .1v1., LJHLIJCUK. THE NEW MAN" 7 P.M., Subject: ~'r'urr `lxnnur Y\/[AN UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA | " -"-- -- - -"-"r -'- --* The young people's societies from all the neighboring churches are in- vited and expected. That is not to say that the meeting is to be exclusively for young people. It will be a. public meeting and both young and old will be there united in `sympathy and in- terest in the progress of the `world in moral achievements. mu.` +.{....... unr....1.: -n....u__...u__...1n .1- IILUX L GUKLIC VCIIICLI I19- The term World Brotherhood is not a new term. but it certainly has come to mean moreto this generation than it has ever meant "before. The war, first of all. and the political and religious events which have arisen out of it and have followed in such quick succession during the past ten years, have brought world brotherhood with- in the realm of practical politics. It is "this problem of world brotherhood `pre- sented simply and dramatically in play and speech and song that will be considered -on Easter Monday night at Guthrie. ..,_.. _--.... . . V V . . u . .. If.--I-IIS BIRTI-I- Triymn 116- V Scripture Reading-Matth 2:1-12. Choir--O, Little Town of Bethlehem` (Neidllnge1 Oblieatnt Misc -Rnceip Rnnnwn uve1aunge1 I Obligator Miss -Bessie Spearn Scripture Reading-Luke 2:8-20. Choh'-O, Holy Night" Adolphe ,4da.11. Snln and nh'Han+n- 7ur....- 'DnMl- ....u..- u, J.1uA_y nxguu Auutplbe giaan. Solo and obligatoz Mrs. Park. II--CHRIST CRUCIFIED- 3:"-Iym;1 106-- 3 Scripture Reading-Luke and John. Cl1cir--`Christ Before Pilate Maunde: .Qn1n- ':\Ihv `nk.-A... saaouid unu nay .uc1UxC ruuu: Solo: Mr. Do-bson. Scripture Reading--His Loneliness. - Chcir-`Droop, Sacred Head Mazmdes J71 Uvllfll LL81 Sclcs: Mr. Dobson and (Miss B. Spear) 1 C!1o11'-Rock of Ages"V Maunde: III---TI-IE RESUR_R`ECTION- Sermon--Easter Assurances. Hymn 136- C1mir--Eastcr Message- /7-unhvn fl ru....a.:.. Special l;Iaster- Services I i 11 A.M.--TI-IE MINISTER. AN EASTER MESSAGE" Anthem: My Hope is in the Ever- lasting." Wake Up, My Glory From "Daughters of Jalrus, .I. Staincr Soloist: Mrs. Laldmaxl. Anthem: Christ the Lord is Risen Again." .QYT1\T11Av Qunnt o 'n'.\;r ........ 4u.-an; Auuaausc " (Lucien G. Chair. I tChoir--Resurrection, Morn" Rodne; Solo: Mr. Dobson. Sc1iptu1'e---Matthew 28. Choh'--When the Sabbath Was Past Solo and obligate: Mrs. Park /Fosta Scripture--Rev. 22:1-8. Choir-Triumphant Strains Arise" I (F. E. Chipmm Solos: Mr. and Mrs. Dobson. |Hymn 237- Benediction 3 P.M.-An Open Session of the School Some good pictures will be shown. MONbAY, 3 P.M. A meeting for all Young People. Bub- ject: Youth and Its Opportunities.` WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M. ITI... 1'.u..,.A. 1.. .. 0-..}-.. -5` cu....1x.... L. 4.`... VV .u[L.lJ.11:nJlJ1.L , *0 I .J.Vl.. The First In a Series of Studies in mi Epistle to the Colosslans. Bring you: Dn uapAauL Bible. .L.uun.. THURSDAY. :3` P.'M. I The Mission Circle at the home of Mr I Alex. Sinclair, 33 Clapperton street `Ray Mccleary. the leader of the B01- ton Fresh Air Camp for Boys. _ 1-,. _ ___ 1 1 .U\J 1'1.lV1. Hymn--136. |AnLhcms-- Easter Message," Lucien G. Chain | Resurrection Morn" ........ .. Rodne; Solo, Mr. F. Dobson. Hymn 141--Come Ye Saints." Sermon- HY1Y(VY'lI"|I\ITII\rr'.v4\\w u .--.-.- ` _.__ .. I um; unlit?` RESURRECTION MESSAGES." Choir-When the Sabbath Was Past [Solo and obligate: Mrs. Park. (Foste7 `i Hymn--484. H `nap . ~.Junu Luz. Full Choral E2:/\Ir.i`ce by Choir and Congregation N CH..." ..z- 3.`, COMiNG EVENTS `Sunday School Anniversary, May -1 Dramatization of Queen Esther," May 6 "11'1dse who did not return their envel- opes with contributions to the Hospital Ward. kindly do so on Ea_ster Sunday. uuuuun; xcuuauvlz. utullawlllullt 1 Mr. Douglas Smith. Chorus: Thy Will Be Done" Chorus: Betrayed and Forsaken. Soprano arecitative: "0, `Was There Ever Loneliness Like I-I1s?"-Mrs. W. R. Urry. Chorus: Before Pilate." Chorus: `_'March to Calvary." Ccntralto recitativez Calvary--Mrs. A F? Rnluar \.1uuL.a.A|.sl .'.c.;uauvc. uzuvury --1V.I.I'S. A. E. `Baker. . Soprano Solo: "Droop, Sacred Head"- .--R/f" ARK T. .".hu1-`flaw 7 P.M., LUMINANT cnoss SERVICE Dears open 6.30 pm. Come early Minister's Subject: DA WN" Central Choir will "sing the Sacred Cantata, olivet to Calvary, Part II Baritone recitativez A New Com- mandment"-Mr. Mercer Irwin. Chorus: Oh, Thpu Whose Sweet Com- passion. Baritcne recitatlve: Gethsemane- 'l\/I I~ T\nnn-You Q1-nH-1-u I may; uuu uuxu. uzuup, DUUIICU .| ~-M:'s. M. L._Chantler. Chorus: Droop, Sacred Head. Story of Christ's Birth, Crucixion and Resurrection. AN ACT OF ;BI`;3[.`t;I.E.'RES`1` HATE Burton Avenue United Church, Allandale Special Easter Services SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1930 11.03 A.M. n~1n_,1 QR ll`/Q1355 - u- 3 REV. A. E. BAKER, Minister Mro E` Pinhnronm ohnqiiof REV. ARTHUR HALE, Pastor Mrs. Edith Rowe, Organist Miss M. Sinclair, Choirleader _ -..-.c, _ --`_-- --_- _.--.. `v_ii7ll`l_)e`Vconducted througlmollt b young `~peo:3l`e. The young people of uthrle will present a short play entitled The Color Llne" and among others taking part will be: Dr. Holmes, just home ' 'om'Japan; Mr. Mykawa, a Japanese student. who is taking post-graduate work. in Tomato; I-Inward Norman, who expects to go to Japan next year; ..- . . \aon\-Q I~Io\iIIIA\aJlA\l\I\ 1}? llre r7e?r'n'or' politic brotherhm and dramatic: n Buy Advertlsedooda. Examiner Classieds pay. A L 'a\.1V.l: AN ACT OF VINDICATION" First Baptist `Church CLA PPERTON STREET SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1930 FOR EASTEIR SUNDAY SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC F. J. D. Norman, Choirmaster and Organist REV. A. `A. WALL, Pastor u uuunlcl U]. yccua. A number of people of the United .Church attended' the morning service at Edenvale last Sunday. Rev. A. Rin- ten} of Elmvale was in charge. cu nu u_u: I\l._V.> nu5p1L8.'1, JSBJTIC. Mrs. Robert Poole, Sr., intends leav- ing this week for Detroit to attend the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Chapeton. ITI]-,g npg-;.p\t!nv|\n|n mad. 1.. LL- nu-" ...uma vuayc vuu. The Orangemen met in the Town- ship Hall` last. Wednesday evening` and organized an orange Lodge. there having been no Orange Lodge here for a number of years. A hlin-l-\nr A4 .r\nAv\1n A0 4-I... `I'7..lL-_! ..._, uuvu ;unuuuAou 11 LUHUS. David Kearns is seriously ill at time of writing. 'T'hn lsnnny .1... .........v.. -.1: _u,, THE LORD VICTORIOUS" (by `Harry `Rowe-Shelley) Sdloists: Mrs. Laidman. Mrs. H. wu- enn 1Uh- Q xxr '1\II .-um,` run. 17...... -n.. um uuulg In narrle IO!` 8. few days. Miss Isabel Finlay has been remov- ed `to the R.V. Hospital, Barrie. NH`: "HA1-\nr'l' bnn1n uv .'..L.._.1- 1.2-- .1951 A Mllul U. Quite a few of the !chi1d'rn\ of me` aommunitywhave been troubled with stomach u lately. Mr: -Nnrmon Dal-6m....... ...__a nu_. zuunuuuu 1101 1u.u_c1_y. Mrs. Norman Patterson and M15: Nellie Douglas were at an Institut: meeting on the Seventh Line -last veek. _..._.- _-w`-1 n Apr. 15-Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Garvin have returned to Detroit after holiday- lng with Midhurst friends. Y1nuhI `lI`n.-um... I- .._._n_.._L, 1" ua. vvuuug. The snow -has nearly an disappeared and the roads will soon be dried: up Mrs. Wesley Tracy and son Hubert have returned after visiting -at Aurora Miss Alberta uGl1~1 has returned af- ter being In Barrie for few days. IsTm'be1 Fhilv ha: J-may-u vlnrnnvy, April `I5--Wi1iiam Nicholson has 36811 confined to his bed) for the past ;wo weeks through illness. Mrs. R. Armstrong -has recovered zfter her recent illness. Maitiand Patterson had: a horse ;everely injured last week. Miss Martha Nicholson was home for the week-end. ` T`\nH-an `l')..LL........_. -1` IHAA--~1 u Anuzu 1 SUCH my . Mr. and -Mrs. Robert ~PaA;terson s lit- zle daughter Georgina. is, recovering zfter a. recent attack of pneumonia. `ff. 1,: Iinrinrctnnrl ulinlam m.n....... 1.... .0A|l\nL a. Lcucuu uuunun U1 pueumoma. It is understood William Mason has rented Ben Parr s farm on the 12th- Line and intends moving there in the near future. I\-IL- - 1-.-. ,3 A` .q nun - -- Ill CL] | -H1 L IIUJ. ll IIUJJ. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bolman )ave moved into the house recently acated by J. R. Coutts. . Miss Sylva Coleman of Toronto spent the week-end with. her mother, Mrs. R. E. P. Coleman. 1UHm- T'\n...-.-L... 13.......1.... 'I..cL .... -av...` On Wednesday, April 9, 1930, at the; name of the bride's parents in Tecum- seth a few miles from town, Elizabeth ldallne, eldest daughter of Mr. and /Irs. J. J. Nevils was united in mar- iage to Mr. Percival T. Arnold, son =f J. `C. and the late Mrs. Arnold of Essa. Rev. B. Atkinson was the offici- iting clergyman. The couple will :;e- side on the groom s farm in Essa a Jew miles from town. `Death of Mrs. T. McKnight It was with very great regret that "he people of this vicinity learned of he death of Mrs. Thos. McKnight who succumbed to an attack of pneu- nonia in the Alliston hospital on Apr. 13, 1930. ` wur..- 'nA'..1'7...;..\.~L ....I....... .....:;r.... .._.__.. - tata available at `the Evening Service. wunvnooa. suta. uzuuuuxu. .LVL1. .11. W11` son, Mr. S. W. Moore, Mr. Knox. Du-i ets, Quartettes, Recitatlves by other members of `the Choir. Bpeclal pro- Exammes with the words of the Can-, Everybody welcomed `0 enjoy the `Eas- ter Message in Song. Mrs. Mc-Knight, whose maiden pame vas Ellen Jebb, was born in Cookstown m Nov. 3, 1868, and spent he: `whole `ife here. she `was d-evoted to her home Ind was also an active worker in St. Iohn~`s Church.` A woman offne per- ;ona]_ity and exceedingly kind and tcnsitierate for the poor and needy, she had many friends and will :be`sad- y missed in t'he`.<;o1hinun`l-ty. _ A hn in elxrviunrl kn haw knuknnd. hur- gnu: uvuu. | Services were held in St. John`: Dhurch, the following clergymen par- Jcipating, Rev. B. Atkinson, the rec- v .or, Rev. Messrs. Gray of Rosemonl; Kennedy of Beeton, Dew of Bradford md Hearn of Bond Head. Among the nany beautiful flowers received were ,hose from the following organiza- xlonsz St. John's Senior W.A., St John's Junior W.A., St. John's Guild md the I.0.0.F. The pallbearers were .\/Iajor Knowles, F. G. Campbell, D. H Eoleman, James Jardlne, T. J. Daw- ;on and William Dlnwoody Intermenl vas made in St. John's Cemetery. nu: vuu npcuu nuaucx wuu .u'xt:uua._ Mrs. Clarke and daughter Goldie of Poronto have moved into the house vhich was owned by John L. Rainey. R/fr: fiaivn f|\/fnir anti .-Iannhfnw Dark 'vuu.u WI13 uwucu u_y uuuu .L1. nnuxcy. Mrs. Cora Molr and daughter` Beth wf Toronto atgsended the funeral of "he late Mrs. `Thomas McKnight on fuesday, Mr. and Mrs. _P. J. Moran, Mr. and VHS. D. H. Coleman, Freeman Camp- aell. Major Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. 3ert. Marwcod and Dr. J. J. D. and \/Irs. Banting of Barrie attended the 'unera1 of the 1ate_Mrs. Thomas Mc- Knight. A rm nl :I:\'fnu:I- u1_c: ULUULICI, W. J. acpu, .J.QI'UD0. An xcptionally large attendance at the funeral on Ap1_'i1 `15_test1fi_ei tr he place she held. in the cornmilnixzy :nd to the sincere sympathy fe1t1Io1 hose bereaved. Friends were presen_1 'rom Toronto, Allistan, Brampton Pottenham, Beeton, Bond= Head, Brad- 'ord-, Barrie, Creemore, Stayner, Col- ingwood, Angus, Gilford, Lefroy, and Fhornt/on. : n-.._..x___ ,,,.,, u, u . - .... - . A LIA van: W CUlL'Cllu Dalton Patterson of Toronto visited '11 Mac recently. -Mr unr1I.'All'v-c `Dnkns-+ `!:..4.u-............. In. ll uay 11.1 Dal 115: Mr. and Mrs. Hair;/I Watson and hildren `spent Sunday at the latter : Jarents in Thornton. `Ala and It..- *rr..........L|. -n--1...-.. .uno. LN. .u. :. uutcugau. Mis Dorothy Pugsley left on Wed- uesday morning for Toronto where she will spend Easter with friends. 'l\/fr: ("luv-Ira nnrl ..-1'...,.-1.+.,.. n..1.u.; -4.- y uu.::.I:u Au uuz` s;uuuuul.1`.l-b_y. , ` .`_. She is survived; by,-her husband-, twc asters, `Mrs. C. Fisher of Cookstown Lnd Mrs. A. Morrison of Chicago, aha". >n_e brother, W. J. Jebb. Toronto. Aln vnAn+inhn11vv `luv-nun a'{l3-.u..l........ CL lit. upcxuuuu. Thos. Sparks and his nephew George epent Monday an town. ` `(Inns-n-A fflh-It! avunnl--`-'1-kn -.nnnIr_AnA A meeting of more than ordlnary in- terest. will be held in the United "ohuxjoh on Easter Monday night at l_'\.ll -"past eight o'clock. The meeting will be held under the -auspices of the -Guthrie Young People's Society and `will be conducted throughout `I1Hl\V"A The unnnnr nnnnln nf Ilfhvin

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