W, AN WANTED to do cleaning by] .`Apply 240 Elizabeth street. 16b -`-(SR SALE-1 Frost. & Wood spring- ccth cultivator. in good condition or vould exchange for set of disc har- 'nws. or (L No. 21 plow.` Apply R. W. '2`:nelf.. Barrie. R..R. No. 1. 16p BERT TAYLOR SAYS: See these bar- ains in used battery and electric ra- `ins. Battery models all complete and vii h .~;pca1<:er--$25.00, :3-tube Westing- vmsc: $42.50. 5-tube Atwater. Kent: 275.00. 6-tube De Forest Crosley, worth 3150.00; $78.00, 5-tube De Forest Cros- `_v. in cabinet. All electric models- 02.50. '7-tube Freshman, cabinet mod- .'- a-nr. nn '7_fukn i1nAx:n-ul fnhln mn- FARM FOR sALE--Over 200 acres xmnllunf lnunl land nnnnncalnn HI Tn. :AI(1V1 FUN bhli--UVI 100 I0?! xcellent level land, concession 10. In- usm, large quantity timber. grand zjcek, county road corner. near rail- vay, sdhool, stroud village. Frank Quantz. Barrie. 13-17;`, `."l1'IT)'dH. 74-) UWEII DI. J'[JH`.`Cl`.` UHCDLCI" "uicl suite. dining room suite. 1 bed- ;-anm suite, Gourlay piano. Singer sew- ng machine (drop hea._d)... 2 Wilton ugs, tables. blinds and folding stretch- v.' with mattress. 16p U&.u')U. I-LUBE I"1'l'J55lXllH:1l, CHULHCL H100- -'.' $95.00. 7-tube Federal. table mod- 21; $145.00. 8-tube De Fore'st Crosley. :1 lovely walnut. cabmet, $4-50.00 when vzw. These prices are fock bottom ul sets thoroughly overhauled and "uax'antced in OK `condition: Used \homg1'aphs_$l0 to $25.v1mcoe Ra- "r- Sales and Service.` 1\."I`a,3`rlo1"."' Fnone 1250. 56 Elizabeth St. Alittle .o ,-r C-`\n uvnn hub 16- run": in nvallp " `LECTRICAL FIXTURES and brack- t.:.. :3 M per cent. off for short time My. `All kinds of electrical work done. '}vcryLhing electrical. J. W. Bishop. el- *."tri(-nl dealer and contractor, 43 Dal- un St., Barrie. telephone 285. 16-201) *(1 )l1C LZDU. D0 IJILZHDUUII cu. .uLb. up of the way. but it, pays to walk.` . EGGS FOR HATCHING LOST AND FOUND GOVERNMENT STANDARD NI AIJSIKIJ free from px'imar_v weed :; $_8.0o=busheI f.o.b.. Lcfroy Station. _f_1`ee;'.Howard Allan. Churchill. FARMS FOR SALE 1-"on May an. 15-19? UULI, 16p Vllalu. Pom: coups `rot `sale-"-1192? model, in good condition. Telephone 540. 16p j: FOR SALE-Chrysler Plymouth sedan. man mndol small mnpma Telenhone FOR SALE-Jewett car in excellent condition. Look it over. 48 Toronto streep. ~ 15-17b EUR aAuz:'-'Unry51er rxymuuux acuazu, 1930 model. small mileage. Telephone 1279. V 16b WANTED TO EXCHANGE a Durant sedan tor a. touring car. Apply at the I Examiner office. 15-17p SEl:D`s.0ATS--O.A.C. 144 and Lincoln. bqt varieties good. clean seed. Also 3,131 evand sweet. clover. Isaac Allen. Tlpomton. Phone Stroud 151-22. 15-16b FOR SALE--Chevro1et Superior tour- ing car, 1st class condition. will sell for $7,5.'George Barnes. 12 Eccles SL. Barrie. . A` ` f 16;: REG ;TRUCK--Just -been overhauled and painted, 32;x.6.7'h,8.vy duty tires all around, looks a`_ud`3*runs like new. 0111!`. McLean, B{uj1{1e,".: 7 `mp A Fine job printing of all kinds at The Examiner omce. A REAI; BA`RGA,II'-`-'-One Chandler big `Six Metr_opol1tan~ sedan De Luxe. Apply to Bert Frallck. Barrie. Phone -93W or 450. Property of the late Juge Ross. 16t.tb NOTTCEF-I. Robert Lewis 150 James St`... will not be responsible for any debt contracted in my name by anyone `without my written order. 14-16p NOTICE-V1ct.or Ross has purchased a. new 2-ton truck. Local and long qlstance trucking done at reasonable prices. Every load of stock insured Phone 1818 Oro. 16-17b FOR. SALE--Barred Rock and Leg- hom chicks, April price 16 and 14 cents. Turkey eggs for sale from large Bronze breed, 50c per egg or $5.00 per dozen: also Miller Ideal incubator, 400 capacity at nearly half price. H. Bran- don, Guthrie. RR. 1. 15-19p mwnrs ALL BLUE TAYI smnvxcn local and long distance, night and day. Q5-can-t servlr-In. A. Irwin. 'I`nInn`hmm FOR SPIRELLA foundation garxndntxs lingerie and hosiery, see Mrs. J. N. Hobley. representative for Barrie. 201 Elizabeth St. V A * 16-Eon CA'I"I'LE TAKEN in to pasture at ren- nnrmhln vrnfng m- min .1-nnf nncfnrn favnn F`OR;.BALE-O.A.C. 21 barley, grown f_ro1_u..,:eg!stered seed. Government stnmlnrd No. 1. aerminatinn 100%. 9451 114115 IILIXEILV 111 L0 [)H.5l-UH.` KL PC11- ,_s_ona.ble rates or will -rent pasture farm for season. Apply Fred Pratt, Barrie. R.R.. No. 2, phone 612211. 16-17b FOR SALE -- Buff Orplngton. also Single Comb Black Minorca. hatching eggs, $1.75 per 15. both breeds show wmners. pedigree stock. laying strain. Phil Denise. Midland. Ont. 12-16p BARRED AND WHITE- Plymouth Rock chicks and hatching eggs from the highest ock average egg produc- ers in Ontario. All stock blood-tested and customers reporting mortality as practically nil. It only takes a dozen extraeggs rfrom ~an.Oak-Lawn" hen ` to give you the,chi'ck for practically nothing. They have plenty of size, are rapid growers and lay lots of big high priced eggs. Do not be disappointed in your chick needs. order yours no_'wl Phone 387J. Harry F. Morren. 8 North St., Barrie. . 15-20}: SCOTCH COLLIE DOGS. Poaigreeal white with light markings. $15 up.~.A1~.} 0'p1.lppie'S',"4 'weeks old: `Mrs. vJ.I W. 1 McNe1ce, Reay. Muskoka. 14';18;_:`,, :-----v-- ` l.`l1Il/LVL `\JLV 1141141.` J.-"`iJU 'lU1'tb. D.a. (11. Lot. 21. Con. 8. Innisl twp.. 6 acres 0: fall wheat. 8 acres of alfalfa, plowinft done. Possession at once. Apply 1r Mrs. A.. Hunter, 56 Goodwood Avc.. Tr)- ronto. 15-1Gb| `ASHES REMOVED. 500 a load; '11.: `mixed wood for sale. $2.75 21 load Phone 805. 16; `IOGBI am: 10118 6118651108, DIED` am: any. B5-cent service. A. Irwin. Telephone .198. ` Vmrr .-:- FEOR SALE--Perche1'Qn spalllion. A11. -' p`ly H. s._wu1son.j.Axigus;:_ .. 5. 16-1'"b YORKSHIRE sow with seven pigs 3 weeks old. Apply to Harry Lynn. Fhornton. mp FOR SALE--Durham cow. due May 1: also 9. quantity of good clean Timothy seed. Apply G. C. Mayes. 'i`hom- ton. ltfb x_ruu1...._xegxa`wreu $88!}. UUVBFHIIIUXXI stalurd No. 1. germination 100%. 81. (leper bush. !.o.b.. bags 10c. Thos Bggth-wbsons, -`Utopia, Ont. 12-16p jing `suite for sa1`. almost new. 55 Don- ald Rf. -' H .. COTTAGE TO RENT-5 moms dud woodshed and large garden; also din- FR .1 HOUSE ro LET-Bi5 conveniences; hardwood oors. H8 _r.., ._ -_~ -` 161:`; 7 i 5}'rxs.` 211 ; Bayeld St. Apply 0. B.` PnLLe1's:m.- 162 Bayeld St. Phone 10l1J. 16ptf HOUSE TO REN'_I`-On 12th line, Vespra. near` Mincsing. Brick house with hard and soft water. Garden. Rent. reasonable. Vacant May 1. Apply` to Robert A. Murphy. Minesing. 15-19p| FOR `SALE--Clyde mare. 7 yrs. 01;. about 1500 lbs. Apply to Earl Purvis. Cratgvale. 15-16;: lug aum Vald St. HOUSE TO LET-4-roomcd cot,Lzu`e,H conveniences, newly dbcoratqh: gar-' den. garage. possession April 21. /\p- ply '81 ,Ve_spra.-._ Sp, B?arr_ie.?__, ., ..1\4_-_1-6p I-`ARIM FOR RENT--50 acres. S.E. qr. I .nf. 91 (inn R Tnnicl fmn R nrwnc N FOR SALE-Team Clyde gcldings, E and 7 years. weight 3400 pounds; and 25 tons hay. John H. Pratt, Barrie. R.R. No. 1. ` _ 15-16p HOUSE TO REN'I`-14 Burton Ave. Allconvenienccs. Phone 486. 15m) TO LET-Bright. steam heated offictes, front and corner, King Block, Barrie. Apply Jory as Richardson, ' King 8 ock. 10_1.X`b_ _ W}.N"1`E'D-Cat,Lle for }mstu1`ing. A1)-l 51 Cumberland SL., A11and_ale. 16p FOR SA-LE---One carlogd of n1`a.'e's`4tm'_ci geldlngs, from 5` to 9 years old. #005 .to\l600 lbs.. all `in good ccm`dir,_ion {aiwjd out of hard work. from $75 upv.',a.1'd.- Apply Reid's Feed Stalrlnpill C;)1_.`i..`.' Rf. `Rarrln Ont VH2!` YORKSHIRES FOR SALE--Oux' preg sent 'o ei*ing `in Y'o1'kshh'`s"""includes )o:_us`,-and sows `of breeding age ,-and younger. -Wc'ca.n price a num'o'>r of '11` sows. We breed ci tyne with `lots '61- dlt,` bone and good doing quillly ties togethen with real show, conorma.- '1on.` En_qu1_re of J. J. E. McCa.gur= SE4 Wpnsnn Wnmg Allistnn On!` 15-1'7h FOR RENT--5-roomcd house. light and water. 8 Wood St. Apply Mrs. R E._Moore. 14-16b HOUSE TO LET-Furnishcd or un- furnished. Garage. 46 Clappcrton -St. Apply P. Keams grocery store. 16b F03 SALE-L Team of Clyde geld as 3 yx1s.,b1d.|blfo\vn and bay. This I;_ am has quality `and size; also others. =Ax5- ply.Bruce Cgwan, Stroud; K. 1 ,7.tJ,f`bQ . V nppny IVUIU-3 EV St.. Barrie. Ont. TO LET-S1x' room apartment, heatec | and electric stove, etc. Apply R. A Stephens. 8L1: } Hill.` gl_l.{Ul_1'C U1 U. 0.`. I11. LVJ.L"~Jl1 "enson Famas. Alllstrm. Ont. STOCK FOR SALE "1. * PROPERTY TO LET -'-.-'----,-----?----------' ENFORMATION WANTED---Will :u1y- qn; knowing Ida MacDonald write her at 5538 Larch St., Vzmcouvor. B.C. 16b , . M'ISCELLAiN1{-`._0US AUTOMOB_ILESg' BABY CHICKS JI_JH 1'59. East half of Lot Two. Concession 12 of Vespra, except that part west` of the Nottawasaga River, about seventy-ve acres, good clay loam, solid brick sev- en-roomed house thereon with furn- ace. bath, etc., also bank barn 38 x 56 and 28 x 36, also garage; two owing wells and good orchard. Well situated about 1 mile from store and church and one-quarter mile from school. Apply to STEWART 8. . STEWART, 15-18}: Snlinitnrs, Barrie, nt awry l15-16b . ` y, -, v 4 Pursuant to inst1`uctions`_rcccived from the executor of th`e_ es_tqt)' of the late Rev: Jar_nL=s`Cu2_'1'ie`, there will be offered fox` sale by"pu oTic auction at the Wellington Hotel. Barrie '~nrnr1\'rn"\A\r IitA"(r Q snnn 0l_lB_3Q propcrby W111 DC 5RvCI'111C8Cl at 9. very reasonable price. Situated. 0 Collier St., `Barrie, next. door to etlcqn Hotel, 9 rooms, with all 'udom.oonvenlences. besides connect- gitolces on street level. Excellent ipbh;-for-combined business and home. converted to duplex or apart- xnents.'Large grounds. Don : overlook ch1er'as1t is an excellent in-vestment. A~nly.?`red Morren aL Amerloan Ho- _t_&l or Harry Morren, 8 North St. 13-17b at Twelve 'o'clock H0011. by W. `A. Mc- Conkcy, Auctionger. the. following me- ,pe':tie's:- ' " I` 1-1':-nrunr Hrsxvrn '-1'~1-..'.......L \_..n.- _u- |._`.n.; \4c\. :. PARCEL `ONE-The` west half of lot fou2'te'en (14) in the 8th Concession V of the townshp of Oro. PARCEL 'I`WO--Lot ninety (90) on the west side of Toronto road in the township of Oro. plan 589. This pro- pe1`.`,_v is situated on what is known as Barillia |Park, about one mile east of Om Station. 011 this lot is situated :1 small cottage. T.1,...1. ..........I ...HI I... ..n`.......I 4'-.. _,v, .....u.. \/\J .. . .5. . Each parcel will be oered for sale | subject to a reserved bid. n'I..........' rn-.. ,..... ...._.; -1: LI, , Notice is; hereby given pursuant` to! the Trustee Act-`that all persons hav- i11g c1aims-against the Estate of James Michael Stribbell, late of the Village of `Angus. in the County of Simcoe; de- .ceased.~-who died on. or about the 21st `day of March, 1930. aremequestcd. to send particulars .of their claixnsvto the undersigned, .011. 01: before the 30th day of April, 1930, aften which da._te the adminiyratrix will d_ist,1'ibut,e the assets nf H10 nqfnfn nmm-mr Hanan nnnnm-1 uu: uzuzuusu wnuuu Luu'l._y uuys mere- aft.c'.'. For further terms and particuklars apply to T'\T`l'\YfI A 11' 'r.1 u1..r~:vv A 1-. ......`,....v ..a u ..,..... vv\4 u. Termsf Ten per cc_nt. of the pur- chase money at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days there- n.f'tn'.' |l(`14J xv DUNCAN F. McCUAIHG. Exccutor's solicitor. Barrie. Dated Apri1.11tl1, 1930. It Own<`rs'o1` h:n'boux'crs.of dogs are re-} gnlnded that. it 15 necessary to regis- `ter .dog5j. at.At.h.e. olficevof. the Town Clerk fmd1D.1f0CuI'C tags before the rst ay ofAMay, 1,930, , _ M ' 14-16h 1 A. W. SMITH. Town Clerk. SPECIAL PR{ZE'*, ,. y] .F.0R-'MlD.I_..A.ND SHOW} .4 A {mzc of $10.00 will be given by w ,2-I.-Kcmvell:.foL' the best -pen cm heavy `util_it;1cs_ ra.iscd,oh.f:ccd purchased from M thc_Copc1:=._nd Flour MiI1s,Co., of- Mid- Qandvi birds to_bc exhibited at Midland Pou`1tr'y and Bet Stock As:socia.tinn.'s $how, Jan. 14..-15. and 16. 1981.. Re- ceipts {mm Cope-land's_to be produced by the.Ex`h1bitor.. E. Gladstone. Sen c11etax`y.Mid1an`dL _, A 15-\13b , OATS for sa1e--o.A.c. N0. 72; oo_d;-clean, heavy seed. Apply Jars. me.A6th Con.. Vespm. Barrie PO. 1) a.uulHHD'l11.b.llA wui u_ib'l,i'1UuLe Lne n,SSOL.'~ of the estate among those ontitlnd thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. A 1' UV A \T`l`\`mY) I`1I\Y`l 1 A in 1 -17b 1-`on swa on T0 L517 NJLQ MIEE RE 065 NOTICE TO CREDITORST 65 cents discount per 100 on lots of 200`ja_nd over, if called for. As our 15,000-egg capacity is` fast. being booked` up, book at once for the date you require. \UI\ nvvnrnaup -o.-nu--on-no-u 63 Clapper-ton St. Phone 1184 J. G;;KEENAN Opposite `Host, oice} Brrle Everything in Music 10) room 01 b.b. nu. 1.5, ullumu. State salary and qualifications. Du- tte8 tdcommenco May 1. Apply R. W. Rdlm, Mlandale, RR. 2. 16-17b ..._____.___._____._...____*--------------------- YE OLDE FIRME HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOB .4 Reserve your spaccnow and 80'? early chicks Tel. 1045J 2 BARRIE : Box 563 ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAB AND VICTOR RECORDS_ EXECU_T9.`3 .._A.f- Kelly : `Hatchery NOW BOOKING FOR MA-3! Bred-to-Lay V Bar1'a R'_o'ck Chicks, 1 $16 per 100 Tom Barron English. Leghorn Chicks ` $15 per 100 DAY.-OLD BARRED'RObKS' $15.00 PER HUNDRED OF FARM AVND UMMER. C0'I`TAGE PROPERTY II} the _'I'pv{`r1ship,of_ Oro uu: vv\.'uLu5l/'Ju Jmuuun. .uuLAAC 'SATURDAY._ _'MA'Y 3. 1930 IHNUU WANLLU. urau HlUIIg"a.;,',t:. pm- {ect_secur1ty. quickly. _B:u`1'ie Real Es- gape Qtce. 161) ._ __-,----- - vC-Ug'.I"OM HATCHIN G VICTOR, EVEREADY AND SPARTON RADIOS KEWINSIHE HMGHERY Custom Hatching` ALEXANDER COWAN. Administ1`atrix' Solicitor. Barrie. Ontario. VGHIGKS J.aVV`t\1'V.l (X4 DJ.aVVl`\l`V1', Solicitors, Barrie. Ont. rm: .nAnnns_ ' I Le. Ont. 16-18b LYNN'-At `t_.e Igpyal Victoxia Hospital on'1riday,f._gp 1 11. 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. ~ I-Ia.rry,V ynn of Thornton. a son (James"'He"nry). RUPERT-At Eqbxlvale, April 13, 1930. to Mr. `Roy Rupert. a. son . 1-`... `l3n1n\ .' MAN DESIRES WORK lrmking mu:- rjvate `grounds or mowing lawns. none, 1175M. 16)) L0 Nu`. u_.1:,y_:;gvu.:. ~nu_, .....,.-.. u. .. .,.... (John Roy).-`.,_7'7' ~ WI-CKLUM-4+E_)nj.Ap1'il 13, 1930, at the Royal Vlcto1`ia.I-Iospital. Barrie, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wicklum. Anten Millspa Su? ` $h--a--..------__. RUPERT-On Sunday. April 13. 1930. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ru- pert, Edenvale. . __ ,4 ` 1 f `l'IDJ|l'F v- -----`--' and Mrs. John P. Wallwin wish to ttliank many friends and nexghbors for._:;1ei2 -kmdness; and help dufing the recent serious illness oi they-_litL1e daughter. Ruth. 16p R ~.'_Tamr=q Tnneu and fnmilv with 1r Lne Jlult: u'd.uguLt:1. n.uL~u. Log 1*; James Innes and family wish 1.0 th nk their many friends and neigh- bo s .for their kind sympathy. and beautiful oral tributes in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of 21 lov- ing" mother. - 16b BEATON---In7 loving memory -of my dear mother. Mrs. Neil }3;eat,on. who passed awagv. Am-il 17. 1929. Dearest mot_her. t_hou hast. left us, And your loss we deeply feel. But tis God Who hath bereft us, He can all our sormvxs heal: Yet. again wchopc to meet thee. When the day of earth is ed. And in Heaven with joy to greet, then, Where no farpwell tears 217:: rahrd. 16b -sadly missed by dalxgluer. Annie. 1 l ONTARIO BREEDING STATION 0.A.C. Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks HATCHERY is under Dominion Gov- ernment inspection and the flock is under Dominion and Provincial Gov- ernment inspection (seventh year). Every breeder has passed rigid inspec- tions and has been banded with a . sealed band by competent Government inspectors. In addition the flock has had two` blood tests. six weeks apart. This is true of very. very few flocks in On- tario. and is the best way known to modern science 01' elminating Bacil- |Jary White Diarrhea. EVERY EGG SE'I` is produced on the premises. No custom hatching. A` hatch a. week. 9t1 b I ` Agent for James Way Brooders _-___ _ _ ______---| --`rues Irv n-'1 nan-an`-1-,` , .. Lot 9, Con. 2, Oro Shanty Bay, Ont. CUNNINGHA`M-In loving memory -11 Andrew Cunningham. our dearly be- loved father, who passcd away Aprii 12, 1928. ' We have only your memory now, dear father. As we `journey our whole life through, But_fhe sxveeluess willlast f0l.'.`VCl`, -As `we treasure the memory of you. 16x, --Ever remembered by his daughters. . dear son and bmt`he1'. William. who passed away April 17`, 1927, in his" ELPHICK--In Idving memory of our; 25th year. . | God is good. `Hdgives us .s`LrengLh' ' To.hea1' our hcaiiy` cross. ` He is the only one who knows How bitter :15 our loss. It is not t1 1c .. `ti!e"that thr: tears arc char! iTri(5s"[ 3'.:"i'3."iZ:iii~"1'1'~1"Y, 5 `In! a n.... o n. m.....o.. 11.... am; n WANTED-Pastux'e1's for the season 1930: also I have {L qumltity of good ti ality mixed hay for sale. Apply Dan. . - Jones, 7th Con., Innisl, Lnfmy l;'.Q. 16b lib D HUI, MIC: LAURIE blllib LHL" U."(I1'S ll'C shed. . . That tell the heart is torn. But the passionate tears in after ycar:-`. And rcmcmbfcazme silently borne. 16b -Gr0af.1y missed by his fath-31`. nwther. b1'oLhex`:s. zmd :=istcr.a. MAW-In loving memory of my -.:l'::n' sons and brothers, Fred E. Maw. who passed away April 20. 1927. :11~ so John Ggrnot. Maw, on May -'1. 191!) I will not forget them. I loved them 10') -:icm`1_v To let their dear memory fade like '11 H1-rain ' LU ICU LHUH \lL'dl lHL.'HlUl_) dream. Thoughts; cftcn ciwcll, whil | . I TI'1n'l"H'=J SIY1f`K`-`.'I`\7 ROf3ER.TSON,-I11 fond and ]rw'iv1r,; mcmoxfy of our faiinol`. 1'-`rank Rob- c1'::sx)1}, who for`. us 3:1 April 15. 1925.` :11`- 'r`L,. nu... Hl\|1.|.. And tear. -dom : CANADA APPROVED CHICKS 16b` We are oering the following cars at reasonable prices and will accept. your present car as part payment and arrange terms on balance if desired. guau AJLLA GAIL -.1h\ L11; .LJUA.. .l"ll[I\5- with six wire '.vhcn'.:;. 1929 Essex Caach. like .~.cw. 1928 Essex Coupe. ` 1928 Durant 4-cylinder `/2-LOU Truck. closed cab and open box. 1927 Coach. 1927 Essex Coupe. 1927 Buick Standard Six Coach. 1926 Essex Conch`. "1925 Rea Sccgnm. TENDERS WAN'I'ED~-Tenders will be ;%fq'e[ved,ux1Lil April 23, 1930. 101' the con`st.rutiou of a. Community Hall, 111 1925 Star 4 Coach. 1924 Studebaker Big Six Coach. 1928 Durant 4 four-pass. Coupe. 1929 Durant D-60 Coupe. 1929 Durant D-60 Sedan. 1929 Durant Six Dc Lux`: Coupe. xnilh v-iv `Jnivn 'I1't\r\:\ . HAERM. HILL DURANT DEALER 55 Elizabeth `Street BARRIE *..[._._,j_' _.-:Z -OF `THANKS L. ._..I `Ran Tnlnu-\ D `I1.-ullnviqx < URRY BROS. Fansasaam mmmes 36 BAYFIELD ST. USED GARE 250 MR GUARANTEED IN MEMORIAM aougm; FOR 'SALE---To close the $5 tab: the late Dr. Alfred Morren. ho_ And property will be sacrificed at 2. very reasonable mice. Situated. --S2l(U_V missed brot.h(-.;`s. I-3 ll H./..'i L2)` . often ml]. win ; xu. Unzxva i E93 ! ..`.... Av: ......u. ---ThL Samixg. le the hcari by mr)t`nc'.'. ; and s:ist('.r.w., (114-y sul- -:---- SEED OATS for saI(.L-O.A.C. 144. A1)- gly T. E. Adams. Anton Mills. 16-17p ..~.A,.-:`\A*-,4;-;.,.-,';,V-..-_.f.~.j5.`=;T;L.-; 5.. .;m,-;~_.-4-,- x. .'w...~ ,,;.~ ._.j;~ 4 THERONOID of BARRIE F REE TREATMENTS now being given for RHEUMATISM SCIATICA LUMBAGO NEURITIS ARTHRITIS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE POOR CIRCULATION VARICOSE VEINS CONSTIPATION HEA ANA NEE INS! GAI Phone 75 Like {he hall-m`a`rk on silver and I the `Carat sign on p`ure`g9ld, the above mark,whi'ih wiil b'e_ fbuhd onihe oven ,.d;do:I? of Moffats 'R'ahge$, is a guaranfee' of the high7e,sf aHaiti- able quality il_] cgoking equipment. Ammmoa & RAINFORD Seeds and Purina Chows . WE BUY GRAIN AND SEED Seed and Feed Fwii Line of Feed, Flour, OPEENENG ANNOUNCEMENT 30$ S'AiiEI-Banne1- Seed Oats. Good, Mann mind, Annlv Lon Drwnn, Phnnrt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 2 O EN STREET (Former L3cati.on of F. G. Oke '&-Co., Stock Brokers) Prdmpt`Delivery Anywhere in Simco County {:38 Dunlop St."(opp&site`BroV;rri &i;Co. Sto_rt_e) arrie Feed and Seed saga M HEART WEAKNESS ANAEMIA NERVOUS EXHAUSTION INSOMNIA GALL STONES noums DRUG STORE Soid Exclusively in Barrie and District by IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT SEED `OATS, G1'amu'y Fillers. also fcedoats for sale. Apply to He1'1_m1n Oammre`. phone 903:-33. Barrio. rm. ' 16-18b THE NEW WAY TO HEALTH ELECTRO-MAGNETlS M HE new {rade mark-il|usiraIed lo {he lefI-has been adopfed by Moffajs Limited #0 identify their line, of qualiw "ranges; betausfif symbolizes ih four-fold characiris_fics 1 thaf.gi'vejheni [eadefship oyef evefy oiher make dfrafhgd --Vnam e'|y,:RVega l:.Qua|iiy,`L6hg' Li1e,'S eed, Effivienlcy. 'Moffai; Ra:n`g es: Ahirby many other poinfs_ of expellenc, 3io__vyl'31icl,:.. thousands of women froni all prls ._of__1he V_V {qrld w'i Il gladly iesiify. 'M_ayW`we ,a sk you io recogniz '!he_feaLlurs` oHhi.s trade mark when buying y_Q_gr_rang_e! ndinsi3f on seiqg, this -or, in the meaniiir3e,'ih n$i5MoHl v5anges\*-`a`|'f.eady .irrvslOc|E at our many,;[dea|( s' Vi:;"crc)`s_s.(',_ai1da_s. MOFFATS LIMITED, WESTON, ONTARIO .- . \ .`.,,.. ~- :. .. Ina. as -, ; ' ._ . J-,.v. gghmqxxg-at5cA9oby&' . qr; -kw" W.` \-/-2 x\,},\,.,,n. -. w .., - wvu 1 u 4: n 1: ' `nu -: PHONE 195 _Thu1-sday, Apru 17. I930 ' Thursdu. \l r|:;qqvaq,uuuL I\p1'1_1 4.), LUOU. 1u1 mu: Eon`st.rution Community in he Village of Lcfroy. For plans and 5,9;-clcatlons apply to the sec1'em1'y 0f {m1ld1ng=comm1ttee, N. G. King`, Chur- cghlll. RR. 15-16b `wE HI We hal \\i \\ 2, PHD.` D__eIm{ ;Sil`. }u'."\/ nan ..VVhf.`t7c ;;S`:n'9` `FIRST-CLASS OPPORTUNITY rm- making money. No C()I11DCliHO]1. Sells Igself. - Amllcants must. have car. Ap- ply C.,War(i, Y.M.C.A., Allzmclalo. Fri- vqy V3 to 5; 7 to 9. 161) : Eli. V3"\GR'S`ALE--Framo house, 6 rooms gun -bath, garden, garage and hen -hopse.-:-Apply 28 Caroline St. 13-171) WANTE'D-Capab1e girl for looking imm-.ch1ldren and helping with house- `H '_' 's.u..E--cen act/water heatln nvi lwnlxr tn '1"? Sr, . ly,to Ernest B. Love, executor. Shanty .. 3 6(1). F`. Mccuaig. Barrie. M A 251. STORE at Mitchell Square Ea;Iejox' rent, to wind up estate. Ap- 16-18!) '_OR'BALE--l6 Perry St... all clean `nd entirely repapercd. repainted in- a`Iddf.outs1de; oak oors, new heavy ,v1r_It,}."_lectr1c xtures. A1 furnace. bhthtpom. three bedrooms. garage, gm`- ~ VB,a;`rie Real Estate Office. 16p .5: _ RTABLE ROOM for 2 sum- .anbs. in a auieb home. very lmuaonublr: :cms, in quiet very _JLl1V1;_`\.In1ADL:1:. nuum nu` a mun- wlh` housekeeping mivilegcs, at 104 Bdgljia SL. or phone 1073W. 1h -17p "U.--KINDS OF` REAL ESTATE for `a_.1'e`.~-varrle Real Estate Office, n-ext ` drner Mist, of Queen's Hotel. 16b ' 1:" W995. I0'Cl0SE CSDELB O1 I\'a0DUl'L anu W. Apply to Box 524. Barrie. or 4_ e~~597F. 12-16p !"0R._BALE-At, corner of Sophia and c_!e8_8treets. brick residence. 8 rooms, nll,.'._nnn;unnInnr-an ant-than and `frllif -_-,-u---------'-'-"j-"-"j"' 32.906 WANTED. rst) morfgage. DH`- fnhf. comn-ltv rminklv Rznww Real WA'N'l1l:XD-A man L0 worn nu rcuux. mutt`-be experienced. Apply Fred obb."jA11a.ndale, R.R. No. 1, phone Vtgggxq "24r31. 16b IIUIV Dltl-I114--nu.x1m:1' occu uuua. uuuu. lean..seed. Apply Leo Doran. Phone 6_96t'4.... 16p ..l.`;sau1..-oauxs In Du.1`1'1t:, Lmy auuur lUl goat nfhg 1 acre. Apply M, Gordon, 1 1: Eimbem SL. 16-17]) !$ HAL!)-duemenu Iluusu, '( ruuum, .!.>|3 Water heating. garage, good gar- 03!.--vApp1y to Thos. Elliott, at the C. .`III Mnfnrs `Rnrrle, '7-160 . lfqgq Twelve f? "Kl5LET COLUMN l"UJI'..A.l.:n.'-AL corner 01 bopma. auu Hcdles Etreets, V . 1-4;:-conveniences, garden and fruit ., ees. to close estate of Robert and W. rzmh Annlv to Box 524. Barrie. ' DARDERS WANTED--l7 Sophia. -. tngt. onmrnl lnnminn, Phone 762.}. I cent I word. cash, each insertion. mnmm `charge, 25c), five insertions "price of four. 10c extra. when : also 10c extra when replies acted to The Examiner Office. Dntcuama w an 1 x:2u--1 1 Dupum. . East. central location. Phone 762.]. - - 13-17b V . mwnzv * junior State salary [Rooms AND BOARD `__: _ALE-Quantity of good mixozl .5150 some Dooley potatoes. Fred Le Craigvale P.O., phone Stmud l6-18p --z--: TIfED-A middle aged lady to keep 2'19: aged couple. Apply 42 Dal- `..,'or phone 1392J. 16-17p ._:_:_:: qc.NTs WANTED {SALE in Barrie. buy shore lot pin-an I nnrn Annhr T\/I (`vnrdnn .__._._______._.__.. `ED--A cook at Ovenden Second "Phone 171. , 16b ' SE-ED AND FEED HELP WANTED ply IAU 11105. I bwrs, Barrie. ._.__.___..___._._...._ `- Protestant teacher for Jm of S.S. No. '12, Innistil. -.... .....u n....1annr.oinnc hn- dA1__w'Es'rERN OATS. suitable for to.-9:1` ff seed. expected shortly. Also mum 1t'y_ No. 1 alsike. No. 1 red clover and _.0.,2 timothy seed for sale. John Hug r. Cralgvale. Phone Stroud 23r5.b WANTED lament house, 7 rooms, Hnn n-ovnrrn nnnri ant. lallli U . 7-16p nv.-nrua. . Bags 15t.t'b VLJ. 45 needs . `D n n n WALNUT WARDROBE for sale. Ap- ply Barrie Real Estate Oice. 16b somn WALNUT man and hall seat ` for sale, used a. short. time. Call phone 1004. . . 15tfb `FOR SA*LE_---A number of empty mol- asses barrels and steel 0% drums. Brown &. Co. 15-18b qR.S8"AND CLOVER SEEDS-Seed oorhlfrbst fence, salt. Lake front cot- t lge55_jb_t11ldh1g lots on lake. highway :3 Inge, (arms: sell. rent. or shares. A lykpatxlck. Lefroy. 15-16b FOR SALE--A good Cleveland blcyqle at n rnaqnnahip nrinn, 41 Worslav St. I"UI1r Dl`\L41`J""f\ goon UICVEIIIIIII IND)` at a reasonable price. 41 Woxsley ` Phone 1193M. 15_-I 1 ...... [FOR SALE-New eight-tube electric radio. bargain for quick sale; Phone 979W for information. . 16p FOR SALE-1-Iandpicked Vrewaukees and Spy apples. F. E. _Webster. Thom- tcn. phone Cookstown 2711. ' `lap COAL OIL measuring pump and 50- gal. oil tank, cost $50.00. for $10.00. Snap for quick sale at Tuck's. 16p CIRCUBAR SAW for sale with special frame for attachment to Fordson trac- tor, C .D. Raikes. Barrie P.O., phone Oro 1523. 16p FOR SALE-Book case, 8 ft. 4 in. long, 5 ft. high. 1 ft. 2111. deep, 5 shelves, price $30.00. Mrs. W. C. Randall. Dsaincmir-It 16]) won. sALE-8lng1e comb. White Leg-` horn eggs from pen of choice hens. selected by Gov. Inspector and large vigorous pedigreed R..O.P. cockerels from hens with official records of 243 259, 263 eggs. Eggs $2.00 for 15: $3.50 for 30. $5.00 for 50 and 88.00 for 100 All eggs weigh 24 02. ex` (lot. 80% `ertmty guaranteed. 1!. . Walt, Mid.- nurst, phone 601 r 13. 13-161; pl lL't.' v)OU.\. Painswxck. FOR SALE-Gentleman's top coat for *.pring. size 40. practically new. a bar- ';ain. Apply 201 Elizabeth St. between 3 and 7 p.m.. or box 615, Barrie. 16p ,VVAN'l.'l.'U--uapamc gut uu xuunung a'tber.ch1ldren and helping Wotk. ~Apply Box 1039. Barrie. 16b APPLES FOR SALE-Northem Spys and Greenlngs. Red clover seed for 321.10. government tested. Apply Harry Ottaway. Phone 739.]. 14-17b faces FOR HATCHING--Pure bred znhlhx Y.nn-hnrn `Dav-r-nu ch-aim `Launrc FIXTURES AND Grocery Stock of L:-nnox estate, medium size safe. type- ".'1'ite:'. auto knitter. to be sold at less 12m cospto make room. At Tuck's. p MONEY LOST-0n Bayeld St., Bar-T Mn hntwman F.lina.hnf.h and `Fins: Sta. LVLKJLVEAI LI\JDL-'LlH .DlIryIIUIVl DU. -DB1 rlc, between Elizabeth and Ross Sts., April 11. quantity of money in bills. Reward at Examiner office. 16b THE GENTLEMAN who took my cem- mt roller used for rolling sidewalk, please return and oblige J. Little- inlm. )2 Charlotte St.. Barrie. 16p EGGS FOR, HA'I`CI-IING-thorough- bred single-comb. White Leghorn hens. lured to lay, eggs 50c-per dozen. Apply James Belfry. Cralgvale P.O.. R..R. No. 1.. phone Stroud 24r11. 16-17p ` :`.:\.1\1D l."UIIa I1tll.SJl'lLLV\1"'L'L|I`C UYUU ; white Leghorn Barron strain. Layers 3 wt good sized eggs and lots of them. 31.00 -per setting. $5.00 per hundred. D. Abherton, Duckworth St. Phone 380W. 15-19p ':l;.EAM SEPARATOR for sale--550 'bs. capacity. only used 3 months. good. -casnn for selling. $55.00. or trade for mung pigs or calves. Apply A. Young.- zig Bay Point. ` * 15-17p LOST-On Wednesday. April 16. truck license plate No. 55-4570. Reward. Annlv `Ru-nuln r. n ln WA N'l1E!D-A man to work on farm. mmo.---he exnerienced. Armly LOST---On Sunday. April 14, small 111. Lgrcc gold brooch. Finder leave at Ex- .xminer office and receive reward. 16p DUCK EGGS for sa1e-Apply Mrs. 1 -.-`red Peacock. phone 902r6. . 16b BARRED ROCK SE'I'I'INGS-I-Iigh wroducers of large eggs headede 3 Irandson of Lad Mar . 333 eggs and J1/_-lb. cockerel rom ' arkes best pen. 15 eggs, $1.25: 100. $6.50; 3 cockerels. 32.50 each. It called for. setting $1.00. I00, $5.50. 6. Cruse, I-Iillsdale. Ont- trio. 11-16p \ ROYAL BROODER stover will raise wary possible chick for you; we keep ; `hem in stock. also feeders. etc. Harry i 3`. MOXTC11. 8 North St.. Barrie . Phone U. V 15-19b ;.OST--one Alemite pressure gung 'r`-Indcr please communicate with J. W. Hart. Phone 335. Reward. 16b DOG LOS'I`-Baby Boston bull. male. n-incile. half white face, name Chubby. \n_vone knowing of his whereabouts zindly notify 69 Collier St., phone 012. 16p VOR SALE-One 50-acre farm. just xutside of corporation, good new barn. lever-failing spring. 25 acres plowed. Specially adapted for raising sheep. .vould make a good poultry "farm. building for 600 hens. or would sell 25 acres. Apply to Jno. V. Brown. Spring Bank Farm. Allandale. Tel. 383. 15-16b SALE OF FURNITURE-Mrs. W. C ; .~innan. 9.3 Owen St.. 3-piece Chester- "nlrl cnitn rlininrr 1-nnm anltn 1 had. IICCIIBLI plum JVU. US) Apply Brown & Co. /IOTORCYCLES FOR SALE-Good used machines. new AJS English ma- 'hines---F1`ancis Burnett's, Henderson. `)9 Luxc`s and Super X's. Write or mane H. B. Armstrong. Elmvale, Ont.. `ider agent for Percy McBride. 14-16p W.$}{T2D-Experienccd butchers as majgagers for expanding chain concern hfand around this vicinity. Give 1'0- erqx;cc.. Apply Box B, Examiner Moe, 16p