Mrs. Mathers 1s_ izrlevggest of Toronto 1 friends. - ' I n......;.....;..1..+:....... 4- mn. 1.-.1... Mr.-.+ p u Acuua. ` Congratulations to Mr. John Met-5 calfe who celebrated his 92nd birth- day anniversary on Jan. 5. Thu TTnH~nrI hlarnh Vnivnu `Dnnrni un/_y a11uAVC1oa4L_y UAA unmn. u. ` The United Church Young People; enjoyed a merry slelghride to the` home of Russell Constable last Thurs- 3 day evening, when a very pleasant` ; time was spent by all. Bible Society Report Financial report of Craigvale and Stroud Branch Upper Canada Bible Society for the year -1929. Balance from 1928 .................. .. 80 Collections as follows: By K. Robinson and E. Thomp- Bl'\V1 mu. 9 not JJJ \JUv. .LvuAA5, \JJ.aM5vaAV amau -Stroud ...................................... .. 125.85 By Gordon Mason, Con. 11, E. 11.85 By H. Hughes, Con. 11 W. 5.85 By Mr. Carr and Mr. McDonald, f`nv\ 10 I` 1'1'1R AJJ 1151.. watt; nnnu 1.11.1. AVAUI-IVAAQAIA, Con. 12, E. .............................. .. By Lloyd Booth. Con. 12,9W, By Misses Warnica and Feri'1er, .I`nn 1') I` JJJ &VLlDOUD vvalllnva aaiu SCAAAGL, Con. 13, E., ....................... ..... .. By D'Arcy Lennox, Con. 13, W. By Miss Marjorie Arnold, Pains- nyl nlr a..J_y LVl.LD LVLGLJUA AC Ill uvnu, J. auxin` wick ....................................... By B. Warnica, Tollendal ...... .. By Miss Dora Guest, Big Bay Point ..................................... ` $236.30 Sent in to Society, two hundred and thirty dollars; balance Ion hand, thirty cents. 1-.._1.._1_.I 1.- _1.-..- _..- _.__-:_-n __.v_ vvnavo. Included in above are special sub- scriptions by A Friend of Society" .............. ..$75.00 Anglican Sabbath School .......... .. 4.00 Stroud United S.S. ...................... .. 6.00 L.O.L. No. 605 .............................. 5.00 Ernest Carr, President; George Young Sec'y-Treas. uuA1,. VULA. u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. By F. Peacock and Wm. Reid, nn O CIIIIGYCII lH'U`.1.11l-I ulcux. . School has reopened. Miss McKen lie 0! Atherley taking the work in the senior room, Miss Ambler in the junior room. Teachers and pupils all seem much better for work after their holi- ` nlnwn 44; a. a.\.uvvun umnu vvun. avunu, Con. 9 ...................................... .. 11.00 By Miss E. Black, Con. 10, E. 14.60 By Eldon Wice, Con. 10, W. 5.35 By Geo. Young, Craigvale and Efvnnd `I 0!: 0.`. She Loved Her Idiot FRANK N. I-IIGGINSOR STROUD aupyuu v. CHAS. DENNEY. Reeve of Essa. 05' gas; 10.00 13.75 4.90 7.25 ! 7.10 5.25 Ivy has been called to mourn the! 1055 of two of its good citizens. On Thursday, Herb. Lynn was laid to rest in the Presbyterian Cemetery. The funeral was very largely attended, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The band headed the procession as Mr. Lynn was a faithful member. The service in the 3.75 3.00 zurcuauy IHVIECG. In the a.fternoon- the Collegiate building will be open to the citizens for inspection and a `musical PTO` gramme will be provided by the Colle- giate orchestra. Afternoon tea will be served in the new Study-library fmm 3.30 to 5.30 for which a charge is made- The new Wing of the Barrie Collegi- ate Institute will be oicially opened on Friday. The ceremony will take place at 8 p.m., with Mr. Has . the dean of educational affairs in Barrie. officiating. Addresses will be given by Mr. Levan. senior High School inspec- tor of Ontario, and others. A literary and musical programme will be pro` vlded by the students. There will be` no admission charge, _the public being cordially invited. 7.. 4|-Pun .c+....m.m-.. Hm nnllegiate NEW COLLl:`.GIATE WING omens, FRIDAY, JAN. 10 _.-._. MRS. ARTHUR FERGUSON The death occurred on Tuesday. Dec- 31, 1929, of Mrs. Mary Ferguson, 18 Victoria street, wife of Arthur Fergu- son, garageman. Bayeld street, at the age of 38 years. She had been ill for upwards of two months. Dnfns-A haw rvunv-v-ianvn REF: WAPUIIROH UIJWGLUH U1 DWU JIIUIILIIS. Before her marriage Mrs. Ferguson was Miss Mary Shanacy of Midhurst. She is survived by her husband. six young children, her mother, Mrs. Ed- ward Shanacy of Midhurst, four bro- thers, William. Martin, John and Al- bert, all of Midhurst. and one sister.,. Mrs. George Hodge of Hamilton. mu... ..........1 m... lat-x11` .-m.'T`hun~cdav LVLYD. L7CUl`gI'.' l'1UU.!'.` UL 1`l.'dLlULLU|I. The funeral was held on-Thursday, Jan. 2, to Barrie Union cemetery, Rev. J. S. Shortt, pastor of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church, officiating. JAMES DUFFY ' James Duffy, a former resident of Barrie who moved away from here about 35 years ago. died in Toronto. January 1 and was buried here Friday morning. He was 62 years of age. The funeral `took place from St. Mary's Church to St. Mary s Cemetery, ser- vice being conducted by Very Rev. Dean Sweeney. Mr. Duffy was a son of the late James Gavin Duffy and the family lived on Eugenia St., years ago. He was a carpenter by trade and for some time lived with his sister. Mrs. lLafrenie of Gravenhurst. When she Edied Mr. Duffy removed to Toronto and lived with a sister there. He is survived by two sisters, Annie of Tor- . onto and Sister Bertha in holy orders fin St. Joseph's Convent at Toronto. | T, H7 , I MRS THOS. ROGERS: A long illness, patiently borne, was {ended on Tuesday. Jan. 7, 1930, when .death came to Mrs. Susan Rogers. `wife of Thomas Rogers, proprietor of the Barrie Planing Mill. In August 1926 she suffered a stroke of paral- ysis and from that time was confined lto her home. II... V'\__._.._ ___u___- _.-_x_1_._ Mluvu days. JILL Anunnc. Mrs. Rogers. whose maiden name was Susan Somerville. was a native of Sunnidale Township, having been born near New Lowell on April 13, 1863. She resided there till she was married to Mr. Rogers in 1884. The following Iyear they moved to Barrie where they have since resided. They had two sons, one of whom, Dr. Norman Rogers, Bar- irie. survives. The other, George Rog- 5 ers, who enlisted early in the war with the Royal Air Force. was killed in England in September 1916. Of Mrs. Rogers brothers and sisters, two are ileft. viz., Samuel Somerville of Tyner,' , Sask.. and Mrs. vWm. Bricknell of Tor- ' onto. an - 1_:__.n__ ,L,..:L 1: . . v nus. uuyaa Ulllbllllu There was a large gathering of friends in Trinity Church this after- noon. where the funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. R. Beverley, as- sisted by Rev. A. D. Cousins of Innis- fil, Rev. A. P. Kennedy of Beeton, Rev. C. R. Spencer of `Shanty Bay and Rev. A. R. Holden, Allandale. Interment was made in Barrie Union Cemetery. the following acting as pali-bearers: John Sinclair, Harry Coleman, E. A. Williams. J. D. Wisdom. Dr. Sprotrt and W. E. Weegar of Stratford. uaqo vvnuu um: uxuuncn Aaota WCCIS. Mrs. W. Hamilton has. been in Bar- rie recently where her mother is ser- iously 111. _Mrs. R. Cook has also been down several times. Of a kindly, charitable naturevand fine christian character, Mrs. Rogers was much beloved in the circle of her friendship. She was greatly interested in the welfare of Trinity,Church, and for years was a very active participant in the work of the Woman's Auxiliary, where she was head of the social ser- vice department. I 'l"hnu; tune I\ In.-.... .....L1_-..:..._ -4: Jah. 6-Mrs. I:IoV'2vard of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Carson, last week-end. 7 "I;/Iiss Florence Diggins of Alliston was a. New Year visitor at W. G. Rich- ardson's. 11".. rn__.__--,- L, '. < Miss Madeline Torpey has returned to her school here after enjoying a holiday with her parents at'Minesing Station. It... 1!! 1'r..-..... -.x_:L__: up, - nu vuz w.uu . Mrs. W. Knapp visited Mrs. Irving Carson on Sunday. `EH-nrl (av-cnv-\ AF `Dnusdn want .. 3-... HOUSES. STORES, GARAGES TO Rli!N"l` n1: gin}: Mr.- Ward Price will auction your goods or property. ' Eire, Plate Glass. Auto Insurance .,....m.. V): .......u..,. Fred Carson of Barrie spent a few days with his brother last week. Mr... 111 1.-r......:u..... 1.-.. 1...-.. ___ .-._._ DULl\IUl- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgson and Marion spent New Year's in Stayner. 'T`hn TTnif.erl hnrnh ham fhniv ov1_ uuamnvu uycuu Jnuvv :.caL a In ouuyxlcr. The United Church held their an- nual meeting on Monday when a satisfactory report was given. am.-c `Dnhf `Rnvnc an!-nv-h.{..-.: ..'c..... BQUAJLGAVVULJ Lvyvgu wan 51Vcu. -Mrs. Robt. Boyes entertained a" few of her friends, New Year's night, Wm `Reeve, Jr is un'.IHnn- M. .,........ , VA lac: JIICLJLAD, svcvv Lcal. a Lllgllb. Wm. Reeve, Jr., is writing his exam- inations in Midland; also Haughton Reid who is writing his examinations for a first-class engineer. Q1 `Dnfnl-'9 IV}-n-n-n'|n no-u\..I.-__ 1.41.1 LU]. an cugxucct. St. Peter's Church members held thgir annual meeting at the home of S. W. Watt on `Friday evening. Ward Price - Creswicl-f;q(?`o. `OH 'l\nv\1nr\ Eb , I1... 1:--..n_,. Jan. --Miss Rosewell of Teeswater is the new teacher in the 5th Line school. 11.. ......I 11.... 1| 1: -r1-__:__, w v -.-- - --vv wruvvvvlbltc \/IJ- 128 Dun1_op St. -- Car. Market mu Barrie Real Estate; Office D I 0 l11V1J|\|.4 vv a Presbyterian Church Rev. .1. s. Shortt, M.A., Minister ldmuncl Hardy. Mus Ba.c.,F.'l'.C.M Organist and Ghoirmaster SUNDAY. JAN. 12. 1930 11 A.M.-'I'HE MINISTER. 3 P.M.--'S.S. and Bible Class 7 P.M.-REV. A. A. WALL, of Bur- L-.. Avnn 1 TnH-Ad (`.1-nlvnh CHURCHILL nu/L; LA Lcuuz 111 l.'UI'ULll.:U. Mrs. Herbs;-t Jenkins spent Thurs- day and Friday in Toronto. Jul... 9-`... _L-_ p unset"-` ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Pugh of Barrie were guests at Howard Coopers for New Year's. Ila -_.I up.___ -u - - .oo,, , u; &&&&i&&$ia& &V amwmmi m wmmwwwwamwm 3 _Arch1e Riley of Thorntoii is visiting? his parents here. ll:-a 1'J.u.1. 1.1.`. x. _....._.u.__ - .......1.. LLAJ yaucub 11512:. Mrs. Herb. Jebb is spending a. week with friends in Toronto. ll :-e `l Jnu.k.._A. 1..._I.:._.. -._-..L rnI......- ~~--u ..-_.. _..-.u-_; .4 Qvavogvvo I Mrs. Johnston of Draybon is visiting; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Knee- ehuni .I.`.lV1.'-l.'\aV. n. :1. vv rsuu, us an. ton Ave. United Qhurch. Subject: STEPS UP TO GOD." Monday, 8 People's Society. 1 - -.-,_:n___ 4.`: vv LORI. D. I ` Mr. and Mrs. T. R. J. Wray and daughter Marian, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Handy and daughter Margaret, Misses Matthews and Shannon, all or Tor- onto, spent New Year's at C. Long's; also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkinson and daughter Marjorie of Bradford. 11.... .;_A_, n ,,_,-_--- .........,....y u. up-un..-v.\.-. I Mrs. Atton, mother. of Rev. A. L. Atton, Coldwater, formerly of Cooks- town, was the guest of honor at ai birthday party on New Year's Day` when Mrs. A. L. Atton entertained a few friends at the parsonage on thel occasion of her mother-in-law's eight- ieth birthday. Mrs. Atton is enjoying the best of health and is active and sprightly for a woman of her years. One would take her to be many years younger. `Kinny xr-....v.. .........L.. ...xL1. 1... _...u J vubdsul . New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parks were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coleman and family, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. -Thos. Graham and family, Clover Hill; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rankin and daughter Myrtle, Herb Donnell and mother, Mrs. Jas. Donnell,.Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, G. Prince, Mrs. N. Bateman and daughter Velma, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferrler and son Wilmotte and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Batters and family extend sincere thanks to their neighbours and friends in Cookstown and vicinity, who so kindly gave of their time, money, clothing, etc., fol- lowing the fire which destroyed their home. Mr. and Mrs. Batters wish to state that through the generosity of, these kind people they are able to enjoy comfort and warmth, and will always remember them for their warmth of heart and cheerfulness in giving. `l9 l\0:...._.- E-.. III`)! 5; v AAA5. l930 Officers for Y.P.L. On Monday e ning of last week` the local YP.L. of the United Church elected officers for the New Year 1930. `l'.l'nn D-Inn 13.. `err 11 rn..._.-..L... uauuuuu UALLUULD J.UL Ian: &1CW 16511. J.UOU. Hon. Pres., Rev. W. R. Clements; Pres., Miss Irene Shepherd; 1st Vice- Pres., Mrs. McFadden; 2nd Vice-Pres., Miss Gladys Jebb; 3rd Vice-Pres., Miss Clara Kell; 4th Vice-Pres., Miss Helen Baker (Literary): Miss Doris Dun- ning (Social); Sec y, Miss Jean Bak- er; Treas., Arthur Cooper; Organist, Miss Margaret McMillan; Ass t Organ- ist, Miss Helen Glass. A Village Trustees Elected On Monday of last week from 2 to 3 p.m. in the town hall, with a few resent, the Police Trustees for the village were nominated. "I"'lnn mmlrnwn:-U. .-.t`:...... 'r_*r......-. 151-1.-- v nuugu vv UL \. AL\JA1LJLAlIIC\A- The returning officer, Harry Fisher, after closing the nominations declared the following nominated: Robt. Cole, T. J. Dawson, Chas. Fisher, R. H. Leadlay, J. R. Couse, T. McKnight; J. M`: Pugsley, H. T. Rankin and T. L. Webb. A ....|.1:_ .____L_-..-, __,,, u__u~ an A public meeting was held after the nominations, with Harry Fisher act- ing as chairman. A favourable report was given by last year s trustees, J. R. Couse, T. J. Dawson, and Chas. Fisher, showing economy. H. L. Dunning gave his report on the Hydro System. Y `D (`nun-n up-I-u~l-rnuv n1nt\ Al-`Ian..- uuu vv nun. Mrs. Thos. Reid has been visiting with Mrs. Frank Whan. u~urnu_.__ an-___;.___.__._._ 1.-- __.., L- vvA|.LA LVLA 9. &' A anus vv Axau. William Montgomery has gone to Toronto where he expects to engage in carpenter work for some time. lr anti `Ere `E :-nu-1 fovlrcnn nf com . . .............................. .. ..n............ i Mr. F`. H. I-Iuriburt Sunday School in All Departments at 3 p.m. Adult Bible Class in the Church Auditorium. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION EXCHANGE SUNDAY EVENING AT 7 REV. ARTHUR HALE, Pastor Clapperton St. Regular Baptist Church. will preach. Topic: TI-IE I-IOUR AND THE MAN." Anthem: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" .................................. .. Jewell Quartette ............................ .. selected EVERYBODY -VVELGOME \.aL|.lCuuCL vv\.un LUA ovluc uuuc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarkson of Cookstown spent the week-end at T. A. Sawyer s. TIA:-unbh 1\A n1 nnnnn A6` `I Jnu-SH-nu In :1. sunny; 0- Kenneth McLennan of Hamilton is spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McLennan. f :..I_..-L.._I- .1- ........_A.'..... .. R... AVLL. auu AVlL0~ U. L . LVLUIJCLALLGLI. A. Kirkpatrick is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Ilfvn 7U|'n'I'.oon 4'1-nnn Illncfnrn anan clung U1. ua.uuau.y AU. The W.M.S. held their regular mon- thly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Stephens on Thursday of this week. Installation of officers for the new year took place. A good attendance is reported. 1:! A 'T'ohn lnovnc nh `F :-idnv fnr LL16 U1'uU1' UL vaALway :.cAc5Aa,yu\.:.c. Walter Ralston, who has been ill for some time, is steadily improving and should soon be around again. Anna Auyvsu VIA unsc .I.A_yuLU tJ_yOIJC1ll.. | J. R. Couse withdrew, also others, leaving Messrs. J. M. Pugsley, T. J. Dawson and Chas. Fisher as trustees for 1930. :-4.1.-L.-_.__v 1-_-u_,;, - JUL Lauv. Additional Cookstown news on page 7. Mrs. A. Bateman of Bradford was a visitor with Mrs. W. J. Ralston during the week. 1:..- rrn..... 11.4.1 I.-- I____. -.x_.u.:.._ unya VVAI/Al LAu:uu.o AAA L\JA\JAl|l\.l- Mrs. McLean from Western has been visiting with Mrs. Reid and others. Fl'1L_ _..I..1:.. ....A 1..:~L. nnknni (- HICLLI 1111 UDLICJ D- The public and high school teachers have all returned after spending the holidays at their several homes. 1'; In .n~.A.u-a+nru-I flan TTnHnz-I nhnrnh 11 A;M.--. I`he Pastor will preach. HOW PRAYER CHANGES PEOPLE" 3 P.M.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL '7 P.M.--REV. J. S. SI-IORTT, M.A. NEW BEGINNINGS" uuu.uu._ya an tutu. ocvcxcu uuauua. It is understood the United church will hold its annual meeting the ev- ening of January 15. Phn T 1Ul'.Q hnlrl +'hm'r v-ocular mnn. 15 repuucu. F. A. Tebo leaves on Friday for Montreal where he will be in session for some days conducting business for the Order of Railway Telegraphers. 11'1..u...... `I3n1.-6-nn uykn hoe hann i'|1 fru- >I4>X<%%%>X<>X<>I<%>X<>X< >14 LEFROY >3 >I<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<*X`>I<>X<>I< -Belle Baker, America's greatest vaudeville artiste, makes her motion picture debut in Song of Love, the Columbia all-ta1king-singing vivid backstage drama coming to the Dreamland Theatre on Jan. 20, 21 and nn I)? ' Canada Milton Moore s Mid-Winter Shoe Sale SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS % on Every Pair of Overshoes - Light Shoe Rubbers Heavy Work Rubbers- Felt Boots-House Slippers Women's Golosh 321': #77??? ............. e. $1.45 Cotton and Wool Jersey Cloth, black, grey and beige colors, in cuban and low heels, new style in high back and turn-down collar, sizes 21/2 to 8. Womsn s, Misses and Child's Rubbers SUNDAY. JAN. 12, 1930 11 AM. - THE MINISTER. TOPIC: THE MAN WITH A 1 PREJU`DICE." 3 Sunday School Executive 1 INS'FALLA'I`ION SERVICE ; at the Morning Service. Anthem: O, for _a Closer Walk : With God" ........................ .. Foster Good quality b_1ack rubber, hea- vy corrugated sole, to t Cuban and low, broad heel and wide toe shoes. . Women's sizes, 3 to 8- Sale Pride ............ ........ .. 6 c Misses sizes, 11 to 2- Sale Price ....................... .. Childfs sizes, 6 to 101.- _-- Rn`, 4...-.n u unc-Iv: Sale Price . GOOD QUALITY NOTE LOW PRICE Lace style, close ankle-tting, heavy sole, rolled edge, made for hard wear. :::: :;:z:%tf*%O1?-$1.95 $1.65 ;`:::,`*;:i:;m '13-$1.45 ::;:1i ez1icI . .`O O.TOO`O.`% O.`$l.l5 - wan` -v---- u Boots of a splendid quality rub- ber, rolled edge sole, sizes 6 to i11:ST`i5.Lu`7`77 7`jT`%77`5f%%`M_.. $2.85 QFLLMH LLUJ-\JJ.Ll . . . . . . . . . . .. 1'1" Shown in black patent, black and brown calf leather and Vici Kid Leather. Styles suitable for street, dress and school wear. light and heavy sole, cuban and low heel styles. This is the greatest opportunity ever extended to save substantially in your shoe buy- ing The bargains are astounding-Prices reduced one-third and less in many cases; not even factory cost considered--EVERY PAIR MUST GO. `Never in any SALE have weoffered the Big Assortment from which to choose as on this occasion nor can you afford, in fairness to your purse, overlook the GENUINE BARGAINS this SALE now offers. We invite you to see-No obligation to buy. During this SALE we are featuring Boys , Girls `and Child- ren s Boots and Oxfords at greatly reduced prices. A visit to the` store will convince you. MOORE S SHOE STORE, Barrie Ru13"1"E`fi' BOOTS FOR MEN... --.. Q-r\rJIr dia" iiu1_3_1_3_I::_Rs ma.`-x 1'\CC VVAL Solo &&mmm&ma&& UHIFPAW/\ Men's and Boys IWIYII I'\I TI1I'II','I\(` HENDON DB1?!) `: CHIPPAWA 53c 50c MODE1"ArI-2 Women's Goloshes RAYON SILK SALE PRICE .. Black, brown and sand colors, cuban and high heel style, pointed high black, sizes 3 to 7. Boys , Girls and Children's 3-Buckle Overshoes In black and heather colors heavy cashmerette top, warm eece-lined, heavy soles, wide toe, good-tting. Boys`. black only-- Sifilifi 5* >l $1.85 Boys , black on1y-- iifii-Q2137 ,,,,,,,,, IA $1.65 Girls black and heather color- Eifi $:c?7T .......... ll $1.65 Child's, same style- Z 1`-5r e1`h ............. VI $1.45 ooxmruu. Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers ' Extra high cut, 9-eyelet, lace style, good quality, sizes 6 to 11. lS3:Ij.E PRICE -- 7 *.`. .5f.{ $2.20 For Men and Boys NOTE LOW PRICE Brown Grain Leather Top, with heavy rubber bottoms, rolled edge. to stand hard service. Men's sizes, 6 to 12- i1Zf33 gf ............. Ir $3.45 Men's sizes, 6 to 12-- }e,Z1Z ;Jg.f ............. ._ $3.95 Boys sizes, 1 to 5- Zf2i1$T sssssssssssssss s. $2.45 rhunaay, January 9, 1930' .3-:-j Bright nish, first grade. eece- lined. `s'Ifi2" 3Z`e *5 3%" .7$2.l5 S22 : 12I?2 3iyi57.e.i $1.85 3221122 .`.i`7i`?i'i.i5 iiiiii II $1.65 Women's and Girls Rubber Boots Style as illustrated, in Brown and Blue colors. eece-lined, to t high, u and low broad heel shoes. Ladies sizes. 21,- _ to SALE PRICE, Pr. u.,n Heavy, black rubbers, good qual- ity, heavy sole, to fit medium and wide toe shoes. Men's sizes, 6 to 12 85 Sale Price .. .. C Boys sizes, 1 to` L Sale Price 70 Youths sizes, 11 to .2 Sale Price ...................... .. uxnuu .l.L\aL\lJ.'l, . Girls` sizes, 11 SALE PRICE. Black cashmerette, warm, eece- lined, heavy corrugated sole, double heels to t all shoes, sizes 6 to 11. 1-Buckle style- Sale Pricw-Pair . I 3-Buckle sty1e- Sale Price--Pair .... .. o 4-Buckle sty1e- Sale Price-Pair .... .. 0 -an.--.--u -csrxrn-a for Men and Women PRICES CUT ONE-THIRD Men's Black Felt Lace Boot. exible leather sole, leather heel. sizes 6 to 12- Sale Price . . .. . Ladies` Black Felt Lace Boot. exible leather sole. warm. cosy style, sizes 3 to 8--- $ Sale Price. . _ Chlldxen`s Felt Lace Boots. to clear at half-price. C Gin-.. 1: 4... 1n 11-1.. Warm. cosy style felt in soft. exible leather sole. with or without heels, padded insole. Ha1f-Pr1ct.L- 5 Sale Price .. . . 7 C yup-wwyp v-.-_ v.. V -_,_ Rev. J. Johnstone Black, AB..4.,`;VD. Minister HORACE WILSON. A.R.C'.O. Organist and Choirmaster Regular $1.00 and $1.35 values, all sizes, 5 to 2, to clear- :.:iI;E PRICE- C 85 Sizes 5 to 10--Pa1r . c RAINETTE Women s and Girls Rainette All-Rubber Goloshes Girls and Children s Cosy House Slippers -u\r-'-'--u For Men and `lg. -oys Women's House Slippers Men s Overshoes "_``-T 39.975 I3!JBBi3's_ Auto. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH nr A!)`D`I'.V13'!`\f\`M cmnumvr vv an Au. Cuban black, MONDAY, 8 P.M. The Young People's Meeting WEDNESDAY Annual Meeting of the Church. gupper at 6.30. A full attendance urged. THE HOME-LIKE CHURCH WITH A HEARTY WELCOME l'l.l\9l I-ll1I Anus vunvuuvn CLAPPERTON STREET REV. ARTHUR HALE. Pastor up__, 11.1111. 11.....- fhnouumlal THEAUNITEDV CHURCH or CANADA UIGTORY SUNDAY, JANIIARY 19 USE YOUR SPECIAL A Missionary and Maintenance Fund Envelope Contributions for 1929 received until Jan. 31, 1930 LE!` USAPROVE Steadfastly Loyal to `Christ and His Work. Izbiuzk STREET United Church of Canada __ _;-._ , n _- IDDV` nnxuun. unuu. -\--up Mrs Edith Rowe, Organist Miss M. Sinclair. Choirleader SUNDAY, JAN. The Late Harry Brown Elecmon passed off very quietly, all the old council were re-elected. Mrs. W. E. Lenncx has been con-~ fined to her bed since Christmas. _ i un... 13". uanno ha: 1-ntnrnpd tni .8 '_p.m. 4-. `P;-gyer Meeting. _s1_". AN_DREW S_ , ,, Ill. --...1 Qrjpjh of H. Lyrm ",3 L- ..- 12, 1930 Jan. 1' Jan. 9 Jan- _ Jan. Feb. Ilneu U.) Ilcl` Ut:u. auxuc uuuauuaa. i i Miss Ruth Hanna has returned to. her home in Toronto after a few; weeks with friends here. '11.. f`. I-I Qnanrc nf `I -Inv is |".0'n7fiI'l- , Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. It looks now like 9. real January thaw for the snow is pretty well gone in some places. mu. um um W Qnntf. have return- 1 sum: pmuca. ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott have return- .ed home after a couple of weeks with friends in town. 12v... r\..I..... I- :|`Q`l\ 9.. kg nu} afhar 11181105 111 wwu. Wm. Quinn is able to be out after being confined to his home with a `stroke. n_|......I.. 1.....- an nvuwuaa nnavu tho SDFOKC. Schools have re-opened after the holidays. ' Isaiah McMaster is spending a few weeks in town. nu.-- wr......I.. 8.. alnhnn nlnnln hnnn-In WEEKS 1n WWII. . Chas. Harris is doing nicely though he is still in bed. 111.... 1......l.. `Di.-knn is {roan}-ulna of I16 15 SIAM Ill DELI. Miss Jessie Bishop is teaching at Femdale now. I church was taken by his minister, Rev. E. Clifton and Rev. F. V. Abbott. The pallbearers were B. McQuay, J. Mc- Lean, D. Graham, J. T. Jennett, W. rcleary, J. Ellis. Mr. Lynn was a very quiet man, a fine neighbor, a good husband and father. He leaves'a wife and five children: Mrs. H. Burns, Mrs. G. Harris. Thornton; Fred, Roy and Wilbert at home, to mourn the loss lot a kind husband and father. They, have theysympathy of the community ha fhnhc out-I knur- We have the electric lights at this rink now and good ice` when weather permits. We hold skating on Tuesday, ,Thursday. Saturday afternoons and `evenings. Rink is open for skating par- ties, hockey matches, etc. 2b iuavc uxxc o_yAuyuuvAA_y in their sad hour. oao HOCKEY Wscannuua l -1930-19th Centenary of Pentecost ` SUNDAY, JAN. 12, 1930 u 1 11 a.m.-The Minister. Subjectz CALLS AND RESPONSES 3 P.M.--SABBATH SCHOOL If you have a boy or girl not at- tending a. Sabbath School, bring them next Sunday. 7 P.M.-I-IEAR REV. N. R. D. SINCLAIR. B.D. _p nn-___u_1, I\..-_L_.L__.l_._ o~1.......I. MID-WEEK MEETINGS Tuesday and Friday at 8 p.m. The School Children Happy Half- Hour, Friday at 4.15. You are all of these ` meetings. IVEIV. A1. 11:. IJ. |J&L\\Jl-l`l&L\4, 14.14. of Allandale Presbyterian Church. MINISTRY OF PRAISE Miss J. R. Brz/son. Choir Direr*o' Mrs. ,E Richardson. Organist. 11 am. Anthem: Fierce Was the Wild Billow" .................. .. Howard Solo: How Sweet is His Love Miss Leila Carr 7 p.m. Anthem: What of the Night" ........................ .. Thompson Solo: Nearer My God to Thee" Miss Audrey Clifton Plan to spend Sunday at Central. Strangers and visitors cordiallly in- vited. (N"\V'.1f\T A 1' \`rr\r'r\ VLLCU. SPECIAL NOTICE 274 scholars attended Central Sunday School last Sunday. Class- es for everybody. A school that gets results. Classes for every age. C.G. I.'I`., Tuxls and Trail Rangers, Young Men, Young Women, Adults . -Come! n I-4 1ff\`I"l'f`I,1 _`l |'l'Vf\\1 anal- wan [!:1l' uruuuu, vv. :4. Lacuuun. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Broley and. daughters, Ruth and Dorothy, of Eg-I be;-g_ want a. day last week at W. E. Lennox'S- u. and Mn 8. McQuav celebrated! EVENING SERVICE, 7 P.M. Rev. A. E. Baker of Central United 7 Church will preach. The subject will be A STUDY IN CONTRASTS" `eb. `eb. `eb. `eb. `eb 14--Ha-wkestone at Guthrie. S. Campbell, referee. `\ 17-Mltchell Square at Rugby. L. Leigh, referee. 21-Mltch~el1 Square `at Hawke- stone. N. Stoddart, referee. 24--Guthrie at Rugby. S. Camp- bell, referee. V 28-Guthrle at Mitchell Square. L. Scott, referee. 31-Rugby at Hawkestone. S. Campbell. referee. . 4-Rugby at Mitchell Square. N. Stcddart, referee. 7-Guthrie at Hawkestone. L. Scott, referee. e_ _ 11-Rugby at Guthrie. L. Leigh, referee. A 14--I-Irawkestone at M. Square L. Scott, referee. 18-Mitche1l Square at Guthrie. L. Leigh. referee. 2l-Hawkestone at Rugby.~ N. Stoddart, referee. All games to commence at 8.15. LJJI-ll}! \JU&L\J\J&.l, v a..,4u.. Join us in a six`-months` course of study from the Gospel according to Matthew. MIDHURST F QREST STN. We would like everyone to turn oqt. _T _ 1 _&`I:;t:.rtr;o"C-ceT;'Txtr1'7zrzl* chdol) Pastor: A. C. Whltcombe. B.A. United Church of Canada SUNDAY, JAN. 12, 1930 MORNING SERVICE, 11 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL, 3 P.M. `Ala nu {vs a pin` nnnnd-kn` nnnrnn r CENTRAL CHURCH (Elizabeth street) REV. A. E. BAKER, Minister. COLLIER STREET Regular Babtist Church _ an... .._1 1a.`... WEEKS Winn Lmcuua uclc. l `Mrs. G. H. Speers of Holly is confin- ed to her bed at the home of her` daughter. Mrs. H. L. Jennett. nan ,1 Rnnncr and Miss Martha `R. G. HOUGHTON, Supt. Miss Grace L_uck spent the holidays at her home. *5 ; ' 1- 1:n.............. at tin ennnd `Mam cuu. F Alvin Luck a"'tended a dance at the General Hospital, Gait, on Mon- day. , Ynuh-I Tavninann Toff fhic monk fl`! 7'9- ED 1181' 1101116. L. Bingeman of Gait spent New Year s at E. A. Luck s. ' 11.... 11...... trnndu to u-nnnugc-{nu uh-1:- ICE} '40 II. A. uuvn 0. Mrs. Mary Handy is recovering nice- iy after her recent accident. rn nr `Dnl-n: nf 'T`nv-nnfn cnnnf. `Nfnw zy &Lla!':1' HUI ICUCHL nut.-Aucsxv. C. W. Robins of Toronto spent New Years at Thos. Dawson's. at..- It`! ..~.... in uh-H-{nu 1-nun untn 11:21.1 : an .I.uUB. unwnunsnu Mrs. McLagan is visiting her uncle and aunt on Woodbine Ave., Toronto. `In... 1...... `l~-qn`\nuIA AG "Dn-nn+n uuu 'a.l.l;lL U11 vvuU\4ULuC rows... Lvnuanuvu Miss Laura Blanchard of Toronto was with friends in town 1ast`week- end. } .- :n..x._ ~r....I. ..-'-A-.u..AAA n AnnnA n+1 uuy. David Jamieson left this week to re- side in Galt with his uncle, Muir Jam- ieson. ' 11:... a:.....: 7.....a...- Dammit; vnns nlrn I BULL. Miss Maud Irvine. Barrie. was able to spend New Year's with relatives in Toronto. 111.. r-__.1.... c............1.. -1 n... 13:17 aaugxuer. 1Vu'5. n. 1.4. ucxnucw. . Mrs. J. Banting and Miss Martha Lennox are spending a couple of weeks with their brother, W. E. Lennox. a am. and Mrs Wilfred Brolev and }_.__-_--__ _ 111 1 UL UILMJ Miss Gor.don. formerly of the B.C.I. staff, was among Barrie friends during ne Vacation. 11.... 1:I.........L 1' 7..-..- Al l'1.un..A `Dun, (`HUI CW .UL\{uJlIIl In G. R. Lee is in Ottawa this week at- tending the C.N.R. legislative com- mittee convention. 11.1-- r~u-.I.... r)..u...., -05 A . . - -...Aln- UULVIIUU DU I_C|4Cl'LlULU Misses Lorrie Lock and Dorothea King have returned to Toronto Norm- al after spending the holiday at home. Anna-nu O-kn cnnnnacfvfl 'T'hh~1-I Vnnr at n.1u:L aycuuAu5 uuc uu.uuu._y an uvunc. Among the, successful Third Year students at the Christmas examina- tions at Osgoode Hall was C. D. Stew- art. an-1.... n..LL 1t......l.;&I- Inna uuni-nu.-.\A Ln vii-It-I<>x<>x x<>x<~x-tor? Mrs. Ernest L. Jaqua of Grand Rap- ids. Mich.. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Andrew Urquhart. I! `D Yoga in In I'\O-nnvn l>kc nlnnlr of. 1115 V\\JI.UlULl- I UIIDLCC UULLVCLL uuu. Miss Gladys Zelhrg after spending the holidays with her parents, has re- turned to Peterboro. ` an-1---- *r-....l.. 1'....I. ....A A-nalinnn H11 lu Miss Ruth Marriott has returned to her school after spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marriott, Owen St. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jeffrey of Her-. schel, Sask., left on Jan. 11 for Hono- lulu, Hawaii Islands, where they will spend a couple of months. .. .-- - 1 .-2 u --..r_- __ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair and baby and Pete Sinclair, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with their father, John Sinclair, Toronto St. -av Qvv--:4 --...._, _-_.. -- On Thursday morning there passed away at his home. Harry Brown. Mr.. Brown had been in failing health for some weeks. All that medical skill and good nursing could do was of no avail. The funeral was held on Saturday to Christ's Church. The large church was crowded. many having to stand. The service was conducted by Rev. F`. V. Abbott, who had been with Mr. Brown during his last illness, and spoke very highly of him. The pallbearers were R. H. Arnold, F. R. Arnold, Esten Davis, `W. I-Iatton. H. Cochrane, G. Banting. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery beside the church. He leaves a wig and many friends to mourn his 1053. {loath n? H, I.v'n'n ` 1. Jack Ardell of Toledo, Ohio, who has been holidaying with his parents, is `now visiting friends in Cochrane be- lfore returning to Toledo. q -- cu -- -- , . .- us, aMr. and Mrs. H. E. Manuel of Pon- I tiac. Mich.. visited over the week-end` with the former s brothev`. Mr. and 5 Mrs. R. G. Manuel, Owen St. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Clark and family attended the nal profession of , their daughter. Sister M. Giovanna (Madeline Clark) at St. Joseph's Con- vent, Toronto, on Sunday, January 5. `Alma A `X7 'I'.a{rlv-nun an!` Ifiau 'I'nr_ Wife (to returning husband at see.- side resort): Oh. darling, I'm so glad you've come! We heard that some id- iot. had fallen over the cliff and I felt sure it was you." ' TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF` ESSA:- -Iv _.x-1. 1.- -.-....-_.. ._._. _x..__..- ___-..- a \.a 11 L1 -uaaaa \.lL .|;n.II.IJ-1.: I wish to express my sincere appre-4 ciatlon to the ratepayers for the splen- did support accorded me at the polls on January 6. 2b ' FDA? M 1.r1'r:.r~_'rx1'cn\'r TOWNS!-IIP:-- I wish to express my appreciation of the splendid support given me at the polls of Essa, Monday. I am much obliged for the favor and will do my utmost to merit the condence. 2b CARROLL WHITESIDE. `I: VCLIU, LUI U11 BU. U11 k3Ll1l\4lD;_y, ua.uuu.y U- Mrs. A. W. Laidman and Miss Mar- jnrle Laidman of Toronto delighted { the congregation of Collier St. United; `Church on Sunday mdrning with a duet. "A Little While, sung very sweetly. . `Ala and `MI v-:- knwlnn lkillnv A4 Qatar- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Spar- row Lake spent the holiday season with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman, Perry St. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have left on a motor trip to Davtona Beach. Florida, where they will spend the winter. a W CIFUAJ . ` |THX1T To EE17:EE)Rs TO THE ELECTORS OF ESSA, who supported me in the recent election, I extend my very slnere thanks for their generous support. 2b (`L7 AG `I'\!:`\T`K1'!:`\7 My, gg Mrs. -S. McQuay celebrated! yew ygarg at their home in the V11- mge win, their family and grand- children around them. 1-..k.-ml had amnnnned, Mis McKen