Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1928, p. 5

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WARM GLOVES FOR LADIES, CHILDREN AND MEN BARRIE F UEL & SUPPLY C0. J. G. SCOT!` LEWIS I W". U ? W`/"oral-1'ave a full line of Cleanbore U.M.C. and Dominion Ammunition. r Thirty-Five _ 1-IA1"1I,I"I5 ~E You save this Amount on every $100-with Hamilton By-Product Coke MADEINHAMETOKONPARIQIICOKINK OWNEDANDOPERATEDBYCANAMAE ALEX. MILNE & SONS JIIFEIIIWI l Z'1a7"llwlDy`rmg "W Cary Friday night rom CKGPV Toronto. and way Thursday nig from CKX Hamiul. ......T"~ z'.,;',? :,.!;. .'zi f_"*,?,3;.':`-;"_...."'.':-;. Settle this fuel problem once and for all. Fill up your bin with Hamilton By-Product Coke---and save thirty-ve cents on every dollar you spend for fuel. More than this, save yourself the nuis- ance of heavy, dirty, ash-lifting. Hamilton By-Product Coke, speci- ally made for home heat- ing, burns right down to a light, ne, clinker-free ash. There are no un- healthy fumes. N o soot. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE -F4?!" uv -Qcxann HUNTERS SUPPLIES AT URRY S LEWIS & CO. To Every Man measured for in Suit of Clothes dur- ing the visit of the Berger Tailoring Co. s Repre- sentative to this store. `:5; 59 Page FIVO Don t forget-Free Pants only to those measured November 9. MEN, WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY! For one day only, during the visit to this store ofAMr. King, Head Office Representative of the Berger Tailoring Co., we offer you the services of this well-known, long~ experienced Tailor, and extra trousers free with every S_uit. Peru is the third largest country in South America with an area in excess of that of the Province of Ontario and having a population equal to that of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec combined. The Republic has shown a substantial growth in industrial production and in the volume of its foreign trade. Mining and agriculture are the chief industries. For many ears the country has exported large quantities of low-cost copper. 'lhe principal United States mining companies operating in Peru are the American Smelting and Rening Company, and the Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation. The lpetroleum reserves, considered of great potential value. are being rapidly developed by capital from the United States and other foreign countries. The Standard Oil Company of New Jerse . through its subsidiaries, is active in this field. A wide range o climatic con ditions result in diversied agricultural production. It is estimated that more than $400,000,000 of foreign capital is invested in Peru, of which about $250,000,000 is capital from the United States. The revenues applicable. to service charges on the bonds of this issue in I927 amounted to 3.26 times the annual service charges. Interest payable April 1 and October 1. Principal and Interest payable in United States gold in New York City. Denominations of 81,000 and 8500. Dated December I, 1927 Peruvian National Loan. 6% External Sinkin Fund Gold Bonds. First Series. . Have You Tried Our New Wholewheat Loaf? PRICE: 91 and accrued interest. Average yield, 6.85% Republic of Peru Remember the day - Friday, November 9 _ElIDAY, NOV. 9, IS THEDAY We recommend these Securities for investment. I30 l\o VVUUU, I uualusuo Head Office: TORONTO. 26 King St. E. Z ijuu v Esublished 1901' E. R. Wood. President `The kiwi, one of the national em- blems of New Zealand, is a. strange bird withbut wings or tail. `Its hairy coat, which is neither feathers nor fur, is used `by the native Women Fr-no nr1nv-nrnnnf Lul, La u-scu u_y for adornment. Due December I. I960 WINNIPEG VANCOUVER PRESBYTERIANS HOLD VERY SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY In spite of the unfavorable weath- er` on Sunday the anniversary ser- vices held in the Presbyterian churc.h were attended "by large con- gregations. when (Rev. J. S. Shortt. M.A., Moderator of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston. of :Barrie, de- livered sermons well filled VV'ith- truths to which the hearers listen- ed attentively and went away bene- fited by them. The choir furnished special -music at both services. Mrs. J. "Mc:Dermot-t sang Ashamed of Jesus" in the morning. Special even- ing numbers `were: solo, Mr. `Mal- colm, The Publican; Anthem, To the Lord Our Hearts We Raise"; quartette, Abide With Me." `Fowl Supper On Monday evening before the hour set for supper, people were wending their way to _the church for the fowl supper the ladies were providing. `Over six hundred sat down and enjoyed the bounteous repast. The program was furnished by Ye Olde Tyme Village Quar- tette and Miss Margaret 'Smutt, entertainer, of--Toronto, who gave one jof _the best programs, ever. heard in the church. `The following numbers were given by the quar- tette: Come to the Fair, In the Ev- ening by the Moonlight, Cousin Jed- dediah, Rose of My Heart, Water- melon Song, Annie Laurie, Old King Cole, Quartebte arrangement `of the Sextette from Luc Song and a medley of old choruses. There I. 1l"`1;J.`LUll U11 .uuuua._y 1l1U111111E. David IRo|bertson, accompanied by Henry Vvalmsley. called on his daughter, Mrs. \Valter Crowe, on returning from the funeral of the late XYilliam VVa1msley of Toronto. Broke a Collar Bone Roy Arnold, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold. met with a painful accident one day last week. While playing rugby at school, he fell and Ibroke a collar bone. Rebekah Social Evening The members of Glen Rebekah Lodge helda social evening in the I.O.O.-F. hall on Friday when a few hours of progressive euchre were enjoyed. After lunch an hour or two was spent in dancing. The euchre prizes were Won by Mrs. Jos. Adams and Mrs. J. E. Adams. Shower for Bride `The C.G.'I.`T. group of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. Martin Beardsall on Tuesday even- ing. Oct 23, to honor _one of their members, `Mrs, Charles McFadden (nee Myrtle Langman) with a mis- cellaneous shower of gifts present- ed `by the girls. A social hour was enjoyed after which :1 dainty lunch was senved. .l_`Jo \.U1JClClllu. . The Elmv.-ale Branch of Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Jns. Hill on Fridayafternoon. Nov. 9. when Mrs. Wvalker of Cold- water will address the meeting. \/Ha: Qnenn \`Inf`_i-rnnie \ l iaana Thaw- \\'\ll.t`l \\1ll i1Lll|lC'-`3 LIIC llltcllllu Miss Susan .\IcGinnis, Misses Ver- mm and VeYma Usher, Reta Mc- `rinnis and Ross Usher were guests -at the Kennedy-Duff_v wedding in Phnlpston on Monday morning. T3-Jui lpdhnvvfunn ant-nrnnaniorl H17 Chicken Pie Supper The ladies of Allenwood United church held a very successful chicken pie supper and concert on Friday, Oct. 26. `The supper was all that could be desired and the pro- gram was a play entitled Mrs. Bar- cley s 'Rebe1l'io`n" presented by the young people of_VVaver1ey and was much enjoyed by all. Proceeds a- mounted to $124. Bible Class Entertained - The Adult Bible `Class of St. John's United `Church was `enter- tained at the home of the teacher, Mrs. A. `C. Bishop, on Wednesday, October 24, when twenty-two mem- bers were present and enjoyed an evening of progressive crokinole and peanut stab. At the supper hour the hostess was assisted by Mrs. A. G. Beardsall and Mrs. F. C. Bishop. |llUHLllB \\l|.ll Ll. LCIIUB ill LIIC WV CUL- Miss Edith Copeland. `Mrs. Laura Hart and daughter Helen, Miss Mary Ferry and `Mr. 'VVressa1'1, all of Toronto. spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Copeland. Thn T1"|n-uxr-2113 13!`-znnnh nf-' TTYAV-nan : Bryson & Sons, Bakers `V1111 1 IDUII u On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Marsh- all Langman attended the funeral of Mrs. Langman s father, the late VVm. Hisey of `Crossland. \/Tr and K/T1`: TK7 A "Fr-ono and VV Ill. .L.I.1DT:_y UL \./1 UDDIGILU. Mr. and Mrs. XV. A. `Trace and fn.miLv of New Wasaga have moved to town and are occupying part of J. D. Smarts residence. `I/I'u~ Tn... AIn.....~ \)I ..... `'1'? \`I"I._.....J I): 1Jo bDlll(1l L D ICDAUUIIUC Mrs. Joes. Adams, Mrs. W. `Beard- stll and Mrs. `V. E. .VIoffatt have "eturned home after a couple of : months with friends in the West. `\/TX:-n 1PA{$1n .I`1nv-u-dnn I/l'na T r\wIInI'| I p.u1. Born to Mr. and .\Irs. Vvalter J. 'Crowe, con. 7, F105, on October 20, 192.8, a daughter (`Evelyn Agnes Louise). `Irma fnno.u'v-.nnn nu-nil an-sun `Dnurn.-u-`R I10.) C\'Clllll5- Les1ie_ Rvbbins of Toronto is home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins. 13.. and \I...- T A-V.-Au.-- AD IRXJ `V113. J.\.CL1ll.'C CLIILI JLLB. dUBg;:ILLLUll1U- Mr. and Mrs. John Coo'per of Bel- Ieville spent a few days at the home of their son. R. A. Cooper. \/Tvu F` Dvncfnn -nf "'I"nr1nnfn urn: uuuxacj. Mrs. Cousineau and son Raymond of North Bay have returned home after visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Morrison. f\... "`u`n~::o\_- `III ... ......I 1lI'..~ \ll`..u..1-. UV Ill. 1\UUUl.ll3o Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Mid- land were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Malcolm, Sunday. V -`Dav T Q Qhnv-f+ nP FD-avw-ha 1-nae V].d1UUl'11l, cuuuay. -Rev. J. S. Shortt'of `Barrie was entertained at the home of W. A. In-zxlcolm on Sunday. Xfva Q xr`nnnno-Barn and any-us nf JJJLUUIIII U11 nulxuuy. Mrs. S. `Cunningham and sons of B:1v:rie visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Thurlow, for a few days. '\-Tn and \Tv1 pnu TJnv4> on HH-1:: `The 12-yeaxuold son of VValter Johnson, famed pitcher of the 'Washingt0n Senators. gives prom-` 436- of becoming` a worthy successor| of his father as a baseball mounds-| man. I .Ll_lLlLlU\\, LU1' G. LEW l.l'c1._)/3. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart and little Kenzfe of `Toronto were week-end jvisitors at J. `Pearson's. \ \rf.. -nm `Inn 1:) \/T 'B1nA'I- Anni: ` \15.lLU1'5 dl. IJ. 1'C'dl'bU1l E. : .\Ir,`and Mrs. R. M. Black and Misses `Evelyn and Betty spent Sun; iday with friends at Stroud. 11' `I ...~.`... ...L.\... u--11 LAVJ A AA.- lUl1lI'.' hf]. LLICIL GU11. 1|. I1. \./UU1JClu M1's.,C. Preston -of Toronto was \ the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. }\ V. H. D`i1\'sda1e, for a few days. \/[Wanna "vwnhrrin rlvatf DIN!` Tenn V` s ll. JJL .\ LlCl.lC, LU1 G LCVV LalO._y'Do \ \ Misses `Trenzie Gilray and Jean 1 Wright of ljoronto spent the week- \ end at the home of Mrs. Malcolm. \/|'v and `\/Tr: P D `Rnrfnn `\/I've Cllll ELL Llle IIUIIIC UL &VllD. AVLCLIUULIIM ` Mr. and `Mrs. R. P. Burton. Mrs. `C E. Dutcher. XV. H Drysdale and H. Carnahan spent Friday in Tor- onto. \/I'.. .\.-..l \/I .... Q I`! \'n...lA.. nuuzl lll..Ua Mr, and Mrs. S. G. Napier and Mr. Simpson of Tottenham spent Monday evening with friends in town. `Lfnn-.A._L "I11-.n..1.nn.-..:.-..-. .-A...-{nan LU V'\ II- Harvest: Thanksgiving -services will be held in W'yc1iffe church` on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 11` a.m. and '7 nrn g&m&&&m&m&m&&& ELMVALE NEWS `>X<>X4>X<>X<>X0I<'>I<>X<%K<>X !< ! coim. E Mr. Bishwp attended the Queen's- LV-nzfsittv rugby game in Toronto on T Saturday. `Misses Schell, G. Eckel and E. Mnntgome:'y`enjoyed the week-end in Toronto. `Rev. A. `Rintoul occupied the pul- pit in VVyevale United` church, `Sun- day evening. T nclin Dhkina rs? 'I"nv-nnfn {a MONTREAL LONDON. ENG. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hart were re`- cent visitors at W'alter' lCroWe s. Miss .\Iarga1'et Stone enjoyed the we'e':-end with friends in Toronto. 1 . lliss Ethel Drxvsdrale is spending ` :1 few weeks wizh Mrs. VV. A.`Ma1- nnvu ll .1 Mi: ...._..A `The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian 'Church have re- organized and are holding their meetings on Tuesday evening of each week. The first Tuesday of each month is to be Missionary. second Tuesday Literary; third, D_eotiona1 and the last to be so- cia . FHL- ,&!-____, Ad, . 1 I,.,_._',1.__L `l|lf,,, uxax. ` The officers are: President, Mrs. Ness; Vice-`President. John I. `Cow- an; Secretary, Irene Smyth; Treas- urer, Jean Sutherland; Organist. Marjorie Reid. Convenor of the Literary Committee. Elwin Smyth, convenor of the Devotional and Missionary Committee, Jean Suth- erland',, convenor of Social `Com- mittee, Hazel Jacks. Roses Mark Birthday The W. M. `S. of the Presbyter- ian Church held a parlor social at Rev. Dr. A. P. Brace of Toron- to, representative of the Sons of Temperance, held very success- ful services at Lefroy and Stroud United churches on Sunday. Oct. 28. He spoke on the Temperance issue in its relation to the Chris- tian life. As a result the divisions ' DLl'UUU- ' I at Lefroy and Stroud are being revived that the young people may have education on this important phase of modern life. L.O.L. Ladies Night I L.O.L. 234 held their annual ladies night on Wednesday, Oct. 24. About 135 members, ladies and visitors partook of a bountiful chicken supper after which an en- tertainment of 20 numbers was given and apparently enjoyed by all. Spirited addresses were given by Rev. A. D. `Cousins of -St. Paul's and Rev. Jas. `Brown. T. Hunter and `B. Sylvester with Mrs. Syl. Reynolds at the organ gave a num- ber of selections that were enjoy- end by all. 0 1 `_ u a I' an nvucnusn nvvnvu 104 n vvvv -nu-nu CU Uy an. `This annual event is proving more popular each year, keeping in touch with the growth of the lodge. Presbyterian Y.P.S. Reorganized I were also trios, duo and solo vocal numbers as Well as readings. The quartette brought the program to a close by singing two verses of Abide -With Me. |aI'5.l'DUllo Rev. Jas. `Brown will {take for his subject next Sunday The Soul of the people was much discourag- ed~ because of the way. an -av--u--qr w- -.--v A number from here attended! the South Simcoe Sunday School Convention held in Thornton, Fri- day afternoon and evening. A 3,11,, ??_-_.._ ,.. .___.J.-- _.__ A jolly Ha11owe en party was held in the school on Friday by the C.G.I.`T. and their friends. The ev- ening"s fun was heartily enjoyed by all. Dan 'TA`In n.1.`\I\VI (VF T-Tiller`-Ala Thurnday, Nvomber 1, 1928. uy au. Rev. John Gibson of Hillsdale preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. J. `B. Thomson conducted anniversary services at 1Hil1sdale. mL- 1_..-...-..!- L . _ . . ...L ..L H... SEFVICCB H-I: *I1L11UIhl.Uo The 1aymen's banquet at thel United Church, Lefroy. last Thurs- day evening was attended by a number from here. After thor- oughly enjoying the sumptuous spread prepared by the Lefroy lad-ies, eloquent addresses were attentively listened to from Rev. Mr. Pearce and Ex-Ald. Chisholm of Toronto, Rev. J. McvEwan of Churchill and Rev. J. Brown of lstroud. - 11--- `IN... A 1) 13..--.. A-L` mnmnm unit`. and Mrs. Morley Black and ' daughters, of Elmvale, were `Sun- day visitors at 0. "Black's. `If-.- 1-1j..__!A -3 A . . _ . __ `L__ __ Mrs. Baldwin of Aurora has re- turned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. `M. Pat- terson. `I3-.. 1'.`_ .D..-..-.. ...21'I '&..1,.. IA. Wm. Metcalfe of Meaford is vis- I iting his brother,. John Metcalfe, hegg. _ If `Il --`I'f-.._.. ..........-L L1... 1151' Us I M. M. MacKenzie spent the (vlv.eek-end at his home in Kincar-` me. `II. ....1. II... IK-..1-... I)1....1. .._.l I g&&&$&&&&a&&&& g .STROUD . g %&i%%&&%%&%&&&m See the handsome new clothes we are showing now for fall wear. You have your unrestrict- ed choice in any Tip T-op ma- terial in our store at one stan- dard price and you cannot equal such clothes value anywhere in `Canada. Come in today. ONE PRICE ONLY YOU NEEDN T PAY MORE F OR TA=lLORED-TO- MEASURE CLOTHES , WHYWEAR READY-MADES? Here we offer you any fabrici you want in any color or pat- tern you prefer. Have it tailor- ed to your own individual mea- sure with a guarantee of satis- faction. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION umrsn _ s:_._t_>1ast_aeg19o1_- . A. E. WHITBY Twenty-Four Dollars! THE BARBIE EXAMINER Tip Top Clqthes 33 Elizabeth St.,-BARRIE L\.(|o gugv -v. \I --..o .,.\.....-.,..... Mrs. Sutherland:--It is with great pleasure and joy that we, your friends, gather this evening to celebrate your birthday, and to wish you many happy returns of the day. We feel that it was just like your great heart to wish to spend -your birthday in the unique way of doing something more for the Kingdom and your fellowmen; and we feel that we can almost hear the !Master say. Well done. We look back over the years that have gone by, when on every oc- casion for extension` of the church, the good of your community. you have been ever ready to help. and that the words in Prov. 31, verses 10-'31. truly portray your charac- ter. We take, then, this oppor- tunity to show in a very small way, our appreciation and would ask you to accept these roses, one for each year of your life. May God spare you for many years to your loved ones and us. After readin-g the above address Mrs. Thomson then` read the passage contained in it from the Bible. Mrs. Sutherland` thanked the members for their good wishes and the roses. and also the friends and neighbors for making such a suc- cessful evening. 1\,r.... 'I\T......'+,...1. ,.1,........... A4` ..,.w... UUDDLUI UVCll1Vll5u Mrs. Ness took charge of some very enjoyable contests. after which a delightful lunch was serv- ed. Everyone wished the hostess Many Happy Returns and went home feeling` they had` had a pleas- ant evening. Men s and Young Men s Clothing and Furnishings land on Monday evening. Al- though the weather was very dis- agreeable almost a hundred re- sponded to the invitation to cele- brate the birthday of the hostess. A splendid programme was pro- vided consisting of the opening re- marks by the President of the so- ciety, Miss M. Boyes. Solos by Miss J. Kevarns, Miss Beard, Mrs. Spring, Mrs. Fraser. -Mrs. B. -Cow- an, also a quartette by Misses Beard and Kearns, Messrs. Boyes and Barclay, Miss L. Kearns very ably played the accompaniment. lMrs. R. Boyes of -Churchill spoke in her usual pleasing manner. A splendid letter from Miss Margaret Sutherland from Japan written to her Sunday -School class was read. the home of Mrs. R. A. Suther- Mrs. J. i3. Thomson of Allandalel read the following address: I -up an CHILDREN S FANCY WUUL LJLUVED, turn-nacx cun . . . . . . shades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 Boys WOOL GLOVES, with domes, leather bound . . . . . . .. BOYS WOOL GLOVES, knitted cuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEN S WOOL GLOVES, heatherrshades, leather bound . . . . . . Knitted Cuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TBE BLAN1 --=--- BIRD S YARN 34 ELIZAEETH ST., NEXT T0 BRYSON S TEA ROOM Knitted Cuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c LADIES WOOL GLOVES, fancy knitted cuff, sand and mode, 75c CHILDREN S FANCY WOOL GLOVES, turn-back cuff 75c . $1.00 BOYS . . 65 cuff .4 .. soc` Sutcliffe s\ Dry Goods Store LADIES WOOL GLOVES, with fancy turn-back cuff, sand Fl\_ VI .. A COMPLETE RANGE 01%" THE NEW BERGER FALL AND WINTER FABRICS. TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE

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