Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1928, p. 12

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Valuable Residential Property in Town of Barrie HOUSE AND LOT for sale in the v1I~1age of Lefroy. For further par- ticulars apply VVm. Mc'Cul-lough. Churchill Post Office, 42-441) BRDOK HOUSE FOR SALE on Blake :St.; .2111 conveniences, garage; also lots for sale in east end of town. John Magill, Blake St. 43-'4`8p MORTGAGE. SALE Valuable Property in the Town- ship of lnnisfil ---V -....., .. -..c -"I srtjs/Q .4 - `The south east quarter 0.1. lot number four in the fourteenth con- cession of the said `Township of In- nisfil, containing 50 acres, more or less. (N... (H... ..... ....L_. 2- _._.1_1 L- 1.- _ On the property is said to be a comfortable log house andl good barn and other out'bu'-ildings and a quantity of valuable timber. "Fl-an vmnn.:mo.. -H11 kn now.-.....,1 ....1. qucu1Lu._y U1. vzuuztule Luuuer. The `property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. "I`Lxr~n'\e Ton nan non!` n? I-kn n, JCLJL Lu cl. lctatl Ve Ulu. _ `Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase `money at `the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. T.`n..L1..;.... .......a.!....I,_..._ -..:'1V L- .__-_1.. I-l|C`lCt'll LCI 9 Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon application to the undersigned. ALEXANDER COWAN, Dated at Barrie, Oct. 31, 1928. 44-4461) Mortgag'ee s Solicitor. $800 IBUYS A .BR-DCK HOUSE and lot on Gowan St., Allandale. Apply 31 Centre St., Allandale. 43-45b B(`).\F'.DrI'}RS AND ROONIERVS wan \\|\`Iv `Ufum \\V Y 'l]`nn;-nu QR THIOUSE AJND LOT for sale at 36 C-lapperton` Street. Apply to J. D. Birnde, Kempenfe-ldt H111, Barrie, Ontagio. A 42-47p H>OU~S'E AND LOT in Wyevale, quarter acre of land. including gar- den and lawn; good cistern; go-od cellar. $1500} W. E. McLean, Box 15. F`.1rn-vnha 49-A`7n UU1'1Kl.L - IPLI Elmv-ale. FOR `SAME in [Barrie, new brick house, four bedrooms, oak floors throughout. `This is a high-classed home, up-to-date in every way. Central. R. E. Tuck, -builder. 41-4613 PASTURE\FARM|FUR SNLE,45 acres, southwest part of lot 22. con. 1, -01:0: never-fai.11ng`creek and` sev- eral acres of 'bush. Apply to Mary A. Keat, RR. 1, Barrie. Phone 9031'- 3. 44-491) Under and by virtue of the pow- er of sale contained` in a. certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by public auction at the Wellington I-Iotel, Barrie, by W . A. Mcconkey. sAuctioneer. Saturday. Nov. 17. 1928, at one o'clock p.m. the following property. .rnI-_ _..._L1_ .___;_ , . A CAUUULLIA llG4ll LLICH. LICI-Ve 1lUL'1UC- Dated at Barrie this 27th day of October, 1928. . (`Mrs_.) M. L. Barwick, 1-6'8 Owen" St., Barrie, Ont. 44-4'6'b '}?.-0. Box T50, E:;e'cutr1x. TO R=EN"1`--New duplex apartment, 100 yds. from post office, hardwood floors, hot water heating, wired for electric stove, laundry in basement, good cellar. Apply to Philip Love, 123 Mule-aster St. Phone 446. 40tfc .T`he Executors of the Estate 'of the late James R. Cotter, deceased, offer for sale his late residence, 168 Owen St., Barrie. On the property is situate a 21/, storey brick res-id-ence, hardwood finish, containing 10 rooms, bathroom, pantry, ebc., good cellar. A grove of. 200 walnut trees on property 25 years growth, large lawns, shrubbery, etc. Inspection `by appointment only. For` price and terms apply to Gordon M. Steven- son, Agent, Barrie, Ont. \44-4`5b All persons having claims against the estate of James Rogerson Cot- ter. late of the Towrr of Barrie in the County of Simcoe, Barrister, de- ceased, who died on or; about the 3rd day of October, ,1928, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed: Executrix on or before the 24th day of November, 1928, full particulars of their claims. Immed- iately after the said 24th day of November, 1928, the assets of -the testator will be distri'buted~among~st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. TM:-ivnrl 11+ Ilnvv-in fhia 9']!-In Raw rd MARE FOR S.-\LJ1r1-\-*Go0d strong` d'.'iv1n_:,' mare. Pev.'chm'on type. about fiftnen hands, we1:.."ht about 1200. 7 _vo:n-s old. Apply Douglas Drug. Store. |Bm'1'le. 4413 j..___`__.__.___j HIOUSE TO RENT -- 7-roomed, brick, on Ellen St; all conveniences; oak floors. Apply G. VV. Atkinson, 54 Blake St. Phone 308J. ' , 44p FO'R SALE--Six-roomed solid brick house. one-piece 'bathroom: good location, facing Queen's Park; dou- ble lot with garage for two cars. Apply Albert Alexander, 44 Small St., `Barrie. .43-48p H-AM~IL'T ON APART ME N"1` '1-I-OU S - ES for sa1e---Six and eight suite. splendid revenue. will accept Barrie properties or local farms, VVestern Canada farms or town lots on same; mortgages arranged. VVrite G. M. Fairfiedd, Box 301, Hamilton. On- tario. 41-46p GARAGE TKO RENT at 344T1fn St., Allandale. Ph0n_e 6'37. 44b /smonm TO LET at corner of En- zabeth St., and Maple Ave. Phone s-gs. 44b 5 N*ICvE H~'OU`S*E-KEE.'P\ING ROOMS to rent; unfurnisuhed; all conven- iences; very cosy. Apply Examiner Office. 44p HOUSE TO IREN`T--46 C1apperton St. All conveniences, hardwood floors. Enquire Qt `Mrs. P. Kearns. phone 12. ' 41tfb `I. HOUSE TO LET at 14 Vvorsley St.. Barrie. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. J. E. Miscampbell. ` Churchill, Ont. . 44b 'I`0 LE'1`-5' and 7-roomed apart- ment, all convenience, central. Tele- phone 1343. ' 43p 44 tfb SMAJIJL "CIO.VIF0R'1`1ABIJE. Hous-E. nylfh auras-A Pnn vvnnf ?v1nnfIma ....__.__..__.___....__.._______ FOR -SA`LE--10 Shropshire ewes, 1 Jersey cow, 8 _vecu's odd. due in April, one set double harness, 'one set `heavy slelghs. Mrs. W. H. Mason. S12. `Mlnesing 48-44b STORE T0 RENT In Bothwe11's Block, Adlandale. Rent reasonable. Apply R. R. Both-well, grocer, 4`1tb A!PAPR'T~MEN`T TO :REN 1`-Modern conveniences; Bothwe1l's Block, A!- landale. Apply R. R. Bothwell, gro- cer. " 41tfb IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ROG- ` ERSON COTTER, Deceased. D&V.l.IUl-J-IJ 'L'\J .Vl.L` '\Il.\`L l$'.I.)lJl`4- J.'.l.`\J LJ 9&1. with garage for rent, frontirng "Queen's Park. Phone 129'2W. 44-49p fru`-;:1`l;h: 33'a`fs'.WT~e o'i$`erx1: Apply 73 Tiffin St., Allandale. 40-45p PART O-F HOUSE TO RENT; also flu-niuhnri vnnrn-u v-nnannnhln fnv-nu: NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROPERTY FOR SALE LPROPERTY TO LE1` F OR SALE FOR `S-AIJE---'1`hree black Percheron 'hom!es weighing from fifteen to six- teen hundmed -pounds: T an eight- year-old dark `brown driving mare; one good rub`ber-tlvred top buggy. Apply W. D. Cochrane. Allandale, R.R. No. 2. 44-491) JJUA LU! 42-47p LCIIIUJCI. , $0 00. `Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. `In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or "before Tuesday, the 13th day of November, 192-8, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell Iby public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar- rears, together with the charges thereon. 313-46b D. H. COLEMAN, Treasurer, County of Simcoe Treasurer's Oflce, Court House, Barrie, Ont, the 7th day of August, 1928. TREASURER S SALE of_ L_ANDS The Errisee`. !3*=Fs`2.`fit=!= NOTICE IS HEREBY GlIV'EN by virtue of a warrant from the May- or of the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand, with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto. bearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 19'28, and to me direct- ed, for the collection of arrears of taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of December A.D. 1928, at thethour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Municiplal Buildiing, in the said Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to selleby public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. Va`-A -AI-In- ..n-LLA_ L`-AL A `I-1. -. SALE OF LANDS g-'or_ A1_uu:-:AR_s_p1= TAXE_.S .. --v-... V. r-. - y.... . - u-..5v...v..uu A 600-ACRE NURSERY We own and operate a modern, well- equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in quality and variety. Sell hardy, Canadian- grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valu- able. Established 35 years. I\IWI II I II III II\BI`fIII [I3 Houses for sale or rent; small house -wanted in Allandale. will buy; small garage wanted to buy or shed large enough-; nice homes for retired farmers; Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay shore lots for sale. A annfu Pnn '|\/I'n1-1731113 Tantra] qnv_ VVA.\"'I_`lED -- Ambitious. industrious person to introduce and supply `the demand for -lzuvlelgh household pmduots In `Bzu'1`ie and nearby 10- cuLiun.~:. Make sales of $150 to $600 8. nnmth or more. Rnwleigh Methods got business eve1'ywhe1'e. \*o selling experience .1'equired. VVe supply pmducts, Sales and Advertising Lit- e1'::tu1'e and S01'Vic: Methods, every- thing` you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest; prices; best values; most complete se1'v'ice,\VV. T. Iiuwlelgh vCu., Dept. `CN-2`22, MonL1'eu1, Que. 44-491) \X7CU15lll .ua._y DLIUIU LUL LU1 BG.1Cc Agents for Melville Travel Ser- vice, `Travellers Accident Insurance Co., International Airways and Na- tional Air `Transport, -Leasid|e daily. T*Thu nnf 4-nnvv fhhs nrin-far ) hall- uonzu All` "J.'!`anSp0I`1'., -1..eas1c1|e aauy. Why not tour this winter? Cali- fornia, Florida and elsewhere; 8. glorious cruise to the Mediterran- ean 'W0nder1ands, Jan. 29th to April 5th, $950 up full cost: Ireland, Eng- land, France and Germany $541; Canada to Bermuda and return $100. Any other tour in the world. Our Mr. Melville will advise you. 44b Notice is hereby given that the list of la.nds now lia'b1e to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of lsimcoe, has been prepared and is being published in an advertise- ment in the `Ontario Gazette, upon the 11th, 18th and 25th days of Au- gust, 1928, and the 1st day of Sep- tember, `1928. `I'M-\v\'{nu A9 nah-1 13:14` AP `uni. An v.___.-:-- uvyvu Salesman in Simcoe County during Fall and Winter months to sell Fruit Trees, Flpwering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive territofy. Whole or part time arrangement. A can AAIHF nllll-na-In\I all`: -ans-ale `I91: auvvinbv Vrnnuvv Mrs. May Cr-eswicke, Sec y.-Tron. 190 Bayfiold St.-Telophono 310. u-luv IPIELHAM `i~3i)`1"i`si71{uF-c c3ZM' 40-47p TORONTO 2, ONTARIO In the County of Simcoe, to wit: bl-JUL CUM: Take notice further that a. list of the said lands is being published in 2 the Ontario Gazette in its issues of September 15th, 22nd and 29th, and October 6th, 1928, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appli- cation. MA` n-L Dnuqlg l.I-l- ilhluln .I-- -5 IL. VV. DJll.L|..ll1, ; 87-4`9.b Treasurer Town or Barrie UH LlU11o Dated at Barrie this 10th day of September, 1928. 11-: nu`:-mllnvv A 1u:u1AvBL12: MAN wants stbacly wnrk. 64 Penotzmg `St. or P.IO. Box 411). 441) Arrears for Taxes in Town of Barrie ON SALE A OVERCOATS DYT:i1'~iE;, "L'E"A'NiiiIc AND PRESSING TRY Ennis Dye Works 0 DAVEIDI I'\ "l`l3I!`E'l` 7.1.? 65. 404W`, R... um We can save men who buy Overcoats at our store from ve to ten and: even fteen dollars on a single overcoat, See our West show window. Come and see the overcoats. Everything new in overcoats is to be fotgnd at this store at .........'l.... _..---_ -...I -1. - ....__1. IJU IJIII I Il&IdIJ IJII\liIL}I Phone 78 WORK DONE IN BARRIE .'|'HE`BARRlE EXAMINER _AT HUNTER S, Barrie 13 U0 U6 LUUIIU db LUIS SUUIC ll popular prlces and at a great savmg. We sell for less. For High-Class - and, Quick Service in I\IiI!'llvtN til I ! A tvinvnu FOR SALE OR 'l`O LET-No. 12 Vvellingtrm St. W., rslx-roamed brick house, furnace, electric light and gas, t1h1`ee-pieCe Imtlwoom, large garden,cemtmlly located. Possession Nov. 1st. Rent $25. Apply to H. A. Culligllen, 583 Ge1'1'ard St. E., Tor- onto. 40-4513 W.A.Jenkins&Son HUNTER S, BARRIE as BA_l:'lE"LD STREET` succnssoizs T0 W. GRAAOEY & so_N_ WANIED _ coAL com: woqn "A W. smzrrn. I11-an Tnurn A0 `Du .-He was dead to the world-I a ring squad saved his life but . condemned him to the fate of see- ing the only one he loved in this world given to a traitor-were his lips sealed forever or would he speak now when a word meant love and `death! `Capitol, Mon., Tues., Wed. 44x --The `Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers `Association will hold` its annual convention in Bar- rie Collegiate Institute, `Sat., Nov. 3. At the morning session a pub- lic speaking contest will be carried out. open to those pupils who won prizes at the `Township School Fair contests. Good program for after- noon. 44b Thos. iMc1Kinney, of 112 St. Da- vid .St., `Toronto, formerly of Bar- rie, was struck by an auto while crossing Parliament St. on the night of Oct. 8 and received severe cuts `below the forehead and nose through which he was unconscious for nearly an hour. He is now out of the hospital and pretty well re- covered. rn1.-.:/-1-11: _-- lfIL TY? If (V '11 B.1C.I. Senior Literary Society elected the following officers to- day: President, Frank Mclnnis. Vice-`President, Tillie Marks; Sec- retary, Don. `Cameron; Treasurer, Mary Patton. n7M ..."I A--- .....L 1.4. L1... u.L.......`I_:. I I LVLQLJ J. GUUUIII ` O'Neil does not let the `thought of his execution spoil his slumber; , in fact. he sleeps quite a lot of the ' time. He was visited by his broth- K er, sister and brother-in-law on Sunday afternoon. I n 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHA.\ G~E. IPu!`e "\|\r\:`1 nvv.\..,1 hA\lIVI\ .....n. Y. :1 1l'nh_ -I have successfully corseted over one hundred ladies, a writ- ten guarantee of one year with each garment. If you are having difficulty in getting a perfect-t- ting garment, phone or write Mrs. A. Simmons, 76 -Small .St., phone 707. 44tfb G. S. Mc`Conkey, Branch Mana- ger, Imperial Life Assurance Co., Barrie, was the speaker at the reg- ular monthly meeting of the Oril- lia Life Underwriters Associa- tion held at Carter s at noon last Saturday. His subject was Mon- thly Income Insurance. A very enjoyable fHallowe en arty was held by the nurses of the oyal' Victoria `Hospital at the nurses residence, Wednesdray ev- ening. There were about 40 pre- sent including the nurses and their friends. The evening was spent in ggmes and music. Lunch was serv- e . 11-- --.-_ 4--.: 4.- 4.1.- ......1,1 : ..--......, -.--`._---v--. --A pulse-quickening tale of sky and land! Gripping thrills! A knock- em-down and- drag- em-out battle be-tween he-men! A cry for help, written in letters of smoke high in the clouds! Capitol, Thurs., Fri., `Sat. 44x --Reginald Godden will give a piano recital at an open meeting of the Barrie `Women s Canadian Club on Nov. 151;!` in the Assem- bly Hall of the `P rrie `Collegiate. Admission: -26 c its to non-mem- bers, students lib cents. 44b -An American Ace and his sweetheart! An American rene- gade and his band of cutthroats! The hum of the aeroplane in the heavens! `The attack! `The call for help from the sky! What a thrill picture this is! `Capitol. now. 44x `I `I, ,_ ,,1I A I V uuvxsusu. The.iCollier `St. W.M.~S. will give a lantern slide 1e-cture on Africa on Wed., Nov. 7th. in the S.S. Hall at -8 p.m. -On Friday. Nov. 9, it will hold its thank offering meet- in}: at '3 p.m. IMiss Jessie McIntyre will address the meeting. It was Miss McIntyre" who put `on the Pageant of the New Canadians at the Toronto Exhibition. This appointment is a recognition of Mr. Byrne s efforts on behalf of the Conservative party,. he having been one of its most active workers in Barrie and district for a. number of- years. His many friends will 'be `glad of his preferment and wish him good luck. He does not expect to leave town, for some time at least. V V 2 &$&&w&&&&&&&m:` g LOCALS g &$&%%%&&%&&&%$m -If it is lamps you want, see Urry Bros., `Bayeld St. 43-46b B.'C.I. senior rugby team expects to /play `Penetang next Saturday. --Ladies, attention! Free! Free! Your choice of hat or scarf with every coat or dress sa1e-one week only. Oct. 27 to -Nov. 3.-Miss Collins, 27 Essa `St., Allandale. 44b _..-----_. _ ....-- ~v., _..--.-..-u...--v- - ..... ~ ---Collier St. United !Church will hold their annual meat supper. Monday, Dec. 3. Programme will be given `by the choir including a one-act play by `Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ace Wilson. 44b UCUD D315 D1115 WUUA, 'LVUVo -1., Q, 3. 44b -Carnations for Thanksgiving Day at `T. `E. Harley's. Ffns and cut owers. 44p Rev. Evan `Thomas of Elmvale preached two good sermons in St. Andrew's `Church last Sund'ay.., --Special shipment of silk hos- iery in all the new shades, at the Mary Payne `Shop, Clapperton St.. Saturday. 44b --De Luxe Cleaners and Dyers service truck calls and delivers Monday. `Thursday and Saturday. Leave orders at Milne s. Phone 39. 44b --`Special prices on `Saturday in ladies gloves. all the new shades. suede, dress kid and chamoisette, at the Mary Payne Shop, Clapper- ton .St. 44b --Dr. Inkster of Toronto is a noted student of Prophecy and Dispensational `Truth. Hear him speak at St. Andrew s Church on Nov. 19 and 20. 44b -Dr. `S. A. rB. Mercer will ad- dress the Barrie Women s Cana- dian `Club om Dec. 11, in the Hall of the Public Library. Subject: The Empire of the Hittites. 44b FOP. IS.~\.LE~-13 P;u`trid:.:e '\Vyan- dome hens. Apply 56 Cumbeyland St, Allnmlulo. 44b -,`.-..v _ _-_'-..-_u --__-- ._..--__.. --Remember 'Monkman s On- gent Sale this week, Nov. .1, 2, AA}. E. J. BYRNE APPOINTED MOVIE CENSOR BOARD E. J . Byrne, -undertaker, Barrie. has been appointed to the Moving Picture Censor Board for the Pro- vince of Ontario. Announcement to this effect was made yesterday, and the appointment dates~from Nov. 1. A1N*fDERSwON--At the Royal Victor- x- 1:r.......I+a`l rnam-In nn Wednes- AHN1lEH15kNN`-t EH6 xtuyuz VLULUL` 18. Hospital, Barrie, on Wednes- day, Oct. 31, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. `.12 . R. Anderson, Barrie, a. daugh- er. PRIEST--At Minesing, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Priest, 9. so 11 R0=A'CI-I-At the $.17`. Hospital, Bar- rie, on Tuesday, `Oct. 30,1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. .s. Roach, `38 San- a--A as - -- ANDERSON-At Toronto on Wed-' nesday, Oct. 31, 1928, Emmallne, beloved wife of Robt. B. Ander- son. Interment Saturday at Wav-n erley, Ont. | CALDWELL---On Wednesday, Oct.) 31, .1928, Mary Irene ICa1dwe1l,! aged two years, daughter of Mn: and Mrs. Wm. Ewen Caldwell, con. 4, Oro. Funeral Will take. place on Friday at 2 p.m. for in-' terment In Guthrie cemetery. I 4GROSE---In sacred memory of Thelma, `beloved daughter of Fred ' and Beatrice Grose. The fairest lilies are the first to fall The sweetest first to fade, The fondest, dearest, best of all Vvithin the grave was laid. ' Like Nature's choicest flo 'ers She for a While did bloom, Then went to live with Jesus, Far, far beyond the tomb. , 44b -Parents. L :1.lJJJ1D\.l4V-`111 LUV 1115 LUCIILUL _y UL Pte. VV. `N. Paddison, -killed in ac- tion Oct. 31, "1917. In our hearts your memory lingers, SweetI_v_ tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear Nelson, That we do not think of you. 44p --Fami1y VVIILSVON--IIn loving memory of our dear girl Viola Mae, who entered peacefully into rest on Oct. 31, 1922. Blessed are the pure in` heart for they shall see God.-(.\Iatthew 6:8). 44p -Sad1y missed by Parents, Sister and Brothers. MARLING--GORDON - At the manse; Cookstown, on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1928, by Rev. D. A. For- guson, B.A., Mary Victoria, daugh- ter or Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon. to Calvin -Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Marling, 'Cookstown. MAGCrRONE--LO'0K`ER - At Old Trinity Square Ichurch, Toronto, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1928, by -"Rev. Alfred Loucks, Laura Amy; Mar- guerite Looker, daughter `of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "Looker, 123 Burton; Ave., to Wilfred Maccrone, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Maccrone, 38 Kenneth Ave., Toronto. FOR SAJLE-A number of pure -bred Shropshire yearling rams and ram lambs, all Government graded and stamped: also some ewe lambs. N. D. lclarke, Thornton lPJO., Ivy phone. ....... o 4+1-man ' BUILL FOR SvALE-1 pure bred Shorthorn bull, 10 months old, roan. having won first prize atom and Barrie fairs. sired by "Master Ra- dio," ownedVby Geo. Crawford & Gnu Anrv m A. W. McArthur..0ro PADDISON-In lovmg fnemory of! ` pfn `K7 `N 'DORRur\r\ -Lr'I7oz-1 {n on UUAIJULLVU 111 L116 WUL'1Uo In the Sandwich Islands the peo- ple go in to mourning by knocking out their front teeth and painting the lower part of their faces black.` G-OODVVFI`N-In loving memory of our dear mother, Isabella. Lennox Goodwin, dearly beloved Wife of the late John R. Goodwin, `Thorn- ton, who entered into rest Oct. 29, 1007 LUII, ' 1927. 44p Friday, Nov. 2-8. Mcsherry, at lot 9, con. 6, Innisfii-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.-m. VV. A. Mccosnkey. Auct. 42-44x Thursday, Nov. 8-D Maw, lot 32, con 10, Essa--high class dairy cows. Sale at 1 p.m. XV. A. Mc- Conkey. Auct. 43b Friday, Nov. 9--'Thos. Neely, lot 25. con. 10, Innisfii-p-farm stock and implements. Under instructions from the public trustee. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, Auct. 43b Monday, Nov. ~12-Thos. Worrod, at lot 24, con. 8, Vespra, 1 mile West of Fernda1e--farm stock and im- plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc'Conkey, Auctioneer. 44-45x Thursday, Nov 15-John Cunning- ham. at lot 17, con. 4, Essa-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, Auction- eer. 44-45x A storage battery which weighs 39 tons drives the largest electric lo- comotive in the world. Tn fkn onR~n1{n1n T~1nn-`An J-Inn -n;\I\ Ulla GHU ELLE. U0 ford St., a. son. NOTICE is hereby given to all delinquents in the matter of dog tax and poll tax in the Town of Bar- rie, that if settlement is not made immediately in- formation will be laid against the offenders. CREDIT SALES IN MEMORIM1 U. In tax 3 ring 2. The Barrie Examiner Take printing for instance. You may buy it-cheaper, but you get the cheaper kind, and there is nothing so cheap in effect and results as cheap printing. Some of it is absolutely worthless. Considering the small proportionate amount that you spend for printing, you can afford only the best that you can buy; anything less changes it from an investment to an ex- pense. ` When you want the good kind of`print- ing just reach for your telephone and call 222. Our representative will call on you. WARNING Prige is Governed By Quality ALEX. STEWART, Chief of Police. --Fami1y. Aug LALu.uv Aanvv ug -----V--V --.-.~v-u Desplte the chilly name "of Ice- land, the temperature of its capital, fteykjavlk, rarely goes below freez- ng. -Refuse from sugar cane is now be- ing made into synthetic lumber. [ 1-\___,,:a._ LL- _I_..H1-- ....~...\, -A` Tan, SPECIAL OCT. 26 T0 NOV. 3 Also a Complete As- sortment of Colored and Fancy Lamps. (}.-\:l .A(`rE WA.\"I`ED In vicinity of. John 01' Viu[nl'i21 Sts. Phone 554. 441) w`;.";:::,, 33;" """""" -' 1924 WILLY=S-KNIGHT 5- passenger sedan, balloon tires, looks and runs splen- didly. REO 1%,-TON TRUCK, closed body. good tires; the price is right. Ann P'l'|I\TT13T'N?r!-9\n1I1 USED CARS 111 spxcuunu uuuuuuuu. (Dona guaranteed. 1927 STAR SEDAN, new tires and in exceptionally good condition throughout, and guaranteed. 1927 ESSEX SUPER SIX OOAJOH, in splendid condi- tion, motor just overhauled. TWO 1923 STA~R TOUR- INGS. 1923 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK MASTER 'SIX SPORT TOURING. 1925 STNR `SPECIAL SE- DAN, disc wheels, looks and runs splendidly. 1924 FORD TON TRUCK, closed body, suitable for \`nn`rAuI'I A4-n ILCD Gnu All 5 v v u u v . . u . . . v -- 1920 CHEVROLET Baby Grand Touring re-painted, runs Well. FORD :BU'S-Side seats on Ford Touring chassis with ~Ruckeste11 axle; good tires, and re-painted. Your present car as part pavment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 43 Elizabeth St.--Phone 278 We are Agents for LUZZ. ].`\J!I\.1J .LUu1.\.1L1u, n.cvv tlres and in good condltlon -_-.. paw?!-I:vv1'\f\`l' -urn 11-1.- uuru sun puny..--- 1928 DU~R1A`NT 4 Sport Coupe, cannot be told from new, same guarantee as new nnlt Salt 1927 STAR i-TON TRUCK in splendid condition anti an-nausea!-an!` `J1. LDC JD Llbllvi 1.922 Fqlp TOURING: pew -_ annals : nan:-11+-Inf: \`(.-\N"I`I')I) 'l"() 1l`I.I,'].\"'l,` -- A good lmuse with all conveniences by first of D0(:um1)e1'. No ch,i1dren. P.O. box 497. 44-451) EDISON MAZDA LAMPS URRY S b Thundpy, November 1. 128 HAROLD Hm. HAR0LD"3- LAMPS * _OEa'n the followingf for AT ]"; .l*3>`H.,-C()\\"S or nearly sp1'in*.:e1's \\':1ntt-(1. not over 5 years old. Apply (,'l.a1'oncc Leach, Sturgeon Falls, On- trio. 441) B`()Al{D AND I-{EATED ROOMS at 1135 I 01'd St. Phone 1056'VV. 4-in FUl{.\']xSI-I~lGl) noon `TO `LET w1th\ p1'i\'i1ugc-S nf hmsc1(eoping. Apply tn Exzlminer Offic-e. 441) BOARDERS NVANTED, very cent- Inn] 4:11 nnnucxninnnou Rnv KQ9 nhnnn JJ\}l\IllJ'Jl1D VV 1'14` J.1'AlJ, \ Cly LZClll.' ral, all conveniences. Box 532, phone 1193M, 41 Worsley St. 40-45p FOR SAIJE--one ;:uamnteod deer and fox hound. Phone 1366, box 312. Barrie, 4-11) WHLL ']`1IhAD`E 12 DU'CK'S for pul- lers. B.-1b(-ock, corner Cook and Cud- rin:.:`tm1. 441) dlo," owneupy ueu. Ll`a.wa.uLu, u. Son. Apply to A. W. McArthur, Oro Station, Oro Telephone 8rI10. 4 -45b BLLAiC`.-K GIELDING FOR `SALE-- 16 months old. 131/_ hands -high. beautifully -marked for show pur- poses. well bred. Apply Douglas Drug 'Store. Barrie. 44p L')\l. \ lYLJ I`41LD (To\ JJ llKJKJ.V.l1_'J1\ D VV LL11 L- ed. Apply Mm. \\'. J. Fraser, 36 B:-;uH`urc1 SL, B.-u'2'ie. 441) `W.-\l'{I\I I<`U'I{1\"IS*I-IED ROOM t0 ...\..4 ..I II n A . . ~ u u nu: n . ~ n An ,_n.-o.. .-. .-`Inn \\ . \l\.VL I` l_J'lLA\ lbD'.L.lL4JJ J..V\J\JAV.L Iv`- rem, (-entr.-11, all conveniences, also g;11'.-1:9 to rent. 76 .\Iu1cz1.stc1` St. 441) Agni crirln `\ , \ 1 AMA ! LIJJ. `J l.'kl4\ LL11 DLUIJCIILG. girls p1'ef0r1'ed, at 183 Elizabeth St.; all conveniences, phone 1271. 43-441) ADLET COLUMN L FX<>X0I<>X<>X4>X<>X0X0X0X<>X0I0X0I0Y< FIRE ANID AJC C'ID1E.\"I` INSUR- A~.\'~( ,`IC-~Gmd 1)1'0spects for active agents. liberal commcts dlrect with head office. P.0. Box 219, Toronto, Ont. 44-4513 YOU CA`N.EARN $10 to $25 a. week In your spare time at home wrltmg show cards. No canvassing or sol- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion `nriincr Tnvnnfn 1`M'H'h 1|-VIIIIVJIIILL \.4Uo {JI- Building, Toronto. Tj HORSE FOR SALE, strong and re- liable. also new cutting` box and two-so:1te(1 s1e1g'11 with pole and shafts. S. V. Jones, Oro Station. 441) -_j: One cent a word, cash, each inser- tion. (minimum charge, 250). six insertions for the price of four. 100 extra when charged; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner `Office. ' C O M PIETE N'T G`El\ER*A.'L MAID wanted; Toronto in winter, Barrie` in summer; good Wages. Apply Box P", -Examiner. 44b VVA1\'TED-.A maid for general housework and plain cooking; re- ferenvc necessary. Mrs. Hargreav- es, 5- Peel St._ 42tf'b Pads Twolvo gw%&%www&wwwm& -l..-IVE STOCK 1-`on FOR SALE OR;I'O LET ROOMS AND BOARD `f( )M.'.\TODA"l`rI-O N for students. r. nnnP.\.n-nrl nr 10'} 'I7Hnn1-uni-In Qt - `AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE--1 pure bred lSl1m'thm'n bull, six months old. Fit for ser- vice. Apply to Goa, Snider, `Craig- hurst or phone 90-5r.").\ 43-48p _Hl:'.l..PiWANTED VVANTED llUllUo :1 4'1`-46p I Ill! LU ll 1Mtfb Examiner `advertisements are good salesmen. Use them for pre- senting your store's arguments.` FARM FOR SA`LIE--Two hundred acres, lot 44, con. 1. Medonte, rich loam, good for any kind of grain: good dairy and stock farm in high state of cultivation: some standing timber. There is one barn 36x60 on stone foundation. cement floors, hay barn 32x52, one hay and implement barn 82x52. frame house and garage, two creeks, good well and water in house: 14 mile from C.IP.R. station and elevator, {V4 mile from village of C1`;1ig'hurst, school and church. on the County Road. Possession 1st of April, 1929. Apply Robt. A. `Craig. Box 291, Barrie, Ontario. Telephone 55. A 43-48p TLRE |C`I-I./MEN'S :FOR .SA`LVE--33x4. or could be made to fit smaller tire: in excellent condition. VVi11 sell at half price, $4.50. Apply Bryson & .VIorley s garage. 44tL x RADIO in prrect cond1t1o n, includ- ing new tubes, A and B batteries, good cone speaker, with `or without. Valley battery charger, for sale cheap. Apgly 63 -"High St. Phone 225W. 43-44b `FARM FOR SALE - Westerly 70 acres of south half of lot 15. con. 1. 01-0. fC1ay loam, good house and burn. This propety is to be sold to close an estate and immediate pos- session can be given. For further particulars apply to D. F. `\IcCua1g. Solicitor. Bt11`1`le. 43-451) 1 DE LUKE "I.`AX`I SERVIJCE. Phone 156 or 10'5`2J. 4 44-416'!) 1` L111 DAAJIU Ll L\, .l'44 \k. 1 Ln.\'LI\L`4. VI. Lu L: [bred Oxford Down -1':1m. L. C. Hub- bert. Lofroy. 441) FOR SALE--One Taylor safe, near. Iy new; one computing scale, num- ber of account files, two paper 1-ac-ks. -P90. `Box 5'26, or phone 407. Barrie. 441). 1` LJ 115` 111 |.J`-J.\v'1`4 1` \J1\. DtL 1.JL J':'! UCU` room suites, 2 dinlngroom suites, parlor furniture, 3 stoves, linoleum tug, and other articles. Apply 52 James St. Phone 1054J. 4413 FOR SALE - `Eight fat hogs, six months old; 150 bags potatoes, extra good; 30 chickens: 200 house plants; contents of 4 rooms, 2 stoves, beds, dressers and dining room suite;quant1ty of wood. -Ap- ply James `>Innis, Midhurst RR. 1, _ 43-44b 's*URs ALTERED and repaired Over Hurl.burt s `Shoe Store. Miss 11 11.. A..n.u. g7ffh 11uu:Lu.. rxygtay C1'aig'hu1'st, Ont. FOR 'SAJLE--Sm-a1_1-s12.ed furnac- ette, only wsed three months, in per- fect condition. Reasonable, also 5- tube radio set. Phone 5S'1J. 44x BARGAIN-Large leather suitcase with tray (English make). nearly new: suitable for traveller; cheap. Apply 49 Eccles, or phone 645|VV. 44p 'FU'R`l\"I1TU`RE `FOR SA~IJE-4 `bed- ..r.,`.-.,-. nn{+An 0 r1In{nn-nnnna nuufn'a LO`S"[` near `St. And1'e\v's Churcuh, ` Thursday last, a woollen scarf. Re- ward. Examiner `Office. 441)` WILIJL THE PARTY who picked up D1111` of rubber boots on `Blake `St.. Fr1du,v, October 26, kindly return to J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake `St. 44b BRI;}D-|'l`(`)-ILAY ROCK PUIJLE"T`S for sake. Apply to I\'o1'mu11 Sch:1nd- Iran. l\lidh1n'st. 44-451) FAJRM FOR SALE, 140 acres, lot 23. con. 11. Essa. For particulars apply to J. VV. Morrison, `Thornton, i.\I|o. 2, `Ivy-`Thornton telephone. 44b KJVUI Julul UULAL M. McArthur. E3PE'R`IiEN1ClED NURSE, , PRAC- 'I`IIlCAL.. Apply -Mrs. M. Volllck. f`:-nn-hum-nf ('\nf 1 44.-49h QUrIlT NNY 'l`rOBA`C~CO HALBTT eas- ily, inexpensively with pleasant root, chewed like gu . Not medi- cine; just sendaddres , S. C. Stok- es, Mohawk, Florida. ' 44p `STRAYED from lot 8, con. 6, Ves- pm. one ewe lamb, 1Sh1'o13sl1lre. Any- one knowing` of its whereabouts kindly notify `Chas. K-avanagh, An- ten Mills, RH. No. 1. 4413 ISTRAYIED to lot 18, con. 1, Oro, a yearling roan heifer, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to P.C. Hudddeston, !R.R. No 1, `Thornton. Ont. 43-44p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT, 100 acres, west half '01? lot 2, con. 9,_ In- nlsfll. Apply to Jas. -R. Jamieson, box 90, `Thornton, Ont 43-'44p . EXC`HA1\GE--Shetland ponies 2% years old for czttle. hogs or chick- ens. M. R. Nash, Oro Statdpn. 43-44p 1HUN"I`ERS--`Call at Midhurst Ser- vice Staation for hunting and trap- ping licenses. J. A. Wattle, Issu- er. 42-44b LU!` 1l51|L IIU Barrie P.-0. C0 \\' I`OIR SA Ll-I -- Extra good milknr, due middle of November. Apply Z\Irs. 1). \\'ice, Tollendzll. Phnno 10-H5. 4-11) NOTTC'E;--Utopia Flour Mauls will be closed all day Tuesday, Nov. 6. We will take care or chopping trade all day `Wednesday. Nov. 7.~ R. [Bell & Son. 43-44p 1 100-AJCIRE FAIRM for sale. For fur- ; ther particulars apply to Mrs. Wal- ` ter Teeisdale, Barrie RH. No. 2, or 2 phone 606112, 42-47;) A A GOOD H-OME `and small remun- ernatlon for elderly lady in exchange for light housework. Apply Box 66 D~1wh'n 'D.{\ 441') R`WIN S ALL BLUE TAXI SER- VI_-CE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 `cent service. George Ir- win. Phone 198. M 89tfb NEW S TY'LE HEATER. good as new. Babcock, corner Cook and Codrlngton. T 44p T-RUiC'K FOR SALE. Half ton Ford covered truclg, in good condition. $17-5. Apply to Hereward Martin. Shanty. Bay, Ont. T 4g`b I WOOD FOR S`ALE-4 ft. hardwood at $9 per cord: 4 ft. hemlocksla-bs at $5 per cord. VV. H. Hatton & Sons. Phone ~257VV. 41-46b `BARN FOR "SAJJE-30x60. A-pply 111 Penetang ISt., Ba.rr1e. Telephone : 104`5W. - 441) SPY APPLES FOR SALE. Apply to John `Caldwell, 2-nd Oro, `Shanty Bay P40. R.R. No. 2. 441) LADY'S MUSKRJAT COA-'1`. size 36. worn one season; cheap. Apply 49 Eccles St. Phone -645w. 44-491:1 2 DUICKS AND 1 DRAKE for sale. Tlwso are .\l:nnm0tl1 W-hite Fekin. 11,./. _, _\'0:11`s old and well muted. Phone I\Id\\'u1te1-s, I\'_\'-('I`h01'nton. 44b "HAPPY TtHOUGfI-PT steel ragige for sale in A1 condition. Apply to 125 Collier St. or phone 618. 43-45b EO:R lSAIJE--Books on elocution. also hundreds of choice readings. $15. Mrs. Burton, 63 McDonald ISt.. Barrie. , ' 44p \ ON THE MARKET 'Saturday,.cau- liflower, Swiss chard, spinach, let- Luce, ,and other vegetables. Bab- cock. , 44b ronsixu. LOST AND}-'ouNn mums 1-`on sAu:-:' MISCELLANEOUS V Ulllhn 44-49 LVJJEB 37tfb UUI| 4413 ...____....._.._..:...__._._i FOR SAl;E--Snmo real choice Guin- ext r)i;.`s. pl-oven breeders and nice c0`.m's, also a be:1utifu1'Sp:mie1 pup. fivv months old. P-hone 60~51"21. 441)

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