Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1927, p. 11

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vvuuun 0. U011! urowrr 1. Writing; ` `_`VLu1Ia'b y"-'-G'ertru`de~ Hilts 9.- Velma Chappel 9. Eric Johnston` 9;,Mu1-Jail `Murphy 9.`.Bertha. Campbell 5. .Robert _S_or,y 1. Wr,1t1ns..My_Nat1ve Land! -`- Myrtlp Murphy 9 Jean! M`a..w:10E,`~Norn `Dicker 3.` Jean uir ,9. Ella Livlngstop .9; "Hilda IA1`msti'onlg 9 ~ G-`PIE 'p!Ih`Hn I\nnbl"cu;n f4n..L--'a: V .1-st |- .v.uuul' U. .' [e Bran Mufflns-Marian Murphy 9. Jessie VVllson 8, Madeline:Binnle 11, 1.. Kathleen `Smith 6. Ethel Craig =6, Ar- -; dell_ Fralick 10E. Tea Biscults---Myrtle 5, Murphy 9. Jean Maw 10E. Marian Mil- - ler 5. Marian Craig 6, Lorna Beetnn 9, 10E. Emith Johnson 9. Plain Loaf Cake II --Norah Thompson 5. Florence Wilson 11, Madeline Binnie 11, Emith Johnston 9, Muriel Murphy 9, Velma Chappel 9. School Lunch-Velma -Chappel 9, Nora Thompson 5, Grace Ronald 9. Helen Johnston 9. Jean Maw 10E, Marian Murphy 9. Maple Cream Candy-.--Elsle Richardson 10W, Ella Livingston 9, Bertha. Campbell 5, Douglas White 8, Ardell FralickA10E, Mavis Greenlaw 6. Wash Clot`h--Ethel Johnston 9, Marian Murphy 9, Muriel Chappel 9. Marian Campbell 5. Millvinai Clarke 5. Elsie Plowrlght V9. Hand-hemmed Dish Tow- el-.-Kathleen Smith 6. Muriel Murphy 9. Best Three Buttonholes--Emily Arm-3. strong 9. Alice Miles 10E, Ethel Craig 6. Grace Ronald 9. Dorothy Poole 6. May Slessor 11. Embroidered Linen Centrepiece-Jean Parker. 9. Myrtle Murphy 9, Marian Craig 6, Leona Mur- phy 5. Nora Thompson 5. Jean Thomp- son 3. Grain Bag--Willie` Clark 5,vLeon- ard Walton 5. Arthur Adams 9. Robert Parker 9. Leonard Chappel 9, Fred Pearson 9. Bread Board---Blllie Pater- son 5. Model Farm Gate-Fred Pearson 9, Walter Bell 1. Donald Wison 1, Stan- ey I-Illtz 9. Milk ~Stool-Arthur Adams . 9. -Roger Rowell 10E. Robert Parker 9. Fred Pearson 9, Gordon Johnston 15. Towel Holder-Artl1ur Adams 9. Robert Parlcer` 9. Roger Rowell 10E.` Fred Pearson 9, Walter Bell 1_. Drawing. Three Frults-Doris Brown 1. Ethel Johnston 9, Wallace Graves 9, -Elsie Plowright 9. .Wlnston Knupp 9, Muriel Chappell. 9. Drawing Baseball- Bat--Eric Johnston 9. Emily Arm- strong 9."Gertrude Hiltz 9. Velma Chap- V pel .9. Wilbert Armstrongll, Alice Ayres 15. 4Dra_win_g Map or Ca_.nada.-SteIla -Caldw._ell;,1., .Ar`th`u_r._Adan"1s'9. Myrtle V Murphy.9. Lillian `Johnston 9.. Verna Luci; 9, `Muriel *Murphy_ 9. Drawing Car.to_n-Art_l1ur Adams'9, Myrtle Mur- phy. 9, Jack Ar-mstrong'9.. Hilda Arm- Astro`ng'9. Fred Pearson 9. Verna Luci; 9. .Wrltlng.., `fThe ,';R'alnbow."-A--,El_sie Ren- ' -nick 5. . Irene Craw._or.d'$9~. Wallac Graves 9. Phili `Armstrong 9.5 Llqy . `I .`l'.lM- o. .1r-s....- `Waite .. 5;V"AD9rs =Brown 1." Writing; auu a. ueasie wusorris. - Calf, (Beef Breed)--Walter, Bell 1. Maurice Jones 15, Fred Knuipp 9, Gor- don Johnson 15. Market Lamb (Long Wool)--Jack Armstrong 9, Irene Craw- ford 9, Walter Bell 1, Maurice Jones 15, Roy Tracy 6..Dratt Co1t--Maurice Mil- let 5. Handling and exhibiting calf- Maurice Jones 15. Handling and ex- hibiting 'lam'b--Jack Armstrong 9. indligg, and exhibiting coVlt-'-Ma.u'.'ice I 1 Dianna `IJ'..lm__. an--..;- - Scott Muir 9, David Beath 3, Jessie Wilson 3. Charlie Wattle 6.`Pen--Au- brey Giffen 10E, Scott Muir 9, Alex. Finlay 6. Hen "Barred Rock--Eisie Piowright 9, Phil Armstrong 9, Alex. Johnson 15, Aiex Finlay '6, Fred Pear- lsdn 9. Jessie Wilson's. Inn]? (|'RnnP `D-.;.;A\ 1'x7..n...._ has -I ' .---- ....v um.-nu asuuu. uuubluuuo V Rev. J. W. Stevens of St. Andrew's C`hurch, Kingston, was unanimously 1 nominated as_moderator of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston which meets in Knoxchurch, Toronto, on October 18, and Dr. Mason of Orillia was ap- pointed to represent Barrie Presbytery .on the Business Committee. Benson W. Andrews of Thornbury is to be certified to Knox College as a young man having the ministry in view. He enters upon his second `year in the University in October. S.. M. Scale, - B.A.. and F. Goforth. BA., to be cer- tified as students who have laboured . in mission fields with much acceptance and with satisfaction to the`Presbytery and Coulter to Princeton Sem- inary. The resolutions prepared by the ~f committee appointed at the May- meet- ` ing re the translation of Rev. John Mc- ` 5l'UWlHo Mr. MacKers1e has been re-appoint- ed' to Uptergrove for another year, with the same grant continued. Dani T 11-7 (~;____,,, - J`ll5'v . ' Mr. Moodie has been reappointed for six months to the Gravenhurst field. `A site has been offered to this congre- gation by a. friend and a. new church may be erected next year. Good pro-_ gross has been made and the work is growing. Mr \:TnnT?nun3.\ L.-.... 1...-.. --- -.- `.-.._.v Iv`, vacv vuu _UL \J!y|.UUCl. u The student miniistering to the Tor- rance people for the summer months has returned to college. This mission will have regular services from Mr. La.- inount along with Bala and Port Carl- `I127. IIIU UK lrng . LB';.L.} -.- .. -_-----., V`! ,ay.unu.u\:uu ac|.uu1ucuL. ` Alliston and Angus had. the services of Mr. S. M. -Scott, B.A., for the past nine.mont~hs_. He returns to college the first of October. The Alliston con- gregation are building a new church which is nearing completion and will be opened `by the end of October. The Ba- la. and Port Carling congregations have ance by Rev.Gilbert Lamount who is 2 ow under calllto this field arnd,-should _he accept the call, settlement will take place by the end of October. IIIL- _.L-_.1__-; been ministered to with much accept- a.,vu.-:w L0 a. can. ' The Guthrie, Central and St. An- drew's congregations were ministered to for 18 months by Mr. H. M. Coulter with great fidelity and fruitfulness. The new church at Guthrie will be formally opened on the 25th inst. after which Mr. Couiter `leaves the field to prose- cute his studies in Princeton Semin~ ary. `Satisfactory.arra.ngements will be made forlthe future supply to this field` looking to -permanent settlement. 3 Ana..+..... ......a A......._ -...~- A-, IIIUII L115` Esson `and Willis had Mr. Goforth who enters Knox College in October and the field will hear candidates with avview to a call. Tho flu!-hula t'h....L_..\- -..: nu LUl'L'_lHU5 o Rev. R. M. Hanna, convenor. pre- sented a `lucid report of the work done in the mission fields and arrangements were made as far as possible for wine `ter supply. The .student_s~dld good ser- v.lce and progress was noted in each field. The augmented fields were well manned with students for the past six months` Ensxnn and nrnn. Inna 11.. rv-o_..n- Excellent work on the Home Mis- i sion Fie1ds`wlthin its bounds was re- v ported at the meeting of the Presby- tery ot--Barrie held .,in .St. Andrew's Church last week. ,Hearlng=a.nd consid- eration of this report occupied a. large part of the time. Rev. J .=S. Shortt. the moderator, presided over the meet-; ins` which was well attended by both clerg en and elders. The executive or the Women's`Auxiliary of the Pres- pyterial. meeting at the same time, unit- ed with the Presbytery at the opening exercises. :11! `D It 7~r___.- --.- V HOME MISSIONS REPORT A15 pnssmrranv `coca won; in the v.'.-:o%u.T1=':.Ia.n During the Past Summer. Graven- hunt Congregation May Have a` new Church next Year. ` 1-n-is exhale EXAMINER Ghoirmaator nited Church g -__.- F. . nu\o\do,\J It must be awful to be a. neighbor's child. `because they never will amount tad anything.-Kingston Whig-Stand- ar .- 7 ..., , 3?``_ %` `_v.93i1I3 'I'I.13 4.. ..- U0 ucxu 111 m. Andre-W'S unurch on Oct. 7, when Rev. Dr. A. S. Grant will be present to set forth the claims of the Budget. .There will be an evening meeting which is open to the public and representatives from all congre- gations within the boundsezje expected to `be present. . ' The next "regular meeting `will be held in Allandale on the second Tues- day of November. . Nab presented the resolution which! on being read was accepted and a. copy! ordered -to be forwarded to Mr. Mc- Na~b. The`!-Iext meeting of Presbytery will be held in St. Andrew's Church when Rev. Dr. A. R mm... mm 1... awpxtexz .IJuCKW0l`1'.n on Sun The anniversary of the . lted church will be held c September 25. Rev. J. E. l Churchill will have charge 1 and 7 p.m. Rally at 3 p.m uuuuayulg In ugoronto. V W. Turner of Barrie visited Mrs. Stephen Duckworth Sunday. anniversarv nf Hm Amm-= T?- ---.. .... --awuuouuy vvunu pwrung COHCBVI Mrs. David Mc'M-ackon and Grace of Toronto spent -the week-end at Walter McMackon s. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Miss- es Kate and Eliza McKeeve'r visited at Thos. Duckworthfs and Walter Mc- Ma`ckon s. ~ `MIN. ......a up. w... .. - . - - I u:.a.unuu. S . Mr. and Mrs. Wright and baby are holidaying in Toronto. 7 "Fan-non no 13.._._:. __L:u - -- lterms, _.u..=.u_=a .:-Lurcnce ana 1-'ear1 Berry and L . White of Barrie spent Sunday at Geo. Perry's. - Mrs. Albert Middlebrooks received the sad news on Sunday -that her ne- phew, Morris Daley, of Sunnidale, -had passed away, having fallen out of a tree on .Saturday whdle picking cones., Mr: `hnuia 7ur..'1ur....1-_._ --_ .1 - -' vv Lu. W UUlS8y'S O11 msunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGregor and Dan Myers of Toronto spent a. few days with Mrs. Annie Myers before leaving on a. -motor trip to Cobalt. `Misses Florence and Pearl Perry A. Barrie smenf gum:-.... ...+ |.cuuJc1.' .1! o Mrs. Rogerson and family (if Tor- `onto and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harper and family of Cookstown visited at Wm. VVoolsey s on Sunday. Mr. and Mr::, .TnnIz 1/rn(1........... --z ,._-:e-w Sep_t. 19-Miss Irene M-iddlebrooks is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs... Garnet Plaxton of Al- landale spent `Sunday at Mrs. Ett-ie Brennan's. - `Congratulations to Miss Della Dean at the home of the 'bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean, on Saturday, Sep- tember 17. 1 II...` `I'D---------- ` ` aycul. Lue nay on -the bench, first ting _with "Magistrate Jetfs and with Coroner Dr. W. A. Lewis. v-isit synchronized with a very day in Barrie pence court, ses. lasting over six hours. In the Jer case he was sitting for the Town of Oro. where the accident` occt aind which comes under his juri: t on. : ' ` _u`a-1|-U IIIOPII In... A mopucror GENERAL Mo;1f_oRs or CANADA. % . TfIl'lFl|'I'!I\ 114' ME [{:owAN HANGUS .unua._y. | Angus Un-' on Sunday, McEwan of 5 at 11 a.m. I -. J. GRACEY :u.a uuu Julie!` L. Lewis. His busy curt, sessions n Jenkins Township lent` occurred Jurisdic- IL 51 L- later _av'aila_bie at New and Lower Prices. And, thanks to the volume purchasing 2113 production facilities of General Motors, the New and Finer Pontiac Six, with new ,ele- ments of beauty, luxury and quality, with proven power, speed and smoothness, in wood No need to wait for fine "1.oofing weather. You wont: have to expose your home even for a mo- ment `- and you won't have a dirt-littered lawn or attic to clear up when the job is completed. Ask your roofer or dealer to show you these sturdy Ru-ber-`oid Shingles. Feel them. Note their su- perior qualitfy. See that heavy slate surface - weather-proo and fire-resisting. Note the beau of them. You have a choice of three colors-Rez Green or Blue-Black. Handsome, stubborn-wear- ing shingles that will roof your home with lasting beauty. Ru-ber-oid Slate Surfaced Asphalt Shingles are but one of 50 different varieties of Ru-ber-oid Roof Coverings available for new construction or for re-roofing work on every type ief building. ___..- ._..... `tiny V15 5119 LUIIII dill-I PIOVB the reasens why Pontiac has won the most enthusiastic acceptance ever accorded aux` new car. / , - . _ .. _,---..... uun. on u. uaa` DEED PFOVOC 1 on the General Motors Proving Ground. The most gruelling endurance and perform- ance tests have been passed by Pontiac Six with ying colors. i For the :-e s.strength and stamina in the` Pontiac Sixengine, to match its smoothness for The V rnodern young man wearing`Invictus Shoes feels he is stepping on top of the world. .__9- . OVCI 4 ,,__ -____-j DIVISION BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED Montreal Hamilton Toronto E yourself time, labor, cost and bother on _the re-roofing of 11' home. Don t waste an instant` in ripping 'away the old roof g. Let it stand. Put Ru-ber-oid Slate Surfaced Asphalt Shingles vet it and you~will have a staunch, storm-tight roof above you us to come. - yourself on._the M Don:t vg_aste_an_ instant ripping awav old to 7-- `A CAREY-HURLBURT SHOE CO. RUEEEQID For SaleVin Barrie by; una I` UUUD D1105 Page Eleven 4 DEN; AITICIMO Seitz of Taronto 23. HARDY _ F.T.C.M. Organ, Vocal, and Theory, hoirmaater of byterian Church tc; Conservatory at s ty of Toronto. Phnnn R90 |x'ru:s |51:.9:L:..`l3?, Furna:u. ay. 8ep,fomh_r 2Azi,` terms, `apply atft u-: : Phone 249] EIGHT no Ill: &T7:= EN 5'8eS?1aall'l.i=: one 1131 - nun! II} t V , b ti:-ucglarrld >3: . < ` I _ =!, no r '..'i` Y- Th-urdav 1:15-, IL P one 688. d bgs-sM T916 % ,\ . Shephl&'Ho.rl: Tuu.,u.%uU\v,I -on`-uoojouujcijoo The Emplcfytrs Liability Assurance Corporation Tho Best. Policies in Life and Casualty Assurance-. The `Sun Life Company of Canada A \Y'I'\- garry Barron Collier nd Clnpporton Sti. PHONE 167, BARBIE. :'.-1EA THOMPSON N ERP AucIAlMI OF PIANO Phone 890W o ma/n c;] j I IS OUR ADDRESS where {we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of `V C)oz2zeo22e /5 Xnmottom. ':0G'GiE'i%`E MULCASTER sr. 'l'humlay.' September` 22. 192%. A We have just received from Holland a shipment of Strong, Healthy Bulbs, including Tulips, Hya- cinths, Narcissus, Daffo- i ciilsv, Crocuses, '_Et:c._ FOR 1-`ALL. BULBS BR0WN7m18:'mE(+).% GIVE US CALL Phone180 V PLUMBING AND HEATING Assured by Fgding Builis... .. `Keene W-. egg yield up Cuts feeding % costs. Sold and Ruommndod 31 I3 liunu - A 32 "Talk about water otfi duck : back!-,4 Jun look at `our shines. even after fteen minute! in this down out! There : cgrtahy nothing quite? _ _`_Nuuet'." Hr. Theft : 6 " Nun! " ahcdafor ovary that made. : 9 i if V i fromotes ` ` "'_- Feather ' Gxfowth LFI3%iSALv:,I-xv "`-'-ww-.- ..... uV itality 4.uI.u'pu,y U. nruxuz` zmams 3. -Cockerel, Barred Rock-Ph1l Arm - strong ,9. Jessie Wilson 3. Fred Pear-' son 9, Scott Muir 9. Alma. Munro 5, Walter Bell 1, Pullet. Barred Rock- Phl1VArmst:rong 9, Grace Ronald 9, '5. Robert Parker 9. Tomatoes, any --uuruuu auunston 10, Margaret Jory , 3, Verna Jory 3. Alex. Johnston 15. Jean Johnston 15. Ruth cumming 1. Any] other variety apple. (named)-Mari.on Craig 6," Velma McKee 5, Leonard Wal- ton 6. Arthur Adams 9, Reginald Heard standard variety-+Grace Ronald 9. Leonard Walton 5. Gladys Wa.lton`15.' Madeline Kavanagh 15, Winston Knupp 9. Audrey -Orchard 15.` Collection of ' Noxious Weeds.----Myrtle Murphy 9, Arthur Adams 9. Emma Halbert 3, Ar- butus Gossling 12. Collection of Woods ---Emily Armstrong 9. Robert Parker 9. Myrtle Murphy 9, Arthur Adams 9, Eric Johnston 9, Fred Pearson 9. Col- lection of Plant Dlse.ases-Myrtle Murphy 9. Arthur Adams 9. -Cnnkarnl, FL-amua.-1 `D.-m1._1:n..n .....- `. . - uuvc-cu v 1.4: uv.Iuu""'V UKIICI: -I-JUUI` "I I "jspy Apples-Grace Ronald 9, Arthur Adams 9, Verna. Luck 9; Marian Craig 6.. Russet A-pplesV--Ph1l Armstrong 9, Eric.Johnstono 9, Arthur Adams 9, Ross Cumming 1._ "1`ameuse or Snow Apples ---Gordon Johnston 15. Margaret Jory Verna Jory 3. Alex. Johiratnn 1: 1m... ' 3, Emily Armstrong 9. Dooleys--Leon- ard 15, Mary Brown 11, Eric Johnston . Muriel Chappel 9. Florence Wilson 11, ucayu 0. vvuuzer rseu .1, .M'u!`Iel Murphy ` 9. Turnips, Canadian Gem.--IFred Pear-' son 9, -Edward -McLean 15, Walter Beath 8, Jean Maw 10E, Jean Johnston 115, Veronica Cavanagh 1*5. Beets. De- troit Dark Red--Emily Armstrong 9, Eric, Johnston 9, Jean Pratt 5, Elwood Binnie 15, Roy Lessor `11, Gladys Thompson 3. Carrots, Chantenay-Vel- ma Cha-ppel 9, Alex, Johnston 15, Nora Thompson 5, Thelma Binnie 15,. Mavis Greenlaw 6, Anita Greenlaw 6. Pars- nips, Hollow Crown--Muriel lchappel 9, Herman Beetonl 10E, May Davis 15, Evelyn Finlay 6. Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers--Myrtle Murphy 9, Gordon Campbell 9, Leona Murphy 5, Harold Gllchrist`10-E, Philip Armstrong 9, Dis- qualified. Irish, Cobblers---Velma Mc- Kee 5, Florence Wilson 11, Jessie" Wi'l- son 8, Enid-Knapp 15, Douglas White ard VValton 5, David Beath 3, Scott. Muir 9, Ruth Cumming 1, Leonard Chappel 9, Maurice `Miller 5. 1 Asters, Giant Comet---Audrey Orch- 9, Alma Munro 5, Jean Parker 9. Dis-. qualified. Phlox Drummondi- I-Iarold Gilchrist 10E, Eric Rowell 10E, B_ert Smith '6, Hazel Storey 1,_ Fred Arm- strong 9, Marian Miller .5. Cosmos- Cliftord Baldwlcl -1. Robert Parker `9, Ronald.'Lessor 11. Marigolds, African mixed---Florence Rowell 10E, Lorna Beeton 10E, Kathleen 'Smith 6, Reta Fleming 11,_Elsle'Rennick`5,. Ruth Ru- p,er-tu 10E. Verbena-Verna. Luck 9.` ,' ` .:'\IY `AI-\I\`1un 171....-- -ru..._Is -- unro. A1-Iandalo Secretary Bradford St.. Barrio. V hursday each month" .Luuuuu1t,' 1. Potatoes, Dooley - Jean Muir 9. Maurice Miller '5, Leonard Chappel 9, Isobel Walton 5. Edwin Kavanagh 15. Jessie Wilson 3. Irish `Cobblers-Leo Cavanagh 16, Willie `Clark 5, Robert I Storey 1, Lily Munro 5, Douglas White 3. Alymer Kavanagh 1'5. Mangels, Giant White Sugar--Scott Muir 9. Lorna Beeton, 10E. Lloyd Cumming 1. David Beam 3. Walter Bell .1, Muriel Murphy I Turnips. Canadian Gem--IF`rnd mm..- _7...., --VJ aavuwvs ;.L, JJUWIS \l'l.'dV8~3 '."VVheat, Marquis (shea.f)-MaurIce Miller 5, Arthur Adams 9, Eric Rowell "1013, Florence Rowell 10E.;Lloyd Cum- ming '1, -Lewis Graves 9. Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam--Janet Watson 12, Got- don Johnstonn15. Verna Luck 9, Gert- rude Johnston 11, Ethel Johnston Doris Brown 1. Ensilage Corn, Bailey- Roy Tracy 6, Gilbert Baldwick 1, Ruth Cumming 1. `Dnfnfnna T\A.-.1--. 1-- ._ g-, . .- lv EUIIUUI 3CC30n3':"" . Oats. O.A.C. No. `s-4-we-tater Ban`. 1. Leonard Chappel 9. MarIon'Muler 5. Maurice Miller 5, Maurice Jones 15. Fred Pearson 9. Oats, O.A_.C. No 3, (sheaf)--W'a1ter Bell 1, Roger Rowen 10E, Edward McLean '15, Gordon Bee-' ton`10E, Fred Pearson 9, Harry Fra- nck 10'E. Wheat, Marqu!s-Maurice Miller 5. Arthur Adams 9, Harry Fra- llck 10E, Roy Lessor 11, Lewis Graves 0 117`!-.m.-. 4 \n'........x_ _L_.p\ .- n - - A , ? But in Other Respect: Vospra School Fair, Held IIIJIO Forestry Station Monday, Sept. 12. Was Up to the " Average--\Va's Well" Attended. ' Larger display of farm and garden produce in `almost every` department featured the fourteenth annual Vespra _ SchooieFair on Monday of last week. but the entries in the live stock divi- 1 slon. for some reason or other, were 4 `considerably below -normal. There is - no dearth of good cattlein the township. i and it appeared to those .in charge a 1 matte:-`oi not {getting them out. al-l . though a. good` class of lambs were . shown. The exhibition, as usual. was held at the Forestry Station and .wa_s largely attended. Prize Winners Following is the list of winners; the numbers after the names indicating the school sections:-- nfu D A (1 \Y.\ 0 1Iv...u.__. C-I_nIr 4 I'M: s1'oc1< usrs NOT wzu. muzn .V_... -. . -.-gwvvun e9.'vH.1xaa_Atmsu-on:g '9.'_ . - ~ .. 1, 1 Girls `Public Speaking Contest.--El`- M ,s!e'-.R1chardaon. ; WW. My;-tle` . Murphy * 0. Marion. Miller 5. Ruth .Cumm_1n8. 1. 1 Boys Public speaking .Contea`t-Reg. ` gl .- ma '5, Wilts: Bell ,1._ Fred feat-s'o;n `f'HBl1'd N;a.ming;; `Competition--'-Vern`: `trek 9. -"Eric Johnson '9; Roy 1 Lessor 11. `cyi ~~ Gbe"e11n3' 12. Chrlstina..,Roe .9. Harry, Blrillck .-1;0E.- Vegetable; VJudgl_r .Cogtt;os_t:e,-.-?Verna_:VLuck :9. v:F1fank' Mutt`- phy 5. .Clif(o1'd;,,Ba.Idwlqk 1`. Marion Craig 8. Dorotl:`.vPdole 8.3083 M.'cKeo.= 15. 8tra;t`hc_'ona Exercises-9, 5, 1, 16.

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