CREDIT" SALE of HORSLES,_EdAATI'LE,% PIGS J ames A. E. SMITH STOVES OF ALL KINDS AT REASONABLE PRICES 4 No extra charge; for settig up SEE A. E. smlf ABOUT CHANGING THAT" OLD STOVE FOR `A ' NEW ONE Vvaltr Barnes, 52, r-ontractor, broke both arms and legs when he fell off a house at Elizabeth, NJ. er's parents, Mr. Bell. `Ila ..._.a In - arull . Mr. and Mrs. Stoneham and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson. E. Overend and friends of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller on Thanksgiving Day. . uauuu on Mr. and Mr Day. Partri_I_ge_ Gilioy 10th at-mg nnrl `Innu- 75 Collier St. J [II _V wlu rie tak If it is Real Estate, we have it. ' . Terms ;u`ranged to suit `purchaser. -. cm: 46 Bayeld s;.; Barrie. P. O. Box 10115 _ A SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL j Phones: Office 861, rxfsidences - 864W or 1071J. . ' VVU VVODDVDVDTTI to ;e-ll by Public Auction at ' - g U -n- I! r-- Smith Kain nus. BURNS Registered .Chiro'p1{'a(:.tors DA ".II!__ . 129 Dunlap St. Phno 1192 4 TERMS CASH Satisfaction guhrgnteed. { `I.-- TI.-LI.1- -1 onvnvv `In \Q\l\I\I IJIICII mostly hardwood, also the tops of trees left from the saw-logs. It will be sold In 1/3-acre lots, purchasers to have two winters in which to remove their wood. Sale at 1 `pm. _ , 45-=46c, W A. McCONKEY. Auct. 3:11 .-. . Exclusive Real Estate Agents` BIG MONEY FOR You nhI"'n hnvn runny rnnn ii an HIDES nu. uuu ;vu's'. -J.\c_I.. Murphy. , Mr; and Mrs. Roy .Hickli_n`g and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Thompson spent '21. day recently with Mr. and Mrs. W!_l1 Banting. Ivy, V , `Mr. 8nd`M)`- .T _T Tltrv-no nail TRY uruuu. luS(_ week. ' . " A Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Toronto. Mr. and `Mrs. Barry of Lefroy, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons o,Gilford and Mrs. M. Byrnes and Miss M; Kenny of Barrie were holidav vinifnrn mm. mums. 1V1. nyrnes ana MISS ML Kenny Barrie were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: -M. Murphy. Mr; and Mrs, 'Rnv T-T*lnIzHn`ov .....,: guy s _ . Mrs. J. J. Byrne attended the fun- eral of her aunt. Mrs. Morrison7, in Orillia, last week. ' and -`MR6 'IA'n'Dul.I- -5 HI-...._-A-- IIUI. U Mr. and Mrs. F. Carson and Earl Carson, accompanied by H`, Carson of Midhurst and Mrs. Hamilton. motored to Toronto on` Sunday and spent Tihanksglvlng Day with'fx-iends in the c tv. The undersigned has received instruc- -' tlons from ' ,` 14:-- up 1-- -1. 1.131111 city. Mr __ :...- -:1 w-1-v- ZZZ Nevember 11-Miss Reta Winzreve returned to Toronto. Monday `night. tter spending the holiday at her home ere. - V A tuner here . "ll... ..............'.......1rv1ng Robertson Nell, The Dust of The Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . .Marg'aret Sutherland Between acts, Miss B. Warnlca sang in her usual delightful manner. Miss `M. Jacks pleased the audience with violin solos, [displaying her amazing skill. Miss Helen Ross of Guthrie was accompanist. LJKIHLU David Moore V. . . . . . .Fraser "Sutherland Susan Moore . . . . . . . . . .;.Hazel Jacks Elizabeth Moore, their `daughter .... . . ; . . . .Isabel Goodfellow Jei'x"3'r,' '1\'I'po1"eT, their son Norma.-Jacks. Dr. Templeton, the minister ` . . . . _. . . . ` . . . . . ...'..........KenhethJacks Wandering Tom, a mystery ..Bill Reid Old Mose, his darkie companion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ward Goodfellbw "The Village Newspaper," Miss Ara- . bella . . . . . . . . . . ..Verna Smythe John Ryder, the master of the Maples. ..............-.......Irving Robertson Nell. Dust nf 'l"ha '|7`.nvt'h nuns uwce . .'.I`he play moves quickly and holds the" interest to the climax when Nell finds her father, her name and her lover; (1.. ..L_ I:sLuu: are also trusted trlends of hers.- The two romances proceed `with dif- ficulty, giving the audience many"a laugh and some tears. Miss Arabella, the village newspaper, adds not all little spice. Tho nlnv nnnvnu n'u{n`lI.. ......I 1_..u.:_ LUU eueuuveness 0]: the presentation. The play opens at Maple Farm Cot- -tage, the home of David and Susan Moore. and, their daughter, Elizabeth, recently graduated from ladies col- lege and quite finished. Their niece, ' Nell, .']`he Dust of The Earth." also lives with them but is not a welcome guest". `Her only friend in her home is Jerry. the young son. The genuine kind heart in Nell makes friends in all circles. Wandering Tom, a real mystery, and his black companion. .Mose, are valued friends. The young minister, Dr. Templeton, and John_ Ryder, wealthy owner of The Maples estate are also trusted friends of hers.- "1`-he twn rnmmmnn mvnmma men. an VVILKI 1115 son nere. V Some visitors who spent the.'I`ha.nks- giving holiday in Stroud were: Mrs. Mullen and baby of Colllnmvoozl at Mrs. Sproule's; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcconkey and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mcconkey of Toronto at Mrs. Geo. Hunter's; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewson of Toronto at Thos. He\vson's: Mr. and.Mrs. Morley Black of Elmvale at 0. Black's; Miss Audrey.Fagan of Tor- onto at Mrs. R. Fag'an s: Mr. and Mrs. W'llbertABlack of Tomnto and Miss Ina. lack and Mr. McFadden at Robert B nck s; Arthur Stevenson and Miss Carol Stevenson of Hamilton and Keith Stevenson, of Toronto, at the parsonage. T Tl-_ l\_._L -1 InL, - .uu nu uruus VI IIIU Earth The four-act play. "The Dust of The Earth," presented by Stroud Presby- terian_,Dra.matic Club under the able management of D. Barclay. proved a. decided success. Carefuliyt planned and `artistic - scenery added: much to the` effectiveness of the presentation. The nlav nnnnn at 1|/l'nn'In' moan. (`nf_ iji jiXiI& to sell by Public Auction a.t'his.resi . -.w. u.-nu... gua K10 use L1LlUlHUIIu Mr. Banting and Dr; Banting mot- ored home to Lucan for the holiday after the latteirhnd spent a,few days with his son here. Rnrv-an via-nun uylnn annuo LI... nu.....,1.'._ mmytne `[0! me week-enu.. Mrs. MacMillan spent the holiday" with her sister, Mrs. M. Patterson. mt- 13....n..... ....1 r\.. Misa 'Dorir-3 Robertson was at Mrs. R. A. Sutherland's. MW and. Rlfvvu I/fnnu-Innll AJ- up LVJJCB 11, A. .sumer1ana's. Mr. md"Mrs. Marshall of` visited with Mr. and Mrs. Smythe `for the week-end.. Nrr Nnn1M'HInn annu tin BULIIUFIUIIU . M1H8`G. Johnston of`Ori1lia4visit'ed her` sister. Mrs. Hughes, during `the holiday. -' ' Minn nvfu Dnkouoanu ivnn .. .........L H15, nuv. 11. mverynoay VVGKEODIB. Among `the many holiday visitors were: Misses Mabel Jacks, Mabel Wright.` Marlon Reid. Carl Stevenson. Jessie Robertson, Margaret Barclay. Mabel and Blrdle Warnlca, Agnes Suthen-la.nd;' Harold Gray, Wilfred Booth, A. Stevenson, Donald and Bill I Sutherland YM'laa.l"1 TnI......4..... -4 :\ --1_.u'.-.s tu vusuuunt. DESK. Don'.t forget the annual meeting of the"Community Park, to be held in the Orange Hall, Stroud, on Monday.even-- 1113, Nov . 17. Everybody welraome. Among `the rnnnv hnlmmyimanm... unuyu 'DUuLn, over asunaay. 5 Word was` received here -of the death on Sunday morning, Nov. 9. of Mrs. Joseph]-Ioover. She died at the hbme of her daughter, Mrs. Brewster, at Viscount. Sas . ' ' "nnn'+ fnvvo-of Hag nnnn ...1 ....-..n._... -a Lt. nuyuu-as 01 battle. . Miss Dorothy` Harmer of Toronto was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lloyd -Booth, over Sunday. a Word was" mneivna hnwn.n1" ihn s1x'rH Lll_`J.-1,Tlif.Sli'_l_A AUCTION SALE OF HARDWOOD BUSH The: Dust of The Earth" a -47...-.. .....|. ..I-__ unn_- Q-\ Cast_e a. `guest ` Toronto 117 1' npcnl, me nouaay at his home here. , On Friday evening. Nov. 7. a shower "was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFadden at their own home. A num- ber of useful presents werelgiven and a very` sociable evening` was spent. urumpn. Norman Dough ert.v of Penetang spent the holiday at his home Fridav evening T\Tn1y 7 n -n.----- uuuner, utopla. - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parr snent the week-end with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parr. V ~ ` The Helping Hand Society met at the home of Miss Mildred Ford on Nov. 6. 'Quite a number were pre- sent. ` T I rcuv. 0. wulte number . Muc_h sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. Brumby and John Muir in the death of their brother. Jas. Muir. of Guelph. - ` `kfnpnnnn 'l\:-uu--1...._a.-_ - A - No\A/elnber 11-Mr. and Mrs. J. Dougherty and son Fred spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Me-I Master, Utopia. Mr. and Mr: nnamuz 13...... ........L uh I The undersigned hanreceived instruc- .t1ons from V 3 IO! no-1: ---. . . . . . . U . . `.4. uunuuuu Ln awn_v llulllil. I On Friday evening last the Women s `Institute gave a banquet in the base- ment of the Methodist church in honor! of their husbands. They also invited] the clergy of the village, E. Rowe, M.L.A.., VVa1'den Coombs. J.,_J. `Mc- Cague and VVm. Morris. Toasts were proposed and responded to by the ladies, their husbands and guests but the feature of the evening was an ad- dress on education by Mr. Morris. uu._y-B nuuung. ' Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Stone of Aurora." Miss G. Hipwell of Toronto and E. Hipwell of Stratford were vis- itors in town during the holiday. ` Mrs. E. Camnlin nr Rnnfnn in via- uurzs ul Luwn curing the holiday. Mrs, Camplin of Beeton is vis- iting with her father. M. B. Hipwell. while her husband is away hunting`. on Wrinir nunnhnnu Inns 41.... 1:-r-..--.,I_ Lzlkllll a Wm. `Go'uld wenf horhth this week with a-party of friends to spend a few days hunting. [ MP. and Mr: 117 'I _'l' cu--- -42. unvulg set. In uncut NOV. 1. ,. Mr. and Mrs._Alex. Simpson speiading a. few days with D. A_. Cla. n ` - . . 117... .fv....I.: .....,L H- A- Wm. Reynolds {returned from the West last Friday and reports .winte1' having set in about Nov. 1. Mr an)-I `Ml :-us Ah. a:._........_ .77; vv euuesuuy 11 lgnt . The farmers are at a standstill with ploughingtill there is {aim or snow to sofjgen `the ground._ ;Mr. -and Mrs- Wm. Robertson of Toronto spent Sunday here. vxuagc. . A few from here attehded the Black lodge .meeting' in. Cookstown. last Wednesday night. The fnr-rnnnu nun no 11 L-+n..A..a-:11 .-.:n_ xuunuu; Hale una nearty. ` R. H; Jennett..has started work in the cellar for h house in the village. 2 4 A four fnnvn `lnnun no-&.....,a...:n 41-- nu, . ucu. un cunuay. Misses Gertie and Myrtle Cozgworth of Toronto spent a few `days with friends here. . . Miss Bell-of Toronto sang a solo in the P1'sbyterian church on Sunday morning`; "Open the Gates of the Temple. Miss Bell `has a beautiful voice and `her singing was very much up:/1[1eciated by all. Y`, and Mru Tnc 1|/r,.`r ..... .... nu` you l.U- uecume an expert m 8. snort period of time at any of the following vocations: Automotive. Electricity. Battery, Welding, Brlcklaying, Tile- setting, Plastering, Barbering. Ladies` Beauty Culture Work. .Mecha.n1ca.l Dentistry. If -you are ambitious and want a. successful future. act now. Call or write for informg1t1on`to 163 .Klng St. W., Toronto. ` ~ _ ' 46cstW uy au. Mr. and Mrs. `Jos. McLennan re- turned from the West on Monday, looking hale and hearty. R. H ; .Tnnru:H' I1-nu a+m.+`m1 ..m..1. :. -u'u:nux-I Here, last aunuay. ` l Miss Lila Davis of Mono Mills `spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. The Rev. T. J. Dew is attending a meeting in Toronto` this week. Jnhn Wnnwn and T `D T.n...nAu ......... me nunung grounds . Mrs. H. Wallwin and daughter of Barrie visited Mrs. `Thompson Jen- nett on Sunday. Minna: (Em-Ha nun 1\/I'um+1n run .... ......n.. u1uuLu1[._{ In '1'OI'0I11'.0` U118 week. John Keown and I. F. Lennox went north this week to join their party at the hunting grounds. R/[FR "-7 \X7n'l'Inyin ilvir` A:u....I..+..-. - mar name VH1 uralgnurst. , Mrs. J. I-Iolt spent a. couple ofdays at Lefroy with her brother, Mr. Mc- Lean, who is very ill. . ` Miss, Belle Miller of Barrie called (in _friends here, last Sunday. Miss Lila. Davin nf Mmm Mm. 'u-nos-:9 JNUVV .1Ul`K. ' ~- - Miss Christie spent the holiday at her home in Craighurst. ' Lean. who in vnrv HI ` AIUIH. ..I1JBI.8l'l uav1s., ` V Visitors from Torontofor the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Overend. Mr.- and Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. Hanna. Mr. and `Mrs. Vivian Jennett, Miss Bessie Hatton and Mrs. Hort of New York. `Alina (`In-ninth. nun.` I... I__I.'.1___ ,. Ll'lUll\lB Ul'!_- 1&3! WCGK. > Miss Mamie Henry of Beamsville spent the week-end with her} sister, Mrs. Eaten Davis. Xflulfn-on an.-n 'l1n...n...4.. 41.... 4.1.- u__-u_1-_, any vv alulllcn Mr." and7Mrs. R. McLean of Tor- onto. W. J. McLean and Miss Jessie McLean of Elmgrove spenta day with friends here. last week. Nina `lhfnnnin 1 J'nn..n Ad `l).......... ..An.. GRAND OPERA HOUSE BOND HEAD GRENEEE UL AVUV. 1 . `Alex. Simpson are avg \UH"h h A Mr- J.V1l'S. KJBUFHO 1131115. Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Reilly motored from Toronto on Saturday and spent Nov. 11-Lorne Ross and daughters. Robert Kale, Miss Euphemia Ellis and Mr. Fairherst motored from Hamilton and spent the holiday` with Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis. Mr nn 'M'ms T171111.` 1)..n1-........4.-..-.s 1 u,yiu1'._ Dr. John D. Waugh. whose death| started his career 46 years ago at ,No. 15. school. Although then only I 17 years of age he is still remembered as one of the best teachers employed in that section. A few` years ago he visited the school and. enjoyed looking over the old register. Dr. Waugh won great distinction and was recog- nised as one of the most efficient ed- ucationists in -the province. His death is regretted by his old friends occurred in Toronto on November 5. in this community.` Q uuu 1vu'H. xvxurxey beatn.` Miss Strachan of Oro Centre spent. a few days with her sister, Mrs. Alvin ]`ay1o1'._ `Dr Tnlnn TN 1171-. nah ...I........ ::._-;.I_ ruwcu. Howard Beath, Mr. and Mrs. Cas- sidy and Miss Bessie Lauder of Tor- onto were holiday visitors `with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Beath.- Minn Qfvnnhnn nf nun r1m.+.... .........+ uu-5 uuuuuyu. Miss Edith Currie left last Friday for Victoria, B.C., owing to the ser- i us illness of her brother, Dr. Arthur '0 rrie of that place. A John Addison of Orillia "spent the `week-end at his home here. Nfrc T. (`III1`|`l1 nv\nv\I- G-Inn CII1\1\`- ....A ' wccn-teuu zu. [us nume nere. 1 ,Mrs. L. Currie spent the week-end Iin Barrie with her daughter, Mrs. J. I Powell. | `Lin ..... A I)...-.4-I. 1|/r.. ____a 13.... r~:_- 60`Elizabeth St., Barrie. , ' Phone 406 forgappointmenf Rheumatism, Neuritis; etc., are all very successfully cured by taking Chiropractic adjustments. ; way. 111 uruuu.- D. Partridge of Burwash is home for the holidays. A Ming: `mdifh (`nv-win In!-`+ Iago 1:1..aA.... Nov. 11--Miss Walker spent the hol- may in Orillia.- I . "D Dnvfuvian nf` 'I2umuynu'ln ha `Inna..- J-.. UTOPIA T CLOWES MATINEE EVENING AVLUUH L LABIHEIIE, xvucn . Mrs. C. E. Thompsonhas recovered from her recent operation and return- ed to her home in Detroi . `l .......\.. 13 11-1: , u --vn nnnn lA\4 All J.lClL\I1I.- James E. Bell and wife of Milton were week-end visitors with the form- . -..-..-.. \J-.I\I1\LvI\I vv u Ll Acuuts. nunuay. Mrs. Andrew Miller has gone visit her brother. Aaron Jennett, Mount Clement, Mich. MVQ, 1;`. Thnrnnunn `Inna m A A A - - A- Thanksgiving at the home of Smith. `MI ... ......1 'll'.__ -nuv -- -- Dllll L11 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Demnster visited Cookstown friends. Sunday. ITPQ 'A TIIqI9D1I1v `Ku'lIn.. 1...... ~- J. UUILU IIUQLJUII {IL `Con. 13, Innisl MONDAY, NOV. 17 32 Acres of` G991}; __Bt_1_s!1 ; 'I-u I.a....I...A..'l .. .._ _